Molecular Mapping of Sterility QTLs qSS-3
1. 神经元特异性磷酸化酪氨酸酶(NCS-1)神经元特异性磷酸化酪氨酸酶(NCS-1)是一种小分子蛋白质,主要表达于嗅觉神经元的钙信号传导通路中。
2. 鼠鼻状结构转运体(MOR28)鼠鼻状结构转运体(MOR28)是嗅觉神经元细胞膜上的一个特定通道,它能够转运感知气味的分子,从而触发钙离子的内流和一系列下游信号的传递。
3. 嗅觉G蛋白(Golf)嗅觉G蛋白(Golf),与视网膜G蛋白相似,是嗅觉膜上的一种重要蛋白质。
4. 嗅觉受体蛋白(ORs)嗅觉受体蛋白是嗅觉通路中起着主要作用的蛋白质。
这些等位基因对该数量遗传性状形成的作用微小,所以也称为微效基因(minor gene),它们在染色体上的位置称为数量性状基因座(quantitative trait loci,QTL)。
目前随着QTL 研究的深入,不仅丰富和发展了数量遗传学的内容,成为新兴的分子数量遗传学的主体,也必将对畜禽的育种改良起到极大的推动作用,从而开创动物育种的新纪元。
2.分子标记辅助选择(MAS)2.1 相关概念Stam(1986)提出通过限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP),可对生物有机体的基因组进行标记,利用标记基因型能非常准确地估计数量性状的育种值,以该育种值为基础的选择,称为标记辅助选择(marker assisted selection,MAS)。
Lander 和Thompson(1990)定义标记辅助选择,为把分子遗传学方法和人工选择相结合达到性状(traits)最大的遗传改进,人们进一步将MAS定义为以分子遗传学和遗传工程为手段,在连锁分析的基础上,运用现代育种原理和方法,实现性状最大的遗传改进。
QTL的名词解释在遗传学领域中,QTL是一个非常重要的专业术语,代表着“数量性状位点”(Quantitative Trait Locus)。
1. QTL的概念和基础知识QTL最早由进化遗传学家于20世纪80年代提出,它是一种指示数量性状遗传变异的遗传位点。
2. QTL研究与遗传学QTL的发现和定位通过建立家系图谱和对数量性状进行遗传分析而得出。
3. QTL研究与基因组学随着高通量测序技术的发展,分子标记已经成为QTL研究的重要工具。
4. QTL研究与生物技术QTL研究也受益于生物技术的进展。
5. QTL的应用QTL的发现对农业、畜牧业和医学等领域具有重要意义。
Fine mapping of a major quantitative trait loci, qSSP7 , controlling the number of spikelets per
Theor Appl GenetDOI 10.1007/s00122-008-0711-9ORIGINAL PAPERFine mapping of a major quantitative trait loci, qSSP7, controlling the number of spikelets per panicle as a single Mendelian factor in riceY. Z. Xing · W. J. Tang · W. Y. Xue · C. G. Xu ·Qifa ZhangReceived: 29 June 2007 / Accepted: 8 January 2008© Springer-Verlag 2008Abstract In our previous studies, one putative QTL a V ecting number of spikelets per panicle (SPP) was identi-W ed in the pericentromeric region of rice chromosome 7 using a recombinant inbred population. In order to de W ne the QTL (qSPP7), RI50, a recombinant inbred line with 70% of genetic background same as the female parent of Zhenshan 97, was selected to produce near-isogenic lines for the target region in the present study. In a BC2F2 popu-lation consisting of 190 plants, the frequency distribution of SPP was shown to be discontinuous and followed the expected Mendelian ratios (1:2:1 by progeny test) for single locus segregation. qSPP7 was mapped to a 0.4cM region between SSR marker RM3859 and RFLP marker C39 based on tests of the BC2F2 population and its progeny. Its additive and dominant e V ects on SPP were 51.1 and 24.9 spikelets, respectively. Of great interest, the QTL region also had e V ects on grain yield per plant (YD), 1,000 grain weight (GW), tillers per plant (TPP) and seed setting ratio (SR). Signi W cant correlations were observed between SPP and YD (r=0.66) and between SPP and SR (r=¡0.29) in the progeny test. 1082 extremely small panicle plants of a BC3F2 population containing 8,400 individuals were further used to W ne map the QTL. It turns out that qSPP7 co-segre-gated with two markers, RM5436 and RM5499 spanning a physical distance of 912.4kb. Overall results suggested that recombination suppression occurred in the region and posi-tional cloning strategy is infeasible for qSPP7 isolation. The higher grain yield of Minghui 63 homozygote as com-pared to the heterozygote suggested that Minghui 63 homo-zygote at qSPP7 in hybrid rice could further improve its yield.IntroductionWith the advent of DNA molecular markers, QTL mapping has become a routine strategy for the discovery of genes involved in complex quantitative traits. Thousands of QTL have been mapped for important agronomical traits in rice (/db/cmap/map_set_info?species_ acc=rice&map_type_acc=qtl). Although primary mapping populations including F2, recombinant inbred lines (RILs) and doubled haploid lines (DHs) have been widely used for QTL mapping in rice (Li et al. 1995; Yu et al. 1997; Xu et al 2004; Fan et al. 2005; Marri et al. 2005), QTL can only be localized to a genomic region (con W dential region) rather than a locus in those populations. Following the pri-mary mapping, advanced populations such as near isogenic lines (NIL) and chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSL) can be used to map QTL to a locus as a Mendalian factor by blocking the genetic background noise (Lin et al. 2002; Zhang et al. 2006; Wang et al. 2006). Based on this strategy, several QTLs have been isolated in tomato (Frary et al. 2000) and rice (Yano et al. 2000; Takahashi et al. 2001; Li et al. 2003) in recent years. The common aspect in all the QTL cloning work is to exploit high quality NILs as advanced mapping populations.Food shortage is one of the most serious global prob-lems. The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organiza-tion (FAO) estimates that 852 million people worldwideCommunicated by A. Paterson.Y. Z. Xing and W. J. Tang contributed equally to this work. Y. Z. Xing (&) · W. J. Tang · W. Y. Xue · C. G. Xu · Q. Zhang National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvementand National Center of Plant Gene Research,Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, Chinae-mail: yzhxing@; yzxing@Theor Appl Genetwere undernourished between 2000 and 2002 (http://www. /documents/show_cdr.asp?url_file0/docrep/007/y56 50e/y5650e00.htm). Rice is a staple food for many coun-tries. As the world population increases, rice production has to be raised by at least 70% over the next three decades to meet growing demands. In the long run, development of high yield varieties is one of the most important goals in rice cultivation. Unfortunately, yield improvement e Y ciency is deemed to be very low due to its complex property a V ected by number of spikelets per panicle (SPP), 1,000-grain weight (GW) and tillers per plant (TPP). Of these factors, SPP was shown to be highly correlated with yield and acts as a crucial component in determining rice yield (Hua et al. 2002). Therefore, dissection of its genetic basis would be of great value in breeding high yield variety. So far, QTLs for SPP have been mapped in lots of popula-tions, which were derived from inter-subspeci W c and intra-speci W c crosses (Li et al. 1997; Yu et al. 1997; Xing et al. 2002). Although many QTL controlling SPP were mapped in rice, only Gn1a, has been cloned. Gn1a, controlling grain productivity in rice, was elucidated to be a gene encoding cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase (OsCKX2), an enzyme that degrades the phytohormone cytokinin. Reduced expression of OsCKX2 causes cytokinin accumu-lation in in X orescence meristems and increases the number of reproductive organs, resulting in enhanced grain yield (Ashikari et al. 2005).In our previous studies, a QTL a V ecting the number of spikelets per panicle was repeatedly mapped to one pericen-tromeric region X anked by RFLP markers C1023 and R1440 on rice chromosome 7 in several primary mapping popula-tions (Yu et al. 1997, 2002; Xing et al. 2001, 2002). In the present study, we aimed to precisely estimate its genetic e V ect under near isogenic background and W ne map the QTL as a single Mendelian factor based on a large number of NILs. Materials and methodsDevelopment of NILIn our previous study, one QTL, qSPP7, was mapped to the interval between R1440 and C1023 on chromosome 7 using a recombinant inbred population derived from the cross between Zhenshan 97 and Minghui 63 (Xing et al. 2002). The recombinant inbred line 50 (RI50), was selected to backcross with the female parent Zhenshan 97 and a BC1F3 population was obtained with two sel W ngs. RI50 was homo-zygous for Minghui 63 alleles in the targeted QTL region on chromosome 7. Moreover, approximately 70 percent of RI50 genetic background was the same as that of Zhenshan 97 based on 221 polymorphic genome-wide markers (Xing et al. 2001). One line of BC1F3 population (BC1F3-120)with homozygous Minghui 63 alleles, showing uniform number of SPP, was selected to continue backcrossing with Zhenshan 97 to produce BC2F2 and BC2F3 populations. According to the genotypes of the X anking markers, one BC2F2 plant (BC2F2-SPP7) with homozygous Minghui 63 regions surrounding qSPP7 was chosen to backcross with Zhenshan 97 to produce the BC3F1. In order to screen the genetic background of BC2F1, 150 SSR markers evenly dis-tributed on 12 chromosomes were selected from all poly-morphic markers between Zhenshan 97 and Minghui 63 (McCouch et al. 2002). Eight chromosome fragments cov-ering about 150cM on chromosomes 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 12 (two segments), were heterozygote in BC2F1. The markers situated in these 8 fragments were further used to screen several BC3F1 plants. Finally, the one with the least back-ground markers, that is, only three small regions on chro-mosomes 5, 9 and 12 were heterozygote besides about 40cM region containing the targeted QTL on chromosome 7 (Fig.1), was selected for BC3F2 production. The popula-tions of 190 BC2F2 and BC3F2 individuals were used to evaluate the gene e V ects, respectively. The BC3F1 plant was divided into several clones at seedling stage in order to harvest amounts of selfed seeds. 8,400 BC3F2 plants were used for W ne mapping the genes.Field trial and trait measurementThe 190 BC2F2 plants with RI50, Zhenshan 97 and Minghui 63 were sown on 17 May 2002 and transplanted to the W eld Fig.1The graphic genotype of the BC3F1 plant. The black and white chromosome segments were heterozygote and Zhenshan 97 homozy-gote, respectively. Only four chromosomes contained segments of donor parent, Minghui 63. The other eight chromosomes were W xed with Zhenshan 97Theor Appl Genetwith distance of 16.5cm between plants within a row, and of 25cm between rows on 11 June 2002 in Wuhan (East longitude 114°, North latitude 30°), where the average day length during the period between June and August is 13.5h. BC3F1 ratoons from Hainan were divided into seven individuals and transplanted in the W eld on 1 May 2003. Zhenshan 97, Minghui63, BC2F3-SPP7, the 190 BC2F3 families and the large BC3F2 population with 8,400 plants were sown on 19 May 2003. Plants were then transplanted to the W eld on 10 June 2003 in Wuhan. From each BC2F3 family, 16 healthy plants were selected for the progeny test. Field management essentially followed the normal agricul-tural practices, with fertilizer applied (per hectare) as fol-lows: 48.75kg N, 58.5kg P and 93.75kg K as the basal fertilizer; 86.25kg N at the tilling stage and 27.6kg N at the booting stage. Each plant was harvested individually at maturity.Yield per plant (YD) was scored as the total weight (g) of the grains from the entire plant. The number of tillers per plant (TPP) scored as the number of reproductive tillers for each plant. The number of spikelets per panicle (SPP) was measured as the number of spikelets divided by TPP. Seed setting rate (SR) was scored as the number of grains per panicle divided by SPP, 1000-grain weight (GW) as YD divided by the number of grains multiplied by 1,000. Five plants of Zhenshan 97, Minghui 63, BC2F3-SPP7 and BC3F1 were used to score the phenotype. The arithmetic mean of each homozygous BC2F3 family in the targeted region was regarded as the trait value of the genotype. For the heterozygote family (whose segregation ratio within each family––frequently distorted away from 1:2:1), the weighted mean of the 16 plants was regarded as the trait values of corresponding heterozygous BC2F2 plants. The weighted mean of trait value (y) was calculated by the for-mula: y=a/4+b/4+c/2, in which, a, b and c represent the trait mean value of Zhenshan 97 homozygote, Minghui 63 homozygote and heterozygote genotypes within a family, respectively.Genotyping of populationsGenomic DNA was extracted from 190 BC2F2 plants, 190 BC3F2 plants and 1,082 plants with small panicle (<96 spik-elets) out of 8,400 BC3F2 plants by using simple fast CTAB method (Murray and Thompson 1980). Co-dominant SSR markers located in the region were used to screen the poly-morphism between parents. The SSR genotyping was exe-cuted as described by Wu and Tanksley (1993).Linkage analysis and QTL analysisGenetic linkage map was constructed by using Mapmaker/ EXP 3.0 (Lincoln et al. 1992). The genetic distance was determined by Kosambi function. Due to very few regions segregated in the populations of the 190 BC2F2 plants and 190 BC3F2 plants, simple interval mapping were employed for QTL analyses using Mapmaker/QTL (Lander and Bot-stein 1989). The LOD thresholds ranged from 2.3 to 2.8 for the 5 traits, determined by 1,000 random permutations at a false positive rate of 0.05 for each trait. Performance of the self-pollinated progeny (BC2F3) was used to determine the individual BC2F2 genotypes at the QTL. Then he QTL was treated as a marker and were directly located into the link-age group by using Mapmaker/EXP 3.0.Fine mapping the gene using the extremely small panicle plantsBased upon the assumption that all 1082 small panicle (<96 spikelets) plants were homozygous for the recessive allele (Zhenshan 97) at the targeted locus, the recombination fre-quency between a marker and the gene locus was calculated by using of a maximum likelihood estimator: c=(N1+N2/ 2)/N (Allard 1956; Zhang et al. 1994), in which N is the total number of the extremely small panicle plants investi-gated, N1 is the number of plants homozygous for Minghui 63, and N2 is the number of plants heterozygous for the par-ents. 20 progeny plants of each recombinant were grown in the next normal rice growing season to re-evaluate its phe-notype.ResultsThe trait performance of Zhenshan 97, Minghui 63,BC2F3-SPP7, BC3F1Minghui 63 showed signi W cant higher trait values than Zhenshan 97 in SPP, GW, SR and YD; however, Zhenshan 97 had more TPP (Table1). Except SPP, no signi W cant di V erence was identi W ed in the other four traits between BC3F1 (ratoon) and BC2F3-SPP7 with homozygous Ming-hui 63 alleles in the targeted region. BC2F3-SPP7 and BC3F1 had much higher values in SPP and YD as compared to Minghui 63, the original parent of the population with higher trait values.Phenotypic variations in BC2F2 and BC2F3The frequency distribution of SPP showed discontinuous variation with a clear gap between 110 and 120 spikelets based on the progeny test in the BC2F2 population (Fig.2). According to the progeny test, the BC2F2 individuals could be classi W ed into three subgroups for SPP expressing uni-form large panicle, uniform small panicle and varied SPP among 16 plants within each family. The three subgroupsTheor Appl Genetcorresponded to the three genotypes, respectively: the homozygotes of Minghui 63 (MM) and Zhenshan 97 (ZZ),and heterozygote (MZ) at the targeted QTL. On average,the number of spikelets per panicle of genotype MM was 102 more than that of ZZ. Genotype ZM was intermediate to those of the homozygotes. As expected, the frequency distribution of SPP in the BC 2F 2 population followed theMendelian ratios (1:2:1 by progeny test) for single locus segregation ( 2=1.07, P =0.586). SPP displayed bimodal distribution in the 190 BC 3F 2 (Fig.2). The 190 plants were separated into two distinct groups: plants with small panicle (50 plants) which could be homozygous for Zhenshan 97alleles at the targeted gene locus and plants with large pani-cle (140 plants) which could be the mixture of homozyg-otes for Minghui 63 alleles and heterozygotes. Also,frequency distribution was also in agreement with the expected Mendelian ratio (1:3) for single locus segregation ( 2=0.11, P =0.740). In contrast, the other 4 traits showed continuous but not normal distribution (Fig.2). Therefore,it was impractical to clearly classify them into subgroups according to trait performance by the progeny test.The BC 2F 2 population was classi W ed into three sub-groups of ZZ, MM and MZ according to SPP performance in the progeny test, the average values of the W ve traits were calculated for the three subgroups. Paired t test was used to compare trait value di V erences between subgroups. The averaged values of GW and SR among three subgroupsTable 1Trait performance of Minghui 63, Zhenshan 97, BC 2F 3-SPP7and BC 3F 1 grown in the natural W eld in 2003Values within columns followed by the same letter are not statistically signi W cant (P =0.01) according to Duncan’s test*The trait value of BC 3F 1 was gotten from BC 3F 1 ratoon, which was divided into seven individuals and transplanted in the W eldPlant SPP GW (g)SR (%)TPP YD (g)Zhenshan 97109.2a 23.5a 72.7a 10.5b 19.6a Minghui 63148.6b 28.0b 77.1b 9.4a 29.9c BC 2F 3-SPP7185.4d 22.9a 74.2a 8.8a 27.7b BC 3F 1*165.2c23.8a75.3a9.1a26.9bFig.2Frequency distributions of the traits in BC 2F 2 population and BC 3F 2 population. Black, white and gray bars indicated the genotypes of heterozygous, homozygous for Minghui 63 alleles and homozygousfor Zhenshan 97 alleles in BC 2F 2 population at qSPP7, respectively.The three genotypes at qSPP7 were inferred by BC 2F 3 progeny testTheor Appl Genetindicated no signi W cant di V erence. On the contrary, signi W -cant di V erence existed between ZZ and the other two sub-groups (P =0.001) with regard to YD and TPP. MM genotype had the YD of 26.5g signi W cant higher than that of MZ, 24.2g (P =0.05).The correlation coe Y cients between yield and its four components were presented in Table 2. The correlation coe Y cient between SPP and YD was the highest (r =0.66)among all the investigated pair-tests, signi W cant negative correlations were observed between SPP and SR (r =¡0.29), between SPP and TPP (r =¡0.54). No signi W -cant correlation was detected between SPP and GW (r =0.03).Validation of QTL for SPPIn our previous studies, one putative QTL a V ecting SPP and YD was identi W ed in the pericentromeric region of rice chromosome 7, between RFLP markers C1023 and R1440(Fig.3a). In this study, QTL analysis was further performed in the same target region using BC 2F 2 and BC 3F 2 popula-tions.The genotypes of the corresponding BC 2F 2 plants at qSPP7 locus were easily determined on the performance of their progenies. Thus, qSPP7 treated as a marker waslocated in the locus between SSR marker RM3859 and RFLP marker C39, 0.2cM away from each marker (Fig.3b). qSPP7 showed partial dominance for SPP.In the BC 3F 2 population, one QTL with a LOD value of 56.1 for SPP was located in the interval between RM3859and C39 on chromosome 7. For simplicity, and hereafter,the QTL was referred as qSPP7, which was 0.2cM away from RM3859 and C39, and co-segregated with RM5436.Its additive and dominant e V ects were 59.8 and 28.3 spik-elets per panicle with a contribution of 74.2% to the pheno-typic variance.Accordingly, based on the BC 2F 2 population and its progenies, two major QTLs controlling YD and TPP, were respectively mapped to the same interval where qSPP7 was located (Table 3). Also, a minor QTL for SR was also detected in the same interval. Minghui 63 allele increased SPP and YD, but decreased TPP and SR. No QTL for GW was mapped. The QTL for SR expressed over-dominance,but the others showed partial dominance.High-resolution mapping of qSPP7The 190 BC 3F 2 plants could be divided into two subgroups with 112 spikelets per panicle as the boundary (Fig.2).Zhenshan 97 alleles at qSPP7 exhibited small SPP in con-trast to Minghui 63 alleles and heterozygous alleles. In order to avoid using heterozygous plants, 1,082 plants with extremely small panicle (<96 spiketes), which accounted for about 1/8 of 8,400 BC 3F 2 plants, were selected for map based gene cloning. Two SSR markers of RM5451 and RM445 X anking the QTL (Fig.3) were used to detect the recombinant events between markers and the targeted gene.Analysis of RM5451 identi W ed 66 recombination events between the marker and qSPP7 on one side, and analysis of RM445 detected 146 recombination events between theTable 2Correlation coe Y cient for yield traits calculated with BC 2F 3population *,**Signi W cant at the level of =0.05, 0.01 respectivelyTrait SPP SRYDGWSR ¡0.29**YD 0.66**0.22**GW 0.03¡0.050.20*TPP¡0.54**0.35**¡0.12¡0.03Fig.3Linkage maps showing the location of qSPP7 based on three populations. a Linkage map of chromosome 7 showing the QTL region based on the recombinant inbred lines from the cross between Zhenshan 97 and Minghui 63, the black bar indicated 1-LOD con W dence interval (Xing et al. 2001). b The QTL (qSPP7) location was mapped based on the 190 BC 2F 3 progeny test. The black dot indi-cates the centromere position. c The QTL (qSPP7) location was determined based on 1082 extreme small panicle BC 3F 2 plants. The black dot indicates the centromere positionTheor Appl Genetmarker and qSPP7 on the other side. Assay with four addi-tional markers of RM3859, RM1135, RM7110 and C39,which are more internal to qSPP7, identi W ed 4 recombina-tion events on the RM5451 side and 94, 88 and 4 recombi-nation events on the RM445 side, respectively (Fig.4).Using the formula given by Zhang et al. (1994), the recom-bination frequencies between RM3859 and qSPP7, and between C39 and qSPP7 were both calculated to be 0.18%,which equaled to 0.2cM from qSPP7 to both RM3859 and C39 (Fig.3c). Consequently, two SSR markers RM5436and RM5499 were chosen to screen the eight recombinants from each sides of the gene. However, no recombination event was left for the two markers. RM5436 and RM5499were located in the BAC clones of AP003756 and AP003836, respectively. The physical distance between the two markers is of 912.4kb (/Oryza_sativa_japonica/mapview?chr=7). Thus, the qSPP7was de W ned by RM3859 and C39, and co-segregated with a large region.DiscussionIn this study, a major QTL for SPP was W ne mapped to a 0.4cM region, which had e V ects on TPP, YD and SR as well. This mapping result bene W ted mainly from the use of near isogenic lines and should be of great value for transfer-ring the favorable alleles to rice varieties.The target region exhibited similar e V ects on SPP in both the F 2 population (Yu et al. 1997; 2002) and the RIL popu-lation (Xing et al. 2001; 2002) derived from the same cross between Zhenshan 97 and Minghui 63. The QTL-NIL pop-ulations in the present study revealed even richer informa-tion on this QTL. Besides the same direction of the genetic e V ect with Minghui 63 alleles increasing trait values across di V erent generations, the NIL population provided more accurate estimation of genetic e V ects on SPP due to the minimization of its genetic background noise. Obviously,these genetic e V ects in F 2 and RILs were underestimated.As expected, SPP frequency showed normal distribution in F 2 and RIL populations. In contrast, it expressed a bimodal or discontinuous SPP frequency distribution in the NILs,which could be used to determine the genotype of individ-ual plants at qSPP7 according to their progeny test. In fact,several examples of successful QTL cloning were bene W ted greatly from development of high quality NILs (Yamamoto et al. 2000; Lin et al. 2003) in the last decade. There were few heterozygous plants falling into the category of small number of SPP (Fig.2) in this study could cause false recombinants in the W ne mapping process. This problem was solved in two ways: W rst, only 1/8 of the plants with the smallest number of SPP were chosen from the 8,400 plants to screen the recombinants, which can greatly minimize the risk of false recombinants; second, the reliability of all screened recombinants were further con W rmed by progeny test, which showed uniform small number of SPP among 20 progeny plants. Hence, it is highly con W dent that all recombinants are authentic in this study.Although centromeres are often associated with a depression of meiotic recombination adjacent to theTable 3Genetic e V ects of the QTL region between RM3859 and C39on the four traits by Mapmaker/QTL A additive e V ect on the Minghui 63 allele, D dominant e V ect on the Minghui 63 allele, R 2 percentage of total phenotypic variance explained by the QTL*Genotypes of the corresponding BC 2F 2 plants at the gene locus were identi W ed by BC 2F 3 progeny test, and then the QTL treated as a single Mendelian factor was mapped to the linkage group. Its genetic e V ect estimated on the progeny data. Additive e V ects equal to the half of the trait value di V erence between two homozygotes, dominance e V ects equal to the trait value di V erence between heterozygote and the middle value of two homozygotesTraits Population LODA D D /A R 2 (%)SPP BC 2F 3* 3F 256.159.828.30.4774.2YD (g)BC 2F 322.3 4.4 2.70.6143.2TPP BC 2F 332.4¡1.6¡1.00.6361.9SR (%)BC 2F 33.0¡1.6¡2.11.317.4Fig.4Genetic and physical map in the local region of qSPP7.Numbers of recombinants detected in 190 BC 2F 2 plants and 1082BC 3F 2 plants between the markers and qSPP7 were indicated in the parentheses in the top and bottom of markers, respectively. SSR mark-er physical position was given at two forms of physical distance andthe accession number of BAC clone contained the SSR marker (/Oryza_sativa_japonica/). The genetic positions of SSR markers were mined from the website Appl Genetpericentromeric regions (Haupt et al. 2001), no recombina-tion suppression was reported in the pericentromeric region on rice chromosome 3 (Fan et al. 2006). Thus, it is possible to narrow down the QTL located in the pericentromeric regions to a candidate gene by map-based cloning in this study. Unfortunately, severe recombination suppression was observed in the targeted interval within pericentro-meric region (Fig.4). The recombinants between markers RM5451, RM445 and RM7110, and qSPP7 in the 1082 BC3F2 plants were about W ve-fold as those in the 190 BC2F2 plants, respectively. While, the recombinants in the 1082 BC3F2 plants decreased to four-fold as those in the 190 BC2F2 plants for markers RM3859 and C39, indicating the presence of light recombination suppression at the two marker loci. There was no recombinant in both two popula-tions for markers RM5436 and RM5499 covered a distance of more than 900kb. This indicated the presence of severe recombination suppression in the region between RM5436 and RM5499. No clear recombination suppression was observed in the regions between RM5451 and RM3859, RM1135 and RM7110. But clear recombination suppres-sion was occurred in the region between RM7110 and C39. Therefore, recombination suppression was occurred at least in the region between RM3859 and C39 although the right boarder of recombination suppression region could not be precisely de W ned due to lack of polymorphic markers in the large region between RM7110 and C39. The genetic dis-tance between RM3859 and C39 was 0.4cM based on mapping result in either 190 BC3F2 plants or 1082 extreme BC3F2 plants. RM3859 and C39 are located in the BAC clones AP004176 and AP004346, respectively. The physi-cal distance between these two clones was estimated to be as large as 2,400kb or so (/Oryza_ sativa_japonica/mapview?chr=7). The ratio of physical-to-genetic distance in this targeted region was about 6,000kb/ cM, which is 20 times higher than the estimated average ratio (250–300kb/cM) (Arumuganathan and Earle 1991). This is consistent with the ratio of 2740kb/cM, or 10 times higher than that of the rest of the genome reported by Wu et al. (2002). In tomato, it can be as high as 10- to 40-fold (Tanksley et al. 1992). In the present study, no recombi-nant was found between qSPP7 and markers in the large region of 912.4kb. Therefore, we failed to further narrow down the gene using a large population consisting of 1082 plants after qSPP7 was mapped to a 0.4-cM region using the small BC2F2 population consisted of 190 individuals. Taken together, there was no resolution di V erence between the large and small populations for QTL W ne mapping. That is to say, resolution of gene mapping could not be improved for a region with clear recombination suppression by enlarging a population even though there are lots of polymorphic markers in the region. This comes up with the conclusion that positional cloning strategy would not be feasible for isolation of the targeted gene, qSPP7.Besides GW, one QTL for YD and TPP and SR was simultaneously detected in the qSPP7 surrounding region. The QTL for SR expressed over-dominance, the QTL for other traits acted in partially dominant (Table3). These indicated that the homozygote with Minghui 63 alleles is promising to produce higher yield than does the heterozy-gote. Given the traits of yield components are highly corre-lated, ridge regression analysis was used for the phenotype data set collected from BC2F3 to build a regression equation of the form: YD=¡70.454+0.16£SPP+2.08£TPP+ 0.92£GW+39.23£SR. From the equation, the theoreti-cal YD can be easily predicted. For example, the additive and dominance e V ects of qSPP7 were estimated in BC2F3, the theoretical YD di V erence between genotypes MM and MZ at qSPP7 is 3.2g. This is well illustrated by the fact that the Minghui 63 homozygotes at qSSP7 showed larger average values in the traits than the heterozygotes in the BC2F3 progenies. Moreover, the averaged grain yield per plant of Minghui 63 homozygotes was 26.5g, which was signi W cantly higher (P=0.05) than heterozygotes of 24.2g in the BC2F3 progenies. This result was also consistent with the conclusion that heterozygotes were not always advanta-geous for F1 performance on the basis of an “immortalized F2” population produced from the same cross between Zhenshan 97 and Minghui 63 (Hua et al. 2002). Thus, the ideal genotype in the qSPP7 surrounding region in the hybrid should be Minghui 63 homozygotes for hybrid pro-duction. Markers X anking the QTL could be directly used for improvement of parent Zhenshan 97. Theoretically, the new hybrid Shanyou 63 with homozygous Minghui 63 alle-les at qSPP7 should exhibit higher YD than does its origi-nal hybrid Shanyou 63, an elite rice hybrid between Zhenshan 97 and Minghui 63 in last two decades in China. The new version Shanyou 63 is in the process of develop-ment.In summary, the QTL of qSPP7 will play a crucial role in developing high yielding rice varieties. E V orts in its iso-lation are worth being made in combination with bioinfor-matic strategy.Acknowledgments The authors thank Dr. Cheng JH for helpful lan-guage improvement. This work was supported by a grant from the Na-tional Natural Science Foundation of China (30470987), and a grant from the National Key Program on Basic Research and Development of China.ReferencesAllard RW (1956) Formulas and tables to facilitate the calculation of recombination values in heredity. Hilgardia 24:235–278 Arumuganathan K, Earle ED (1991) Nuclear DNA content of some important plant species. Plant Mol Biol Rep 9:211–215。
Vol. 37 ,No. 6 June, 2013
文章编号: 1000 - 0615 ( 2013 ) 06 - 0823 - 07
DOI: 10. 3724 / SP. J. 1231. 2013. 38423
http: ∥www. scxuebao. cn
37 卷
[13 ] 产动 物, 如罗非鱼 , 草 鱼 ( Ctenopharyngodon [14 ] [15 ] , idella) 斑节对虾 ( Penaeus monodon ) 等也
长牡蛎图谱构建研究, 另外 5 个作图家系的微卫 [7 ] [16 ] 星标记数据分别取自 Hubert 等 和 Plough 等 的 研 究 结 果,并 由 美 国 南 加 州 大 学 Dennis Hedgecock 教授提供微卫星分离原始数据。6 个 作图家系用于该整合图谱的构建 : ( 1 ) 3 个作图家
[7 ] 系来自 Hubert 等 的 F2 群体, 分析的个体数量 94 和 188 个体; ( 2 ) 1 个作图家系为 分别为 188 ,
构建了整合图谱。 为了获得密度更高, 覆盖率更大, 通用性更好 的长牡蛎图谱, 实验通过整合目前已有的 6 个作 图家系的微卫星基因型数据, 构建了长牡蛎基于 微卫星标记的整合图谱。
表 2 构建太平洋牡蛎整合图谱的六个家系连锁图谱信息 Statistics of six component maps used to construct the consensus map of C. gigas
灵长类动物卵巢衰老的分子标记物被揭示作者:来源:《科学中国人·下旬刊》2020年第05期灵长类动物卵巢衰老的分子标记物被揭示中国科学院动物研究所刘光慧研究组和曲静研究组与北京大学汤富酬研究组及美国索尔克(Salk)研究所Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte研究组等合作,绘制了食蟹猴卵巢的单细胞衰老图谱,同时利用人类卵巢细胞研究体系,发现增龄伴随的抗氧化能力的下降是灵长类卵巢衰老的主要特征之一。
研究论文发表于Journal of Neuroscience。
魏氏准噶尔翼龙(Dsungaripterus weii)是我国发现的第一具较完整的翼龙化石骨架,1964年杨钟健研究命名并建立了准噶尔翼龙科,当时认为这是第一次在我国发现的翼龙类化石。
GWAS与QTL的分析内容与原理的⽐较前⾔复杂性状(Complex traits)通常是指由多个基因和环境共同作⽤的性状,包括了数量性状和常见的疾病等。
全基因组关联研究(Genome-Wide Association Study,简称GWAS)与数量性状基因座定位(Quantitative Trait Locus mapping,简称QTL 定位)已经成为研究复杂性状遗传结构的重要⼿段。
此处需要祭出这张图:“Common Variants,common diseases”,这个假设就是GWAS研究的前提。
是的,没看错,⼈类对⾃⾝的探索了解和掌握永远是技术进步的⼀⼤动⼒,GWAS 研究开始也是为了研究⼈类疾病以及其他特征的。
GWAS 的核⼼是基于分⼦标记的连锁不平衡(LD),利⽤LD 来研究标记与性状之间关系。
名词解释:连锁不平衡连锁不平衡(linkage disequilibrium,简称LD),是指在指定群体内,不同位点等位基因间的⾮随机性关联,包括两个标记间/两个基因间/⼀个基因与⼀个标记间的⾮随机关联。
GWAS - 全基因组关联分析,顾名思义,是在全基因组范围内,检测多个个体的遗传变异多样性,获得群体中每个个体的基因型;然后与性状(即我们常说的表型)进⾏统计学关联分析,根据统计量(主要指P 值)筛选出候选变异位点和基因。
QTL 定位接下来,我们说说QTL 定位,与GWAS 相⽐,QTL定位可算历史悠久,已经发展了近⼀个世纪,是研究数量性状遗传基础的主要⼿段。
有趣的是,GWAS 实质是利⽤连锁不平衡定位,⽽QTL的实质,是确定分⼦标记与QTL 之间的连锁关系,基本原理是QTL 与连锁标记的共分离。
综上所述,QTL是指染色体细胞上可以影响某一特定量化性状的位点,利用QTL可以获得更多的基因结构信息,这有助于我们深入理解植物的遗传和生理机制,也有助于提高农作物的产量和质量,QTL 的研究也可以应用于其他生物,用于研究特定疾病的发生等。
・ ’’・
图 ! # $ 种神经递质标准液的色谱图 91.! ! # :;/2<)62./)< 27 6;, <1=65/, 27 6;/,, 06)38)/80
# ,-. + 种神经递质 的 检 测 多 采 用 高 效 液 相 色 谱 , 电 化学分 析 法 ( -42/,)/* )
[! . -]
,但 由 于 )/* 对 流
动相变化较为 敏 感, 故 较 少 采 用 梯 度 洗 脱。梯 度 洗 脱中以流动相的浓 度 变 化 最 为 常 见, 而以流动相的 流速梯度的应用在文献中少有报道。本文采用高效
!""# 年 $ 月 %&’(&)* !&% ’()*$+, (- !"*(.+/(0*+1"2
!"#$ !+ %"$ $ ,- . ,/
高效液相色谱 !荧光检测流速梯度法测定 去卵巢小鼠脑内单胺类神经递质
张 & 雷, & 卢英俊, & 邓同乐, & 郑筱祥
( 浙江大学生物医学工程系,浙江 杭州 +$""!, ) 摘要 : 建立了同时检测去卵巢 ( ’!( ) 小鼠脑内的去 甲 肾 上 腺 素 ( %) ) 、 多巴胺 ( *+ ) 、# , 羟 色 胺 ( # ,-. ) + 种神经递 / $/ 柱分离, 荧光检测器检测, 流动相为 "? $ 0"# 1 2 的 3- ! 4’ 0 缓冲液 , 质 的高效液相色谱方法。采用的色谱条件为: 甲醇 ( 体积比为 @A $ ) , 设 置 单 泵 流 速 梯 度 洗 脱。 方 法 的 检 测 限 ( ! " # 5 +) 均 在 $" 60"# 1 2 以 下, 绝对回收率均在 /" 7 以上, 样品日内测定峰面积的相对标准偏差在 +? "+ 7 以下。该方法具有检测灵敏度高、 样品 制 备 简 便 等 优 点, 对小鼠脑内的 + 种单胺类递质的检测具有实用价值。 关键词 : 高效液相色谱; 流速梯度; 去甲肾上腺素; 多巴胺; # , 羟色胺; 去卵巢小鼠 中图分类号 : ’-#/2 2 2 文献标识码 : +& & & 文章编号 : $""" ,/,$+ ( !""# ) "$ ,"",- ,"+
!""# 年 第 $% 卷 第 & 期
的今天! 数据库内氨基酸序列的数据爆炸性地增加! 而空间结构的测定速度 尚 远 不 能 匹 配 !结 构 预 测 的 需 要 就 更 迫 切 了 !有 关 内 容 不 在 本 文 中 讨 论 " 相 对 于 体 外 蛋 白 质 折 叠 研 究 !细 胞 内 新 生 肽 链 的 成熟实际上是在较高的温度#较高的蛋白浓度而又十 分拥挤的环境中!以极 快 的 速 度 和 极 高 的 保 真 度 在 进 行 着 !一 句 话!以 极 高 的 效 率 在 进 行 着" 是 什 么 机 制 保 证 了 细 胞 内 蛋 白 质 生 物 合 成 这 样 高 的 效 率 呢 $ !" 世 纪 ’" 年 代 后 期 ! % 分 子 伴 侣 & ’ ()*+,-*./ ,0.1+/)2+ ( 的 发 现使新生肽链自发折叠和组装的传统概念受到冲击 而发生了很大的转变" 新 的 观 点 认 为 !细 胞 内 新 生 肽 折叠和成熟为功能蛋白 ! 一 般 说 来 是 需 要 帮 助 的 !而 不 都 是 能 自 发 进 行 而 完 成 的" 从 %自 组 装 &到 %有 帮 助 的 组 装 &是 新 生 肽 链 折 叠 研 究 在 概 念 上 的 一 个 深 刻 的 转 变 " 有 人 说 ! 这 是 一 种 % 革 命 性 & 的 转 变 " 324526+2 原 理揭示了蛋白质的氨基酸序列决定蛋白质分子在热 力学上稳定的空间结构的必然性!但并没有包含许多 动力学问题在内的蛋白质折叠的全过程" 要知道! % 324526+2 内 心 里 更 钟 爱 热 力 学 的 研 究 方 法 ! 虽 然 他 在 热力学和动力学两方面的实验中都极其活跃&’引 自
水稻糙米蛋白质和粗脂肪含量的QTLs分析摘要:蛋白质和粗脂肪含量是评价稻米营养品质的重要指标,控制水稻(Oryza sativa L.)糙米蛋白质及脂肪含量的基因位点是数量性状,检测水稻糙米蛋白质及脂肪含量的数量性状位点(QTL)对于水稻品质遗传育种具有重要的意义。
通过明恢63和优质泰国香米KDML105两个籼稻品种为亲本杂交的重组自交系(Recombinant inbred line,RIL)群体构建了包含113个简单重复序列标记(SSR)的遗传连锁图谱,对2009、2010年群体的蛋白质和粗脂肪含量进行了QTL定位。
关键词:水稻(Oryza sativa L.);蛋白质;粗脂肪;重组自交系;数量性状位点Abstract:Protein content and fat content in rice are important traits for evaluation of nutrient quality which was controlled by polygenes. Recombinant inbred lines (RIL)population derived from a cross between two indica rice varieties,Minghui63 and KDML105,were used to construct a linkage map consisting of 113 simple sequence repeat (SSR)markers. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs)mapping for controlling grain fat and protein content were conducted in 2009 and 2010. 5 QTLs were identified in 2009,including 2 QTLs for grain protein content and 3 QTLs for grain fat content;the phenotypic variation explained by individual QTL ranged from 5.44%~5.52% in protein content and 5.42%~7.30% in fat content. In 2010, 3 QTLs were detected for grain protein content and the phenotypic variation explained by individual QTL ranged from 6.24%~20.75%.Key words:rice(Oryza sativa L.);protein content;fat content;RIL;quantitative trait loci (QTL)世界上超过一半的人口都以水稻为主食,随着国民经济的发展,在产量基本稳定的前提下,水稻的品质成为主导稻米市场的主要因素。
水稻耐冷害图位克隆COLD1 Confers Chilling Tolerance in Rice
QTL COLD1 regulates G-protein signaling to confer chilling tolerance in rice SNP2 in COLD1jap/ind enhances its ability to activate Gprotein a GTPase COLD1 interacts with G protein to activate the Ca2+ channel for temperature sensing The SNP2-containing allele is selected during japonica rice domestication
INTRODUCTION Rice, which is both a model plant and one that feeds more than half of the world’s population (Sasaki and Burr, 2000), evolved in tropical and subtropical areas and is sensitive to chilling stress (Kovach et al., 2007; Saito et al., 2001; Sang and Ge, 2007). Extreme temperature thus represents a key factor limiting global rice plant distribution. Super hybrid rice cultivars produce high yields in tropical or subtropical climates but are frequently harmed by chilling. Therefore, molecular genetic tools have been urgently sought to improve rice chilling tolerance in order to maintain rice production in current regions and expand it into northern areas with lower yearly temperatures. Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) was domesticated from its wild relatives Oryza nivara and O. rufipogon. It consists of two
很多定位到细胞表面或分泌到胞外的蛋白质都有二硫键,例如免疫系统(immune system)产生的抗体、各类生长因子(growth factors)、内分泌系统产生的肽激素如胰岛素(insulin),以及这些生长因子或激素的受体。
百泰派克公司采用Thermo Fisher的Q ExactiveHF质谱平台,Orbitrap Fusion质谱平台,Orbitrap Fusion Lumos质谱平台结合Nano-LC,推出蛋白二硫键分析解决方案,您只需要将您的实验目的告诉我们并将您的样品寄给我们,我们会负责项目后续所有事宜,提供蛋白二硫键位点的相关信息。
百泰派克公司基于发表在Nature Methods上的文章:mapping native disul de bonds at a proteome scale,结合自己的实验经验建立了针对于单个蛋白和组学水平上的蛋白二硫键分析解决方案,包括克服蛋白质二硫键体外交换、保持其天然结构的样品制备方法,二硫键交联肽段的有效质谱分析方法,以及配套的二硫键鉴定软件pLink-SS。
二硫键鉴定研究路线BTP-蛋白二硫键鉴定和定量分析研究案例该项目是某高校老师二硫键鉴定,得到的部分结果如下图所示:二硫键鉴定研究案例BTP-蛋白二硫键鉴定和定量分析样品要求1. 如果您提供的是组织样品,请您干冰将组织样品寄给我们;植物组织样本最少200mg,血液样品至少1ml(血浆注意用EDTA防凝),血清0.2-0.5ml,尿液2ml,动物组织样品至少1g,细胞样品为1X107个细胞,酵母、微生物等干重200mg。
PCR 扩增反应总体积 10 μL, 含 30 ng 基因组 DNA,
1×Taq 缓冲液 (20 mmol L–1 Tris-HCl, pH 8.8; 10 mmol L–1 KCl; 10 mmol L–1 (NH4)2SO4; 1.5 mmol L–1 MgCl2; 0.1% Triton X-100), 1 mmol L–1 dNTPs, 上下游引物各 0.25 μmol L–1 和 1 U Taq DNA 聚合酶。PCR 程序为 95℃预变 性 5 min, 95℃变性 30 s, 55℃退火 45 s, 72℃延伸 45 s, 进 行 35 个循环, 最后 72℃延伸 5 min, 4℃保存。整个反应 在东胜 EDC-810 PCR 扩增仪上进行。
绿豆中除了产量相关性状外, 还有好多表型性状可 用于品种纯度鉴定、特性鉴别等研究中, 如花青甙显色、 叶形等等。本研究利用具有特异叶形的花叶 1 号和具有明 显花青甙显色的紫花 1 号的后代群体, 对某些表型性状进 行 QTL 定位, 旨在尽可能发掘有利用价值的等位基因, 将分子标记辅助选择用于育种实践, 以培育优质高产和 多抗新品种; 另一方面可从众多绿豆种质资源中选择出 有价值的材料。
Abstract: Two hundreds and eight individuals of F2 population, derived from a cross between two mung bean genotypes (Huaye 1 and Zijing 1) were used to construct genetic map, and to identify QTLs related to important agronomic traits. This genetic map contained 11 linkage groups with a total length of 1457.47 cM and an average interval of 15.34 cM. QTLs mapping was conducted for plant height, young stem color, main stem color, growth habit, podding habit, trilobate leaf shape and mature leaf color using composite interval mapping method. Only one QTL for each trait was detected including plant height, young stem color, main stem color and trilobate leaf shape, and with a contribution ranging from 8.49% to 66.64%. Three QTLs with high contribution rates from 60.32% to 80.36% were identified for the trait of pod habit in mung bean. Four QTLs related to mature leaf color showed at contribution rate from 69.06% to 87.35%. There were 26 QTLs related to growth habit, the most of the tested QTLs, with a contribution rate each from 58.32% to 99.51%. The present QTLs for seven agronomic traits distributed on LG1, LG2, LG4, LG8, and LG10, respectively, could be used in molecular breeding based on marker-assisted selection in mung bean, and also lay a foundation for further study of the inheritance of these traits. Keywords: Mung bean; Genetic linkage map; SSR markers; Composite interval mapping (CIM); QTL; Contribution rate
猪肌肉蛋白质含量的QTL分析(英文)姜勋平;熊远著;邓昌彦;屈彦纯;刘桂琼【期刊名称】《遗传学报:英文版》【年(卷),期】2002(29)12【摘要】用梅山猪与大白猪构建的资源家系检测影响肌肉蛋白质含量的数量性状座位 (QTL)。
测定 135头F2 代个体及其相应父母和祖父母分布在 1号、2号和 6号染色体上的 2 4个微卫星基因型。
用这些微卫星标记计算每个F2 代个体固定位置的加性和显性系数 ,以 1cM的间距将肌肉蛋白质含量与这些系数进行回归分析 ,发现 3个与肌肉蛋白质含量具有显著效应的QTL(P <0 .0 5 ) ,它们分别位于 1号染色体的Sw1332和Sw2 130之间、2号染色体的Sw2 5 16和Sw12 0 1之间、6号染色体的Sw2 5 16和Sw12 0 1之间 ,分别解释 0 .91%、12 .76 %和 4 .6 0 %的肌肉蛋白质含量变异方差。
结果提示 ,影响肌肉蛋白质含量的QTL分布在多条染色体上。
【总页数】5页(P1068-1072)【关键词】猪;肌肉蛋白质含量;QTL分析;肉质【作者】姜勋平;熊远著;邓昌彦;屈彦纯;刘桂琼【作者单位】华中农业大学农业部猪遗传育种重点开放实验室;扬州大学畜牧兽医学院【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S828.2;TS251【相关文献】1.猪微卫星多态与肌肉蛋白质含量关系的研究 [J], 毛永江;姜勋平;熊远著;刘桂琼;孙雪萍2.八眉猪生长过程中肌肉内核酸与蛋白质含量的变化 [J], 刘艳芬;路兴中3.低蛋白质氨基酸平衡饲粮对肥育猪生长性能、肌肉氨基酸和脂肪酸组成及含量的影响 [J], 方桂友;张玉宏;刘景;董志岩4.猪肌浆中某些元素含量与肌肉和骨骼生长的关系——定远猪及其二元杂交猪肌浆中Ca、P、Mg、Mn、Zn的含量与肌肉生长和后肢发育之间的相关性比较 [J], 金邦荃;陶立;尹晴红;徐小明;樊磊;刘邮洲;陈美林;张晓苍5.利用种子性状QTL定位高油玉米蛋白质含量QTL [J], 李学慧;申顺先;李玉玲;曹雯梅;杜红因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。