油田开发ProTech1Ch (12)
以油田地质勘探资料为基础, 充分了解油藏特征、储量规模
结合现有技术水平和装备能力 ,确保方案的技术可行性。
综合考虑投资、成本、效益等 因素,确保方案的经济合理性 。
注重环境保护和可持续发展, 减少对环境的影响。
进行钻井、试油、测井等工程,获取油田的地质资料和流体性质, 为后续开发提供依据。
根据油田的储量和流体性质,制定开发方案,进行钻井、采油、注 水等工程,实现油田的长期稳定生产。
开发目标:实现油田的高效、安全、 环保和经济开发,提高采收率,延长
建立完善的生产设施和管理体系; 加强油藏工程研究,提高油田开发水 平;
油田地层一般分为多个层级,不同层 级的岩石、矿物和古生物化石含量均 不同,对油气的储藏和开采具有重要 影响。
国家出台了一系列环保政策法规 ,要求油田开发过程中必须遵守 ,确保环境保护工作的有效实施
油田开发需要遵守国家和行业的 环保标准与规范,如《环境保护 法》、《大气污染防治法》等, 确保油田开发过程中的环境保护
政府相关部门对油田开发过程中 的环境保护工作进行监管和执法 ,确保各项环保措施得到有效执
Course:- 28117Class:- 289033a HERIOT-WATT UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT OF PETROLEUM ENGINEERINGExamination for the Degree ofMEng in Petroleum EngineeringProduction Technology 1aThursday 22nd April 199909.30 - 11.30NOTES FOR CANDIDATES1.This is a Closed Book Examination and candidates are allowed to utilise course notes forreference during the exam.2.15 minutes reading time is provided from 09.15 - 09.30.3.Examination Papers will be marked anonymously. See separate instructions for completion ofScript Book front covers and attachment of loose pages. Do not write your name on any loose pages which are submitted as part of your answer.4.Candidates should attempt ALL questions.5.The marks allocated to each question are shown in brackets after the question.6.State clearly any and all assumptions you make.The Alpha oil reservoir is a small offshore field which is currently being considered for development.It is likely that the field will require 3-5 production wells. Currently the use of a small fixed jacket is preferred with the possible use of a subsea template/completion if further delineation causes a significant downsizing in reserves.The general conditions for the field are shown in Table 1 with the fluid and reservoir characteristics shown in Table 2 and 3 respectively. A projected casing schedule is shown in Table 4. Table 5 outlines the probable trajectories.It is anticipated that the well deliverability will require the use of 41/2" OD tubing. However as the wells are anticipated to be under a depletion (solution gas in late life) drive, well deliverability will decline almost immediately.Table 1 - Field Location and General DataWater depth 180 ft Location 100 miles offshore NE Scotland Adjacent existing platform is 8 miles to the SW No. of wells projected 3-5Reserve estimate 47 x 106 STB No aquiferNo gas cap at initial reservoir pressureTable 2 - Reservoir Fluid Data API Gravity = 31 degreesOil viscosity at reservoir conditions = 7 cp GOR = 420 SCF/bblH2S concentration = 5ppm CO2 concentration = 8%Bubble point of crude oil = 1800 psiaTable 3 - Reservoir DataTop of oil column = 5900 ft TVDSS Thickness of reservoir sand = 140 ft Bottom hole temperature = 180°F Permeability = 80-270 mdAverage permeability = 170mdInitial reservoir pressure = 2900 psia at 5900ft KV/KH = 1.0 (approx)The reservoir consists of a consolidated to friable, heterogeneous, fine grained sandstone with limited clay content. It is slightly overpressured and overlain by a thin (150 ft) shale layer.Table 4 - Provisional Casing ScheduleHole Size Casing Size Setting Depth (TVDSS) ft in in From To 2620Surface100017 1/213 3/8Surface260012 1/49 5/8Surface47008 1/27420059506option 1. 4 1/255006150option 2. 4 premium screenoption 3.Open holeTable 5 - Projected Well TrajectoryAll wells will have the following outline trajectory Hole Size Hole angle from vertical in section in Top Bottom260º0º17 1/20º15-25º12 1/415-25º60-65º8 1/260-65º65-80º665-80º80-90ºUse short notes and sketches to answer the following questions.State all assumptions and give reasons where possible.1.For this particular development, discuss the options for the bottomhole completion technique,namely, perforated/cemented liner; premium screen or openhole. What would you recommend and why?[15]2.What would be your concerns about the selection of a drill-in fluid for the 6 inch hole and whatfluid and additives would you recommend?[10]3.Provide a sketch of a conceptual configuration for the completion of the oil producers. Specify:a)Key components and your reasons for their selectionb)Approximate setting depths[25]4.Assuming that the wells were drilled overbalanced how would you lower the bottomholepressure to initiate flow?[10]5.If it is necessary to pull the tubing, how would you secure the well, isolate flow and kill the well?[10]6.If the reserves are downgraded and a platform is uneconomic, how would you modify yourdesign if the field were developed by a maximum of 3 subsea satellite production wells?Provide a sketch.[15]7.Propose a contingency configuration for satellite water injector completions.[10]8.If the reservoir were put on water injection, how would this impact on your design for the oilproducers?[5] End of Paper。
Course:-G19PTClass:-G137*G137X HERIOT-WATT UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT OF PETROLEUM ENGINEERINGExamination for the Degree ofMSc in Petroleum EngineeringProduction Technology 1Wednesday XX April 200X09.00 – 12.00NOTES FOR CANDIDATES1.This is a Closed Book Examination.2.Examination Papers will be marked anonymously. See separate instruction forcompletion of Script Book front covers and attachment of loose pages. Do not write your name on any loose pages which are submitted as part of your answer.3.Question 1 is compulsory. Three questions are to be answered from questions2-7. Answers should be written in separate answer books as follows: Question 1BlueQuestion 2-7Green4.Where necessary please state any assumption that you made in answering thequestions.Question 11(a)The flow characteristics of a hydrocarbon in a vertical tubing string vary as the position of the fluid in the tubing varies. Describe fully, the main flow regimes that would be encountered in a well producing fluid from a reservoir containing oil and dissolved gas. The flowing bottomhole pressure is above the bubble point pressure.[20] 1(b)A well and reservoir have the following completion and reservoir data. There is zero water cut.Determine the bottomhole flowing pressure.[20] Figures 1 to 4 are the required Flowing Gradient Curves2(a)Completion installation practices require a coordination of the equipment and the running procedures. Describe the preparations required prior to running tubing fori)open hole completionii)cased hole completion.[8] 2(b)Once the downhole completion has been installed, describe the process of surface completion ofa well and bringing it on production.[12] Question 33(a)List the 5 main technical disciplines that a Production Technologist needs to understand so that he/she can make a full contribution to reaching his Asset team’s Objectives.[4] 3(b)At which periods in the well’s lifetime is input required from the Production Technologist?[1] 3(c)What are the business drivers that guide the Production Technologist’s actions with respect to capital investment, planning and operating cost budgeting?[4] 3(d)Draw a simple sketch of the Composite Production System, indicating clearly the systems start and end points[4] 3(e)Write one or two basic equations to quantify the “Total System Pressure Drop”[4] 3(f)Wells producing from :i) a solution gas drive reservoir andii) a water drive reservoir where there is a large aquifer present the Production Technologist with differing challenges when he manages the well’s performance. Draw a simple sketch to compare and contrast reservoir performance of these two drive mechanism types[4] 3(g)For each of the above reservoir types, list 2 of the resulting Production Technology challenges that will control the well design and Production operations Policy.[4]4(a) A recommendation is required to choose a perforating system for a completion in aformationwith a variable rock strength – ranging from a weak Unconfined Compressive Strength (C f=2,000 psi) to a strong value (C f = 18000 psi).Calculate the expected perforation lengths for the following perforating guns to be run in a 9.675in. OD casing placed inside a 12.25 in. drilled hole.N.B. API RP 43 data available for these guns can be converted to downhole performance using the equation:P f = P t * e 0.086*(C t – C f )/1000Where P f is the expected penetration (inches) in formations with an Unconfined Compressive Strength, C f (psi) and P t is the API RP43 test penetration in the test formation (Unconfined Compressive Strength, C t = 6,500 psi)[4]4(b)Drilling of the strong formation (C f = 18000 psi) results in a hole with the same diameter asthe drill bit. By contrast, drilling of the weak (C f = 2000 psi) formation resulted in an enlarged hole (or “washout”). The hole diameter has increased by 8 inches.Which perforating guns do you recommend and why?[4]4(c) A new drilling mud with a low leak-off rate is chosen for the weak formation. This mudcreates a zone 2 in. deep around the wellbore of Formation Damage or reducedpermeability (permeability is reduced to 5% of the original value). Also, a better quality hole is drilled. The washout (hole enlargement) is now only 3 in. greater than the drilled hole diameter.Does this alter the perforating gun you recommend?Explain the reasoning behind your answer.[4]4(d)Briefly list 4 major advantages & 3 disadvantages of using a tubing conveyed perforatingsystem.[9]4(e)Briefly list 3 different techniques used to detonate a tubing conveyed perforating gun.5(a)Travel joints, sub-surface safety valves, side pocket mandrels, sliding side doors,perforated joints and landing nipples and among completion string components. Briefly explain them and their roles.[6]5(b)Tubing flow without annular seal is one of the options available for flow conduit selection.Describe the advantages and disadvantages of this technique (use sketches).[4]5(c) A well is drilled in an unconsolidated formation. Sand production is expected in particularafter water breakthrough. The reservoir produced 15,000 bbl/day during DST with a drawdown of 500 psi. The reservoir and well data are as followings:a.Oil gravity 35b.Bottom hole temperature 100 Cc.Top of the reservoir at 6500 ftd.Thickness of the pay-zone 200 fte.GOR 500 SCF/bblf.H 2S=30 ppmg.CO 2=1 mole%h.Total Depth Drilled 6800 ft i.Reservoir pressure=4500 psia j.Bubble point pressure=3000 psia k.K v /K h =0.15Identify the available option for completion. What will you select for bottom hole completion and flow conduit and why?[4]After 2 years of production, the reservoir pressure has dropped to3500 psia and the water cut has increased to 30%, resulting in significant reduction in the well flow rate. Well test analysis shows that the aquifer is not very active and reservoir pressure drop is likely to continue.Suggest a workover strategy and justify your answer.[3]Was it possible to avoid/delay this workover by modifying initial tubing design? How?[3]Question 66(a)Describe the techniques and equipment used in measuring the length of wire and tension on the wire during wireline operations.[6]6(b)Describe Impression Block (tool), Wireline Bailers, and Wireline Spear and their applications.[6]6(c)An oil well is completed with 4.5” tubing (WEG at 6000 ft) and a 7” liner (6200-6700ft). The annular space is isolated by a permanent packer at 5800 ft. Production is through three sets of perforations (6300-6350 ft), (6420-6450 ft) and (6550-6600 ft). After few years of production the water-cut has increased to 50%, reducing the productivity of the well. A production logging has been planned to identify the water production zone (s).The production logging tools have a maximum external diameter of 3.5”. Suggest steps taken prior to production logging.[2]If during initial examination an obstruction is detected in the tubing, what set of equipment do you recommend to identify the source of obstruction and why?[2]What steps do you recommend if the obstruction is due to wax deposition?[2]After removing the obstruction in the tubing, if sand is detected at the top of lower perforations(i.e., 6550 ft). Mention available options. What do you recommend?(2)Question 77(a)Describe the role of packers and their components (use sketches where necessary) and their various setting mechanisms.[6]7(b)Describe the available options for completion configuration in a dual zone reservoir (use sketches), assuming no fluid mixture. Mention their advantages and disadvantages.[6]7(c)Field “A” is an offshore field in approximately 1000 ft water. The exploration wells proved the existence two reservoirs with similar fluid compositions. The top of the two reservoirs have been identified at 6000 and 7500 ft.Gas injection is required for achieving optimum production rate from both reservoirs. However, due low pressure rating of the top 1000 ft of the casing it is not possible to inject gas through annulus.Your task is to develop an outline completion string for the oil production wells, producing from both reservoirs. It is necessary to have flexibility in selective production and/or stimulation of individual reservoirs. Identify key design features and the reasons for their selection.[4] Identify the components required for the completion configuration. Draw a sketch of your proposed completion configuration.[4]。
油田企业科学技术研究开发项目管理办法(试行)1 基本要求1.1 本办法适用于管理局、分公司(以下统称油田)科学技术研究开发项目(以下统称科技项目)的立项、实施、外协、验收评定、后评估等管理工作。
1.2 油田科技项目是指围绕油田勘探开发、石油工程等方面的技术难点确立的,在一定时间周期内开展并在油田年度科学技术进步计划中安排实施的科技项目,包括科技攻关、高新技术产业化、新技术推广应用、科技情报调研等项目。
2 分工与职责2.1 科技处负责科技项目的组织管理,并按本办法组织有关部门对科技项目的实施进行监督、管理。
2.2 油田所属二级单位、子公司(以下统称各单位)和相关部门是科技项目的实际执行单位,具体负责科技项目的立项申报、实施,建立健全规范的财务管理制度和资产管理制度。
3 科技项目管理内容与程序3.1 科技项目立项3.1.1 立项原则3.1.1 .1 符合油田发展战略、规划和生产需求。
3.1.1 .2 坚持创新,为企业的长期稳定发展服务。
3.1.1 .3 突出重点,有所为有所不为。
3.1.2 申请立项应当具备的基本条件3.1.2 .1 具有申请该研究项目的主体资格。
3.1.2 .2 在相关研究领域和专业具有较高的研究水平和技术优势。
3.1.2 .3 具有完成项目必要的人员、技术条件。
3.1.2 .4 具有与项目相关的研究基础。
3.1.3 项目主要岗位设置3.1.3 .1 每个科技项目原则上设一名负责人和一名技术首席,当科技项目研究工作由两个或两个以上单位承担时,可设置两名负责人。
3.1.3 .2 项目负责人负责科技项目的组织、实施和协调;项目技术首席在项目负责人的领导下,具体负责科技项目的日常运行工作。
3.1.3 .3 项目负责人和技术首席须具备高级以上(含高级)专业技术任职资格(具有博士学位的或特别优秀的可适当放宽到中级职称),每年至少有6个月的时间从事所承担科技项目的研究工作。
原油体积系数采用与邻区类比确定。借用陆梁油田侏 罗系西山窑组体积系数作为本区块的体积系数。
体积系数取值1.055 。
J2x 沙19井区块
S oi
控制的情况下计算出的储量。用途:是进行滚动勘探与开发的依据 精度:相对
❖ 地质储量:是指在地层原始条件下,储集层中 原油和天然气的总量。
表内储量:指在现有技术和经济条件下,具有开 采价值并能获得社会经济效益的地质储量。
表外储量:指在现有技术和经济条件下,开采过程 中不能获得社会经济效益的地质储量
B oi
10 4 t 10 4 m 3 10 4 t 10 4 m 3
km 2
f g/cm 3 无因次
2.5 10.3 0.25 0.62 0.808 1.055 306 379 73.4 90.9
E R =0.214289(K /μ0 )0.1316 E R =0.3078-0.0069μ 0
特低 < 0.5
储量丰度 千米井深
每米采油 指数
层位 中部埋深 104t 104t/km2 日产量 t/MPa·d·m
根据油气性质、储存时间和安全要 求等因素,选择合适的储存方式, 如地上储罐、地下储罐或岩洞储库 等。
01 02
采用物理处理(如沉淀、过滤)、化学处理(如氧化、中和)和生物处 理(如活性污泥法、生物膜法)等方法,对油田污水进行净化处理,达 到回注或排放标准。
定义:油田开发是指通过地质勘探确定 具有工业价值的油气藏后,为获取油气 资源而进行的一系列工程技术活动。
确保油田开发过程中的安全生产和环境 保护。
目的 实现油气资源的高效开采和利用。
通过向油层注入水,保持或恢复油层 压力,达到驱油的目的。注入水可以 降低原油粘度,提高原油流动性,从 而提高采收率。
注水是一种广泛应用的提高采收率方 法,在不同类型的油田中都有较好的 应用效果。通过合理调整注水参数, 如注水量、注水速度、注水时机等, 可以进一步提高采收率。
二氧化碳易溶于原油中,使原油体积膨胀、粘度降低 、界面张力减小,有利于原油流动和采出。同时,二 氧化碳在地层中的运移可以形成混相或非混相驱替, 提高驱油效率。
随着环保意识的增强和碳捕集、利用与封存技术的发 展,二氧化碳驱油技术具有广阔的应用前景。该技术 不仅可以提高油田采收率,还可以实现二氧化碳的地 质封存,减缓温室效应。然而,二氧化碳驱油技术在 实际应用中仍面临一些挑战,如二氧化碳来源、运输 和储存问题,以及驱油过程中的安全性问题等。未来 需要进一步研究和探索二氧化碳驱油技术的优化和应 用策略。
蒸 汽 驱
二1、、井D组BA动01态1-分热析采—油2、井判周断来期水采方油向,量为日下统步措计施提供依据 资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随时间变化而变化的,是时间的函数,随时间的推移而增值,其增值的这部分资金就是原有资金的时间价值
火烧油层 用电的、化学的等方法使油层温度达到原油燃点,并向油层注 入空气或氧气使油层原油持续燃烧的采油方法。
封隔器是用来在套管内封隔油、气、水层实现分层开采 、分层测试及进行特殊作业的井下工具。
34 2 1
4 3 2 1
油 5 采油阶段
二1、、井D组BA动01态1-分热析采—油2、井判周断来期水采方油向,量为日下统步措计施提供依据 资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随时间变化而变化的,是时间的函数,随时间的推移而增值,其增值的这部分资金就是原有资金的时间价值
汽 吞
二5、、井D组BA动03态-注分析蒸—汽2井、判日断数来据水方向,为下步措施提供依据 资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随时间变化而变化的,是时间的函数,随时间的推移而增值,其增值的这部分资金就是原有资金的时间价值
数据项名称 拼音代码
注汽站号 锅炉编号 锅炉出口温度 锅炉出口流量 锅炉出口压力 锅炉出口干度
二5、、井D组BA动03态-注分析蒸—汽2井、判日断数来据水方向,为下步措施提供依据 资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随时间变化而变化的,是时间的函数,随时间的推移而增值,其增值的这部分资金就是原有资金的时间价值
油田开发生产中的采油技术应用探析发布时间:2022-08-02T05:16:06.224Z 来源:《科学与技术》2022年3月6期作者:彭明清李赟录赵雅[导读] 石油企业要想得到更好的发展,石油资源要想被充分有效地利用,彭明清李赟录赵雅长庆油田分公司第十采油厂柔远作业区,甘肃庆阳 745700摘要:石油企业要想得到更好的发展,石油资源要想被充分有效地利用,科学合理的开采技术应用可谓是至关重要。
关键词:油田开发生产;采油技术;应用1 石油工程采油技术应用现状1.1 完井采油在石油开采环节,完井采油属于传统类型的采油技术之一,技术应用流程相对较多,主要包括如下内容:一是油气层采油技术、二是生产套管技术、三是生产管柱技术、四是注水泥固井技术、五是射孔技术、六是排液技术,上述技术的综合运用最终目的就是控制采油过程对于油气层的损害,为采油工程顺利实施奠定基础。
1.2 潜油泵采油从当前大部分采油工程的开采技术应用情况来看,电动潜油泵都是重要采油设备之一。
油田开发ProTech1Ch (13)
C O N T E N T SINTRODUCTION1PLUG BACK ABANDONMENT1.1General recommendations for plug back2 SEABED ABANDONMENT2.1Recovery Of Equipment Above Seabed2.2Recovery Of Equipment To A Specific PointBelow The Seabed2.2.1Fixed Drilling Locations2.2.2Floating LocationsLEARNING OBJECTIVES:Having worked through this chapter the Student will be able to:•List the general requirements and objectives for abandoning a well.•Describe the differences between an openhole and cased hole abandonment using cement plugs•Describe the techniques used for recovery of equipment situated above the seabed for both fixed and floating drilling operations.INTRODUCTIONThe abandonment of an exploration or a production/injection well is required to ensure:(a)That there is no hydraulic communication between the subsurface formationand the surface(b)There is no communication or crossflow between formations downholeIsolation requirements are governed by legislation guidelines/requirements. In principal a minimum of two mechanical barriers must exist between a subsurface formation and surface/seabed.Typically the barriers comprise bridge plugs set in casing and these provide a platform on which a cement plug is placed. The bridge plugs, in themselves, are not acceptable as barriers.Below the plugs it would normally be expected that formation isolation be provided by either:(a)squeezing off perforations(b)plugging back an open hole section of an exposed formationThere are three aspects to well abandonment:(1)Provision of effective isolation between surface and any producing zonesdownhole i.e. subsurface abandonment.(2)Recovery of equipment placed in the well, e.g. casing.(3)To ensure that there is no obstruction left at the sea bed or surface, i.e. seabedor surface abandonment.1 PLUG BACK ABANDONMENTThe most effective means of isolation is to set a cement plug downhole. The size of the cement plug to be placed will depend on the status of the well, i.e. length of open hole, formation fluids and formation of characteristics.1.1 General recommendations for plug backIn general terms the following recommendations are made regarding cement plugs:(1)The length of cement plug should be such that even allowing for a certainamount of contamination there is still sufficient to provide isolation, e.g. a cement plug of less than 100 ft. may not be adequate. Generally a plug length of 500 ft. minimum is recommended.Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University34(2)Use either a neat or slightly accelerated cement to speed up the setting process.A retarded cement is not normally required since the displacement is made with a stinger.(3)Consider using a fibreglass tubing for the work string in case the cement flashsets and there are difficulties in pulling back out of the cement plug after displacement.(4)After the cement plug is considered to have hardened it is recommended thatthe top of the plug should be located. This is especially important in highly permeable or underpressured zones, which could give rise to lost circulation.(5)If there are a number of areas of be plugged off across a long interval, requiringseveral cement plugs, it may be preferable to set bridge plugs by wireline and to then place a cement plug by wireline and to then place a cement plug on top of this using either a cement stinger or dump bailer. It should be realised that the bridge plug does not replace a cement plug; it merely reduces the length of cement plug required.(6)To improve the quality of the cement plug it is recommended that a balancedplug be used with a water spacer ahead and behind, e.g. 10 bbls.LENGTH OF CEMENT PLUGAs stated above, the length of plug will depend on the hole status.Open holeAll productive zones in an open hole must be isolated by good quality cement. It is therefore advisable to use plugs of at least 500 ft. length with the top of the plug being at least 100 ft. above the top of the uppermost hydrocarbon or water-bearing zone. IfFigure 1.Figure 1Open hole and casing shoe plug backsInstitute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University 5Casing plug backIt is recommended that a cement plug be set across the shoe of the last casing string.Again it is recommended that the top of the plug be at least 100 ft. above the casing shoe. This plug should provide effective isolation of any leakage or deterioration in the bonding between formation and casing. Figure 1.Perforated casing plug back (Figure 2)This situation frequently occurs when plugging back an exploration well which has been tested. There are two options:(a)The setting of a conventional plug, the top of which should be at least 250 ft.above the top perforation (b)Setting a cement plug and then squeezing off the perforations. The squeeze operation can either be carried out with the B.O.P. shut or alternatively an R.T.T.S. packer can be run above the cement stinger. For the actual squeeze operation a guideline is to pull back to say 500 ft. above the T.T.O.C. and squeeze away the equivalent of 100 ft. column of cement. Care should be taken not to exceed the formation breakdown gradient. The amount which can be squeezed away willWith plug back of perforated casing it is always necessary to ensure an adequate column of cement by running in and tagging the T.O.C. Additionally, it may be required to test the integrity of the cement seal by performing an inflow test . An inflow test is a means of exerting a drawdown on the formation by setting a packer and displacing the drill string to a fluid which is lighter than the drilling mud, e.g. sea water or diesel, and hence exerts a drawdown. Alternatively, the cement plug may be pressure tested against a closed B.O.P. However, it should be realised that both these tests can influence the cement integrity and in particular the inflow test can substantially damage the effectiveness of a cement squeeze or plug back.Figure 2Plug backs in perforation62 SEABED ABANDONMENTIn this section the removal of equipment from or at the seabed will be discussed. In-general Government Legislation regarding seabed debris may cover the extent of recovery. This is particularly true for North Sea environments or other locations where deep-sea fishing is practised. For North Sea operations in U.K. waters the Secretary of State must consent to the abandonment of a well and in such cases all equipment including casing and wellheads must be removed to a minimum depth below the seabed. However, having plugged back the well with cement to provide isolation downhole there are two alternatives discussed below.2.1 Recovery Of Equipment Above SeabedIn a large number of areas in the world (principally in waters around the lesser developed countries), wells can be abandoned leaving a minimum of equipment at the seabed.To illustrate this type of abandonment, the Cameron mud line suspension equipment will be considered. The M.L.S. system allows the casing string weights to be hung off at seabed and each casing string can have an extension to a wellhead system above sea level. Each extension is attached to a casing hanger by a running tool which has a coarse left hand thread. To abandon such a well, cement plugs will be sent downhole as discussed previously. The B.O.P. stack can then be removed and the 9 5/8” x 7”casing spool removed. The 7” extension string can then be backed off at the running tool and raised to the surface. Similarly by sequentially removing the next casing spool and casing extensions the 9 5/8”, 13 3/8” and 20” extension strings can be retrieved. The procedure is almost the reverse of the installation sequence for the wellhead. Finally the 30” extension string can be backed off. (N.B. to back off the extension string it is necessary to apply tension and rotate above the hanger. To apply tension a casing spear is lowered on drill pipe inside the casing, set by R.H. rotation and tension applied).With this type of abandonment the 9 5/8” hanger will project a few feet above the seabed and in such instances would obviously be a nuisance to marine operations.2.2 Recovery Of Equipment To A Specific Point Below The SeabedIt may be necessary to recover from the well seabed equipment and casing strings for one of the following reasons:(a) Legal requirementsAs indicated above it may be necessary to remove all guide bases, casing, etc.,protruding above seabed. This is required so that no obstruction or impediment to fishing or shipping remains on the seabed.(b) Economic requirementsIf casing strings have to be cut and recovered below the seabed it may be desirable to cut some of the casings deeper and recover a greater length of it. This may apply to exploration wells where the casing has not been installed for a long period and where it is not cemented up its entire length.The type of equipment depends on the operating environment.2.2.1 Fixed Drilling LocationsIn situations where there is no relative motion of the casing and the rig, e.g. jack upsand fixed platforms, a conventional internal pipe either can be used, e.g. Boweninternal cutter (which is available to cut casing up to 20”). This type of cutter, Figures3, 4, and 5, is run inside casing.Figure 3 (left)Internal Casing Cutter inClosed PositionFigure 4 (right)Internal Casing Cutter inCutting PositionInstitute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University78At the setting depth, the drag spring assembly permits setting of the slip and cone assembly, which fixes the cutter at that location. The cutting knives which are hard faced or ground steel are pushed out on to the inside wall of the casing by the throat blocks using weight applied to the string. Rotation then provides the cutting action.Using this method the smallest casing string can be cut and retrieved with its hanger. The remaining casing strings are retrieved consecutively in this way. The method assumes easy retrieval of the hanger from the wellhead.An alternative design utilises wiper blocks to provide the drag for setting the tool against the casing wall (Figure 6).Figure 5Bowen Internal Casing Cutter with Drag SpringInstitute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University 92.2.2 Floating LocationsFor cutting casing from floating rigs a Marine Casing Cutter is used. This cutter has three arms, which are hydraulically operated. The action of pump pressure on a piston inside the tool pushes the arms out on to the casing inside wall. Rotation of the drill string then causes the cutting action. The effectiveness of the cutting action is influenced by the pump pressure and rotary speed.One difficulty in floating operations is maintaining the cutters at a preset depth despite the influence of heave. This is accomplished by using a Marine Swivel , which is located in the string and is landed off inside the wellhead at a predetermined position.A long stroke bumper sub located above the swivel compensates for the heave of the rig.It may be necessary after recovering the smaller casing strings, to cut completely through the remaining casing strings and recover these as a complete unit with their wellheads. In this situation the cutting depth would be limited to a short distance below the seabed.Figure 6Bowen Internal Casing withWiper Block。
随着全球能源需求的不断增长,石油作为主要的能源来源之一,其开发和生产对于保障国家能源安全 和经济发展至关重要。同时,油田开发也为石油工业的发展提供了重要的物质基础和经济效益,为科 技进步和人才培养提供了广阔的舞台。
油田开发经历了从传统开发模式到现代数字 化、智能化的转变,技术手段不断升级换代 ,油田采收率得到了显著提高。当前,油田 开发正朝着绿色、低碳、可持续的方向发展 ,以应对全球能源转型和气候变化的挑战。
根据油藏特征和开发需求,选择合适的开 发方式,如注水开发、气顶驱等。
根据地质资料和开发方案 ,设计出合理的钻井结构
按照钻井设计进行钻井施 工,确保钻井质量和安全
完成钻井施工后,进行完 井作业,如固井、射孔等 ,为采油工程做好准备。
利用微生物的生长代谢活动来提高油田采 收率的技术。
微生物可以分解原油中的重质组分,降低 粘度,提高流动性。
微生物产生的表面活性剂可以降低油水界 面张力,提高采收率。
利用化学剂改善油水界面张力、提高 驱替液粘度、改变岩石表面润湿性等 性质,从而提高采收率。
包括聚合物驱、表面活性剂驱、碱水 驱等。
不同的驱动类型会对油田的开发效果和采收率产生影响,选择合适的开发方式可 以提高油田的开发效果和采收率。
根据油藏特征和开发需求,划分出不同的 开发层系,为后续的开发方案提供基础。
油气田开发技术操作手册第1章油气田开发概述 (4)1.1 油气田开发基本概念 (4)1.2 油气田开发技术体系 (4)1.3 油气田开发流程与阶段 (4)第2章地质勘探与评价 (5)2.1 地质勘探技术 (5)2.1.1 地震勘探技术 (5)2.1.2 非地震勘探技术 (5)2.1.3 钻探技术 (5)2.2 地质评价方法 (5)2.2.1 地质类比法 (5)2.2.2 概率统计法 (6)2.2.3 模型法 (6)2.3 勘探风险分析 (6)2.3.1 风险识别 (6)2.3.2 风险评估 (6)2.3.3 风险管理 (6)第3章钻井与完井技术 (6)3.1 钻井工程设计 (6)3.1.1 地质设计 (6)3.1.2 钻井液设计 (6)3.1.3 钻井工艺设计 (7)3.1.4 钻井设备设计 (7)3.2 钻井液与完井液 (7)3.2.1 钻井液类型及功能 (7)3.2.2 完井液类型及功能 (7)3.2.3 钻井液与完井液的应用 (7)3.3 钻井工具与设备 (7)3.3.1 钻具 (7)3.3.2 钻头 (7)3.3.3 钻井设备 (7)3.4 完井工艺与井身结构 (8)3.4.1 完井工艺设计 (8)3.4.2 井身结构设计 (8)3.4.3 完井工艺与井身结构的实施 (8)第4章油气藏工程 (8)4.1 油气藏类型与特点 (8)4.2 油气藏评价与参数计算 (8)4.3 油气藏开发方案设计 (9)4.4 油气藏动态监测与分析 (9)第5章采油(气)工程技术 (9)5.1.1 采油(气)方法概述 (9)5.1.2 采油(气)工艺流程 (9)5.2 采油(气)设备与工具 (10)5.2.1 采油(气)设备概述 (10)5.2.2 采油(气)工具及配件 (10)5.3 采油(气)井测试与优化 (10)5.3.1 采油(气)井测试 (10)5.3.2 采油(气)井优化 (10)5.4 提高采收率技术 (10)5.4.1 提高采收率技术概述 (10)5.4.2 提高采收率技术应用 (10)第6章油气藏改造与保护 (10)6.1 油气藏改造技术 (10)6.1.1 酸化处理技术 (10)6.1.2 压裂改造技术 (10)6.1.3 热力改造技术 (11)6.1.4 气驱改造技术 (11)6.2 油气藏保护措施 (11)6.2.1 防止水敏损害 (11)6.2.2 防止盐垢沉积 (11)6.2.3 防止细菌污染 (11)6.2.4 防止结垢与腐蚀 (11)6.3 油气藏改造与保护效果评价 (11)6.3.1 产量评价 (11)6.3.2 储层参数评价 (11)6.3.3 经济效益评价 (11)6.3.4 环境影响评价 (11)第7章油气处理与储运 (12)7.1 油气分离与加工 (12)7.1.1 分离原理 (12)7.1.2 加工工艺 (12)7.1.3 设备与设施 (12)7.2 油气储存与运输 (12)7.2.1 储存方式 (12)7.2.2 运输方式 (12)7.2.3 储运设施安全 (12)7.3 油气计量与质量检测 (12)7.3.1 计量方法 (12)7.3.2 质量检测 (12)7.3.3 检测设备与仪器 (12)7.4 安全与环保措施 (12)7.4.1 安全生产 (12)7.4.2 环境保护 (13)第8章油气田生产管理 (13)8.1 生产数据采集与处理 (13)8.1.1 数据采集 (13)8.1.2 数据处理 (13)8.2 生产分析与优化 (13)8.2.1 生产数据分析 (13)8.2.2 生产优化 (13)8.3 生产调度与应急处理 (13)8.3.1 生产调度 (13)8.3.2 应急处理 (14)8.4 油气田生产信息化管理 (14)8.4.1 信息化建设 (14)8.4.2 信息化管理 (14)第9章油气田开发环境保护 (14)9.1 环境保护法律法规与技术政策 (14)9.1.1 我国环境保护法律法规体系 (14)9.1.2 油气田开发环境保护技术政策 (14)9.2 油气田开发环境影响评价 (14)9.2.1 环境影响评价概述 (14)9.2.2 环境影响评价内容与方法 (14)9.2.3 环境影响评价报告编制 (15)9.3 环境保护措施与实施 (15)9.3.1 油气田开发环境保护措施 (15)9.3.2 环境保护设施建设与管理 (15)9.3.3 环境保护措施实施效果评估 (15)9.4 环境监测与治理 (15)9.4.1 环境监测概述 (15)9.4.2 环境监测方案制定与实施 (15)9.4.3 油气田开发环境治理 (15)9.4.4 环境监测与治理信息化 (15)第10章油气田开发新技术与发展趋势 (15)10.1 油气田开发新技术介绍 (15)10.1.1 水平井分段压裂技术 (15)10.1.2 煤层气开发技术 (16)10.1.3 深海油气开发技术 (16)10.1.4 非常规油气开发技术 (16)10.2 油气田开发技术发展趋势 (16)10.2.1 信息化与智能化 (16)10.2.2 绿色环保 (16)10.2.3 高效节能 (16)10.2.4 多元化开发 (16)10.3 油气田开发技术难题与挑战 (16)10.3.1 地质条件复杂 (16)10.3.3 环保要求严格 (17)10.3.4 技术创新能力不足 (17)10.4 油气田开发技术创新与产业发展策略 (17)10.4.1 加大研发投入 (17)10.4.2 强化产学研合作 (17)10.4.3 引导企业转型升级 (17)10.4.4 培养人才 (17)第1章油气田开发概述1.1 油气田开发基本概念油气田开发是指通过对油气藏进行科学合理的调查、评价、设计和施工等一系列技术活动,实现对油气资源的有效开采和合理利用。
CONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION2. CASH FLOW MODELLING2.1.Currency Units2.2.Managing “Mod” and “Real” Terms2.3.Model Construction3. CUMULATIVE CASH FLOW3.1.Cumulative Cash Flow in Real Terms3.2.Measures of Investment Size3.3.Payback Period3.4.Terminal Cash Surplus3.5.Profi t to Investment Ratio4. COST PER BARREL4.1.Cost [Capex] per Daily Barrel4.2.Cost per Barrel5. DISCOUNTED MEASURES OF V ALUE6. CUMULATIVE, DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW Present Value6.2.NPV as Measure of Profi t6.3.Discount Origin and Rate6.4.NPV and Cumulative DCF6.5.NPV Index7. ANNUAL CAPITAL CHARGE7.1.Forties Pipeline Example8. INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN8.1.Signifi cance of IRR8.2.Abandonment Expenditure9. ACCELERATION PROJECTS10.APPLICATIONS10.1.Transaction Valuation 10.2.Project Screening10.3.Project Ranking10.4.Ranking Parameters9 The Value of Money3 Project Parameters4Well in a Bounded Drainage A Distributed Pressure Measur Exploration Applications of D Field Development Applicatio Reservoir Management2LEARNING OBJECTIVES:Having worked through this chapter the student will be able to: Cash Flow Modelling1. Defi ne project screening and ranking2. Explain the important advantages and disadvantages of working with cash fl ows in real terms and in money of the day3. List the stages in preparation of cash fl ow models Cumulative Cash fl ow and Simple Measures of Value4. Defi ne:- Maximum capital outlay. Payback period. Terminal cash surplus. Profit to investment ratio5. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using Capex and Maximum Capital Outlay as measures of investment6. Explain the uses and limitations of Payback period7. Explain the uses and limitations of profi t to investment ratio8. Defi ne:- Capex per barrel. Capex per daily barrel. Interest during construction (IDC)9. Explain the uses and limitations of using capex per barrel and capex per daily barrel as measures of investmentDiscounted Measures of Value10. Calculate Net Present Value (NPV) from project cash fl ows 11. Describe the characteristics of NPV 12. Explain the signifi cance of NPV 13. Calculate NPV index (NPVI)14. Explain the signifi cance of NPVI 15. Defi ne Annual Capital Charge (ACC)16. Derive the ACC Factor 17. Explain the signifi cance of the ACC method18. Apply the ACC method in appropriate investment situations 19. Defi ne the Internal Rate of Return (IRR)20. Derive IRR using both numerical and graphical methods 21. Explain the signifi cance of the IRR22. Explain the inaccuracy which can arise with respect to late stage negative cash fl ow, for example with abandonment expenditure 23. Normalise cash fl ow using the extended yield method24. Explain the origin of multiple roots in the context of IRR calculation25. Explain the characteristics of cash flow associated with acceleration type projects26. Calculate and interpret NPV and IRR for acceleration projects 27. Explain the application of NPV as a transaction criterion 28. Defi ne project screening29. Explain the use of NPV , NPVI and IRR as screening criteria 30. List possible reasons for project ranking31. Explain the use of NPV , NPVI and IRR as ranking criteriaInstitute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University39The Value of Money 3Project Parameters4Well in a Bounded Drainage ADistributed Pressure MeasurExploration Applications of D Field Development Applicatio Reservoir Management1. INTRODUCTIONWe start this chapter with the premise that Cash Flow is the most appropriate methodology for evaluating long term investments, and that time is an important factor in determining the value of individual cash fl ows. These ideas were introduced in previous chapters.An investment or project may include a large number of cash fl ows and when these are related to time in an appropriate manner, the whole may be represented by a series of Net Cash Flows [NCF’s]. The objective in this chapter is to derive from project NCF a range of numerical parameters, which may be used to characterise economic potential or profi tability.These measures of value or profi tability fall into two distinctive groups, depending on whether the cash fl ows have been discounted. The simpler, undiscounted group includes parameters such as “Payback” and “Profi t to Investment Ratio”. When time value of money is included, parameters such as “Net Present Value” and “Internal Rate of Return” may be calculated.Once derived, these parameters may be applied to screening and ranking, which are important stages in the investment decision process. Screening involves a company in the testing of each available project against a set of appropriate criteria or standards, to determine whether these opportunities are suitable or profi table. Ranking follows and requires comparison between suitable projects to determine the best candidates for investment.2. CASH FLOW MODELLINGIn Chapter 2, it was explained how individual items of expenditure could be grouped together and aggregated over time to generate a cash fl ow model. It is now appropriate to consider the implications of time value on these models.2.1. Currency UnitsCash fl ow models may be compiled in “money of the day” or “real” terms. These were defi ned in Section 9.4, Chapter 3.(a) Money of the DayA cash fl ow model, in money of the day [“mod”] terms, incorporates the expenditures and revenues for each project year, using currency units [£, $ etc] appropriate to that year. Consequently, with infl ation, the purchasing power of the currency units in the model varies from year to year.Derivation of such a cash fl ow, from the physical project model, requires an explicit assumption about future rates of price infl ation. The further into the future, the less confi dence there will be in such estimates. Project cost normally increases with infl ation and this may be modelled, using RPI or some other price index [sector index or specialised industry-specifi c index]. Revenues may or may not change with infl ation. Commodity markets, such as oil, are dominated by supply / demand interaction, and price may be insensitive to infl ation.4The advantage of having a cash fl ow model in “mod” terms is that the model can interface directly with the world outside the project. For example, in the model, the negative cash fl ow in project year 5 is the company’s estimate of actual expenditure in that year and may therefore be used as input to a corporate budget and accounts. Model data may also be used directly to calculate tax liability, since offi cial tax calculation is based on “mod” revenues and costs.The disadvantage of having a cash fl ow in “mod” terms is that the purchasing power of the data varies from year to year. This is true, not only for the model itself, but also for the NCF derived from it. (b) Real TermsA cash fl ow model, in “real” terms, incorporates the expenditures and revenues for each project year, using currency units [£, $ etc] of constant purchasing power. The base year is normally, but not necessarily, the current year.Costs, which are usually estimated in real terms, may be entered directly into the model; likewise, those revenues, which correlate with infl ation. Otherwise, if “mod” revenue can be estimated, infl ation must be removed to generate data in “real” terms.The disadvantage of having a cash fl ow model in “real’ terms is that the model does not relate to the world outside. Consequently, the data may not be used directly as input to corporate budgets, as a basis for fi nancial decisions or for accurate calculation of tax liability.The advantage of having a cash fl ow model in “real” terms is that the NCF derived from it is also in “real” terms.2.2. Managing “Mod” and “Real” TermsSome organisations use “mod” data, others use “real” data. It depends on the nature of the business and of the investment. Companies which concentrate on short term investments and / or have regular dealings with the general public and / or other organisations, focus on “mod” data, whereas those involved with longer term and more self-contained investments may prefer to use “real” data.It does not matter which form of data is used, in the sense that with modern computational systems, data can easily be converted from “mod” to “real” or vice versa. It does matter, however, in terms of application and interpretation. Consequently, it is important to be aware, at all times, which data are in “mod” terms and which data are in “real” terms.Accounting systems are usually based on “mod” data and this relates to conventional budgeting and annual reports, banking and tax calculation.Measures of value or profi tability should be based on increasing purchasing power. If the model is in “real” terms, the derived NCF will also be in “real” terms with the same currency units. Any measure of profi t derived from the NCF will be in the same units and will relate directly to purchasing power. Any interest or growth rateInstitute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University59The Value of Money 3Project Parameters4Well in a Bounded Drainage ADistributed Pressure MeasurExploration Applications of D Field Development Applicatio Reservoir Management derived from such data will be “real” and of the type designated “r” in section 9.5 and will refl ect a change in purchasing power.If the model is in “mod” terms, the NCF derived from it will also be in “mod” terms. At this stage, the NCF may be converted to “real” terms using simple conversionfactors based on infl ation data. Derived measures of profi tability are then based onpurchasing power as before. If analysis proceeds with the NCF in “mod” terms, any derived measure of value or profi tability becomes distorted by infl ation. Any measure of profi t, based on the difference between revenue [later] and expenditure[earlier], will be increased by infl ation. Any rate of growth derived from this datawill be of the type “i” designated in Section 9.5. Such interest rates include a “real” part and infl ation, and these may be separated using the relationship developed inSection 9.5, provided that they are based on a constant rate of infl ation. Most of theinterest rates which are offered by fi nancial institutions are of the “i” type where “i” is fi xed, “f`” is variable and “r” is the residual.2.3. Model ConstructionA cash fl ow model is normally used to derive a range of economic parameters with a view to making an investment decision. It is always important to make the best use of available data and to ensure that the analysis is appropriate to the problem or application.(a) Physical ModelThe starting point for any cash fl ow is a model of the physical project, incorporating best estimates for development and production phases and all the relevant timing. The quantity and quality of data available will refl ect the nature of the project and the current stage of investigation or development. It is inevitable that pre-decision analysis is based on estimates of many of the project details (b) Relevant DataAny decision to invest changes a pre-existing world. It is fundamental to the cash fl ow method to distinguish between those cash fl ows, which result from the decision / investment and those, which would have occurred regardless. Only those, which are dependent on the decision, are relevant. (c) Cash FlowsCash fl ows involve the physical [or electronic] transfer of funds from one account to another. Depreciation is not a cash fl ow. Costs may be estimates, derived from previous experience or quotes from potential suppliers. Revenues are inevitably further into the future and subject to greater uncertainty.Units of currency are important. In an international business, companies operate in many countries and must make choices appropriate to their situation. At some point, cash fl ows must be converted into local currency for tax calculation. For every conversion process, there is a risk that the rate will vary.6As discussed in 2.2 above, a decision must be taken between “mod” and “real” terms. At this stage, “mod” is slightly more involved, but provides greater fl exibility with respect to integrating the model to the outside world. To do this, there must be an explicit assumption made about infl ation over the life of the project. As with all such estimates, it is preferable to remain simple and keep the rate constant, unless there is clear justifi cation to do otherwise.(d) Net Cash Flow [NCF]NCF is the aggregate cash fl ow for a specifi ed time period [see (e) below].The currency units for NCF are the same as for the cash fl ows from which it is derived. Thus if cash fl ow in “mod”, NCF will also be in “mod”. To simplify further analysis, it is preferable for NCF to be converted to “real” terms at this stage, so that all derived parameters are related to constant purchasing power.(e) TimingIt is normal to sub-divide project time into calendar years, unless there is a particular reason for doing otherwise. Certain forms of tax, for example, are based on six-month periods. If precision is required, then six-month periods become necessary. Short projects, eg less than fi ve years might be better modelled on a monthly basis and, less than a few months, on a daily basis.Within each period, aggregation of cash fl ows takes place, to produce a single net cash fl ow. It is normal to model the aggregation time as the mid-point of the period since, for randomly distributed cash fl ows, this produces the most accurate representation. If cash fl ows are not randomly distributed, it may be appropriate to choose a different timing for the aggregation point.The third element of timing in the model is its time origin. This usually relates to the present day or year, or to a signifi cant decision point in the life of the project. The origin is quantitatively important, since it will be the date to which any derived economic parameter is attached.If the origin is-mid year, it fi ts in with mid-year aggregation and an annual process of discounting. This is the simplest structure. If it is set at some other point in the period, it implies a part-year step in the discounting process. Figure 1 illustrates the derivation of discount factors for two common forms of cash fl ow model structure.Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University79The Value of Money 3Project Parameters4Well in a Bounded Drainage ADistributed Pressure MeasurExploration Applications of DField Development ApplicatioReservoir Management (a) Simple Structure(b) Alternative Structureaggregation points aggregation pointsn=0n=1.0n=0n=0.5n=1.5Year 1 Year 2Year 1 Year 2Discount Factors [I = 0.10]Discount Factors [I = 0.10]Project ExponentProject Exponent Year "n"(1+i)^-nYear "n"(1+i)^-n10 1.00010.50.953210.9092 1.50.867320.8263 2.50.788430.7514 3.50.716540.6835 4.50.651650.6216 5.50.592760.5647 6.50.538870.51387.50.489980.46798.50.4451090.424109.50.40411100.3861110.50.368Example (a) is the simplest form, with mid-year aggregation and discounting back to the origin, which is the mid-point of project year one. This implies that discounting takes place from the mid-point of one project year, back to the mid-point of the previous year. Values of “n” are consequently integers.Example (b) also has mid-year aggregation, but the origin is now located at the beginning of project year one. As a consequence, there is a half-year step between project year one aggregation and project origin. Beyond that, each aggregation point is separated by a one-year step. The easiest way to manage the discounting of these cash fl ows is to assign a discount exponent of 0.5 to year one cash fl ows. The exponent for year two becomes 1.5, and so on.Figure 1Cash Flow Model Structure.83. CUMULATIVE CASH FLOWIn Chapter 2, data from the Foinaven Field was used to illustrate how a project may be represented by a series of annual, net cash fl ows [NCF’s], which characterises the fi nancial impact of the investment. The cumulative of NCF over time, forms a measure of performance or value and gives rise to a number of useful parameters. These are summarised in Figure 2.-800-400400800120016005101520•Terminal Cash SurplusPayback PeriodMaximum CapitalOutlayPIR =TCS / MCOFi ure 4.2/1:-3.1. Cumulative Cash Flow in Real TermsThe starting point for this type of analysis is the net cash fl ow in real terms. It isinappropriate to add together cash fl ows in mod terms, particularly over a long period of time, since purchasing power changes with infl ation and totals are meaningless. Data may originate in real or money of the day terms, or a mixture of both [see Section 2.2]. Figure 3 represents NCF for Foinaven both in mod and real terms. The conversion process was described previously in Chapter 3 Section 9.4 and the calculation for Foinaven cash fl ows is presented in Table 1. It is important to check one’s logic whenever a conversion process takes place. Price infl ation implies declining purchasing power. Historical currency is therefore more valuable and conversion factors should be greater than unity and increasing backwards through time. Conversely, they should be smaller than one and diminishing into the future. Negative infl ation caused by falling prices would, of course, have the opposite result.Figure 2Project cumulative cash fl ow £ millions 2000 termsInstitute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University99The Value of Money 3Project Parameters4Well in a Bounded Drainage ADistributed Pressure MeasurExploration Applications of DField Development ApplicatioReservoir Management-400-300-200-1001002003004005009500051001NCF £ mod NCF £ 2000Fi ure 4.2.1/1:-Figure 3Foinaven NCF £2000 and £modFOINAVEN NCFREAL & MODFigure 4.2.1/1 Print FileFoinaven NCF Real and Money of the DayRPI %RPI Index Convert to 2000NCF £ mod NCF £ 20001994 2.4984.9 1.178-20.00-23.56 951995 3.4787.8 1.138-90.00-102.451996 2.4190.0 1.112-284.10-315.801997 3.1492.8 1.078-297.63-320.781998 3.4396.0 1.0429.9310.351999 1.6697.6 1.025238.94244.91 002000 2.50100.0 1.000447.75447.752001 2.50102.50.976115.87113.042002 2.50105.10.952233.77222.502003 2.50107.70.929212.49197.322004 2.50110.40.906167.37151.63 052005 2.50113.10.884165.37146.162006 2.50116.00.862146.61126.422007 2.50118.90.841135.40113.902008 2.50121.80.821123.60101.452009 2.50124.90.801116.9293.62 102010 2.50128.00.781108.1284.472011 2.50131.20.762100.5976.662012 2.50134.50.74492.7068.932013 2.50137.90.72598.9671.792014 2.50141.30.708-79.61-56.34012015 2.50144.80.69012.548.66TABLE 4.2.1/1:-As previously noted, these data were published by Wood Mackenzie in May 2001. As such, they refl ect knowledge of the fi eld at that time and incorporate a range of necessary forecasts of the future as it impinges on the project. For example, infl ation is assumed to be 2.5% per annum and constant. Even at this rather modest, annual rate, the Retail Price Index is projected to increase by 45% by the end of the Field’s life in 2015.The annual NCF and cumulative equivalent are plotted in Figure 4 Note the early negative [investment] phase, followed by positive cash fl ows and apparent profi tability.Table 1Foinaven NCF real and money of the day109The Value of Money 3Project Parameters4Well in a Bounded Drainage ADistributed Pressure MeasurExploration Applications of DField Development ApplicatioReservoir ManagementFoinaven Annual and Cumlative NCF-800-400040080012001600939551015Fi ure 4.2.1/2:-£20003.2. Measures of Investment SizeIn many investment situations, it is desirable to be able to determine the “size” of the fi nancial commitment to a project. Size is important, when a measure of investment effi ciency, ie “profi t generated, per unit of currency invested”, is required. There are two, commonly used measures of investment size, namely capital expenditure or “Capex” and Maximum Capital Outlay or “MCO”.Capex was discussed previously in Chapter 2. It represents the cost of creating productive capacity. In some situations most of the Capex is committed and spent, before the facility becomes productive. In many projects, however, investment continues long after production has started and then expenditure on capital items is often diffi cult to differentiate from Opex. Most oilfi eld developments include substantial expenditure on production wells for several years after production has started. Furthermore, projects often lease, rather than purchasing, large capital items, such as FPSO’s. Strictly, this is Opex, rather than Capex, but it is clearly part of the productive system. In these circumstances, it is perhaps unwise to place too much signifi cance on the magnitude of Capex.Figure 4Foinaven NCFMaximum Capital Outlay, or MCO is defi ned as the minimum value on the cumulative NCF curve. In Figure 5, Foinaven cumulative NCF is plotted and the minimum point [-763] in 1997 is labelled. This is the MCO for the project. Annual NCF is also plotted, in two component parts, Capex and Net Revenue [Revenue minus Opex minus Taxes]. Beyond 1997, the cumulative NCF increases back to zero then becomes positive, because the annual NCF’s [Net Revenue minus Capex] are positive. In other words, beyond 1997, there is no further fi nancial contribution required to the project, because the Net Revenue generated is suffi cient to pay the Capex. The project has become self suffi cient. The MCO, therefore represents the worst fi nancial position over the life of the project and a useful measure of the fi nancial commitment to the project.Foinaven Capex and NCF-763-800-600-400-200020040060080093950005CapexNet Revenue Cum NCFFi ure 4.2.2/1:-Mathematically, MCO is the sum of all Capex, up to the time of production start-up or, more precisely, to the period before the one in which annual Net Revenue fi rst exceeds annual Capex. Capex often continues beyond this point and therefore Capex values are likely to be greater than MCO values for the same project. Note that in the Foinaven case, the Capex continues at least until 2004. Ignoring abandonment expenditure, Foinaven Capex is £2000 1079 million, compared to an MCO of £2000763 million.MCO is proposed as a better indicator of fi nancial commitment, because it refl ects the interaction between positive and negative cash fl ows over time. In practical terms, it represents the sum of money, which needs to be found from outside the project, if the project is to survive the investment phase. The defi nition of Capex is more to do with taxation. MCO is not, however a perfect measure. It refl ects the interaction between positive and negative cash fl ows over time and as such, can be signifi cantly infl uenced by the timing of cash fl ows. In the event of project delay, particularly close to production start-up, MCO incorporates more Capex, before positive Net Revenue kicks in with production. Figure 6 illustrates what happens to Foinaven cash fl ow in the event that production start-up is delayed by one year. Note that MCO increases from £7632000 million to £8882000 million.Figure 5Foinaven Capex and NCF9The Value of Money 3Project Parameters4Well in a Bounded Drainage ADistributed Pressure MeasurExploration Applications of DField Development ApplicatioReservoir ManagementDelayed Production-762.6-887.6-1000-800-600-400-200020040060080093950005CapexNet RevenueDelayed Revenue Cum NCFCum NCF DelayedFigure 4.2.2/2:-3.3. Payback PeriodPayback incorporates the idea of recovering one’s investment. In its simplest form, it is the point at which the cumulative NCF returns to zero. The Payback “Period” is defi ned as the time taken, from the start of the project, to reach this position.Data for Foinaven are plotted in Figure 4. This indicates the cumulative NCF curve crossing the axis between 2000 and 2001, suggesting a Payback near the end of 2000. Assuming a project start around the beginning of 1994, this indicates a Payback Period of about 6 years. More detail of the individual cash fl ows is provided in Figure 5, but it remains impossible to give a more accurate estimate of timing, since cash fl ows are modelled on an annual basis.It is to be expected that larger, more complex projects have longer Payback Periods. Figure 7 is based on cash fl ows for three contrasting UK projects. Brent is very large with MCO of about £6200 million, Foinaven is medium sized, with MCO of about £750 million and Arbroath is small with MCO less than £200 million. Indicated Payback periods are 9-10 years, 7-8 years and 4-5 years respectively.Figure 6MCO and project delayThree Project Payback-8000-6000-4000-2000020004000600080000010203040Brent Arbroath FoinavenFigure 4.2.3/1:-Projects with shorter Payback Periods may be better [than projects with longer Payback Periods], but interpretation is rather vague. Figure 8 emphasises that Payback analysis is incomplete and reveals nothing about the future of a project beyond that point in time. Projects with similar Payback periods may be quite different in later performance and value. Some credence is given to the idea that Payback Period is a useful indicator of risk. The longer the Period, the longer the investor has to endure a cumulative loss on the project. This may well be relevant to a situation where risk is time related, as for example political discontinuity. This will be explored further in Chapter 7 on Risk Management.Project Payback-800-400400800120016005101520•Figure 4.2.3/2:-Figure 7Three project paybackFigure 8Project payback9The Value of Money 3Project Parameters4Well in a Bounded Drainage ADistributed Pressure MeasurExploration Applications of D Field Development Applicatio Reservoir Management 3.4 Terminal Cash SurplusThe simplest measure of a profi t relates to the concept of a surplus. If I spend £X and earn £Y , I have made a profi t of £[Y-X]. In the context of project NCF, the cumulative value at the end of the project’s life is such a surplus. It is the sum ofall project Revenues, minus the sum of all Capex, Opex and Taxes. This sum isvariously called Net Cash, Terminal Cash Surplus, or Terminal Value of the project. The term Terminal Cash Surplus, [TCS] will be used here. See Figure 2.TCS is the end point of the cumulative curve, not the highest value achieved duringthe life of the project. Projects have inevitable commitment to abandonment in their fi nal years. This expenditure cannot be avoided and must not be ignored in project evaluation. Some have, in ignorance, suggested premature termination to avoid such negative cash fl ow, in order to optimise value!Larger projects tend to have larger cash fl ows and larger cash surpluses. In Figure 7, Brent, the largest project has a TCS in excess of £6500 million, Foinaven, the intermediate project has a TCS of almost £1500 million and Arbroath, the small project has a TCS of £700 million. It is important to note that TCS is in the same units as the cash fl ows and NCF from which it is derived. If project NCF is designated in £2000, TCS will also be in £2000. If project NCF is in money of the day, TCS is a meaningless value.3.5 Profi t to Investment RatioThe Profi t to Investment Ratio is a measure of investment effi ciency, incorporating the idea of optimising profi t earned for every pound invested. This is likely to be important in a situation, where investment pounds or dollars are limited.The simplest measure of effi ciency is the ratio between TCS, as a measure of profi t and MCO, as a measure of investment. These data are derived directly from the cumulative NCF and the resultant ratio is popularly known as Profi t to Investment Ratio [PIR]. Use of the abbreviation “PI” is to be avoided.The calculation of PIR from cumulative NCF data is entirely straightforward, as shown in Table 2. A PIR of 1.915 for the Foinaven project indicates that there will be, eventually, a cash surplus of £1.915 for every pound invested.。
【作者单位】中国石油石油勘探开发科学研究院北京 100083;中国石油石油勘探开发科学研究院北京 100083
1.一种新型增长曲线预测油田开发指标方法 [J], 俞启泰
2.三角函数型增长曲线预测油田开发指标 [J], 俞启泰
3.一种预测油田开发指标的准广义增长曲线 [J], 俞启泰
4.一种预测油田开发指标的新型增长曲线及其应用 [J], 俞启泰
5.一种预测水驱油田开发指标的改进型增长曲线 [J], 周鹏
Krg Kro
Krg= 0.0624 SrL=66.08
特点: S残余液高, Krg(Sor)相对较高
26.01 ** (Swc) 4.04×10-4
Swc Ka / K(Swi ) Ka/K(Swc ) K(Swc )/ K(Swi )
千 12-18
91.77 -9. 93 × 10 -4 5.05×10-7 - 9.78×10-3 1.05×10-3 - 9.05×10-3
井号 Cf (3MPa) Cf (65MPa) K (3MPa) K (9MPa)
K 高速冲刷
75.0 - 5. 5× 10 -4 2.33×10-4 - 3.67×10-2 1.36×10-2 - 3.91 ×10-2
12-18 苏里格
44.95 -48.86 22.55 - 25.62 8.800 -10.78 3.213-6.233 1.52 -2.73
43.68 -55.03 14.93- 24.30 4.4-14.70 1.21-3.28
层系调整着重解决层间问题,而井调整主要用于解决平面问题。开发井调整主要有两个目的:一是提高开发 对象的水驱控制程度,以提高驱油面积系数;另一是提高产液强度。
井抽稀是井调整的另一种形式。对于大面积高含水的主要油层,油、水井不堵死将造成严重的层间矛盾和平 面矛盾。为了调整层间干扰,保证该层含水部位更充分受效,控制大量出水,因此有必要进行主要层的井抽稀工 作。常用的方式有:关井、分层堵水和停注。
2、油田开发初期,应采用较大的井距,合理布置井。同时在油田上应先开辟生产试验区,比较详细地掌握油 田的静态和动态特征,从而指导全油田更有效地进行加密钻探和合理地投入开发。
采油方法 开发程序
开发方案 开发调整
采油的基本任务就是在经济条件的允许下,最大限度地把原油从地层中采到地面上来。油井是把地层和地面 联结起来的通道。原油就是通过油井流到地面上来的。
在油田开发过程中,地层能量逐渐下降,到一定时期油层能量就不足以使油田自喷;另外,有些油田,由于 原始地层能量小,或是由于油稠,一开始就不能自喷,必须借助机械能量进行开采。主要方法有:游梁式深井泵 装置、水力活塞泵、射流泵、电动潜油泵及气举采油等。
对于一个具有工业价值的油田,在初步探明了它的面积和储量之后,首先要编制油田开发方案,确定开发部 署,以便将油田有计划地投入开发。油田开发程序就是要妥善地解决认识油田和开发油田这个矛盾。
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C O N T E N T S1.INTRODUCTION. THE SOURCE OF WELLPROBLEMS.1.1Reservoir Associated Problems1.1.1Productivity or Injectivity Problems1.1.2Reservoir Management Considerations1.2Completion Associated Problems1.2.1Completions Equipment Malfunctions orFailure1.2.2Vertical Life Performance Considerations1.3Wellbore Problems1.3.1Mechanical Failure1.3.2Modification or Redesign1.3.3Abandonment2. RESPONSES TO WELL PROBLEMS2.1Reservoir Problems2.1.1Productivity/Injectivity Considerations2.1.2Reservoir Management Problems2.2Problems Associated With The Completion2.2.2Lift Considerations2.3Wellbore Problems and Repairs 11Well ProblemsLEARNING OBJECTIVES:Having worked through this chapter the Student will be able to:• Classify the problems which occur in the production systems.• Relate the problems to the main components of the system.• Understand the interaction of the reservoir drive system and its effect on the overall production.• Identify the main remedial actions available to the Production Engineer.• Understand the financial implications of the proposed remedial program.11Well ProblemsINTRODUCTIONThe production system comprises:-(1)The reservoir and its communication flow path with the wellbore.(2)The wellbore comprising the production and intermediate casing including thecement sheath and sump.(3)The completion which comprises the tubing and its components, the wellheadand xmas tree.The above definition is comprehensive and as such it indicates the variety of areas where problems can occur.In this chapter we will consider the following:• the source of problems in injection and production wells• the responses and options to deal with the problemsTHE SOURCE OF WELL PROBLEMSPotential problem areas within the production system are numerous and occasionally sequentially interactive, e.g.(1)Inadequate cementation during placement or its subsequent removal, can leadto casing corrosion.(2)Inadequate formation strength (or intergrain cementation) can lead to:(a)initial loss in productivity(b)inability to conduct effective wireline operations(c)erosion and failure of downhole or surface equipment.The most frequent occurrence of well problems are grouped into general classifications as shown in Figure 1, namely:• the reservoir• the wellbore• the completionDepartment of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University341.1 Reservoir Associated ProblemsReservoirs are highly complex geological structures which must be effectively managed if they are to be optimally economic. There are a number of fundamental reasons why reservoirs generate problems which necessitate workovers:(1)Reservoirs are initially developed with limited data and hence an incompleteunderstanding of their physical characteristics. This limits the accuracy with which they can be modelled for planning purposes.(2)Reservoirs exhibit a dynamic response to production and injection. Thisimplies that their response has to be modelled, evaluated and updated periodically.If necessary, alternative methods for production or reservoir depletion have to be evaluated and possibly implemented.(3)Production equipment has a finite working life which depends not only on itsapplication but the way it is installed and utilised.Reservoir associated problems can generally be classed as either related to • productivity/injectivity considerationsor• reservoir management objectives (Figure 2).Figure 1The sources of well problems.Figure 2Reservoir related problems.11Well Problems1.1.1 Productivity or Injectivity ProblemsThe performance of a reservoir depends upon the optimum utilisation of reservoir pressure. Attention has to be given to the location and magnitude of pressure loss in the system. There are four major categories of problems identified in this area namely:-(a)inefficient productivity/injectivity due to the perforations(b)limitations on reservoir performance(c)excessive water or gas production(d)sand production(a)Inefficient Productivity/Injectivity Due to the PerforationsThe perforations through the wall of the casing, can provide a critical constraint on the fluid communication between the wellbore and the reservoir. The productivity of a perforated completion depends upon the following characteristics:-(1)shot phasing i.e. angular orientation(2)shot density i.e. number of perforations(3)diameter and length of perforations(4)perforation damage due to compaction and infiltration(5)formation anisotropy(b)Limitations on Reservoir PerformanceThere are many factors which will influence the capacity of a reservoir to “deliver”fluid into the wellbore. Some of these will exert a controlling effect. It is important however, to distinguish between natural and induced limitations.The simplest mathematical relationship which defines the productivity of a well is the steady state radial flow equation:-P P q BK hInrre wfs s ss e w−=1412.µ(1)where P=pressure, p.s.i.q s =flowrate of phases STB/dµs =fluid viscosityBs =formation volume factor of fluid 's'K=permeability of rock to fluid 's'r=radius, ft.h=vertical thickness of reservoirand subscriptse-relates to outer radius of reservoirwf-bottom hole flowingw-wellbores-fluid phase e.g.o - oilg - gasw - waterDepartment of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University56The flow of fluid in the reservoir towards the wellbore is controlled by:(1)reservoir pressure(2)reservoir size and its ability to maintain pressure i.e. the reservoir drivemechanism(3)reservoir fluid mobility i.e. the ratio of the permeability of the rock to that of the fluid i.e. to the fluid’s viscosity.Mobility Ratio M K o oo =µ(2)where the subscript ‘o’ refers to the oil phase.It must further be recognised that reservoir performance limitations may be either natural or induced.(i)Natural Limitations on Reservoir PerformanceFrom equation (1), it can be seen that the flowrate q depends directly on the pressure drop across the reservoir (P e - P wf ). A linear decline in reservoir pressure will be matched by an inversely proportional drop in production rate. Almost all reservoirs will observe a decline in pressure as fluid is produced. The rate of decline will depend upon the volumetric capacity of the reservoir compared to the volume of fluid withdrawn, and the ability of the fluids to expand or fluid inflow to occur into the reservoir, to compensate for depletion. Reservoirs will generally demonstrate less of a decline in pressure if:(1)they contain light oil or gas (solution gas or gas cap drive)(2)if they possess a high G.O.R. (solution gas or gas cap drive)(3)they have good aquifer support (water drive).The rock properties will also influence the well productivity as defined by the permeability K in equation (1).The absolute permeability is a measure of the resistance to flow of a specific fluid through the porous media and depends principally on the pore size and morphology.In situations where more than one fluid occupies the pore space, it also depends on the relative magnitude of the fluid saturation in the pore space. In such cases, the permeability to a specific fluid is adjusted by a saturation dependent term known as the relative permeability.e.g.K o = k ro .K (3)where K o = permeability to oil k ro = relative permeability to oil K = absolute permeability of the rock to fluidDepartment of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University 711Well Problems The indigenous saturations found in oil and gas reservoirs are such that these phases are the mobile phases. However, when the pressure in an oil reservoir with solution gas drive, falls below the bubble point, the gas saturations will increase until it becomes mobile and thereafter both gas and oil flow through the pore space (Figure 3). This is a natural phenomenon to be expected in a solution gas drive reservoir with a resultant steady decline in oil production rate.The viscosity of the fluid in the reservoir will have an inversely proportional effect on production rate. Heavy crude oils will particularly experience this as a limitation on their production performance.(ii)Induced Limitations on Well PerformanceLimitations on the well performance can be induced within a reservoir at any stage of the well development i.e. from initial drilling through to production and workover.The range of mechanisms which induce limitations on well performance are referred to as formation damage and their effect is to reduce productivity by one or more of the following:Figure 3Production history for asolution gas drive reservoir.Figure 4Water "coning"phenomena.8(1)reduce absolute permeability of the rock(2)reduce the relative permeability of the system i.e. decrease in the primarymobile phase(3)increase the mobile fluid viscosity.The potential impact of these parameters can be seen from the equation developed by combining equations (1) and (3).Formation damage which results in a reduction or limitation of well performance can occur because of a variety of reasons:(1)plugging of the pore space by solids associated withdrilling/completion fluids or injected fluids(2)formation and deposition of inorganic scales due to mixing of incompatiblefluids(3)swelling or migration of clays(4)compaction associated with reservoir depletion(5)wettability reversal(6)modification to fluid saturation - water blocking.(7)emulsion formation due to reduced interfacial tensionDamage induced in the formation may reduce the productivity by an order of magnitude. However, it should be recognised that damage removal is usually not wholly effective, can be expensive and should thus preferably be avoided by the initial prevention of damage.(c)Excessive Water or Gas ProductionThe production of excessive quantities of water or gas is to be avoided as it can radically reduce oil production rates and ultimate recovery (solution gas drive reservoirs) and, in addition, directly affects the production costs.Excessive water production has the following disadvantages:(1)reduction in oil fraction of produced fluids(2)reduced total production rate because of greater hydrostatic head requirementin the tubing(3)reduction in oil processing capacity(4)increased volumes of water for disposal11Well Problems(5)brings large volumes of potentially scale forming fluids into the wellbore(6)increases the likelihood of sand destabilisation around the wellboreExcessive gas production has the following disadvantages:(1)reduction in oil fraction within the produced fluids(2)reduces production rate because of increased frictional pressure loss(3)reduction in processing capacity(4)reduces reservoir capability to maintain pressure and hence production rate(5)increased possibility of sand production due to erosion.Such fluids enter the wellbore by either:(1)communication established between the perforated interval and a fluid contact,e.g. G.O.C. or W.O.C.(2)lateral migration towards wellbore via a high permeability layer, i.e. channelling.With increased pressure depletion in a reservoir with an active underlying aquifer, therise in the W.O.C. may reach the lowest perforations or reach a height whereby the lowpressure in the wellbore draws up the water from the aquifer, i.e. the process knownas “coning” (Figure 4).Similarly in a reservoir under “gas cap expansion” drive, with pressure depletion, thegas cap will expand volumetrically and as a consequence, the gas-oil contact G.O.C.will descend. Gas production could either occur by the G.O.C. descending to the topof the perforated internal or to such a height above the top perforations whereby it canbe drawn in by the process of cusping (Figure 5).Figure 5Gas "cusping" phenomena.Department of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University910(d) Sand ProductionSand production can be a serious problem when it occurs in an oil or gas well. Some reservoirs naturally produce sand whilst others will only do so if certain production conditions exist. The break down of the formation or the production of sand can result in the following:(1)casing damage due to formation slumping(2)plugging and erosion of downhole and surface equipment(3)sand disposal problemsReservoirs which will produce appreciable quantities of sand from initiating production must be designed to exclude sand. Other reservoirs which may be susceptible to sand production depending on the production conditions may be operated such that they have a reduced tendency to produce sand, e.g. restricting the drawdown pressure/production rate.1.1.2 Reservoir Management ConsiderationsTo ensure successful exploitation, a hydrocarbon reservoir must be continuously managed, as with any other resource. Earlier the concept of the reservoir as a dynamic entity was identified and this by necessity will reflect the need to adapt or change the envisaged plan for the development and production of the reservoir.There are several key areas which will cause a company to change its reservoir management policy.(a)Drainage PolicyThe model of the reservoir in terms of both structure and physical properties is based on data generated during the exploration, appraisal and development phases. The model is under continual revision, as will be the development plan. A key area under continual study will be the location of specific production and injection wells to optimise recovery and production rates.Wherever possible, changes in target locations will be implemented as part of the normal development drilling plan. However, subsequent to production, it may be necessary to relocate the location within the reservoir to enhance recovery, e.g.:(1)to improve sweep efficiency(2)to improve the depletion in fault blocks(3)to adjust the effective well spacing(4)to optimise zonal depletionSuch changes may be effected by sidetracking, recompletion or a selective depletion strategy.11Well Problems(b)Production /Injection Profile ModificationThe efficiency of pressure maintenance on flooding projects which utilise gas or water injection, is heavily dependent upon the ability to control the migration of the injected fluid through the reservoir. Even in a homogeneous reservoir, the effects of gravity over-ride in the case of gas, or gravity under-ride in the case of water can be very serious. However, in large, productive, heterogeneous reservoirs such as occur in the North Sea, the effect on recovery economics and production costs can be drastic.The need for profile correction may apply at either the production or injection wellbore. Further, it may be a function of the location of the perforated interval or be a natural consequence of the reservoir heterogeneity or layeral structure.(c)Well StatusIt may be necessary to change the status of specific wells from production to injection. This may be necessary because:(1)an increased requirement for injection capacity due to a reduction in injectionwell availability, or changing reservoir conditions(2)it may no longer be economic or technically feasible to change the location ofan oil well in a reservoir, necessitated by excessive gas or water production.Instead of abandonment it may be preferable to change the well status from producer to injector.The ease with which this can be accomplished will depend on the design of the completion.1.2 Completion Associated ProblemsProblems associated with the well completion account for the majority of workovers conducted on oil and gas wells. The necessity to workover the completion may be due to a problem in one of two major categories namely:(1)equipment failure associated with the completion string(2)the need to replace/change the completion due to vertical lift pressure lossconsiderations.1.2.1 Completions Equipment Malfunctions or FailureA typical completion string is complex and is often designed with an incomplete knowledge of the proposed operating conditions. Equipment may fail for a number of reasons, including:(1)effects of pressure(2)effects of thermal stress(3)applied and induced mechanical loadings can cause the tubing to part or unsetpackers. They can also be induced by temperature & pressure changes.(4)internal corrosion failure due to O2, CO 2, H 2S and acids. External casingcorrosion can result from corrosive formation waters.(5)erosion due to high rate flow and/or sand production.It is also important to distinguish between the type of failure, namely:(1)catastrophic failure implying a safety concern, e.g. tubing leak(2)inability for well to produce, but with no immediate significant safety concerns.Table 1The nature and consequence of completion failure.11Well ProblemsThe failure of equipment may dictate two courses of action (Figure 6):(1)the removal and replacement of equipment(2)the abandonment of the well in cases of extreme failure with untenable safety implications - this would obviously not be a first option.(a)Equipment Removal/ReplacementThe complexity of a completion string will define the potential for failure. However, the potential for string failure depends on both individual component reliability and that of the composite string based on component interaction. Reliability is defined as-“The probability that a system will operate satisfactorily, for a specific period of time under specified conditions”.Typical component failures may include:•tubing failure - perforation of tubing wall or coupling failure.•packer failure.•failure of flow control devices such as S.S.S.V., circulation sleeves and wireline nipples.•Xmas tree failure - leakage.•tubing hanger failure at the wellhead.•failure of gas lift mandrels and/or valves.•downhole pump failure, etc.The consequence of a component failure depends upon its integration with the string and its operation but may require either:(1)removal and replacment of wireline retrievable devices or(2)removal and replacement of the Xmas tree and partial or full removal andreplacement of the completion string.(b)Abandonment of Well CompletionsIn dire circumstances, as a last resort, it may be necessary to temporarily or permanently abandon the well completion. Permanent abandonment would be very much a last resort. Temporary abandonment of a well with a completion problem may be necessary because:(1)The actual problem cannot be defined with reasonable certainty(2)The capability to conduct the workover, may not be available.This may be due to:-(a)non-availability of spare completion equipment or workover equipment.(b)more urgent alternatives for workover based on safety considerations.(c)economically better justified alternatives.1.2.2 Vertical Life Performance Considerations (Figure 6)Workovers designed to improve the vertical lift performance of a production well, account for a significant proportion of workovers, particularly in the North Sea. Workovers conducted in this area can be directed at:(1)The improvement or restoration of the well performance on natural lift.(2)The installation or replacement of artificial lift equipment.(a)Natural Lift WellsProduction systems and in particular the reservoir component, can change with time. The change in reservoir production conditions can include:(1)Reduction in reservoir pressure - decline in available pressure loss forproduction.(2)Increase in water content - increased hydrostatic head and slippage - potentialbenefit could be derived by reduction in tubing diameter to decrease phaseseparation.(3)Increase in gas production rate (e.g. solution gas drive reservoir) - increasedfrictional pressure drop - potential benefit derived from increasing tubingdiameter.In addition, there may be effects in the completion string generated by the production process:-(1)tubing and nipple bore reduction due to wax and asphaltene deposition(2)tubing plugging caused by scale deposition.(b)Artifical Lift Wells (Figure 6)The changing conditions in production wells as identified in 2.2.1 above may not be satisfactorily addressed by merely changing the tubing size. It may be necessary to:-Figure 6 Completion related problems.11Well Problems (1)Install artificial lift facilities such as gas lift or a pump system.(2)Modify existing artificial lift facilities, e.g. increased volumetric capacity or modify valve spacing or capacity of gas lift system should the system not operate satisfactorily or require redesign. In addition, it may be necessary to repair equipment, e.g. replacement of gas lift valves which either do not open or close, or the replacement of downhole pump system.1.3 Wellbore Problems (Figure 7)Problems associated with the wellbore generally relate to the integrity of the casing and the associated wellhead equipment. Problems in this category normally relate to equipment failure rather than the need to modify or redesign.1.3.1 Mechanical FailureMechanical failure can occur due to:(a)casing leakage(b)casing hanger-seal failure(c)casing spool leakage(d)mechanical failure of the wellhead(1) Casing leakage can occur due to:(a)Internal corrosion due to packer/completion fluids, reservoir fluids andlift fluids, e.g. lift gas.(b)External corrosion due to contact between reservoir fluids, e.g. formationwater, and the casing. An effective cement sheath between the casing and the borehole is designed to prevent this. The cement sheath may not be effective because of:(i)inefficient primary cementation(ii)micro-annulus caused by variation in pressure(iii)cement dissolution by water or acid(c)Mechanical damage to the casing caused by operations inside the wellbore, e.g.milling, or by changes in the near wellbore matrix loadings e.g. slumping.Figure 7Wellbore related problems.(2)Hanger failure may be associated with the method of installing the hanger andto subsequent casing strings. Damage to the hang-off-shoulder or to the actual seal system may have occurred. In addition seal decomposition may occur due to mechanical loading, the effects of pressure and temperature or chemicaldestruction.(3)Casing spool leakage may also be associated with its installation or itssubsequent response to operating conditions.(4)Mechanical failure of the wellhead is less likely and if it occurs, it wouldprimarily be assumed to be due to material defects or to improper design or specification.1.3.2 Modification or RedesignIt may be necessary to redesign the wellbore, if the completion technique radically changes, e.g.(1) A well completed with a production liner which demonstrates continuous fluidleakage, may need isolation at the liner top. This may be repairable by a tie-back packer, but in extreme cases may necessitate the installation of a tie-back liner to the surface.(2)The installation of a gas lift or hydraulic pump system may not be feasiblewithout redesign/isolation of the casing due to pressure burst limitations. 1.3.3 AbandonmentProblems which require corrective operations on the wellbore are more serious than tubing replacement workovers. The cost implications may be substantial and complete well abandonment or sidetracking from higher up in the well may be the preferred option. Finally, drilling a new well to the same or modified bottomhole location can also be considered.2. RESPONSES TO WELL PROBLEMSThe method of responding to a well problem does, in fact, depend on the exact nature of the problem and the extent to which it can be defined. The type of response and alternatives can be discussed with respect to the three main areas of well problems, namely:• Reservoir problems.• Completion problems.• Wellbore problems.2.1 Reservoir Problems2.1.1 Productivity/Injectivity ConsiderationsWhich comprise:(1)inefficient perforating productivity(2)limitations in reservoir inflow performance into the well11Well Problems(3)excessive water/gas production(4)sand production(1)Inefficient Perforating ProductivityWhen this problem is encountered in an existing well, the options for treating the problems are somewhat limited. First of all, we have to define the fraction of the perforations contributing to flow and, further, whether this flow distribution correlated with poroperm data (Figure 8).If only a small proportion of the perforations are open we may have to clean up the perforations with either:• a wash tool or by• back surgingAlternatively, we may wish to use acid to clean up the perforations. This may not, however, be possible or desirable as it may have implications for the sand strength and the primary cement sheath.If flow logging indicates a good distribution of perforations flowing, it may be necessary to re-perforate to increase the shot density. Again, the reduction in collapse resistance of the casing may be a consideration which might preclude this operation.(2)Limitations in Reservoir Performance (Figure 9)The productivity of the reservoir is controlled by:Natural limitations such as:• low permeability• detrimental wettability phenomena• high fluid viscositiesInduced limitations are the various forms of formation damage.Figure 8Options to remedy limited flow performance through perforations.11Well Problems (a)Response to Natural Limitation in Productivity Low Permeability:A considerable number of reservoirs, in particular unfractured carbonate reservoirs,have good porosity but extremely poor pore space inter-connections. The techniques to improve performance in such reservoirs are:• matrix acidisation • acid fracturing (carbonate)• hydraulic fracturing (sandstone)t h e r m al r ec ov e r y f ra c tur i n g H y d raul i c f ra c tur i n g w e ll f l o w A c i d f ra c tur i n g H y d raul i c f ra c tur i n g P r e v en t io n A c i d is at io nA c i d f ra c tur i n g S ur f a c ta n t P r e v en t io n S ur f a c ta n t P r e v en t io n A c i d is at io n P r e v en t io n A c i d is at io n A c i d is at io n Fracturing can provide substantial increases in productivity whilst acidisation, being limited in its effect to near the wellbore, provides a limited improvement.Detrimental Wettability Phenomena:Most sandstones exhibit a wettability which ranges from mixed to strongly water wet,whilst carbonates can also be oil wet. The impact on well productivity if the rock is not water wet, can be very significant due to the relative permeability phenomenon.The wettability of the rock can be changed by the use of surfactants; however, in view of the chemical complexity and the difficulties of ensuring satisfactory fluid contact within the pore space, the treatment is difficult and, if successful, is often not permanent.Fluid Viscosity:The principal means of improving the productivity of naturally high viscosity crude oils is to use a technique that increased the fluid temperature around the wellbore, i.e.thermal recovery techniques:• steam soak• steam drive• in-situ combustionFigure 9Options to remedy limitedreservoir deliverability.。