2014年杭州电子科技大学考研初试真题 二外法语
北京外国语大学2014年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目名称:二外法语、翻译硕士法语(考试时间3小时.满分100分.其中前60题的答案填涂在客观题标准答题卡上;其它题答在答题纸上•所有试题答在试题页上无效•〉Partic I : Structure grammaticalc ct vocabulaire (35 points)1・ Paulette a beaucoup de romans, et Anne a presque ______ de romans qu'elle・(A)lant (B) autant (C) aussi (D) encore beaucoup2・ Quoiqu'il mal w il cst vcnu participer a la reunion.(A)sc sent (B) se sentait (C) sc sente (D) sc sentirait3・ 11 faut quo tout Ic monde, meme les malades, _____ present a la reunion!(A) sera (B) serait (C) cst (D) soit4. Tu dois me rendre immediatement mon encyclopedic Hachette. j'auraibicn besoin pour finir cette traduction.(A) qui (B) que (C) dont (D)aqui5. II a appns le fran^ais deux ans.(A) pendant (B) depuis (C) pour (D)d'ici6. cst Ic numero de telephone de la police?(A) Combien (B) Comment (C) Quel (D) Qf7. Pour preparer un diner, il a empruntc tin livre de reccltes d la ■(A) librairie (B) discotheque (C) sortie (D) bibliothcquc8. C*cst a Madame Dubois _________ vous devez vous adresscr.(A) que (B) qui (C) laquellc (D) ccllc9・____ retard de tnon mari w j5ai manqu© Pavion cc matin.(A) Parcc que le (B) Malgre le (C) Grace au (D) A cause du10.Les contes sont ________ belles histoires qui se passent dans _____________ endroitsmagnifiques ・(A) de; d‘(B) de; des (C) des; d* (D) des: des11.Ne prenez pas le cafe le soir ________ i l vous empeche de donnir.(A) bien qif (B) pour qu,(C) a moins qtT (D) de peur qu*12.Elie esl n& a Harbin _______ mois de septembre 199().(A) au (B) en (C) a (D) dans le13.II travaille fort pour preparer ses examens _________ il ifait pas en bonne santc cesjours-ci.(A)afin q『(B) de craintc qif (C) de sorte qif (D) bien qif14.Si rOrchcstre de Beijing joue a la fete de la musique vendredi prochain. nous certainemcnt yassister.(A)allons (B) irons (C) allions (D) irions15. ____ il a commence a pleuvoir, jc nc veux plus sortir.(A)PuisqiT (B) Parce que (C) Etant donne (D) Car16.Je ne peux pas _______ mes lunettes, je ne sais plus ou jc les ai miscs.(A) chercher (B) trouver (C) rechercher (D) cacher17.En France. Ic president cst _ pour 5 ans au suflrage universei direct.(A) du (B) choisi (C) selectionne (D) nommeTous les salaries ont droit aux payes, trois semaines depuis 1956 et quatre aujourd^hui dans de nombreux scctcurs・(A) vacanccs (B) fetes (C) conges (D) festivals19. ___ soient nos difticultes, nous ne devons pas nous decourager.(A) Quelles (B) Qui (C) Que (D) Quel les que20.Le matin, elle prend un jus de fruits tout de suite apres —.(A) avoir leve (B) avoir levdc (C) etre Iev6c (D) s'etre levee21 ・ Elie etait touchee d' _______ avec tant de chaleur.(A) etre controlee (B) Ctre rc^ue (C) etre cueillie (D) etre surveillee22.Ce jour-U vers 10 heures et demie, les etudiants ______________ au sommet de la GrandeMuraille-(A) ont monte (B) montcraieni (C) moniaicnt (D) soni monies23.Si tu avais bien rc\ ise toutes les lemons, tu ____________ avoir une meilleure note dansfexamen il y a trois jours.(A) as pu (B) avais pu (C) aurais pu (D) auras pu24.Telephone-moi, avani que f hotel.(A) j'ai quitte (B) j^avais quiltc (C) je quittc (D) j^urai quittd25.Selon le calendner universitaire, les examens oral et ecrit du fran^ais ___________________ e nfevrier prochain.(A) paraitront (B) gagneront (C) passeront (D) auront lieu26.Vos intcrcls sont importants, mais vous devez aussi penser autres・(A) aux (H) les (C)des (D) d'27.Michel a faitbeaucoup de progres dans ces etudes d e chinois, et il ____________ csi tressatisfait ・(A) en (B) leur (C) V(D) les reunion de cct apres-midi, ____________ tous les directeurs de service doivenrparticipcr, 6tait extremement importante.(A)ou (B) A celle (C) y (D) a laqueile29.Avant chcz lui. on _______ toujours deux repas Ic dimanchc.(A) a pris (B) prenait (C) prend (D) avait pris30.J'aimerais qu'il _ tout de suite, sinon e'est moi qui m'en vais・(A)sort (B) sortc (C) va sortir (D) sortira31 ・ La vie est compliquee, il est pariois difficile de distinguer Ic ___________ <lu faux.(A)vrai (B) bon (C) beau (D) jour32.J'ai lei deux revues pour vous : _________ est en anglais ct ______ cn fran^ais.(A) cclui-ci; celui-la (B) celle-ci; ccIle-lA(C) ceux-ci; ceux-ia (D) cclles-ci; celles-h33.Savcz-vous ____ interesse les jeunes l?ran<;ais?(A) quel (B) lequel (C) ce qui (D) cc que direction du Departement a interdit ________ professeurs __________ fumer dans lesbureaux.(A) les; a (B) les; de (C) aux; a (D) aux; de35.Lenfant s'amusait dans la cour avcc des copains ____________ son pdre revienne・(A) jusqu'd cc que (B) apres que (C) depuis que (D) pendant que< ai tiv IJI • t^avi a ■■uuo \■ L^argent de pochePartie III: Comprehension ecritc (20 points)1. 75 % des vols violents visent les telephones portablesLe telephone portable est un objct toujours plus desire ・ S^lon une etude de la Prefecture de police de Paris, pres d'un vol sur deux commis dans Ics transports cn commun de la region parisienne conceme desormais un mobile ・《 La mode des smanphones (portable intelligent), dont Ic prix est elevc, provoque une multiplication des cas de vols. Ic plus souvent violents, souligne Alain Garddre, directeur de la 15 euros c ;csl la _______________ 36 mi>yennc d'argenl de poche donnce chaque mois aux 37 curopeens de 5 a 1() ans ! La France est Pun des pays d'Europe ou les parents en donnent 38 (66 % contre 84 % 39 Allemagnc). Pourquoi donner de Fargent de poche ? Certains enfants cn gagnent quand ils ont une 40 note a f ecole, ou en echange d un service rendu _4[ (jardinage, menage). D'autrcs cn rc?oivcnt rcgulierement, chaque semainc ou chaque 42• ou plus exceptionnellement pour leur 43 ou unc grande occasion ・L 1 argent de poche t'apprend _44 deschoses, a calculer ct 占 g6rer un budget. Alors45 avant de depenser ton argent. Surtout mefle-toi de toutes les publicites : leur bul 46 te faireacheter leurs produits ・47 __ utiliser ton argent ? Tupeux depenser : e'est donner de Pargenten echangc d un produit (des habits) ou d*unservice ( 48 )・ Tu peux aussi49_ : c f est faire une reserve d'argent en deposantton argent dans ta lirelire ou a la banque. Tu peuxaussi faire un don : e'est verser de Kargcnt a uneassociation ou A 50 par exemple. 36. (A) montant(B) total (C) sonune(D) monnaie 37. (A) petits(B) grands (C) filies(D) petits-enfants 38. (A) beaucoup(B) plus (C) le moins(D) le plus 39. (A) a I*(B) en (C) dans V(D)a 40. (A) belle(B) nouvclle (C) mauvaisc(D)bonne 41. (A) a la maison(B) aux parents (C) dans leur chambre (D) dans la salle de bains 42. (A) annee (B) semestre (C) trimestre (D) jour 43. (A) etudes (B) vacances (C) manage (D) anniversaire 44. (A) le volume (B) la taillc (C) la valeur (D) le poids 45. (A) pensc (B) iravaille (C) reflechis (D) risque 46. (A) consiste (B) est pour (C) est de (D) est 47. (A) Pourquoi (B) Comment (C) Quand ** (D) Pour qui 4& (A) un portable (B) des achats(C) des livres (D) le coiffeur49. (A) utiliser (B) jouer(C) cacher (D) economiser50. (A) un pauvre (B) un riche(C) un medecin(D) un profcsscursecuritc de Paris・Et le phenomcnc a encore pris de 1’ampleur avec f iPhone 5. trds recherche・ »La Prefecture de police a examine toutes les plaintes d6posees au mois d'oetobre dernier. Sur les 2723 vols dans les transports publics pansiens, 1264 conccment des telephones, alors que le vol de portefeuillc ou de portc-monnaie represente 899 faits, soit 33%. Parmi les mobiles voids, 68% etaient des telephones a ecran tactile, des iPhone en majorite・Or ccs vols s'accompagnent souvent de violences. « Le voyagcur est en general repcr^ alors qu'il utilise son telephone sur le quai ou dans la rame, note Alain Gardere. Le volcur rfa plus quP rarracher au bon moment ct partir en courant. Et les menaces ct coups de poings sont frequents en cas de resistance. » Sur les 991 vols violents en octobre, 75% visaient des telephones・La Prefecture de police constate en outre Pemergence d'un « veritable marchc parallclc », destine d vendre cette marchandise・ La semains dcmicre. une quinzaine de jeunes gens qui revendaient sous le manteau des smartphones voles ont ainsi etc arretes dans le XVIIF arrondissement a Paris. Selon un enqueteur, un iPhone peut rapportcr jusqu^ 250 euros.Cependant, toutes les plaintes ne sont pas serieuscs・ S: Von croil une estimation de la Prefecture, communiquee cn septetnbre, prds (Tun tiers des plaintes pour vol de telephone portable scraient en realiic mensongcres et auraient pour finalite un remboursement par fassurancc apres une banale perte.Questions sur le texte 1 :51.Au mois d'oclobre, quel est le pourccniage des vols dans les transports publics parisicns quiconccmcnt les telephones ?(A)Environ un tiers.(B)Pres de la moitie.(C)Pres de 70%.(D) A peu pr^s trois quarts.52.Precisement, quelle sortc de telephones les voleurs preferent-ils '(A)Les telephones fixes.(B)Les tdkphones portables・(C)Les smartphones・(D)Les telephones satellites.53.Qu^est-ce qu'un marche parallele ?(A)C'esi un marche noir.(B)C'csl une grande surface.(C)C'csl un marche aux puces・(D)C'est un marche dans les banlieues・54.Selon Particle, laquelle des descnplions suivantes n'est pas correcte ?(A)Les vols des telephones portables s'accompagnent souvent de violences.(B)Quand le voyageur utilise son telephone sur le quai ou dans la ramc. c'csl le bon moment pourle voleur de voler・(C)Les voleurs peuvent revendre les portables voles, surlout les smartphones voles a un prix peuelev6.(D)Certaines plaintes concemant les vols de telephones portables ct de smartphones sont fausses.55.Scion rarticle, laquelle des descriptions suivantes cst corrcctc ?(A)Les vols des tekphones portables sont moins frequents que ceux des portc*monnaie.(B)Les iPhones clanl tr^s chers, on a du mal a revendre les iPhones voids・(C)Les portables voles constituent des banales pertes・(D)C'eriaincs pertes de telephones portables pcuvcnl clrc remboursees par 1'assurance.2.L^exercice physique devrait etre prcscrit sur ordonnanceLe sport sur ordonnance mcdicalc. pris cn charge par la Securite social© pour «rcduirc la consommation de mcdicamenrs des Fran^ais » ? Alors que Ic mimstere de la Santc doit mettre en oeuvre dans les semaines a venir son plan cn faveur de factivite physique.「AcudGmic de mddecine veut aller plus loin・« Lc sport doit faire partie des prescriptions au cabinet medical, au meme titre que les antibiotiques, Taspirine ou les antidepresseurs », affirme le Dr Jacques Bazex, auteur (Tun rapport sur ce theme rendu public cette semaine. L idee (Tunc prise cn charge de Pexercice physique par les pouvoirs publics, pour certaines categories de la population, a d'ailleurs ete deja envisagee recemment. en particulier en Grande-Bretagne.Depuis trente ans. beaucoup de publications ont demontre les bienfaits du sport sur la sanlC mentale et physique en general. A court terme, Tactivite a un eflet benefique sur le sommeiL le stress. Panxiete. Pratiquce regulierement. elle allonge respcrancc de vie en bonne same et retarde Page d^entree dans la dependance・ Une etude prospective publiee en 2007. portant sur 250.000 personnes, montre ainsi qu v un sport d^intensite moderee, pratique au moins trois heures par semaine. reduit le risque de mortality de Pordre de 30 %・ Selon 1'Organisation mondiale de la Smnl也la sedentarite serait responsable d'un d^ces sur dix dans le monde・favoriser factivite physique des Franqais n est cepcndant pas un mince defi. « Malgr6 les ertorts deploy^ par certaines mairies, associations ct benevoles. seule une faible proportion de la population est concemee ». note KAcademic・ Dans une etude de rinpes, 42 % des personnes mterrogees ont declare moins de dix minutes d'activite dans la semaine pr^cedant Penquete・ Comparant les habitudes des preadolescents curopecns et americains, unc etude intemationale a par ailleurs montre que la France fait partie des pays oil la pratique cst la plus faible a cet age.« II csi de la responsabilite des pouvoirs publics de corriger cette situation alamantc »f conclut f Academic de medecine, qui appcllc a la mise en oeuvre d'un programme d'education pour cnracincr Ic sport dans les habitudes de vie des Ic plus jeune age. et sensibiliscr les mcdccins a reffet preventif et therapeutique de l activite physique.Questions sur ie texte 2 :56.D'apres cet article. qu'esi・ce que les midecins frangais clevraient lairc ?(A)Ils devraient tenir compte de Pexercices physique quand its soignent des nialades.(B)Ils devraient faire plus de spon pour exercer leur metier.(C)Ils devraient proposer aux patients de prendre plus de Tncdicainents et de fairc plus de sport・(D)Ils devraient proposer de fairc des cxcrciccs physiques a certaines categorie de la population・57.D?apres cet article, maintenant qui preconise le plus que rcxercice physique doit etre present surordonnance ?(A) Le ministere de la Sante.<B) L'Academie de medecine・(C)I. Organisation mondialc de la Santc・(D)Des mairics, associations ct bene voles ・5& Comment comprcndrc la phrase : « Selon POrganisaticn mondiale de la Sag la sedencarite serait responsabie d'un deces sur dix dans le monde・》?(A)La sedentarite serait un mode de vic responsabie・(B)La sedentarite pourrait reduire le resque de deces・(C)Unc dizaine de personnes seraient mortes de la sedentarite.(D)10% des deces scraicnt lies A la s6dentarit6 dans k monde59.Concemant Texercice physique des Fran^ais, laquelle des descriptions suivantes cst incorrecte ?(A)Un faible pourcentage des Fran^ais ont f habitude de faire du sport・(B)T.cs preadolesccnts fran^ais font le moins de sport parmi les pr6adolescents curopeens ctamcricains, scion une etude internationalc・(C)42 % des personnes intcrrogccs font moins de dix minutes d'activite chaque jour.(D)La plupart des Fran^ais sont plutot sedentaires.quelle des phrases suivantes est incorrecte d'apres cel article ?(A)Cel article cst redige sur la base d un rapport du ministere de la Sante.(B)Le sport sur ordonnance medicale doit etre pns en charge par la Securite socialc.(C)Le gouvcmcmcnt doit faire ses efforts pour enraciner le sport dans les habitudes de vic des leplus jeune age.(D)Les mcdccins doivent prcscrire rexercice physique sur ordormance・Partie IV : Thorne (15 points)61.法国人的早餐通常比较简单:一杯加奶咖啡,一个小面包或羊角面包.62.前天,吗丽吿诉我她已经结束了她在中国的匸作,过一星期就回国了.63.我曾经学过两年法语.为了这次考硏考试.又花了十天上了一个法语培训班.64.虽然我们是朋友,但是我也得对你说:在这件事上是你错/・65.我不会开车.每夭是乗公交上班.我觉得这样挺好.而几公交也挺便宜的。
(每空1分,共10分)1. Plusieurs éléments (rendre) ____________ maintenant la situation grave.2. Je vais vous inscrire. (donner) ____________ -moi votre passeport.3. Au début du 20e siècle, la télévision (être) ____________ en noir et blanc.4. Hier après-midi, je (dormir) ____________ pendant trois heures.5. Ne dépassez pas les limites de vitesse ou vous (avoir) ___________ une amende.6. Je voudrais simplement que la vous (savoir) ___________ la réalité.7. Si le voyage n’était pas si long, nous (aller) __________ plus souvent en Bretagne.8. Si tu (réviser) _______________ tes cours, tu aurais réussi ton examen.9. Il est furieux de (rater) __________________ son train.10. Il écoute France Inter à la radio (préparer) __________________ le repas.二、选择填空。
专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕 专硕
68.75 68.33 68.10 68.07 67.92 67.79 67.23 66.94 66.87 66.64 66.14 65.68 64.29 64.18 64.16 63.93 63.60 62.59 65.58 65.23 65.22 65.00 64.59 64.42 64.28 63.46 63.24 62.99 62.06 61.61 61.42 59.48 58.67
78.95 72.63 62.12 75.25 78.33 73.39 78.28 71.99 74.71.49 63.86 68.01 60.91 65.27 65.56 68.69 73.30 71.10 71.91 69.81 61.93 68.66 63.78 69.59 65.31 64.30 62.67 61.78 60.71
311 317 326 298 318 348 311 305 299 306 338 310 289 307 331 303 324 303 300 286 308 300 296
录取专业类型 综合成绩(百分制)初试成绩总分 专硕 80.53 386 专硕 79.27 364 专硕 77.37 355 专硕 77.11 339 专硕 76.44 343 专硕 76.38 361 专硕 76.37 326 专硕 74.32 344 专硕 72.60 342 专硕 72.51 356 专硕 72.25 335 专硕 72.19 321 专硕 72.17 314 专硕 71.90 310 专硕 71.72 298 专硕 71.60 323 专硕 71.44 343 专硕 71.42 309 专硕 70.80 294 专硕 70.59 305 专硕 70.37 289 专硕 70.33 343
1 . 指示代词的概念及用法 2 . 主有代词的概念及用法 3 . 泛指代词的概念及用法 4 . 人称代词的概念及用法 5 . 复合疑问代词的概念及用法 6 . 关系代词的概念及用法
1 . 介词 à 和 de 的区别与用法 2 . 介词与地点 3 . 常用介词用法
1 . 系动词的概念及用法 2 . 被动态的概念及用法 3 . 代词式动词的概念及用法
1 .名词阴阳性的用法 2 .名词单复数的用法
1 . 定冠词、不定冠词、部分冠词、缩合冠词的概念与用法 2 . 冠词的省略用法
1 . 品质形容词的概念及用法 2 . 数量形容词的概念及用法 3 . 指示形容词的概念及用法 4 . 主有形容词的概念及用法 5 . 泛指形容词的概念及用法
第1页 共2页
4 . 无人称动词的句型与用法 5 . 直陈式的句型及用法 6 . 虚拟式的句型及用法 7 . 条件式的句型及用法 8 . 命令式的句型及用法 9 . 不定式的句型及用法 10. 分词式的句型及用法
七、感叹句的句型与用法 八、强调句型的用法 九、其他(副词、连词的概念与用法) 十、常用表达、谚语 参考书目 《新公共法语中级教程》,吴贤良著,上海外语教育出版 社
电子科技大学【2014 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题】840专业课真题
(3) 若这两束自然光光强不相等,设 I1=2I2, 也考虑光束夹角对光矢量振动方向的影响,求干 涉条纹的可见度。(10 分)
3. 用白色平行光正入射到透射式夫琅禾费衍射光栅上,在 300 衍射角上方向上观测到 600nm 的第 2 级主极大,但在该方向上 400nm 的主极大缺级。若该光栅刚好能分辨第 2 级光谱中在 600nm 附近波长差为 0.005nm 的两条谱线。求(1) 光栅常数; (2) 光栅的总宽度; (3) 狭缝的可 能最小宽度。(10 分)
A. 光源的横向宽度限制双缝的最大距离。
B. 光源的谱宽限制观察屏上干涉条纹的横向范围。
C. 条纹可见度整体随光源谱宽增大而降低。
D. 在光源临界宽度范围内,条纹可见度整体随光源宽度增大而降低。
13. 迈克耳逊干涉仪中补偿板的作用是
A. 消除两光路的不对称性
B. 补偿两光路的光程差
C. 在使用白色光源时补偿分光板的色散
B. 当 k 沿光轴时,S 与 k 的方向一致。
C. 当 k 沿光轴时,D 的方向无限制。
D. 当 k 沿主轴时,S 与 k 的方向一致。
22. 为使光正入射到单轴晶体内能获得最大的离散角,光轴与通光面的夹角β应满足
A. tgβ = ne / no
B. tgβ = no / ne
( ) C. tgβ = ne2 − no2 2neno
25. 关于色散,下列说法中不正确的是
A. 正常色散发生在介质的透明区。
B. 反常色散发生在介质固有频率附近。
C. 正常色散是折射率随波长增加而减小的色散。 D. 反常色散是色散率为负的色散。
电子科技大学2014年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:211 翻译硕士英语注:无机读卡,所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。
Part I Grammar & Vocabulary (1x30=30 points)There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A), B), C) and D). Please choose the correct answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.1. When traveling, you are advised to take travelers checks, which provide a secure _______tocarrying your money in cash.A) substitute B) selection C) preference D) alternative2. We should maintain our cultural _____, which represents the deep memory of our nation.A) legacy B) tendency C) agency D) fancy3. The mountain top was _____ visible in the misty summer morning.A) blankly B) dimly C) obscurely D) blurredly4. The two countries have __________ friendly relations for many years.A) retained B) sustained C) maintained D) remained5. Hard work can _____ your success in learning a foreign language.A) assure B) promise C) warrant D) guarantee6. Passengers have to pay __________ charges for their extra luggage.A) respective B) confidential C) additional D) sufficient7. The company expanded its business into Europe, hoping to _____ its market share.A) accelerate B) encourage C) urge D) boost8. The _____ from Africa’s booming oil sales rarely reaches the people who live where the oil isproduced.A)revenue B) currency C) tariff D) exchange共11页第1页9. Harnessing the wind to _____ electricity dates back to 1890.A) manufacture B) generate C) grow D) yield10. Luckily, there were no secondary infections and both of the patients_____.A) lived B) revived C) survived D) existed11. It made him uncomfortable to _____ his plan and think of something new.A) switch B) transfer C) shift D) alter12. Nuclear weapons are not the only explosive force _____ civilization.A) threatening B) frightening C) strengthening D) brightening13. Study can help us look into the future and _____ confused thinking.A) notify B) clarify C) simplify D) justify14. Those who _____ traffic regulations should be punished.A) abuse B) rotate C) violate D) degrade15. Computers are employed to process census data and to _____ such financial business ascollecting taxes.A) falsify B) fabricate C) fortify D)facilitate16. In order to boost morale, businesses try every effort to find ways to _____ both individual andteam performance.A) celebrate B) acclaim C) reward D) award17. Fertilizer, natural substance or mixture is used to _____ soil so as to promote plant growth.A) enact B) enlarge C) enclose D) enrich18. The president says that we are looking for ways to _____ our competitors.A) outperform B) outweigh C) outgrow D) outcry19. There is a strong _____ that the matter will soon be settled.A) livelihood B) likelihood C) singlehood D) manhood20. The _____ young hopefuls were pushed aside in the scramble for jobs.A) premature B) respected C) inexperienced D) distinguished21. ____ before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.A) Had they arrived B) Would they arrive C) Were they arriving D)Were they to arrive共11页第2页22. ____ man can now create radioactive elements, there is nothing he can do to reduce theirradioactivity.A) As B) Whether C) While D) Now that23. ____ of the burden of ice, the balloon climbed up and drifted to the South.A) To be free B) To free C) Freeing D) Freed24. ____ the advances of the science, the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with us.A) As for B) Despite C) Except D) Besides25. ____ the claim about German economic might, it is somewhat surprising how relatively smallthe German economy actually is.A) To give B) Given C) Giving D) Having given26. ____, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a manwhose command of language is poor.A) Other things being equal B) Were other things equalC) To be equal to other things D) Other things to be equal27. ____, he does not love her.A) As he likes her very much B) Though much he likes herC) Much although he likes her D) Much though he likes her28. The board deemed it’s urgent that these invitations ____ first thing tomorrow morning.A) had to be put in the mail B) must be put in the mailC) be put in the mail D) should have been put in the mail29. I ____ him the Christmas gift by mail because he came home during the Christmas holidays.A) ought to have sent B) couldn’t have sentC) must have sent D) needn’t have sent30. Physics is the present day equivalent of ____used to be called natural philosophy, from ____most of present day science arose.A) which, what B) that, whichC) what, which D) what, thatPart II Reading Comprehension (1.5x20+2x5=40 Points)In this section there are five reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions and 5 short answer questions. Please read the passages and then write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.共11页第3页TEXT ATelevision —the most pervasive and persuasive of modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth — is moving into a new era, an era of extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our world. It is an electronic revolution of sorts, made possible by the marriage of television and computer technologies.The word “television”, derived from its Greek (tele: distant) and Latin (vision: sight) roots, can literally be interpreted as sight from distance. V ery simply put, it works in this way: through a sophisticated system of electronics, television provides the capability of converting an image (focused on a special photo-conductive plate within a camera) into electronic impulses, which can be sent through a wire of cable. These impulses, when fed into a receiver (television set), can then be electronically reconstituted into that same image.Television is more than just an electronic system, however. It is a means of expression, as well as a vehicle for communication, and as such becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings.The field of television can be divided into two categories determined by its means of transmission. First, there is broadcast television, which reaches the masses through broad-based airwave transmission of television signals. Second, there is non-broadcast television, which provides for the needs of individuals or specific interest groups through controlled transmission techniques.Traditionally, television has been a medium of the masses. We are most familiar with broadcast television because it has been with us for thirty-seven years in a form similar to what exists today. During those years, it has been controlled, for the most part, by the broadcast networks, ABC, NBC, and CBS, who have been the major purveyors of news, information, and entertainment. These giants of broadcasting have not only shaped television but our perception as well. We have come to look upon the picture tube as a source of entertainment, placing our role in this dynamic medium as the passive viewer.31. With which topic is the passage primarily concerned?A) Recent changes in modern technology.B) The role of television in today’s society.C) The marriage of broadcasting giants.D) The content of broadcast television programs.32. What is the literal meaning of the word “television”?A) Sight from distance. B) Medium of the masses.C) Airwave transmission. D) V ehicle for communication.33. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as a function of electronics intelevision transmissions?A) The conversion of image into electronic impulses.B) The changing of one image into another image.C) The sending of impulses through a wire cable.共11页第4页D) The feeding of impulses into a receiver.34. What field of television is intended for specific groups?A) Broad-based B) Reconstituted C) Non-broadcast D) Traditional35. Which of the following statements about the relationship between the television and itsviewers can be inferred from the passage?A) Viewers have grown tired of television.B) Viewers would prefer increased news coverage.C) Viewers like to use television to reach other human beings.D) Viewers do not take an active role in watching television.TEXT BAccording to some individuals, if your house is built in the right position, this may affect your success in life, which seems strange to many people. However, to believers in Feng-Shui, or the art of geomancy, not only the position but also the choice of decorations and even the color of your home can mean the difference between good fortune and disaster. This art has been practiced for centuries in China and is still used all over South East Asia. Even the huge Hong Kong banks call in a geomant if they are planning to build new offices. They have such faith in his knowledge that if he advises them to move, they will alter their plans for even their biggest buildings.Like many Oriental beliefs the geomant's skill depends on the idea of harmony in nature. If there is no imbalance between the opposing forces of Yin and Yang, the building will bring luck to its inhabitants. This means that the house must be built on the right spot as well as facing the right direction, and also be painted an auspicious color. For instance, if there are mountains to the north, this will protect them from evil influences. If the house is painted red, this will bring happiness to the occupants while green symbolizes youth and will bring long life. Other factors, such as the owner's time and date of birth, are taken into account, too. The geomant believes that unless all these are considered when choosing a site for construction, the fortune of the people using it will be at risk.Indeed, to ignore the geomant's advice can have fatal results. The death of the internationally famous Kung-Fu star, Brucee Lee, has been used as an example. It is said that when Lee found out that the house he was living in was an unlucky one, he followed a geomant's advice and installed an eight-sided mirror outside his front door to bring him luck. Unfortunately, a storm damaged the mirror and the house was left unprotected from harmful influences. Soon afterwards Lee died in mysterious circumstances.Not only is Feng-Shui still used in South East Asia, but it has also spread right across the world. Even in modern New York a successful commercial artist called Milton Glaser has found it useful. He was so desperate after his office was broken into six times that he consulted a geomant. He was told to install a fish tank with six black fish and fix a red clock to the ceiling. Since then he has not been burglarized once. It may seem an incredible story, but no other suitable explanation has been offered.共11页第5页36. From the passage we can infer that Feng-Shui is NOT used in ______.A) Hong KongB) the United StatesC) JapanD) Thailand37. Geomants believe that ______.A) houses must only be painted redB) houses must face mountainsC) nature and life should be in harmonyD) green is an unlucky color38. Geomants think that the reason for Bruce Lee's death is that ______.A) he didn't follow the geomants' adviceB) he installed an eight-sided mirrorC) he misunderstood the geomant's adviceD) a storm damaged the protection for his house39. The story of Milton Glaser shows that ______.A) colors are not important in geomancyB) geomancy is used by artistsC) geomancy is used in the WestD) the fight against crime is being won40. Which of the following best describes geomancy?A) It is a style of Oriental decoration.B) It is a type of painting.C) It is an ancient Chinese belief called Feng-Shui.D) It is an architectural design.TEXT CFor about three centuries we have been doing science, trying science out, using science for the construction of what we call modern civilization. Every dispensable item of contemporary technology, from canal locks to dial telephones to penicillin, was pieced together from the analysis of data provided by one or another series of scientific experiments. Three hundred years seems a long time for testing a new approach to human inter-living, long enough to set back for critical appraisal of the scientific method, maybe even long enough to vote on whether to go on with it or not. There is an argument.V oices have been raised in protest since the beginning, rising in pitch and violence in the共11页第6页nineteenth century during the early stages of the industrial revolution, summoning urgent crowds into the streets on the issue of nuclear energy. "Give it back," say some of the voices, "It doesn't really work, we've tried it and it doesn't work. Go back three hundred years and start again on something else less chancy for the race of man."The principle discoveries in this century, taking all in all, are the glimpses of the depth of our ignorance of nature. Things that used to seem clear and rational, and matters of absolute certainty-Newtonian mechanics, for example-have slipped through our fingers; and we are left with a new set of gigantic puzzles, cosmic uncertainties, and ambiguities. Some of the laws of physics are amended every few years; some are canceled outright; some undergo revised versions of legislative intent as if they were acts of Congress.Just thirty years ago we call it a biological revolution when the fantastic geometry of the DNA molecule was exposed to public view and the linear language of genetics was decoded. For a while, things seemed simple and clear: the cell was a neat little machine, a mechanical device ready for taking to pieces and reassembling, like a tiny watch. But just in the last few years it has become almost unbelievably complex, filled with strange parts whose functions are beyond today's imagining.It is not just that there is more to do, there is everything to do. What lies ahead, or what can lie ahead if the efforts in basic research are continued, is much more than the conquest of human disease or the improvement of agricultural technology or the cultivation of nutrients in the sea. As we learn more about fundamental processes of living things in general we will learn more about ourselves.41. What CANNOT be inferred from the first paragraph?A) Scientific experiments in the past three hundred years have produced many valuableitems.B) For three hundred years there have been people holding a hostile attitude towardscience.C) Modern civilization depends on science so man supports scientific progressunanimously.D) Some people think three hundred years is not long enough to set back for criticalappraisal of scientific method.42. The principle discovery in this century shows ________.A) man has overthrown Newton's laws of physicsB) man has solved a new set of gigantic puzzlesC) man has lost many scientific discoveriesD) man has given up some of the once accepted theories43. Now scientists have found in the past few years ________.A) the exposure of DNA to the public is unnecessaryB) the tiny cell in DNA is a neat little machineC) man knows nothing about DNA共11页第7页D) man has much to learn about DNA44. The writer's main purpose in writing the passage is to say that ________.A) science is just at its beginningB) science has greatly improved man's lifeC) science has made profound progressD) science has done too little to human beings45. The writer's attitude towards science is ________.A) critical B) approving C) neutral D) regretfulTEXT DAll societies have distinct role expectations for men and for women. In the United States these expectations have been undergoing change for many decades. Today Americans live in a world of diverse family patterns and conflicting images of ideal life styles for men and women. The conventional norms of the first half century defined a successful woman as a wife and mother who stayed home to carry out a full array of household duties. The husband and father was expected to stay away from the home most of the day, earning enough money to pay the bills. Many adults still live by these expectations, but the traditional pattern is no longer held up as an ideal to be followed by everyone.Times have changed; there is no return to yesterday. Although the women’s movement and political controversies about such issues and the Equal Rights Amendment and sexual harassment suggest that changing sex roles is a recent issue, this is far from the case. Broad trends can be identified over the past hundred years. Women have increased their participation in the labor force from 18% in 1900 to over 50% today, and they give birth to fewer children than women did in the past.These two trends –increasing participation in the labor force and decreasing family size –suggest that major long-term changes have restructured the role expectations of men and women. These changes are complex. The fact that more women are joining the labor force as full-time workers does not mean that a single sex role pattern is emerging.On the contrary, we are living in a period of diverse family patterns. According to Kathleen Gerson,“the domestic woman who builds her life around children and homemaking persists, but she now co-exists with a growing number of working mothers and permanently childless women.”Women today face hard choices as they make decisions about work, career, and motherhood. Despite women’s liberation, women still earn less than men in the work place and are still expected to do most of the work in the home. Women work substantially more hours each week in the home and at the workplace than men do. Women are working harder than ever, yet many do not enjoy the benefits of full equality.共11页第8页46. The traditional roles for men and women ___.A) are diverseB) are conflictingC) have been changingD) are no longer followed47. Changing sex roles is not a recent issue because ___.A) women have increased their participation in the labor force over the past hundredyearsB) more and more women are becoming working mothers or childless womenC) the conventional image of women has changed beyond recognitionD) people have changed their expectations of women in modern society48. The fact that more women are joining the labor force as full time workers mean that ___.A) women are becoming more independentB) the family patterns are becoming diverseC) a single-role pattern is emergingD) women are eager to work49. It’s stated in the last paragraph that ___.A) women today still suffer from inequality in work and lifeB) women’s liberation has promoted their social statusC) the society expects more from women than from menD) women are more capable and diligent than men50. According to this passage, the statement which is NOT true is ___.A) many people still follow the conventional norms of life styleB) women today give birth to fewer children than women in the pastC) more and more women choose to work rather than to be housewivesD) men do as much domestic work as women do at homeTEXT EConsumers are to be presented with two rival new year advertising campaigns as the Food Standards Agency goes public in its battle with the industry over the labelling of unhealthy foods.The Guardian has learned that the FSA will launch a series of 10-second television adverts in January telling shoppers how to follow a red, amber and green traffic light labelling system on the front of food packs, which is designed to tackle Britain's obesity epidemic.The campaign is a direct response to a concerted attempt by leading food manufacturers and retailers, including Kellogg's and Tesco, to derail the system. The industry fears that traffic lights would demonise entire categories of foods and could seriously damage the market for those that are共11页第9页fatty, salty or high in sugar.The UK market for breakfast cereals is worth£1.27bn a year and the manufacturers fear it will be severely dented if red light labels are put on packaging drawing attention to the fact that the majority are high in salt and/or sugar.The industry is planning a major marketing campaign for a competing labelling system which avoids colour-coding in favour of information about the percentage of “guideline daily amounts”(GDAs) of fat, salt and sugar contained in their products.The battle for the nation’s diet comes as new rules on television advertising come into force in January which will bar adverts for unhealthy foods from commercial breaks during programmes aimed at children. Sources at the TV regulators are braced for a legal challenge from the industry and have described the lobbying efforts to block any new ad ban or colour-coded labelling as “the most ferocious we've ever experienced”.Ofcom's chief executive, Ed Richards, said: “We are prepared to face up to any legal action from the industry, but we very much hope it will not be necessary.” The FSA said it was expecting an onslaught from the industry in January. Senior FSA officials said the manufacturers' efforts to undermine its proposals on labelling could threaten the agency's credibility.Terrence Collis, FSA director of communications, dismissed claims that the proposals were not based on science. “We have some of the most respected scientists in Europe, both within the FSA and in our independent advisory committees. It is unjustified and nonsensical to attack the FSA’s scientific reputation and to try to undermine its credibility.”The FSA is understood to have briefed its ad agency, United, before Christmas, and will aim to air ads that are "non-confrontational, humorous and factual" as a counterweight to industry’s efforts about the same time. The agency, however, will have a tiny fraction of the budget available to the industry.Gavin Neath, chairman of Unilever UK and president of the Food and Drink Federation, has said that the industry has made enormous progress but could not accept red "stop" signs on its food.Alastair Sykes, chief executive of NestléUK, said that under the FSA proposals all his company’s confectionery and most of its cereals would score a red. “Are we saying people shouldn’t eat confectionery? We're driven by consumers and what they want, and much of what we do has been to make our products healthier,” he said.Chris Wermann, director of communications at Kellogg's, said: “In principle we could never accept traffic light labelling.”The rival labelling scheme introduced by Kellogg’s, Danone, Unilever, Nestlé, Kraft and Tesco and now favoured by 21 manufacturers, uses an industry-devised system based on identifying GDAs of key nutrients. Tesco says it has tested both traffic lights and GDA labels in its stores and that the latter increased sales of healthier foods.But the FSA said it could not live with this GDA system alone because it was “not scientific”or easy for shoppers to understand at a glance.共11页第10页51. When will instructions be given on reading the color-coded labels?52. Where can customers find the red light labels?53. What problem is the FSA trying to handle with the labeling system?54. What information, according to the manufacturers, can be labeled on products?55. What can not be advertised during children’ programmes?PART III Writing (30 Points)Write an essay about 400 words to state your view on the following topic:Good MannersIn the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.Write your essay on the ANSWER SHEET.共11页第11页电子科技大学2014年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:448 汉语写作与百科知识注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。
电子科技大学【2014 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题】832专业课真题
电子科技大学2014年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:832 微电子器件注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。
(从以下选项中选择)A 电子阻挡层B 电子反阻挡层C空穴阻挡层 D 空穴反阻挡层E 具有F 不具有微电子器件试题共6页,第1页8、MOSFET的跨导是()特性曲线的斜率,而漏源电导是()特性曲线的斜率。
杭州电子科技大学2014年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试《统计学综合》试题(试題共四大题,共4页,总分150分)姓名____________ 报考专业 _________________ 准考证号_____________【所有答案必须写在答题纸上.做在试卷或苹稿纸上无效】一、单項选样题(冷大題共10小题,每小惡2分.木大题共20分》1.某连续芟対•其末组为开口细・卜限为200•乂知其沁fl的细中(ft为180.则末ffl的中值为()A.180 B、200 C、220 I)、2402.对JWf破坏性的产胡质$检验.最恰当的调責方式葩()A.推样调賁B. JR点调背C、奂感调會 D.泮育3.在梵他条件不变的情况厂采用觅置抽样方式.将允许汉鸽扩人为原*的3倍.則样本容域()A.扩人为原来的9倍B.扩人为原来的3倍C.缩小剑原来的1/9借D、縮小刘原*的1/3倍4.某注院统计系有50名研究生.国贸系有25名研究生,金戲系有32名妙究生.经济系有】8名妍究生・则在上面的描述中.农数是()A. 50 B、统计系C. 18 D、经济系5.设茱批产品的jfi帛服从止态分布N3&).其中“、i为水知参数.为了检验原假设〃。
:“ =5如現从中机抽取10个样本.泌得平均虫域为5.2kg.标准怎为1.6kg.则在址卄性水平a卜••其护绝域为()A・ W/0) B. W0)C・ |/|>/a a(9)D、"KM)6.相关系数/•的取值范泅为()A.-Isro B、O"Sl G-1W D. -ao<r<+oo7.根据捋数化折标的性质的不同•统计抬数可以分为()A.综合折数和平均指数B.个体折数和总折数C.质域捋标折数和数埔指标指数D.动态折數和®态拆数8・设兀…,A;址*门均值为“的总体的一个简取融机样本.则卜列哪个不是“的无偏估计()A、X、B、g+XJ/2C、(X、+ 比)/3队(益+禺+…+ X」/刀9.定墓发展速度可以农示为()A.报告期水平打某同定时期水甲的比值B.报告期水平与前期水平的比值C.本期发展水平耳上年同期发展水平的比伯D.年矩10KW与上年同期发展水平的比值10.设XN…,X,足来口均佰为25、方井为9的总体的一个简单随机样本.則在人样本情况卜I样本均值X近似服从()A. N(25.9)B. N(25,9/扬)C.N(25.9/〃D. N(25,3/扬)二. 填空题(車大題共10空.邯空1分,本大題共10分〉1.标土对以分为 ___________ 和____________ 两种.2.篥金业生产一种产骷・fif经过3个连绒作业的弔何.*个牛何的户&合格聿分别为94b 9琳和97%.则该产黒的平均合格*为________________ •平均次禺率为____________ •3.时间序列按册K构成娶索中统计后标值的我现形式可以分为 ___________ • ____________ • ___________ 二种类住.4.设兀…,A;是来白疋态分布总体N(2,1/2)的一个简单甌机样本.則数学期望£(『1匕)= _____________ .方丼》(£〈)= _______________ •r«15.设儿,兀昇・・,心经来口一顶分布总体B(mp)的个简宀莎机样本•则参数p的矩估计为_____________•三. 简答题(本大题共5小每小收6分.本大題媒30分)1.简述统计舅代力卒的丄要内界・2.弓出常见的变异抬标•3.简述总体参数检验的四个步骤.4.简述相关分析耳何舁分析的概念.5.简述时间序列的构成闪索•四、计算題(本大題共6小堪・毎小题15分.本人匱共90分〉1乩甲、乙曲单位I•人生产/的杯准基分别为<7<1(=0.65 (fl). <7^ = 0.75(件)• (1)分别求甲、乙两单位I.人的平均产W: 12)比牧甲、乙两单. 位工人平均产釁的代表性.2.设菜批钊子的KKI服从止态分布N(“•/) •现从中处取10枚,测御其氏度(单位:cm)为2. 16 2. 12 2. 11 2. 13 2. 152. 10 2. 17 2. 10 2. 12 2. II试分别在如卜两冲情况求“的藍信水平为90%的估计区间.⑴ (T = 0.01 (cm):(2) b末知.注^已知J /(r)^ = 0.05. J心⑼^ = 0.05.其中/(x)我示标IMS IW准止态分布的密巫肉数.f(x;9)农示(1由段为9的f分布密度曲数.(1)计隽该企业产骷户域与单B成本Z间的相关系数:⑵建立该企业单位成本(/)关丁产品产故(X》的红性冋归方程:(3)布山产品产诫毎增加1 (万件).单位成本会减少多少•(1)计知三种产£的产域个体播数和价格个体拆Bu(2)计I?二种产肘的拉氏产垠佶数\(3)计界三种产AA的帕氏价格描数.5.设总体/服从指故分布.其密度曲数为g(x)=加•二若x>00. 若x S 0其中A>0.现从总体X中抽取一个简单Mi机样本・5血,・・・.九・试求参数久的矩佔计址和僉人似然估计埼.&某企业2007 2012年职I:总人數和I•科技术人员数的冇关资料如卜农 (年底数(1)计算该企业职I:总人数的年平均«L(2)计I?该企业1畀技术人员数的年平沟数:(3)计算该企业I•柑技术人员数山駅I•总人数比巫的年平均数.。
电子科技大学211 翻译硕士英语Part I1-5 D 2 D C 56-10 C 7 A B C11-15 D A B C 1516-20 A B C21-25 D C D B B26-30 A D C D CPart II31-35 B A B C D36-40 C C D C C41-45 C D D A C46-50 C A B A D51、(in) January(The Guardian has learned that the FSA will launch a series of 10-secon d television adverts in January telling shoppers how to follow a red, ambe r and green traffic light labelling system on the front of food packs, which is designed to tackle Britain's obesity epidemic.第二段)52、答案:food packs/packaging(见第2段:The Guardian has learned that the FSA will launch a series of 10-second t elevision adverts in January telling shoppers how to follow a red, amber a nd green traffic light labelling system on the front of food packs, which is designed to tackle Britain's obesity epidemic. 或者在第4段中也提到另一个答案:The UK market for breakfast cereals is worth £1.27bn a year and the ma nufacturers fear it will be severely dented if red light labels are put on pac kaging drawing attention to the fact that the majority are high in salt and/ or sugar.)53、(Britain’s) obesity epidemic(见第2段:The Guardian has learned that the FSA will launch a series of 10-second t elevision adverts in January telling shoppers how to follow a red, amber a nd green traffic light labelling system on the front of food packs, which is designed to tackle Britain's obesity epidemic.)54、guieline daily amounts/GDAs(见第5段:The industry is planning a major marketing campaign for a competing lab elling system which avoids colour-coding in favour of information about t he percentage of "guideline daily amounts" (GDAs) of fat, salt and sugar contained in their products.)55、:unhealthy foods(见第6段第1句:The battle for the nation's diet comes as new rules on television advertisin g come into force in January which will bar adverts for unhealthy foods fr om commercial breaks during programmes aimed at children.)448 汉语写作与百科知识I. 百科知识1-5 B B C D B6-10 A B C D D11-15 A D A A D16-20 C B A C A21-25 A C D A D357 英语翻译基础Part OneSection A1.自由贸易区9.年度最佳球员2.防空识别区10. 小题大做3.成本原则11.智能手机4.第三方保管12.联邦政府关闭5.外汇储备13.世界遗产名录6.相亲(初次见面)14.同声传译7.登机口15.文化转向8.(美国)独立纪念日Section Brmation sharing platform2.core-competitiveness3.Spring Festival travel rush4.transit without visa5.the brain drain6.breach of contract7.dual pension scheme8.quality education/ education for all-around development9.self-employment10.personal property declaration11.partner assistance12.livable city13.regulated verse14.CA T (computer aided translation)15.TransliterationPart Two:英译汉:出自Thoughts on Poetry and its V arieties—John Stuart Mill Section 1 汉译英:Six Chapters of A Floating LifeChapter One: Wedded Bliss (11)By Shen FuI am by nature unconventional and straightforward, but Yun was a stickler for forms, like the Confucian schoolmasters. Whenever I put on a dress for her or tidied up her sleeves, she would say "So much obliged" again and again, and when I passed her a towel or a fan, she would always stand up to receive it. At first I disliked this and said to her, "Do you mean to tie me down with all this ceremony? There is a proverb which says, 'One who is over courteous is crafty.'" Yun blushed all over and said, "I am merely trying to be polite and respectful, why do you charge me with craftiness?”“True respect is in the heart, and does not require such empty forms," said I, but Yun said, "There is no more intimate relationship than that between children and their parents. Do you mean to say that children should behave freely towards their parents and keep their respect only, in their heart?”“ Oh! I was only joking," I said. "The trouble is," said Yun, "most marital troubles begin with joking. Don't you accuse me of disrespect later, for then I shall die of grief without being able to defend myself. " Then I held her close to my breast and caressed her until she smiled. (林语堂译)第二段未找到。