目前,基于机器学习技术的舰船目标识别主要有两种方法:1. 基于卷积神经网络的方法卷积神经网络(CNN)是一种深度学习算法,其可对输入数据进行学习提取特征,并能够处理大规模高维数据。
2. 基于支持向量机的方法支持向量机(SVM)是一种常用的分类算法,其基本思想是找到一个最优超平面将不同类别的数据分开。
二、技术方法在实际应用中,舰船目标识别可分为以下几个步骤:1. 数据获取和预处理首先需要获取包含舰船目标的数据,并对数据进行预处理,包括图像矫正、去噪等。
2. 特征提取接着对预处理后的数据提取特征,这是舰船目标识别的关键环节。
3. 模型训练得到特征后,需要通过模型训练来学习分类器。
4. 目标识别最后,通过新的数据输入训练后的模型,进行目标识别。
关键词:光学遥感图像,小样本,舰船目标识别,卷积神经网络,注意力机制,循环学习机制Abstract:Ship identification is of great significance in maritime safety and maritime economy. However, due to the differences in the appearance of ships and the complexity of the number of targets, ship identification has certain difficulties. There aremany types of ship targets in optical remote sensing images, and usually a large amount of data is required for training, but it is difficult to obtain a large number of ship image data in reality. Therefore, how to achieve ship target identification under small samples has become a research hotspot. This paper proposes a small sample ship target identification method based on convolutional neural network (CNN). This method uses a cycle learning mechanism based on attention mechanism to further improve the model's generalization ability. After experimental verification, the method proposed in this paper has a good effect in small sample ship target identification in optical remote sensing images, and the method accuracy reaches 95.86%.Keywords: optical remote sensing, small sample, ship target identification, convolutional neural network, attention mechanism, cycle learning mechanismOptical remote sensing has become an important toolfor maritime security and fishery management. However, identifying ships in optical remote sensing images with a small sample size is a challenging task. In order to address this issue, this paper proposes a ship target identification method based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) with attentionmechanism and cycle learning mechanism.First, the CNN is trained with a small number of samples to improve its generalization ability. Then, an attention mechanism is introduced to enable the network to focus on important features and suppress irrelevant noise. The cycle learning mechanism is employed to further enhance the model's ability to generalize by iteratively updating the model with samples from previous iterations.Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves a high accuracy of 95.86% in ship target identification in optical remote sensing images with a small sample size. Compared with traditional CNN models, the proposed method can effectively improve the identification accuracy and reduce false positives.Overall, the proposed method provides a practical solution for ship target identification in optical remote sensing images with limited training samples. It demonstrates the potential of deep learning techniques in solving challenging problems in remote sensing applicationsIn addition to ship target identification, deep learning techniques have shown promising results in various remote sensing applications such as land use classification, vegetation mapping, and object detection. However, there are still challenges in applying deep learning to remote sensing data, particularly due to the high dimensionality andlimited availability of labeled samples. Therefore, developing effective deep learning algorithms that can handle small sample sizes and exploit domain-specific features is crucial for advancing remote sensing research.One potential direction for future work is to explore transfer learning methods that transfer pre-trained models from other domains to remote sensing datasets. Transfer learning can help overcome the limitations of limited labeled samples by leveraging knowledge learned from other datasets. For example, pre-trained models on natural images can be fine-tuned on the remote sensing data to improve accuracy and reduce training time. Another promising direction is to investigate more advanced network architectures such as attention-based models that can learn to focus on salient regions of the image and reduce noise interference. Additionally, exploring the integration of multi-source information such as radar and LiDARdata, which have complementary strengths to optical remote sensing data can further enhance the performance of deep learning-based methods.Overall, the application of deep learning techniques to remote sensing data has shown great potential for improving various applications. With the continued development of new algorithms and the availability of more high-quality training data, deep learning will play an increasingly important role in facilitating remote sensing research and applicationsOne area where deep learning has demonstrated significant potential in remote sensing is in land cover and land use classification. These applications are particularly important for environmental management and monitoring, as they provide information on changes in land use patterns, which can affect ecosystem health, urbanization, and agricultural production. Deep learning algorithms have been applied to various remote sensing data sources, including optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR), to extract features and classify land cover and land use types.In addition to land cover and land use classification, deep learning has also been used to estimate biophysical variables, such as leaf area index,vegetation water content, and biomass. These variables are critical for understanding ecosystem health and productivity and are used in various ecological models. Deep learning techniques, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs), have been shown to outperform traditional approaches, such as linear regression and decision trees, in estimating these biophysical variables from remote sensing data.Another application of deep learning in remote sensing is in object detection and segmentation. These applications are important in various domains,including environmental monitoring, urban planning, disaster response, and military surveillance. Deep learning algorithms such as region-based CNNs andfully convolutional networks (FCNs) have been developed to automatically detect and segment objects, such as buildings, roads, and water bodies, fromaerial imagery and satellite data. These algorithms have demonstrated high accuracy compared totraditional object detection algorithms, making them ideal for large-scale object detection and segmentation tasks.Finally, deep learning has shown promise in enhancing the performance of remote sensing data fusion. Datafusion involves combining data from multiple sensorsto provide more accurate and comprehensive information. Deep learning techniques such as multilayerperceptrons (MLPs) and deep belief networks (DBNs)have been used to fuse data from different remote sensing sources, including optical, SAR, and LiDAR data. The use of deep learning has enhanced the performance of data fusion algorithms, enabling improved accuracy in classification and estimation tasks.In conclusion, the application of deep learning techniques to remote sensing data has shownsignificant potential for enhancing various applications, including land cover and land use classification, estimation of biophysical variables, object detection and segmentation, and data fusion. With the continued development of new algorithms and training data, deep learning will continue to play a critical role in advancing remote sensing research and applications综上所述,将深度学习技术应用于遥感数据显示出显著的潜力,包括地表覆盖和土地利用分类、生物物理变量估算、目标检测和分割以及数据融合等各种应用。
= r 上 。+ nt + Ⅱ 。
将 ( +q 阶原 点矩 和 中心矩分 别定 义为 P )
, +。 ,+ 。
m = / / xyfxy xy P。(, dd, )
IF A E M N HY / o . , o9 E 0 N R R D( O T L )V L 2 N .,S P2 1 3 l
尺度变换 () s 后仍然保持不变 的特征量。H u矩是
在实 际应 用 中,由于 受视 角和 摄 像 机等 素 的影 响,舰船 图像 会 发 生变形 ( 射变 换) 仿 , 此 时仅利 用不变 矩提 取 的 目标 特征 并不 准 确 。 为 了识 别这 些 目标 ,需要 寻 找仿 射变 换 下 的不
[ 首 次提 出矩不 变量 的 概念 ,此后 国 内外 众多 ]
学 者 相 继 展 开 了 研 究 。 L [ 利 用 F ui— ln i3 ] or r l e Mei
//, )一,) 22 (d 一( ),d a z
P q= 0 1 2 ・ ‘ , , , ,・ () 2
点 的 构 想 。 由 于 通 过 小 波 变 换 可 以得 到 时 域 和
+ = 关系。当 z 或 Y , Pq ; 。 < < ,为
奇数 时, 不变矩可 能会 出现 负值 , 而且数值 的变 化范 围很大 。用取对 数 的方 法进行 数据 压缩 :
频域 的局部 信 息 ,因此 小波 变换 特 征更 适合 于 局部 离散特 征的提 取。 H 矩 、仿 射不变矩 和小 波不变 矩具 有各 自 u
j l : 12… , l g l 1 ,, 7
() 5
方 法 。根 据 船 舶 磁 场 信 号 的 实 际 特 征 , 首 先 对 信 号 进 行 小 波 分 解 , 并 提 取 最 后 一 层 的 低 频 分 量 , 滤 除 高 频 噪声 ;再采用 变 步长 L MS算 法 对 低 频 分 量 进 行 白适 应 滤 波 , 进 一 步 滤 除 噪 声 ,提 取 船 舶 目标 特 征 信 号 。船
ag r h a e nw v lt rnf r n a ibese -i MSag rtm i p o o e c odn e lo i m b s do a ee a som a dv r l t s eL lo i rp s d A c r ig t t t t a p z h s oh c a a tr t s ma n t in l s i tes n ls rt eo p sdb a ee t n om, n elw h r ce i i sc o f g ei s a h , h i a f sl d c m o e w vltr s r a dt c g f o p g ii y y a f h o fe u ny c m n ns i a tlv la e tk n o tt l ro tte hg rq e c os.T e h o rq e c o po e t n ls e e r a e u of t u h ihfe u ny n i i e e h n te lw
模 实 验 的 结 果 表 明 , 该 算 法 可 以 显著 提 高 信 噪 比 , 增 强 了 对 船 舶 磁 场 信 号 的 检 测 能 力 。 关 键 词 : 磁 场 信 号 检 测 小 波 变 换
中 图 分 类 号 : T 1 .3 N9 1 2
L S算 法 变 步 长 M
( T h e 7 1 3 R e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e o f C S I C, Z h e n g z h o u 4 5 0 0 1 5 , C h i n a )
Abs t r a c t: Du e t o t h e c o mp l i c a t e d r a d i a t i n g me c ha n i s m o f t h e s h i p n o i s e, t h e s a mp l i n g da t a a s s o c i a t e d
wi t h t he c h a r a c t e r o f a s h i p t a r g e t a r e o f l a r g e a mo u n t a n d hi g h d i me n s i o n, l e a di ng t o t h e p r o c e s s i n g pr o c e d ur e s u f f e r i n g f r o m v e r y h i g h c o mpu t a t i o n b u r d e n .Th u s, e x t r a c t i ng f e a t u r e s o f s h i p t a r g e t s i s a r e a l c ha l l e n g e f o r u nd e r wa t e r s i g n a l p r o c e s s i n g ie f l d. To i mp r o v e t h e s i t u a t i o n, a n e w a p p r o a c h t o e x t r a c t f e a t u r e s o f s h i p t a r g e t s ba s e d o n t h e wa v e l e t e ne r g y s pe c t r u m c o e f f i c i e n t s i s p r o p o s e d i n t h i s p a p e r . Fi r s t l y, t h e t i me
Abstract:Ship target recognition in remote sensing images is an important application of remote sensing, but the complexity and uncertainty of remote sensing images make small-sample ship target recognition very difficult. To address this issue, this paper proposesa remote sensing image ship target recognition method based on graph convolutional networks (GCN).Firstly, we propose a multi-layer feature fusion method based on GCN to fuse multi-scale features and obtain a more robust feature representation. At the same time, to increase the diversity of small-sample data, we propose a data augmentation method based on image enhancement.Secondly, we propose a graph embedding method based on bidirectional LSTM to encode the features extracted from the graph convolutional neural network, and combine them with the spatial relationship betweenship targets to obtain more accurate target embeddingfeatures.Finally, we propose a loss function based on negative sample difficulty weighting to solve the problem of insufficient training under small-sample data.Experimental results show that the proposed method performs well in ship target recognition tasks in remote sensing images, not only can effectively improve recognition accuracy, but also can improve recognition stability and robustness.Keywords: remote sensing image; ship target recognition; small sample learning; graph convolution network; graph embeddingWith the increasing demand for ship target recognition in remote sensing images, the issue of small-sample learning has become a major challenge. Traditional methods that rely solely on manually designed features or shallow models cannot effectively extract the features of ship targets from remote sensing images with a limited number of samples.To address this issue, this paper proposes a graph convolution network-based ship target recognition method for small-sample learning in remote sensingimages. Specifically, a graph embedding technique is used to represent the remote sensing image as a graph with features extracted from the input image. Then, a graph convolution network is trained to learn the representations of the ship targets using bothpositive and negative samples.To further improve the performance of the proposed method, we propose a negative sample difficulty weighting strategy to better utilize the negative samples during training. Specifically, we assign higher weights to the negative samples that are more difficult to classify, enabling the model to focus more on the challenging cases and improve its robustness.Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in ship target recognition tasks. The proposed method achieves a recognition accuracy of up to 97.8%, outperforming the traditional methods and other state-of-the-art approaches. Moreover, the proposed method demonstrates better recognition stability and robustness under different conditions, which is essential for practical applications.In summary, the proposed graph convolution network-based ship target recognition method with negativesample difficulty weighting has shown its potential in addressing the issue of small-sample learning in remote sensing images. The proposed method can be extended to other target recognition tasks in remote sensing images and has strong potential for practical applications in the field of remote sensingIn addition to addressing the issue of small-sample learning in remote sensing images, the proposed method also has potential in improving the accuracy and efficiency of target recognition tasks. Compared to traditional handcrafted feature-based methods, graph convolution network-based methods have shown superior performance in various computer vision tasks,including object detection, semantic segmentation, and image classification.Moreover, the proposed negative sample difficulty weighting technique can be applied to other domainsand tasks where imbalanced and small datasets are common, such as medical image analysis, fraud detection, and natural language processing. By assigning higher weights to difficult negative samples, the model can better discriminate between positive and negative samples, leading to improved performance.However, there are still several challenges andlimitations that need to be addressed in future research. First, the proposed method is based on a single graph representation of the image, which may limit its ability to capture the spatial and contextual information of targets in complex scenes. Multiple graph representations or other spatial encoding techniques may be explored to overcome this limitation.Second, the proposed method requires a pre-processing step to generate the graph structure, which may not be applicable to all remote sensing images. Developing a more automated and efficient graph generation method can enhance the scalability and applicability of the proposed method.Lastly, the proposed method is evaluated on a single dataset, and its performance may vary on other datasets with different target types and backgrounds. Further validation and comparison with other state-of-the-art methods on different datasets can provide more insights into the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method.In conclusion, the proposed graph convolution network-based ship target recognition method with negative sample difficulty weighting demonstrates promisingresults in addressing small-sample learning in remote sensing images. Future research can further exploreits potential in other domains and tasks and address the remaining challenges and limitationsOne potential direction for future research is to explore the transferability of the proposed method. While it has shown promising results in ship target recognition in remote sensing images, it remains to be seen whether it can be applied to other domains and tasks. For instance, it could be interesting to investigate the performance of the method in recognizing other types of objects in remote sensing images, such as buildings or vehicles. Alternatively, the method could be applied to other types of images, such as medical images or aerial photographs.Another direction for future research is to address the limitations of the proposed method. One limitation is that it relies on a pre-determined graph structure, which may not always capture the underlying relationships between the nodes accurately. It would be interesting to investigate the potential of learning the graph structure directly from the data, or to incorporate domain-specific knowledge to improve the graph structure.Finally, it would be valuable to explore the interpretability of the proposed method. While it has shown promising results in ship target recognition, it may be difficult to understand how the method arrives at its decision. It would be interesting toinvestigate methods for visualizing and interpreting the learned features and weights, to gain a better understanding of how the method operates.Overall, the proposed graph convolution network-based ship target recognition method with negative sample difficulty weighting is a promising approach for addressing small-sample learning in remote sensing images. With further research, it has the potential to be a powerful tool for a range of remote sensing applicationsIn conclusion, the graph convolution network-basedship target recognition method with negative sample difficulty weighting is a promising solution forsmall-sample learning in remote sensing images. It shows improved performance compared to traditional methods and has potential for various remote sensing applications. Further research is needed toinvestigate techniques for visualizing andinterpreting the learned features and weights. Overall,this method can contribute to the advancement of remote sensing technology。
基于小波和仿射不变矩特征融合的舰船型号识别陈慧珺1,李垣江1,2,王建华1(1. 江苏科技大学电子与信息学院,江苏镇江 212003;2. 毫米波国家重点实验室,江苏南京 210096)摘要: 针对不变矩对仿射形变目标描述的不足,为提高舰船型号的识别精度,提出一种基于小波和仿射不变矩特征融合的舰船型号识别方法。
关键词:舰船型号识别;小波矩;仿射不变矩;特征融合;支持向量机中图分类号:TP319.4 文献标识码:A文章编号: 1672 – 7649(2017)08 – 0170 – 06 doi:10.3404/j.issn.1672 – 7649.2017.08.036Warship type recognition based on features fusion of wavelet momentand affine invariant momentCHEN Hui-jun1, LI Yuan-jiang1,2, WANG Jian-hua1(1. School of Electronics and Information, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212003, China;2. State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, Nanjing 210096, China)Abstract: According to the shortage of invariant moment in deformation object description, in order to improve the re-cognition accuracy of warship type, this paper proposes a new warship type identification method. First of all, according to the normalized binary images of warship, the features of wavelet moment and affine invariant moment are extracted respect-ively; Then, the features with good robustness and high stability are selected by calculating the ratio of mean and standard deviation of the sample features, and two different features are fused by normalization method in order to eliminate the dif-ferences between two features; Finally, five types of sample set of the warships are constructed through Matlab program, the support vector machine (SVM) is used as classifier to identify the warship type of test sample set which consists of the whole sample set except the training set, and the diffenrences among wavelet moment, affine invariant moment and the proposed method are compared in recognition accuracy and the effect of the training sample set size and the parameters of SVM on the identification accuracy. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm improves the recognition accuracy, and the re-cognition accuracy is still greater than 88% when the training sample set is small.Key words: warship type recogniton;wavelet moment;affine invariant moment;features fusion;support vector machine0 引 言在当代高科技形势下的局部战争中,快速有效地识别出水面敌我舰船的型号,对军事指挥者实时掌握敌方军事部署、快速做出战争决策具有非常重要的参考价值。
何 耀 民 ,何 华 锋 ,徐 永 壮 ,王 依 繁 ,苏 敬
(火箭军工程大学导弹工程学院,陕西 西安 710025)
摘 要:为提高弹道导弹打击舰船的命中精度,研究分 析 弹 载 合 成 孔 径 雷 达 的 海 上 目 标 检 测 具 有 重 大 意 义。 针对基于传统小波变换的检测算法在相干噪声下难 以 快 速 实 现 目 标 检 测 的 问 题,提 出 基 于 改 进 小 波 变 换 的 检 测 模型。首先,利用方向可调的小波函数改进传统小波变换,在提高检测精度 的 情 况 下,可 避 免 进 行 非 极 大 值 抑 制; 其次,重点针对方向小波变换运算复杂的问题,从算 法 原 理 和 实 际 应 用 两 方 面 着 手,分 别 构 造 可 变 方 向 角 和 掩 模 矩阵,减少了运算量;然后,在此基础上利用高低帽 滤 波 和 闭 运 算 的 组 合 处 理,增 强 边 缘 区 分 度,即 可 通 过 二 值 化 处 理 完 成 目 标 检 测 ;最 后 ,以 舰 船 的 目 标 检 测 为 例 ,从 检 测 精 度 和 运 算 时 间 两 方 面 验 证 改 进 模 型 的 有 效 性 。
0 引 言
合成孔径雷达(syntheticapertureradar,SAR)具 备 定 位 精 度 高 、全 天 候 工 作 、抗 干 扰 强 等 特 点 ,其 目 标 检 测 与 识 别 能力直接影响弹道导弹的打击精度。早期有基于灰度统计 和基于 Sobel[1]、Prewitt[2]、Canny[3]等 微 分 算 子 的 目 标 检 测 模型。随后,针对 SAR 图像中 乘 性 噪 声 的 干 扰,文 献[4 5] 提出了基 于 平 均 比 率 (ratioofaverage,ROA)和 指 数 加 权
1.一种基于组合不变矩的新的舰船图像目标识别方法 [J], 于吉红;吕俊伟;白晓明
2.不变矩目标特征描述误差分析和基于上层建筑不变矩的舰船识别 [J], 钱忠良;王文军
3.基于小波包和不变矩的舰船目标识别 [J], 孙俊
4.基于不变矩和支持向量机理论的舰船目标识别 [J], 袁爱民
5.轮廓矩不变量在舰船目标识别中的应用 [J], 刘辉
【摘要】针对识别海上目标时不同目标相似性大的特点,将不变矩理论与小波分析相结合,本文引入一种基于小波矩不变量的特征提取法,并且为得到一组局部最优特征组而提出一种结合DB Index准则的特征选择法.在仿真实验中,将小波矩不变量与Hu矩、Zernike矩进行了比较.实验表明,小波矩不变量具有更好的识别效果.【总页数】3页(P59-61)
1.基于小波矩的自主式水下机器人目标识别 [J], 万磊;黄蜀玲;张铁栋;王博
2.基于小波矩和证据理论的图像目标识别算法 [J], 刘兵;李辉;翟海天
3.基于小波矩不变量的模式识别方法 [J], 徐旭东;周源华
4.基于图像边缘小波矩和支持向量机的目标识别 [J], 梅雪;林锦国
5.基于小波矩特征的小波神经网络目标识别 [J], 李晓兵;孙晓丽;夏良正
李玉景; 李琳; 李京
【摘要】基于支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)理论和不变矩(Invariant Moments)理论,提出一种船舰目标识别方法。
【作者】李玉景; 李琳; 李京
1.MET1证据理论在不变矩目标识别中的应用研究 [J], 熊广芝;冯大毅;杨百愚;张伟
2.基于BP神经网络的船舰目标识别分类 [J], 梁锦雄;王刻奇
3.不变矩理论及其在目标识别中的应用 [J], 柳林霞;陈杰;窦丽华
4.一种基于不变矩的红外目标识别算法 [J], 张旭艳;华宇宁;董晔;郝永平;张乐
5.基于不变矩和支持向量机理论的舰船目标识别 [J], 袁爱民
基于小波变换与变步长LMS算法的船舶磁场信号检测冯国新1张坚2李屹祥1(1. 海军92941部队装备部,辽宁葫芦岛 125003;2. 海军工程大学兵器工程系,武汉 430033)摘要:针对检测船舶磁场信号时信噪比较低的问题,提出了一种基于小波变换与变步长LMS算法的检测方法。
关键词:磁场信号检测小波变换LMS算法变步长中图分类号:TN911.23 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1003-4862 (2011) 03-0011-04Shipboard Magnetic Signal Detection Based on Wavelet Transform andVariable Step-Size LMS AlgorithmFeng Guoxin1, Zhang Jian2, Li Yixiang1(1.Unit 92941 of PLA, Huludao125003, Liaoning, China; 2. Department of Weaponry Engineering, Naval University ofEngineering, Wuhan 430033, China)Abstract: Aimed at the low signature-noise ratio (SNR) in detecting magnetic signal of ship, a detection algorithm based on wavelet transform and variable step-size LMS algorithm is proposed. According to the characteristics of magnetic signal of ship, the signal is firstly decomposed by wavelet transform, and the low frequency components in last level are taken out to filter out the high frequency noise. Then the low frequency components are filtered by variable step-size LMS algorithm to filter out noise and pick up characteristic signal of ship target. The results of experiment by ship model show that the algorithm increases SNR markedly, and enhances the detection ability of magnetic signal of ship.Key words: magnetic signal detection; wavelet transform; LMS algorithm; variable step-size1 引言船舶磁场信号是水中兵器探测的重要信号源。
1.一种基于多极化散射机理的极化SAR图像舰船目标检测方法 [J], 文伟;曹雪菲;张学峰;陈渤;王英华;刘宏伟
2.一种基于矩不变的SAR海洋图像舰船目标检测算法 [J], 邹焕新;匡纲要;蒋咏梅;郑键
3.一种基于小波变换的SAR图像边缘检测方法 [J], 周蓉蓉;陈刚;王正志
4.一种基于二次Gamma核的SAR图像舰船目标检测方法 [J], 谭昆; 邹焕新; 叶文隽; 陈振林
5.一种基于小波变换的SAR图像多尺度融合变化检测方法 [J], 李杰;任竞颖
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先, 介绍小波变换的相关理论 , 小波包分解能够进行任意尺度的时频分析 ; 然后对不变矩算法进行介绍 , 给出一种 基于小波包分解和 不 变 矩 算 法 相 结 合 的 特 征 值 提 取 方 法 。 仿 真 实 验 结 果 表 明 , 本文给出的方法具有较高的识 别率 。
关键词: 文章编号:
分类识别; 小波包; 不变矩 U665. 26 文献标识码: A doi: 10. 3404 / j. issn. 1672 - 7649. 2016. 1A. 061 1672 - 7649 ( 2016 ) 1A - 0181 - 03
A ship target classification and recognition based on wavelet packet and moment invariant
SUN Jun ( Huanggang Polytechnic College , Huanggang 438002 , China) Abstract: In this paper the ship target classification system was studied ,the application of wavelet
- 1 t -b Wf ( a, ) dt, a > 0。 b) = ( f ( t ) , f( t) ψ( ψa, b ( t) ) = R a a 槡 2
小波包分解 小波包定义过程如下: 现设小波子空间为 W j ,尺寸子空间为 V j ,构成
设: 的子空间为 U j ,
U0 j ∈ Z, U1 j = W, j = Vj , 那么:
第 38 卷第 1A 期 2016 年 1 月
Vol. 38 ,No. 1A Jan. , 2016
孙 俊
( 黄冈职业技术学院, 湖北 黄冈 438002 ) 摘 要:
以船舶目标分类系统作为研究对象 , 对小波包变换在舰船目标分类识别中的应用进行研究 。 首
由于 ψ a, b ( t ) 在形状上与基本小波 ψ ( t ) 相类似 ,
收稿日期: 2015 - 10 - 14 作者简介: 孙俊( 1972 - ) , 男, 硕士, 副教授, 主要从事视频目标识别 、 跟踪研究。
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学 1. 3
第 38 卷
a 表示 ψ a, 因此, b ( t ) 通常被称为小波基函数 , 其中 , b 表示平移因子。 尺度因子, 设函数 f( t) ∈ L ( R ) ,那么其连续小波变换 的表达式为:
函数 为 u2n ( t) ,子 空 间 V -1 及 基 函 数 展 开 系 数 为 dw < + ɕ ,由 上 式 可 见, h( k) , 且使 u n ( t) 满足: 正交基展开系数为 g( k) ,
b) 重构得到。 但由于小波基函数 f( t) 可以由 W f ( a, 的参数 a 和 b 均为连续变化, 冗余度高, 因此需要 对参数 a 和 b 进行离散化,离散方式如下:
1. 1
小波变换定义 小波变换
[2 ]
水声信号处理作为重要的海洋开发技术手段一 直是人们关注和研究的热点问题
[1 ]
。 本文以船舶目
标分类识别为应用背景, 通过运用水声信号的分类 识别技术实现了船舶目标分类。 船舶目标分类系统 通常由预处理、 特征提取、 特征选择、 分类器设计 及分类决策几个部分构成。 在本文中,对小波包变换和不变矩算法在船舶 目标分类识别中的应用进行研究。 采用小波包分解 与不变矩相结合的方法进行特征提取, 选取不同频 段的特征能量作为特征向量, 利用高斯混合模型对 船舶目标分类识别进行研究。
transform for ship classification was researched. Firstly ,the theory of wavelet transform was introduced , wavelet packet decomposition can do timefrequency analysis in any scale. Then moment invariant was introduced,and a method for feature extraction based on wavelet packet decomposition was proposed. The simulation results shown that the method introduced in this paper had a higher recognition rate. Key words: classification and recognition ; wavelet packet; moment invariant
2 ∑ h( k) u n ( 2 t - k) , u2n ( t ) = 槡
u2n +1 ( t ) = 槡 2 ∑ g( k) u n ( 2 t - k) 。
2 设函数 ψ( t) ∈ L ( R ) , 其傅里叶变换为 Ψ( W) ,
如果 Ψ( W) 满足下式条件: Cψ =
Ψ( W ) w
dw < + ɕ ,
那么 ψ( t) 则可称为基本小波 ( 或母小波) 。 现将 ψ( t) 作为基本小波, 对基本小波进行平 移、伸缩变换后得到: ψ a, b ( t) = t -b 1 ) ,a > 0 ,b ∈ R 。 ψ( a a 槡
0 1 j ∈ Z。 U0 j -1 = U j ⊕ U j , n 2n 设 U j 的闭包空间函数为 u n ( t) ,U j 的闭包空间
其反变换为: f( t) = 其中,C ψ = 1 Cψ
+ɕ 0
1 da a2
W f ( a, b ) ψ a, b ( t) 。
Ψ( W ) w