大本钟 翻译
关于大本钟的介绍英文加中文IntroductionThe Big Ben, also known as the Great Bell of the Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster, is one of the most iconic landmarks of London. This impressive clock is located at the north end of the Palace of Westminster and has been in existence since 1859. In this article, we will explore the history and importance of the Big Ben in both English and Chinese.History英文:The Big Ben was commissioned in the mid-19th century by the British parliament to replace the old Palace of Westminster clock, which had become unreliable. The task of designing the clock fell to Edmund Beckett Denison, a prominent English clockmaker. He collaborated with Augustus Pugin, who designed the clock tower, to create an innovative timepiece that could keep time with unparalleled accuracy.In 1859, the Big Ben was installed in the clock tower and began ticking away accurately every second. However, the Big Ben's journey was not without its challenges. During World War II, the clock tower was bombed, but the Big Ben miraculously survived. The clock tower was eventually restored, and the Big Ben continues to chime to this day.中文:大本钟在19世纪中期由英国议会委托制作,以替代不可靠的旧宫西敏寺钟。
纪念意义 在英国,大本钟是人们庆祝新年的重点地方,收音机和电视都 会播出它的钟声来迎接新一年的开始。同样地,在阵亡将士纪 念日,大本钟钟声的传出表示第11个月的第11天的第11个小 时及2分钟的默哀开始。 2013年4月17日,英国下议院发言人称,由于撒切尔夫人的 葬礼举行,“大本钟”和威斯敏斯特大教堂的钟都会在周三暂 停报时。因为根据英国传统,大钟暂停报时是向已故首相最恰 当的致敬。在1965年温斯顿·丘吉尔的葬礼上,大钟也暂停报 时,来传达对首相的默哀。
名称来源 大钟于1858年4月10日建成,由当时的工 务大臣本杰明·霍尔爵士监制,耗资2.7万英 镑,为了纪念他的功绩,取名为大本钟, 本是本杰明的昵称。根据格林尼治时间, 大本钟每隔一个小时报时一次,报时声深 沉浑厚,方圆数英里之外都能听到其钟声 的回响,大本钟装有麦克风,与英国广播 公司(BBC)相连,因此每当大钟报时,人们 都能从BBC的广播中听到其铿锵有力的声 音。 2012年6月,为纪念英国女王登基60周年, 英国大本钟将正式更名为“伊丽莎白塔”。 包括英首相卡梅伦在内的331为议员签名同 意这一决定 。
大本钟原先只指钟塔内的铜钟,但后 来演变成指整座钟塔。每年的夏季与 冬天时间转换时会把钟停止,进行零 件的修补、交换,钟的调音等。
大本钟(Big Ben,坐标: 51°30′02.2″N, 00°07′28.6″W), 大本钟位于伦敦西敏寺北端议会大 厦98米高的钟塔内,每当议会召开 会议的时候,大钟上方的灯就会点 亮。位于威斯敏斯特桥的南面桥头, 英国议会大厦的北角,是伦敦的传 统地标。坐地铁可以在威斯敏斯特 桥站下车。
大本钟英文介绍The Big Ben is a famous clock tower, located in London, United Kingdom. The iconic clock tower and its bells have been a symbol of the city for centuries and has become a world-famous landmark.The Big Ben was constructed by architects Charles Barry and Augustus Pugin between 1843 and 1859 and is currently the third tallest clock tower in the world. It stands at a height of 316 feet (96 m), which is equivalent to 81 meters. The main clock face is 7 metres (23 ft) in diameter, while the clock hands measure 14 metres (44 ft) long.At the base of the clock tower is a large bell, popularly known as the Big Ben, that chimes every 15 minutes with the Westminster Quarters — an arrangement of four traditional bell-ringing melodies. The bell has a diameter of 2.2 metres (7 ft 3 in) and weighs 13.5 metric tons (15 US tons). Thebell is also accompanied by four smaller quarter bells, which sound on the quarter hour.The clockfaces are illuminated at night to show the time accurately and can be seen from a quite far distance. The clock tower also features sculptures of monarchs from past times, a lion and a unicorn, underlining the British origins of the structure.In addition to being a major tourist attraction, the Big Ben is also a valuable part of the British culture, marking important occasions such as New Year’s Eve, Christmas Day and Remembrance Sunday, among others. The Big Ben is one ofthe most recognizable symbols of London and is considered an intricate part of the history and culture of the city.。
暨南大学翻译硕士MTI考研真题及答案(一)暨南大学翻译硕士MTI考研真题及答案I. Phrase Translation (30 points)1. Big Ben: (伦敦英国议会大厦钟楼上的)大本钟; 大笨钟2. CPI: 居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index);消费者物价指数3. Culture shock: 文化冲击,文化震惊(突然处于一个与前大不相同的社会和文化环境中因而感到困惑、忧虑、烦恼的心情)4. FIFA: 国际足球联盟(Federation Internationale de Football Association)5. FOB: 离岸价(free on board);离岸价格6. Force majeure: 不可抗力7. Intellectual property rights: 知识产权8. Language Acquisition Device: 语言习得装置;语言习得机制9. Weapons of mass destruction: 大规模毁灭性武器10. National Security Council: 美国国家安全委员会11. NASDAQ: 全国证券交易商协会自动报价表(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation); 美国纳斯达克12. Swine flu: 猪流感13. Word processing system: 文字处理系统14. Wuthering Heights: 《呼啸山庄》(艾米莉·勃朗特于1848年出版的一本小说)15. The Christian Science Monitor: 《基督科学箴言报》(是美国的一份国际性日报。
)Section B Chinese to English (15 points)1. 保单号:Policy number2. 财产保险:property insurance3. 拆迁补偿费:compensation for demolition;compensation for demolition and resettlement4. 孔子学院:Confucius Institute5. 发改委:National Development and Reform Commission6. 国民生产总值:Gross National Product ( GNP )7. 《反分裂国家法》:anti-secession law8. 灰色收入:gray income ; income from moonlighting9. 六方会谈:Six-Party Talks10. 内幕交易:insider trading; insider dealing11. 《飘》:Gone with the Wind12. 亲子鉴定:paternity test; paternity testing13. “一条龙”服务: a one-stop services; one package service; coordinated-process service14. 证监会: China Securities Regulatory Commission15. 中国移动: China MobileII. Passage translation (120 points)Section A English to Chinese (60 points)Intelligent life on a planet comes of ages when it first works out the reason for its ownexistence. If superior creatures from space ever visit earth, the first question they will ask, in order to assess the level of our civilization, is: “Have they discovered evolution yet?”Living organisms had existed on earth, without ever knowing why, for over three thousand million years before the truth finally downed on one of them. His name was Charles Darwin. To be fair, others had had inklings of the truth, but it was Darwin who first put together a coherent and tenable account of why we exist. Darwin made it possible for us t give a sensible answer to the curious child whose question heads this chapter. We no longer have to resort to superstition when faced with the deep problems: Is there a meaning to life? What are we for? What is man? After posing the last of these questions, the eminent zoologist G. G. Simpson put it this: “The point I want to make now is that all attempts to answer that question before 1859 are worthless and that we will be better off if we ignore them completely.”Today the theory of evolution is about as much open to doubt as the theory that the earth goes round the sun, but the full implications of Darwin’s revolution have yet to be widely realized. Zoology is still a minority subject in universities, and even those who choose to study it often make their decision without appreciating its profound philosophical significance. Philosophy and the subjects known as “humanities”are still taught almost as if Darwin had never lived. No doubt this will change in time. In any case, this book is not intended as a general advocacy of Darwinism. Instead, it will explore the consequences of the evolution theory for a particular issue. My purpose is to examine the biology of selfishness and altruism.Section B Chinese to English (60 points)总部设在德克萨斯州的全球语言监测机构运用一套数学公式来追踪词和短语的使用频率。
听力拓展:伦敦大本钟(文本)John: Welcome to On the Town with me, John.Chen Li: And me, Chen Li.John: Today we’re going to investigate one of the most famous London landmarks. Chen Li: What is it John?John: Big Ben.Chen Li: 这显然是一个不错的选择,要知道它可是伦敦最著名的景点之一,吸引了大量的游客。
大本钟, Big Ben.John: The BBC spoke with author and London expert Philip Arlor about Big Ben, and he’s gone out to investigate.Chen Li: 菲利浦是个作家, he’s an author, BBC派他前往大本钟去探个究竟。
John: Here’s his report.InsertIf I tell you that I’m standing in front of Big Be n, most of you will know at once that I’m outside the Houses of Parliament in London. Of course there’ll be a handful of listeners who think Big Ben is a wrestler or a grizzly bear, but you’re the ones who don’t get out much. Just about everyone knows that Big Ben is the Houses of Parliament’s clock tower, which means just about everyone is wrong. Because if truth be told, and I do like a bit of truth once in a while, Big Ben is actually the name of the bell, which through the magic of radio and a piece of good timing on my part, should start bonging away shortly!John: Ok, we’ll be going back to Philip in a moment. First though, he used some interesting phrases there. Let’s have a closer look at them shall we Li?Chen Li: Sure! 菲利普使用了一个术语at once. 当谈论很快就完成的一个动作时,你就需要用到at once, 立刻,立即。
大本钟作文 英文
大本钟作文英文英文:The Big Ben, also known as the Great Bell, is one of the most iconic landmarks in London, England. It is located in the Palace of Westminster and is a symbol of British culture and history.The Big Ben was first constructed in 1859 and has since become a popular tourist attraction. It weighs over 13 tons and is 7 feet in diameter. The clock face is also one of the largest in the world, measuring over 23 feet in diameter.The Big Ben has played an important role in British history. During World War II, it was used as a symbol of hope and resilience. The clock continued to chime throughout the war despite the bombings and destruction in London.In addition to its historical significance, the Big Ben also serves a practical purpose. It helps regulate time for the entire city of London and is also used as a reference point for navigation.Overall, the Big Ben is an important symbol of British culture and history. Its iconic design and historical significance make it a must-see attraction for anyonevisiting London.中文:大本钟,也称为大钟,是英国伦敦最著名的地标之一。
龙源期刊网 大本钟作者:汪隽来源:《中学生英语·阅读与写作》2014年第12期英国伦敦著名古钟或称大本钟(Big Ben),即威斯敏斯特宫报时钟,它位于英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼,建于1859年。
大本钟的来历大本钟(Big Ben)被视为伦敦的象征,凡到伦敦观光的人都想看看大本钟,站在桥上欣赏伦敦这个独具一格的建筑。
大钟造于1856年,以建造工程的第一名监督官本杰明爵士的名字命名,叫“BIG BEN”(大本钟)。
大本钟是向全世界报告标准时间的大钟,它安放在伦敦泰晤士河畔议会大夏东北角的钟楼(the Clock Tower)的顶端,每隔15分钟报时一次。
Big Ben于1859年7月1日敲起第一响钟声。
这时,人们看到大本钟的监制者(Sir Benjamin)本杰明爵士站起来发言。
突然,有人大声喊道:“为什么不干脆叫Big Ben呢?”这一喊,引起了与会者的笑声,会议也随之结束。
从此,Big Ben(Ben是Benjamin的昵称)就成为这个大钟的芳名。
汉语把Big Ben译为“大笨钟”也颇具趣味,因为Big Ben在1859年制成时,笨不可言,单内部传动机械就重达13.5吨。
现在,世界各地收音机里听到的伦敦台钟声,便是由这个Big Ben发出的。
存在问题 不明原因突然停走 “大本钟”于2005年5月27日晚突然停走了一个半小时。技术人员现在还不明白这 座有着147年历史的大钟为何“罢工”? 英国议会大厦一名工程师28日说,位于议 会大厦东侧高95米的钟楼上的大本钟在当地时间27日晚10时07分出现了故障,其分 针停止转动。接着,分针开始缓慢转动,在10时20分又停了一次。这一 停就是1个 半小时,此后才恢复了正常。 一些人猜测说,可能是炎热的天气造成了这一问题。28日伦敦的最高气温达到了 31.8℃。气象部门说,这是自1953年以来英格兰地区5月份中最炎热的一天。但那 名议会大厦工程师认为,这一说法缺乏依据。“我们得知有一点小故障,但接着它 就再次开始运转,”他说。 大本钟一向以其准时而闻名。二战中纳粹德国对伦敦的狂轰滥炸也未能将它摧毁。 不过,毕竟是有着一百多岁的“高龄”,它也出过一些小问题。例如1962年元旦, 一场大雪就让它的零点钟声比正常时间晚了10分钟。1976年,由于一个小零件出毛 病,大本钟也一度停摆。此外,1997年8月30日,它也意外地停走。 每三天失去动力 在2009年5月31日,大本钟度过了它150岁的生日,而在1859年7月11日,大本钟则 首次整点报时。据负责大本钟的英国钟表师说,大本钟每三天就失去动力了,所以 他们每周必须爬上去三次,为它上弦。同时他们可以通过调整钟摆上方放置的小钱 币,调整大本钟走时的快慢。比如增加1便士硬币,就相当于一天把表调快了0.4秒。 看来,时间就是金钱,在大本钟上倒是体现的不错(1英镑=100新便士)
简介 大本钟(英语:Big Ben)(或翻译成大笨钟、大鹏钟), 即威斯敏斯特宫钟塔,英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼 (Clock Tower) 的大报时钟的昵称。 大本钟坐落在英国伦敦泰晤士河畔, 是世界上最大的 哥特式建筑。英国最高立法机构——国会上、下议院都 设在这里,所以大本钟也称议会大厦或国会大厦。
英国伦敦大本钟的简介伦敦大本钟,又称“大本”(Big Ben),是英国伦敦市中心的象征,也是世界著名的地标之一。
因此,英国议会委托吉尔伯特·斯科特博士(Gilbert Scott)设计一座完美的钟楼。
大本钟英文介绍The Big Ben is an iconic bell tower standing in thenorth-eastern corner of the Palace of Westminster in London, England. It is considered a symbol of both London and the United Kingdom, and is one of the country's most famous landmarks. The tower was designed by Charles Barry and Augustus Pugin, with construction starting in 1844 and completed in 1859.The Big Ben stands at the height of 315 feet tall and is the world's largest four-faced clock. Each of the four clock faces measure 23 feet in diameter and are made from cast iron. The clock mechanism features five bells, which together form the famous chimes of Big Ben. Although the bells are nowknown as Big Ben, it was originally named 'The Great Bell'.Inside the clock chamber sits the Great Clock and double three-legged gravity escapement, which were both built by Edward Dent. The clock is wound by hand every week and is so precise that it only deviates two-fifths of a second per day.The clock is illuminated by 312 lamps, which are automatically switched on each evening. The clock tower is crowned with a 3 tonne, 4.2 metre long cast iron needledspire which holds a triangular lantern room.The Big Ben has become a global icon of London tourismand is a popular destination for tourists from around the world. Tours are regularly given, allowing visitors access to the Clock Tower and its history. The Great Clock and its magnificent chimes have become a symbol associated withLondon throughout the world.。
英国大本钟英语作文English:The Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster, more commonly known as Big Ben, is an iconic symbol of both London and the United Kingdom. Standing tall at over 96 meters, Big Ben has been chiming since 1859 and has become a beloved landmark for locals and tourists alike. The name "Big Ben" actually refers to the bell inside the tower, but over time has come to encompass the entire clock tower. The chimes of Big Ben are known around the world and have become synonymous with British culture. Despite facing various renovations and repairs over the years, Big Ben continues to ring out its distinctive melodies, marking the passage of time in the heart of London.中文翻译:议会宫北端的大本钟,更为人熟知的是“大本钟”,是伦敦和英国的标志性象征。
英语作文大本钟45句英文回答:Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of Westminster, which is housed within Elizabeth Tower (previously known as the Clock Tower) at the Palace of Westminster in London, England. The tower was designed by the architect Charles Barry in a neo-Gothic style. Construction began in 1843 and was completed in 1859. The bell was cast in 1856 and weighs 13.5 tons. It was named after Sir Benjamin Hall, the First Commissioner of Works, who oversaw the installation of the bell.The tower is 316 feet tall and has four clock faces, each 23 feet in diameter. The clock is one of the most accurate in the world, losing only about one second every five years. The bell strikes every hour on the hour, and the chimes of the clock can be heard for miles around.Big Ben is one of the most iconic landmarks in Londonand is a popular tourist destination. It is also a symbol of British democracy and has been featured in numerousfilms and television shows.Big Ben is a truly magnificent structure and a testament to the skill of the Victorian engineers who built it. It is a symbol of London and of Britain, and it is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world.中文回答:大本钟是威斯敏斯特大教堂大钟的昵称,它位于英国伦敦威斯敏斯特宫的伊丽莎白塔(前身为时钟塔)内。
大本钟英文介绍**Title: The Great Bell of Westminster - A TimelessIcon***Introduction*The Great Bell of Westminster, colloquially known as Big Ben, stands as an iconic symbol of both London and the United Kingdom. Nestled within the towering structure of the Palaceof Westminster, this magnificent timepiece has etched itsmark on the pages of history. Its resonant chimes have become the heartbeat of the city, echoing through time and acrossthe River Thames. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the intricate details and storied past of the Great Bell, uncovering the rich tapestry that makes it a timeless marvel.*Historical Origins*Commissioned in 1856, the Great Bell was cast at the Whitechapel Bell Foundry, a venerable institution with alegacy spanning centuries. Originally intended to be namedthe "Royal Victoria," the bell, which now bears the moniker "Big Ben," was met with public affection, inspired by the nickname of the First Commissioner of Works at the time, Sir Benjamin Hall. The amalgamation of engineering prowess and historical significance imbues Big Ben with a profound identity.*Architectural Grandeur*Ascending from the neo-gothic splendor of the Palace of Westminster, Big Ben stands tall, a marvel of Victorian engineering. The tower that houses the Great Bell, officiallyknown as the Elizabeth Tower, pays homage to the reigning monarch of its inception. Its four clock faces, eachmeasuring 23 feet in diameter, dominate the London skyline, offering a visual spectacle that captivates both locals and tourists alike.*Mechanics and Precision*The inner workings of Big Ben exemplify the mechanical genius of the 19th century. A complex array of gears, levers, and counterweights orchestrates the rhythmic dance that produces the resonant chimes heard across the city. Theclock's pendulum, a massive and precisely regulated apparatus, swings with metronomic precision, ensuring the accuracy of timekeeping that has stood the test of time for over a century.*Chiming Tradition*Big Ben's distinctive chimes, familiar to millions, have become synonymous with London's auditory landscape. Every quarter hour, the melodious chimes emanate from the tower, a sonorous reminder of the passage of time. The hourly strike, marked by the deep resonating gong, punctuates the silenceand reverberates across the metropolis, underscoring thegravity of each passing hour.*Significance in World Events*Big Ben has been an unswerving witness to the ebb andflow of history. From the tumultuous days of World War IIwhen its chimes provided solace and resilience, to the celebratory moments marking the dawn of a new year, the Great Bell has been a steadfast companion to the people of London.Its symbolic importance extends beyond the borders of the United Kingdom, resonating with people around the world as a symbol of resilience and continuity.*Restorations and Maintenance*Throughout its illustrious history, the Great Bell has undergone several renovations and maintenance initiatives to ensure its longevity. The meticulous care taken by dedicated craftsmen and engineers reflects a commitment to preserving this cultural treasure for generations to come. Whether it be the replacement of worn-out components or the restoration of the intricate clock faces, each effort is a testament to the ongoing stewardship of this beloved timepiece.*Iconic Cultural References*Big Ben's influence extends far beyond the realm of horology and architecture; it has permeated popular culture. The Great Bell has been featured in numerous films, literature, and art, cementing its status as a cultural icon. Its silhouette against the London skyline is instantly recognizable, a symbol that encapsulates the spirit of the city and the resilience of the people it serves.*Conclusion*In the heart of London, where the River Thames winds its way through centuries of history, the Great Bell of Westminster stands tall, a testament to the ingenuity of human craftsmanship and the enduring spirit of a nation. Big Ben's resonant chimes continue to echo through time, bridging the gap between the past and the present. As a symbol of continuity, resilience, and cultural significance, the GreatBell remains an indelible part of London's identity, captivating the imagination of all who gaze upon its majestic presence.。
关于英国大本钟的英语作文English: The Great Bell, more commonly known as Big Ben, is one of the most iconic landmarks in London, England. Located at the north end of the Palace of Westminster, the Great Bell is housed within the Elizabeth Tower and is closely associated with the British Parliament. The bell weighs over tons and has a diameter of meters, making it one of the largest bells in the United Kingdom. Big Ben's chimes are known worldwide for their accuracy and have been broadcast on BBC Radio since 1923. The iconic clock tower has stood as a symbol of British resilience and strength, even surviving the bombings during World War II. Its distinctive chimes have become synonymous with London and are a must-see for visitors to the city.中文翻译: 伟大钟声,更常被称为大本钟,是英格兰伦敦最具标志性的地标之一。
大本钟(Big Ben)是伦敦的标志性建筑之一,位于英国议会大厦的北侧。
英国伦敦大本钟伦敦大本钟(Big Ben)位于英国伦敦市中心,是伦敦的标志性建筑之一。
英国大本钟英文介绍The Big Ben, also known as the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London, is one of the most iconic landmarks of the United Kingdom. Built in 1858, the Big Ben weighs a whopping 13.7 tonnes and its four clock faces are 7 metres in diameter. The clock's mechanism is so precise that it can regulate itself just by taking into account the changes in temperature and keeping in tune with the vibrations caused by pedestrians and traffic.The Big Ben is named after Sir Benjamin Hall, who was the commissioner responsible for the construction of the clock tower. A common misconception is that the name refers to the clock tower itself, but in fact, the tower isofficially known as the Elizabeth Tower. The name was changed in 2012 to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.For many years, the Big Ben has been a symbol of resilience and determination for the people of the United Kingdom. During World War II, the clock continued to strike despite the bombings and destruction surrounding it. It has also undergone several repairs and renovations throughout the years to keep it in operation, including major repairs after the tower began to tilt due to the excavation of nearby underground tunnels.Today, the Big Ben remains one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world. It chimes every 15 minutes and is lit up at night to create a stunning visual display. Despite its age and the many changes that have taken placearound it, the Big Ben continues to inspire and capture the imagination of people all over the world.。
大本钟的英语是“Big Ben”,它是英国伦敦的标志性建筑之一。
实际上,“Big Ben”这个词语原本是指整个钟楼建筑,但如今已成为钟楼内悬挂的巨大铜铃的代名词。
整个大本钟建筑由19世纪著名建筑设计师A.W.N. Pugin和建筑师Charles Barry设计,于1859年竣工。
大本钟机械由19世纪伟大的钟表制造师Edward John Dent制造,现在由伦敦著名的钟表制造商Whitechapel Bell Foundry进行维护。
由于它的历史和知名度,人们通常认为“Big Ben”代表着整个钟楼建筑,但事实上它只是其中一部分。
医护英语unit2答案课文翻译This is my home.It's old.这是我的家。
This is my home.It's very famous.这是我的家。
2Listen and say部分翻译Amy:This is Big Ben.It's very old.埃米:这是大本钟。
Lingling:And it's very tall.玲玲:并且它非常高。
Amy:This is Hyde Park.埃米:这是海德公园。
Lingling:It's very beautiful.玲玲:它非常美丽。
Amy:And this is Tower Bridge. It's very famous.埃米:这是塔桥。
Lingling:And it's very beautiful too.玲玲:并且它也非常美丽。
3Listen and point部分翻译A:It's very old.What is it?A:它非常古老。
它是什么?B:It's the desk.The desk is very old.B:它是书桌。
It's very old,What is it?它非常旧。
它是什么?It's the desk.The desk is very old.它是书桌。
It's very long.What is it?它非常长。
它是什么?It's the train.The train is very long.它是火车。
It's very big.What is it?它非常大。
它是什么?It's the school,The school is very big.它是学校。
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