歌曲:Brave Heart
Brave heart&A Beautiful Mind
Brave heart(1)IntroductionChinese Title:《勇敢的心》《惊世未了缘》《梅尔吉布森之英雄本色》English Title:(Brave heart)Director:Mel Gibson(梅尔·吉布森)Starring:Mel Gibson(梅尔·吉布森)Sophie Marceau(苏菲·玛索)James Cosmo(詹姆斯·卡沙莫)Introduction:Set in the late 13th century, 'Brave heart' is the story of one of Scotland's greatest national heroes Sir William Wallace, leader of the Scottish resistance forces during the first years of the long, ultimately successful struggle to free Scotland from English rule...Crucially charismatic(有魅力的,有感召力的) in the title role, Gibson plays the heroic figure and emerges as a remarkable hero with wit and romantic soul, determined to rid his country of its English oppressors...Wallace's revolution was set in motion, with great obstacles from his countrymen... Many Scottish nobles lent him only grudging support as most of them were more concerned with wealth and titles than the freedom of the country... In fact, the Scottish leaders are in favor of revolt-or not-depending on English bribes... Wallace, by comparison, is a man of honor, incorruptible and righteous... He was knighted and proclaimed 'guardian and high protector of Scotland,'but as much as he railed against the Scottish nobles, submitted to Edward I, King of England, he was astonished and in shock to discover the treachery of the leading Scot contender for the throne-Robert, the Earl of Bruce-to whom he confided , 'The people would follow you, if you would only lead them.' Sophie Marceau is exquisite as the distressed princess Isabella of France who ends up falling in love with Wallace, warning him out of several traps...Mel Gibson has reason to be proud of 'Brave heart.' It is a motion picture that dares to be excessive... Gibson presents passionately the most spaciously impressive battles (yet staged for films) even excessively, and it is his passion and excess that make the motion picture great... The horror and futility of massed hand-to-hand combats are exciting rather repulsive... It is epic film-making at its glorious best...Gibson's 'Brave heart' focuses on the human side of Wallace, a character so immense, so intelligent, and so passionate, exploring the definitions of honor and nobility, pushing us to follow the hero into his struggle against injustice and oppression...中文版简介:在威廉·华莱士还是孩子的时候,他的父亲,苏格兰的英雄马索·华莱士在与英军的斗争中牺牲了。
1. "Brave" by Sara Bareilles这首歌是一首非常励志的歌曲,它会让你觉得自己有无限的力量。
2. "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor这首歌是一个非常经典的舞曲,它的旋律和歌词都非常令人振奋。
3. "You Are the Reason" by Calum Scott这首歌非常感人,歌词讲述了一段感人的爱情故事。
4. "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri这首歌非常浪漫,它是电影"暮光之城"的主题曲,可以让你萌动心灵。
5. "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift这首歌非常活泼,歌曲表达了一种摆脱忧愁和恶意的心情。
6. "Happy" by Pharrell Williams这首歌非常积极向上,歌曲的旋律和歌词都非常欢快。
Feedback of Brave HeartS3In this November Holidays, I watched a film, name is Braveheart.In fact, this is not the first time I watched this movie.When I was a child ,about 10 or 11. Maybe I was too young ,I don't have much impression, the feeling of the film is that Wallace is a hero,I even can't remember the other part of the story.The second time I watched the film in the long summer vacation after the college entrance examination,after that time I remembered the story,Wallace is aware of the struggle for freedom away, of course, that melodious Scottish bagpipes.But this time I feel different from the past.It is a 1995 American epic drama film,the winner of Oscar Prize.It is the story of one of Scotland's greatest national heroes Sir William Wallace. leader of the Scottish resistance forces during the first years of the long, ultimately successful struggle to free Scotland from English rule in the late 13th century.King Edward "Longshanks"of England, has occupied much of southern Scotland, and his oppressive rule there leads to the deaths of William Wallace's father and brother. Years later, after Wallace has been raised abroad by his uncle, the Scots continue to live under the iron fist of Longshanks' cruel laws. Wallace returns, determined to rid his country ofits English oppressors. Wallace seeks the assistance of Scottish nobles but who lent him only grudging support as most of them were more concerned with wealth and titles than the freedom of the country.Two Scottish nobles, Lochlan and Mornay, planning to submit to Longshanks, betray Wallace at the Battle of Falkirk the following year as a new English army invades Scotland. The Scots lose the battle and Wallace nearly loses his life.As the English king's emissary, Princess Isabelle meets with Wallace. It is sarcastic that the English princess fell in love with Wallace and she got pregnant at the end. Still believing there is some good in the nobility of his country, Wallace eventually agrees to meet with Robert the Bruce in Edinburgh. Wallace is caught in a trap set by the elder Bruce and the other nobles, and handed over to the English.Finally, the court responds by sentencing him to death. Wallace is taken to a London square for his torture and execution by beheading. He refuses to submit to the king and beg for mercy despite being half hanged, racked, castrated, and disemboweled publicly. Using the last strength in his body, the defiant William instead shouts, "Freedom!" Just as he is about to be beheaded.This movie is my favorite.It really shaken me! I can experience the power of faith, it can truly bring you strong. Wallace is so powerful and firm that nothing could destroy him, because he owns a brave heart for freedom! It tells me that there is something named freedom which is more important than life.I think Braveheart is a heart with a firm belief. William Wallace: Every man dies, not every man really lives.华莱士:每个人都会死去,但不是每个人都曾经真正活过Princess Isabelle: He ( the king ) proposes that you withdraw your attack. In return, he grants you title, estates and this chest of gold, which I am to pay to you personally.伊莎贝尔:他(国王)建议你停止进攻并撤回去。
宫崎歩 - Brave Heart
Brave Heart逃げたりあきめることは誰も一瞬あればできるから歩き続けよ君にしかできないことがある青い星に光がなくせぬようにつかめ!描いた夢をまもれ!大事な友をたくましい自分になれるさ知らないパワーが宿るハートに火がついたらどんな願いも嘘じゃないきっとかなうからShow me your brave heart逃避或是放弃既然谁都会有这一瞬间就继续前进吧有些事只有你做得到让蓝色星球的光永不消逝去抓紧!描绘的梦想去保护!重要的朋友让自己变得更坚强吧未知的力量还存在着只要点燃心中的火无论什么愿望都不会是谎言一定能实现Show me your brave heart晴れた日ばかりじゃないからたまに冷たい雨も振るけれど傘ひろげよう生き方に地図なんかないけどだから自由どこへだって行ける、君もはしれ!風より速くめざせ!空より遠く新しい自分に逢えるさ知らない勇気が眠るハートに気がついたら胸の中のどしゃ降りもきっと止むからShow me your brave heart并不一定都是晴天偶尔也会下起冷雨那就撑起伞吧既然生活方式不存在地图所以很自由不论哪儿都能去,你也一样奔跑吧!比风更快目标!比天空更远去遇见全新的自己吧未知的勇气还沉睡着只要倾注于心灵就算是心中的倾盆大雨也一定会停止的Show me your brave heartつかめ!眩しい明日をまもれ!愛する人をたくましい自分になれるさこわせ!弱気な君をくずせ!ぶつかる壁を熱い鼓動武器になるからBelieve in your heart去抓紧!耀眼的明天去保护!深爱的人让自己变得更坚强吧去破坏!弱小的你去摧毁!撞到的墙把热情的心跳化为武器Believe in your heart。
Brave——勇敢做自己作者:李茁来源:《新东方英语·中学版》2014年第10期“Brave”出自美国创作歌手Sara Bareilles 于2013年发行的同名专辑Brave。
Sara Bareilles 虽然没有经过正规的声乐、钢琴学习和训练,却天生有着出众的音乐天赋,被称为“钢琴才女”的她是美国乐坛近几年崭露头角的一颗新星。
这首歌的创作灵感来自Sara Bareilles的一个朋友勇敢做自己的故事,Sara Bareilles想要通过这样一首励志的歌曲鼓励人们勇敢地表达自己、做真实的自己。
这是一首典型的Sara Bareilles式的歌曲,节奏感强,编曲并不花俏繁复,再加上Sara Bareilles纯净、充满张力的嗓音,很容易让听众感受到歌曲所传递出的正能量。
电影《勇敢的心》(Brave Heart)中有这样一句台词:“Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it. (你的心是自由的,用你的勇气去追随吧)。
You can be amazing,You can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug.You can be the outcast,Or be the backlash of somebody's lack of love.Or you can start speakin' up.Nothing's gonna hurt you the way that words do,And they settle 'neath your skin.Kept on the inside and no sunlight,Sometimes a shadow wins,But I wonder what would happen if you☆ Say what you wanna say,And let the words fall out.Honestly I wanna see you be brave,With what you want to say,And let the words fall out.Honestly I wanna see you be brave. ☆* ▲I just wanna see you …I just wanna see you …I just wanna see you … ▲I wanna see you be brave. *Refrain *Everybody's been there.Everybody's been stared down by the enemy.Fallen for the fear and done some disappearing.Bow down to the mighty.Don't run, and stop holding your tongue.Maybe there's a way out of the cage where you live. Maybe one of these days you can let the light in.Show me how big your brave is.Refrain ☆Innocence, your history of silenceWon't do you any good.Did you think it would?Let your words be anything but empty.Why don't you tell them the truth? Refrain ☆ *Ref rain ▲See you be brave.Refrain ▲Refrain ▲(歌曲推荐者:北京徐菁)。
3月27日上传Handout-Brave Heart
Brave HeartStory of History● Questions for Plot Review1. What was the original cause of the war between Scotland and England?2. Why did so many people hang in the barn?3. Who was the king of England? Whom did he choose as the wife of his eldest son?4. Why did the king of England grant the English nobles “prima noctes ”?5. Who was Robert Bruce?6. Who led Scotland to get freedom at last?●Related ReadingStory of Love●Questions for Plot Review1.After riding out in the rain, what did William give Murron in the handkerchief?2.Why didn’t Murron’s father approve her date with William?3.Why did William choose the night to marry Murron?4.Why didn’t the prince love his wife?5.Why could William meet the princess?6.Could William and the princess’ love get a result? How do you know? Story of Hero●Questions for Plot Review1.Why did William refuse Hamish’s father’s invitation to a secret meeting?2.Why was Murron killed?3.Why did the English advance an army towards Sterling? Did the Scottish nobles tryto help?4.Why was it a very hard battle in Sterling?5.What contributed the victory of the battle in Sterling?6.What was William’s decision after the Sterling battle?7.When William and his army stayed at York, what did the English king do?8.What was the Scottish nobles’ attitude when the king decided to fight back?9.Why didn’t William kill the person with a helmet covering his face in the Falkirkbattle?10.What was the reason for the Falkirk failure/11.Why did Wallace decide to attend the meeting in Edinburg though his men wereagainst it?12.Who set the trap to catch William?13.Why did William spit out the drug given by the princess?Culture NotesMovie AppreciationClip 1Edward: Scotland... my land. The French will 1__________ to anyone with strength, but how will they believe our strength when we cannot rule the whole of ourown island? Where is my son?Princess: Your pardon, milord. He asked me to come in his stead.Edward: I sent for him, and he sends you.Princess: Shall I leave, milord?Edward: If he wants his queen to rule when I am gone, then, by all means, stay and learn how. Please.Edward: Nobles. Nobles are the key to the door of Scotland. Grant our nobles lands in the north, give their nobles estates here in England, and make them 2_______________________________________.Nobles: But, sire, our nobles will be reluctant to uproot. New lands mean new taxes and they're already taxed for the war in France.Edward: Are they? Are they? 3_____________________________________________.Perhaps the time has come to reinstitute an old custom. Grant them prima noctes. First night, when any common girl 4____________their lands is married, our nobles shall have sexual rights to her on the night of her wedding.If we can’t get them out, 5______________. That should fetch just the kind of lords we want to Scotland, taxes or no taxes, huh?Noble: A most excellent idea, sire.Edward: Is it?Clip 2Soldier 1: So many. I didn't come here to fight, so they could own more lands. Then I'll have to work for them.Soldier 2: Nor me. All right, lads! I'm not dying for these bastards. Let's go home! Noble 1: Stop, men! Do not flee! 1__________________.Soldier 1: William Wallace.Soldier 2: Can't be. Not tall enough.Steven: The Almighty says this must be a fashionable fight. It's drawn the finest people.Noble 1: Where is thy salute?William: For presenting yourselves on this battlefield, I give you thanks.Noble 1: This is our army. To join it, you give homage.William: I give homage to Scotland, and if this is your army...why does it go?Soldier 2: We didn't come here to fight for them!Soldier 1: Home! The English are too many.William: Sons of Scotland...I am William Wallace.Soldier 1: William Wallace is 7 feet tall.William: Yes. I've heard. He kills men by the hundreds, and if he were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning fromhis arse. I am William Wallace and I see a whole army of my countrymenhere 2_______________________. You've come to fight as free men. Andfree men you are. What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight? Soldiers: No! - No!Soldier 2: Against that? No! We will run, and we will live.William: Fight, and you may die. Run, and you'll live at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, 3_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________!。
《勇敢的心》brave heart影片赏析片名:勇敢的心导演:梅尔·吉布森Mel Gibson编剧:兰德尔·华莱士Randall Wallace主演:梅尔·吉布森Mel Gibson .....William Wallace苏菲•玛索Sophie Marceau .....Princess Isabelle国家:美国公映时间:1995年奖项:第六十八届(96年)奥斯卡最佳影片奖、最佳导演奖、最佳摄影奖、最佳音乐奖、最佳化装奖;金球奖(96年)最佳导演奖;英国学院奖(96年)最佳摄影奖、最佳音响奖、最佳服装奖一、背景介绍影片是以13世纪末14世纪初苏格兰人民反抗英格兰暴政为时代背景,故事主人威廉·华莱士,不但确有其人,而且他的英勇事迹更使得他成为苏格兰的民族英雄。
兰德尔·华莱士经过研究所得威廉姆·华莱士的史料并不多,剧本故事主要来源于15世纪苏格兰作家Henry the Minstrel的传奇诗作主题。
brave heart中文谐音
哈卡do 你其卡族未卡拉
哈里路hi 八嘎里驾那一卡拉
凯萨hi 咯给优与鸡卡大衣
都哭哇大t油凯路ki 米摸~~~~
没咋塞so 拉油你痛苦
啊他拉西鸡母hi 阿雷卢萨
妈摸累啊雨速路hi得咯大哭妈西鸡hi 拿了路傻
《Brave Heart》勇敢的心 电影对白
I shall tell you of William Wallace.
Historians from England will say I am a liar.
But history is written by
Give their nobles estates here in England.
And make them too greedy to oppose us.
But, sir, our nobles will
So Longshanks invited
them to talks of a truce.
No weapons. One page only.
One farmer of that shire was Malcolm Wallace,
Your heart is free.
Have the courage to follow it.
What are they doing?
Saying goodbye in their own way.
Brave Heart 勇敢的心
片 长:177分钟
Part I Part II Part III
影片赏析 练习 拓展阅读
Part I 影片赏析
Braveheart is a 1995 epic historical drama film directed by and starring Mel Gibson. Gibson portrays William Wallace, a 13thcentury Scottish warrior who led the Scots in the First War of Scottish Independence against King Edward I of England. The story is based on Blind Harry's epic poem The Actes and Deidis of the Illustre and Vallyeant Campioun Schir William Wallace and was adapted for the screen by Randall Wallace (兰道尔·华莱士).
Sophie Marceau (born 17 November 1966) is a French
actress, director, screenwriter, and author. As a teenager,
Marceau achieved popularity with her debut films La Boum (《初吻》)(1980)and La Boum 2 (《初吻2》) (1982),receiving a César Award for Most Promising Actress (凯撒奖“最具前途女艺人”). She became a
数码宝贝brave heart完美歌词
数码宝贝BRAVE HEART歌词1 ni ge ta ri a ki ra me ru ko to wa,da re mo逃げたりあきらめるコトは谁も[不论是谁都有想去逃避的时候]2 itsyun a re ba de ki ru ka ra,a ru ki tsu zi ke you isshun一瞬あればできるから歩き続けよう[只要在那一刻发挥出潜藏的那种力量便可以清除前路上的障碍 ]3 ki mi ni shi ka de ki nai ko to ga a ru,a o i ho shi ni君にしかできないコトがある青い星に[一定有些什么事情是你才做到的使这个蓝色星球]4 hi ka ri ga na ku se nu you ni光がなくせぬように[可以继续闪耀着光芒]5 tsu ka me! e ga i ta yu me woつかめ! 描いた梦を[抓紧着你所拥有的梦想]6 ma mo re! dai ji na to mo woまもれ! 大事な友を[守护着你重要的朋友]7 ta ku ma shii ji bun ni, na re ru saたくましい自分になれるさ[使自己变得更坚强]8 shi ra nai pa waa ga ya do ru,haa to ni hi ga tsu i ta ra知らないパワーが宿るハートに火がついたら[潜在的未知力量像火焰那般被点燃]9 don na ne gai mo,u so jya naiどんな愿いも嘘じゃない[是真的你的所有愿望 ]10 kitto ka na u ka ra…show me your brave heartきっとかなうから…show me your brave heart[都一定可以实现...]11 ha re no hi ba ka ri jya nai ka ra,ta ma ni晴れの日ばかりじゃないからたまに[天气不会天天都是晴天 ]12 tsu me tai a me mo fu ru ke re do,ka sa hi ro ge you冷たい雨も振るけれど伞ひろげよう[所以当寒冷的雨降下时便张开雨伞 ]13 i ki ka ta ni chi zu nan ka nai ke do,da ka ra ji yuu生き方に地図なんかないけどだから自由[生活是没有地图可以指引的所以我们拥有自由]14 do ko he datte yu ke ru,ki mi moどこへだって行ける,君も[随心所欲即管前往任何地方 ]15 ha shi re!ka ze yo ri ha ya kuはしれ! 风より速く[冲刺!! 以比风还要快的速度 ]16 me za se!so ra yo ri to o kuめざせ! 空より远く[去吧!! 比天空还要远的地方]17 a ta ra shii ji bun ni a e ru sa新しい自分に逢えるさ[碰见了一个全新的自己 ]18 shi ra nai yuu ki ga ya do ru,haa to ni ki ga tsu i ta ra知らない勇気が眠るハートに気がついたら[潜在着未知的勇气像一股气息那般囤积著]19 mu ne no na ka no do sya fu ri mo胸の中のどしゃ降りも[从胸中涌出的不安 ]20 kitto ya mu ka ra…show me your brave heartきっと止むから…show me your brave heart[一定会停止...show me your brave heart]21 tsu ka me!ma bu shii a su woつかめ! 眩しい明日を[抓紧着眩目的明日]22 ma mo re!ai su ru hi to woまもれ! 爱する人を[守护着所爱的人 ]23 ta ku ma shii ji bun ni na re ru saたくましい自分になれるさ[使自己变得坚强 ]24 ko wa se!yo wa ki na ki mi woこわせ! 弱気な君を[放下那软弱的你]25 ku ze se!bu tsu ka ru ka be woくずせ! ぶつかる壁を[打破那封闭着的墙壁 ]26 a zui ko dou,mu ki ni na ru ka ra believe in your heart热い鼓动武器になるからbelieve in your heart[将心中灼热的鼓动变成为武器 believe in your heart]罗马音:1 ni ge ta ri a ki ra me ru ko to wa,da re mo2 itsyun a re ba de ki ru ka ra,a ru ki tsu zi ke you isshun3 ki mi ni shi ka de ki nai ko to ga a ru,a o i ho shi ni4 hi ka ri ga na ku se nu you ni5 tsu ka me!e ga i ta yu me wo6 ma mo re! dai ji na to mo wo7 ta ku ma shii ji bun ni na re ru sa8 shi ra nai pa waa ga ya do ru,haa to ni hi ga tsu i ta ra9 don na ne gai mo,u so jya nai10 kitto ka na u ka ra…show me your brave heart11 ha re no hi ba ka ri jya nai ka ra,ta ma ni12 tsu me tai a me mo fu ru ke re do,ka sa hi ro ge you13 i ki ka ta ni chi zu nan ka nai ke do,da ka ra ji yuu14 do ko he datte yu ke ru,ki mi mo15 ha shi re!ka ze yo ri ha ya ku16 me za se!so ra yo ri to o ku17 a ta ra shii ji bun ni a e ru sa18 shi ra nai yuu ki ga ya do ru,haa to ni ki ga tsu i ta ra19 mu ne no na ka no do sya fu ri mo20 kitto ya mu ka ra…show me your brave heart21 tsu ka me!ma bu shii a su wo22 ma mo re!ai su ru hi to wo23 ta ku ma shii ji bun ni na re ru sa24 ko wa se!yo wa ki na ki mi wo25 ku ze se!bu tsu ka ru ka be wo26 a zui ko dou,mu ki ni na ru ka rabelieve in your heart!。
朴树《No Fear In My Heart》歌词朴树《No Fear In My Heart》歌词朴树新专辑中有一首原名为《The Fear In My Heart》的歌,就像这张难产的专辑,代表了他内心一直以来的纠结和不安。
在专辑推出两个月后,朴树遇见了张杨导演和电影《冈仁波齐》,当下决定把新歌更名为《No Fear In My Heart》,并重新编曲演绎,它最终成为了这部电影的主题曲。
NoFearInMyHeart-(电影《冈仁波齐》主题曲)——朴树作词:朴树作曲:朴树你在躲避什么你在挽留什么你想取悦谁呢你曾经下跪这冷漠的世界何曾将你善待所以你厌恶危险坠入厄运深渊输掉一切你两手紧紧抓着如同身处悬崖你小心翼翼地以为你拥有着貌似人生圆满能不能彻底地放开你的手敢不敢这么义无反顾坠落坠入黑暗中坠入泥土中的`海阔天空就让我来次透彻心扉的痛都拿走让我再次两手空空只有奄奄一息过那个真正的我他才能够诞生Just let time go on Your kneeling now stand With no fear in my heart God comes into my mind 你也曾经追问然后沉默渐渐习惯谎言并以此为荣因为没有草原就忘了你是马你卑微的人生从不曾犯错的无聊的人生能不能彻底地放开你的手敢不敢这么义无反顾坠落坠入黑暗中坠入泥土中的海阔天空就让我来次透彻心扉的痛都拿走让我再次两手空空只有奄奄一息过那个真正的我他才能够诞生那才是我那才是我那个发光的那个会飞的Yo buddy那个顶天立地的那才是我当我一微笑所有的苦难都灰飞烟灭能不能彻底地放开你的手敢不敢这么义无反顾坠落坠入黑暗中坠入泥土中的海阔天空就让我来次透彻心扉的痛都拿走让我再次两手空空只有奄奄一息过那个真正的我他才能够诞生歌手信息:朴树,本名濮树,1973年11月8日出生于江苏南京,中国内地男歌手。
Lenka《We are the brave》中英文歌词心中恐慌之时,听听《We are the brave》的旋律,能够获取勇气,我们是勇敢而无畏的,我们是百折不挠的,听着Lenka歌唱的声音,细细品味着《We are the brave》的歌词,不论是英文原版歌词,还是中文翻译歌词,都让人回味无穷,我们是无畏的,现在是我们的时代。
We are the brave中英文歌词We are the brave, we are the bold我们百折不挠勇敢无畏We can be anything, anything, anything我们充满无限可能We are the light, we light the dark我们化身光明照亮黑暗We can do everything everything, everything我们无所不能So hold on don’t stop坚持到底别止步于此There’s so much in you你潜力无限We are the brave, oh oh我们勇敢无畏We are the free, oh oh我们自由无阻We have the power to be stronger if we want it只要我们有渴望我们就有能力变强You and me.你我二人This our time, this is our day这是我们的时代是我们的天下了We can do anything, anything, anything我们充满无限可能And all our dreams light up the way我们的梦想照亮前路We can have everything everything, everything 我们无所不能So stand up don’t stop所以站起来吧别停下脚步The best is in you你就是最好的自己We are the brave, oh oh我们勇敢无畏We are the free, oh oh我们自由无阻We have the power to be stronger if we want it 只要我们有渴望我们就有能力变强You and me.你我二人So light up the power in you快点燃体内的洪荒之力And go for the best in you唤醒最棒的自己Cause I see a light shine through因为我看到一束光穿越黑暗而来So light up the power in you快点燃体内的洪荒之力And go for the best in you唤醒最棒的自己Cause I see a light shine through因为我看到一束光穿越黑暗而来We are the brave, oh oh我们勇敢无畏We are the free, oh oh我们自由无阻So light up the power in you快点燃体内的洪荒之力And go for the best in you唤醒最棒的自己Cause I see a light shine through因为我看到一束光穿越黑暗而来So light up the power in you快点燃体内的洪荒之力And go for the best in you唤醒最棒的自己Cause I see a light shine through因为我看到一束光穿越黑暗而来We are the brave, oh oh我们勇敢无畏lenka简介蕾恩卡·克莉帕克(Lenka Kripac),1978年3月19日出生于澳大利亚新南威尔士,澳大利亚女歌手、演员、作曲家。
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歌曲:Brave Heart
きっとかなうから…show me your brave heart
都一定可以实现...show me your brave heart(把你勇敢的心展示给我)
きっと止むから…show me your brave heart
一定会停止...show me your brave heart(把你勇敢的心展示给我)
热い鼓动武器になるからbelieve in your heart
将心中灼热的鼓动变成为武器believe in your heart(相信你的心)。