外文Fault diagnosis of wind turbine planetary gearbox
提出了基于多重分形理论的一种大型风力机主轴承早期故障诊的新方法,某风场3WM 机组实验结果表明该方法对风力机主轴承系统早期故障快速有效。
对比发现时域波形具有自相似性,测试传感器为德国普卢福VIBXPERT 专家级FFT 数据采集及信号分析仪。
3210-1-2-3V(mm/s)05000100001500020000t(mm/s)3210-1-2-3V(mm/s)05000100001500020000t(mm/s)3210-1-2-3V(mm/s)05000100001500020000t(mm/s)(a )8kHz (b )4kHz (c )2kHz图1不同采样频率下的主轴承时域信号Fig.1Time Spectrums of Main Bearings onDifferent Sampling Frequencies对于主轴承振动信号的描述可以采用盒维数、信息维数和关联维数等分形方法描述,这些方法在故障诊断中已经有论证研究[7]。
第42卷第3期2021年3月自动化仪表P R O C E S S A U T O M A T I O N I N S T R U M E N T A T I O NV o l.42No. 3M a r. 2021基于改进L M D方法的风电机组齿轮箱故障诊断研究李辉,邓奇(西安理工大学电气工程学院,陕西西安710048)摘要:局部均值函数的求取是局部均值分解(L M D)的关键环节。
针对局部均值函数求取存在偏差进而造成模态混叠的问题,提出 了一种基于局部积分均值的L M D风电机组齿轮箱故障诊断方法。
为实现风电机组齿轮箱故障诊断,首先采用改进L M D方法对信号进行降噪处理,然后采用多尺度熵提取降噪处理后信号的特征向量,最后采用极限学习机进行故障诊断。
通过仿真分析,证明了该方法能有效解决模态混叠现象,提高了 L M D的分解精度。
试验验证分析表明,该方法的故障诊断准确率为100%,通 过对比分析表明,该方法优于其他故障诊断方法,具有工程应用价值。
关键词:局部积分均值;风机齿轮箱;局部均值分解;故障诊断;极值点;多尺度熵;极限学习机;模态混叠中图分类号:T H132. 41 文献标志码:A D0I: 10. 16086/j. cnki. issn 1000-0380. 2020060025Study on Fault Diagnosis of Wind Turbine GearboxBased on Improved LMD MethodLI H u i,D E N G Qi(School of Electrical E n g i n e ering,Xi5an University of T e c h n o l o g y,X i'an 710048,China)A b s t r a c t:F i n d i n g the local m e a n function is the k e y link of the local m e a n d e c o m p o s i t i o n(L M D). A fault diagnosis for the g e a r b o x of the L M D w i n d turbine b a s e d o n the local integral m e a n is p r o p o s e d c o n s i d e r i n g its deviation a n d m o d e m ixing. T h i s m e t h o d a p p l i e d local integral m e a n v a l u e of the a d j a c e n t t w o e x t r e m e points t h e n s m o o t h i n g b y the m o v i n g a v e r a g e m e t h o d to finally obtains the local m e a n function instead of a v e r a g i n g the t w o a d j a c e n t e x t r e m e points. In or d e r to realize the fault diagnosis of w i n d turbine g e a r b o x,t h e i m p r o v e d L M D m e t h o d for d e-n o i s i n g the signal a n d multi-scale e n t r o p y for extracting the feature vector of the d e-n o i s e d signal, a n d finally the limit learning m a c h i n e is used. S i m u l a t i o n analysis p r o v e s that this m e t h o d c a n effectively solve the m o d e m i x i n g p h e n o m e n o n a n d i m p r o v e the d e c o m p o s i t i o n a c c u r a c y of L M D.T h r o u g h e x p e r i m e n t a l verification,this m e t h o d h a s a fault diagnosis a c c u r a c y rate of 100%. T h r o u g h c o m p a r a t i v e analysis,it is of e n g i n e e r i n g applicatin va l u e superior to other fault diagnosis m e t h o d s.Key w ords:L o c a l integral m e a n;W i n d turbine g e a r b o x;L o c a l m e a n d e c o m p o s i t i o n;Fault d i a g n o s i s;E x t r e m e p o i n t;Multiscale e n t r o p y;E x t r e m e learning m a c h i n e;M o d e m i x i n g〇引言近年来,由于全球环境恶化和资源短缺,使得世界 各国逐渐开始重视开发和利用可再生能源。
Summerization and study of fault diagnosis technology of the main components of wind turbine(2008)
ICSET2008Abstract—To find the fault of the wind turbine generator system early and to use proper measure to solve the fault in time and so to increase the operation efficient, the possible faults of the wind turbine generator system were analyzed. The possible faults occurrence of the different wind turbines used in Dabancheng wind farm were investigated. The fault diagnosis method of the wind turbine generator system was studied. The possible faults and the diagnosis method which can be used in the several main parts of the wind turbine generator system were summarized. The conclusion: The fault diagnosis method based on frequency spectrum analysis and wavelet analysis can be effectively used in the vibration analysis of the gear box, shaft and generator of wind turbine generator system. The frequency analysis, temperature field analysis and magnetic field analysis based on limited element analysis can be used in the fault mechanism analysis of the gear box and generator. The intelligent fault diagnosis method based on neural network and fuzzy theorem has significant application prospect in the fault diagnosis of the wind turbine generator system.I.I NTRODUCTIONITH the increasing utility of the wind energy, themaintainance and management of wind turbinegenerator system (WTGS) has become more and more important. It has positive effect to the power system to find the fault early. And this will make the WTGS operating even more safty and reliable. Fault is the incident which leads to the entire or part of functions of the system turning bad for part of component failure. Fault diagnosis (FD) has three steps: the exraction of the fault characteristic, evaluation of fault and fault decision. The FD method includes state estimation and parameter estimation based on the models[1], frequency spectrum analysis and interrelation analysis based on signas [2], the neural network and fuzzy logic method based on knowladge [3], the simulation and knowladge observer based on property model [4]. The FD of WTGS is to measure and isolate the happened and will happened incident which influences the performance of the system. Determine the position, property and the cause. In paper> @ , the fault measurement of wind turbine was studied and the influence to the hub movement and generator vibration of WTGS was This work was supported by China nsfc project (No.50767003)Xinyan Zhang is with the school of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, 710049, Shannxi Province, China. And Xinyan Zhang is also with the school of Electrical Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, Xinjiang , China (e-mail: yzx.zxy@).Shan He is with the school of Electrical Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China (e-mail:heshan@).Peiyi Zhou is with the school of Electrical Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China (e-mail:zhoupeiyi@)..Weiqing Wang is with the school of Electrical Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China (e-mail: wwq59@). He is the communication author.. discussed based on frequency analysis studied. In paper> @ , the fault measurement, forcast and mornitoring was researched. In paper> @ , the stator winding short circuit FD of doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is studied. In paper> @ , the abrupt symetry short circuit of the multiple phase permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) was analyzed. In this paper , we will discuss the possible faults of WTGS, analyze the fault occurance mechanism, examine the calculation method and summorize the FD methods of WTGS.II.S TRUCTURE OF WTGS AND THE P OSSIBLE F AULTSA NALYSISA.Structure of WTGSThe structure of WTGS is shown as Fig.1. It includes wind turbine, gear box, transmission system and generator. Direct-driven PMSG has not gear box. Blades and hub form the wind wheel. Gear is used to rise the speed because the rotation speed of the wind wheel is quite slow. The wind turbine extracts kinetic energy from the wind and converts it into a mechanical torque, and the generating system converts this torque into electricity.B.Fault Investigation of WTGS Used in Dabancheng Wind FarmThere is rich wind resource in Xinjiang of China. In Dabancheng of Xinjiang, the WTGS installation capacity is more then 100MW. Now , Dabancheng wind farm (WF) is the bigest one of Asia. There are WTGS with SCIG (such as Bonus), winding rotor type generator (such as Vestas) , two speed SCIG (such as Nedwind) , DFIG (such as GE) and PMSG (such as Gold Wind ) in this WF. The operators have rich WTGS operation experiences and the fault records of WTGS. The investigation result of the WTGS fault is:Summerization and Study of Fault Diagnosis Technology of the Main Components of Wind Turbine Generator SystemXinyan Zhang , Shan he, Peiyi Zho, Weiqing WangWFig. 1. T KH VWUXFWXUH RI :7*6Generator: The fault occurrence is high in winding rotor type generator, the IGBTs are broken. Before the fault occurrence , there are some phenominon such as increasing of temprature, excessive power output, etc. The windings of stator or rotor were burn or the insulation were broken.Gear box: The tooth, shaft were broken. The heavy wearness of bearing. Because the special weather of Xinjiang, the airstream makes the gear box often operation in a over load condition and can not be lubricated properly. And the over heat phenominon happen in a lot of WTGS under high wind speed. The parts which are failure are different in different types of WTGS and the failure also different in the same types of WTGS because the different installation places.C.The Analysis of the Fault Occurrence Reason of WTGS The fault can happen in every parts of WYGS when it is in operation. We mainly discuss the gear box and generator fault occurrence reason here.The gear box will endure the static and dynamic load which depends on the characteristic of wind wheel and generator, the mass, stiffness and dampness of transmission shaft and coupling, and the operation condition. The machine over speed caused by gust and grid fault can result in the impulse over load. The bearing twist, crooked shaft or some big stiff getting in the meshing parts can turn the tooth broken. Exceeding the fatigue limit under over load or acted by the alternative stress can make the bearing broken. The temperature increases abruptly while in the ordinary operation condition often means the failure of bearing. The over output lasted too long or cooling system failure can result in the high tempreture of oil of gear box. The weather temperature is very low in winter in Xinjiang, if the WTGS always operated in very low temperature, the oil of gear box will become thick and this makes some parts of gear can not be lubricated and so broken.The fault happened in generator includes insulation resistor too low, bearing over heat, winding open circuit and winding short circuit or connected to ground. The possible reasons which make the insulation resistor too low are the high temperature, mechanical damage, moist, dust, conductive particles and other pollution material eroding the winding of the generator[10].The high temperature, wearing, vibration and the carbon brush powder entering the magnetic field air gas can result in the breakdown between the winding phases. The reasons which make winding open circuit and winding short circuit or connected to ground are the winding mechanical broken, damage, fail welding, short circuit between the turns, moist, dust, conductive particles eroding the winding. The over voltage and current caused by the short circuit of the other electrical equipment will make the winding insulation broken or short circuit. The lightning struck can also makes the winding short circuit.III.T HE A PPROACH OF THE F AULT D IAGNOSIS M ETHOD OFWTGSA.Fault Diagnosis MethodFault diagnosis consists fault recognition, fault isolation and fault analysis. The development of efficient fault detection methods has to deal with three main issues: the prerequisite is the choice of signals to be measured because the signals must clearly reflect the component dynamics; the key is the research on suitable signal processing algorithms and the characteristic changes caused by certain faults; the focus is development of efficient classification and diagnosis algorithms. According to P.M.Frank’s idea, fault diagnosis method can be classified as shown in fig.2.B.Fault Diagnosis Method of WTGS AnalysisThe following techniques which are possibly applicable for wind turbine have been identified: vibration analysis, oil analysis, thermography, physical condition of materials, strain measurement, electrical effects, process parameters, visual inspection, performance monitoring, self diagnostic sensors. Strain measurement, acoustic emission, vibration monitoring can be used to detect the failures in the blade trend analysis, based on parameter estimation can be used in pitch control condition monitoring.The parts which have high fault occurrence are gear box, generator and yaw system. We mainly discuss the fault diagnosis method of gear box and generator here. Condition monitoring for gearbox are: vibration analysis based on different sensors, the most commonly used sensor is acceleration sensor, the displacement sensor for inspect the main bearing operating at low speed. Vibration analysis major in the inspection of the frequency related to the rotational speeds. Acoustic emission considers the higher frequency effects which normally attenuate after short period. Oil analysis is used for further inspect diagnosis to approve the first two diagnosis results. Fig.3 shows the fault detection based on frequency spectrum. Based on the level ofamplitudes, status of the signal can be got.Fig. 2. Fault diagnosis method classificationWe build the model of gear and analyze the model using ANSYS based on vibration mechanics and limited element theorem. The condition of frequency and out of shape will be calculated. We also build the temperature field model and analyze the mechanism of fault occurrence of gear.The shaft, gear and bearing of WTGS can vibrate in operation. If there is a fault, the energy distribution and frequency distribution of the vibration signal will vary. The gear will display a different forms under different frequency. The basic vibration quantities such as displace, stress, velocity and strain will change correspond the different frequencies. The normal operation frequency of gear of WTGS is 20Hz~2000Hz. Fig.4 shows the gear form under fault frequency condition. We can find that the teeth of the gear have deformed heavily.Another phenomenon which will lead to the fault of the gear box is the temperature increase. We use ANSYS to analyse the thermal field variation. The thermal stress wascarried out by thermal analysis and the transient thermal analysis is used here. When there is temperature difference, the gas, liquid and solid will have certain heat conduction.The heat transfer or conduction can occur between gear and oil , and thermal convection cab occur between gear oil and gas.The temperature field of gear is shown in fig.5. From the figure , we can find that the meshing gears reachs a thermal balance after 0.5 h.In figure 4, we can see the gear temperature field shows an uneven distribution and the gear temperature distribution is same.Tooth surface of meshed gears have the highest temperature because of the fact that heat transfer between oil and gear is maximum. Gear central exists the lowest temperature because it is far from oil so that the heat transmission is smaller.From gear tooth to gear center, there are different temperature distribution areas. It shows a gradient descent tendency, in every temperature zone, node temperature distribution patterns increas from central part of gear to the the edge.The thermal deformation is caused by temperature field variation with the increase of oil temperature.When the oil temperature is raised, the viscosity of lubricate oil will decrease and the thickness of oil film will be thinner and this will make the oil more easily to enter cracks in tooth surface thus lead to aggravation of cracks of gear-tooth. Therefore,spalling of metal particle occurred at surface of gear-tooth namely the pitting failure of gear surface.Because of the increase of oil temperature,certain degree of expansion has happened, the major deformation mode is the increase of tooth thickness. The main deformation mode of the small gear is to expand outward and no gear-tooth deflection occurrence. The deformation of gear-tooth of scroll wraps is bigger than that of other parts.Deformation of the contact area is decreased due to the heating expansion,which can reduce the shock velocity in meshing to a certain extent.We can find the frictional heat increases with increase of oiltemperature so that the temperature of working area of thegear is the highest one by further analysis and calculation.This will result in the oil film fracture and then causes direct contact and adhesion of tooth surface metal. When the gear issliding and rolling, softer metal is torn in sliding directionwhich results in the forming of surface rills namely gluing.Improving lubrication condition properly can remove scuffing.About the generator fault, we will mainly discuss the faultof DFIG and PMSG used in WTGS. Generator bearing can bemonitored by vibration analysis. The condition of the rotorFig. )ault detection based on frequency spectrum (source Prueftechnik)Fig..4. The form and vibration of gear Fig..5. The temperature distribution of circular spur gear drivingand stator winding can be inspected by temperature. Due to the changing loads , trend analysis based on parameter estimation techniques can be used for early fault detection. Insulation diagnosis can make decision about if there is a fault in insulation parameter and operation performance and forecast the life-span of insulation. Electrical analysis uses frequency spectrum signal to measure the current wave form and then deduce the cause and degree of the fault of the equipment.Using membership function can describe the existence trend of the fault. The threshold can also be modulated by fuzzy logic. But the relation between fault and sign is difficult to get, and diagnosis level depends on the fuzzy knowledge base, so the fail and miss to diagnosis happen easily. Because neural network has the capability to deal with nonlinear problem and can learn by itself, we can use it from the input fault data to deduce the output-fault types and the causes. Wavelet transformation can analyze both in the time scale and in frequency scale. It has multiple resolving power, and can display the signal’s property in both domain. By solving the wavelet transformation of the input and output signals (or data) of a system and then calculation the singularity of them, the fault information can be got by remove the extreme value points caused by the input. The wavelet packet can further decompose the high frequency signal. It has even high resolving power in both time domain and frequency domain. So it can diagnose the fault occurrence time and type of machine.Because the WTGS is very complicated, one fault can be caused by many reasons. Just using one method to diagnose the fault is very difficult. So we use fuzzy neural network to form the diagnosis system. The magnetic field of DFIG is made by both magnetic fields of stator and rotor. The rotation direction of the rotor magnetic field will change correspond the rotation speed of the machine, and the harmonics of the field will lead to the magnetic distortion and torque fluctuation. This will increase the iron loss and attached loss. By calculation the iron loss, rotor temperature, the variation of magnetic field, we can find if the rotor has been damaged. The magnetic path of PMSG is very complicated and the operation point of its magnet steel varies very big in different level of temperature, so the magnet property changes very big, the voltage will fluctuate. Different temperature and load have heavy influence to the voltage and magnetic field. We use limited element calculate the magnetic field and temperature field of the machine and then analyze the mechanism of the fault occurrence.IV.C ONCLUSIONWTGS is a whole entirety, its fault can not be just a mechanical failure or electrical failure, all the fault can be coupled together. And the mechanical fault can lead to the winding vibration, displace and insulation wearing of the generator, and so result in electrical fault. While the electrical fault such as the fault of the rotor or stator winding can lead to gas flux distortion and the electric-magnetic field distribution uneven and then result to mechanical crooked, flexible, unsteady. We will use all the method as described above to diagnose the fault, and at the same time, we will consider the relation between all the parts of WTGS. The intelligent fault diagnosis method based on neural network and fuzzy theorem has significant application prospect in the fault diagnosis of the wind turbine generator system.R EFERENCES[1]Alcorta Garcia, E.and Frank,P.M. “On the relationship betweenobserver and parameter identification based approaches to fault detection”, Proceedings of the forth IFAC world congress., Vol.N, 1996, pp25-29.[2]Frank,P.M. and Ding ,X. , “Frequency domain approach to optimallyrobust residual generation and evaluation for model-based fault diagnosis”. Automatica vol.30, 1993 pp .789-904.[3] Sorsa,T. and Koivo,H.N. “Application of artificeial neural networks inprocess fault diagnosis”. Automatica vol.29, 1993, pp.843-849.[4]R.J.Patton, “Fuzzy observers for non-linear dynamic systems faultdiagnosis”. Proceedings of the 37th IEEE conference on decision of control . Florida ,USA,1998, pp.84-89.[5]P.Caselitz and J. 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状态监测是诊断风力发电机组已经产生故障的有效途径, 而故障诊断则可预 测机组将来会产生的故障或分析故障早期的方法。在基于状态监测的风力发 电机组维护策略中, 采用各种行之有效的故障诊断方法, 可分析出部件故 障早期的存在, 避免或降低未来故障产生造成的损失。 频谱分析的方法:目前, 频谱分析是风力发电机组故障诊断最常用的方法, 尤其在对振动信号和功率信号分析方面, 通常对采集到的数据进行傅里叶变 换,得到信号的频域谱, 从频率的异常变化来诊断机组的故障。 人工智能方法:风力发电机组故障原因复杂, 人工智能方法:风力发电机组故障原因复杂, 其故障征兆、故障原因和故障 机理之间存在着极大的不确定性,故许多学者希望通过人工智能的方法来诊 断机组的故障。文献中引入了一种用单层前向神经网络对数据进行快速分类 绘制故障与非故障分界线的方法,该方法能很好地根据实时数据判断风力发 电机电力电子装置的故障。文献中分析了风力发电机组故障与征兆间的模糊 关系, 形成了模糊故障诊断规则, 建立了风力发电机组模糊故障诊断自适应 形成了模糊故障诊断规则, 修正数学模型。文献中提出了一种智能预测维护系统, 该系统考虑来自不同 传感器的实时信息和其他来源的信息, 从看似正常的行为中诊断出异常。文 献中介绍了风力发电系统故障诊断专家系统的结构及实现原理, 献中介绍了风力发电系统故障诊断专家系统的结构及实现原理,特别提出了数 据库的奇偶编号、推理机的模糊推理判断及学习机制的机械学习, 以增强故 障诊断专家系统的智能性。 小波分析的方法:小波分析具有多分辨( 也称多尺度) 的特点。在高频率 的部分频段能放大尺度, 具有很好的频率分辨性; 在低频率的部分频段能 缩小尺度, 具有很好的时间分辨性和对信号的自适应性
机舱+轮毂+桨叶+变桨系统+偏航系统+齿轮箱+发电机+底座+塔筒 +控制柜
Research on fault diagnosis of wind turbine control system(2010)
Proceedings of the 8thWorld Congress on Intelligent Control and AutomationJuly 6-9 2010, Jinan, ChinaResearch on Fault Diagnosis of Wind Turbine Control System Based on Artificial Neural Network *Hou Guolian Jiang Pan Wang Zhentao Zhang Jianhua Department of Automation Department of Automation Department of Automation Department of Automation North China Electric Power North China Electric Power North China Electric Power North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) University (NCEPU) University (NCEPU) University (NCEPU) Beijing, China e-mail: hgl@ Beijing, China Jiangziyun121@ Beijing, China e-mail: zt_wang@ Beijing, China zhangwu@ *This work is supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 60974029Abstract - This paper presents an algorithm of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) pattern recognition method which is applied to the operations of wind turbine control system (WTCS). This paper presents two kinds of improved algorithms of Neural Network (NN) based on the basic principles to improve theconvergence speed of the network. To avoid the network falling into the local minimum the genetic algorithm for optimization ofneural network fault diagnosis method has been successfullyapplied to the WTCS. Firstly, this paper proposes several improved training algorithms of neural network. It also makes simulation using the existing data. Then, several WTCS sensor faults which are made by artificial are simulated. Finally, six kinds of WTCS failures that often occur are simulated by using the neural network mode which is optimized by genetic algorithm. The simulation results prove that the improvedalgorithm is a fast and efficient method which avoids the networkfalling into the local minimum and it also shows that the used neural network has excellent ability which is famous for parallel processing ability, associative memory, self organizing and selflearning.Index Terms - Artificial Neural Network(ANN), Wind turbinecontrol system (WTCS),Fault diagnosis, Sensor fault, Featurevector I. INTRODUCTION Wind power is a kind of renewable energy and plays an important role in the future energy supply. Without question,the safe operation of control system which is the center ofwind turbine is essential to ensure the running of the unit. However, wind turbine usually works under the bad environment. The gearbox and bearing failure [1]-[3] and various sensor faults often occur, such as sensor bias fault, sensor constant gains and so on. When fault occurs it willseriously affect the engineering quality and cause greateconomic losses. So the fault diagnosis of wind turbine control system is becoming more of a concern. With the development of artificial intelligent technology,modern fault diagnosis technology is developing forward to intelligent direction. Meanwhile, artificial neural network(ANN) is famous for the special characteristics mentionedabove in the fault diagnosis field and it also has been one of the hottest areas of the research on control system fault diagnosis. Neural network is able to perform complicated non-linear mapping to identify different kinds of features to different types of fault. Recently, massive simulation experiments are carried out in generation control system [4]-[9]. Research on wind turbine control system fault based on the ANN is the necessary development tendency of intelligentdiagnosis. However, the application of ANN fault diagnosismodel applied to the wind turbine control system has done little research on this aspect in our country. Therefore, developing a fast and reliable diagnosis system for wind turbine control system presents a challenging issue. Fault diagnosis problem essentially is a pattern ofclassification and recognition problem, that is, from thefeature space mapped to the fault space. The key of using the neural network as a fault classification is to identify the feature vectors which are essential for network learning. The choice of feature vectors directly impact on the network fault diagnosis accuracy. The signals reflected by the equipment, such as vibration, temperature, pressure as well as the drives signals of the control, such as current, voltage and power signals all can be used as the feature vectors required by the diagnosis network. After collecting the feature vectors, we can classify data using the selected network. In this contest, we will simulate six kinds of fault types inthe wind turbine control system, that is, the stator and rotor current feedback sensor failure, power voltage imbalancefailure, power feedback communications disruptions failure, speed sensor bias, constant gain of the output fault. The simulation results prove effectively the correctness of the improved training method in section III. In order to avoid the network falling into the local minimum, genetic algorithm foroptimization of the neural network has been successfullyapplied to the WTCS in section IV. A large number of simulations show that the method is effective. II. THE COMMONLY USED MODELS AND IMPROVED METHODS OF FAULT DIAGNOSIS There are many neural network models, such as sensor networks, multilayer perceptron neural networks, radial basis function networks (RBF), adaptive resonance networks, these network models can be used for fault diagnosis in principle. Then several commonly used ANN models in fault diagnosis are introduced briefly. A. BP Neural NetworkBP network belongs to multilayer feedforward network by using error back-Propagation algorithm. The sigmoid function are generally used as the transform function, it is expressed as f(s)=1/(1+e -s ).The output can be any continuous values between 0~1, and can realize discretionary mapping from inputs to outputs. As a mature technology, BP network is the most frequently used neural network model in the field of fault diagnosis. The BP network structure is shown in Fig.1. Where p s is input, b s is the offset value, a s is output of the network.Fig. 1 Structure of BP networkB. Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBF)The network structure of RBF is similar to the network with the feedforward network. The input layer composed of the signal source contacts. The second layer is hidden layer, the number of hidden layer depending on precision of the network and the need of the problem. The third layer is output layer which will respond to input pattern. The basic idea is: Using the RBF hidden units as the "base" which constitutes the hidden layer space. Then the input vector can be directly mapped to the hidden space. When the center of the RBF is confirmed, the mapping relation is also thereupon determined. The RBF network structure is shown in Fig.2. Where x n is input, w n is weight value, y s is output of the network.Fig.2 Structure of RBF networkC. Self-organizing Competitive Neural Network (SOC) Self-organizing competitive learning neural networks is also a type of feedforward neural network by using unsupervised learning algorithm, The working principle is to allow competition between the competitive layer neurons through which matching with the input pattern. Only one neuron becomes the last competition winner. The process of getting input neuron is the process of input classification. This method particularly suited to solve pattern classification and recognition. In the next chapter learning vector quantizationself-organizing competitive neural network (LVQ) is studied. The SOC network structure is shown in Fig.3.Fig.3 Structure of SOC NetworkD. Improved methods of BP Neural NetworkAdaptive adjusting learning rate improved algorithm The general idea is that the learning rate should be adaptively adjusted based on the error changes in order to ensure that weights follow the direction of error reduces; the iterative process can be expressed as:Research finds thatwithin a certain range greatly accelerating the learning rate can increase learning efficiency. This method has faster convergence speed than standard BP algorithm.Elastic Gradient AlgorithmElastic gradient method only takes the symbol of partial derivatives, regardless of the amplitude of partial derivatives. The iterative process of weigh can be expressed as:Where sign( ) is the sign function. The elastic gradientmethod has much faster convergence rate than other ways. And this algorithm is not complicated, does not need consume more memory.E. General Fault Diagnosis Process of Neural NetworkThe fault diagnosis process of neural network is firstly determining the network structure of neural network and appropriate activation function according to the characteristicsof the output vector dimension and the number of failures.Then training network using the fault sample which is normalization processed. By repeatedly adjusting the learningrate, inertia factor and other parameters, the network will notstop until reach the ultimate precision. The fault diagnosis process of neural network can generally be shown as follows in Fig. 4. In section III and section Ⅳ the improved algorithm isapplied to wind turbine control system fault diagnosis in accordance with this step. 1()a f wp b =+(1)()(())w k w k f w k η+=−∇(1)((1)(()(1))((()))w k w k w k w k sign f w k +=+−−−∇Fig.4 Fault diagnosis process chart of ANN networkF. Simulation of the Neural Network Fault DiagnosisWe establish the network with 12 inputs and 6 outputs using the above improved algorithm with data from literature. The inputs represent twelve feature vectors while outputs represent six fault types.(1) The following is BP Neural Network simulation using the improved algorithm with adaptive adjusting learning rate and elastic gradient method. We can see that when the network converges in 586 steps it meets the requirements of the network accuracy of 0.01. The simulation result is shown in Fig. 5.When we enter the fourth category fault number, the network output is as below:Y = [0.0201 0.0000 0.0165 0.9491 0.0121 0.0002]The expected output is as follows: E = [0 0 0 1 0 0]Obviously the output represents the fourth fault type andthe simulation result is very close to the expected value.Fig.5 Error curve of BP network training using adaptive learning rate method(2) BP Neural Network simulation using the algorithm with elastic gradient descent method is as Fig. 6. We can seethat when the network converges in 120 steps it meets the requirements of the network accuracy of 0.01.Fig.6 Error curve of BP network training using elastic gradient methodFrom Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 we can see that elastic gradient method has faster convergence than adaptive learning rate method.III. APPLICATION OF NEURAL NETWORK FOR WINDTURBINE CONTROL SYSTEM SENSOR FAULTIn order to verify the proposed improved algorithm scheme, simulations were carried out as below using Matlab/Simulink.A. The Model of Neural NetworkNeural network with 8 inputs and 12 outputs using gradient descent algorithm in the fault diagnosis method is adopted. The number of input layer nodes represents 8 characteristic value of udr and uqr at different time, the output layer nodes are 12 representing the twelve kinds of fault type. (sensors stuck, sensors gain constant change and sensors constant bias failure).B. The Selection of Feature VectorWe simulate several control system sensor faults which are made by artificial. From the simulation of wind turbine control system we can see that when the input signal ids, iqs, idr, and iqr (feedback signal and they respectively represent: the stator current on d axis, stator current on q axis, rotor current on d axis, rotor current on q axis) sensor failure, the control system output signals uds, uqs, udr and uqr (in which uds, uqs, udr and uqr respectively represent the stator voltage on d axis , stator voltage on q axis , rotor voltage on d axis, rotor voltage on q axis )will change corresponding. As uds and uqs change slightly, when the deviation value is 0.6, the uds just change 0.00001, the uqs remains essentially constant; while udr has changed the amount of 0.35, uqr has changed around 0.1. Therefore we just selected failure value of udr and uqr at different time as our feature vector. We will simulate three kinds of fault types in the wind turbine control system, that is, the sensor feedback signal stuck, deviation, constant gain.C. Collection Training Samples of Neural NetworkWe set the simulation time is 20s , and we collect fault data when the system reaches stable, that is, from 12s to 20s . Artificially make the control system failure due to feedback sensor bias, and deviation values were as follows: 0.1, 0.2, 0.6, 1, 1.2, 1.5. We collect the value of udr and uqr respectively at 12.73s , 14.74s , 16.75s , 18.76s .Parts of the training samples after normalization process are as follows:P=[1.0000 0.9397 0.7045 0.4713 0.3528 0.179 0 0.05020.0926 0.2214 0.2682 0.3491 0.4214;1.0000 0.9433 0.7126 0.4721 0.3544 0.1763 0 0.04590.0937 0.2139 0.2633 0.3368 0.4227;1.0000 0.9360 0.6968 0.4684 0.3516 0.1715 0 0.0414 0.0946 0.2217 0.2548 0.3378 0.4193; …];Each column is the value of udr and uqr in different deviation and each row is the value at different time. And we can collect the values of udr and uqr when ids,iqs, idr and iqr respectively occur sensor stuck, deviation, constant gain fault. D. Training the Neural NetworkBased on the above preparation, we established neural network with 8 inputs and 12 outputs using gradient descent algorithm. The outputs number of 12 represents respectively ids, iqs, idr, and iqr feedback sensor stuck, deviation and constant gain fault. The simulation process and results are as follows. We can see that when the network converges quickly in 479 steps it meet the requirements of accuracy 0.01.Fig.7 Error curve of network trainingFrom the figure above we know that the network can be used for fault diagnosis.E. Using the Neural Network for Fault DiagnosisWe simulate the stator current on d axis sensor bias failure which deviation value is 1.4 as follows:When we input the test samples:t1 = [10.0790 10.0800 10.0760 10.0730 41.8650 41.8130 41.8240 41.8220];Where t1 is the value of udr when ids at the deviation of 1.4 which should be grouped for the first fault;The first row of network output result is as follows:Y =[0.9457 0.9094 0.9157 0.9402 0.9508 0.9270 0.27200.1003 0.1601 0.1049 0.0202 0.0328 0.0028];Y is close to the expected value:T = [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0];Where T indicates the first fault type occurs which is rotor voltage on d axis sensor bias failure.Ⅳ.NEURAL NETWORK FAULT DIAGNOSIS BASED ON GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR WIND TURBINECONTROL SYSTEMHowever, in practical training process, the BP neural network alone can not completely avoid falling into local minimum. Even the improved algorithm did improve the network convergence speed; the network can not do anythingto avoid this fundamental flaw as figure 8.Fig.8 Network training falling into local minimum As we all know, genetic algorithm has a strong macro-search capability, a good performance of global optimization and greatest probability of finding the global optimal point[11], for which the paper use the genetic algorithm to optimize the network with a view to improve the global search ability and local search capabilities.Genetic algorithm optimization network is combination of genetic algorithm and BP network. Before we train the network we first use genetic algorithm to find the right values to narrow your search, then train BP network to solve accurately. The method not only saves the training time, but also ensures the network training in a short time to achieve higher precision 0.001 which largely avoiding the defect of BP neural network easily trapped in local minima value[10][12].On the basis of sensor failure in section III, from the entire wind turbine control system we collect the values of three feature vector udr, P, Q at different times which have more obvious changes when control system is in failure as the neural network fault diagnosis inputs. We simulate six kinds of fault types for the entire unit, that is, the stator and rotor current feedback sensor failure, power voltage imbalance failure, power feedback communications disruptions failure, speed sensor bias, constant gain of the output fault.We establish a 12-15-6 neural network using the genetic optimization neural network to complete wind turbine control system fault diagnosis, through network debugging and a number of the actual network training process, the network not only improve the network speed and accuracy of diagnosis, but also avoid trapping in local minimum. The simulation process and results are as follows in Fig.9-Fig.11. After the network training we use the trained network for fault diagnosis. The diagnosis result is as table 1.As we can see from Fig.11 the network training reaches the precision request of 0.001 at 338-step.Fig.9 Sum squared error of genetic optimization for neural networkFig.10 Fitness of genetic optimization for neural networkFig.11 Error curve of genetic optimization for network trainingTABLE IF AULT DIAGNOSIS RESULTS WHEN INPUT THE TEST VOLUME USINGGENETIC ALGORITHM OPTIMIZATION NEURAL NETWORK0.9682-0.063 -0.0140.0204-0.028-0.10.03930.9937 -0.03-0.011-0.1190.02450.00820.069 0.9786-0.0080.04480.0534-0.0070.0084 -0.0280.9620.0346-0.08-0.0110.0304 0.0258-0.004 1.010.02680.0122-0.035 0.03450.0229-0.004 1.0201The trained network is able to diagnose the common six failures of the wind turbine control system successfully which can be seen from Table 1.Ⅴ. CONCLUSIONSThis work of this article not only proved neural network is an effective, fast and accurate fault diagnosis method, it also has proved the feasibility of the network for wind turbine control system fault diagnosis. This article also illustrates thegenetic algorithm as an optimization neural network weight method can also be successfully applied to wind turbine control system fault diagnosis. Finally we need point that the convergence of neural networks has great relation with the diagnostic data. In actual fault diagnosis system, large amounts of data related to system operation has been collected and stored in the historical databases. So these data are valuable resource of analysis the unit history and the unit operation status, and a lot of useful information is often concealed in them. How to use the large amounts of data through statistical analysis, data mining, and then find the system failure, will be very interesting research topic.R EFERENCES[1] Xingjia Yao; Changchun Guo; Mingfang Zhong; Yan Li; GuangkunShan; Yanan Zhang; “Wind Turbine Gearbox Fault Diagnosis Using Adaptive Morlet Wavelet Spectrum” Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, 2009. ICICTA '09. Second International Conference on. Volume: 2, Publication Year: 2009, Page(s): 580 - 583[2] Chen Changzheng', Sun Changcheng', Zhang Yu “Fault Diagnosis forLarge-scale Wind Turbine Rolling Bearing Using Stress Wave and Wavelet Analysis” Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on. Vol.3. Publication Year: 2005, Page(s): 2239-2244[3] Shulian Yang; Wenhai Li; Canlin Wang; “The intelligent fault diagnosisof wind turbine gearbox based on artificial neural network” Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, 2008. CMD 2008. International Conference on. 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郑州航空工业管理学院毕业论文2012 届电气工程及其自动化专业 0806072 班级题目风力发电机常见故障及其分析姓名学号0********指导教师职称讲师二О一二年五月八日内容摘要随着全球经济的发展和人口的增长,人类正面临着能源利用和环境保护两方面的压力,能源问题和环境污染日益突出。
关键词风力发电机;故障模式;齿轮箱;故障诊断Common Faults And Their AnalysisOf The Wind TurbineAbstractWith the global economic development and population growth, humanity is facing with the pressure from two sides of the energy use and environmental protection, the energy problem and environmental pollution has become an increasingly prominent issue. Wind power as a abundant reserves of natural resources, because of its convenient use, renewable, low cost, no pollution, has been more widely used and rapid development in the world. Wind power has been taken as one of the priority development energy sources in the world.The increase of wind power capacity and complicated system structure will not only cause power outage,but also raise serious accidents when the set is at fault.In the beginning, the dissertation introduces the practical significance of project and the common failure mode of wind turbines, then researches and describes the failure of gearbox in detail, including the cause of failure, how to identify and how to improve the design. Based on the analysis of common failures, not only provide assistance for fault diagnosis to the technicalmaintenance of wind power plants, but also provide a theoretical basis to the wind power equipment manufacturing and installation departments.Key WordsWind Turbines; Failure Mode; Gear Box; Fault Diagnosis目录第一章绪论 0风力发电的背景 0风力发电机故障诊断的意义 (1)第二章风力发电机常见故障模式及机理分析 (3)风力发电机结构 (3)常见故障模式及机理分析 (5)叶片故障及机理 (5)变流器故障及机理 (7)发电机故障及机理 (9)变桨轴承故障及机理 (11)偏航系统故障及机理 (15)本章小结 (19)第三章风力发电机齿轮箱故障诊断 (20)风力发电机齿轮箱常见故障模式及机理分析 (20)齿轮箱典型故障振动特征与诊断策略 (27)针对齿轮箱不同故障的改进措施 (31)第四章结论 (34)致谢 (35)参考文献 (36)风力发电机常见故障及其分析第一章绪论风力发电的背景随着全球人口数量的上升和经济规模的不断增长,世界范围内对能源需求持续增加,化石能源、生物能源等常规能源使用带来的环境问题日益突出。
风电机组发电机轴承电腐蚀故障的分析诊断姜锐;滕伟;刘潇波;唐诗尧;柳亦兵【摘要】电腐蚀故障是风电机组发电机轴承的常见故障模式,电腐蚀故障通常分布在整个轴承滚道上,产生的振动响应信号中故障冲击特征往往不如局部故障明显,因此容易被忽视.针对电腐蚀故障振动信号的这种特点,采用一种最小熵解卷积方法对振动信号进行预处理,增强信号中的故障冲击成分.然后再应用包络谱分析方法提取故障特征信息,以提升故障诊断的效果.论述了最小熵解卷积方法的基本原理和实现流程,将该方法应用于一台实际风电机组发电机轴承的电腐蚀故障诊断中,通过对实测振动信号的分析处理,实现了电腐蚀故障的识别诊断,验证了最小熵解卷积方法对故障信息增强的使用效果.【期刊名称】《中国电力》【年(卷),期】2019(052)006【总页数】6页(P128-133)【关键词】风电机组发电机;轴承电腐蚀故障;振动信号分析;最小熵解卷积;故障诊断【作者】姜锐;滕伟;刘潇波;唐诗尧;柳亦兵【作者单位】华北电力大学电站设备状态监测与控制教育部重点实验室,北京102206;华北电力大学电站设备状态监测与控制教育部重点实验室,北京 102206;华北电力大学电站设备状态监测与控制教育部重点实验室,北京 102206;华北电力大学电站设备状态监测与控制教育部重点实验室,北京 102206;北京英华达电力电子科技有限公司,北京 100022;华北电力大学电站设备状态监测与控制教育部重点实验室,北京 102206【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TK830 引言中国风电经过了十几年的高速发展,建成投运了数万台大容量风电机组。
Fault diagnosis method of gear of wind turbine gearbox (2010)
- 0
U(Z) 1
signal Dj_1, so the decomposition equation of unecimated wavelet transform is:
- P(z)
U(Z2) ZU(Z2)
1 making
in the formula:
2010 International Conference On Computer Design And Appliations (ICCDA 2010)
Fault Diagnosis Method of Gear of Wind Turbine Gearbox Based on Undecimated Wavelet Transformation
1 and odd sequences jsequences merge to restore the original signal finally:
odd. 1 j- , which
(1) 6 Then, using interpolation method[ 1 to subdivide adjacent
][ ] ][ ]
P(z) is
U(z) is
forecasting coefficient,
Then its reconstruction equation is equivalent to the equation (2) as the inverse transform. The decomposition and reconstruction diagram of lifting scheme of wavelet 9 transform shown in Figure 2[ ]:
水轮机电液调节系统及装置技术规程(英文版)以下是为您生成的二十个关于水轮机电液调节系统及装置技术规程相关的英语释义、短语、单词、用法及双语例句:---1. **“水轮机电液调节系统”**:Hydroelectric turbine electro-hydraulic regulating system- 释义:用于控制水轮机运行的电液结合的调节系统- 短语:optimize the hydroelectric turbine electro-hydraulic regulating system(优化水轮机电液调节系统)- 单词:hydroelectric(水电的)、turbine(涡轮机、水轮机)、electro-hydraulic(电液的)、regulating(调节)- 用法:This paper focuses on the performance of the hydroelectric turbine electro-hydraulic regulating system.(这篇论文关注水轮机电液调节系统的性能。
)- 双语例句:The stability of the hydroelectric turbine electro-hydraulic regulating system is crucial for efficient power generation.(水轮机电液调节系统的稳定性对于高效发电至关重要。
)2. **“装置”**:Device / Installation- 释义:设备、仪器;安装、设置- 短语:testing device(测试装置)、installation procedure(装置安装程序)- 单词:test(测试)、procedure(程序、步骤)- 用法:The new device has improved the efficiency of the system.(新装置提高了系统的效率。
V ol 38No.Z1Apr.2018噪声与振动控制NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL 第38卷第Z1期2018年4月文章编号:1006-1355(2018)Z1-0643-05基于数据挖掘的风电机组叶片结冰故障诊断叶春霖,邱颖宁,冯延晖(南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院,南京210094)摘要:针对风电机组叶片结冰故障无法精确预测的问题,提出基于数据挖掘的故障诊断方法。
该方法首先采用特征筛选算法从SCADA 高维数据种提取故障模式最相关的特征,然后结合类别不平衡学习算法处理高度不平衡的SCADA 数据集,最后利用四种分类算法建立风电机组叶片结冰故障诊断模型。
关键词:振动与波;风电机组;故障诊断;叶片结冰;数据挖掘;特征筛选中图分类号:TM315文献标志码:ADOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355.2018.Z1.139Faults Diagnosis of Wind Turbine Blade Icing based onData MiningYE Chunlin ,QIU Yingning ,FENG Yanhui(School of Energy and Power Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China )Abstract :To solve the problem that the icing failure of wind turbines cannot be accurately predicted,a fault diagnosis method based on data mining is proposed.Firstly,The method uses feature screening algorithm to extract the most relevant features of the failure mode from SCADA high-dimensional data.Then,combining with the class imbalanced learning algorithm,the highly unbalanced SCADA data sets are processed.Finally,the fault diagnosis models are generated by four classification algorithms.The results show that the fault diagnosis model based on the random forest algorithm has the best diagnostic performance and generalization performance.This method can effectively diagnose the blade icing faults of wind turbines and has important guiding significance for the maintenance of wind turbine generators.Keywords :vibration and wave;wind turbine;fault diagnosis;blade icing;data mining;feature screening根据《全球新能源发展报告2016》数据统计,2016年全球风电新增装机容量超过54.6GW ,累计装机容量达到486.8GW ,中国在风电累计装机容量与新增装机容量上均居全球第一。
Failure Diagnosis and Improvement of Coupling in Wind Turbine Test-Bed
JIANG Sheng, LI Jiantao, YE Changyu, FU Zhi
(Research Institute, Sany Group, Changsha 410100, China)
of the coupling. It proposes a number of measures such as optimizing the generator speed when Crowbar is put into
operation. The test is tested by human-induced faults to verify the effectiveness of the improvement measures, and provide
图1 试验现场
圆园员8 年第 9 期 网址: 电邮:hrbengineer@
率为2.0 kW。 风力发电机试验台联轴器采用摩擦式转矩限制器,
打滑力矩为23 kN·m,触发打滑故障时正进行联轴器转矩 测试,工况为:发电机转速650 r/min,并网运行状态。为分 析打滑原因,先后从联轴器实测转矩以及打滑时变流器
器在风力发电机组中的使用,对于时常出现的打滑问题, 依然沿用工程行业的方法,从联轴器质量、额定打滑力矩 等方面分析原因,往往解决不了问题。
文中以某兆瓦级风力发电机组试验台为研究对象, 该试验台被测主机联轴器在并网发电转速为650 r/min过 程中打滑。结合试验台采集的转矩值、发电机转速,以及 打滑时试验台变流器触发的故障,分析联轴器打滑原因, 制定相应的改善措施,并试验验证其整改有效性。 1 联轴器打滑原因分析
Chinese Journal of Turbomachinery Vol.66,2024,No.2A Fault Diagnosis Method of Wind Turbine Blades Based onImproved CNNCan-bing Huang 1Ni Xiong 2Wei Wu 3Shi-jian Liu 4Qiao Zhang 5Xi-yun Yang 5,*(1.China Power Investment Sid Power Co.,Ltd.;2.State Grid Tianfu New Area Electric Power Supply Company;3.Spic Si Chuan Electric Power Co.,Ltd.;4.Spic Southwest Energy Research Institute;5.School of Control and Computer Engineering,North China Electric Power University )Abstract:A lightweight-improved VGG-19model based on wavelet transform,depth-separable convolution and convolutional block attention mechanism module is proposed,aiming at the problem that wind turbine blade images with low image resolution can lead to reduced accuracy and speed in the fault diagnosis process;DB4wavelet and morphology-based enhancement techniques are used to improve the quality of the wind turbine blade images;then the traditional convolutional layer in VGG-19is replaced with a depth-separable convolutional layer to reduce the number of network parameters and improve the training efficiency;and finally the Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM)is introduced to improve the fault diagnosis of wind turbine blades.The results show that the accuracy of the proposed model is 93.91%,the main traditional Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)models are LeNet,AlexNet,GoogleNet,ResNet-50and VGG-19,and the proposed model improves over them by 15.06%,8.57%,3.10%,-1.13%and 7.13%;the test time is 0.046seconds per image,which is a reduction of -0.004,-0.002,0.006,0.015,and 0.010seconds per image,respectively;the model is lightweight in structure and has higher accuracy and faster detection speed compared to other traditional CNNs.Keywords:FaultDiagnosis;WindTurbineBlades;FuzzyImageDetection;DeepLearning;VGG-19;AttentionMechanism摘要:针对图像分辨率低的风力机叶片图像会导致故障诊断过程中精度和速度降低等问题,提出了一种基于小波变换、深度可分离卷积和卷积块注意力机制模块的轻量级改进VGG-19模型;使用DB4小波和基于形态学的增强技术来提高风力机叶片图像的质量,然后将VGG-19中的传统卷积层替换为深度可分离卷积层,以减少网络参数的数量并提高训练效率,最后引入卷积注意力机制模块(Convolutional Block Attention Module,CBAM )来提高风力机叶片故障诊断的准确性;研究结果表明:所提模型的准确率为93.91%,与其他传统卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks,CNN )模型LeNet、AlexNet、GoogleNet、ResNet-50和VGG-19相比分别提高了15.06%、8.57%、3.10%、-1.13%和7.13%;测试时间为每幅图像0.046秒,较传统CNN 模型每幅图像分别减少了-0.004秒、-0.002秒、0.006秒、0.015秒和0.010秒的检测时间;该模型结构轻巧,相比于其他传统CNN 具有更高的准确性和更快的检测速度。
风力发电机组旋转机械的故障诊断技术研究程维(华锐风电科技(集团)股份有限公司,北京 100872)【摘要】风力发电对我国电能源开发及技术创新影响颇大,风力发电机组作为风力发电的关键保障,其重要性不言而喻。
关键词:风力发电机组;旋转机械;故障诊断技术中图分类号:TQ055.8 文献标识码:BDOI:10.12147/ki.1671-3508.2023.11.077Research on Fault Diagnosis Technology for Rotating Machinery ofWind Turbine GeneratorsCheng Wei(Huarui Wind Power Technology (Group) Co., Ltd., Beijing 100872, CHN)【Abstract】Wind power generation has a great impact on the development of electric energy and technological innovation in China. As the key guarantee of wind power generation, the im⁃portance of wind turbines is self-evident. Therefore, to strengthen the fault judgment of wind turbine, advance investigation can ensure the stability of wind power generation. However, it is difficult to find problems in time. Taking the rotating mechanical fault of wind turbine as the re⁃search direction, the fault types and diagnosis methods of rotating machinery are explored, the effectiveness and applicability of fault diagnosis technology are analyzed, and the fault diagnosis technology is proposed combined with the current situation, so as to provide reference for the re⁃search in related fields.Key words:wind turbine;rotating machinery;fault diagnosis technology目前风力发电机组旋转机械故障诊断技术依然传统,主要体现在故障诊断技术的创新不足,基于此,通过对风力发电机组旋转机械的故障诊断技术进行研究,提出相应优化措施,如全面分析与精准判断、智能测试与经验分析、提升故障诊断人员专业素养、振动信号分析法、电信号分析法、润滑油油液分析法等,为稳定风力发电、提升新能源效能奠定基础。
关键词:风电机组;故障诊断;定性分析;定量分析;智能方法Abstract:The fault diagnosis technology of wind turbine is reviewed, and the fault diagnosis method of wind turbine is analyzed according to the classification method based on qualitative diagnosis and quantitative diagnosis. The classification of each type of fault diagnosis methods, the basic ideas, applicable conditions and application scope and advantages and disadvantages of these methods, and the possible future development direction of wind turbine fault diagnosis technology.keywords: Wind turbines; fault diagnosis; qualitative analysis; quantitative analysis; intelligent methods1 引言近年来,在《可再生能源法》以及国家一系列政策的推动下,中国风电装机容量迅速增长,风电装备制造业也快速发展,产业体系已逐步形成。
风电叶片全尺度静力试验加载力布置优化郭艳珍; 张磊安; 隋文涛; 王景华; 黄雪梅【期刊名称】《《科学技术与工程》》【年(卷),期】2019(019)028【总页数】5页(P147-151)【关键词】风电叶片; 静力试验; 加载力布置; 粒子群优化; 软件开发【作者】郭艳珍; 张磊安; 隋文涛; 王景华; 黄雪梅【作者单位】山东理工大学机械工程学院淄博255049【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TK83近年来风电产业不断发展,风能是能够大规模开发并具有很大发展潜力的可再生能源[1,2]。
粒子群算法 (particle swarm optimization,PSO)是一种基于迭代的优化工具[4,5],具有参数少,搜索速度快的特点,广泛应用于多个领域。
Yi等[7]提出了一种用于非线性液压装置定位的粒子群优化PID(proportion integration differentiation)算法。
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Fault diagnosis of wind turbine planetary gearbox under nonstationary conditions via adaptive optimal kernel time e frequency analysisZhipeng Feng a,Ming Liang b,*a School of Mechanical Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing100083,Chinab Department of Mechanical Engineering,University of Ottawa,Ottawa ON K1N6N5,Canadaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received11July2013Accepted31December2013 Available online24January2014Keywords:Fault diagnosisPlanetary gearboxWind turbineNonstationaryTime e frequency analysis Adaptive optimal kernel a b s t r a c tPlanetary gearboxes play an important role in wind turbine(WT)drivetrains.WTs usually work under time-varying running conditions due to the volatile wind conditions.The planetary gearbox vibration signals in such an environment are hence highly nonstationary.Conventional spectral analysis and demodulation analysis methods are unable to identify the characteristic frequency of gear fault from such nonstationary signals.As such,this paper presents a time e frequency analysis methods to reveal the constituent frequency components of nonstationary signals and their time-varying features for WT planetary gearbox monitoring.More specifically,we exploit the adaptive optimal kernel(AOK)method for this challenging application because of itsfine time e frequency resolution and cross-term free nature, as demonstrated by our simulation analysis.In this study,the AOK method has been applied to identify the time-varying characteristic frequencies of gear fault or to extract different levels of impulses induced by gear faults from lab WT experimental signals and in-situ WT signals under time-varying running conditions.We have demonstrated that the AOK is effective diagnosis of:(a)both the local damage(a single chipped tooth)and distributed faults(wear of all teeth),(b)both sun gear and planet gear faults, and(c)faults with very weak signature(e.g.,the sun gear fault at the low speed stage of a WT planetary gearbox).Ó2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionPlanetary gearboxes are widely used in the drivetrains of wind turbines(WTs)for its large power transmission capacity in a compact structure.Due to the highly volatile rough working con-ditions in wind farms due to,e.g.,wind gust,dust,corrosion and heavy yet unpredictable load,WT planetary gearboxes are partic-ularly prone to damage.Such damage can lead to a catastrophic failure of the entire WT,and consequently heavy investment and productivity losses.Therefore,planetary gearbox fault diagnosis is an important topic for WTs.Researchers have proposed various statistical indices to detect planetary gearbox fault[1].Lei et al.[2]presented two new in-dicators,i.e.root mean square of thefiltered signal and normalized summation of the difference spectrum.To diagnose faults via spectral analysis,it is important to have a thorough understanding of the vibration spectral properties of planetary gearboxes.For this purpose,McFadden[3],McNames[4],and Mosher[5]investigated the spectral characteristics of planetary gearbox vibration signals, and found that they are typically asymmetric due to the planet carrier rotation.Inalpolat and Kahraman[6,7]studied the side-bands of planetary gearbox vibration signals,considering the modulation effects caused by planet carrier rotation and manufacturing errors of gears.Mark and Hines[8,9]investigated the sideband characteristics caused by non-uniform planet loading and planet carrier torque modulation.Patrick et al[10]studied the effect of unequal planet spacing on vibration signal spectra,for identifying the cracks of planet carrier plate.Researchers have also applied other methods to fault diagnosis of planetary gearbox.For example,McFadden[11,12],Samuel and Pines[13]suggested vi-bration separation methods to discern the fault signatures from planet and sun gears by time domain averaging.Samuel and Pines [14]further proposed a constrained adaptive lifting wavelet transform to analyze individual tooth mesh waveforms,thereby detecting the damage in helicopter planetary transmissions.Bar-telmus and Zimroz[15]recently used the cyclostationary analysis method to study the modulation characteristics of planetary gearbox vibration signals for condition monitoring.Barszcz and*Corresponding author.Tel.:þ16135625800x6269;fax:þ16135625177.E-mail address:liang@eng.uottawa.ca(M.Liang).Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Renewable Energyjournal ho me page:www.elsevier.co m/locate/renene0960-1481/$e see front matterÓ2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.renene.2013.12.047Renewable Energy66(2014)468e477Randall[16]applied the spectral kurtosis method for the detection of tooth crack in the planetary gearbox of a wind turbine.Lei et al.[17]extracted the weak fault symptoms of a planetary gearbox using an improved adaptive stochastic resonance method.Sun et al.[18]proposed a method to construct customized multiwavelets based on the redundant symmetric lifting scheme,and applied it to detect damage-induced impulses for fault diagnosis of a planetary gearbox.Though the above studies have made important contri-butions to thisfield,they nevertheless focus on the detection problems under constant running conditions,and most of them rely on the assumption of signal stationarity.As mentioned earlier,WTs often work under time-varying running conditions due to the variations in wind velocity and di-rections,thus resulting in nonstationary vibration signals. Extracting fault information of planetary gearbox from such nonstationary signals is the key to the success in WT monitoring. However,to our best knowledge,the research on this topic has been very limited in the literature.A few publications include the recent work by Bartelmus and Zimroz[19,20].They presented an indicator for monitoring planetary gearboxes under time-varying running conditions.This indicator reflects the linear dependence between the meshing frequency amplitude and the operating condition.The proposed method is helpful to monitor the health status of planetary gearboxes,but the fault diagnosis issue under time-varying running conditions still needs further investigation.Recently,we have conducted a series of studies on fault diag-nosis of planetary gearboxes[21e23].We considered both the amplitude modulation and frequency modulation effects of a gear fault,as well as the amplitude modulation effects caused by the time-varying vibration transfer path or planet passing,in modeling planetary gearbox vibration signals,and summarized the spectral symptoms of both local and distributed faults of sun,planet and ring gears.We also derived the explicit equations for calculating the characteristic frequency of all the three types of gears with either local or distributed fault[21].To mitigate the complexity problem with the traditional spectral analysis caused by the complicated sideband structure,we proposed a joint amplitude and frequency demodulation analysis based on ensemble empirical mode decomposition and energy separation methods[22].To further reduce the amplitude modulation effects due to time-varying vi-bration transfer path or planet passing,a planetary gearbox fault diagnosis method was also proposed via torsional vibration signal analysis[23].These works have laid a foundation for further investigation of planetary gearbox fault diagnosis under nonsta-tionary running conditions.Planetary gearbox fault diagnosis essentially relies on detecting the presence of gear fault characteristic frequency,monitoring its magnitude change or,in other words,analyzing the periodicity of gear fault induced impulses.The gear fault characteristic frequency is dependent on the rotating speed of planetary gearbox.The time variations in speed and/or load will result in time-varying rotating frequency of planetary gearbox and thereby a time-varying gear fault characteristic frequency,i.e.,an irregular impulse train. Therefore,the key issue in fault diagnosis of planetary gearbox under nonstationary running conditions is to identify the time-varying gear fault characteristic frequency,track its magnitude change,or extract the gear fault induced impulses.Time e frequency analysis can effectively reveal the constituent frequency components of nonstationary signals and their time variation features,as well as transient events such as impulses.To date,various time e frequency analysis methods have been pro-posed[24].However,the inherent drawbacks of these time e fre-quency analysis methods limit their effectiveness in analyzing planetary gearbox vibration signals.For instance,linear transforms such as the short time Fourier transform(STFT)and wavelet transform are subject to Heisenberg uncertainty principle,i.e.the best time localization and highest frequency resolution cannot be achieved simultaneously.One of them can only be enhanced at the expense of the other and hence the time e frequency resolutions of linear transforms are limited[25].In addition,the basis in either the Fourier or wavelet transform isfixed.Therefore they lack adaptability in simultaneously matching the complicated compo-nents inherent in planetary gear vibration signals,such as the gear meshing frequency and their harmonics,gear fault induced im-pulses,and other transient vibration.The well-known Hilbert-Huang transform hasfine time e frequency resolution and is free of cross-term interferences,but it essentially relies on the empirical mode decomposition(EMD)using spline interpolation.It is sus-ceptible to singularities in signals,and may produce pseudo intrinsic mode functions(IMF),thus masking or interfering the time e frequency structure of true signal components[26].The recently proposed local mean decomposition(LMD)has the same merits but also suffers from the same shortcomings as EMD[27].As a typical representative of bilinear time e frequency representa-tions,Wigner-Ville distribution has the best time e frequency res-olution,but it has the inevitable cross-term interferences for multiple component signals.Such cross-term interferences complicate the interpretation of signal features in the time e fre-quency domain and make it unsuitable to analyzing the complex planetary gearbox vibration signals.Various modified bilinear time e frequency distributions including Cohen and affine class distributions may suppress the negative effect of cross-terms,but will compromise time e frequency resolution and auto-term integ-rity[28,29].In comparison with the Cohen and affine class distributions of fixed kernel functions,the adaptive optimal kernel(AOK)method can suppress the cross-terms more effectively with better time e frequency resolution[30,31].Sun et al.[32]applied the optimal Gaussian kernel method to identifying theflow pattern of gas e liquidfluids.Their research demonstrated that the optimal Gaussian kernel method had clearly extracted the characteristics for explaining the law offlow.Although this method provides new insights into the nature of nonstationary signals,it has not been widely used in signal analysis for machinery fault diagnosis.In this paper,we will adopt the AOK approach to revealing the compli-cated time e frequency features of planetary gearbox vibration sig-nals under time-varying running conditions and thus diagnosing the gear fault.Hereafter,the paper is organized as follows.Section2provides a brief overview on the principle of the AOK method.Section3il-lustrates the method by numerical simulated signal analysis.Sec-tions4and5show that the AOK method can be successfully applied to diagnose planetary gearbox faults as demonstrated using both the lab experimental signals of a WT planetary gearbox test rig and the in-situ measured signals of a real-world WT respectively.Sec-tion6draws conclusions.2.Adaptive optimal kernel methodThe Cohen and affine class bilinear distributions are the commonly used time e frequency analysis methods.Each of these distributions has a certain kernel function.The kernel function is fixed and it determines the ability to suppress cross-terms.One kind of kernel function is only effective for limited classes of signals. The corresponding distribution exhibits either interference com-ponents,amplitude distortion,or resolution reduction.Thus both the Cohen and affine class distributions with afixed kernel function lack adaptability to changes in signals.In order to overcome the limitations of the Cohen and affine class distributions,Baraniuk and Jones[30]proposed a method toZ.Feng,M.Liang/Renewable Energy469design signal-dependent kernel functions.It is motivated by the separation property of auto-terms and cross-terms in the ambi-guity domain,i.e.the auto-terms concentrate at the origin whereas the cross-terms lie away from the origin.Thus we may use a kernel as a 2-D lowpass filter to pass the auto-terms and suppress the cross-terms in the ambiguity domain,and obtain the time e fre-quency distribution of a signal x (t )TFD ðt ;f Þ¼ZþN ÀNZ þN ÀNA ðs ;y Þf ðs ;y Þexp ½Àj 2p ðy t þf s Þ d y d s ;(1)where A ðs ;y Þis the ambiguity function de fined asA ðs ;y Þ¼1pZ þN ÀNx t þs x * t Àsexp ðÀj 2py t Þd t :(2)The kernel function is de fined as a 2-D radially Gaussian func-tion so as to work as a lowpass filter in the ambiguity domainf ðs ;y Þ¼expÀs 2þy 22s q ¼exp Àr 22s q ¼f ðr ;q Þ;(3)where s ðq Þis the variance of the Gaussian function along the radial angle q ¼arctan ðs =y Þ.In polar coordinates,the optimal kernel function can be ob-tained by solving the following optimization problemmaxqZ2p 0Z þN 0j A ðr ;q Þf ðr ;q Þj 2r d r d q ;(4)subject to12pZ2p 0Z þN 0j f ðr ;q Þj 2r d r d q c ;c !0;(5)where A ðr ;q Þis the ambiguity function expressed in polar co-ordinates,r ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffis 2þy 2p ,and 1 c 5is the volume of the Gaussian kernel function.The performance measure,Eq.(4),determines the passband shape of the optimal radially Gaussian kernel,and aims to minimize auto-term distortion by passing auto-term energy as much as possible for a kernel of fixed volume.The constraint,Eq.(5),limits the volume of the kernel,so as to suppress cross-terms.However,the above signal-dependent kernel method calculates the ambiguity function of the entire signal,and designs only one kernel for the whole time span of the signal.Because each point in the ambiguity domain includes information from all times and frequencies in the signal,the method may lose the responsiveness to local signal characteristics.To avoid this drawback,Baraniuk and Jones [31]further pro-posed an adaptive optimal kernel (AOK)method.The AOK method adapts signal-dependent radially Gaussian kernel over time,thus better tracking local changes in a signal.In order to find the optimal kernel best matching the local structure of a signal,the short-time ambiguity function (STAF)at time t is de fined asA ðt ;s ;y Þ¼12pZ þN ÀN x u þs 2 w u Àt þs 2 x * u Às 2w * u Àt Às 2exp ðÀj 2py u Þd u ;(6)where w ($)is a symmetrical window function.Applying the radially Gaussian kernel optimization procedure to the STAF A ðt ;s ;y Þ,centered at time t ,yields a localized optimal kernel f opt ðt ;s ;y Þ.The STAF varies with time,so does the optimal signal-dependent kernel.Furthermore,a time e frequency distri-bution slice at time t can be obtained by applying 2-D Fourier transform to the product of STAF and localized optimal kernelAOK ðt ;f Þ¼ZþN ÀNZ þN ÀNA ðt ;s ;y Þf opt ðt ;s ;y Þexp ½Àj 2p ðy t þf s Þ d y d s :(7)Cascading all the time e frequency distribution slices over theentire time span,we obtain the AOK time e frequency distribution of the signal.The AOK time e frequency distribution inherits the good prop-erties,such as fine time e frequency resolution and suppressed cross-terms,from the signal-dependent kernel method.Mean-while,it also has good adaptability to signal variations by matching the optimal kernel to the local changes of a signal.3.Simulation evaluationIn this section,we examine the performance of the AOK in identifying the time-varying frequency components of gearbox vibration signals using a numerical synthetic signal as followsx ðt Þ¼X3n ¼1cos "n pf 1Àf03t 21t 3þf 0t !þðn À2Þp 2#þX 2i ¼1A exp ½Àz f r ðt Àt c i Þ cos ½2p f r ðt Àt c i Þ þn ðt Þ:(8)where t ¼0,0.0005,.,0.511s,i.e.the sampling frequency is 2000Hz,and f 1¼600Hz,f 0¼200Hz,t 1¼0.511s,A ¼5,z ¼0.3p ,f r ¼800Hz,t c1¼0.171s,and t c1¼0.341s.The synthetic signal consists of three quadratic frequency modulated components and two impulses as expressed by the first and second summation terms on the right-hand side of Eq.(8),respectively.The instantaneous frequency of the three quadratic frequency modulated components can be obtained by taking time derivative of the phase function,respectively,as followsIF 1ðt Þ¼12f 1Àf 0t 21t 2þf 0!;IF 2ðt Þ¼f 1Àf 0t 21t 2þf 0and IF 3ðt Þ¼32f 1Àf 0t 21t 2þf 0!:They are proportional to each other at any time.This featuremimics the frequency modulation characteristics of gearbox vi-bration signals during a speed varying process,since the meshing frequency and the fault characteristic frequency of each gear of planetary gearbox are all proportional to the input or output shaft rotating frequency.Fig.1shows the nonlinear trajectories of the three modulated frequency components along time.The two impulses mimic the impact vibration caused by a gear fault.To simulate the backgroundZ.Feng,M.Liang /Renewable Energy470noise interferences,we add a white Gaussian noise n (t )to the synthetic signal at a signal-to-noise ratio of 5dB.Fig.2shows the AOK time e frequency distribution of the syn-thetic signal.The signal waveform is on the top,the power spec-trum on the left,and a color bar showing the magnitude of the time e frequency distribution on the right.We cannot identify the time-varying features of each frequency components from either the waveform or the power spectrum.However,from the AOK time e frequency distribution (in the middle of the figure),we can see clearly the time variation of the three nonlinear time-varying frequency components.The revealed instantaneous frequencies match the theoretical curves in Fig.1very well.Moreover,the two impulses are extracted,as shown by the two lines perpendicular to the time axis and parallel to the frequency axis.Their time locations correspond exactly to those of the peaks in the waveform.This shows the effectiveness of the AOK method in identifying nonsta-tionary transient features of complex multiple component signals.For comparison,we also analyze the synthetic signal using the traditional short time Fourier transform.Fig.3shows the spectro-gram obtained using STFT.Though the three time-varying fre-quency components can also be observed,the time e frequency resolution is much lower than that of the AOK method,and the revealed frequency trajectories are not as smooth as those shown inthe AOK result.In addition,the impulse features are quite ambig-uous,which could be misinterpreted as some transient harmonics around the impulse occurring times.The above analysis clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of the AOK method in identifying the instantaneous frequencies of time-varying signal components and the impulses.This shows its po-tential in extracting the time-varying fault characteristic fre-quencies of planetary gearbox from vibration signals under nonstationaryconditions.Fig. 1.Instantaneous frequencies of the three modulated time-varying signalcomponents.Fig.2.AOK time e frequencydistribution.Fig.3.Short time Fourier transformspectrogram.Fig.4.WT drivetrain test rig.Z.Feng,M.Liang /Renewable Energy 4714.Experimental evaluationsIn this section,we evaluate the AOK method by using it to extract fault features from the experimental signals of a planetary gearbox in a WT drivetrain test rig at the University of Ottawa lab.4.1.Experimental settingFig.4shows the WT test rig with a two-stage planetary gearbox.Table 1lists the gear parameters of the fixed-shaft gearbox and the planetary gearboxes.To mimic gear faults,we introduced two types of damage to the sun gear of the stage 1of the planetary gearbox.One has wear on every tooth,and the other has a chipped tooth (Fig.5).Using a normal sun gear and the two damaged sun gears,we carried out three experiments associated with the three gear conditions,i.e.,baseline,wear,and chipping.An accelerometer is mounted on top of the casing of stage 1of the planetary gearbox to measure the vibration.A load of 16.284N m is applied to the output shaft of stage 2of the planetary gearbox by the brake.To validate the AOK method in extracting fault symptom from nonstationary signals,we collect the vibration signals at a sampling frequency of 20kHz during speed down processes,in which the rotating speed of the drive motor reduces from 60Hz to approximately 50Hz (in the meantime,the drive motor speed is also recorded at a sampling frequency 20Hz).Correspondingly,the rotating speed of WT blades changes from 0.486Hz to 0.162Hz,covering the usual rotating speed of WTs.Given the time-varying speed of the drive motor f d (t )at any time and the con figuration of both the fixed shaft and planetary gear-boxes,we can calculate the characteristic frequencies of the two-stage planetary gearboxes using the equations of planetary gearbox characteristic frequencies [21e 23]as listed in Table 2.4.2.Baseline signal analysisFig.6shows the normal planetary gearbox vibration signal waveform and its Fourier spectrum,as well as the drive motor speed during a speed down process.From Fig.6(c),we see that the maximum speed of the drive motor is 60Hz.Accordingly,the maximum meshing frequencies of planetary gearbox are 222.222Hz and 48.6111Hz for stage 1and stage 2,respectively.Since the gear fault information is mainly contained in the sidebands around the gear meshing frequency and its harmonics,we focus on the fre-quency band of 0e 340Hz,which spans 3/2of the stage 1meshing frequency and nearly 7times the stage 2meshing frequency.The signal Fourier spectrum,shown in Fig.6(b),has a broadband feature with many peaks.It is however dif ficult to identify what they are,because of the time-varying rotating frequency.Fig.7shows the AOK time e frequency distribution of the normal signal.According to the drive motor speed and the equations for calculating the characteristic frequencies in Table 2,we can esti-mate the time variation feature of the planetary gearbox charac-teristic frequencies.As displayed in Fig.7,the dominant frequency is the difference between the meshing frequency and the sun gear fault characteristic frequency,i.e.,f m (t )Àf s (t ).There are also some transients in frequency band of 200e 300Hz and during the period of 0e 4s.However,the magnitudes of these transients are relatively low which could be artifacts of the gear manufacturing errors and minor damage.4.3.Detection of sun gear wearNow we examine the signal of the sun gear with worn teeth.Fig.8shows the vibration signal waveform of the stage 1worn sunTable 1Con figuration parameters of gearboxes.GearboxGearNumber of gear teeth Stage 1Stage 2Fixed shaft Drive 3240Driven 8072PlanetarySun 2028Planet 40(4)36(4)Ring100100Note:the number of planet gears is indicated in theparenthesis.Fig.5.Sun gear damage (left:wear on every tooth,right:chipping on one tooth).Table 2Characteristic frequencies of planetary gearbox FrequencySymbol and equation Stage 1Stage 2Meshingf m ðt Þ¼f c ðt ÞZ r 100f d ðt Þ175f d ðt ÞPlanet carrier rotating f c ðt Þ127f d ðt Þ7864f d ðt ÞSun gear rotating f ðr Þs ðt Þ2f dðt Þ1f d ðt ÞSun gear fault f s ðt Þ¼N p f mðt ÞZ s 20f d ðt Þ175f d ðt ÞPlanet gear faultf p1ðt Þ¼f m ðt Þp5f d ðt Þ1757776f d ðt Þf p2ðt Þ¼2f mðt Þp527f d ðt Þ1753888f d ðt ÞRing gear faultf r ðt Þ¼N p f mðt Þr427f d ðt Þ1755400f d ðt ÞNote:Z r ,Z p and Z s are the numbers of ring,planet and sun gear teeth,respectively,and N p is the number of planet gears.Z.Feng,M.Liang /Renewable Energy472gear of the planetary gearbox and its Fourier spectrum,as well as the drive motor speed during a speed down process.From Fig.8(c),we see that the maximum speed of the drive motor is still around 60Hz.Thus,we focus on the frequency band of 0e 340Hz again,in order to extract the gear fault information from the sidebands around the gear meshing frequency.Once again,many peaks appear in the Fourier spectrum (Fig.8(b))and we are facing the same dif ficulty to associate them with any characteristic frequencies because of the time-varying speed.As such,we plot the AOK time e frequency distribution of the faulty gear signal in Fig.9.The difference between the meshing frequency and the stage 1sun gear fault characteristic frequency,f m (t )Àf s (t )again appears as one of the dominant frequency.However,several other strong frequency components are also observed.These include the meshing frequency of stage 1,f m (t );the difference between the meshing frequency and the sixth harmonic of the sun gear rotating frequency of stage 1,f m (t )À6f s (r)(t );the sum of the meshing frequency and the seven fourth of the sun gear fault characteristic frequency of stage 1,f m (t )þ7/4f s (t );and the sum of the meshing frequency and third harmonic of the sun gear fault characteristic frequency of stage 1,f m (t )þ3f s (t ).All these compo-nents are associated with the sun gear fault characteristic fre-quency of stage 1and have a pronounced magnitude,indicating the existence of a fault on the sun gear of stage 1.This finding is consistent with the actual condition of the sun gear.4.4.Detection of sun gear chippingHere we demonstrate the effectiveness of the AOK in detecting sun gear chipping at stage 2of the planetary gearbox.The associ-ated vibration signal and its Fourier spectrum,as well as the drive motor speed during a speed down process are presented in Fig.10.As the maximum speed of the drive motor is again 60Hz (Fig.10(c))and the maximum meshing frequency of planetary gearbox stage 2is accordingly 48.6111Hz,we target at the frequency band of 0e 73Hz,which covers 3/2of the stage 2meshing frequency of the planetary gearbox.It should be noted that this frequency range is narrower than that on the previous subsections because the stage 2rotational speed is much lower than that of stage 1.The signal Fourier spectrum (Fig.10(b))does not provide suf fi-cient information about the chipping fault.Though several peaks exist in Fig.10(b),their locations shift with time and it is obviously challenging to make connection between such moving peaks and the chipping fault.To reveal the chipping fault,the AOK method is applied to the experimental data.The resulting AOK time e frequency distribution of the signal is displayed in Fig.11.The dominant frequency is the drive motor rotating frequency,f d (t ).However,a few other fre-quency components also clearly stand out in Fig.11.They include,e.g.,the sum of the meshing frequency and second harmonic of the sun gear (stage 2)fault characteristic frequency of the planetary gearbox,f m (t )þ2f s (t ),and the difference between the meshing frequency and third harmonic of the sum of the sun gear fault characteristic frequency and the sun gear rotating frequency ofstage 2,f m (t )À3[f s (t )þf s (r )(t )].These components are associated with the sun gear fault characteristic frequency of stage 2with prominent magnitudes,a clear sign of a faulty sun gear at stage 2.This finding is expected and shows that the AOK method can be used to detect both local (chipping)and distributed (wear)fault effectively.It should be noted that after the speed reduction via the fixed-shaft gearbox and stage 1of the planetary gearbox,the rotating speed at stage 2of the planetary gearbox stage 2is very low.Under a low speed,it is dif ficult for the sun gear fault to excite signi ficantFig.6.Vibration and speed signals of a normal planetarygearbox.Fig.7.AOK time e frequency distribution of normal vibration signal.Z.Feng,M.Liang /Renewable Energy 473。