Effect of frozen storage on the characteristics of a developed
2008年第02期117 冷冻贮藏对冻猪肉冰晶形态、T VB -N 及T BARS 的影响黄鸿兵1,2,徐幸莲1,3,周光宏1(11南京农业大学农业部农畜产品加工与质量控制重点开放实验室,江苏南京210095;21江苏省淡水水产研究所,江苏南京210017)摘 要:研究了冻藏(-10、-15、-19、-22℃,150d )对猪肉品质的影响。
结果显示:冷冻温度越低,形成的冰晶越小,冷冻结束时,各处理的冰晶面积的分布范围为40451855~55091739μm 2,相当直径分布范围为691381~811439μm;经150d 贮藏后,尽管温度越低,冰晶重结晶速度越慢,冰晶的体积仍显著增大(p <0101),面积为75461855~112731890μm 2,相当直径为981945~1061670μm;而圆度和长度则没有显著变化(p >0105)。
挥发性盐基氮含量(T VB -N含量)和硫代巴比妥酸还原值(T BARS 值)同样也显著增大(p <0105)。
冰晶体积、T VB -N 含量和T BARS 值变化显示了很好的时间相关性。
关键词:冻藏,猪肉,冰晶,挥发性盐基氮含量,硫代巴比妥酸还原值Effect of fr ozen st orage on ice crystal,T VB -Nand T BARS of pork muscleHUANG Hong -b i n g 1,2,XU X i n g -li a n1,3,ZHO U Guang -hong1(11Key Lab of Agric and Ani m Pr od Pr oc and Qual Contr ol,M inistry of Agriculture,Nanjing Agric University,Nanjing 210095,China;21Fresh water Fisheries Research I nstitute of J iangsu Pr ovince,Nanjing 210017,China )Ab s trac t:Effe c t of froze n s to ra g e (-10,-15,-19,-22℃a nd 150d )on q ua lity of p o rk m us c l e w a s s tud i e d 1R e s u lts s how e d tha t:w he n fre e z ing tem p e ra tu re b e c am e low e r,sm a ll e r ic e c rys ta l s w e re fo r m e d 1A re a s of ic ec rys ta ls in froze n s am p l e s (w ithou t s to ra g e )w e re 40451855~55091739μm2a nd e q u iva le n t d iam e te rs w e re 691381~811439μm 1A nd s till the l ow e r the s to ra g e tem p e ra tu re,the s l ow e r the ic e c rys ta l s re c rys ta llize d 1S ize of ic e c rys ta ls i nc re a s e d re sp e c tive l y (p <0101)a fte r 150d s to ra g e,w ith 75461855~112731890μm 2(a re a )a nd 981945~1061670μm(e q u iva le n t d iam e te r )1W h ile round ne s s a nd e l ong a tion of i c e c rys ta ls d id no t c ha ng e (p >0105)1Fu rthe r m o re,T VB -N c on te n t a nd T BARS va l ue inc re a s e d a ls o (p <0105)1S i ze of ic e c rys ta l ,T VB -N c on te n t a nd T BARS va lue a ll s how e d a g ood re la ti ons h i p w ith s to ra g e ti m e 1The s i ze of i c e c rys ta l c ou ld b e ta ke n to e s ti m a te the fre s hne s s of p o rk m us c l e 1Key wo rd s:froze n s to ra g e;p o rk m us c le;ic e c rys ta l ;T VB -N c on te n t ;T BARS va l ue中图分类号:TS25114+4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-0306(2008)02-0117-04收稿日期:2007-07-22 3通讯联系人作者简介:黄鸿兵(1979-),男,硕士,研实,研究方向:动物食品加工与质量控制。
临床输血与检验 2019年4月第21卷第2期 ·117·DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2019.02.002*本课题受全军后勤科研重大专项子项(No.AWS 13J 004)资助作者单位:100142 北京,空军特色医学中心输血科作者简介:刘娟(1980–),女,主管技师,主要从事临床输血学工作,(E-mail )juanliu 903@ 。
通信作者:李翠莹,女,主任技师,主要从事临床输血及免疫血液学方面的研究,(E-mail )licuiying 2013@ 。
·论著· ·P 50血红蛋白氧亲和力的临床应用专题·不同血液保存方式对藏、汉族人群红细胞携/释氧功能的影响*刘娟 李小薇 肖军 范秀 李翠莹【摘要】 目的 评价藏、汉族人群红细胞在不同保存条件下携/释氧功能的变化。
方法 收集世居高原藏族7份、世居平原汉族6份,上述两类健康成年人血液标本。
采集上述两类人群抗凝血,利用不同保存液(4℃EDTA 抗凝剂保存、4℃添加CPDA-1红细胞保存液、复方甘油溶液–80℃)保存红细胞,3 d 后检测上述不同保存条件下的红细胞P 50值;另检测4℃EDTA 抗凝剂保存样本的pH 值,分析可能影响P 50的因素。
结果 藏、汉族所有保存3 d 后血液标本P 50值均较正常人P 50值有不同程度的下降。
不同保存条件对藏、汉族人群P 50均有影响,两组人群在保存液中的红细胞P 50均高于4℃ EDTA 保存(P <0.05)和复方甘油溶液–80℃冻存样品(P <0.05)的P 50值。
复方甘油溶液–80℃冻存样品与4℃ EDTA 保存样品的P 50值相当(P >0.05)。
但同一保存条件下,高原藏族人群与平原汉族人群P 50值的差异无统计学意义,高原藏族人群4℃添加保存液的红细胞P 50检测值稍高于平原人群,但差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。
食品科学与工程专业英语 总结
一、1.必需脂肪酸 essential fatty acid2。
水溶性维生素 water-soluble vitamin3.脂溶性维生素 fat-soluble vitamin4.食品添加剂 food additive5.甜味剂 sweetener6.真空包装 vacuum packaging (VP)7.货架期 shelf-life 8。
成膜的— film-forming9。
持水的— water-holding 10.降脂 reduced-fat11。
GMP(良好操作规范) Good Manufacturing Practice13.HACCP(危害分析管理制度)Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points14。
转基因作物 genetically modified organisms/crops15。
SSOP(卫生标准操作规程)Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure16.多不饱和脂肪酸 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)17。
碳水化合物 carbohydrate 18。
单糖 monosaccharide 19。
多糖 polysaccharide 20.果糖 fructose21.葡萄糖 glucose 22.微量矿物质 minor mineral 23。
发酵香肠 fermented sausage 24.淀粉酶 amylase25.着色剂 coloring agent 26.新陈代谢 metabolism27.强化奶 fortified milk 28.亚硝酸盐 nitrite二、句子翻译1。
Current dietary guidelines recommend that the fat intake in Western countries should be decreased from around 40% at present to not more than 30% of the energy intake。
杏仁牛奶巧克力的品质变化动力学模型及货架期预测朱扬玲【摘要】为研究杏仁牛奶巧克力的货架期预测方法,设定了15℃、25℃、20℃3各不同储藏温度,并对感官、水分、菌落总数、酸价进行了检测.本研究采用Arrheniu方程对品质变化速率常数和温度T进行线性拟合,得到的活化能Ea为16.94KJ/mol,预测获得的货架期(20℃)为589天,按照安全系数0.8计算,保质期为1 5个月.实验证明,Arrhenius一级动力学模型能较好地描述15~30℃储藏条件下的杏仁牛奶巧克力的品质变化,预测方程的拟合程度较高,决定系数R2为0.9942,预测结果参考价值较大.【期刊名称】《中国食品工业》【年(卷),期】2015(000)008【总页数】4页(P66-69)【作者】朱扬玲【作者单位】通标标准技术服务(上海)有限公司上海201506【正文语种】中文货架期(shelf life),又称货架寿命,或保质期等。
随着交叉学科的相互渗透,各种动力学模型在食品货架期预测中应用越来越广泛,包括阿伦尼乌斯(Arrhenius)方程[2]、威布尔危险值分析方法(Weibull Hazard Analysis, WHA)[3,4]、WLF(Williams-Landel-Ferry)方程[5]、Z值模型法[6,7]等。
When freezing cells in liquid nitrogen tanks, wear protective gloves and goggles.2.确保液氮罐处于通风良好的区域,以避免氮气浓度过高。
Ensure that the liquid nitrogen tank is in a well-ventilated area to prevent excessive nitrogen gas concentration.3.注意防止液氮直接接触皮肤,以免引起灼伤。
Be careful to prevent direct contact between liquid nitrogen and skin to avoid burns.4.确保冻存细胞的管子或容器封闭良好,以防止液氮渗漏。
Ensure that the tubes or containers containing the frozen cells are tightly sealed to prevent leakage of liquid nitrogen.5.液氮罐内部的细胞存储位置要合理布局,避免挤压或碰撞。
The internal cell storage layout of the liquid nitrogen tank should be reasonably arranged to avoid squeezing or collisions.6.定期检查液氮罐的密封性能,确保存储的细胞处于安全状态。
Regularly check the seal of the liquid nitrogen tank to ensure that the stored cells are in a safe condition.7.注意液氮的使用时间,及时进行补充,以维持适当的存储温度。
三文鱼在冰箱-18℃、-60℃条件下的冻藏品质变化研究董浩1, 2周晓东1, 2鞠晓晨1, 2钟明慧3赵元晖31.海信家电集团股份有限公司山东青岛 266100;2.海信(山东)冰箱有限公司山东青岛 266000;3.中国海洋大学食品科学与工程学院山东青岛 266003摘要:通过TBA值、肌原纤维蛋白含量、菌落总数、感官评价、微观结构的测定,探究了三文鱼在冰箱-18℃、-60℃冷冻条件下贮藏56 d的品质变化。
关键词:三文鱼;-60℃;冻藏Study on the quality change of salmon during frozen storage at -18℃and -60℃ in refrigeratorDONG Hao1, 2 ZHOU Xiaodong1, 2 JU Xiaochen1, 2 ZHONG Minghui3 ZHAO Yuanhui31. Hisense Home Appliance Group Co., Ltd. Qingdao 266100;2. Hisense (Shandong) Refrigerator Co., Ltd. Qingdao 266000;3. College of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China. Qingdao 266003Abstract: The quality changes of salmon stored at -18℃ and -60℃ in refrigerator for 56 days were studied by measuring TBA value, myofibrillar protein content, total bacterial count, sensory evaluation and microstructure. The results showed that with the extension of frozen storage time, the indicators of salmon changed significantly. Lipid oxidation was delayed, myofibrillar protein degradation rate was reduced and microbial growth and reproduction was significantly inhibited under the condition of -60℃ freezing storage compared with -18℃. The original flavor and quality of salmon can be better maintained with lower temperature.Keywords: Salmon; -60℃; Frozen storage中图分类号:TM 925.21DOI:10.19784/ki.issn1672-0172.2020.99.0411 引言三文鱼,又名大马哈鱼、鲑鱼、撒蒙鱼,其肉质鲜美,营养丰富,是制作刺身的优质原料[1-2]。
摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction
冷冻技术的历史 雅思
冷冻技术的历史雅思The history of freezing technology dates back to ancient times when people used natural ice and snow to preserve food. However, the development of modern freezing techniques has revolutionized the food industry, medicine, and various other fields. The process of freezing involves lowering the temperature of a substance to below its freezing point, thereby preserving it by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms and slowing down chemical reactions. This essay will delve into the historical evolution of freezing technology, its impact on society, and the future potential of this innovation.Freezing as a method of food preservation has been practiced for centuries. In ancient civilizations, people stored food in ice caves or used snow and ice to keep food fresh. However, the invention of the first artificial refrigeration system in the 19th century marked a significant milestone in the history of freezing technology. This breakthrough allowed for the mass production and distribution of frozen food, transforming the way people consumed and preserved food. The ability to freeze food on an industrial scale not only extended theshelf life of perishable items but also enabled the transportation of food over long distances, reducing food waste and ensuring a more stable food supply.The impact of freezing technology extends beyond the realm of food preservation. In the field of medicine, freezing techniques such as cryotherapy have been utilized for various purposes, including the removal of abnormal tissue, treatment of skin conditions, and preservation of biological samples. The ability to freeze and store biological materials has revolutionized medical research and organ transplantation, as it allows for the long-term preservation of tissues and organs, thereby saving countless lives.Moreover, freezing technology has also played a crucial role in the development of the aerospace industry. The ability to preserve and store food for extended periods has been essential for space missions, enabling astronauts to have access to nutritious meals during their journeys. Furthermore, freezingtechnology has been instrumental in the storage and transportation of sensitive materials such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and electronics, ensuring their integrity and quality.Looking ahead, the future potential of freezing technology is vast. With ongoing advancements in cryopreservation, there is growing interest in the possibility of preserving whole organisms, including humans, at ultra-low temperatures for potential revival in the future. While this concept remains highly speculative, it raises profound ethical and philosophical questions about the nature of life and the boundaries of medical science.In conclusion, the history of freezing technology is a testament to human ingenuity and innovation. From its humble origins in ancient times to its widespread applications in the modern world, freezing technology has had a profound impact on society, revolutionizing the way we preserve food, conduct medical procedures, and explore outer space. As we continue to unlock the potential of freezing technology, it is essential to consider the ethical implications and ensure that its benefits are harnessed for the betterment of humanity.。
DB33∕T 1136-2017 建筑地基基础设计规范
地基计算 ....................................................................................................................... 14 5.1 承载力计算......................................................................................................... 14 5.2 变形计算 ............................................................................................................ 17 5.3 稳定性计算......................................................................................................... 21
主要起草人: 施祖元 刘兴旺 潘秋元 陈云敏 王立忠 李冰河 (以下按姓氏拼音排列) 蔡袁强 陈青佳 陈仁朋 陈威文 陈 舟 樊良本 胡凌华 胡敏云 蒋建良 李建宏 王华俊 刘世明 楼元仓 陆伟国 倪士坎 单玉川 申屠团兵 陶 琨 叶 军 徐和财 许国平 杨 桦 杨学林 袁 静 主要审查人: 益德清 龚晓南 顾国荣 钱力航 黄茂松 朱炳寅 朱兆晴 赵竹占 姜天鹤 赵宇宏 童建国浙江大学 参编单位: (排名不分先后) 浙江工业大学 温州大学 华东勘测设计研究院有限公司 浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 杭州市建筑设计研究院有限公司 浙江省建筑科学设计研究院 汉嘉设计集团股份有限公司 杭州市勘测设计研究院 宁波市建筑设计研究院有限公司 温州市建筑设计研究院 温州市勘察测绘院 中国联合工程公司 浙江省电力设计院 浙江省省直建筑设计院 浙江省水利水电勘测设计院 浙江省工程勘察院 大象建筑设计有限公司 浙江东南建筑设计有限公司 湖州市城市规划设计研究院 浙江省工业设计研究院 浙江工业大学工程设计集团有限公司 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究院 华汇工程设计集团股份有限公司
2024年考研英语一真题阅读理解详细解析与答案阅读理解一:Passage 1:题目:Why is the current global workforce in poor health?解析:本文讨论全球劳动力健康状况不佳的原因。
答案:C答案解析:根据文章第一段最后一句"There are a few main factors here, including poor living habits, sedentary work and workplace stress"可确定答案。
Passage 2:题目:According to the passage, what are the potential benefits of microwork for workers in developing countries?解析:本文探讨了在发展中国家进行微工作的潜在利益。
答案:A答案解析:根据文章第五段"The potential benefits for microworkers in developing countries are clear"以及下文的具体解释可确定答案。
Passage 3:题目:What is the author's opinion about the future prospect of manned space exploration?解析:作者对载人航天探索的未来前景持何看法?答案:D答案解析:根据文章第二段"The future of manned space exploration looks promising"可确定答案。
Passage 4:题目:What is the main topic of the passage?解析:文章的主题是什么?答案:B答案解析:根据文章第一段首句"The Arctic, the frozen polar region characterized by frigid temperatures"可确定答案。
冰川的消融:气候变化的影响 英语作文
Title:The Thawing of Time:Glaciers and the Impacts of Climate ChangeGlaciers,the majestic rivers of ice,are not mere static monuments of nature but dynamic archives that record the history of Earth's climate. Their slow,stately progress carves out valleys,shapes landscapes,and regulates sea levels.However,these silent sentinels of the environment are now facing an existential threat as global temperatures rise due to climate change,causing them to retreat at an alarming rate.This significant reduction in glacier mass not only affects the immediate ecosystems but also has far-reaching impacts on global climate patterns, water resources,and biodiversity.The process of glacier melting is a direct reflection of increased global temperatures.As the Earth warms,the equilibrium between snowfall accumulation and melting is disrupted.Glaciers grow when snow accumulates over time,compacting into ice;they shrink when melting and sublimation—the process by which ice changes directly into water vapor—exceed new ice formation.Rising global temperatures tip the balance toward more melting and less ice formation,leading to reduced glacier size and even complete disappearance in some areas.This melting trend brings a myriad of environmental consequences.One immediate effect is the rise in sea levels.Glaciers and ice caps contain a significant amount of freshwater;as they melt,this water flows into the oceans,contributing to sea-level rise.This poses a severe risk to coastal communities and low-lying countries,where flooding and saltwater intrusion into freshwater sources become pressing issues.Furthermore, the loss of glaciers means the loss of a natural storehouse for freshwater. In regions dependent on glacial melt for agriculture and drinking water, such as parts of South America and Asia,this can lead to water scarcity during the dry season,affecting local economies and food security.Glaciers play a crucial role in regulating global climate patterns through their influence on ocean currents.Meltwater from glaciers contributes to the formation of cold,dense water that drives the ocean's overturning circulation,including phenomena like the Gulf Stream. Changes in glacier melt rates can disrupt these currents,potentially altering weather patterns across the globe.Additionally,melting glaciers release ancient carbon trapped in ice and soil into the atmosphere, further exacerbating climate change.The loss of ice also impacts biological diversity.Many animals,such as the Arctic polar bear,have adapted to live in close association with glaciers.As these icy habitats diminish,so too does the habitat available for these specialized species,leading to declines in their populations and, potentially,extinction.The thawing permafrost also releases nutrients and organic matter once locked in ice,leading to changes in ecosystem nutrient cycles that can affect vegetation growth and wildlife populations.In confronting the challenge of glacier retreat,it becomes imperative to address the root causes of climate change.Reducing greenhouse gas emissions globally is critical to mitigating further warming and preserving the world’s remaining glaciers.Adaptation strategies such as sustainable water management and the development of drought-resistant crops are essential to cope with the changing conditions. Research and monitoring of glaciers also play a vital role in understanding the implications of their changes and developing informed policies to protect these natural wonders.As we witness the accelerated thawing of our planet's glaciers,we are faced with a profound reminder of the delicate balance of Earth's systems and the urgent need for action to combat climate change.The fate of glaciers rests in our collective hands,and the future they foretell depends on the measures we take today to safeguard our shared environmental heritage.。
因为冰川将会消融的英语English:As glaciers continue to melt due to rising global temperatures, there will be numerous consequences for both the environment and human society. One major impact is the rise in sea levels, as the water from melted ice sheets flows into the oceans. This will lead to coastal flooding, displacing millions of people living in low-lying areas and causing damage to infrastructure. Additionally, the loss of glaciers will disrupt local ecosystems that depend on glacial runoff for water supply. This can affect the availability of freshwater for irrigation, drinking, and industrial purposes, leading to potential conflicts over water resources. Furthermore, the melting of glaciers can also contribute to changes in weather patterns, such as altering precipitation levels and triggering more extreme weather events like storms and heatwaves. Overall, the disappearance of glaciers poses a serious threat to both the environment and human livelihoods, emphasizing the urgent need for global action to combat climate change.Translated content:随着全球气温持续上升,冰川继续融化,将对环境和人类社会产生众多影响。
After receiving frozen drugs, the first step is to ensure that the packaging is intact.2.检查包装上的标签信息,确认药品名称和批号是否与订单一致。
Check the label information on the package to verify that the drug name and batch number match the order.3.记录下药品的到货时间和温度,并与要求的存储温度进行比对。
Record the arrival time of the drugs and the temperature, and compare it with the required storage temperature.4.对冷冻药品进行温度检测,确保温度符合要求。
Perform temperature checks on the frozen drugs to ensure that the temperature meets the requirements.5.检查冷冻药品的外观,确保没有明显的破损或污染。
Inspect the appearance of the frozen drugs to ensure that there is no obvious damage or contamination.6.核对包装清单,确认收到的药品数量是否与订单一致。
Verify the packing list to confirm that the quantity of drugs received matches the order.7.如果有需要,进行进一步的质量检验,以确保药品符合规定标准。
If necessary, conduct further quality checks to ensure that the drugs meet the required standards.8.对验收过的冷冻药品进行标识,以便区分和存储。
冻品库容率计算方法Calculating the capacity utilization rate of a frozen goods storage facility is essential for managing inventory and optimizing space. 冻品库容率计算是指根据实际储存容量和实际库存量,计算冰冻货物储存设施的使用率。
This calculation allows businesses to understand how efficiently they are using their storage space and whether there is room for improvement. 容量利用率计算有助于企业了解其存储空间的利用效率,并判断是否需要进一步提高空间利用率。
In order to calculate the capacity utilization rate, several factors need to be taken into consideration. 为了计算容量利用率,需要考虑几个因素。
Firstly, it is important to determine the total storage capacity of the frozen goods storage facility. 首先,要确定冷冻货物储存设施的总储存容量。
This involves measuring the physical space available for storing frozen goods, taking into account factors such as the layout of the facility, the height of the storage racks, and any other limitations on space. 这涉及测量用于存储冷冻货物的物理空间,考虑到设施的布局、储存货架的高度和空间上的任何限制。
因为冰川将会消融的英语英文回答:Climate change poses significant threats to the world's glaciers, leading to their accelerated melting and contributing to rising sea levels, altered water cycles, and disruptions to ecosystems. Glaciers are vast masses of ice found in mountainous regions and the polar ice caps. They are formed through the accumulation and compaction of snowfall over thousands of years.As temperatures rise due to increasing greenhouse gas emissions, glaciers respond by melting and losing mass. This melting is amplified by several factors, including the reduced albedo effect (the ability of ice to reflect sunlight) due to the formation of melt ponds on the glacier surface and the presence of impurities such as dust and debris.The melting of glaciers has far-reaching consequences.Firstly, it contributes to sea-level rise. As glaciers lose mass, the water released into the oceans adds to theoverall volume of water, causing sea levels to rise. This poses threats to coastal communities, infrastructure, and ecosystems, leading to flooding, erosion, and salinizationof water resources.Secondly, the altered water cycles caused by glacial melting can have significant impacts on regional and global water availability. Glaciers act as natural reservoirs, storing vast amounts of freshwater. The melting of glaciers disrupts this storage and releases large volumes of water into downstream rivers and lakes. This can lead to flooding, especially during summer months when melt rates are highest. However, during the dry season, the reduced water flow can result in water scarcity, affecting agriculture, drinking water supplies, and hydroelectric power generation.Thirdly, the loss of glaciers can have severeecological consequences. Glaciers support unique ecosystems that are adapted to cold and icy environments. The meltingof glaciers threatens these ecosystems, leading to the lossof habitat for specialized species and disrupting food chains. Additionally, the release of meltwater can alter the chemistry of downstream water bodies, affecting aquatic life and ecosystems.In summary, the melting of glaciers due to climate change is a significant challenge with far-reaching consequences. It contributes to sea-level rise, alters water cycles, and disrupts ecosystems. Addressing climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions is crucial to mitigating the melting of glaciers and preserving their vital role in the Earth's systems.中文回答:冰川融化的原因。
幼儿园冷冻食品使用流程As a parent, it is important to understand the process of how frozen foods are used in a kindergarten setting. 幼儿园的冷冻食品使用流程对于家长来说至关重要。
This ensures that your child is receiving nutritious and safe meals while at school. 这可以确保您的孩子在学校期间获得营养丰富且安全的餐食。
First and foremost, it is crucial to know where the frozen foods are sourced from. 首先,了解冷冻食品的来源至关重要。
Make sure that the kindergarten purchases frozen foods from reputable suppliers that adhere to strict food safety regulations. 确保幼儿园购买的冷冻食品来自严格遵守食品安全法规的信誉良好的供应商。
Once the frozen foods arrive at the kindergarten, they should be immediately stored in a freezer to maintain their freshness and safety. 冷冻食品到达幼儿园后,应立即存放在冷冻库中,以保持它们的新鲜度和安全性。
It is important for the staff to check the expiry dates and storage instructions on the packaging to ensure that the frozen foods are safe to consume. 工作人员需要检查包装上的到期日期和存储指导,以确保冷冻食品可以安全食用。
冻品打包流程Packaging frozen products is a crucial step in ensuring their quality and safety during storage and transportation. 冻品打包是保障产品质量和安全的重要步骤,在储存和运输过程中起着关键作用。
The packaging process for frozen products involves several important steps. First, the products need to be properly sorted and organized before they are placed into the packaging. This is essential to ensure that the right quantity and type of products are packed together. The next step is to select the appropriate packaging materials, such as plastic bags, shrink wrap, or cardboard boxes, depending on the type of frozen products being packaged. After the products are placed in the packaging materials, they must be sealed or closed properly to prevent any air or moisture from entering the package, which could lead to freezer burn or spoilage. Lastly, the packaged frozen products should be labeled with relevant information, including the product name, expiration date, and any special handling instructions. 冻品打包流程包括几个重要步骤。
冰雕对冰雪的影响英语作文The impact of ice sculptures on snow and ice is significant. Ice sculptures can add beauty and artistry to the winter landscape, creating a sense of wonder and magic. They can also inspire creativity and imagination, encouraging people to see the potential for beauty in the cold and icy world around them.Ice sculptures can also have a practical impact on snow and ice. For example, they can help to preserve the snow and ice by providing a protective barrier against the elements. In addition, ice sculptures can help to insulate the ground, preventing it from thawing too quickly and causing damage to the environment.Furthermore, ice sculptures can have a social impact on snow and ice. They can bring people together, providing a focal point for social gatherings and celebrations. They can also serve as a form of entertainment, attracting people to the winter landscape and encouraging them toengage with the natural world in a new and exciting way.In addition, ice sculptures can have a cultural impact on snow and ice. They can serve as a form of artistic expression, reflecting the values and traditions of the communities in which they are created. They can also help to preserve and promote cultural heritage, serving as a reminder of the importance of winter traditions and the beauty of the natural world.Overall, the impact of ice sculptures on snow and ice is multifaceted and significant. They can add beauty and artistry to the winter landscape, provide practical benefits for the environment, bring people together, and serve as a form of cultural expression. As such, they play an important role in shaping the way we interact with and appreciate the winter world around us.。
大海不易结冰的原因英语作文The ocean has certain characteristics that make it less prone to freezing compared to other bodies of water. Let's explore the factors contributing to the resistance of the ocean to freezing.One of the main reasons is the high salinity of the ocean water. Salt plays a role in lowering the freezing point of the water.The large volume and depth of the ocean also play a part. The vastness of the ocean allows for a greater heat capacity, which helps to retain heat and delay the onset of freezing.The movement of ocean currents helps to distribute heat throughout the water, preventing localized areas from cooling down rapidly.The influence of the ocean's connection to the atmosphere also contributes to its resistance to freezing. Winds and air currents can transfer heat and prevent the formation of large ice masses.The ocean's temperature is also influenced by global climate patterns and the heat exchange with the atmosphere.Furthermore, the presence of marine life and the biological processes within the ocean can also have an effect on the tendency to freeze.The ocean serves as a vital reservoir of heat, playing a significant role in regulating the Earth's climate.Understanding the reasons why the ocean does not easily freeze is important for various aspects of science and climate research.In conclusion, the combination of factors such as salinity, volume, depth, and ocean currents contribute to the ocean's relative resistance to freezing.。
储藏温度对四川腊肉品质的影响王新惠;张雅琳;张云峰;张巍;夏艳丽;苏蕊;刘力嘉【摘要】In order to study the effect of different storage temperatures including normal temperature (20 ℃),refrigeration storage(4 ℃)and frozen storage(-18 ℃)on the quality of Sichuan cured meat, pH,moisture content,fat oxidation,nitrite residue,histamine accumulation are investigated during 30 days'storage.The results show that pH values decline with the storage temperatures increase,the pH value decreases to 5.48 at 20 ℃.The moisture content decreases at dif ferent storage temperatures, moreover,the reduction extents of moisture content increase with the storage temperatures increase, the moisture content declines by 30%at 20 ℃.The oxidation degree of cured meat raises with the storage temperatures increase,there is no significantly difference in nitrite content in cured meat under different storage temperatures(p>0.05),but the histamine content of cured meat is significantly increased at 20 ℃ (p<0.05)and increases by 150% than that at low-temperature storage.%以常温(20℃)、冷藏(4℃)和冷冻(-18℃)3个不同储藏温度条件下储藏30天的腊肉为研究对象,分析储藏温度对pH、水分含量、脂质氧化、亚硝酸钠残留量以及组胺积累等的影响.结果表明:腊肉pH值随着贮藏温度的升高而降低,储藏温度20℃时,pH值降至5.48;水分的含量均下降,且储藏温度越高,水分含量降低幅度越大,20℃时水分含量减少30%;储藏温度越高,腊肉中的脂肪氧化程度越高;储藏温度对腊肉中亚硝酸盐的含量影响不显著(p>0.05);20℃储藏时,腊肉中的组胺含量显著增加(p<0.05),比低温储藏增加150%.【期刊名称】《中国调味品》【年(卷),期】2018(043)006【总页数】4页(P24-26,64)【关键词】储藏温度;腊肉;脂质氧化;亚硝酸钠;组胺【作者】王新惠;张雅琳;张云峰;张巍;夏艳丽;苏蕊;刘力嘉【作者单位】成都大学四川省肉类加工重点实验室,成都 610106;成都大学四川省肉类加工重点实验室,成都 610106;成都大学四川省肉类加工重点实验室,成都610106;成都大学四川省肉类加工重点实验室,成都 610106;成都大学四川省肉类加工重点实验室,成都 610106;成都大学四川省肉类加工重点实验室,成都 610106;成都大学四川省肉类加工重点实验室,成都 610106【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS251.44四川腊肉是最具特色的四川传统肉制品之一,凭借其独特的风味、诱人的色泽和浓醇的香气,深受四川消费者的喜爱。
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Effect of frozen storage on the characteristics of a developed and commercial fish sausagesIsmail M.Al-Bulushi &Stefan Kasapis &Gary A.Dykes &Humaid Al-Waili &Nejib Guizani &Hamed Al-OufiRevised:28May 2011/Accepted:16June 2011#Association of Food Scientists &T echnologists (India)2011Abstract The effect of frozen storage on the physiochem-ical,chemical and microbial characteristics of two types of fish sausages was studied.Fish sausages developed (DFS)with a spice-sugar formulation and commercial fish sausages (CFS)were stored at −20°C for 3months.Fresh DFS contained 12.22%lipids and had a 3.53cfu/g total bacteria count (TBC)whereas,CFS contained 5.5%lipids and had a 4.81cfu/g TBC.During storage,TBC decreased significantly (p <0.05)in DFS whereas it did not change (p >0.05)in CFS.A peroxide value (PV)was not detectable until week four and eight of storage in CFS and DFS,respectively.The salt-soluble proteins (SSP)level was stable in DFS but in CFS it declined signifi-cantly (p <0.05).Colour values did not change significantly (p >0.05)in both sausage types.This study showed that the effect of storage at −20°C on fish sausages characteristics varied between formulations and depended on the ingre-dients of fish sausages.Keywords Color .Fish .Frozen storage .Rancidity .SausagesIntroductionFish sausage is a minced fish or surimi based product manufactured from different fish species with added preservatives and flavors.Due to its relatively short shelf-life (Raju et al.2003;Santiago 2004),fish sausage currently does not transport well resulting in an inconsistent product available to the consumer.Fish and fish products undergo several chemical and physical changes during frozen storage.These changes adversely affect frozen-fish product quality and storage stability .Although commercially used frozen storage temperatures suppress bacterial growth and spoilage with chemicals such as trimethylamine (Natseba et al.2005),fish endogenous lipases and proteases remain active causing lipids and proteins deterioration (Siddaiah et al.2001;Perez-Borla et al.2002;Aranda et al.2006).In addition,frozen storage causes the denaturation of myofibrillar proteins of fish which results in the loss of protein functions such as water holding capacity and gel-forming ability (Benjakul et al.2003).The use of lower temperatures,such as −80°C,to minimize the frozen storage deterioration is promising (Santiago 2004),but such temperatures have not been applied commercially probably due to their high economic cost.Therefore at a commercial level,fish sausages are frozen at a higher freezing temperature,usually −20°C,in which some quality attributes such as flavour and texture may deteriorate due to changes in lipids and proteins.Many spices show antioxidant properties that enhance the stability of oils (Gulcin 2005;T sai et al.2005).This ability is due to their potential as free radical scavengersI.M.Al-Bulushi (*):N.GuizaniDepartment of Food Science and Nutrition,College ofAgricultural and Marine Sciences,Sultan Qaboos University ,P .O.Box 34,Al-Khod-123,Oman e-mail:isab@.omS.KasapisSchool of Applied Sciences,RMIT University ,Bundoora W est Campus,Plenty Road,Building 223,Level 1,Melbourne,Vic 3083,AustraliaG.A.DykesSchool of Science,Monash University,PO Box 8975,46780Kelana Jaya,Selangor,Malaysia H.Al-W aili :H.Al-Oufi Ministry of Fisheries W ealth,P .O.Box 3738,Ruwi 112,OmanJ Food Sci T echnolDOI 10.1007/s13197-011-0441-xwhich may terminate radical chain reactions(Singh et al. 2005).They may also display antibacterial effects against bacterial pathogens such as Bacillus cereus,Staphylococcus aureus(Banerjee and Sarkar2003;Kumudavally et al. 2011),Salmonella Enteritidis(Benkeblia2004)and Shigella spp.(Bagamboula et al.2004),as well as against spoilage bacteria such as Aeromonas hydrophila(Fabio et al.2003). The bacteriostatic effects of spices may occur by two mechanisms:the delay and partial inhibition of DNA and proteins synthesis(Feldberg et al.1988),and the induction of intracellular A TP depletion(Oussalah et al.2006).Many carbohydrates also show potential to stabilize proteins during frozen storage as cryoprotectants(Dondero et al.1996;Jittinandana et al.2003;Auh et al.2003). Despite some controversies around the exact mechanisms by which carbohydrates act as cryprotectants,it is widely accepted that they stabilize proteins by hydrating macro-molecules thus reducing the amount of water produced from proteins during freezing(Mackie1993).In addition carbohydrates,in particular sucrose was reported to inhibit the formation of biogenic amines in dry cured fish at a low storage temperature(4°C)(Zhang et al.2011).Although a spice-sugar formulation is used in fish sausages(Rahman et al.2007),information on the effect of frozen storage on the microbial,chemical and physiochemical characteristics of fish sausages is limited.It should be noted that commercial fish sausages are produced and consumed in the Middle East,but little is known about their microbial,chemical and physical characteristics and storage stability.This study aimed to study the effect of frozen storage at−20°C on DFS with a spice-sugar formulation and a CFS type sold in Oman. Materials and methodsCommercial sausages Commercial fish sausages were pro-duced from fillets of crimson snapper(Lutjanus erythropte-rus),a demersal fish species,with1.35%sodium sulphite (E221)as an antimicrobial agent.No spices or other ingredients were included in the formulation.The sausages were produced in a local supermarket,Oman, and packed in sausage casings.A total of5kg of fresh sausages were purchased immediately after processing and brought to the laboratory within30min. Developed fish sausage Newly developed fish sausages were produced from fillets of Arabian Sea meagre (Argyrosomus heinii),a demersal fish species.Fish fillets were provided by the Oman Fisheries Company,Ghala, Muscat,Oman.Food additives were bought from a local food market.Onion,garlic,and ginger were used in powdered form.The recipe was modified from Rahman et al.(2007)and consisted of minced fish61.9%,corn starch 8%,NaCl2.5%,sucrose0.7%,vegetable shortening10%, ice water16%,white pepper0.2%,onion0.17%,ginger 0.133%,garlic0.083%,cinnamon0.133%and cumin 0.133%.A total of5kg of fish sausage was produced in the laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Muscat,Oman under hygienic conditions at15–20°C.Fish fillets were minced in an industrial client cutter (JICA,Japan)and mixed thoroughly with starch and other ingredients.Once homogenized,the mixture was stuffed manually using a sausage maker(Rost Frei,Japan)into sausage casings(Devro,UK)to yield10cm length and 3cm diameter fish sausage.Immediately,three fresh sausages along with three from CFS were used for analyses at week zero.Fish sausages were packed in polyethylene bags and frozen at−20°C for3months,along with5kg of CFS.Both sausage types were analyzed at two-week intervals.Sample preparation for analyses At two-week intervals, three frozen sausages of each type were defrosted indirectly under running water at15–25°C for30min.This process of thawing was found to recover the lowest number of microorganisms(Ersoy et al.2008).Using a sterile knife, chopping board and forceps,defrosted sausage was chopped and mixed.Immediately,sausage(5g)was removed from each sausage piece for microbial analysis and the rest was used for chemical analysis. Enumeration of total bacterial count Sausage(5g)was homogenized with45ml0.1%most recovery diluent (Oxoid,UK)for1min in a Colworth stomacher400 (UK)(ICMSF1978).10-fold serial dilutions were prepared and0.1ml sausage suspension was spread on plates of standard plate count agar(Oxoid,UK).T otal bacteria were enumerated by incubating the plates aerobically at27°C for3days(Curran et al.1981).Proximate composition W ater,crude lipids,crude proteins and ash content of fish and sausages were determined according to the Association of Official Analytical Methods,AOAC(Helrich1990).W ater content was determined by drying a sample(5g)in a300plus series atmospheric oven(Gallenkamh,UK)at105°C to a constant weight(3h).Crude lipids were determined by extracting a dried sample(2g)with100ml petroleum ether for8h in a soxhlet apparatus.Crude proteins were determined in a micro Kjeldahl(Gallenkamp,UK)by digesting a dried sample(0.5g),distillation of ammonium sulphate and titrating liberated nitrogen with0.2N hydro-chloric acid.Ash was determined by burning a dried sample(5g)to white-gray ash at550°C for3h in a muffle furnace(Gallenkamp,UK).J Food Sci T echnolPeroxide value Samples for PV determination were dried at 105°C for3h.Peroxide value is an index of rancidity and was determined according to the method of Egan et al. (1981).Dried sample(5g)was mixed with25ml of a mixed solution(acetic acid:chloroform,3:2).Then,1ml of saturated potassium iodide was added and the sample was kept in a dark place for10min.A total of30ml of distilled water was added and the liberated iodine was titrated with0.01N sodium thiosulfate in the presence of 1ml of freshly prepared1%starch until the blue color disappeared.Peroxide value was calculated as meq/kg fat according to the following formula:PV¼AÀBðÞÄS½ Â10Where A is the titration value for the sample,B is the titration value for the blank and S is the weight of the sample. Protein solubility Salt-soluble proteins index,as a measure of proteins denaturation were determined according to the method of Ironside and Love(1958).Samples(6.67g)were mixed with100ml of chilled5%NaCl and the pH was adjusted to7–7.5.The mixture was macerated for2min at high speed in a high speed homogenizer(Black and Decker, USA).The homogenate was transferred into a thick-walled 50ml centrifuge tube by rinsing with chilled5%NaCl.The mixture was centrifuged at4,000rpm for30min at4°C.The supernatant was collected and the precipitate was washed with10ml of chilled5%NaCl and centrifuged as above.An aliquot of the combined supernatant(salt-soluble proteins)was mixed with10ml of chilled15%trichloro-acetic acid and centrifuged as above to remove non-protein nitrogen compounds.Half gram of precipitated proteins and fish sausages were used to determine the percentages of salt-soluble and total proteins respectively using micro-Kjeldahl analyzer(Gallenkamp,UK).The percentage of SSP was calculated according to the following formula:SSP¼SaltÀsoluble proteins=Total proteinsðÞÂ100:Colour The colour of Argyrosomus heini fillets and sausages was determined after defrosting using a color meter(Minolta Chromameter,Model CR-310,Japan)according to the method of Rahman et al.(2002).Three fillets of Argyrosomus heinii and fish sausages of both types were used for colour determination.Colour was expressed in Hunter a,b,and L values,where+a is intensity of red,—a is intensity of green,+b is the intensity of yellow,—b is intensity of blue,and L is lightness or darkness of the sausage,black, L=0;white,L=100(Hamre et al.2003).Statistical analysis Bacterial numbers are reported as log10 cfu/g.A one way ANOV Awas used to evaluate the effect of frozen storage on the bacterial count,salt-soluble proteins solubility,peroxide value and colour.This test was conducted in Minitab release15software(Minitab Inc., USA),and level of P<0.05was considered statistically significant.Data were presented as the mean of two to three determinations.Results and discussionCharacteristics of fresh fish sausages T ables1,2and3 show the chemical,microbial and physical characteristics of both types of fish sausage.The bacterial loads on DFS and CFS were lower than the log5cfu/g recommended level for good quality products(ICMSF1986),indicating good microbial quality of fresh fish sausages of both types.This could be attributed to the quality of the raw fish,hygienic processing conditions and effect of the spice-sucrose recipe. In particular the antimicrobial activity of the spices may have played a role.Some spices such as garlic were found to kill93%of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Salmonella T yphi within3h of incubation(Arora and Kaur1999). Many spices show antimicrobial activity even at very low concentrations.For instance,the minimum inhibitory concentration of garlic was found to be6–10mg/ml for some bacteria such as S.aureus(Benkeblia2004).Due to its higher lipids content it might be expected that rancidity would commence earlier in DFS than CFS since, for example,horse mackerel with a relatively low lipids content(0.7–1.85%)was found to develop rancidity after 3months of storage at−20°C(Aubourg et al.2004). V ariations in characteristics and composition between sausage types will,of course,affect their sensory properties. Amano(1965)reported that routine examination of fish sausages revealed contents of67–68%water,5–6%lipids and14–15%protein.In addition,Chuapoehuk et al.(2001) found74.50%water,3.16%lipids,and13.73%proteins in catfish sausages.The results of these studies were similar to those obtained for CFS in the present study.T able1Proximate composition of developed(DFS)and commercial (CFS)fish sausagesContent DFS CFSW ater%53.2±1.62a68.3±0.03b Crude lipids%12.2±0.58a 5.5±0.00b Crude proteins%15.7±0.14a19.7±0.24b Ash% 2.5±0.09a 1.8±0.00bEach mean was compared with that of other sausage type.Means with different alphabetical superscript are significantly different(p<0.05), n=3J Food Sci T echnolCoulor is one of the important quality criteria,which determines the acceptability and marketability of many fish mince products (Sachindra and Mahendrakar 2010).The low a and high L values of DFS indicated this product was processed from a low-myoglobin fish and that food additives did not interfere with the colour of DFS.The high a value for CFS,on the other hand,indicated that the product was processed from red muscled fish.Moreover,the L value of 55.24in CFS indicated that the product started darkening before storage as the L value for darkening onset has been set at 58(Ochiai et al.1988).The b values of 16.64and 12.80in DFS and CFS,respectively ,were considered of low significance in fresh sausages since no colour materials were added to either type.Changes in the characteristics of fish sausages during frozen storage The TBC for DFS (T able 2)decreased significantly (p <0.05)after week four from 3.53log cfu/g at the beginning of storage to 2.84log cfu/g at the end of 3months frozen storage indicating the effect of the antibacterial spices.Frozen storage at −20°C did not result in any change (p >0.05)in the initial bacterial load of CFS (4.81log cfu/g).The antibacterial capacity of the spices in bacterial reduction may be attributed to the effect ofcinnamon,garlic,onion,and cumin (W endakoon and Sakaguchi 1992;T abak et al.1999;Mau et al.2001;Fabio et al.2003;Benkeblia 2004;Jirovetz et al.2005;Thongson et al.2005;Arici et al.2005;Das et al.2011).Freezing results in the loss of the ability of bacteria to multiply and in sub-lethal injury ,and it seems that this effect depends on the freezing temperature and composition of the bacterial community present.This could explain the absence of changes in the bacterial load of the CFS.The absence of change in bacterial load of CFS during frozen storage agreed with the finding of Rota and Gonzalez (2006)who indicated that frozen storage at −18°C was not a significant factor in the bacterial count.In addition,Moorhead and Dykes (2002)found that aerobic bacterial levels did not decrease on beef trimming during storage at −18°C over 84days.By contrast,Abd-El-Rahman (2002)found that total bacterial count increased at −20°C during storage for 6months,and Al-Harbi and Uddin (2005)found that aerobic plate count were reduced 2log cycles after 1month on hybrid tilapia at −20°C.Since frozen storage was found to stop microbial activity (Karacam and Boran 1996),it could be expected that the relative high bacteria load would not be involved in any quality deterioration in commercial sausages during frozen storage.T able 2Microbiological and chemical changes in fish sausages during storage at −20°C Storage (week)T otal Bacterial counts (log cfu/g)Peroxide value (meq/kg fat)%Salt-soluble proteins DFSCFS DFS CFS DFS CFS 0 3.5±0.07a 4.8±0.14a ND ND 37.5±1.98a 37.5±1.98a 2 3.3±0.07a 5.1±0.32a ND ND39.3±3.29a 28.3±2.50b 4 3.3±0.10a 4.9±0.17a ND 8.0±2.0a 36.2±0.36a 30.4±2.48c 6 2.9±0.24b 5.0±0.12a ND10.6±1.15b 36.0±6.95a 22.9±0.37d 8 2.9±0.19c 4.8±0.24a 14.6±1.15a 17.3±1.15c 40.7±2.53a 23.0±0.43e 10 3.0±0.08d 4.6±0.20a 16.6±0.57b 22±2.0d 36.7±4.06a 22.5±.77f122.8±0.04e4.7±0.61a25.3±3.0c22.6±1.15e35.3±0.53a–Each mean was compared with that of 0h.Means with different alphabetical superscript are significantly different (p <0.05),n =3DFS developed fish sausage CFS commercial fish sausageStorage,weekDFS CFSabL abL 0 2.4±0.02a 16.6±0.61a 60.9±0.42a 11.9±1.15a 12.8±0.29a 55.2±0.08a 2 2.5±0.05a 15.5±0.90a 61.9±0.44a 12.0±0.53a 12.8±0.14a 54.9±0.71a 4 2.5±0.05a 15.2±0.26a 59.8±1.51a 12.4±0.23a 12.2±0.14a 56.4±2.10a 6 2.3±0.09a 15.2±0.03a 61.4±0.32a 12.8±0.02a 12.2±0.08a 55.5±0.15a 8 2.7±0.05a 15.4±0.02a 59.5±0.38a 12.2±0.32a 12.9±0.16a 57.0±0.69a 10 2.3±0.17a 15.4±0.39a 61.1±2.35a 12.1±0.19a 11.9±0.57a 54.9±0.57a 122.5±0.19a15.9±0.03a61.1±2.35a12.1±0.25a12.1±0.21a55.4±0.65aT able 3Changes in the colour values of fish sausages during storage at −20°CEach mean was compared with that of 0h.Means with different alphabetical superscript are sig-nificantly different (p <0.05),n =3DFS developed fish sausage CFS commercial fish sausageJ Food Sci T echnolThe development of lipid oxidation assessed by peroxide value is shown in T able2.Initially,PV was detectable in DFS at week eight,whereas in CFS it was detectable at week four.Thereafter PV increased significantly(p<0.05) in DFS and CFS from14.66to25.33meq/kg fat and8to 22.66meq/kg fat,respectively,by the end of storage. Despite these significance changes,PV in both sausages were at the low end of20–40meq/kg fat for a noticeable rancid taste in oil(Egan et al.1981).Although the antioxidant potential of ginger,garlic and cinnamon have been reported(Salariya and Habib2003; Shan et al.2005;Al-Assaf and Abdullah2005),the antioxidant activities of the spices in food systems were found to be low and dose-dependable(Al-Ismail2002;Yin and Cheng2003).In studies where,for example,ginger was used to extend frozen fish shelf-life,peroxide values was found to develop at a much lower rate than in untreated samples(George and Perigreen1999).In our study,the spice powders were effective in delaying lipid oxidation,however,they were not able to stop lipid oxidation due to low antioxidant concentration. The increase in the peroxide value in CFS agreed with the study of Siddaiah et al.(2001)who found that peroxide value increased significantly in mined silver carp during storage at−18°C.This increase,however,was much higher than it was found in frozen horse mackerel with an initial lipid content of0.7–1.85%(Aubourg et al.2004).Changes in SSP as an indicator of progressive denaturation in both sausages during frozen storage are shown in T able2. Salt-soluble proteins decreased significantly(p<0.05)and linearly after week zero from37.58%to22.52%in CFS during3months frozen storage.Salt-soluble myofibrillar proteins did not change significantly(p>0.05)in DFS, which maintained its SSP content at37.42%on average throughout3months storage,showing a very low impact of storage time on SSP.Protein stability during frozen storage in DFS could be attributed to the positive cryoprotectant effect of added sucrose,as sucrose-sorbitol either alone or as a mixture was found to act as a cryoprotectant in the manufacture of surimi(Mackie1993).In surimi the cryoprtecatnts have been shown to preserve the structural stability of myofibrillar proteins and reduce the exposure of buried hydrophopic residues on the proteins surface,thus slowing down the kinetics of aggregation of proteins(Herrera and Mackie2004). Among the factors that were found to decrease myofibril-lar protein solubility,the interaction of lipid oxidized products with proteins was found to be important (Shobana and Naidu2000).This process involves the interaction of oxidized lipids with the cystine—SH group, the NH3group of lysine,and N—terminus group of aspartic acid,tyrosine,methionine,and arginine(Kussi et al.1975,cited by Siddaiah et al.2001).It is apparent from T able2that both PV detection and SSP reduction occurred at the early stages of storage which could show this interaction thus explaining the significant reduction in the solubility of CFS proteins.In addition,the significant reduction in protein stability in CFS was in agreement with the findings of Siddaiah et al.(2001), Benjakul et al.(2003)and T okur et al.(2006)who found significant reduction in solubility of fish and fish finger proteins.Protein denaturation in CFS may lead to tough-ness of the product(data not shown),particularly since toughness in myotomal tissues in fish and fishery products have been attributed to the denaturation of myofibrillar proteins and the decrease in Z lines(Dunajski1979; Shenouda1980,cited by Siddaiah et al.2001).The colour values of sausage during frozen storage can be seen in T able3.a,b,and L values in both sausages did not change significantly(p>0.05)throughout the storage period,indicating no significant effects of the food additives and storage conditions on the products colour. On average,DFS had a,b,and L values of2.44,16.64,and 60.93respectively,whereas,in CFS these values were 11.90,12.80,and55.24respectively during the3-month storage period.The b and L values were significantly higher (p<0.05)in DFS than in CFS,whereas the a value was significantly higher(p<0.05)in CFS than in DFS.These values agreed with that of Al Bulushi et al.(2005) who found no significant changes in the colour values of fish burgers processed from Argyrosomus heinii and stored under the same conditions as in this study.Lipid oxidation has been found to be associated with an increase in b value (yellowness)causing discoloration of herring fillets and squid(Hamre et al.2003;Thanonkaew et al.2006)via the interaction of oxidized products with amines in proteins. However,our study did not support this finding as the increasing peroxide values did not correlate with an increase in b values during frozen storage.ConclusionDeveloped fish sausages with a modified spices-sucrose mix maintained their microbial and chemical characteristics for 3months at−20°C.In contrast,the characteristics of commercial fish sausages deteriorated during frozen storage. The efficiency of commercial frozen storage temperature of−20°C in maintaining the characteristics of fish sausage during storage was found to be sausage-ingredient dependent. Acknowledgement The authors are grateful to Sultan Qaboos University,Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and Oman fisheries Company for funding and providing raw materials and facilities to develop fish sausage formulations.They also thank Mrs.Buthaina Al Bulushi,Department of Food Science and Nutrition at the College ofJ Food Sci T echnolAgricultural and Marine Sciences,Sultan Qaboos University,Oman for helpful technical support and Dr.Olena Kravchuk,School of Land, Crop and Food Sciences,The University of Queensland,Australia for kind assistance with statistical analysis.ReferencesAbd-El-Rahman A(2002)Changes in selected chemical,microbio-logical and sensory quality characteristics of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L)blocks during frozen storage.Egyptian J Agric Res80(4):1925–1936Al Bulushi I,Kasapis S,Al Oufi H,Al Mamary S(2005)Evaluating the quality and storage stability of fish burgers during frozen storage.Fisheries Sci71:648–654Al-Assaf R,Abdullah B(2005)The effects of 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