Employee Turnover 1
Turnover & Calculating
Employee Turnover:Definitions and Calculations This brief guide looks at the various different ways of defining and calculating employee turnover. It provides suggestions as to the most appropriate definition to use and highlights the best method for calculating turnover.Key Points:• There are several alternative definitions of employeeturnover.• The most common formula used is:Number of exits / (divided by) number of employees• If you are producing figures for internal use, it is moresensible to calculate voluntary turnover.• Calculating early turnover is often wise.• Benchmarking your figures against competitors isproblematic given the definitions used by many firms.The Definition Of Employee TurnoverBe careful when defining employee turnover. The wide range of alternative definitions of employee turnover can prove problematic for those with responsibility in this area. Appreciating the subtle differences between similar sounding definitions helps to avoid errors of judgement and potentially expensive mistakes.Most firms will experience the departure of a number of employees during the course of a year. Yet behind the raw figures lies a variety of explanations: some individuals may have retired, others been dismissed, some may have moved out of the area, others opted to change career, some poor performers may have left, so too some good performers, some departures may have been regretted, others not.Employee Turnover RateThe number of avoidable separations divided by the average number of employees during that same time period.The key word here is avoidable. Which categories of departures do you include and which ones do you leave out?If you are doing a calculation for your own internal purposes, for example if you are looking to improve employee retention, or reduce avoidable turnover, it is more sensible to omit departures such as retirements, dismissals and redundancies.However, if your main aim is to compare your figures to external benchmarks, then they will often use a raw figure that includes all separations. So their figures will often show the total number of exits divided by the number of employees.The problem with comparisons made using this definition is that you have no idea how many of their departures were retirements, dismissals or redundancies. Hence the comparison is of limited value.Employee Attrition (total turnover or wastage rate)Sometimes known as total turnover or wastage rate. A commonly used figure, but with significant risk of misleading; retirees, dismissals and redundancies included, making comparisons practically worthless.The employee attrition rate is the number of exits during the period divided by the average number of employees.Retention RateThe retention rate is the percentage of employees who were employed at the beginning of a period, and remain with the company at the end of the period.This figure can be useful but it hides the departures of employees that joined and subsequently left during the period.Voluntary Turnover (contrast involuntary)An improvement over the total turnover definition; retirees and employees dismissed or made redundant no longer included. This definition is more precise and more relevant to internal decision-making. If you are considering investing resources in retention strategies then using a definition such as voluntary turnover is sensible.Early Turnover Rate (within initial 6 months)Early turnover concerns those employees that leave during the first six months. These departures may reflect problems in the recruitment or orientation processes. For example: candidates may have joined under mistaken assumptions, or simply been inappropriate selections.Dysfunctional Turnover (contrast functional turnover)Dysfunctional turnover is those high performing employees that you would have liked to retain, where as functional turnover is the departure of poor performers.The departure of poor performers is likely to be beneficial to the firm in the medium term, where as the loss of high performing employees can cause significant damage to the business.Cohort AnalysisCohort analysis follows a group that joined at the same time. It is commonly used to track graduate recruits. This measure can highlight areas of concern. For example: a tendency for recruits to leave after 2 years might indicate a need to focus on the employee value proposition on offer at that stage.Regretted Turnover (contrast non-regretted)This can sometimes be a useful definition. Regretted departures are likely to be far more costly to the firm, yet it would be a mistake to ignore non-regretted turnover.CommentaryWith so many similar sounding definitions for employee turnover it can be difficult to be sure that everyone is using the same formula.It is quite common for managers to use quite different formulas for arriving at the turnover rate. This makes comparisons, whether external or internal, of limited value.If you need information from different units, be clear about the precise definition you want to be used. Otherwise you may find that some include categories of departures that others omit.Calculating The Employee Turnover RateIn the following calculation we will use our data to arrive at 3 different figures:1) The total turnover rate (including retirements, dismissals andredundancies) – for external benchmarking purposes2) Voluntary turnover rate (excluding retirements, dismissals andredundancies) – for internal purposes3) Early turnover (first 6 months) – to determine the effectiveness of therecruitment and orientation processes.In this example our figures are as follows:Number of employees at the start of the year = 1000Number of employees at the end of the year = 1200Total number of exits = 220This total figure breaks down into the following components:Retirements = 40Dismissals = 30Redundancies = 40Voluntary departuresVoluntary departures = 220 – (40 +30 + 40) = 110(Of which early departures = 55)Step 1. Calculate the average number of employeesThe number of employees is calculated by adding the number at the start of the period, to the number at the end of the period. Then dividing by 2 to arrive at the average number of employees.For example:At the start of the year the firm employed 1000 people. At the end of the year the firm employed 1200. To arrive at the average we add together 1000 + 1200 = 2200. Then divide by 2 to get our answer 2200/2 = 1100This figure is the average number of people employed during the period.Step 2. Calculate the number of departures during the periodThe key here is to make sure that we only include those departures that are actually relevant. That means those that come within the definition we are using. (See earlier section on definitions)So for the definitions we are using in this example the relevant figures are: Total number of exits = 220Voluntary = 110Early = 55Step 3. Divide departures by number of employeesTo arrive at our final figures, we divide the number of relevant departures by the average number of employees. Then multiply by 100 to get the percentage rate.For total turnover we have:220 / 1100 (x 100) = 20%For voluntary turnover we have:110/1100 (x100) = 10%For early turnover we have:55/1100 (x100) = 5%CommentaryWhat should now be clear is that the apparently simple matter of calculating the employee turnover rate is in fact not at all straightforward.In such circumstances the best approach is often to place more emphasis on internal comparisons, than attempting to make sense of external figures that may, or may not, have been calculated using a similar definition.You may wish to track a number of different definitions, for example: total, early, voluntary and dysfunctional turnover, in the hope that this provides additional clarity.I hope this brief guide has been of some help to you.ThanksColin Brown。
turnover cost离职成本
离职成本关键词:人力资源离职;离职成本;离职管理雇员流动成本计算公式详析公式一:雇员流动成本/Employee Turnover Cost = (离职雇员的全年工资收入/Annual Salary of the Leaver + 企业为离职雇员投入的福利成本/Benefits Invested by the Company for the Leaver)X 损耗率/Attrition Rate说明:1. 离职雇员的全年工资收入指雇员全年的税前工资和奖金或佣金。
2. 企业为雇员投入的福利成本主要指企业为雇员投入的基本养老保险、住房公积金、失业基金和医疗保险以及工伤保险和生育保险等,额度相当于离职雇员全年工资收入的50%-70%左右。
3. 目前相当一部分企业其实并没有将奖金或佣金收入列入福利的征缴范围,为此,计算时可按企业的实际情况操作。
4. 损耗率要根据具体的岗位来确定。
5. 应用本公式计算企业总的流动成本,简单的方法是将企业全年的离职岗位按岗位的类别(销售或办公室职员)或工资等级(如研究开发工程师与IT部门的工程师可能在同一个工资等级)进行归类,在应用上述公式计算比较典型的岗位或工资等级岗位后直接乘于每个岗位类别内或同一工资等级内的离职人数,最后相加得出企业总的流动成本。
6. 本公式的优点是方便、简单,不足是计算出的流动成本会显得较为粗略,受工资和损耗率的影响较大。
公式二:雇员流动成本/Employee Turnover Cost = 离职成本/Separation Cost + 岗位空缺成本/Vacancy Cost + 替换成本/Replacement Cost + 培训成本/Training Cost + 损失的生产率成本/Lost Productivity Cost –节省的成本/Saved Cost公式二是依据流动成本的五个模型(见本报在6月9日发表的“企业利润的无形杀手--雇员流动成本”的介绍)及有关实际操作综合而成。
employee 的常用词组搭配
ADJ + EmployeePublic公共雇员, federal联邦雇员, new新的雇员, civilian文职雇员, full-time全职雇员, female女性雇员, disgruntled心怀不满的雇员, other其他雇员, part-time兼职员工, average普通雇员, fellow同行雇员, good好的雇员, longtime长期雇员, postal邮政员工, simplified简化的员工, only只有员工, single一个员工, paid工资, temporary临时员工, individual员工个人, sole唯一员工, male男性员工, prospective未来的员工, key重要的员工, retired离退休的员工, young年轻的员工, black黑色的员工, u-haul U-重载的员工, salaried受新员工, trusted受信任的员工Many are facing big shortfalls, thanks in part to huge public employee pension obligations.许多公司正面临着严重的差额不足,部分是由于巨额公共雇员退休金的发放。
Medicaid and Social Security, plus a 5 percent decrease in federal employee pay. 医疗补助和社会保障,再加上联邦雇员5%的薪酬跌幅。
She was a soldier too, once, and is now a civilian employee.以前她也是一个战士,而现在她是一位文职雇员。
VERB + employeePay 支付员工give给员工, tell告诉员工, fire解雇员工, become成为员工, allow允许员工, know了解员工, find找到员工, require, ask要求员工, hire雇佣员工, help帮助员工, call呼吁员工, offer提供员工, relate联系员工, involve 涉及员工, create, raise, add增加员工, reduce, cut减少员工, protect保护员工, affect影响员工, encourage鼓励员工, support支持员工, address评估员工, indicate指示员工, manage管理员工, terminate终止雇员, accommodate容纳员工The old plan allowed a 30-year employee to retire with 82.5 percent of pay. 原计划允许雇员在30岁时退休并拿到82.5%的薪酬。
精选了一些常用的人力资源英语,希望对大家有所帮助哦16PF 卡特尔16 种人格因素测试360-degree appraisal 360 度评估360-degree feedback 360 度反馈7S 7S 原则/模型New 7S 新7S 原则/模型80/20 principle 80/20 法则AAR-After Action Review 行动后学习机制Ability Test 能力测试Ability of Manager 管理者的能力Absence Management 缺勤管理Absence rate 缺勤率Absent without Leave 无故缺勤擅离职守Absenteeism 缺勤Accident Insurance 意外伤害保险Accident Investigation 事故调查Accident Loss 事故损失Accident Work Injury 工伤事故Achievement Need 成就需求Achievement Test 成就测试Action Learning 行动(为)学习法Administer 管理者Administrative Level 管理层次Administrative Line 直线式管理Adverse Impact 负面影响Advertisement Recruiting 广告招聘Affective Commitment 情感认同Affiliation Need 归属需求Age Composition 年龄结构Age Discrimination 年龄歧视Age Retirement 因龄退休Agreement Content 协议内容Allowance 津贴Annual Bonus 年终分红Annual Leave 年假Annuity/Pension 退休金Applicant-Initiated Recruitment 自荐式招聘Application Blank 申请表Appraisal Feedback 考评反馈Appraisal Interview 考评面谈Appraisal Standardization 考评标准化Attendance 考勤Attendance Rate 出勤率Attitude Survey 态度调查Attribution Theory 归因理论Authority 职权Availability Forecast 供给预测Background Investigation 背景调查BARS-Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale Method 行为锚定等级法Basic Skill 基础技能Behavior Modeling 行为模拟Behavioral Rating 工作方式考核法BEI-behavior event interview 行为事件访谈法Benchmark Job 基准职位Benchmarking Management 标杆管理Benefit Plan 福利计划Benefit/Welfare 福利Board Interview 会议型面试BOS-Behavior Observation Scale 行为观察量表Borter-Lawler's theory of Expectency 波特—劳勒期望激励理论Bottom-Line Concept 底线概念Boundaryless Organizational Structure 无疆界组织结构Brainstorm Ideas 头脑风暴法Broadbanding Pay Structure 扁平薪资结构BSC-balanced scorecard 平衡计分卡Business Necessity 经营上的必要性Cafeteria-Style Benefit 自助式福利CAI-Computer-assisted Instruction 电脑辅助指导Campus Recruiting 校园招聘Career Anchors 职业锚/职业动机Career Counseling 职业咨询Career Development Method 职业发展方法Career Planning 职业规划career plateau 职业高原Career Stage 职业阶段Career-Long Employment 终身雇佣制Case Studay Training Method 案例研究培训法CIPP-Context,Input,Process,Product CIPP 评估模型Cognitive Aptitude Test 认知能力测试Colleague Appraisal 同事考评Comparative Appraisal Method 比较评估法Compensable Factor 报酬要素Compensation & Benefit 薪酬福利Compensatory Time Off 补假Competence-Based Interview 基于能力的面试Competency Assessment 能力评估Competency 胜任特征Competency Model 胜任特征模型Competency-Based Pay/Skill-Based Pay 技能工资Conciliation 调解Conflict 冲突Conflict Management 冲突管理Core Competency 核心竞争力Core Value 核心价值观Core Worker 核心员工Core Workforce 核心工作团队Corporate Culture 企业文化Corporate Identity 企业识别Corporate Image 企业形象Cost Per Hire 单位招聘成本Culture Shock 文化冲突Cumulative Trauma Disorder 累积性工伤Delphi Analysis 德尔菲分析Differential Piece Rate 差额计件工资Dimission 离职Dimission Interview 离职面谈Dimission Rate 离职率dismissal reason 解雇理由disparate treatment 差别性对待distribute bonus/profit sharing 分红diversity management 多样性管理diversity training 多样化培训division structure 事业部结构Downsizing 裁员Early Retirement 提前退休Early Retirement Factor 提前退休因素Earnings 薪资Education 学历Education Subsidy 教育津贴EEO-Equal Employment Opportunity 公平就业机会Effect Factors of Career Planning 职业规划影响因素Effect Factors of Development 开发影响因素Effective Working Hour 有效工时Efficiency of Labor 劳动效率Efficiency Wage 效率工资Electronic Meeting 电子会议Emotional Appeal 感召力Employee Attitude Surveys 员工态度调查Employee Career Management 员工职业生涯管理Employee Manual 员工手册Employee Potential 员工潜能Employee Safety and Health 员工安全和健康Employee Security 员工安全Employee Skill 员工技能Employee Surplus 员工过剩Employee Survey 员工测评Employee Training Method 员工培训方法Employee Turnover 员工流动Employee Turnover Rate 员工流动率Employee Under Training 受训员工Employee-Centered Job Redesign 以员工为中心的工作再设计Employees Bonus 雇员红利Employment 雇用Employment Consultant 招聘顾问Employment Contract Renewal 雇用合同续签Employment Diseases 职业病Employment History 工作经历Employment Objective 应聘职位Employment Offer/Enrollment 录用Employment Relationship 员工关系Employment Separation Certificate 离职证明书Empowerment 激励自主Entitlement 授权法EQ-Emotional Quotient 情感智商Equal Pay For Equal Work 同工同酬Equity Theory 公平理论E-Recruit 网络招聘ERM-Employee Relationship Management 员工关系管理Excellent Leader 优秀领导Executive Ability 执行力Executive Compensation 管理层薪资水平Executive Development Program 主管发展计划Executive Director 执行董事Executive Management 行政管理Executive Marketing Director 市场执行总监Executive Recruiters 高级猎头公司Executive Salaries 管理层工资Exit Interview 离职面谈Expectancy Theory 期望理论Expectation 期望值Expected Salary 期望薪水Expiry of Employment 雇用期满Exploit of HR 人力资源开发External Costs 外部成本External Employment 外部招聘External Environment of HR 人力资源外部环境External Equity 外部公平环境Extra Work 加班Extrinsic Rewards 外部奖励Fiedler Contingency Model 费德勒的权变模型First Impression Effect 初次印象效应Five-Day Workweek 每周五天工作制Fixed Term Appointment 固定期聘用Fixed Term Contract 固定任期合同Fixed Term Staff 固定期合同工FJA-Functional Job Analysis 功能性工作分析法Flat Organizational Structure 扁平化组织结构Flex Place 弹性工作地点Flex Plan 弹性工作计划flex time 弹性工作时间Formal Organization 正式组织Front-Line Manager 基层管理人员Full-Time 全职Function 职能Function of HRM 人力资源管理职能Functional Department 职能部门Funeral Leave 丧假Goal Conflict 目标冲突Group Congeniality/Cohesiveness 群体凝集力Guaranteed Employment Offer 雇用信Halo Effect 晕轮效应Headhunting 猎头Health Insurance 健康保险Hierarchy of Needs Theory 需要层次理论High Performance Organization 高绩效组织High-Performance Work System 高绩效工作系统Holiday Pay 假日薪水Horizontal Career Path 横向职业途径Housing/Rental Allowance 住房补贴HR Information System 人力资源信息系统HR Manager 人力资源经理HR Officer 人力资源主任HR Policy 人力资源政策HRCI-Human Resource Certification Institute 人力资源认证机构HRD-Human Resource Development 人力资源开发HRM-Human Resource Management 人力资源管理HRP-Human Resource Planning 人力资源规划Human Relations Movement 人际关系运动Hygiene Factor 保健因素Incentive Compensation/Reward Payment/Premium 奖金Incentive Plan 激励计划Incentive-Suggestion System 奖励建议制度Independent Contractor 合同工Indirect Financial Compensation 间接经济报酬Individual Incentive Plan 个人奖金方案Individual Income Tax 个人所得税Individual Interview 个别谈话Individual Retirement Account 个人退休账户Industrial Injury Compensation 工伤补偿Informal Communication 非正式沟通Informal Organization 非正式组织In-House Training 在公司内的培训Initial Interview 初试Insurance Benefit 保险福利Internal Environment of HR 人力资源内部环境Internal Equity 内部公平Internal Growth Strategy 内部成长战略Internal Job Posting 内部职位公开招聘Internal Recruitment 内部招聘Internal Recruitment Environment 内部招聘环境Interpersonal Skill 人际交往能力Interview Appraisal 面谈考评Interview Content 面试内容Interview Method 访谈法Interview Objective 面试目标Interview Planning List 面试计划表Intrinsic Reward 内在奖励JAS-Job Analysis Schedule 工作分析计划表Job 工作、职业Job Account 工作统计Job Aid 工作辅助Job Assignment 工作分配Job Analysis 工作分析Job Analysis Methods 工作分析方法Job Analysis Process 工作分析流程Job Attitude 工作态度Job Bidding 竞争上岗Job Card 工作单Job Characteristic 工作因素Job Characteristics Model 工作特性模式Job Classification 职位分类Job Code 工作编号,职位编号Job Context 工作背景Job Description 职位描述,工作说明Job Design 工作设计Job Enlargement 工作扩大化Job Enrichment 工作丰富化Job Evaluation 工作评估Job Identification 工作识别Job Involvement 工作投入Job Inventory 工作测量表Job Knowledge Test 业务知识测试Job Morale 工作情绪Job Performance 工作表现Job Plan 工作计划Job Posting 公开招聘Job Pricing 工作定价Job Qualification and Restriction 工作任职条件和资格Job Rotation 工作轮换Job Satisfaction 工作满意度Job Security 工作安全感Job Scope 工作范围Job Sharing 临时性工作分担Job Specialization 工作专业化Job Specification 工作要求细则Job Standard 工作标准Job Stress 工作压力Job Surrounding 工作环境Job Vacancy 职业空缺,岗位空缺Job-hop 跳槽频繁者J.S.Adams Equity Theory 亚当斯的公平理论Karoshi 过劳死KPI-key Process Indication 企业关键业绩指标Knowledge Database 知识数据库Knowledge Management 知识管理KSA-knowledge ,skill, attitude 知识,技能,态度Labor Condition 劳动条件Labor Contract 劳动合同,雇佣合同Labor Contract Renewal 劳动合同续签Labor Cost 劳动成本Labor Demand Forecast 劳动力需求预测Labor Discipline 劳动纪律Labor Dispute 劳动纠纷Labor Insurance 劳保Labor Laws 劳动法Labor Management Relations Act 《劳动关系法》Labor Market 劳动力市场Labor Protection 劳动保护Labor Relation 劳动关系Labor Reserve 劳动力储备Labor Shortage 劳动力短缺Labor-Management 劳动管理Lateral Communication 横向沟通Lateral Thinking 横向思维Leader Attach Training 领导者匹配训练Leaderless Group Discussion 无领导小组讨论法Leader-Member Relation 上下级关系Leader-Participation Model 领导参与模式Leadership 领导能力Learning Curve 学习曲线Learning Organization 学习型组织Learning Performance Test 学习绩效测试Legitimate Power 合法权力Level-to-Level Administration 分级管理Life Cycle Theory of Leadership 领导生命周期理论Line Manager 直线经理Line Authority 直线职权Line Structure 直线结构Long-Range Strategy 长期策略Long-Term Contract 长期合同Lower Management 基层管理Lower-Order Need 低层次需求Lump Sum Bonus/Pay Incentive 绩效奖金Management Assessment Center 管理评价中心Management Psychology 管理心理学Management Right 管理权Management Risk 管理风险Management Tool 管理工具Management Training 管理培训Managerial Art 管理艺术Managerial Authority 管理权威Managerial Function 管理职能Managerial Grid Theory 管理方格理论Marital Status 婚姻状况Market Price 市场工资Markov Analysis 马尔可夫分析过程Marriage Leave 婚假Matrix Structure 矩阵结构MBO-Management By Objective 目标管理Medical Insurance 医疗保险Medical/Physical Ability Inspection/Physical Ability Test 体检Merit Pay 绩效工资Merit Raise 绩效加薪Minimum Wage 最低工资Mission Installation Allowance 出差津贴Motivational Factor 激励因素Motivational Pattern 激励方式Motivation-hygiene Theory 激励保健论Needs Assessment 需求评估Nepotism 裙带关系No Financial Compensation 非经济报酬Noncontributory Plan 非付费退休金计划Nondiscrimination Rule 非歧视性原则No-Pay Study Leave 无薪进修假期Normal Retirement 正常退休observation method 观察法occupational choice 职业选择occupational disease 职业病occupational environment 职业环境occupational guidance 职业指导,就业指导offer letter 录用通知书on boarding training 入职培训on-the-job training 在职培训organization 组织organization change and development 组织变革与发展organization character 组织特征organization design 组织设计organization development appraisal 组织发展评价organization development method 组织发展方法organization environment 组织环境organization goal 组织目标organization renewal 组织革新organization size 组织规模organization structure 组织结构organizational analysis 组织分析organizational authority 组织职权organizational career planning 组织职业规划organizational climate 组织气候organizational commitment 组织认同感organizational function 组织职能organizational level 组织层次organizational merger 组织合并organizational orientation 组织定位orientation objective 岗前培训目标orientation period 岗前培训阶段overtime hour 加班工时overtime wage 加班工资overtime work 加班part-time job 兼职pay card 工资卡pay cheque/employee paycheck 工资支票pay compression 压缩工资Pay day 发薪日pay equity 报酬公平pay freeze 工资冻结pay grade 工资等级pay range 工资幅度pay rate 工资率pay slip/envelop 工资单pay survey 薪酬调查pay/salary rate standard 工资率标准payroll system 工资管理系统Payroll tax 工资所得税payroll/wage analysis 工资分析payroll/wage form 工资形式payroll/wage fund 工资基金pension plan 退休金计划pension/retirement benefit 退休福利people-first value " 以人为本"的价值观performance appraisal 绩效评估performance appraisal interview 绩效评估面谈performance appraisal objective 绩效评估目标performance appraisal period 考评期performance appraisal principle 绩效评估原则performance feedback 绩效反馈performance management system 绩效管理制度performance standard 绩效标准performance-reward relationship 绩效与报酬关系periodic salary adjustment 定期薪资调整personal character 个人性格,个性personal grievance 个人抱怨personal information record 人事档案personal leave 事假personality test 个性测试Personality-Job Fit Theory 性格与工作搭配理论personnel selection 选拔personnel test 人格测验品格测验Peter M. Senge's Theory of Learning Organization 彼德.圣吉的学习型组织理论physiological need 生理需要piece-rate system 计件工资制pink slip 解雇通知point method 因素计点法position analysis questionnaire 职位分析问卷法position description 职位描述position vacant 招聘职位positional level 职位层次positional title 职称post wage system 岗位工资制power distance 权力距离practice 实习premium plan/incentive system/reward system 奖金制pre-natal/maternity leave 产假prescribed group 正式群体primary welfare 基本福利prize contest 奖励竞争probationary term/probation period 试用期professional certificate 职业资格证书professional competence/capacity 专业能力professional ethics 职业道德professional examination 专业考试professional manager 职业经理人promote/demote 晋升/降职psychic reward 精神奖励psychological characteristic/feature 心理特征psychological contract 心理/精神契约psychological factor 心理因素psychological goal 心理目标psychological phenomenon 心理现象psychological test/psychometry 心理测验心理测试questionnaire method 问卷调查法quit rate 离职率Race Discrimination 种族歧视Ranking Method 排序法Rater Bias 评估偏差Rating Certificate 等级证书Ratio Analysis 比率分析法Recreation Leave Allowance 休假津贴Recreation/Sabbatical Leave 休假Recruiter 招聘人员Recruitment 招聘Recruitment Ditch 招聘渠道Recruitment Examination 招聘考试Recruitment Method 招聘方法Regular Earning/Pay/Wage 固定工资Renege 违约Resignation 辞职Resume 简历Resumption from Leave 销假Retiree System 退休制度Retirement 退休Retirement Age 退休年龄Retirement Fund 退休基金Role Playing 角色扮演Roles of HRM 人力资源管理角色Situational Interview 情景面试Standard Labor Cost 标准人工成本Standard Wage Rate 标准工资率Statutory Holidays 法定假期Statutory Right 法定权利Stress Interview 压力面试Stress Source 压力来源Strike 罢工Supplement Pay 补充报酬Survey Feedback 调查反馈Talent 人才Time Management 时间管理Timework Work 计时工作Trainer 培训师Training 培训Training &Development Manager 培训经理Training Administration 培训管理Training Item 培训项目Training Needs Analysis 培训需求分析Training Outcome 培训结果Training Plan 培训计划Training Specialist 培训专员Transfer 调动Treatment 待遇Turnover 人事变动Unemployment 失业Unemployment Compensation 失业津贴Unemployment Insurance 失业保险Unemployment Rate 失业率Unregistered Employment 隐性就业Vacation 假期VPT-Vocational Preference Test 职业性向测试Wage Rate Per Hour 计时工资Wage Standard 工资标准Wage Structure 工资结构Wage System 工资制度Wage-Incentive Plan 奖励工资制Welfare Management 福利管理Work Age 工龄Work Attitude 工作态度Work Behavior 工作行为Work Demand 工作要求Work Efficiency 工作效率Work Pressure 工作压力Written Examination 笔试Wrongful Discharge 不当解雇下面资料为赠送的地产广告语不需要的下载后可以编辑删除就可以,谢谢选择,祝您工作顺利,生活愉快!地产广告语1、让世界向往的故乡2、某沿河楼盘:生活,在水岸停泊3、一江春水一种人生4、某钱塘江边楼盘:面对潮流经典依旧5、海景房:站在家里,海是美景;站在海上,家是美景6、以山水为卖点的楼盘:山水是真正的不动产7、某城区的山腰上的楼盘:凌驾尊贵俯瞰繁华8、某地势较高的楼盘:高人,只住有高度的房子9、某学区房:不要让孩子输在起跑线上10、尾盘:最后,最珍贵11、回家就是度假的生活12、生命就该浪费在美好的事情上我们造城——2、我的工作就是享受生活——3、我家的客厅,就是我的生活名片——4、在自己的阳台看上海的未来——5、公园不在我家里我家住在公园里——6、这里的花园没有四季——7、***,装饰城市的风景——8、***,我把天空搬回家——9、房在林中,人在树下——10、生活,就是居住在别人的爱慕里——11、到〖星河湾〗看看好房子的标准——12、好生活在〖珠江〗——13、爱家的男人住〖百合〗城市岸泊:城市的岸泊,生活的小镇生活之美不缺少,在于发现情趣不在于奢华,在于精彩生活有了美感才值得思考……玫瑰庄园:山地生态,健康人生卓越地段,超大社区一种完整且完善的环境,像原生一样和谐原生景象自然天成人本理念精品建筑知名物业智能安防诚信为本实力铸造比华利山庄:海岸生活——引领世界的生活方式海岸生活——22公里的奢华海岸生活——高尚人生的序曲海岸生活——人与自然的融合苹果二十二院街:人文自然现代铺的蔓伸荣和山水美地:让世界向往的故乡香港时代:时代精英开拓未来领衔建筑,彰显尊贵绿地崴廉公寓:金桥40万平方米德国音乐艺术生活汇都国际:昆明都心,城市引擎财富之都风情之都梦幻之都文化之都商贸之都西部首座巨型商业之城颠峰商圈的原动力,缔造西部财富新领地新江湾城:绿色生态港国际智慧城新江湾城,一座承载上海新梦想的城区上海城投,全心以赴建设知识型,生态型花园城区风和日丽:入住准现楼,升值在望湾区大户,空中花园大格局下的西海岸市中心:市中心少数人的专属颠峰珍贵市中心的稀世名宅正中心城市颠峰领地颠峰勾勒稀世名宅繁华不落幕的居家风景地利皇者尽得先机稀世经典180席阳光国际公寓:阳光金桥来自纽约的生活蓝本钟宅湾:海峡西岸生态人居休闲商务区汇聚国际财富与人居梦想的绝版宝地二十一世纪是城市的世纪,二十一世纪也是海洋的世纪谁控制了海洋,谁就控制了一切站在蓝色海岸的前沿,开启一个新的地产时代东南门户海湾之心海峡西岸生态人居休闲商务区让所有财富的目光聚集钟宅湾,这里每一天都在创造历史上海A座(科维大厦):创富人生的黄金眼掘金上海!创富人生!远东大厦:花小公司的钱,做大公司的事未来城:无可挑战的优势无可限量的空间绿地集团:居住问题的答疑者,舒适生活的提案人茶马驿栈:精明置业时机享受附加值财富最大化雪山下的世外桃源茶马古道上千年清泉之乡金地格林春岸:城市精英的梦想家园繁华与宁静共存,阔绰身份不显自露建筑覆盖率仅20%,令视野更为广阔占据最佳景观位置,用高度提炼生活完美演绎自然精髓,谱写古城新篇章创新房型推陈出新,阔气空间彰显不凡365天的贴身护卫,阔度管理以您为尊金地格林小城:心没有界限,身没有界限春光永驻童话之城我的家,我的天下东渡国际:梦想建筑,建筑梦想齐鲁置业:传承经典,创新生活比天空更宽广的是人的思想创新远见生活嘉德中央公园:一群绝不妥协的居住理想家完成一座改变你对住宅想象的超越作品极至的资源整合丰富住家的生活内涵苛求的建造细节提升住家的生活品质地段优势,就是永恒价值优势设计优势,就是生活质量优势景观优势,就是生命健康优势管理优势,就是生活品味优势空中华尔兹:自然而来的气质,华尔兹的生活等级享受,没有不可逾越的极限所谓完美的习惯,是舒适空间的心情定格!临江花园:经典生活品质风景中的舞台美林别墅:源欧美经典纯自然空间住原味别墅赏园林艺术淡雅怡景温馨自然钱江时代:核心时代,核心生活核心位置创意空间优雅规划人文景观财富未来城市精神,自然风景,渗透私人空间泰达时尚广场:是球场更是剧场城市经济活力源时尚天津水舞中国未来都会休闲之居创意时尚天天嘉年华健康快乐新境界商旅新天地缔造好生意城市运营战略联盟,参与协作,多方共赢华龙碧水豪园:浪漫一次,相守一生东方莱茵:品鉴品位宜家宜人建筑一道贵族色彩品鉴一方美学空间品位一份怡然自得荡漾一股生命活力坐拥一处旺地静宅体会一种尊崇感受常青花园(新康苑):新康苑生活感受凌驾常规大非凡生活领域成功人士的生活礼遇拥有与自己身份地位相等的花园社区在属于自己的宴会餐厅里会宾邀朋只与自己品味爱好相同的成功人士为邻孩子的起步就与优越同步酒店式物管礼遇拥有[一屋两公园前后是氧吧]的美极环境水木清华:住在你心里福星惠誉(金色华府):金色华府,市府街才智名门——释放生命的金色魅力真正了解一个人,要看他的朋友,看他的对手。
HR数据分析的50个公式1. 人员流动率(Turnover Rate)=(离职人数÷总在职人数)×100%2. 新员工流失率(New Hire Turnover Rate)=(新员工离职人数÷总新员工数)×100%3. 留任率(Retention Rate)=(在职员工数÷总员工数)×100%4. 平均在职年限(Average Tenure)=(在职员工总工龄÷在职员工数)5. 成本招聘比(Cost Per Hire)= (招聘费用÷ 招聘人数)6. 员工满意度(Employee Satisfaction)= (满意员工数÷ 调查总人数)×100%7. 员工参与度(Employee Engagement)= (参与员工数÷ 调查总人数)×100%8. 员工绩效(Employee Performance)= (绩效优秀员工数÷ 调查总人数)×100%9. 员工效率(Employee Efficiency)=(每小时产出÷每小时工资)10. 平均每员工产值(Average Revenue per Employee)= (营收÷ 员工数)11. 人力成本率(Human Capital Cost Ratio)=(总人力成本÷营业收入)×100%12. 人均人力成本(Cost per FTE)=(总人力成本÷ 全职员工数)13. 平均时薪(Average Hourly Wage)=(总工资÷ 总工时)14. 每员工营收(Revenue per FTE)=(营收÷ 全职员工数)15. 每员工利润(Profit per FTE)=(利润÷ 全职员工数)16. 员工离职成本(Cost of Employee Turnover)=(招聘费用 +培训费用 + 离职补偿金)17. 员工满意度增长率(Employee Satisfaction Growth Rate)=(当前满意度 - 上期满意度)÷ 上期满意度× 100%18. 新员工到岗速度(New Hire Time-to-Productivity)=(上岗日期 - 入职日期)19. 岗位满编率(Headcount Ratio)=(填充职位数÷ 计划职位数)×100%20. 员工培训满意度(Training Satisfaction)=(满意培训员工数÷ 培训参与总人数)×100%21. 培训成本回报率(Training ROI)=(增加的绩效 - 培训成本)÷ 培训成本× 100%22. 员工绩效增长率(Employee Performance Growth Rate)=(当前绩效 - 上期绩效)÷ 上期绩效× 100%23. 薪资满意度(Salary Satisfaction)=(满意员工数÷ 调查总人数)×100%24. 薪资增长率(Salary Growth Rate)=(当前薪资 - 上期薪资)÷ 上期薪资× 100%25. 员工借调率(Secondment Rate)=(借调人数÷ 总员工数)×100%26. 平均离职时间(Average Time of Departure)= (员工离职时间总和÷ 离职员工数)27. 对外招聘率(External Hiring Rate)=(外部招聘人数÷ 总招聘人数)×100%28. 对内晋升率(Internal Promotion Rate)=(内部晋升人数÷ 总晋升人数)×100%30. 急诊离职率(Emergency Departure Rate)=(急诊离职人数÷ 总离职人数)×100%31. 高绩效员工流动率(High Performer Turnover Rate)=(高绩效员工离职人数÷ 高绩效员工数)×100%32. 员工满意度指数(Employee Satisfaction Index)=(满意员工数÷ 总员工数)×10033. 倒伏率(Fallen Rate)=(倒伏员工数÷ 总员工数)×100%34. 员工薪资满意度指数(Employee Salary Satisfaction Index)=(满意薪资员工数÷ 总员工数)×10035. 员工发展需求满足度(Employee Development Needs Met)=(满足发展需求员工数÷ 总员工数)×10036. 培训投入回报(Training Investment Return)=(提升绩效值- 培训投入)÷ 培训投入× 100%37. 员工忠诚度(Employee Loyalty)=(忠诚员工数÷ 总员工数)×10038. 员工心理健康率(Employee Mental Health Rate)=(心理健康员工数÷ 总员工数)×10039. 员工参与公司活动率(Employee Participation Rate)=(参与公司活动员工数÷ 总员工数)×10040. 职位空缺期(Vacancy Period)=(需要招聘天数÷ 总招聘天数)×10041. 员工培训投资率(Training Investment Ratio)=(培训费用÷ 员工薪资总额)×100%42. 新员工培训满意度(New Hire Training Satisfaction)=(满意培训新员工数÷ 总新员工数)×100%43. 每员工招聘费用(Cost per Hire per FTE)=(招聘费用÷ 全职员工数)44. 薪资满意度增长率(Salary Satisfaction Growth Rate)=(当前薪资满意度 - 上期薪资满意度)÷ 上期薪资满意度× 100%45. 离职原因分析(Reasons for Departure Analysis)=(不同离职原因员工数÷ 总离职员工数)×100%46. 员工发展满意度(Employee Development Satisfaction)=(满意发展员工数÷ 总员工数)×100%47. 整体绩效满意度(Overall Performance Satisfaction)=(满意绩效员工数÷ 总员工数)×100%48. 员工推荐率(Employee Referral Rate)=(推荐人数÷ 总员工数)×100%49. 内部晋升率(Internal Mobility Rate)=(内部晋升人数÷ 总员工数)×100%50. 平均提供福利(Average Benefits Provided)=(提供福利员工数÷ 总员工数)×100以上是50个常用的HR数据分析公式,可以帮助企业对人力资源运营进行深入分析和优化。
Employee turnover [1] occurs when employees voluntarily leave their jobs and must be replaced. Turnover is expressed as an annual percentage of the total workforce. For example, 25 percent employee turnover would mean that one-quarter of a company's workforce at the beginning of the year has left by the end of the year. Turnover should not to be confused with layoffs, which involve the termination of employees at the employer's discretion in response to business conditions such as reduced sales or a merger with another company.The severity of turnover varies widely by type of business and the economic health of the region where companies are located. Innovative high-tech companies and the most successful manufacturers frequently experience low turnover rates while fast-food restaurant managers [2] expect turnover to be as high as 50 to 75 percent. As another example, coal mining companies in sparsely populated regions experience lower rates of turnover because there are few other job opportunities.The prospect of getting higher pay elsewhere is one of the most obvious contributors to turnover. This practice can be regularly observed at all levels of the economic ladder, from executives and generously paid professionals in high-stress positions to entry-level workers in relatively undemanding jobs. However, there is considerable evidence that money is often not the root cause of turnover, even when it is a factor in an employee's decision to quit. Rather, some experts believe that high turnover persists in certain jobs and companies because they have an atmosphere in which employees look for reasons to leave, and money is a convenient and sometimes compelling justification. In one survey, for example, more than half of the respondents didn't even list pay in the top three reasons they believed people quit their jobs. Indeed, there is a whole school of thought that claims pay is not a direct determinant [3] of job satisfaction.Most environmental contributors to turnover can be directly traced tomanagement practices. Turnover tends to be higher in environments where employees feel they are taken advantage of, where they feel undervalued or ignored, and where they feel helpless or unimportant. Clearly, if managers are impersonal, arbitrary, and demanding, there is greater risk of alienation and turnover. Management policies can also affect the environment in basic ways such as whether employee benefits [4]and incentives appear generous or stingy, or whether the company is responsive to employees' needs and wants. Management's handling of major corporate [5] events such as mergers or layoffs is also an important influence on the work environment afterwards.Some turnover is demographically specific, particularly for women who are balancing significant work and family duties at the same time. Such women (or men) may choose to leave a company instead of sacrificing their other interests and responsibilities in order to make the job work out. Some women elect to quit their jobs at childbirth, rather than simply taking a maternity leave. Women's perceptions of their career paths might also be tinted by their awareness of the glass ceiling, which may lower their level of commitment to any particular firm, since they believe they're not in contention for top-level jobs. These factors translate [6] into higher turnover rates for women in many companies.Retirement [7] of experienced employees can cause high rates of turnover and extreme loss in productivity, particularly in industries where there is little competition. For example, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has expressed concern about its future launch capability as thousands of 1970s-era "'space race" engineers simply age out of the workforce.Work stress experienced at particular types of jobs can also create turnover. Childcare workers watching over constantly crying children, waiters dealing with demanding dinnertime customers, police officers in high-crime areas, and truck drivers facing long hours and heavy traffic are all in job categories experiencing high levels of turnover.Even seasonal changes such as the beginning of a school year can cause high turnover when part-time, school-age employees return to their classrooms. In this case, however, turnover is less likely to be unexpected by management. For instance, summer tourist-area restaurants likely staff up with college-age waiters knowing that they will leave by August.High turnover can be a serious obstacle to productivity, quality, and profitability at firms of all sizes. For the smallest of companies, a high turnover rate can mean that simply having enough staff to fulfill daily functions is a challenge, even beyond the issue of how well the work is done when staff is available. Turnover is no less a problem for major companies, which often spend millions of dollars a year on turnover-related costs. For service-oriented professions, such as management consulting or account management, high employee turnover can also lead to customer dissatisfaction and turnover, as clients feel little attachment to a revolving contact. Customers are also likely to experience dips in the quality of service each time their representative changes.The cost of turnover varies with the difficulty of the job to be performed. For example, in a food-processing company, showing someone how to put jars of jam into a cardboard box may take five minutes, so the cost of training someone to handle this job would not be high. If, however, the tyrannical [8] manager of the food processing line at the company kept driving away food cookers and quality-control workers, the cost of constantly training employees in this critical area could be high.In general, reducing employee turnover saves money. Money saved from not having to find and train replacement workers can be used elsewhere, including the bottom line of the company's profit statement. The U.S. Department of Labor [9] estimates that it costs about 33 percent of a new recruit's salary to replace a lost employee. In other words, it could cost $11,000 in direct training expenses and lost productivity to replace an experienced employee making $33,000. Private industry estimates for highly skilled jobs peg turnover losses at a much higher level, up to 150 percent of the position's annual salary.Some research studies have found that turnover from transient workers has lasting effects on loyal employees who stay with a company. One study tested productivity among workers who were exposed to a management-planted person who quit in the middle of a task, citing dissatisfaction with the job and the company. A second group of employees worked with another planted person who had to leave the task because of illness. The group exposed to the employee who quit had lower productivity levels than the group exposed to the ill employee. The employees apparently took the complainer's statements to heart while the ill employee had nothing bad to say about the company.High turnover can sometimes be useful, though. Employers [10] who are poor interviewers may not discover that new employees are actually poor employees until after the workers have been on the payroll for several weeks. Rather than go to the trouble and documentation [11] of firing these underperforming workers, some companies rely on turnover to weed out the bad employees. When the learning curve is small and the consequences of always having inexperienced workers are minimal, high turnover may not be seen as a significant problem.[ Clint Johnson ]Caplan, Gayle, and Mary Teese. Survivors: How to Keep Your Best People on Board after Downsizing. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press, 1997.Cole, Joanne. "E&Y Creates Office of Retention and Turnover Rates Drop." HR Focus, April 1999.Griffeth, Peter Hom, and Rodger Griffeth. Employee Turnover. Cincinnati: South-Western Publishing, 1992.Harris, Jim, and Joan Brannick. Finding & Keeping Great Employees. New York: AMACOM, 1999.Middlebrook, John F. "Avoiding Brain Drain: How to Lock in Talent." HR Focus, March 1999./knowledge/Turnover__employment_.html 1.2./knowledge/Management.html3./knowledge/Determinant.html/encyclopedia/Eco-Ent/Employee-4.Benefits.html5./knowledge/Corporation.html6./knowledge/Translation.html7./knowledge/Retirement.html8./knowledge/Tyrant.html9./knowledge/United_States_Department_of_Labor.html10./knowledge/Employment.html 11./knowledge/Documentation.html。
16大损失指数定义及公式说明1. 风险损失指数(Risk Loss Index,RLI)风险损失指数用于衡量金融机构在一定时间内由于市场、信用等风险引发的损失水平。
其计算公式为:RLI=(损失金额)/(风险暴露)2. 员工离职损失指数(Employee Turnover Loss Index,ETLI)员工离职损失指数用于衡量企业因员工离职所引发的潜在损失。
其计算公式为:ETLI=(离职员工数)/(总员工数)3. 环境污染损失指数(Environmental Pollution Loss Index,EPLI)环境污染损失指数用于衡量污染事件对环境造成的损失。
其计算公式为:EPLI=(损失金额)/(污染程度)4. 健康损失指数(Health Loss Index,HLI)健康损失指数用于衡量其中一种疾病、疫情或污染对人民健康的损害程度。
其计算公式为:HLI=(健康损失)/(总人口)5. 能源效率损失指数(Energy Efficiency Loss Index,EELI)能源效率损失指数用于衡量能源在转化或利用过程中的损失程度。
其计算公式为:EELI=(能源损失)/(总能源消耗)6. 项目失败损失指数(Project Failure Loss Index,PFLI)项目失败损失指数用于衡量项目在执行过程中的失败所带来的损失。
其计算公式为:PFLI=(项目失败次数)/(总项目数)7. 创新失败损失指数(Innovation Failure Loss Index,IFLI)创新失败损失指数用于衡量创新项目或产品的失败所带来的潜在损失。
其计算公式为:IFLI=(创新失败次数)/(总创新项目数)8. 质量损失指数(Quality Loss Index,QLI)质量损失指数用于衡量废品率、次品率或客户投诉等对质量造成的损失。
其计算公式为:QLI=(质量损失金额)/(销售金额)9. 学生辍学损失指数(Student Dropout Loss Index,SDLI)学生辍学损失指数用于衡量学校因学生辍学而失去的资源或潜在的损失。
一、招聘与招聘流程(Recruitment and Hiring Process)1. Job posting –招聘职位发布2. Recruitment strategy –招聘策略3. Candidate sourcing –候选人筛选4. Application review –简历筛选5. Interview process –面试流程6. Reference check –背景调查7. Job offer –职位提供8. Onboarding –岗前培训9. Talent acquisition –人才招聘10. Headhunter –猎头二、员工发展与培训(Employee Development and Training)1. Performance appraisal –绩效评估2. Career development –职业发展3. Training needs analysis –培训需求分析4. Skill gap –技能缺口5. Continuous learning –持续学习6. Training program –培训计划7. Mentoring –导师制度8. Succession planning –岗位继任计划9. Leadership development –领导力发展10. Cross-training –跨部门培训三、员工关系与劳动法(Employee Relations and Labor Law)1. Employee engagement –员工参与度2. Labor union –工会3. Grievance procedure –投诉处理程序4. Discrimination –歧视5. Harassment –骚扰6. Workplace safety –工作场所安全7. Employment contract –雇佣合同8. Termination of employment –职工解雇9. Collective bargaining –集体谈判10. Employee rights –员工权益四、绩效管理(Performance Management)1. Key performance indicator (KPI) –关键绩效指标2. Performance review –绩效评估3. SMART goals –明确、可衡量、可达成、相关和具有时效性的目标4. Performance improvement plan –绩效改进计划5. 360-degree feedback – 360度反馈6. Performance appraisal form –绩效评估表7. Performance rating –绩效评分8. Performance bonus –绩效奖金9. Performance benchmark –绩效基准10. Employee recognition –员工表彰五、福利与员工关怀(Benefits and Employee Well-being)1. Health insurance –健康保险2. Retirement plan –退休计划3. Employee assistance program –员工援助计划4. Flexible working hours –弹性工作时间5. Paid time off –带薪休假6. Family leave –家庭假期7. Wellness program –健康管理计划8. Work-life balance –工作与生活平衡9. Employee engagement survey –员工参与度调查10. Workforce diversity –劳动力多样性六、离职与人事记录(Offboarding and Personnel Records)1. Exit interview –离职面谈2. Separation agreement –离职协议3. Employee turnover –员工流失率4. HRIS (Human Resources Information System) –人力资源信息系统5. Employee file –员工档案6. Confidentiality –保密性7. Record retention –记录保存8. Employee data privacy –员工数据隐私9. Compliance with regulations –遵守法规10. Data security –数据安全这些人力资源英语词汇涵盖了招聘、员工发展与培训、员工关系与劳动法、绩效管理、福利与员工关怀以及离职与人事记录等方面。
Reducing Employee Turnover in Hotel Industry of Sanya
Reducing Employee Turnover in Hotel Industry of Sanya Through Improving Staff Job SatisfactionReducing Employee Turnover in Hotel Industry of SanyaThrough Improving Staff Job SatisfactionIntroductionThe hospitality industry in Sanya is facing the problem of increased staff turnover in recent years. The staff turnover has seriously restricted the improvement of service quality, causing the decline of the customer‟s satisfaction and a huge negative impact on performance of the hotel industry in Sanya.The purpose of this proposal is to provide a guide to control employee‟s turnover in hospitality companies located in Sanya by increasing their job satisfaction. As a Tourism manager, the intention is to establish a set of effective measures to improve staff satisfaction that work in the hospitality industry in Sanya. The expected outcome of the proposal is to control the employee turnover and promote sustainable development in hotel industry.The proposal will start with introduction to the development and tendency of existing issues in the hotel industry in Sanya, and followed by the purpose of this research. Moreover, it will proceed with exploring the literature and previous research on employee satisfaction in hotel industry and dig deeper into the problem through developing major research questions.BackgroundSanya, a city is known as “Oriental Hawaii”, it is located in the heart of Hainan Province, which was known as an international tourism island in China. Sanya has several beach resorts and is known for upscale hotels and a famous tourist resort city. Sanya possesses a variety of favorable conditions for development of hospitality especially in luxury resort hotels. In recent years, with the rapid development of tourism industry in China, Sanya has built over one hundred luxury hotels including famous international hotels such as Sheraton, Hilton, Marriott, Ritz-Carlton and Yue Yong Zhuang. In addtion, the first seven-star hotel in China-"mangrove Phil Mongolia Hotel" has already started construction in Sanya, which will be the second high-end hotel in the world after Burj Al Arab in Dubai as well as area held the miss pegent event in recent years (Ryan & Huimin, 2009).Nevertheless, with the development of hospitality and the aggravation of the competition in Sanya, the rising employee turnover rate has become a prominent problem for the managers of hotels. According to Zhang Qiao (2013), in Sanya nearly 90% of hotels‟ staff turnover rate is higher than the reasonable range, which is 10%-15%, and some hotels are even more than 40%. Therefore, the question is how to control the employee turnover rate and ensuring the staff satisfaction.According to Egan, Yang, & Bartlett (2004), job satisfaction is strongly and inversely connected with emplo yee‟s inclination to leave an company, which means more satisfied employees are less possibly to look for a new job and a new employer.In other words, if a manager of hotel wants to retain talents and reduce the employee turnover rate, he/she has to pay more attention on employee job satisfaction. There are various factors, which influence the job satisfaction of employees such as pay and reward, working conditions, social relationship, promotion system and employee empowerment (Firth, Mellor, Moore, & Loquet, 2004). Research in various setting has shown that job satisfaction is directly related to employee turnover (Jang & George, 2012). Therefore, to control the turnover rate, it is a practical and valuable proposal to investigate and research on employee‟s dissatisfaction, identifying the reason why employees feel dissatisfied and adopt corresponding measures to improve their job satisfaction.Purpose of ResearchThe purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between the job satisfaction and its effect on the employee turnover. We should identify the factors related to job satisfaction of employee in hotel industry and find out how these factors contribute to employee‟s turnover. The factors that have result in high employee turnover should be investigated and a way should be found to control these factors and reduce the employee turnover. The purposed research is intended to examine the relationship of factors associated with employee turnover. Therefore, the goal is to evaluate the employee turnover in hotel industry of Sanya and develop useful measures to improve staff satisfaction. The expected outcome of the proposal is to control the employee turnover and promote sustainable development in the hotel industry along with improved service quality through understanding of current situation, finding reasons of why employee leaving, identifying satisfaction factors and framework to increase interest and motivation of employee so they not leave the company (Grigoroudis & Siskos, 2009).Literature ReviewEmployee turnover is defined as “the movement of people into and out of employment within an organization”(Denvir & McMahon, 1992, p.143). In other words, when a position becomes vacant in an organization, it needs to be filled and replaced (Denvir & McMahon, 1992). Employee turnover is usually associated with improved performance and service quality of the company (Barrows, 1990). Barrows (1990) stated that the employee turnover has direct effect on the performance of the organization such as reduced service quality, reduced profitability, employee replacement cost, lost productivity and sales as well as social and psychological effects.However, this research is focused on the satisfaction of the personal needs of the employees based on the pay scale, promotional opportunity, working conditions, job stress and social relationship. These are important factors that are directly related to continuity of the work with that company. According to Porter, Steers, Mowday, & Boulian (1974), pay and pay-r elated factors have direct impact on the employee‟s intention to leave an organization. Moreover, promotional opportunity, working conditions, job stress and social relationship are significant factors that cause the employee prefers to switch job where there are chances of career development (Porter et al, 1974).Research questionThe research objective is to determine the role of job satisfaction in reducing the employee turnover. Moreover, research question are designed to explore the relationship between the employee turnover and factors of job satisfaction in the hotel industry of Sanya. The research questions are as follows.1. Does job satisfaction of employees who work in the hotel industry of Sanya affect the hotel‟s staff turnover rate? –This question will highlight the reason and impact of job satisfaction behind the high employee turnover.2. What are critical factors that result in high employee satisfaction and make employee not want to leave the company? – This question is useful to identify the factors associated with job satisfaction and how these factors can help to reduce the employee turnover.3. How to improve employee satisfaction through establishing a set of effective measures based on the factors identified. – This question help to control the employee turnover through increasing job satisfaction by deploying right set of measures.TimelineThe first stage of proposal involves preliminary investigation for preparing the proposal, which may take around 12 days. The feasibility and value of the proposal is determined at this stage. The next stage including literature and questionnaire may take around 35 days; and the last stage involves data analysis and interpretations, which may take around 25 days.Research ApproachTo conduct the research, structured questionnaire based on the five Likert scale will be used. The participants will be asked questions on the scale from …strongly agree‟ to …strongly disagree‟ among the employees of different hotels in Sanya. The questionnaire covers questions related to personal needs and job satisfaction. It will be based on three sections: the relationship between employee turnover and job satisfaction; critical factors related to job satisfaction and their linkage with employee turnover; and what measures employees value most to minimize the employee turnover. The population sample size will be 100 junior employees who work in hotel industry in Sanya and questionnaire will be taken anonymously. The data collected will be analyzed in such a way that it helps to test the hypothesis. In analyzing, descriptive statistics methods will be deployed. The questionnaire based on Likert scale is considered as interval level ordinal data. Chi-square will be used to test the hypothesis through combining the data.ConclusionHotel industry in Sanya is facing serious problem of high employee turnover. Higher employee turnover has profound impact on the performance and productivity of the hotel industry. This proposal examines the relationship between the job satisfaction and employee turnover along with the associated personal factors. More over, the proposal attempts to establish measures that help to control the employee turnover through increased job satisfaction. It will examine the personal factors associated with job satisfaction and help to increase employee motivation. Data will be collected through questionnaire to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover, to find the best way to minimize it.ReferencesBarrows, C. (1990). Employee turnover: implications for hotel manager. Retrieved from/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1153&context=hospitalityreviewDenvir, A., & McMahon, F. (1992). Labour turnover in London hotels and the cost effectiveness of preventative measures. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 11(2), 143-154. doi:10.1016/0278-4319(92)90007-I.Egan, T. M., Yang, B., & Bartlett, K. R. (2004). The effects of organizational learning culture and job satisfaction on motivation to transfer learning and turnover intention. Human resource development quarterly, 15(3), 279-301. Retrieved fromhttp://download.clib.psu.ac.th/datawebclib/e_resource/trial_database/WileyInterScienceCD/pdf/HRQ/HRQ_2.pdfFirth, L., Mellor, D. J., Moore, K. A., & Loquet, C. (2004). How can managers reduce employee intention to quit?. Journal of managerial psychology, 19(2), 170-187. doi:10.1108/02683940410526127Grigoroudis, E., & Siskos, Y. (2009). Customer satisfaction evaluation: methods for measuring and implementing service quality (V ol. 139). Springer Science & Business Media.Jang, J., & George, R. T. (2012). Understanding the influence of polychronicity on job satisfaction and turnover intention: A study of non-supervisory hotelemployees. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(2), 588-595.doi:10.1016/j.ijhm.2011.08.004Porter, L. W., Steers, R. M., Mowday, R. T., & Boulian, P. V. (1974). Organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and turnover among psychiatric technicians.Journal of applied psychology, 59(5), 603. doi:10.1037/h0037335Ryan, C., & Huimin, G. (Eds.). (2009). Tourism in China: Destination, cultures and communities. Routledge.Zhang Qiao (2013). Research on Employee Satisfaction of Sanya star Hotel.Retrieved from /share/252158380/12054883834。
一、招聘1. 面试(interview)2. 职位描述(job description)3. 职位空缺(job vacancy)4. 应聘者(applicant)5. 招聘广告(recruitment advertisement)6. 人才储备(talent pool)7. 招聘费用(recruiting cost)8. 聘用(hire)9. 投递简历(submit a resume)10. 背景调查(background check)二、培训和发展1. 培训课程(training course)2. 培训师(trainer)3. 培训计划(training plan)4. 培训成本(training cost)5. 培训效果评估(evaluation of training effect)6. 职业发展(career development)7. 职业规划(career planning)8. 岗位轮换(job rotation)9. 管理培训生(manage trainees)10. 继续教育(continuing education)三、绩效管理1. 绩效评估(performance evaluation)2. 绩效考核(performance appraisal)3. 绩效管理(performance management)4. 360度反馈(360-degree feedback)5. 职业评估(job evaluation)6. 目标管理(goal management)7. 工作计划(work plan)8. 员工评级(employee ratings)9. 绩效差异(performance variance)10. 薪酬管理(compensation management)四、福利和员工关系1. 福利计划(benefit plan)2. 加班费(overtime pay)3. 社会保险(social insurance)4. 离职补偿(severance pay)5. 休假制度(leave policy)6. 健康保险(health insurance)7. 灵活工作时间(flexible work time)8. 员工手册(employee handbook)9. 职工安全(employee safety)10. 员工投诉(employee complaints)五、人力资源管理1. 人事部门(human resources department)2. 人事记录(personnel records)3. 员工档案(employee file)4. 劳动合同(employment contract)5. 安全培训(safety training)6. 基本工资(base salary)7. 成本分析(cost analysis)8. 职业道德(professional ethics)9. 人力资源信息系统(human resources information system)10. 员工流动(employee turnover)六、其他术语1. 晋升(promotion)2. 辞职(resignation)3. 解雇(dismissal)4. 内部招聘(internal recruitment)5. 基本面试(basic interview)6. 团队建设(team-building)7. 职场文化(workplace culture)8. 项目管理(project management)9. 管理者培训(management training)10. 业务流程(business flow)以上只是人力资源术语的一小部分,掌握各种术语的英汉对照,对于人力资源从业者而言,是非常重要的。
房地产员工流失问题研究文献综述范文Employee turnover in the real estate industry is a significant issue that has attracted the attention of researchers and practitioners alike. 房地产行业的员工流失是一个引起研究者和从业者关注的重要问题。
High turnover rates can have negative impacts on the overall performance of real estate companies, affecting productivity, customer satisfaction, and ultimately profitability. 高流失率会对房地产公司的整体表现产生负面影响,影响生产力、客户满意度,最终影响利润。
Understanding the factors contributing to employee turnover is essential for developing effective retention strategies. 理解导致员工流失的因素对于制定有效的留职策略至关重要。
One key factor that influences employee turnover in the real estate industry is compensation. 一个影响房地产行业员工流失的关键因素是薪酬。
Competitive salaries and benefits play a significant role in determining whether employees choose to stay or leave a company. 竞争力强的薪资和福利对员工选择留下还是离开一家公司起着重要作用。
员工流失、离职特点分析1.员工流失的概念员工流失翻译自英文“Employee Turnover",其具体定义目前国内外学术界并未形成统一的观点,接受度较广的有美国学者Price给出的广义定义:“个体作为组织成员状态的改变”,此定义包括员工的被动离职和主动离职。
人员流失问题及对策外文文献翻译2.5万字符人员流失问题及对策外文文献翻译:Title: Employee Turnover Issues and StrategiesAbstract:Employee turnover is a significant concern for organizations as it increases costs and disrupts the workflow. This paper aims to explore the causes of employee turnover and propose strategies to reduce turnover rates. The study identified several factors contributing to turnover, including job dissatisfaction, lack of career growth opportunities, and poor management. To address these issues, organizations can implement various strategies, such as improving employee job satisfaction through fair compensation and recognition programs, providing employees with development opportunities, and enhancing management practices. Additionally, fostering a positive work environment and promoting work-life balance can also help reduce turnover rates. The findings suggest that a proactive approach should be taken by organizations to retain valuable employees and minimize turnover. Introduction:Employee turnover refers to the rate at which employees leave an organization and are replaced by new hires. High turnover rates pose challenges for organizations, including increased costs associated with recruitment and training, reduced productivity due to constant turnover, and potential loss of valuable employees. This paper aims to examine the causes of employee turnover and propose strategies that organizations can adopt to reduce turnover rates and retain valuable talent.Causes of Employee Turnover:There are various factors that contribute to employee turnover. One major factor is job dissatisfaction. When employees are dissatisfied with their job, they may seek better opportunities elsewhere. This dissatisfaction can arise from several sources, such as low compensation, lack of recognition, limited growth prospects, and poor work-life balance.Another significant factor is the lack of career growth opportunities. Employees who feel that their career is stagnating may be more likely to look for advancement opportunities in other organizations. This is especially true for early-career professionals who seek growth and development.Poor management practices also contribute to employee turnover. When employees have ineffective or unsupportive managers, they may become disengaged and unhappy in their roles. In such cases, employees are more likely to leave the organization in search of better management practices and a healthier work environment.Additionally, lack of work-life balance and high levels of stress can result in employee turnover. When employees feel overwhelmed with work and have minimal time for personal and family-related activities, their job satisfaction and overall well-being may be affected, leading to higher turnover rates.Strategies to Reduce Turnover:Organizations can adopt several strategies to reduce employee turnover rates. Firstly, they can focus on improving employee jobsatisfaction. This can be achieved through fair and competitive compensation packages, recognition and rewards programs, and fostering a positive work environment. Regularly seeking employee feedback and addressing their concerns can also contribute to higher job satisfaction.Providing employees with growth and development opportunities is another effective strategy. Organizations can offer training programs, mentorship opportunities, and clear career paths to help employees progress in their careers. This not only fulfills employee aspirations but also enhances employee engagement and loyalty.Enhancing management practices is crucial in reducing turnover rates. Organizations should invest in training programs for managers to improve their leadership skills, communication abilities, and ability to support and motivate employees. Regular performance evaluations and constructive feedback can also contribute to better managerial practices.Finally, promoting work-life balance is essential in retaining valuable employees. This can be achieved by offering flexible work schedules, remote work options, and providing support for personal and family-related commitments. Organizations should create a culture that values work-life balance and encourages employees to maintain a healthy work-life integration. Conclusion:Employee turnover is a significant challenge for organizations globally. Understanding the causes of turnover and implementing effective strategies can help organizations retain valuable talentand reduce turnover rates. By focusing on improving job satisfaction, providing growth opportunities, enhancing management practices, and promoting work-life balance, organizations can create a supportive work environment that fosters employee engagement and loyalty.。
周转率单词单词:turnover1. 定义与释义1.1词性:名词1.2释义:周转率;营业额;人员流动率;翻覆;半圆卷饼等。
1.3英文解释:The rate at which assets, employees, or inventory are replaced or the amount of business done in a particular period.1.4相关词汇:同义词:rotation rate;近义词:revolving;派生词:turnover - ish(有点像周转率高或低的状态的形容词,非正式用法)。
---2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“turnover”由“turn”(转动、转变)和“over”(翻转、越过)组合而成,来源于古英语。
---3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:(1)inventory turnover:库存周转率。
例句:The inventory turnover of thispany is quite high, which indicates good sales performance.翻译:这家公司的库存周转率相当高,这表明销售业绩良好。
(2)employee turnover:员工流动率。
例句:High employee turnover can be a sign of problems within thepany.翻译:高员工流动率可能是公司内部存在问题的一个迹象。
(3)annual turnover:年营业额。
例句:Ourpany's annual turnover has increased by 20% this year.翻译:我们公司今年的年营业额增长了20%。
人员流失的名词解释英语Staff Attrition: Understanding the Term and Its ImplicationsIntroductionIn today's competitive job market, employee turnover has become an increasing concern for organizations across various industries. The term "staff attrition" is often used to describe the phenomenon of employees leaving a company voluntarily or involuntarily. This article aims to provide an in-depth exploration of staff attrition, its causes, and its impact on organizations. By understanding this term, companies can implement effective strategies to reduce turnover rates and maintain a stable workforce.Defining Staff AttritionStaff attrition refers to the natural reduction in the size of a company's workforce due to the departure or retirement of employees. It encompasses both voluntary and involuntary separations, including resignations, retirements, terminations, layoffs, and dismissals. Staff attrition is a common occurrence in any organization, and its impact can range from relatively insignificant to highly disruptive, depending on the extent and nature of the departures.Causes of Staff AttritionStaff attrition can occur due to various factors, and understanding these causes is essential for mitigating turnover rates. Here are some common reasons why employees may choose to leave a company:1. Lack of Career Growth Opportunities: When employees feel that their career progression is limited within an organization, they may seek opportunities elsewhere. The absence of promotional prospects, skill development programs, or challenging assignments can contribute to employee dissatisfaction and attrition.2. Inadequate Compensation and Benefits: Employees may leave a company if they perceive that their salary and benefits are not competitive compared to industry standards. Monetary incentives play a crucial role in attracting and retaining talented individuals.3. Poor Work-Life Balance: Work-life balance has become a significant priority for many employees. If organizations fail to provide flexible working hours, remote work options, or a supportive environment, employees may opt for companies that prioritize their well-being.4. Lack of Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction is a key determinant of employee retention. When employees feel unfulfilled in their roles, experiencing factors such as a lack of autonomy, poor management, or a mismatch between job expectations and realities, they are more likely to seek alternative employment.5. A Toxic Work Environment: A toxic work environment characterized by bullying, harassment, discrimination, or aggressive management practices can lead to higher attrition rates. Employees are more likely to leave a company when they feel unsafe or undervalued.Impact of Staff AttritionHigh turnover rates can have significant repercussions for organizations. Some of the consequences include:1. Financial Losses: The cost of hiring and training new employees to replace those who have left can be substantial. Additionally, the loss of experienced staff can result in decreased productivity, disrupt ongoing projects, and hinder organizational growth.2. Interruption in Knowledge Transfer: When experienced employees leave, they take with them valuable knowledge and expertise. This loss can impede the flow of information within an organization and negatively impact its ability to innovate and adapt to changing market dynamics.3. Decreased Employee Morale: Frequent departures of colleagues can create a sense of instability and insecurity among remaining employees. Lower morale can lead todecreased productivity and job satisfaction, potentially creating a vicious cycle of attrition.4. Damage to Reputation: Staff attrition can negatively affect a company's reputation, making it difficult to attract top talent. Potential employees may view high turnover rates as a reflection of poor organizational culture or inadequate people management practices.Addressing Staff AttritionOrganizations can adopt several strategies to address staff attrition and enhance employee retention rates:1. Providing Growth Opportunities: Offering clear career advancement paths, mentoring programs, and skill development initiatives can motivate employees and encourage them to remain with the company.2. Competitive Compensation and Benefits: Regularly reviewing and adjusting salary structures to align with industry standards, along with providing comprehensive benefits packages, can help attract and retain talent.3. Promoting Work-Life Balance: Introducing flexible work arrangements, wellness programs, and fostering a supportive culture that values work-life balance can enhance job satisfaction and reduce turnover rates.4. Improving Leadership and Management Practices: Investing in leadership development programs can equip managers with the skills needed to effectively lead and motivate their teams, creating a positive work environment and reducing attrition.5. Conducting Exit Interviews: Gathering feedback from departing employees through exit interviews can provide valuable insights into the root causes of attrition, allowing organizations to address systemic issues and improve employee engagement.ConclusionStaff attrition is a term encompassing the natural reduction in a company's workforce due to employee departures. By understanding the causes and implications of staffattrition, organizations can implement proactive measures to address turnover rates and maintain a stable and engaged workforce. Prioritizing employee growth, compensation, work-life balance, and positive workplace culture are key steps toward reducing attrition and ensuring business success.。
关键词:快递企业员工流失一线员工薪酬AbstractIn recent years, China's express delivery industry has seen unprecedented prosperity, and the competition among express delivery enterprises has become increasingly fierce. The competition between enterprises is in the final analysis the competition among talents.However, nowadays, the employee turnover rate of some express delivery enterprises is high, and the employee turnover has become one of the important reasons hindering the development of express delivery enterprises.This article mainly Dapu county ZTO express company as the research object, the methods of literature research and interview survey, and combining the current situation of the company personnel loss, found the company employees are the basic rights and interests of the lack of security, lack of effective training system, salary welfare management problems such as imperfect system, but also affected by the external environment.In order to reduce the employee turnover rate of the company, the countermeasures proposed include protecting the basic rights and interests of front-line employees, attaching importance to and improving the training work, gradually improving the compensation and welfare system, improving the recruitment work and improving the competitiveness of four aspects.Keywords: Express company Employee turnover Front-line staff Salary目录一、引言.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
turnover rate的意思
turnover rate的意思【释义】turnover rate[会计] 周转率,换手率【短语】1 Employee Turnover Rate员工流动率; 员工滚动率; 员工流失率; 员工离职率2 working capital turnover rate流动资金周转率; 营运资金周转率; 周转率; 流动资本周转率3 turnover rate of current capital流动资金周转率4 stock turnover rate存货周转率; 股票周转率5 species turnover rate种的周转率; 种周转率; 物种周转速率6 capital turnover rate资本周转率; 资产周转率7 Net labor Turnover Rate净人力资源流动率8 Staff turnover rate员工流失率; 人员离职率9 turnover rate constant周转率常数【例句】1 But if you lower it to 19%, you'll double your turnover rate.但若是把利润率降到19%,营业额就会加倍。
2 What is the approximate average monthly worker turnover rate?员工月均流失率大概为多少?3 The turnover rate at Global Sources is about the same, Hinrichs said. Hinrichs表示,环球资源上的客户流失率也大致如此。
4 The higher the turnover rate the more liquid the company's receivables.该周转率越高,公司的应收账款流动性越强。
5 The high turnover rate of hotel employees is a severe problem in hotels.员工流动率过高一直困扰饭店业。
BEC口语 Staff Turnover--员工流失
[BEC口语]STAFF TURNOVER--- 员工流失A blessing in disguise 貌似灾祸实际使人得福之事Alteration 改变、改动、更改Breathing space 活动(或工作的)空间Commitment 献身、介入Consensus (意见等的)一致Constructive 建设性的,有积极助益的Employable 适宜雇用的,达到雇用条件的Empowerment 授权Engagement 信奉,支持Enhance 提高,增强,增进Established 知名的,老牌的;已确立的,已被确认的Induce 引起,导致Infuse 把…注入,(向…)灌输Intangible 触不到的,无形的Mobility 流动性,移动性Morale 士气,精神面貌Nomad 游牧部落的一员,流浪者Penny-wise 小数目上节约的,小事上精明的Penny-wise and pound-foolish 大处不算小处算的,小事精明大事糊涂的Perspective (观察问题的)视角;观点;想法Retention 保留,保持Shame 憾事Stick around 逗留,留下Tangible 有形的,有实体的The survival of the fittest 适者生存Vital 致命的Workload 工作量,工作负担Knowledge nomads and commitment知识型游牧族与敬业精神By Mallory StarkKnowledge nomads are highly mobile workers.知识型游牧族是指流动极为频繁的员工。
Like nomadic people, they move frequently from place to place.如同游牧民,他们不断地从一个地方迁徙到另一个地方。
No one organization is their home or life.没有哪个公司会成为他们的家或人生的港湾。
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Prof. John Kammeyer-Mueller MGT 4301
Parting thoughts…
• • • • What are some traditional break-up lines? Some other reasons for relationship break-ups? How fast do people break up? Why do I talk about break ups?
Labor Markets, Satisfaction, and Turnover
Trevor, 2001
Labor Markets, Satisfaction, and Turnover
• Across employees, job satisfaction was more strongly related to turnover when the unemployment rate was low • Under conditions of low unemployment, education was unrelated to turnover, but in high unemployment, more educated workers were more likely to turnover • The relationship between job satisfaction and turnover is considerably greater among those high in cognitive ability • Trevor, 2001
• Should organization invest in training to provide general or organization-specific KSAOs? • Combine training strategy with a selection strategy focused on assessing and selecting general KSAOs
• How do each of the following affect your appraisal of your current partner?
• An attractive classmate is interested in you • A former relationship partner has become very unattractive over time
• Why does this occur?
The Labor Market Strikes: Hulin, Roznowski, & Hachiya
• Often the labor market will affect employee turnover rates
• Higher turnover in periods of low unemployment • The relationship between job satisfaction and turnover is higher when there are many alternatives
• How to put employee at ease and explain purpose • How to follow structured interview format and take notes • How to end interview on positive note
• Structured interview format should contain questions about unavoidable and avoidable reasons for leaving
• Comparison to alternatives (Thibault & Kelly)
• Evaluate present status • Evaluate next best alternative • Whether the current status is acceptable or not is dependent on the level of alternatives
• Exh. 14.4: Examples of Exit Interview Questions
• Interviewer should prepare by reviewing interview format and interviewee’s personnel file • Interview should be conducted in private, before employee’s last day • Interviewee should be told interview is confidential
Measurement of Turnover: Reasons for Leaving
• Important to ascertain, record, and track reasons why employees leave • Tools
• Exit interviewsቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• Formal, planned interviews with departing employees
Well, it’s time for so long…
• Employers often get rid of employees for very different reasons
• • • • • Individual termination Layoff Targeted layoffs Downsizing Voluntary retirement
• Postexit surveys
• Surveys sent to employees soon after their last day
• Employee satisfaction surveys
• Surveys of current employees to discover sources of dissatisfaction which may become reasons for leaving • Results can provide information to pre-empt turnover • Require substantial resources
• Who tends to leave based on internal factors? • How can turnover benefit organizational strategy?
• Maladaptive turnover effects
• Who tends to leave based on external factors? • What are some of the costs of turnover?
• Responding to external job offers entails developing appropriate policies
• Decide whether to provide counteroffers or not • Determine types of employees to provide counteroffers • Decide who will develop counteroffer and nature of approval process
• Approaches to make internal alternatives more desirable than outside alternatives
• Internal staffing
• Encourage employees to seek internal job opportunities • Provide attractive internal options outside of traditional internal staffing system
• Increase cost of leaving by providing
• • • • Above-market pay and benefits Deferred compensation Retention bonuses Desirable location of company’s facilities
Measurement of Turnover: Breakouts and Benchmarks
• Breakouts
• Analysis of turnover data aided by deciding on categories of data
• • • • Type of turnover Type of employee Job category Geographic location
The Labor Market Strikes
• Often the labor market will affect employee turnover rates
• Higher turnover in periods of low unemployment • The relationship between job satisfaction and turnover is higher when there are many alternatives
• Benchmarks
• Internal - Trend analysis • External - Compare internal data with external data