



图 2-4 ─ PC / SC 模块警报时间
4 kΩ PR
图 2-5 ─ 隔离导通指示器
1.00 V
图 2-6-a ─ 次级导通状态(全型 / 小型模块)
图 2-6-b ─ 次级导通状态(微型模块)
全型、小型和微型系列 DC-DC 转换器及配件模块
全型、小型、微型系列的 DC-DC 转换器是 Vicor 以先 进的设计和制作程序来制造的模块;是公司整体元件功 率解决方案战略中的核心部分 (图 1-1)。该些模块齐备 多样且不受限的标准版本,以至于几乎分不清客制或标 准模块间的界限。
模块的控制器、电磁、开关和封装部件的独特设计,造 就了一个功率密度高达 120 W/in3 (7.3 W/cm3) 的元件, 有三种封装大小:
全型 4.6" x 2.2" x 0.5" (117 x 55.9 x 12.7 mm) 小型 2.28" x 2.2" x 0.5" (57.9 x 55.9 x 12.7 mm) 微型 2.28" x 1.45" x 0.5" (57.9 x 36.8 x 12.7 mm)
2. 控制引脚功能及应用
初级控制(PC 引脚)
模块使能 / 失能 可通过将 PC 电压拉到 2.3 V 以下 (相 对于负输入),使模块失能(图 2-1)。这应该通过集电 极开路三极管、继电器或者光耦合器来实现。要使多个转 换器失能,可通过或门二极管配合一个三极管或者继电器 来实现。使用机械开关或者继电器控制 PC 引脚时,务必 使用电容配合(最大 10 nF),以免开关跳动。



GB Battery charGer and starterCod.953881GBBattery charGerInstruction Manual Leader220Leader400Dynamic320Dynamic520Dynamic620Gb eXPlAnAtion oF dAnGeR, mAndAtoRy AndPRoHibition siGns.GB) GUARANTEE AND CONFORMITY- During the charge the battery produces explosive gases,avoid the formation of flames and sparkes. DO NOTSMOKE.- Position the batteries to be charged in a well-ventilatedplace.- inexperience and untrained people should beproperly instructed before using the appliance.- People (children included) whose physical, sensoryor mental capacities would prevent them from using theappliance correctly must be supervised by a person who isresponsible for their safety while the appliance is in use.- children must be supervised to ensure that they do not playwith the appliance.- Use the battery charger only indoors and make sure that you startit in airy places. DO NOT SET IN THE RAIN OR SNOW.- Disconnect the mains cable before connecting to or disconnectingthe charging cables from the battery.- Do not connect or disconnect the clamps to or from the battery withthe battery charger operating.- Never use the battery charger inside the car or in the bonnet.- Substitute the mains cable only with an original one.- Do not use the battery charger to charge batteries which are notrechargeable.- Make sure the available power supply voltage corresponds to thatshown on the battery charger rating plate.- To prevent damaging the vehicle electronics, scrupulously respectthe warnings given by the producer of the vehicle or the batteriesused.- This battery charger has components such as switches and relayswhich can cause arcs or sparks. Therefore when using it in agarage or in a similar place set the battery charger in a suitablecase.- Repair or maintenance of the inside of the battery charger can beexecuted only by skilled technicians.- WarnInG: alWays dIsconnect the PoWer suPPlycaBle From the maIns BeFore carryInG out anysImPle maIntenance oPeratIon on the BatterycHARGeR.- The battery charger is protected from indirect contact by an earthwire as indicated for class I equipment. Make sure the power outletis protected by an earth connection.- For models supplied without plugs, connect plugs having acapacitance suitable for the value of the fuse shown in the plate;for models supplied with cable and plug and with a ”P.MAXSTART” power higher than 9kW, when used for starting, we advisereplacing the plug with one having a capacitance suitable for thefuse shown in the plate.2. GeneRAl descRiPtion2.1 tRAditionAl bAtteRy cHARGeRsManual battery chargers (the operator must intervene to stop thecharge process) indicated for charging free electrolyte lead acidbatteries (WET) used in engine-driven vehicles (petrol and diesel),motorcycles, boats, etc. 6V, 12V and 24V batteries can be rechargedaccording to the available output voltage. Some models have theSTART or the BOOST&GO mode to start engine-driven vehicles.2.2 AUtomAtic bAtteRy cHARGeRs (tRonic)Automatic battery chargers (electronic control of the chargingprocess, interruption and automatic reset) suitable for charging sealedbatteries (GEL, AGM) in the TRONIC mode, and free electrolyte leadacid batteries (WET) in the manual CHARGE mode (see par. 2.1),used with engine-driven vehicles (petrol and diesel), motorcycles,boats, etc. It is possible to recharge 12V and 24V batteries.3. boost - boost&Go FUnctionsThese functions speed up charging and help vehicle startingthanks to fast battery pre-charge (the charging time depends on thebattery capacity and discharge level). When using models with theBOOST&GO function, vehicles can be started up with the cablesstill connected to the battery (see paragraph 7). During the chargingprocess, always follow the indications given in paragraph 4.4. AmmeteR ReAdinG (FiG. A)The ammeter allows reading the current supplied by the batterycharger to the battery (a completely flat battery initially requiresmaximum current which lowers over time). During the chargingphase the ammeter indicator moves from right to left, indicating adecrease in the current required by the battery until very low levels(near to zero) are reached (fully charged battery), at a speed andwith an accuracy that depend on the capacity, battery state andammeter reading precision. Please remember that the exact chargestatus of the battery can only be determined by using a densimeterwhich allows measurement of the specific gravity of the electrolyte.With manual battery chargers, the ammeter must be monitored todetermine when the battery has finished charging. Once the battery ischarged it must be disconnected to prevent overheating or damage.5. instAllAtion5.1 Assembly (FiG.b)Unpack the battery charger and assemble the separate partscontained in the package. Models on wheels are to be set in a verticalposition.5.2 PositioninG tHe bAtteRy cHARGeRDuring operation, position the battery charger on a stable surfaceand make sure that there is no obstruction to air passage through theopenings provided to ensure sufficient ventilation.5.3 connection to tHe mAin sUPPly- The battery charger should be connected only and exclusivelyto a power source with the neutral lead connected to earth.Check that the mains voltage is the same as the voltage of theequipment.- Check that the power supply is protected by systems such asfuses or automatic switches, sufficient to support the maximumabsorption of the equipment.- The connection to the main supply has to be made using a suitablecable.- If you put an extension to the primary cable, the section shouldbe adequate and, in any case, never less than that of the cablesupplied.- You always have to earth the equipment with the yellow/green wirecontained in the main cable, indicated by the label (W), while theother two wires should be connected to the phase and the neutralcable.6. oPeRAtion dURinG cHARGinGnb: before charging check that the capacity of the battery (Ah)which is to be charged, is not inferior to that reported on thedata table of the battery charger (c min). Follow the instructions,2. GeneRAl descRiPtion (4)2.1 TRADITIONAL BATTERY CHARGERS (4)2.2 AUTOMATIC BATTERY CHARGERS (TRONIC) (4)3. boost - boost&Go FUnctions (4)4. AmmeteR ReAdinG (FiG. A) (4)5. instAllAtion (4)5.1 ASSEMBLY (FIG.B) (4)5.2 POSITIONING THE BATTERY CHARGER (4)5.3 CONNECTION TO THE MAIN SUPPLY (4)6. oPeRAtion dURinG cHARGinG (4)6.1 BATTERY PREPARATION (5)6.2 BATTERY CHARGER/BATTERY CONNECTION (5)6.3.1 MANUAL CHARGE (5)6.3.2 AUTOMATIC CHARGING (TRONIC) (5)6.4 SIMULTANEOUS CHARGING OF SEVERAL BATTERIES ..56.5 END OF CHARGE (5)7. oPeRAtion dURinG stARtinG (5)7.1 BATTERY CHARGER/BATTERY CONNECTION (5)7.2 STARTING UP WITH START (FIG. E1) (5)7.3 STARTING UP WITH BOOST&GO (FIG. E2) (5)7.4 END OF STARTING (5)8. bAtteRy cHARGeR PRotection (FiG. F) (5)9. UseFUl Advice (6)taking great care to respect the order given below.6.1 bAtteRy PRePARAtionWhen recharging a WET-type battery, proceed as follows:- Remove the caps of the battery charger (if foreseen) so as to let the gas produced go out. Check that the level of the electrolyte covers the plates of the battery. If these were not covered add distilledWarnInG: use the maXImum cautIon durInGthIs oPeratIon as the electrolyte Is a hIGhlycoRRosive Acid.6.2 bAtteRy cHARGeR/bAtteRy connection- Make sure the power cable is disconnected from the mains.- With models having more than one charge voltage, turn thedeviator or the switch to the selected charge voltage. If there isno deviator or switch, suitably connect the red crocodile clip (+symbol) to the specific battery charger terminal in correspondencewith the selected charge voltage.- Connect the red charge clamp to the positive terminal of the battery( + symbol). If the symbols are indistinguishable remember that thepositive terminal is the one not connected to the vehicle chassis.- Connect the black charge clamp to the vehicle chassis, at a safedistance from the battery and the fuel pipe.note: if the battery is not installed in the vehicle, connect the clampdirectly to the negative terminal of the battery (- symbol).6.3 mAnUAl cHARGinG And AUtomAtic cHARGinGnote:the Ah values, if given beside the pushbuttons, are purelyindicative (because the charging process depends on how flat thebattery is) and they suggest the position for charging an initially flatbattery with capacity within the indicated range, in under 15 hours. Itis not advisable to go below the minimum values that are indicated.6.3.1 mAnUAl cHARGe ( )Recommended method for free electrolyte lead acid batteries (WET).- Carefully follow the instructions given in paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2.- Move the deviator (if present) to the BATTERY symbol.- Turn the charge adjustment deviator/deviators or switch (if present)(FIG. C) the normal charge position (BATTERY symbol) or fastcharge position (BOOST) as required (with some models theswitch also acts as a power switch).- If the battery charger has a TIMER a maximum pre-set charge timecan be set (FIG. C).- Power the battery charger by inserting the power supply cable intothe power outlet and turning the switch (if present) to ON.- Monitor the ammeter as described in paragraph 4.note: Once the WET battery is charged, you may note the liquidinside starting to “boil”. It is advisable to stop charging when thisphenomenon appears so as to prevent damage to the battery.6.3.2 AUtomAtic cHARGinG (tRonic)We recommend using models with the TRONIC mode to chargesealed batteries (GEL, AGM).- Carefully follow the instructions given in paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2.- Turn the deviator to TRONIC and the charge adjustment switchto the normal charge position (BATTERY symbol) or fast chargeposition (BOOST) as required (FIG. C).- Power the battery charger by inserting the power cable into themains socket. The battery charger controls the voltage present atthe battery terminals, automatically interrupting the current beingsupplied when the battery is charged (the ammeter indicatorpositions itself at zero) and supplying it again automatically whenthe battery begins running down. The TRONIC mode is ideal forautomatically maintaining the battery charged (AGM and WET)without the risk of damaging it.6.4 simUltAneoUs cHARGinG oF seveRAl bAtteRieswARninG; do not simultaneously charge different types ofbatteries or batteries with different capacities or levels ofdischarge. if you have to charge more than one battery at thesame time you can connect them “in series” or “in parallel” (FiG.d).For “parallel” connection batteries must have the same nominalvoltage (Volt), which corresponds to the battery charger outputvoltage, and the total of Ah must be within the charge range of thebattery charger.For “serial” connection batteries must have the same capacity(Ah) and the sum of the nominal voltages of all the batteries mustcorrespond to the battery charger output voltage.6.5 end oF cHARGe- Remove the power supply from the battery charger by turning theswitch to OFF (if present) and/or removing the power supply cablefrom the mains outlet.- Disconnect the black charge clamp from the chassis of the vehicleor from the negative terminal of the battery (- symbol).- Disconnect the red charge clamp from the positive terminal of thebattery (+ symbol).- Store the battery charger in a dry place.- Close up the battery cells with the appropriate plugs (if present).7. oPeRAtion dURinG stARtinGwARninG: before proceeding with starting follow the vehiclemanufacturer’s instructions carefully!- Make sure the power line is protected by fuses or automaticcircuit-breakers with sizes as indicated on the rating plate by the () symbol.- To make starting easier, quickly charge for 10-15 minutes at theBOOST/BOOST&GO position (see paragraph 6.3.1).- In order to prevent overheating in the battery charger, ALWAYScarry out the starting operation according to the duty cycle (work/pause) as indicated on the appliance (e.g. START 3s ON 120sOFF-5 CYCLES). Do not insist if the engine does not start: thiscould cause serious damage to the battery or even to the electricalequipment in the vehicle. If the engine does not start, wait a fewminutes and then repeat the rapid charge operation.7.1 bAtteRy cHARGeR/bAtteRy connection- With the power cable disconnected from the mains, if necessary,turn the deviator to 12V or 24V or suitably connect the red crocodileclip to the specific battery charger terminal, according to thenominal voltage of the battery of the vehicle to be started.- Make sure the battery is connected properly to the respective (+and -) terminals, and that it is in good condition (not sulphated ordud). Never ever start vehicles with the batteries disconnectedfrom their respective terminals; the presence of the battery isessential for the elimination of possible overvoltage.7.2 stARtinG UP witH stARt (FiG. e1)- With the battery charger at OFF, plug in the power cable.- Turn the switch, if present, to ON.- Turn the switch to START and turn the ignition key to start up theengine.7.3 stARtinG UP witH boost&Go (FiG. e2)- Turn the switch to BOOST&GO.- Power the battery charger by inserting the power cable into themains socket.- Start up the vehicle by turning the ignition key.7.4 end oF stARtinG- Disconnect the power to the battery charger by turning the switch(if present) to OFF and remove the power cable from the mains.- Disconnect the black crocodile clip from the negative batteryterminal (- symbol) and the red crocodile clip from the positivebattery terminal (+ symbol).- Store the battery charger in a dry place.8. bAtteRy cHARGeR PRotection (FiG. F)The battery charger protects itself from:- Overcharge (too much current supplied to the battery).- Short-circuit (loading clips placed in contact with each other).- Polarity inversion on the battery clamps.For appliances fitted with fuses, if the fuses have to be replacedalways use the same kind of fuse with the same rated size.WARNING: If the replacement fuse has a different size from thatshown on the rating plate it could cause damage to people orproperty. For the same reason, never ever replace the fuse with abridge in copper or other material.The power supply cable should always be DISCONNECTED from themains supply while the fuse is being changed.When replacing the ribbon fuse, if present, carefully fasten the nuts.9. UseFUl Advicemanufacturer’s user’s and maintenance handbook under the“ELECTRICAL SYSTEM” or “MAINTENANCE” section.- If the positive and negative terminals are incrusted with oxide,clean them to ensure good contacts with the clamps.- Never ever allow the two clamps to come into contact when thebattery charger is connected to the mains. In this case the fuse willblow.- If the battery, to which this battery charger is to be connected,is permanently installed in the vehicle, also consult the vehicleTIMER。

CTEK SWEDEN AB 专业型电池充电器设备用户手册说明书

CTEK SWEDEN AB 专业型电池充电器设备用户手册说明书

DE • 910 • DED EDE • 11STUFE 1 DESULPHATION (ENTSULFATIERUNG)Erkennt sulfatierte Batterien. Strom und Spannung pulsieren und entfernen auf diese Weise Sulfat von den Bleiplatten der Batterie, wodurch die Batteriekapazität wiederhergestellt wird.STUFE 2 SOFT START (SANFTSTART)Prüft, ob die Batterie Ladung aufnehmen kann. Diese Stufe verhindert, dass der Ladevorgang bei defekter Batterie fortgesetzt wird.STUFE 3 BULK (HAUPTLADUNG)Laden mit Maximalstrom bis zum Erreichen von ca. 80 % der Batteriekapazität. STUFE 4 ABSORPTIONLaden mit schwächer werdendem Strom bis zum Erreichen von bis zu 100 % der Batteriekapazität.STUFE 5 ANALYZEPrüft, ob die Batterie eine Ladung halten kann. Batterien, die ihre Ladung nicht halten können, müssen ggf. ersetzt werden.STUFE 6 RECOND (REKONDITIONIERUNG)Das Rekonditionierungsprogramm fügt dem Ladevorgang die Rekonditionierungsstufe hinzu. Während der Rekonditionierungsstufe wird die Spannung erhöht, um eine kontrollierteGasbildung in der Batterie zu erzeugen. Bei der Gasbildung wird die Batteriesäure vermischt, was der Batterie Energie zurückgibt. STUFE 7 FLOAT (ERHALTUNG)Die Batteriespannung wird auf ihrem Maximalwert gehalten, indem eine konstante Spannung angelegt wird. STUFE 8 PULSE (IMPULS)Die Batteriekapazität wird bei 95–100 % gehalten. Das Ladegerät überwacht die Batteriespannung und gibt, sobald erforderlich, einen Ladeimpuls, um die Batterie vollständig geladen zu halten.12 • DED EDE • 13STUFE 1 – WAKE UPLesen Sie bitte auf der vorherigen Seite den Abschnitt zu Batterien mit Unterspannungsschutz.STUFE 2 ACCEPT (BATTERIETEST)Prüft, ob die Batterie Ladung aufnehmen kann. Diese Stufe verhindert, dass der Ladevorgang bei defekter Batterie fortgesetzt wird.STUFE 3 BULK (HAUPTLADUNG)Laden mit Maximalstrom bis zum Erreichen von ca. 90% der Batteriekapazität.STUFE 4 ABSORPTIONLaden mit schwächer werdendem Strom bis zum Erreichen von bis zu 100% der Batteriekapazität.STUFE 5 ANALYZEPrüft, ob die Batterie eine Ladung halten kann. Batterien, die ihre Ladung nicht halten können, müssen ggf. ersetzt werden.STUFE 6Nicht anwendbar.STUFE 7 FLOAT (ERHALTUNG)Die Batteriespannung wird auf ihrem Maximalwert gehalten, indem eine konstante Spannung angelegt wird.STUFE 8 PULSE (IMPULS)Die Batterie auf 95 bis 100 % ihrer Kapazität halten. Das Ladegerät überwacht die Batteriespannung und hält durch bedarfsgerechte Pulsladung die Batterie vollständig geladen.EINSATZBEREITDie Tabelle zeigt die geschätzte Ladedauer, bis eine leere Batterie auf 80 % aufgeladen ist.BATTERIEGRÖSSE (Ah)ZEIT BIS ZU CA. 80 % LADUNG5Ah 2h 10Ah 4h 15Ah 6h 20Ah 7h 25Ah 9hTECHNISCHE DATENModellnummer1087Nennwechselspannung220–240VAC, 50–60HzLadespannung14,4V, 15,8V, 14,2VMin. Batteriespannung Blei-Säure: 2,0V, Lithium: 5,0VLadestrom2,3A max.Netzstrom0,3A rms effektiv (bei vollem Ladestrom)Rückentladestrom*< 1,5Ah/MonatWelligkeit**<4%Umgebungstemperatur-20°C bis +50°CLadegerät-Typ Achtstufiger, vollautomatischer Ladezyklus Batterietypen Alle Arten von 12-V-Bleibatterien (WET, MF, Ca/Ca,AGM, GEL)12-V-Lithiumbatterien (mit 4 Zellen) (LiFePO4, LiFe,Li-iron, LFP)Batteriekapazität 5 bis 25AhAbmessungen168 x 65 x 38mm (L x B x H)Isolationsklasse IP65Gewicht0,6kg*) Der Rückentladestrom ist der Strom, um den sich die Batterie entlädt, wenn das Ladegerät nicht an die Stromversorgung angeschlossen ist. CTEK-Ladegeräte haben einen sehr niedrigen Rückentladestrom.**) Die Qualität der Ladespannung und des Ladestroms ist sehr wichtig. Eine hohe Stromwelligkeit heizt die Batterie auf, wodurch die positive Elektrode altert. Eine hohe Spannungswelligkeit kann andere an die Batterie angeschlossene Ausrüstungen beschä-digen. CTEK-Batterieladegeräte erzeugen eine sehr saubere Spannung und einen sehr sauberen Strom mit niedriger Welligkeit.BEGRENZTE GARANTIECTEK SWEDEN AB gibt dem Ursprungskäufer dieses Produktes diese begrenzte Garantie. Diese begrenzte Garantie ist nicht übertragbar. Die Garantie deckt Herstellungs- und Materialfehler 5 Jahre ab dem Kaufdatum ab. Der Kunde muss das Produkt zusammenmit dem Kaufbeleg an der Verkaufsstelle einreichen. Diese Garantie wird ungültig, wenn das Ladegerät geöffnet, unsachgemäß behandelt oder von jemand anderem als von CTEK SWEDEN AB oder dessen autorisierten Stellvertretern repariert wurde. Eines der Schraubenlöcher an der Unterseite des Ladegerätes ist versiegelt. Ein Entfernen oder Beschädigen des Siegels führt zum Erlöschen der Garantie. CTEK SWEDEN AB gibt außer dieser begrenzten Garantie keine weiteren Garantien und übernimmt keine Haftung für weitere Kosten, die über die oben genannten Kosten hinausgehen; d. h. es wird keine Haftung für Folgeschäden übernommen. Des weiteren ist CTEK SWEDEN AB nicht dazu verpflichtet, andere Garantien als diese zu geben.KUNDENDIENSTCTEK bietet einen professionellen Kundendienst: .Die neueste Version des Benutzerhandbuchs finden Sie unter . Per E-Mail:************, per Telefon: +46(0) 225 351 80, per Fax +46(0) 225 351 95.52345B14 • DE。

BAC06P BAC06PB 系列蓄电池充电器 用户手册说明书

BAC06P BAC06PB 系列蓄电池充电器 用户手册说明书

BAC06P/BAC06PB系列蓄电池充电器用户手册郑州众智科技股份有限公司SMARTGEN (ZHENGZHOU) TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.目次前言 (3)1概述 (4)2性能特点 (4)3充电原理 (4)3.1二段式充电原理 (4)3.2三段式充电原理 (5)4参数规格 (6)5操作说明 (7)6接线图 (7)7外形及安装尺寸 (8)8选型 (8)前言是众智的中文商标是众智的英文商标SmartG en ― Smart的意思是灵巧的、智能的、聪明的,Gen是generator(发电机组)的缩写,两个单词合起来的意思是让发电机组变得更加智能、更加人性化、更好的为人类服务!不经过本公司的允许,本文档的任何部分不能被复制(包括图片及图标)。


公司地址:中国·河南省郑州高新技术开发区金梭路28号电话:+86-371-67988888/67981888/67992951+86-371-67981000(外贸)传真:+86-371-67992952网址://邮箱:*****************表1版本发展历史日期版本内容2021-04-23 1.0 开始发布。



2性能特点产品有以下特点:——采用开关电源式结构,输入交流电压范围宽,体积小,重量轻,效率高;——BAC06P采用二段式充电法自动充电,BAC06PB可以根据需要选择二段式或者三段式充电法自动充电,都充分按照蓄电池充电特性而设计的,可防止铅酸蓄电池过充,能最大程度提高电池寿命;——BAC06P具有短路保护、反接保护;BAC06PB具有短路保护、反接保护、均充定时、BOOST 功能;——状态LED显示:电源指示,充电指示;——采用卧式安装方式,安装简单方便。

PedalPower 电源适配器用户指南说明书

PedalPower 电源适配器用户指南说明书

Power SupplyUse the correct AC outlet to connect the power e a power transformer with a negative external voltageof 9V (± 10%) ≥300mA, otherwise it will cause equipment damage, fire or other problems. When unused or thunderstorms please unplug the power supply.Electrical interferenceWhen using the unit, the radio and the TV may cause interference.Use the unit away from the radio and the TV.Strongly vibrating or shakinPlace the placeDirect sunlight Magnetic fieldDusty or unclean place To prevent deformation, discoloration, and other serious damage, avoid the following:Near heat sourceHigh temperature and humidity Humidity is largeConnectionsBefore connecting the device or disconnecting it, be sure to turn off the power and other equipment, which will help to avoid malfunction and damage to other equipment. Also, make sure that all cables and power cords are disconnected before moving the unit.CleanPlease use a dry, soft cloth to clean the unit. If necessary, wipe witha slightly moist cloth. Do not use rough clean powder, alcohol, paint thinner, wax, solvent, detergent and chemical agents such asimpregnated wipes.Operating Do not use brutal forces to use switches and control elements.Do not allow paper, metal, and other objects to fall into the machine.Be careful not to fall, do not subject it to shock and excessive pressure.FCC certificationThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subjectto the following two conditions:that may cause undesired operation.6 effects pedals built into 1 simple unit. Boost, Overdrive, Distortion,modulation, Delay, ReverbFull featured controls for each effectBuilt in precision guitar tunerTap tempo synchronizationIntegrated effects loop for connecting external pedals or 4 cable methodconnection with an amplifierStereo outputsDedicated direct output with speaker simulation for connection to a mixingdesk, computer or headphonesIncludes a carry case for easy transportation ArrayTAP: Press several times for tap tempo. Hold for TunerFootswitch 1: REVERB on/off in LIVE mode. Preset 1 in PRESET mode Footswitch 2: DELAY on/off in LIVE mode. Preset 2 in PRESET modeFootswitch 3: MOD on/off in LIVE mode. Preset 3 in PRESET modeFootswitch 4: DIST on/off in LIVE mode. Preset 4 in PRESET modeFootswitch 5: DRIVE on/off in LIVE mode. Preset 5 in PRESET modeDISPLAY SCREEN: Displays the current operation mode of red truck. Displays thetuner when activatedRedtruck has two different operation modes. LIVE MODE and PRESET MODE To change operation mode, simultaneously press and release TAP + Footswitch 1In this mode Redtruck operates like a traditional pedalboard. Each footswitch will switch it’s respective effects module on and off.In this mode Redtruck operates like a pedalboard loop switcher. Each footswitch will recall a preset combination of which effect modules are on/off.1.Ensure Redtruck is in LIVE MODE2.Activate the effect modules you want to use in your preset3.Press and hold the corresponding footswitch where you wish to save the preset for use in Preset mode4.The Footswitch light will flash 5 times to confirm that the preset has been saved to this footswitch5.After you have saved your presets, put the Redtruck into PRESET MODE and press any footswitch from 1-5 to recall it’s preset.The DISPLAY SCREEN will display <P> when in Preset ModeTo create a preset:Note: Effect parameters can not be stored to the presets. Only the on/off state of each effect module will be stored.The DISPLAY SCREENwill display <L> when in Live ModeRed truck has 6 stompbox style effect modules and a built in precision tuner.1.PURE BOOST: Based on one of MOOER’s most popular and useful micropedals. The Pure boost is an analog circuit which can provide up to +20 Db of clean boost with a natural and dynamic response to the touch.ON/OFF: Switches the boost effect on and offBOOST: Adjusts the over all amount of boostBASS: Adjusts the low frequencies ±15dbTREBLE: Adjusts the high frequencies ±15db2.DRIVE: Based on the MOOER RUMBLE DRIVE, the DRIVE module ofRed truck is a warm and natural analog overdrive circuit. At higher gainit can emulate a vintage amplifier being pushed into breakup. At lower gain settings settings it is perfect for pushing the DIST module for solos or as awarm boost for the guitar.VOLUME: Adjusts the output levelGAIN: Adjusts the amount of overdriveTONE: Adjusts the EQ. Clockwise is brighter, Counter clockwise is darker 3.DIST: A classic British style amplifier distortion with full tone stack,independent gain and level controls. The gain ranges from a slight crunchy breakup to a full and harmonically rich high gain saturation.TREBLE: Adjusts the high frequenciesMID: Adjusts the middle frequenciesBASS: Adjusts the low frequenciesLEVEL: Adjusts the overall output levelMID-BOOST: Boosts and scoops the middle frequenciesGAIN: Adjusts the amount of distortion4.MOD: A digital multi-modulation unit which brings together tremolo, phaser, chorus and flanger.LEVEL: Adjusts the modulation effect mixRATE: Adjusts the modulation effects speedDEPTH: Adjusts the modulation intensityToggle switch: Selects the modulation effect typeRythm Knob: Adjusts the speed of the modulation effect in relation to the tap tempo. (X = random 7s pattern)5.DELAY: A digital delay unit with 3 different kinds of delay. DIGITAL resemblesthe crystal clear delay racks of the 80’s. ECHO resembles the magnetic drum delays of the 60’s. ANALOG resembles a classic BB style delay stompbox.LEVEL: Adjusts the volume of the delays repeatsTIME: Adjusts the delay timeFEEDBACK: Adjusts the number of repeatsToggle switch: Selects the delay typeSub-division knob: Adjusts the delay time in relation to the tap tempo6.REVERB: A true stereo digital reverb unitLEVEL: Adjusts the wet/dry mix of the reverbDECAY: Adjusts the length of the reverbTONE: Adjusts the EQ of the reverbSHIMMER: Adds a high pitched shimmering harmony to the reverb.When fully counter-clockwise the shimmer effect will be off. Rotating thiscontrol clock-wisewill gradually add shimmer to your reverb.MOD DEPTH: Rotate clockwise to add modulation to your reverb and adjust the reverb modulation’s depth. When this control is fully counter-clockwisethe reverb will not have any modulationMOD RATE: Adjusts the speed of reverb modulation effectTUNER: Red Truck has an accurate built-in guitar tuner. Hold down theTAP foot switch to mute your output and activate the tuner. Press the TAPfoot switch once to exit the tuner and un-mute your output.TAP: Press and release this foot switch several times to create a Tap Tempo.Tap tempo can control both the delay time and modulation rate simultaneously or either of these two effect modules independently. The light surrounding the TAP foot switch will illuminate a different colour to indicate what it is controlling. You can change the tap tempo function by pressing a combination of two footswitches simultaneously. See below.DELAY + MOD = Purple (press foot switches 3 + 4)DELAY only = Red(press foot switches 1 + 2)MOD only = Blue (press foot switches 2 + 3)By default the tap tempo will control both the delay time and the modulation rate simultaneously. The TAP foot switch light will illuminate purple to indicate this. Redtruck comes equipped with an integrated, transparent, buffered effects loop. This sits between the DIST and MOD modules in the internal signal chain. The FX LOOP can be used in many different ways, making the Redtruck a true “swiss army knife” of a pedal. Here’s a few of our favourites…..SEND: Can also be considered as DIST outputRETURN: Can also be considered as MOD input-Add your favourite pedal or preamp to the chain -This is an easy way to add an extra pedal into the Redtruck signal chain, right in-between your DIST and MOD.Connect SEND to the input of your favourite pedal. Connect the output of the pedal to the RETURN of Redtruck.We like to use this with our Micro Preamp pedals for the ultimate in portable rigs.- 4 cable method -If your amplifier has it’s own effects loop you can connect the Redtruck using the “4 cable method” which will put the drive modules in front of your amplifiers input and the modulation, delay and reverb modules into your amplifiers effects loop.Connect your guitar to the input of your red truckConnect SEND of the Redtruck to your amplifiers inputConnect your amplifiers “effects send” to the Redtruck RETURNConnect the OUTPUT of Redtruck to the “effects return”of your amplifier- WET DRY SETUP -This is an easy way to setup Redtruck with 2 amplifiers. One amplifier with just the drive signal. The other amplifier with drive signal, modulation, delay and reverb effects. This is a very popular setup method used by professional guitarists to maintain astonishingly clear and articulate tones while still having beautiful atmospheric effects for live shows. To accomplish this setup you will also require an ABY box. We recommend the MOOER ABY mkIIConnect your guitar to the input of RedtruckConnect SEND of the Redtruck to the input of your ABY boxConnect one output of the ABY box to the input of AMP DryConnect the other output of the ABY box to the RETURN of Red truckConnect the OUTPUT of Redtruck to the input of AMP Wet L(see diagram)If you have a 3rd amplifier you can use both stereo outputs of Redtruck to make a WET DRY WET setup taking full advantage of a big, wet, true stereo reverb, whilst maintaining an awesome clear guitar tone.1.INPUTConnect your instrument to this input using a standard 1/4” jack cable2.FX LOOPRefer to the ‘USING THE FX LOOP’ section of this manual for more details 3.CAB SIM OUTPUTConnect to this output using a mono or stereo 1/4”jack cable This provides an output with integrated speaker cabinet simulation for connecting headphones or Direct to your PA system or recording console4.OUTPUTConnect to these outputs using standard 1/4”Jack cablesConnect to L only for mono outputConnect to L and R for true stereo output5.DC IN 9V(±10%)≥300mAConnect your power supply to this inputInput: 1/4’ signal input audio interface (impedance 2M ohms)Output: 1/4 "left and right channel audio interface x2 (impedance 100 ohms) Sampling rate: 44.1KSampling accuracy: 24bitPower supply: DC 9V ≥ 300mA power adapter (negative inside positive) Size: 370 mm (D) X 96 mm (W) X 51 mm (H)Weight: 1200gAttachment:Owner’s Manual ,Carry Case*Disclaimer: Parameter update is subject to change without notice.MOOER AUDIO CO.,LTD Part No:620010668。

PSC-2030T 电池充电器用户手册说明书

PSC-2030T 电池充电器用户手册说明书

PLEASE SAVE THIS OWNERS MANUAL AND READ BEFORE EACH USE. This manual will explain how to use the battery charger safely and effectively. Please read and follow these instructions and precautions carefully.Model:PSC-2030TManual Battery ChargerOWNER’S MANUALIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (5)PERSONAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (5)PREPARING TO CHARGE (6)CHARGER LOCATION (6)DC CONNECTION PRECAUTIONS (6)FOLLOW THESE STEPS WHEN BATTERY IS INSTALLED IN VEHICLE (6)FOLLOW THESE STEPS WHEN BATTERY IS OUTSIDE VEHICLE (7)GROUNDING AND AC POWER CORD CONNECTIONS (7)ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS (7)CONTROL PANEL (7)OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (8)CALCULATING CHARGE TIME (9)MAINTENANCE AND CARE (10)TROUBLESHOOTING (10)SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS.1.1 SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS –This manual contains important safetyand operating instructions.1.2 Do not expose the charger to rain or snow.1.3 Use of an attachment not recommendedor sold by the battery chargermanufacturer may result in a risk of fire,electric shock or injury to persons.1.4 To reduce the risk of damage to electricplug and cord, pull by the plug rather thanthe cord when disconnecting charger.1.5 An extension cord should not be usedunless absolutely necessary. Use ofimproper extension cord could resultin a risk of fire and electric shock. If anextension cord must be used, make sure:•That the pins on plug of extension cordare the same number, size and shape asthose of plug on charger.•That extension cord is properly wired andin good electrical condition; and•That wire size is large enough for ACampere rating of charger as specified inthe section 8.1.6 Do not operate charger with damagedcord or plug – replace the cord or plugimmediately.1.7 Do not operate charger if it has receiveda sharp blow, been dropped, or otherwisedamaged in any way; take it to a qualifiedserviceman.1.8 Do not disassemble charger; take it toa qualified serviceman when service orrepair is required. Incorrect reassemblymay result in a risk of electric shock or fire.1.9 To reduce risk of electric shock, unplugcharger from outlet before attemptingany maintenance or cleaning. Turning offcontrols will not reduce this risk.1.10 WARNING: RISK OF EXPLOSIVEGASES.a. WORKING IN VICINITY OF A LEAD-ACID BATTERY IS DANGEROUS.BATTERIES GENERATE EXPLOSIVEGASES DURING NORMAL BATTERYOPERATION. FOR THIS REASON, ITIS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE THATYOU FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONSEACH TIME YOU USE THECHARGER.b. To reduce risk of battery explosion,follow these instructions and thosepublished by battery manufacturerand manufacturer of any equipmentyou intend to use in vicinity of battery.Review cautionary marking on theseproducts and on engine.1.11 Pursuant to California Proposition 65, thisproduct contains chemicals known to theState of California to cause cancer andbirth defects or other reproductive harm.Wash hands after handling.2.2.1 Consider having someone close enoughby to come to your aid when you worknear a lead-acid battery.2.2 Have plenty of fresh water and soapnearby in case battery acid contacts skin,clothing, or eyes.2.3 Wear complete eye protection andclothing protection. Avoid touching eyeswhile working near battery.2.4 If battery acid contacts skin or clothing,wash immediately with soap and water.If acid enters eye, immediately floodeye with running cold water for at least10 minutes and get medical attentionimmediately.2.5 NEVER smoke or allow a spark or flamein vicinity of battery or engine.2.6 Be extra cautious, to reduce risk ofdropping a metal tool onto battery. It mightspark or short-circuit battery or otherelectrical part that may cause explosion.2.7 Remove personal metal items such asrings, bracelets, necklaces, and watcheswhen working with a lead-acid battery. Alead-acid battery can produce a short-circuit current high enough to weld a ringor the like to metal, causing a severe burn.2.8 Use charger for charging only LEAD-ACID-type rechargeable batteries. It is notintended to supply power to a low voltageelectrical system other than in a starter-motor application. Do not use batterycharger for charging dry-cell batteriesthat are commonly used with homeappliances. These batteries may burstand cause injury to persons and damageto property.2.9 NEVER charge a frozen battery.3.1 If necessary to remove battery fromvehicle to charge, always removegrounded terminal from battery first. Makesure all accessories in the vehicle are off,so as not to cause an arc.3.2 Be sure area around battery is wellventilated while battery is being charged.3.3 Clean battery terminals. Be careful tokeep corrosion from coming in contactwith eyes.3.4 Add distilled water in each cell untilbattery acid reaches level specified bybattery manufacturer. Do not overfill. For abattery without removable cell caps, suchas valve regulated lead acid batteries,carefully follow manufacturer’s recharginginstructions.3.5 Study all battery manufacturer’sspecific precautions while charging andrecommended rates of charge.3.6 Determine voltage of battery by referringto car owner’s manual and make sure thatoutput voltage selector switch is set atcorrect voltage. If charger has adjustablecharge rate, charge battery initially atlowest rate.4.4.1 Locate charger as far away from batteryas DC cables permit.4.2 Never place charger directly abovebattery being charged; gases from batterywill corrode and damage charger.4.3 Never allow battery acid to drip oncharger when reading electrolyte specificgravity or filling battery.4.4 Do not operate charger in a closed-inarea or restrict ventilation in any way.4.5 Do not set a battery on top of charger.5.5.1 Connect and disconnect DC output clipsonly after setting any charger switches to“off” position and removing AC cord fromelectric outlet. Never allow clips to toucheach other.5.2 Attach clips to battery and chassis, asindicated in the sections 6 and 7.6.A SPARK NEAR THE BATTERY MAYCAUSE A BATTERY EXPLOSION. TOREDUCE THE RISK OF A SPARK NEARTHE BATTERY:6.1 Position AC and DC cords to reduce riskof damage by hood, door, or movingengine part.6.2 Stay clear of fan blades, belts, pulleys, andother parts that can cause injury to persons.6.3 Check polarity of battery posts. POSITIVE(POS, P, +) battery post usually has largerdiameter than NEGATIVE (NEG, N,–) post.6.4 Determine which post of battery isgrounded (connected) to the chassis. Ifnegative post is grounded to chassis (asin most vehicles), see (6.5). If positivepost is grounded to the chassis, see (6.6).6.5 For negative-grounded vehicle, connectPOSITIVE (RED) clip from battery chargerto POSITIVE (POS, P, +) ungrounded postof battery. Connect NEGATIVE (BLACK)clip to vehicle chassis or engine blockaway from battery. Do not connect clip tocarburetor, fuel lines, or sheet-metal bodyparts. Connect to a heavy gage metal partof the frame or engine block.6.6 For positive-grounded vehicle, connectNEGATIVE (BLACK) clip from batterycharger to NEGATIVE (NEG, N, –)ungrounded post of battery. ConnectPOSITIVE (RED) clip to vehicle chassisor engine block away from battery. Donot connect clip to carburetor, fuel lines,or sheet-metal body parts. Connect toa heavy gage metal part of the frame orengine block.6.7 When disconnecting charger, turnswitches to off, disconnect AC cord,remove clip from vehicle chassis, andthen remove clip from battery terminal. 6.8 See Operating Instructions for length ofcharge information.A SPARK NEAR THE BATTERY MAYCAUSE A BATTERY EXPLOSION. TOREDUCE THE RISK OF A SPARK NEARTHE BATTERY:7.1 Check polarity of battery posts. POSITIVE(POS, P, +) battery post usually has a largerdiameter than NEGATIVE (NEG, N, –) post.7.2 Attach at least a 24-inch long 6-gauge(AWG) insulated battery cable toNEGATIVE (NEG, N, –) battery post.7.3 Connect POSITIVE (RED) charger clip toPOSITIVE (POS, P, +) post of battery. 7.4 Position yourself and free end of cable asfar away from battery as possible – thenconnect NEGATIVE (BLACK) charger clipto free end of cable.7.5 Do not face battery when making finalconnection.7.6 When disconnecting charger, always doso in reverse sequence of connectingprocedure and break first connectionwhile as far away from battery aspractical.7.7 A marine (boat) battery must be removedand charged on shore. To charge it onboard requires equipment speciallydesigned for marine use.8.8.1 This battery charger is for use on anominal 120 volt circuit and has agrounded plug. The charger must begrounded, to reduce the risk of electricshock. The plug must be plugged intoan outlet that is properly installed andgrounded in accordance with all localcodes and ordinances. The plug pinsmust fit the receptacle (outlet). Do not usewith an ungrounded system.8.2 DANGER: Never alter the AC cord orplug provided – if it does not fit the outlet,have a proper grounded outlet installedby a qualified electrician. An improperconnection can result in a risk of anelectric shock or electrocution.NOTE: Pursuant to CanadianRegulations, use of an adapter plugis not allowed in Canada. Use of anadapter plug in the United States is notrecommended and should not be used.8.3 USING AN EXTENSION CORDThe use of an extension cord is notrecommended. If you must use anextension cord, follow these guidelines:•Pins on plug of extension cord must bethe same number, size, and shape asthose of plug on charger.•Ensure that the extension cord isproperly wired and in good electricalcondition.•Wire size must be large enough forthe AC ampere rating of charger, asspecified:Length of cord (feet)2550100150AWG* size of cord1614108*AWG-American Wire Gauge9.9.1 Remove all cord wraps and uncoil the cables prior to using the battery charger.10.VOLT/AMP SELECTOR SWITCHUse the volt/amp selector switch to select the charge rate or engine start setting.•10A Fast or 30A Rapid Charge –For charging automotive, marine and deep-cycle batteries. Not intended for industrial applications.• 200A Engine Start– Provides additional amps for cranking an engine with a weak or run-down battery. Always use in combination with a battery.TIMERThe timer allows you to set a specified time for charging. After the timer expires, the charger stops charging your battery. The main function of the timer is to prevent overcharging, while allowing a battery time to obtain a satisfactory charge. T o properly set the timer, you must know the size of the battery (in ampere hours) or reserve capacity (in minutes) and the state of charge. It is important that you determine the appropriate state of charge of your battery and set the timer accordingly.Hold – This position defeats the timer function, allowing for continuous operation. Be sure to monitor the charging progress and stop when the battery is charged. The hold position will overcharge a battery if it is not monitored. This will damage your battery and may cause property damage or personal injury. AMMETERThe Ammeter indicates the amount of current, measured in amps, that is being drawn by the battery. As a battery takeson a charge, it draws less current fromthe charger. Correspondingly, the meter will show less current being drawn by the battery. When the current stops decreasing, the battery is charged. The start area of the meter indicates a high rate of current being drawn from the charger. When crankingan engine, the meter needle will be at the extreme right side of the start area.11.WARNING: A spark near battery may cause an explosion.CHARGING A BATTERYIN THE VEHICLE1.Turn off all the vehicle’s accessories.2.Keep the hood open.3.Clean the battery terminals.4.Set the volt/amp selector switch andthe timer to the OFF position.y the AC/DC cables away from anyfan blades, belts, pulleys and othermoving parts that can cause injury. 6.Connect the battery, following theprecautions listed in sections 6 and 7.7.Connect the charger to an electricaloutlet.8.Select the desired charge rate.9.Set the timer to the charge time.MONITOR THE CHARGER ANDTHE BATTERY.10. When disconnecting the charger, setthe volt/amp selector switch and thetimer to the OFF position, disconnectthe charger from the AC power,remove the clamp from the vehiclechassis, and then remove the clampfrom the battery terminal. CHARGING A BATTERYOUTSIDE OF THE VEHICLE1.Place battery in a well-ventilated area.2.Clean the battery terminals.3.Set the volt/amp selector switch andthe timer to the OFF position.4.Connect the battery, following theprecautions listed in sections 6 and 7.5.Connect the charger to the electricaloutlet.6.Select the desired charge rate.7.Set the timer to the charge time.MONITOR THE CHARGER ANDTHE BATTERY.8.When disconnecting the charger, setthe volt/amp selector switch and thetimer to the OFF position, disconnectthe charger from the AC power,disconnect the negative clamp, andfinally the positive clamp.9. A marine (boat) battery must beremoved and charged on shore. MANUAL CHARGING MODEWhen manual mode is performed, the charger will continue to charge and will not shut off. Monitor the charging process and stop when the battery is fully charged. Not doing so may damage your battery and result in property damage or personal injury. USING THE ENGINE START FEATURE Your battery charger can be used to jump start your car if the battery is low. Follow all safety instructions and precautions for charging your battery. Wear complete eye protection and protective clothing. WARNING: Using the ENGINE START feature WITHOUT a battery installed in the vehicle could cause damage to the vehicle’s electrical system.NOTE: If you have charged the battery and it still will not start your car, do not use the Engine Start feature, or it could damage the vehicle’s electrical system. Have the battery checked.1.Set the volt/amp selector switch andthe timer to the OFF position.2.With the charger unplugged from theAC outlet, connect the charger to thebattery, following the instructions given in the CHARGING A BATTERY INTHE VEHICLE section.3.Plug the charger’s AC power cord intothe AC outlet, and then move the timer switch from OFF to the HOLD position.4.With the charger plugged in andconnected to the battery of thevehicle, set the volt/amp selectorswitch to the engine start position.5.Crank the engine until it starts or 5seconds pass. If the engine does notstart, wait 3 minutes before crankingagain. This allows the charger andbattery to cool down.NOTE: During extremely cold weather, or if the battery is under 2 volts, charge the battery for 5 minutes before cranking the engine.6.If the engine fails to start, charge thebattery for 5 more minutes beforeattempting to crank the engine again.7.After the engine starts, move thevolt/amp selector switch and timer tothe OFF position and unplug the ACpower cord before disconnecting thebattery clamps from the vehicle.8.Clean and store the charger in a drylocation.NOTE: If the engine does turn over but never starts, there is not a problem with the starting system; there is a problem somewhere else with the vehicle. STOP cranking the engine until the other problem has been diagnosed and corrected.12.When you know the percent of charge and the Amp hour (Ah) rating of your battery, you can calculate the approximate time needed to bring your battery to a full charge. Example:Amp hour rating = Reserve capacity + 162 NOTE: The Reserve Capacity can be obtained from the battery‘s specification sheet or the owners manual.To calculate the time needed for a charge:1.Find the percentage of charge needed.2.Multiply the Amp hour rating by thecharge needed, and divide by thecharge rate.3.Multiply the results by 1.25 to find thetotal time needed, in hours, to bringthe battery to full charge.4.Add an additional hour for a deep-cyclebattery.Example:Ah rating x % of charge needed x 1.25 = hrs of charge Charger Amp setting100 (Ah rating) x .50 (charge needed) x 1.25 = 3.125 hrs 20 (Charger Setting)100 x .50 x 1.25 = 3.12520You need to charge a 100 Ampere hour battery for a little more than 3 hrs at the 20 Amp charge rate, using this example.Use the following table to determine the time it will take to bring a battery to full charge. Ah – Ampere HoursNR – the charger setting is NOT RECOMMENDED.CCA – Cold Cranking AmpsRC – Reserve CapacityThe times given are for batteries with a 50% charge prior to recharging.BATTERY CHARGING TIMESBATTERY SIZE/RATINGCHARGE RATE / CHARGING TIME 10A30ACARS/TRUCKS 200-315 CCA40-60 RC2¼-3 hours¾-1 hour 315-550 CCA60-85 RC3-3¾ hours1-1¼ hours 550-1000 CCA85-190 RC3¾-7 hours1¼-2¼ hoursMARINE/DEEP CYCLE 80 RC3½ hours NR 140 RC5½ hours NR 160 RC 6 hours NR 180 RC6½ hours NR13.A minimal amount of care can keep your battery charger working properly for years.•Clean the clamps each time you are finished charging. Wipe off any battery fluid that may have come in contact with the clamps to prevent corrosion.•Occasionally cleaning the case of the charger with a soft cloth will keep the finish shiny and help prevent corrosion.•Coil the input and output cords neatly when storing the charger. This will help prevent accidental damage to the cords and charger.•Store the charger unplugged from the AC power outlet in an upright position.•Store inside, in a cool, dry place. Do not store the clamps clipped together, on or around metal, or clipped to the cables.14.PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE REASON/SOLUTIONCharger will not turn on when properly connected.AC outlet is dead.Poor electrical connection.Check for open fuse or circuitbreaker supplying AC outlet.Check power cord and extensioncord for loose fitting plug.No reading on the ammeter.Charger is not plugged in.No power at the receptacle.Clamps are not making a goodconnection to the battery.Connections are reversed.Battery is defective(will not accept a charge).Plug the charger into an AC outlet.Check for open fuse or circuitbreaker supplying AC outlet.Check for poor connection to batteryand frame. Make sure connectionpoints are clean. Rock clamps backand forth for a better connection.Unplug the charger and reversethe clamps.Have the battery checked.Ammeter readingstays high.Battery is severely discharged.Wrong battery voltage.Continue charging battery for two more hours. If problem continues, have the battery checked. Check battery voltage.Ammeter reads less than selected charge rate when charging a discharged battery.Extension cord is too long orwire gauge is too small.Weak cell or sulfated plate inbattery.Battery is only partiallydischarged.Use a shorter or heavier gaugeextension cord.A sulfated battery will eventuallytake a normal charge if leftconnected. If the battery will nottake a charge, have it checked.Continue to charge the battery.PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE REASON/SOLUTIONThe charger is making an audible clicking sound.Circuit breaker is cycling.Battery is defective.Shorted battery cablesor clamps.Severely discharged battery, butotherwise it is a good battery.Reversed connections at battery.The settings may be wrong. Checkthe charger settings.Have the battery checked.Circuit breaker cycles when currentdraw is too high. Check for shortedcables or clamps and replace ifnecessary.The battery may not want to accepta charge due to a run-down state.Allow charging to continue untilbattery has a chance to recoversufficiently to take a charge. If morethan 20 minutes, stop charging andhave the battery checked.Shut the charger off and correct thelead connections.Charger makes a loud buzz.Transformer laminations vibrate.No problem; this is a normalcondition.Short or no start cycle when cranking engine.Drawing more than the enginestart rate.Failure to wait 3 minutes(180 seconds) between cranks.Clamps are not making a goodconnection.AC cord and/or extension cordis loose.No power at receptacle.The charger may beoverheated.Battery may be severelydischarged.Crank time varies with the amountof current drawn. If cranking drawsmore than the engine start rate,crank time may be less than 3seconds.Wait 3 minutes of rest time beforethe next crank.Check for poor connection at batteryand frame.Check power cord and extensioncord for loose fitting plug.Check for open fuse or circuitbreaker supplying AC outlet.The thermal protector may havetripped and needs a little longer toreset. Make sure the charger ventsare not blocked. Wait and try again.On a severely discharged battery,charge for 10 to 15 minutes atthe lowest rate, to help assist incranking.The measured current is much lower than what was selected.The charger reached themaximum voltage and isreducing the current.No problem; this is a normalcondition.。



3B SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICS1017781 (230 V, 50/60 Hz) 1017780 (115 V, 50/60 Hz)Istruzioni per l'uso01/14 ALFL'apparecchio di carica e scarica risponde alle disposizioni di sicurezza per apparecchi elettrici di misura, di comando, di regolazione e da la-boratorio della norma DIN EN 61010 Parte 1 ed è pensato per l’utilizzo in ambienti asciutti, adatti per strumenti elettrici.Un utilizzo conforme garantisce il funzionamento sicuro dell'apparecchio. La sicurezza non è tut-tavia garantita se l'apparecchio non viene utiliz-zato in modo appropriato o non viene trattato con cura.Se si ritiene che non sia più possibile un funzio-namento privo di pericoli (ad es. in caso di danni visibili), l'apparecchio deve essere messo im-mediatamente fuori servizio. ∙ Utilizzare l'apparecchio solo in ambienti asciutti.∙Utilizzare unicamente con l'alimentatore a spina fornito in dotazione.1 Commutatore di funzione carica/scarica5 Display contatore digitale 2 Attacco per resistenza esterna6 Interruttore passo-passo per tensione di confronto 3 Attacco per condensatore esterno7 Selettore per coppia R/C4 Attacco alimentatore a spina8Tasto di reset per contatore digitaleL'apparecchio di carica e scarica serve a regi-strare punto per punto le curve di carica e sca-rica di tre coppie condensatore/resistenza in-terne o esterne nonché per la determinazione delle resistenze o delle capacità interne o esterne. Esso è costituito da un comparatore di tensione, un contatore digitale per la misura-zione dei tempi di carica/scarica e tre coppie condensatore/resistenza.Il comparatore di tensione confronta la tensione di carica e scarica del condensatore con una tensione di confronto che può essere presele-zionata in 11 fasi da 0,5 fino a 9,5 V.Non appena il commutatore di funzione viene por-tato in posizione START-CHARGE o DI-SCHARGE, il contatore digitale parte e si arresta al raggiungimento della tensione di confronto im-postata. Prima occorre azzerare il contatore digi-tale premendo il tasto di reset. Se non si resetta, il contatore digitale funziona come totalizzatore. Con tre resistenze interne e una capacità è pos-sibile formare tre coppie RC, ottenibili mediante le posizioni INTERN 1, INTERN 2 e INTERN 3. La posizione EXTERN collega il comparatore di tensione ai jack di raccordo per resistenze e condensatori esterni.L'apparecchio di carica e scarica 1017781 è fornito con un alimentatore a spina per una tensione di rete di 230 V (±10 %), il 1017780 per 115 V (±10 %).Capacità interna: 2000 μF ±10% Resistenze interne: 2,2 kΩ, 5,1 kΩ, 10 kΩTensione U0: 10 VContatore digitale a 4 cifre, al quarzo,1 decimaleTempo massimo: 200 sRisoluzione: 100 ms Alimentazione elettrica: mediante alimentatorea spina 12 V CA,2.000 mA Dimensioni: ca. 260 x 220 x 55 mm³ Peso incluso alimentatore a spina: ca. 1700 gPer la misurazione di resistenze e capacità esterne si consiglia l'uso dei seguenti elementi a spina:Condensatore 1000 µF 1017806 Resistenza 4,7 kΩ1012920 Resistenza 10 kΩ1012922 Resistenza 22 kΩ1012924Nelle posizioni INTERN 1, INTERN 2 o INTERN 3 il condensatore interno è collegato ai jack di ingresso per la capacità esterna.∙Per le misurazioni sulle coppie RC interne non collegare capacità esterne.Il tempo di carica e scarica misurato è influen-zato da tempi di rimbalzo, amplificati da una mano insicura nel ruotare il commutatore di fun-zione.∙Ruotare il commutatore di funzione in ma-niera spedita.∙Per una determinazione più precisa del tempo, ripetere ciascuna misurazione al-meno tre volte e ricavare il valore medio. ∙Scegliere coppie R/C esterne con costante di tempo 4sR C⋅>.6.1 Messa in funzione∙Collegare l'apparecchio di carica e scarica alla rete tramite l'alimentatore a spina for-nito in dotazione.6.2 Misurazione su coppie condensa-tore/resistenza interne∙Rimuovere resistenze e condensatori esterni.∙Portare il selettore su INTERN 1, INTERN2 o INTERN 3.6.3 Misurazione su coppie condensa-tore/resistenza esterne∙Inserire resistenza e condensatore esterni. ∙Portare il selettore su EXTERN.Fig. 1 Misurazione su coppia condensatore/resi-stenza esterna6.4 Misurazione del tempo di carica ∙ Portare il commutatore di funzione in posi-zione CHARGE – STOP.∙ Impostare l'interruttore passo-passo sul va-lore desiderato.∙ Premere brevemente il tasto RESET per azzerare il contatore digitale.∙Portare il commutatore di funzione in posi-zione CHARGE – START per avviare la ca-rica e la misurazione del tempo.∙Prendere nota del tempo misurato non ap-pena il contatore si arresta.6.5 Misurazione del tempo di scaricaProcedere come per la curva di carica por-tando tuttavia il commutatore di funzione ri-spettivamente in posizione DISCHARGE – STOP e DISCHARGE – START.7.1 Registrazione della curva di carica ∙Impostare l'interruttore passo-passo su 0,5 V e determinare il tempo di carica come da 6.4.∙Per misurare il valore successivo, girare l'interruttore passo-passo avanti di un livello e ripetere tutte le operazioni.Fig. 2 Curva di carica della coppia RC interna 37.2 Registrazione della curva di scarica ∙Impostare l'interruttore passo-passo su 9,5 V e determinare il tempo di scarica come da 6.5.∙Per misurare il valore successivo, girare l'interruttore passo-passo avanti di un livello e ripetere tutte le operazioni.Fig. 3 Curva di scarica della coppia RC interna 3101086420203040506070U / V t / s101086420203040506070U/ V t / s3B Scientific GmbH • Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 20 • 20459 Amburgo • Germania • 7.3 Determinazione delle resistenze o dellecapacità coinvolte I valori teorici del tempo di scarica τDC per 0,5 V e del tempo di carica τC per 9,5 V sono identici. In entrambi i casi vale()C DC 5%ln 203t C R C R τ=τ==-⋅⋅≈⋅⋅.Qualora R o C non sia noto, è possibile calco-lare il valore mancante da τ. Una maggiore pre-cisione di misura per τ è ottenibile come segue: ∙ Misurare tre volte il tempo di scarica τDC per 0,5 V e ricavare il valore medio.∙ Misurare tre volte il tempo di carica τC per 9,5 V e ricavare il valore medio. ∙Calcolare la media ()5%C DC 12t =τ+τ fra i due valori medi.7.4 Determinazione della capacità C di uncondensatore esterno ∙Inserire resistenza esterna nota R e con al-meno 10 k Ω e capacità esterna da analiz-zare C e .∙ Portare il selettore su EXTERN. ∙ Determinare il tempo t 5% come da 7.3. ∙Calcolare la capacità esterna: 5%e e3t C R =⋅. 7.5 Determinazione della capacità C i delcondensatore interno ∙ Portare il selettore su INTERN 3. ∙ Determinare il tempo τ1 come da 7.3. ∙ Inserire la capacità esterna C e . ∙Determinare il tempo τ2 come da 7.3.Vale: 1i 33C R τ=⋅⋅, ()2i e 33C C R τ=⋅+⋅ Quindi:i ee 21i i1C C C C C +τ==+τ ei 1e 21C C τ=τ-τ 7.6 Determinazione delle resistenze interne ∙ Portare il selettore su INTERN 1, INTERN 2 o INTERN 3.∙ Determinare il tempo t 5% come da 7.3. ∙Calcolare la resistenza interna: 5%i i3t R C =⋅.∙ Conservare l'apparecchio in un luogo pu-lito, asciutto e privo di polvere.∙ Prima della pulizia, scollegare l'apparec-chio dall'alimentazione elettrica.∙ Non pulire con detergenti o soluzioni ag-gressive.∙ Per la pulizia utilizzare un panno morbido e umido.∙ Smaltire l'imballo presso i centri di raccolta e riciclaggio locali. ∙Non gettare l'apparec-chio nei rifiuti dome-stici. Per lo smalti-mento delle apparec-chiature elettriche, ri-spettare le disposizioni vigenti a livello locale.。

THOMSON BCM 1220 自动电池充电器 安装, 操作及维护手册

THOMSON BCM 1220 自动电池充电器 安装, 操作及维护手册

BCM 1220自动电池充电器安装, 操作及维护手册PM004 Rev 2 00/09/211) 安装为了保证电池充电器安全运行,请安装在干燥,通风的场所。

环境温度不能超过40°C.在充电器电源接入端连接120VAC 或 240VAC,50/60Hz,15A带接地保护的供电电源。

注意: 其内部变压器可以更换跳线,改变输入电压(120 or 240VAC)。

警告: 充电器的标准输入电压为120 VAC。










2) 浮充式和均充式注意:如果充电器安装 APB 1210 报警/控制模块, 请参阅第6部分。







警告: 不要将开关置于“均充”位置时间过长(多数情况下每个月6小时已足够). “均充”充电时间过长,会导致蓄电池气化(通过电解)并消耗过多的电解质。


工厂预设值(铅-酸电池):电池电压均充均充12VDC 额定 13.5 14.524VDC 额定 27.0 29.0电流限制值设定为100% 铭牌额定值.3) 输出调整"浮充" 电压调整3.1.警告!如果电流输出超过设备名牌显示的额定值,严禁让充电器处于通电状态。



USB-uLiPobattery chargerUSER’S MANUALRevision B, May 2014Designed by OLIMEX Ltd, 2013All boards produced by Olimex LTD are ROHS compliantDISCLAIMER© 2013 Olimex Ltd. Olimex®, logo and combinations thereof, are registered trademarks of Olimex Ltd. Other product names may be trademarks of others and the rights belong to their respective owners.The information in this document is provided in connection with Olimex products. No license, express or implied or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Olimex products.This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit /licenses/by-sa/3.0/.This hardware design by Olimex LTD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.The software is released under GPL.It is possible that the pictures in this manual differ from the latest revision of the board.The product described in this document is subject to continuous development and improvements. All particulars of the product and its use contained in this document are given by OLIMEX in good faith. However all warranties implied or expressed including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose are excluded. This document is intended only to assist the reader in the use of the product. OLIMEX Ltd. shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of any information in this document or any error or omission in such information or any incorrect use of the product.This evaluation board/kit is intended for use for engineering development, demonstration, or evaluation purposes only and is not considered by OLIMEX to be a finished end-product fit for general consumer use. Persons handling the product must have electronics training and observe good engineering practice standards. As such, the goods being provided are not intended to be complete in terms of required design-, marketing-,and/or manufacturing-related protective considerations,including product safety and environmental measures typically found in end products that incorporate such semiconductor components or circuit boards.Olimex currently deals with a variety of customers for products, and therefore our arrangement with the user is not exclusive. Olimex assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein.THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE DESIGN MATERIALS AND THE COMPONENTS USED TO CREATE USB-uLiPo.THEY ARE CONSIDERED SUITABLE ONLY FOR USB-uLiPo.Table of Contents DISCLAIMER (2)CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW (4)1. Introduction to the chapter (4)1.1 Features (4)1.2 Target market and purpose of the board (4)1.4 Organization (4)CHAPTER 2: SETTING UP THE USB-PWR (6)2. Introduction to the chapter (6)2.1 Electrostatic warning (6)2.2 Requirements (6)2.3 Powering the board (7)2.4 Modes of operation (7)2.5 Status LEDs description (7)CHAPTER 3: CONNECTORS AND PINOUT (8)3. Introduction to the chapter (8)3.1 Battery connector (8)3.2 External power pads (8)3.2 Jumper description (8)3.2.1 470mA_E (8)CHAPTER 4: SCHEMATICS (9)4. Introduction to the chapter (9)4.1 Eagle schematic (9)4.2 Physical dimensions (11)CHAPTER 5: REVISION HISTORY AND SUPPORT (12)5. Introduction to the chapter (12)5.1 Document revision (12)5.2 Board revision (12)5.3 Useful web links and purchase info (13)5.4 Product support (14)CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW1. Introduction to the chapterThank you for choosing the USB-uLiPo from Olimex! This document provides a user’s guide for the Olimex USB-uLiPo board. As an overview, this chapter gives the scope of this document and lists the board’s features. The document’s organization is then detailed.USB-uLiPo development board allows you to charge your lithium polymer batteries easily. It is also suitable for powering small boards with 3.7V.USB-uLiPo is an open-source, open-hardware project and all documentation is available to the customer – you have the needed to make the board yourself.1.1 Features•Mini USB connector•MCP73833 charger•Mini USB connector•JST 2.0 mm connector for our BATTERY-LIPO1400mAh•Three status LEDs•Selectable two charge currents 100/470mA•Dimensions: (29 x 13) mm ~ (1.14 x 0.51)''1.2 Target market and purpose of the boardThe board is suitable for charging rechargeable lithium polymer (LiPo, LiPol) batteries. It is**************************************************************************. The strong points of the boards are the small form factor, the high compatibility and the convenience to use.Customers have full access to the technical documentation of the board. The software is released under General Purpose License and the schematic and board design (made with Eagle) are released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit /licenses/by-sa/3.0/.1.4 OrganizationEach section in this document covers a separate topic, organized as follow:–Chapter 1 is an overview of the board usage and features–Chapter 2 provides a guide for quickly setting up the board and software notes–Chapter 3 covers the connector pinout, peripherals and jumper description–Chapter 4 provides the schematics–Chapter 5 contains the revision history, useful links and support informationCHAPTER 2: SETTING UP THE USB-PWR2. Introduction to the chapterThis section helps you set up the USB-uLiPo development board for the first time. Please consider first the electrostatic warning to avoid damaging the board, then discover the hardware and software required to operate the board.The procedure to power up the board is given, and a description of the default board behavior is detailed.2.1 Electrostatic warningUSB-uLiPo is shipped in a protective anti-static package. The board must not be exposed to high electrostatic potentials. A grounding strap or similar protective device should be worn when handling the board. Avoid touching the component pins or any other metallic element.2.2 RequirementsIn order to set up the charger optimally, the following items are required:- a LiPo battery or a board that can be powered by 3.7V- a mini USB cableAdditional items include:- jumper wires – might provide useful if using the pads instead of the JST battery connectorSome of the suggested items can be purchased by Olimex, for instance:BATTERY-LIPO1400mAh –a rechargeable electronics battery with JST connector, the battery is suitable for all Olimex boards with BAT connector (like OLIMEXINO-STM32, PIC32-PINGUINO, OLIMEXINO-328, etc); there are also bigger battery variants of 3000mAh; 4000mAh and6600mAh.USB-MINI-CABLE –standard USB type A to USB type mini cableJUMPER WIRES – in different lengths and different male-female variants2.3 Powering the boardThe installation is pretty straightforward – you plug a mini USB cable to a computer (or to other power source in rare instances) and then to the USB-uLiPo. Then you connect the USB-uLiPo to a battery via the JST connector or to a target board using the PCB pads (next to the JST connector, marked as 1 and 2).Note that some cheap mini USB cables might have high inner capacity. Some others might be too long (or having thick wires) leading again to inner resistiveness higher than optimal. Make sure the mini USB cable you use meets the recommendations.Another problem that might occur is a faulty USB computer port or, even worse, USB hub. Please try another USB port and if possible another computer.2.4 Modes of operationThe LiPo charger may work in either 470mA or 100mA mode. By default the SMT jumper is set in 470mA mode – this will charge a typical 1400mA battery in about 3 hours if the USB is capable of providing 470mA. However, for some smaller batteries or weaker USB ports/hubs (unable to provide 470mA) it might be a good idea to use 100mA mode. It would require basic soldering and cutting skills to set the jumper to 100mA mode.2.5 Status LEDs descriptionThe LEDs have the following meaning and behavior:Red LED on – means there is an active and properly working USB mini connectionYellow LED on – means that the battery is currently charging (board is drawing power)Green LED on – means that the battery is fully charged and overcurrent protection is on (connected board does not draw power)CHAPTER 3: CONNECTORS AND PINOUT3. Introduction to the chapterIn this chapter jumpers functions are described. Notes and info on specific peripherals are presented.3.1 Battery connectorThe battery connector is JST 2.0 mm. If your batteries use 2.54mm step there are a number of cheap adapter-cables for 2.0 ↔ 2.54 available.3.2 External power padsThere are a couple of pads provided near the JST 2.0mm battery connector which might be used to power another board or PCB that can handle 3.7V.3.2 Jumper descriptionPlease note that the jumper on the board is SMT type and to configure it you would need basic cutting/soldering skills. You have to cut the PCB solder between the pads with a cutter knife. If you want to set it to default position you have to solder the pads together again.3.2.1 470mA_EThis is a jumper that sets the output current. The bigger the current the faster the recharge of the battery. By default 470mA_E is closed, meaning the target battery or board would receive 470mA of current per hour.If you decide to cut the jumper pads, the board will provide 100mA of current to the target battery/board.CHAPTER 4: SCHEMATICS4. Introduction to the chapterIn this chapter are located the schematics describing logically and physically USB-uLiPo.4.1 Eagle schematicOLinuXino schematic is visible only for reference here. You can view high resolution .pdf version at https:///Products/Power/USB-uLiPo/. It is located in HARDWARE section. Note that the Eagle schematic and board files are also available at the mentioned section.This hardware design by Olimex LTD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.The latest EAGLE schematic is situated on the next page for quicker reference. If you are looking for a schematic of an older revision of the board and it isn't available at our web site you may request it by the support e-mail.OLIMEX© 2014USB-uLiPo user's manualPage 10 of 144.2 Physical dimensionsNote that all dimensions are in millimeters (mm).CHAPTER 5: REVISION HISTORY AND SUPPORT5. Introduction to the chapterIn this chapter you will find the current and the previous version of the document you are reading. Also the web-page for your device is listed. Be sure to check it after a purchase for the latest available updates and examples.5.1 Document revision5.2 Board revisionRemember to check the schematics and the board design files to compare the differences.5.3 Useful web links and purchase infoThe web page you can visit for more info on your device ishttps:///Products/Power/USB-uLiPo/.A place for general questions, FAQ or friendly talk check our forums:https:///forum/How to purchase?You can purchase directly from our online shop or from any of our distributors. List of distributors: https:///Distributors.Check https:/// for more info.5.4 Product supportFor product support, hardware information and error reports mail to: ******************. Note that we are primarily a hardware company and our software support is limited.Please consider reading the paragraph below about the warranty of Olimex products.。

MK Battery 充电器参考指南说明书

MK Battery 充电器参考指南说明书

C h a r g e r R e f e r e n c e G u i d eMK Model: M-D-EN0801(Specify chair type or plug style) (Pictured Above)• DESCRIPTION:24 volt, 8 amp automatic charger for all lead acid battery types - GEL/AGM/Wet.• USE:Wheelchairs.• FEATURES:Monitors charger output. Automatically shuts off when batteries are fully charged.• CORDS AVAIL:05 (Round/Square), 06 (Square), 08 (Round), 09 (Square).MK Model: LS 24/4(Pictured Above)• DESCRIPTION:24 volt, 4 amp for sealed type or wet lead acid batteries. Can be used with 115or 230AC voltage supply (switchable). • USE:Scooters or power wheelchairs with lower capacity batteries such as U-1 size.• FEATURES:Fully automatic with L.E.D.’s that signal charging and ready stages.• CORDS AVAIL:08 (Round Only).MK Battery has a completeline of premium qualitybattery chargers for allof your charging needs.They are available forimmediate shipmentor delivery from ourwarehouses locatedthroughout North America.Power Y ou Can Depend On.MK Model: M-L-13770 World Charger - Dual Mode/Dual Voltage(Specify chair type or plug style) (Not Pictured)• DESCRIPTION:24 volt, 8 amp dual mode for both sealed type and wet lead acid batteries.Can be used with 115 or 230 AC voltage supply (switchable). AC plug not included.• USE:Wheelchairs.• FEATURES:Monitors charger output. Automatically shuts off when batteries are fully charged.• CORDS AVAIL:05 (Round/Square), 06 (Square), 08 (Round), 09 (Square).050605 (Round) & 08050605 (Round) & 08 0909。



Ecotec Ltd. LLC 262 Fox Drive Piqua, OH 45373 P 937-606-2793 F 937-606-2026EC O nomicalCharging SolutionThe Ecopoint charger is the most economical charging solution available today.Exclusive ECO-250 digital control technologyEcopointThe Ecopoint charger from Ecotec is a full featured, light to medium duty industrial battery charger. Charges fully discharged batteries in approximately 10 hrs.The ECO-250 microprocessor control displays battery voltage, real time delivered current, delivered charge in amp hours, overall charge time, and charging phase.Multiple AC input voltagesStandard AC voltage configuration is208/240/480, with 240/480/600 also available. Easy voltage changeovers.Data ArchiveThe control will store 9 critical data points for the last 800 charge cycles.Durable CaseThe case is strong enough to support stacking up the three high. Coated with a baked powder epoxy finish to protect against corrosion.LED status lightsThree 8mm LED’s clearly displays charge status that is easily dicernable even from long distances. Red – Charging in progress Yellow – 80% charged Flashing Green - Equalize Solid Green – Charge completeUSB Communications PortA USB port is located on the front of the charger to facilitate data collection and setting charge parametersWarrantyThe Ecopoint chargers are warranted for 5 years from the date of purchase.cUL ListedDesigned and tested to meet the strict standards of UL1564.ApplicationsThe Ecopoint chargers can be used in a variety of light to medium dutyapplications where you have at least 8 hours or more to charge the battery.C a l l 937-606-2793 V i s i t w w w .e c o t e c b a t c h a r g e r .c o mCONVERT TO GREENEcotec Ltd. LLC Copyright 2012 937-606-2793 Visit our website: ECO-250 ControlPushbutton for manualstop and restartUSB port for charger settingsand data downloadBacklit LCD graphic displayThree LED’s indicatecharge statusSafe, Convenient Programming All programming with the ECO-250 is done through the USB port located on the front of the door. No need to open the door and expose employees to hazardous voltages. Cold Battery Charging For batteries with an electrolytetemperature between 32°F and 50°F this option should be turned on. This willextend charge time and increases % of AH returned. Safety Timers Two timers help to protect the battery and the charger. If the battery does not reach 80% charged in 11 hours or chargecomplete after 16 hours, the charger turns off. Secondary Cables Output cables are 10 ft. long and color coded, red and black, to reduce the chances of reverse polarity. Easy Stacking Every charger has 4 threaded holes in the top to facilitate stacking up to three chargers high.Data Storage Data from the last 800 charge cycles are stored in the control, including:∙ Time and date of cycle ∙ End charge voltage ∙ Final charge time ∙ Overall charge time∙AH returned during initial charge, final charge and the total AH returned.∙ Equalize cyclesData Analysis With the ECO-250 Software, the system provides you with an analysis of the data recorded. Statistics provided are:∙ Total cycles started ∙ # of cycles interrupted ∙ # of timer faults∙ # of sulphated battery charges ∙# of times battery was underdischarged ∙ # of power failures ∙ # of Equalize cyclesDimensions 26.5” H x 21.5” W x 22.5” D。

CTEK SWEDEN AB 模式下的电池充电器说明书

CTEK SWEDEN AB 模式下的电池充电器说明书

ES • 21BATERÍAS PEQUEÑAS BATERÍAS ORDINARIASE Slas placas de plomo de la batería, restableciéndose la capacidad. ETAPA 2 SOFT STARTuna batería defectuosa.ETAPA 3 BULKcapacidad de la batería.ETAPA 4 ABSORPTIONcapacidad.ETAPA 5 ANALYSEpuede ser preciso sustituirlas.ETAPA 6 RECONDETAPA 7 FLOATtensión constante.ETAPA 8 PULSEplenamente cargada.24 • ESESPECIFICACIONES TÉCNICASNúmero de modelo1075Tensión nominal CA220–240VAC, 50–60HzTensión de carga14,4V, AGM14,7V, 15,8V Tensión de batería mín.2,0VCorriente de carga5A máx.Corriente, red0,6A rms (a plena corriente de carga)Pérdidas de contracorriente*< 1Ah/mesTensión de ondulación**<4%Temperatura ambiente-20°C a +50°C, la potencia de salida se reduce auto-máticamente a altas temperaturasTipo de cargador De ocho etapas, ciclo de cargacompletamente automáticoTipos de batería Todos los tipos de baterías de plomo de 12V(HÚMEDAS, MF, Ca/Ca, AGM y GEL) Capacidad de batería De 1,2 a 110Ah, hasta 160Ah para mantenimiento Dimensiones168 x 65 x 38 mm (Long. x Anch. x Alt.)Clase de aislamiento IP65Peso0,6kgCompensación de temperatura Compensación interna de la tensión de carga en función de la temperatura ambiente.*) La pérdida de contracorriente es la corriente que se pierde si el cargador no está conectado a la red. Los cargadores CTEK tienen una contracorriente muy baja.**) La calidad de la tensión de carga y de la corriente de carga son muy importantes. Una corriente de ondulación alta calienta la batería, lo cual tiene un efecto de envejecimiento en el electrodo positivo. Una tensión de ondulación alta puede dañar a otro equipo que esté conectado a la batería. Los cargadores de batería CTEK producen una tensión muy limpia y una corriente con una ondulación baja.SEGURIDAD• Este cargador está diseñado para cargar baterías únicamente conforme a las especificaciones técnicas indicadas. No lo utilice para ningún otro fin. Siga siempre las recomendaciones del fabricante de su batería.• Nunca intente recargar baterías no recargables.• Compruebe los cables del cargador antes de usarlos. Cerciórese de que no haya grietas ni en los cables ni en la protección contra codos. Si el cargador tiene el cable dañado debe devolverlo a su distribuidor. Si el cable de suministro eléctrico está dete-riorado, contacte con un representante de CTEK para que lo reemplace.• No cargue nunca una batería helada.• No coloque nunca el cargador sobre la batería al realizar la carga.• Durante la carga compruebe siempre que la ventilación sea adecuada.• Evite recubrir el cargador.• Una batería que está siendo cargada puede emitir gases explosivos. Evite chispas cerca de la batería. Cuando la vida de servicio de una batería empieza a llegar a su fin pueden producirse chispas internas.• Más tarde o temprano las baterías quedan inutilizadas. Una batería que falle durante la carga normalmente es atendida por el sistema de control avanzado del cargador, pero a pesar de esto pueden persistir algunos fallos poco corrientes en ella. Durante la carga no deje la batería desatendida durante periodos de tiempo prolongados.• Asegúrese de que los cables no queden enmarañados ni entren en contacto con superfi-cies calientes ni bordes afilados.• El ácido de las baterías es corrosivo. Enjuague con agua si el ácido entrara en contacto con la piel o los ojos, y solicite inmediatamente consejos médicos.• Controle siempre que el cargador haya conmutado a la ETAPA 7 antes de dejarlo des-atendido y conectado durante periodos prolongados. Si el cargador no ha conmutado a la ETAPA 7 en un plazo de 50 horas, esto es una indicación de fallo. Desconecte el cargador manualmente.• Las baterías consumen agua durante el uso y la carga. En las baterías en las que pueda añadirse agua, el nivel del agua debería controlarse regularmente. Si el nivel fuera bajo, añada agua destilada.• Este equipo no está diseñado para ser utilizado por chiquillos ni personas que no puedan leer o comprender el manual, a menos que estén bajo la supervisión de una persona responsable que garantice que puedan usar el cargador de baterías con seguridad. Almacene y use el cargador de baterías alejado del alcance de los niños, y asegúrese de que ningún niño pueda jugar con el cargador.• La conexión a la red tiene que realizarse siguiendo la normativa para instalacioneseléctricas vigente en el país.ES • 2526 • ES20017958DLOS PRODUCTOS DE CTEK ESTÁN PROTEGIDOS2012–06–04GARANTÍA LIMITADACTEK SWEDEN AB, expide la presente garantía limitada al comprador original de este producto. Esta garantía limitada no es transferible. La garantía rige para defectos de fabri-cación y material durante 5 años a partir de la fecha de compra. El cliente debe devolver el producto junto con el recibo de compra al punto de compra. Esta garantía no es válida si el cargador de baterías se ha abierto, manejado descuidadamente o reparado por otros que no sean CTEK SWEDEN AB o sus representantes autorizados. Uno de los aguje-ros de tornillo en el fondo del cargador está sellado. La supresión o deterioro del sellado invalidará la garantía. CTEK SWEDEN AB no concede otra garantía que esta garantía limitada y no se hace responsable de otros costos que los arriba mencionados, es decir, no se hace responsable de daños consecuenciales. Además, CTEK SWEDEN AB no está obligada a otra garantía que la presente.ASESORAMIENTOCTEK ofrece asesoramiento profesional a los clientes: . Para la última revisión del manual vea . Por correo electrónico: ************, por teléfono: +46(0) 225 351 80, por fax +46(0) 225 351 95.。

DCDC-20A DC到DC双电池充电器用户手册说明书

DCDC-20A DC到DC双电池充电器用户手册说明书

DCDC-20ADC to DC Dual Battery ChargerUser ManualImportant Safety Instructions& WARNING!To avoid any personal injury, please read the safety instructions below. This battery charger is not intended for use by children or infirm persons without supervision.FOR AUTOMOTIVE AND RECREATIONAL VEHICLE 12V DEEP CYCLE BATTERY USE ONLY.NOT TO BE USED WITH DRY CELL BATTERIES.•During the charging process, do not use a naked flame near a battery. Batteries generate explosive gasses during the charging process that may explode.•Never smoke or light cigarettes near a battery.•Do not place tools on top of a battery or allow tools to fall on the battery to prevent the chance of a short circuit and sparks.•Always wear eye protection when charging a battery.•Ensure charging and testing is conducted in a well-ventilated area.•Inadequate ventilation may over-heat the charger and cause in-efficient operation .•This battery charger is not intended for outdoor operation. Do not expose it to moisture or extreme weather conditions.•The ACID/FLUID within a battery is highly corrosive and poisonous. It can produce flammable and toxic gases when recharged and will explode if ignited. When working with batteries, always wear eye protection, remove jewellery and ensure the area is well ventilated. If spilt -it will cause severe burning to eyes, skin, clothing, damage paintwork and corrode many metals. Ensure that power is disconnected from any appliance in the vicinity of the spill and immediately wash any area that has been affected with water.The warnings, cautions and instructions detailed in this instruction manual cannot cover all possible conditions and situations that may occur. Common sense and caution are factors which cannot be built into this product and must be supplied by the operator.Page 01DCDC-20A Acid, LiONUsing the twin core wiring laid between the main starting battery and the charger, connect the (+) of the starting battery to the (+) red charger wire (DC INPUT), and the (-) of the starting battery to the (-) of the starting battery to the (-) shared negative wire (GROUND) of the charger. Finally, connect the solar panel wires to the charger as per the diagram, as well as the optional ACC wire (if required).Ensure unused cables (e.g. ACC wire) are insulated and secured against movement. Check all connections are tight.Suggested installation to vehicle only。

CTEK D250SE 12V 电池充电器和 SMARTPASS 120S 电源管理系统说明书

CTEK D250SE 12V 电池充电器和 SMARTPASS 120S 电源管理系统说明书

FULLY AUTOMATICD E F RE S I TN L S VD A N OF I P LJ A K OZ H• T he D250SE is a DC to DC battery charger for a dual battery system with a starter battery and a service battery.• T he D250SE charges the service battery either from an alternator or from a solar panel, or from a combination of both.• T he D250SE separates the batteries in a dual battery system and thereby replaces, for example, a separation relay, VSR (Voltage Sensitive Relay), diode isolator or a mechanical battery selector.• T he D250SE can be used on its own or in combination with SMARTPASS 120S. In combination, the D250SE and SMARTPASS 120S can charge at up to 140A.• S tarter battery is only available as lead-acid battery.FUNCTIONS:• C harging service battery from a conventional alternator (constant charging voltage)The D250SE charges a service battery at up to 20A from the start battery when a conventional alternator is running. This function is switched off when the engine is not running to prevent discharge of the starter battery.• C harging of a service battery from a smart alternator (with variable charging voltage)The D250SE can charge a service battery at up to 20A from the starter battery when a smart alternator is running. This function is switched off when the engine is not running, so as not to discharge the starter battery. The Installation section describes how the D250SE needs to be con-nected in order to activate the smart alternator functions.• C harging a service battery from a solar panelThe D250SE can charge and trickle charge a service battery from a solar panel at up to 20A. The D250SE uses MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracker) to maximise the power from the solar panel.• S eparation of the starter battery and the service batteryThe D250SE separates the starter battery from the service battery when the engine is not running.• T emperature compensated charge voltageThe D250SE optimises the charge voltage by increasing the charge voltage at temperatures below 25°C/77°F and reducing it at temperatures higher than 25°C/77°F. The function is active in AGM and NORMAL programs only.• T rickle charging of the starter battery from a solar panelThe D250SE trickle charges the starter battery from a solar panel at intervals of 3 seconds if the service battery is fully charged.• O ptimised charging of AGM batteriesThe D250SE can provide a suitable charging voltage for optimal charging of AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat) batteries, which require a higher charge voltage than other types of lead-acid battery. The installation section describes how the D250SE needs to be connected in order to activate the AGM battery function.• O ptimised charging of Lithium batteriesThe D250SE can provide a suitable charging voltage for optimal charging of Lithium batteries. • S MARTPASS 120S is a solution for supplying current to charge and manage consumers in a dual battery system consisting of a starter battery and a service battery.•S MARTPASS 120S separates the batteries in a dual battery system and thereby replaces, for exam-ple, a separation relay, VSR (Voltage Sensitive Relay), diode isolator or a mechanical battery selector.• S MARTPASS 120S connects the starter and service batteries together in order to charge them both from the alternator.• S MARTPASS 120S protects the service battery from deep discharge which would damage the battery.• S MARTPASS 120S supplies consumers from the alternator instead of from the service battery while the service battery is charging, which permits faster charging.• S MARTPASS 120S can be used on its own or in combination with D250SE. In combination, theD250SE and SMARTPASS 120S can charge at up to 140A.FUNCTIONS:• C harging service battery from a conventional alternator (constant charging voltage)The SMARTPASS 120S charges a service battery at up to 120A from the start battery when a conventional alternator is running. This function is switched off when the engine is not running to prevent discharge of the starter battery.• C harging of a service battery from a smart alternator (with variable charging voltage)The SMARTPASS 120S can charge a service battery at up to 120A from the starter battery when a smart alternator is running. This function is switched off when the engine is not running,so as not to discharge the starter battery. The Installation section describes how the SMARTPASS 120S needs to be connected in order to activate the smart alternator functions.• B attery guardSMARTPASS 120S disconnects consumers when the service battery voltage is low in order to avoid deep discharge, which would damage the battery. The consumers are reconnected after the service battery voltage has increased. Connect critical consumers directly to the service battery so they will not be disconnected if the voltage falls to lower than 11.5V.• S tart assistanceSMARTPASS 120S automatically connects the service battery to the starter battery for 10 sec to assist, if the starter battery on its own is unable to start the engine. After the start assistance func-tion has been activated, SMARTPASS 120S will display a fault indication until starting has been achieved without using the start assistance function.• S eparation of the starter battery and the service batterySMARTPASS 120S separates the starter battery from the service battery when the engine is not running.• A ssigning current source prioritySMARTPASS 120S can sense when the alternator is running and in that case supplies consumers with current from the starter battery to work with the D250SE and maximise charging efficiency. Otherwise the consumers are supplied with current from the service battery.• D ynamic overcurrent protectionSMARTPASS 120S has overcurrent protection to shield the product. Overcurrent protection permits up to 350A to be sent from the alternator temporarily so that charging will be accelerated.4 • ENE NENIgnition signal, +15 clamp(DIN 72552)1. Solar panel INSTALLATION EXAMPLESPREREQUISITESSolar panel capable of charging a 40–300Ah service battery. The D250SE uses MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracker) to maximise the power from a solar panel.TIP 1Do not connect two solar panels in series.Max. input voltage 23V.PREREQUISITESA dual battery system where the D250SEcharges a 40–300Ah service battery from agenerator which also charges a starter battery.It is advantageous to use this installation when:• The alternator is unable to deliver the desiredcharging voltage.TIP 2If the alternator has external voltage detectionfor the service battery, the voltage detectionwiring must be connected to the starter battery.TIP 3Complement the D250SE with aSMARTPASS 120S if the service batterycapacity is greater than 100Ah or has parallelconsumption while charging is in progress. Thisreduces the charging time.2. Small service battery*See ”CABLE AND FUSE REQUIREMENTS”*See ”CABLE AND FUSE REQUIREMENTS”8 • EN EN • 9E NPREREQUISITESA dual battery system where theSMARTPASS 120S charges a 28–800Ah service battery from a alternator which also charges a starter battery.It is advantageous to use this installation when: • The alternator is able to deliver the desired charging voltage.• The service battery capacity is greater than 100 Ah.• The consumers are supplied directly from the alternator at the same time as the service bat-tery is being charged.See also tips 2 and 3.4. S ervice battery with parallel consumers*See ”CABLE AND FUSE REQUIREMENTS”PREREQUISITESA dual battery system where a D250SE together with a SMARTPASS 120S charges a 100–800Ah service battery. Current is supplied from a solar panel and/or an alternator. The starter battery is charged from an alternator.It is advantageous to use this installation when:• The alternator is not able to deliver the desired charging voltage.• The service battery capacity is greater than 100Ah.Parallel consumption takes place during charging. By connecting the consumers (See TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION) to the Output Consumers on the SMARTPASS 120S, the servi-ce battery will be able to charge without parallel consumption and the consumers will instead be supplied with current from the alternator.• The service battery shall be protected against deep discharge. Connect non-critical consumers to the Output Consumerson the SMARTPASS 120S. Connect critical consumers directly to the service battery. SMARTPASS 120S does not in that case switch off the critical consumers when the service bat-tery is completely discharged.TIP 4Connect the cabling from the starter and service batteries respectively to the SMARTPASS 120S and not to the D250SE.See also tips 1, 2 and 3.PREREQUISITESA dual battery system where there is a230/110V charger and a D250SE that,together with a SMARTPASS 120S, charge aservice battery with a capacity of 150–800Ah.Current is supplied from a solar panel and/oran alternator to the service battery. The starterbattery is charged from an alternator.It is advantageous to use this installation when:• The charge from the alternator while it is char-ging (engine running) is not enough, so it has tobe supplemented by a 230/110V charger.• The alternator is not able to deliver the desiredcharge voltage.• The service battery capacity is greater than150Ah.• Parallel consumption while charging is takingplace. By connecting the consumers (seeTECHNICAL SPECIFICATION) to the OutputConsumers on the SMARTPASS 120S, theservice battery will be able to charge without pa-rallel consumption and the consumers will insteadbe supplied with current from the alternator.TIP 5Connect a 230/110V charger to the starterbattery if it needs charging. In that case boththe starter and service batteries will be optimallycharged from the 230/110V charger.TIP 6Heavy current consumers (see TECHNICALSPECIFICATION) must be connected directly tothe service or starter battery.See also tips 1, 2, 3 and 4.5. Large service battery with parallel consumers6. Connect an AC/DC charger*See”CABLEANDFUSEREQUIREMENTS”*See”CABLEANDFUSEREQUIREMENTS”10 • EN EN • 11E ND250SE CHARGING PROGRAM LEAD-ACIDSTEP 1 DESULPHATIONDetects sulphated batteries. Pulsing current and voltage, removes sulphate from the lead plates of the battery restoring the battery capacity.STEP 2 BULKCharging with maximum current until approximately 80% battery capacity. STEP 3 ABSORPTIONCharging with declining current to maximize up to 100% battery capacity.STEP 4 FLOATMaintaining the battery voltage at maximum level by providing a constant voltage charge. STEP 5 PULSEMaintaining the battery at 95–100% capacity. The charger monitors the battery voltage and gives a pulse when necessary to keep the battery fully charged.D250SE CHARGING PROGRAM LITHIUMSTEP 1 ACCEPTTests if the battery can accept charge. This step prevents that charging proceeds with a defect battery.STEP 2 BULKCharging with maximum current until approximately 90% battery capacity.STEP 3 ABSORPTIONCharging with declining current to maximize up to 95% battery capacity.STEP 4 FLOATMaintaining the battery voltage at maximum level by providing a constant voltage charge. STEP 5 PULSEMaintaining the battery at 95–100% capacity. The charger monitors the battery voltage and gives a pulse when necessary to keep the battery fully charged.*) The quality of the charge voltage and charge current is very important. A high current ripple heats up the battery which has an aging effect on the positive electrode. High voltage ripple could harm other equipment that is connected to the battery. CTEK battery chargers produce very clean voltage and current with low ripple.**) MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracker) finds the best combination of current and voltage so that the output power is maximised.LIMITED WARRANTYCTEK issues this limited warranty to the original purchaser of this product. This limited warranty is not transferable. The warranty applies to manufacturing faults and material defects. The customer must return the product together with the receipt of purchase to the point of purchase. This warranty is void if the product has been opened, handled carelessly or repaired by anyone other than CTEK or its authorised representatives. One of the screw holes in the bottom of the product may be sealed. Removing or damaging the seal will void the warranty. CTEK makes no warranty other than this limited warranty and is not liable for any other costs other than those mentioned above, i.e. no consequential damages. Moreover, CTEK is not obligated to any warranty other than this warranty.SUPPORTVisit: for support, FAQ, the most recent version of the user instructions and further information concerning CTEK products.。

CTEK SWEDEN AB 专业切换模电池充电器说明书

CTEK SWEDEN AB 专业切换模电池充电器说明书

STEP 1 DESULPHATIONDetects sulphated batteries. Pulsing current and voltage, removes sulphate from the lead plates of the battery restoring the battery capacity.STEP 2 SOFT STARTTests if the battery can accept charge. This step prevents that charging proceeds with a defect battery.STEP 3 BULKCharging with maximum current until approximately 80% battery capacity.STEP 4 ABSORPTIONCharging with declining current to maximize up to 100% battery capacity.STEP 5 ANALYSETests if the battery can hold charge. Batteries that can not hold charge may need to be replaced.STEP 6 FLOATMaintaining the battery voltage at maximum level by providing a constant voltage charge. STEP 7 PULSEMaintaining the battery at 95–100% capacity. The charger monitors the battery voltage andgives a pulse when necessary to keep the battery fully charged. CHARGING STEPSLIMITED WARRANTYCTEK, issues this limited warranty to the original purchaser of this product. This limited warranty is not transferable. The warranty applies to manufacturing faults and material defects. The customer must return the product together with the receipt of purchase to the point of purchase. This warranty is void if the product has been opened, handled carelessly or repaired by anyone other than CTEK or its authorised representatives. One of the screw holes in the bottom of the product may be sealed. Removing or damaging the seal will void the warranty. CTEK makes no warranty other than this limitedwarranty and is not liable for any other costs other than those mentioned above, i.e. no consequential damages. Moreover, CTEK is not obligated to any other warranty other than this warranty.SUPPORTFor support, FAQ, latest revised manual and more information about CTEK products: .50017985A。

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凭借其广泛的宽范围输出,BatMod为设计人员提供了为所有主 要类型电池充电的一个简单、具有成本效益的解决方案。
13.8 V输出需要一个115kΩ电阻。
VI-200和VI-J00系列设计指南 31 / 98

11. 电池充电器(BatMod)
设计指南和应用手册 针对VI-200和VI-J00系列DC-DC转换器和可配置电源
( ) 13.8 V 15 V
2.5 V = 2.3
求解VR5: 求解IR5: 求解R3:
VREF – VTRIM = VR5 2.5 V – 2.3 V = 0.2 V
IR5 = VR5 = 0 .2 V = 2 0 µA R5 1 0 kΩ
2.3 V 20 µA
= 115 kΩ
2.5 Vdc
最大 Vout
1.25 Vdc
50% of Vout
重要的是要注意每个未经微调BatMod类型的标称输出电压。 12 Vout器件编号 = 15 V实际值 24 Vout器件编号 = 30 V实际值 48 Vout器件编号 = 60 V实际值
DC Input
Enable/ Disable
External Control Functions
BatMod Booster
虽然BatMod主要用于电池充电应用,它也可以作为一个可编 程电流源,用于电阻性负载或CW激光二极管。在同时为零输 出电压和电流的条件下,BatMod将无法正常运行。由此 可见,不能用电阻性负载将电流调整到零。
电流监控(IMON)。 一个表明正在灌入(sourced)电流源数量 的输出的数值。它是一个线性电压/电流关系,其中的一伏对应 于0%的源电流,而5 V对应于100%的源电流。
设置充电电流。通过在ITRIM引脚施加1–5 V,充电电流可以从0到 最大(14.5 A)进行设定。以10 A为例,要确定产生一个特定 充电电流所需的电压,可使用下面的公式:
所需充电电流 最大输出电流
) + 1 = ITRIM电压
( ) 4
10 A 14.5 A
+ 1 = 3.76 V
Vicor的BatMod(电流源模块)有助于设计人员用常用的器件 轻松构建一个紧凑、轻便的电池充电系统。BatMod具有可编 程输出电流和输出电压能力。由于BatMod允许独立设置输出 电压和充电电流,系统设计得以大大简化。
基本电池充电器。图11-3显示了针对以下系统要求的采用BatMod 的一个基本充电电路:
图11-3中的配置将用13.8 V浮充电压以最大10 A对电池充电。 其他充电速率和浮充电压可以进行类似的计算。如果需要一个 固定充电电流,电位计可以用两个固定电阻器替代。
在要求严格控制过充电电流的应用中,稳压管D1可以替换为一 个精密基准。
先进高级电池充电器。许多新的电池技术需要精密的充电和监控 系统,以保持其高性能和延长其使用寿命。BatMod作为构建先 进电池管理系统的一个理想的构建块,通常采用基于微处理 器的控制电路,很容易满足各种电池化学和监控功能(图 11–4)。
电流控制设置(ITRIM)。输入可从1 – 5 V接收一个模拟控制 电压,调整从零到BatMod的最大额定值的源电流。
5 Vdc 1 Vdc
100%额定值 =
DC 输入
11. 电池充电器(BatMod)
设计指南和应用手册 针对VI-200和VI-J00系列DC-DC转换器和可配置电源
BatMod模块是用于电池充电或类似电流源应用的可编程电流 源模块。它可以从外部进行控制,以满足范围广泛的充电参 数:电压、电流、充电速率和充电时间。
传导性噪声是在源极电压和电源之间流动的AC电流。它包括 共模噪声和差模噪声。Vicor零电流开关转换器的传导性噪声 比传统电路板上安装的PWM转换器低20 - 40 dB;但是,如 果必须满足特定EMC规范,如FCC或VDE,则可能需要额外 的滤波。
1 mA
D1 5.1 V
12 V
图11-3 — 使用电流源模块的基本充电电路(BatMod)
控制电路 •电压 • 电池温度 • 环境温度 • 其他
系统 状态
图11-4 — 先进电池充电系统中的BatMod
VI-200和VI-J00系列设计指南 32 / 98
5 Vdc 1 Vdc
100%额定值 =
对于DC输入/电流源应用(图11-1),BatMod也有一个类似的 宽范围输入额定值,像48和300 V输入的VI-200系列电压转换器 那样。BatMod可以用于采用Driver / Booster方法的较高电流源 应用(图11-2)。
注意:负载的电感应限制在20μH,以避免可能出现的回 路不稳定。
电池电压:12 V 浮充电压:13.8 V 充电电流:可调 0–14.5 A
设置浮充电压。由于12 V BatMod(VI-2x1-CU-BM)的开路输 出为15V,需要一个微调电阻(R3)来设定13.8V的浮充电压。

图11-1 — DC输入单模块
+ 负载

电压调整(VTRIM)。控制或设定输出设定点的输入类似于 VI-200的微调(trim)功能(第5部分)。最大电压可通过一 个固定电阻来设置,或用一个外部电压源来调整。以–OUT 为参考的从1.25–2.5 V调整的源电压将可编程设定50–100% 的额定电压。
为了保持对电池的最佳充电,控制电路可独立调节浮充电压和 充电电流,以响应充电过程中的条件:电池的电压、电流、温 度和压力,以及其他有关参数。它也可以传递电池状态信息, 如容量、充放电历史、故障的原因。
注意:如果BatMod或其控制电路出现故障,将导致不受 控制的电池充电,因此必需要须采用充电冗余控制或监测 电路。许多新的电池类型对这些条件很敏感,可能会导致 火灾或爆炸。
至前端: AIM、 HAM、 IAM或 离线 前端
BatMod VI-2x1-CU-BM
放大器 R5
10 kΩ
RITRIM = 50 kΩ
REF 2.5 V
10 mA
R1 820 Ω
R3 115 kΩ
R2 5 kΩ
BatMod Booster
图11-2 — DC输入大功率阵列
+ Load

VI-200和VI-J00系列设计指南 30 / 98

设计指南和应用手册 针对VI-200和VI-J00系列DC-DC转换器和可配置电源
11. 电池充电器(BatMod)