Fisherman's Wharf of San Francisco
San FranciscoDay 1: 恶魔岛Alcatraz Island –渔人码头Fisherman’s Wharf -金门大桥Golden Gate Bridge1.Alcatraz IslandAlcatraz,是西班牙文“鹈鹕”的意思,因为最初这个岛是鹈鹕的栖息地。
恶魔岛的名字从当年的畅销小说《山姆大叔的恶魔岛》(Uncle Sam's Devil's Island)中来的。
电影The Rock《勇闯夺命岛》交通:在旧金山33号码头搭渡船(Alcatraz Cruises)前往,船票提前三周官网预定,33号码头每天白班船8:45-15:20之间大约每30分钟1班开往恶魔岛,恶魔岛9:55-18:30之间大约每30分钟一班开回33号码头。
美国旧金山渔人码头旅游攻略旧金山渔人码头(Fisherman's Wharf)是美国加利福尼亚州旧金山市的一个著名旅游景点,也是该市最具代表性的地标之一。
比如,旧金山海上历史公园(San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park)就坐落在渔人码头的边缘。
另外,游客还可以参观“世界海洋鱼类展览馆”(Aquarium of the Bay)。
旧金山景点1.金门大桥(Golden Gate Bridge)每当人们越过太平洋进入北美大陆的旧金山时,首先映人眼帘的便是一座飞架于海湾之上的巨型吊桥,这就是闻名遐迩的金门大桥。
金门大桥(Golden Gate Bridge)是1937年开通的,全长约2.7千米,桥两端有两座高达227米的塔,是世界上最大的单孔吊桥之一,被视为旧金山的象征。
在淘金热的时候,..2.旧金山:渔人码头(Fisherman's Wharf)渔人码头是旧金山的象征之一,原是意大利渔民聚集的渔港,到了60年代,由于渔获量减少,才逐渐演变成观光景点。
今天这些摊子多半集中在Jefferson st.和Taylor St.的交叉口,对面的广场有一座以螃蟹为标识的圆形路标,上面有“Fisherman's Wharf”几个大字。
旧金山旧金山的部分景点地址:1、旧金山唐人街: China town 925 Grant Ave San Francisco,CA 941082、Stanford University: 340 Bonair siding Rd;3、Fishermans Wharf: San Francisco, 203 Pier 39(渔人码头 39号码头)4、Lombard St: 1199 Lombard St,San Francisco,CA 94109(九曲花街)5、Golden Gate Bridge: 888 Lincoln Blvd,San Francisco,CA 94129 (金门大桥南端观景地址)6、旧金山艺术宫 Palace of fine Arte : 3499 Baker St,San Francisco,CA 941237、“三藩市一日游”行程示意图:A,联合广场(Union Square)→B,市中心广场(CivicCenter Plaza)→C,双峰岭(Twin Peaks)→D,九曲花街(Lombard Street)→E,电报山(Telegraph Hill)→F,艺术宫(Palace of Fine Arts)→G,金门大桥(Golden Gate Bridge)→H,金门大桥观景台→I,索萨利托(Sausalito)→J,渔人码头(Fisherman's Wharf)。
∙Powell/Hyde. The Powell/Hyde line actually ends up close to Ghirardelli Squarewhere you can shop or eat; check out Ana Mandara, a Vietnamese restaurant that isowned by Don Johnson and Cheech Marin. Along the way you can exit the cable carat Lombard Street, famous for being "The world's crookedest street." If you aren'tgoing to Lombard Street then get your camera ready because at the top of this hill(Hyde and Lombard) you are treated to an unobstructed view of San Francisco's Alcatraz Island. Across the street from the end of this line (at Hyde and Beach) is TheBuena Vista Cafe, where legend has it that the Irish Coffee was born. If you don't feellike shopping at Ghirardelli then you can visit the San Francisco Maritime Museum, the Hyde Street Pier, or just relax by the water and watch the boats go by.∙Powell/Mason. The Powell / Mason line also passes close to Lombard Street but it is at the base of the crooked street so the view you get is of the curvy street, similar tothe postcard pictures you may have seen of this attraction. The Powell/Mason cablecar line drops you off in North Beach, a quick walk to San Francisco's Fisherman'sWharf near Pier 39. If you're hungry when you step off the cable car then head overto Kennedy's Irish Pub and Curry House, a curious mixture of an Irish bar, a gamearcade, and unbelievably delicious Indian food. Across the street from Kennedy's is Bimbo's 365 (at Columbus and Taylor), a music venue that is home to "SuperDiamond," a Neil Diamond cover-band. Alternatively you can walk down to the Wharf and get one of those famous San Francisco sourdough bread bowls.T he signs on Powell street cable cars are color coded. The yellow signs will head towards Bay and Taylor streets, and the red signs will head towards Aquatic Park. The two lines on Powell Street (Powell-Hyde and Powell-Mason) both serve only residential and tourist/shopping districts (Union Square, Chinatown, North Beach, Nob Hill, Aquatic Park and Fisherman's Wharf), with the "downtown" end of both lines a substantial distance from the Financial District.∙The Powell-Hyde (Line 60)[9] line runs north and steeply uphill from a terminal at Powell and Market Streets, before crossing the California Street line at the crest of thehill. Downhill from this crest it turns left and uphill again along Jackson Street (as thisis one-way, cable cars in the opposite direction use the parallel Washington Street), toa crest at Hyde Street. Here it turns right and steeply downhill along Hyde Street tothe Hyde and Beach terminal, which is adjacent to the waterfront at the San FranciscoMaritime Museum. The line was spliced together using remnant portions of theO'Farrell, Jones & Hyde line and the Washington-Jackson line. Manually-poweredturntables turn the cable cars around at the two ends. This line is used greatly bytourists and often has long queues.∙The Powell-Mason (Line 59) line shares the tracks of the Powell-Hyde line as far as Mason Street, where it crosses Washington and Jackson Streets. Here the line turnsright and downhill along Mason Street, briefly half left along Columbus Avenue, andthen down Taylor Street to a terminal at Taylor and Bay. This terminus is near to buttwo blocks back from the waterfront at Fisherman's Wharf. As with the Powell-Hyde,there are manually-powered turntables at each end to reverse the cars. This line is alsoused greatly by tourists, but also some commuters.Cable Car - Powell/Hyde Line∙Powell & Market.San Francisco, CA 94103United StatesUnion Square∙Get Directions∙The Powell-Hyde line took us past some landmarks like Lombard Street and was a great way to see the city lights!” in 9 reviews∙You pay when you get to the front of the line so no need to get tickets in advanced. If you want to stand on the ledge, I would hurry over to claim your spot. It seems like everyone wants to stand, don't wasteany time once you've gone through the gates.We stood on the opposite of the line, which was fun because when we passed the cable car comingback on the reverse path, everyone high-fived. It was awkward when the second car that passed us didnot reciprocate the high fives...All in all, fun to do once. I probably wouldn't do it again. Make sure to bring cash!R iders can board at any cable car turntable (the beginning/end of each route) oranywhere this brown and white stop sign is posted. These signs contain informationsuch as:∙The name of the cable car route∙The routes direction: to Downtown, Fisherman's Wharf,etc.∙The routes final destination: Powell & Market, Bay &Taylor, etc.∙Hours of operation.∙ A telephone number if you have questions about theroutes, times, etc.Cable Car linesThe cable car lines operate 365 days a year from 6:30 a.m. until just after midnight. Cable cars are scheduled to operate every 6-15 minutes, depending on the time of day.Cable car tickets and one-day Cable Car Passes are sold on board cable cars by the conductors. Conductors can make change for up to $20. No transfers are accepted or issued on cable cars.Basic cable car fare for all riders$6.00 each way (After 9 pm and before 7 am, disabled and 65+ can ride for $3.00)Children under 5 ride freeThe cable cars begin operating around 6:00 in the morning and continue until about 12:30 at night. Whilethere is a printed schedule available from MUNI with exact times, you can expect that thecable cars generally run about every 10 minutes. For the best views, you want to be onthe side that faces the bay. That’s the eastern side of the Powell cars, meaning theright hand side for cars leaving from downtown and the left side for cars leaving fromthe Fisherman’s Wharf area.尾声,铛铛车(Cable Car)铛铛车是三藩市的有轨缆车,已在三藩市运行了130多年。
英译汉San Francisco
当你享受太平洋的新鲜海鲜时,你可以欣赏海港里漆着明亮朱红油漆的金门大桥, 也可以观看林立的高塔下通往美丽的村庄“蒂伯龙”的交通线上络绎不绝的车辆。
Passage 1San FranciscoSan Francisco, open your Golden Gate, sang the girl in the theatre. She never finished her song. That date was 18th April, 1906. The earth shook and the roof suddenly divided, buildings crashed to the ground and people rushed out into the streets. The dreadful earthquake destroyed the city that had grown up when men discovered gold in the deserts of California. But today the streets of San Francisco stretch over more than forty steep hills, rising like huge cliffs above the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean.The best way to see this splendid city, where Spanish people were the first to make their homes, is to take one of the old cable cars which run along the nine main avenues. Fares are cheap; they have not risen, I’m told, for almost a hundred years.You leave the palm trees in Union Square --- the heart of San Francisco --- and from the shop signs and the faces around you, you will notice that in the city live people from many nations --- Austrians, Italians, Chinese and others --- giving each part a special character. More Chinese live in China Town than in any other part of the world outside China. Here, with Chinese restaurants, Chinese post-boxes, and even odd telephone-boxes that look like pagodas, it is easy to feel you are in China itself.Fisherman’s Wharf, a place all foreigners want to see, is at the end of the ride. You get out, pause perhaps to help the other travelers to swing the cable car on its turntable (a city custom), and then set out to find a table in one of the gay little restaurants beside the harbor. As you enjoy the fresh Pacific seafood you can admire the bright red paint of the Golden Gate Bridge in the harbor and watch the traffic crossing beneath the tall towers on its way to the pretty village of Tiberon.。
以下是其中一些:1. 金门大桥(Golden Gate Bridge):作为旧金山的标志性景点之一,这座桥梁被认为是世界上最美丽的桥梁之一。
2. 旧金山渔人码头(Fisherman's Wharf):这个历史悠久的码头区是旧金山最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一,有各种各样的海鲜餐馆、购物和娱乐设施。
3. 旧金山艺术宫(Palace of Fine Arts):这座建筑是为1915年巴拿马太平洋国际博览会建造的,现在是一个受欢迎的公园和艺术展览场所。
4. 旧金山市政厅(San Francisco City Hall):这座建筑是旧金山市政府的总部,以其美丽的建筑风格而闻名。
5. 旧金山中国城(Chinatown):作为美国最大的中国城之一,这个地区充满了中式建筑、餐馆和商店,展现了浓厚的中国文化。
6. 艺术岛(Treasure Island):这座人工岛坐落在旧金山湾上,提供了壮观的城市全景,还有艺术和文化活动。
7. 阿尔卡特拉斯岛(Alcatraz Island):这座岛屿曾是一座联邦监狱,现在成为了一个历史景点和公园,吸引游客了解其犯罪历史。
8. 艺术博物馆(San Francisco Museum of Modern Art):这是旧金山最重要的艺术博物馆之一,收藏了来自世界各地的现代和当代艺术品。
9. 洛美花园(Lombard Street):这条曲线著名的街道被认为是世界上最陡峭的街道之一,周围环绕着美丽的花卉和建筑。
10. 市区壁画(Mission District Murals):旧金山的米申区有许多彩绘壁画,展示了各种主题和社区文化。
将苏州园林艺术与现代建筑融合,并运用透明 玻璃屋顶(沟通室内外)、长廊等形式。
������ 共同成功因素: 能够吸引人群,营造鲜明特色。
������ 可借鉴之处:
•观演场地设立的重要性 •滨水区的利用,把湖边的景观引入中心。 •开放空间的利用 (增加活动的参与性和体验性,如营
案例研究-Fisherman’s Wharf of San Francisco
Fisherman’s WhaБайду номын сангаасf 概况
旧金山渔人码头具有100多年历史,作为 旧金山招牌网点,以其独特的历史码头、 美食餐饮、景观和独特的购物中心所闻 名。
自上世纪60年代以来,渔人码头的渔业 特色渐渐地被旅游业所取代,码头工厂 也逐渐改造成了市集,成为特色商店及 餐馆的集中地。
休闲娱乐项目:高尔夫、 骑马、网球、航海、远足 旅行及各项水上运动
法国Port Grimaud特色元素-1
主要视觉印象元素:蜿蜒的河道、小型私人游艇、传统风格的房屋、屋后小型河道中的泊船墩、屋间石桥、 小型休闲广场、狭长的街道与道旁的咖啡屋、服装专卖店与小餐馆,以及各建筑附设的亲水平台
(1)私人游艇: Grimaud海港与高地之间有小火车与公交车互通,但海港地 区不允许车辆进入。寓所之间主要是以水道相连,以小型游艇为主要交通工 具,每栋房屋都有配套的泊船墩 (2)游艇租用:游客可搭乘“水上出租车”,或自己租用和驾驶小艇沿河巡 游
购物 海鲜美食
户外娱乐 观光游
英文作文向外国人介绍自己的家乡全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My HometownHi there! My name is Johnny and I'm going to tell you all about my awesome hometown. I live in a really cool city called San Francisco. It's in California, which is a state on the west coast of the United States.San Francisco is famous for its big red bridge called the Golden Gate Bridge. It's super tall and you can walk or drive across it. The bridge connects San Francisco to another city called Marin County. Underneath the bridge, there's a lot of water called the San Francisco Bay. You can go sailing or fishing on the bay.One of my favorite places in San Francisco is Fisherman's Wharf. It's right on the bay and there are tons of restaurants, shops, street performers, and sea lions! The sea lions just lie around on these wooden docks, barking and sunbathing. They're really funny to watch. At Fisherman's Wharf, you can buy freshseafood like crabs, shrimp, and clam chowder (that's a soup). It's delicious!Another awesome place is Golden Gate Park. It's a huge park right in the middle of the city with gardens, playgrounds, museums, and even a Japanese tea garden. My friends and I love riding our bikes on the trails. There's also an aquarium, a buffalo pasture with real buffalos, and a botanical garden with tons of cool plants and flowers from around the world.The streets in San Francisco are really steep and windy, kind of like a rollercoaster! To get around, a lot of people ride on cable cars. Cable cars are these old-fashioned trolley vehicles that hang onto tall wires to help them up and down the big hills. They're pretty neat.San Francisco is famous for its diverse neighborhoods and cultures too. In Chinatown, there are amazing Chinese restaurants, stores, and celebrations for holidays like Chinese New Year. The streets are decorated with lanterns and dragons! The Mission District is a Hispanic neighborhood with colorful murals on the walls and yummy Mexican food like burritos and tacos.I love the pizza, pasta, and gelato (that's fancy ice cream) in North Beach, which is the Italian neighborhood. And inHaight-Ashbury, there are lots of funky vintage stores and it's where hippies gathered back in the 1960s. There's street art, music events, and a fun, artistic vibe.The weather in San Francisco is pretty crazy. Even when it's sunny, there can be freezing cold wind and fog coming off the Pacific Ocean. That's why people call it "foggy San Francisco." We always have to dress in layers and bring a jacket, even in the summer! But when the fog clears up, the views of the bay and city from the top of San Francisco's hills are just breathtaking.Every year, there's a huge Pride parade in San Francisco to celebrate the LGBTQ community. People dress up in rainbow costumes and there are colorful floats, music, and dancing in the streets. It's a big party! San Francisco is known for being open, diverse, and accepting of all people and cultures.That's what I love most about my city - the unique mix of people, foods, neighborhoods, and activities. You can go from Italian pasta to Chinese dim sum to Mexican tacos all in one day! There's always something new and exciting to see and do.Well, that's San Francisco for you. It's a vibrant, quirky, hilly, foggy, diverse, delicious, and all-around awesome place to live. I feel so lucky to call it my hometown. If you ever get a chance tovisit, you'll see why I love it so much. Thanks for reading, and hope you can come check it out sometime!篇2My Hometown - A Wonderful PlaceHi there! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. I was born and raised in a city called Xi'an in the middle of China. It's an amazing place with a very long history and I'm really lucky to live there. Let me tell you all about my exciting hometown!Xi'an used to be the capital of ancient China over 1000 years ago during the Tang Dynasty. That was when China was ruled by emperors who lived in huge fancy palaces. The most famous sight in Xi'an is the City Wall that goes all the way around the old city center. It's one of the biggest ancient city walls in the whole world! You can even walk or bike along the top of the wall and see the view over the city. It's so tall and wide that historians say chariots used to ride across the top back in olden times. How cool is that?!Inside the City Wall there are loads of fascinating historical sites to explore. The most incredible one is probably the Bell Tower right in the middle of the city. The giant bell hanging at the top was rung every single day to tell the people what time itwas before we had clocks and phones! Another amazing place is the Muslim Quarter with its lively markets and yummy food stalls selling local Xi'an specialties like roujiamo (shredded pork burger) and biangbiang noodles. The smells of spices and sizzling meat wafting through the narrow streets make my mouth water just thinking about it.But Xi'an isn't just about old monuments and history stuff. We have a brand new modern city too with huge skyscrapers, massive shopping malls, and tons of fun attractions for kids like me. My favorite is the Qujiang Ocean Wolrd - an epic aquarium where you can see sharks, dolphins, seals and fish from all over the world swimming around you in huge tanks of water. The best bit is the transparent underwater tunnel you can walk through with sharks circling above your head! There's also a roller coaster and other cool rides outside.Another place I really enjoy is the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, a beautifully carved tower standing 64 meters tall. Legend says it was built to harbor Buddhist scriptures brought to China from ancient India over 1300 years ago. You can climb up inside the hollow pagoda all the way to the top and look out over the whole city. It's the perfect place to take photos and selfies! Atnight when it's all lit up, the pagoda looks like a giant shining candle in the sky. So pretty!Of course, living in Xi'an also means getting to experience the most important Chinese festival - Chinese New Year! Every year in late January or February, the city gets decorated with billions of bright red lanterns, colorful lights and amazing displays for the big celebration. My favorite part is watching the incredible fireworks shows that light up the night sky for hours with thundering explosions of color. Sometimes the smoke from the fireworks gets so thick you can barely see! It's absolute chaos but so much fun.Xi'an is famous all across China for its delicious local food too. As well as the classic dishes like roujiamo and biangbiang noodles, we have so many other yummy snacks and specialties. You've got to try rou'an crunchy cracker snacks, pomegranate juice, and the soft and chewy tounai pastries filled with sweet or savory fillings. My mouth is watering again just thinking about the flavors! We even have entire streets devoted tonight markets selling mountains of sizzling skewers with every kind of meat, veggie and seafood you can imagine. You haven't lived until you've wandered those bright, noisy food alleys with thedelicious smells wafting all around you. I'm getting hungry just writing about it!As you can probably tell, I absolutely love my vibrant, exciting, fascinating hometown Xi'an. It has a bit of everything - amazing ancient history, beautiful architecture, incredible food, and state-of-the-art modern fun too. Xi'an really is one of the coolest cities in the whole world! If you ever get the chance to visit China, you have to come see my home city. I'll take you to all the best spots and you can experience Xi'an's magic for yourself. Just watch out for the guys dressed up as ancient Terracotta Warriors trying to make you pay for photos - that's a classic Xi'an travel scam! But apart from that, Xi'an is an absolute blast and I'm sure you'll love it as much as I do.篇3My Wonderful HometownHi there! My name is Andy and I'm 10 years old. I live in a really cool city called Shanghai in China. Let me tell you all about it!Shanghai is a massive city with over 24 million people living here. That's a lot of people! The city is right on the coast of the East China Sea. We have a really long history going back over700 years to the Ming Dynasty. Lots of famous things happened here over the centuries.But these days, Shanghai is known for being a modern, global city. We have the second tallest building in the world called the Shanghai Tower. It's 632 meters (2,073 feet) tall! The top looks like it's touching the clouds. At night, the whole building lights up in colorful lights. It's so pretty.Another iconic sight is the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. It's this huge tower that kind of looks like a giant golf ball on a stick. You can go up to the top and get an amazing view of the whole city below you. The Bund is a famous waterfront area with tons of cool buildings from the 1800s and 1900s. It's right along the Huangpu River that flows through Shanghai.My favorite place is probably the Shanghai Disney Resort though! It opened in 2016 and has the biggest Disney castle in the world. The roller coasters and rides are so much fun. I love going there with my family.Shanghai has a humid subtropical climate, which means we have four seasons but it's pretty mild overall. Summers can get really hot and humid though. Winters are cool but we rarely get snow. Spring and fall are just about perfect weather.Thanks to being a global hub, we have food from all over the world here. But you have to try the local Shanghai cuisine too! My favorite dishes are xiaolongbao (small steamed dumplings), shengjianbao (pan-fried dumplings), and jianbing (an egg crepe kind of snack). The seafood is also amazing since we're right on the ocean.Shanghai people are known for being kind of fast-paced and work-oriented. The city never sleeps with businesses and markets open super late. But we're also proud of our traditions like annual festivals and holidays. Every Chinese New Year is like a big city-wide party with fireworks, dragon dances, and delicious feasts.I love growing up in such a vibrant, international city. There's always something new and exciting to explore here. Modern skyscrapers stand right next to historic temples and gardens. The mix of global and local culture is really special.Shanghai isn't perfect though. The traffic can be absolutely crazy with so many cars and people out on the roads. The city smog also gets pretty bad some days. And with millions of people crammed together, it can feel overcrowded at times. My parents always tell me to be careful when I'm out.Even with those downsides, I'm so grateful I get to call Shanghai my hometown. Where I live is unique and fascinating. We have world-famous attractions but also quiet neighborhoods to escape the hustle and bustle. There are endless opportunities here for someone like me.In the future, I hope Shanghai can become even more globally influential while preserving our history and traditions. I can't wait to see what other amazing changes happen as I get older! Maybe I'll take over the family business or start my own company here. As long as I'm in Shanghai, I know I'll be able to achieve anything I dream of.If you ever get the chance to visit, you have to come experience the energy and excitement of my hometown for yourself. I'll show you all the best places to go! Just be ready to walk a ton because it's a big city. Maybe I'll even introduce you to some of my favorite xiaolongbao spots. Trust me, you'll never want to leave once you get a taste of amazing Shanghai!篇4My HometownHi there! My name is Michael and I'm 10 years old. I was born and raised in a city called Shanghai in China. Shanghai is a really cool place and I want to tell you all about it!Shanghai is a massive city with over 24 million people living there. That's a ton of people! The city is right on the coast of the East China Sea. There's a huge river called the Huangpu River that runs through the middle of Shanghai too. Because it's by the ocean, we get to eat a lot of delicious fresh seafood like crabs, shrimp, and fish.The city has so many tall skyscrapers and bright lights at night. It almost never gets totally dark out because of all the neon signs and buildings lit up. One of the most famous views is called "The Bund." It's this waterfront area with oldEuropean-style buildings on one side and futuristic modern skyscrapers on the other side. At night it's all lit up and looks so cool!Shanghai is famous around the world for its incredible skyline. The tallest building is called the Shanghai Tower and it's over 2,000 feet high! That's almost as tall as two Empire State Buildings stacked on top of each other. From the top observation deck, you can see the entire city in every direction. It's crazy.Another thing that's awesome about Shanghai is the food. My city is known for having some of the best cuisine in China and maybe even the world. We have these crazy good soup dumplings called xiaolongbao that are filled with hot soup and meat. You have to be careful eating them so you don't burn your mouth! Shanghai is also famous for a dish called Hongshao rou which is super tender braised pork belly in a sweet soy sauce. It's so fatty and delicious.There are bustling outdoor markets all over Shanghai selling fresh produce, meats, and snacks. I love going with my grandma to the wet markets and sampling all the different street foods. Some of my favorites are shengjianbao (fried pork dumplings), jianbing (crispy crepe with egg and crispy wonton wraps), and tanghulu (candied fruit on a skewer). Yum!Transportation in Shanghai is really convenient too. We have one of the largest and most modern subway systems in the world with over 300 miles of track. The metro goes pretty much everywhere you'd want to go. Above ground there are tons of buses, regular taxis, and these fun mini-vans called bao-bao che that you can hail down like a taxi. For longer trips, we have high-speed bullet trains that can reach over 200 mph! That's faster than a cheetah running.If you visit Shanghai, one place you have to go is the Yu Garden. It's this gigantic traditional Chinese garden with beautiful pavilions, ponds, bridges, and rock formations. All the buildings and structures are so intricate and ornately decorated. It feels like you've stepped back in time to ancient China when you walk around inside.For fun, there are a bunch of great arcades and game centers that are perfect for kids like me. My favorite is Happy Valley which has roller coasters, go-kart racing, laser tag, and virtual reality games. I also love going ice skating and skiing at some of the huge indoor facilities around the city.Of course, Shanghai has its problems too. Because there are so many people and cars, the traffic can be absolutely terrible, especially during rush hour. The air pollution gets pretty bad too from all the factories, construction, and vehicles. Sometimes the sky is completely gray with smog. But the government is working hard to try to improve the environment.All in all, Shanghai is an awesome city that blends the ancient and modern together. The food is incredible, the sights are amazing, and there's always something fun to do. If you've never been, you have to come visit my hometown! Just beprepared for the crowds and bring an umbrella - it rains a lot here. Let me know if you have any other questions!篇5My Awesome HometownHi there! My name is Jordan and I'm 10 years old. I was born and raised in a really cool city called San Diego in the state of California. California is in the United States, which is a country made up of 50 different states. I love where I live and I want to tell you all about my awesome hometown!San Diego is a big city right on the Pacific Ocean in the very southwest corner of the United States. We're just north of Mexico - you can actually see the Mexican city of Tijuana from some spots in San Diego! Because we're so close to Mexico, lots of people here speak both English and Spanish. I'm learning Spanish in school too.The weather in San Diego is amazing. It's sunny and warm pretty much every single day of the year. Hardly any rain or cold! The average temperature is around 70°F (21°C). In the summer it can get up to 85°F (29°C) during the day. Perfect weather for heading to one of our world-famous beaches!Speaking of beaches, San Diego has so many awesome beaches it's hard to pick a favorite. My family's favorite is La Jolla Cove because the waves are pretty calm and the scenery is beautiful with lots of little coves and sea lions sunbathing on the rocks. Another super popular beach is Mission Beach, which has a fun boardwalk with shops, restaurants, and an amazing arcade! Coronado Beach is known for its sparkling white sand. No matter which beach you pick, you're guaranteed to have a great time.Downtown San Diego has lots of tall buildings and is a busy, exciting place. There's tons of great restaurants, shops, theaters, museums, and more. My favorite museum is the San Diego Air & Space Museum because they have all kinds of real aircraft and space vehicles on display. So cool! The San Diego Zoo is also located downtown in Balboa Park and it's one of the best zoos in the entire world. They have pandas, polar bears, gorillas, and every animal you can imagine.Just outside of downtown is the historic Old Town area, which has awesome Mexican restaurants and lets you see what San Diego was like hundreds of years ago when it was first settled. They have mariachi bands playing music and you can watch people making tortillas by hand. I always beg my parentsto take me to get a fresh churro when we're in Old Town - they're so delicious!One part of San Diego I haven't mentioned yet is our world-famous attractions. The first is SeaWorld, which has amazing shows with whales, dolphins, sea lions and more doing all kinds of tricks and flips. You can also go on awesome rides and learn all about marine life. Another hugely popular spot is Legoland, which is a whole theme park dedicated to the Lego toys! They have roller coasters and millions of Lego bricks you can build with. Both SeaWorld and Legoland are a blast for kids and grown-ups alike.Those are some of the main highlights of my awesome hometown, San Diego. As you can probably tell, we have perfect weather, gorgeous beaches, fascinating history and culture, fun family attractions, and just about everything you could want in a city. Whenever people visit San Diego, they always have an amazing time and never want to leave!I feel so lucky to have grown up in such an exciting, vibrant place. San Diego will always have a special place in my heart. If you're reading this, I really hope you get a chance to visit my awesome hometown someday. Let me know if you need any other tips or recommendations once you start planning your trip.Thanks for reading, and hopefully I'll see you in sunny San Diego soon!篇6My HometownHi there! My name is Alex and I'm 10 years old. I was born and raised in a city called Shanghai, which is in the country of China. Shanghai is a really big and exciting place that I'm going to tell you all about!Shanghai is located right on the coast of East China. It sits along the Huangpu River that runs into the Yangtze River. The Huangpu River divides Shanghai into two parts - Puxi on the west side and Pudong on the east. Pudong is the newer side with all the big skyscrapers and fancy shopping malls. Puxi is the older downtown area with traditional neighborhoods called "lilong" lined with little alleyways.There are over 24 million people living in Shanghai, making it one of the biggest cities in the whole world! All those people means the city is always buzzing with energy and excitement. The streets are packed with cars, buses, taxis and scooters zipping around. The sidewalks are crowded with people walking, shopping, eating at street food stalls and just hanging out. Atnight, the city lights up with huge neon signs, illuminated skyscrapers and decorations for holidays and festivals. It's truly a city that never sleeps!Speaking of holidays, we have so many fun celebrations and festivals throughout the year here. The biggest one is Chinese New Year in late January or February. During that time, we decorate our homes with red lanterns, firecrackers go off constantly, dragon dances happen in the streets, and everyone gathers for huge feasts with their families. For the Qingming Festival in early April, we visit our ancestors' graves to tidy them up and make offerings. In June, we have the Dragon Boat Festival where we eat sticky rice dumplings and watch dragon boat races along the river. Mid-Autumn Festival in September is when we admire the full moon and eat delicious mooncakes! There's always a fun holiday to look forward to.When it comes to food, Shanghai has some of the best and most unique dishes in China. We're famous for our delicious xiaolongbao soup dumplings that are filled with hot broth and pork. Shengjianbao is another tasty dumpling that's fried on the bottom so it's crispy. Other local specialties are hairy crab in the fall, hongshao rou (braised pork belly), niangao (sticky rice cakes), and jianbing (crispy crepes). There are food streets and nightmarkets all over the city where you can sample the most amazing snacks and meals from mobile food carts and tiny restaurants. I especially love going to the Huaihai Road community courtyard to eat at all the affordable hole-in-the-wall places there.We have some really cool attractions and landmarks here too. One of the most iconic is the Oriental Pearl Tower which has these awesome extending arms and looks like a giant spaceship landed in the city. You can go up to the observatories at the top and see amazing views of the whole metropolis below. The Bund is this famous waterfront area with lots of old European-style buildings from when Shanghai was divided into foreign concessions. It's one of my favorite places just to walk around and take in the classic architecture along the Huangpu River. Another must-see is the Yu Garden in the Old Town part of the city - it has these beautiful carved jade rock gardens and ancient pavilions where you can feed the koi fish and turtles in the ponds.One of my personal favorite things about Shanghai is that there's always entertainment and activities for kids like me. We have huge world-class amusement parks like Shanghai Disneyland and Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park where you can see marine animals and ride insane roller coasters! The ShanghaiScience and Technology Museum is incredibly interactive with hands-on exhibits to learn about science, nature and technology. The Shanghai Astronomical Museum has a huge planetarium inside that makes you feel like you're blasting off into outer space. There are also tons of art galleries, performing arts centers, arcades and indoor playgrounds to keep us busy.I know I've covered a lot, but I could honestly go on and on about all the amazing things in Shanghai. From the unique architecture to the incredible cuisine, vibrant culture, and endless activities - it truly is one of the most dynamic cities on earth. I feel so lucky to call this fast-paced, modern yet historic metropolitan area my hometown. If you ever get a chance to visit Shanghai, I guarantee you'll be wowed and won't want to leave! Zàijiàn!。
旧金山旅游景点英文介绍San Francisco is a captivating city that offers a diverse array of attractions for visitors to explore. Located on the West Coast of the United States, this vibrant metropolis is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and iconic landmarks that have captured the imagination of people around the world.One of the most iconic landmarks in San Francisco is the Golden Gate Bridge, a stunning suspension bridge that connects the city to Marin County. Spanning over 1.7 miles in length, the bridge is a true engineering marvel, with its striking orange hue and sweeping arches that have become synonymous with the city. Visitors can experience the bridge up close by walking or cycling across it, or by taking a scenic drive along the nearby coastal roads.Another must-see attraction in San Francisco is Alcatraz Island, a former federal prison that once housed some of the most notorious criminals in American history. The island is accessible by ferry from Pier 33 and offers a fascinating glimpse into the harsh realities of life behind bars. Visitors can explore the cell blocks, exercise yard, and other areas of the prison, and learn about the infamous inmates who once called Alcatraz home.For those interested in the city's rich cultural heritage, a visit to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) is a must. This world-class institution houses an impressive collection of contemporary art, including works by renowned artists such as Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, and Georgia O'Keeffe. The museum's striking architectural design, which features a striking glass atrium and sweeping stairwells, is a work of art in itself.Another iconic San Francisco landmark is the cable cars, a historic mode of transportation that has been ferrying residents and visitors around the city's steep hills since the late 19th century. Visitors can ride the cable cars up and down the city's famous hills, taking in the stunning views of the cityscape and the bay below. The cable cars are not only a practical means of transportation but also a beloved cultural icon that has become a symbol of San Francisco's unique character.For nature lovers, the Presidio of San Francisco is a must-visit destination. This former military base has been transformed into a sprawling urban park, featuring miles of hiking trails, stunning vistas, and a wealth of natural and historical attractions. Visitors can explore the park's lush forests, visit the iconic Palace of Fine Arts, and take in panoramic views of the Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco Bay.Another popular attraction in San Francisco is the Fisherman's Wharf, a bustling waterfront district that is home to a variety of seafood restaurants, souvenir shops, and street performers. Visitors can stroll along the wharf, watch the sea lions lounging on the docks, and sample some of the city's famous clam chowder served in a sourdough bread bowl.For those interested in the city's vibrant arts and culture scene, a visit to the Mission District is a must. This vibrant neighborhood is known for its colorful murals, trendy galleries, and eclectic mix of restaurants and bars. Visitors can explore the district's lively street art, browse the local boutiques, and immerse themselves in the unique energy of this thriving community.Finally, no visit to San Francisco would be complete without a trip to the iconic Lombard Street, often referred to as the "crookedest street in the world." This steep, winding road is a popular destination for visitors, who come to marvel at its hairpin turns and stunning views of the city.Overall, San Francisco is a city that offers something for everyone. From its iconic landmarks and natural wonders to its rich cultural heritage and vibrant arts scene, there is no shortage of attractions and experiences to discover in this truly remarkable city.。
介绍旧金山景点的英语作文San Francisco, a city renowned for its iconic landmarks, vibrant culture, and stunning natural beauty, is a must-visit destination for travelers from around the world. From the Golden Gate Bridge to the bustling Fisherman's Wharf, this vibrant city offers a diverse array of sights and experiences that captivate visitors of all ages and interests.One of the most iconic and recognizable symbols of San Francisco is the Golden Gate Bridge. Spanning the Golden Gate Strait, this magnificent suspension bridge is a true engineering marvel, boasting a striking orange hue and a graceful, sweeping design that has become synonymous with the city. Visitors can experience the bridge up close by walking or biking across its pedestrian walkway, taking in the breathtaking views of the bay and the surrounding Marin Headlands.Another must-see attraction in San Francisco is Fisherman's Wharf, a lively waterfront district that has been a hub of activity for generations of fishermen and tourists alike. Here, visitors can indulge in fresh seafood, browse the numerous souvenir shops, and witnessthe iconic sea lions that bask on the docks. The Pier 39 complex, located within Fisherman's Wharf, is a particular highlight, offering a variety of entertainment, dining, and shopping options, as well as stunning views of the bay and the iconic Alcatraz Island.Speaking of Alcatraz, this former federal prison, situated on a small island in the middle of the San Francisco Bay, is a fascinating and haunting destination that offers a unique glimpse into the city's history. Visitors can take a ferry to the island and explore the abandoned cellblocks, where they can learn about the notorious inmates who once called Alcatraz home, as well as the harsh conditions and attempted escapes that were a part of daily life on the island.Another iconic San Francisco landmark is the cable cars, a historic mode of transportation that has been carrying passengers up and down the city's steep hills since the late 19th century. Riding the cable cars is not only a practical way to navigate the city's hilly terrain, but also a quintessential San Francisco experience, offering stunning views of the cityscape and a glimpse into the city's rich history.In addition to its iconic landmarks, San Francisco is also renowned for its vibrant and diverse neighborhoods, each with its own unique character and charm. The Mission District, for example, is a hub ofLatino culture, with colorful murals, lively street life, and a thriving food scene. The Castro District, on the other hand, is a center of LGBTQ+ culture and activism, with a lively nightlife and a rich history of social and political change.One of the most picturesque neighborhoods in San Francisco is undoubtedly Russian Hill, which is known for its charming, tree-lined streets, historic Victorian homes, and stunning views of the city and the bay. Visitors can explore the neighborhood's winding staircases, known as "the Filbert Steps," which offer a unique perspective on the city and provide a peaceful respite from the bustling streets below.Another must-visit neighborhood in San Francisco is the Haight-Ashbury district, which was the epicenter of the counterculture movement in the 1960s. Today, the neighborhood retains its vibrant and eclectic spirit, with a thriving music scene, a wealth of vintage shops and independent boutiques, and a lively street life that celebrates the city's rich cultural heritage.Beyond its iconic landmarks and neighborhoods, San Francisco is also home to a wealth of world-class museums and cultural institutions. The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA), for example, is a stunning contemporary art museum that features works by some of the most renowned artists of the 20th and 21st centuries. The California Academy of Sciences, meanwhile, is arenowned natural history museum that boasts a planetarium, an aquarium, and a rainforest exhibit, offering visitors a unique and immersive educational experience.For those seeking a respite from the hustle and bustle of the city, San Francisco offers a wealth of beautiful parks and outdoor spaces. The Presidio, a former military base that has been transformed into a sprawling urban park, is a particular highlight, offering miles of hiking trails, stunning views of the Golden Gate Bridge, and a wealth of historic sites and landmarks to explore.Another must-visit outdoor destination in San Francisco is Golden Gate Park, a vast and meticulously landscaped urban oasis that features a variety of gardens, museums, and recreational facilities. Visitors can explore the park's Japanese Garden, the de Young Museum, or the stunning Conservatory of Flowers, which houses a stunning collection of exotic plants and flowers.In conclusion, San Francisco is a city that offers a wealth of sights, experiences, and cultural attractions that are sure to captivate and inspire visitors from around the world. Whether you're drawn to the city's iconic landmarks, its vibrant neighborhoods, or its wealth of cultural institutions, there is something for everyone in this truly unique and remarkable destination.。
旧金山渔人码头英语作文1. What is Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco?Fisherman's Wharf is a popular tourist destinationlocated in San Francisco, California. It is a historic waterfront area that has many attractions, includingseafood restaurants, souvenir shops, museums, and scenic views of San Francisco Bay.旧金山渔人码头是什么?旧金山渔人码头是位于加利福尼亚州旧金山的一个受欢迎的旅游目的地。
2. What are some of the popular attractions atFisherman's Wharf?Some of the popular attractions at Fisherman's Wharf include the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park, the Aquarium of the Bay, Pier 39, Ghirardelli Square, and the Musee Mecanique. Visitors can also take a ferry to Alcatraz Island or go on a sightseeing cruise of the bay.在旧金山渔人码头有哪些受欢迎的景点?旧金山渔人码头的一些受欢迎的景点包括旧金山海事国家历史公园,海湾水族馆,39号码头,吉拉德利广场和机械博物馆。
渔人码头附近景点Fisherman's Wharf is a popular destination in San Francisco, attracting tourists and locals alike with its picturesque views and fresh seafood. 渔人码头是旧金山的一个热门旅游目的地,吸引着游客和本地人,因其风景如画的景色和新鲜的海鲜而闻名。
One of the main attractions at Fisherman's Wharf is the Pier 39 shopping and dining complex. 这里最主要的景点之一是码头39号购物和餐饮综合体。
Visitors can enjoy shopping for souvenirs, trying out different restaurants serving seafood dishes, and watching the sea lions bask in the sun on the nearby docks. 游客可以购买纪念品,尝试不同的海鲜餐厅,观看海狮在附近的码头上晒太阳。
The colorful street performers and vendors add to the vibrant atmosphere of Fisherman's Wharf, creating a lively and entertaining environment for visitors to enjoy. 五花八门的街头艺人和摊贩增添了渔人码头的活力,为游客营造了丰富多彩、娱乐性强的环境。
In addition to shopping and dining, visitors can also take boat tours of the San Francisco Bay, visit the historic USS Pampanito submarine, or explore the nearby Ghirardelli Square for some chocolate indulgence. 除了购物和用餐,游客还可以乘船游观看旧金山湾,参观历史悠久的USS Pampanito潜水艇,或探索附近的吉拉德利广场享受一些巧克力美食。
San Francisco旧金山英文简介
Fisherman's Wharf
Coit Tower
Built in 1933, 64 meters tall
Get amazing view from the top of Coit Tower
Darren Criss
The international character that San Francisco has enjoyed since its founding is continued today by large numbers of immigrants from Asia and Latin America.
"You know I have never cared for cities, but San Francisco is the most beautiful thing….The White Tower of Jewels is in sight from there. The jewels strung about it glitter and shine in beautiful colors.“ --LAURA INGALLS WILDER, VISITOR TO THE Panama-Pacific Exposition ,1915
With 39% of its residents born overseas, San Francisco has numerous neighborhoods filled with businesses and civic institutions catering to new arrivals.
• San Francisco has long had an LGBT -friendly history. The city's large gay population has created and sustained a politically and culturally active community over many decades, developing a powerful presence in San Francisco's civic life.
California is a state located on the West Coast of the United States. It is by far the most populous U.S. state, and the third-largest by land area. Western areas of Alta California became the state of California, which was admitted as the 31st state on September 9, 1850.
San Francisco
San Francisco is the financial, cultural, and transportation center of the San Francisco Bay area.
Alcatraz Island (恶魔岛)
• The Alcatraz tour begins and ends with the typical tourist attraction rigmarole which explains why most locals have never been to Alcatraz. Most days, but especially during peak season in the summer and fall, you'll need to get tickets well in advance. If you're able to book an Alcatraz tour ahead of time, you can take advantage of the best rates. Otherwise, there are many travel companies that resell tickets, but you need to pay more .
美国旅游 英文介绍【Journey to America】
I could see a huge flow of water, coming down fast from very high. I had no idea of shape, or situation, or anything. It was just so big.
-- Charles Dickens
Lombard Street (九曲花街)
Golden Gate Bridge (金门大桥)
It links the city of San Francisco, on the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula, to Marin County. It is one of the most internationally recognized symbols of San Francisco, California, and the United States. It has been declared one of the Wonders of the Modern World by the American Society of Civil Engineers.“It’s possibly the most beautiful, certainly the most photographed, bridge in the world".
Journey to America
电气14 朱烁 2110401124 Golden Gate Bridge Grand Canyon Niagara Falls Hawaii
It’s about 15000km between Beijing and New York It takes about 13 hours flying to New York.
英语作文san francisco
英语作文san franciscoEnglish Version:Title: The Enchanting City of San FranciscoSan Francisco, a city perched along the hilly coast of California, is renowned for its iconic Golden Gate Bridge, which stands in majestic red against the backdrop of the sparkling bay. The city's unique blend of historic charm and modern innovation creates an atmosphere that is both captivating and inspiring.As I stroll through the bustling streets of this dynamic city, I am greeted by the diverse cultures and communities that call San Francisco home. The vibrant neighborhoods, each with its own distinct character, are a testament to the city's rich tapestry of life. The aroma of fresh seafood from Fisherman's Wharf, the melodic sounds of street performers in Union Square, and the stunning vistas from the summit of Twin Peaks all contribute to the city's undeniable allure.One of the most memorable experiences in San Francisco is a ride on the historic cable cars, which offer a unique perspective of the city's steep inclines and bustling streets. These charming modes of transport are not just a means to navigate the city but are also a cherished part of its heritage.San Francisco is also a hub for innovation and technology, with Silicon Valley located nearby. This proximity fosters a vibrant start-up culture and positions the city as a center for cutting-edge advancements.In conclusion, San Francisco is a city that resonates with its visitors, offering a harmonious blend of natural beauty, cultural diversity, and technological progress. Whether you are a resident or a traveler, San Francisco's charm is sure to leave an indelible mark on your heart.Chinese Translation:标题:迷人的旧金山旧金山,这座坐落在加利福尼亚州崎岖海岸线上的城市,以其标志性的金门大桥而闻名,大桥在波光粼粼的海湾背景下呈现出威严的红色。
介绍渔湾的英文作文Fisherman's Wharf: A Vibrant Tapestry of San Francisco's CharmNestled along the scenic waterfront of San Francisco, Fisherman's Wharf stands as a vibrant testament to the city's rich maritime heritage. This iconic destination, with its bustling atmosphere and captivating sights, has become a must-visit attraction for both locals and tourists alike. From the iconic cable cars that ascend the nearby hills to the bustling seafood markets and charming street performers, Fisherman's Wharf offers a truly unique and unforgettable experience.At the heart of Fisherman's Wharf lies the historic Pier 39, a lively hub that showcases the diverse culture and traditions of San Francisco. As you stroll along the wooden planks, the salty sea air and the sound of seagulls overhead create a sense of timelessness that transports you to a bygone era. The pier is home to a myriad of attractions, from the iconic sea lions that bask on the docks to the colorful carousel that delights children and adults alike.One of the most iconic features of Fisherman's Wharf is the abundance of seafood restaurants and markets that line thewaterfront. The aroma of freshly caught and prepared seafood wafts through the air, enticing visitors to indulge in the local delicacies. From the classic Dungeness crab to the succulent Alaskan salmon, the culinary offerings at Fisherman's Wharf are a true feast for the senses. Visitors can choose to dine at one of the many waterfront restaurants, where they can enjoy the stunning views of the bay and the iconic Golden Gate Bridge in the distance.Beyond the culinary delights, Fisherman's Wharf is also a hub of cultural and historical exploration. The San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park, located within the wharf, offers visitors a glimpse into the city's maritime past. Visitors can tour historic ships, such as the Balclutha, a three-masted square-rigged ship that was once used in the Pacific trade, and the Eureka, a steam-powered ferry that ferried passengers across the bay. These immersive experiences allow visitors to gain a deeper understanding of the region's seafaring history and the pivotal role it played in shaping the city.Another must-see attraction at Fisherman's Wharf is the MuséeMécanique, a unique and fascinating museum that houses an impressive collection of antique mechanical and electronic arcade games. Visitors can step back in time and experience the nostalgia of classic penny arcades, with machines dating back to the late 19th century. From the mesmerizing player pianos to the intricate mechanical dioramas, the Musée Mécanique offers a captivatingglimpse into the history of entertainment and technology.Beyond the wharf itself, the surrounding neighborhoods of North Beach and Telegraph Hill offer additional opportunities for exploration and discovery. North Beach, known as San Francisco's "Little Italy," is a vibrant and lively district that celebrates the city's Italian heritage. Visitors can indulge in authentic Italian cuisine, browse the charming boutiques, and soak in the lively atmosphere of this historic neighborhood.Meanwhile, Telegraph Hill, with its iconic Coit Tower and its lush, verdant gardens, provides a serene respite from the bustling energy of Fisherman's Wharf. The winding stairways that lead to the top of the hill offer breathtaking panoramic views of the city, the bay, and the iconic Golden Gate Bridge.In conclusion, Fisherman's Wharf is a true gem of San Francisco, a place that seamlessly blends the city's rich maritime history with its vibrant cultural offerings. From the bustling seafood markets to the captivating historical attractions, this iconic destination offers a multifaceted experience that caters to the interests of visitors from all walks of life. Whether you're drawn to the culinary delights, the captivating historical narratives, or the sheer beauty of the waterfront, Fisherman's Wharf is a testament to the enduring spirit and charm of San Francisco.。
当你作为导游给游客介绍旧金山英语作文San Francisco is a vibrant and diverse city that captivates visitors from around the world with its iconic landmarks iconic landmarks, rich cultural heritage, and breathtaking natural beauty. As a tour guide, it is my privilege to introduce this remarkable city to eager travelers and share its fascinating history and unique charm.Let us begin our journey in the heart of San Francisco, at the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. This engineering marvel, spanning the Golden Gate Strait, is a testament to human ingenuity and ambition. Stretching 1.7 miles across, the bridge's distinctive art deco design and striking vermilion hue have become synonymous with the city. Visitors can marvel at the bridge's sheer scale and grandeur, taking in panoramic views of the bay and the rugged Marin Headlands on the opposite shore.From the Golden Gate Bridge, we will venture into the historic Fisherman's Wharf, a bustling waterfront district that has long been the heart of San Francisco's fishing industry. Here, you can immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and aromas of a working harbor. Strollalong the wooden piers, where you'll encounter local fishermen unloading their daily catch, street performers entertaining the crowds, and the irresistible aroma of freshly baked sourdough bread wafting through the air.No visit to Fisherman's Wharf would be complete without a stop at the famous Pier 39, a vibrant marketplace teeming with shops, restaurants, and the beloved sea lions that have made the docks their home. Observe the playful antics of these charismatic creatures as they bask in the sun and jockey for the best resting spots. Nearby, the Musée Mécanique offers a unique glimpse into the past, with its extensive collection of antique mechanical games and arcade machines.As we venture deeper into the city, we'll make our way to the iconic cable cars, a beloved mode of transportation that has been ferrying passengers up and down San Francisco's steep hills since the late 19th century. Climb aboard one of these historic vehicles and experience the thrill of gliding through the streets, taking in the stunning vistas of the city's skyline and the sparkling waters of the bay.Our next stop will be the vibrant neighborhood of Chinatown, the largest such enclave outside of Asia. Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and aromas of this bustling district, where traditionalChinese architecture, bustling markets, and the aroma of exotic spices create a truly unique sensory experience. Explore the narrow alleyways, browse the intriguing shops, and savor the flavors of authentic Chinese cuisine at one of the many family-owned restaurants.No visit to San Francisco would be complete without a journey to the iconic Alcatraz Island, the former federal prison that once housed some of the most notorious criminals in American history. Take the ferry across the chilly waters of the bay and step onto the island, where you can explore the eerie cell blocks, the infamous solitary confinement cells, and the stunning views of the city skyline. The Alcatraz audio tour, narrated by former inmates and guards, offers a chilling and immersive glimpse into the harsh realities of life on "The Rock."As we continue our exploration, we'll venture to the vibrant Mission District, a neighborhood known for its vibrant street art, diverse culinary scene, and rich Latino cultural heritage. Stroll along the bustling Valencia Street, where you'll find trendy boutiques, independent bookstores, and some of the city's most acclaimed restaurants. Be sure to visit the iconic Mission Dolores, the oldest surviving building in San Francisco, and admire the stunning Baroque architecture and intricate religious murals that adorn its walls.No tour of San Francisco would be complete without a visit to the iconic Painted Ladies, a row of Victorian-era houses that have become one of the city's most recognizable landmarks. These beautifully preserved homes, with their colorful facades and charming gingerbread detailing, offer a glimpse into San Francisco's rich architectural history and the city's enduring love affair with the Victorian era.As we near the end of our tour, we'll make our way to the serene and picturesque Golden Gate Park, a sprawling urban oasis that offers a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of the city. Explore the park's numerous gardens, museums, and recreational areas, including the Japanese Garden, the Conservatory of Flowers, and the de Young Museum, which houses an impressive collection of art and cultural artifacts.Throughout our journey, we've only scratched the surface of the countless wonders that San Francisco has to offer. From the iconic landmarks and vibrant neighborhoods to the rich cultural heritage and stunning natural beauty, this city truly is a one-of-a-kind destination that captivates and enchants all who visit. As your tour guide, it has been my privilege to introduce you to the magic of San Francisco, and I hope that you leave with a deep appreciation for this remarkable city and a desire to return again and again.。
温州鹿城2023英语作文一模Wenzhou Lucheng 2023 English Writing Model TestPart 1: ReadingPassage 1Fisherman's Wharf is a popular tourist destination in San Francisco, California. It is a lively waterfront area that offers a variety of restaurants, shops, and attractions. Visitors can enjoy fresh seafood, take a boat tour of the bay, or simply stroll along the waterfront and soak up the atmosphere.One of the main attractions at Fisherman's Wharf is Pier 39, a bustling pier that is home to a wide range of shops and restaurants. Visitors can also see the famous sea lions that lounge on the docks in the marina. Another popular attraction is the USS Pampanito, a restored World War II submarine that offers tours to visitors.Fisherman's Wharf is also located near other popular San Francisco attractions, such as Ghirardelli Square and Alcatraz Island. Visitors can easily spend a full day exploring the area and taking in all that it has to offer.Passage 2The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system, located off the coast of Queensland, Australia. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for its stunning marine life and crystal-clear waters. The reef is home to thousands of species of fish, turtles, and other marine creatures, making it a popular destination for snorkeling and scuba diving.In recent years, the Great Barrier Reef has faced significant threats due to climate change and pollution. Rising water temperatures have led to coral bleaching, while pollution from nearby coastal developments has degraded water quality.Efforts are being made to protect the reef, including the establishment of marine protected areas and initiatives to reduce pollution. Tourists are also encouraged to practice responsible tourism, such as using reef-safe sunscreen and following guidelines for interacting with marine life.Despite these challenges, the Great Barrier Reef remains a must-see destination for nature lovers and diving enthusiasts. Visitors can experience the beauty of the reef and learn about the importance of preserving this natural wonder for future generations.Part 2: WritingEssay 1: Sustainable TourismSustainable tourism is a growing trend in the travel industry, as people become more aware of the impact of their travels on the environment and local communities. Sustainable tourism seeks to minimize the negative effects of tourism, such as overdevelopment, pollution, and cultural exploitation, while maximizing the benefits for both travelers and local residents.One of the key principles of sustainable tourism is minimizing the environmental footprint of travel. This can be achieved through practices such as using eco-friendly accommodation, supporting local businesses, and reducing waste and energy consumption. By choosing sustainable travel options, travelers can help protect natural habitats and wildlife, while also preserving the cultural heritage of the destinations they visit.Another important aspect of sustainable tourism is supporting local communities and economies. Travelers can do this by shopping at local markets, eating at locally-owned restaurants, and participating in cultural activities organized by local residents. By engaging with the local community in a respectful and responsible manner, travelers can contribute tothe economic development of the destination and promote cross-cultural understanding.In conclusion, sustainable tourism is a way for travelers to enjoy the beauty of the world while minimizing their impact on the environment and local communities. By practicing sustainable travel habits, we can help preserve our planet for future generations and ensure that everyone can continue to experience the wonders of travel for years to come.Essay 2: The Importance of Cultural PreservationCultural preservation is essential for maintaining the identity and heritage of a community, as well as promoting cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. Cultural preservation helps to safeguard traditional practices, rituals, and beliefs that have been passed down through generations, ensuring that they are not lost or forgotten over time.When cultural traditions are preserved, they serve as a link to the past and a source of pride and identity for the community. By celebrating and promoting cultural heritage, communities can strengthen social bonds, foster a sense of belonging, and promote unity and harmony among residents.Cultural preservation also plays a key role in promoting cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. By preserving and sharing cultural traditions, communities can educate others about their unique customs and beliefs, helping to break down stereotypes and promote respect and tolerance among different groups.In conclusion, cultural preservation is essential for maintaining the richness and diversity of our world. By valuing and protecting our cultural heritage, we can ensure that future generations will be able to appreciate and learn from the traditions and values of the past. Cultural preservation is a responsibility that we all share, and by working together to protect and promote our cultural heritage, we can create a more inclusive and harmonious world for all.。
推荐一个城市给外国朋友的英语作文A City You Have to Visit - My Hometown!Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. I live in the coolest city ever - San Francisco, California! I know you're my friend from another country, so I want to tell you all about my amazing hometown. Get ready, because once you hear how awesome San Francisco is, you'll definitely want to come visit!First of all, the scenery in San Francisco is just breathtaking. Right in the middle of the city, we have these huge hills that streets go right over. The biggest and most famous one is called Russian Hill. It's so steep that some streets are actually staircases instead of roads! Can you imagine walking up and downstair-streets to get home from school? My legs get so strong from all that climbing.Then there are the amazing views from on top of the hills. You can see the whole city below you, with the skyscrapers downtown, the colorful houses covering the sides of the hills, and the bright blue bay sparkling in the sunlight. On a really clear day, you can even spot the Golden Gate Bridge peeking through the fog!Speaking of the Golden Gate Bridge, that's another must-see in San Francisco. This massive bright orange bridge stretches all the way across the opening of the San Francisco Bay. It's one of the longest suspension bridges in the world! You can walk, bike, or drive across to get incredible views of the bay, the city skyline, and the Marin Headlands on the other side. Just be ready for some strong winds - it can get pretty blustery up on the bridge!If you visit San Francisco, you've got to go down to the waterfront too. There's this awesome neighborhood called Fisherman's Wharf where you can watch the fishing boats coming in with their catch, eat fresh crab and clam chowder, and see all kinds of fun street performers and musicians. The smells of the seafood and sourdough bread bakeries will make your mouth water!You might also spot some California sea lions that like to pile up on the docks and soak up some sun. They're so funny and loud - they sound like they're having a big party all the time! I like to sit and watch them for hours. Just don't get too close or they may try to snatch your food!My favorite spot along the waterfront is Pier 39 though. It's this crazy packed mall right on the water with all kinds of shops, street performers, and arcade games. But the real stars are thehundreds of wild sea lions that have taken over the docks! They just lounge around barking and burping all day. It's hilarious! My friends and I love to get frozen hot chocolates and sit on the benches doing sea lion impressions.Of course, no visit to San Francisco is complete without riding on one of our historic cable cars. These are the little streetcars that have been around since the 1800s and are pulled along by underground cables instead of engines. Riding up and down the steep hills while hanging off the outside of a cable car is the most fun you'll ever have! Just make sure to hold on tight and don't drop your camera.I could go on all day about the amazing neighborhoods to explore in San Francisco - the zigzag roads of Russian Hill, the murals in The Mission, the pretty Victorian houses inHaight-Ashbury. Oh and the food here is out of this world!You've got to try Indian burritos, Japanese hot dogs, and pizza with sourdough crusts unlike anywhere else.What I love most about San Francisco though is just how much there is to do and how friendly everyone is. The city is home to people from all over the world, and everyone celebrates each other's cultures through amazing food, artwork, festivalsand more. It's like getting to explore a little bit of every country without even leaving San Francisco!I feel so lucky to be growing up in a place with so much diversity, creativity, and excitement around every corner. People here really embrace being unique and different - I've never once been made fun of for being my full, true, weird self. I hope you can visit someday so you can experience the San Francisco magic too! Just be ready for some major hill-climbing, incredible food comas, and maybe a few sea lion impressions. This city may be on the smaller side, but it's bursting with more personality and awesomeness than anywhere else on the planet!So what do you think? Are you ready to pack your bags and book a trip to San Francisco yet? Let me know when you're coming - I'll show you all my favorite spots and you can meet my pet hermit crab Harry! Until then, keep having fun adventures wherever you are. But don't forget that my cool city by the bay is waiting for you!Your pal,Jamie。
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Main introduction:Fisherman's Wharf is a neighborhood and popular tourist attraction in San Francisco, California. It roughly encompasses the northern waterfront area of San Francisco from Ghirardelli Square or Van Ness Avenue east to Pier 35 or Kearny Street. The F Market streetcar runs through the area, the Powell-Hyde cable car lines runs to Aquatic Park, at the edge of Fisherman's Wharf, and the Powell-Mason cable car line runs a few blocks away.History:Fisherman's Wharf gets its name and neighborhood characteristics from the city's early days during the Gold Rush when Italian immigrant fishermen settled in the area and fished for the Dungeness crab. From then until the present day it remained the home base of San Francisco's fishing fleet. Despite its redevelopment into a tourist attraction during the 1970s and 1980s, the area is still home to many active fishermen and their fleets. In 2010, a $15,000,000 development plan was proposed by city officials hoping to revitalize its appearance for tourists, and to reverse the area's downward trend in popularity among San Francisco residents, who have shunned the locale over the years.Pier 39:Pier 39 is a shopping center and popular tourist attraction built on a pier in San Francisco, California and was first developed by entrepreneur Warren Simmons and opened October 4, 1978. At Pier 39, there are shops, restaurants, a video arcade, street performances, an interpretive center for the Marine Mammal Center, the Aquarium of the Bay, virtual 3D rides, and views of California sea lions hauled out on docks on Pier 39's marina. The marina is also home to the floating Forbes Island restaurant. A two-story carousel is one of the pier's more dominant features, although it is not directly visible from the street and sits towards the end of the pier. Thefamily-oriented entertainment and presence of marine mammals make this a popular tourist location for families with kids.Ghirardelli Square :Ghirardelli Square is a landmark with shops and restaurants in the Fisherman's Wharf area of San Francisco, California, USA. A portion of the area is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as Pioneer Woolen Mills and D. Ghirardelli Company.Ghirardelli Square once featured over 40 specialty shops and restaurants. Some of the original shops and restaurants still occupy the square.San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park: The park includes a fleetof historic vessels, a visitor center, a maritime museum, and a library/research facility.; Wax Museum(has over 270 wax figures.).Hyde Street Pier: The Hyde Street Pier is ahistoric ferry pier located on the northern waterfront of San Francisco, California, amidst the tourist zone of Fisherman's WharfFood:Dock near the coastal rich delicious crab, shrimp, abalone, sea urchins, squid, salmon, mackerel and COD, at the pier has many stalls selling seafood, crab, and shrimp on the pot boiled, which is also the scene of a fisherman's wharf. The best time to eat seafood is during November to next year’s June.Famous Boudin Sourdough Factory is at the opposite of Jefferson Street "Wax Museum", which is a red top black wall of French building, with wall painted with eye-catching signs. And it provides open-air seat in the front of the building are for customers to enjoy the delicious bread. It also has branches in the Pier 39 shopping center.AlphaSour bread was introduced into the United States by French immigrants. The bread is fermented with water and flour mixed yeast in a greenhouse and then make bread, generally the size of the bread like a disk. with special sour, and the bread is soft and tough. Businesses often hollowed out the inner part of bread and then pured into a creamy clam soup consumption (each approximately U.S. $ 5 million), then accompanied by freshly cooked Dungeness Crab. The bread has the richest flavor of Fisherman's WharfAt the end of the Hyde Street, there is a restaurant Buena Vista which is the birthplace of Irish coffee in San Francisco. Adding a large number of Irish whiskey and fresh cream, the coffee tastes more savoury and mellow, just charging for $ 4 per cup of coffee. After drinking the coffee, you will feel warm, so it is suitable for the chilly maritime climate of San Francisco.There is also a restaurant named Bubba Gump located in the Pier 39 shopping center. It mainly provides American Southern-flavor seafood dishes. Shrimp dishes are particularly good, which are the specialty of this restaurant.。