



上海2024年中考模拟练习试卷3数学(考试时间:100分钟试卷满分:150分)注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上.2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号.写在本试卷上无效.3.将答案写在答题卡上.写在本试卷上无效.4.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.第I 卷(选择题)一、单选题(共24分)1.(本题4分)下列计算正确的是()A .448a a a +=B .4416a a a ⋅=C .()1446a a =D .842a a a ÷=2.(本题4分)用换元法解方程()22611711x x x x +++=++时,下列换元方法中最合适的换元方法是()A .设21y x =+B .设1y x =+C .211x y x +=+D .211y x =+3.(本题4分)下列函数中,在定义域内y 随x 的增大而增大的函数是()A .2y x =-;B .2y x =;C .2y x=D .2y x=-4.(本题4分)王大伯前几年承包了甲、乙两片荒山,各栽种了100棵杨梅树,成活98%,现已挂果,经济效益初步显现,为了分析收成情况,他分别从两山上随意各采摘了四棵杨梅树上的杨梅,每棵的产量如图所示,由统计图提供的信息可知,杨梅产量较稳定的是()A .甲山B .乙山C .一样D .无法确定5.(本题4分)有一个内角是直角的四边形ABCD 的边长2AB =,3BC =,2CD =,3DA =,那么下列结论错误的是()A .四边形的对角线互相平分B .四边形的对角相等C .四边形的对角线互相垂直D .四边形的对角线相等6.(本题4分)在梯形ABCD 中,AD //BC ,那么下列条件中,不能判断它是等腰梯形的是()A .AB DC=B .DAB ABC∠=∠C .ABC DCB∠=∠D .AC DB=第II 卷(非选择题)二、填空题(共48分)7.(本题4分)分解因式:281m -=.8.(本题4分)计算:15a a+=.9.(本题43=的解是.10.(本题4分)函数11y x =-的定义域为.11.(本题4分)已知关于x 的方程210x kx -+=有两个相等的实数根,则k 的值是.12.(本题4分)一个不透明的盒子中装有5个红球和4个白球,它们除颜色外都相同.若从中任意摸出一个球,则摸到白球的概率是.13.(本题4分)一个正n 边形的中心角为36︒,则n 为.14.(本题4分)写出一个开口向上,顶点在y 轴的负半轴上的抛物线的解析式:.15.(本题4分)已知平行四边形ABCD 中,若AD a = ,AB b = ,则DB =.(用a 和b表示)16.(本题4分)某林木良种繁育试验基地为全面掌握“无絮杨”品种苗的生长规律,定期对培育的1000棵该品种苗进行抽测.如图是某次随机抽测该品种苗的高度x (cm )的统计图,则此时该基地高度不低于300cm 的“无絮杨”品种苗约有棵.17.(本题4分)如图,将ABC 绕点A 旋转逆时针旋转30︒后得到ADE V ,若点E 恰好落在BC 上,则BED ∠的大小为.18.(本题4分)已知O 的半径OA 长为3,点B 在线段OA 上,且2OB =,如果B 与O 有公共点,那么B 的半径r 的取值范围是三、解答题(共78分)19.(本题612282-.20.(本题8分)解不等式组:2832x x x <⎧⎨->⎩.21.(本题10分)如图,AB 是O 的直径,CD 是O 的弦,如果30ACD ∠=︒.(1)求BAD ∠的度数.(2)若2AD =,求DB 的长.22.(本题12分)我们知道,海拔高度每上升1千米,温度下降6℃,某时刻,上海地面温度为20℃,设高出地面x 千米处的温度为y ℃.(1)写出y 与x 之间的函数关系式,并写出函数定义域;(2)有一架飞机飞过浦东上空,如果机舱内仪表显示飞机外面的温度为16-℃,求此刻飞机离地面的高度为多少千米?23.(本题12分)如图,点E ,F 都在BAD ∠的平分线上,BF AD ∥交DE 于点C .CF BF =,14AB AD ==,,求ΔΔ:EFC EAD S S 的值.24.(本题14分)如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy中,抛物线2=++与x轴交于点y x bx c()1,0A和()B,与y轴交于点C.5,0(1)求此抛物线的表达式及点C的坐标;(2)将此抛物线沿x轴向左平移()0m m>个单位得到新抛物线,且新抛物线仍经过点C,求m的值.25.(本题16分)如图,在ABC 中,AB AC =,以AB 为直径的O 与BC 相交于点,D DE AC ⊥,垂足为E .(1)求证:DE 是O 的切线;(2)若弦MN 垂直于AB ,垂足为1,,4AG G MN AB ==O 的半径;(3)在(2)的条件下,当36BAC ∠=︒时,求线段CE 的长.2024年中考预测模拟考试一(上海卷)数学(考试时间:100分钟试卷满分:150分)注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上.2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号.写在本试卷上无效.3.将答案写在答题卡上.写在本试卷上无效.4.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.第I 卷(选择题)一、单选题(共24分)1.(本题4分)下列计算正确的是()A .448a a a +=B .4416a a a ⋅=C .()1446a a =D .842a a a ÷=【答案】C 【分析】根据同底数幂的乘法,同底数幂的除法,幂的乘方,合并同类项,逐项分析判断即可求解.【详解】解:A.4442a a a +=,故该选项不正确,不符合题意;B.448a a a ⋅=,故该选项不正确,不符合题意;C.()1446a a =,故该选项正确,符合题意;D.844a a a ÷=,故该选项不正确,不符合题意;故选:C .【点评】本题考查了同底数幂的乘法,同底数幂的除法,幂的乘方,合并同类项,熟练掌握同底数幂的乘法,同底数幂的除法,幂的乘方,合并同类项的运算法则是解题的关键.2.(本题4分)用换元法解方程()22611711x x x x +++=++时,下列换元方法中最合适的换元方法是()A .设21y x =+B .设1y x =+C .211x y x +=D .211y x =【答案】C【分析】设211x y x +=+,则原方程化为2760y y -+=,从而可得答案.【详解】解:()22611711x x x x +++=++,设211x y x +=+,3.(本题4分)下列函数中,在定义域内y 随x 的增大而增大的函数是()A .2y x =-;B .2y x =;C .2y x=D .2y x=-4.(本题4分)王大伯前几年承包了甲、乙两片荒山,各栽种了100棵杨梅树,成活98%,现已挂果,经济效益初步显现,为了分析收成情况,他分别从两山上随意各采摘了四棵杨梅树上的杨梅,每棵的产量如图所示,由统计图提供的信息可知,杨梅产量较稳定的是()A .甲山B .乙山C .一样D .无法确定【答案】B【分析】根据平均数的求法求出平均数,再求出两组数据的方差,再比较即可解答.5.(本题4分)有一个内角是直角的四边形ABCD 的边长2AB =,3BC =,2CD =,3DA =,那么下列结论错误的是()A .四边形的对角线互相平分B .四边形的对角相等C .四边形的对角线互相垂直D .四边形的对角线相等【答案】C【分析】根据已知条件判断出平行四边形,再根据有一个角是直角判断矩形,最后根据矩形的性质判断正确选项即可.【详解】解:∵2AB CD ==,3BC AD ==,∴四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,∵有一个内角是直角,∴四边形ABCD 是矩形,∴对角线互相平分,对角相等,对角线相等,故A ,B ,D 正确,不合题意;对角线不一定互相垂直,故C 错误,符合题意;故选C .【点评】本题考查了矩形的判定和性质,解题的关键是根据已知条件判断出该四边形是矩形.6.(本题4分)在梯形ABCD 中,AD //BC ,那么下列条件中,不能判断它是等腰梯形的是()A .AB DC =B .DAB ABC∠=∠C .ABC DCB∠=∠D .AC DB=【答案】B【分析】等腰梯形的判定定理有:①有两腰相等的梯形是等腰梯形;②对角线相等的梯形是等腰梯形;③在同一底上的两个角相等的梯形是等腰梯形,根据以上内容判断即可.【详解】解:A 、∵四边形ABCD 为梯形,且AD //BC ,AB DC =,∴四边形ABCD 是等腰梯形,故本选项不符合题意;B 、∠DAB =∠ABC ,不能推出四边形ABCD 是等腰梯形,故本选项符合题意;C 、∵四边形ABCD 为梯形,且AD //BC ,∠ABC =∠DCB ,∴四边形ABCD 是等腰梯形,故本选项不符合题意;D 、∵四边形ABCD 为梯形,且AD //BC ,AC DB =,∴四边形ABCD 是等腰梯形,故本选项不符合题意.故选:B .【点评】本题考查了等腰梯形的判定定理,等腰梯形的判定定理有:①有两腰相等的梯形是等腰梯形,②对角线相等的梯形是等腰梯形,③在同一底上的两个角相等的梯形是等腰梯形.第II 卷(非选择题)二、填空题(共48分)7.(本题4分)分解因式:281m -=.【答案】(9)(9)m m +-【分析】利用平方差公式22()()a b a b a b -=+-进行因式分解即可.【详解】解:281(9)(9)m m m -=+-,故答案为:(9)(9)m m +-.【点评】本题主要考查因式分解,掌握平方差公式是解题的关键.8.(本题4分)计算:15a a+=.9.(本题43=的解是.10.(本题4分)函数1y x =-的定义域为.【答案】1x ≠【分析】求函数的定义域就是找使函数有意义的自变量的取值范围.【详解】解:函数要有意义,则10x -≠,解得:1x ≠,故答案为:1x ≠.【点评】本题考查的知识点是函数的定义域,关键要知道函数有意义的自变量的取值范围.11.(本题4分)已知关于x 的方程210x kx -+=有两个相等的实数根,则k 的值是.【答案】±2【分析】一元二次方程有两个相等的实数根,则根的判别式△=b 2-4ac =0,建立关于k 的等式,求出k 的值.【详解】由题意知方程有两相等的实根,∴△=b 2-4ac =k 2-4=0,解得k =±2,故答案为:±2.【点评】本题考查了根的判别式:一元二次方程ax 2+bx +c =0(a ≠0)的根与△=b 2-4ac 有如下关系:当△>0时,方程有两个不相等的两个实数根;当△=0时,方程有两个相等的两个实数根;当△<0时,方程无实数根.12.(本题4分)一个不透明的盒子中装有5个红球和4个白球,它们除颜色外都相同.若从中任意摸出一个球,则摸到白球的概率是.13.(本题4分)一个正n 边形的中心角为36︒,则n 为.14.(本题4分)写出一个开口向上,顶点在y 轴的负半轴上的抛物线的解析式:.【答案】21y x =-(答案不唯一)【分析】根据二次函数的性质,抛物线开口向下a >0,与y 轴负半轴由交点c <0,然后写出即可.【详解】解:开口向上,并且与y 轴交点在y 轴负半轴,∴抛物线的表达式可以是:y =x 2﹣1.故答案为y =x 2﹣1(答案不唯一).【点评】本题考查了二次函数的性质,开放型题目,主要利用了抛物线的开口方向与y 轴的交点得到解析式.15.(本题4分)已知平行四边形ABCD 中,若AD a = ,AB b = ,则DB = .(用a 和b 表示)【答案】b a-【分析】根据题意,作出图形,由向量减法运算的三角形法则即可得到答案.【详解】解:如图所示:根据向量减法运算的三角形法则可得DB AB AD b a =-=- ,故答案为:b a - .【点评】本题考查向量的加法运算,熟练掌握向量运算法则是解决问题的关键.16.(本题4分)某林木良种繁育试验基地为全面掌握“无絮杨”品种苗的生长规律,定期对培育的1000棵该品种苗进行抽测.如图是某次随机抽测该品种苗的高度x (cm )的统计图,则此时该基地高度不低于300cm 的“无絮杨”品种苗约有棵.【答案】280【分析】利用1000棵乘以样本中不低于300cm 的百分比即可求解.【详解】解:该基地高度不低于300cm 的“无絮杨”品种苗所占百分比为10%18%28%+=,则不低于300cm 的“无絮杨”品种苗约为:100028%280⨯=棵,故答案为:280.【点评】本题考查用样本估计总体,明确题意,结合扇形统计图中百分比是解决问题的关键.17.(本题4分)如图,将ABC 绕点A 旋转逆时针旋转30︒后得到ADE V ,若点E 恰好落在BC 上,则BED ∠的大小为.【答案】30︒/30度18.(本题4分)已知O 的半径OA 长为3,点B 在线段OA 上,且2OB =,如果B 与O 有公共点,那么B 的半径r 的取值范围是【答案】15r ≤≤【分析】求得B 在O 内部且有唯一公共点时B 的半径和⊙O 在B 内部且有唯一公共点时B 的半径,根据图形即可求得.【详解】解:如图,当B 在O 内部且有唯一公共点时,B 的半径为:321-=,当O 在B 内部且有唯一公共点时,B 的半径为325+=,∴如果B 与O 有公共点,那么B 的半径r 的取值范围是15r ≤≤,故答案为:15r ≤≤.【点评】本题考查了圆与圆的位置关系,注意掌握数形结合和分类讨论思想的应用.三、解答题(共78分)19.(本题612-.【答案】2【分析】根据二次根式的加减计算法则和负整数指数幂计算法则求解即可.20.(本题8分)解不等式组:2832x x x<⎧⎨->⎩.【答案】14x <<【分析】分别求出每一个不等式的解集,根据口诀:同大取大、同小取小、大小小大中间找、大大小小找不到确定不等式组的解集.【详解】解:由28x <得:4x <,由32x x ->得:1x >,则不等式组的解集为:14x <<.【点评】本题考查的是解一元一次不等式组,正确求出每一个不等式解集是基础,熟知“同大取大;同小取小;大小小大中间找;大大小小找不到”的原则是解答此题的关键.21.(本题10分)如图,AB 是O 的直径,CD 是O 的弦,如果30ACD ∠=︒.(1)求BAD ∠的度数.(2)若2AD =,求DB 的长.22.(本题12分)我们知道,海拔高度每上升1千米,温度下降6℃,某时刻,上海地面温度为20℃,设高出地面x 千米处的温度为y ℃.(1)写出y 与x 之间的函数关系式,并写出函数定义域;(2)有一架飞机飞过浦东上空,如果机舱内仪表显示飞机外面的温度为16-℃,求此刻飞机离地面的高度为多少千米?【答案】(1)()6200y x x =-+>(2)6千米【分析】(1)根据高出的温度=地面温度-上升后降低的温度,列式即可得到答案;(2)把16y =-代入函数关系式进行计算即可得到答案.【详解】(1)解: 海拔高度每上升1千米,温度下降6℃,上海地面温度为20℃,()6200y x x ∴=-+>,∴y 与x 之间的函数关系式为:()6200y x x =-+>;(2)解:根据题意可得:当16y =-时,62016x -+=-,解得:6x =,∴此刻飞机离地面的高度为6千米.【点评】本题考查了一次函数的应用,读懂题目信息,根据高出的温度=地面温度-上升后降低的温度,得出函数关系式,是解题的关键.23.(本题12分)如图,点E ,F 都在BAD ∠的平分线上,BF AD ∥交DE 于点C .CF BF =,14AB AD ==,,求ΔΔ:EFC EAD S S 的值.【点评】本题考查了相似三角形的判定与性质,等腰三角形的判定等知识,相似三角形的判定与性质的运用是解题的关键.24.(本题14分)如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy中,抛物线2=++与x轴交于点y x bx c()1,0A和()B,与y轴交于点C.5,0(1)求此抛物线的表达式及点C的坐标;(2)将此抛物线沿x 轴向左平移()0m m >个单位得到新抛物线,且新抛物线仍经过点C ,求m 的值.【答案】(1)265y x x =-+,点C 的坐标是()0,5(2)6【分析】(1)用待定系数法求出二次函数的解析式,进而求出点C 的坐标;(2)把二次函数配方得到顶点式,根据题目进行平移解题即可.【详解】(1)解:把()1,0A 和()5,0B 代入2y x bx c =++010255b c b c=++⎧⎨=++⎩,解得65b c =-⎧⎨=⎩∴抛物线的表达式为265y x x =-+∴当0x =时,5y =∴点C 的坐标是()0,5(2)()226534y x x x =-+=--设平移后的抛物线表达式为()234y x m =-+-把()0,5C 代入得()25034m =-+-解得126,0m m ==∵0m >,∴6m =【点评】本题考查二次函数的解析式和抛物线的平移,掌握二次函数的图象和性质是解题的关键.25.(本题16分)如图,在ABC 中,AB AC =,以AB 为直径的O 与BC 相交于点,D DE AC ⊥,垂足为E .(1)求证:DE 是O 的切线;(2)若弦MN 垂直于AB ,垂足为1,,4AG G MN AB ==O 的半径;(3)在(2)的条件下,当36BAC ∠=︒时,求线段CE 的长.方法二:连接OD=OB OD∴∠=∠OBD ODBDE AC⊥∴∠+∠=︒EDC C90AB AC=∴∠=∠ABC C∴∠=∠ODB C∴∠+∠=︒90 EDC ODBODE∴∠=︒.90∴⊥OD DE的半径 是OOD的切线∴是ODE方法三:连接OD=OB OD∴∠=∠OBD ODBAB AC=∴∠=∠ABC ACB∴∠=∠ODB ACB∴∥OD AC⊥DE AC方法二:、连接AM MB的直径 是OAB∴∠=︒AMB90MN AB⊥。



上海市上外附中2019-2020上学期初三直升考模拟数学卷数学试题1)实数10.37π,,中,无理数有 ;2)若2510x x -+=,则331x x += ;3)cos 0cos371sin 45sin 53︒︒-=+︒︒; 4)在实数范用内因式分解: 2461x x -+=;5)若()1113a b a b ----=⋅+,则2b a a b -⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭;6)同时掷两枚骰子,掷得的点数之和为素数的概率是 ; 7)关于x ,y 的方程组2122x y mx y +=-⎧⎨+=⎩的解满足0x y +<,则实数m 的取值范围是 ;8)已知实数()a b a b ≠、满223350,3350a a b b +-=+-=,则代数式22a ba b b a+++的值为 ;9)己知锐角a 满足283sin 2sin cos 5ααα+=,则tan α= ;10)已知一个开口向上的二次函数图像经过(2,4)和(-1,0)两点,且它在x 轴上截得的线段长为2,则这个二次函数的解析式 ;11)已知432451245x x x x x x --+==-+则 ;12) 直线22y x =-+与4833y x =-+的交点坐标为 ,它们所夹锐角的正弦值为 ;13)如图,ABCD 是边长为4的正方形,对角线,AC BD 交于点O ,点E 是OB 中点,点F 是OC 上一点且BF=AE ,则BF 的长为 ;14)如图;在等腰Rt ABC 中,90,ACB AC BC ∠=︒=点P 是三角形内一点满足,,AP AC a BP CP b ====则2222a ba b +-= ;15)如图,已知ABC 中, 1,tan ,3AB AC B AD BC =∠=⊥于点D ,点G 是ABC 的重心,将ABC 绕着重心旋转,得到111A B C ,且点1B 在直线AD 上,联结1CC ,那么11tan CC B ∠= . 二、选择题1) 公司销售A ,B 两种产,去年产品B 的销售额占总销售额的0040,由于受金融危机的影响,今年A 产品的销售额比去年减少0020,若要使今年的总销售额与去年持平,那么今年产品B 的销售额应比去年增加( ) A .0020B . 0030C .0040D . 00502) 已知在Rt ABC 中, 90,ACB CD AB ∠=︒⊥,垂足为D ,在列四个结论中:①CD AB BC AC ⋅=⋅;②AC BC CD AB +>+;③222111AC BC CD +=;④22AC ADBC BD=,正确的有( )个A . 1B . 2C .3D . 4 三、解答题ACBP14题图1)解方程:2389x x -+=2)对于常数a ,只有一个实数值x 满足方程211220111x ax x a x x x +-++++=-+-,试求所有这样的实a 的和。



Ⅱ. Grammar and vocabularyDirections:After reading the passage, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in the blank with the proper form of the given word; for the others, use one word that best fits each blank.AElectronic devices can seem like __21__ “third party” in some relationships because some partners spend more time on them than with each other.When Amanda Gao, a 26-year-old white-collar worker in Beijing, went to a hotpot restaurant with her boyfriend on Friday night several weeks ago, she expected that they would have a good time together. To her disappointment, however, it did not turn our that way later. As soon as they __22__ (lead) to their seats and she began to order dishes, he buried himself in his mobile phone.“It seemed that his phone was making its way __23__ us. A date that __24__ have belonged to us turned into one where my boyfriend dated a their party and I felt left out.” Gao said. Some people, like her, have found that electronics have been sabotaging(破坏)their romantic relationships.A study, __25__ (publish) in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture in April 2017, questioned nearly 200 college aged adults who were in committed relationships to report on their and their partner’s smartphone dependency. The results showed people who were more dependent __26__ their phones were less sure about their relationships, and people who considered their partners excessively(过度地)dependent on their devices were __27__ (satisfied) in their relationship.Lin Yuan, a relationship advisor in Beijing, noted that __28__ more and more electronics come out and spice up people’s lives, they are at the same time becoming a third party in relationships, especially for young people.Lin said she knew of some people who suggest that electronics should be kept out of bedrooms, __29__ she considered challenging and hard to be put into practice for most couples. She recommended that __30__ people are feeling neglected in their relationship, they need to respectfully let their partners know their feeling. “Communication is always the best and the most efficient way,” she said.Section BDirections: Complete the following passages by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Robert Frost had aimed to be a poet since he was a teenager. But the American literary icon would not publish his first book of poetry until he was 39, and his best works would not follow until he was well into middle and old age. “Young people are good at discovering. They have a __31__ here an d there. It is like the stars coming out in the early evening,” he __32__ at age 63, but “it is later in the dark of life that you see forms, patterns.Frost’s __33__ journey to fame during the “dark of life,” however, is far from the road less taken. Despite science, society and Silicon Valley’s common belief that creativity, innovation andexcellence are the near-exclusive province of the young, a surprising number of late bloomers mark the records of human history -- women and men who __34__ years of hardship, failure and missed opportunities before making an impact in the later stages of life. And once you move past the impressive stare of history’s Mozart - like geniuses, you find that late bloomers are quite __35__: in fact, there are many more roads to becoming an old master than a young prodigy.Sometimes you don’t discover your passion in life until you’ve done some other things first. Sometimes you don’t get the opportunity to make the most of your experiences until relatively late in l ife. Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s, didn’t start building his business empire until he was 53 years old. Until that point, the former Red Cross ambulance driver was a traveling salesman, peddling milk shake machines and paper cups. “ I was a(n) __36__ success all right,” Kroc wrote in his autobiography, “but 30 years is a long, long night.”Sometimes, instead of opportunities, life __37__ obstacles on the road to success. It wasn’t until Laura Ingalls Wilder turned 65 that her epic Little House on the Prairie series was published. By then, she had already devoted decades to being a farm wife and mother, schoolteacher, loan officer and newspaper columnist, and she had endured more than her fair __38__ of hardship, from droughts to house fires. Another influential writer, Miguel de Cervantes, wrote Don Quixote in his late 50s after an eventful life in which he spent years behind bars and as a captive of Barbary pirates.Therefore, unlike the youthful genius, whose rocket-fast __39__ impresses as well as depresses the rest of the world, the late bloomer demonstrates what is possible as people __40__ their own versions of full bloom.Ⅲ. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Today’s cinema has improved a great deal in presentation. Gone are the golden days when eager crowds were packed on wooden benches in poor buildings, which seemed to be about to __41__ in the next minute. Audience were staring, with great interest, at the funny and amusing movements of silent figures on the screen. It was only through the body movements and facial expressions that the character’s feelings could be __42__ to the audience. However, film goers all the same turned a blind eye to the __43__ cinema surroundings and seemed crazy about almost all the films. Box office hits were a normal thing and stories about movie stars took full __44__ of the newspapers. They were __45__ with almost all positive wordings compared with today’s pitiful stars who are all the time alert to such news as divorces or affairs.Nowadays, it is quite easy to find a cinema that exceeds the hotel luxury. Cinemas are spacious, well-lit places where one can kill time in comfort. Small favors offered by modern cinemas such as the well-printed booklets, which are __46__ available, the mouth-watering snacks on sale and even the gifts are all sending the implied message to the audience that the film to watch will provide the equivalent __47__. Audience, on the other hand, don’t always __48__ to story. Before a film is released, the potential spectator is usually exposed to a(n) __49__ of advertisements. Film trailers are seen everywhere and crew interviews are televised. And in tempting people to enter cinemas, second to none is __50__. People rely much no friends’ advice in choosing films.Once the audience have settled on the chair, the cinema is learning from the theatre. The projectionists are to given the audience time to prepare themselves for the film. Talk first degrades to whisper then __51__ altogether. Spotlights are focused on the curtains which are drawn slowly apart, often in the __52__ of music, to reveal title of the film. Every detail has been designed so thoughtfully that the spectator will never actually see the __53__ screen, which will remind his all too sharply that what he is about to see is nothing but different shadows flashing on the white. However much the cinema tries to __54__ theatre, it won’t fully succeed. Nothing can __55__ the awe(敬畏)and sense of expectation felt by the audience as the curtain is slowly raised.41. A. disappear B. collapse C. freeze D. rise42. A. interpreted B. responded C. invented D. applied43. A. special B. inferior C. standard D. loose44. A. coverage B. use C. benefit D. responsibility45. A. exposed B. reviewed C. overheard D. equipped46. A. temporarily B. carefully C. readily D. traditionally47. A. luxury B. expense C. convenience D. information48. A. prove B. buy C. investigate D. convey49. A. explosion B. promotion C. shift D. spread50. A. walls of ears B. seeing is believingC. word of mouthD. grave of teeth51. A. drives out B. wears out C. pays off D. dies away52. A. company B. introduction C. benefit D. end53. A. decorated B. distinct C. blank D. mechanical54. A. imitate B. guide C. exploit D. replace55. A. refer to B. compare with C. suffer from D. persist inSection BReading comprehensionASome plants get so hungry that they eat flies, spiders, and even small frogs. What’s more amazing is that these plants occur naturally (in special environments) in every state. In fact, they’re found on every continent except Antarctica.You’ve probably seen a Venus’ flytrap. It’s often sold in museum gift stores, department stores, and even supermarkets. A small plant, it grows 6 to 8 inches tall in a container. At the end of its stalks(茎)are specially modified leaves that act like traps. Inside each trap is a lining of tiny trigger hairs. When an insect lands on them, the trap suddenly shuts. Over the course of a week or so, the plant feeds on its catch.The Venus’ flytrap is just one of more than 500 species of meat-eating plants, says Barry Meyers-Rice, the editor of the International Carnivorous(食肉的)Plant Society’s Newsletter. Note: Despite any science-fiction stories you might have read, no meat-eating plant does any danger to humans.Dr. Meyers-Rice says a plant is meat-eating, only if it does all four of the following: “attract, kill, digest, and absorb” some from of insects, including flies, butterflies, and moths. Meat-eating plants look and act like other green plants -- well, most of the time.All green plants make sugar through a process called photosynthesis(光合作用). Plantsuse the sugar to make food. What makes “meat-eating” plants different is their bug-catching leaves. They need insects for one reason: nitrogen. Nitrogen is a nutrient that they can’t obtain any other way. While almost all green plants on our planet get nitrogen from the soil, “meat-eating” plants can’t. They live in places where nutrients are hard or almost impossible to get from the soil because of its acidity. So they’ve come to rely on getting nitrogen from insects and small animals. In fact, nutrient -rich soil is poisonous to “meat-eating” plants. Never fertilize them! But don’t worry, either, if they never seem to catch any insects. They can survive, but they’ll grow very slowly.56. According to the passage, carnivorous plants ________.A. only grow in wild fieldB. are rare to seeC. are as common as fliesD. cannot grow on Antarctica57. Venus’ flytrap preys on insects with ________.A. its numerous long an thin stalksB. a container where it growsC. its insect-catching leavesD. the lining of tiny trigger hairs58. We can conclude from the third paragraph that ________.A. carnivorous plants are dangerousB. carnivorous plants are fictionalC. carnivorous plants occasionally eat booksD. carnivorous plants are harmless to humans59. In the eyes of the author, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Carnivorous plants cannot grow in acid soil.B. Carnivorous plants can grow in nutrient-poor soil.C. Carnivorous plants will die if they cannot catch any insects.D. Carnivorous plants can get nitrogen from nutrient-rich soil.60. We can learn from the passage that ________.A. Grade one students in a high school can apply for the program.B. it’s possible for graduates to obtain both a bachelor’s degree and a doctor’s degree.C. graduates are promised to have a chance to work with top biomedical scientists.D. a thesis is not necessary if an undergraduate wants to go to graduate school.61. Which of the following is an unnecessary requirement for application?A. A combined SATⅠ score of 1400.B. A combined SAT Ⅱ score of 600 in Math and one science.C. Three letters of recommendation from his teachers.D. A letter of recommendation from the principal.62. What’s the purpose of this passage?A. To tell the students how to learn well in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.B. To introduce a very famou s university “University of Miami”.C. To attract excellent high school graduates to apply for the Honors Program.D. To give information on how to contact Director of the Honors Program.CPhilosophy of Education is a label applied to the study of the purpose, process, nature and ideals of education. It can be considered a branch of both philosophy and education. Education can be defined as the teaching and learning of specific skills, and the imparting of knowledge, judgment and wisdom, and is something broader than the societal institution of education we often speak of.Many educationalists consider it a weak and imprecise field, too far removed from thepractical applications of the real world to be useful. But philosophers dating back to Plato and the Ancient Greeks have given the area much thought and emphasis, and there is little doubt that their work has helped shape the practice of education over the millennia.Plato is the earliest important educational thinker, and education is an essential element in “The Republic” (his most important work on philosophy and political theory, written around 360 B. C.). In it, he advocates some rather extreme methods: removing chil dren from their mothers’ care and raising them as wards of the state, and differentiating children suitable to the various castes(社会等级), the highest receiving the most education, so that they could act as guardians of the city and care for the less able. He believed that education should be holistic(全面的), including facts, skills, physical discipline, music and art. Plato believed that talent and intelligence is not distributed genetically and thus is to be found in children born to all classes, although his proposed system of selective public education for an educated minority of the population does not really follow a democratic model.Aristotle considered human nature, habit and reason to be equally important forces to be cultivated in education, the ultimate aim of which should be to produce good and virtuous citizens. He proposed that teachers lead their students systematically, and that repetition be used as a key tool to develop good habits, unlike Socrates emphasis on questioning his listeners to bring out their own ideas. He emphasized the balancing of the theoretical and practical aspects of subjects taught, among which he clearly mentions reading, writing, mathematics, music, physical education, literature, history, and a wide range of sciences, as well as play, which he also considered important.During the period of Middle Age, the idea of Perennialism was first formulated by St. Thomas Aquinas in his work “De Magistro”. Perennialism holds that one should teach those things deemed to be of everlasting importance to all people everywhere, namely principles and reasoning, not just facts (which are apt to change over time), and that one should teach first about people, not machines or techniques. It was originally religious in nature. and it was only much later that a theory of worldly Perennialism developed.During the Renaissance(文艺复兴), the French doubter Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) was one of the first to critically look at education. unusually for his time, Montaigne was willing to question the conventional wisdom of the period, calling into question the whole structure of the educational system, and the assumption that university-educated philosophers were necessarily wiser than uneducated farm workers, for example.63. Why do many educationists consider philosophy a ‘week and imprecise field’?A. It is the practical applications of the real world.B. Its theoretical concepts are easily understood.C. It is irrelevant for education.D. It is not practically applicable.64. What is the difference between the approaches of Socrates and Aristotle?A. Aristotle felt the need for repetition to develop good habits in students; Socrates felt that students need to be constantly questioned.B. Aristotle felt the need for rote-learning; Socrates emphasized on dialogic learningC. There was no difference.D. Aristotle emphasized on the importance of paying attention to human nature; Socrates emphasized upon science.65. According to the passage, the underlined word “Perennialism” most probably refers to something ________A. that is unnecessary.B. that is of ceaseless importance.C. that is abstract and theoretical.D. that exists no more.66. Why did Aquinas propose a model of education which did not lay much emphasis on facts?A. Facts are not important.B. Facts do not lead to holistic education.C. Facts change with the changing times.D. Facts are frozen in time.Living off gridWhen you need electricity, you just plug in the machine and switch it on. If you need water, you turn on the tap. __67__ For many people, these facilities are the basics of civilized society and the idea of living without them seems risky. Yet for a growing number of people, the idea of living off grid -- without electricity, water or sewage -- is an increasingly attractive lifestyle.Off-gridders do not have to give up electricity or a modern lifestyle -- some choose to, but most use small hydroelectric power systems, solar panels or windmills to generate enough power for their needs. Heating and cooking needs are met by solar energy or wood burning systems, and toilet facilities range from non-water toilets to outside compost toilets. __68__ It ranges from traditional yurts (a type of tent) to luxury houses with high-speed internet and central heating. Whether they live in simple homes or luxury houses, what they all have in common is that their lifestyles do not create any pollution or carbon emissions -- the ultimate goal for off-gridders.Around 100,000 people are thought to be living off grid in the UK now. __69__ They grow their own food, home-school their children and provide their own medical care. They are people who have been priced out of the housing market or who have grown disillusioned with what modern society can offer and who decides that an alternative lifestyle isn’t a pipe dream, but a viable option.Apart from living an alternative lifestyle, cost is big factor in choosing to live off - grid. Off - grid houses are far cheaper to build than ordinary homes since they don’t need to be connected to the electricity or water supplies and even road access is not necessary. Materials tend to be cheaper, too. Popular options include straw or old tyres and cement.Surprisingly, the biggest problem off - gridders face is not building their homes or becoming self - sufficient but getting permission to build. Rural ares away from town are the perfect choice but these are often protected by law from construction of any kind or have building restrictions. There are new several websites dedicated to land-sharing so that the costs of buyingland and getting permission can be shared, and there are increasing numbers of off - grid communities. __70__ Off - gridding could soon be common all over Europe and America.Ⅳ. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize in no more than 60 words the main idea of the passage and how it is illustrated. Use your own words as far as possible.In spite of all of the years spent in school preparing to enter the workplace, many recent graduates say that they struggle with the transition from classroom to career world and have difficulty adjusting to life on the job.Writer and editor Joseph Lewis suggests one reason why this is the case. Lewis believes that most of our school experiences -- from childhood through university -- are fairly predictable, while life in the working world is far more ambiguous. In school, for example, the pattern stays more or less the same from year to year. In the workplace, however, constant change is the norm, and one has to adapt quickly. A project you are working on this month might suddenly change next month or next week, and it’s often hard to anticipate what you’ll be doing six to twelve months from now.Another problem that graduates entering the workforce encounter is that they are unprepared to think analytically. In school, many students including those in college, spend a lot of time memorizing facts and repeating what they “learned” on tests. But in the workplace employees are often expected to think critically and make decisions about their work, not just follow a supervisor’s instructions.Finally, many recent graduates say that one of the biggest difficulties they face is adapting to teamwork on the job. In some ways, school does prepare one for collaborative nature of the workplace. Learners sit classes every day with many other students. They must listen to others’ opinions, participate at times in group discussions, and learn how to get along outside the classroom. Nevertheless, in school, a student normally works independently to complete most tasks and receives a grade according to how well he or she has done. In the workplace, however, employees must regularly interact with others and are often dependent on their co - workers for their success.第Ⅱ卷Ⅰ. Translation71. 在任何情况下,坚持原则、明辨是非都是明智的行为。



上海市上外附中2020年初三直升考模拟试卷数学试题一、填空题1)用“<”: ; 2)计算:()12cos301sin 45-︒-︒的值为 ;3)已知4360,270x y z x y z --=+-=,则22222223657x y z x y z ++++的值为 ;4)直线()0y kx k =<与x 轴的正半轴所成的夹角的余弦值为 ; 5)两个不同的-元二次方程20x ax b ++=与20x bx a ++=号有个公共根,则a 与b 之间的关系式为 ;6)如图, ,90Rt ABC C ∠=︒,面积为S ,D 为AB 上任意一点(与A 、B 不重合),时E 、F 分别为ACD BCD 、的重心,则DEF 的面积为 ;7)如图,在ABCD 中,EF 分别为AB :CD 的中点,点G ,H 分别在AD ,BC 上,且AG :GD =1:2,BH :HC =1:2,设,EG a GD b →→==,用,a b 表示CD →,则CD →= ;8)如图,在等腰梯形ABCD 中, ,,5,3AB CD AD BC AB CD ===,对角线AC 、BD 相交于O , 60ACD ∠=︒,点S ,P ,Q 分别是OD ,OA ,BC 的中点,则PQS的面积为 ;9)如图,AD 是ABC 的中线, 45ADC ∠=︒,将ABC 沿AD 翻折,点C 与点1C 重合,则1:BC BC = ;10)如图, ABC 中, 90ACB ∠=︒,过点C 作CD AB ⊥交AB 丁点D ,在AC 上取点E 使得CE =CD ,过点E 作AB 的乖线,与AB 交丁点H ,与BC 的延长线交丁点G ,已知,A AE m α∠==, ,则EG = ;11)使关于x 的方程()()2110kx k x k +++-=的根都是整数的所有实数k 的植是 ;12) 如图,在梯形ABCD 中,AD //BC ,BELCD ,足为E ,联结AE ,AEB C ∠=∠,且2cos 5C ∠=,若AD =1,则AE 的长为 .E GBA DCFH 第7题图ADC BOS P Q第8题图ABCD第9题图ABCGE DH第10题图二、选择题1)如图,直线AC ,DF 与直线123l l l 、、分别相交于点A 、B 、C 和点D 、E 、F 则下列说法中, 一定成立的有( )个.①若123l l l ,则AB DE ACDF=; ②若123l l l ,则AD BE BECF=; ③若AB DE AC DF =,则123l l l ; ④若AD BEBE CF=,则123l l l . A .1 B .2 C .3 D .42)如图,正方形OABC 的顶点0与原点重合,顶点A ,C 分别在x 轴,y 轴上,反比例函数()0,0ky k x x=≠>的图像与正方形的边AB 、BC 分别交丁点M 、N , ND x ⊥轴于点D ,连接OM 、ON ,MN .下列结论: ①OCN OAM ≅;②线段ON 和MN 的长必定相等: ③四边形DAMN 与MON 面积相等; ④若45,4MON MN ∠=︒=,则点()1C 其中正确的结论有( )个.A .1B .2C .3D .4ADCBE第13题图DB CAFE三、解答题1)解方程组:2334x y ⎧++=⎪⎨=⎪⎩2)已知关于x 的方程()()221271011x x a a x x ⎛⎫⎛⎫--++= ⎪ ⎪--⎝⎭⎝⎭有实数根。



上外附中直升考模拟卷(中级)时间:100分钟分值:120分Paper OneⅠGrammar and vocabulary(15分)A. Grammar(10分)1. _________, he knows much about the other planets.A. Child as he isB. As he is childC. A child as he isD. Though he is child2. Every time I imagine Toby _________, I can’t help ________.A. dance; laughingB. dancing; to laughC. dancing; to laughD. dancing; laughing3. _______along the road in the north of the city, Many shops can be seen _______on the both sides of the street.A. Walking; standingB. Walk; standC. As you walk; standingD. Walked; standingA. woman; writesB. women; writeC. women; writesD. woman; write4. She is the only one among the ______ writers who ______ stories for children.5. About 40 _______ of the population of that country ________on farms.A. percent; livesB. percent; liveC. percents; liveD. percents; lives6. _______ is no doubt that the task will cost at least three months.A. ItB. WhatC. ThereD. Which7. You_________ her. After all it was not her fault.A. mustn’t have blamedB. needn’t have blamedC. shouldn’t have blamedD. couldn’t have blamed8. --How many newspapers are there on the desk? --_______.A. NothingB. Nothing at allC. NoneD. No9. Jessica Cooper is reported ________ the highest mountain in the world.A. to conquerB. conquerC. to be conqueredD. to have conquered10. But for the fact that he _____ playing basketball in 2001, he ______ a great basketball player now.A. stopped; would beB. had stopped; would have beenC. stopped; would have beenD. had stopped; would be11._____ around the square, he saw rows of trees growing on ______side of the street.A. Strolled; bothB. Strolled; neitherC. Strolling; eitherD. Strolling; all12. Most electronic devices of this kind,____manufactured for such purpose, are tightly packed.A. that areB. which isC. as areD. which13. Government reports, examination compositions, legal documents and most business letters are the main situations____formal language is used.A. in whichB. at whatC. on whichD. in that14. The newly-founded company is faced with lots of troubles,____the financial problem is not the worst.A. whichB. of whichC. to whomD. with which15. —Dad,I’ve finished my assignment.—Good,and ______ you play or watch TV, you mustn’t disturb me.A.wheneverB. whetherC. whateverD. no matter16. ______ much advice I gave him, he did exactly what he wanted to do.A.HowB. WhateverC. HoweverD. No matter17. The more frequently farmers use insecticides,the more ______ to the chemicals.A.resistant will the insects becomeB. resistant the insects will becomeC. will the insects become resistantD. resistant will become the insects18.If I ________playing football when I was in primary school, I ______ one of the most talented football players in this country now.A. started; could have beenB. had started; could have beenC. had started; will beD. had started; would be19. So much work remains to be done ______ I can’t afford even a three-day holiday.A.so thatB. thatC. as thoughD. now that20.He made the demand that she _____the place at once.A. leaveB. leavesC. leftD. to be leftB. Vocabulary(5分)1. His landlady gave him a week's _____ to leave the flat.A. threatB. noticeC. adviceD. caution2. When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above _____.A. averageB. ordinaryC. regularD. normal3. The headmaster is to give a formal_______ at the annual ceremony.A. addressB. argumentC. debateD. remark4. Psychologists say that_____ our emotions will make us feel better and there is nothing to be ashamed of.A. relievingB. relaxingC. releasingD. removing5. My knowledge of Hong Kong came only from some movies: a______ of criminals are pursued by the police in the narrow streets and then they have a fight.A. groupB. teamC. classD. gang6. If you build a house with good_______, it will last long.A. foundationB. floorC. basisD. ground7. —Yangyang carried off the first winter Olympic _____ medal for China.—Great! What ____ she won for our motherland!A. golden; honorB. gold; honorC. golden; honorsD. gold; honors8. The problem is not ____ so easy as you think. It’s far from being settled.A. hardlyB. almostC. nearlyD. scarcely9. —Where______Chongqing do you decide to build the factory ?—Nobody ______our manager knows .A. except; besidesB. but; besidesC. but ; butD. except; besides10. As they haven’t a child of their own, they’re going to _______ a little girl.A. acceptB. receiveC. adaptD. adoptⅡCloze (10分)AMany students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and frustrating experience.The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhaps 1.______ the talk with slides, writing up important information on the blackboard, 2.______reading material and giving out assessments.The new student sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks and 3.______ what to write.Very often the student leaves the lecture 4.______notes which do not catch the main points and which become hard even for the students to understand.Most institutions provide courses which 5.______ new students to develop the skills they need to be 6.______listeners and note-takers.If these are unavailable, there are many useful study-skills guides which enable learners to practice these skills independently.In all cases it is important to tackle the problem before actually starting your studies.It is important to 7.______ that most students have difficulty in acquiring the language skills 8 .______ in college study.One way of overcoming these difficulties is to attend the language and study-skills classes which most institutions provide throughout the academic year.Another basic 9.______is to find a study partner 10.______ it is possible to identify difficulties, exchange ideas and provide support.1. A. extending B.illustrating C.performing D.conducting2. A.attributing B.contributing C.distributing D.explaining3. A.suspects B.understands C.wonders D.convinces4. A.without B.with C.on D.except5. A.prevent B.require C.assist D.forbid6. A.effective B.passive C.relative D.expressive7. A.predict B.acknowledge C.argue D.ignore8. A.to require B.required C.requiring D.are required9. A.statement B.strategy C.situation D.suggestion10. A.in that B.for which C.with whom D.such asBIn every cultivated language there are two great classes of words which, taken together, comprise the whole vocabulary.First, there are those words 1.______ which we become acquainted in daily conversation, which we learn, that is to say, from the members of our own family and from our familiar associates, and which we should know and use 2.______ we could not read or write.They 3.______ the common things of life, and are the stock in trade of all who use the language.Such words may be called “popular”, since they belong to the people 4.______ and are not the exclusive 5.______ of a limited class.On the other hand, our language comprises a multitude of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation.Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little 6.______ to use them at home or in the market-place.Our first acquaintance with them comes not from our mother's 7.______ or from the talk of our school-mates, 8.______ from books that we read, lectures that we attend, or the more formal conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular topic in a style appropriately elevated above the habitual 9.______ of everyday life.Such words are called “learned”, and the 10.______ between them and the “popular” words is of great importance to a right understanding of linguistic process.1.A.at B. with C.by D. through2.A. even B. despite C. even if D.in spite of3.A.mind B. concern C. care D. involve4. A.in public B.at most C.at large D.at best5.A.right B .privilege C. share D. possession6.A.prospect B. way C. reason D. necessity7. A. tips B. mouth C. lips D. tongue8.A.besides B. and C. or D. but9. A.border B. link C. degree D. extent10. A.diversion B. distinction C. diversity D. similarityⅢReading Comprehension(20分)AAsked to name their favorite city, many Americans would select San Francisco which began as a small Spanish outpost located on a magnificent bay. The town was little more than a village serving ranchers when the United States took possession of it in 1846 during the war with Mexico.San Francisco sprang into a city overnight because of the nearby discovery of gold in 1848. A great rush to California took place. Wagon trains plodded their dangerous way across 2000 miles of prairie and mountains, while hundreds of sailing vessels made the equally hazardous trip around the Horn. The vessels disgorged thousands of passengers -- then the crews deserted their ship and hundreds of vessels were left to rot in the bay. Within two years, California had enough population to become a state and San Francisco was for many years the hub of that newly-arrived population.The city's present popularity is due to an excellent climate, an easy style of living, good food, and numerous tourist attractions. The city is famous for its cable cars which "clang and bang" up the steep hills, and for its excellent seafood stalls along the wharf. Most visitors arriving from nations in the Pacific Basin spend several days getting to know the town.1. According to this article, who were the first Californians?A. deserters from sailing shipsB. Spanish ranchersC. gold minersD. tourist2. San Francisco's appeal includes all of the following factors_______.A. attractive lifestyle, good seafood, desirable weatherB. tourist attractions, extreme seasons, cable carsC. wagon trains, gold mining, good climateD. cable cars, pleasant climate, flat terrain3. San Francisco today is a thriving city because of_______.A. heavy industryB. governmental headquartersC. Gold miningD. trade and tourism4. In which year did California become an American state?A.1850B.1852C.1846D.18485. Which word is the synonym of the underlined word “hazardous” in paragraph 2.A. beneficialB. acquisitiveC. riskyD. vitalBIn order to host the Olympics, a city must submit a proposal to the IOC. After all proposals have been submitted, the IOC votes. If no city with the fewest votes is eliminated, the voting continues, until a majority winner is determined. Typically the Games are awarded several years in advance, allowing the winning city time to prepare for the Games.In selecting the site of the Olympic Games, the IOC considers a number of factors, and chiefly among them is which organizing committee seems most likely to stage the Gameseffectively. The IOC also considers which parts of the world have not yet hosted the Games. For instance, Tokyo, the host of the 1964 Summer Games, and Beijing, that of the 2008 Games, were chosen in part to popularize the Olympic movement in Asia. Because of growing importance television worldwide, the IOC in recent years has also taken into account the host city's time zone. Whenever the Games take place in the USA or Canada, for example, American television networks are willing to pay specially higher amounts for television rights because they can broadcast popular events live in the best viewing hours.Once the Games have been awarded, it is the duty of the local organizing committee----not the IOC or the NOC of the host city's country to provide them with money. This is often done with a part of the Olympic television revenues, and corporate sponsorships, tickets sales, and other smaller revenue sources. In many cases there is also direct government support.Although many cities have achieved amounts of money by hosting the Games, the Olympics can be financially risky. When the financial gains from the Games were less than expected, the city was left with large debts.1. During voting, the city ______ will win host of Olympics.A. getting most votes in the first voteB. getting more than half votesC. being supported by a major cityD. going around successfully2. In selecting the host city, the IOC will consider several factors EXCEPT________ .A. the time zone of the host cityB. the existing facilities of the host cityC. whether the area has hosted the GamesD. whether profit could be made by the host city3. According to the passage, one of the reasons for Tokyo to be the host of Olympics in 1964 may be _______.A. it’s a major city of JapanB. it’s a famous cityC. it’s a city in AsiaD. it’s nice and cool in summer4. Every Olympic Games is financed by ________.A. the local government and the financial organizationsB. the local government and the organizing committeeC. the IOC and the National Olympic CommitteeD. the local companies and the local media5. The underlined phrase “financial gains” in the last sentence most probably means “__________”.A. sponsorshipB. reputationC. financial supportD. financial profitCIn Japan many workers for large corporations have a guarantee of lifetime employment. They will not be laid off during recessions (经济萧条) or when the tasks they perform are taken over by robots. To some observers, this is capitalism at its best, because workers are treated as people not things. Others see it as necessarily inefficient and believe it cannot continue if Japan is to remain competitive with foreign corporations more concerned about profits and less concerned about people.Defenders of the system argue that those who call it inefficient do not understand how it really works. In the first place not every Japanese worker has the guarantee of a lifetime job. The lifetime employment system includes only "regular employees." Many employees do not fall into this category, including all women. All businesses have many part time and temporary employees. These workers are hired and laid off during the course of the business cycle just as employees in the United States are. These "irregular workers" make up about 10 percent of the nonagricultural work force. Additionally, Japanese firms maintain some flexibility through the extensive use of subcontractors (分包单位). This practice is much more common in Japan than in the United States.The use of both subcontractors and temporary workers has increased markedly in Japan since the 1974-1975 recession. All this leads some people to argue that the Japanese system really is not all that different from the American system. During recessions Japanese corporations lay off temporary workers and give less business to subcontractors. In the United States, corporations lay off those workers with the least working experience. The difference then is probably less than the term "lifetime employment" suggests, but there still is a difference. And this difference cannot be understood without looking at the values of Japanese society. The relationship between employer and employee cannot be explained in purely contractual terms. Firms hold on to the employees and that employees stay with one firm. There are also practical reasons for not jumping from job to job. Most retirement benefits come from the employer. Changing jobs means losing these benefits. Also, teamwork is an essential part of Japanese production. Moving to a new firm means adapting to a different team and at least temporarily, lower productivity and lower pay.1. According to the passage, a woman in Japan________.A. cannot get a lifetime jobB. is impossible to get a part time jobC. will be employed for lifeD. is among the regular workers2. Which of the following is NOT the reason why Japanese workers stay with one firm?A. they don't want to lose their retirement benefits.B. they are not adaptable people.C. any change of jobs will make them less paid.D. they get used to the teamwork.3. It can be inferred from the passage that________.A. those who want to change jobs frequently in Japan should think twiceB. those who are first laid off by American corporations are temporary workersC. the use of subcontractors makes Japanese firms less flexibleD. the Japanese system is totally different from the American system4 What does the passage mainly discuss?A. The extremely hard situation during recessions.B. The extensive use of subcontractors in Japan.C. The characteristics of corporations in the United States.D. The features of lifetime employment in Japan.5. According to the passage,if you move to a new firm, _______A. you will lose all the retirement benefits.B. you will be less effective.C. you will be paid less.D. you will have to get accustomed to a new team.DSunshine might be healthier than most people think, outweighing the risk of skin cancer. British doctors suggested last week and ran straight into a storm. The four researchers at Bristol University in western England were accused of weakening years of campaigning to warn people of the dangers of too much sun. Experts agree exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays (紫外线) increases the risk of skin cancer and accelerates the signs of aging. But in the British Medi cal Journal, the Bristol team led by Andrew Ness wrote, “There is evidence that the potential benefits of exposure to sunlight may outweigh the widely publicized negative effects on the incidence of skin cancer.”Vitamin D, made in the body in reaction to sunlight, prevented rickets (软骨病) in children and was associated with a protective effect against heart disease.Sunshine was also useful for treating certain skin conditions and there was evidence that it reduced the incidence of multiple sclerosis (硬化症). There was also the “feel good effect of lying or sitting in the sun.” The researchers said it was too early to advise people to spend more time in the sun, but suggested the basis of the current advice to cover up should be reviewed.“Perhaps, while we await the conclusions of such formal analyses, those of us who enjoy spending time in the sun can rest assured that the chance that we will be one of the people dying from the sun is small.” they added.Their article was strongly criticized by health campaigners who claimed it was unbalanced and not backed by scientific evidence. Britain’s Health Education Authority said skin cancer was the most common form of cancer in the country, with more than 50,000 new cases diagnosed each year and more than 2,000 people dying from the disease. It said treatment almost always required surgery and almost 50 per cent of cases were fatal. The authority’s skin cancer campaign manager Christopher New said, “We are very disappointed with this controversia l article. It doesn’t have enough supporting evidence and runs the risk of undoing many years of good health education.”1. According to the four researchers at Bristol University, ______________________________ does more good than harm.2. What does the a uthor mean by saying “the British doctors ran straight into a storm”?_____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why was the controversial article written by the four researchers at Bristol University strongly criticized by health campaigners?_____________________________________________________________________________ 4. The “good health education” reminds people ________________________________________.5. People have not yet been able to reach an agreement on _______________________________.Paper TwoⅠFill in the blanks with proper words according to the first letters given.(10分)The Internet is full of false information. It is important for us all to stay away from being f______ by such information. There are three examples of Internet hoaxes.On his website, a man has asked for gifts of money to save the life of a pretty little rabbit named Toby that he r______ under his house. A cat must have a______ the rabbit, the man said, so he took it in. He gave Toby loving care and n______ him back to good health. However, the greedy man also said, if he didn’t receive enough money, he would eat poor little Toby. (Don’t worry, though. Remember, it’s just a hoax!)While the streets of New Orleans were still s______ a flood after a terrible hurricane, an e-mail was sent around the Internet. It included a photograph of a huge crocodile over five meters long. According to the message, it had been swimming around the flooded city eating people. It was later d______ that the photographs of the crocodile were of one that was caught in the Congo years before.The following e-mail hoax t______ in many people. It says that a large company will pay you to send their e-mail to as many people as possible. For every person that you send the e-mail to, it p______ you will certainly receive 5 dollars; if he goes to send it to someone else, you’ll get 3dollars; and for every third person that receives it, you will be paid 1 dollars. To make the lie even more b______, the sender says that at first he thought it was a hoax, but the company soon send him 800 dollars.ⅡWord Transformation(10分)How can English teachers accelerate the language learning of their students? One way is to teach students how to learn more effectively and efficiently. Learning strategies are “Procedures or 1.________ that learners can use to facilitate a learning task.” And 2.________ students of English in learning strategies can help them become better learners. In addition, skill in using learning strategies assists students in becoming 3.________, confident learners. Finally, students become more 4.________ as they begin to understand the relationship between their use of strategies and success in learning English.Students need to develop an awareness of the learning process and strategies that lead to success. Students who 5.________ on their own thinking are more likely to engage in planning how to proceed with a learning task, 6._________ their own performance on an ongoing basis, finding solutions to problems 7.________, and evaluating themselves upon task completion. These activities may be difficult for students accustomed to having a teacher who solves all their learning problems and is the 8.________ judge of their progress.Teachers need to encourage students to rely more on themselves. Because learning strategies are mental 9.________ with few observable manifestations, teachers need to find ways to make the strategies as concrete as possible. When students are able to use the strategies their teachers have taught them, and to do so without prompting, then they need to 10.________ new strategies, new applications, and new opportunities for self-regulated learning.ⅢFill in the blanks with the given verbs in their proper forms:(10分)Just how much does the Constitution(宪法)protect your digital data? The Supreme Court will now consider whether police can search the contents of a mobile phone without a warrant (授权令)if the phone is on or around a person during an arrest.California has asked the justices ________ (restore) the practice that the police may search through the contents of suspects’ sm artphones at the time of their arrest. It is hard, the state says, for judges ________ (assess) the implications of new and rapidly ________ (change) technologies.The justices would be careless if they followed California’s advice. They should start by rejecting California’s weak argument that _________(explore) the contents of a smart phone is similar to say, going through a suspect’s wallet. The court has ruled that police don’t offend against the Fourth Amendment(修正案)when they go through the wallet, of an arrestee without a warrant. In fact, exploring one’s smartphone is more like _________ (enter) his or her home. A smartphone may contain an arrestee’s reading history, financial history, medical history andcomprehensive records of recent correspondence.Americans should take steps ________ (protect) their own digital privacy and should avoid ________(put) important information in smartphones. But keeping sensitive information on these devices is increasingly a requirement of normal life. Citizens still have a right ________ (expect) private documents to remain private and protected by the Constitution’s prohibition on unreasonable searches.In many cases, it would not be very difficult for authorities to obtain a warrant to search through phone contents. They could still trump(打出王牌)the Fourth Amendment protections when ________ (face)severe and dangerous circumstances, such as the threat of immediate harm, and they could take reasonable measures to ensure that phone data are not deleted or ________ (alter) while a warrant is on the way. The justices, though, may want to allow room for police to cite situations where they are entitled to more flexibility.ⅣSentence transformation(5分)1. Mother came back late last night. The boy stayed up (waiting for his mother).(用until合并句子)_______________________________________________________________________________ 2. It takes only two hours to fly from Shanghai to Tokyo.It’s only _______________ ____________ from Shanghai to Tokyo.3. It is impossible for me to drive a car in such a thick fog.Such a thick fog _________ _____________ _______ for me to drive a car in such a thick fog.4. Her mother prevented her working in a bar, but she insisted on doing that.She insisted on working in a bar _________ _________ _________ her mother’s prevention. 5. You’d better book a ticket to Guangzhou for this Saturday in advance.You’d better_________ __________ _____________ to Guangzhou for this Saturday in advance.Ⅴ. Translation(10分)1.我万万没想到对电脑知识一窍不通的奶奶如今也迷上了网购。

初中英语 上海市上海外国语大学附中九年级直升考模拟卷 (带答案)

初中英语 上海市上海外国语大学附中九年级直升考模拟卷 (带答案)

I.Choose the best answerA.Grammar1.___________, I bet, and you will find him very humorous and outgoing.A. Having a talk with the shy boyB. One talk with the shy boyC. Given a talk with the shy boyD. If you have a talk with the shy boy2.----Who won the election for mayor?----A man ___________to donate what he had to the city.A. promisingB. promisedC. is promisedD. having promised3. Martin Luther King, Jr. put it that peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means __________ we arrive at that goal.A. thatB. whereC. by whichD. with which4.---- What if he failed to get a satisfactory score in the TOFEL exam again?--I don't know. ___________ heart and give up ___________?A. Will he lose; to study abroadB. Did he lose; to study abroadC. Had he lost; studying abroadD. Would he lose; studying abroad5. We have the feeling, somehow, ___________the 4th Industry Revolution is right around the corner.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. when6.It's reported that US media are focusing on Xi's upcoming state visit, from Tuesday to Friday,___________ Xi's exchanges and interactions with all walks of life there.A. as far asB. as long asC. as well asD. as much as7.It's so good a habit to instruct children to lay things ___________ they belong when they are young.A.to whichB. thatC. in whichD. where8. I found my drone functioning much better, ___________a new operating system.A. having installedB. installingC. to installD. installed9.___________, he often thinks of ___________ he can react more appropriately on such occasions.A. As new diplomat; whatB. Although he is a new diplomat; whenC. New diplomat though he is; howD. A new diplomat as he is; the way10.He stood on tiptoe and looked forward to ___________ what had happened over there and found there was a museum, around ___________ a large crowd of people were waiting.A.seeing; whichB. see; whichC. seeing; whereD. see; that11.With several problems ___________to be solved, we still need to hold another meeting as soon as possible.A. remainedB. remainingC. remainD. having remained12.Not until recently ___________ the development of tourist-related activities in the rural areas.A. they had encouragedB. had they encouragedC. did they encourageD. they encouraged13.___________ for his invitation the other day, I should not be here now.A. Had it not beenB. Should it not beC. Were it not beD. Hadn't it been14.Many young people, most ___________ were well-educated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.A. of whichB. of themC. of whomD. of those15.___________ is often the case, anything is possible for those who ___________on the hope.A. Which; hangsB. What; hangsC. It; hangD. As; hang16.Were it not for the fact that he ___________ the entrance examination, he___________practicing footballat the moment.A. passed; wouldn't have beenB. had passed; wouldn't have beenC. has passed; wouldn't beD. passes; wouldn't be17.___________sour, the milk I bought from the supermarket was thrown out immediately.A. Having been smeltB. Being smeltC. SmellingD. Smelt18.“The Paris terrorism attacks might never have happened if enough measures ___________in advance”,said Russian President Putin in an interview.A. had been takenB. has been takenC. was takenD. is taken19.___________concerns the neighboring countries is that North Korea has carried out its first hydrogen bomb test.A.WhichB. WhateverC. WhatD. ThatB.Vocabulary:20.After being ___________by his teacher for being late, Sky Ying said he would try to break the habit of going to bed late and try to get up earlier.A. criticizedB. remindedC. advisedD. warned21.Tom used to visit his parents ___________, but he couldn't spare time to do after he got his present job.A. particularlyB. approximatelyC. regularlyD. especially22.Despite the poor service of the hotel, the manager is ___________ to invest in sufficient training for his staff.A. eagerB. unwillingC. anxiousD. ready23.You needn't be too concerned about what to wear to the party ---it's all ___________anyway, becauseyou haven't even been invited yet.A. academicB. painfulC. physicalD. economical24.--Can you tell us your ___________ for happiness and a long life?--Living every day to the full, definitely.A. recipeB. recordC. rangeD. receipt25.The UN Security Council had an emergent meeting ___________ the nuclear test carried out by North Korea.A. in response toB. in control ofC. in honor ofD. in addition to26.Her thoughts flashed back to her wedding day when she ___________ some old photographs in a drawer.A. put acrossB. came acrossC. went acrossD. got across27.Kids shouldn't have access to violent films because they might ___________ the things they see.A. indicateB. investigateC. imitateD. innovate28. A waterfall theme park in Kunming, finished and opened to public for free last month, ___________ a 400-meter-wide man-made waterfall and attracts thousands of visitors.A. expandsB. localizesC. occupiesD. features29. A strong time awareness makes us give priority to the___________and immediate rather than the important and strategic.A. vitalB. urgentC. practicalD. temporaryII.Cloze.Third Culture KidsAs more cities and companies become increasing international, there is a growing number of children that are creating their own sub-culture. Often __1__ to as TCKs (Third Culture Kids) or Global Nomads, these students have a(n) __2__ impact on the global community.So who are these Third Culture Kids? They are not a new phenomenon. As one looks back on history, there is a realization that certain groups of people have led highly mobile lives, a key factor in describing TCKs. They often __3__ their parents into another country and spend a significant part of his or her development years outside the parents' culture. They are __4__ to new cultures and to other people in thecommunity who also move constantly. Their numbers __5_ into the hundreds of thousands an increasing. Easeof travel and constant relocation of people through multinational companies and global business links contribute to this __6__.The question “Who am I?” is frequently asked by TCKs. They have had a good number of cultural identities, and have built relationships to all the cultures, __7__ not having full ownership of any. Although elements from each culture are absorbed into TCK's life experience, the sense of __8__ is in relationship to others ofa similar background.As you enter into the world of TCKs, one might suspect they are no different. But it is clear, after spending only a short time with them, that they bring a deep knowledge from inside and a special ability to compare international and local issues. They represent many countries and cultures. They are the future cross-culturalists and hopefully future politicians, diplomats, government employees and educators.They certainly experience a different lifestyle compared to their mono-cultural peers but we can benefit from their global and __9__ lives. So, whatever one chooses to label the international students as ---TCKs, Global Nomads, or Global Souls ---we will gain unbelievable __10__.1. A. referring B. regarded C. described D. referred2. A. tremendous B. temporary C. immediate D. initial3. A. accompany B. divide C. drive D. invite4. A. connected B. exposed C. addicted D. committed5. A. extend B. burst C. break D. change6. A. tradition B. trend C. option D. shift7. A. as B. while C. when D. so8. A. achievement B. belonging C. responsibility D. possessing9. A. professional B. spiritual C. material D. colorful10. A. awards B. rewards C. popularity D. successIII.Reading comprehension(A)1.I didn't cry when I learned I was the parent of a mentally handicapped child. I just sat still and didn't say anything.2.When Kristi was old enough, we sent her to a kindergarten. It would have been comforting to cry the day I left her in that room full ofkids. Kristi had spent hour upon hour playing by herself, but this moment, when she was the “different” child among them, she was probably the loneliest.3.However, positive things began to happen to Kristi in her school, and to her schoolmates, too. Kristi's classmates always took pains to praise her: “Kristi got all her spelling words right today.” No one bothered to add that her spelling list was easier than anyone else's.ter, she faced a very special challenge. The final event of the term was a program based on a final outcome of the year's music and physical education activities. Kristi was behind in both. My husband and I dreaded the day as well.5.On the day of the program, Kristi pretended to be sick. Desperately I wanted to keep her home. Surely missing one program couldn't matter. But my conscience wouldn't let me off that easily. So I practically got a pale, reluctant Kristi onto the school bus.6.Just as I had forced my daughter to go to school, now I forced myself to go to the program. At the kindergarten,I felt worried because ofher slow and clumsy reactions, she would surely hold up her team.7.The performance went well until it was time for the sack race. Surely Kristi would find it tough. Now each child had to climb into a sack, hop to a goal line, return and climb out of the sack. I noticed Kristi standing near the end of her line of players.8.But as her turn to join, a change took place in her team. The tallest boy behind Kristi placed his 1 on her waist. Two other boys stood ahead of her The moment the player in front of Kristi stepped from thesack, those two boys grabbed the sack and held it open while the tall boy lifted Kristi and dropped her into it. A girl ahead took her hand and supported her. Kristi gained her balance. Then off she hopped, smiling and proud.9.At the cheers of teachers, schoolmates and parents, I silently thanked the warm, understanding people in life who make it possible for my disabled daughter to be like her fellow human beings. Then I finally cried.1.When sending her daughter to the kindergarten, the writer must have felt .A.lonelyB. cheerfulC. worriedD. scared2.What does the underlined sentence imply?A.It didn't matter to miss one program because it was not important.B.It gave the author a good excuse not to send Kristi to the program.C.Kristi's illness prevented her from taking part in the program.D.The teachers wouldn't blame Kristi for she was ill.3.What does Paragraph 6 & 7 mainly tell us?A.The writer was worried about her daughter's performance.B.The sack race is very difficult for the kids at the kindergarten.C.The writer was unwilling to go to watch the program.D.All the kids performed well in the games except the sack race.4.The author expressed her gratitude mainly because .A.her daughter Kristi won the competition with the help ofher teammatesB.her daughter's teammates helped her experience the happy feeling of her ageC.the teachers at the kindergarten arranged some teammates to help her daughterD.the other kids' parents cheered for her daughter's good performance5.What's the best title of the passage?A. The day I criedB. An unforgettable experienceC.My disabled daughterD. A warm-hearted teamwork(B)Books, Films and PlaysThe novelist's medium is the written word, on might almost say the printed word. Typically the novel is consumed by a silent, individual reader, who may be anywhere at the time. The paperback novel is still the cheapest, most portable and adaptable form of narrative entertainment. It is limited to a single channel of information—writing. The narrative can go, effortlessly, anywhere: into space, people's head, palaces, prisons and pyramids, without any consideration of cost or practical possibility. In determining the shape and content of his narrative, the writer is restricted by nothing except purely artistic criteria. The novelist keeps absolute control over his text until it is published and received by the audience. He may be advised by his editor to revise his text, but if the writer refused to meet this condition no one would be surprised. It is not unknown for a well-established novelist to deliver his or her manuscript and expect the publisher to print it exactly as written.However, not even the most well-established playwright or screenplay writer would submit a script and expect it to be performed without any rewriting. This is because plays and motion pictures are cooperative forms of narrative, using more than one channel of communication.The production of a stage play involves, as well as the words of the author, the physical presence of the actors, their voices and gestures, the “set” and possibly music. Although the script is the essential basis of both stage play and film, it is a basis for subsequent revision negotiated between the writer another creative people involved. They are given “approval” of the choice of director and actors and have the right to attend rehearsals(排演),during which period they may undertake more rewriting work. In the case of the screenplay, the writer may have little or no control over the final form of his work. Contracts for the production of plays protect the rights of authors in this respect.In film or television work, on the other hand, the screenplay writer has no contractual right to this degree ofconsultation. While the script is going through its various drafts, the writer is in the driver's seat, although sometimes receiving criticism from the producer and the director. But once the production is under way, artistic control over the project tends to pass to the director This is a fact overlooked by most journalistic critics of television drama, who tend (unlike film critics) to give all the credit or blame for success or failure of a production to the writer and actors, ignoring the contribution, for good or ill, of the director6.Where might you find the passage?A. In a textbook.B. In a movie magazine.C. In a travelling brochure.D. In a shopping guide.7.Which ofthese subtitles would be most appropriate?A.Why does the future look good for writers of books, plays and films?B.What do audiences want from these three forms of entertainment?C.How do these forms of media compare for their producers?D.What benefit can we get from these forms ofmedia?8.Why can the novelist expect the publisher to print the manuscript exactly as written?A.Because the novelist keeps absolute control over his text.B.Because the paperback novel is most portable and adaptable.C.Because the novel is limited to a single channel of information一writing.D.Because the novelist is seldom advised by editors to revise the text.9.Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?A.Playwrights envy the simplicity of the novelist's work.B.Experience in the theatre improves the work of screenplay writers.C.Screenplay writers have the final say in how a TV drama will turn out.D.Playwrights are frequently involved in revising their work.10.What can be implied from the last sentence ofthe passage? critics often blame the wrong people for the failure of a program.B.The director is a determining factor in the future of a television drama.C.Few people know the screenplay writer is often criticized by the director.D.It is urgent for the film critics to realize their mistakes.(C)Shelly Ann Francis Pryce was just an average high school athlete. There was every indication that she was just another American teenager without much of a future. However, on person wants to change this. Stephen Francisobserved then eighteen-year-old Shelly Ann at a track meet and was convinced that he had seen the beginning of true greatness. Her time were not exactly impressive, but even so, he seemed there was something trying to get out, something the other coaches had overlooked when they had assessed her and found her lacking. He decided to offer Shelly Ann a place in his very strict training seasons. Their cooperation quickly produced results, and a few years later at Jamaica's Olympic games in early 2008, Shelly Ann, who at that time only ranked number 70 in the world, beat Jamaica's unchallenged queen of the sprint.“Where did she come from?” asked an astonished sprinting world, before concluding that she be one of those one-hit wonders that spring up from time to time, only to disappear again without signs.But Shelly Ann was to prove that she was anything but a one-hit wonder. At the Beijing Olympic she swept away any doubts about her ability to perform consistently by becoming the first Jamaican woman ever to win the 100 meters Olympic gold. She did it again at the World Championship in Britain, becoming the world champion with a time of 10.73 - the fourth record ever.Shelly-Ann is a little woman with a big smile. She has a mental toughness that did not come about by chance. Her journey to becoming the fastest woman on earth has been anything but smooth and effortless. She grew up in one of Jamaica's toughest inner-city communities known as Waterhouse, where she lived in a one-room apartment, sleeping four in a bed with her mother and two brothers. Waterhouse, one ofthe poorest communities in Jamaica, is a really violent and overpopulated place. Several of Shelly-Ann's friends and family were caught up in the killings; one of her cousins was shot dead, only a few streets away from where she lived. Sometimes her family didn't have enough to eat. She ran at the school championships barefooted because she couldn't afford shoes. Her mother Maxime, one of a family of fourteen, had been an athlete herself as a young girl but, like so many other girls in Waterhouse, had to stop after she had her first baby. Maxime's early entry into the adult world with its responsibilities gave her the determination to ensure that her kids would not end up in Waterhouse's roundabout of poverty. One of the first things Maxime used to do with Shelly-Ann was taking her to the track, and she was ready to sacrifice everything.It didn't take long for Shelly-Ann to realize that sports could be her way out of Waterhouse. On a summer evening in Beijing in 2008, all those long, hard hours of work and commitment finally bore fruit. The barefoot kid who, just a few years previously, had been living in poverty, surrounded by criminals and violence, had written a new chapter in the history of sports.But Shelly-Ann's victory was far greater than that. The night she won Olympic gold in Beijing, the routine murders in Waterhouse and the drug wars in the neighbouring streets stopped. The dark cloud above one of the world's toughest criminal neighbourhoods simply disappeared for a few days. “I have so much fire burning for mycountry,”Shelly said. She plans to start a foundation for homeless children and wants to build a community centre in Waterhouse. She hopes to inspire the Jamaicans to lay down their weapons. She intends to fight to make it a woman's as well as a man's world.As Muhammad Ali puts it, “Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them. A desire, a dream, a vision.” One of the things Shelly-Ann can be proud of is her understanding of this truth.11.Why did Stephen Francis decide to coach Shelly-Ann?A.He had a strong desire to free her family from trouble.B.He sensed a great potential in her despite her weaknesses.C.She had big problems maintaining her performance.D.She suffered a lot of defeats at the previous track meets.12.What did the sprinting world think of Shelly-Ann before the 2008 Olympic Games?A.She would become a promising star.B.She badly needed to set higher goals.C.Her sprinting career would not last long.D.Her talent for sprinting was known to all.13.What can we infer from Shelly-Ann's statement underlined in Paragraph 5?A.She was highly rewarded forher efforts.B.She was eager to do more for her country.C.She became an athletic star in her country.D.She was the envy of the whole community.14.By mentioning Muhammad Ali's words, the author intends to tell us that .A. players should be highly inspired by coachesB.great athletes need to concentrate on patienceC.hard work is necessary in one's achievementsD.motivation allows great athletes to be on the top15.What is the best title for the passage?A.The Making of a Great AthleteB.The Dream for ChampionshipC.The Key to High PerformanceD.The Power of Full ResponsibilityPart 2I.Fill in the blanks with proper words. The first letter is given.Since 1960, considerable scientific researches have been done on chimps in their natural habitats. A__1__, scientists have found out that the social behaviors of Chimps are very similar to humans. Chimps will cooperate in certain ways, like gathering in war parties to protect their t__2__. But beyond the minimum requirements as social beings, they have little instinct to help one another. Chimps in the wild seek food for themselves. Even chimp mothers regularly decline to share food with their child ren. Who are able from a young age to gather their own food?In the laboratory, chimps don't naturally share food either. If a chimp is put in a cage w__3 __ he can pull in one plate of food for himself or, with no greater effort, a plate that also provi des food for a neighbor to the next cage, he will pull at random---he just doesn't care whether his neighbor gets fed or not. Chimps are truly selfish.Human children, on the other hand, are extremely c__4__. From the earliest ages, they decide to help others, to share information and to participate in a__5__ common goals. The psychologist Michael Tomasello has studied this cooperation in a series of experiments with very young children. He finds that if babies aged 18 months see a worried adult with hands full t__6__ to open a door, almost all will immediately try to help.There are several reasons to believe that the urges to help, inform and share are not taught, but n__7__ processed in young children. One is that these instincts appear at a very young age before most parents have started to train their children to behave socially. Another is that the helping behavior s are not improved if the children are rewarded. A third reason is that social intelligence develops in children before their general cognitive(认知的) skills, at least when c__8__ with chimps. In tests led by Tomasello, the human children did no better than the chimps on the physical world tests but were considerably better at understanding the s__9__ world.The core of what children's minds have and chimps' don't is what Tomasello calls shared intentionality. Part of this ability is that they can infer what others know or are thinking. But beyond that, even very young children want to be part of a shared purpose. They actively seek to be part of a “we”, a group that i__10__ to work toward a shared goal.II. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.What do you do when you feel sad?Jack Ma went to see a film, one he claimed he had watched about 10 times. “My hero is Forrest Gump. Everytime I feel a sense of __1__. I watch the movie,” he said on CNBC on Sept 19. “I watched the movie before I came here to New York.”There Ma witnessed the Alibaba Group opening on the New York stock exchange with the largest initial public offering (IPO 新股发行) in American history.Alibaba, “the world's largest Internet commerce company”, according to The New York Times, “put China on an equal level with the US in the rapidly increasing global competition for technological innovation and __2__ transformation,” commented the South China Morning Post.It has also made Ma China's richest man with a fortune of around $25 billion (153 billion yuan), reported Reuter.Ma's rags-to-riches journey is just as __3__ as his Internet empire. Ma failed the national college entrance exams twice before he finally enrolled in Hangzhou Normal University on his third attempt. He studied English. After graduation, Ma became an English teacher for years after he failed to land jobs at a local KFC, a hotel, and the city police, reported USA Today.“Mr. Ma is a big believer in __4__,” commented The Wall Street Journal, also talking about Ma's English studying experience. Starting at the age of 12, Ma said he woke up at 5 am to walk or cycle to Hangzhou's main hotel so he could practice his English with foreign tourists. He did this for nine years and acted as a free tour guide to many.However, it was his vision and goals that launched his career. During a short trip to the US as an interpreter in 1995, Ma first experienced the Internet. He believed in the Internet's business potential when few other Chinese people did. He started Alibaba in his Hangzhou apartment, with 17 friends and $60,000 of funds. At the time, when e-commerce was unheard of in China, “I called myself a blind man riding on the back of blind tigers,” he once said. His unusual ideas earned him the nickname “Crazy Jack Ma”and Chinese media used words like “__5__”and “paranoid(妄想狂的)”to describe him.Indeed, Ma is different. Although he is very thin and about 160cm tall, “Ma is yet animated and forceful, with a bulging forehead and __6__, restless hands,” said The Guardian. “He is funny, creative, and a__7__ speaker. I often thought he has another career in stand-up comedy,” Duncan Clark, a Brit who is a Beijing-based technology __8__, told USA Today.While Ma joked to The Wall Street Journal that he had “a unique and ugly face so people always recognize me”, it is “his readiness to make fun of himself, and speak his mind that is a contrast to China's often __9__ corporate leaders”, commented USA Today.Ma told Time magazine that he was “old for the Internet”. He started to slow down and looked around.According to The Wall Street Journal, Ma plans to open a tai chi club with the actor Jet Li, build an entrepreneurship university in Hangzhou and continue to work on several __10__ projects.III.Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in their proper forms.“Have you gotten married?” “Have you received a salary raise??” “Have you bought a house???” Are you familiar with these questions starting with “have you” and ending in at least one question mark?If your answer is yes and you are getting sick of answering these questions, you probably __1__ (become) a member of the “home-fear group”.The “home-fear group” refers to those feeling anxious about returning home during the Spring Festival. They have deep concerns about __2__ (go) back home for such factors as heavy economic pressure, high costs of the festival, the troubles of buying tickets, the long distance of the journey exposure of private matters __3_ (involve) family or love life.Now, a special song has been tailor-made for this group.The seven-minute song utilizes a choir style and rap. The beginning of the song __4__ (sing) by the choir, which involves a family scene where a recently returned young adult is asked a series of questions by family members. After the “question attack” from relatives, the young man decides __5__ (reflect) on his past and also defend himself through rap.According to the official microblog account of Shanghai Rainbow Indoor Chorus, this is more than just a funny song, but a useful guide for young people. A careful listen to some ofthe lyrics __6__ (inspire) you on how to wisely answer many 'Spring Festival-specific' questions.“It is a very interesting yet brainwashing song, truly __7__ (describe) the less satisfactory situation quite a few young Chinese people have been trapped in,” Sina Microblog user Santilin Clouds said.According to a survey recently __8__ (conduct) among 1,918 young people by the research center at China Youth Daily, an overwhelming 86.4 percent of interviewees think it is necessary that they __9__ (return) to their homeland during the Spring Festival, even if they are afraid of losing face for an average life or career.“We might not work hard in the future if we __10__ (be) that good. That's enough! After all, the essence of spending the Spring Festival is reunion not pressure,” the song echoes the theme at the ending.IV.Sentence transformation.1.Scientists assumed that Stonehenge was more likely a prehistoric health center than a site for observing stars.Stonehenge ___________ a prehistoric health center ___________a site for observing stars.2.Our parents will certainly point our bad behavior out when we make a mistake or do something inappropriate.。



12.________,I bet,and you will find him very humorous and outgoing.A.Having a talk with the shy boyB.One talk with the shy boyC.Given a talk with the shy boyD.If you have a talk with the shy boy13.--Who won the election for mayor?--A man________to donate what he had to the city.A.promisingB.promisedC.is promisedD.having promised14.Martin Luther King,Jr.put it that peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek,but a means ________we arrive at that goal.A.thatB.whereC.by whichD.with which15.--What if he failed to get a satisfactory score in the TOFEL exam again?--I don’t know.________heart and give up________?A.Will he lose;to study abroadB.Did he lose;to study abroadC.Had he lost;studying abroadD.Would he lose;studying abroad16.We have the feeling,somehow,________the4th Industry Revolution is right around the corner.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.when17.It’s reported that US media are focusing on Xi’s upcoming state visit,from Tuesday to Friday, ________Xi’s exchanges and interactions with all walks of life there.A.as far asB.as long asC.as well asD.as much as18.It’s so good a habit to instruct children to lay things________they belong when they are young.A.to whichB.thatC.in whichD.where19.I found my drone functioning much better,________a new operating system.A.having installedB.installingC.to installD.installed20.________,he often thinks of________he can react more appropriately on such occasions.A.As new diplomat;whatB.Although he is a new diplomat;whenC.New diplomat though he is;howD.A new diplomat as he is;the way21.He stood on tiptoe and looked forward to________what had happened over there and found there was a museum,around________a large crowd of people were waiting.A.seeing;whichB.see;whichC.seeing;whereD.see;that22.With several problems________to be solved,we still need to hold another meeting as soon as possible.A.remainedB.remainingC.remainD.having remained23.Not until recently________the development of tourist-related activities in the rural areas.A.they had encouragedB.had they encouragedC.did they encourageD.they encouraged24.________for his invitation the other day,I should not be here now.A.Had it not beenB.Should it not beC.Were it not beD.Hadn’t it been25.Many young people,most________were well-educated,headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.A.of whichB.of themC.of whomD.of those26.________is often the case,anything is possible for those who________on the hope.A.Which;hangsB.What;hangsC.It;hangD.As;hang27.Were it not for the fact that he________the entrance examination,he________practicing football at the moment.A.passed;wouldn’t have beenB.had passed;wouldn’t have beenC.has passed;wouldn’t beD.passes;wouldn’t be28.________sour,the milk I bought from the supermarket was thrown out immediately.A.Having been smeltB.Being smeltC.SmellingD.Smelt29.“The Paris terrorism attacks might never have happened if enough measures________in advance”, said Russian President Putin in an interview.A.had been takenB.has been takenC.was takenD.is taken30.________concerns the neighboring countries is that North Korea has carried out its first hydrogen bomb test.A.WhichB.WhateverC.WhatD.ThatB.Vocabulary:31.After being________by his teacher for being late,Sky Ying said he would try to break the habit of going to bed late and try to get up earlier.A.criticizedB.remindedC.advisedD.warned32.Tom used to visit his parents________,but he couldn’t spare time to do after he got his present job.A.particularlyB.approximatelyC.regularlyD.especially33.Despite the poor service of the hotel,the manager is________to invest in sufficient training for his staff.A.eagerB.unwillingC.anxiousD.ready34.You needn’t be too concerned about what to wear to the party–it’s all________anyway,because you haven’t even been invited yet.A.academicB.painfulC.physicalD.economical35.--Can you tell us your________for happiness and a long life?--Living every day to the full,definitely.A.recipeB.recordC.rangeD.receipt36.The UN Security Council had an emergent meeting________the nuclear test carried out by North Korea.A.in response toB.in control ofC.in honor ofD.in addition to37.Her thoughts flashed back to her wedding day when she________some old photographs in a drawer.A.put acrossB.came acrossC.went acrossD.got across38.Kids shouldn’t have access to violent films because they might________the things they see.A.indicateB.investigateC.imitateD.innovate39.A waterfall theme park in Kunming,finished and opened to public for free last month,________a 400-meter-wide man-made waterfall and attracts thousands of visitors.A.expandsB.localizesC.occupiesD.features40.A strong time awareness makes us give priority to the________and immediate rather than the important and strategic.A.vitalB.urgentC.practicalD.temporaryIII.Cloze.Third Culture KidsAs more cities and companies become increasing international,there is a growing number of children that are creating their own sub-culture.Often__41__to as TCKs(Third Culture Kids)or Global Nomads, these students have a(n)__42__impact on the global community.So who are these Third Culture Kids?They are not a new phenomenon.As one looks back on history, there is a realization that certain groups of people have led highly mobile lives,a key factor in describing TCKs.They often__43__their parents into another country and spend a significant part of his or her development years outside the parents’culture.They are__44__to new cultures and to other people in thecommunity who also move constantly.Their numbers__45__into the hundreds of thousands and are increasing.Ease of travel and constant relocation of people through multinational companies and global business links contribute to this__46__.The question“Who am I?”is frequently asked by TCKs.They have had a good number of cultural identities,and have built relationships to all the cultures,__47__not having full ownership of any. Although elements from each culture are absorbed into TCK’s life experience,the sense of__48__is in relationship to others of a similar background.As you enter into the world of TCKs,one might suspect they are no different.But it is clear,after spending only a short time with them,that they bring a deep knowledge from inside and a special ability to compare international and local issues.They represent many countries and cultures.They are the future cross-culturalists and hopefully future politicians,diplomats,government employees and educators.They certainly experience a different lifestyle compared to their mono-cultural peers but we can benefit from their global and__49__lives.So,whatever one chooses to label the international students as ---TCKs,Global Nomads,or Global Souls---we will gain unbelievable__50__.41. A.referring B.regarded C.described D.referred42. A.tremendous B.temporary C.immediate D.initial43. A.accompany B.divide C.drive D.invite44. A.connected B.exposed C.addicted mitted45. A.extend B.burst C.break D.change46. A.tradition B.trend C.option D.shift47. A.as B.while C.when D.so48. A.achievement B.belonging C.responsibility D.possessing49. A.professional B.spiritual C.material D.colorful50. A.awards B.rewards C.popularity D.successIV.Reading comprehension(A)1.I didn’t cry when I learned I was the parent of a mentally handicapped child.I just sat still and didn’t say anything.2.When Kristi was old enough,we sent her to a kindergarten.It would have been comforting to cry the day I left her in that room full of kids.Kristi had spent hour upon hour playing by herself,but this moment, when she was the“different”child among them,she was probably the loneliest.3.However,positive things began to happen to Kristi in her school,and to her schoolmates,too.Kristi’s classmates always took pains to praise her:“Kristi got all her spelling words right today.”No one bothered to add that her spelling list was easier than anyone else’s.ter,she faced a very special challenge.The final event of the term was a program based on a final outcome of the year’s music and physical education activities.Kristi was behind in both.My husband andI dreaded the day as well.5.On the day of the program,Kristi pretended to be sick.Desperately I wanted to keep her home. Surely missing one program couldn’t matter.But my conscience wouldn’t let me off that easily.So I practically got a pale,reluctant Kristi onto the school bus.6.Just as I had forced my daughter to go to school,now I forced myself to go to the program.At the kindergarten,I felt worried because of her slow and clumsy reactions,she would surely hold up her team.7.The performance went well until it was time for the sack race.Surely Kristi would find it tough.Now each child had to climb into a sack,hop to a goal line,return and climb out of the sack.I noticed Kristi standing near the end of her line of players.8.But as her turn to join,a change took place in her team.The tallest boy behind Kristi placed his hands on her waist.Two other boys stood ahead of her.The moment the player in front of Kristi stepped from the sack,those two boys grabbed the sack and held it open while the tall boy lifted Kristi and dropped her into it.A girl ahead took her hand and supported her.Kristi gained her balance.Then off she hopped,smiling and proud.9.At the cheers of teachers,schoolmates and parents,I silently thanked the warm,understanding people in life who make it possible for my disabled daughter to be like her fellow human beings.Then I finally cried.51.When sending her daughter to the kindergarten,the writer must have felt________.A.lonelyB.cheerfulC.worriedD.scared52.What does the underlined sentence imply?A.It didn’t matter to miss one program because it was not important.B.It gave the author a good excuse not to send Kristi to the program.C.Kristi’s illness prevented her from taking part in the program.D.The teachers wouldn’t blame Kristi for she was ill.53.What does Paragraph6&7mainly tell us?A.The writer was worried about her daughter’s performance.B.The sack race is very difficult for the kids at the kindergarten.C.The writer was unwilling to go to watch the program.D.All the kids performed well in the games except the sack race.54.The author expressed her gratitude mainly because________.A.her daughter Kristi won the competition with the help of her teammatesB.her daughter’s teammates helped her experience the happy feeling of her ageC.the teachers at the kindergarten arranged some teammates to help her daughterD.the other kids’parents cheered for her daughter’s good performance55.What’s the best title of the passage?A.The day I criedB.An unforgettable experienceC.My disabled daughterD.A warm-hearted teamwork(B)Books,Films and PlaysThe novelist’s medium is the written word,on might almost say the printed word.Typically the novel is consumed by a silent,individual reader,who may be anywhere at the time.The paperback novel is still the cheapest,most portable and adaptable form of narrative entertainment.It is limited to a single channel of information—writing.The narrative can go,effortlessly,anywhere:into space,people’s head,palaces, prisons and pyramids,without any consideration of cost or practical possibility.In determining the shape and content of his narrative,the writer is restricted by nothing except purely artistic criteria.The novelist keeps absolute control over his text until it is published and received by the audience.He may be advised by his editor to revise his text,but if the writer refused to meet this condition no one would be surprised.It is not unknown for a well-established novelist to deliver his or her manuscript and expect the publisher to print it exactly as written.However,not even the most well-established playwright or screenplay writer would submit a script and expect it to be performed without any rewriting.This is because plays and motion pictures are cooperative forms of narrative,using more than one channel of communication.The production of a stage play involves,as well as the words of the author,the physical presence of the actors,their voices and gestures,the“set”and possibly music.Although the script is the essential basisof both stage play and film,it is a basis for subsequent revision negotiated between the writer and the other creative people involved.They are given“approval”of the choice of director and actors and have the right to attend rehearsals(排演),during which period they may undertake more rewriting work.In the case of the screenplay,the writer may have little or no control over the final form of his work.Contracts for the production of plays protect the rights of authors in this respect.In film or television work,on the other hand,the screenplay writer has no contractual right to this degree of consultation.While the script is going through its various drafts,the writer is in the driver’s seat, although sometimes receiving criticism from the producer and the director.But once the production is under way,artistic control over the project tends to pass to the director.This is a fact overlooked by most journalistic critics of television drama,who tend(unlike film critics)to give all the credit or blame for success or failure of a production to the writer and actors,ignoring the contribution,for good or ill,of the director.56.Where might you find the passage?A.In a textbook.B.In a movie magazine.C.In a travelling brochure.D.In a shopping guide.57.Which of these subtitles would be most appropriate?A.Why does the future look good for writers of books,plays and films?B.What do audiences want from these three forms of entertainment?C.How do these forms of media compare for their producers?D.What benefit can we get from these forms of media?58.Why can the novelist expect the publisher to print the manuscript exactly as written?A.Because the novelist keeps absolute control over his text.B.Because the paperback novel is most portable and adaptable.C.Because the novel is limited to a single channel of information—writing.D.Because the novelist is seldom advised by editors to revise the text.59.Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?A.Playwrights envy the simplicity of the novelist’s work.B.Experience in the theatre improves the work of screenplay writers.C.Screenplay writers have the final say in how a TV drama will turn out.D.Playwrights are frequently involved in revising their work.60.What can be implied from the last sentence of the passage? critics often blame the wrong people for the failure of a program.B.The director is a determining factor in the future of a television drama.C.Few people know the screenplay writer is often criticized by the director.D.It is urgent for the film critics to realize their mistakes.(C)Shelly Ann Francis Pryce was just an average high school athlete.There was every indication that she was just another American teenager without much of a future.However,on person wants to change this. Stephen Francis observed then eighteen-year-old Shelly Ann at a track meet and was convinced that he had seen the beginning of true greatness.Her time were not exactly impressive,but even so,he seemed there was something trying to get out,something the other coaches had overlooked when they had assessed her and found her lacking.He decided to offer Shelly Ann a place in his very strict training seasons.Their cooperation quickly produced results,and a few years later at Jamaica’s Olympic games in early2008,Shelly Ann,who at that time only ranked number70in the world,beat Jamaica’s unchallenged queen of the sprint.“Where did she come from?”asked an astonished sprinting world,before concluding that she must be one of those one-hit wonders that spring up from time to time,only to disappear again without signs. But Shelly Ann was to prove that she was anything but a one-hit wonder.At the Beijing Olympic she swept away any doubts about her ability to perform consistently by becoming the first Jamaican woman ever to win the100meters Olympic gold.She did it again at the World Championship in Britain, becoming the world champion with a time of10.73–the fourth record ever.Shelly-Ann is a little woman with a big smile.She has a mental toughness that did not come about by chance.Her journey to becoming the fastest woman on earth has been anything but smooth and effortless. She grew up in one of Jamaica’s toughest inner-city communities known as Waterhouse,where she lived in a one-room apartment,sleeping four in a bed with her mother and two brothers.Waterhouse,one of the poorest communities in Jamaica,is a really violent and overpopulated place.Several of Shelly-Ann’s friends and family were caught up in the killings;one of her cousins was shot dead,only a few streets away from where she lived.Sometimes her family didn’t have enough to eat.She ran at the school championships barefooted because she couldn’t afford shoes.Her mother Maxime,one of a family of fourteen,had been an athlete herself as a young girl but,like so many other girls in Waterhouse,had to stop after she had her first baby.Maxime’s early entry into the adult world with its responsibilities gave her the determination to ensure that her kids would not end up in Waterhouse’s roundabout of poverty. One of the first things Maxime used to do with Shelly-Ann was taking her to the track,and she was ready to sacrifice everything.It didn’t take long for Shelly-Ann to realize that sports could be her way out of Waterhouse.On a summer evening in Beijing in2008,all those long,hard hours of work and commitment finally bore fruit. The barefoot kid who,just a few years previously,had been living in poverty,surrounded by criminals and violence,had written a new chapter in the history of sports.But Shelly-Ann’s victory was far greater than that.The night she won Olympic gold in Beijing,the routine murders in Waterhouse and the drug wars in the neighbouring streets stopped.The dark cloud above one of the world’s toughest criminal neighbourhoods simply disappeared for a few days.“I have so much fire burning for my country,”Shelly said.She plans to start a foundation for homeless children and wants to build a community centre in Waterhouse.She hopes to inspire the Jamaicans to lay down their weapons.She intends to fight to make it a woman’s as well as a man’s world.As Muhammad Ali puts it,“Champions aren’t made in gyms.Champions are made from something they have deep inside them.A desire,a dream,a vision.”One of the things Shelly-Ann can be proud of is her understanding of this truth.61.Why did Stephen Francis decide to coach Shelly-Ann?A.He had a strong desire to free her family from trouble.B.He sensed a great potential in her despite her weaknesses.C.She had big problems maintaining her performance.D.She suffered a lot of defeats at the previous track meets.62.What did the sprinting world think of Shelly-Ann before the2008Olympic Games?A.She would become a promising star.B.She badly needed to set higher goals.C.Her sprinting career would not last long.D.Her talent for sprinting was known to all.63.What can we infer from Shelly-Ann’s statement underlined in Paragraph5?A.She was highly rewarded for her efforts.B.She was eager to do more for her country.C.She became an athletic star in her country.D.She was the envy of the whole community.64.By mentioning Muhammad Ali’s words,the author intends to tell us that_________.A.players should be highly inspired by coachesB.great athletes need to concentrate on patienceC.hard work is necessary in one’s achievementsD.motivation allows great athletes to be on the top65.What is the best title for the passage?A.The Making of a Great AthleteB.The Dream for ChampionshipC.The Key to High PerformanceD.The Power of Full ResponsibilityPaper TwoI.Fill in the blanks with proper words.The first letter is given.Since1960,considerable scientific researches have been done on chimps in their natural habitats. A__1__,scientists have found out that the social behaviors of Chimps are very similar to humans.Chimps will coo perate in certain ways,like gathering in war parties to protect their t__2__.But beyond the mini mum requirements as social beings,they have little instinct to help one another.Chimps in the w ild seek food for themselves.Even chimp mothers regularly decline to share food with their child ren.Who are able from a young age to gather their own food?In the laboratory,chimps don’t naturally share food either.If a chimp is put in a cage w__3 __he can pull in one plate of food for himself or,with no greater effort,a plate that also provi des food for a neighbor to the next cage,he will pull at random--he just doesn’t care whether his neighbor gets fed or not.Chimps are truly selfish.Human children,on the other hand,are extremely c__4__.From the earliest ages,they decide to help others,to share informati on and to participate in a__5__common goals.The psychologist Michael Tomasello has studied t his cooperation in a series of experiments with very young children.He finds that if babies aged 18months see a worried adult with hands full t__6__to open a door,almost all will immediate ly try to help.There are several reasons to believe that the urges to help,inform and share are not taught, but n__7__processed in young children.One is that these instincts appear at a very young age before most parents have started to train their children to behave socially.Another is that the helping behavior s are not improved if the children are rewarded.A third reason is that social intelligence develop s in children before their general cognitive(认知的)skills,at least when c__8__with chimps.In tests led by Tomasello,the human children did no better than the chimps on the physical world tests but were considerably better at understandi ng the s__9__world.The core of what children’s minds have and chimps’°don’t is what Tomasello calls shared in tentionality.Part of this ability is that they can infer what others know or are thinking.But beyo nd that,even very young children want to be part of a shared purpose.They actively seek to be part of a we”,a group that i__10__to work toward a shared goal.II.Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.spectator consult practical convince environmenteconomy conserve persevere depressed expressionWhat do you do when you feel sad?Jack Ma went to see a film,one he claimed he had watched about10times.“My hero is Forrest Gump.Every time I feel a sense of__1__.I watch the movie,”he said on CNBC on Sept19.“I watched the movie before I came here to New York.”There Ma witnessed the Alibaba Group opening on the New York stock exchange with the largest initial public offering(IPO新股发行)in American history.Alibaba,“the world’s largest Internet commerce company”,according to The New York Times,“put China on an equal level with the US in the rapidly increasing global competition for technological innovation and__2__transformation,”commented the South China Morning Post.It has also made Ma China’s richest man with a fortune of around$25billion(153billion yuan), reported Reuter.Ma’s rags-to-riches journey is just as__3__as his Internet empire.Ma failed the national college entrance exams twice before he finally enrolled in Hangzhou Normal University on his third attempt.He studied English.After graduation,Ma became an English teacher for years after he failed to land jobs at a local KFC,a hotel,and the city police,reported USA Today.“Mr.Ma is a big believer in__4__,”commented The Wall Street Journal,also talking about Ma’s English studying experience.Starting at the age of12,Ma said he woke up at5am to walk or cycle to Hangzhou’s main hotel so he could practice his English with foreign tourists.He did this for nine years and acted as a free tour guide to many.However,it was his vision and goals that launched his career.During a short trip to the US as an interpreter in1995,Ma first experienced the Internet.He believed in the Internet’s business potential when few other Chinese people did.He started Alibaba in his Hangzhou apartment,with17friends and$60,000 of funds.At the time,when e-commerce was unheard of in China,“I called myself a blind man riding on the back of blind tigers,”he once said.His unusual ideas earned him the nickname“Crazy Jack Ma”and Chinese media used words like“__5__”and“paranoid(妄想狂的)”to describe him.Indeed,Ma is different.Although he is very thin and about160cm tall,“Ma is yet animated and forceful,with a bulging forehead and__6__,restless hands,”said The Guardian.“He is funny,creative, and a__7__speaker.I often thought he has another career in stand-up comedy,”Duncan Clark,a Brit who is a Beijing-based technology__8__,told USA Today.While Ma joked to The Wall Street Journal that he had“a unique and ugly face so people always recognize me”,it is“his readiness to make fun of himself,and speak his mind that is a contrast to China’s often__9__corporate leaders”,commented USA Today.Ma told Time magazine that he was“old for the Internet”.He started to slow down and looked around.According to The Wall Street Journal,Ma plans to open a tai chi club with the actor Jet Li,build an entrepreneurship university in Hangzhou and continue to work on several__10__projects.III.Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in their proper forms.“Have you gotten married?”“Have you received a salary raise??”“Have you bought a house???”Are you familiar with these questions starting with“have you”and ending in at least one question mark?If your answer is yes and you are getting sick of answering these questions,you probably__1__ (become)a member of the“home-fear group”.The“home-fear group”refers to those feeling anxious about returning home during the Spring Festival.They have deep concerns about__2__(go)back home for such factors as heavy economicpressure,high costs of the festival,the troubles of buying tickets,the long distance of the journey and exposure of private matters__3__(involve)family or love life.Now,a special song has been tailor-made for this group.The seven-minute song utilizes a choir style and rap.The beginning of the song__4__(sing)by the choir,which involves a family scene where a recently returned young adult is asked a series of questions by family members.After the“question attack”from relatives,the young man decides__5__(reflect)on his past and also defend himself through rap.According to the official microblog account of Shanghai Rainbow Indoor Chorus,this is more than just a funny song,but a useful guide for young people.A careful listen to some of the lyrics__6__(inspire) you on how to wisely answer many’Spring Festival-specific’questions.“It is a very interesting yet brainwashing song,truly__7__(describe)the less satisfactory situation quite a few young Chinese people have been trapped in,”Sina Microblog user Santilin Clouds said.According to a survey recently__8__(conduct)among1,918young people by the research center at China Youth Daily,an overwhelming86.4percent of interviewees think it is necessary that they__9__ (return)to their homeland during the Spring Festival,even if they are afraid of losing face for an average life or career.“We might not work hard in the future if we__10__(be)that good.That’s enough!After all,the essence of spending the Spring Festival is reunion not pressure,”the song echoes the theme at the ending. IV.Sentence transformation.1.Scientists assumed that Stonehenge was more likely a prehistoric health center than a site for observing stars.Stonehenge________________________a prehistoric health center________________a site for observing stars.2.Our parents will certainly point our bad behavior out when we make a mistake or do something inappropriate.(改为主语从句)3.I had no time to read my book because I spent so long doing my homework.(改为简单句)4.I didn’t begin to think seriously about the relationship between humans and animals until I saw a skinny polar bear walking on the ice in the photo.(改为强调句)5.Dad knew little that over the three years of my university life,I moved flats five times all by myself, dragging suitcases of books and clothes.(改为倒装句)V.Read the following passage and answer the questions in COMPLETE sentences.Speed reading is a necessary and vital skill in the Internet age.We skim over articles,e-mails and tweets to try to grasp key words and the essential meaning of the text.With so much information available through our electronic devices,it would be impossible to get through everything if we read word by word, line by line.But a new trend calls on people to unplug and enjoy reading slowly,one which claims to have benefits beyond intelligent stimulation.A recent story tells about a book club in Wellington,New Zealand,where members meet in a cafe and turn off their smartphones.They sink into comfortable chairs and read in silence for an hour.Unlike typical book clubs,the point of the slow reading club isn’t to exchange ideas about certain books,but to get away from electronic devices and read in a quiet,relaxed environment.According to the story,the Wellington book club is just one example of a movement started by book lovers who miss the traditional way of reading.Traditional readers,like Maura Kelly,say a regular reading habit sharpens the mind,improves concentration,reduces stress levels and deepens the ability to understand others.Some of these benefits。







已知该动物的基因型为Aa,下列叙述正确的是()A.图示细胞为初级精母细胞,应进行均等分裂B.图示完整细胞内应有6条染色单体C.图示未绘出的一极一定存在A、a两种基因D.图示细胞经过分裂能得到1种或2种配子4.如图为某反射弧的部分结构示意图,虚线内代表神经中枢,下列叙述正确的是()A.a端与效应器相连接,b端与感受器相连B.c处的液体是组织液,其理化性质的改变会影响兴奋的传递C.在d、e 点之间连接了灵敏电流计,刺激F点和G点都能使电流计发生相同的偏转D.把某药物放在c处,刺激e点,d处无电位变化,说明该药物能阻断神经元之间的兴奋传递5.“为什么癌细胞大量消耗葡萄糖却不能高效产能?”该疑问被称为“瓦博格效应”。



上海外国语大学附属中学中考物理模拟试卷三考生须知:1.答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写学校、班级、姓名、试场号、座位号及准考证号;2.所有答案必须写在答题卷上,写在试卷上无效;3.考试结束后,只需上交答题卷一、填空题1.“漂移”是一种高难度的汽车表演项目.有一种“漂移”方法如下:当汽车在水平地面上疾驶时,车对地面的压力和地面对车的支持力(填“是”或“不是”)一对平衡力,此时突然刹车,但汽车仍要向前运动,这是由于汽车具有.同时转动方向盘,汽车急转弯,这是摩擦力改变了汽车的.该过程中车胎温度升高,这主要是通过的方式改变了车胎的内能.【答案】不是;惯性;运动状态;做功.【解析】根据力的平衡条件可知,车对地面的压力作用在地面上,地面对车的支持力作用在车上,二力不作用在一个物体上,故二力不是一对平衡力;此时突然刹车,由于惯性汽车仍要向前运动,同时转动方向盘,汽车急转弯,这是摩擦力改变了汽车的运动状态;该过程中车胎温度升高,这主要是通过做功的方式改变了车胎的内能.故答案为:不是;惯性;运动状态;做功.2.某导体两端接两节新干电池,内通过该导体的电荷量为,则通过它的电流为__________.当该导体两端的电压为时,则该导体的电阻为__________.【答案】(1). 0.6(2). 10【解析】【分析】(1)已知电荷量和时间,根据公式Q=It可求电流.(2)已知导体两端的电压和通过它的电流,根据欧姆定律可求导体的电阻;【详解】(1)由I=得通过它的电流为:I==0.6,(2)由欧姆定律可得:R==10Ω.3.将一小球竖直向上抛出,若考虑空气阻力(速度越大,空气的阻力越大),小球在先上升后下降的过程中,它的机械能__________,它受的合力__________.(均选填:“增大”、“减小”、“不变”)【答案】(1). 减小;。

(2). 减小【解析】【分析】(1)当只有动能和势能相互转化为,机械能守恒,在考虑空气阻力时,会有一部分机械能转化为内能.(2)对小球在上升和下降过程中的受力情况进行分析,对不同情况下的合力进行比较,可得出合力的变化.【详解】竖直向上抛出的小球,离开手后会继续向上运动,若考虑空气阻力,小球与空气摩擦,一部分机械能转化为内能,故机械能的总量减小;(2)小球上升时,受到重力与空气阻力,二者方向相同,合力为二力之和;小球下降时,阻力方向与重力相反,合力为二力之差,故在整个过程中,小球所受合力越来越小。



2018-2019学年上外附中直升考试卷模拟卷II.Multiple choiceA.Grammar11.Traveling during________National Day is not a wise choice as all the places are crowded,while dining out in restaurants during________Spring Festival can save a lot of trouble in preparing dinner.A.the,theB.the,/C./,theD./,/12.I’d like to buy________these pencils.A.three dozenB.dozen ofC.three dozens ofD.a dozen13.The new area of the city is about________the old one.A.three times the size asB.three times the size ofC.three times that isD.three times what is14.With so much work to do,you________to the concert last night.A.mustn’t goB.shouldn’t goC.mustn’t have goneD.shouldn’t have gone15.Starting around7000B.C.,and for the next four thousand years,much of the Northern Hemisphere ________temperature warmer than at present.A.experiencesB.will experienceC.experiencedD.had experienced16.________,but he still couldn’t understand the logical connection of the two subjects.A.Having told many timesB.Having been told many timesC.He was told many timesD.Many times as he was told17.The conference currently________in Geneva has caught the attention of the mass media.A.heldB.to be heldC.being heldD.having held18.--Well,where did you spend your night that day?--At________.A.where it is called Hilton HotelB.what is called Hilton HotelC.which is called Hilton HotelD.that is called Hilton Hotel19.The newly built café,________are painted light green,is really a peaceful place for us,specially after hard work.A.the walls of whichB.the walls of itC.its wallsD.of which walls20.Because of the financial crisis,days are gone________local5-star hotels charged6,000yuan for one night.A.ifB.whenC.whichD.since21.________that witnessed the emergence of and the ongoing debate over genetically modified food.A.During the first10years in the21st centuryB.That it was in the first10years of the21st centuryC.It was in the first10years of the21st centuryD.It was the first10years of the21st century22.________different life today is from________it was fifty years ago!A.What a,whatB.What a,howC.How,whatD.What,what23.________your free time to create and grow,and you will find yourself living a more meaningful life./doc/4022906b58cfa1c7aa00b52acfc789eb172d9ed0.html ing/doc/4022906b58cfa1c7aa00b52acfc789eb172d9ed0.html eC.To useD.If use24.--You said she wouldn’t come,________?--Yes,but she changed her mind.A.didn’t youB.did youC.would sheD.wouldn’t she25.Not only________shade and beauty,but________carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.A.do threes provides,they also absorbB.tree provide,they also absorbC.provide trees,also absorb theyD.do trees provide,also do they absorb26.________,it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time.A.Important although his discovery isB.Important as his discovery isC.As his discovery is important B.No matter important his discovery is27.________for the economic downturn,the unemployment wouldn’t be shrinking so rapidly.A.Had it not beenB.Were it notC.Hadn’t it beenD.Were not it28.His pale face suggested that he________able to continue with the test,so we all suggested that he ________a rest to recover his strength.A.was not,hasB.shouldn’t not be,haveC.was not,haveD.should not be,has29.--You couldn’t have chosen any gift better for me.--________.A.Oh,I’d choose a better one for you next time.B.You’ve had a gift for music,haven’t you?C.I’m glad that you like it so much.D.Sorry but don’t blame me,dear.30.Believe it or not,________can you all expect to be admitted to some famous universities.A.with high marksB.whatever high marksC.by working hardD.only with high marksB.Vocabulary31.He________from his family and settled down in America.A.broke awayB.broke outC.broke upD.broke in32.He had to________his father’s business after his death,though he didn’t really want to continue it.A.carry outB.pick upC.set upD.carry on33.Fortunately,with the help of some local villagers,rescuers were able to gain________to the disaster-hit area soon enough.A.trackB.accessC.meansD.passage34.The municipal government has launched a________against smoking in public places such as restaurants and theatres.A.warB.battleC.fightD.campaign35.My children are not________about the food—they eat whatever I cook.A.particularB.specialC.especialD.peculiar36.Watch out!Don’t step on the ice or it’s easy to________.A.crashB.crackC.crushD.smash37.When I took his temperature,it was two degrees above________.A.averageB.ordinaryC.regularD.normal38.These plastic flowers look so________that many people think they are real.A.beautifulB.naturalC.artificialD.similar39.The open university was started in order to help those who________having a university education when they were young.A.stoppedB.failedC.missedD.ceased40.It’s bad________for a man to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.A.behaviorB.actionC.mannerD.movementIII.ClozeThe requirements for high school graduation have just changed in my community.As a result,all students must__41__sixty hours of service learning or they will not receive a diploma.Service learning is academic learning that also helps the community.__42__of service learning include cleaning up a polluted river,working in a soup kitchen,or tutoring a student.__43__a service experience,students mustkeep a journal and then write a report about what they have learned.Supporters claim that there are many benefits of service learning.Perhaps most importantly,students are forced tothink__44__their own interests and become aware of the needs of others.Students are also able to learn real life skillsthat__45__responsibility,problem-solving,and working as part of a team. Finally,students can explore possible careers through service learning.For example,if a student wonders what teaching is like,he or she can choose to work in an elementary school classroom a few afternoons each month.__46__there are many benefits,opponents point out problems with the newrequirement.First,they__47__that the main reason students go to school is to learn core subjects and skills.Because service learning is time consuming,students spend __48__time studying the core subjects.Second,they believe that forcing students to work without pay goes against the law.By requiring service,the school takes away an individual’s freedom to choose.In my view,service learning is a great way to contribute to the community,learn new skills,and explore differentcareers.__49__,I don’t believe you should force people to help others--the desire to help must come from the heart.I think the best__50__is one that gives students choices:a student should be able to choose sixty hours of independent study or sixty hours of service.Choice encourages both freedom and responsibility,and as young adults,we must learn to handle both wisely.41. A.spend B.gain /doc/4022906b58cfa1c7aa00b52acfc789eb172d9ed0.html plete D.save42. A.Subjects B.Ideas C.Procedures D.Examples43. A.With B.Before C.During D.After44. A.beyond B.about C.over D.in45. A.possess B.apply C.include D.develop46. A.So B.Thus C.Since D.While47. A.argue B.doubt C.overlook D.admit48. A.much B.full C.less D.more49. A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.Besides D.However50. A.decision B.purpose C.solution D.resultIV.Reading comprehension(A)Generations of children grew up reading comic books secretly,hiding out from parents and teachers who saw them as a waste of time and a risk to young /doc/4022906b58cfa1c7aa00b52acfc789eb172d9ed0.html ics are now gaining a new respectability at school.That is thanks to an increasingly popular and creative program,often aimed at struggling readers,that encourages children to plot,write and draw comic books,in many cases using themes from their own lives.The Comic Book Project was started in2001by Michael Bitz at an elementary school in Queens. Since its creation,the program,which is mainly conducted after school,has spread to more than850 schools across the country.It has gotten a big push from the Canent craze among adolescents for comic book clubs and for Manga,a wildly popular variety of comic originating in Japan.The point is not to drop a comic book on a child’s desk and say:“read this”.Rather,the workshops give groups of students the opportunity to collaborate on often complex stories and characters that they then revise,publish and share with others in their communities.Teachers are finding it easier to teach writing,grammar and punctuation with material that students are fully invested in.And it turns out that comic books have other built-in advantages.The pairing of visual and written plotlines that they rely on appear to be especially helpful to struggling readers.No one is suggesting that comic books should substitute for traditional books or for standard reading and composition lessons.Teachers who would once have dismissed comics out of hand are learning to exploita style that clearly has a powerful hold on young minds.They are using what works.51.Which of the following is probably the best title of the passage?A.Japanese Comic Books./doc/4022906b58cfa1c7aa00b52acfc789eb172d9ed0.html ic Books in the Classroom.C.Reading Efficiently.D.A Current Craze.52.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Students’reading materials are often involved with their daily life./doc/4022906b58cfa1c7aa00b52acfc789eb172d9ed0.html ic books can now take the place of textbooks at school.C.Teachers now give away comic books for children to read.D.Children’s imagination plays a key role in comic books.53.The underlined phrase“its”in Paragraph2probably refers to______.A.the Comic Book Project’sB.an elementary school’sD.the country’s54.The main purpose of the Comic Book Project is to________.A.develop the cooperation among adolescentsB.make sure that students live a rich and colorful life after schoolC.help students who have some difficulty in readingD.popularize a new method of teaching55.It can be inferred that________./doc/4022906b58cfa1c7aa00b52acfc789eb172d9ed0.html ic books were first used in Japanese schoolsB.parents have different opinions about their children reading comic booksC.more and more teachers will realize the advantages of comic books/doc/4022906b58cfa1c7aa00b52acfc789eb172d9ed0.html ic books will be allowed to enter all the schools in the country(B)On her first morning in America last summer,my daughter went out to explore her new neighborhood alone,without even telling my wife or me.Of course we were worried;we had just moved from Berlin,and she was just8.But when she came home,we realized we had no reason to panic.Beaming with pride,she told us how she had discovered the little park around the corner,and had made friends with a few local dog owners.She had taken possession of her new environment,and was keen to teach us things we didn’t know.When this story comes up in conversations with American friends,we are usually met with polite disbelief.Most are horrified by the idea that their children might roam around without adult supervision. In Berlin,where we lived in the center of town,our girls would ride the Metro on their own–a no-no in Washington.Or they’d go alone to the playground or walk a mile to a piano lesson.Here in quiet and traffic-safe suburban Washington,they don’t even find other kids on the street to play with.On Halloween, when everybody was out to trick or treat,we were surprised by how many children actually lived here whom we had never seen.A study by the University of California has found that American kids spend90per cent of their leisure time at home,often in front of the TV or playing video games.Even when kids are physically active,they are watched closely by adults,either in school,at home,at afternoon activities or in the car, shuttling them from place to place.Such narrowing of children’s world has happened across the developed world.But German parents are generally much more accepting of letting children take some risks.To them,it seems that American’s middle class has taken overprotective parenting to a new level,with the government acting as a super nanny.But when it comes to their own children,the same respondents were terrified by the idea of givingthem only a little of the freedom they once enjoyed.Many cited fear of abduction,even though crime rates have declined significantly.The most recent in-depth study found that,in1999,only115children nationwide were victims of a“stereotypical kidnapping”by a stranger;the majority was abducted by a family member.The same year,2931children under15died as passengers in car accidents.Driving children around is statistically more dangerous than letting them roam freely.“We are depriving them of opportunities to learn how to take control of their own lives,”writes Peter Gray,a research professor at Boston College.He argues that this increases the chance that they will suffer from anxiety,depression,and various other mental disorders,which have gone up dramatically in recent decades.I am no psychologist like Professor Gray,but I know I won’t be around forever to protect my girls from the challenges life holds in store for them.And by giving kids more control over their lives,they learn to have more confidence in their own capabilities.56.Hearing the author’s daughter exploring the new neighborhood alone,his American friends feel ________.B.proudC.doubtfulD.terrified57.We can conclude from Paragraph3that________.A.American kids enjoy playing at homeB.German parents are less protective than American parentsC.German kids like taking risks more than American kidsD.American parents don’t limit their children’s activities in their leisure time58.In which of the following countries isn’t narrowing of the child’s world likely to happen?A.AmericaB.IndiaC.JapanD.England59.It’s implied from Professor Gray’s words that________.A.parents should always be around their children to protect them from risksB.more and more parents suffer from mental problemsC.children are having more opportunities to take control of their livesD.giving children more freedom is beneficial to their mental development60.Which of the following words can best describe the author’s parenting?A.Open-mined.B.Irresponsible.C.Careless.D.Protective.(C)Glaciers are large masses of ice on land that show evidence of past or present movement.They grow by the gradual transformation of snow into glacier ice.A fresh snowfall is a fluffy mass of loosely packed snowflakes,small delicate ice crystals grown in the atmosphere.As the snow ages on the ground for weeks or months,the crystals shrink and become more compact,and the whole mass becomes squeezed together into a more dense form,granular snow.As new snow falls and buries the older snow,the layers of granular snow further compact to form firm,a much denser kind of snow,usually a year or more old,which has little pore space.Further burial and slow cementation–a process by which crystals become held together in a mosaic of intergrown ice crystals–finally produce solid glacial ice.In this process of recrystallization,the growth of new crystals at the expense of old ones,the percentage of air is reduced from about90percent for snowflakes to less than20 percent for glacier ice.The whole process may take as little as a few years,but more likely ten or twenty years or longer.The snow is usually many meters deep by the time the lower layers are converted into ice.In cold glaciers those formed in the coldest regions of the Earth,the entire mass of ice is at temperatures below the melting point and no free water exists.In temperate glaciers,the ice is at the melting point at every pressure level within the glacier,and free water is present as small drops or aslarger accumulations in tunnels within or beneath the ice.Formation of a glacier is complete when ice has accumulated to a thickness(and thus weight) sufficient to make it move slowly under pressure,in much the same way that solid rock deep within the Earth can change shape without breaking.Once that point is reached,the ice flows downhill,either as a tongue of ice filling a valley or as thick ice cap that flows out in directions from the highest central area where the most snow accumulates.The trip down leads to the eventual melting of ice.61.Which of the following does the passage mainly discuss?A.The effect of glaciers on climate.B.Damage from glaciers.C.Glacier formation.D.The location of glaciers.62.Which of the following will cause density within the glacier to increase?A.Increased water and air content.B.Pressure from the weight of new snow.C.Long periods of darkness and temperature variations.D.Movement of the glacier.63.Which of the following will be lost if a glacier forms?A.AirB.PressureC.WeightD.Rocks64.What is the purpose of the material in paragraph3?A.To define two types of glaciers.B.To contrast glacier ice with non-glacier ice.C.To present theories of glacier formation.D.To discuss the similarities between glacial types.65.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that a glacier________.A.can revert to a fluffy massB.maintains the same shape throughout the glacial processC.is too cold to be thoroughly studiedD.can contribute water to lakes,rivers,or oceansPart TwoI.Fill in the blanks with proper words.The first letter is given.As more and more people speak the global languages of English,Chinese,Spanish,and Arabic,other languages are rapidly d__1__.In fact,half of the6,000-7,000languages spoken around the world today will likely die out by the nextcentury,according to the United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization(UNESCO).In an e__2__to prevent language loss,scholars from a number of organizations-UNESCO and National Geographic among them–have for many years been documenting dying languages and the c__3__they reflect.Mark Turin,a scientist at the Macmillan Center,Yale University,who specializes in the languages and oral traditions of the Himalayas,is following in that tradition.His recently published book,A Grammar of Thangmi with an Ethnolinguistic Introduction to the Speakers and Their Culture,grows out of his e__4__living,looking and raising a family in a village inNepal.Documenting the Tangmi language and culture is just a starting p__5__for Turin,who seeks to i__6__other languages and oral traditions across the Himalayans reaches of India,Nepal,Bhutan,and China.But he is not content to simply record these v__7__before they disappear without record.At the University of Cambridge Turin discovered a wealth of important m__8__-including photographs,films,tape recordings,and field notes-which had remained unstudied and were badly in need of care and p__9__.Now,through the two organizations that he has founded-the Digital Himalaya Project and the World Oral Literature Project-Turin has started a campaign to make such documents,found in libraries and stores around the world,a__10__not just to scholars but to the youngers.II.Word transformation.Each word can be used only once.Every day we experience one of the wonders of the world around us without even realizing it.It is not the amazing complexity of television,nor the__1__technology of transport.The__2__wonder we share and experience is our ability to make noise without mouths,and so transmit ideas and thoughts to each other’s minds.This ability comes so__3__that we tend to forget what a miracle it is.Obviously,the ability to talk is something that marks humans off from animal.Of course,some animals have powers just as amazing.Birds can fly thousands miles by__4__positions of the stars in the sky in__5__to the time of day and year.In Nature’s talent show,humans are a species of animal that have developed their own special act.If we reduce it to basic terms,it’s an ability for communicating information to others,by varying sounds we make as we breathe out.Not that we don’t have other powers of communication.Our facial__6__convey our emotions,such as anger,orjoy,or__7__.The way we hold our heads can indicate to others whether we are happy or sad. This is so-called“body language”.Bristling(直⽴的)fur is an unmistakable warning of attack among many animals.__8__,the bowed head or drooping tail shows a readiness to take second place in any animal gathering.Such a means of communication is a basic mechanism that animals,including human beings, instinctively(本能地)acquire and display.Is the ability to speak just another sort of instinct?If so,how did human beings acquire this amazing skills?__9__can readily indicate that particular area of our brain where speech mechanisms function,but this doesn’t tell us how that part of our bodies__10__in our biological history.III.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of each verb given.Four people in England back in1953,stared at Photo51.It wasn’t much—a picture__1__(show)a black X.But three of these people won the Nobel Prize for figuring out what the photo really showed—the shape of DNA.The discovery brought fame and fortune to scientists James Watson,Francis Crick,and Maurice Wilkins.The fourth,the one who actually made the picture,__2__(leave out).Her name was Rosalind Franklin.“She should have been up there,”says historian Mary Bowden.“If her photo__3__(not be)there,the others__4__(can’t come up)with the structure.”One reason Franklin was missing was that she__5__(die)of cancer four years before the Nobel decision.But now scholar doubt that Franklin was not only robbed of her life by disease but robbed of credit by her competitions.At Cambridge University in the1950s,Watson and Crick tried to make models by cutting up shapes of DNA’s parts and then putting them together.In the meantime,at King’s College in London,Franklin andWilkins shone X-rays at the molecule(分⼦).The rays produced patterns reflecting the shape.But Wilkins and Franklin’s relationship was a lot rockier than the celebrated teamwork of Watson and Crick.Wilkins thought Franklin was hired to be his assistant.But the college actually employed her__6__ (take over)the DNA project.What she did was produce X-ray pictures that told Watson and Crick that one of their early models was inside out.And she was not shy about saying so.That angered Watson,who attacked her in return,。



2019-2020学年上海师范大学附属外国语中学高三英语三模试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AWe are proud to present a showcase for kid inventions from children chosen from the Kid's Forum at Blue Print Earth. We hope you enjoy the ideas expressed here and join us in supporting the next generation.Eater of Natural DisastersMy invention cansave your home by sucking up all-natural disasters. The government will not own this machine, but by you so there will be no taxes on it. Order Now! The Eater of Natural Disasters will run on renewable batteries. It will cost 50 dollars to make and I will sell it for just $ 75.Created by Matthew Szekeresh —Mt.WashingtonElementary, 5th Grade.Pick-up-Pollution BombMy invention is called the Pick-up-Pollution Bomb. It will just pick up pollution and it won't hurt anything else like people, animals, property, playgrounds, and parks. The reason why I made it is that I think there is too much pollution on the Earth. It sells for $100 apiece, and if you buy this now, I will send you another one for free.Created gratefully by Lauren Newberry — Mt. Washington Elementary, 5th GradeFlying HouseMy invention is a home that will blast off in space. For example, if there were an earthquake people would immediately blast off, or if there were a flood it would take off. Only for $ 400.99.Created by David Turner —Mt.WashingtonElementary, 5th GradeBug RobotMy invention is a robot that catches little bugs, eats little bugs, sucks up pollution, sucks up natural disasters, and turns them into food solving the problems of too many little bugs, natural disasters, pollution and starvation. My product is worth $500. My invention works on 2 triple — A batteries. And if you order one today I'll throw in 4 rechargeable triple-A batteries.Created by Cassie Courtey —Mt.WashingtonElementary, 5th Grade1. Why is the Flying House created?A. To explore the space.B. To clean the air.C. To prepare people for earthquakes.D. To help people escape from natural disasters.2. Which invention can turn pollution into food?A. The Bug Robot.B. The Pick-up-Pollution Bomb.C. The Flying House.D. The Eater of Natural Disasters.3. What can we infer about the four inventions?A. They are very easy to build.B. They are ideas from kids in the same school.C. They are expensive but of practical use.D. They are being used by people.BFor fishermen and sailors in the seaside town of Shangpan in Linhai, Zhejiang province, where recently 12 stranded(搁浅的)whales were found, it is not unusual to spot whales or dolphins in the sea — they would always call them haizi, or “son of the ocean”. And if the local fishermen spot such intelligent sea creatures in need, they will save them from danger without hesitation.In the recent rescue of melon-headed whales, they tried their best to help as a 37-second video of a young man sleeping in the water holding a whale soon went viral online, with netizens applauding his constant efforts and caring heart in trying to keep the whale alive. “The melon-headed whale knew I was trying to save it and would be more cooperative and wouldn’t move.” said Lu Wenhui, a 21-year-old diver from Hangzhou Changqiao Polar Ocean Park, who held up the whale’s head so it could breathe easily. Lu had been staying in the water for 10 hours by 4 a.m. Wednesday after coming for the rescue work on Tuesday, when the stranded whales were first spotted.“Whales are mammals and need to breathe in air — that’s why I had to hold its head, to ensure it could breathe smoothly the whole time,” Lu said. The stranded whales, after the struggling of being transported, were worn out when they arrived at the fish farm and might have drowned if they were left unattended.The reason why the whales were stranded is still not clear. And these stranded whales were returned to the ocean because they are not adapted to artificial breeding environments on land.4. What do local fishermen usually do after finding haizi in danger?A. Ignore them.B. Feed them.C. Transport them.D. Protect them.5. Why does the author describe Lu’s rescue work?A. To introduce the whales in detail.B. To voice his views on the diver.C. To praise the efforts made by rescuers.D. To explain the value of the whales.6. What can we say about the melon-headed whales according to the text?A. They are rarely seen by locals.B. They are used to breathing in the sea.C. They aren’t suited to artificial surroundings.D. They are fond of swimming near the seaside.7. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Melon-headed Whales Were StrandedB. Rescuers Went All out to Help WhalesC. Fishermen Transported Stranded WhalesD. Witnesses Voiced Opinions on Rescue WorkCMy sister Alice and I have been trying to get people tostop dropping cigarette(香烟)butts(烟头)for seven years. One day, we were walking in our hometown and saw hundreds of cigarette butts on the ground. They made the town look so ugly that we decided to start a group to make people dropping butts. We called it “No Butts About It”.At first, we drew pictures with “The Earth is not your ashtray(烟灰缸)”written on them. We put the pictures around our hometown—in parks, by beaches, and along roads. We wanted to make people understand that dropping butts hurts the environment. Most smokers don’t think that dropping butts hurts the Earth. But it does, and all rubbish does!Later, we wrote to companies and asked them for money to help us. We used the money to buy ashtrays to give to smokers. We wanted smokers to carry the ashtrays with them so they didn’t have to drop butts.At the moment, we are trying to get cigarette companies to put an ashtray in each pack of cigarettes. Some companies want to do it. Many people have started to join our group since it began. Today there are 45 other “No Butts About It” groups inAmerica.Now there even groups inEngland,Australia, andIndia! Many newspapers have written about my sister and me over the last seven years. And we have won many prizes for what we do. But we are not interested in prizes. We just want to make the Earth a better and cleaner place for animals, plants and people.One day, it will be.8. What did the writer think about the cigarette butts in the first place?A. They made the town smelly.B. They made the town unhealthy.C. They made the town dirty.D. They made the town poor.9. What does the writer do with the cigarette butts?A. Give ashtrays to the smokers.B. Stop people buying cigarettes.C. Pick up the cigarette butts.D. Win prizes for starting groups.10. From the passage we can know that _____.A. no companies wanted to give money to themB. The writer believes that the Earth will be a better and cleaner placeC. There are only 45”No Butts About It”D. The writer likes to be on newspapers and win prizes211. Which is the best tittle for the passage?A. Save our Town From Cigarette Butts.B. Buy Yourself An Ashtray.C. Cigarette Butts Also Destroy Other Countries.D. No Butts Prize.DA 25-year-old American with a university degree can expect to livea decade longer than a peer who dropped out of high school. Although researchers have long known that the rich live longer than the poor, this education gap is less well documented. And although the average American’s expected span(预期寿命) has been smooth in recent year—and, shockingly, even fell between 2015 and 2017—that of the one-third with a bachelor’s degree has continued to lengthen.This gap in life expectancy is growing, according to new research published in the report of the National Academy of Sciences. Anne Case and Angus Deation ofPrincetonUniversityfound that the lifespans of those with and without a bachelor’s degree started to become different in the 1990s and 2000s. This gap grew even wider in the 2010s.What is the link between schooling and longevity(长寿)? Some argue that better-educated people develop healthier lifestyles: each additional year of study reduces the chances of being a smoker and of being overweight. The better-educated earn more, which in turn is associated with greaterhealth.Ms Case and Mr Deaton argue that changes in labor markets, including the rise of automation and increased demand for highly-educated workers, coupled with the rising costs of employer-provided health care, have decreased the supply of well-paid jobs for those without a degree. This may be contributing to higher rates of alcohol and drug use, suicide and other “deaths of despair”.The authors argued that the educational gap in mortality(致死率) will widenin the wake ofthe covid-19pandemic. ForAmerica’s overall life expectancy to start climbing again, improvements will be needed across all social groups, not just among the privileged few.12. When did the lifespans of people with and without a degree vary greatly?A. In the 1990s.B. In the 2020sC. In the 2000sD. In the 2010s13. According to the article, changes in labor markets reduce jobs for those without a degree. Which change is NOT included?A. The rising spending of employer-provided health care.B. The gap in life expectancy.C. Raised request for better-educated workers.D. The development of automation.14. What does the underlined phrase “in the wake of” probably mean ?A. afterB. untilC. beforeD. while15. What is the best title for the text?A. Changes in labor market.B. Quit bad habits by Further studyC. Educated Americans live longer.D. Highly-educated people develop healthier lifestyles.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



上海市外国语大学附属外国语学校2021年九年级直升模拟试卷(三)物理试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、填空题1.“漂移”是一种高难度的汽车表演项目.有一种“漂移”方法如下:当汽车在水平地面上疾驶时,车对地面的压力和地面对车的支持力 (填“是”或“不是”)一对平衡力,此时突然刹车,但汽车仍要向前运动,这是由于汽车具有 .同时转动方向盘,汽车急转弯,这是摩擦力改变了汽车的 .该过程中车胎温度升高,这主要是通过 的方式改变了车胎的内能.2.某导体两端接两节新干电池,10s 内通过该导体的电荷量为6C ,则通过它的电流为__________A .当该导体两端的电压为6V 时,则该导体的电阻为__________Ω. 3.将一小球竖直向上抛出,若考虑空气阻力(速度越大,空气的阻力越大),小球在先上升后下降的过程中,它的机械能__________,它受的合力__________.(均选填:“增大”、“减小”、“不变”)4.一个底面积为22210m -⨯的薄壁柱形容器放在水平桌面中央,容器高0.15m ,内盛有0.1m 深的水.当把一个质量为3kg 实心正方体A 放入水中后,容器对桌面压强增加量为980Pa ,则A 物体的密度__________3kg/m ,A 物体受到的浮力为__________N .5.如图所示,1D 和2D 是两个二极管.二极管具有单向导电性,当有按图中箭头方向的电流通过二极管时,其电阻为零;当有按图中箭头反方向的电流通过二极管时,其电阻为无穷大.电流表A 的指针可以双向偏转.电阻1R 、2R 、3R 的阻值均为3Ω,在a 、b 间接电压恒为9V 的电源.当a 接电源正极时,电流表A 的示数为__________A ;当b 接电源正极时,电流表A 的示数为__________A .6.如图甲所示,粗糙程度相同的水平地面上放一重为5N ,底面积为220cm 的物体A .用水平拉力F 作用于A 物体,拉力F 的大小与时间t 的关系和A 物体运动速度v 与时间t 的关系如图乙所示.物体对水平地面的压强__________Pa ,由图象可知,物体受到摩擦力是__________N ,3s~6s 内物体受到的合力是__________N .7.如图所示,在研究滑轮组时,测得A 物体重3N ,当拉动甲测力计,使A 以0.1m/s 的速度匀速向右移动时,甲、乙测力计的示数分别为0.5N 和1.2N .则拉动甲测力计的功率是__________W ,在匀速拉动4s 时间内所做的额外功为__________J .8.如图所示,闭合电键S 后,当滑动变阻器的滑片P 向右移动时,电压表V 的示数将____.电流表3A 与电流表1A 示数的差值跟电压表V 示数的比值__________(均选填“变小”、“不变”或“变大”).9.如图,把一个凹透镜A 放在一个凸透镜B 的前10cm 处,能使一束平行于主光轴的光通过这两个透镜后,会聚在P 上的一点S ;已知光屏距透镜30cm ,现保持光屏和透镜的位置不动,把凹透镜拿走,将一点光源C 放在凸透镜的主光轴上距凸透镜30cm 处,也能使C 点的像成在光屏上的S 点,则凹透镜的焦距是__________cm ,凸透镜的焦距是__________cm .10.某人设计了一种测量身高的电路装置,设计原理为ab 是一根高2米,电阻为10欧/米的均匀直金属竿竖直放置,金属竿上引出两根无电阻导线拉入电阻,如图,上端MN 无电阻且可以按照人的身高上下移动.电源电压为12V ,0R 是限流保护电阻.将量程为(0~0.6A )的电流表接入电路,且在电流表的表盘上刻上相应的高度,将其改装成身高表.试分析:(1). 如果c、d为身高刻度,则c点的身高刻度__________(“大于”、“小于”或“等于”)d的身高刻度.(2). 若0.3A处对应的身高是2米,则电流表上的0.4A处应该对应的身高为__________米.(3). 该身高表上的电流刻度是均匀的,那么身高刻度应该是__________(选填“均匀”或“不均匀”)的.11.如图的所示,灯L上标有“12V 3.6W”,定值电阻1R的阻值为10欧,滑动变阻器2R上标有“50 1A”.(1). 闭合1S、2S,灯L正常发光.电流表、电压表的量程分别为0~3A,0~15V.求:①灯正常发光时的电阻;②滑动变阻器允许连入的阻值范围._______(2). 断开1S、2S,用一个新的电源替代原来的电源,电流表、电压表的量程分别为0~0.6A,0~3V.移动滑动变阻器的滑片过程中,要求两个电表先后均能达到满刻度,且电路正常工作.求允许替换电源的范围.________二、单选题12.某校新建成一个喷水池,在池底的中央安装了一支射灯.池内无水时,射灯发出的一束光照在池壁上,在S点形成一个亮斑,如图所示.现往池内注水,若水面升至a位置时,设站在池旁的人看到亮斑的位置在P点;若水面升至b位置时,设人看到亮斑的位置在Q点,则A.P点在S点的上方,Q点在S点的上方B.P点在S点的上方,Q点在S点的下方C.P点在S点的下方,Q点在S点的上方D.P点在S点的下方,Q点在S点的下方13.一焦距为f的凸透镜,主轴和水平x轴重合,透镜左侧x轴上有一点光源,点光源到透镜的距离在大于f而小于2f,若将此透镜沿x轴向右平移2f的距离,则在此过程中点光源经透镜所成的像将A.一直向右移动B.一直向左移动C.先向右移动,接着向左移动D.先向左移动,接着向右移动14.(2016•苏州卷)为测量某种液体的密度,小明利用天平和量杯测量了液体和量杯的总质量m及液体的体积V,得到了几组数据并绘出了m-V图像,如图所示.下列说法正确的是A.该液体密度为2g/cm3B.该液体密度为1.25g/cm3C.量杯质量为40gD.60cm3的该液体质量为60g15.甲、乙两杯中分别盛有60℃和20℃质量相同的水,现将一温度为20℃的铁球投入甲杯中足够长时间,取出后再投入乙杯,停留足够时间.如果不计热量损失,比较甲、乙两杯的水温变化,则A.△t甲<△t乙B.△t甲>△t乙C.△t甲=△t乙D.无法判定16.如图所示,有一轻质木板(质量可忽略不计)长为L、右端放一重为G的物块,并用一竖直向上的力F拉着,左端绕O点转动,当物体向左匀速滑动时,木板始终在水平位置保持静止,则下列表示拉力F与物块运动时间t的关系图中,正确的是A .B .C .D . 17.如图所示,水平面上的圆柱形容器中分别盛有A 、B 两种不同液体,且A 、B 液体对各自容器底部的压力相等.现在两容器中分放入甲、乙两个物体后(液体不溢出),两液体对容器底部的压强相等.下列说法中正确的是A .若甲、乙都漂浮,则可能=m m 甲乙B .若甲、乙都漂浮,则可能V V <甲乙C .若甲、乙都浸没,则可能m m <乙甲D .若甲、乙都浸没,则可能V V >乙甲18.在如图所示的电路中,电流表1A 和2A 的示数分别为0.3安和0.4安,若将电路中的某两个电阻的位置互换,电流表1A 和2A 的示数却不变,则电流表A 的示数可能为( )A .0.45安B .0.65安C .0.55安D .0.60安 19.在如图所示的电路中,电源电压保持不变.当电键S 闭合后,只有一个电表的示数发生变化,若电路中只有一处故障,且只发生在电阻R 或小灯上,则A .电压表V 的示数发生变化,小灯L 断路B .电压表V 的示数发生变化,小灯L 短路C .电压表A 的示数发生变化,电阻R 断路D .电压表A 的示数发生变化,电阻R 短路20.如图所示,某工地用固定在水平工作台上的卷扬机(其内部有电动机提供动力)提升水中的物体,其输出功率始终为1500W .物体未露出水面前,以1.5m/s 的速度被匀速提升,卷扬机对绳子的拉力为1F ,卷扬机对作台的压力为1N .物体离开水面后,仍被匀速提升,卷扬机对绳子的拉力为2F ,卷扬机对工作台的压力为2N .已知12:=1:6F F ,12:=1:2N N .g 取10N/kg 不计绳重及绳与滑轮间的摩擦、不计水的阻力,则下列说法正确的是A .卷扬机的质量为400kgB .物体的密度为336.010kg/m ⨯C .物体露出水面前受到的浮力为1000ND .物体离开水面后的运动速度为9m/s三、多选题21.如图所示,有两个小球M 和N ,密度分别为M ρ和N ρ,图甲中,细线的一端固定在杯底,另一端拴住小球M 使其浸没在水中静止;图乙中,细线的一端固定在杯底.另一端拴住小球N 使其浸没在油中静止.小球M 所受重力为M G ,体积为M V ;小球N 所受重力为N G ,体积为N V ,小球M 和N 所受细线的拉力大小相等,所受浮力分别为M F 和N F .已知水的密度为ρ水,油的密度为ρ油,且N M ρρρρ>>>水油,则下列判断中正确的是A .M N G G >B .M N V V >C .M N F F <D .M N F F >四、综合题 22.如图所示,在x 轴的原点放一点光源S ,距点光源为a 处放一不透光的边长为a 的正方体物块.若在x 轴的上方距x 轴为2a 处放一平行于x 轴且面向物块的长平面镜,画出在正方体x 轴上被点光源S 发出经长平面镜反射而照亮的区域,并计算出其长度为__________.五、作图题23.在如图所示的电路中,有两根导线尚未连接,请用笔画线代替导线补上,补上后要求:(_____)(1)L 1与L 2并联;(2)电流表测L 1的电流,电键控制L 2.24.如图甲所示,物体A 置于小车上随小车一起在平直路面上向右做匀速直线运动.乙图是当小车遇障碍物体B 受阻停止,请根据所学知识判断物体A 的运动情况,在两图中分别画出物体A 受到所有力的示意图(忽略空气阻力).(_______)六、实验题25.在综合实践活动中,某兴趣小组的同学利用纸锥和小金属球来研究“空气阻力和速度的关系”.取三个相同的纸锥,每个纸锥的质量为m,并编号为甲、乙、丙,其中在乙纸锥内固定质量为3m的小金属球,在丙纸锥内固定质量为8m的小金属球.让它们从不同高度分别自由落下,并以竖直砖墙为背景,当进入竖直砖墙的区域时,用照相机通过每隔相等的时间曝光一次的方法记录纸锥的运动过程,如图是其中一段的示意图.请根据图示回答下列问题:(1)对于图中的这段运动过程,下列说法正确的是________A.只有甲做匀速直线运动 B.只有乙做匀速直线运动C.只有丙做匀速直线运动 D.甲、乙、丙都做匀速直线运动(2)对于图中的这段运动过程,甲、乙、丙三个纸锥的速度之比是________;它们所受的空气阻力之比是________;由此可以得出的实验结论是________.26.小明想知道酱油的密度,于是他和小华用天平和量筒做了如下实验:(1). 将天平放在水平台上,把游码拨至标尺左端零刻度线处,发现指针指在分度盘的右侧,要使横梁平衡,应将平衡螺母向__________(选填“右”或“左”)调.(2). 用天平测出空烧杯的质量为17g,在烧杯中倒入适量的酱油,测出烧杯和酱油的总质量如图甲所示,将烧杯中的酱油全部倒入量筒中,酱油的体积如图乙所示,则酱油的kg/m.密度为__________3(3). 小明用这种方法测出的酱油密度会__________(选填“偏大”或“偏小”).(4). 小华不小心将量筒打碎了,老师说只用天平也能测量出酱油的密度,于是小华添加两个完全相同的烧杯和适量的水,设计了如下实验步骤,请你补充完整.m;①调好天平,用天平测出空烧杯质量为0m;②将一个烧杯__________,用天平测出烧杯和水的总质量为1m;③用另一个相同的烧杯装满酱油,用天平测出烧杯和酱油的总质量为2④则酱油的密度表达式ρ=__________(已知水的密度为ρ水).27.小明利用电压表和阻值为R0的定值电阻,测量额定电压为2.5V的小灯泡L正常发光时的电阻R L.他选择了满足实验要求的实验器材,并连接了部分实验电路,如图所示.(1)为了测量出R L的阻值,请只添加两条导线完成图15所示的实验电路的连接;(2)请把小明的实验步骤补充完整:①断开开关S2、闭合开关S1、S3,移动滑动变阻器的滑片P,使;保持滑动变阻器的滑片位置不变,断开开关S3、闭合开关S2,记录电压表的示数为U;②请用R0及实验数据表示出R L.R L= .七、计算题28.如图所示,在一底面积为2⨯米2的圆柱形容器内放入一个密度均匀的质量为1.510-0.6千克、底面积为2110-⨯米2、高度为0.08米的柱状木块,然后向容器内注入一定量的水使木块漂浮在水面上,如图所示.此时水面高度为0.1米.(1)求水对容器底部的压强水p .(2)求木块浸入水体积与木块体积之比:V V 浸水.(3)若将木块沿虚线以下截取整个木块的一半后,求木块上表面下降的高度h . 29.某提升装置中,杠杆AB 能绕固定点O 在竖起平面内转动,水平地面上的配重乙通过经细绳竖直拉着杠杆B 端.已知:2:5AO OB =,配重乙与地面的接触面积为S 且2200cm S =.当在动滑轮下面挂上重1000N 的物体甲静止时(甲未浸入水中),竖直向下拉绳子自由端的力为1T ,杠杆在水平位置平衡,此时配重乙对地面的压强为1P 且41 3.510Pa P =⨯;如果在动滑轮下挂一个质量为动滑轮质量5倍的物体丙,并把物体丙浸没在水中静止时,如图甲所示,竖直向上拉绳子自由端的力为2T ,杠杆在水平位置平衡.此时配重乙对地面的压强为2P 且42 5.610Pa P =⨯.已知物体丙的质量与体积的关系的图像如图乙所示,如果不计杠杆重、绳重和滑轮轴间摩擦,图中两个滑轮所受重力相同取10N/kg g =.配重乙的体积为23510m -⨯,求配重乙的密度.30.一绝缘细绳的一端与可绕O 点转动的轻质杠杆的E 端相连,另一端绕过动滑轮D 、定滑轮C 与滑动变阻器的滑片P 相连;B 为一可导电的轻质弹簧,如图所示接入电路中,一端通过绝缘绳固定在地面上,另一端与滑片P 相连;一人站在地面上拉住与杠杆H 端相连的细绳.已知电源电压为8V ,灯泡正常发光时的电压为6V ,电流为0.5A ,人的质量为50kg ,人与地面的接触面积为250cm ,:=2:5EO OH .人对绳子拉力最小时,电流表示数为1I ,且滑片刚好位于滑动变阻器的a 端;人对绳子拉力最大时,电流表示数为2I ,且12:2:1I I =,滑动变阻器的阻值与弹簧所受拉力的关系如表所示:不计杠杆、弹簧、滑片、细绳的重力,不计摩擦,不计弹簧电阻.整套装置始终处于平衡状态,物体A 始终不离开地面.灯泡电阻不变,且不会被烧坏.10N/kg g =.求:(1). 人的拉力最大时,滑动变阻器接入电阻的阻值是多少?(2). 物体A 的质量是多少?(3). 人的拉力最大时,人对地面的压强是多少?(4). 当灯泡正常发光时,物体A 对地面的压力是多少?参考答案1.不是;惯性;运动状态;做功.【解析】根据力的平衡条件可知,车对地面的压力作用在地面上,地面对车的支持力作用在车上,二力不作用在一个物体上,故二力不是一对平衡力;此时突然刹车,由于惯性汽车仍要向前运动,同时转动方向盘,汽车急转弯,这是摩擦力改变了汽车的运动状态;该过程中车胎温度升高,这主要是通过做功的方式改变了车胎的内能.故答案为:不是;惯性;运动状态;做功.2.0.6 10【解析】【分析】(1)已知电荷量和时间,根据公式Q=It可求电流.(2)已知导体两端的电压和通过它的电流,根据欧姆定律可求导体的电阻;【详解】(1)由I=Qt得通过它的电流为:I=610Q Ct s==0.6,(2)由欧姆定律可得:R=60.6U VI==10Ω.3.减小;。

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