



合规性评价管理流程Ensuring compliance with regulations and standards is an essential part of any business operation. 合规性评价管理流程对于企业来说至关重要,这涉及到遵守各项法规和标准。

Failure to comply can result in legal issues, financial penalties, and damage to a company's reputation. 一旦不遵守,可能会导致法律问题、财务处罚以及损害公司声誉。

Therefore, having a robust compliance evaluation and management process in place is crucial for the long-term success and sustainability of a company. 因此,建立一个健全的合规性评价管理流程对公司的长期成功和可持续性至关重要。

One key aspect of a compliance evaluation and management process is to identify and assess regulatory requirements that are applicable to the company's operations. 一个合规性评价管理流程的关键方面是要确定和评估适用于公司业务的法规要求。

This involves conducting a thorough review of local, national, and international regulations that pertain to the industry in which the company operates. 这涉及对公司所在的行业相关的当地、国家和国际法规进行彻底检查。









利丰集团从20世纪90年代中期开始进行了数项成功的并购活动,包括:1995年,收购老牌英资贸易企业英之杰公司旗下的采购出口业务(天祥洋行);1998年,收购英之杰公司在亚太区的欧美快流消费品及医疗产品的经销业务及相关的物流与生产业务;1999年,收购太古集团(Swire Goup)及巴金莉有限公司(Camberley);2000年,收购香港从事采购出口商Janco公司。











系统确认报告编制:审核:批准:目录1.简介 (6)1.1.系统简介 (6)1.2.目的 (6)1.3.适用围 (6)1.4.与其它开发任务/文档的关系 (6)1.5.术语和缩略语 (6)2.参考文档 (7)3.确认围 (8)4.确认原理及法 (9)5.确认人员,时间,地点 (10)5.1.确认人员及其独立性 (10)5.2.时间 (10)5.3.地点 (10)6.确认活动 (11)6.1.确认测试过程的见证 (11)6.2.不可测需求验证过程的见证 (11)6.3.关键需求的抽样测试和分析 (11)6.4.文档的确认 (11)7.确认结果 (12)7.1.系统需求的跟踪和实现 (12)7.2.符合性评估 (12)7.3.风险的控制 (12)8.限制条件 (13)9.总结 (14)1.简介1.1.系统简介提示:对系统进行简要介绍。












1. 2. Kassler-Taub K et al. Am J Hypertens. 1998;11:445-453. Oparil S et al. Clin Ther. 1998;20:398-408
Mancia G et al. Am J Hypentens. 2000;13(part 2):151A
70 60 持续服用初 始处方单药 治疗的患者 50 60.8
* *
30 20 10 0
伊贝沙坦 其它各种抗 高血压药物+ 氯沙坦
*P=0.001, 与伊贝沙坦相比
+包括血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂、 β 受体阻滞剂、钙拮抗剂、利尿剂、血管紧张素II受体拮抗剂(伊贝沙坦除外) Data on file, Sanofi-Synthelabo .
• 主要终点:维持初始处方单药治疗的比例 • 次要终点:
– 在初始处方的单药治疗基础上,需要加用其它抗高血压药 物的比例 – 需要改用另一种抗高血压药物单药治疗的比例 – 中止所有抗高血压治疗的比例
ICE: 治疗1年时,初始抗高血压药物 单药治疗的持续性
90 80 持续服用初 始处方单药 70
§ 包括血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂、 β 受体阻滞剂、钙拮抗剂、利尿剂、血管紧张素II受体拮抗剂(伊贝沙坦除外)
ICE: 治疗1年时,需换药的患者
10 需要更换初始 处方药物的患 者比例(%) 5
其它各种抗 高血压药物 +
*P=0.013, 与伊贝沙坦相比



EHS领域的尽职调查细则英文版Due Diligence Guidelines in the EHS FieldIn the realm of EHS (Environmental, Health, and Safety) compliance, conducting due diligence is crucial for organizations to identify and mitigate risks associated with their operations. These guidelines outline the steps and considerations for a thorough due diligence process.IntroductionDue diligence in the EHS field involves assessing compliance with environmental regulations, occupational health and safety standards, and other relevant laws and regulations. It is essential to ensure that the organization is operating in a manner that is safe for employees, the community, and the environment.Scope of Due DiligenceThe due diligence process should cover all aspects of the organization's operations that have potential EHS impacts. This includesassessing current practices, identifying potential risks, and evaluating compliance with applicable laws and regulations.Conducting Due Diligence1. Document Review: Review all relevant documents, such as permits, licenses, inspection reports, and incident records, to gain an understanding of the organization's EHS performance.2. Site Visits: Conduct on-site visits to observe operations, interview key personnel, and assess the physical conditions of the facilities.3. Interviews: Conduct interviews with key stakeholders, including employees, regulators, and community members, to gather insights into the organization's EHS performance.4. Risk Assessment: Identify and assess potential EHS risks associated with the organization's operations, considering factors such as hazardous substances, waste management practices, and emergency response procedures.5. Compliance Evaluation: Evaluate the organization's compliance with relevant EHS laws and regulations, including monitoring and reporting requirements.6. Gap Analysis: Identify any gaps in the organization's EHS management systems and recommend corrective actions to address deficiencies.Reporting and Follow-UpAfter completing the due diligence process, a comprehensive report should be prepared detailing findings, recommendations, and action plans. Follow-up actions should be taken to address any identified risks or compliance issues.ConclusionEffective due diligence in the EHS field requires a systematic and thorough approach to assessing and managing risks. By following these guidelines, organizations can enhance their EHS performance and ensure compliance with legal requirements.。

组织风险与机遇管理办法Risk and Opportunity Management of Organization Environment

组织风险与机遇管理办法Risk and Opportunity Management of Organization Environment

Basic InformationAffected Organizations1. 定义:Definition1.1 组织 organization为实现其目标而具有其自身职能及职责、权限和相互关系的个人或一组人。

Person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities,authorities and relationships to achieve its objectives.1.2 组织的环境 context of the organization与组织宗旨相关并影响其实现环境管理体系预期结果的能力的外部和内部问题。

External and internal issues that are relevant to our purpose and that affect to achieve the intendedoutcomes of the environmental management system.1.3 风险 risk不确定性的影响。

Effect of uncertainty.1.4 风险与机遇 risk and opportunity潜在的不利影响(威胁)和潜在的有利影响(机遇)。

Potential adverse effects (threats) and potential beneficial effects (opportunities)1.5可控环境相关方controlled interested party能够对其环境行为进行控制的相关方Interested party that is able to control its environmental behaviour1.6可施加影响环境相关方influenced interested party能够对其行为加以影响的相关方Interested party that is able to effect its environmental behaviour.2. 职责:Repsonsibility2.1质量部:负责建立风险和机遇应对的控制管理办法并进行维护。


作为企业职工你怎么认识、怎么做到? 硬加一个故事给你听:在《华为人》报上曾刊登过这样一个故事:一个汽车的QC圈 长,由于总是发现零件有毛刺的问题,就自己买了一把锉刀,把问题零件的毛刺锉掉, 这样零件就能够100%合格。可是,等他退休之后,同样的一批零件却100%不合格, 原因在于他的经验没有告诉别人。因为这个故事的启发,华为推行了全员导师制,想 说的是全员安全员制。安全也是事无巨细的工作,所以每个人关注是必要的。
为了有效落实“四不伤害”原则,强化安全管理,有效避免人身伤害,各前段时间应做 到:签订安全协议,进行安全交底,把各自的危险危害因素进行充分辨识并作为安全交底 的一项重要内容,各自落实安全措施和安全责任。①危险危害因素辨识;②签订安全协议; ③ 进行安全交底(告知);④交纳风险抵押金;⑤现场施工经常进行沟通、协调;⑥现场施工 进行统一指挥。
二、 安全生产“四不伤害”的内容及保证措施
任何组织中的每个成员都是团队中的一分子,要担负起关心爱护他人的责 任和义务,不仅自己要注意安全,还要保护团队的其他人员不受伤害,这 是每个成员对集体中其他成员的承诺。
我要保护他人不受伤害:任何人在任何地方发现任何事故隐患都要主动告 知或提示给他人。提示他人遵守各项规章制度和安全操作规程。提出安全 建议,互相交流,向他人传递有用的信息。视安全为集体荣誉,为团队贡 献安全知识,与其他人分享经验。关注他人身体、精神状态等异常变化。 一旦发生事故,在保护自己的同时,要主动帮助身边的人摆脱困境。特别 提示:也许你的一个提示就能挽救一个生命。能及时纠正你违章作业的人, 才是你真正的朋友。
破窗理论: 如果有人打坏罗一个建筑物多窗户玻璃,而这扇 窗户又得不到及时维修,别人就可能受到某些暗 示性的纵容去打烂更多多窗户玻璃。久而久之, 这些窗户就给人造成一种无序的感觉。



安全生产培训管理办法 (2015年修订)
安全生产事故隐患排查 治理暂行规定
国家安全生产监督管理 总局
中华人民共和国安全生 产法(2014年修订)
18 机械电气安全 27
1.法规收集 例1
编号 国际/地区
颁布日期 实施日期
2 建设项目管理 11
12 节能与资源管理 21
22 工伤与保险
24 食品药品安全
7 污染排放与治理 16













Evaluation, also known as assessment, is the process of determining, measuring or describing something. It can be used to measure the abilities of a person, a project or an organization. There are many different uses for evaluations, some of which are: developing standards, identifying best performance, implementing educational programs, identifying problems, improving practices, finding solutions, creating safe environments and maintaining market efficiency.Evaluations are an important tool for determining learning situations, job progression opportunities, and success. It can guide individuals on how to best address eachtask and event based on their individual views, capabilities, and limited resources. By providing accurate evaluation results, they are able to learn from it and translate the information into action plans that can be implemented in the workplace.On the other hand, evaluations can not only bebeneficial for development but can also help to supervise and manage staff to ensure that employees and units areperforming up to the b usiness or organization’s expectations. Evaluations can help businesses or organizations identifybest performers, development opportunities, and employee development plans.In conclusion, evaluation is very important for businesses and organizations as it provides an objective and accurate form of evaluation used to guide business decision making, developing strategies, improving practices,increasing performance, increasing work efficiency and achieving success. The importance of evaluation should not be underestimated, but policy implementation should be strengthened to ensure effective evaluation to meet organizational needs for development.。



竹木生产许可证办理流程English Answer:The process of obtaining a bamboo and wood production license involves several steps. Here is a general outlineof the process:1. Research and Planning: Before applying for a bamboo and wood production license, it is important to conduct thorough research and planning. This includes understanding the legal requirements, regulations, and guidelines related to bamboo and wood production in your specific jurisdiction.2. Application Submission: Once you have gathered allthe necessary information and documents, you can proceedwith submitting your application for a bamboo and wood production license. The application form can usually be obtained from the relevant government department or agency responsible for issuing such licenses.3. Document Verification: After submitting the application, the authorities will review and verify the provided documents. This may include checking the authenticity of the submitted information, verifying the applicant's credentials, and ensuring compliance with the necessary regulations.4. Site Inspection: In many cases, a site inspection is conducted to assess the suitability of the proposedlocation for bamboo and wood production. This inspection helps the authorities determine if the site meets the required safety and environmental standards.5. Compliance Evaluation: The authorities will evaluate the applicant's compliance with the relevant laws and regulations governing bamboo and wood production. This evaluation may involve assessing factors such as the applicant's experience, qualifications, financial stability, and adherence to environmental protection measures.6. License Issuance: If the applicant successfullymeets all the requirements and passes the evaluationprocess, a bamboo and wood production license will be issued. The license will specify the terms and conditions under which the production activities can be carried out.中文回答:获得竹木生产许可证的流程包括以下几个步骤:1. 研究和规划,在申请竹木生产许可证之前,需要进行充分的研究和规划。



工业母机研发费用加计扣除专项审计报告模版I understand that you are seeking a template for a special audit report on the deduction of research and development expenses for industrial mainframe computers.The special audit report serves as a tool to evaluate and verify the eligibility of industrial mainframe computer research and development expenses for deduction. It should present a comprehensive analysis of the relevant financial documents, including invoices, contracts, accounting records, and expense reports.The report begins with an executive summary that outlines the purpose and scope of the special audit. It highlights key findings and recommendations. This section provides a concise overview for readers who may not have time to read the entire report.The introduction section provides background information on the project and explains its significance. It may includean overview of the legal provisions governing deductionsfor research and development expenses related to industrial mainframe computers. Additionally, it could discuss any specific guidelines or regulations issued by relevant authorities.The methodology section explains the approach followed during the special audit process. It outlines how the auditors selected samples from financial statements, invoices, contracts, etc., to assess compliance with regulations. The section also details any interviews conducted with stakeholders in order to gather information and clarify doubts.The body of the report consists of several sections where auditors analyze different aspects related to R&D expense deduction for industrial mainframe computers. These sections can include:1. Eligibility Assessment: This part assesses whether R&D expenses incurred by companies meet the criteria defined in applicable regulations. Auditors evaluate whether theseexpenses are directly connected to research activities aimed at improving industrial mainframe computers' performance or functionality.2. Documentation Review: Auditors examine supporting documents such as invoices, contracts, payment receipts, technical specifications, etc., to ensure they comply with legal requirements for expense deduction claims.3. Compliance Evaluation: This section focuses on evaluating whether companies have fulfilled their obligations concerning tax reporting requirements related to R&D expense deduction claims. Auditors review accounting records and expense reports submitted by companies to determine compliance with regulations.4. Opinion and Conclusion: Based on the findings from the previous sections, auditors provide an independent opinion regarding the eligibility of R&D expenses for deduction. They highlight any discrepancies or non-compliance issues observed during the audit. The conclusion section should also emphasize any recommendations for improvement orsuggestions for clarifying regulations related to R&D expense deductions.In summary, a special audit report on the deduction of research and development expenses for industrial mainframe computers is essential in assessing whether companies adhere to applicable regulations. It provides an objective evaluation of eligibility criteria, reviews supporting documentation, assesses compliance with tax reporting obligations, and ultimately offers informative opinions and recommendations for improvement.我了解到您正在寻找一份相关工业母机研发费用加计扣除专项审计报告的模版。



ccc自我声明实施规则_英文版1. Purpose: The purpose of these rules is to establish the implementation guidelines for self-declaration under the China Compulsory Certification (CCC) system.2. Scope: These rules apply to all manufacturers and suppliers who are required to obtain CCC certification for their products.3. Self-Declaration Procedure:a. Determine the applicable Standards: The manufacturer or supplier shall identify the relevant CCC standards applicable to their product. These standards can be obtained from the CCC certification authority or other authorized sources.b. Conduct Product Testing: The manufacturer or supplier shall conduct the necessary product testing to ensure compliance with the applicable CCC standards. The testing canbe performed by the manufacturer's in-house testing facility or by an accredited third-party testing laboratory.c. Prepare Self-Declaration Documentation: The manufacturer or supplier shall prepare the necessary self-declaration documentation, which includes a declaration of conformity stating that the product complies with the applicable CCC standards.d. Submit Self-Declaration: The manufacturer or supplier shall submit the self-declaration documentation to the CCC certification authority. The submission can be done electronically or in hard copy format, as specified by the authority.4. Compliance Evaluation:a. Document Review: The CCC certification authority will review the self-declaration documentation submitted by the manufacturer or supplier. They will assess if thedocumentation is complete and meets the requirementsspecified in the CCC regulations.b. Sample Testing: The CCC certification authority may conduct sample testing of the products declared for CCC compliance. The samples will be randomly selected from the market or obtained directly from the manufacturer or supplier.c. Compliance Assessment: Based on the results of the document review and sample testing, the CCC certification authority will evaluate the compliance of the product withthe applicable CCC standards. If the product is found to be non-compliant, the manufacturer or supplier will be notified and required to take corrective actions.5. Compliance Marking: If the product is found to be compliant with the applicable CCC standards, the manufacturer or supplier will be authorized to affix the CCC mark on their product and its packaging. This mark signifies that theproduct has undergone the necessary self-declaration process and meets the applicable CCC requirements.6. Record Keeping: The manufacturer or supplier shall maintain records of the self-declaration documentation, test reports, and any other relevant documents for a specified period, as required by the CCC regulations.7. Audit and Follow-up:a. Audit: The CCC certification authority may carry out periodic audits to verify the continued compliance of the products declared under self-declaration.b. Follow-up Actions: If any non-compliance is identified during an audit or through other means, the CCC certification authority may take appropriate actions, such as suspension or revocation of the self-declaration authorization, and require the manufacturer or supplier to undergo the regular CCC certification process.Note: These rules are subject to change and should be followed in conjunction with the latest CCC regulations issued by the competent authority.。



企业危废库房验收流程英文回答:The process of acceptance for hazardous waste storage facilities in enterprises involves several steps to ensure compliance with regulations and safety standards. Here is a breakdown of the process:1. Pre-inspection: Before the actual inspection, it is essential to conduct a pre-inspection to ensure that all requirements are met. This includes reviewing thefacility's documentation, such as permits, licenses, and waste management plans. It also involves assessing the facility's readiness for inspection, including the availability of necessary equipment and trained personnel.2. On-site inspection: During the on-site inspection, the regulatory authority or an appointed inspector will visit the hazardous waste storage facility to assess its compliance. The inspector will examine various aspects,including the storage area, waste containers, labeling, signage, and emergency response procedures. They will also evaluate the facility's overall safety measures, such as ventilation systems, fire prevention measures, and spill containment.3. Documentation review: As part of the acceptance process, the inspector will review the facility's documentation related to hazardous waste management. This includes waste manifests, disposal records, and any other relevant paperwork. The inspector will ensure that the facility is maintaining proper records and following the necessary reporting procedures.4. Sampling and analysis: In some cases, the inspector may collect samples of the hazardous waste stored in the facility for further analysis. This is done to verify the accuracy of waste characterization and to ensure that the waste is being handled and stored correctly.5. Compliance evaluation: Based on the findings from the pre-inspection, on-site inspection, and documentationreview, the inspector will evaluate the facility's compliance with regulations and safety standards. They will identify any deficiencies or areas of improvement that need to be addressed.6. Corrective actions: If any non-compliance issues are identified during the acceptance process, the facility will be required to take corrective actions. This may involve implementing additional safety measures, improving documentation practices, or addressing any other deficiencies. The facility will need to demonstrate that the necessary corrective actions have been taken before final acceptance.中文回答:企业危险废物库房验收流程涉及多个步骤,以确保符合法规和安全标准。


5.在可能产生职业性灼伤和腐蚀的作业场所,设置“当心腐蚀”警告标 识和“穿防护服”、“戴防护手套”、“穿防护鞋”等指令标识。
6.在产生噪声的作业场所,设置“噪声有害”警告标识和“戴护耳器” 指令标识。
7.在高温作业场所,设置“注意高温”警告标识。 在可引起电光性眼炎的作业场所,设置“当心弧光”警告标识和“戴防 护镜”指令标识。
使用注意: 使用安全色时要考虑周围的亮度及同其他颜色的关系,要使安全色能正确辨认。在明
亮的环境中照明光源应接近自然白昼光如D65光源;在黑暗的环境中为避免眩光或干扰应 减少亮度。
检查与维修: 凡涂有安全色的部位,每半年应检查一次,应保持整洁、明亮,如有变色、褪色等不符
合安全色范围,逆反射系数低于70%或安全色的使用环境改变时,应及时重涂或更换,以 保证安全色正确、醒目,达到安全警示的目的。
安全标志(safety signs)
GB2894 安全标志是用以表达特定安全信息的标志 由图形符号、 安全色、几何形状(边框)或文字构成。
标志类型: 禁止标志、 警告标志、 指令标志、提示标志
含义:禁止人们不安全行为的图形标志 基本型式:带斜杠的圆边框 如图1所示
含义:强制人们必须做出某种动作或采用防 范措施的图形标志 基本型式:圆形边框 如图3所示
指令标志基本型式的参数 直径 d=0.025L L为观察距离
必须戴防护眼镜 Must wear
Protective goggles
必须戴防毒面具 Must wear gas defense mask

cel认证 标准 -回复

cel认证 标准 -回复

cel认证标准-回复什么是CEL认证?CEL是“中国企业法律法规合规评价认证(China Enterprise Legal Compliance Evaluation Certification)”的缩写,是中国国内企业自愿进行的法律法规合规体系评价认证。





CEL认证标准的内容CEL认证标准主要包括以下几个方面的内容:1. 法律法规知识普及:企业应对法律法规进行深入研究,并将其知识普及给企业内的各个部门和员工。


2. 公司章程制定:企业应根据国家法律法规要求,制定或修订公司章程,并征询法律意见,保证章程的合规性。


3. 内控制度建立:企业应建立健全的内控体系,明确各项制度和流程,并进行有效的执行。


4. 行业规范遵守:企业应了解并遵守所属行业的规范要求,确保企业的产品和服务符合相关的标准和规范。



1. 申请:企业向认证机构提交申请表,表明企业意愿进行CEL认证。


2. 评审:认证机构对企业提交的文件和资料进行评审,评估企业的合规情况和合格性。

TCAQI 157-2020 检验检测机构合规性评价指南

TCAQI 157-2020 检验检测机构合规性评价指南

ICS 03.100.99 CAQI A 50团体标准T/CAQI 157-2020T/NBTFA 001—2020 检验检测机构合规性评价指南Guidelines of compliance evaluation for inspection body andlaboratory2020-12-21 发布2021-01-01 实施中国质量检验协会联合发布宁波跨境贸易便利化协会T/CAQI 157-2020目次前言 (II)引言 (III)1 范围 (1)2 规范性引用文件 (1)3 术语和定义 (1)4 评价原则 (4)5 评价内容 (4)参考文献 (7)IT/CAQI 157-2020前言本标准按照GB/T 1.1-2020给出的规则起草。



IT/CAQI 157-2020引言合规是检验检测机构可持续发展的基石。










年中海关盘点英语作文Title: Mid-Year Customs Inventory。

As we reach the midpoint of the year, it’s crucial for customs authorities to conduct a comprehensive inventory to assess the current state of affairs, identify challenges, and strategize for the remainder of the year. This mid-year customs inventory plays a pivotal role in ensuringefficient trade operations, enforcing regulations, and safeguarding national interests. Let’s delve into the key components and significance of this process.1. Assessment of Trade Trends。

One of the primary objectives of the mid-year customs inventory is to analyze trade trends. By examining import and export data, customs authorities can identify emerging patterns, fluctuations in trade volumes, and shifts in market preferences. This insight enables them to anticipate future demands, allocate resources effectively, andformulate targeted policies to support domestic industries and foster international trade relationships.2. Compliance Evaluation。

安全生产许可证 英文

安全生产许可证 英文

安全生产许可证英文Safety Production LicenseIntroduction:Safety production is of utmost importance in any organization, as it ensures the well-being of employees, protects the environment, and prevents accidents and injuries. To regulate and monitor safety measures, it is necessary to obtain a Safety Production License. This license serves as an official authorization to carry out production activities and ensures that the necessary safety standards are met.Key Requirements:To obtain a Safety Production License, certain criteria and requirements must be met by the organization applying for it. These requirements include:1. Safety Management System: The organization must have a well-defined safety management system, which includes policies, procedures, and guidelines to ensure safety at all levels. This system should cover all aspects of production, including equipment, materials, processes, and personnel.2. Safety Equipment: The organization must have proper safety equipment in place, such as fire extinguishers, safety helmets, goggles, first aid kits, etc. These equipment should be regularly maintained and updated as per the industry standards.3. Training Programs: Adequate training programs should be conducted for employees to ensure their awareness of safetyprotocols and to equip them with the necessary skills to handle emergency situations. The organization must maintain records of these training programs.4. Emergency Response Plan: The organization should have a well-defined emergency response plan in place, which includes evacuation procedures, communication protocols, and identification of designated personnel responsible for handling emergencies.5. Safety Inspections: Regular safety inspections should be conducted to identify and rectify any potential safety hazards. These inspections should be documented and the necessary corrective actions should be taken promptly.6. Environmental Protection Measures: The organization must have measures in place to protect the environment, such as proper waste management systems, pollution control measures, etc. The organization should comply with all applicable environmental regulations.License Application Process:The application for a Safety Production License involves the following steps:1. Document Submission: The organization needs to submit all the necessary documents, including safety management system documentation, training records, safety equipment inventory, etc., to the regulatory authority responsible for issuing the license.2. On-site Audit: Once the documents are reviewed, an on-site audit is conducted to verify the implementation of the safety measures mentioned in the application. The audit team assesses the organization's safety practices, inspects the premises, and interviews key personnel.3. Compliance Evaluation: The audit findings are evaluated to determine if the organization meets the safety requirements. If any deficiencies are identified, the organization is given a period to rectify them.4. License Approval: If the organization successfully meets all requirements, a Safety Production License is issued. The license is usually valid for a specified period and needs to be renewed regularly.Conclusion:Obtaining a Safety Production License is crucial for any organization involved in production activities. It demonstrates the organization's commitment to ensuring safety and compliance with regulations. By following the key requirements and going through the application process, organizations can contribute to a safe and secure working environment, protecting employees, the environment, and the overall productivity of their operations.。



例题:单选题 我国现阶段建设工程安全生产管理必须坚持(A )的方针。
A.安全第一、预防为主、综合治理 B.事中控制与事后控制相结合 C.经济效益第一 D.技术先进
解析:建筑工程安全生产管理必须坚持安全第一、预防为主的方针,建立健全安全生产的 责任制度和群防群治制度。
例题:多选题 安全生产管理有三种境界,分别为(ABC A.以无人员伤亡为目标的基本安全 B.以生命与健康并举为目标的规范安全 C.以消除事故发生可能性为目标的本质安全 D.以提高整体安全性能为目标的系统安全 E.以提高安全科技水平为目标的科技安全
起因物和致害物的存在构成了不安全状态和安全(事故)隐 患,不及时发现并消除它们时,就有可能引发或发展成为 事故。而一旦发生生产安全事故时,对起因物和致害物的 分析确定工作又是判定事故性质和确定事故责任的重要 依据。
例题:多选题 按照不安全行为的表现形式分类,以下属于违反上岗身体条件规定的有 (ACDE )。 A.高血压患者从事高空作业 B.无证人员从事需证岗位作业 C.未成年工从事禁止和不适合的作业 D.疲劳作业 E.带病作业
因此,营造良好的安全工作氛围是减少和消除不安全行为存在和 滋长的重要条件
直接引发生产安全事故的物体(品),称为“起因物”;在生产安全 事故中直接招致(造成)伤害发生的物体(品),称为“致害物”;致 害物作用于被伤害者(人和物)的方式,称为“伤害方式”。
在某一特定的生产安全事故中,起因物可能是惟一的或者为多个。当有 多个起因物存在时按其作用情况会有主次和前后(序次)之分、组合和 单独作用之分。在某一特定的伤害事故中致害物也可能是一个或多个。 在同一生产安全事故中,起因物和致害物可能是不同的物体(品)或同一 物体(品)。
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Commodity:#####%#DIV/0!%#####%#DIV/0!%10 (green)8 (green / Prod. safety: yellow )6 (yellow )4 (red)0 (red)N.A.planneddone1. supplier observes the retention periods for documents, records andreference samples.Eventual additional customer requirements passed by Bendix/KB the supplier are implemented.= Requirement not applicable for supplierScoring(SQD)Evidence Document / RemarkFurther Participant: = Very big deviations; supplier is not capable ActionDate= Little Deviation; supplier is capable (for product safety requirements of chap. 1.6-1.6.8 action must be planned) = Deviation; action must be planned (short term for product saftey requirements in chap. 1.6) = Big deviation; supplier is not yet capable Rules for Scoring = No or very little deviation; supplier is fully capableThe supplier informs the Bendix/KB plant, in writing, of all deviationsespecially on S/C and C/C and obtains a MCR before delivery.NameFunctionQMPP Compliance by supplierProduct safety chap.1.6-1.6.8 by supplierA control system for the lifetime of toolings secures announcement toBendix/KB and additional control measures at the end of tooling lifetimes The implementation of the product safety requirements at subcontractors for S/C or C/C parts is secured. A product safety audit for each affectedsubcontractor has been performed.All modifications to the product and process are documented in a lifetime documentation, including the date of the changeTraining evidence (signatures per employee) for trainings on S/C and C/C parts handling exist. S/C and C/C are integrated and visualized in workplace procedures.Retention periods are met and subcontractors with S/C or C/C parts have been committed on the special retention periods.Supplier Name & DUNS/SAP No.:Further Participant:Evaluation performed by:Date of last Evaluation by supplier:Name of SQD & date of last evaluation:Minimum a quality target on PPM is agreed in writing with Bendix/KB For each chapter, the full text of the QMPP must be considered.Scoring(supplier)The QMPP Confirmation is signedQMPP -Compliance Evaluation has been filled by supplier and sent toBendix/KB. For red and yellow, items actions have been planned.The supplier is certified against ISO/TS 16949, minimum certified against ISO 9001.Layout and inspection tests are stipulated in the control plans and are executed accordingly.All 8D-Reports are update and to Bendix/KB according the timelines Process audits for all parts with special characteristics are performed yearlywith a questionnaire considering ISO/TS 16949 and VDA 6.3 requirements.Cpk/Ppk ≥ 1.33 for S/C and ≥ 1.67 for C/C characteristics are met andmeasured regularly, or 100% control exists or a Bendix/KB released controlplan exists, or batch related material certificates exist.ISO 14001 certificate, or evidence of fulfillment of the legal envir./safetyrequirements exists. N20000 fulfillment has been checked.For suppliers of safety-relevant electrical/electronic/programmable electronic systems (E/E/PES): The requirements of the standards of IEC 61508 aremet.S/C and C/C characteristics are marked in all relevant documents (e.g.drawings, FMEAs, control plans).Supplier actively comes forward with improvement proposals and is available for technical support.Parts are processed and delivered following the “first in – first out” principle,with the batch identified on the box. The batch number must becommunicated to the KB plant with every delivery.A maintenance plan is executed which includes intervals and extent ofmaintenance. A contingency plan exists and notifying Bendix/KB plants ispart of it.Deviating parts are only delivered with released MCR, 8D Report, and special identification labels on the containers showing the MCR-Number.QMPP-Compliance EvaluationThe technical cleanliness of parts and packaging with consideration of Bendix/KB specifications is secured.The supplier is registrated SourcingParts (SIS card) is used (Not for Bendix suppliers but necessary to supply SFN Europe)QMPP Compliance by SQD Product safety chapt.1.6-1.6.8 by SQD。
