



752019年 第6期(总第212期)NO.6 2019Serial NO.212艺术生活A R T &L I F E闽东畲族传统文化要素的创新设计途径收稿日期:2019-11-12作者简介:周鑫(1986—),女,福建福州人,阳光学院设计学院讲师,韩国国民大学博士研究生,主要研究方向:视觉传达设计、交互设计。











物理化学复习、练习题答案选择题答案计算题部分:电化学部分:1、三种盐 NaCl 、KCl 与KNO 3分别溶于水,其极稀溶液的摩尔电导率m Λ/(10-4S·m 2·mol -1)分别为:126 、150和145。

且 NaCl 溶液中 Na +迁移数为 0.39 。

求NaNO 3极稀溶液的摩尔电导率与此溶液中 Na +的迁移数。

1、解:m Λ (NaNO 3)=m Λ(KNO 3)+ m Λ(NaCl) - m Λ(KCl)= 126 + 145 - 150 = 121×10 -4 S·m 2·mol -1 [2分]∵ 在 NaCl 中 t (Na +)= 0.39∴ m Λ (Na +)= m Λ(NaCl)× 0.39 = 49.14×10 -4 S·m 2·mol -1 [1分]在 NaNO 3中,t (Na +)=m Λ(Na +)/m Λ(NaNO 3)=49.14/121=0.406 [2分]2、计算AgBr 饱 和 水 溶 液 在25 ℃ 时的电导率。

已知其在此温度下的溶度积 K SP =4.81×10-13 mol 2⋅dm -6;AgNO 3, KBr, KNO 3的无限稀释摩尔电导率分别等于133.3×10-4 S·m 2·mol -1,151.9×10-4S·m 2·mol -1,144.9×10-4S·m 2·mol -1,所用水的电导率为4.40×10-6 S·m -1。

2、解:c (AgBr) = K SP 1/2= 6.94×10-7mol·dm -3m ∞Λ(AgBr) = m ∞Λ (AgNO 3) +m ∞Λ ( KBr )- m ∞Λ (KNO 3)=140.3×10-4 S·m 2·mol -1 [2分]κ(AgBr) = m Λ(AgBr)⨯c (AgBr) =m ∞Λ(AgBr)⨯c (AgBr) =9.74×10-6S·m -1 [2分]κ(溶液) =κ (AgBr) +κ (H 2O)=1.414×10-5S·m -1 [1分]3、电池Cu(s)│CuAc 2(0.1 mol·kg -1)│AgAc(s)∣Ag(s),在 298 K 时,电动势 E = 0.372 V ,当温度升至308K 时,E = 0.374 V ,已知 298 K 时, E ∃ (Ag +|Ag) = 0.800 V ,E ∃ (Cu 2+|Cu) = 0.340 V 。

subject to section 212e two year rule -回复

subject to section 212e two year rule -回复

subject to section 212e two year rule -回复Section 212(e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), commonly known as the "two-year rule," is a crucial aspect of U.S. immigration policy. This rule establishes that certain exchange visitors who enter the United States under specific programs must return to their home country for at least two years before they are eligible to apply for an immigrant visa, a permanent residency, or a non-immigrant visa, such as an H, L, or K visa. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on Section 212(e), explaining its purpose, who it affects, exceptions and waivers, and its implications on individuals and their future plans.1. Understanding the purpose of Section 212(e):Section 212(e) was implemented to ensure the return of exchange visitors to their home countries after the completion of their exchange programs. By mandating a two-year home-country physical presence requirement, the U.S. government aims to foster knowledge exchange and promote cultural understanding between nations through these programs. It also prevents potential brain drain and encourages participants to utilize their gained skills and experiences in their home countries.2. Identifying those affected by Section 212(e):Not all exchange visitors are subject to the two-year rule. The Department of State designates specific exchange programs that are subject to this requirement. These include the J-1 visa programs sponsored by the U.S. government, educational institutions, or private sector organizations. It is essential to check the specific program's regulations to determine if the two-year rule applies to an individual.3. Exploring exceptions to the two-year rule:Section 212(e) does allow for certain exceptions. These exceptions are divided into three categories:a. No Objection Statement: An exchange visitor can request a "no objection statement" from their home country's government. This statement indicates that the government does not object to the visitor's waiver application and allows them to bypass thetwo-year requirement.b. Exceptional Hardship: If a returning exchange visitor can demonstrate that they would face exceptional hardship by returning to their home country, they may be eligible for a waiver.This hardship could be due to political, religious, or cultural factors, or it could negatively impact the visitor's family members, such as a U.S. citizen spouse or child.c. Request by an Interested Government Agency: An exchange visitor with skills designated as necessary for a particular government agency may apply for a waiver if that agency's head recommends it based on national interest.4. Understanding the waiver application process:To apply for a waiver under Section 212(e), exchange visitors must meet specific requirements and follow a step-by-step application process:a. Initiate the process: The exchange visitor initiates the process by contacting their program sponsor or the U.S. Department of State's Waiver Review Division (WRD) to obtain the required forms.b. Gather supporting documents: Along with the completed application form, individuals must compile supporting documentation, such as a statement of reason for the waiver, evidence of exceptional hardship or no objection statement, andany other relevant materials.c. Submit the application: The applicant submits the completed waiver application along with the supporting documents to the Waiver Review Division.d. Wait for a decision: The Waiver Review Division reviews the application and makes a recommendation to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). USCIS has the final authority to approve or deny the waiver request.5. Implications of Section 212(e) on individuals and their future plans:For exchange visitors subject to the two-year rule, their options are limited until they complete the required home-country physical presence. During this period, they cannot obtain certain visas or adjust their status to permanent residency directly. However, they may still qualify for other non-immigrant visas, such as tourist, student, or employment visas, if they meet the respective visa requirements.Once the two-year requirement is fulfilled, individuals can pursuetheir desired immigration paths. They may apply for immigrant visas, pursue permanent residency through employment or family sponsorship, or even participate in additional exchange visitor programs, among other options.In summary, Section 212(e) serves as a vital component of U.S. immigration policy, ensuring the return of exchange visitors to their home countries after completing their programs. While it may pose restrictions and challenges to individuals subject to the two-year rule, there are exceptions and waivers available for those who meet specific criteria. Understanding the process and implications of Section 212(e) is crucial for exchange visitors planning their future immigration endeavors.。

subject to section 212e two year rule -回复

subject to section 212e two year rule -回复

subject to section 212e two year rule -回复什么是212(e)两年规则?212(e)两年规则是美国国务院设立的一项规定,其目的是要求在某些情况下获得J-1交流访问学者签证的人员在结束在美期间后返回自己的国家并在两年内不得再次进入美国。




该规则适用于以下两种情况:1. 获得美国政府或其它国际组织的资助:如果您在美国期间获得了由美国政府或其它国际组织提供的资助,例如联合国、世界银行等,您将被要求回到自己的国家,并在两年内不得再次进入美国。

2. 公司支付培训费用:如果您的赴美交流计划由雇主或公司支付,且该公司在过去五年里通过H-1B签证程序向美国政府提交过任何申请的话,您同样也需要遵守212(e)两年规则。


以下是一些被视为例外的特殊情况:1. 签证拒签:如果您的J-1签证申请被拒签,那么您不需要遵守212(e)两年规则,因为您并没有获得签证。

2. 不受资助:如果您没有获得美国政府或其它国际组织提供的资助,并且所在国家政府同意您在美国的经历对国家发展有重要作用,那么您也可以免除212(e)两年规则的限制。

3. 国家利益豁免:在某些情况下,如果您能够证明您的离开将会对美国的国家利益造成重大损害,您可能会获得国家利益豁免。


第三步:遵守212(e)两年规则和违反的后果如果您适用于212(e)两年规则并违反了该规则,那么您将面临以下后果:1. 签证拒签:如果您违反212(e)两年规则并试图再次申请J-1或其他非移民签证,您的申请可能会被拒签。

212协议 余氯编码

212协议 余氯编码










带顶丝外球面轴承UC200系列轴承规格、性能、型号对照参数表承型号BearingNo.轴径Shaft Dia外型尺寸Dimensions(mm)重量Weight(kg) dmm D Bi Be n m GdsmmUC202154027.41411.515.9 4.5M5×0.80.14 UC203174027.41411.515.9 4.5M5×0.80.13 UC204204731.01712.318.7 5.0M6×1.00.18 UC205255234.11714.319.8 5.0M6×1.00.22 UC206306238.11915.922.2 5.0M6×1.00.34 UC207357242.92017.525.47.0M8×1.00.52 UC208408049.22119.030.28.0M8×1.00.68 UC209458549.22219.030.28.0M8×1.00.78 UC210509051.62219.032.610.0M10×1.250.85 UC2115510055.62522.233.410.0M10×1.25 1.22 UC2126011065.12725.439.710.0M10×1.25 1.65 UC2136512065.12925.439.710.0M10×1.25 1.96 UC2147012574.63030.244.412.0M12×1.5 2.06 UC2157513077.83033.344.512.0M12×1.5 2.30 UC2168014082.63333.349.312.0M12×1.5 2.79 UC2178515085.73534.151.612.0M12×1.5 3.59 UC2189016096.03739.756.312.0M12×1.5 4.56带顶丝外球面轴承UC300系列轴承规格、性能、型号对照参数表承型号BearingNo.轴径Shaft Dia外型尺寸Dimensions(mm)重量Weight(kg) dmm D Bi Be n m G dsmm UC3052562382015236M6×1.00.35 UC3063072432317266M8×1.00.56 UC3073580482519298M8×1.00.71 UC30840905227193310M10×1.25 1.00 UC309451005729223510M10×1.25 1.36 UC310501106132223912M12×1.50 1.65 UC311551206634254112M12×1.50 2.08 UC312601307136264512M12×1.50 2.60 UC313651407538304512M12×1.50 3.24 UC314701507840334512M12×1.50 3.91 UC315751608242325014M14×1.50 4.70 UC316801708644345216M16×1.50 5.06 UC317851809646405616M16×1.50 6.9 UC318901909648405616M16×1.508.03 UC3199520010350416216M16×1.508.91 UC32010021510854426618M18×1.5011.2带顶丝球轴承SB200系列轴承规格、性能、型号对照参数表轴承型号Bearing No.轴径Shaft Dia外型尺寸Dimensions(mm)重量Weight(kg) dmm D Bi Be n m GdsmmSB20317402212 6.016.0 4.5M5×0.80.07 SB204204725147.018.0 5.0M6×1.00.13 SB205255227157.519.5 5.0M6×1.00.18 SB206306230168.022.0 6.0M6×1.00.26 SB207357232178.523.57.0M6×1.00.43 SB208408034189.025.08.0M6×1.00.60带偏心套球轴承SA200系列轴承规格、性能、型号对照参数表轴承型号BearingNo.轴径ShaftDia外型尺寸Dimensions(mm)重量Weight(kg) dmm D Be l Bi n d1H GdsmmSA20317401328.619.1 6.528.613.5 5.0M6×1.00.12 SA20420471531.021.57.533.313.5 5.0M6×1.00.13 SA20525521531.021.57.538.113.5 5.0M6×1.00.21 SA20630621835.723.89.044.515.9 6.0M6×1.00.33 SA20735721938.925.49.555.017.5 6.5M8×1.00.56 SA20840802243.730.21160.318.3 6.5M8×1.00.69带圆锥孔外球面球轴承UK200系列轴承规格、性能、型号对照参数表轴承型号BearingNo.轴径Shaft Dia外型尺寸Dimensions(mm)重量Weight(kg) dmm D Bi Be n mUK2052025521723350.24 UK2062530621926380.40 UK2073035722028430.55 UK2083540802129460.72 UK2094045852230500.80 UK2104550902232550.93 UK2115055100253659 1.91 UK2125560110273862 1.52 UK2136065120294065 1.91 UK2156575130304373 2.56 UK2167080140334678 3.23 UK2177585150354882 3.93 UK2188090160375086 4.75立式座UCP200系列轴承规格、性能、型号对照参数表带座轴承型号Bearing UnitNo.轴径Shaft Dia外型尺寸Dimensions(mm)重量Weight(kg) dmm h a e b S1S2g w n BiUCP2021530.212795381319146211.527.40.63 UCP2031730.212795381319146211.527.40.60 UCP2042033.312795381319146512.331.00.66 UCP2052536.5140105381319157114.334.10.80 UCP2063042.9165121481721178315.938.1 1.30 UCP2073547.6167127481721189317.542.9 1.60 UCP2084049.2184137541721189819.049.2 1.83方形座UCF200系列轴承规格、性能、型号对照参数表带座轴承型号Bearing UnitNo.轴径Shaft Dia外型尺寸Dimensions(mm)重量Weight(kg) dmm a e i g l z s n BiUCF202158664151125.530.91211.527.40.56 UCF203178664151125.530.91211.527.40.54 UCF 204208664151125.533.71212.331.00.61 UCF205259570161327.035.81214.334.10.80 UCF2063010883181331.040.21215.938.1 1.11 UCF2073511792191534.044.41417.542.9 1.66 UCF20840130102211536.051.21619.049.2 1.93 UC20945137105221638.052.21619.049.2 2.28 UCF21050 143111221640.054.61619.051.6 2.57 UCF21155162130251843.058.41922.255.6 3.98 UCF21260175143291848.068.71925.465.1 4.30 UCF21365187149302250.069.71925.465.1 5.49 UCF21470193152312254.075.419330.274.6 6.47 UCF21575200159342256.078.51933.377.8 6.54 UCF21680208165342258.083.32333.382.67.86 UCF21785220175362463.087.62334.185.79.77 UCF21890235187402468.096.32339.796.011.72Unit No.Dimensions mm Bolt SizemmBearingNo.HousingNo.Weight(kg)d ae i g I s z B1 nF20420 86 64 15 12 25.5 12 41.6 43.7 17.1 M10 F2040.63 F20525 95 70 16 14 27 12 42.9 44.4 17.5 M10 205F2050.87F20630 108 83 18 14 31 12 48.1 48.4 18.3 M10 206F206 1.25 F20735 117 92 19 16 34 14 51.3 51.1 18.8 M12 207F207 1.58 F20840 130 102 21 16 36 16 55.9 56.3 21.4 M14 208F208 1.99 F20945 137 105 22 18 38 16 56.9 56.3 21.4 M14 209F209 2.32 F21050 143 111 22 18 40 16 60.1 62.7 24.6 M14 210F210 2.61 F21155 162 130 25 20 43 19 68.6 71.4 27.8 M16 211F211 3.52 菱形座UCFL200系列轴承规格、性能、型号对照参数表带座轴承型号Bearing UnitNo.轴径Shaft Dia外型尺寸Dimensions(mm)重量Weight(kg) dmm a e b i g l z s n BiUCFL202151139060151225.530.91211.527.40.42 UCFL203171139060151225.530.31211.527.40.41 UCFL204201139060151225.533.71212.331.00.48 UCFL205251309968161427.035.81614.334.10.60 UCFL2063014811780181431.040.21615.938.10.98 UCFL2073516113090191634.044.41617.542.9 1.31 UCFL20840175144100211636.051.21619.049.2 1.53 UCFL20945188148108221838.052.21919.049.2 1.68 UCFL21050 197157115221840.054.61919.051.6 1.88 UCFL21155224184130252043.058.41922.255.6 3.10 UCFL21260250202140292048.068.72325.465.1 4.00 UCFL21365258210155302450.069.72325.465.1 5.00 UCFL21470265216160312454.075.42330.274.6 5.60 UCFL21575275225165342456.078.52333.377.8 6.20 UCFL21680290233180342458.083.32533.382.68.20 UCFL21785305248190362663.087.62534.185.79.26 UCFL21890320265205402668.096.32539.796.011.73凸台圆形座UCFC200系列轴承规格、性能、型号对照参数表带座轴承型号Bearing UnitNo.轴径Shaft Dia外型尺寸Dimensions(mm)重量Weight(kg) dmm a p i g j k s e f z n BiUCFC20215100781020.5571255.16225.911.527.40.77 UCFC20317100781020.5571255.16225.911.527.40.76 UCFC20420100 781020.5571255.16228.712.331.00.81 UCFC20525115901021.0671263.67029.814.334.1 1.09 UCFC206301251001023.0881270.78032.215.938.1 1.51 UCFC207351351101126.0891477.89036.417.542.9 1.98 UCFC208401451201126.01091484.810041.219.049.2 2.32 UCFC209451601321026.012141693.3105 4.0219.049.2 3.07 UCFC21050 1651381028.012141697.611042.619.051.6 3.28 UCFC211551851501331.0121519106.112546.422.255.6 4.20 UCFC212601951601736.0121519113.113556.725.465.1 5.45 UCFC213652051701636.0141519120.214555.711.565.1 5.91 UCFC214702151771740.0141819125.115061.411.574.67.26 UCFC215752201841840.0161819130.116062.511.577.88.02 UCFC216802402001842.0161823141.417067.312.382.69.92 UCFC217852502081845.0182023147.118069.633.387.511.58 UCFC218902652202250.0182023155.519078.339.796.013.74滑块座UCT200系列轴承规格、性能、型号对照参数表带座轴承型号Bearing UnitNo.轴径ShaftDia外型尺寸Dimensions(mm)重量Weight(kg) dmm o g s p q b k e a w j i h n BiUCT202151610513219511276899432216111.527.40.78 UCT203171610513219511276899432216111.527.40.77 UCT 204201610513219511276899432216112.331.00.81 UCT205251610513219511276899732246214.334.10.92 UCT20630161056372257128910211337287015.938.1 1.01 UCT20735161364372264128910212937307817.542.9 1.70 UCT208401916834929831610211414449338819.049.2 2.43 UCT209451916834929831610211714449358719.049.2 2.58 UCT21050 1916834929861610211714949379019.051.6 2.78 UCT21155251910264359522130146171613810622.255.6 4.17 UCT212603219102643510222130146194614211925.465.1 4.90 UCT213653221111704112126151167224704413711.527.47.30 UCT214703221111704112126151167224704613711.527.47.36 UCT215753221111704112126151167232704814011.527.47.99 UCT216803221111704112126165184235705114012.331.08.92 UCT217853829124734815730173198260735416214.334.111.46 UCT218904030130804814030190215275805517014.334.114.76产品说明:Unit No.Dimensions mm in. BearingNo.HousingNo.Weight(kg) d o g p g S b k e a w j l h t B nUCT20112 16 10 51 32 19 51 12 76 89 94 32 21 61 44.5 31 12.7 UC201T2040.80 UCT20215 16 10 51 32 19 51 12 76 89 94 32 21 61 44.5 31 12.7 UC202T2040.79 UCT20317 16 10 51 32 19 51 12 76 89 94 32 21 61 44.5 31 12.7 UC203T2040.78 UCT20420 16 10 51 32 19 51 12 76 89 94 32 21 61 44.5 31 12.7 UC204T2040.76 UCT20525 16 10 51 32 19 51 12 76 89 97 32 24 62 48 34.1 14.3 UC205T2050.81 UCT20630 16 10 56 37 22 57 12 89 102 113 37 28 70 53 38.1 15.9 UC206T206 1.22 UCT20735 16 13 64 37 22 64 12 89 102 129 37 30 78 59.5 42.9 17.5 UC207T207 1.44 UCT208 40 19 16 83 49 29 83 16 102 114 144 49 33 89 69 49.2 19 UC208T208 2.40 UCT20945 19 16 83 49 29 83 16 102 117 144 49 35 87 69 49.2 19 UC209T209 2.36 UCT21050 19 16 83 49 29 86 16 102 117 149 49 37 90高中心立式座UCPH200系列轴承规格、性能、型号对照参数表带座轴承型号Bearing UnitNo.轴径Shaft Dia外型尺寸Dimensions(mm)重量Weight(kg) dmm h a e b S1S2g w n BiUCPH2021570127954013191510111.527.40.92 UCPH2031770127954013191510111.527.40.91 UCPH2042070127954013191510112.331.00.96 UCPH20525801401055013191611414.334.1 1.20 UCPH20630901651215017211813015.938.1 1.60 UCPH20735951671276017211914017.542.9 2.10 UCPH208401001841377017251914919.049.2 2.70 UCPH209451051901467017252015719.049.2 3.10 UCPH210501102061597020252216519.051.6 3.50环形座UCC200系列轴承规格、性能、型号对照参数表带座轴承型号Bearing UnitNo.轴径Shaft Dia外型尺寸Dimensions(mm)重量Weight(kg) dmm h a e bUCC20215722011.527.40.45 UCC20317722011.527.40.44 UCC20420722012.331.00.49 UCC20525802214.334.10.65 UCC20630852715.938.10.82 UCC20735902817.542.9 1.03 UCC208401003019.049.2 1.20 UCC209451103119.049.2 1.50 UCC21050 1203319.051.6 1.90 UCC211551253522.255.6 2.10 UCC212601303825.465.1 2.50 UCC213651404025.465.1 3.00窄立式座UCPA200系列轴承规格、性能、型号对照参数表带座轴承型号BearingUnitNo.轴径Shaft Dia外型尺寸Dimensions(mm)重量Weight(kg) dmm h a e b g w t r n BiUCPA2031730.2765238116212M10×1.511.527.40.63 UCPA2042033.3765238116212M10×1.512.331.00.66 UCPA2052536.5845638127215M10×1.514.334.10.89 UCPA2063042.9946648128418M14×2.015.938.1 1.31 UCPA2073547.61108048139520M14×2.017.542.9 1.71UCPA2084049.211684541310020M14× 2.18 UCPA2094554.012090541310825M14× 2.28 UCPA2105057.213094601411625M16× 2.98 ZY2600系列剖分式轴承座轴承规格、性能、型号对照参数表型号 d d1 d1 D g1 g A A1 H H1 H0 L J N1 N S 重量(kg)适用轴承向心球轴承调心球轴承调心滚子轴承Z2605Y 25 20 32 62 32 60 82 52 50 22 95 190 150 14 16 M12 2 305 1305 1605Z2606Y 30 25 38 72 35 58 82 52 50 22 100 190 150 14 16 M12 2.2 306 1306 1606Z2607Y 35 30 44 80 41 66 90 60 60 25 120 210 170 14 16 M12 3.1 307 1307 1607Z2608Y 40 35 49 90 43 71 95 60 60 25 125 210 170 14 16 M12 3.4 308 130816083608 53608Z2609Y 45 40 55 100 46 79 105 70 70 28 140 270 210 18 20 M16 4.7 309 130916093609 53609Z2610Y 50 45 61 110 50 89 115 70 70 30 145 270 210 18 20 M16 5.2 310 131016103610 53610Z2611Y 55 50 67 120 53 94 120 80 80 30 160 290 230 18 20 M16 6.6 311 131116113611 53611Z2612Y 60 55 73 130 56 95 125 80 80 30 165 290 230 18 20 M16 74 312 131216123612 53612Z2613Y 65 60 78 140 58 100 130 90 95 32 185 330 260 22 25 M20 9.8 313 131316133613 53613Z2614Y 70 65 84 150 61 100 130 90 95 32 195 330 260 22 25 M20 11.2 314 131416143614 53614Z2615Y 75 70 90 160 65 104 140 100 100 35 205 360 290 22 25 M20 14.2 315 131516153615 53615Z2616Y 80 75 95 170 68 109 145 100 112 35 222 360 290 22 25 M20 14.2 316 131616163616 53616Z2617Y 85 78 101 180 70 115 155 110 112 40 227 400 320 26 31 M24 16 317 131716173617 53617Z2618Y 90 80 107 190 74 120 160 110 112 40 232 400 320 26 31 M24 20 318 131816183618 53618Z2619Y 95 85 113 200 77 130 170 120 125 45 250 420 350 26 31 M24 23.1 319 131916193619 53619Z2620Y 100 90 120 215 83 127 175 120 140 45 280 420 350 26 31 M24 30.8 320 132016203620 53620Z2622Y 110 100 133 240 90 142 190 130 150 50 305 460 390 26 31 M24 39.2 322 132216223622 53622Z2624Y 120 110 142 260 96 157 205 160 160 60 330 540 450 33 38 M30 45.8 324 1324 3624 53624 Z2626Y 130 115 155 280 103 167 215 160 170 60 350 560 470 33 38 M30 48 326 3626 53626ZY2500 系列剖分式轴承座轴承规格、性能、型号对照参数表号 d d1 d1 D g1 g A A1 H H1 H0 L J N1 N S 重量(kg)适用轴承向心球轴承调心球轴承调心滚子轴承Z2505Y 25 20 30 52 26 45 67 46 40 22 80 170 130 14 16 M12 1.4 205 1205150553505Z2506Y 30 25 36 62 28 53 77 52 50 22 95 190 150 14 16 M12 1.9 206 1206150653506Z2507Y 35 30 42 72 31 58 82 52 50 22 100 190 150 14 16 M12 2.2 207 1207150753507Z2508Y 40 35 48 80 31 61 85 60 60 25 120 210 170 14 16 M12 2.7 208 12081508350853508Z2509Y 45 40 52 85 31 59 85 60 60 25 122 210 170 14 16 M12 2.9 209 12091509350953509Z2510Y 50 45 58 90 31 64 90 60 60 25 125 210 170 14 16 M12 3.2 210 12101510351053510Z2511Y 55 50 64 100 33 69 95 70 60 28 140 270 210 18 20 M16 4.4 211 12111511351153511Z2512Y 60 55 70 110 36 75 105 70 70 30 145 270 210 18 20 M16 5.1 212 12121512351253512SN600 系列剖分式轴承座轴承规格、性能、型号对照参数表轴承座型号基本尺寸重量适用轴承型号适用紧定套定位环尺寸及数量DH8a b cgh12hh12L W m w vd2H12d3H 12f1H12f2 Number QTYSN605 62 185 52 22 24 50 80 90 150 15 20 21.5 31 3 4.2 2.1 13052305H305 HE305H2305 HE2305SR62×8.5SR62×1021SN606 72 185 52 22 37 50 82 95 150 15 20 26.5 38 4 5.4 2.8 13062306H306 HE306H2306 HE2306SR72×9SR72×1021SN607 80 205 60 25 41 60 90 110 170 15 20 31.5 43 4 5.4 3.5 13072307H307 HE307H2307 HE2307SR80×10SR80×1021SN608 90 205 60 25 43 60 95 115 170 15 20 36.5 48 4 5.4 4.2 130823082130822308H308 HE308H2308 HE2308SR90×10SR90×1021SN609 100 255 70 28 46 70 105 130 210 18 23 41.5 53 4 5.4 5.0 130923092130922309H309 HE309H2309 HE2309SR100×10.5SR100×1021SN610 110 255 70 30 50 70 115 135 210 18 23 46.5 58 4 5.4 6.1 131023102131022310H310 HE310H2310 HE2310SR110×11.5SR110×1021SN611 120 275 80 30 53 80 120 150 230 18 23 51.5 67 5 6.9 6.5 131123112131122311H311 HE311H2311 HE2311SR120×12SR120×1021SN612 130 280 80 30 56 80 125 155 230 18 23 56.5 72 5 6.9 7.9 131223122131222312H312 HE312H2312 HE2312SR130×12.5SR130×1021SN613 140 315 90 32 58 95 130 175 260 22 27 62 77 5 6.8 10.8 131323132131322313H313 HE313H2313 HE2313SR140×12.5SR140×1021SN614 160 345 100 35 65 100 140 195 290 22 27 67 82 5 8.1 14.6 131523152131522315H315 HE315H2315 HE2315SR160×14SR160×1021SN615 170 345 100 35 68 112 145 212 290 22 32 72 89 6 8.1 17.1 131623162131622316H316 HE316H2316 HE2316SR170×14.5SR170×1021SN616 180 380 110 40 70 112 155 218 420 26 35 77 94 6 8.1 18.7 131723172131722317H317 HE317H2317 HE2317SR180×14.5SR180×1021SN617 190 400 110 33 74 112 160 230 350 26 35 82 99 6 8.1 24.1 1318231822318H318 HE318H2318 HE2318SR190×15.5SR190×1021SN618 200 420 120 36 77 125 170 245 390 26 35 87 104 6 9.3 25.5 1319231922319H319 HE319H2319 HE2319SR200×16SR200×1021SN619 215 420 120 38 83 140 175 280 450 26 38 92 111 7 10.8 31 1320232022320H320 HE320H232 HE2320SR215×18SR215×1021SN620 240 460 130 40 90 150 190 300 470 28 42 102 125 8 10.7 41.4 1322232222322H322 HE322H2322 HE2322SR240×20SR240×1021SN624 260 540 160 50 96 160 205 325 520 33 42 113 135 8 10.7 54.6 22324 H2324 HE2324 SR260×10 1 SN626 280 560 160 50 103 170 215 350 560 33 45 118 140 8 12.2 67.2 22326 H2326 HE2326 SR280×10 1 SN628 300 630 170 55 112 180 235 375 580 35 45 128 154 9 12.2 92.6 22328 H2328 HE2328 SR300×10 1 SN630 320 680 180 55 118 190 245 395 560 35 52 138 164 9 12.2 101.5 22330 H2330 HE2330 SR320×10 1 SN632 340 710 190 60 124 200 255 415 580 42 52 143 173 10 13.7 122.3 22332 H2332 HE2332 SR340×10 1 SN500 系列剖分式轴承座轴承座型号基本尺寸重量Wtkg适用轴承型号适用紧定套定位尺寸及数量DH8A B CGH12HH12L W M U Vd2H12d3H12f1H13f2 Number QTYSN505 52 165 46 22 25 40 67 75 130 15 20 21.5 31 3 4.2 1.4 1250K2250K22205KH205 HE205H305 HE305SR52×5SR52×721SN506 62 185 52 22 30 50 77 90 150 15 20 26.5 38 4 5.4 1.9 1206K2206K22206KH206 HE206H306 HE306SR62×7SR62×1021SN507 72 185 52 22 33 50 82 95 150 15 20 31.5 43 4 5.4 2.0 1207K2207K22207KH207 HE207H307 HE307SR72×8SR72×1021SN508 80 205 60 25 33 60 85 110 170 15 20 36.5 48 4 5.4 3.2 1208K2208K22208KH208 HE208H308 HE308SR80×7.5SR80×1021SN509 85 205 60 25 31 60 85 112 170 15 20 41.5 53 4 5.4 3.0 1209K2209K22209KH209 HE209H309 HE309SR85×6SR85×821SN510 90 205 60 25 33 60 90 115 170 15 20 46.5 58 4 5.4 3.4 1210K2210K22210KH210 HE210H310 HE310SR90×6.5SR90×1021SN511 100 255 70 28 33 70 95 130 210 18 23 51.5 67 5 6.9 4.6 1211K2211K22211KH211 HE211H311 HE311SR100×6SR100×821SN512 110 255 70 30 38 70 105 135 210 18 23 56.5 72 5 6.9 5.0 1212K2212K22212KH212 HE212H312 HE312SR110×8SR110×1021SN513 120 275 80 30 43 80 110 150 230 18 23 62 77 5 6.8 6.8 1213K2213K22213KH213 HE213H313 HE313SR120×10SR120×1221SN515 130 280 80 30 41 80 115 155 230 18 23 67 82 5 6.8 7.4 1215K2215K22215KH215 HE215H315 HE315SR130×8SR130×1021SN516 140 315 90 32 43 95 120 175 260 22 27 72 89 6 8.1 9.5 1216K2216K22216KH216 HE216H316 HE316SR140×8.5SR140×1021SN517 150 320 90 32 46 95 125 185 260 22 27 77 94 6 8.1 10.0 1217K2217K22217KH217 HE217H317 HE317SR150×9SR150×1021SN518 160 345 100 35 62.4 100 145 195 290 22 27 82 99 6 8.1 12.8 1218K2218K22218K23218KH218 HE218H318 HE318H2318 HE2318SR160×16.2SR160×11.2SR160×10211SN519 170 345 100 35 53 112 140 210 290 22 27 87 104 6 8.1 15.4 1219K2219K22219KH219 HE219H319 HE319SR170×10.5SR170×1021SN520 180 380 110 40 70.3 112 160 218 320 26 32 92 111 7 9.3 17.8 2220k 22220K23220KH320 HE320H2320 HE2320SR180×12.1SR180×1021SN522 200 410 120 45 80 125 175 240 350 26 32 102 125 8 10.8 19 2222k 22222K23222KH322 HE322H2322 HE2322SR200×13.5SR200×1021SN524 215 410 120 45 86 140 185 270 350 26 32 113 135 8 10.7 26 22224K23224KH324 HE324H2324 HE2324SR215×14SR215×1021SN526 230 445 130 50 90 150 190 290 380 28 36 118 140 8 10.7 32 22226K23226KH326 HE326H2326HE2326SR230×13SR230×1021SN528 250 500 150 50 98 150 205 305 420 33 42 128 154 9 12.2 40 22228K23228KH328 HE328H2328 HE2328SR250×15SR250×1021SN530 270 530 160 60 106 160 220 325 450 33 42 138 164 9 12.2 47.2 22230K23230KH330 HE330H2330 HE2330SR270×16.5SR270×1021SN532 290 550 160 60 114 170 235 345 470 33 42 143 173 10 13.7 56.5 22232K23232KH332 HE332H2332 HE2332SR290×17SR290×1021SN300 系列剖分式轴承座2313 22313SR140×101SN315160345100356510014019529022278710468.111.4131523152131522315SR160×14SR160×1021SN316170345100356811214521229022279211168.113.0131623162131622316SR170×14.5SR170×1021SN317180380110407011215521832026329711679.316.0131723172131722317SR180×14.5SR180×1021SN31819040011033741121602303202635102125810.822.81318231822318SR190×15.3SR190×9.521SN31920042012036771251702453502635113135810.727.81319231922319SR200×15.8SR200×9.521SN32021542012038831401752803502635118140810.734.01320232022320SR215×17.5SR215×9.521SN32224046013040901501903003902838128154912.245.01322232222322SR240×19.8SR240×9.521SN32426054016050961602053254503342138164912.262.022324SR260×101 SN3262805601605010317021535047033421531831013.768.822326SR280×101 SN3283006301705511218023537552035451632931013.798.022328SR300×101 SN3303206801805511819024539556035451732031013.711622330SR320×101 SN3323407101906012420025541558042521832131013.713522332SR340×101 SN200 系列剖分式轴承座轴承座型号基本尺寸重量适用轴承型号适用紧定套定位环尺寸及数量DH8a b cgh12hh12L W m w vd2H12d3H 12f1H12f2Number QTYSN20552165462225406775130152031.5434 5.4 1.41205220522205H205 HE205H305 HE305SR52×5SR52×721SN20662185522230507790150152036.5484 5.4 1.91206220622206H206 HE206H306 HE306SR62×7SR62×1021SN20772185522233508295150152046.5584 5.4 2.01207220722207H207 HE207H307 HE307SR72×8SR72×1021SN208802056022336086110170152051.5675 6.9 3.01208220822208H208 HE208H308 HE308SR80×7.5SR80×102123230 HE3130H2330HE2330SR270×101SN23229055016060114 170235 345470 33 42 178204 10 13.7 56.5 2223222232H3132HE3132H2332HE2332SR290×17SR290×1021XHC4 系列剖分式轴承座轴承座型号基本尺寸重量dH8D Whh12b a m nH≈e c J S rXHC4-80 80 110 140 110 110 340 280 70 245 22 45 125 M20 4 25.9 XHC4-90 90 120 160 120 130 360 300 80 265 22 50 150 M20 4 35.4 XHC4-100 100 140 180 140 150 380 320 90 305 26 55 165 M24 4 49.0 XHC4-110 110 150 180 140 150 400 330 90 310 26 55 165 M24 5 53.2 XHC4-120 120 160 200 150 170 420 350 100 340 26 60 190 M24 5 72.4 XHC4-130 130 175 220 160 190 460 380 110 370 34 65 195 M30 5 93.4 XHC4-140 140 190 220 170 190 480 400 110 385 34 65 210 M30 5 105.9 XHC4-150 150 200 240 180 210 500 420 130 410 34 70 220 M30 5 128.7 XHC4-160 160 210 240 190 210 500 420 130 420 34 70 220 M30 5 130.7 H4000 系列剖分式轴承座轴承座型号基本尺寸重量dH8D Whh12b a m n C H J e t d1 r sH4050 50 70 75 50 60 200 160 30 25 105 90 14.5 M10 M10×1 2.5 M12 4.2 H4060 60 80 90 60 75 240 190 40 25 125 100 18.5 M12 M10×1 2.5 M16 6.5 H4070 70 95 105 70 90 260 210 45 30 140 120 18.5 M12 M14×1.5 2.5 M16 9.5 H4080 80 110 120 80 100 290 240 55 35 160 140 24 M16 M14×1.5 2.5 M20 14.5 H4090 90 120 135 85 115 300 250 70 35 170 150 24 M16 M14×1.5 3.0 M20 18.0 H4100 100 130 150 90 130 340 280 80 40 185 160 24 M16 M14×1.5 3.0 M20 23.0 H4110 110 140 165 95 140 350 290 85 40 190 170 24 M16 M14×1.5 3.0 M20 30.0 H4120 120 150 180 105 155 370 310 90 40 205 190 28 M20 M14×1.5 3.0 M24 41.5 H4140 140 175 210 120 170 390 330 100 45 230 210 28 M20 M14×1.5 4.0 M24 51.0 H4160 160 200 240 130 200 410 350 120 50 250 230 28 M20 M14×1.5 4.0 M24 59.5 H4180 180 220 270 140 220 460 400 140 50 260 260 35 M24 M14×1.5 4.0 M30 73.0 H4200 200 250 300 160 245 520 440 160 55 295 300 42 M30 M14×1.5 5.0 M36 98.0 H4220 220 270 320 170 265 550 470 180 60 360 330 42 M30 M14×1.5 5.0 M36 125.0 UK300+H2300 (290600) 型:带紧定套外球面轴承轴承代号外型尺寸(mm )重量(kg) 额定动负荷Cr(KN)额定静负荷Cor(KN)极限转速(r/min)新代号旧代号d0 dz D D1 B3 B B2 CUK305+H2305 290604 20 25 62 38 35 27 8 21 0.36 17.22 11.39 2800 UK306+H2306 290606 25 30 72 45 38 30 8 23 0.59 20.77 14.97 2600 UK307+H2307 290607 30 35 80 52 43 34 9 25 0.75 25.66 17.92 2200 UK308+H2308 290608 35 40 90 58 46 36 10 27 1.02 31.35 22.38 2000UK309+H2309 290609 40 45 100 65 50 39 11 30 1.38 40.68 30.00 1800 UK310+H2310 290610 45 50 110 70 55 42 12 32 1.68 47.58 35.71 1700 UK311+H2311 290611 50 55 120 75 59 44 12 34 2.06 55.05 41.91 1400 UK312+H2312 290612 55 60 130 80 62 48 13 36 2.53 62.88 48.60 1300 UK313+H2313 290613 60 65 140 85 65 49 14 38 3.08 72.21 56.68 1200 UK315+H2315 290614 65 75 160 98 73 56 15 42 4.84 87.25 71.67 1000 UK316+H2316 290615 70 80 170 105 78 58 17 44 5.75 94.57 80.351000 UK317+H2317 290616 75 85 180 110 82 61 18 46 6.72 102.05 89.52 950 UK318+H2318 290617 80 90 190 120 86 66 18 48 7.87 110.81 100.76 900 UK319+H2319 290618 85 95 200 125 90 67 19 50 9.02 120.51 113.75 850 UK320+H2320 290620 90 100 215 130 97 74 20 54 11.1 133.06 131.18 800 UK322+H2322 290622 100 110 240 145 105 82 21 60 14.9 157.66 167.64 700 UK324+H2324 290623 110 120 260 155 112 86 22 64 18.0 175.07 194.42 630 UK326+H2326 290624 115 130 280 165 121 90 23 68 23.3 194.93 226.71 560 UK328+H2328 29062512514030018013195247328.9211.38253.93500UK200+H2300 (290500) 型:带紧定套外球面轴承。



速度快、 工后沉降小的特点, 但对于这种地形来讲
性价比不高。 丘陵地区软土分布毕竟是点状, 并非
硬路肩 2%
土路肩 4%
常规设计边坡 4%排 水 横 坡
大面积分布, 因此可以通过合理的施工组织计划来 保证局部软基处理的工期要求。 对于必须进行深层 处理的特殊情况, 设计时应着重考虑路基稳定性而 非沉降量。 由于沿江地区常用的水泥搅拌桩抗剪能
不加处治, 后期对路基的稳定和质量影响很大。 因 排水条件; 改善地下水条件。
此, 在衔接部设置渗沟是十分必要的, 可有效截断 坡面开挖处渗水, 保证路基干燥。
2.4 路基支挡 丘陵地区设置路基支挡工程比较普遍, 主要是
由于两个因素: 一是斜坡上填筑路基需要支挡; 二
用地界碑 (取土后)
是穿越水田段需收缩坡脚以减少占地。 第一种挡墙 对路基稳定性很重要, 主要是抗滑移系数要高, 考
图3 取土场结合路堑设计示意图
虑到山坡上基础条件很好, 因此一般最好选用俯斜 3.2.2 弃 土 场 结 合 路 堤 设 计 (见 图4)具 有 以 下 优
158 式挡墙。 第二种主要是起收缩坡脚的作用, 考虑水 点: 路基施工便利; 减少路基永久占地; 降低路堤 田段地基承载力有限, 因此选择圬工体积较小的仰 边坡高度, 减少防护工程量; 反压坡脚、 稳固路堤
从后续服务工作中反馈的信息发现, 由于对施
选址在满足主体工程需求的前提下, 要着重考虑取 工因素考虑得不够全面, 土石方调配仅能满足工程
土场与周边自然地形地貌的衔接, 特别是与附近农 量的平衡, 到实施时就暴露出一些问题。 例如在山



图鉴编号名称分解(得)加工(需)NO.1草料NO.2草料束NO.1草料x4NO.1草料x4 NO.3牧草NO.4草料饵食NO.5种芋NO.6圆芋NO.5种芋x4NO.7甘草的种子NO.8甘草NO.7甘草的种子x3NO.10棉布x1NO.10棉布NO.11接骨木果NO.12毒萝卜花NO.13梦眠草的种子NO.14梦眠草NO.15枯萎的梦眠草NO.13梦眠草的种子x3NO.16黑麦粒NO.17黑麦NO.16黑麦粒x3NO.18丹莓的种子NO.19丹莓的花植物资NO.9棉布草NO.20丹莓的果实NO.21枯萎的丹莓NO.18丹莓的种子x3 NO.22维洛伊萨的球根NO.23维洛伊萨的花NO.24枯萎的维洛伊萨NO.22维洛伊萨的球根x3 NO.25乌可的种子NO.26乌可的花NO.27枯萎的乌可NO.25乌可的种子x3 NO.28利古亚的球根NO.29利古亚花NO.30枯萎的利古亚NO.28利古亚的球根x3 NO.31四季樱果实NO.32晶莹桔NO.33晶莹桔的种子x3 NO.33晶莹桔的种子NO.34晶莹桔的树NO.32晶莹桔x1 NO.35结了果的晶莹桔树NO.34晶莹桔的树x1 NO.36玛雅果实NO.37玛雅种子x3 NO.37玛雅种子NO.38玛雅树NO.36玛雅果实x1 NO.39结果的玛雅树NO.38玛雅树x1NO.40四季玛雅NO.107雾之水x5NO.125青之导刻水溶液x15NO.126光之导刻水溶液x2NO.42橡实NO.45圆橡木X1NO.125青之导刻水溶液x1NO.45圆橡木X1NO.42橡实x3NO.46橡木材x2NO.128银之导刻水溶液x2NO.47木柴x4NO.128银之导刻水溶液x2NO.47木柴NO.48冷杉的种子NO.51圆冷杉木x1NO.125青之导刻水溶液x1NO.51圆冷杉木x1NO.48冷杉的种子x3NO.51圆冷杉木NO.54大相扑菇x1NO.45圆橡木x2NO.41水蘑菇NO.43小橡树NO.44大橡树NO.46橡木材NO.45圆橡木NO.49小冷杉树NO.50大冷杉树NO.52相扑菇原木NO.53相扑菇NO.54大相扑菇NO.56毒蕈x1NO.51圆冷杉木x2NO.56毒蕈NO.108精制水x2NO.128银之导刻水溶液x5NO.58硫磺结晶NO.60方解岩碎片x2NO.128银之导刻水溶液x1NO.61石弹x4NO.128银之导刻水溶液x1NO.61石弹NO.62魔弹NO.64热粉x2NO.124赤之导刻水溶液x1NO.64热粉NO.67赤矿石x2NO.68血玉石x1NO.124赤之导刻水溶液x3NO.66封魔丸NO.55毒蕈原木矿物资NO.57水结晶NO.59方解岩NO.60方解岩碎片NO.63热石NO.65红雷岩NO.68血玉石x1NO.124赤之导刻水溶液x4NO.68血玉石NO.70青矿石x2NO.71青金石x1NO.125青之导刻水溶液x3NO.71青金石x1NO.125青之导刻水溶液x4NO.71青金石NO.73黑矿石x2NO.74黑曜石x1NO.127暗之导刻水溶液x3NO.74黑曜石x1NO.127暗之导刻水溶液x4NO.74黑曜石NO.76白矿石x2NO.77萤石x1NO.126光之导刻水溶液x3NO.77萤石x1NO.126光之导刻水溶液x4NO.77萤石NO.78岩核NO.67赤矿石NO.69苍辉岩NO.75光结晶NO.70青矿石NO.72邪黑岩NO.76白矿石NO.73黑矿石NO.79经年土NO.80魔晶NO.81魔晶原矿NO.82绿铁矿石NO.84锡x2NO.83白晶矿石NO.128银之导刻水溶液x5NO.84锡NO.85石榴石NO.86海蓝石NO.87锆石NO.88缟玛瑙NO.89巨大的圆石NO.90圆石动物资NO.91虹鳟鱼NO.92心贝NO.94野生的毛皮x1NO.95美味的肉x2NO.93野兽的肉NO.95野兽的骨头x1NO.128银之导刻水溶液x3NO.94野生的毛皮NO.95美味的肉NO.96野兽的骨头NO.97牦牛奶NO.98血色的爪NO.99角牦兽的角NO.100魔鹰的羽毛NO.101龙鳞NO.96野兽的骨头x1NO.12赤之导刻水溶液x15NO.127暗之导刻水溶液x2NO.103巨大的蛋NO.104迷之蛋NO.105小人族的食物NO.106巨人族的药丸NO.108精制水x1NO.109混合物x1NO.128银之导刻水溶液x2NO.108精制水NO.109混合物NO.109混合物x1NO.128银之导刻水溶液x3NO.111光之粉NO.102龙角NO.110地底水特殊资NO.107雾之水NO.85石榴石x2NO.112邪恶之球NO.127暗之导刻水溶液x12NO.86海蓝石x1NO.113神圣之球NO.126光之导刻水溶液x12NO.114旧艾梅鲁币NO.115生锈的剑NO.116钝剑NO.117腐朽的杖NO.118破旧的杖NO.119生锈的锤NO.120破旧的锤NO.121生锈铠甲NO.122破旧铠甲NO.123空瓶子生产NO.124赤之导刻水溶液NO.128银之导刻水溶液x1NO.125青之导刻水溶液NO.128银之导刻水溶液x1NO.126光之导刻水溶液NO.128银之导刻水溶液x1NO.127暗之导刻水溶液NO.128银之导刻水溶液x1NO.128银之导刻水溶液NO.75光结晶x1NO.8甘草x2NO.129甘草糖NO.109混合物x1NO.213小麦粉x2NO.32晶莹桔x1NO.97牦牛奶x2NO.213小麦粉x2NO.97牦牛奶x2NO.32晶莹桔x1NO.36玛雅果实x1NO.212盐x1NO.97牦牛奶x3NO.212盐x1NO.133艾伯纳鲁奶酪NO.8甘草x2NO.97牦牛奶x3NO.212盐x1NO.135维拉奶酪NO.213小麦粉x2NO.212盐x1NO.17黑麦x1NO.97牦牛奶x2NO.137硬面包NO.138超硬面包NO.139保存架NO.46橡木材x3田园面包鲜奶酪NO.131水果玛芬NO.130黑面包NO.134鲜维拉奶酪NO.132NO.136NO.132鲜奶酪x10NO.132鲜奶酪x10 NO.140鲜奶酪架ANO.139保存架x1NO.139保存架x1NO.133艾伯纳鲁奶酪架x10NO.133艾伯纳鲁奶酪架x10 NO.141艾伯纳鲁奶酪架NO.139保存架x1NO.139保存架x1NO.134鲜维拉奶酪x10NO.134鲜维拉奶酪x10 NO.142鲜奶酪架BNO.139保存架x1NO.139保存架x1NO.135维拉奶酪x10NO.135维拉奶酪x10 NO.143维拉奶酪架NO.139保存架x1NO.139保存架x1NO.136黑面包x10NO.136黑面包x10 NO.144黑面包架NO.139保存架x1NO.139保存架x1NO.137硬面包x10NO.137硬面包x10 NO.145硬面包架NO.139保存架x1NO.139保存架x1NO.138超硬面包x10NO.138超硬面包x10 NO.146超硬面包架NO.139保存架x1NO.139保存架x1NO.95美味的肉x1 NO.147腌肉NO.212盐x2NO.148咸肉干NO.148咸肉干x1 NO.149牛肉干NO.207木炭x2NO.92心贝x1NO.150腌贝柱NO.212盐x1NO.151干贝柱NO.91虹鳟鱼x1NO.212盐x1NO.153干鱼NO.91虹鳟鱼x1NO.207木炭x1NO.155艾伯纳鲁线NO.10棉布x1NO.156艾伯纳鲁织布NO.155艾伯纳鲁线x4NO.157艾伯纳鲁绷带NO.156艾伯纳鲁织布x1NO.155艾伯纳鲁线x4NO.26乌可的花x2NO.159乌可绷带NO.158乌可织布x1NO.213小麦粉x1NO.212盐x1NO.107雾之水x2NO.133艾伯纳鲁奶酪x1NO.32晶莹桔x1NO.31四季樱果实x1NO.36玛雅果实x1NO.162果脯NO.29利古亚的花x1NO.26乌可的花x1NO.23维洛伊萨的花x1NO.152腌鱼NO.158乌可织布NO.154熏鱼NO.161水果拼盘NO.160有机饼干NO.163花篮NO.19丹莓的花x1NO.164干枯花篮NO.165冷杉油NO.50大冷杉树x1NO.58硫磺结晶x1NO.64热粉x1NO.208精炼碳x1NO.108精制水x1NO.64热粉x3NO.108精制水x1NO.78岩核x2NO.168强火炎弹NO.169导刻火炎弹NO.108魔鹰的羽毛x1NO.208精炼碳x1NO.98血色的爪X1NO.208精炼碳x1NO.8甘草x1NO.107雾之水x1NO.164干枯花篮x1NO.107雾之水x1NO.14梦眠草x1NO.123空瓶子x1NO.166莱帕伊鲁之火NO.170刻之符NO.167火炎弹NO.172甘草茶NO.171刻之瞳NO.173草本茶NO.6圆芋x3NO.17黑麦x4 NO.174未熟成凯利NO.108精制水x10NO.14梦眠草x1NO.8甘草x1 NO.17524年凯利NO.17636年凯利NO.17760年凯利NO.178100年凯利NO.51圆冷杉木x2 NO.179酒桶NO.221青绿铁x1NO.179酒桶x1NO.6圆芋x3NO.17黑麦x4 NO.180未熟成桶装凯利NO.108精制水x10NO.14梦眠草x1NO.8甘草x1 NO.18124年桶装凯利NO.18236年桶装凯利NO.18360年桶装凯利NO.184100年桶装凯利NO.41水蘑菇x8 NO.185多布兰的秘酒NO.181 24年凯利NO.12毒萝卜花x1NO.108精制水x3NO.133艾伯纳鲁织布x1NO.87锆石x1NO.106巨人族的药丸x1NO.108精制水x3NO.95美味的肉x1NO.97牦牛奶x1NO.133艾伯纳鲁奶酪x1NO.137硬面包x1NO.68血玉石X1NO.221青绿铁x1NO.71青金石x1NO.11接骨木果x1NO.108精制水x3NO.86海蓝石x1NO.99角牦牛的角x1NO.88缟玛瑙x1NO.11接骨木果x1NO.99角牦牛的角x1NO.108精制水x2NO.186血红素毒剂NO.185多布兰的秘酒NO.188诸神的黄昏NO.187烈性酒NO.190爱娜灯NO.189力量便当NO.192青水粉NO.191解毒药NO.193贤人的秘药NO.208小麦粉x1NO.11接骨木果x2NO.85石榴石x1NO.102龙角x1 NO.194红色丸子NO.108精制水x8NO.213小麦粉x8NO.41水蘑菇x1 NO.195红药丸NO.196红色香药丸NO.11接骨木果x2NO.86海蓝石x1NO.102龙角x1 NO.197蓝色丸子NO.108精制水x8NO.213小麦粉x8NO.41水蘑菇x1 NO.198蓝药丸NO.199蓝色香药丸NO.11接骨木果x2NO.87锆石x1NO.102龙角x1 NO.200黄色丸子NO.108精制水x8NO.213小麦粉x8NO.41水蘑菇x1NO.201黄药丸NO.202黄色香药丸NO.53相扑蘑x1NO.207木炭x1NO.204干蘑菇NO.54大相扑蘑x1NO.207木炭x1NO.206极品干蘑菇NO.207木炭NO.46橡木材x1NO.208精炼碳NO.209植物油NO.8甘草x3NO.210毛皮NO.94野生的毛皮x1NO.210毛皮x1NO.209植物油x1NO.78岩核x3NO.47木柴x1NO.213小麦粉NO.16黑麦粒x1NO.209植物油x2NO.207木炭x1NO.78岩核x1NO.215白香皂块NO.205线捆大相扑菇NO.203线捆相扑菇NO.211皮革NO.214香皂元NO.212盐NO.216香皂NO.217丹莓花束NO.19丹莓的花x3NO.19丹莓的花x3NO.218维洛伊萨花束NO.23维洛伊萨的花x3NO.23维洛伊萨的花x3NO.219利古亚花束NO.29利古亚的花x3NO.29利古亚的花x3NO.220乌可花束NO.26乌可的花x3NO.26乌可的花x3NO.221青绿铁NO.82绿铁矿石x3NO.222亮铜NO.65红雷岩X3NO.223亮银NO.69苍辉岩X3NO.223亮银x2NO.224精金NO.222亮铜x2NO.224精金x1NO.225艾梅鲁金NO.84锡x4NO.226白晶铁NO.83白晶矿石x4内装类(N NO.227地板NO.228木砖地NO.229石砖地NO.230石地NO.231绒毯地NO.232导刻术地NO.233茶色地NO.234红地NO.235绿色地NO.236不整齐木墙NO.237木墙NO.238灰泥墙NO.239红墙NO.240绿墙NO.241木架墙NO.242圆木墙NO.243积石墙NO.244导刻术墙NO.245花纹墙宠物NO.246巧克力岩兽NO.247原种岩兽NO.248蓝钴岩兽NO.249白银岩兽NO.250黄金岩兽NO.251希年龙NO.252熔岩龙NO.253库鲁泰龙NO.254巴利亚龙NO.255古代龙NO.256虹色鹦鹉NO.257朝空鹦鹉NO.258鸡尾鹦鹉NO.259纯白鹦鹉NO.260空色鹦鹉NO.261黑豆猫NO.262纯白豆猫NO.263茶斑豆猫NO.264三毛豆猫NO.265八字豆猫NO.266库哥斯犬NO.267纯白库哥斯犬NO.268乌西库哥斯犬NO.269山岳原种库哥斯犬NO.270山岳库哥斯犬NO.271巧克力小岩兽NO.272原种小岩兽NO.273蓝钴小岩兽NO.274白银小岩兽NO.275黄金小岩兽NO.276笨鸭家具NO.277壶NO.278破烂不堪的地毯1 NO.279红色绒毯NO.280破烂不堪的地毯2 NO.281青色绒毯NO.282破烂不堪的地毯3 NO.283绿色绒毯NO.284破烂不堪的地毯4 NO.285紫色绒毯NO.286牦牛皮垫NO.287牦牛首级NO.288龙的首级NO.289工会旗帜NO.290壁挂烛台NO.291烛碟NO.292绿铁矿摆件NO.293诺拉的肖像画NO.294华丽勋章NO.295利古亚香花包NO.296帅气的帽子NO.297可爱围裙NO.298手制毛毯NO.299喷泉模型NO.300艾伊拉的丝带NO.301花饰NO.302破旧的雕像1NO.303古旧美术品NO.304崭新的美术品NO.305破旧的雕像2NO.306古旧狸猫雕像NO.307狸猫雕像NO.308破旧的雕像3NO.309古旧招财猫NO.310招财猫NO.311装饰树NO.312宠物的家NO.46橡木材x2NO.100魔鹰的羽毛x5NO.51圆冷杉木x1NO.156艾伯纳鲁织布x1NO.100魔鹰的羽毛x1NO.221青绿铁x1NO.156艾伯纳鲁织布x1NO.316木栅栏NO.46橡木材x4风信鸡NO.314三角旗1NO.315三角旗2NO.313NO.51圆冷杉木x2 NO.317木栅栏2NO.221青绿铁x1 NO.318铁栅栏NO.221青绿铁x2 NO.319砖块NO.79经年土x2 NO.320圆桌NO.46橡木材x4 NO.321木马NO.46橡木材x4NO.155艾伯纳鲁线x3 NO.322人偶NO.156艾伯纳鲁织布x1 NO.323花环NO.324梯凳NO.325床NO.326板凳NO.327书柜NO.328暖炉NO.329方形桌子NO.330黄麻箱NO.331喷壶NO.3324层书架NO.333篮子NO.334植物筐NO.335矿物箱NO.336药箱NO.337壁挂架NO.338小台柜NO.339木箱NO.340衣橱NO.341旧木箱NO.342旧麻袋NO.343高级台柜NO.344高级架NO.345水桶NO.346避魔木NO.347稻草人NO.348捕兽草道具类(N NO.349破旧木匠道具NO.350木匠道具NO.351破旧调理器具NO.352调理道具NO.353镰刀NO.354防烟箱NO.355破旧玻璃器具NO.356玻璃器具NO.357裁缝工具NO.358炉NO.359制革台组NO.51圆冷杉木x2NO.360纺车NO.46橡木材x3NO.361纺机NO.51圆冷杉木x3NO.362砍柴斧书类NO.363植物活用图鉴NO.364农业生活心得书NO.365下午茶时间之书NO.366从头开始做干菜NO.367艾伯纳鲁民俗学书NO.368工作之书NO.369续·工作之书NO.370无法解读的书NO.371迷之书NO.372操纵生命之书NO.373冒险之书NO.374熟练冒险家之书NO.375阿罗的药剂书NO.376畜牧入门NO.377栅栏书NO.378男之锻冶NO.379最喜欢蘑菇了NO.380生存手册NO.381缝纫术之书NO.382假日木匠与我NO.383艾伯纳鲁神话NO.384白纸地图NO.385破旧信封NO.386土器碎片NO.387土制工艺品NO.388藏宝图NO.389泡利的信NO.390风土病的特效药NO.391风土病的药元NO.392尤卡的怀表NO.393罗赞的收据NO.394吉利努的收据NO.395阿劳德的收据NO.396破旧的小刀事件武器NO.397小刀NO.397小刀NO.398绿铁剑NO.399亮铜长剑NO.400白晶铁剑NO.401魔晶大剑NO.402曙光女神之剑NO.403符文大剑NO.404屠龙剑NO.405破旧的刺剑NO.406刺剑NO.407角纹长矛NO.408太阳神之矛NO.409亮铜战矛NO.410白晶战矛NO.411魔晶刺剑NO.412恶魔之语NO.413破旧的杖NO.414普通的杖NO.415橡木之杖NO.416亮银之杖NO.417白晶铁剑NO.418疾风之杖NO.419皇者之杖NO.4208字战锤NO.421石制战锤NO.422亮铜战锤NO.427普通的拳套NO.428棘刺的拳套NO.432魔晶拳套NO.433巨熊之力NO.422亮铜战锤NO.423白晶战锤NO.424符文战锤NO.425魔晶战锤NO.426自由之翼NO.429绿铁拳套NO.430亮铜拳套白晶铁拳套防具NO.434普通衣装NO.431NO.435结实衣装NO.436毛皮衣装NO.437盗贼衣装NO.438高级礼服NO.439坚固的护肩NO.440棘刺护肩NO.441皮革铠甲NO.442皮革护肩NO.443盗贼之铠NO.444艾伯纳鲁铠NO.445龙鳞铠NO.446符文之铠NO.447曙光女神之铠NO.448锁子甲NO.448锁子甲NO.449亮铜之铠NO.450亮铜护肩NO.451白晶铁之铠NO.452白晶铁护肩NO.453魔晶铠甲NO.454白晶铁重铠盾类NO.455橡木盾NO.456皮盾NO.457圆盾NO.458绿铁盾NO.459亮铜之盾NO.460白晶铁之盾NO.461魔晶盾NO.462曙光女神之盾NO.463混沌之盾装饰品类(NO.464剑形护坠NO.465盾形护坠NO.466靴形护坠NO.467萤石戒指NO.468精金护符NO.469魔晶环NO.470引魔香NO.471驱魔香NO.472光石透镜NO.473技巧战术书第1卷NO.474技巧战术书第2卷NO.475银之御首NO.476铁之御首导刻入手方法能力补正植物资源类(NO.1-NO.56)草料束↔牧草↔草料饵食种芋↔圆芋干草的种子↔甘草↔棉布草梦眠草的种子↔梦眠草↔枯萎的梦眠草黑麦粒↔黑麦丹莓的种子↔丹莓的花↔丹莓的果实↔枯萎的丹莓丹莓的种子↔丹莓的花↔丹莓的果实↔枯萎的丹莓维洛伊萨的球根↔维洛伊萨的花↔枯萎的维洛伊萨乌可的种子↔乌可的花↔枯萎的乌可利古亚的球根↔利古亚花↔枯萎的利古亚晶莹桔的种子↔晶莹桔的树↔结了果的晶莹桔树玛雅种子↔玛雅树↔结了果的玛雅树橡实↔小橡树↔大橡树冷杉的种子↔小冷杉树↔大冷杉树相扑菇原木↔相扑菇↔大相扑菇相扑菇原木↔相扑菇↔大相扑菇毒蕈原木↔毒蕈矿物资源类(NO.57-NO.90)地底水↔水结晶↔硫磺结晶石弹↔魔弹红雷岩↔封魔丸岩核↔经年土岩核↔经年土魔晶↔魔晶原矿巨大的圆石↔巨大的蛋圆石↔迷之蛋动物资源类(NO.91-NO.104)巨大的圆石↔巨大的蛋圆石↔迷之蛋特殊资源类(NO.105-NO.123)地底水↔水结晶↔硫磺结晶钝剑↔生锈的剑破旧的杖↔腐朽的杖破旧的锤↔生锈的锤破旧铠甲↔生锈铠甲生产类(NO.124-NO.226)鲜奶酪↔艾伯纳鲁奶酪鲜维拉奶酪↔维拉奶酪黑面包↔硬面包↔超硬面包鲜奶酪架A↔艾伯纳鲁奶酪架鲜奶酪架B↔维拉奶酪架黑面包架↔硬面包架↔超硬面包架腌肉↔咸肉干腌贝柱↔干贝柱腌鱼↔干鱼水果拼盘↔果脯花篮↔干枯花篮花篮↔干枯花篮火炎弹↔强火炎弹↔导刻火炎弹未熟成凯利↔24年凯利↔36年凯利↔60年凯利↔100年凯利未熟成桶装凯利↔24年桶装凯利↔36年桶装凯利↔60年桶装凯利↔100年桶装凯利红色丸子↔红药丸↔红色香药丸蓝色丸子↔蓝药丸↔蓝色香药丸黄色丸子↔黄药丸↔黄色香药丸↔黄药丸↔黄色香药丸线捆相扑菇↔干蘑菇线捆大相扑菇↔极品干蘑菇木炭↔精炼碳香皂元↔白香皂块↔香皂↔白香皂块↔香皂内装类(NO.227-NO.245)初期持有交流度一定时酒吧老板赠送交流度一定时酒吧老板赠送商工会议所处购买吉特的任务入手可可处购买商工会议所处购买商工会议所处购买商工会议所处购买初期持有奥克德亚的任务入手商工会议所处购买商工会议所处购买商工会议所处购买商工会议所处购买交流度一定时酒吧老板赠送交流度一定时酒吧老板赠送可可处购买商工会议所处购买宠物类(NO.246-NO.276)巧克力小岩兽长大原种小岩兽长大蓝钴小岩兽长大白银小岩兽长大黄金小岩兽长大在院子里放置100年凯利·桶装凯利在院子里放置60年凯利·桶装凯利在院子里放置36年凯利·桶装凯利在院子里放置24年凯利·桶装凯利在院子里放置巨大的蛋一个月孵化在院子里放置丹莓的种子在院子里放置丹莓的种子在院子里放置丹莓的种子在院子里放置丹莓的种子在院子里放置迷之蛋一个月孵化在院子里放置牦牛奶在院子里放置牦牛奶在院子里放置牦牛奶在院子里放置牦牛奶戈戈处购买在院子里放置美味的肉在院子里放置美味的肉在院子里放置美味的肉在院子里放置美味的肉戈戈处购买在院子里放置捕兽草在院子里放置捕兽草在院子里放置捕兽草在院子里放置捕兽草在院子里放置捕兽草酒吧老板处赠送(需高交流度)家具类(NO.277-NO.348)。








































(完整word版)212 The Discovery of What It Means to Be an American

(完整word版)212 The Discovery of What It Means to Be an American

The Discovery of What It Means to Be an American1 “It is a complex fate to be an American,” Henry James observed, and the principal discovery an American writer makes in Europe is just how complex this fate is. America’s history, her aspirations, her peculiar triumphs, her even more peculiar defeats, and her position in the world --- yesterday and today --- are all so profoundly and stubbornly unique that the very word “America” remains a new, almost completely undefined and extremely controversial proper noun. No one in the world seems to know exactly what it describes, not even we motley millions who call ourselves Americans.2 I left America because I doubted my ability to survive the fury of the color problem here. (Sometimes I still do.) I wanted to prevent myself from becoming merely a Negro; or even, merely a Negro writer.I wanted to find out in what way the specialness of my experience could be made to connect me with other people instead of dividing me from them. (I was as isolated from Negroes as I was from whites, which is what happens when a Negro begins, at bottom, to believe what white people say about him.)3 In my necessity to find the terms on which my experience could be related to that of others, Negroes and whites, writers andnon-writers, I proved, to my astonishment, to be as American as any Texas G. I. And I found my experience was shared by every American writer I knew in Paris. Like me, they had been divorced from their origins, and it turned out to make very little difference that the origins of white Americans were European and mine were African --- they were no more at home in Europe than I was.4 The fact that I was the son of a slave and they were the sons of free men meant less, by the time we confronted each other on Europe soil, than the fact that we were both searching for our separate identities. When we had found these, we seemed to be saying, why, then, we would no longer need to cling to the shame and bitterness which had divided us so long.5 It became terribly clear in Europe, as it never had been here, that we knew more about each other than any European ever could. And it also became clear that, no matter where our fathers had been born, or what they had endured, the fact of Europe had formed us both, was part of our identity and part of our inheritance.6 I had been in Paris a couple of years before any of this became clear to me. When it did, I like many a writer before me upon the discovery that his props have all been knocked out from under him, suffered a species of breakdown and was carried off to the mountainsof Switzerland, There, in that absolutely alabaster landscape, armed with two Bessie Smith records and a typewriter, I began to try to recreate the life that I had first known as a child and from which I had spent so many years in flight.7 It was Bessie Smith, through her tone and her cadence, who helped me to dig back to the way I myself must have spoken when I was a pickaninny, and to remember the things I had heard and seen and felt. I had buried them very deep. I had never listened to Bessie Smith in America (in the same way that, for years, I would not touch watermelon), but in Europe she helped to reconcile me to being a “nigger”.8 I do not think that I could have made this reconciliation here. Once I was able to accept my role --- as distinguished, I must say, from my “place”--- in the extraordinary drama which is America, I was released from the illusion that I hated America.9 The story of what can happen to an American Negro writer in Europe simply illustrates, in some relief, what can happen to any American writer there. It is not meant, of course, to imply that it happens to them all, for Europe can be very crippling too; and, anyway, a writer, when he has made his first breakthrough, has simply won a crucial skirmish in a dangerous, unending and unpredictable battle.Still, the breakthrough is important, and the point is that an American writer, in order to achieve it, very often has to leave this country.10 The American writer, in Europe, is released, first of all, from the necessity of apologizing for himself. It is not until he is released from the habit of flexing his muscles and proving that he is just a “regular guy” that he realizes how crippling this habit has been. It is not necessary for him, there, to pretend to be something he is not, for the artist does not encounter in Europe the same suspicion he encounters here. Whatever the Europeans may actually think of artists, they have killed enough of them off by now to know that they are as real --- and as persistent --- as rain, snow, taxes or businessmen.11 Of course, the reason for Europe’s comparative clarity concerning the different functions of men in society is that European society has always been divided into classes in a way that American society never has been. A European writer considers himself to be part of an old and honorable tradition --- of intellectual activity, of letters --- and his choice of a vocation does not cause him any uneasy wonder as to whether or not it will cost him all his friends. But this tradition does not exist in America.12 On the contrary, we have a very deep-seated distrust of real intellectual effort (probably because we suspect that it will destroy, as Ihope it does, that myth of America to which we cling so desperately). An American writer fights his way to one of the lowest rungs on the American social ladder by means of pure bull-headedness and an indescribable series of odd jobs. He probably has been a “regular fel low” for much of his adult life, and it is not easy for him to step out of that lukewarm bath.13 We must, however, consider a rather serious paradox; though American society is more mobile than Europe’s, it is easier to cut across social and occupational lines there than it is here. This has something to do, I think, with the problem of status in American life. Where everyone has status, it is also perfectly possible, after all, that no one has. It seems inevitable, in any case, that a man may become uneasy as to just what his status is.14 But Europeans have lived with the idea of status for a long time.A man can be as proud of being a good waiter as of being a good actor, and in neither case feel threatened. And this means that the actor and the waiter can have a freer and more genuinely friendly relationship in Europe than they are likely to have here. The waiter does not feel, with obscure resentment, that the actor has “made it,” and the actor is not tormented by the fear that he may find himself, tomorrow, once again a waiter.15 This lack of what may roughly be called social paranoia causes the American writer in Europe to feel --- almost certainly for the first time in his life --- that he can reach out to everyone, that he is accessible to everyone and open to everything. This is an extraordinary feeling. He feels, so to speak, his own weight, his own value.16 It is as though he suddenly came out of a dark tunnel and found himself beneath the open sky. And, in fact, in Paris, I began to see the sky for what seemed to be the first time. It was borne in on me --- and it did not make me feel melancholy --- that this sky had been there before I was born and would be there when I was dead. And it was up to me, therefore, to make of my brief opportunity the most that could be made.17 I was born in New York, but have lived only in pockets of it. In Paris, I lived in all parts of the city --- on the Right bank and the Left, among the bourgeoisie and among les miserables, and knew all kinds of people, from pimps and prostitutes in Pigalle to Egyptian bankers in Neuilly. This may sound extremely unprincipled or even obscurely immoral: I found it healthy. I love to talk to people, all kinds of people, and almost everyone, as I hope we still know, loves a man who loves to listen.18 This perpetual dealing with people very different from myselfcaused a shattering in me of preconceptions I scarcely knew I held. The writer is meeting in Europe people who are not American, whose sense of reality is entirely different from his own. They may love or hate or admire or fear or envy this country --- they see it, in any case, from another point of view, and this forces the writer to reconsider many things he had always taken for granted. This reassessment, which can be very painful, is also very valuable.19 This freedom, like all freedom, has its dangers and its responsibilities. One day it begins to be borne in on the writer, and with great force, that he is living in Europe as an American. If he were living there as a European, he would be living on a different and far less attractive continent.20 This crucial day may be the day on which an Algerian taxi-driver tells him how it feels to be an Algerian in Paris. It may be the day on, which he passes a café terrace and catches a glimpse, of the tense, intelligent and troubled face of Albert Camus. Or it may be the day on which someone asks him to explain Little Rock and he begins to feel that it would be simpler --- and, corny as the words may sound, more honorable --- to go to Little Rock than sit in Europe, on an American passport, trying to explain it.21 This is a personal day, a terrible day, the day to which his entiresojourn has been tending. It is the day he realizes that there are no untroubled countries in this fearfully troubled world; that if he has been preparing himself for anything in Europe, he had been preparing himself --- for America. In short, the freedom that the American writer finds in Europe brings him, full circle, back to himself, with the responsibility for his development where it always was: in his own hands.22 Even the most incorrigible maverick has to be born somewhere. He may leave the group that produced him --- he may be forced to --- but nothing will efface his origins, the marks of which he carries with him everywhere. I think it is important to know this and even find it a matter for rejoicing, as the strongest people do, regardless of their station. On this acceptance, literally, the life of a writer depends.23 The charge has often been made against American writers that they do not describe society, and have no interest in it. They only describe individuals in opposition to it, or isolated from it. Of course, what the American writer is describing is his own situation. But what is Anna Karenina describing if not the tragic fate of the isolated individual, at odds with her time and place?24 The real difference is that Tolstoy was describing an old and dense society in which everything seemed --- to the people in it,though not to Tolstoy --- to be fixed forever. And the book is a masterpiece because Tolstoy was able to fathom, and make us see, the hidden laws which really governed this society and made Anna’s doom inevitable.25 American writers do not have a fixed society to describe. The only society they know is one in which nothing is fixed and in which the individual must fight for his identity. This is a rich confusion, indeed, and it creates for the American writer unprecedented opportunities.26 That the tension of American life, as well as the possibilities, are tremendous is certainly not even a question. But these are dealt with in contemporary literature mainly compulsively; that is, the book is more likely to be a symptom of our tension than an examination of it. The time has come, God knows, for us to examine ourselves, but we can only do this if we are willing to free ourselves of the myth of America and try to find out what is really happening here.27 Every society is really governed by hidden laws, by unspoken but profound assumptions on the part of the people, and ours is no exception. It is up to the American writer to find out what these laws and assumptions are. In a society much given to smashing taboos without thereby managing to be liberated from them, it will be no easymatter.28 It is no wonder, in the meantime, that the American writer keeps running off to Europe. He needs sustenance for his journey and the best models he can find. Europe has what we do not have yet, a sense of the mysterious and inexorable limits of life, a sense, in a word, of tragedy. And we have what they sorely need: a new sense of life’s possibilities.29 In this endeavor to wed the vision of the Old World with that of the New, it is the writer, not the statesman, who is our strongest arm. Though we do not wholly believe it yet, the interior life is a real life, and the intangible dreams of people have a tangible effect on the world.。



根据212协议(或称IEC 60870-5-101协议)中,2005因子代



- 0-199:保留供禁用,不应使用。

- 200-299:通用因子代码,值表示常用的因子,如电流、电压、功率等。

- 300-399:用于表示通信方面的参数,例如通讯品质、数据完整性等。

- 400-499:用于表示测量通道的具体通道属性,例如信号来源、测量点类型等。

- 500-599:用于表示管理控制相关的参数,例如操作命令、状态变化等。

- 600-699:用于表示报警和事件相关的参数,例如报警状态、事件发生时间等。

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Section A Environmental Protection Throughout the World Section B Green Spaces in Cities Section C Earth — A Living Planet
Section A
Environmental Protection Throughout the World
Warming-up Activities(3)
• Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text. • 1. The great majority of nations concern themselves F with both economic development and the global ecology. F• 2. Measures taken by Canada benefit its fishing resources as well as Canadian fishermen. • 3. Costa Rica has issued a series of new T environmental laws and created nature preserves to protect its remaining forests. F• 4. The writer thinks highly of commitment made by Brazilian government to protect Amazon Indians. T• 5. Eastern Europe is considered the most polluted of all the industrialized areas because much of the area’s waters have been contaminated seriously.
initiative (1)
• initiative n. 主动性,首创精神;主动的行动, 倡议;主动权 扩展: initial adj. 最初的,开始的 n. 首字母; initiate vt. 开始,创始,发起 • 搭配:take the initiative 采取主动行动 • 例句:Because of a stupid mistake, we lost the initiative in the negotiations; the other side has the initiative now. • 因为一个愚蠢的错误,我们在谈判中失去了主动 权。另一方现在获得了主动权。
Background Information ( 2 )
equivalent to more than a decade of global fossil fuel emissions are stored in the wood of its trees. Even changes in the forest’s metabolism could undo the modest gains of the Kyoto Protocol in slowing global warming. The forest also releases enough water to the atmosphere via evapotranspiration and to the ocean via river outflow to influence world climate and ocean circulation systems; and in doing so it also sustains the regional climate on which it depends.

Background Information (5)
spread throughout Europe. The Banks have been continuously fished since that time by fleets from England, France, Spain, Portugal and later Newfoundland, Canada and the United States.
Unit Two Unit Two
Teaching Objectives
1. Enlarge vocabulary. 2. Talk about environmental problems and environmental protections throughout the world. 3. Learn to find out word meanings from clues provided by context. 4. Learn to write based on topic sentences.
Text Analysis (1)
Central topic: Environmental situation and the corresponding measures taken throughout the world.
Text Analysis (2)
Main point of the whole passage (Para. 1)
Illustrations of the main point through exemplification (Paras. 2-14)
Vocabulary and Structure
• • • • • • • •
undertake v. 承担,着手做;同意,答应,保证 构词法:under + v. e.g. undergo underline underlie undermine underestimate understate 搭配:undertake a task or a job 着手做某事 undertake to do sth. 答应、同意做某事 例句:The fifty-story building is one of the most challenging engineering projects they have ever undertaken. 这栋五十层的楼房是他们承担过的最富有挑战性的工程之一。 He undertook to pay the money back within six months. 他答应在六个月内还钱。
To illustrate the signs of By introducing parts of change in some the evil consequences author the world, the of the world’s typical cites six indifference to environment, the examples of countries: author leads the reader Canada, Costa Rica, naturally to the main Brazil, Eastern Europe, point of the Indonesia. Ghana, and whole passage: Signs of The examples are change have sprung by effectively employed up in various pockets following the problemaround pattern. solution the world.
Warming-up Activities(1)
• What are the major environmental problems in your hometown?
Warming-up Activities(2)
• Why do the animals in the picture claim to be SARS patients or bear virus in their bodies? • What comes to your mind on seeing the picture?
The Amazon
The Amazon rainforest is one of the world’s greatest conservation challenges. This vast equatorial ecosystem is home to one fifth of the planet’s plant and animal species, more than 200 indigenous cultures, and 30 million people in search of sustenance and wealth. Carbon stocks
Background Information (3)
Grand Banks
The Grand Banks are one of the world's largest and richest resource areas, renowned for both its valuable fish stocks and petroleum reserves. Situated off the southeast coast of the Island, the Grand Banks are actually a series of raised submarine plateaus with a water depth ranging between 36.5 and 185 metres. The relative shallowness of the water allows extensive marine animal and plant life to flourish on the