I can no longer put up with.
(三) 忙
get conflict in one's schedule
up to one's neck/eyes/ears in work
be wild/crazy/mad about
think much/highly of sth.
can't get enough of sth.
couldn't put it down
(二) 厌倦、厌烦
be bored with more than I can figure out.
Lost track of the ......
I wonder......
can't make my sense out of it
It doesn't make my sense to me.
absent-minded professor
slip one's memory
slip one's mind
have a short/poor/bad memory
⑺ ①强调学生的high taste:吃饭去意/法餐馆;用香水;用天然的化装品;听音乐会;拒绝电视、电影。
②提到音乐会一定去看;音乐会票一定难买;音乐会一定人山人海(过道都是人);音乐会的赞美无与伦比(out of this world)。
2th &pm4th Feb这两次听力课的内容我放一起了首先老师刚上场就说了一句:得听力者得天下,这足以说明听力在IBT考试中的重要性.因为总共四部分,就有三个部分涉及到听力,可见提高听力水平还是非常重要的.接着他把IBT的听力和老托福的听力做了一个比较.得出的重要结论就是新T的听力材料在内容上丰富了,描述性的语言变多,从某种程度上讲,难度反而降低,以前的短对话,只要有一个词听不懂,那么题目就很难做得对,而现在的题目更加的人性化,语速也比以前的慢了许多.所以说想提高听力成绩并不是想象中那么难.2th一,语音识别能力1,关于语速问题.大家平时做听力的时候跟读和模仿.一要读熟材料,二,可以边听边看边读,三可以只听不看的读2,个别单词熟形不熟悉音,同样可采取跟读和模仿.3,美英之间的差异.4,语音现象.有连度和失爆二,语气语调1,语气重读,单个单词重读时一般表示责备,抱怨或正话反说.2,调子的升和降,当调子越升是大家越要揣摩对白者的心理3,小词三,词汇1,口语词汇2,不会用专业词汇当考点3,一词多义4,习语am 4th一,听力课程进度1,pretest2,skill训练+讲义听写9篇(补充讲义强化)3,MINI练习8篇+听写16篇4,视觉向导练习+听写30篇5,OG训练+听写16篇6,模拟练习7套二,主要把听力题型分为:Gist, Detail, Function, Stance, Organization, Relationship.三,听写是提高听力的唯一途径.在听写过程中要听一句写一句,这也是在锻炼语音识别能力和语言存储能力的过程,一般情况下听不懂的话就听3—5遍,一般3遍.先听写,后跟读,语音语调耳朵熟.四,做笔记的几大特征:1,只有自己能看的懂2,越少完整单词越好3,英文和中文相结合4,借助符号,线条,曲线,图画5,简练—关键是在听6,写而有用7,可追忆性五1,be familiar with the directions2,借助一些题目中给予的照片或图片来帮助你对文中提及的事物的了解. 3,至少要记要有10%的内容记在笔记上4,不要花太多时间在一个你不确定的题目上面5,把握时间,因为听力跟阅读不一样,只要跳过就改不了了.6,题型主要会有多选和图表出现.Academic listening skill:1. Basic comprehension2. Pragmatic understanding3. Connecting and synthesizing information六.关于听力考前训练:1,旧托真题中的对话和短文词汇要注意积累2,跟读模仿旧托里的听力材料,电影电视里也可以3,听写是提高听力的唯一途径4,泛听内容相近的材料,例如National Geography or Discovery5,notes-taking七.考试期间的注意事项:1,熟练操作计算机2,熟悉答题界面3,熟悉各部分答题技巧和题型4,计算机突发事件5,务必别忘记提交成绩TIPS:1,越快乐越堕落.工欲善其事,必先利其器.听写是提高听力的唯一途径,这东西他基本上每次上课都要说上10遍,因为他身边无数成功的案例也证明了这一真理.但是听写初期是一个非常痛苦的过程,因为听写不像背单词能在短时间内看到成绩,听写可能在一个月之后才能看到效果,这是一个沉淀的过程,所以同学们,听写吧.听写是提高的唯一途径.2,额外的学习资料不推荐,听力阅读可采用旧托福真题当材料3,长对话练习和旧托Part C分类训练4,机经不是最重要的,但也要关注5,他的个人网站有听写材料,大家可以去下载,论坛也不错6,实用信息:申请的过程才是留学中最重要的过程.有很多人认为成绩好的就一定能上牛校,成绩不好的就一定不能上牛校.这是一个非常片面的说法.所以在申请前还是要多搜集信息和建议.不能盲目.申请还是建议自己申,不要找中介.因为中介不可能帮每一位学生都尽心尽力.申请宜早不宜迟.7,讲了一些关于考试报名和费用已及各个section的分值,这个大家可以去 上去查阅.8,用心,努力,刻苦,痛苦是学习听力的四个境界.贵在坚持,坚持不住了,就拿刀插自己.9.在作笔记的时候,好的,正确的用√代替;不好的,错误的用×代替;学科用首字母代替;可分区记笔记,比如老师和学生的对话,还有lecture中两种事物的比较等.6th Feb Listening & ReadingListening大多数原理都已经讲完了.接下来大多是做练习了,然后给大家讲解每一道题的精髓是啥.我觉得这个环节还是挺重要的,因为每次被他这么一分析,题目就变的巨简单,同学们可以去听听课.很久没跟这么多同学一起做题了,感受还真不一般.今天的讲义也不多,但是词汇比较多.我也不把后来几天的提到前面来了,完了之后大家可以自己把我发的这些东西整理成四大section.然后按照上面的精神来练习.我觉得完全可以拿下IBT 了.听力的三种题型一B Basic 类(1) Gist听准开头/开头句的句型…talk about…/对话目的/全文重复/训练关键词(2) Detail 听什么记下来什么就选什么事实/描述/定义/原因because,so that/举例/比较/强调强调句式,语气,强调副词all, only/史鉴/数字/人名,地名/问答最有效,最明显/结尾二P Programmatic understanding类(1) Function 判断目的(2) Stance判断态度理解主题,然后具体到细节。
马俊听力讲义听写方法第一回演义篇ETS ―→Easy Touching System姓名:托福,生于1963年,80年后偷渡至中国,虽横行于欧美,却降服于中国。
对此望海内外各界同仁莫见笑,要知2005年8月它寿终正寝,此番挣扎权当它是自娱(愚)吧!第二回理论篇(大树理论)→_________________1、____________________2、____________________3、____________________与___________________之差异:① ___________________ ② _________________③浊化④弱化⑤ ___________变____________ ⑥ ___________变____________4、__________________________ ① ____________________② ____________________→_________________1、____________________2、____________________ ① ____________________② ____________________③ ____________________→A:_________________ + B:_________________A:1、________________ 2、________________ 3、________________4、________________ ① ____________________② ____________________③ ____________________5、________________B:1、________________ 2、________________3、________________4、________________→_________________1、________________2、________________3、________________4、________________ 正常的:_____________________________________________________________________→_________________1、________________2、________________3、________________4、________________1、(A) He disagrees with the woman(B) He has a lot of experience listening to others.(C) He can keep a secret.(D) He has several younger brothers and sisters.W: You are such a good listener. What’s your secret?M: Well, when you grow up sharing a room with three older brothers, sure can get plenty of practice.What can be inferred about the man?2、(A) He has to pick up some groceries.(B) He hasn’t had any tea for a long time.(C) He’d like to walk a little further.(D) He’ll pay for the drinks.W: It seems like we have been walking all day. I could go for a glass fo ice tea.M: Ok, my treat though since you picked up the tab last time.What does the man mean?3、(A) She can’t help the man .(B) She doesn’t want to lend the man any money.(C) She owes the man some money.(D) She sometimes asks the man to drive her places.M: Oh, no, my lunch costs 8 dollars but I only have 5 in my wallet. Can you help me out?W: Sure. Just remember this when I need a ride to town.What can be inferred about the woman?4、(A) He didn’t enjoy the game because the team lost.(B) He’s impressed by the efforts of the team.(C) The woman is wrong about who won the game.(D) The players could have won if they’d tried harder.W: Losing the championship must have been a big disappointment to the players on our volleyball team.M: Yeah, but they really played their hearts out. They are still champions in my book. What does the man mean?5、(A) She should have asked to be excused from the trip.(B) She deserves the zero.(C) She is right to be angry.(D) She should have gone on the field trip.A: Oh, I’m so angry. My biology professor would not even let me try to explain why I missed the field trip. He just gave me a zero.B: That doesn’t seem fair. I would feel that way too if I were you.What does the man imply about the woman .?6、(A) She admires Steve’s relationship with his father.(B) She does not know Steve or his father.(C) Her daughter is older than Steve.(D) She disagrees with the man.A: What a relationship Steven and his father have?B: Don’t they. I only hope my daughter and I can get along like that when she is Steve’s age.What can be inferred from the woman?综上五方面,从土→根→干→枝→叶,各部分在听力中的定位及侧重也由树来比较学习。
地球科学类:第一篇(地球interior)I'm glad you brought up the question of our investigations into the makeup of the Earth's interior. In fact --- since this is the topic of your reading assignment for next time --- let me spend these last few minutes of class talking about it. There were several important discoveries in the early part of this century that helped geologists develop a more accurate picture of the Earth's interior.The first key discovery had to do with seismic waves --- remember they are the vibrations caused by earthquakes. Well, scientists found that they traveled thousands of miles through the Earth's interior. This finding enabled geologists to study the inner parts of the Earth. You see, these studies revealed that these vibrations were of two types: compression --- or P --- waves and shear --- or S --- waves. And researchers found that P waves travel through both liquids and solids, while S waves travel only through solid matter.In 1906 a British geologist discovered that P waves slowed down at a certain depth but kept traveling deeper. On the other hand, S waves either disappeared or were reflected back, so he concluded that depth marked the boundary between a solid mantle and a liquid core. Three years later another boundary was discovered --- that between the mantle and the Earth's crust.There's still a lot to be learned about the Earth. For instance, geologists know that the core is hot. Evidence of this is the molten lava that flows out of volcanoes. But we're still not sure what the source of the heat is.第二篇(Climate)Today I want to talk about the Earth's last major climatic shift, at the end of the last ice age.But first, let's back up a moment and review what we know about climatic change in general. First, we defined "climate" as consistent patterns of weather over significant periods of time.In general, changes in climate occur when the energy balance of the Earth is disturbed. Solar energy enters the Earth's atmosphere as light and is radiated by the Earth's surface as heat. Land, water, and ice each affect this energy exchange differently. The system is so complex that, to date, our best computer models are only crude approximations and are not sophisticated enough to test hypotheses about the causes of climatic change.Of course, that doesn't keep us from speculating. For instance, volcanic activity is one mechanism that might affect climatic change. When large volcanoes erupt, they disperse tons of particles into the upper atmosphere, where the particles then reflect light. Since less light is entering the system of energy exchange, the result would be a cooling of the Earth's surface.Of course, this is just one possible mechanism of global climate change. In all probability, a complete explanation would involve several different mechanisms operating at the same time.第三篇(Minerals)I'd like to begin by thanking Dr. Kane for inviting me to be here today. Although I'm not ageologist, I have been collecting minerals for years. My collection is rally diverse because I've traveled all over the world to find them. Today I've brought a few specimens for you to see. After I discuss each one, I'll pass it around so that you can look at it more closely.As you know, feldspars are the most abundant minerals and are divided into a number of types. These first samples are orthoclases. Notice that they vary in color from white to pink to red. This glassy one is found in volcanic rock --- in fact, I found it in New Mexico on a collecting trip.This next sample that I'll pass around is a microcline mineral --- also called amazonstone. You can identify it by its bright green color. It's often used in jewelry and really is quite attractive.These final samples are all plagioclase feldspars. Many plagioclases are very rare, so I'm particularly proud of the variety in my collection.I've also brought a few slides of some large mineral samples, and if you'll turn out the light now, I'd like to show them to you.第四篇(能源fossil fuels)Today I want to discuss fossil fuels such as coat, oil, and natural gas. The term "fossil fuel" refers to the trapped remains of plants and animals in sedimentary rock. You see, living plants trap energy from the sun by the process of photosynthesis, and they store the energy in their chemical compounds. Most of that energy is released when the plant dies and decays. However, sometimes organic matter is buried before it decays completely. In this way some of the solar energy becomes trapped in rocks --- hence the name fossil fuel. Although the amount of organic matter trapped in any one growing season is small, the accumulated remains from millions of years are considerable. Because the accumulation rate is so slow --- millions of times slower than the rate at which we now dig up this organic matter and burn it for energy --- we must consider fossil fuels as nonrenewable resources. Tomorrow we'll be discussing alternatives to fossil fuels that can be renewed.第五篇(mountain)Not long ago, some of you may have read about a team of mountain-climbing scientists who helped to recalculate the elevation of the highest mountain in the world: Mt. Everest. Of course, the elevation of Mt. Everest was determined many years ago, using traditional surveying methods. But these scientists wanted to make a more precise measurement using a new method that takes advantage of recent advances in technology. It's called the Global Positioning System.The Global Positioning System uses 24 satellites that circle the Earth. Each of these satellites is constantly sending out signals. And each signal contains important information that can be used to determine the longitude, latitude, and elevation of any point on the Earth's surface.Well, in order to use this system to calculate Mt. Everest's elevation, scientists needed to put a special receiver on its summit to receive signals from the satellites. The problem with this was that, in the past, the receivers were much too heavy for climbers to carry. But now these receivers have been reduced to about the size and weight of a handheld telephone, so climbers were able to take a receiver to the top of Everest and, from there, to access the satellite system signals that wouldallow them to determine the precise elevation. And it turns out that the famous peak is actually a few feet higher than was previously thought.第六篇(地震)Now, you've been reading articles about the tremendous damage done to life and property by earthquakes. That's why seismologists have been working so hard to develop methods of earthquake prediction. We can now predict earthquake [assertively] fairly well, but the predictions only locate potential areas of danger. They don't predict the specific time and location at which an earthquake is likely to occur. Today I want to introduce to you three prediction models that have been developed.The first prediction model looks along earthquake fawlts, those cracks in the Earth's crust, to find what are known as seismic gaps. Seismic gaps are places where the fault has shown little or no seismic activity for a long time. This theory postulates that such places are due for a major shock.The second model relies on phenomena --- like ground flit. Using long cylindrical tubes containing water, observers noted that ground tilt tended to occur before major earthquakes. That led them to correctly predict the big Haicheng [HI CHUNG] quake of 1975 --- the first successful earthquake prediction scientists have ever made. A million people were evacuated from that Chinese city before the earthquake struck. Unfortunately, this method hasn't worked consistently, so we can't say it's been perfected.The third model is based on the theory that major earthquakes closely follow a series of minor ones. Starting with the measurements and timing of the smaller quakes, a complex formula calculates the "times of increased probability" of a much larger quake. Right now, this method, like the first method, cannot predict specific times and places, but that may change as it is further developed.For the moment, none of these models can predict with reasonable levels of confidence.第七篇(海洋学)One reason oceanographers analyze the sediment on the ocean floor is to see how long-terms changes in Earth's temperature have affected the depth of the ocean. By analyzing the remains of sea animals in old layers of ocean sediment, oceanographers can determine the depth of the ocean in the past. They've analyzed hundreds of such layers, including some from the coldest periods of Earth's history --- the ice ages. What they've found is that during the ice ages, the amount of water in the oceans decreased. Water levels in the ocean dropped by about four hundred feet. Water from the ocean evaporated and became frozen in continental glaciers, so it didn't drain back into the ocean. When temperatures eventually rose again, the glaciers melted, and the oceans returned to their former depths. Analysis of sedimentary data indicates that periods of glacial freezing and melting occurred in regular cycles of twenty thousand, forty thousand, and one hundred thousand years.Oceanographers are interested in the history of seawater levels because they hope to use this historical data in order to predict the possible effect that global warming could have on seawater levels. If industrial pollutants are capable of heating global temperatures to the point that glaciersbegin to melt, it is urgent for us to know precisely how high sea levels will rise as a result.第八篇(Road)he Old Canada Road is a long-lost trail between the Canadian province of Quebec and Maine, in the northeast corner of the United States. Yes, it really was lost, and finding it again was a complex process that involved state-of-the-art technology. How the location of the road was pinpointed was very interesting, and I'll return to it as soon as I've given you a little background information.The road was begun in 1817, a few years before Maine even became a state. At the time, Quebec was a major market for livestock, crops, and fish, so a road to Quebec was seen by officials in Maine as necessary for trade. For about 20 years, the movement of people and goods was mostly from Maine to Quebec, but then the trend reversed as thousands of Canadians immigrated to Maine to escape poor crops, a lack of jobs, and the threat of disease. I think it was a cholera epidemic.Besides these negative reasons, major building projects in Maine also made the state very attractive for the Canadians who needed work. I should stress, though, that immigration during that period went in both directions. In fact, the flow of people and goods went completely unhindered. There wasn't even a border post until around 1850. The people of the time saw Maine and Quebec as a single region, mainly because of the strong French influence, which is still evident in Maine today.Eventually, the road fell into disuse as a major railway was completed; finally, people simply forgot about it and that's how it came to be lost. This brings me back to the original topic.第九篇(能源)Scientists are always on the lookout for alternative sources of energy. Today we're going to discuss one that's so plentiful they say it could supply more energy than all the coal and oil in the world. It's found in something called gas hydrate and, believe it or not, that's a kind of ice.That's right. But the water in this ice was way down below the Earth's surface when it was frozen, so it was under a lot of pressure. And trapped inside the crystals of ice are individual molecules of methane --- that's what's in natural gas.All this makes gas hydrate pretty strange stuff. If you touch a match to a piece of this ice, it'll burst into flame. And when geologists bring a chunk of it up to the surface to study at normal air pressure and temperature, gas hydrate begins to hiss and bubble --- and in less than half an hour, the ice melts and the methane inside escapes into the air.Now, as you might guess, this can make gas hydrate kind of hard for miners to handle. And then there's the problem of where it's located --- in frozen arctic regions or in ocean waters off the Atlantic coast --- and up to a mile down.Environmentalists warn that mining it could even be disastrous. Offshore drilling could allowseawater to seep down into the huge icy deposits and release tons of methane up into the atmosphere. And methane, our listeners may recall, is a greenhouse gas that could really worsen the problem of global warming.So, gas hydrate may offer some interesting possibilities. But, with all these drawbacks, I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for it to fuel my furnace.第十篇(Great plain)Look at our topographical map and you'll see that the middle third of the North American continent --- from the Rocky Mountains almost to the Mississippi River --- is pretty flat. This is the Great Plains. This kind of area is sometimes called a prairie, sometimes a steppe. That's [ess-tee-ee-pee-pee- ee]. The defining features are level terrain, dry climate, and an absence of trees. The Great Plains are actually the former bed of shallow inland sea. Over millions of years, sediment left by glaciers, water, and wind smoothed out the dry sea bed.As I said, the Great Plaints are bordered on the west by the Rocky Mountains. And it's really the Rockies that are responsible for the formation of the grasslands. The mountains are so high that they block the heavy moist air traveling eastward form the Pacific Ocean. Lighter, drier air passes over the mountains. Until people intervened with irrigation and farms, only grass could grow on the dry, windy plain. In fact, we can divide the Great Plains into three zones. In the west, where it's driest and windiest, the grass is very short. In the eastern zone, there's more rain and grass grows as high as 360 centimeters. In the middle third, there's a mix of grass species that grow to an intermediate height.第十一篇(能源)Since we've been discussing alternative fuels lately, I wanted to pass on to you some information I read about a new fuel that's been in the news a lot lately. It's called A-21.It's composed of water and a chemical known as naphtha. It seems to be a very promising fuel because it's much cleaner than the gasoline that we use today. That's not to say that it doesn't pollute, but it is cleaner. A-21 isn't like some other alternative fuels that require completely new types of engines. A-21 still works in regular, everyday combustion engines --- like the ones in cars --- with only minor mechanical modifications. So changing over wouldn't be a big deal.You may doubt some of these claims as many researchers have. Some people feared that because it contains about 45 percent water it would freeze in the winter. But a small amount of antifreeze was added to it, and that seems to have solved the problem.A-21 has recently undergone street tests in buses in Reno, Nevada. So far it seems to work just fine. This is a good thing, especially in Nevada, because the state government there has passed a law requiring that a large percentage of vehicles in Nevada run on alternative fuels. A-21 should help.第十二篇(风tornado)The winds of a tornado are the most violent and destructive ones on Earth. Any of you who have seen one knows very well how frightening and powerful they are. What's interesting about them is that scientists don't actually know exactly why tornadoes occur.We do know, however, what happens when tornadoes are formed. As you remember, a front occurs when cool, dry air from the north meets warm, humid air coming from the south (from the Gulf of Mexico, for tornadoes in the United States). Where these air masses meet, a narrow zone of storm clouds develops, and thunderstorms, and sometimes tornadoes, occur.How is this violent weather produced? Well, a mass of warm, humid air rises very rapidly. As it rises, more warm air rushes in to replace it. This inrushing air also rises, and in some cases, especially when there is extreme thermal instability, begins to rotate. When this happens, the rotating air forms a tornado.Even if you've seen tornadoes only in movies, you know that they can demolish buildings in seconds. This is possible because when a tornado passes over a house, it sucks up air from around the house and so the air pressure outside the house drops rapidly. Inside, pressure remains the same. So, air pressure inside is greater than air pressure outside. The result is that the building explodes outward. Next, we'll talk a little bit about how new technological developments are being used to try to predict tornadoes.。
新 东 方 听 力 老 师 马 骏 笔 记 整 理
我的笔记也许不是很完美,但是我们也许总是把所有重点都放到了听写上,固然听写很重要,但是结课后,大家有没有再认真的回顾自己的笔记呢.我发现很多在听力问答帖里提出的问题,在课上HORSE都曾经分析过....笔记中还有很多的重点,废话不多说了,我在这里总结下,希望对大家有帮助.我按照HORSE上课的顺序编辑这些笔记,也许会让大家回忆起自己上课时的情景:)希望这些对大家有所帮助:旧托和新托的区别旧托: A 男女对话(30个) B 两人长对话 C 一个演讲 (B+C=20个)新托: 1. 长对话--------5个题目4分钟2. 长演讲--------6个题目6分钟共90分钟每个段子用3分钟完成答题. 语速慢,内容扩展,可以记笔记记笔记过程: 编码 + 存储 +提取(编-何种信息有用码-识别) (听觉存储力)编的能力是我们考试的能力,码和听觉存储力是听力的基本实力语音识别障碍影响识别的障碍1:语速解决--------跟读,模仿用T的题练习 A 读熟 B 边听边看边读C只听不看读2:单个单词熟形不熟音单词的不同发音解决---跟读模仿3:英音,美音的差异A [r] 儿音nervous well lastB 个别的historyC 浊化 [t]---[d]+[t]D 弱化[∧]-------[倒着的那个e,发呃的音,我不会打] butE [a:]-----[象花一样的那个开口很大的AI,不会打...] grass classF [半个0的哦]------------[半个0的哦+l] god4:语音现象连读前辅后元put up take offb p d k g t stop by失爆 As k Bo b to si t behin d me 粉色代表省略解决---跟读模仿语气语调捕捉力1:重读单个单词的重读表示责备,抱怨,不满或者正话反说2:调子有升有降越升越怀疑3:语气小词auch Gee whoop词汇1:口语词汇简单又小do cut makewhat is done can not be undone 覆水难收cut down on 减少make do with 凑合用2:偏难专业词汇3:一词多义turn down 拒绝pick up 买4:习语A:形象理解B:切莫望文生意on edge 紧张all hands 熟练have one's hand full 忙碌be under the weather 身体有恙 eat one's word 收回说过的话dog beat 累的象狗一样思维1:first thing first 抓段子主要观点,重要事先说2:形象 cost me an arm and a leg 很贵3:间接回答课程及学习进程说明1:pre-test2:skill训练+讲义听写9篇补充讲义3:MINI练习8道+听写16篇4:听觉导向练习+听写36篇5:OG训练+听写11篇6:模拟练习7套(临近考试时)注意事项1:熟练操作计算机(写作)2:熟悉答题界面3:熟悉各个部分题型及答题技巧4:计算机突发事件5:提交听力考前训练revolution / evolution 我不记得为什么说这俩词了..1:旧托vocabulary used in the conversation and lectures 谈话和演讲中使用的词汇常用听力中词汇2:跟读模仿旧T先听写,再跟读,语音调调耳朵熟3:听写新T,旧T 提高听力的唯一途径... (重点...)听一句,写一句,听完再写(大家看到这是不是大概知道怎么听了.不是边听边写,肯定跟不上,是听完这句,STOP,然后写)4:泛听内容相近DISCOVERY 国家地理5:note-taking 笔记特征:A 只有自己能看懂B 越少完整单词越好.C 英汉相结合D 符号,线条,曲线,画图并用E 简练,主要在听F 写而有用G 可追忆性检验笔记标准:笔记能复述出100%文章做长对话笔记,要分清人物考试围绕笔记考长对话只关心问和答,语言生活化考试中1:了解题目2:合理利用有效信息提示3:笔记4:不确定的问题不要死想B类问题:所有的细节不需要理解,与主题有关50%得分题C类问题:理解目的,态度 25%送分题P类问题:组织结构推导,举例,比较,影响 25%失分题B类 50% Basic comprehension1:Gist (main idea or overall topic) 4--62:details 8---12每个段子都考主题题推导用多个内容推导ETS女尊男卑一般女音都是积极的,好的一方面对话笔记GIST1:首先记WHO找WHO谈话,为什么谈话目的听准开头 talk about开头句型对话目的全文重复训练关键词(名词/动词)DETAIL事实 the fact is.....描述定义原因because since therefor举例 for e.g比较 A dislike B A unlike B强调语气,强调句式最高级程度副词 ONLY时间数字人名,地名身份,发生事情问答设问A问B答结尾next把握对话--------整体,宏观,脉络上把握,把文章切割,用问答句切割听写的过程(..................多可怕的一节课..哈哈)1:生理上无底线2:刺激,.压力3:理智4:量化,分阶段P类 25% listen carefully (P和C的笔记我都记在平时的练习中了...笔记本上没写.主要就是H ORSE带我们做题了)听力做题时的两个误区1:try to understand everything 解决----听力导向词2:unfamilier with the topic 解决----多读,多了解听力实力两个基本缺陷1:lost attention解决---听写2:lost memory解决---听写历史类段落总概括一:发明史--------------谈发展演变摩天大楼冰箱二:发展史---------------谈在美国的发展钟表交通周末邮政船媒黄石公园三:艺术史----------------谈艺术在美国的发展舞蹈摄影雕刻音乐民间艺术四:历史事件------------谈美国历史中代表性的事件内战热气球历史争议五:历史人物-----谈美国历史中代表性的人物作家艺术家领袖六:科学历史自然科学天文数学争议或错误七:美国历史宪法制陶农业钱币历史类段落必听要素1:主题----主题题信号词develop development origin history historic historical evolution trend 2:影响(双方)发展,发明过程中何对其影响,其作用影响,什么影响,怎样影响3:特点4:时间5:人物生物学----听生物六要素1:什么生物2:habitat3:特殊之处4:濒危否?(濒危原因,如何补救)5:与人类关系生物学家6:与科学技术关系应用到研究中总结各个部分要听的内容和会出题的题目一:开头------------1:主题2:结构题3:目的题对话开始的时候,先在纸上写对话的目的演讲开始的时候,先在纸上写为什么要有这个演讲二:结尾------------1:尾巴推断题2:NEST 题三:强调--------------1:程度副词2:强调句式3:最高级4:语气ONLY四:转折--------------1:转折词2:行文层次举例, 比较, 时间/人物/事物, 定义/描述, 问答, 原因结果OK啦.这些就是馄饨可以记下的可以看的懂的笔记,其他的一些都零落的记在了讲义习题中,大部分是些单词,就是每次做完题以后HORSE会给我们一些段落中出现的生词.希望大家上课都认真记笔记,这也是一笔财富:)最后希望大家坚持到底,梦想成真。
ballet. By the late
, ballet had lost a lot of its popularity.
ballet dancers who performed in the United States were brought over from Europe.
They performed using the
把听力实力着重使用在一篇演讲文章的什么地方呢?按照本材料填空的方法培养自己的听 觉导向敏感度。空,是该使用实力的地方;空,是一个出考点信息的声音提示。36 篇真题 练习后,你多少会有些感觉的。
想拥有一项技能一定需要付出,一旦拥有技能后,所有的付出都是值得的。想给所有备考者 制作一个像样的 PDF 文本,我需要学习 PDF 的制作,刚开始的时候想征集会的人帮忙,一 直在等待 PDF 高手中浪费了很多时间,想一想即便是找到了 PDF 高手,我仍然需要跟他解 释排版等问题,又会花去一些时间,太划不来了。从开始学习 PDF 到会制作带标签的 PDF 文本只用了两天的时间,而我现在拥有了这个技能,可以随时随地随意的制作材料给大家。
练我们:主旨题和细节题 (2) 边听边填空。空里有听觉导向词(引出考点的词)和全文
关键词,以此训练耳朵对于听觉导向词的记忆,同时在边 听边记的同时协调耳手 (3) 听写(/bbs/thread-10089-1-1.html )
历史学段落练习 (一)表的发展史
towns were built for the public.
. Well into the
in Europe and United States,
the main purpose of a watch, which by the way was off and on a gold chain, was to show
What’s 效益?Condition ----付出同样的成本A行为B行为↓↓收获多收获少↓↓Result ----- 效益大效益小做听力与阅读,不认识的单词仅占5%-10%,耗进的效益(时间成本+精力到底值不值?时间成本都是一样的,在时间成本一样的前提下,我们要做有益身心的事。
追求效率——容易丢失——→丢失效益背单词行为复习—→效益收获往后翻—→效率收获得到效益的方法:控制~~效益较大的材料:Academic OG > VOA, BBC【我们需要的听力备考材料】ETS ---ⅠIBTⅰOG17篇精准&有效益5篇练习6篇模拟5篇模拟练习ⅱTPO 19套一套6篇ⅡPBT旧材料语速更快,使我们容易适应PS:很多同学到考场上发现语速跟不上15套+16套PBT *3=93套旧托福材料Horse画外音:小马过河上有20篇TPO精选听力,如果20篇文章你都不能变好,你一辈子也好不了~~….隔靴搔痒….一天需要完成的听力内容:一篇新托福+一篇旧托福材料↓听力演讲5-6minHorse画外音:在备考上要严谨,对自己严苛。
懂是不存在的,懂,是感性认识……做新托福演讲的标准:每篇至少10小时↑一篇旧托福的文章一般1’30”之内,短小:每篇至少5小时↑Horse画外音:持续做一件正确的事NEEDS心态 + 标准↙↘↓信念现实要正确,不缺乏↙能忍受&忍耐&持续人类很倔强,啊~~你只去做你自己想做的,否定不该做的评判一个东西是否有用的标准:是否去用它,是否Useful【对备考材料的使用误区】⑴多而不精作为灵长类动物的代表,人多贪婪拥有很多材料≠ 拥有很多能力贪图数多Horse tips: 新材料10 h↑,旧材料5 h↑⑵不够学术Horse:如果能用,我为什么不讲?不够学术的:吸血鬼日记,生活大爆炸,美剧,音乐,CNN,BBC,新概念,探索,国家地理看电影可以,这不是练听力,本来就是在看字幕的⑶不够托福ETS出考题,得用人家的游戏规则和国家地理里面谈论的火山都不一样⑷用法不当我们用法往往流于形式假设2月3号要练听力,你会干吗?Horse:你不会干的,我也不会改变你的历史。
马骏新托福听力讲义——面带微笑,手拿尖刀听写是提高听力的唯一途径听写是提高听力的唯一途径听写是提高听力的唯一途径听写是提高听力的唯一途径“别问,你就听吧!“NEW TOEFL听力概况:2 Section,3 Passages/Section, 1 Long Dialog/Section, 2 Lectures/Section;5 Questions/Long Dialog,6 Questions/Lecture, 17 Questions/Section;10 Minutes/Section (Answer Time), 4 Minutes/Long Dialog, 6 Minutes/Lecture;NEW TOEFL最常考的四大类听力材料:历史、生物、地球科学、天文学。
The Different Between NEW TOEFL and OLD TOEFL:A. 内容变的丰满,加入了描述、解释性的语言;B. 语速变的缓慢选择有用的信息空间↑↑编码——→存储——→提取↓↓语音识别能力时间★“码”与“存储”是基本听力实力;“编”是考试的能力★在你想要懂的时候,缺失了有效的信息NEW TOEFL Listening 基本听力实力:一、语音识别能力:A. 易——语速问题;越听越劳累,越疲惫,越憔悴,越崩溃,越想拿刀插肋!B. 多——单个单词熟形不熟音;耳朵——不识别或者不熟悉;背单词就是幻觉,背单词只是准备学英文,真正的学习英文是以句子为中心的;解决方法:跟读与模仿前提:A. 要有连续性,使用眼、耳、嘴;B. 要比被模仿者说的慢;步骤:A. 先把文字材料读熟;B. 边听边看边读——纠正存储错误的声音,存储没有听过的声音;C. “只听不看”读材料材料:前十天使用讲义P359的材料,每天一篇,一共10篇,操作步骤如下:a.边听边填空——用耳朵去熟悉声音,协调耳手;(5遍能填全,5遍以后看答案,找到耳朵的Weakness);b.了解文章内容,查生词,理解句子c.跟读与模仿;(以上三步大概完成时间3-5 Hours)C. 难——语言现象a. 连音(前辅音+后元音产生连音现象);b. 失爆;(b、p、t、d、k、g)解决方法:跟读与模仿二、语气与语调——解决功能题与态度题1、单个单词重读表示责备抱怨、不满或者正话反说;2、声调越升越怀疑,越升越否定;三、词汇1、耳朵要认识单词;2、10%的词汇听不出来很正常;3、听不出来的不会词汇有两类:应该不会的,活该不会的;差est→差er→差ing→a little 差→a little 好→a little 好→好er→好est4、专业词汇;★如果专业词汇在Lecture中被解释,100%是考点,要重点听后面的解释;四、思维模式1、First in first(要紧的事情最先讲——解决主旨题,听准开头);2、积极向上、善良正义——解决功能题;五、听力的误区1、Try to understand everything;解决方法:听觉导向训练训练步骤:(1)做题;(2)边听边填空;(3)听写;(4)跟读与模仿;2、Unfamiliar with the topic;NEW TOEFL 听力考前训练——最佳训练材料:旧托福里的学术演讲1、Vocabulary used in the conversation and lectures;(旧托福)2、跟读与模仿(旧托福/拒绝电影);3、听写是提高听力的唯一途径;A. 听一句写一句(不能边听边写)→训练存储能力(3-5遍);注:如果3-5遍写不全,说明不是存储能力有问题,是语音识别有问题,这样就找到了语音识别的Weakness;B. 先听写,再跟读,语音语调耳朵熟(没有跟读模仿的听写不是一个完整的听写);注:补上语音识别的Weakness要靠跟读与模仿,每篇文章跟读至少10遍;C. 每天听写至少1个小时;(不包含跟读模仿的时间)D. 听写材料如下:a. 场景分类训练(下);b. 场景分类训练(上);c. 听觉导向训练;d. 模拟练习、MINI练习;e. Delta;f. ETS真题(OG11篇,讲义练习三);g. 旧托福听力训练;E. 我们从听写中获得什么?a. 存储力;b. 听写过程中的常态感(习惯);c. 找缺陷;d. 抗疲劳;e. 少走神,注意力集中;f. 偏执;4、珍爱生命,拒绝泛听;5、记笔记的七个特征(Note-taking);——Why should we TAKE NOTESA. 只要自己能看懂就行; A. Lose Attention;B. 越少完整单词越好; B. Lose Memory;C. 英汉结合;D. 要利用符号、线条、曲线、画图等;E. 简练——主要在听:切莫因记而误听;F. 写而有用;G. 可追忆性;6、训练TAKE NOTES的能力;A. 做笔记→做题;B. 听写;C. 看文字答案,画出考点;D. 分析文章层次,研究考点特征;E. 边听边看——着重注意画出的考点;F. 重新TAKE NOTES;NEW TOEFL六种题型综述:主旨题(Gist);——B细节题(Detail); ——B功能题(Function); ——P态度题(Stance); ——P组织结构题(Organization); ——C推理题(Relationship); ——C注:B代表Basic Comprehension; P代表Pragmatic Understanding; C代表Connecting Information.NEW TOEFL 6种听力题型详解:1. Basic Comprehension(50%-70%的考点)A. 主旨题(Gist)——每篇文章必考主旨题;a. 主旨题分为内容主旨和目的主旨;b. 解决主旨题的5个要求:(1)听准开头;(2)把握对话目的;(3)对于演讲,敏感开头句型;(4)捕捉全文重复(主题决定细节,细节反映主题);(5)训练关键词的敏感(大多是名词和动词)——适应于长对话;★选课场景:先初再高等同意,热门提前抓时机,太多太难基础课,选修必修记仔细。
马骏托福听⼒讲义学科分类(MP3PDF)智课⽹TOEFL备考资料马骏托福听⼒讲义学科分类(MP3+PDF)摘要:马骏托福听⼒讲义⼀共九个分类,business、⽣物、历史、地球科学、campus topics、⼈类学、⼈体⽣理⼼理、天⽂学、语⾔类。
马骏托福听⼒讲义学科分类(MP3+PDF):I still reacall the accident. I had an audacious attitude back then. I remember being very upset at my brother and telling him,"you have the audacity to call me a coward when you won't even try." Neither of us knew how unstable and heavy that auger bit was.我还记得那次事故的场景。
Then I felt the numbing pain of the auger bit crushing my back. I can still see the ambulance attendants, in their clean white attire, attending to my injury. I think my voice was barely audible. The doctors were able to attach supporting metal pins to my spine, but I've yet to walk. My whole body seems to be in a state of atrophy. But I've never given up to hope. One of my strongest attributes is patience. Someday, I'll attain the use of my legs again.然后,钻孔机钻头压断了我的后背,我痛的⼏乎⿇⽊了。
语音识别训练21天计划Chapter Ⅰ温馨提示:本书将21天的训练划分为5个章节21天,每个章节对应一周的时间,每一天的训练包含4个填空训练和5个听写训练。
此外,每篇文章的标题均设有相应学术类背景标号,如第一天的听写训练4有关“鸟”的文章是听写训练中生物学的第四篇,则标注为“听写训练4:鸟——Bio/4”, 其余各类学术背景以此类推。
第一天生物学填空训练1~4听力训练1~5填空训练1: Reptile——Bio/1Step1:词汇预习(3 minutes)迅速掌握以下单词词义,以便更好地把握文章整体内容。
1.sprawling 懒散的2.mammal 哺乳动物3.lizard 蜥蜴4.climb 爬5.tail 尾巴6.zoology 动物学7.camel 骆驼8.fore foot 前腿9.hind foot 后腿10.gait 步法11.reptile 爬行动物12.muscle 肌肉Step2:实战演练(5 minutes)先听文章再做题,严格按照时间限制和考试要求独立完成下面的题目,然后参照答案标出错题。
Questions:1. What is the main topic being discussed?A.How humans moveB.How different animals walk and runC.Which animals are the fastest?D.How muscles are developed in mammals2. What do the students learn from the diagram?A.The pattern in which lizards move their feetB.The relative size of different kinds of lizardsC.The function of lizards' tailsD.The reason that some lizards can climb walls3. What is special about how lizards walk and run?A.They are able to move quickly in high temperatures.B.They keep their bodies completely straight.C.They always move at the same speed.D.Their bodies move from side to side.4. What determines the length of the steps lizards take?A.Which feet they useB.Which climate they live inC..How they bend their bodiesD.How many breaths they take between steps5. According to the discussion, what is a disadvantage for an animal whose feet extend out from the side of its body?A.It cannot gather food quickly enough.B.It cannot run and breathe at the same time.C.It cannot swim in deep water.D.It cannot climb trees.Correct Answer: 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.BStep3:单词识别(10 minutes)1)第一遍边听文章边填空(注意一定要连贯地将文章完整播放完),训练自己的单词识别能力和耳手协调能力;2)第二遍边听文章边查缺补漏(要求同上),将第一遍没听出来或者来不及填写的空补上并认真检查所填单词或词组的拼写是否正确;3)暂停播放,核对答案后将错误的空标注出来,默读文章并思考Step2中的错题并找出错误原因;4)第三遍边听文章边思考文章的逻辑结构,以图对文章内容的整体把握。
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第一回演义篇ETS ―→ Easy Touching System姓名:托福,生于1963年,80年后偷渡至中国,虽横行于欧美,却降服于中国。
95年8月自以为是的以皮毛移容之术欲刁难国人,深不知无论是“脱” 还是“穿” ,它的黔驴之术早被国人“大方贻笑”了。
对此望海内外各界同仁莫见笑,要知2005年8月它寿终正寝,此番挣扎权当它是自娱(愚)吧!第二回理论篇(大树理论)→ _________________1、____________________2、____________________3、____________________与___________________之差异:① ___________________ ② _________________③浊化④弱化⑤ ___________变 ____________ ⑥ ___________变 ____________4、__________________________ ① ____________________② ____________________→ _________________1、____________________2、____________________ ① ____________________② ____________________③ ____________________→ A:_________________ + B:_________________A:1、________________ 2、________________ 3、________________4、________________ ① ____________________② ____________________③ ____________________5、________________B:1、________________ 2、________________3、________________4、________________→ _________________1、________________2、________________3、________________4、________________正常的:_____________________________________________________________________→ _________________1、________________2、________________3、________________4、________________1、(A) He disagrees with the woman(B) He has a lot of experience listening to others.(C) He can keep a secret.(D) He has several younger brothers and sisters.W: Y ou are such a good listener. What’s your secret?M: Well, when you grow up sharing a room with three older brothers, sure can get plenty of practice.What can be inferred about the man?2、(A) He has to pick up some groceries.(B) He hasn’t had any tea for a long time.(C) He’d like to walk a little further.(D) He’ll pay for the drinks.W: It seems like we have been walking all day. I could go for a glass fo ice tea.M: Ok, my treat though since you picked up the tab last time.What does the man mean?3、(A) She can’t help the man .(B) She doe sn’t want to lend the man any money.(C) She owes the man some money.(D) She sometimes asks the man to drive her places.M: Oh, no, my lunch costs 8 dollars but I only have 5 in my wallet. Can you help me out?W: Sure. Just remember this when I need a ride to town.What can be inferred about the woman?4、(A) He didn’t enjoy the game because the team lost.(B) He’s impressed by the efforts of the team.(C) The woman is wrong about who won the game.(D) The players could have won if they’d tried harder.W: Losing the championship must have been a big disappointment to the players on our volleyball team. M: Y eah, but they really played their hearts out. They are still champions in my book.What does the man mean?5、(A) She should have asked to be excused from the trip.(B) She deserves the zero.(C) She is right to be angry.(D) She should have gone on the field trip.A: Oh, I’m so angry. My biology professor would not even let me try to explain why I missed the field trip.He just gave me a zero.B: That doesn’t seem fair. I wo uld feel that way too if I were you.What does the man imply about the woman .?6、(A) She admires Steve’s relationship with his father.(B) She does not know Steve or his father.(C) Her daughter is older than Steve.(D) She disagrees with the man.A: What a relationship Steven and his father have?B: Don’t they. I only hope my daughter and I can get along like that when she is Steve’s age.What can be inferred from the woman?综上五方面,从土→根→干→枝→叶,各部分在听力中的定位及侧重也由树来比较学习。
第三回文学篇安慰鼓励,坚持第一→ ⑴影响学习,马上放弃→ ⑵赞美夸奖,毫不谦虚→ ⑶逢人便夸,从不打击→ ⑷讲话直接,态度清晰→ ⑸寻求帮助,乐于建议→ ⑹品位高雅,音乐位居→ ⑺生活窘迫,钱是难题→ ⑻积极向上,善良正义→ ⑼间接回答,不伤友谊→ ⑽形象思维,理解习语→ ⑾把握语调,听出语气→ ⑿注释:⑴是土壤部分,一种美国人的文化,在听力中多见。
⑵弘扬bright sides,听力中的美国学生永远是学习,有任何事情与之冲突都要放弃其它而学习;这么多年考试中,偶有一次例外,当然发生在男生身上,一女生邀他玩,他来了一句:“The book can wait”丢人的话来。
Thinking in American way⑷见人有衣无衣都great;有头发无头发都great;体形好不好都great,所以理解后用于生活中,有美国人说:“Your English is good.”千万别自喜,因为他们的文化就是这个。
⑸first thing first,用于抓态度,绕难点解题。
⑺品位高雅,音乐位居:①强调学生的high taste:吃饭去意/法餐馆;用香水;用天然的化装品;听音乐会;拒绝电视、电影。
②提到音乐会一定去看;音乐会票一定难买;音乐会一定人山人海(过道都是人);音乐会的赞美无与伦比(out of this world)。