Nonlinear Sigma Models in (1+2)-Dimensions and An Infinite Number of Conserved Currents






1. HMM基础隐马尔科夫模型由三个部分组成:状态空间、观测空间和转移概率矩阵。




2. 序列标注在自然语言处理中,序列标注是一种常见的任务,它涉及将输入序列(如文本或语音)与输出序列(如词性标注或命名实体识别)进行对齐。



3. 前向算法前向算法是用来计算给定模型和观测序列的概率的一种动态规划算法。




4. 维特比算法维特比算法是用来找到给定观测序列条件下最可能的状态序列的一种动态规划算法。




5. 应用场景HMM可以用于多种自然语言处理任务,如词性标注、命名实体识别和语音识别。




1.13.3 程序概要页 .................................................................................................... 29
1.13.4 报警概要......................................................................................................... 31
2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2
第 2 章 访问更多的参数 .................................................33
等级 3(Level 3)......................................................................................... 33 配置等级......................................................................................................... 33 选择不同的访问等级................................................................................... 34 访问菜单中的参数 .........................................................................................35
1.1 这是什么样的仪表? .........................................................................................9

非极大值一致 nms的工作流程

非极大值一致 nms的工作流程

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⽆迹卡尔曼滤波-1⽆迹卡尔曼滤波(unscented kalman filter)中需要⽤到⽆迹变换。

维基百科中对unscented transform的描述如下:The unscented transform (UT) is a mathematical function used to estimate the result of applying a given nonlinear transformation to a probability distribution that is characterized only in terms of a finite set of statistics. The most common use of the unscented transform is in the nonlinear projection of mean and covariance estimates in the context of nonlinear extensions of the .为了理解unsecnted transform⾸先考虑⼀个问题:X为服从正态分布的⼀维随机变量,Y是随机变量X的函数分布,那么随机变量Y的期望和⽅差是多少呢?X ∼ N(µ, σ^2 ) , Y = sin(X)根据数理统计中的理论,设连续随机变量X的概率密度为f(x),则随机变量Y=g(X)的数学期望定义为:为此需要计算反常积分。




下⾯考虑将函数y=sin(x)在x=µ处进⾏⼀阶泰勒展开,忽略⾼阶项,则有:那么这个近似计算的效果怎么样呢?可以⽐较⼀下:1from numpy import sin,cos,exp,inf,pi2import scipy.integrate as integrate34 mu = 1 # 期望5 sigma = 1 # 标准差67# Y = sin(X)8# 按公式计算E[Y]和D[Y]9 f1 = lambda x: sin(x) * exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2)) / ((2*pi)**0.5*sigma)10 f2 = lambda x: sin(x)**2 * exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2)) / ((2*pi)**0.5*sigma)11 f_mu, err = integrate.quad( f1, -inf, inf)12 temp, err = integrate.quad( f2, -inf, inf)13 f_cov = temp - f_mu**21415print f_mu, f_cov1617# 按⼀阶泰勒展开近似计算18print sin(mu), cos(mu)**2 * sigma**2期望和⽅差的计算结果如下:0.510377951545 0.2676740215730.841470984808 0.291926581726第⼀⾏为根据公式进⾏数值积分运算得到的结果,第⼆⾏为通过⼀阶泰勒展开近似计算得到的结果,可以看出与理论计算值相⽐存在⼀定误差。



中 图 分 类 号 : 5 . 06 7 3
引 言
随着人们生活水平 的小 断提高 , 水果 的消 费量也呈 上升
趋 势 ,大 批 量 的水 果 在 进 入 销 售 环 节 时 ,首 先 需 要 对 其 成 熟 度 进 行 评 判 。 于成 熟 度 的 评 价 指 标 ,最 常用 的方 法 就 是 从 对
消 除 ( T MC UVE 方 法 对 梨 的 硬 度 和 表 面 色 泽 的 建 模 变 量 进 行 筛 选 。结 果 表 明 ,对 于 硬 度 模 型 ,采 用 W - - ) wT MC UV - E方 法 , 1 变 量 呵以 得 到 和 原 始 光 谱 ( 5 个 变 量 ) 似 的 预 测 结 果 ; 于 表 面色 泽 的 预 测 2 0个 14 1 近 对
复杂 样 品化 学 成 分 测定 中 占有 重 要 地 位 l 。但 是 近 红 外 光 3 ] 谱 产 生 于分 子 振 动 ,吸 收 较 弱 ,吸 收 峰 严 重 重 叠 , 多 组 分 且
果品 的硬度和表面色泽进行考察 。
水 果 硬 度 (i ns) 指 果 肉抗 压 力 的 强 弱 , 以 作 为 f es 是 m r 可 判 断 水 果 成 熟 状 态 和 品 质 的 一 个 重 要 指 标 。H 前对 于 硬 度 的 检 验 ,常 采 用 M_ 戳 穿 试 验 法 ( g esT yo u cue T Ma n s— a lrp ntr ts) 该 方 法 是 用 一 定 直 径 的钢 制 压 头 ,按 一 定 的 压 缩 速 度 et。 对 水 果进 行压 缩试 验 ,同 时 测 量 压 缩 力 , 于 有 损 检 测 ,且 属
正 集 样本 交叉 验 证 的 预 测 值 , 为 校 正 集 样 本 的个 数 。图 2 () ( ) a 和 b 分别 表示 梨 硬 度 和 表 面 色泽 模 型 中 P S L ,MC UVE -



非晶Si/Ti超晶格的横向光伏效应第口卷第二霸1989胃6月无L对料'箍JournalofInorganicMaterialsV01.4,No.2June.1989:暑晶Si/Ti超晶格的横向光汰效应王树林蓖毓_虹,罗维根程.如光l中国科《晦上海硅酸盐研究所,攮蓦不文报道了由磋枉溅射沉积柏非品8薄腔Ti雕组嚏新}一生趣格的横光饿藏虚.宴驻发现,这#光伏敷应强曩j毫依赖于遥格于J醚使用目豪喀导电未型.蟑迂台理选择参数,可以得到横向光生愤特与光斑位置成柱好的线性关系.关键词:横向j匕使效应}迎晶格}d晶硅;j晶铣j薄膜E』等巾,dI=等体与b半体轴si:H—G:H,非昂半与非晶绝弦俅々04一Si;一SiN:H],8一sj>Hf'~-SiC-;hi÷,a一H/Siq:H所构成的超晶格受到极走重视:遗种新型材制,鬻了}舟—世特的电蕾能外,更主受的是选种材料的结构力舛{马半寻体炮要控质畏》提供了种有效手段"",这无疑:搿进一步加#}列非晶态半寻体;琏解另面,底和半导僻商者其完全葡的性厌,.因此括金筠/l{}晶半导体制戚阈多誓蹲,并f虎其界特性剥:探讨禽藏/半导体界M的性质,特刷是l半导簿无},至:艺f,叠属与半导体接触特性的了解,有着一定的际意义.本文研究了金属/4~-/.体趣品格的横向光成效应并试从横向伏效应角度研究非晶半导体金褥超品格的结椅.橘司光扶效应最早由Schottky…在i930年发现.i~}57年后walimark~"又重新研究,f试利用这种效应试制器.lg85年Willens等人在电子束蒸发制备的非晶SilTi超品格膜中'先观察到这种现象,,讨论了水力器件应用的可能性.例如苏子明等人利目非晶硅第的臻同光伏设试制定位跟踪嚣.本文研究了由磁控溅射制备的非晶si/盘Ti趟品瞎趋横.,j炎伏教与.'基厚度讨底类型的关系,并讨论了影响这种非晶Si,/Ti起晶格作为器件应用的各种因秦.非晶Si/Ti周期多,一睦超出格i出LEYBOLD—HERAEUSZ550塑隧控溉剜仪,采用管弦换靶的办法77~.Trr啦.a—Si善沉采崩!≯控蕺射2-2艺,Ti子层则蛊I9豁年1月14攻刊仍箱,:q2o收一,.本工作由中匡科院r学括liⅢgSOG~6珥,科学跣二.≮吐敝盐0.,基盘3006曼肌2期王埘林筹:非扁SL/Ti超品咯的横向光故效】65流磁控溅射工艺宽成.每种超品格样Ir的衬底上第一一层都为Tj,最戎而层为a-si.此系统的预真空约为7×j0P丑,沉飘时薯氧为Ar.气压约为0.7Pa,衬底温度力室温.a—si子层和Tj子的沉j电蔷分别01.3_五s和2.6I/s.夺每鬟沉积前.预先把掩板覆盖住衬底,避免起倒;新的挑稳墨影u扎j}=jl:作制备==i雨辱度韵a~-Sif最及Ti子层的样品.横向光伏测试装置简I见阔l.源采渡{乏为0.63m的He—Ne激,功牢为30 mW,光斑浏到最小.目碳墨涂荆仔匀欧姆接ij.两纽厨a—sj子爱厚度的非晶Si/Ti 超晶格分别沉积1置P氆和型窜晶硅村底j:筹组为Ti]6直/a—sil3^,I10个双层, 编号为W8-f(p型衬底)和W7一e(n型苻底);第二组为Ti】GA/aSi27矗,共7-I,双星,编号为w9-f(P型衬底).p型单晶硅的电阻≯{2Q?cm;型{叶底黾m率为50?cm. 三,实验结果与讨论.J,l¨l为证实所沉积的非晶Ni/'Tl超晶格是百其有识好的衙胡性,将样品W9进行了小角X财线甜试.罘用了渡辱为l-54t78~的...CuKa线,栅}.±,0?05).样品w9(沉积在藏璃讨底上)鞫小角一缸线衍射箍果示予躅..I一Ⅱ私Ⅲ级衍峰很清楚地显示出来,由tDr~gg衍射公式:-?..'"'2dsin0=n……...…….….…(1|'-l'可算出I,Ⅱ和Ⅲ级所对应的凰期d分别为42.1,43.8和43.5A,其结果与沉积速率和沉积时间j9}估算的周比较符合.由半高宽估算出的界而浮动医约为5A,说幔所沉积的晶格层-抹结构很分明,基本上在辱子层范国内发生组份突孪.太角x一射线衍射没有显现何晶体衍射峰,琵明所沉积的si及Ti子.{层均为非晶相.,,一….0FL一—..I1.《,/,≯,图l横向光伏测试装置简网(坐标原点移至结立面中点)Fig.1.Schematicdiagramofapparatusforlateralphotovoltaiceffect:measurementTheoriginofCOordinaLeaxJghasbeenchanged:to.themiddleofjuncLionpIane图2沉积在玻璃上的样品W9的小硝x射线衍射Fig;2.SmallangleX—raydiffraction,ofsampieW9del~ositedDnglass图3给出样rw8-f,w8一硬w々_f的横向光优值与光斑位置的关系.对于沉积在P型衬底上的W8-f样品,其横向光伏值与匕斑位置具有相当好的线【生关系.而对于沉积无机材料4卷在n衬底上的弼一—手甚厚爱的Si/Ti超品格,其光伏值远小于沉积在p型单晶硅衬底上的多层膜,且偏离线性.同样对jsj予层犬的沉积在P型单晶畦}底1.的非晶Si/ri超晶格(样品w9),横向光伏值较si子层小韵Si/~i超晶格为小,也不存在线性关系.圈3弹品W8-e,W8-f和w9一f的横嘞生伏特与光斑位置关系(坐标原点在祥品中点)tcra1phOtovoltageofsamplesW8-e,W8-fandW9-fversusHghtspotpositionTheoriginofcoordinateaxiswassetatthemidd】eofsampi85(--—;;十+crysta)iineSJ卜s'ubse;——————一130m——....阁4沉积在p型单晶硅衬痛上的非晶Si/Ti超晶格在非均匀光辐照下横向光扶效应的物理模型Fig.4PhyscalmOdelroflateralpho~ovoltaie~effcctofamorphous.Si/Tisuperlattice.~sd~oositedollp-typesinglecrystallinesiliconsubstrateundernonuniformirradiation一:electron+,hole:irradiationposition2e:widthofirradiationregion.人们很早就知道,当足够大能最的光子均匀垂直地照射到p-ff半导体结上时,横跨p_n结上将产生光生伏特效应.利用此效应,人们成功地制成了太阳能电池.如果辐射是非均匀的,那么所产生的光生伏特值将随位置而改变,即在平行于终的平而上产生一附加的光生伏特值,此现象即为横向光伏效应非晶硅/盒属趣品格结构的横向光伏效应的物理过程可描述如下.假设超晶格沉积在P型单晶硅衬底一k当I=一局域的辐射源在P型单晶砗对底被吸收后所产生的电子一夺穴对,在Schottky内建场的作川下,位于少子扩散长度区内争耗尽甚中的电子漂移进人多层膜,而多子空穴则停留在p型衬底医,如图4.这种电荷狞葡部分她抵}肖了蛰蛊区的空问电荷,其结果仅降低此处的建势,而目.导致横恂电场的产生.由电于恳向注入p区构成的反向scttl~y谪电流使势垒达了新的平衡.只要产生电子一奎穴对的源存在,辨垒就不可能回复刊原泉的平衡状态.而处于衬底中的多子空穴刚在势垒梯度影响下沿删向运动,处于多层膜中的电子,则在浓度梯度影响下沿着侧向运动.此种电子和空穴的侧向运动进一步又会消豫部分空间电荷,并增加横跨结的电子一空穴的复合.因此横向光生伏特伴随存位于辐射点处的内建势的降低r如果把非晶Si/Ti趣品格看作是均匀薄膜,由温差法预j试表明,这种超晶捂为^型, 园此对于生长在p型晶硅衬底上的Ⅱ型非晶Si/Ti超晶格,我们认为仍可使用Niu 等人处理结的理沧进行数学处理.由欧姆定理及连续性方程可得到措横向的电流方程;'d.J(x)/d=口V)………………<幻一E宣S;毒0新壬杯壮等:非l稿si/"超晶格的横向光披敛声167一一一一一-一'…L~一-0.=(qY./KT)(P/wrP/)……………"(3)其中B称为空间嵌减参数,口为电子电量,P和p为艇及衬雇电阻率,w和w为膜及衬底厚度,J.为ls曲ottky饱和电流管度(假定Schot~ky二极管理想因子为1).J.=ATexp(一$/KT)………………()A为丑i曲ard∞n常数r为绝对温度,而是薄膜与si界面的势垒高度.利用开路时,两端电流为零及辐射点,处位势连续,并满足下列条件;...,-一WEJ(x4-e)一J(,一e)]=2e日……………'(5)其中,为单位时间,单位面积内被分离的龟子一壁穴对.而,和单色光八射流h相联系:,=(1一R—A)nxez/x?t??…………"(6)其中R和A分别为非晶Si/Vi多层膜的反射率和暇收牟,为能够达到结区,并能有效分离的电子一空穴对占总的光生电子一空定对的率,e^为激发过程的量子系数.可解出方程(2)中的电流方程,站台欧姆定理,苟得壹{艇两端=0和x=I的电势差:=甲(0)一(f),48p(stnha|.~2).sinh~xJl/§).…—而_商h耐一_≥磊菇(1函五~…''';'一\扭坐标娠点穆益申点2-处,设=x—l/则有一--..:ll..f',.∞q—{n血...-4韶幽蕊'j(啦', (8)当2£《l及l的睛况下,上式可衙证为.'..:一,-.d=(2吲W埘 (9)即位势差应与光斑位置呈线性关系.当2£《f,且al>l时,去除式(8)分母中的负项,两边取l{数式(8)可简化为:ln中=A+Ⅱx;,-?-…?……-C10)萁中AIn(2eqlp'Wa)一0l/2.把圈G中样品w8_c殛Wg-f的横向光伏值取对数重新作圈(图5).可以看到,在光斑远离样品中点,光伏值与光斑位置关系很好地服从指数形式,由此可以求出式(i0)审的斜索G,We—e样品0为9.1c出而w9样品.为4.8cm~.由于前题是0l必然>l,因此实际上两样品的横向光伏使与位置关系是不可能得到线性关系的.由四探针法测得样品w8的o/w=196O/口,p/w200O/口,取A=32A/cm?K,由于使裔掺杂P型单晶硅衬底,合理地取:0.65ev…】,可由式(4)和式(3)计算出a=0.75cm~.因此对于w80,其af~1.与实验发现横向光伏值与光斑位置具竹很好的线性关系甚为符合.然而,取上述相同条件?圈5样品w8一e和w0的瞒向光生伏待的自抟对数}j光碰位置关系Fig.5.NaturallogarithmoflateralphotovoltageofsamplesW8-eandW0一fvetsu~1]$htspotpositions16g无杌料卷谢得的样品w9-f的方照电阻力p/W=300n/口,摆此计算的Ⅱ:0.84crll~,与赛验碍的口=4.8cm不相符台.同样w8-c样品,测得的p/W=I96O/7-,p/w=80a/E,取A:110A/era?k及=0.50ev_l,计算得到的口=21cm7,与宴啦求街的结果也相整甚远.对予上述后两样品的计算结果与实验不相符情况,是否对于wg—f样‰骂si子墓变,超晶格j能不能再作为均匀的薄陵处,至于改变与P型衬底接触的势垒分布. 而沉积前H型衬底上的w8一c样.,实际势垒高度可能要比引州的6=0.50eV耍来得大,或者是由于所取常数A过失导致与实验结果不符..奉文仅报道了蝗刊步的验结果,更进一步的寞验及其理论探讨仍存进行之中. 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HFritzsehe.C.C1aindDx.HanP.239Hirose,M.∞dMiyazaki,SJ.Non-Cr驿t.s0llds.66,1984:aa7Zhang,ZY.eta】:J.Non—Cryst.Solids,97晟g8,1987:929Kakalios.J.etal:JNan—CrystSolids,e∞4:339Cheng.RG.etal:AoplPhys+Ltt..4g,|g8S:s91,J.Non—CrystSolids,77&78,198j:1061ndCheng,R.G:ChirlesePhys.Lett,5,i988:49Hundl1如seh.M.etal:J.,Appl'.Phys-'81.987:55g.Tsai,CCetal:JNon—Cr,ystSolids,77盎B,t"9g6:995Street,RAandThomDson,MJ:ApplPhysLett,45,1984:Z69Abeles,Betal:JNon—Cryst.Solids,77&78,1985:1065Roxlo,CB.etat:(OpticalEffectina/oor曲oUssemlcondueto'rs~,Ed.byP.C.Tay】andS.GBishop,1984:433.[16]Schottky.W:PhysZ..31,J930:91317]Wallmark,JT:ProeInst.RadioEng,45,1957:47418]Willens,RH:Appi.PhysLett.,49,1986-:663[193Levlne,BFetal-:App1.PhysLett,4e,1986:153166g:20]wilcgnsR.Hetal:ibid,49,1986:1647[21]Su,zm.etal:J.Non—Cryst.Solids,97&98,'1987:1363[22:Niu,Helal:Jpn.aApplPhys,15.1留6:6012]=等:昂si:Ti趣品格的礴光伏效,:1G,qLater$t~evoltaicEf~eevjnAnn6rphOUSSi/Tisup】atliQes●WangShulinHuangYuhovtgLuoWeigenChengRuguang~hahghaiInstitufeor.C~rah~cs;Ae~aemibSilica),Abstract Thispaperreportsthelateralphotovoltaieofanewkindofsuperlattices12011一sisting哪amorphousSiandFithinfilmsdelx~it棚bymagnetronsputterins.Itis found1haIthelateral~pbotovoltaieeffectStronglydependstOnsublayerthicknesses ofsuperlatticesandconduetaneetypeofsubs('rateemliloyed.ThToughchoosing parametersreasonably,goodlinearrelationshipbetweenlateralphotovoltageand light§pOtposition'canbeobtained.'K.y们fd:Lateralpbotovoitaice胁cfISupe山It.icesIAmorphoussilicon~AmorphoustitaniumTbinfilm.…fCI一一…f"-零簪矗,§t乏:一.e毒0...。



Dynamic Modeling with Difference Equations
Xiong You
Department of Applied Mathematics Nanjing Agricultural University
Feb. 2009
X. You
1.1 The Malthusian Model 1.2 Nonlinear Models 1.3 Analyzing Nonlinear Models 1.4 Variations on the Logistic Model 1.5 Comments on Discrete and Continuous Models
The Malthusian Model
Biological phenomena to investigate: growth and interactions of an entire population evolution of DNA sequences inheritance of traits spread of disease, etc. Biological systems are marked by change and adaptation Difficulty: A large number of interactions and competing tendencies can make it difficult to see the full picture at once
X. You
1.1 The Malthusian Model 1.2 Nonlinear Models 1.3 Analyzing Nonlinear Models 1.4 Variations on the Logistic Model 1.5 Comments on Discrete and Continuous Models



非平滑非负矩阵分解及其应用研究的开题报告1. 研究背景矩阵分解在机器学习和数据挖掘等领域中具有广泛应用,因为它可以将高维数据映射到低维空间,并且可以从中提取出有用的信息。






2. 研究内容本研究的主要内容是非平滑NMF及其应用。










3. 研究意义本研究的意义如下:(1)探讨NSNMF在非平滑矩阵分解中的应用,为相关领域的研究提供重要思路和参考。



4. 研究方法本研究将采用以下方法:(1)对NSNMF模型进行分析和比较,选择合适的模型。






咱们将要紧了解:1.目前用于数字通信的基带码型2.过失操纵编译码五、实验内容:1.经常使用基带码型(1)利用MATLAB 函数wave_gen 来产生代表二进制序列的波形,函数wave_gen 的格式是:wave_gen(二进制码元,‘码型’,Rb)此处Rb 是二进制码元速度,单位为比特/秒(bps)。

产生如下的二进制序列:>> b = [1 0 1 0 1 1];利用Rb=1000bps 的单极性不归零码产生代表b的波形且显示波形x,填写图1-1:>> x = wave_gen(b,‘unipolar_nrz’,1000);>> waveplot(x)(2)用如下码型重复步骤(1)(提示:能够键入“help wave_gen”来获取帮忙),并做出相应的记录:a 双极性不归零码b 单极性归零码c 双极性归零码d 曼彻斯特码(manchester)x 10-3x 10-3图1-1 单极性不归零码图1-2双极性不归零码x 10-3x 10-32.过失操纵编译码(1) 利用MATLAB 函数encode 来对二进制序列进行过失操纵编码, 函数encode 的格式是:A .code = encode(msg,n,k,'linear/fmt',genmat)B .code = encode(msg,n,k,'cyclic/fmt',genpoly)C .code = encode(msg,n,k,'hamming/fmt',prim_poly)其中A .用于产生线性分组码,B .用于产生循环码,C .用于产生hamming 码,msg 为待编码二进制序列,n 为码字长度,k 为分组msg 长度,genmat 为生成矩阵,维数为k*n ,genpoly 为生成多项式,缺省情形下为cyclpoly(n,k)。

非极大值一致 nms的工作流程英语

非极大值一致 nms的工作流程英语

非极大值一致 nms的工作流程英语Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS)。

Non-maximum suppression (NMS) is a technique used in object detection to remove redundant bounding boxes that overlap with each other. It aims to retain only the most confident bounding boxes that are likely to contain the object of interest.Workflow of Non-Maximum Suppression.The workflow of NMS involves the following steps:1. Input: NMS takes as input a set of bounding boxes and their corresponding confidence scores.2. Sort Confidence Scores: The bounding boxes are sorted in descending order of their confidence scores.3. Iterate Over Bounding Boxes: The algorithm iteratesover the bounding boxes in descending order of their confidence scores.4. Select Best Bounding Box: The bounding box with the highest confidence score is selected as the best bounding box.5. Calculate Overlap: For each subsequent bounding box in the iteration, the algorithm calculates the overlap between it and the best bounding box.6. Suppress Overlapping Boxes: If the overlap between a subsequent bounding box and the best bounding box exceeds a predefined threshold, the subsequent bounding box is suppressed and removed from the list of bounding boxes.7. Repeat Until No Overlap: Steps 5 and 6 are repeated until there are no more overlapping bounding boxes.8. Output: The output of NMS is a set of non-overlapping bounding boxes that represent the most confident object detections.Threshold Selection.The threshold used for overlap calculation is crucialfor the effectiveness of NMS. A low threshold can result in excessive suppression, while a high threshold may lead to missed detections. The optimal threshold value depends on the specific object detection task and the size of the bounding boxes.Variations of Non-Maximum Suppression.There are several variations of the basic NMS algorithm, including:Soft NMS: This variation allows for partialsuppression of overlapping bounding boxes, preserving bounding boxes with lower confidence scores but higher overlap.Adaptive NMS: This variation adjusts the suppression threshold based on the size of the bounding boxes toaccommodate scale variations.Weighted NMS: This variation assigns weights to the bounding boxes based on their confidence scores and spatial locations to prioritize suppression of less important bounding boxes.Applications of Non-Maximum Suppression.NMS is widely used in object detection and computer vision applications, such as:Object localization.Image classification.Facial detection.Pedestrian detection.Vehicle detection.Scene understanding.Additional Notes:NMS is a greedy algorithm, meaning it makes locally optimal decisions at each step without considering thelong-term impact on the result.NMS can be computationally expensive for large sets of bounding boxes.Alternative approaches to NMS for removing redundant bounding boxes include grouping and clustering techniques.。



3.4.2 奇数对称直线阵列的布阵 ................................................................. 26 3.4.3 奇数对称直线阵列的仿真结果 ......................................................... 27 3.5 偶数对称直线阵列综合 ............................................................................... 32 3.5.1 偶数对称直线阵列适应度函数 ......................................................... 32 3.5.2 偶数对称直线阵列的布阵 ................................................................. 33 3.5.3 偶数对称直线阵列的仿真结果 ......................................................... 34 3.6 总结 ............................................................................................................... 37 第四章 基于凸优化技术的稀布阵列合成 ............................................................... 38 4.1 引言 ............................................................................................................... 38 4.2 压缩感知基本原理 ....................................................................................... 38 4.3 基于凸优化技术的线阵综合 ....................................................................... 39 4.4 阵列天线性能分析 ....................................................................................... 41 4.5 总结 ............................................................................................................... 44 第五章 总结与展望 ................................................................................................... 45 5.1 论文总结 ....................................................................................................... 45 5.2 未来展望 ....................................................................................................... 45 参考文献 ..................................................................................................................... 47 攻读学位期间取得的研究成果 ................................................................................. 52 致谢 ............................................................................................................................. 53 个人简况及联系方式 ................................................................................................. 54 承诺书 ......................................................................................................................... 55 学位论文使用授权声明 ............................................................................................. 55



非极大值抑制nms的工作流程英文回答:Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS)。

Non-maximum Suppression (NMS) is a post-processing technique commonly used in object detection algorithms to eliminate redundant bounding boxes and retain only the most confident detections. It operates on a set of bounding boxes and their corresponding confidence scores, and its primary objective is to select the best bounding box for each object while suppressing weaker overlapping boxes.Working Workflow of NMS.The NMS algorithm operates in the following sequence of steps:1. Sort Bounding Boxes by Confidence: The first step involves sorting all the bounding boxes based on theirconfidence scores. This arranges the boxes in descending order of confidence, with the most confident box ranked first.2. Iterate Through Bounding Boxes: Starting with the most confident box, NMS iteratively processes each bounding box.3. Compute IoU with Overlapping Boxes: For the current box, NMS calculates the Intersection over Union (IoU) with all the remaining boxes in the set. IoU measures the overlap between two bounding boxes and ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates no overlap and 1 represents complete overlap.4. Suppress Overlapping Boxes: If the IoU between the current box and any of the remaining boxes exceeds a predefined threshold (typically 0.5), the overlapping box with a lower confidence score is suppressed.5. Update Remaining Boxes: After suppressing the weaker overlapping box, NMS updates the set of remaining boxes byremoving the suppressed box.6. Repeat Steps 3-5: The algorithm repeats steps 3-5 until no more bounding boxes are left.Advantages of NMS.Reduces Redundancy: NMS eliminates unnecessary bounding boxes, which improves the detection accuracy and reduces the computational cost of subsequent processing steps.Improves Localization: By selecting the most confident bounding box for each object, NMS enhances the localization of object boundaries.Post-Processing Efficiency: NMS is a relatively lightweight post-processing technique that can beefficiently implemented in object detection algorithms.Disadvantages of NMS.Sensitivity to Hyperparameters: The performance of NMS can be affected by the choice of threshold values, which may need to be tuned for different datasets and applications.Potential Loss of Useful Bounding Boxes: In certain scenarios, NMS may suppress potentially valuable bounding boxes if they have lower confidence scores than overlapping boxes.中文回答:非极大值抑制(NMS)。



非精确线搜索条件下共轭梯度法的收敛性分析鞠静洁;庞德艳;杜守强【期刊名称】《江苏师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2014(000)003【摘要】Based on the study of the two conjugate gradient methods with the value of objective function by Hideaki and Yasushi,a new Wolf type line search is used to analyze their convergence properties.The discussion shows that the two kinds of conjugate gradient method with other inexact line search are also feasible.Finally,the effectiveness of the given conjugate gradient methods is shown by numerical results.%对Hideaki与Yasushi提出的两种使用目标函数值的共轭梯度法进行了研究,在一种新的Wolfe型线搜索条件下分析了它们的收敛性质。



【总页数】5页(P36-40)【作者】鞠静洁;庞德艳;杜守强【作者单位】青岛大学数学科学学院,山东青岛 266071;青岛大学数学科学学院,山东青岛 266071;青岛大学数学科学学院,山东青岛 266071【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O224【相关文献】1.非精确线搜索下一类新的混合共轭梯度法研究 [J], 孟姗姗;熊丽涢;廖月红2.一类新共轭梯度法在几种非精确线搜索下的收敛性 [J], 梁玉梅;刘云3.FR共轭梯度法在非精确线搜索下的收敛性质 [J], 雷伟华4.非精确线搜索条件下共轭梯度法的收敛性分析 [J], 鞠静洁;庞德艳;杜守强;5.几类非精确线搜索下共轭梯度法的收敛条件 [J], 刘云;梁玉梅因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



【摘要】为了得到超多参量光学系统的最佳设计,将标准遗传算法的二进制编码改为实数编码以提高算法的鲁棒性和计算效率,并在评价函数中混入逃逸函数避免优化过程陷入局部极值.用改进后的遗传算法和CODE V对鱼眼镜头光学系统和折反射全景成像系统的设计案例进行光学参量优化,并应用Zemax对两种优化结果进行光线追迹成像模拟.计算结果表明,应用改进遗传算法比混入逃逸函数的遗传算法或CODE V软件优化所得到光学系统的成像质量有明显提高,在优化超多参量光学系统时具有较为理想的鲁棒性和计算效率.
1.多种群实数编码遗传算法在多峰函数优化中的应用 [J], 覃柏英;秦文东;林贤坤
2.混入逃逸函数的遗传算法优化超大视场光学系统 [J], 常欢;吕丽军;刘鑫;王泽明
3.多种群实数编码遗传算法在多峰函数优化中的应用 [J], 覃柏英;秦文东;林贤坤;
4.用实数编码的遗传算法优化神经网络盲均衡算法 [J], 李沅;张丽
5.实数编码遗传算法优化的神经网络模型在岩溶水水位预报中的应用 [J], 李根义;朱学愚;钱家忠;王淑云

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Γ is parametrized by σ ∈ [0, 2π ], so we parametrized Σ as follows. We scan Σ with loops passing through x0 and being parametrized by τ ∈ [0, 2π ] such that τ = 0 is the infinitesimal loop around x0 and τ = 2π is Γ. We want to identify a surface Σ in SΓ M with such a parametrization by τ ∈ [0, 2π ]. Here we introduce a gauge field Aµ and an anti-symmetric tensor field Bµν . Then a two-dimensional “holonomy” operator V : SΓ M → G is defined by the differential equation (8) where (9) T (B, A; τ ) ≡
arXiv:hep-th/9802105v1 14 Feb 1998
Nonlinear Sigma Models in (1 + 2)-Dimensions and An Infinite Number of Conserved Currents
Kazuyuki FUJII∗ and Tatsuo SUZUKI†
∂xµ ∂xν λ δx × ∂σ ∂τ (10) where Dλ Bµν ≡ ∂λ Bµν + [Aλ , Bµν ]. If the R.H.S. of (10) vanishes, then δV (2π ) = 0. Namely V becomes surfaceindependent or V becomes a local function on Σ. A comment is in order. The R.H.S. of (10) is identified with the curvature of a principal G-bundle on the loop space ΩG. See the appendix in [3]. Now we can construct conserved charges from V . This is the main story of [3]. Next we must study the vanishing conditions of the R.H.S. of (10). First we restrict a Lie group G. Let g be its Lie algebra. Here we assume g is non-semisimple. If we set p be the radical of g, then g is decomposed into g = h ⊕ p by the Levi’s theorem [4]. Now we assume (11) Aµ ∈ g and B µν ∈ p. dxµ ν δx ] = 0. dσ −[T (B, A; τ ),

is very powerful and useful. But this is typical of one or two-dimensional cases. To generalize the method to higher dimensional cases beyond the two dimensions is not easy task. But recently Alvarez, Ferreira and Guillen in the interesting paper [3] proposed a new idea to generalize the method in two dimensions. In particular they defined a three dimensional integrability and applied their method to the CP 1-model in (1 + 2)-dimensions to obtain an infinite number of nontrivial conserved currents. But their results (calculation) are not complete. The aim of this paper is to give explicit forms to conserved currents of a submodel of CP 1 -model and also apply their ! method to other non-linear sigma models in (1 + 2)-dimensions to obtain an infinite number of nontrivial conserved currents.
Let W be a holonomy operator W : L0 M → G. That is, W is defined by the differential equation (2) dW dxµ + Aµ W = 0 on Γ ∈ L0 M, dσ dσ
where Aµ (µ = 0, 1, · · · , d) is a connection on a principal G-bundle on M . We set the initial condition W (0) = I . We note that W is not a local function of x = (xµ ) and is usually given by the path-ordered integral. We investigate the conditions under which W becomes local. For this aim we study a variation of W under deformations of Γ keeping the initial and end points (the boundary). The result is (3) W −1 (2π )δW (2π ) =
2π 0
dσW −1 Fµν W
dxµ ν δx , dσ
where Fµν is the curvature of Aµ , (4) Fµν ≡ ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ + [Aµ , Aν ]. 2
If this curvature vanishes (5) Fµν = 0,
then δW (2π ) = 0 from (3), so W becomes path-independent. Namely W is a local function on Γ (W = W (xµ (σ ))). From (2) Aµ is written as (6) Aµ = −∂µ W W −1.
2π 0
dV − V T (B, A; τ ) = 0 on Σ ∈ SΓ M dτ
dσW −1 Bµν W
∂xµ ∂xν 1 = ∂σ ∂τ 2
2π 0
dσW −1 Bµν W
∂ (xµ , xν ) ∂ (σ, τ )
and W is given by (2) and xµ = xµ (σ, τ ). We set the initial condition V (0) = I . In general there are an infinite number of methods to scan Σ in SΓ M . The quantity V in (8) should not depend on such methods. Therefore we assume Aµ be flat (Fµν = 0). Then W becomes local by the arguments below (5), so T = T (B, A; τ ) in (9) becomes also local. But V itself is still non-local. We research the conditions under which V becomes local. For this 3
Integrable models in (1 + 1)-dimensions are good toy models to understand (1 + 3)-dimensional field theories such as Yang-Mills one or Yang-Mills-Higgs one. See, for example, [1]. They have an infinite number of nontrivial conserved currents, which usually correspond to an infinite dimensional Lie algebra such as Kac-Moody algebra, Virasoro algebra or W-algebra. See [2]. For many such models the equations of motion are formulated in terms of the zero-curvature condition F01 = 0. Under this condition a holonomy operator doesn’t depend on paths whose end points are kept fixed. Then we can construct the conserved charges from this operator. See [3]. This method