The Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC) Deep Near-Infrared Imaging and the Selecti



基于以上考虑,本文的研究旨在提出可以正确描述船舶此类非线性运动的数值 模型,并在正确模拟船舶参数横摇的行为的基础上,理解参数横摇的形成机理,分 析参数横摇的发生过程,研究参数横摇的作用因素,最终编制可应用于参数横摇模 拟计算和分析的整套程序,为参数横摇问题在工程上的研究应用提供方便友好的平 台。
1.2 参数横摇研究进展
long-crest waves,wave group
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时也导致了船舶在波浪上的稳性特征值的变化。其中,船舶横摇恢复力矩作为保证 船舶安全的最为重要的参数受此变化影响最为严重。传统理论对船舶各个运动模态 的数值估计和预报是在船舶线性运动理论框架下进行的,适应于微幅运动,对于船 舶发生大幅度运动时所呈现强烈的非线性运动无法适用。参数横摇的存在揭示了船 舶海上客货安全和航行效率上存在的危险隐患.其影响强度是船舶频域幅值理念下 安全预报的盲区,因此正确预报船舶参数横摇的发生范围和危险程度势在必行。 1.1.2 研究目的
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A Tutorial of the Wavelet Transform

A Tutorial of the Wavelet Transform

Edited by Foxit Reader Copyright(C) by Foxit Corporation,2005-2010 For Evaluation Only.
Abstract Idea in the Approximation Example
From the point of linear algebra, we can decompose the signal into linear combination of the basis if the signal is in the the space spanned by the basis. In pp. 364-365 [1], it is, f (t) =
stop page 10 2012.11.3
Edited by Foxit Reader Copyright(C) by Foxit Corporation,2005-2010 For Evaluation Only.
A Tutorial of the Wavelet Transform
Chun-Lin, Liu February 23, 2010
Edited by Foxit Reader Copyright(C) by Foxit Corporation,2005-2010 For Evaluation Only.
In 1988, Stephane Mallat and Meyer proposed the concept of multiresolution. In the same year, Ingrid Daubechies found a systematical method to construct the compact support orthogonal wavelet. In 1989, Mallat proposed the fast wavelet transform. With the appearance of this fast algorithm, the wavelet transform had numerous applications in the signal processing field. Summarize the history. We have the following table:










1实验现象实验装置如图1所示,在一透明方形水箱(长l= 53cm,宽w=39cm,水深h=13cm)中进行实验,振子取为圆柱体。




P- and S-wave separated elastic wave equation numerical modeling using 2D staggered-grid

P- and S-wave separated elastic wave equation numerical modeling using 2D staggered-grid

SEG/San Antonio 2007 Annual Meeting
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P- and S-wave separate Elastic wave equation numerical modeling using 2D staggered-grid
u = u p + us v = v p + vs w = w p + ws ∂ 2u p ∂t ∂t
u p,vp, wp} S p = { S s = {u s , v s , w s }
(2)Байду номын сангаас
is non-
is non-rotational P-wave field, and
dispersed pure S-wave field, equation (1) will become (Ma Detang, 2003):
In order to apply staggered-grid technique, we let ∂ τ xz ∂v x ∂ τ xx + = B ∂z ∂ ∂t x ∂ τ zz ∂v z ∂ τ xz + = B (5) ∂z ∂t ∂x ∂ τ xx ∂v x ∂v z = (λ + 2 µ ) + λ ∂z ∂t ∂x ∂v x ∂v z ∂ τ zz + λ = (λ + 2 µ ) ∂x ∂z ∂t ∂ τ xz ∂v z ∂v x = µ + ∂x ∂t ∂z
Summary Traditional numerical modeling method using secondorder elasti

Laser Ranging to the Moon, Mars and Beyond

Laser Ranging to the Moon, Mars and Beyond

a r X i v :g r -q c /0411082v 1 16 N o v 2004Laser Ranging to the Moon,Mars and BeyondSlava G.Turyshev,James G.Williams,Michael Shao,John D.AndersonJet Propulsion Laboratory,California Institute of Technology,4800Oak Grove Drive,Pasadena,CA 91109,USAKenneth L.Nordtvedt,Jr.Northwest Analysis,118Sourdough Ridge Road,Bozeman,MT 59715USA Thomas W.Murphy,Jr.Physics Department,University of California,San Diego 9500Gilman Dr.,La Jolla,CA 92093USA Abstract Current and future optical technologies will aid exploration of the Moon and Mars while advancing fundamental physics research in the solar system.Technologies and possible improvements in the laser-enabled tests of various physical phenomena are considered along with a space architecture that could be the cornerstone for robotic and human exploration of the solar system.In particular,accurate ranging to the Moon and Mars would not only lead to construction of a new space communication infrastructure enabling an improved navigational accuracy,but will also provide a significant improvement in several tests of gravitational theory:the equivalence principle,geodetic precession,PPN parameters βand γ,and possible variation of the gravitational constant G .Other tests would become possible with an optical architecture that would allow proceeding from meter to centimeter to millimeter range accuracies on interplanetary distances.This paper discusses the current state and the future improvements in the tests of relativistic gravity with Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR).We also consider precision gravitational tests with the future laser rangingto Mars and discuss optical design of the proposed Laser Astrometric Test of Relativity (LATOR)mission.We emphasize that already existing capabilities can offer significant improvements not only in the tests of fundamental physics,but may also establish the infrastructure for space exploration in the near future.Looking to future exploration,what characteristics are desired for the next generation of ranging devices,what is the optimal architecture that would benefit both space exploration and fundamental physics,and what fundamental questions can be investigated?We try to answer these questions.1IntroductionThe recent progress in fundamental physics research was enabled by significant advancements in many technological areas with one of the examples being the continuing development of the NASA Deep Space Network –critical infrastructure for precision navigation and communication in space.A demonstration of such a progress is the recent Cassini solar conjunction experiment[8,6]that was possible only because of the use of Ka-band(∼33.4GHz)spacecraft radio-tracking capabilities.The experiment was part of the ancillary science program–a by-product of this new radio-tracking technology.Becasue of a much higher data rate transmission and, thus,larger data volume delivered from large distances the higher communication frequency was a very important mission capability.The higher frequencies are also less affected by the dispersion in the solar plasma,thus allowing a more extensive coverage,when depp space navigation is concerned.There is still a possibility of moving to even higher radio-frequencies, say to∼60GHz,however,this would put us closer to the limit that the Earth’s atmosphere imposes on signal transmission.Beyond these frequencies radio communication with distant spacecraft will be inefficient.The next step is switching to optical communication.Lasers—with their spatial coherence,narrow spectral emission,high power,and well-defined spatial modes—are highly useful for many space applications.While in free-space,optical laser communication(lasercomm)would have an advantage as opposed to the conventional radio-communication sercomm would provide not only significantly higher data rates(on the order of a few Gbps),it would also allow a more precise navigation and attitude control.The latter is of great importance for manned missions in accord the“Moon,Mars and Beyond”Space Exploration Initiative.In fact,precision navigation,attitude control,landing,resource location, 3-dimensional imaging,surface scanning,formationflying and many other areas are thought only in terms of laser-enabled technologies.Here we investigate how a near-future free-space optical communication architecture might benefit progress in gravitational and fundamental physics experiments performed in the solar system.This paper focuses on current and future optical technologies and methods that will advance fundamental physics research in the context of solar system exploration.There are many activities that focused on the design on an optical transceiver system which will work at the distance comparable to that between the Earth and Mars,and test it on the Moon.This paper summarizes required capabilities for such a system.In particular,we discuss how accurate laser ranging to the neighboring celestial bodies,the Moon and Mars,would not only lead to construction of a new space communication infrastructure with much improved navigational accuracy,it will also provide a significant improvement in several tests of gravitational theory. Looking to future exploration,we address the characteristics that are desired for the next generation of ranging devices;we will focus on optimal architecture that would benefit both space exploration and fundamental physics,and discuss the questions of critical importance that can be investigated.This paper is organized as follows:Section2discusses the current state and future per-formance expected with the LLR technology.Section3addresses the possibility of improving tests of gravitational theories with laser ranging to Mars.Section4addresses the next logical step—interplanetary laser ranging.We discuss the mission proposal for the Laser Astrometric Test of Relativity(LATOR).We present a design for its optical receiver system.Section5 addresses a proposal for new multi-purpose space architecture based on optical communica-tion.We present a preliminary design and discuss implications of this new proposal for tests of fundamental physics.We close with a summary and recommendations.2LLR Contribution to Fundamental PhysicsDuring more than35years of its existence lunar laser ranging has become a critical technique available for precision tests of gravitational theory.The20th century progress in three seem-ingly unrelated areas of human exploration–quantum optics,astronomy,and human spaceexploration,led to the construction of this unique interplanetary instrument to conduct very precise tests of fundamental physics.In this section we will discuss the current state in LLR tests of relativistic gravity and explore what could be possible in the near future.2.1Motivation for Precision Tests of GravityThe nature of gravity is fundamental to our understanding of the structure and evolution of the universe.This importance motivates various precision tests of gravity both in laboratories and in space.Most of the experimental underpinning for theoretical gravitation has come from experiments conducted in the solar system.Einstein’s general theory of relativity(GR)began its empirical success in1915by explaining the anomalous perihelion precession of Mercury’s orbit,using no adjustable theoretical parameters.Eddington’s observations of the gravitational deflection of light during a solar eclipse in1919confirmed the doubling of the deflection angles predicted by GR as compared to Newtonian and Equivalence Principle(EP)arguments.Follow-ing these beginnings,the general theory of relativity has been verified at ever-higher accuracy. Thus,microwave ranging to the Viking landers on Mars yielded an accuracy of∼0.2%from the gravitational time-delay tests of GR[48,44,49,50].Recent spacecraft and planetary mi-crowave radar observations reached an accuracy of∼0.15%[4,5].The astrometric observations of the deflection of quasar positions with respect to the Sun performed with Very-Long Base-line Interferometry(VLBI)improved the accuracy of the tests of gravity to∼0.045%[45,51]. Lunar Laser Ranging(LLR),the continuing legacy of the Apollo program,has provided ver-ification of GR improving an accuracy to∼0.011%via precision measurements of the lunar orbit[62,63,30,31,32,35,24,36,4,68].The recent time-delay experiments with the Cassini spacecraft at a solar conjunction have tested gravity to a remarkable accuracy of0.0023%[8] in measuring deflection of microwaves by solar gravity.Thus,almost ninety years after general relativity was born,Einstein’s theory has survived every test.This rare longevity and the absence of any adjustable parameters,does not mean that this theory is absolutely correct,but it serves to motivate more sensitive tests searching for its expected violation.The solar conjunction experiments with the Cassini spacecraft have dramatically improved the accuracy in the solar system tests of GR[8].The reported accuracy of2.3×10−5in measuring the Eddington parameterγ,opens a new realm for gravitational tests,especially those motivated by the on-going progress in scalar-tensor theories of gravity.1 In particular,scalar-tensor extensions of gravity that are consistent with present cosmological models[15,16,17,18,19,20,39]predict deviations of this parameter from its GR value of unity at levels of10−5to10−7.Furthermore,the continuing inability to unify gravity with the other forces indicates that GR should be violated at some level.The Cassini result together with these theoretical predictions motivate new searches for possible GR violations;they also provide a robust theoretical paradigm and constructive guidance for experiments that would push beyond the present experimental accuracy for parameterized post-Newtonian(PPN)parameters(for details on the PPN formalism see[60]).Thus,in addition to experiments that probe the GR prediction for the curvature of the gravityfield(given by parameterγ),any experiment pushingthe accuracy in measuring the degree of non-linearity of gravity superposition(given by anotherEddington parameterβ)will also be of great interest.This is a powerful motive for tests ofgravitational physics phenomena at improved accuracies.Analyses of laser ranges to the Moon have provided increasingly stringent limits on anyviolation of the Equivalence Principle(EP);they also enabled very accurate measurements fora number of relativistic gravity parameters.2.2LLR History and Scientific BackgroundLLR has a distinguished history[24,9]dating back to the placement of a retroreflector array onthe lunar surface by the Apollo11astronauts.Additional reflectors were left by the Apollo14and Apollo15astronauts,and two French-built reflector arrays were placed on the Moon by theSoviet Luna17and Luna21missions.Figure1shows the weighted RMS residual for each year.Early accuracies using the McDonald Observatory’s2.7m telescope hovered around25cm. Equipment improvements decreased the ranging uncertainty to∼15cm later in the1970s.In1985the2.7m ranging system was replaced with the McDonald Laser Ranging System(MLRS).In the1980s ranges were also received from Haleakala Observatory on the island of Maui in theHawaiian chain and the Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur(OCA)in France.Haleakala ceasedoperations in1990.A sequence of technical improvements decreased the range uncertainty tothe current∼2cm.The2.7m telescope had a greater light gathering capability than thenewer smaller aperture systems,but the newer systemsfired more frequently and had a muchimproved range accuracy.The new systems do not distinguish returning photons against thebright background near full Moon,which the2.7m telescope could do,though there are somemodern eclipse observations.The lasers currently used in the ranging operate at10Hz,with a pulse width of about200 psec;each pulse contains∼1018photons.Under favorable observing conditions a single reflectedphoton is detected once every few seconds.For data processing,the ranges represented by thereturned photons are statistically combined into normal points,each normal point comprisingup to∼100photons.There are15553normal points are collected until March2004.Themeasured round-trip travel times∆t are two way,but in this paper equivalent ranges in lengthunits are c∆t/2.The conversion between time and length(for distance,residuals,and dataaccuracy)uses1nsec=15cm.The ranges of the early1970s had accuracies of approximately25cm.By1976the accuracies of the ranges had improved to about15cm.Accuracies improvedfurther in the mid-1980s;by1987they were4cm,and the present accuracies are∼2cm.One immediate result of lunar ranging was the great improvement in the accuracy of the lunarephemeris[62]and lunar science[67].LLR measures the range from an observatory on the Earth to a retroreflector on the Moon. For the Earth and Moon orbiting the Sun,the scale of relativistic effects is set by the ratio(GM/rc2)≃v2/c2∼10−8.The center-to-center distance of the Moon from the Earth,with mean value385,000km,is variable due to such things as eccentricity,the attraction of the Sun,planets,and the Earth’s bulge,and relativistic corrections.In addition to the lunar orbit,therange from an observatory on the Earth to a retroreflector on the Moon depends on the positionin space of the ranging observatory and the targeted lunar retroreflector.Thus,orientation ofthe rotation axes and the rotation angles of both bodies are important with tidal distortions,plate motion,and relativistic transformations also coming into play.To extract the gravitationalphysics information of interest it is necessary to accurately model a variety of effects[68].For a general review of LLR see[24].A comprehensive paper on tests of gravitationalphysics is[62].A recent test of the EP is in[4]and other GR tests are in[64].An overviewFigure1:Historical accuracy of LLR data from1970to2004.of the LLR gravitational physics tests is given by Nordtvedt[37].Reviews of various tests of relativity,including the contribution by LLR,are given in[58,60].Our recent paper describes the model improvements needed to achieve mm-level accuracy for LLR[66].The most recent LLR results are given in[68].2.3Tests of Relativistic Gravity with LLRLLR offers very accurate laser ranging(weighted rms currently∼2cm or∼5×10−11in frac-tional accuracy)to retroreflectors on the Moon.Analysis of these very precise data contributes to many areas of fundamental and gravitational physics.Thus,these high-precision studies of the Earth-Moon-Sun system provide the most sensitive tests of several key properties of weak-field gravity,including Einstein’s Strong Equivalence Principle(SEP)on which general relativity rests(in fact,LLR is the only current test of the SEP).LLR data yielded the strongest limits to date on variability of the gravitational constant(the way gravity is affected by the expansion of the universe),and the best measurement of the de Sitter precession rate.In this Section we discuss these tests in more details.2.3.1Tests of the Equivalence PrincipleThe Equivalence Principle,the exact correspondence of gravitational and inertial masses,is a central assumption of general relativity and a unique feature of gravitation.EP tests can therefore be viewed in two contexts:tests of the foundations of general relativity,or as searches for new physics.As emphasized by Damour[12,13],almost all extensions to the standard modelof particle physics(with best known extension offered by string theory)generically predict newforces that would show up as apparent violations of the EP.The weak form the EP(the WEP)states that the gravitational properties of strong and electro-weak interactions obey the EP.In this case the relevant test-body differences are their fractional nuclear-binding differences,their neutron-to-proton ratios,their atomic charges,etc. General relativity,as well as other metric theories of gravity,predict that the WEP is exact. However,extensions of the Standard Model of Particle Physics that contain new macroscopic-range quantumfields predict quantum exchange forces that will generically violate the WEP because they couple to generalized‘charges’rather than to mass/energy as does gravity[17,18]. WEP tests can be conducted with laboratory or astronomical bodies,because the relevant differences are in the test-body compositions.Easily the most precise tests of the EP are made by simply comparing the free fall accelerations,a1and a2,of different test bodies.For the case when the self-gravity of the test bodies is negligible and for a uniform external gravityfield, with the bodies at the same distance from the source of the gravity,the expression for the Equivalence Principle takes the most elegant form:∆a= M G M I 2(1)(a1+a2)where M G and M I represent gravitational and inertial masses of each body.The sensitivity of the EP test is determined by the precision of the differential acceleration measurement divided by the degree to which the test bodies differ(position).The strong form of the EP(the SEP)extends the principle to cover the gravitational properties of gravitational energy itself.In other words it is an assumption about the way that gravity begets gravity,i.e.about the non-linear property of gravitation.Although general relativity assumes that the SEP is exact,alternate metric theories of gravity such as those involving scalarfields,and other extensions of gravity theory,typically violate the SEP[30,31, 32,35].For the SEP case,the relevant test body differences are the fractional contributions to their masses by gravitational self-energy.Because of the extreme weakness of gravity,SEP test bodies that differ significantly must have astronomical sizes.Currently the Earth-Moon-Sun system provides the best arena for testing the SEP.The development of the parameterized post-Newtonian formalism[31,56,57],allows one to describe within the common framework the motion of celestial bodies in external gravitational fields within a wide class of metric theories of gravity.Over the last35years,the PPN formalism has become a useful framework for testing the SEP for extended bodies.In that formalism,the ratio of passive gravitational to inertial mass to thefirst order is given by[30,31]:M GMc2 ,(2) whereηis the SEP violation parameter(discussed below),M is the mass of a body and E is its gravitational binding or self-energy:E2Mc2 V B d3x d3yρB(x)ρB(y)EMc2 E=−4.64×10−10andwhere the subscripts E and m denote the Earth and Moon,respectively.The relatively small size bodies used in the laboratory experiments possess a negligible amount of gravitational self-energy and therefore such experiments indicate nothing about the equality of gravitational self-energy contributions to the inertial and passive gravitational masses of the bodies [30].TotesttheSEP onemustutilize planet-sizedextendedbodiesinwhichcase theratioEq.(3)is considerably higher.Dynamics of the three-body Sun-Earth-Moon system in the solar system barycentric inertial frame was used to search for the effect of a possible violation of the Equivalence Principle.In this frame,the quasi-Newtonian acceleration of the Moon (m )with respect to the Earth (E ),a =a m −a E ,is calculated to be:a =−µ∗rM I m µS r SEr 3Sm + M G M I m µS r SEr 3+µS r SEr 3Sm +η E Mc 2 m µS r SEMc 2 E − E n 2−(n −n ′)2n ′2a ′cos[(n −n ′)t +D 0].(8)Here,n denotes the sidereal mean motion of the Moon around the Earth,n ′the sidereal mean motion of the Earth around the Sun,and a ′denotes the radius of the orbit of the Earth around the Sun (assumed circular).The argument D =(n −n ′)t +D 0with near synodic period is the mean longitude of the Moon minus the mean longitude of the Sun and is zero at new Moon.(For a more precise derivation of the lunar range perturbation due to the SEP violation acceleration term in Eq.(6)consult [62].)Any anomalous radial perturbation will be proportional to cos D .Expressed in terms ofη,the radial perturbation in Eq.(8)isδr∼13ηcos D meters [38,21,22].This effect,generalized to all similar three body situations,the“SEP-polarization effect.”LLR investigates the SEP by looking for a displacement of the lunar orbit along the direction to the Sun.The equivalence principle can be split into two parts:the weak equivalence principle tests the sensitivity to composition and the strong equivalence principle checks the dependence on mass.There are laboratory investigations of the weak equivalence principle(at University of Washington)which are about as accurate as LLR[7,1].LLR is the dominant test of the strong equivalence principle.The most accurate test of the SEP violation effect is presently provided by LLR[61,48,23],and also in[24,62,63,4].Recent analysis of LLR data test the EP of∆(M G/M I)EP=(−1.0±1.4)×10−13[68].This result corresponds to a test of the SEP of∆(M G/M I)SEP=(−2.0±2.0)×10−13with the SEP violation parameter η=4β−γ−3found to beη=(4.4±4.5)×10−ing the recent Cassini result for the PPN parameterγ,PPN parameterβis determined at the level ofβ−1=(1.2±1.1)×10− Tests of Gravity with LLRLLR data yielded the strongest limits to date on variability of the gravitational constant(the way gravity is affected by the expansion of the universe),the best measurement of the de Sitter precession rate,and is relied upon to generate accurate astronomical ephemerides.The possibility of a time variation of the gravitational constant,G,wasfirst considered by Dirac in1938on the basis of his large number hypothesis,and later developed by Brans and Dicke in their theory of gravitation(for more details consult[59,60]).Variation might be related to the expansion of the Universe,in which case˙G/G=σH0,where H0is the Hubble constant, andσis a dimensionless parameter whose value depends on both the gravitational constant and the cosmological model considered.Revival of interest in Brans-Dicke-like theories,with a variable G,was partially motivated by the appearance of superstring theories where G is considered to be a dynamical quantity[26].Two limits on a change of G come from LLR and planetary ranging.This is the second most important gravitational physics result that LLR provides.GR does not predict a changing G,but some other theories do,thus testing for this effect is important.The current LLR ˙G/G=(4±9)×10−13yr−1is the most accurate limit published[68].The˙G/G uncertaintyis83times smaller than the inverse age of the universe,t0=13.4Gyr with the value for Hubble constant H0=72km/sec/Mpc from the WMAP data[52].The uncertainty for˙G/G is improving rapidly because its sensitivity depends on the square of the data span.This fact puts LLR,with its more then35years of history,in a clear advantage as opposed to other experiments.LLR has also provided the only accurate determination of the geodetic precession.Ref.[68]reports a test of geodetic precession,which expressed as a relative deviation from GR,is K gp=−0.0019±0.0064.The GP-B satellite should provide improved accuracy over this value, if that mission is successfully completed.LLR also has the capability of determining PPNβandγdirectly from the point-mass orbit perturbations.A future possibility is detection of the solar J2from LLR data combined with the planetary ranging data.Also possible are dark matter tests,looking for any departure from the inverse square law of gravity,and checking for a variation of the speed of light.The accurate LLR data has been able to quickly eliminate several suggested alterations of physical laws.The precisely measured lunar motion is a reality that any proposed laws of attraction and motion must satisfy.The above investigations are important to gravitational physics.The future LLR data will improve the above investigations.Thus,future LLR data of current accuracy would con-tinue to shrink the uncertainty of˙G because of the quadratic dependence on data span.The equivalence principle results would improve more slowly.To make a big improvement in the equivalence principle uncertainty requires improved range accuracy,and that is the motivation for constructing the APOLLO ranging facility in New Mexico.2.4Future LLR Data and APOLLO facilityIt is essential that acquisition of the new LLR data will continue in the future.Accuracies∼2cm are now achieved,and further very useful improvement is expected.Inclusion of improved data into LLR analyses would allow a correspondingly more precise determination of the gravitational physics parameters under study.LLR has remained a viable experiment with fresh results over35years because the data accuracies have improved by an order of magnitude(see Figure1).There are prospects for future LLR station that would provide another order of magnitude improvement.The Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging Operation(APOLLO)is a new LLR effort designed to achieve mm range precision and corresponding order-of-magnitude gains in measurements of fundamental physics parameters.For thefirst time in the LLR history,using a3.5m telescope the APOLLO facility will push LLR into a new regime of multiple photon returns with each pulse,enabling millimeter range precision to be achieved[29,66].The anticipated mm-level range accuracy,expected from APOLLO,has a potential to test the EP with a sensitivity approaching10−14.This accuracy would yield sensitivity for parameterβat the level of∼5×10−5and measurements of the relative change in the gravitational constant,˙G/G, would be∼0.1%the inverse age of the universe.The overwhelming advantage APOLLO has over current LLR operations is a3.5m astro-nomical quality telescope at a good site.The site in southern New Mexico offers high altitude (2780m)and very good atmospheric“seeing”and image quality,with a median image resolu-tion of1.1arcseconds.Both the image sharpness and large aperture conspire to deliver more photons onto the lunar retroreflector and receive more of the photons returning from the re-flectors,pared to current operations that receive,on average,fewer than0.01 photons per pulse,APOLLO should be well into the multi-photon regime,with perhaps5–10 return photons per pulse.With this signal rate,APOLLO will be efficient atfinding and track-ing the lunar return,yielding hundreds of times more photons in an observation than current√operations deliver.In addition to the significant reduction in statistical error(useful).These new reflectors on the Moon(and later on Mars)can offer significant navigational accuracy for many space vehicles on their approach to the lunar surface or during theirflight around the Moon,but they also will contribute significantly to fundamental physics research.The future of lunar ranging might take two forms,namely passive retroreflectors and active transponders.The advantages of new installations of passive retroreflector arrays are their long life and simplicity.The disadvantages are the weak returned signal and the spread of the reflected pulse arising from lunar librations(apparent changes in orientation of up to10 degrees).Insofar as the photon timing error budget is dominated by the libration-induced pulse spread—as is the case in modern lunar ranging—the laser and timing system parameters do√not influence the net measurement uncertainty,which simply scales as1/3Laser Ranging to MarsThere are three different experiments that can be done with accurate ranges to Mars:a test of the SEP(similar to LLR),a solar conjunction experiment measuring the deflection of light in the solar gravity,similar to the Cassini experiment,and a search for temporal variation in the gravitational constant G.The Earth-Mars-Sun-Jupiter system allows for a sensitive test of the SEP which is qualitatively different from that provided by LLR[3].Furthermore,the outcome of these ranging experiments has the potential to improve the values of the two relativistic parameters—a combination of PPN parametersη(via test of SEP)and a direct observation of the PPN parameterγ(via Shapiro time delay or solar conjunction experiments).(This is quite different compared to LLR,as the small variation of Shapiro time delay prohibits very accurate independent determination of the parameterγ).The Earth-Mars range would also provide for a very accurate test of˙G/G.This section qualitatively addresses the near-term possibility of laser ranging to Mars and addresses the above three effects.3.1Planetary Test of the SEP with Ranging to MarsEarth-Mars ranging data can provide a useful estimate of the SEP parameterηgiven by Eq.(7). It was demonstrated in[3]that if future Mars missions provide ranging measurements with an accuracy ofσcentimeters,after ten years of ranging the expected accuracy for the SEP parameterηmay be of orderσ×10−6.These ranging measurements will also provide the most accurate determination of the mass of Jupiter,independent of the SEP effect test.It has been observed previously that a measurement of the Sun’s gravitational to inertial mass ratio can be performed using the Sun-Jupiter-Mars or Sun-Jupiter-Earth system[33,47,3]. The question we would like to answer here is how accurately can we do the SEP test given the accurate ranging to Mars?We emphasize that the Sun-Mars-Earth-Jupiter system,though governed basically by the same equations of motion as Sun-Earth-Moon system,is significantly different physically.For a given value of SEP parameterηthe polarization effects on the Earth and Mars orbits are almost two orders of magnitude larger than on the lunar orbit.Below we examine the SEP effect on the Earth-Mars range,which has been measured as part of the Mariner9and Viking missions with ranging accuracy∼7m[48,44,41,43].The main motivation for our analysis is the near-future Mars missions that should yield ranging data, accurate to∼1cm.This accuracy would bring additional capabilities for the precision tests of fundamental and gravitational physics.3.1.1Analytical Background for a Planetary SEP TestThe dynamics of the four-body Sun-Mars-Earth-Jupiter system in the Solar system barycentric inertial frame were considered.The quasi-Newtonian acceleration of the Earth(E)with respect to the Sun(S),a SE=a E−a S,is straightforwardly calculated to be:a SE=−µ∗SE·r SE MI Eb=M,Jµb r bS r3bE + M G M I E b=M,Jµb r bS。

Neutrino flux predictions for Galactic plerions

Neutrino flux predictions for Galactic plerions

a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0209537v 1 25 S e p 2002Neutrino flux predictions for galactic plerionsDafne Guetta a ,1&Elena Amato a ,2a INAF/IstitutoNazionale di AstrofisicaOsservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri Largo E.Fermi 5,I–50125Firenze,Italy1IntroductionPlerions are supernova remnants (SNRs)with a filled morphology.These rem-nants are characterized by a center-brightened nebula often seen in the radio and X-ray wavelenghts and believed to be powered by an embedded pulsar.Typified by the Crab Nebula,they have non thermal spectra at all wave-lengths.They have a flat power-law spectral index (α∼0−0.3,S ν∼ν−α)in the radio band and hard photon index (γ∼2,γ=α+1)in the X-ray band.Out of ∼220Galactic SNRs only about 10%are classified as plerions (or Crab-like SNRs)[10].Plerion spectra are usually well interpreted from the radio to the X-ray band as synchrotron emission of a population of relativistic pairs continuously sup-plied by the central pulsar.At higher energies the Inverse Compton Scattering of the same electrons and positrons offeither an internal or external target radiation can play a role.However it is not clear whether this latter processcan be responsible for the emission recently observed from a few objects at TeV energies[16].An alternative mechanism to produce TeV photons may be the decay of neutral pions produced through nuclear collisions of relativistic protons.In this paper we investigate the consequences of a possible hadronic origin of these TeV detections.Following the line of a recent work by Alvarez-Mu˜n iz &Halzen[3],we compute the high energy neutrinoflux at earth andfind that the predictedfluxes may be detectable by large,km2effective area,high energy neutrino telescopes,such as the planned south pole detector IceCube [12]or the Mediterranean sea detectors under construction(ANTARES,[4]; NESTOR,[14])and planning(NEMO,[15];see Ref.[11]for a recent review). 2TeV observations of plerionsFour plerions have been so far detected at TeV energies,while upper limits ex-ist for a few others.The objects for which the detection is at a high confidence level(>∼4σ)are:the Crab Nebula[2],the Vela X SNR[20],the pulsar wind nebula around PSR1706-44[13]and the radio nebula surrounding PSR1509-58[16].The VHE emission is unpulsed and therefore likely to be associated to the pulsar wind nebula rather than to the pulsar magnetosphere.In Table2we report the list of pulsar wind bubbles which have been detected at TeV energies,supplied with the central pulsar luminosity and distance(Ref.[1]and references therein),and the observed TeV spectrum.Two of the objects in the table deserve some comment.First of all,it should be noticed that the association between pulsar B1706-44and the remnant G343.1-2.3is questionable as discussed by Giacani et al.[9],and in the following we refer to the radio nebula detected by Frail et al.[6]as the remnant associated to this pulsar.As to B1509-58,this pulsar is found in a very extended supernova remnant with a complex morphology.However a synchrotron nebula has been found with confidence surrounding the pulsar at X-ray frequencies[17,18,5],although no pulsar wind bubble has been detected at radio frequencies[8].Moreover the spectral index at TeV energies has not been determined with confidence [16].In the following we use a value of2.5in analogy with the spectra of the other objects and derive the normalization from the integrated photonflux measured by CANGAROO.As we mentioned in the introduction,a possible mechanism to interpret the TeVfluxes is the Inverse Compton Scattering(ICS),on the ambient photonTable1Pulsar wind bubbles detected at TeV energies.The name of the pulsar and its associ-ated remnant are reported in thefirst two columns.The pulsar bolometric luminosity and distance from Earth are in the third and fourth column respectively.In the last column the TeV spectrum as given in the references cited above is reported.135SNR dkpcB0531+215 2.8(E/TeV)−2.6Vela.5B1706-440.0340.23(E/1TeV)−2.5MSH15-52 4.4L sync =w CMBTeV 1/2,(2)where Eγis the photon energy.Therefore the synchrotron photons emitted bythe same electrons will have a typical energy of:ǫsync≃0.08B−5keV,(3) where B−5is the nebular magneticfield in units of10−5Gauss.This value of the magneticfield strength is of order of that typically estimated for these nebulae assuming equipartition.If the TeVflux is due to ICS on the CMB,we thenfind for the magneticfield strength:B IC=3×10−6 L x2468L R spectral B eq B ICGHz pc1035erg/sB0531+2110−2−102 1.5150B0833-4510−2−1020.20.12B1706-4410−2−102 1.30.01B1509-58-70.6and Vela a noticeable discrepancy(a factor of4and10respectively)is found. For these two objects the possibility that the TeV emission is due to hadronic processes is particularly appealing.If this is actually the case,then we expect a neutrinoflux from these sources that we compute in the next section.3Neutrino eventsA way to disentangle electromagnetic and hadronic sources of high energy γ-ray emission observationally is to look for the neutrino signals.Relativistic protons may produce TeVγ-rays either by photo-meson production or inelastic nuclear collisions.The relative importance of the two processes depends on the target density of radiation and matter in the source.The main difference,as far as their outcome is concerned,is in the fraction of energy that goes into charged pions compared to neutral ones.This translates in a different ratio between the total neutrino and photon energyflux.In the case of plerions the most likely process at work is p-p scattering,as can be readily seen by comparing the rates of photomeson production and p-p scattering estimated below.For photo-meson production the target for high energy protons is the plerion emission.The fractional energy loss rate of a proton with energy E p(=Γm p c2) due to pion production results in(Ref.[19]):t−1pγ(E p)≃2p+1ǫpeak d4πh≃2.5×10−162p+1R pc2Fνp[mJy]yr−1.(5)Here we have treated the plerion as homogeneous and used the fact that the photon spectrum is a power law,Fν∝ν−p.We have also made the approx-imation that the main contribution to pion production comes from photon energiesǫγ≈ǫpeak=0.3GeV,where the p-γcross section peaks due to the∆resonance.The numerical values are obtained using:σpeak=5×10−28cm2,ξpeak=0.2,∆ǫ=0.2GeV,νp=ǫpeak/(Γh)andβp≃1.Finally we have scaled the nebular radius and distance to the typical values of1pc and1kpc,re-spectively(R pc=R N/pc and d kpc=d/kpc),and expressed the nebular synchrotron radiationflux in units of mJy.The energy loss-rate of a relativistic proton due to inelastic nuclear collisionscan be estimated ast−1pp≈ζn tσ0c≈ζM N4πR3Nσ0c,(6)where n t is the target density,which we have expressed in terms of the nebular radius R N and content of thermal material M N.Introducing in Eq.6the numerical values of the cross section for p-p scattering,σ0=5×10−26cm2, and of the average fraction of energy lost by the proton,ζ≃20%,we obtain: t−1pp≈10−7M N⊙dEνdEν=E maxγE minγEγdNγdEγ(2Eν)Pνµ(Eν)dEν,(9)where Pνµ=1.3·10−6Eν,TeV[7]is the detection probability for neutrinos with Eν>∼1TeV,T is the observation time and A effis the effective area.The number of atmospheric neutrino events collected in a km2detector during 1yr is of order1.This is estimated assuming a background neutrino spectrumφν,bkg∼10−7E−2.5ν,TeV cm−2s−1sr−1for Eν>1TeV,and a detector angularresolution of0.3◦like NEMO[15].Table3Predicted number of muon events,Nµ,in a km2detector,using Eq.9for the plerions considered in the paper.One year of integration time is assumed.pulsarB0531+21B0833-45B1706-44B1509-58References[1]Aharonian F.A.,Atoyan A.M.,&Kifune T.,1997,MNRAS,291,162[2]Aharonian F.A.,et al.,2000,ApJ,539,317[3]Alvarez-Mu˜n iz J.&Halzen F.,astro-ph/0205408[4]ANTARES Proposal,1997,astro-ph/9707136[5]Brazier K.T.S.&Becker W.,1997,MNRAS,284,335[6]Frail D.A.,Goss W.M.,&Whiteoak J.B.Z.,1994,ApJ,437,781[7]Gaisser T.K.,Halzen F.&Stanev T.,1995,Phys.Rep.,258,173[8]Gaensler B.M.,et al.,1999,MNRAS,305,724[9]Giacani E.B.,et al.,2001,ApJ,121,3133[10]Green D.A.,2001,‘A catalogue of Galactic Supernova Remnants’,(/surveys/snrs)[11]Halzen F.,2001,in Intl.Symp on High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy,Heidelberg,June2000(astro-ph/0103195)[12]IceCube Proposal,(/a3ri/icecube/overview/original_nsf_proposal)[13]Kifune T.,et al.,1995,ApJ,438,91[14]Monteleoni B.for the NESTOR Collaboration,1996,Proceedings of the XVIIInternational Conference on Neutrino[15]Riccobene G.for the NEMO Collaboration,to appear on the proceedings ofthe“Workshop on methodical aspects of underwater/ice neutrino telescopes”, Hamburg,15-16August2001[16]Sako T.,et al..,2000,ApJ,537,422[17]Seward F.D.,et al.,1984,ApJ,281,650[18]Tamura K.,et al.,1996,PASJ,48,L33[19]Waxman E.&Bahcall J.N.,1997,Phys.Rev.Lett.,78,2292[20]Yoshikoshi T.,et al.,1997,ApJ,487,L65。

Submillimetre-wave surveys first results and prospects

Submillimetre-wave surveys first results and prospects

a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /9806369v 211Aug1998Submillimetre-wave surveys:first results and prospects A.W.Blain 11Cavendish Laboratory,Madingley Road,Cambridge,CB30HE,UK.Abstract.The population of distant dusty submm-luminous galaxies was first detected last year [20].Forms of evolution required to account for both this popu-lation and the intensity of background radiation have now been determined [6],and are used to investigate the most efficient observing strategies for future surveys.Submm-wave galaxy surveys detect the redshifted thermal far-infrared ra-diation emitted by dust grains that reprocess optical/ultraviolet light from young stars and active galactic nuclei (AGN).The selection function in red-shift in such surveys is very broad [3],and extends out to redshifts of order 10.Hence they provide an efficient and direct technique for selecting distant dust obscured galaxies and AGN [14].High-redshift biased selection makes submm-wave surveys an ideal way to search for gravitational lenses [2].Consistent models of the evolution of dusty galaxies can be constructed to account for submm counts [1,7,11,13,17,20],mid-infrared counts [15,16]and the submm/far-infrared background radiation intensity [8,10,18,19].While not necessarily correct,these models are well constrained and can be used to predict source counts on a range of different angular scales and at a range of different wavelengths [6].Here the resulting counts are used to investigate the optimal strategies for future mm/submm-wave surveys.The source confusion noise expected in these surveys is discussed elsewhere [4,5].Observed submm-wave counts are presented in Fig.1,alongside the counts predicted by taking an ensemble average of seven different models of galaxy evolution that are consistent with both the observed counts and the inten-sity of background radiation [6].The associated redshift distributions are shown in Fig.2.Excluding [14],no redshifts have yet been determined for submm-selected sources.A spectroscopic redshift distribution of submm-selected sources will provide a powerful test of plausible galaxy evolution mod-els [6].The broad-band colours of the optical identifications in general suggest agreement with the predictions [21].The predicted counts of mm/submm-wave sources can be used to deter-mine the most efficient strategy for detecting distant dusty galaxies,in both general galaxy surveys (Fig.3a)and in surveys for lensed objects (Fig.3b).The detection rate achieved in the crucial first detections using SCUBA will be greatly exceeded in future surveys;for references to suitable instruments see[4].The fraction of lensed sources expected in a survey is shown in Fig.3(c).The rate of confirmation of lenses,including the time required to image lensed structures at sub-arcsec resolution using the MMA,is shown in Fig.3(d).The detection and confirmation rates differ most at faint flux densities,at whichFigure1:Observed source counts and the ensemble mean(thick lines)and1σuncertainty(thin lines)derived from well-fitting count and background models [6].References to the data are B[1],H[11],Hu[13],K[15],La[16],Li[7,17],S[20] and WW[22].Points without a number correspond to850-µm data.the follow-up MMA observations require more time.The detection rates predicted for future instruments[9]and telescopes–an upgraded‘SCUBA+’[12],large ground-based interferometers like the MMA, the50-m LMT,a10-m South Pole telescope and the3.5-m space-borne FIRST –exceed those of SCUBA by up to two orders of magnitude.In concentrated efforts over a number of years,catalogues of order106distant galaxies and AGN will be compiled.Thefine angular resolution of large interferometers will allow the detected sources to be resolved directly in the mm/submm waveband. In some cases,their redshifted mid-infraredfine-structure line emission could be used to determine redshifts directly in the submm waveband.In addition,the cosmic microwave background imaging space mission Planck Surveyor will provide an all-sky arcmin-resolution100-mJy survey,which will be very useful for selecting both extremely luminous submm-wave sources and gravitational lenses[2].•Thefirst detections of distant dusty galaxies indicate that there is an abundant population of such sources.These can be exploited to in-vestigate galaxy formation and evolution,large-scale structure at high redshifts and the values of cosmological parameters.•It is most important to determine the redshift distribution of submm-wave sources selected in blank-field surveys,and thus test thefirst obser-vationally constrained models of the evolution of dust obscured galaxies at high redshifts[6].•Huge samples of distant dusty galaxies and gravitational lenses can be compiled using future instruments–especially the LMT and MMA.Figure2:The ensemble mean(thick lines)and1σuncertainty(thinflanking lines)of predicted submm-selected redshift distributions[6]. Acknowledgements.This work has benefited greatly from SCUBA/JCMT ob-servations in collaboration with Ian Smail,Rob Ivison and Jean-Paul Kneib.I thank Malcolm Longair for helpful comments on the manuscript,and Gislaine Lagache and Dave Clements for discussing the results of the ISO FIRBACK programme.References[1]Barger al.,1998,Nat,394,248(astro-ph/9806317).[2]Blain A.W.,1998,MNRAS,297,511(astro-ph/9801098).[3]Blain A.W.&Longair M.S.,1996,MNRAS,279,847.[4]Blain A.W.,Ivison R.J.,&Smail I.,1998,MNRAS296,L29.[5]Blain al.,this volume(astro-ph/9806063).[6]Blain al.,1998,MNRAS,submitted(astro-ph/9806062).[7]Eales al.,1998,ApJL,submitted(astro-ph/9808040).[8]Fixsen al.,1998,ApJ,in press(astro-ph/9803021).[9]Glenn al.,in Phillipps T.G.ed.SPIE3357,in press.[10]Hauser al.,1998,ApJ,in press(astro-ph/9806129).[11]Holland al.,1998,Nat,392,788.[12]Holland W.S.,1998,private communication.[13]Hughes al.,1998,Nat,394,241(astro-ph/9806297).[14]Ivison al.,1998,MNRAS,298,583(astro-ph/9712161).[15]Kawara al.,1997,in Wilson A.ed.,The Far-Infrared and SubmillimetreUniverse.ESA SP-401,ESA publications,Noordwijk,p.285.[16]Lagache al.,this volume.[17]Lilly al.,in press(astro-ph/9807261).[18]Puget al.,1996,A&A,308,L5.[19]Schlegel al.,1998,ApJ,499,in press(astro-ph/9710327).[20]Smail I.,Ivison R.J.&Blain A.W.,1997,ApJ,490,L5(astro-ph/9708135).[21]Smail al.,1998,ApJ,submitted(astro-ph/9806061).[22]Wilner D.J.&Wright M.C.H.,1997,ApJ,488,L67.Figure3:Predicted detection rates of unlensed(a)and lensed(b)mm/submm-wave sources at5σsignificance.The rates are uncertain to within a factor of about3.The curves end on the left at aflux density5times the confusion noise[5]and on the right at a count of1/4πsr−1.The fraction of lensed sources(c),and the confirmation rate of lenses(d),after MMA follow-up observations, are also shown.The fraction of lenses is expected to increase at brightflux densities,and to be systematically larger at longer wavelengths.Although the surface density of sources is expected to be small when the lens abundance is greatest,a detection efficiency greater than one per cent should still be achieved in a deeper survey.Lens confirmation rates in(d)were calculated assuming that a850-µm MMA observation10times deeper than the detection threshold is required in order to search for lensed structures in each source.At faintflux densities the time required for these follow-up observations greatly exceeds the time required to carry out the initial survey.Lens surveys should hence be conducted at brighterflux density limits than galaxy surveys.。



Millimetre Wave & Sub-mm Wave Frequency Extenders for Planck Telescope Antenna ValidationD. R. VizardFarran Technology Ltd , Ballincollig, Co. Cork, Ireland.Tel:+353214872814Fax:+353214873892email:*******************Abstract – Millimetre wave and sub-mm wave frequency extenders are described which interface with a state of the art microwave antenna range facility to provide high resolution characterisation of the Planck Telescope Antenna. Novel architectures and state of the art components allows an all solid state approach with greater than 100 dB amplitude discrimination from 70-320 GHz. Such resolution is critical to the scientific objectives of the Planck cosmic background measurement mission by providing pre-launch antenna beam validation.I. I NTRODUCTIONPlanck is one of ESA’s cornerstone scientific missions, and belongs to the Horizon 2000 program. Planck will map the temperature anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) over the whole sky witha sensitivity of T/T = 2.10-6 and an angular resolution of10 arc-minutes, in the range 30 to 900 GHz. It will complete and refine the missions of COBE (1990), and MAP (2001) to measure 12 cosmological parameters. This will be achieved thanks to a wide wavelength range telescope delivering signals to a cryogenic Payload Receiver Module. The Planck satellite will be launched in 2007 on a single ARIANE V launcher. This paper describes the design and realization of high resolution mm and sub-mm testing equipment for the antenna validation process.II. S CIENTIFIC B ACKGROUND Cosmology, the science that aims at explaining how the Universe formed and evolves, has become a rich field of experimental research. Key discoveries made during the last eight decades show that in the past the Universe was very small, dense and hot, and that it started to cool and expand – a process that is still going on today – about 15 000 million years ago. This version of events, known as the Big Bang theory, is currently considered a firm scenario. But the picture is still far from complete. Questions such as what triggered the birth of the Universe, or how it will evolve in the future, remain unanswered.In 1964 Penzias and Wilson, two researchers at Bell Labs detected by chance a radiation coming from everywhere in the sky, a 'glow' filling the whole Universe with the same intensity. This radiation has best be interpreted as a 'fossil' of the ‘Big Bang’ itself. The Cosmic Microwave Background radiation comes from every direction in the sky with almost the same brightness. However, by measuring the apparent ‘temperature’ of the CMB all over the sky, it was discovered that very small, in fact tiny, differences do exist from place to place. These differences can be as small as one part in a million.In fact, all of the valuable information that the Cosmic Microwave Background can provide lies in the precise shape and intensity of these temperature variations, often called 'anisotropies'. In 1992, NASA’s satellite COBE obtained the first maps of the anisotropies in the CMB. The objective of Planck is to map these features as fully and accurately as possible. Figure 1shows a view of the complete instrument with data taken from the above mentioned COBE mission.Figure 1 Planck Telescope with Recent Cosmic Background Anisotropy Measurements [Inlay]III. PLANCK TELESCOPEThe general architecture of the spacecraft is shown in Figure 1-1. It is mainly composed of a service module (SVM) and a Receiver Payload Module as mentioned above. The receiver module consists of two elements, the Low Frequency Instrument [LFI] and the High Frequency Instrument [HFI]. The SVM provides the interfaces to the launcher. It containsthe active cooling systems of the LFIand HFI and satellite control equipment. The LFI and HFI modules operate in nine frequency channels ranging from 30 GHz to 857 GHz.To reach the unprecedented sensitivity goals of the project, the LFI detectors comprising High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMT) for the 30 to 100 GHz channels and the bolometers for the 100 to 857 GHz channels, are cooled to 20 K and 0.1 K respectively. The detector horns are distributed over the focal surface of an off-axis telescope operating at a temperature between 40 K and 60 K.Figure 1-1 Planck Telescope Showing SVM, Off-axis Antenna, LFI and HFI ModulesThe optics of the telescope is derived from a classical radio frequency antenna design. It is an off-axis Gregorian telescope with two reflectors, a large elliptical primary with dimensions 1.9 x 1.5 m and a smaller elliptical secondary of size 1 x 0.8 m. The wavelength spectral domain ranges from 0.350 mm (857 GHz) to 10 mm (30 GHz). The angular resolution on the sky is better than 13 arcmin for a wavelength of 3 mm (100 GHz).IV. ANTENNA REQUIREMENTSThe aims of the Planck instruments are to obtain an image of the CMB fluctuations and subtract the primordial signal from contaminating astrophysical source of emissions. This can be achieved by excellent control of systematic errors induced by the ‘straylight’. There must be excellent control and verification of the antenna to provide maximum rejection towards specific directions such as the sun, moon and the earth and the self emission of the complete spacecraft. To obtain the required level of characterization the antenna needs to bemeasured over a very wide dynamic range. Additionally given the large antenna diameter compared to the wavelength special facilities are needed to measure the pattern accurately, as discussed briefly below. V. ANTENNA TEST R EQUIREMENTSFor the accurate measurement of the Planck antenna far field patterns including phase it becomes necessary to employ special techniques as the so called ‘far field’ is not developed until a considerable distance from the antenna. In order to accurately measure an antenna’s far zoneperformance, the deviation of the phase of the field across its aperture must be restricted. The criterion generally used is that the phase should be constant to within π/8 radian (22.5°). Under normal operating conditions this criteria is easily achieved since there is usually a large separation between transmitting and receiving antennas. Duringantenna testing however, it is desirable because of various practical considerations to make antenna measurements at as short a range as possible. Generally the range parameter R = 2D 2/lambda is used to define the far field distance, which is over 150 m in the case of a 1.5 metre antenna operating at 100 GHz (3 mm). See Figure 1-2 belowFigure 1-2 Regular Anechoic Chamber VI. C OMPACT ANTENNA TEST RANGEA common technique to avoid the large facility that the above would entail is the use of a Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) see Fig 1-3. Compact ranges are an excellent alternative to traditional far-field ranges. This method of testing allows an operator to employ an indoor anechoic test chamber at a reasonable cost and avoid problems associated with outdoor range weather and security. In a manufacturing environment, the compactrange can be located near to the final testing and integration facilities. By placing a compact range in a shielded chamber, one can also eliminate interference from external sources.The principle of operation of a compact range is based on the basic concepts of geometrical optics. Diverging spherical waves from a point source located at the focal point of a paraboloidal surface are collimated into a plane wave. This plane wave is incident on the test antenna. The resultant plane wave has a very flat phase front, however the reflector-feed combination introduces a small (but generally acceptable) amplitude taper across the test zone.F1-3VII M ILLIMETRE W AVE I NSTRUMENTATIONTo provide pre-launch antenna verification, amplitude measurements of the main beam and sidelobes with at least 100 dB of dynamic range is required at 70, 100 and 320 GHz. A high level of amplitude and phase stability is required to allow time for the complete measurement of the beam. Additionally the frequency dependence of the antenna is required to be evaluated across the > 2 GHz bandwidth of the operating channels. The transmit and receive modules must fully interface with existing ground support equipment in respect of frequency capability and control software.These requirements have been met by adopting a fully solid state modular approach with 3 TX and 3 RX units. The 70 GHz and 100 GHz units are based on a common LO frequency conversion approach, for convenience of operation with existing equipment. The 320 GHz channel is based on a fixed frequency multiplier chain to provide the maximum possible transmit power and has a separate local oscillator for transmit and receive. Figure 1-4 describes a generic converter arrangement.VII–(A) 70 AND 100 GH Z TX MODULESThe 70 GHz and 100 GHz frequency extenders use a subharmonic mixer based upconversion technique to generate the transmitted test signal. See Figure 1-5. The input drive signal is set to be 3.5 +/- 1 GHz and is provided by the existing microwave equipment. A common TX and RX microwave local oscillator signal is frequency multiplied to provide the final mm-wave mixer LO. A final mm-wave power amplifier provides output power in the range 20-50 mW depending on frequency. A sample of the transmitted power is downconverted in a separate mixing process to provide amplitude compensation for variations caused by frequency or temperature. The advantages of this general approach can be summarised :•Common LO allows use with current GSE equipment and frequency plan•Easy coverage and control of full RF frequency band•Subharmonic mixer approach reduces LO multiplication cost and complexity•Solid state approach has no lifetime or high voltage safety issues•Compact, lightweight and has low power consumptionFigure 1-5 100 GHz TX Module SchematicVII –(B) 70 AND 100 GH Z RX MODULESThe 70 GHz and 100 GHz receiver extenders use a similar subharmonic mixer based downconverter. The output IF signal is now 3.5 +/- 1 GHz and the receiver local oscillator signal provided by multiplication as before. The input noise figure is determined by a low noise MMIC HEMT mm-wave amplifier of typically < 5 dB noise figure. The same general attributes of the TX module apply to the receiver unit. The RX unit is mounted at the antenna under test and is specially packaged to meet the physical constraints imposed at the Planck instrument. 3D models are used to ensure compatibility. Figure 1-6 shows an electrical schematic and Fig 1-7 shows the 100 GHz module mechanical arrangement.Figure 1-6 100 GHz Module Mechanical OutlineVI. S UBMILLIMETRE W AVE I NSTRUMENTATION At 320 GHz the use of an upconverter approach for the transmitter was ruled out due to the restricted outputpower from a mixer upconverter and the lack of power amplifiers for this frequency range. Likewise low noise amplifiers are not available and therefore a direct input mixer receiver was required. The TX module is based on an active frequency multiplier chain starting at 10 GHz with an overall multiplication factor X32, providing an output power of approx 0 dBm. The subharmonically pumped mixer based receiver uses a similar LO chain and has an overall 10 dB noise figure. In order to provide the correct frequency plan independent TX and RX local oscillators are required. The lack of amplifiers for both transmit and receive result in a lower dynamic range, and additionally the antenna is characterised at a fixed frequency only. This is an acceptable trade-off in the application, which can be offset by increasing the integration time used.VIII D EVELOPMENT S TATUSThe frequency extenders described here for the 70-320 GHz frequency range are in the process of manufacture for use in initial antenna testing trials starting May 2005. Development will be complete by Aug 2005 and the first full validation of the Planck antenna at mm and sub-mm wavelengths is expected in late 2005. Examples of previously manufactured custom modules for antenna testing are shown below, in this case for the extension of the ESA CATR facility to provide coverage over 170-260 GHz using similar techniques. Figure 2 details the arrangement.F IGURE 2 170-260 GH Z F REQUENCY EXTENDER MODULESCONCLUSIONSCustom designed mm-wave and sub-mm wave modules for the frequency extension of existing microwave Ground Support Equipment operating within a Compact Antenna Test Range have been described. The modules utilize state of the art mm-wave components including mixers, multipliers, low noise and power amplifiers, and provide an all solid state, compact and reliable solution to the needs of high performance antenna testing through to the sub-mm spectral region.A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS[1] C Nardini, D Drubel, of Alcatel Espace for providingdetails of the Planck telescope testing facility.[2] M Paquay of ESA-ESTEC regarding work done underESA contract.[3] J Coughlan, A O Riordan, Farran Technology Ltd, reProject Management and Mechanical Design.[4] This work is being carried out under contract toAlcatel Espace SA Cannes France。

Two-dimensional Quantum Field Theory, examples and applications

Two-dimensional Quantum Field Theory, examples and applications

Abstract The main principles of two-dimensional quantum field theories, in particular two-dimensional QCD and gravity are reviewed. We study non-perturbative aspects of these theories which make them particularly valuable for testing ideas of four-dimensional quantum field theory. The dynamics of confinement and theta vacuum are explained by using the non-perturbative methods developed in two dimensions. We describe in detail how the effective action of string theory in non-critical dimensions can be represented by Liouville gravity. By comparing the helicity amplitudes in four-dimensional QCD to those of integrable self-dual Yang-Mills theory, we extract a four dimensional version of two dimensional integrability.
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5 Four-dimensional analogies and consequences 6 Conclusions and Final Remarks

哈奇 Pocket Colorimeter II 简易色谱仪说明书

哈奇 Pocket Colorimeter II 简易色谱仪说明书

Pocket Colorimeter™ IISimple as EverJust four buttons on the Hach Pocket Colorimeter II alloweasy operation. The Read/Enter key is used when measuringsample concentrations or to confirm menu choices. TheMenu key provides quick menu navigation and selection.Use the Zero/Scroll key to zero the instrument or to scrollthrough menu options. The Power/Backlight key turns theinstrument on and toggles the display backlight for low lightconditions.Waterproof, Rugged, and Light WeightThe IP67 rating means the Pocket Colorimeter II will resistthe elements and still function properly. A tough, impact-resistant shell protects the electronics and optics. It weighsonly 0.2 kg—about a half pound. A lanyard keeps the capattached to the colorimeter.Large Display and Data LoggingThe Range Indicator icon on the display of the colorimeterindicates either the instrument range or the parameter beingtested. For many parameters, the instrument can measure intwo different ranges. The battery icon will indicate when thebatteries need to be replaced. The instrument logs the tenmost recent data points and the time the measurementswere made—no need to record results manually.Accurate, Reproducible MeasurementsThe Pocket Colorimeter II offers accuracy and reproducibilitycomparable to expensive lab instruments, but is designedfor a long working life in harsh conditions. A long-lastingLED is used as the light source, and low power requirementsassure long battery life.Pre-programmedThe instruments are factory programmed for one or twoof more than 30 parameters. Many are based on EPA-approved methods. No manual calibration is ever required.Simply zero the instrument with a blank, insert the reactedsample, and read the result. Wavelength-specific modelswithout factory calibration are also available forprogramming custom methods.Better OpticsThe higher absorbance range provided by the improvedquality of the optical system over the previous modelprovides expanded ranges for several parameters—reducing the need for dilutions.Features and BenefitsDWWWPWIWEFBColorimeterEach Hach Pocket Colorimeter II measures one to two parameters—many at two concentration ranges. Each instrument comes in aready-to-use kit that includes a manual, pre-measured unit dosereagents, sample cells, and a sturdy custom carrying case.Portable and convenientRugged2LampLight Emitting Diode (LED)DetectorSiliconEnclosureIP67, waterproof at 1 m for 30 minutes (battery compartment excluded) WavelengthFixed wavelength ±2 nm, varies with modelFilter Bandwidth15 nm Absorbance Range0 to 2.5 AbsSample Cell Pathlength1 cm and 1-in. (25 mm)Operating Conditions0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)0 to 90% relative humidityDisplayLCD, backlitPower Supply4 AAA batteries; approximate life of2000 tests (use of backlight reducesthis number)ComplianceEuropean CE markWarranty2 yearsDimensions6.1 x 15.5 x 3.5 cm (2.5 x 6.2 x 1.4 in.)Weight0.23 kg (0.5 lbs.)*Specifications subject to change without notice.Continued on next page.Parameter Range MethodAlachlor0.1, 0.5 ppb thresholds ImmunoassayAluminum0.02 to 0.80 mg/L Al AluminonAmmonia0.01 to 0.80 mg/L NH3-N SalicylateAmmonia, Free 0.02 to 0.50 mg/L Free Ammonia as NH3-N;Indophenoland Monochloramine0.04 to 4.50 mg/L Monochloramine as CI2Atrazine0.1, 0.5, 3.0 ppb thresholds ImmunoassayBromine0.05 to 4.50; 0.2 to 10.0 mg/L Br2DPDChlorine, Free* and Total* **0.02 to 2.00; 0.1 to 8.0 mg/L Cl2DPDChlorine, Free, Total, and pH†0.1 to 10.0 mg/L Cl2DPD6.0 to 8.5 pH Phenol RedChlorine, Free* and Total* **0.02 to 2.00; 0.1 to 8.0 mg/L Cl2DPDSwifTest DispenserChlorine Dioxide*0.05 to 5.00 mg/L ClO2DPD/GlycineChromium, Hexavalent**0.01 to 0.70 mg/L Cr6+1,5 Diphenylcarbohydrazide Copper** 0.04 to 5.00 mg/L Cu BicinchoninateFluoride* **0.1 to 2.0 mg/L F-‡SPADNS/SPADNS 2Iron, FerroVer®**0.02 to 5.00 mg/L Fe FerroVerIron, TPTZ0.01 to 1.70 mg/L Fe TPTZLead, LeadTrak™ 5 to 150 µg/L Pb Fast Column Extraction Manganese, Low Range0.01 to 0.70 mg/L Mn PANManganese, High Range**0.2-20.0 mg/L Mn Periodate Oxidation Molybdate0.02 to 3.00; 0.1 to 12.0 mg/L Mo Ternary Complex Monochloramine and Free Ammonia0.04 to 4.50 mg/L Monochloramine as CI2;Indophenol0.02 to 0.50 mg/L Free Ammonia as NH3-NNickel and Cobalt0.01 to 1.00 mg/L Ni; 0.02 to 2.00 mg/L Co PANNitrate0.4 to 30.0 mg/L NO3-N Cadmium Reduction Oxygen, Dissolved0.2 to 10.0 mg/L O2HRDOOzone0.01 to 0.25; 0.01 to 0.75 mg/L O3Indigo TrisulfonatePCB in Soil1, 5, 10, 50 ppm thresholds ImmunoassayPhosphate* **0.02 to 3.00 mg/L PO4PhosVer®3Phosphonate0.1 to 2.5; 1 to 125 mg/L PO4PhosVer 3 with UV Digestion3Parameter Range MethodSilica 1 to 100 mg/L SiO2SilicomolybdateSulfate** 2 to 70 mg/L SO4TurbidimetricTPH in Soil20, 50, 100, 200 ppm thresholds ImmunoassayTPH in Water2, 5, 10, 20 ppm thresholds ImmunoassayZinc** 0.02 to 3.00 mg/L Zn Zincon*Method is USEPA accepted or approved for drinking water (additional steps may be required)**Method is USEPA accepted or approved for wastewater (additional steps may be required)†Phenol Red colorimetric pH measurement is not accepted for regulatory reporting.‡Greater sensitivity (0.01 mg/L) is achieved by substituting bottled SPADNS reagent for the AccuVac® Ampuls provided in the kit.2812900Alachlor Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 18 tests5870025Aluminum Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 100 tests5870040Ammonia Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 100 tests5870026Ammonia, Free and Monochloramine PocketColorimeter II; includes reagents for 50 FreeAmmonia tests, 100 Monochloramine tests 2763500Atrazine Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 18 tests5870001Bromine Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 50 to 100 tests5870000Chlorine, Free and Total Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 50 to 100 tests5870012Chlorine, Free, Total, and pH Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 100 tests5870023Chlorine, Free, SwifTest Dispenser PocketColorimeter II; includes reagents for125 to 250 tests5870024Chlorine, Total SwifTest Dispenser PocketColorimeter II; includes reagents for125 to 250 tests5870051Chlorine Dioxide Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 100 tests5870017Chromium, Hexavalent Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 100 tests5870019Copper Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 100 tests5870005Fluoride Pocket Colorimeter II (SPADNS);includes reagents for up to 50 tests2513100Fluoride Pocket Colorimeter II(SPADNS 2–Arsenic-Free);includes reagents for up to 50 tests5870022Iron, FerroVer Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 100 tests 5870016Iron, TPTZ Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 100 tests5870021Lead, LeadTrak Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 20 tests5870018Manganese, Low Range, Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 50 tests5870015Manganese, High Range, Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 100 tests5870010Molybdate Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 100 tests5870020Nickel and Cobalt Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 100 tests5870002Nitrate Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 100 tests5870003Oxygen, Dissolved Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 25 tests5870004Ozone Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for up to 50 tests2773400PCB in Soil Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 18 tests5870006Phosphate Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 100 tests5870007Phosphonate Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 100 tests5870034Silica Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 100 tests5870029Sulfate Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 100 tests2775000TPH in Soil Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 18 tests2774200TPH in Water Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 18 tests5870009Zinc Pocket Colorimeter II;includes reagents for 100 testsContinued on next page.The Hach Pocket Colorimeter II includes manual, pre-measured unit dose reagents, sample cells, and a carrying case. Reagents can be refilled by contacting Hach or your Hach distributor.Lit. No. 2596 Rev 2For current price information, technical support, and ordering assistance, contact the Hach office or distributor servingyour area.In the United States, contact:HACH COMPANY World Headquarters P.O. Box 3895870060Pocket Colorimeter II; Light Wavelength 600 nm5870065Pocket Colorimeter II; Light Wavelength 655 nmStandardsSpec✔Ampule Standards are colored gels that simulate the color produced by the analytical procedure, for simple checks on instrument response. Each set includes a blank and three concentrations.2635300Chlorine Spec✔Standard Kit, DPD LR (0 to 2.0 mg/L Cl2); set of 4 vials 2893300Chlorine Spec✔Standard Kit, DPD HR (0 to 6.5 mg/L Cl2); set of 4 vials 2712500Fluoride Spec✔Standard Kit (0 to 2.00 mg/L F-); set of 4 vials2507500Monochloramine/Free Ammonia Spec✔Standard Kit(0 to 4.5 mg/L Cl2and 0 to 0.50 mg/L NH3-N); set of 4 vials2708000Ozone MR Spec✔Standard Kit (0 to 0.75 mg/L); set of 4 vials Accessory5953100Pocket Colorimeter II Soft-Sided Case/Holster(holds colorimeter, two sample cells and reagent pouches)The optional soft-sided case/holster holdsthe Pocket Colorimeter, two vials, and more!。

光伏发电英文文献Ultra-High Efficiency Photovoltaic

光伏发电英文文献Ultra-High Efficiency Photovoltaic

Ultra-High Efficiency Photovoltaic Cells for Large Scale Solar Power GenerationYoshiaki NakanoAbstract The primary targets of our project are to dras-tically improve the photovoltaic conversion efficiency and to develop new energy storage and delivery technologies. Our approach to obtain an efficiency over40%starts from the improvement of III–V multi-junction solar cells by introducing a novel material for each cell realizing an ideal combination of bandgaps and lattice-matching.Further improvement incorporates quantum structures such as stacked quantum wells and quantum dots,which allow higher degree of freedom in the design of the bandgap and the lattice strain.Highly controlled arrangement of either quantum dots or quantum wells permits the coupling of the wavefunctions,and thus forms intermediate bands in the bandgap of a host material,which allows multiple photon absorption theoretically leading to a conversion efficiency exceeding50%.In addition to such improvements, microfabrication technology for the integrated high-effi-ciency cells and the development of novel material systems that realizes high efficiency and low cost at the same time are investigated.Keywords Multi-junctionÁQuantum wellÁConcentratorÁPhotovoltaicINTRODUCTIONLarge-scale photovoltaic(PV)power generation systems, that achieve an ultra-high efficiency of40%or higher under high concentration,are in the spotlight as a new technology to ease drastically the energy problems.Mul-tiple junction(or tandem)solar cells that use epitaxial crystals of III–V compound semiconductors take on the active role for photoelectric energy conversion in such PV power generation systems.Because these solar cells operate under a sunlight concentration of5009to10009, the cost of cells that use the epitaxial crystal does not pose much of a problem.In concentrator PV,the increased cost for a cell is compensated by less costly focusing optics. The photons shining down on earth from the sun have a wide range of energy distribution,from the visible region to the infrared region,as shown in Fig.1.Multi-junction solar cells,which are laminated with multilayers of p–n junctions configured by using materials with different band gaps,show promise in absorbing as much of these photons as possible,and converting the photon energy into elec-tricity with minimum loss to obtain high voltage.Among the various types of multi-junction solar cells,indium gallium phosphide(InGaP)/gallium arsenide(GaAs)/ger-manium(Ge)triple-junction cells that make full use of the relationship between band gaps and diverse lattice con-stants offered by compound semiconductors have the advantage of high conversion efficiency because of their high-quality single crystal with a uniform-size crystal lat-tice.So far,a conversion efficiency exceeding41%under conditions where sunlight is concentrated to an intensity of approximately5009has been reported.The tunnel junction with a function equivalent to elec-trodes is inserted between different materials.The positive holes accumulated in the p layer and the electrons in the adjacent n layer will be recombined and eliminated in the tunnel junction.Therefore,three p–n junctions consisting of InGaP,GaAs,and Ge will become connected in series. The upper limit of the electric current is set by the mini-mum value of photonflux absorbed by a single cell.On the other hand,the sum of voltages of three cells make up the voltage.As shown in Fig.1,photons that can be captured in the GaAs middle cell have a smallflux because of the band gap of each material.As a result,the electric currentoutputAMBIO2012,41(Supplement2):125–131 DOI10.1007/s13280-012-0267-4from the GaAs cell theoretically becomes smaller than that of the others and determines the electric current output of the entire tandem cell.To develop a higher efficiency tandem cell,it is necessary to use a material with a band gap narrower than that of GaAs for the middle cell.In order to obtain maximum conversion efficiency for triple-junction solar cells,it is essential to narrow down the middle cell band gap to 1.2eV and increase the short-circuit current density by 2mA/cm 2compared with that of the GaAs middle cell.When the material is replaced with a narrower band gap,the output voltage will drop.However,the effect of improving the electric current balance out-performs this drop in output voltage and boosts the effi-ciency of the entire multi-junction cell.When a crystal with such a narrow band gap is grown on a Ge base material,lattice relaxation will occur in the middle of epitaxial crystal growth because the lattice constants of narrower band-gap materials are larger than that of Ge (as shown in Fig.2).As a result,the carrier transport properties will degrade due to dislocation.Researchers from the international research center Solar Quest,the University of Tokyo,aim to move beyond such material-related restrictions,and obtain materials and structures that have effective narrow band gaps while maintaining lattice matching with Ge or GaAs.To achieve this goal,we have taken three approaches as indicated in Fig.3.These approaches are explained in detail below.DILUTE NITROGEN-ADDED BULK CRYSTAL Indium gallium nitride arsenide (InGaNAs)is a bulk material consists of InGaAs,which contains several percent of nitrogen.InGaNAs has a high potential for achieving a narrow band gap while maintaining lattice matching with Ge or GaAs.However,InGaNAs has a fatal problem,that is,a drop in carrier mobility due to inhomogeneousdistribution of nitrogen (N).To achieve homogeneous solid solution of N in crystal,we have applied atomic hydrogen irradiation in the film formation process and addition of a very small amount of antimony (Sb)(Fig.3).The atomic hydrogen irradiation technology and the nitrogen radical irradiation technology for incorporating N efficiently into the crystal can be achieved only through molecular beam epitaxy (MBE),which is used to fabricate films under high vacuum conditions.(Nitrogen radical irradiation is a technology that irradiates the surface of a growing crystal with nitrogen atoms that are resolved by passing nitrogen through a plasma device attached to the MBE system.)Therefore,high-quality InGaNAs has been obtained only by MBE until now.Furthermore,as a small amount of Sb is also incorporated in a crystal,it is nec-essary to control the composition of five elements in the crystal with a high degree of accuracy to achieve lattice matching with Ge or GaAs.We have overcome this difficulty by optimizing the crystal growth conditions with high precision and devel-oped a cell that has an InGaNAs absorption layer formed on a GaAs substrate.The short-circuit current has increased by 9.6mA/cm 2for this cell,compared with a GaAs single-junction cell,by narrowing the band gap down to 1.0eV.This technology can be implemented not only for triple-junction cells,but also for higher efficiency lattice-matched quadruple-junction cells on a Ge substrate.In order to avoid the difficulty of adjusting the compo-sition of five elements in a crystal,we are also taking an approach of using GaNAs with a lattice smaller than that of Ge or GaAs for the absorption layer and inserting InAs with a large lattice in dot form to compensate for the crystal’s tensile strain.To make a solid solution of N uniformly in GaNAs,we use the MBE method for crystal growth and the atomic hydrogen irradiation as in the case of InGaNAs.We also believe that using 3D-shaped InAs dots can effectively compensate for the tensile strainthatFig.1Solar spectrum radiated on earth and photon flux collected by the top cell (InGaP),middle cell (GaAs),and bottom cell (Ge)(equivalent to the area of the filled portions in the figure)occurs in GaNAs.We have measured the characteristics of a single-junction cell formed on a GaAs substrate by using a GaNAs absorption layer with InAs dots inserted.Figure 4shows that we were able to succeed in enhancing the external quantum efficiency in the long-wavelength region (corresponding to the GaNAs absorp-tion)to a level equal to GaAs.This was done by extending the absorption edge to a longer wavelength of 1200nm,and increasing the thickness of the GaNAs layer by increasing the number of laminated InAs quantum dot layers.This high quantum efficiency clearly indicates that GaNAs with InAs dots inserted has the satisfactory quality for middle cell material (Oshima et al.2010).STRAIN-COMPENSATED QUANTUM WELL STRUCTUREIt is extremely difficult to develop a narrow band-gap material that can maintain lattice matching with Ge orGaAs unless dilute nitrogen-based materials mentioned earlier are used.As shown in Fig.2,the conventionally used material InGaAs has a narrower band gap and a larger lattice constant than GaAs.Therefore,it is difficult to grow InGaAs with a thickness larger than the critical film thickness on GaAs without causing lattice relaxation.However,the total film thickness of InGaAs can be increased as an InGaAs/GaAsP strain-compensated multi-layer structure by laminating InGaAs with a thickness less than the critical film thickness in combination with GaAsP that is based on GaAs as well,but has a small lattice constant,and bringing the average strain close to zero (Fig.3.).This InGaAs/GaAsP strain-compensated multilayer structure will form a quantum well-type potential as shown in Fig.5.The narrow band-gap InGaAs layer absorbs the long-wavelength photons to generate electron–hole pairs.When these electron–hole pairs go over the potential bar-rier of the GaAsP layer due to thermal excitation,the electrons and holes are separated by a built-in electricfieldFig.2Relationship between band gaps and lattice constants of III–V-based and IV-based crystalsto generate photocurrent.There is a high probability of recombination of electron–hole pairs that remain in the well.To avoid this recombination,it is necessary to take out the electron–hole pairs efficiently from the well and transfer them to n-type and p-type regions without allowing them to be recaptured into the well.Designing thequantumFig.3Materials and structures of narrow band-gap middle cells being researched by thisteamFig.4Spectral quantum efficiency of GaAs single-junction cell using GaNAs bulk crystal layer (inserted with InAs dots)as the absorption layer:Since the InAs dot layer and the GaNAs bulk layer are stacked alternately,the total thickness of GaNAs layers increases as the number of stacked InAs dot layers is increased.The solid line in the graph indicates the data of a reference cell that uses GaAs for its absorption layer (Oshima et al.2010)well structure suited for this purpose is essential for improving conversion efficiency.The high-quality crystal growth by means of the metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE)method with excellent ability for mass production has already been applied for InGaAs and GaAsP layers in semiconductor optical device applications.Therefore,it is technologically quite possible to incorporate the InGaAs/GaAsP quantum well structure into multi-junction solar cells that are man-ufactured at present,only if highly accurate strain com-pensation can be achieved.As the most basic approach related to quantum well structure design,we are working on fabrication of super-lattice cells with the aim of achieving higher efficiency by making the GaAsP barrier layer as thin as possible,and enabling carriers to move among wells by means of the tunnel effect.Figure 6shows the spectral quantum effi-ciency of a superlattice cell.In this example,the thickness of the GaAsP barrier layer is 5nm,which is not thin enough for proper demonstration of the tunnel effect.When the quantum efficiency in the wavelength range (860–960nm)that corresponds to absorption of the quan-tum well is compared between a cell,which has a con-ventionally used barrier layer and a thickness of 10nm or more,and a superlattice cell,which has the same total layer thickness of InGaAs,the superlattice cell demonstrates double or higher quantum efficiency.This result indicates that carrier mobility across quantum wells is promoted by even the partial use of the tunnel effect.By increasing the P composition in the GaAsP layer,the thickness of well (or the In composition)can be increased,and the barrier layer thickness can be reduced while strain compensation is maintained.A cell with higher quantum efficiency can befabricated while extending the absorption edge to the long-wavelength side (Wang et al.2010,2012).GROWTH TECHNIQUE FOR STRAIN-COMPENSATED QUANTUM WELLTo reduce the strain accumulated in the InGaAs/GaAsP multilayer structure as close to zero as possible,it is nec-essary to control the thickness and atomic content of each layer with high accuracy.The In composition and thickness of the InGaAs layer has a direct effect on the absorption edge wavelength and the GaAsP layer must be thinned to a satisfactory extent to demonstrate fully the tunnel effect of the barrier layer.Therefore,it is desirable that the average strain of the entire structure is adjusted mainly by the P composition of the GaAsP layer.Meanwhile,for MOVPE,there exists a nonlinear rela-tionship between the P composition of the crystal layer and the P ratio [P/(P ?As)]in the vapor phase precursors,which arises from different absorption and desorption phenomena on the surface.As a result,it is not easy to control the P composition of the crystal layer.To break through such a difficulty and promote efficient optimiza-tion of crystal growth conditions,we have applied a mechanism to evaluate the strain of the crystal layer during growth in real time by sequentially measuring the curvature of wafers during growth with an incident laser beam from the observation window of the reactor.As shown in Fig.7,the wafer curvature during the growth of an InGaAs/GaAsP multilayer structure indicates a periodic behavior.Based on a simple mechanical model,it has become clear that the time changes ofwaferFig.5Distribution of potential formed by the InGaAs/GaAsP strain-compensated multilayer structure:the narrow band-gap InGaAs layer is sandwiched between wide band-gap GaAsP layers and,as a result,it as quantum well-type potential distribution.In the well,electron–hole pairs are formed by absorption of long-wavelength photons and at the same time,recombination of electrons and holes takes place.The team from Solar Quest is focusing on developing a superlattice structure with the thinnest GaAsP barrier layercurvature are proportionate to the strain of the crystal layer relative to a substrate during the growing process.One vibration cycle of the curvature is same as the growth time of an InGaAs and GaAsP pair (Sugiyama et al.2011).Therefore,the observed vibration of the wafer curvature reflects the accumulation of the compression strain that occurs during InGaAs growth and the release of the strain that occurs during GaAsP growth.When the strain is completely compensated,the growth of the InGaAs/GaAsP pair will cause this strain to return to the initial value and the wafer curvature will vibrate with the horizontal line as the center.As shown in Fig.7,strain can be compensated almost completely by adjusting the layer structure.Only by conducting a limited number of test runs,the use of such real-time observation technology of the growth layer enables setting the growth conditions for fabricating the layer structure for which strain has been compensated with highaccuracy.Fig.6Spectral quantum efficiency of GaAs single-junction cell using InGaAs/GaAsP superlattice as theabsorption layer:This structure consists of 60layers of InGaAs quantum wells.The graph also shows data of a reference cell that uses GaAs for its absorption layer (Wang et al.2010,2012)Fig.7Changes in wafer curvature over time during growth of the InGaAs/GaAsP multilayer structure.This graph indicates the measurement result and the simulation result of the curvature based on the layer structure(composition ?thickness)obtained by X-ray diffraction.Since compressive strain is applied during InGaAs growth,the curvature decreases as time passes.On the other hand,since tensile strain is applied during GaAsP growth,the curvature changes in the oppositedirection (Sugiyama et al.2011)FUTURE DIRECTIONSIn order to improve the conversion efficiency by enhancing the current matching of multi-junction solar cells using III–V compound semiconductors,there is an urgent need to create semiconductor materials or structures that can maintain lattice matching with Ge or GaAs,and have a band gap of1.2eV.As for InGaNAs,which consists of InGaAs with several percent of nitrogen added,we have the prospect of extending the band edge to1.0eV while retaining sufficient carrier mobility for solar cells by means of atomic hydrogen irradiation and application of a small quantity of Sb during the growth process.In addition,as for GaNAs bulk crystal containing InAs dots,we were able to extend the band edge to1.2eV and produce a high-quality crystal with enoughfilm thickness to achieve the quantum efficiency equivalent to that of GaAs.These crystals are grown by means of MBE. Therefore,measures that can be used to apply these crys-tals for mass production,such as migration to MOVPE, will be investigated after demonstrating their high effi-ciency by embedding these crystals into multi-junction cells.As for the InGaAs/GaAsP strain-compensated quantum well that can be grown using MOVPE,we are working on the development of a thinner barrier layer while compen-sating for the strain with high accuracy by real-time observation of the wafer curvature.We have had the prospect of achieving a quantum efficiency that will sur-pass existing quantum well solar cells by promoting the carrier transfer within the multilayer quantum well struc-ture using the tunnel effect.As this technology can be transferred quite easily to the existing multi-junction solar cell fabrication process,we strongly believe that this technology can significantly contribute to the efficiency improvement of the latest multi-junction solar cells. REFERENCESOshima,R.,A.Takata,Y.Shoji,K.Akahane,and Y.Okada.2010.InAs/GaNAs strain-compensated quantum dots stacked up to50 layers for use in high-efficiency solar cell.Physica E42: 2757–2760.Sugiyama,M.,K.Sugita,Y.Wang,and Y.Nakano.2011.In situ curvature monitoring for metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy of strain-balanced stacks of InGaAs/GaAsP multiple quantum wells.Journal of Crystal Growth315:1–4.Wang,Y.,Y.Wen,K.Watanabe,M.Sugiyama,and Y.Nakano.2010.InGaAs/GaAsP strain-compensated superlattice solar cell for enhanced spectral response.In Proceedings35th IEEE photovoltaic specialists conference,3383–3385.Wang,Y.P.,S.Ma,M.Sugiyama,and Y.Nakano.2012.Management of highly-strained heterointerface in InGaAs/GaAsP strain-balanced superlattice for photovoltaic application.Journal of Crystal Growth.doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2011.12.049. AUTHOR BIOGRAPHYYoshiaki Nakano(&)is Professor and Director General of Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology,the University of Tokyo.His research interests include physics and fabrication tech-nologies of semiconductor distributed feedback lasers,semiconductor optical modulators/switches,monolithically integrated photonic cir-cuits,and high-efficiency heterostructure solar cells.Address:Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo,4-6-1Komaba,Meguro-ku,Tokyo153-8904,。

Calculation and optimisation of temperature measurement and environment radiation values

Calculation and optimisation of temperature measurement and environment radiation values

Calculation and optimisation of the maximum uncertainty in infrared temperature measurements taken in conditions of high uncertainty in the emissivity and environmentradiation valuesFrancisco Javier Meca Meca *,Francisco Javier Rodr ıguez Sanchez,Pedro Mart ın SanchezDepartment of Electronics,Universidad de Alcal a,Alcal a de Henares,28871Madrid,Spain Received 24July 2001AbstractThis paper develops a method that enables the most suitable range of wavelengths to be ascertained in which to takeinfrared temperature measurements of surfaces in the open air in conditions in which high uncertainty exists in the environmental radiation and emissivity values.The optimisation criterion adopted for the error is that of achieving the narrowest possible band of maximum uncertainty.The results demonstrate that it is possible to cancel out the solar radiation contribution to the maximum uncertainty present in the measurement whilst still working in short wave-lengths where this radiation is very intense and,therefore,optimise the band of uncertainty produced by emissivity and environment radiation.Ó2002Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved.PACS:07.20.D;61.80.B;78.30Keywords:Infrared ;Temperature;Emissivity;Uncertainty;Wavelength1.IntroductionIn infrared non-contact temperature measure-ment,part of the energy radiated by the surface measured is captured by the sensor and convertedinto an electrical value.The captured energy is composed of three contributions:•Energy emitted by the surface depending on its temperature and emissivity.•Energy reflected on the surface,proceeding from the other surfaces in the environment located within its field of view.This energy is a function of the temperature and emissivity of the surfaces in the environment,the reflectivity of thesurface*Corresponding author.Address:Escuela Politecnica (O-332),Campus Universitario,Alcala de Henares,28871Madrid,Spain.Tel.:+34-9188-56560;fax:+34-9188-56591.1350-4495/02/$-see front matter Ó2002Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved.P II:S 1350-4495(02)00125-1measured,of the relative view factors between the various surfaces and atmospheric absorp-tion.•Energy emitted by the column of air between the surface measured and the sensor system.Complete modelling of all of the factors men-tioned is highly complicated.Even assuming that the scenario is fully known,it is very difficult to calculate all of the necessary coefficients,the so-lution usually being to simplify the problem.If the surface measured is highly emissive,its temperature is greater than the temperature of the other surfaces in the environment,and if the distance between the surface and the measuring instrument is short,then the problem can be sim-plified.Thefinal error diminishes as the relation-ship between the energy emitted and the energy reflected by the surface measured increases.The simplification adopted is usually drastic.It is as-sumed that the environment is made up of a low number of surfaces of unit emissivity and known temperatures.The error produced by this ap-proximation is a function,among other things,of the range of wavelengths used in the measurement. Therefore,it is necessary to carry out a detailed study of the application in order to attain the greatest possible accuracy permitted by the afore-mentioned approximation.This paper proposes a method that enables the most suitable range of wavelengths to be ascer-tained in which the maximum uncertainty pre-sent in the estimated temperature is minimised.In many applications,this optimisation criterion is more appropriate than reducing the average error value.An example of this is the measurement of the temperature of greasing boxes,wheels and brake disks of a train in motion[1],where it is sufficient to simply detect if the temperature of the elements exceeds a series of pre-established safety thresholds,the precise temperature value not being of great importance.The method considers that both the emissivity of the surface measured and the radiation of the surfaces in the environment are known to a given level of maximum uncertainty,that solar radiation may be incident on the surface measured and that the emission of the column of air between the surface and the measuring instrument is negligible (short distance<2m and wavelengths used within an atmospheric window).2.Preliminary dataWhen measuring low temperatures it is advis-able to utilise the energy radiated by the surface in wavelengths found in the mid and far infrared spectral bands.Therefore,the analysis is carried out for the range of wavelengths between2and12 l m,although the developments proposed may be extended for any other range.This includes the atmospheric transmission windows[2]found be-tween3–5l m(mid infrared)and8–13l m(far infrared).In these windows,the atmosphere is highly transparent to radiation,which enables precise measurements to be taken at greater dis-tances.As a consequence,the majority of com-mercially available photon detectors are most responsive within one of these windows.There-fore,when designing a measurement system,one of the problems that needs to be resolved is which of the two atmospheric windows should be se-lected.The method proposed provides an answer to this question.In order to illustrate it,the ana-lyses are designed to cover an habitual situation in a large number of applications.This situation models the measurement of non-metal surfaces, which are found at temperatures not much higher than the ambient temperature,in open environ-ments with high levels of uncertainty in the pre-dicted emissivity and environment radiation values. The data used to obtain the results is the following [3]:•Real emissivity of the target( R)between0.98 and0.65.•Air temperature(T A)between260and320K (À13,47°C).•Radiation of the surfaces in the environment equivalent to a blackbody at a temperature of Æ20K in relation to that of the air.As a result, the more than likely lack of thermal balance in the environment where the measurements are taken is modelled.The range of temperatures368 F.J.Meca Meca et al./Infrared Physics&Technology43(2002)367–375may be adapted depending on the application. The indicated range assumes a maximum uncer-taintyfigure in the total radiation value that is rarely exceeded in practice.•Radiation from the sky equivalent to a black-body at a temperature of between0and T Aþ20K.The value of0K models the radiation from a sky without cloud when working in an atmospheric window[4].The level of T Aþ20 K models the radiation from a sky covered by cloud at temperatures greater than that of the air at the point of measurement[5].The range of predicted radiation is high,but presents a maximum uncertaintyfigure that has to be as-sumed as a consequence of meteorological vari-ations.•Each contribution(surfaces in the environment and sky)takes up half of thefield of vision of the surface measured.It is assumed therefore that this is perpendicular to the ground and that there are not any surfaces above its position that could occupy a significant region of itsfield of view.•The reflection of the surface is assumed to be diffuse,as is usual in the infrared thermal range for highly emissive surfaces.•Estimated temperatures of the target(T E):spec-ified as being40,60and80K above the temper-ature of the air at the point of measurement (T A).•Solar radiation may be incident on the surface measured.•Use of photon detectors.It is assumed that the measurement system requires a high response speed.In order to interpret the response provided by the sensor,Eq.(1)is assumed as a nominal ex-pression,where: NðkÞis the nominal emissivity of the surface measured,T ON the estimated nominal temperature of the surface in Kelvins,T A the am-bient temperature in Kelvins and K a coefficient that is a function of the responsivity of the sensor, the energy capturing optics and other effects that determine thefinal sensitivity.The functionðI k, T XÞfollows expression(2),which represents the Planck radiation equation multiplied by the wave-length and in which a coefficient of proportionality has been suppressed.This expression assumes the use of photon detectors,in which responsivity is proportional to the wavelength of the incident radiation up to the point where it reaches its maximum response.The approximation carried out in the denominator,for the range of wave-lengths analysed and at temperatures below500K, introduces a small error and enables the equations to be drastically simplified,aiding their interpre-tation.Rðk;T ON;T AÞ¼K½ NðkÞIðk;T ONÞþð1À NðkÞÞIðk;T AÞ ð1ÞIðk;T XÞ¼1k eð1:44Â104Þ=ðk T XÞÀ1½’1k4eð1:44Â104Þ=ðk T XÞð2ÞIn order to undertake the study of different wavelengths it is advisable to separately analyse the uncertainty contributions made by environ-ment radiation and emissivity.In each case,the extent to which the uncertainty in the measure-ment depends on the wavelengths used should be deduced.The results obtained enable the most ap-propriate wavelengths for the measurement to be evaluated when the overall effect of all of the contributions is taken into consideration.3.Influence of the wavelength on the errors produced by emissivity and environment radiation 3.1.EmissivityThe energy contribution of the surface mea-sured is proportional to its emissivity.Therefore, in order to reduce the temperature error produced by an error in the emissivity,it is advisable that the relative variation with the temperature of the en-ergy radiated by the surface is as high as possible. Expression(3)models this problem,assuming that the environment radiation is negligible,and shows that if the relative emissivity variations remain constant,the temperature error increases with the wavelength used.F.J.Meca Meca et al./Infrared Physics&Technology43(2002)367–375369D T ON ðk ;T ON Þ¼D N ðk ÞI ðk ;T ON ÞN ðk Þo I ðk ;T ON ÞON¼D N ðk Þ N ðk Þk T 2ON 1:44Â104ðK Þð3ÞIn order to obtain the total error,the numerator and denominator of expression (3)should be inte-grated before simplifying,in accordance with Eq.(4).Assuming that the emissivity is constant with the wavelength,Fig.1shows the modulus of the error for a measured temperature of 350K,a rel-ative variation in emissivity of Æ10%and a range of integration wavelengths of k X to k X þ1l m.D T ON ðk 1;k 2;T ON Þ¼T 2ON 1:44Â104R k 2k 1D N ðk ÞI ðk ;T ON Þd k R k 2k 1N ðk ÞI ðk ;T ON Þd kðK Þð4ÞThe result obtained indicates that in order to re-duce the effect of the uncertainty on the emissivity it is advisable to work with short wavelengths.The real value of the error differs from that indicated in Fig.1for the following reasons:•The environment radiation has not been in-cluded in Eq.(4).•By approximating the increase of I ðk ,T ON )by its derivative,an error is introduced into the calcu-lation that is a function of the estimated temper-ature error.In any case,the conclusions regarding the effect of the emissivity depending on the wavelengthcontinue to be the same,the only change being their magnitude.3.2.Environment radiationIn order to analyse the effect,the energy varia-tion that reaches the sensor when the environment radiation corresponds to a temperature different to the ambient temperature should be compared with the energy variation produced by a change in the temperature of the surface.Expression (5)shows the result.As T A <T ON ,the argument of the exponential is negative and assuming an emissivity constant with the wave-length,the error in the estimated temperature in-creases on making it the wavelength evaluated.Expression (6)enables the temperature error to be calculated for a certain range of wavelengths.Fig.2shows the result for a nominal emissivity of 0.8,T A ¼290K,T ON ¼350K,a variation in the am-bient temperature of Æ1K and a range of inte-gration wavelengths of k X to k X þ1l m.D T ON ðk ;T ON Þ¼1À N ðk ÞN ðk Þo I ðk ;T A Þo T Ao I ðk ;T ON Þo T OND T A¼1À N ðk Þ N ðk ÞT 2ONT Ae 1:44Â104kð1T ON À1T A ÞD T A ðK Þð5ÞD T ON ðk 1;k 2;T ON Þ¼T 2ON T 2A R k 2k 1ð1À N ðk ÞÞI ðk ;T A Þk d k R k 2k 1 N ðk ÞI ðk ;T ON Þd k D T A ðK Þð6ÞFig.1.Modulus of the error in the temperature estimated dueto an error in the emissivity of Æ10%.Calculated using T ON ¼350K and a range of wavelengths between k X and k X þ1lm.Fig.2.Modulus of the error in the temperature estimated due to an error in the environment radiation of Æ1K.Calculated using T ON ¼350K, N ¼0:8and a range of wavelengths of between k X and k X þ1l m.370 F.J.Meca Meca et al./Infrared Physics &Technology 43(2002)367–375The analysis carried out shows that,as is the case with the emissivity,it is advisable to use short wavelengths in order to reduce the effect of the uncertainty in the environment radiation.3.3.Solar radiationThe sun is an extremely intense source of radi-ation in a wide range of wavelengths.The energy incident on the surface measured is a function of the relative position of the sun and of the atmo-spheric absorption.Solar radiation outside of the atmosphere is approximate to that of a blackbody with a radius of R¼695Â106m,at a temperature of5900K and at a distance of D¼150Â109m [6].Following expression(1),the response from the sensor as a consequence of the energy radiated by the surface and reflected from the sun is ex-pressed in accordance with Eq.(7),where Kðk,a, bÞis unity as the maximum value and depends on the effect of the wavelength on atmospheric ab-sorption,as well as on the angles formed by the normal at the evaluated surface and the direction of propagation of the solar radiation.Rðk;T ONÞ¼K½ NðkÞI k;T ONðÞþ1ðÀ NðkÞÞÂR=2DðÞ2K k;a;bðÞI k;T SOLðÞ ð7ÞThe maximum error in the temperature esti-mated is obtained when the surface evaluated is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the solar radiation and the atmospheric absorption is null,in other words,Kðk;a;bÞ¼1.The error then follows expression(8).Expression(9)deter-mines the total error for the range of wavelengths considered,which is represented in Fig.3for an emissivity of0.8,T ON¼350K and integration wavelengths of k X to k Xþ1l m.It may be ob-served that the error due to the solar radiation is extremely high for short wavelengths and that it increases noticeably as the temperature of the surface measured diminishes.(Note:the approxi-mation indicated in Eq.(2)has not been utilised for the solar radiation).D T ON k;T ONðÞ¼1À NðkÞNðkÞR2D2I k;TSOLðÞo I k;T ONðÞONðKÞð8ÞD T ON k1;k2;T ONðÞ¼R2D2R k2k11À NðkÞðÞI k;T SOLðÞd kR k2k1NðkÞo I k;T ONðÞONd kðKÞð9Þ4.Met hod proposed:band of maximum uncert aint ydue to the effect of the emissivity,environmentradiation and solar radiationAccording to the previous analyses,the uncer-tainty due to emissivity and environment radiationdiminishes as the wavelength used does,and thecontribution made by the sun diminishes whenthe wavelength is increased.It seems logical thatthe most appropriate range of wavelengths shouldbe calculated by seeking a compromise betweenthese contributions,and that within this range,thevalues of the different contributions are similar.This can be taken as a true statement as long asthe evaluation is made for a single measurement.As will be confirmed later,by calculating the bandof maximum uncertainty caused by the uncer-tainty of the different contributions it is possibleto make this band practically independent of thesolar radiation in short wavelengths.The maxi-mum uncertainty is thus determined,solely,byemissivity and environment,which,moreover,islower at these wavelengths.Eq.(1)showed the nominal expression of thesensors response,which is used to interprettheFig.3.Maximum error in the temperature estimated(K)due tothe energy contribution of the solar radiation,for N¼0:8,range of wavelengths of between k X and k Xþ1l m and surfacetemperatures of T ON¼350and T ON¼310K.F.J.Meca Meca et al./Infrared Physics&Technology43(2002)367–375371measurement.In order to calculate the maximum uncertainty,expression (10)is used as the sensor’s response,where T A1represents the temperature of the surfaces in the environment,T A2the equivalent of the radiation from the sky, R the real emissivity and T OR the real temperature of the surface.By equating expressions (1)and (10)expression (11)is deduced,where e is the error in the temperature estimated,A represents the nominal contribution of the surface measured and B is the real contri-bution of the environment and solar radiation.R k ;T OR ;T A1;T A2;a ;b ðÞ¼K R ðk ÞI k ;T OR ðÞ"þ1À R ðk ÞI k ;T A1ðÞ"þI k ;T A2ðÞþ2R2S k ;a ;b ðÞI k ;T SOL ðÞ##ð10ÞI k ;T OR ðÞ¼I k ;T ON þe ðÞ¼1RA ½Àð1À R ÞB¼1 RN ðk ÞI k ;T ON ðÞ"þ1ðÀ N ðk ÞÞI k ;T A ðÞÀ1À R2I k ;T A1ðÞ"þI k ;T A2ðÞþ2R 2D2S k ;a ;b ðÞI k ;T SOL ðÞ##ð11ÞIn order to obtain the maximum and minimum values of the error in the temperature estimated it is necessary to determine the values of the different variables, R ,T A1,T A2,a and b .The variables mentioned,the only one that it is necessary to analyse in detail to determine its value is R .Ex-pression (12)indicates the derivative of I ðk ;T OR Þwith respect to R ,where it is deduced that if A >B ,the minimum value of the function is ob-tained for the highest real emissivity and the maximum for the lowest.o I ðk ;T OR Þo R ¼B ÀARð12ÞAssuming that the condition where A >B is met,the expressions used to calculate the maximumand minimum value of the error in the temperature estimated are those indicated in (13)and (14),re-spectively.It may be observed that the uncertainty contribution as a consequence of the solar radia-tion is nullified in one case and strongly attenuated in the other,which means that the uncertainty in the measurement is determined by the uncertainty in the emissivity and environment radiation.As the uncertainty due to these items diminishes as the wavelength does,it may be deduced that it is advisable to work with the lowest wavelengths that permit the inequality A >B to be complied with.I k ;T ON þe ðÞj MX¼1 R j MINN ðk ÞI k ;T ON ðÞþ1ðÀ N ðk ÞÞI k ;T A ðÞ À1À R j MIN2I k ;T A À20ðÞ!ð13ÞI k ;T ON þe ðÞj MIN¼1R j MXN ðk ÞI ðk ;T ON Þþð1À N ðk ÞÞI ðk ;T A Þ"À1ÀÀ R j MX ÁI ðk ;T A "þ20ÞþR 2I ðk ;T SOL Þ##ð14ÞEq.(15)shows the function F ðk ;T A ;D T Þ¼A ÀB ,where T A þD T ¼T ON and the least favourable environment temperature and solar radiation conditions have been taken in account in order to comply with the A >B inequality.In order to discover the wavelength in which F ðk ;T A ;D T Þ>0,it is necessary to determine the least favourable ambient temperature value in the specified range,2606T A 6320K.In order to do so,the function is derived in relation to the ambient temperature.If the derivative is positive,the least favourable case is obtained for the minimum ambient temperature.Eq.(16)represents the derivative.F k ;T A ;D T ðÞ¼ N ðk ÞI ðk ;T A þD T Þþ1ðÀ N ðk ÞÞI ðk ;T A ÞÀI ðk ;T A þ20ÞÀR2D2I ðk ;T SOL Þð15Þ372 F.J.Meca Meca et al./Infrared Physics &Technology 43(2002)367–375o F ðk ;T A ;D T Þo T A ¼ N ðk ÞI ðk ;T A þD T ÞðT A þD T Þ"þð1À N ðk ÞÞI ðk ;T A ÞT A ÀI ðk ;T A þ20ÞðT A þ20Þ2#1:44Â104k ð16ÞAnalysing expression (16)using a numericalcalculus tool [7],the result is that for D T P 27K,the expression is positive within the forecast range of ambient temperatures and for all wavelengths of <15l ing this result,it is now possible to obtain the minimum wavelength that ensures that F ðk ;T A ;D T Þ>0,and that therefore,enables the expressions (13)and (14)to be utilised to obtain the band of maximum uncertainty in the mea-surement.Fig.4shows the variation of F ðk ;T A ;D T Þin the range of wavelengths where the zero crossings of the function are situated,for an ambient temper-ature of 260K and different D T values.For esti-mated nominal temperatures of 40K above the ambient temperature,it is sufficient to use wave-lengths of >4.4l m in order to comply with the inequality.The wavelength from which point onwards ex-pressions (13)and (14)are valid is smaller if a range of integration wavelengths is considered instead of evaluating expression (15)for each wavelength.Fig.5indicates the result for a range of 1l m,where an approximate reduction of 0.5l m is observed in the minimum wavelength that may be considered.Fig.6shows the bands of uncertainty in the measurement obtained using Eqs.(13)and (14),for a nominal emissivity of 0.8.If it is desired that the bands of uncertainty maintain greater sym-metry in relation to the origin,in order to reduce the maximum error,it is sufficient to adopt a new nominal emissivity.Fig.7shows the result,as-suming a nominal emissivity of 0.77,for which the conditions that enable the previous equations to be utilised continue to be met.Fig.8shows the bands of uncertainty obtained in the case of taking the measurement in the range of wavelengths 8.5–9.5l m.In this band,as shown in Fig.3,the influence of the solar radiation is extremely low,but as a consequence of the greater effect of the emissivity and environmentradiation,Fig.4.Variation of F ðk ;T A ;D T Þwith the wavelength.For F ðk ;T A ;D T Þ>0,expressions (13)and (14)enable the band of maximum uncertainty in the measurement to becalculated.Fig.5.Variation of the integral of F ðk ;T A ;D T Þbetween k X and k X þ1l m.For I ðk X ;T A ;D T Þ>0,expressions (13)and (14)enable the band of maximum uncertainty in the measurement to becalculated.Fig.6.Bands of uncertainty in the measurement (°C)for N ¼0:8,evaluating the energy between 4and 5l m.F.J.Meca Meca et al./Infrared Physics &Technology 43(2002)367–375373the maximum uncertainty in the measurement is at least 50%higher.In many applications,the solar radiation in-cident on the surface measured is appreciably less than the maximum utilised in the calculations,which makes it possible to utilise wavelengths lower than those employed in Fig.7and,there-fore,to reduce the band of maximum uncertainty in the measurement.5.ConclusionsA method has been proposed that enables the band of maximum uncertainty produced by the uncertainty in the solar radiation,emissivity and environment radiation values,in the infrared temperature measurement to be ascertained.Fur-thermore,the method enables the most appropri-ate range of wavelengths to be deduced in which to minimise the maximum uncertainty,assuming that the surfaces are able to attain the emissivity of a blackbody.In order to achieve this,it has been demon-strated that in the wavelengths regions where the nominal energy emitted by the surface measured is greater than the maximum incident energy on the surface from the environment (contributions A and B of Eq.(11),respectively),the solar radiation makes a negligible contribution to the maximum uncertainty value (Eq.(14)).This result is due to the fact that the real emissivity of the surface may reach that of a blackbody.As the maximum expected emissivity diminishes,the contribution from solar radiation increases,but overall the band of total uncertainty diminishes,as is deduced from Eq.(12).If the maximum real emissivity of the surface is lower than that of a blackbody,it is possible to optimise the range of wavelengths in order to reduce the maximum uncertainty using a different criterion to the one applied ðF ðk ;T A ;D T Þ>0Þ.The new criterion should be deduced by seeking the range of wavelengths that minimises the error value in Eqs.(13)and (14),which may result in an impractical degree of complexity.The minimum real emissivity value of the sur-face measured does not impose limitations on the optimisation criterion considered ðF ðk ;T A ;D T Þ>0Þ.As this emissivity increases,it is possible to optimise the nominal emissivity value in order to reduce the band of maximum uncertainty.In many real applications,several of the sur-faces measured may have emissivity values close to those of a blackbody.Thus,the method proposed provides a simple way of ascertaining the range of wavelengths that minimises the band of maxi-mum uncertainty.To do so,it is only necessary to set the minimum real emissivity values of the sur-faces,the ambient temperatures and the tempera-tures of the surfaces measured.AcknowledgementsThis work has been carried out thanks to the grants received fron CICYT(InterdepartmentalFig.8.Bands of uncertainty in the measurement (°C)for N ¼0:71,evaluating the energy between 8.5and 9.5lm.Fig.7.Bands of uncertainty in the measurement (°C)for N ¼0:77,evaluating the energy between 4and 5l m.374 F.J.Meca Meca et al./Infrared Physics &Technology 43(2002)367–375Science and Technology Committee,Spain)pro-ject2FD97-0221.References[1]F.J.Meca, F.J.Rodr 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第43卷第3期2020年5月河北农业大学学报JOURNAL OF HEBEI AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY Vol.43 No.3May 2020基于光谱分析的玉米追肥关键期叶片氮含量检测方法刘 丹,马璐萍,李建昌,孙 磊,赵建国,郝建军(河北农业大学 机电工程学院,河北 保定 071001)摘要:在玉米追氮关键期对其氮含量进行准确检测,是玉米减量施肥的重要举措。






关 键 词:氮含量;特征波长;光谱;玉米叶片中图分类号:S 513 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):文献标志码:ADetection method of nitrogen content in maize leaf in critical period fortopdressing based on spectral analysisLIU Dan,MA Luping,LI Jianchang,SUN Lei,ZHAO Jianguo,HAO Jianjun(College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071001, China)Abstract: Nitrogen is a vital element in corn’s growth. It is important to detect the nitrogen content accurately for reducing fertilization of corn in the critical period of maize nitrogen recovery. The spectral analysis can accurately detect nitrogen content in maize leaves, but the large amount of data in full band spectral analysis makes it difficult to establish a mathematical model for nitrogen content detection. The difficulty of modeling can be greatly reduced by selecting characteristic wavelengths which can reflect the nitrogen content level of maize leaves. However, traditional methods often extract the characteristic wavelength of a certain period as the basis for dimension reduction, which does not fully consider the influence of the change on characteristic wavelength of nitrogen content of corn growth. In this study, we extract the spectral characteristic wavelengths of nitrogen content in leaves of maize at three critical stages of nitrogen topdressing, namely jointing stage, bell mouth stage and heading stage, with the methods of standard normalization, convolution smoothing algorithm and continuous projection algorithm, which provide a basis for the establishment of the spectral detection model of nitrogen topdressing in maize. The spectral model proposed in this paper can greatly reduce the complexity of the algorithm. Through the comparison analysis of multivariate linear modeling, the feature wavelength extracted by this method has high accuracy, small root mean square error and low computational complexity.Keywords:nitrogen content; characteristic wavelength; spectrum; maize leaves收稿日期:2019-12-23基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2018YFD0200607);河北省高等学校科学技术研究项目(QN202044).第一作者: 刘 丹(1992-),女,河北保定人,硕士研究生,主要从事光谱分析研究.E -mail:*****************通信作者: 郝建军(1972-),男,河北康保人,博士,教授,主要从事农业机械装备设计制造研究.E -mail:****************本刊网址:http: // hauxb. hebau. edu. cn: 8080 /CN/ volumn / home. shtml文章编号:1000-1573(2020)03-0102-06DOI :10.13320/ki.jauh.2020.0059103第3期玉米整个生长周期中需求量最大的营养元素氮元素,主要来源于肥料的撒施,对玉米的生长发育起到至关重要的作用,是表征玉米长势和进行光合作用的关键[1-2]。



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Continuous-Wave Terahertz Sources and Detectors

Continuous-Wave Terahertz Sources and Detectors

4Continuous-Wave Terahertz Sources and DetectorsThe technology behind continuous-wave(CW)THz emitters and sensors has a long history involving many different types of technical schemes unlike the methods of broadband THz radiation,mainly relying on ultrafast optical tech-nology.The efforts to integrate optical technology with electronics result in THz optoelectronic devices such as photomixers and difference frequency gen-erators.Optically pumped THz gas lasers produce high power THz radiation using the rotational transitions of heteropolar molecules in the gas phase.The implementation of actual devices requires compact and portable all-solid-state THz sources.Diode-based frequency multipliers,p-type germanium lasers,and quantum cascade lasers belong to this category.The practical demand has also been encouraging the development of solid-state sensors such as inter-subband detectors and Schottky diodes.Free-electron based sources include small scale devices such as backward wave oscillators and large facilities such as free-electron monly used THz sensors are thermal detectors such as bolometers,Golay cells,and pyroelectric devices.In this chapter,we shall briefly review various methods of generating and detecting CW THz ra-diation and look into the underlying mechanisms under which the devices are operating.4.1PhotomixingPhotomixing,also known as optical heterodyne downconversion,is a technique to generate CW THz radiation with a PC switch.LT-GaAs is the prevailing PC material for this technique because of its high mobility and short lifetime.A photomixer is a compact,solid-state device.The tuning range can be excep-tionally broad provided a high-quality,tunable,dual-frequency laser system is available.The primary disadvantage of this method is that the output power is relatively low compared with other techniques of CW THz generation.Its optical-to-THz conversion efficiency is10−6–10−5,and the typical output power is in the microwatt range.Carrier transport in LT-GaAs,described in1184Continuous-Wave Terahertz Sources and Detectorssection3.2.1,is an important factor governing photomixing processes.Because photomixing requires continuous optical excitation,the maximum THz output power is limited by the low thermal conductivity of LT-GaAs(∼15W/mK). The damage threshold of a1-µm LT-GaAs layer with biased electrodes is less than105W/cm2of optical excitation[77].diagram of photomixing.(a)THz radiation from a photomixerwith interdigitated electrodefingers.(Reprinted At a fundamental level,photomixing shares several essential features with the THz radiation from a PC emitter as discussed in section3.2.2.Figure4.1 illustrates the principle of CW THz generation from a photomixer.A typi-cal photomixer includes an antenna structure of metal on a LT-GaAs layer grown on a SI-GaAs substrate.A silicon hyper-hemispherical lens is attached to the back side of the substrate.A commonly used antenna structure for pho-tomixing is the logarithmic uniplanar spiral antenna(log-spiral antenna)with interdigitated electrodefingers shown in Fig.4.1(b)[78].It has the advantage of a broad tuning range:its radiation pattern,impedance,and polarization remain virtually unchanged below1THz.The optical excitation of photomixing utilizes a beat between two CW laser beams with slightly different frequencies.The most common light sources are diode lasers in the spectral range between800and850nm.The opticalfield at the antenna is expressed as:4.1Photomixing119E opt(t)=E1e−iω1t+E2e−iω2t,(4.1) where E1,E2,ω1,andω2are the electricfield amplitudes and the angular fre-quencies of the two CW laser beams,respectively.Thus,the optical intensity at the photomixer is given byI opt(t)=12c 0|E opt(t)|2=I0+I B cosωt,(4.2)where I0=I1+I2is the average intensity,I B=2√I1I2is the beat intensity,andω=ω1−ω2is the difference frequency.Due to the periodic modula-tion of the optical intensity,the induced photocurrent oscillates with the beat frequencyω.Therefore,the antenna,an oscillating dipole in this picture,radi-ates CW electromagnetic waves of the frequencyω.THz radiation is obtained when the difference frequency is tuned to the THz frequency range.The Drude-Lorentz model(see section3.2.2)provides a simple,yet accu-rate picture of the essential properties of THz radiation from a photomixer. According to Eqs.3.24,3.25,and3.27,the induced photocurrent is the con-volution of the optical intensity and the impulsive current density governed by the carrier lifetimeτc and the momentum relaxation timeτs:I P C(t)=I opt(t−t )[e n(t )v(t )]dt=µe E DC∞0{I0+I B cos[ω(t−t )]}e−t /τc1−e−t /τsdt .(4.3)The momentum relaxation time in LT-GaAs(20−30fs)is much shorter than the carrier lifetime(200−500fs),thus Eq.4.3reduces toI P C(t)=I D+I A1+ω2τ2ccos(ωt−φ),(4.4)where I D=τcµe E DC I0is the DC photocurrent,I A=τcµe E DC I B is the amplitude of the AC photocurrent at the frequencyω,andφ=tan−1(ωτc)is the phase delay induced by thefinite carrier lifetime.The THzfield radiated from the oscillating current isE T Hz(t)∝dI P C(t)dt=−ωI A1+ω2τ2csin(ωt−φ),(4.5)which leads to THz radiation power of frequencyωP T Hz(ω)=12I2AR A1+ω2τ2c=12R A·(E2DC I2B)·τ2cµ2e1+ω2τ2c,(4.6)where R A is the radiation resistance.The radiation power increases quadrat-ically with the optical intensity I B and the biasfield E DC.The last term in1204Continuous-Wave Terahertz Sources and DetectorsEq.4.6represents the effects of the intrinsic material properties,mobility and carrier lifetime,of the PC substrate.The radiation resistance of a Hertzian dipole is given by R A =197 d λ 2∝ω2,where d is the size of the dipole and λ=2πc/ωis the free-space wave-length.For a practical PC switch,the radiation resistance corresponds to the real part of the antenna load impedance Z R =R A /[1+(ωR A C A )2],where C A is the electrode capacitance.Consequently,the THz radiation power depends on the antenna circuit design [77]:P T Hz (ω)=12I 2A [1+(ωτc )]R A [1+(ωR A C A )].(4.7)The THz radiation power declines at high frequencies because the carrier response time decreases with an increase of the modulation frequency.Fig. 4.2.THz radiation power of the photomixers with log-spiral antennas ver-sus frequency.The antenna radiation resistance R A is 72Ω.Mixer 1comprises a 20×20µm 2active area with 1.8-µm gaps between 0.2-µm-wide metallic elec-trodes (C A =2.9fF).Mixer 2uses the same electrode geometry,but the area is only 8×8µm 2(C A =0.5fF).The normalized bandwidth curves were measured with a4.2-K bolometer.(Reprinted from [78].c1997IEEE)Figure 4.2shows the frequency-dependent output power of the two pho-tomixers with log-spiral antennas [78].The radiation resistance is R A =60π√ eff =72Ωfor a log-spiral antenna on a semi-infinite GaAs substrate.The carrier lifetime of LT-GaAs and the RC time constant of a typical log-spiral photomixer are a few hundred femtoseconds,thus the frequency roll-offstarts around 1THz.The radiation power is proportional to ω−4at higher frequencies.Mixer 2has broader bandwidth than Mixer 1because the RC time constant of Mixer 2is shorter.At the expense of a broad tuning range,the log-spiral antenna has low output power due to the relatively low radiation resistance.The radiation4.1Photomixing 121power can be enhanced by using resonant antenna structures.Figure 4.3shows the structure of a dipole PC antenna and the spectrum of its radiation power in the THz spectral range,where L is the distance between strip lines [79].The radiation resistance of a dipole antenna on a GaAs substrate peaks around L/λR =0.3[80],which corresponds to the resonant frequency νR ≈1.8THz for the 50-µm dipole.The measured output power is maximized near 1.2THz and extends throughout the broad spectral range from 0.5to 2THz.The peak radiation resistance is estimated as 360Ω,which is several times larger than that of the log-spiral antenna,72Ω.5×5µm 2gapL = 50 µm 20 mm(a)(b)V bFig. 4.3.(a)Schematic diagram of a dipole PC antenna.(b)Output radiation spectrum for the 50-µm dipole photomixer.The dashed curves show calculated ra-diation spectra for C A =0and 0.5fF.(Reprinted with permission from [79].c 1997,American Institute of Physics)Higher output powers are achievable using more sophisticated antenna de-signs.The dual dipole antennas illustrated in Fig.4.4(a)have several advan-(a)electrode dipoles(b)Fig.4.4.(a)Geometry of dual dipoles,with parameters given in the table below.dipoles D1,D2,D3,and D4and a spiral S1.(Reprinted from [81].c2001IEEE)1224Continuous-Wave Terahertz Sources and Detectorstages over simpler antenna designs:the radiation pattern is more symmetric and the radiation resistance is higher[81].The quintessential feature of the dual antenna design is that the electrode capacitance is cancelled out by the inductive tuning when the transmission line’s length is adjusted to the res-onant frequency.Thus,the radiation resistance is determined mainly by the carrier lifetime.The output spectra of the dual-dipole antennas in Fig.4.4(b) demonstrate significantly higher powers near their resonant frequencies when compared to the output from the log-spiral antenna[81].The maximum out-put powers of the dual-dipole antennas are3,2,0.8,and0.3µW at0.9, 1.0,1.6,and2.7THz,respectively.The peak power declines with increase in frequency asω−2,while the log-spiral output is proportional toω−4.The resonant frequencies are determined by the length of the dipole C and of the transmission line A+F.A few interesting ideas to improve radiation power are noteworthy.One way to avoid the limitation due to the low threshold for thermal damage of LT-GaAs,as well as to increase photocurrent,is to make the optical-excitation area large and to illuminate it with an extended beam from a high-power laser. If the dimensions of the illumination area are comparable to or larger than the wavelength of radiation,the optical excitation should be phase-matched with the THz radiation.A travelling-wave photomixer contains a long,thin active area between two electrodes.The active area is structured to maintain the coherent superposition between photocurrent and THz radiation[82].An-other approach to enhance photocurrent is to replace LT-GaAs substrates with semiconductor heterostructures such as p-i-n photodiodes.A uni-travelling-carrier photodiode(UTC-PD)contains a collection layer of InP which takes advantage of the exceptionally high electron mobility in the material and of the optical excitation at the optical communication wavelength,1.55µm[83].4.2Difference Frequency Generation and Parametric AmplificationDifference frequency generation(DFG)is a second-order nonlinear optical process which produces an electromagnetic wave of frequencyωT when two optical beams at frequenciesω1andω2are incident upon a nonlinear crystal, such that the output frequency is the difference between the two input fre-quencies:ωT=ω1−ω2.We have discussed the basic concepts and theoretical formulations of second-order nonlinear optical interactions in sections3.3.1 and3.3.2to describe optical rectification.Optical rectification can be inter-preted as DFG of the different frequency components within the broad band-width of ultrashort laser pulses.In this section,we shall explore two schemes of narrowband THz generation:DFG with two input beams and parametric generation with a single optical pump.4.2Difference Frequency Generation and Parametric Amplification 1234.2.1Principles of Difference Frequency GenerationE O (t )=E 1(t )+E 2(t )=E 0(sin ω1t +sin ω2t )=2E 0cos ωT 2t sin ωO t,(4.8)where ωO =(ω1+ω2)/2is the average optical frequency.The second-order nonlinear polarization of DFG is proportional to the beat intensity:P T (t )=χ(2)E 20 cos ωT 2t 2=12χ(2)E 20[1+cos (ωT t )].(4.9)Consequently,the THz radiation field induced by the nonlinear polarization is given byE T (t )∝∂2P T (t )∂t 2=−12χ(2)ω2T E 20cos (ωT t ).(4.10)The THz field oscillates at the difference frequency,ωT .We next discuss the generation and propagation of THz waves in a bulk medium.The wave equation formulated in section 3.3.3is still valid.We as-sume that a linearly polarized optical plane wave propagates in the z direction.1244Continuous-Wave Terahertz Sources and Detectors∂2E T(z,t)∂z2−n2Tc2∂2E T(z,t)∂t2=10c2∂2P(2)T(z,t)∂t2,(4.11)where E T(z,t)and P(2)T (z,t)are the THzfield and the nonlinear polarization.The THzfield is expressed asE T(z,t)=A T(z)e i(k T z−ωT t)+c.c.,(4.12)wherek T=n TωTc.(4.13)n T is the refractive index at the THz frequency.We assume that thefield amplitude A T(z)is a slowly varying function of z.The nonlinear polarization can be written asP(2)T(z,t)=P T(z)e−iωT t+c.c.(4.14) The amplitude of the nonlinear polarization induced by two monochro-matic optical waves is given byP(2) i (z,ωT)=j,k0χ(2)ijk(ωT,ω1,−ω2)E j(z,ω1)E∗k(z,ω2).(4.15)Forfixed propagation and polarization directions,this equation can be sim-plified as a scalar relation[84]:P T(z)=4 0d effE1(z)E∗2(z)=4 0d effA1A∗2e i(k1−k2)z,(4.16)where d eff=12χ(2)effis the effective nonlinear coefficient,and A1and A2arethe amplitudes of the opticalfields.Substituting Eqs.4.12,4.14,and4.16into the wave equation,Eq.4.11,we obtaind2A T dz2+2ik TdA Tdz=−4d effω2T0c2A1A∗2e i(k1−k2−k T)z.(4.17)The amplitude A T varies slowly,so that the change is negligible for the propa-gation distance of a wavelength,then we can neglect thefirst term in Eq.4.17. This approximation is called the Slowly Varying Envelope Approximation (SVEA).The wave equation is reduced todA T dz =2id effωT0n T cA1A∗2e i∆kz,(4.18)where∆k=k1−k2−k T is the momentum mismatch.The amplitudes of the optical waves also vary slowly and obey similar wave equations:dA1 dz =2id effω10n1cA2A T e−i∆kz,(4.19)and4.2Difference Frequency Generation and Parametric Amplification125dA2 dz =2id effω20n2cA1A∗T e i∆kz.(4.20)The momentum mismatch is closely related to the velocity mismatch dis-cussed in the section3.3.3.When the two optical beams are polarized in the same direction and the dispersion is negligible nearω1andω2,we can define the optical refractive index as n O≡n1(=n2).In this case,the momentum mismatch is proportional to the index mismatch,∆n=n O−n T,between the optical and THz waves:∆k=n O ω1c−n Oω2c−n TωTc=∆nωTc.(4.21)When the phase matching condition is satisfied,i.e.,∆k=0,the THz wave copropagates with the beat of the optical beams at the same velocity.Accord-ingly,the THzfield undergoes a coherent amplification.The ultimate upper limit of the optical-to-THz conversion efficiency is determined by the Manley-Rowe relations.The essence of the Manley-Rowe relations is that the creation and annihilation rates of photons should be equal at all frequencies involved in a nonlinear optical process.Imagine the initial intensities of the two optical beams and the THz wave are I1(0)= cN1¯hω1/n O,I2(0)=cN2¯hω2/n O,and I T(0)=0,where N1and N2are the initial photon number densities atω1andω2.A downconversion with100% quantum efficiency yields I1(L)=0,I2(L)=c(N1+N2)¯hω2/n O,and I T(L)= cN1¯hωT/n T.Therefore,the optical-to-THz conversion efficiency obeys the inequality relation,I T(L) I1(0)≤n OωTn Tω1∼10−3−10−2.(4.22)4.2.2Difference Frequency Generation with Two Pump Beams When the two optical input beams have similar intensities,we can assume that the optical beams are non-depleted,i.e.,A1and A2are constants.In practice,the optical-to-THz conversion efficiency is no more than10−4at best.With this non-depleted pump approximation,the integration of Eq.4.18 for a propagation distance L yieldsA T(L)=2id effωT0n T cA1A∗2Le i∆kz dz=2id effωT A1A∗20n T ce i∆kL−1i∆k,(4.23)which leads to the THz intensity,I T(L)=120cn T|A T(L)|2=8d2effω2TI1I230c n1n2n TL2sinc2∆kL2.(4.24)The sinc function peaks at the origin and is negligible beyond∆kL2>π.For a given∆k,I T(L)∝sin2∆kL2.Thus,the maximum THz intensity isobtained when the crystal length is equal to the coherence length l c=π∆k.1264Continuous-Wave Terahertz Sources and Detectors210.5Fig.4.6.Absorption spectra for an extraordinary wave in GaSe,GaAs,LiNbO3, GaP,CdSe,and LiTaO3.(Reprinted from[38].)Among many nonlinear crystals examined for DFG,GaSe is the most effi-cient for THz generation.Quartz,LiNbO3,GaP,and DAST(4-dimethylamino-N-methyl-4-stilbazolium-tosylate)are other nonlinear materials in which THz emission by DFG has been demonstrated.The generation efficiencies of these materials are substantially lower than GaSe,which has a few notable properties.First,its second-order nonlinear optical coefficient is very large: d22=54pm/V.Second,phase matching is attainable with optical pump beams in the infrared wavelength range.The output THz frequency is continuously tunable in the broad spectral range from0.2to5.3THz.Third,the linear ab-sorption in GaSe is relatively low in the THz frequency range.Figure4.6shows the absorption coefficient of GaSe,compared with those of other nonlinear op-tical crystals[38].The curves of GaSe,LiNbO3,and LiTaO3are theoretical calculations.Due to defects and second-order phonon processes,experimental values are higher than the theoretical predictions.The absorption coefficient of GaSe is approximately1cm−1in the sub-THz frequency range[85].Figure4.7illustrates the geometry for angle-tuned phase matching of type-II DFG in GaSe.The phase-matching angleθis the angle between the optic and the propagation axes.GaSe is birefringent due to its anisotropic crystal structure(hexagonal structure of¯6m2point group).The axis of anisotropy corresponds to the optic axisˆc.GaSe is a uniaxial crystal because it has only one optic axis.The uniaxial birefringence is quantified by two refractive in-dices:n o and n e are the refractive indices for polarizations perpendicular and parallel to the optic axis.GaSe is negative uniaxial because n e<n o.Type-II4.2Difference Frequency Generation and Parametric Amplification127a is n e (θ)2=(n e )2+(n o )2.(4.25)neand n o of GaSe are 2.46and 2.81at 1µm,respectively [86].θex (degrees)Fig. 4.8.Output frequency versus external phase-matching angle θex =sin −1(n O sin θ).Circles and solid curves,respectively,correspond to experimental and calculated results of refractive-index dispersion relations for GaSe.(Reprinted from [87].)1284Continuous-Wave Terahertz Sources and DetectorsThe phase matching condition,k T=k1−k2,is expressed as a function of the phase-matching angleθ,n e TωT=n o Oω1−n e O(θ)ω2.(4.26) Figure4.8shows the frequency tuning curve of GaSe as a function of the exter-nal phase-matching angle,θex=sin−1(n O sinθ),for the optical wavelength,λ1=2πc/ω1=1.064µm[87].The experimental data points(open circles)are compared with theoretical calculation(solid line).The coherent THz radiation output has a broad tuning range from0.2to5.3THz.Fig. 4.9.Peak output power versus output wavelength for three GaSe crystals with thicknesses(along the z axis)of4mm(triangles),7mm(circles),and15mm (squares).(Reprinted from[87].)Figure4.9shows the THz peak output power as a function of output wavelength for4-mm,7-mm,and15-mm thick GaSe crystals[87].The optical pump sources are a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser(wavelength,1.064µm;pulse duration,10ns;pulse energy,6mJ;repetition rate,10Hz)and the tunable idler output(duration,5ns;pulse energy,3mJ)of an optical parametric oscillator(OPO)pumped by the same Nd:YAG laser.Accordingly,the pulse duration and the repetition rate of the THz pulses are5ns and10Hz,re-spectively.The maximum THz peak power of the15-mm crystal is69.4W at1.53THz,which corresponds to an optical-to-THz conversion efficiency of 1.8×10−4,a pulse energy of0.5µJ,and an average power of5µW.Sophisticated optical pumping schemes facilitate much higher THz out-put power.Figure4.10shows the schematic of the THz generation from a4.2Difference Frequency Generation and Parametric Amplification129 quasi-phase-matched(QPM)GaAs crystal placed inside the cavity of a syn-chronously pumped optical parametric oscillator(OPO)[88].The average THz output power is1mW at2.8THz with a bandwidth of0.3THz.The OPO is pumped by a mode-locked laser at1.064µm(7ps pulse duration, 50MHz repetition rate,and10W average output power).The gain medium of the OPO is a periodically-poled lithium niobate(PPLN)crystal.The OPO converts a1.064-µm photon to two-photons near the degeneracy wavelength 2.128-µm.The OPO output spectra are shown in Fig.4.10(b).The frequency splitting,which is in the THz frequency range,is tunable via temperature control of the PPLN crystal.Fig.4.10.(a)Schematic of a linear doubly resonant OPO with an“offset”cavity design.M1-M8,cavity mirrors;M9,off-axis parabolic mirror for THz outcoupling.(b)PPLN OPO line shapes near degeneracy for two different PPLN temperatures: T=90◦C(frequency splitting of2.05THz,black lines)and T=100◦C(frequency splitting of0.96THz,gray lines).The dotted line represents the degeneracy point 2.128µm.The inset shows OPO tuning curves as a function of PPLN crystal tem-perature.(Reprinted from[88].)4.2.3Optical Parametric AmplificationOptical parametric generation is a second-order nonlinear optical process where the photon of a pump pulse is converted into two photons with lower energies.The sum of the two photon energies is equal to the pump photon energy:ωp=ωi+ωT,where pump and idler photons,ωp andωi,are at op-tical frequencies and a signal photon,ωT,is at THz frequency.The idler and THz waves are amplified when the phase-matching condition,k p=k i+k T, is satisfied.The parametric process has been utilized to generate tunable narrowband THz waves in LiNbO3crystals.Figure4.11shows the momentum conservation of the pump,idler,and THz waves.The three wave vectors are noncollinearly phase matched.With a1.064-µm optical pump,THz frequency is continuously tunable from1to3THz by changing the angleφbetween the pump and the1304Continuous-Wave Terahertz Sources and Detectorsidler[89].The angle is changed between0.5◦and1.5◦for this tuning range. The angle between the THz wave and the idler wave hardly changes at65◦.d2A T dz =4d2effωTωi20n T n i c|A p|2A T≡g2T A T,(4.29)where the exponential gain coefficient g T is given asg T=4d2effωTωi20n T n i c21/2|A p|.(4.30)The gain coefficient is proportional to the pumpfield amplitude.Assuming the initial THzfield A T(0)=0,we get the solutionA T(z)=ie iφpn iωTn TωiA∗i(0)sinh g T z,(4.31)whereφp is the phase of the complex amplitude A p.The intensity of the THzwave isI T(z)=120cn T|A T(z)|2=ωTωiI i(0)sinh2g T z.(4.32)A notable implication of this equation is that the output THz intensity is proportional to the initial idler intensity.4.2Difference Frequency Generation and Parametric Amplification131We describe two methods to strengthen the idler intensity,shown in Fig.4.12:(a)injection-seeded THz-wave parametric generator(TPG)and(b) THz-wave parametric oscillator(TPO).A CW Yb-fiber laser(wavelength, 1.070-µm)injects the seed beam of the idler into the TPG.The optical pump source is a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser(wavelength,1.064mm;pulse energy, 45mJ/pulse;pulse duration,15ns;repetition rate,10Hz).The maximum THz pulse energy is0.6nJ with45-mJ pump pulses,which corresponds to an optical-to-THz conversion efficiency of1.3×10−8.In a TPO,the idler beam is confined within an optical cavity,which gives rise to a significant enhance-ment of the idler intensity.For the specific design depicted in Fig4.12(b),the LiNbO3crystal is placed inside the pump laser cavity.The maximum THz pulse energy is5nJ when the pump pulse energy is1.3mJ.Accordingly,the optical-to-THz conversion efficiency is3×10−6.(a)(b)Fig. 4.12.Schematic diagrams of(a)the injection-seeded TPG(Reprinted from[90].c 2001,American Institute of Physics)and(b)the non-collinear phase-matched TPO(Reprinted with permission from[91].c 2006,American Institute of Physics).1324Continuous-Wave Terahertz Sources and Detectors4.3Far-Infrared Gas LasersThe basic design of THz gas lasers is similar to that of the typical laser sys-tem shown in Fig.2.24.An extra component of importance is an intracavity waveguide used to confine the laser modes in the transverse direction.The gain media of THz gas lasers are molecular gases such as CH 3F,CH 3OH,NH 3and CH 2F 2.The THz radiation originates from the rotational transitions of the molecules (see section 2.2.3).The molecules have permanent dipole moments,hence their rotational transitions are directly coupled to electromagnetic ra-diation via dipole interactions.v = 1J -1J -2JOptical pumping with CO 2laser THz radiationRotational modes VibrationalmodesE ≈≈K K -1K +1v = 0J J +1Thermalpopulation (λ~ 10 µm)N ( E )Fig.4.13.Energy level diagram of optical excitation (v =0→1)and THz radiation (J +1→J for v =0,J →J −1and J −1→J −2for v =1)in an optically-pumped THz gas laser.Figure 4.13illustrates the lasing scheme of a typical THz gas laser.At room temperature,the molecules occupy the lowest vibrational mode (v =0)with a thermal populationN (J,K )∝g (J,K )e −E rot (J,K )/k B T (4.33)of rotational states,where E rot (J,K )is the rotational energy eigenvalues (Eq.2.177).Optical pumping with a CO 2laser excites some of the molecules4.4P-Type Germanium Lasers133 from the lowest to thefirst excited vibrational mode.For symmetric-top molecules,the vibrational-rotational transitions obey the selection rules∆v= 1,∆J=0or±1,and∆K=0(see section2.2.3).The optically induced pop-ulation inversions between(J+1)and J-levels for v=0and between J and (J−1)-levels for v=1give rise to emissions at THz frequencies.The cascade transition from(J−1)to(J−2)-level for v=1also contributes to the THz radiation.Many chemical species have been examined for lasing in the THz region, and several hundred THz laser emission lines have been observed.Table4.1 lists some of the stronger laser lines in the THz region[92].ser lines of optically pumped THz gas lasersFrequency(THz)Molecule Output Power(mW)8.0CH3OH∼107.1CH3OH∼104.68CH3OH>204.25CH3OH∼1003.68NH3∼1002.52CH3OH>1002.46CH2F2∼101.9615NH3∼2001.81CH2F2<1001.27CH2F2∼100.86CH3Cl∼100.59CH3I∼100.525CH3OH∼400.245CH3OH∼10Data from Ref.[92]4.4P-Type Germanium LasersP-type germanium THz lasers are electrically pumped all-solid-state lasers. The usual dopant is beryllium,which provides high optical gain.The lasing action is based on streaming motion and population inversion of hot-carriers in p-type Ge crystals submerged in crossed electric and magneticfields.THz photons are generated by stimulated transitions between two light-hole Landau levels.Classically,a charged particle in a magneticfield moves in circular motion with a cyclotron frequency proportional to thefield strength. Because of spatial confinement,the quantum mechanical energy levels of the charged particle can only have discrete values.The discrete energy levels are called Landau levels.1344Continuous-Wave Terahertz Sources and DetectorsA population inversion is accomplished by intricate intraband transitions among light hole and heavy hole states at low temperature(<40K).In this cryogenic condition,the predominant mechanism of hole scattering in p-type Ge is spontaneous emission of optical phonons(¯hωOP=37meV).If the ap-plied electricfield is strong enough,a hole is freely accelerated up to the optical phonon energy where it makes a transition to a lower energy state by emitting an optical phonon.This phenomenon is called streaming motion.A certain amount of heavy holes(HH)scatter into pseudo-stable Landau lev-els in the light-hole(LH)band.These pseudo-stable states are formed under the specific condition of crossed electric and magneticfields.The accumula-tion of streaming heavy holes in the pseudo-stable LH states results in the population inversion between the stable Landau levels and lower energy lev-els.Figure4.14illustrates the process of population inversion in a p-type Ge crystal when crossed electric and magneticfields are applied.dv x dt =emE+ωc v y anddv ydt=−ωc v x,(4.35)whereωc=eB/m is the cyclotron frequency.The solution to these equations is a circular trajectory in the velocity space centered at−v d e y:。

The Dynamics and Light Curves of Beamed Gamma Ray Burst Afterglows

The Dynamics and Light Curves of Beamed Gamma Ray Burst Afterglows
Understanding the energy requirements and event rates of gamma ray bursts is necessary for any quantitative evaluation of a candidate burst progenitor. We need to know both how many progenitors we expect, and how much energy they need to produce in a single event. Until recently, both quantities were uncertain to ∼ 10 orders of magnitude because of the unknown distance to the bursts. The afterglow of GRB 970508 effectively ended that debate, because it showed absorption lines at a cosmological redshift (z = 0.835; Metzger et al 1997). This builds on earlier results from the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE), which showed that the burst distribution on the sky is exquisitely isotropic while the distribution in flux is inhomogeneous (Meegan et al 1996). These observations are best explained if the bursts are at cosmological distances. A very extended Galactic halo distribution might also work, but it would have to be unlike any other known population of Galactic objects. The isotropy is perhaps most important now for showing that multiple-population scenarios for gamma ray bursts cannot put any substantial fraction of the bursters at Galactic distances. It thus connects the GRB 970508 redshift bound to the vast majority of the burst population. The dominant remaining uncertainty in the bursters’ energy requirements is now whether the bursts radiate isotropically or are beamed into a very small solid angle. Such beaming is allowed (though not required) by the gamma ray observations, because the ejecta from gamma ray bursts must be highly relativistic to explain the spectral properties of the emergent radiation (Paczy´ nski 1986,
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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0612612v 1 21 D e c 2006Submitted to the Astronomical JournalPreprint typeset using L A T E X style emulateapj v.12/14/05THE MULTIWAVELENGTH SURVEY BY YALE-CHILE (MUSYC):DEEP NEAR-INFRARED IMAGING ANDTHE SELECTION OF DISTANT GALAXIESRyan Quadri,1Danilo Marchesini,1,2Pieter van Dokkum,1,2Eric Gawiser,1,2,3,4Marijn Franx,5Paulina Lira,3Gregory Rudnick,6C.Megan Urry,2Jos ´e Maza,3Mariska Kriek,5L.Felipe Barrientos,7Guillermo Blanc,8Francisco J.Castander,9Daniel Christlein,1,2,3Paolo S.Coppi,1,2Patrick B.Hall,10David Herrera,1,2Leopoldo Infante,7Edward N.Taylor,5Ezequiel Treister,11Jon P.Willis 12Submitted to the Astronomical JournalABSTRACTWe present deep near-infrared JHK imaging of four 10′×10′fields.The observations were carried out as part of the Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC)with ISPI on the CTIO 4m telescope.The typical point source limiting depths are J ∼22.5,H ∼21.5,and K ∼21(5σ;Vega).The effective seeing in the final images is ∼1.′′0.We combine these data with MUSYC UBV RIz imaging to create K -selected catalogs that are unique for their uniform size,depth,filter coverage,and image quality.We investigate the rest-frame optical colors and photometric redshifts of galaxies that are selected using common color selection techniques,including distant red galaxies (DRGs),star-forming and passive BzKs,and the rest-frame UV-selected BM,BX,and Lyman break galaxies (LBGs).These techniques are effective at isolating large samples of high redshift galaxies,but none provide complete or uniform samples across the targeted redshift ranges.The DRG and BM/BX/LBG criteria identify populations of red and blue galaxies,respectively,as they were designed to do.The star-forming BzKs have a very wide redshift distribution,a wide range of colors,and may include galaxies with very low specific star formation rates.In comparison,the passive BzKs are fewer in number,have a different distribution of K magnitudes,and have a somewhat different redshift distribution.By combining these color selection criteria,it appears possible to define a reasonably complete sample of galaxies to our flux limit over specific redshift ranges.However,the redshift dependence of both the completeness and sampled range of rest-frame colors poses an ultimate limit to the usefulness of these techniques.Subject headings:catalogs —surveys —galaxies:distances and redshifts —galaxies:high-redshift—infrared:galaxies1.INTRODUCTIONThe issues surrounding galaxy formation and evolution provide significant motivation for ongoing astrophysical research.Although several of the basic physical processes that drive the formation and evolution of galaxies were identified some time ago,such as the gravitational col-lapse of dark matter,the cooling and dissipative collapse of baryons,the variation in star formation rates with time,and galaxy mergers,constructing detailed models that reproduce observed properties for a wide range of galaxy types and redshifts has proven exceedingly dif-ficult.A precise determination of the cosmological pa-1Department of Astronomy,Yale University,New Haven,CT Electronic address:quadri@2Yale Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics,Yale University,New Haven,CT3Departamento de Astronom´ıa,Universidad de Chile,Santiago,Chile4National Science Foundation Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow5Leiden Observatory,Universiteit Leiden,The Netherlands 6National Optical Astronomical Observatory,Tucson,AZ 7Departamento de Astronom´ıa y Astrof´ısica,Pontifica Univer-sidad Cat´o lica de Chile,Santiago,Chile8Department of Astronomy,University of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas9Instiut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya,Barcelona,Spain 10Department of Physics and Astronomy,York University,Toronto,Canada11European Southern Observatory,Santiago,Chile12Department of Physics and Astronomy,University of Victoria,Victoria,Canadarameters has removed some of the uncertainties,but it is largely accepted that comprehensive observations of galaxies at low and high redshifts are necessary to refine our understanding of galaxy evolution.Recent years have seen dramatic progress in the obser-vational study of high redshift galaxies.Much of this progress has been driven by deep imaging of “blank”fields with multiple bandpasses.These surveys often rely on carefully-designed color selection techniques,mak-ing use of only a few bands,to isolate samples of high redshift galaxies.The most well known color selection criteria identify the Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs)at z ∼3(Steidel et al.1996),using the U n GR bands.This technique has been extended to select LBGs at higher redshifts,and to select similar star-forming galaxies at z ∼2.3and z ∼1.7(BX and BM galaxies,respectively;Adelberger et al.2004).Selecting galaxies in optical bands may miss many red high redshift galaxies,so NIR selection techniques have also become important.Ex-tremely Red Objects (EROs)are at z 1,and have been selected using a variety of criteria,such as R −K >5and I −H >3(McCarthy 2004).Franx et al.(2003)used J −K >2.3to select distant red galaxies (DRGs)at z ∼2−4.Daddi et al.(2004)proposed a technique involving the BzK bands to identify galaxies at z >1.4.Yan et al.(2004)used (z −3.6µm)AB >3.25to isolate IRAC Extremely Red Objects (IEROs).The primary advantage of such selection techniques is that they rely on only a few observed bands to isolate2Quadri et al.large samples of galaxies in a(hopefully)well-defined red-shift range.However,diagnostic information about indi-vidual galaxies or about the range of properties spanned by a sample of galaxies requires more bands to trace the detailed spectral energy distributions over a wide wave-length range.Specific color selection techniques may also identify only a subset of galaxies in the targeted redshift range(by design),offering a limited view of the diver-sity of galaxy properties at that redshift.Surveys with a large number of observed bands may be able to use photometric redshifts to obtain a more complete sample of galaxies in any given redshift range,and are better able to specify the intrinsic properties of high redshift galaxies.With these issues in mind,we have executed a deep op-tical/NIR survey of four southern and equatorialfields as part of the Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC).13Subsets of these data have been used to study several characteristics of K-selected galaxies at z>2,including the number density and colors of mas-sive galaxies(van Dokkum et al.2006),the clustering properties(Quadri et al.2006),and the luminosity func-tion(Marchesini et al.2006).Additionally,Kriek et al. (2006a,b,c)obtained NIR spectroscopy of the brightest MUSYC galaxies,and Webb et al.(2006)used Spitzer MIPS imaging to infer the star formation rate of MUSYC DRGs.The purpose of this paper is two-fold.First,we present the MUSYC deep NIR imaging.We describe the ob-servations,data reduction,and the K-selected catalogs with full UBV RIzJHK photometry.Second,we use these catalogs and high quality photometric redshifts to investigate the properties of galaxies that are selected with common color selection criteria.We use Vega mag-nitudes unless noted otherwise.Throughout we use H0=70km−1s−1Mpc−1,Ωm=0.3,andΩΛ=0.7.2.THE MULTIW AVELENGTH SURVEY BY YALE-CHILE The MUSYC survey consists of several components: optical imaging of four30′×30′fields,NIR imag-ing over the same area,deeper NIR imaging over four 10′×10′subfields,and spectroscopic followup.Some of the MUSYCfields also benefit from imaging by Chandra and XMM in the x-ray,HST in the optical,and Spitzer in the infrared.The survey design is described by Gawiser et al. (2006a).The four30′×30′fields were selected to have low Galactic reddening,HI column density(Burstein& Heiles1978),and100µm dust emission(Schlegel et al. 1998).They were also chosen to have high Galactic lat-itude to reduce the number of stars,to cover a wide range in right ascension to enableflexible scheduling, and to be accessible from Chilean observatories.These fields were observed with UBV RIzfilters for complete optical coverage.A narrowband5000˚Afilter was also used to identify Lymanαemitters at z≃3(Gawiser et al.2006b).Gawiser et al.(2006a)presents images and optically-selected catalogs of one of the MUSYCfields, EHDF-S.The full optical data for the remainingfields will be described elsewhere(E.Gawiser et al.2007,in preparation).The four30′×30′fields were also observed in at least 13/MUSYC one of the J,H,and K bands.We refer to this as the “wide”portion of the MUSYC NIR imaging.These data were collected and processed in a similar way to the data described in this paper(E.Taylor et al.2007,in prepa-ration;G.Blanc2007et al.2007,in preparation).The typical depths are J∼22.and K∼20.Four10′×10′subfields were observed to greater depth in all of JHK.These data,which are referred to as the “deep”NIR MUSYC imaging,are presented in this pa-per.Two of these subfields,HDFS1and HDFS2,are adjacent and lie within the larger30′×30′MUSYC Ex-tended Hubble Deep Field-South(EHDF-S).The other two subfields lie within the larger MUSYC1030and1255fields.We did not perform deep NIR imaging in the fourth large MUSYCfield,ECDF-S,because very deep imaging in the central region of thisfield has been made available by the Great Observatories Origins Deep Sur-vey(GOODS)team(Giavalisco et al.2004).The exact locations of the deep MUSYCfields within the larger 30′×30′fields were chosen to avoid bright r-mation about thesefields is given in Table1.3.OBSERVATIONSThe MUSYC deep NIR observations were performed with the Infrared Sideport Imager(ISPI)(Probst et al. 2003;van der Bliek et al.2004)on the CTIO Blanco 4m Telescope.The detector is a2048×2048HgCdTe HAWAII-2array,with a∼0.′′305pixel scale and a10.′5×10′.5field of view.Observation were performed over the course of9observing runs from January2003to April 2006.The mean airmass of observation varied between1.21 and1.43for differentfield/filter combinations,and ex-posures were rarely taken at airmass>1.6.Standard stars from Persson et al.(1998)were observed2-4times per night except when the conditions were poor.The range of airmass values for standard star observations was similar to that of science observations.The background emission in the NIR is bright, non-uniform across thefield,and can vary on short timescales.Accurate background subtraction requires that the telescope be dithered between exposures(see §4).Because the brightest objects in an exposure can leave residual images in subsequent exposures,using a non-regular dither pattern–in which the telescope does not repeatedly trace the same sequence of dither posi-tions–facilitates removal of artifacts during the reduc-tion process.We used an algorithm to generate semi-random dither patterns in which the distance between subsequent dither positions is maximized.The size of the dither box is45′′,which is sufficiently large to ob-tain good background subtraction in the regions around all but the brightest/most extended sources in ourfields without significantly reducing the area with the highest exposure times.The typical exposure times at each dither position were 1×100s(coadds×individual exposure time)in J,4×20s in H,and4×15s in K.The total exposure times for eachfield/filter combination,after discarding images with poor quality(§4),are given in Table1.The set offilters used with ISPI changed in April2004. Thefields HDFS1and1030were completed using the original JHK′filters,whereas HDFS2and1255were ob-served using the newer JHK sfilters.Both sets offilterDeep NIR Imaging from the MUSYC Survey3Fig. 1.—The filter transmission curves,including atmospheric transmission,used for the MUSYC NIR imaging.The solid curves are for HDFS1and 1030and the dashed curves are for HDFS2and 1255.transmission curves are shown in Figure 1.Conversions between the Vega and AB magnitude systems were cal-culated using the SED of Vega,and are given,along with the effective wavelengths,in Table 2.Note that the shift in effective wavelength between the K ′and K s filters is small,and much less than the filter widths.In the dis-cussion that follows we do not distinguish between the two filter sets.4.DATA REDUCTION AND IMAGE PROPERTIES4.1.Data ReductionThe data were reduced using a combination of stan-dard IRAF 14tasks,modified IRAF tasks,and custom tasks.The core of our reduction procedure was the ex-ternal IRAF package XDIMSUM.15The basic methods are similar to those described in detail by Labb´e et al.(2003),and are outlined below.Near-infrared cameras have a non-negligible dark cur-rent,so dark images with the appropriate exposure time and number of coadds are subtracted from the science images.We use domeflats to perform the flat field cor-rection.To remove the background emission from the domeflat image,and thus to isolate the uniform illumina-tion of the dome screen by the lamp,we follow the stan-dard procedure of subtracting a “lamp off”image from a “lamp on”image.During the observations,special care was taken to keep the count level of the “lamp on”im-ages at a reasonable level,well below where non-linearity becomes significant on the ISPI camera.Domeflats were taken nightly or semi-nightly;they were generally sta-ble from night to night,but showed significant variations between observing runs.14IRAF is distributed by the National Optical Astronomy Ob-servatories,which are operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy,Inc.,under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.15/iraf/ftp/iraf/extern-v212/xdimsum020806The background emission in each science frame is subtracted,and the resulting images combined,in two passes.During the first pass,an image of the back-ground emission is created for each science image using a running median of the dithered sequence of science im-ages;e.g.the background for image 10is the median combination of images 6-9and 11-14.The positions of several stars are used to determine the relative shifts be-tween background-subtracted images.The images are shifted to a common reference using sub-pixel interpo-lation and are combined.Objects in the combined im-age are detected using a simple thresholding algorithm.These masks are shifted back into the frame of individual science exposures,and the background-subtraction pro-cess is repeated during the second pass;this time objects are masked out during the calculation of the running me-dian in order to improve the background subtraction.We take several steps to improve the quality of the final images.We create a mask of bad pixels in each image.An initial list of bad pixels is created using the flat-field images.We then inspect each background-subtracted image individually;images with severe ar-tifacts (e.g.disturbed point spread functions)are dis-carded,while others with localized artifacts (e.g.satellite trails)are masked using a custom procedure.Additional bad pixels in each image are identified using a cosmic ray detection procedure or are removed with a sigma-clipping algorithm during image combining.The ISPI array can retain memory of previous exposures in the form of persistence images of bright objects.We create a second object mask at the end of the first pass reduc-tion,in which only the cores of the brightest objects are masked;these are used to mask the pixels that contained bright objects during the previous exposure.Finally,we optimize the signal-to-noise in the seeing disk by using a weighted average during the final image combining step.The weights are calculated usingw i =14Quadri et al. We use the IRAF tasks GEOMAP and GEOTRANto re-sample the NIR images so that they follow thesame logical and world coordinate system(i.e.x,ypixel coordinates and RA,Dec)as a set of trimmed op-tical MUSYC images.This processflips the NIR imagesaround the x-axis so that North is up and East is left,in accordance with standard practice.The pixel scale is changed slightly,from0.′′305to0.′′267.We used a6th or-derfit in x and y,allowing for cross-terms,to adequatelyremove the distortions present in the ISPI instrument;a similar high-orderfit was also found to be necessaryby ISPI instrument scientists16.We verified that thepixel resampling does not introduce systematic errors influx for a set of objects distributed across the images.The rms error in stellar positions between the NIR andoptical images is∼0.′′06,much smaller than the typical aperture size used for photometry.We also comparedthe positions of stars in our K-band images to those inthe USNO-B catalog directly.Many of the objects are infact extended,and some others are saturated in our im-ages;after removing these objects the rms is0.′′15−0.′′2, consistent with the uncertainties of individual USNO-Bstars.Thefinal K-band images are shown in Figure2.Thestretch has been adjusted to emphasize faint sources andthe uniformity of the background.Figure3shows a color composite image of HDFS1,constructed using the RJK bands.The effective seeing in thefinal images is takenas the median of the FWHM for a set of∼5−10stars,and is given in Table1.4.3.Photometric Calibration and Verification Observations of standard stars from Persson et al. (1998)were performed nightly except when the condi-tions were very poor.Each standard star observationused a large5-point dither pattern,and the telescopewas de-focused to keep the peak count level in the linearregime of ISPI.Following Persson et al.(1998),the in-strumental magnitude of the star was measured in a10′′diameter aperture;we verified that increasing the aper-ture size would change the instrumental zeropoints by<1%.The zeropoint rms from a single dither sequenceof a standard star is typically0.01−0.03,setting an ap-proximate scale for theflatness of the images.We then calibrated a set of secondary standard stars in the sciencefield with the same size aperture,after applying a small correction for the different airmass of standard star andscience observations.It was not possible to determine ac-curate airmass coefficients from our observations,so weused the coefficients given by Frogel(1998),which were nonetheless found to be consistent with our observations. Following usual practice in the NIR,we did not accountfor color terms in the photometric calibration.There was at least one night for eachfield/filter com-bination where the observing conditions were sufficientto determine an accurate calibration of the secondary standards.Forfield/filter combinations where there wasmore than one night of satisfactory calibrations,the agreement between nights is typically0.01−0.02.Whileit is difficult to place constraints on possible systematic uncertainties,the internal precision of ourfinal zero-points is 0.03in every case.The zeropoints are given16see /instruments/irDeep NIR Imaging from the MUSYC Survey5Fig.2.—The deep K-band images from the MUSYC.At top,the individual HDFS1and HDFS2images have been combined to create a single19.′5×10.′3image.The otherfields are∼10.′3on a side.zeropoints using2MASS photometry;but without otherdata to compare with,we cannot be certain that our0.03magnitude zeropoint uncertainties for thesefieldsare reliable.4.4.Noise Properties and Limiting DepthsTheflux uncertainty within an aperture has a con-tribution from the photon statistics from astronomicalobjects,as well as a contribution from background noise,which is due to sky emission,read noise,etc.The stan-dard method of determining the contribution of back-ground noise,by e.g.SExtractor(Bertin&Arnouts1996)or the APPHOT package of IRAF,is to scalethe rmsflux value of background pixels by the squareroot of the number of pixels within the aperture,6Quadri etal.Fig.3.—An RJK composite of HDFS1.Figure 5shows how the width of the best-fitting Gaussian changes with aperture size,along with predictions from theGAIN,(2)where F is the flux in ADU,GAIN is the total effec-tive gain,and σback is estimated for an aperture with the appropriate size.In the case of the elliptical Kron aper-tures (see §5)we estimate σback for a circular aperture with the same area.The characteristics of the final images can be found in Table 3.This table includes an estimate of the 5σpoint source limiting depths.These values are calculated using the background fluctuations in the color aperture (see §5.3),and with a 0.75magnitude aperture correction applied to account for the ∼50%point-source flux that falls outside this aperture.An alternate analysis of the limiting depths can be found in §5.5.5.SOURCE DETECTION AND PHOTOMETRY5.1.Source DetectionWe used the SExtractor v2.4.3software (Bertin &Arnouts 1996)to detect objects in the K -band im-ages.The two parameters that affect the sensitivity of source detection are DETECTMINAREA,Deep NIR Imaging from the MUSYC Survey7Fig. 4.—Histograms of backgroundfluctuations in1.′′5and2′′diameter apertures in the HDFS1K-band image.The largeraperture has the broader distribution offluxes.The dashed curvesare the best-fittingGaussians.Fig. 5.—The rms value of backgroundfluctuations within anaperture as a function of the aperture size for HDFS1K.Thefilled circles illustrate the measured values,while the solid curveis a power lawfit.The dashed curves show the expected scalingfrom the measured pixel-to-pixel rms relation in the case of no pixelcorrelations(lower)and perfect correlation of all pixels within eachaperture(upper).which specifies the number of adjacent pixels that mustmeet this threshold.Additionally,SExtractor option-allyfilters the detection image with a convolution ker-nel prior to detection in order to enhance the detec-tion of faint objects.Rather than use detailed simula-tions tofind the optimum set of parameters for SEx-tractor,we made use of the ultradeep K-band imageof HDFS from the public FIRES survey(Labb´e et al.2003).The difference in depth between the MUSYCHDFS1K-band image and the FIRES HDF-S image(K∼21.0and K∼24.3,respectively)allows for aclear determination of which objects detected by SEx-tractor in HDFS1are real and which are noise peaks.We increased the DETECTMINAREA=5pixelsand DETECT8Quadri et al.We use SExtractor in dual-image mode to detect ob-jects in K and to perform photometry in all bands.In this subsection we describe our methods to determine “total”flux in K,and to measure high signal-to-noise (S/N)colors.The totalflux in any other band can be calculated directly from these quantities.We estimate the total K-bandflux of an object from the SExtractor AUTO photometry,which uses aflexible elliptical Kron-like aperture.Although this aperture con-tains most of theflux for bright objects,in practice the aperture can become quite small for faint sources–even for the same light profile–so a larger fraction of light may be missed.Therefore we convert the AUTOflux to total flux by applying an aperture correction.The aperture correction is calculated using the median stellar growth curve of a set of bright stars,for a circular aperture with the same area as the AUTO aperture.We note that this procedure may introduce a mild bias in the total flux of faint,extended sources,because their light pro-files may not follow that of a point source outside the AUTO aperture;however these sources will have highly uncertainflux measurements no matter what procedure is used.The aperture correction for the AUTO aper-ture can reach∼0.5magnitudes for some of the faintest sources.Because accurate color measurements are necessary for photometric redshift calculations and modeling of stel-lar populations,we wish to optimize the S/N.Since the noise is a strong function of aperture size(Fig.5),we measure the colors in smaller apertures than the AUTO aperture that is used to estimate the totalflux.For a point source with a Gaussian PSF,and for uncorrelated background noise,the aperture with optimal S/N has diameter1.35×F W HM(Gawiser et al.2006a).In real-istic situations there are competing effects which change the size of the optimal aperture.Relative to the ideal-ized case,the broader wings of our PSFs would suggest a larger aperture to obtain the same signal,while the noise correlations suggest a smaller aperture to keep the same level of noise.The optimal S/N aperture for a point source can be found by dividing the stellar growth curve by theσback curve shown in Figure5.Wefind that the optimal aperture typically has diameter∼1.1−1.4times the FWHM,depending on thefilter(see also Gawiser et al.2006a).Using a very small aperture for color deter-minations presents several problems.Accurate colors re-quire that a similar fraction of theflux from an object is contained within the color aperture in eachfilter,which is easier to achieve with larger apertures.This is because a larger aperture contains a larger fraction of theflux, leading to a smaller relative difference in the fraction of flux.Secondly,one of the primary scientific goals of the deep NIR MUSYC survey is the study of high redshift galaxies,which may not appear as pure point-sources in our∼1′′rger apertures also reduce the effects of the small variations in PSF across the images,and the residual geometric distortions at the edges of the images. We choose,as a compromise,apertures with diameter ∼1.5times the stellar FWHM.These apertures contain ∼50%of the light from a point source.We verified that the S/N in these apertures is 95%of the S/N in the optimal aperture for every image.5.4.Catalog formatThe photometry in the K-selected catalogs is presented in units offlux,normalized so that the zeropoint is25on the AB system.The use offlux,rather than magnitudes, avoids the problem of converting the measuredflux un-certainties into magnitude uncertainties,the problem of asymmetric magnitude uncertainties for low S/N objects, and the loss of information for objects that have nega-tive measuredfluxes.The photometry is not corrected for Galactic extinction.Object detection and measurement of geometrical parameters are performed by SExtractor in the rms-normalized K image.The adjacent HDFS1and HDFS2fields were treated separately,but a list of objects that appears in both catalogs is available.Version3.1of the K-selected catalogs are given in the following format: Column1:SExtractor ID number,starting with1 Columns2-3:x and y barycentersColumns4-5:RA and DEC(decimal degrees;J2000) Column6:internal MUSYCfield code(4=HDFS1, 5=HDFS2,6=1030,7=1255)Columns7-24:Flux density and uncertainty in the color aperture,in the order UBV RIzJHKColumns25-26:K-bandflux density and uncertainty in the“total”apertureColumns27-35:Exposure time weight in bands UBV RIzJHK,normalized to the weight of the median objectColumns36-37:Diameters of color and AUTO aper-tures.The diameter of the AUTO aperture is taken as the geometric mean of the major and minor axes(arcsec) Columns38:SExtractor blendingflag2–object was originally blended with another object(1=blended, 0=unblended)Columns39:SExtractor blendingflag1–object was blended with another object strongly enough to sig-nificantly bias AUTO photometry(1=blended,0=un-blended)Column40:Half-light radius(arcsec)Column41:EllipticityColumn42:Position angle(degrees),measured counter-clockwise from NorthColumn43:Aperture correction to convert AUTOflux to totalfluxColumn44:SExtractor CLASSDeep NIR Imaging from the MUSYC Survey9 Fig. 6.—The K-band completeness curves.Point sourceswere inserted at random locations in the central region of the fourMUSYCfields,where the exposure time is 95%of the total.Thecompleteness is defined as the fraction of simulated sources thatwere recovered,as a function of total magnitude of the simulatedsource.The completeness values are higher if the simulated pointsources are inserted in empty regions of the images(see Table4).blend them.This effect causes the plateau in the com-pleteness curves at brighter magnitudes to have someslope;evidently,this problem is worse at fainter mag-nitudes.We repeated the simulations,this time insert-ing point sources in locations that avoid other(real orsimulated)objects.The completeness is now equal tounity to at least K=20.5in allfields.Table4showsthe90%and50%completeness limits for the deep K-selected MUSYC catalogs for both the“unmasked”and“masked”simulations.We note that the completeness limits from the un-masked and masked simulations are similar,reflectingthe uncrowded nature of thefields to our depth in K.The masked simulations may provide a better estimateof the sensitivity of our images,while the unmasked(shallower)simulations should be used when assessingthe completeness for actual astronomical objects becausesuch objects do not avoid each other on the sky.We alsonote that the completeness for extended objects will belower than for the simulated point sources,and would inprinciple be a function of inclination,morphology,andsize.6.NUMBER COUNTSFigure7shows the surface density of objects as a func-tion of magnitude,excluding objects classified as stars(§7),for each of our fourfields.No completeness correc-tions have been applied.The number counts are calcu-lated in0.5magnitude bins using only the image areawith>95%of the total K-band exposure time.Theerrorbars assume Poisson statistics,which should un-derestimate the true uncertainties because objects areclustered.The fourfields are generally consistent over18 K 20,where the S/N is high and differences indepth do not affect the number counts.It is noteworthythat the1030field has the highest density of objects inthis magnitude range;thisfield also has the highest den-sity of galaxies with M>1011M⊙at2<z phot<3of anyof thefields studied by van Dokkum et al.(2006),sug-gesting the possibility of significant galaxy over-densitiesin this redshift range.The upper panel of Figure8shows the average num-ber counts of the fourfields,along with counts drawnfrom the literature.The completeness corrections de-scribed above have been applied to the MUSYC points.Note that these completeness values provide a simplis-tic correction when dealing with number counts;a moresophisticated correction would account for the differencebetween the measured and intrinsic magnitudes of theartificial sources.This can be a significant effect be-cause the rising slope of number counts means that moresources would scatter to brighter magnitudes than tofainter magnitudes due to noisefluctuations.Further-more,there may be biases in the photometry of thefaintest sources(see also F¨o rster Schreiber et al.2006).Neither do we attempt to correct for spurious detections,which would only be significant at the faintest magni-tudes,or estimate completeness correction for extendedsources.For these reasons we only extend the averagenumber counts to the bin centered at K=21,where thecompleteness correction begins to become significant.The bestfit logarithmic slope d(logN)/dM to theMUSYC number counts isα≈0.31over18≤K≤20.To illustrate deviations from this power law in differentmagnitude ranges,in the lower panel of Figure8we havedivided the observed number counts by thisfit.The de-viation from unity in this panel at brighter magnitudesillustrates a change in the d(logN)/dM relation.How-ever,we do notfind evidence for a sharp break in thepower law slope at K∼17.5,as has been reported byCrist´o bal-Hornillos et al.(2003).These authors interpretthe galaxy number counts in terms of models of galaxyevolution,and suggest that the break can be reproducedby models with late star formation in massive galaxies(z 2;see also Eliche-Moral et al.2006).There is alsosome evidence from deeper surveys that the slopeflattensat K 21;for instance,the data of F¨o rster Schreiber etal.(2006)indicateα≈0.20over21≤K≤23.7.PHOTOMETRIC REDSHIFTS AND STARCLASSIFICATIONWe calculate photometric redshifts using the methodsdescribed by Rudnick et al.(2001,2003).Briefly,non-negative linear combinations of galaxy templates arefitto the observed spectral energy distributions.The tem-plates include the four empirical templates of Coleman,Wu,&Weedman(1980)and the two empirical star-burst templates of Kinney et al.(1996),all of which havebeen extended into the UV and NIR using models.Wealso include10Myr and1Gyr old single stellar populationtemplates generated with the Bruzual&Charlot(2003)models,as the empirical templates are derived from low-redshift galaxies and do not adequately describe some ofthe high-redshift galaxies in the MUSYC catalogs.Wedo not allow for additional reddening in the models.Thephotometric redshift uncertainties are calculated usingMonte Carlo simulations,in which the observedfluxesare varied within the photometric uncertainties.We cor-rected for Galactic extinction when calculating photo-metric redshifts(Schlegel et al.1998).。
