Interactions of magnetic holes in ferrofluid layers
科 学 家 表 示 ,锕 系 元 素 氮 化 物 是 未 来 核 料 的 候 选 物 质 , 能 满 足 未 来 核 反 应 堆 的 需 以 及 太 空 旅 行 动 力 的 需 求 。 此 次 新 获 得 的 氮分 子 能 帮 助 人 们 更 好 地 认 识 单 铀 单 氮 结 单 元 的 功 能 特 性 、 电子 结 构 和 化 学 反 应 为铀 化 学 揭 开 新 的篇 章 。 科 学 家 研 究 发 现 , 新 获 得 的 分 子 反 应 能 强 ,能 破 坏 结 合 力 强 的 碳 氢 键 从 而 形 成 新 氮 氢 键 和 氮 碳 键 。 该 发 现 显 示 铀 氮 结 构 不 惰 性 物 质 , 能 与 强 键 分 子 发 生 反 应 。 这 种 铀 单氮 化 合 物 具 有 很 强 的 化 学 反 应 能 力 , 以与 天 然 酶 细 胞 色 素P 4 0 似 的 方 式 激 一 5类 碳 氢 键 , 与 碳 氢 化 合 物 发 生 氧 化 反 应 。 这 特 性 为 该 分 子 在 今 后 用 作 核 燃 料 时 找 到 了 全 的储 存 方 式 ,也 为铀 燃 料 使 用 后 的废 物 理提 供 了途 径 。 ( 潘纳 米粒 子 在 美 开 发 成 功
据 媒 体 报 道 ,美 国布 法 罗 大 学 的科 研 人 售 科学 家发现 : 员 日前 开 发 出一 种 针 对 细 胞 膜 的磁 性 纳 米 粒 子 ,可 使 科 学 家 远 程 控 制 细 胞 离 子 通 道 、 神 通材料 可 “ 拉伸 ’ ’ 新型磁性铁 电体
经 元 , 甚 至 能 够 控 制 动 物 行 为 。 该 研 究 结 果 发 表 在 近 期 出 版 的 《自然 ・纳 米 技 术 》 杂 志
第6卷 第3期2013年6月 中国光学 Chinese Optics Vol.6 No.3June 2013 收稿日期:2013⁃02⁃17;修订日期:2013⁃04⁃15 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.10834015;No.61077082);陕西省科技新星资助项目(No.2012KJXX⁃27);陕西省光电技术与功能材料省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地基金资助项目(No.ZS12018)文章编号 1674⁃2915(2013)03⁃0283⁃14太赫兹波段超材料的制作、设计及应用潘学聪1,姚泽瀚2,徐新龙1,2∗,汪 力1(1.中国科学院物理研究所北京凝聚态物理国家实验室,北京100190;2.西北大学光子学与光子技术研究所光电技术与功能材料国家重点实验室培育基地,陕西西安710069)摘要:本文从制作方法、结构设计和材料选择几方面综述了超材料在太赫兹波段的电磁响应特性和潜在应用。
关 键 词:超材料;太赫兹技术;结构设计;调制;偏振中图分类号:O441;TB34 文献标识码:A doi:10.3788/CO.20130603.0283Fabrication ,design and application of THz metamaterialsPAN Xue⁃cong 1,YAO Ze⁃han 2,XU Xin⁃long 1,2∗,WANG Li 1(1.Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics ,Institute of Physics ,Chinese Academy of Sciences ,Beijing 100190,China ;2.State Key Laboratory Incubation Base of Photoelectric Technology and Functional Materials ,Institute of Photonics &Photon⁃Technology ,Northwest University ,Xi′an 710069,China )∗Corresponding author ,E⁃mail :xlxuphy@ Abstract :In this paper,the electromagnetic responses and potential applications of THz metamaterials are re⁃viewed through the focus on fabrication,unit structure design,and material selection,respectively.It de⁃scribes different kinds of fabrication technologies for obtaining metamaterials with special electromagnetic re⁃sponses such as magnetic resonance and reconfigurable tunability,which is helpful for further understanding of electromagnetic resonances in metamaterials.The paper analyzes the electromagnetic response characteristics in detail and points out that the unit structure design can be used to obtain desired electromagnetic characteris⁃tics,such as anisotropy,bianisotropy,polarization modulation,multiband response,broadband response,asymmetric transmission,optical activity,and perfect absorption,etc .The dependence of electromagnetic re⁃sponses upon surrounding dielectrics can be used not only to control resonant frequency by a proper substrateselection,but also for sensing applications.Furthermore,the introduction of functional materials with control⁃lable dielectric properties by external optical field,electrical field,magnetic field and temperature has the po⁃tential to achieve tunable metamaterials,which is highly desirable for THz functional devices.Finally,the op⁃portunities and challenges for further developments of THz metamaterials are briefly introduced.Key words:metamaterials;THz technology;structure design;modulation;polarization1 引 言 通过对自然材料的裁剪、加工和设计,从而实现对电子、光子以及其他一些元激发准粒子的人为调控,一直是光电科学研究的重点。
核磁苯环特征区 英文
核磁苯环特征区的英文表达为:Nuclear magnetic benzene ring characteristic region。
核磁共振(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,NMR)是一种常用的分析技术,通过观测核磁共振现象来研究物质的结构和性质。
1. 化学位移:苯环中的氢原子具有一定的化学位移,即吸收峰在核磁共振谱上的位置。
苯环上的氢原子通常显示在较低化学位移区域,其化学位移范围通常在7-8.5 ppm之间。
2. 耦合常数:苯环中的氢原子之间存在耦合作用,即它们的共振频率相互影响。
3. 积分强度:苯环中各个氢原子的积分强度可以反映它们的相对数量。
4. 峰形和峰宽:苯环的核磁共振峰通常呈现出对称的形状,峰宽度较窄。
• The second one is that no matter how complicated the pattern may end up,
the outermost splitting is always the smallest coupling for nuclei A. This is
Analysis of 1st Order Systems
Nuclei A is coupled to n identical nuclei X (of spin 1/2), A will show up as n + 1 lines in the spectrum.
Ethylacetate (CH3COOCH2CH3) :
A, B, and C are empirically derived parameters.
• The conformations
J couplings provide an estimation of molecular conformation!
J Coupling
Analysis of spin-spin coupling:
J Coupling
• The resonance frequency of Ha depends on whether the adjacent Hb has spin up or down. • The frequency separation betweenthe two peaks is called J(scalar coupling constant) (typically 0 ~15 Hz).
— spin system, AnMmXp (m+1)(p+1)
G≈ [ + c s 2 1 o(z  ̄
). ]
() 1
自 =
( 一
C, ‘
r2 )・
() 4
其 中 n是 环 的半径 , ‘ 7 是载 流子 的有效 质量 , n a为 自旋 轨道 作用强度 .
在适 当边 界条 件 下这 个 哈密 顿 是个 厄 米算 符. 轨 道 耦 合 作 用 在 方 程 ( )中 看 做 自旋 矢 量 势 场 4
输 运 . 用 Gr fh s 边 界 条 件 , 们得 出相 应 的 单 电 子 散射 问题 的 透 射 系 数 和 电 导率 的解 析 表 达 式 . 应 ii ’ 的 ft 我 关键 词 : 自旋 轨 道 作 用 ; 观 环 ; 部 引 线 ; 介 外 电导 率
中图 分 类 号 : 4 3 2 O 1. 文 献标 识码 : A
基金 项 目 : 州 师 范 学 院 基 金 项 目 (0 6 0. 忻 202)
作者简介 : 国忠 (9 7) 男 , 罗 17一 , 山西忻州人 , 忻州师范学院讲师 , 硕±, 主要从 事理论物理和量子物理的教学和研究.
第 2期
罗国忠: 自旋轨 道作 用 的介 观 环 的 电导 率
件, 我们 得 出相应 的单 电子散 射 问题 的透 射 系数
和 电导率 的解 析 表 达式 , 与 方 程 ( )中给 出的 并 1
收稿 日期 : 0 91 -0 2 0 -2 3 .
上述哈密顿 的 能量本 征值
和 非归 一化本 征态
( 依靠边界条 件归一化)下标为 一 12 即为 : , ,,
( _n 簪z2 c S 。 i s 十 .) (
学位论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日
指导教师签名: 日期: 年 月 日
第一章 引言
自从上个世纪六十年代半导体晶体管发明之后,使用电子来进行逻辑计算 的微处理器上器件集成度越来越高,单位体积里容纳的晶体管数越来越多,然 而随着晶体管尺寸的日渐缩小,量子效应开始变得重要起来,传统电子学将遇 上不少问题, 例如由于隧穿效应, 电子将透过绝缘体产生电流泄漏; 晶体管器件 的开关过程带来的大量热耗散等。人们普遍认为以传统电子学为基础的硅工业 技术将开始接近其极限。因此寻找能替代传统电子学的技术已成为许多公司、 研究机构的重要课题。到目前为止,已经提出了大量的替代方案,例如分子电 子学、生物电子学、高分子电子学、自旋电子学等。在这些方案中,利用电子自 旋来取代电荷作为信息载体的自旋电子学由于其器件具有快速、低能耗等优越 性能而倍受关注 [1–7] 。 自旋电子学是研究固体中电子自旋及在器件设计中使用自旋自由度来取代 电荷自由度的学科 [2, 3, 6, 7] 。在传统电子学中,信息处理完全依赖于电子的电荷 自由度,电子的自旋自由度并没有起多少作用,但其实在信息存储方面,电子 的磁性(即自旋)从一开始就扮演了重要的角色,例如计算机硬盘利用了巨磁 阻效应 [8–13] 后,单位面积的数据存储量就迅速提高,大大推动了该产业的升级 换代。但是目前这些与信息存储有关的自旋电子学器件的关键材料是铁磁合金, 那么是否能利用半导体材料来制造自旋电子学器件呢?因为半导体拥有极其成 熟的集成制造技术,材料本身也拥有优异的电学及光学性质,如果能有效利用 半导体材料中的自旋自由度,做成器件将是一件十分有意义的事。在这一方面 许多人提出了不同的设计方案 [14–16] 。如果进一步能将这些器件集成化, 将有可 能实现把逻辑计算、 存储和通信等功能集成在一块芯片上的新型多功能器件。 要做成半导体自旋电子学器件,首先要产生自旋极化的电流,或者说要把 自旋极化的电流注入半导体材料,当然之后还需要考虑自旋的退相干过程,即 自旋极化的电流在半导体材料中能维持多久,在这里我们只考虑前一个问题。 产生自旋极化电流使用较多的有两种方法,一种是使用圆偏振的激光在本来没 有自旋极化的半导体中激发起自旋不均衡的载流子,但是由于在实际的半导体 器件中无法集成大功率激光器,因此虽然光激发方法产生自旋极化载流子在研 究自旋现象时是一个好办法,但在器件设计中并不适用;另外一种方法就是用 电的方法把已经自旋极化的载流子从一种材料(例如铁磁金属、磁性半导体、
核磁共振成像(NMR)是一种非侵入性医学诊断技术,其基本原理是利用射 频磁场激发人体内氢原子核,并记录其在磁场中的共振信号。通过对这些信号的 处理和成像,可以获得人体内部的结构和生理信息。NMR技术具有无辐射、高分 辨率和多参数成像等优点,因此在医学诊断、癌症研究、药物开发等领域具有广 泛的应用价值。
2009年,英国科学家Harald zur Hausen、法国科学家Françoise BarréSinoussi和德国科学家Luc Montagnier因对人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)的研究,以 及发现其在子宫颈癌发生中的作用共同获得了当年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。
他们的研究不仅揭示了NMR技术在病毒学领域的应用价值,还为预防和治疗 宫颈癌提供了重要线索虽然本次演示无法详尽列举与核磁共振成像技术直接相关 的全部诺贝尔生理学或医学奖成果,但以上例子足以表明NMR技术在生命科学领 域中的研究价值和重要性。这些获奖成果不仅揭示了NMR技术在不同研究方向的 应用,也为未来的研究提供了借鉴和启示。
核磁共振成像——诺贝尔生理学或 医学奖介绍及研究进展
01 一、核磁共振成像技 术
二、诺贝尔生理学或 医学奖
03 术在诺贝尔生理学或 医学奖研究上的进展
04 四医学诊断工具,其发展历程中蕴含着众多科 学家的努力和智慧。本次演示将介绍核磁共振成像技术的基本原理、应用价值及 其在诺贝尔生理学或医学奖研究上的进展。
未来展望尽管Allison和Honjo的发现为癌症治疗带来了重大突破,但是在细 胞周期调控领域仍然存在许多未知的领域需要进一步研究。例如,关于细胞周期 如何影响基因表达以及如何进一步干预细胞周期过程以改善基因表达还有许多未 解之谜。随着科学技术的发展,未来我们有望更加深入地了解细胞周期调控的机 制,并在此基础上发现更加有效的治疗方法。
物理启蒙英语Introduction to PhysicsPhysics is the study of the natural world and the fundamental principles that govern it. It is concerned with the behavior of matter and energy, and how they interact with each other in different contexts.The study of physics can be divided into several subfields, such as classical mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and relativity. Each of these subfields deals with a specific aspect of the physical world, and together they form a comprehensive understanding of the universe.Classical mechanics is concerned with the motion of objects under the influence of forces. It is based on the laws of motion, which were first described by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century. Classical mechanics explains phenomena such as the motion of planets, balls, and automobiles.Electromagnetism deals with the interactions between electric and magnetic fields. It describes how charged particles interact with electric and magnetic fields and how these fields can be generated by chargedparticles. This is the basis for many modern technologies such as computers, televisions, and cell phones.Thermodynamics is the study of the behavior of matter and energy in systems that involve heat transfer. It is concerned with how heat is transferred from one system to another and how it affects the behavior of matter and energy. Thermodynamics is essential for understanding how energy can be converted from one form to another.Quantum mechanics describes the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level. It is based on the principles of wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle. Quantum mechanics is essential for understanding phenomena such as atomic and molecular structure, the behavior of light, and the nature of matter.Relativity is concerned with the behavior of matter and energy in extreme conditions, such as those found near black holes or at high velocities. It describes how space and time are affected by gravity and how the speed of light is absolute. Relativity is essential for understanding the behavior of the universe at large.In summary, physics is a fundamental part of our understanding of thenatural world. It helps us comprehend the behavior of matter and energy in different contexts, and it underpins many modern technologies. By studying physics, we can gain a greater appreciation of the world around us and our place in it.。
第52卷第12期表面技术2023年12月SURFACE TECHNOLOGY·315·医用镁合金微弧氧化/有机复合涂层的研究现状及演进方向冀盛亚a,常成b,常帅兵c,倪艳荣a,李承斌a(河南工学院 a.电缆工程学院 b.车辆与交通工程学院c.电气工程与自动化学院,河南 新乡 453003)摘要:医用镁及镁合金过快的降解速率严重缩短了其有效服役时间,过高的析氢速率引发局部炎症,束缚了其临床应用前景。
在此基础上,明确指出以MAO/PCL (MAO/CS)复合涂层为基底涂层,通过PCL(CS)涂层与其他涂层的交叉组合,是实现医用镁合金植入材料的生物活性及多功能性的最佳路径。
关键词:镁合金;微弧氧化;有机材料;复合涂层;演进方向中图分类号:TG174.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2023)12-0315-20DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2023.12.026Research Status and Evolution Direction of Micro-arc Oxidation/Organic Composite Coating on Medical Magnesium Alloy SurfaceJI Sheng-ya a, CHANG Cheng b, CHANG Shuai-bing c, NI Yan-rong a, LI Cheng-bin a(a. School of Cable Engineering, b. School of Vehicle and Traffic Engineering, c. School of Electrical Engineering andAutomation, Henan Institute of Technology, Henan Xinxiang 453003, China)ABSTRACT: Good biosafety, biocompatibility and valuable self-degradation properties endow medical magnesium and magnesium alloys with great potential to replace inert implant materials in the field of traditional clinical applications.The excessive degradation rate of magnesium alloy, however, leads to its premature loss of structural integrity and mechanical support, being unable to complete the effective service time necessary for tissue healing of the implant site. At the same time, it is also its excessive degradation rate that leads to the intensification of hydrogen evolution reaction of收稿日期:2023-02-01;修订日期:2023-05-14Received:2023-02-01;Revised:2023-05-14基金项目:河南省科技攻关项目(222102310337,222102240104,232102241029);博士科研资金(9001/KQ1846)Fund:Henan Province Science and Technology Research Project (222102310337, 222102240104, 232102241029); Doctoral Research Funding (9001/KQ1846)引文格式:冀盛亚, 常成, 常帅兵, 等. 医用镁合金微弧氧化/有机复合涂层的研究现状及演进方向[J]. 表面技术, 2023, 52(12): 315-334.JI Sheng-ya, CHANG Cheng, CHANG Shuai-bing, et al. Research Status and Evolution Direction of Micro-arc Oxidation/Organic Composite·316·表面技术 2023年12月magnesium alloy. Because it cannot be absorbed by the human body in a short time, the excessive H2 will easily gather around the implant or form a subcutaneous airbag, which will not only cause the inflammation of the implant site, but also hinder the adhesion and growth of cells in the implant, limiting its clinical application prospects. Surface modification technology can effectively delay the degradation rate of medical magnesium and magnesium alloys, and reduce the rate of hydrogen evolution.Firstly, starting from the structure and performance characteristics of organic materials (phytic acid (PA), chitosan (CS), stearic acid (SA), dopamine (DA), polylactic acid glycolic acid copolymer (PLGA), polylactic acid (PLA), and polycaprolactone (PCL)), the mechanism of improving the corrosion resistance of magnesium and magnesium alloys by a single organic coating was analyzed, and the performance weaknesses of a single coating were also pointed out: ①Micro arc oxidation (MAO) is an anodic oxidation process that generates a highly adhesive ceramic oxide coating on the surface of an alloy immersed in an electrolyte through high voltage (up to 300 V) spark discharge. The continuous high voltage discharge and the bubbles generated by the reaction bring about the inevitable occurrence of a large number of volcanic micropores and cracks in the coating. The diversity of discharge modes also gives rise to the unpredictable morphology of micropores and cracks. Therefore, the preparation of a single MAO coating on different alloy surfaces does not only require proper adjustment of MAO electrical parameters (current density, voltage, duty cycle, frequency, oxidation time) and the coupling effect of its electrolyte system to decrease (small) the pores and cracks on the MAO coating surface, but also increases the sealing process at the later stage. ② A single organic coating has a low bonding strength with magnesium alloy, being easy to flake off. These performance weaknesses limit the protection effect of a single coating on magnesium alloy degradation.Secondly, from the perspectives of bonding strength, corrosion resistance, and versatility (biosafety, biocompatibility, induced regeneration, antibacterial and antibacterial properties, drug loading and sustained-release properties, and so on), the structural characteristics and advantages of each MAO/organic composite coating were elaborated in detail. It has revealed that MAO/organic composite coating has an enormous application potentiality in the field of surface modification of medical magnesium and magnesium alloys, thanks to its good corrosion inhibition and degradation performance. On this basis, it is clearly pointed out that, in order to achieve the biological activity and versatility of medical magnesium alloy implant materials, the best way is to adopt the MAO/PCL (MAO/CS) composite coating as the base coating and make the cross combination of PCL (CS) coating and other coatings. Finally, the evolution direction of magnesium alloy MAO/organic composite coating is scientifically predicted.KEY WORDS: magnesium alloy; micro-arc oxidation; organic materials; composite coating; evolution direction作为人体所必须的营养元素,镁不但辅助600多种酶的合成(包括参与、维护DNA和RNA聚合酶的正确结构和活性),而且改善胰岛素稳定和糖类正常代谢、舒张血管、降低冠心病、高血压及糖尿病的患病风险[1]。
Semiconductor Optoelectronics 1-Semiconductor Review
K q, e m0 µ0 ε0 h
1.38 x 10-23 Joule/Kelvin 8.62 x 10-5 eV/Kelvin 1.6 x 10-19 Coulomb 9.11 x 10-31 kilogram 4π x 10-7 Henry/meter 8.854 x 10-12 Farad/meter 6.626 x 10-34 Joule second 2.998 x 108 meter/second
Text Book
� Larry A. Coldren, Scott W. Corzine ,Diode Lasers and Photonic Integrated Circuits. 《二极管激光器和集成光路》,史寒星译, 北京邮电大学出版社,2006年 Reference book :Fundamentals of Photonics, Bahaa E. A. Saleh ,Chap. 15-17.
Ref.Book Chap. 15; Chapter 1, Appendix 1 Ref.Book Chap. 16; Chapter 2,4 Chapter 2,5 Chapter 3,6 Chapter 8; Lecture Notes Ref. Book Chap.17 Lecture Notes Lecture Notes Lecture Notes
1.半导体物理基础回顾 Review of Semiconductor Physics
1. Energy Bands and Charge Carriers - The basics of quantum mechanics - Energy levels and bands - Effective mass 2. Electroቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ and Hole Concentrations - Density of states - Probability of occupancy & Fermi level - Intrinsic and Doped Semiconductors 3. p-n Junction
聚合物——晶圆级芯片尺寸封装的“瘦身餐”T essera T echnologies公司日前宣布推出用于照相模块、微电机系统(M EM S)和光检测器的一种最“苗条”的表面安装晶圆级芯片尺寸封装(WLC-SPs)。
Shellcase Razor Thin(RT)封装采用单面薄聚合物,而非以往的双面玻璃三明治,以将封装外形从以往的0.9mm减少到0.5mm。
这保证晶圆最终切片时没有微粒污染M EM S器件的图像阵列。
T essera估计图像传感器良品率由此可提高40%。
T essera以前的Shellcase技术用玻璃封顶部和底部,而新技术在底部采用比玻璃薄0.4mm的聚合物。
这不仅使总体封装薄了44%,而且表示更粗糙,提高了热传导性,并将潮湿敏感度提高到工业最高级别(M SL1)。
程文芳 摘编量子自旋霍尔效应——半导体的新状态据《SST-AP-NM D》2007年第5期报道,美国斯坦福大学的研究小组宣布发现了一种物质的新状态,具有“特别的”半导体性能,包括更低的能量损耗和更少的发热量。
孙再吉 摘译29。
磁体 周 围有一 种 看不 见 、 摸不着 , 但 客观 存 在 的
磁场 。以往人 们 通 过 小磁 针 的偏 转 , 铁 屑 有 规 律 的
限于静 态 的二 维平 面展示 。上述 2种方 法都 不 能有
效 地 三维 动态展 示 磁场 的空 间分 布 , 为此, 利 用磁 性
分布 来证 实磁 场 的存 在和 强弱 。但 小磁 针 的偏转 不
( 1 . Ci v i l a n d Ar c h i t e c t u r e Co l l e g e ,Da l i a n Un i v e r s i t y ,Da l i a n 1 1 6 6 2 2,Ch i n a ; 2 .Co l l e g e o f Ph y s i c a l S c i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l o g y,Da l i a n Un i v e r s i t y,Da l i a n 1 1 6 6 2 2,Ch i n a )
数 字 技 术
机 械 工 程
基 于磁 场 三 维动 态导磁 球 上 的磁 性 液体 行 为研 究
孙 峤 , 吴 鹏。
( 1 . 大 连 大 学 建 筑 工 程 学 院 纳 米 磁 性 液 体 研 发 工作 室 , 辽 宁 大连 1 1 6 6 2 2 ; 2 . 大 连 大 学 物理 科 学 与 技 术 学 院 纳 米 磁 性 液 体 研 发 工 作 室 , 辽 宁 大连 1 1 6 6 2 2 )
Abs t r ac t: Th r oug h c ha n gi ng t he ex c i t a t i o n c ur r e n t o f e l e c t r o ma g ne t ,t hi s pa p e r us ed s e l  ̄pr o duc e d t hr e e — di me ns i o na l d y—
互斥能 电离能 结合能正负
互斥能电离能结合能正负The concept of mutual exclusion, ionization energy, and binding energy are all important in the field of physics and chemistry. These concepts are fundamental to understanding the behavior of atoms and molecules, as well as the interactions between them. Mutual exclusion refers to the principle that two particles cannot occupy the same space at the same time, while ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom or molecule, and binding energy is the energy that holds a nucleus together. These concepts are all related to the fundamental forces and interactions that govern the behavior of matter at the atomic and molecular level.Mutual exclusion is a fundamental principle in physics that arises from the wave nature of particles. According to the Pauli exclusion principle, no two electrons in an atom can have the same set of quantum numbers. This means that two electrons cannot occupy the same quantum state at the same time. As a result, electrons in an atom arrangethemselves in different energy levels and orbitals, ensuring that they do not violate the principle of mutual exclusion. This principle has important implications for the behavior of matter, as it determines the structure and properties of atoms and molecules.Ionization energy is another important concept in the field of chemistry. It is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom or molecule. The ionization energy of an atom depends on its atomic structure and the number of electrons it has. For example, atoms with a larger number of protons in the nucleus will have a higher ionization energy, as the electrons are more tightly bound to the nucleus. Ionization energy is an important factor in understanding the reactivity of atoms and molecules, as it determines how easily an atom can lose an electron and form a positive ion.Binding energy is also a crucial concept in physics and chemistry. It is the energy that holds a nucleus together, overcoming the repulsive forces between protons. The binding energy of a nucleus is a measure of its stability,with more tightly bound nuclei having higher binding energies. This concept is important for understanding nuclear reactions and the stability of different isotopes. In addition, binding energy is also important in the context of chemical reactions, as it determines the stability and energy release of chemical bonds.From a practical standpoint, these concepts have important implications for a wide range of applications. For example, in the field of materials science, an understanding of mutual exclusion, ionization energy, and binding energy is crucial for designing new materials with specific properties. Engineers and scientists can use this knowledge to develop materials with tailored electronic, magnetic, or mechanical properties. In addition, these concepts are also important in the field of energy production and storage, as they are fundamental to understanding the behavior of materials in extreme conditions, such as in nuclear reactors or high-energy environments.Furthermore, these concepts also have importantimplications for our understanding of the natural world. For example, the principles of mutual exclusion, ionization energy, and binding energy are fundamental to understanding the behavior of atoms and molecules in biological systems. These concepts are crucial for understanding the structure and function of biological molecules, as well as the interactions between different molecules in living organisms. In addition, these concepts are also important for understanding the behavior of matter in the universe, from the formation of stars and planets to the behavior of matter in extreme environments such as neutron stars or black holes.In conclusion, the concepts of mutual exclusion, ionization energy, and binding energy are fundamental to our understanding of the behavior of matter at the atomic and molecular level. These concepts have important implications for a wide range of applications, from materials science to energy production and storage. Furthermore, they are also crucial for our understanding of the natural world and the behavior of matter in the universe. As our knowledge of these concepts continues toadvance, we can expect to see new and exciting developments in a wide range of fields, from technology and engineering to our understanding of the natural world.。
1. 自旋波的基本概念自旋波是一种经典的激发现象,它可以在磁性材料中自由传播,类似于光波在光学中的传播。
2. 自旋波的理论模型自旋波可以用多种理论模型来描述。
3. 自旋波的实验技术研究自旋波的实验技术主要包括磁共振、中子散射和谐振脉冲场等技术。
4. 磁性材料中自旋波的应用磁性材料中的自旋波具有广泛的应用价值。
这导致了自旋极化在材料中的积累,即自旋Hall 效应。
核磁共振机理介绍:核磁共振(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,简称NMR)是一种在物理学、化学和医学领域广泛应用的强大分析技术。
RKKY 理论的物理图象稀土金属的磁性来源于4f 电子。
4f 电子聚集在半径约0.3×10-10m 的内壳层里.外面有5s 2p 6d 106s 2电子屏蔽,而且稀土金属的原子间距可达3×10-10m ,故不同原子中4f 电子之间,不可能存在直接交换作用。
4f 电子之间也没有象超交换作用那样有氧离子作媒介。
那么,稀土金属的磁性究竞来源于什么?1954年茹德曼(Ruderman)和基特尔(Kittel)在解释Ag 核磁共振吸收线增宽现象时,引入了核自旋与导电电子交换作用,使电子极化起媒介作用,最后导致核与核之间存在交换作用,使共振吸收线增宽.后来,糟谷 (Kasuya ,1956)和芳田(Y osida ,1957)在此模型基础上研究了Mn-Cu 合金核磁共振超精细结构问题,提出了Mn 的d 电子和导电电子交换作用,使电子极化而导致Mn 原子中d 电子与近邻d 电子的间接交换作用模型.在进一步对稀土金属及其其金的磁性研究中,发现用s -f 电子交换作用模型来说明稀土金属的磁性很成功。
所以,现在一般将这种交换作用模型统称为“RKKY ”模型。
RKKY 理论模型更为适合用于稀土金属的情况,其基本待点是;4f 电子是局域的,6s 电子是游动的,f 电子与s 电子发生交换作用,使s 电子极化,这个极化了的s 电子的自旋对f 电子自旋取向有影响,结果形成以游动的s 电子为媒介,使磁性原子(或离子)中局域的4f 电子自旋与其近邻磁性原子的4f 电子自旋产生交换作用,这是间接交换作用.如以S 1和S 2表示两近邻磁离子中4f 局域电子自旋.则此交换作用可以形式地写成2112ˆˆ)(2S S R J ⋅- 其中R 12为两磁离子距离,J(R 12)为交换积分,随着R 12的变化,它的变化呈现周期性.利用二次量子化方法,可以求得体系的交换作用能为: ∑∑⋅-=mnn m n m s s R JE )(,0式中,∑=⋅=20,0,)()(83)(q R iq k n m nm eq f q J N R J ε)(,0n m R J 为位于Rm 位于Rn 处两个局域电子间的交换积分,它是一个难以计算的函数。
电磁波 核磁共振
电磁波和核磁共振(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,简称NMR)是物理学和化学领域中的两个重要概念,它们之间有一定的关联。
1. 电磁波(Electromagnetic Waves):
- 电磁波是由电场和磁场相互耦合而产生的波动现象。
- 电磁波的典型例子包括可见光、无线电波、微波、红外线、紫外线、X射线和γ射线等。
- 电磁波具有不同的波长和频率,可以用于许多应用,包括通信、成像、加热和科学研究等。
2. 核磁共振(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,NMR):
- 核磁共振是一种用于分析样本中核自旋的技术。
- 在NMR中,样本放置在强磁场中,核自旋(通常是氢、碳、氮等核子的自旋)会在特定的频率下共振。
- NMR可以用于确定化合物的结构、跟踪反应动力学、研究生物分子的结构和相互作用等。
1.自旋3/2粒子在旋转磁场中的演化及相位 [J], 李国斌
2.自旋为1粒子在旋转磁场中的演化及几何相 [J], 颜玉珍
3.任意自旋中性粒子在旋转磁场中Bloch方程的严格解 [J], 张晓燕;胡连;颜玉珍
4.自旋1粒子在共振旋转磁场下的几何相 [J], 张晓燕;胡连;颜玉珍
5.自旋为1粒子在旋转磁场中的几何相位和动力学相位(英文) [J], 易学华
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IntroductionMagnetic holes in a carrier ferrofluid are micrometric spherical nonmagnetic particles,whose size is orders of magnitudes above that of magnetites(0.01l m),so the ferrofluids appears homogeneous on their scale.In the presence of an external magneticfield,they generate dipolar magnetic perturbations,whose moment is the opposite of that of the ferrofluid displaced[1,2].This induces dipolar interactions between them,which can be tuned through the type of imposed externalfield. This system,first invented by Skjeltorp[1],is confined between two nonmagnetic plates,spaced by afixed distance ranging from one to ten particle diameters. The ability to design and modify the effective interac-tions in this system enables us to grow crystals of such holes and induce order/disorder transitions in them[1], to study aggregation dynamics of these particles[3],or to study the nonlinear dynamics of such magnetic holes in low-frequency rotating magneticfields[4].Under-standing these systems is important for ferrofluid industrial applications[5],or their possible use in biomedicine[6].Nonetheless,there was no satisfactory theoretical description of the effective interactions between holes in magneticfields composed of a high-frequency rotating in-plane component and a constant normal one,and the existence of stable configurations of particles with afinite distance between them[2]remained unexplained.Focusing on the boundary conditions of the magnetic fields along the confining plates,we will derive analyt-ically the pair interaction potential in such oscillating fields,and demonstrate for a wide range of them the existence of a secondary minimum whose position depends continuously on the ratio between out-of-plane and in-planefield magnitudes.We will then compare this theory with experiments where the motion of a particle pair is followed.Progr Colloid Polym Sci(2004)128:151–155 DOI10.1007/b97120ÓSpringer-Verlag2004Renaud Toussaint Jørgen Akselvoll Geir Helgesen Eirik G.Flekkøy Arne T.Skjeltorp Interactions of magnetic holes in ferrofluid layersR.Toussaint(&)ÆJ.AkselvollE.G.FlekkøyÆA.T.Skjeltorp Department of Physics,University of Oslo,P.O.Box1048Blindern,0316Oslo,Norwaye-mail:renaud.toussaint@fys.uio.noJ.AkselvollÆG.HelgesenÆA.T.Skjeltorp Physics Department,Institute for Energy Technology,2027Kjeller,Norway Abstract Nonmagneticmicrospheres in a ferrofluid layerinteract as dipoles in an externalmagneticfield.With a constantfieldnormal to the layer and anoscillating in-planefield,the spheresstabilize atfixed separations,andcan thus be trapped attunablefinite distances.We showanalytically how the susceptibilitycontrast at the system boundary isresponsible for this secondaryminimum of a pair interactionpotential,obtain the effectiveinteraction potential andequilibrium separation as afunction of the appliedfield,andexperimentally validate this theory.Keywords FerrofluidsÆMagneticholesÆRotating magneticfieldsÆEffective interactionsÆConfined systemSystem presentation and derivation of an effectivepair interaction potentialIn the presence of a far-rangefield~H in a ferrofluid of susceptibility v,each hole generates a dipolar perturba-tion of the dipolar moment equal and opposite to that of the displaced ferrofluid,~r¼ÀV v e~H,where V is the volume of the particle,and v e=3v/(3+2v)is the effective susceptibility including a demagnetization factor render-ing for the boundary conditions of the magneticfield along the spherical particle boundary[1,7].The suscep-tibility contrast between the ferrofluid and the two planar nonmagnetic confining plates leads to a different dipolar field perturbation from that in the infinite medium expression.According to the image method[8],the boundary conditions for the magneticfield along the plates are fulfilled if in addition to the infinite space expression,the dipolarfield emitted in an unbounded medium by an infinite series of dipole images is taken into account.This series consists of mirror images in the plane boundaries of the initial dipoles or of some previous image,by multiplying the magnitude of the dipole at each mirror symmetry operation by an attenuation factor j=v/(v+2)–see Fig.1.The instantaneous interaction potential between a pair of confined particles can then be expressed as[7]U¼l8pXi¼j~r iÁ~r jr ijÀ3~r iÁ~r ijÀÁ~r jÁ~r ijÀÁr ij"#ð1Þwhere l is the ferrofluid’s permeability,the i-index runsover both the source and image dipoles,and the j-indexruns only over the two source particles.A detailed analysisshows that the dominant effect for the components of theforces normal to the plates is the interaction between aparticle and its own mirror images,which stabilizes theparticles midway between the plates.This constraint istherefore adopted throughout this paper and in Fig.1.Buoyancy forces have also been checked to be negligiblefor the ferrofluid and particles used in this work.Decomposing the instantaneous far-rangefield into itsin-plane and normal components~H?and~H k,we definethe ratio of their magnitudes as b¼H?=H k,the anglebetween in-plane component and separation vector as u,the particle diameter and interplate separation,respec-tively,as a and h,and the scaled separation as x=r/h.A straightforward analysis of Eq.(1)in the configu-ration of Fig.1leads up to an additive constant to144h3Ulp a6v2eH2k¼Xþ1l¼À1j l j j1þÀ1ðÞl j j b2x2þl2ðÞ3=2À3y cos uþl bðÞy cos uþÀ1ðÞl j j l bx2þl2ðÞ5=22435:ð2ÞThe term l=0corresponds to the source–sourceinteraction term,already used in previous studies[1,2],the other terms correspond to interactions between aparticle and the images of the other one.For all existingferrofluids,j is sufficiently smaller than unity,so theprefactor ensures that the threefirst images are enough toget a relative precision better than1%for the potentialand its derivatives.The imposedfields considered consist of a constantcomponent~H?,while~H k rotates uniformly at sufficientlyhigh frequency(10–100Hz in this work).For themicrometric particles considered here(a¼50l m),inertial terms can be neglected,and a characteristicviscous relaxation time can be obtained as the time toseparate two particles initially in contact by their size,balancing the Stokes drag with the magnetic interactionforces derived from the potential.Retaining themain term l=0in Eq.(1)leads to an estimate ofT c=144g/(lv2eH2)»5s,for the ferrofluid[g=9·10–3Pa s,l=l0(1+v),v=1.9,l0=4p·10–7H m–1]and thetypicalfield H=10Oe considered here.Atfield rotationfrequencies significantly exceeding the inverse relaxationtime,the particle’s motion can be neglected during afieldoscillation,and an effective interaction potential aver-aged over time can be obtained by replacing simply theu-dependent terms in Eq.(2)by their average over anoscillation,while the slowly varying separation vector ismaintained constant,which leads to the dimensionlesseffective interactionpotential: 152u x ðÞ 144h 3Ulp a 6v e H k¼X þ1l ¼À1j l j j1þÀ1ðÞl j j b2x 2þl 2ðÞ3=2À3À1ðÞl j j l 2b 2þy 2=2x 2þl 2ðÞ5=2"#:ð3ÞFor a given ferrofluid and field,this central potential can be of four possible types as illustrated in Fig.2.At low normal field b <b m ,the interactions are purely attractive up to contact;at higher fields b m <b <b c ,a secondary minimum at finite distance appears,later on in the regime b c <b <b u this minimum becomes the only one,and ultimately interactions are purely repulsive for b u <b .For the ferrofluid used,the equilibrium separa-tion for these effective interactions as a function of b are displayed as a continuous line in Fig.3.From Eq.(3),the separating values can be shown to be b c ¼1=ffiffiffi2p ,b u =b c (1+j )/(1–j ),which is a growing function of the susceptibility diverging to infinity when the susceptibility does,and b m a function of the suscep-tibility decreasing regularly from b c at zero susceptibility to 0at infinite susceptibility –for the ferrofluid used here,b m »0.55and b u »2.05.Neglecting the susceptibility con-trast along the plates –terms l …0in Eq.(3)–would correspond to the limiting case j =0,where these three separating values merge,and the interactions are either purely attractive or repulsive.The presence of this susceptibility contrast is thus essential to trap the particles at a given equilibrium distance in this type of field.In order to confront this theory with experiments,the motion of particle pairs initially in contact in a given field was recorded through time.The dynamical equation ruling the particles in this overdamped regime is obtained by balancing the Stokes drag from the embedding fluid with the magnetic interactions,which leads to _x¼Àu 0x ðÞ,where the dot refers to derivation with respect to t ¢=t /T ,the dimensionless time,with T =3T c h 5/a 5,the unit time.The function t ¢(x )wasthen153numerically evaluated as the integral of–1/u¢from the initial a/h to the actual x value of the scaled separation, to obtain the dashed lines of Fig.3and the full line of Fig.4.Experiments and resultsThe experiments were carried using a¼50-l m diameter neutral nonmagnetic polystyrene particles designed by Ugelstad’s technique[9]and produced under the trade-mark Dynospheres by Dyno Particles,Lillestrøm,Nor-way,in a kerozene-based ferrofluid(type EMG905, Ferrofluidics,Nashua,NH,USA).The confining cell consisted of two glass plates70l m from each other,and was obtained by slightly pressing the cells together with a few h¼70-l m-diameter spacers in-between(of the same composition as the holes).The cell was placed in three pairs of Helmholtz coils,and the particle motion was recorded and digitized from optical microscopy data.The particles were initially brought into contact by applying a fast oscillating purely in-planefield,after which the constant normalfield component was added at time zero.The particle pair observed was separated from any other particle or spacer by more than20diameters, so as to avoid perturbations.A typical record of the scaled distance as a function of the scaled time,obtained for afield H jj¼14:2Oe,at b=0.8,is shown in Fig.3.In this case,the unit time is T=32s,and particles come to the predicted equilibrium distance r=2.35h after a few paring this data with the present theory(full line)and with the preexisting expression[1,2] ignoring the effect of the boundary conditions along the nonmagnetic plates(dashed line)we conclusively show the primary importance of this susceptibility contrast in explaining the existence of this secondary minimum.A range of geometric b parameters of the appliedfield was explored in a series of experiments with the same setup,and the resulting scaled separation as a function of b,for various characteristic scaled times,is displayed in Fig.4.The error bars correspond to an experimental error in b reflecting a possible angle up to2.5°of the constant field over the normal direction,which is the maximum variation of thefield orientation over the cell,calculated from its precise geometry with respect to the external coils.This error effect was calculated to be the major one owing to the slight inhomogeneity of thefield along the experimental cell.Once again,in the range b>b m»0.55 experiments and theory agree fairly well.The main discrepancy lies in the small but nonzero separation(x>50/70)for0.3<b<b m»0.55.This is believed to be due to the effect of the non-point-like character of the magnetic holes for the magneticfield, which should generate higher-order terms in a multipolar expansion at moderate separations r/a–qualitatively,the dipolar perturbationfield of a hole does not fulfill proper boundary conditions along the surface of another hole that is close enough,and a repulsive term corresponding qualitatively to taking into account images of one sphere in the other one,similar to the repulsive effect of images in the plane boundaries on its source particle,becomes sensitive at these short distances.ConclusionsWe have established the effective pair interactions of nonmagnetic particles embedded in a ferrofluid layer confined between two nonmagnetic plates,submitted to magneticfields including constant normal components and high-frequency oscillating in-plane components. Owing to the susceptibility contrast along the glass plates,a family of potentials displaying a secondary minimum at afinite separation distance has been proven to exist,which should allow us to trap nonmagnetic bodies at tunable distances via the externalfield.A system with interactions such as those described here should be relevant for any colloidal suspension of electrically or magnetically polarizable particles con-strained in layers.The realization of the detailed effective interaction potentials of this system also makes it a good candidate as an analog model system to study phase transitions[1],aggregation phenomena in complexfluids [4],or fracture phenomena in coupled granular/fluidsystems. 154References1.Skjeltorp AT(1983)Phys Rev Lett51:23062.Helgesen G,Skjeltorp AT(1991)JMagn Magn Mater97:253.Helgesen G,Skjeltorp AT,Mors PM,Botet R,Jullien R(1988)Phys Rev Lett 61:17364.Helgesen G,Pieranski P,Skjeltorp AT(1990)Phys Rev Lett64:14255.Chantrell R,Wohlfart E(1983)J MagnMagn Mater40:16.Hayter T,Pynn R,Charles S,SkjeltorpAT,Trewhella J,Stubbs G,Timmins P(1989)Phys Rev Lett62:16677.Bleaney B,Bleaney B(1978)Electricityand magnetism.Oxford UniversityPress,Oxford8.Weber E(1950)Electromagneticfields:theory and applications,vol1.Wiley,New York9.Ugelstad J,Mork P(1980)Adv ColloidInterface Sci13:101155。