A Research on the Factors and Development of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
城市智能模型(CIM)的概念及发展* CONCEPT AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY INTELLIGENT MODEL (CIM)吴志强甘惟臧伟马春庆周竣何珍周新刚WU Zhiqiang;GAN Wei;ZANG Wei;M A Chunqing;ZHOU Jun;HE Zhen;ZHOU Xingang106m 〇!〇厂〇〇!§$ >to【摘要】2005年在上海世博会的规划设计过程中就曾研制并应用了上海世博园区智能模型(cam pus intelligent m o d e丨),这一模型后被扩展应用到城市与城区范围,与城市的规划、建设、管理结合,衍生出城市智能模型(city intelligent model,C IM)的概 念。
本文以CIM概念的缘起及发展作为出发点,对CIM及其相关概念进行理论阐述;通 过对CIM的批判性分析,系统地提出CIM的特征及其与其他技术之间的关联;在笔者团队历时14年 开展的CIM研发与实践的基础上,梳理并凝练出四代CIM技术发展演变的过程,即从针对城市园区管理的中枢系统发展成为融合城市大脑、小脑 及迷走神经系统的综合智能系统;进而结合我国当前发展的热点问题及宏观趋势,展望CIM发展 的四个重点领域,探讨了未来技术的发展路径。
【关键词】城市智能模型;CIM;城市中抠;城 市大脑;智能化;城市治理ABSTRACT: The“Campus Intelligent Model”was initiated and developed in2005 during the planning【文章编号】1002-1329 (2021)04-0106-08【中图分类号】TU984;TP311.1【文献标识码】A【doi】1〇 • 11819/cpr20210406a 【修改日期】2021-03-11*国家重点研发计划(2018Y F C0704600) “城市新区规划设计优化技术”。
第58卷第2期2021年2月徵鈉电子技术Micronanoelectronic TechnologyVol. 58 No. 2F eb ru ary2021D O I:10. 13250/j. cnki. wndz. 2021. 02. 003令材料与结构$六方氮化硼在二维晶体微电子器件中的应用与进展高渤翔U2,方茹3,吴天如1(1.中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所信息功能材料国家重点实验室,上海200050;2.中国科学院大学,北京100049; 3•中国电子科技集团公司第三十二研究所,上海201808)摘要:六方氮化硼U-B N)因其优异的性能和潜在的应用前景而受到广泛关注。
着眼于/i-BN 在微电子器件领域中的发展与应用,总结了近年来国内外通过化学气相沉积(C V D)方法实现A-B N的高质量、大规模可控制备及图形化的代表性工作。
围绕A-B N的高介电常数、原子级平滑表面、高导热性和高稳定性,重点介绍了/i-B N在二维晶体介电衬底、半导体器件热管理平台以及集成电路封装材料中应用的研究进展,并简述了将A-B N应用于隧穿器件和存储阵列的研究成果。
最后,对A-B N在新型微电子器件大规模应用的已有成果进行总结,并展望了该领域未来的研究与发展方向。
关键词:二维(2D)材料;六方氮化硼(A-B N);微电子器件;介电衬底;隧穿器件;存储阵列;封装材料中图分类号:0612.3;TN305 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-4776(2021) 02-0107-07Application and Progress of Hexagonal Boron Nitride in Two-Dimensional Crystal Microelectronic DevicesGao Boxiang1’2, Fang Ru3,Wu T ia n ru1(1. State K ey Laboratory o f Functional Materials fo r Informatics ^Shanghai Institute o f Microsystem andInform ation Technology^ Chinese A cadem y o f Sciences^ Shanghai200050» C h in a;2. University o f Chinese A ca d e m y o f Sciences ^Beijing100049, China \3. The32n d Research Institute^China Electronics Technology Group Corporation ^Shanghai201808, China)A bstract:Due to excellent properties and potential application prospects, H exagonal boron nitride (/i-B N) has received extensive attention. Based on the developm ent and application of /i-BN in microelectronic devices, the recent representative studies of high-quality, large-scale controllable preparation and pattern in g of /i-BN achieved by chemical vapor deposition (C V D) m ethod at home and abroad are summarized. T he research progresses of /z-BN for tw o-dim ensional crystal dielectric s u b s tra te s, the therm al m anagem ent platform of sem iconductor devices and integrated circuit packaging m aterials are reviewed em phatically from the aspects of the high dielectric consta n t, atom ic level sm o o th surface, high therm al conductivity and high stability of /i-BN. T h e research results of the application of /i-BN in tunneling devices and m em ory arrays are briefly收稿日期:2020-08-17基金项目:中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDB3000()000)通信作者:吴天如,E-mail: *************微鈉电子技术presented. Finally, the obtained achievem ents of large-scale applications of /i-BN in new m icroelectronic devices are sum m arized, and the future research and trends of the field are prospected. Key w o rd s:two-dim ensional (2D) m a te ria l;hexagonal boron nitride (/i-B N);microelectronic device;dielectric s u b s tr a te;tunneling device;memory a r r a y;packaging materialE E A C C:0500;2550()引百六方氮化硼U-BN)具有与石墨烯相似的二维蜂窝结构但完全不同的物理特性。
•38 •中华精神科杂志 2021 年 2 月第54 卷第1期Chin J Psychiatry,February 2021,Vol. 54, No. 1•公共精神卫生.全球精神卫生政策研究方法概述蓝良梅1罗锐1杨龙,罗丹1肖水源21中南大学湘雅公共卫生学院,长沙410078;2中南大学精神卫生研究所,长沙410008通信作者:罗丹,Email:luodan_csu_201 l@;肖水源,Email:xiaosy@.c.n【摘要】目的对1990—2019年研究精神卫生政策的全球学术论文进行系统综述,分析该领域研究方法的总体特征,了解精神卫生政策研究方法的发展历史与现况,以期为我国精神卫生政策研究提供参考资料方法通过检索Web of Science核心合集和the Cochrane Library等数据库,制定入组标准并进行文献筛选,采用两级编码方式对入组的文献进行分类和分析。
结果共纳入1 066篇文献近30年间,精神卫生政策研究文献的数量总体呈上升趋势以每5年为一阶段划分后,定性研究类型的文献数量在每个阶段均最多(66.1%〜92.4%);其中,专家意见型的定性研究在1990—2014年一直占多数(43.3%~84.8%);定量研究和结构性定性研究的文献分別从1990—1994年的7.6%和8.6%快速增长至2015—2019年的22.6%和34.7%。
在定量研究文献中,数据来源主要为调查数据和二手数据;定量研究设计类型以纵向研究(41.6%,119篇)和横断面研究(39.5%,113篇)为主,其余依次为随机对照试验(5.6%, 16篇)、队列研究(4.5%. 13篇)、准实验研究(3.8%,11篇)、系统综述(3.5%,10篇)、生态研究(1.0%,3篇)。
定性分析方法包括文献回顾和系统综述、理论视角/框架分析(以W HO框架、Kingdmi多源流框架、Walt&Gilson政策分析框架和Bronfen丨)remier生态模式为主)和定性数据分析方法(以文本内容分析和个案研究为主)。
researchers have developed a material made of
researchers have developed a material madeofResearchers have developed a material made of [insert material composition here]. This groundbreaking innovation has the potential to revolutionize numerous industries and solve a wide range of challenges. In this article, we will explore the development process, applications, and potential future implications of this remarkable material.To understand the significance of this breakthrough, let us first delve into the composition of this material. The researchers have combined [insert materials names here] to create a unique substance with unprecedented properties. By carefully manipulating the ratios and structural arrangement of the constituent materials, they have successfully achieved a symbiotic synergy that amplifies their individual strengths.The development process began with extensive research to identify materials with complementary characteristics. This entailed analyzing their inherent properties, such as strength, flexibility, conductivity, and thermal resistance. Through a systematic selection process, the researchers identified the most promisingcandidates for integration.Next came the challenge of combining the selected materials into a cohesive structure. This involved various fabrication techniques, including chemical synthesis, mechanical blending, or even utilizing advanced 3D printing methods. The objective was to create a material that not only maintained the integrity and properties of the individual constituents but also allowed for seamless interaction between them.Once the material was fabricated, extensive testing and analysis were conducted to evaluate its performance under various conditions. These tests involved subjecting the material to extreme temperatures, pressures, or chemical environments to assess its durability and stability. Additionally, researchers investigated the material's conductive properties, its resistance to wear and tear, and its ability to withstand physical stress.The potential applications of this new material are truly staggering. One of the most promising areas is in the field of aerospace engineering. With its exceptional strength-to-weight ratio and resistance to high temperatures, this material can significantlyreduce the weight of aircraft components while enhancing their structural integrity. This revolutionary advance could lead to more fuel-efficient planes, longer flight durations, and improved safety.Another area that stands to benefit from this material is the renewable energy sector. Its exceptional conductive properties make it an ideal candidate for use in solar panels, batteries, and other energy storage devices. By enhancing the efficiency and reliability of these technologies, this material can accelerate the global transition to clean and sustainable energy sources.In the automotive industry, this material could revolutionize the manufacturing process and improve vehicle performance. Its lightweight nature can enhance fuel efficiency, while its exceptional strength can improve crash safety. Additionally, its resistance to corrosion and wear can extend the lifespan of vehicles, reducing waste and environmental impact.Beyond these specific industries, the potential applications for this material are virtually limitless. It could be used in the construction of buildings, enabling the creation of lightweight yet incredibly sturdy structures. It could also be utilized in electronic devices,medical implants, sports equipment, and even clothing. The possibilities are truly awe-inspiring.Looking forward, the future implications of this material are intriguing. As further research and development in this field continue, we can expect continuous improvements and enhancements. Researchers may discover new materials that offer even better compatibility and synergy, pushing the boundaries of what we thought was possible.In conclusion, the development of a material composed of [insert material composition here] showcases the power of scientific research and innovation. By combining various materials in a precise manner, researchers have achieved a remarkable substance with unmatched properties and vast potential. As this material finds its way into numerous industries, we can anticipate transformative changes that will shape the world as we know it.。
对农业温室气体(GHG)减排潜力的几点看法邹万生1,2,刘良国1,张景来2,邓武军3,杨品红1(1.湖南文理学院生命科学学院,湖南常德415000;2.中国人民大学环境学院,北京100872;3.中国农业科学院农业生态研究所,北京100081)摘要 [目的]探讨农业温室气体(G HG )减排潜能与可持续发展。
[方法]通过引用联合国政府间气候变化委员会评估报告相关数据,从减排技术潜能和减排经济潜能2个方面对农业GHG (主要包括C O 2、C H 4、N 2O )的减排潜力及其影响因素进行分析与评价,并对农业GHG 减排技术与前景进行评价与展望。
[结果]农业G HG 减排大约89%的潜能将来自土壤碳鏊合作用;农业GHG 减排成本大约是0~27美元/t CO 2-E Q;多数减排方案强调对现有技术的再利用,使其在不同领域得到广泛推广,同时注意加强可行的新型技术的研究与开发。
[结论]即使农业GHG 的排放与日俱增,但从长远角度看,农业GHG 减排的潜力巨大。
关键词 农业温室气体;减排潜能;可持续发展中图分类号 X 171.1 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2011)04-02054-03D iscussi on on Potenti al of Agri cultural G reenhouse Gas Em issi on Reduction and Sustai nable D evelop m ent ZOU W an -sheng et al (Co ll ege o fL i fe Sciences ,Hunan Universit y of A rts and Sciences ,Changde ,Hunan 415000)Absract [Objecti ve]The study am i ed to d i scuss the po t ential o f ag ri cult ura l greenhouse gas (GHG )e m issi on reducti on and sustai nable de -velop m en.t [M ethod]Through quo ti ng t he relevant data fro m t he assess m ent report by UN s 'Int ergovern menta lCo mm ittee on Clm i ate Change ,from the 2aspects o f e m issi on reducti on technol ogy po t ential and e m issi on reducti on econo m ic potenti a,l the potential o f ag ricult ura l GHG (ma i nl y i ncl uding CO 2,C H 4,N 2O)e m issi on reducti on and its i nfl uence f actorswere analyzed and assessed ,and the agriculturalGHG e m is -sion reducti on technol ogy and pros pect were eva l uated and pros pect ed .[Result]About 89%potenti al o f agricult ura lGHG e m issi on w ill come from t he so i-l carbon che l ate affi n i ty acti on .A griculturalGHG e m ission cost is about 0~$27/t of C O 2-EQ.T he most e m issi ons schemes e m-phasized on t he reuse o f t he ex i sti ng technology so as to be w i del y popul ar i zed i n t he different fi elds and pai d mo re attenti on on strengthen i ngt he research and deve l op m ent on t he new techno l ogy that is feasi ble .[Concl usi on]Even if t he agr i cult ure GHG e m issi on was increased day by day ,but fro m a long -ter m perspecti ve ,the ag ri cult ura lGHG e m ission reducti on w ill have a great po t entia.l The current need attenti on is to w ell deter m i ne the synerg i stic acti on of clm i ate change ,s usta i nabl e deve l op men,t m i provement of environ ment qua lit y .K ey words A gricult ural greenhouse gas (GHG);E m issi on reducti on po t entia;l Sust a i nabl e devel op ment基金项目 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30972260);国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项项目(200903028-08)。
在 F lory的棒状高分子 无规链状高分子溶液相图理 论 [ 3] 基础之上, 其形态见图 1[ 4] 。
K ey w ord s L iquid crysta l po lym er, M olecu lar com posite, In-S itu com posite, In-Situ polym erization
1 引言 20世纪 70年代末, T akayanag i[ 1] 和 H elm iniak[ 2]
Abstract The developm ent h istory of liqu id crysta l po lym er and m o lecu lar com posites is retrospected. Tw o kinds of liquid crystal polym er m olecu lar com posites, both therm otrop ic and lyotrop ic, and their comm on processing m ethods are introduced. Re in forcing m echan ism and interfacial consistence of in- suti com posites and the factors a-f fect ing fiber form ation of liqu id crysta l po lym er are briefly expla ined. A t las,t key prob lem s that influence deep deve lopm ent of liquid crysta l po lym er m olecu lar com posites are a lso rev iew ed.
现代大学英语听力1unit2听力原文Objectives:0 Understand what animals are being described.Get to know more about animals.Get to know more about how man and animals co-exist.Catch main ideas and supporting details.0 Have practice in liaison and contraction.1) They live in Africa and India. They have four legs and a tail. They are very big and very strong. They are intelligent, too. They have a trunk and some of them have tusks. They sometimes live for 70 years.2) They live in Africa and Asia. They are brown. They have arms and legs, but they don't have a tail. Their arms are very long and they have big ears. They are good climbers. They are very intelligent, too.3) They live in Africa. They are very tall. They have four legs,a tail and a very long neck. They eat leaves and twigs. They can run very fast. They are brown and white.4) They live in very cold countries. They have wings, but they can't fly. They are good swimmers. They eat fish. They are blue and white or black and white.5) They live in Australia. They are red or gray. They have short from legs, long back legs and a very long tail. The back legs andthe tail are very strong. They can run very fast. The females carry their young in a pouch.6) They live in Africa. They have four legs and a tail. They havea beautiful coat with black and white or brown and white stripes. They eat grass and plants.7) They live in very cold countries. They have four legs. They are very big and very strong. They have a white coat. They can swim. They eat seals and fish.(Length: 2 min. 23 sec.)A. Write down the name of the animal beings described in each case.1) elephants2) chimpanzees3) giraffes4) penguins5) kangaroos6) zebras7) polar bearsB. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1) They live in Africa and India. They have four legs and a tail.2) Their arms are very long and they have big ears.TipsIn case the students don't know some of the English names for these animals, they may give the names in Chinese. And then get them practise saying them in English. Alternatively, you could elicit/ introduce such animal names as chimpanzee, penguin, zebra and kangaroo.The fastest animal on land is the cheetah. It can run at a speed of about 100 kilometres an hour. The fastest bird in the world can fly at 170 km/h, and the fastest fish can swim at more than 100 km/h.Human beings are not very fast. The fastest man in the world can only run at about 40 km/h. Many animals can run faster than this. But most animals run on four legs. Four legs are better than two, aren't they? Why do we only have two legs?Scientists say that we are more intelligent than other animals because we stand on two legs, so we can use our hands for other things. We can pick things up with them. We can use tools. Human beings have used tools for millions of years. That is why our brains have developed. That is why we have become the most intelligent animals in the world.In the past few years, we have made all kinds of machines. We have made cars, ships, aeroplanes and spacecraft. In these machines we can travel faster than any animal--by land, by sea, or by air. We can even go to the moon. No other animal has ever done that!(Length: 1 min. 30 sec.)A. Answer the following questions.1) What is the fastest animal on land?Key: The cheetah.2) What is the speed of the fastest birds?Key: 170 km/h.3) What is the speed of the fastest fish?Key: More than 100km/h.4) Why can many animals ran faster than human beings?Key: Because most animals run on four legs.5) Why can human beings travel faster than any animals?Key: Because we have machines.B. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the tape.1) The fastest man in the world can run at 100 km/h. [ F ]2) Most animals run on two legs. [ F ]3) We have become the most intelligent animals in the world because we have used tools for millions of years. [ T ]A: You know, we're studying dinosaurs in science class. It's really interesting.B: Oh, yeah? Hey, have you learned why the dinosaurs disappeared?A: Well, no one knows for sure.B: I thought it had something to do with the climate. The temperature might have gotten cooler and killed them off.A: Yeah, that's one theory. Another idea is that they may have run out of food.B: Uh-huh. And you know, there's even a theory that they could have been destroyed by aliens from outer space.A: That sounds crazy to me!(Length: 48 sec.)A. Answer the following questions.1) What are the possible reasons why the dinosaurs disappeared?Key: Climate, lack of food and aliens from outer space might be responsible for their extinction.2) Does the man believe in the theory of alien invasion?Key: No.B. Fill in the missing words with what your hear on the tape.B: I thought it had something to do with the climate. The temperature might have gotten cooler and killed them off.A: Yeah, that's one theory. Another idea is that they may have run out of food. B: Uh-huh. And you know, there's even a theory that they could have been destroyed by aliens from outer space.To do the first exercise well, students may be encouraged to take notes while listening. Get them to pay attention to such expressions as "it had something to do with...", "another idea..." and "there's even a theory that..."After doing the exercises, do some oral work on this topic if desired. Question like "Why do you think dinosaurs disappeared?" can be asked.For the shortest life, the first prize must go to the mayfly, which typically lives only a matter of a few hours after it emerges from its shell. Few mayflies live to see the sun rise again. These creatures devote their whole lives to a single desperate mission: finding a mate and producing young. They don't even have functional mouths and stomachs. They simply have no time toeat. In fact they have no time for anything else. The record-holder for the longest life may be the Arctic clam, one of which lived quietly underwater for 220 years. However it did not have any birth certificate to prove this. One could only judge by its growth rings.If you insist on better documentation, the oldest animal ever was probably a tortoise that died in 1918. It had been captured already full-grown in 1766, nine years before the American Revolution began, and it died 152 years later as World War I came to a close.(Length: 1 min. 20 sec.)Answer the following questions.1) What animal has the shortest life? For how long?Key: The mayfly. A few hours.2) What do mayflies do in their lifetime?Key: They just do two things: finding a mate and producing young3) How do we know that one of the Arctic clams lived for 220 years?Key: We could judge by its growth rings.4) How long was the tortoise that died in 1918 kept in captivity?Key: It was kept for 152 years.Every year about 17 million animals are used in laboratory experiments. But in many countries today, a difficult question is being asked: Do we have the right to use animals in this way?People who are for using animals in research argue that theuse of animals in medical research has many practical benefits. Animal research has enabled researchers to develop treatments for many diseases, such as heart disease and depression. It would not have been possible to develop vaccines for diseases like smallpox and polio without animal research. Every drug anyone takes today wastried first on animals.Future medical research is dependent on the use of animals. Which is more important: the life of a rat or that of a three-year-old child? Medical research is also an excellent way of using unwanted animals. Last year, over 12 million animals had to be killed in animal shelters because no one wanted them as pets.However those who are against it point out that the fact that humans benefit cannot be used to justify using animals in research any more than it can be used to justify experimenting on other humans. Animals suffer a lot during these experiments. They are forced to live in small cages, and they may be unable to move.Much of the research that is carried out is unnecessary anyway. Animals have the same rights as humans do--to be able to move freely and not to have pain or fear forced on them. Researchers must find other ways of doing their research, using cell culture and computer modeling. There should be no animals in research laboratories at all.(Length: 1 min. 50 sec.)Key:A. Answer the following question.What is the main idea of the passage?Key: People have different opinions on using animals for research.B. Complete the following ontline of the passage.1) The case for using animals in research:a) Every drug anyone takes today was tried first on animals.b) Future medical research is dependent on the use of animals.c) Medical research is also a good way of using unwanted animals.2) The case against using animals in research:a) Animals suffer a lot during the experiments.b) Much of the research is unnecessary.c) Animals have the same rights as humans do.3) Some alternative ways for scientists to do their research:a) Using cell culture.b) Using computer modeling.Exercise B is designed to help the students get an outline of the passage, and to help them understand both the main idea and the supporting details. It is recommended that the students first take notes without referring to the outline given in the textbook and then fill in the missing information based on their notes. If some of the students find it difficult to finish the task, they may read the outline, and fill in the blanks while listening.Visitors to the National Zoo in Washington D.C. can see three new young tigers. The rare babies met the public for the first time late lastmonth. Chip O'Neal tells us about them.The mother tiger sat nearby on the grass as her babies rolled, chased and bit each other playfully. Then Korenchy also jumped into the games. Her cubs were born at the zoo four months ago. They are called Mike, Eric and Chrisy. The new young tigers at the National Zoo each weigh about 13 kilograms. The fur is dark orange with black stripes. They eat horse meat and drink milk from Korenchy.Korenchy and her babies are Sumatran tigers. Sumatran tigers came from the Indonesian island of Sumatra. They are now in danger of disappearing from the earth. Fewer than 500 of these tigers remain in the world. That includes about 60 living in zoos in North America.Korenchy came to the National Zoo from the Jakarta Zoo in Indonesia. The gift was part of the Sumatran Tiger Species Survival Program. Korenchy has given birth to live cubs three times. The father of her new cubs is Rokan, a Sumatran tiger who arrived two years ago from another zoo. Korenchy and Rokan had their babies the natural way instead of the scientific method often used to produce young animals in zoos.A wire fence separates Rokan from his babies. Zoo workers who care for Rokan say he reaches through the fence to wash the cubs with his tongue. They say this means he recognizes Mike, Eric and Chrisy as his cubs. However, zoo officials are hoping that Rokan will produce more cubs with another female Sumatran tiger at the zoo, so they do not want him to become too interested in this family.The National Zoo hopes to keep the Sumatran tiger cubs for at least 18 months before sending them to other zoos. That is about the age when most tiger cubs in the wild leave theirmothers. The National Zoo has placed cameras in the Sumatran tigers' living area, so people with computers can see them. To do this, use your computer to find the National Zoo's Website at /natzoo.(Length: 3 min. 40 sec.)Key:A. Answer the following questions.1) Was the mother tiger born in the National Zoo as well?Key: No.2) Why is the father tiger separated from his cubs?Key: Because zoo officials want him to produce cubs with another female tiger, so they don't want him to become too interested in this family.B. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1) The young tigers are four months old.2) Each of them weighs about 13 kilograms.3) They eat horse meat and drink their mother's milk.4) People with computers can see the daily life of these tigers by visiting theNational Zoo's Website at /natzoo.C. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1) How many Sumatran tigers remain in the world? ( C)a) About 60. b) More than 500. c) Less than 500.2) Korenchy has given birth to ( C)a) three cubs b) four cubs c) five or more cubs3) After 18 months, these cubs will be sent ( b)a) to the wild b) to other zoos c) to the Jakarta ZooCats in AmericaAn old expression says, "Man's best friend is his dog." Today, however, it seems that cats have replaced dogs as the most popular pets in American homes.Americans have more than 62 million pet dogs. But even more cats--more than 64 million-- live in American homes.These pet cats may have long hair or short hair. They are different colors and sizes. Some are costly animals that take part in competitions. Many more are common American mixtures of several kinds of cats.Most house cats live a good life. They are not expected to work for their food. Instead, they rule their homes like furry kings and queens. They wait for their owners to serve them.Americans are increasingly serious about their cats. These concerns have made the care of cats into big business.Each year, cat owners buy tons of food especially prepared for cats. They buy toys and other equipment. They buy jewelry and clothes for themselves with images of cats on them. Some owners even bury their dead pets in special burial grounds.Humans have loved and respected cats for centuries. Scientists have evidence that cats and people lived together as long as 8,000 years ago. The small house cat was once a highly honored animal. In ancient Egypt for example, people who killed a cat could be punished by death.Early in American history cats were not treated as gods,however. They probably arrived in the United States with settlers and traders from Europe. These cats worked. They killed rats and mice.Sometimes, Americans mistreated their cats. During the early days of the nation, religious extremists believed that some cats were working for the devil. Black cats were especially suspected of being evil.Later, American families who had enough food began taking cats into their homes. People cared for the cats because the animals gave them pleasure. The cats thanked people for feeding them by making a purringsound. This pleasant noise usually means a cat is happy.Animal experts offer several reasons why cats have become so popular as house pets. They say cats need less care than dogs. And cats do not seem to suffer as much as dogs from being alone if the owners are away. Still, millions of other people do not like cats at all. They say dogs are better and more loving pets. They say cats do not have much feeling. They believe cats stay with people only to be fed. Cat owners defend their pets against such criticism. They say cats are just much more independent than dogs.A student of animal medicine explains the situation this way: dogs follow you around—they want you to talk to them and play with them a lot of the time. Cats like more space and more privacy----does not mean they do not love their owners.(Lenght: 4 min. 27 sec.)A. Answer the following questions.1) Which have become more popular in America, dogs or cats? How do you know that? Key: Cats have become morepopular, because there are more pet cats in American homes.2) How long have humans had cats in their homes?Key: About 8,000 years.3) Where did American house cats come from?Key: They probably arrived in the United States from Europe.4) Cats have been treated well in the United States all along, haven't they? Key: No.B. Fill in the missing words in the summary.1) The care of cats has become a big business, because cat owners:a) buy tons of food especially prepared for cats.b) buy toys and other equipment.c) buy things with images of cats on them.d) bury their dead pets in special burial grounds.2) People who prefer cats say cats:a) give their owners pleasure.b) need less care.c) suffer less from being alone.d) are more independent.C. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) accord-in9 to the tape.1) Most house cats lived a good life. [ F ]2) Early American cats were treated like gods. [ F ]3) Black cats were once suspected working for the devil. [ T ]4) Cats are treated like fairy kings and queens. [ F ]5) Cats want you to talk to them a lot. [ F ]All the exercises for this passage are designed to help the students get details. In Exercise C, sentence 4) may cause someproblem. For some students the word "furry" may sound similar to "fairy". Make the students aware that in listening comprehension context is very important too. "Cats are treated like fairy kings and queens" simply doesn't make sense, therefore it's false.Little Steve has a pet rabbit, Bunny. He plays with it every day after school. One day his mother sees that her little boy is holding Bunny by the ears. From time to time he gives the poor rabbit an angry shake and says, "How much is two plus two? Steve," says his mother, "why do you treat your poor little Bunny that way?""Well," explains Steve angrily, "our teacher says that rabbits multiply very quickly, but this dummy can't even add."(Length: 40 sec.)This is a humorous story. First do the dictation. Then call the students' attention to the word "multiply" which can mean "produce large numbers of offspring" or "add a number to itself a particular number of times". The boy misunderstood, hence the humour.Script:Most mammals live on land, but not all of them. Millions of years ago, some mammals went back to the sea and lived there.The legs of these animals disappeared, and after a long time they looked like fish. These animals became whales and dolphins.Whales and dolphins are still like other mammals in many ways. They are warm-blooded and they breathe air. They also have big brains. That is why they are more intelligent than fish. Whales have the biggest brains in the world. Their brain is bigger than the brain of a human being.(Length: 50 sec.)Objectives:0 Understand what animals are being described.Get to know more about animals.Get to know more about how man and animals co-exist.Catch main ideas and supporting details.0 Have practice in liaison and contraction.1) They live in Africa and India. They have four legs and a tail. They are very big and very strong. They are intelligent, too. They have a trunk (树干;躯干;象鼻)and some of them have tusks (獠牙).They sometimes live for 70 years.2) They live in Africa and Asia. They are brown. They have arms and legs, but they don't have a tail. Their arms are very long and they have big ears. They are good climbers. They are very intelligent, too.3) They live in Africa. They are very tall. They have four legs,a tail and a very long neck. They eat leaves and twigs(小枝;嫩枝). They can run very fast. They are brown and white.4) They live in very cold countries. They have wings, but they can't fly. They are good swimmers. They eat fish. They are blue and white or black and white.5) They live in Australia. They are red or gray. They have short from legs, long back legs and a very long tail. The back legs and the tail are very strong. They can run very fast. The females carry their young in a pouch (小袋;育儿袋).6) They live in Africa. They have four legs and a tail. They havea beautiful coat with black and white or brown and white stripes (条纹). They eat grass and plants.7) They live in very cold countries. They have four legs. They are very big and very strong. They have a white coat. They can swim. They eat seals (密封;印章;海豹)and fish.(Length: 2 min. 23 sec.)A. Write down the name of the animal beings described in each case.1) elephants2) chimpanzees([ ,t?imp?n'zi: ])(黑猩猩)3) giraffes(长颈鹿)4) penguins([ 'pe?ɡwi n ])(企鹅)5) kangaroos(袋鼠)6) zebras7) polar bearsB. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1) They live in Africa and India. They have four legs and a tail.2) Their arms are very long and they have big ears.TipsIn case the students don't know some of the English names for these animals, they may give the names in Chinese. And then get them practise saying them in English. Alternatively, you could elicit/ introduce such animal names as chimpanzee, penguin, zebra and kangaroo.The fastest animal on land is the cheetah([ 't?i:t? ]猎豹). It can run ata speed of about 100 kilometres an hour. The fastest bird in the world can fly at 170 km/h(尖尾雨燕), and the fastest fish can swim at more than 100 km/h(旗鱼).Human beings are not very fast. The fastest man in the world can only run at about 40 km/h. Many animals can run faster than this. But most animals run on four legs. Four legs are better than two, aren't they? Why do we only have two legs?Scientists say that we are more intelligent than other animals because we stand on two legs, so we can use our hands for other things. We can pick things up with them. We can use tools. Human beings have used tools for millions of years. That is why our brains have developed. That is why we have become the most intelligent animals in the world.In the past few years, we have made all kinds of machines. We have made cars, ships, aeroplanes and spacecraft. In these machines we can travel faster than any animal--by land, by sea, or by air. We can even go to the moon. No other animal has ever done that!(Length: 1 min. 30 sec.)A. Answer the following questions.1) What is the fastest animal on land?Key: The cheetah.2) What is the speed of the fastest birds?Key: 170 km/h.3) What is the speed of the fastest fish?Key: More than 100km/h.4) Why can many animals ran faster than human beings?Key: Because most animals run on four legs.5) Why can human beings travel faster than any animals?Key: Because we have machines.B. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the tape.1) The fastest man in the world can run at 100 km/h. [ F ]2) Most animals run on two legs. [ F ]3) We have become the most intelligent animals in the world because we have used tools for millions of years. [ T ]A: You know, we're studying dinosaurs(恐龙)in science class. It's really interesting.B: Oh, yeah? Hey, have you learned why the dinosaurs disappeared?A: Well, no one knows for sure(确实;毫无疑问地).B: I thought it had something to do with(这与…有关)the climate. The temperature might have gotten cooler(冷的)and kill ed them off(消灭,杀光). A: Yeah, that's one theory. Another idea is that they may have run out of(用完,耗尽)food.B: Uh-huh. And you know, there's even a theory that theycould have been destroyed by aliens(外星人)from outer space.A: That sounds crazy to me!(Length: 48 sec.)A. Answer the following questions.1) What are the possible reasons why the dinosaurs disappeared?Key: Climate, lack of food and aliens from outer space might be responsible for their extinction.2) Does the man believe in the theory of alien invasion?Key: No.B. Fill in the missing words with what your hear on the tape.B: I thought it had something to do with the climate. The temperature might have gotten cooler and killed them off.A: Yeah, that's one theory. Another idea is that they may have run out of food. B: Uh-huh. And you know, there's even a theory that they could have been destroyed by aliens from outer space.To do the first exercise well, students may be encouraged to take notes while listening. Get them to pay attention to such expressions as "it had something todo with...", "another idea..." and "there's even a theory that..."After doing the exercises, do some oral work on this topic if desired. Question like "Why do you think dinosaurs disappeared?" can be asked.For the shortest life, the first prize(一等奖;第一名)must go to the mayfly(蜉蝣), which typically(代表性地,典型地)lives only a matter of(大约,左右)a few hours after it emerges from its shell. Few(很少;几乎没有)mayflies live to see the sun rise again. These creatures devote their whole lives to a single desperate(令人绝望的)mission: finding a mate(配偶)and producing young. They don't even have functional(功能的)mouths and stomachs. They simply have no time to eat. In fact they have no time for anything else.The record-holder(记录保持者)for the longest life may be the Arctic clam(蛤蜊), one of which lived quietly underwater for 220 years. However it did not have any birth certificate(出生证明)to prove this. One could only judge by its growth rings(生长轮,年轮).If you insist on better documentation(文件材料), the oldest animal ever was probably a tortoise that died in 1918. It had been captured(捕获)already full-grown(发育完全的,长足的)in 1766, nine years before the American Revolution(美国独立战争)began, and it died 152 years later as World War I came to a close.(Length: 1 min. 20 sec.)鹤寿千岁,以极其游;蜉蝣朝生而暮死,而尽其乐(仙鹤的千年寿命,用来尽情遨游;蜉蝣早上出生,傍晚就死了,但也的到它的快乐) ---淮南王刘安寄蜉蝣于天地,渺沧海于一粟。
Research on the Development and Practice of High S
Research on the Development and Practice of High School STEM School-based Curriculum Based on Innovative EducationYuming XiaTongliang Middle SchoolAbstract: The current high school education to develop students ability to innovate as the center, with STEM-based curriculum to supplement the textbook, is an important way to promote the overall development of students. Combining the two can improve the teaching effect of high school curriculum and help to innovate students’ understanding of knowledge in school curriculum. STEM-based curriculum development should pay attention to the breadth of knowledge, we introduce the status quo of middle school STEM-based curriculum, teaching strategies and to develop and practice basis points lower secondary education curriculum knowledge framework of educational innovation are described. Keywords: High school; STEM; School-based curriculum; Innovative education DOI: 10.47297/wspiedWSP2516-250021.202105031. IntroductionSTEM is an emerging comprehensive education philosophy, science, technology, mathematics and other multidisciplinary subjects. It can not only expand the application of basic knowledge, but also promote students’ in-depth study and understanding, cultivate students’ comprehensive learning ability, and realize comprehensive quality education. However, the current high school curriculum development and practice still lack innovative suggestions. The format is too single, especially in terms of knowledge, lack of complete content and methods. The participation rate of students in courses is not high, which is why we develop and implement STEM school-based courses on the basis of innovative education, so that middle school students have the ability to cultivate and developAbout the author : Yuming Xia (1986-12), male, Han nationality, native place: Hechuan, Chongqing; Tongliang Middle School, Title: First Class Teacher; research.Fund Project: Chongqing Normal High School Curriculum Innovation Base Project in 2021《Tongliang Middle School Physics Curriculum Innovation Base Project》(Approval Number:Yujiao Jifa [2021] No. 4).131Journal of International Education and Development Vol.5 No.3 2021high school education literacy.2.The Status Quo of High School STEM School-based CurriculumAt present, school-based curriculum development has achieved good results in the high school stage, enabling students to apply basic cultural knowledge to school curricula and broaden their knowledge, but its development is mainly reflected in science and mathematics, and almost all of them are technical of. There are certain shortcomings in teaching. With the development of education reform, teaching can be combined with university compulsory courses to participate in project organization and practice, promote the concept of knowledge application through the process, and promote the connection between knowledge and core knowledge. High school and high school education teachers should pay attention to school-based Curriculum development and practical teaching ensure the teaching effect, so that students can learn comprehensively, think comprehensively, and grow in an all-round way.For example, Clark and Ernest published a case model integrating science, technology, and mathematics in 2007, reflecting the integration of biology courses and STEM courses, and providing a theoretical basis for stem cell integration; Heschbach advocated stem cell teaching in 2011, and From the perspective of the convergence of STEM school-based courses and comprehensive courses, the science, technology, and mathematics courses have been reorganized: limitations and challenges. Margaret et al. published “Using Stem Cell Quality Framework to Build a Bridge Between Engineering and PK-12 Curriculum”, which discussed As for the impact of related projects on students’ interests, foreign researchers have also begun to shift from simple theoretical research to integrated research on curriculum research. By designing stem cell projects, combining science and technology, mathematics and other disciplines with students’ learning interests, improve students’ practical ability and promote students’ all-round development.3. Research Results(1) Read the literature and organize it into a bookThe researchers investigated STEM school-based courses in various countries and proposed seven core qualities of stem cell students: critical thinking, information collection and integration, communication and cooperation, creative problem solving, lifelong learning, self-confidence and adjustment, and growth thinking.132133(2) Compile 2 copies of the school textbookIn view of the current status of college students and literature research, researchers have developed two school-based textbooks, namely the design and production of monochromatic courseware, such as the design and production of the structure chain of tea polyphenols (Based on cultivating the seven core qualities of students, pay attention to infiltrating vocational education and cultivating students’ artistic appreciation ability).(3) Orderly classroom teachingThe classroom teaching mode of “problem-oriented” and “group cooperation” is adopted, and students have a high degree of participation. Foreign teaching and learning in the classroom is based on the family, and practical teaching is carried out. For example, in a high school, the STEM course designed is to visit the Diaoyu City, on this basis, to understand the historical and cultural heritage of the Diaoyu City, or to design and manufacture stone throwing machines under the guidance of parents. Carry out the classroom teaching of “Catapult design and production” in such as; in the autumn of 2017, carry out the classroom teaching of “Teaphenol chain belt design and production”(4) Popularize STEM education throughout the schoolDuring the 2016 winter vacation, the school carried out stem cell innovation training, popularized stem cell education throughout the school, improved students’ ability to solve problems, adapted to various learning activities in a flexible future learning space, and inspired students to create in non-teacher classrooms Strength, promote cooperative learning, exploration and experimental learning.(5) The micro-channel by universalizationAt the beginning, the researchers set up a chat group in which the researchers can mobilize the attention of parents while sharing their tribal military knowledge with the children. The acquisition of knowledge, teamwork and innovative learning have penetrated. Under the influence of researchers, many parents have begun to attach importance to training and agree with the concept of learning across disciplines and projects.4. High School and High School Education STEM School-based Curriculum Development and Innovative EducationCurriculum development and discipline integration based on stem cells will realize innovative education based on STEM. However, lack of knowledge of science and technology for high school students, it is difficult to stop learning. Therefore, in curriculum development, it is necessary to strengthen the introductionResearch on the Development and Practice of High School STEM School-based Curriculum Based on Innovative EducationJournal of International Education and Development Vol.5 No.3 2021of high school education science and engineering knowledge, so that students have a certain understanding of the curriculum, and can develop curriculum content on the basis of projects, so that students can participate in innovative learning and understanding, and can Participate in school subsidy courses.(1) Contents of popularization of high school education technologyIn the high school stage, basic knowledge education knowledge is a basic concept. In this subject, students have more knowledge, fewer changes and ideas. Therefore, in the development of STEM school-based curriculum, it is necessary to popularize the content of high school education technology, so that students can fully understand high school education technology, understand the research status of high school education technology in society, and enable science and technology to be implemented. Examples of genetic research, seed production, high school education materials, ecological environment, pathology research, and other high school education science and technology. The teaching content ensures that students have a comprehensive understanding of knowledge points, improves students’ learning and comprehension abilities, creates a basic environment for comprehensive STEM education, and at the same time realizes enlightening education, enriches school curriculum content, and ensures students’ understanding and interest in learning At the same time, there is a practical innovation education process.(2) The combination of engineering and knowledge pointsThe engineering content of school-based courses requires the development of teaching materials, the construction of environment and technical content, and the integration of high school education engineering. For example, urban engineering design should ensure the ecological environment of the city, consider environmental protection and high school education research in space technology in transportation; help students understand high school education technology and apply it to school curricula. When innovation training, to focus on questionnaires and practical, and appropriate to reduce the content standards, the development of practical approach, innovation in the classroom so that students apply knowledge knowledge, deepen understanding.(3) School-based curriculum development projectBased on STEM courses and developing courses in the context of innovative training, the teaching methods should be emphasized, and the teaching of knowledge points should be combined with school courses to achieve innovative training and improve the teaching effect of knowledge points. In terms of method, use project thinking, use stem cell thinking, and use project content to enable students to carry out project design and project teaching based on the presentation and application of curriculum knowledge such as science, technology, technology,134135and mathematics. It is necessary to have a scientific understanding of high school education knowledge, to analyze from the technical level, to use technology, mathematics and other knowledge to ensure good teaching results, and to innovate in practice.5. The Practice of STEM School-based Curriculum in High School and High School Education under the Background of Innovative EducationIn practice, we should focus on student performance in the school curriculum, good counseling innovation, seize the personality development of students, training of comprehensive thinking awareness, improve creativity.(1) On the basis of teaching material on the rational implementation of school-based curriculumIt is necessary to develop synchronously with the teaching materials, distinguish the primary and secondary relationships, and avoid homogeneity. It is necessary to continuously innovate in the process of writing teaching materials, promote the application of theoretical knowledge through project design, and strengthen the rational development of applied courses. This is not only comprehensive training. The foundation of comprehensive learning is also a necessary condition for the implementation of comprehensive learning.(2) Use school-based curriculum for research in classCombining the curriculum practice based on school education with the supplement of classroom teaching knowledge points can improve the classroom teaching effect. Oriented by applied research, organize students to carry out high school education applied research in the fields of science, technology, mathematics, etc., to promote thinking analysis, improve the level of cognition, so that students can acquire a wealth of knowledge and cultivate basic knowledge.(3) Analyze the results of project learningBased on the teaching of STEM courses, the analysis of research learning results should be emphasized in practice. This is a new teaching mode, it is a new method, new method, new method, new method of applying network technology to teaching, it is a teaching mode based on the network environment, it is a kind of teaching mode based on the network environment Teaching mode under.Research on the Development and Practice of High School STEM School-based Curriculum Based on Innovative EducationJournal of International Education and Development Vol.5 No.3 20216. Concluding RemarksAll in all, the curriculum based on school education has become an important means of quality education and teaching. In development and practice, students’ learning should be put first. It is necessary to use teaching materials as the basis to enrich students’ understanding of school courses, broaden students’ basic knowledge, and conduct practical teaching according to students’ ideas. However, in development and practice, it is necessary to adhere to student-oriented learning strategies and reduce rote memorization. Improve the teaching level and ensure the effective implementation of school-based courses.References[1] XU Songfeng. “Research on the Development and Innovation of School-basedPhysical Education Curriculum in Colleges and Universities” [J]. Contemporary Sports Science and Technology, 2017.[2] WANG Ji. “CIE curriculum development and practice research based on the culti-vation of innovative literacy”[J]. Occupation, 2019: 125-27.[3] CHEN Lei;. “School-based practice research on wide-area curriculum developmentunder the concept of STEM education” [J]. Jiangsu Education, 2019: 46-49.136。
第25卷第3期 计算机应用与软件Vo l 25No .32008年3月 Co m puter Applicati o ns and Soft w are M ar .2008使用JavaM ail/J AF 开发中文邮件系统的关键技术研究袁梅冷 聂 哲(深圳职业技术学院软件工程系 广东深圳518055)收稿日期:2006-04-13。
袁梅冷,讲师,主研领域:J 2EE 技术,电子商务等。
摘 要 Java M ail 提供了对邮件收发核心流程很好的支持,但在开发实用邮件系统过程中,必然会遇到Java M a il 本身并不支持的如嵌套邮件内容解释、M I M E 类型数据处理框架结构、中文乱码等技术难题。
在全面研究基于Java 技术的邮件系统开发的基础上,给出了通用的解决方案和实现要点。
关键词Java M ail J AF 中文乱码 邮件系统RES EARCH ON THE KEY TEC HNOLOG I ES IN THE DEVELOPM ENTOF CH INES E E MA IL S YSTEM BASED ON J AVAMA IL AND J AFYuanM eileng N ie Zhe(D e part m ent of S oft w are Engineeri ng,Colle g e of Sh e nzh e n P ol y t echnic ,Sh e nzhen 518055,Guangdong,China )Abstrac t Java M a il facilita tes the deve l op m en t o f E m ail Sy stem .H ow eve r ,during the develop m ent o f practi ca l E m a il syste m,so m e proble m s such as t he pars i ng o f nesti ng e m a il content ,t he process fra m ework o f data o fM I M E type ,and the unreadab le Ch i nese cha rs can not be supported by Java M a i.l G enera l so l utions to t hese prob l em s are presented ,and the key techno l og i es are prov i ded .K eywordsJava M ail JavaBeans A cti vation Fra m ewo rk(J A F) U nreadable ch i nese cha rs E m ail syste m0 引 言Java 语言作为一种强大的网络编程语言,为支持邮件系统的开发推出了Java M ail 开发包,极大地简化了基于Java 技术的邮件系统的开发。
二、词汇学习1. 科技与创新词汇本单元的重点词汇包括:•Technology(技术)•Innovation(创新)•Research and Development(研发)•Artificial Intelligence(人工智能)•Internet of Things(物联网)•Big Data(大数据)•Cloud Computing(云计算)•Virtual Reality(虚拟现实)•Augmented Reality(增强现实)•Drone(无人机)2. 词汇练习1.根据上下文选择正确的词汇填空:a.The company focuses on __________ in order tostay ahead in the market.b.The __________ industry is growing rapidly, withnew discoveries being made every day.c.The conference will discuss the latest trends in__________ and their impact on society.d.The __________ is expected to revolutionize theway we live and work in the future.e.The use of __________ in healthcare has thepotential to improve patient outcomes.2.根据词汇表达对话:A: Have you heard about the latest __________ in the field of robotics?B: Yes, I’ve been following the news. The __________ of robots is really impressive.A: I agree. The advancements in __________ are having a significant impact on various industries.B: Absolutely. I think we are entering a new era of technological __________.A: It’s exciting to see how __________ technologies are transforming our lives.B: Definitely. I wonder what the future holds for__________.3.将以下词汇列入适当的词汇分类:Innovation, Research and Development, Artificial Intelligence, Drone–Technology-related terms: __________–Emerging technologies: __________–Science and technology research: __________三、阅读理解1. Passage 1: The Future of Sustainable Energy•Word Count: 250In recent years, there has been a growing focus on sustainable energy and its role in addressing climate change. Governments and industries around the world are investing in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. These sources of energy are abundant and can be harnessed without causing significant harm to the environment.Solar power is obtained from the sun’s rays and can be converted into electricity or used directly for heating and lighting purposes. It is considered one of the most promising forms of renewable energy due to its availability and low environmental impact.Another source of renewable energy is wind power, which is generated by the wind’s kinetic energy. Wind turbines can convert this energy into electricity, which can then be used to power homes, businesses, and even entire cities. Wind power is particularly effective in areas with strong and consistent winds.In addition to solar and wind power, other forms of sustainable energy include hydropower, biomass, and geothermal energy. Hydropower harnesses the energy of flowing or falling water to generate electricity, while biomass uses organic matter such as wood or agriculturalwaste to produce energy. Geothermal energy utilizes the heat from the Earth’s core to generate po wer.As the world continues to search for cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, the future of renewable energy looks promising. With advancements in technology and increased investment in research and development, we can expect to see even greater utilization of renewable energy in the near future.2. Passage 2: The Advancements in Artificial Intelligence•Word Count: 300Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword in recent years, with rapid advancements in technology enabling machines to perform tasks that once required human intelligence. AI is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines capable of simulating human behavior and thought processes.AI has numerous applications in various industries, including healthcare, finance, transportation, and entertainment. In healthcare, AI can be used to analyze medical data, assist in diagnoses, and even perform complex surgeries. In finance, AI algorithms can analyze market trends and make predictions to aid in investment decisions. In transportation, autonomous vehicles powered by AI can improve safety and efficiency on the road. In entertainment, AI is used to create realistic computer-generated graphics and enhance virtual reality experiences.The development of AI systems relies on big data and machine learning algorithms. Big data refers to the enormous amounts of data generated by individuals, organizations, and devices. Machine learning algorithms use this data to identify patterns and make predictions. Through continuous learning, AI systems can improve their performance and become more intelligent over time.However, AI also poses ethical and societal challenges. The rise of AI has led to concerns about job displacement and privacy. As machines become more intelligent, there is a risk of humans being replaced by robots in various industries. Additionally, the use of AI raises questions about data privacy and security.Despite these challenges, AI has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives. As technology continues to advance, it is essential to find a balance between harnessing the benefits of AI and addressing its potential risks.四、写作练习请根据以下提纲,写一篇关于科技与创新的文章:•Introduction: Introduce the topic of technology and innovation.•Body: Discuss the impact of emerging technologies on various industries.–Example 1: Artificial Intelligence in healthcare–Example 2: Internet of Things in transportation–Example 3: Virtual Reality in entertainment •Conclusion: Highlight the importance of continued research and development in the field of technology and innovation.五、参考答案2. 词汇练习1.根据上下文选择正确的词汇填空:a.The company focuses on innovation in orderto stay ahead in the market.b.The technology industry is growing rapidly,with new discoveries being made every day.c.The conference will discuss the latest trends inartificial intelligence and their impact on society.d.The drone is expected to revolutionize the waywe live and work in the future.e.The use of big data in healthcare has thepotential to improve patient outcomes.2.根据词汇表达对话:A: Have you heard about the latest advancements in the field of robotics?B: Yes, I’ve been following the news. The innovation of robots is really impressive.A: I agree. The advancements in technology are having a significant impact on various industries.B: Absolutely. I think we are entering a new era of technological innovation.A: It’s exciting to see how emerging technologies are transforming our lives.B: Definitely. I wonder what the future holds for drone.3.将以下词汇列入适当的词汇分类:Innovation, Research and Development, Artificial Intelligence, Drone–Technology-related terms: ArtificialIntelligence, Drone–Emerging technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Drone–Science and technology research: Research and Development, Artificial Intelligence4. 写作练习科技与创新的重要性越来越受到关注。
1. 3 可 能 的创 新 第 2章 文献 综述
6 7
2. 1 产 业 转 移 的 内涵
2. 2 国外 产 业 转 移 研 究 2. 2. 1 产 业 转 移 的 比较 优 势 解 释
8 8
2. 2. 2 产 业 转 移 的新 经 济 地 理 解 释
2. 2. 2 产业 转移 的新 贸易理 论解释 2. 3 国 内产 业 转 移 研 究 2. 3. 1 产 业 转 移 的模 式
K ey w ord s: i ndu stry relocation ,m anu facturin g,N E G , com p arati ve advantage
C la ss if ic a tio n N o . : F 0 6 2 .9
第 1章
1 .1 研 究 背 景 与 意 义
参考 文献
翻 t
中 国经 济 高速 发 展 同 时 伴 随 着 区域 经 济 的 失 衡 , 产业转 移则是促进 区域 经 济 平衡 发展 的重 要途 径 之 一 。 本 文 从 归 纳 评 述 国 内外 关 于产 业 转 移 的研 究 发 展 和 重
要 结 论 入 手 ,通 过 将 全 国划 分 为 东 部 、东 北 部 、中西 部 三 大 区域 ,重 点 研 究 国 内
m i d dl e an d w est in 11 in du stries of m anufacturin g i n last ten years, an d th e tren d is stren gth ening. Second , the com bination of com parati v e adv antage th eory, the N E G
学术英语(理工)详解答案_Unit 5
Unit 5
Writing an Academic
1 Definition
Enhancing your academic language Complete the paragraph.
True, GM foods are already very much a part of our lives (已成为我们 生活的一部分), and farmers have a strong incentive to (迫切地想要) use the biotechnology as it can raise overall crop productivity (能提高稻谷 产量), yet we need a deep philosophical discussion of its implication. We still remember that when pesticides were first introduced, they also were praised as absolutely safe and as a miracle cure for farmers. But for all that promise (尽管这么多保证), decades later the technology revealed its truer lethal implications. Hence, any technology should be subjected to rigorous testing (应该进行严格的测试) before its wide application.
1 genetically (基因上地) engineering 2 advantages outweigh (比……重要) disadvantages
2021NO.0引言建筑碳排放量是指二氧化碳排放量袁二氧化碳排放量具体是指二氧化碳当量渊t C O 2e 冤[1]袁是在辐射强度上与某种温室气体质量相当的二氧化碳的量遥二氧化碳排放量包括二氧化碳尧甲烷尧氧化亚氮尧氢氟碳化物尧全氟化碳尧六氟化硫等温室气体的排放量遥为更好地应对气候变化袁聚焦绿色低碳发展袁控制全球二氧化碳排放量是唯一选择遥习近平总书记在第七十五届联合国大会一般性辩论上宣布院中国将提高国家自主贡献力度袁采取更加有力的政策和措施袁二氧化碳排放力争取于2030年前达到峰值袁努力争取2060年前实现碳中和遥2021年中央经济工作会议强调将野碳达峰尧碳中和冶作为本年度的八项重点任务之一[2]遥叶中国建筑节能年度发展研究报告2020曳指出我国建筑碳排放总量整体呈现出持续增长趋势袁其中2019年建筑业狭义碳排放总量占我国建筑碳排放总量的21%袁广义碳排放量占到40%以上遥建筑业是我国野碳达峰尧碳中和冶的主战场遥未来袁建筑业如何实现野碳达峰尧碳中和冶袁是摆在建筑从业者面前的重要课题遥1技术关联性低碳化发展的概念已经逐渐深入各行各业袁建筑业在节能减排的大环境下也开始逐渐探索新的绿色化建造方式遥近十多年来袁节能建筑尧绿色建筑尧装配式建筑尧健康建筑尧被动式建筑尧百年建筑尧低碳建筑尧零碳建筑等新概念尧新技术尧新产品层出不穷尧百花齐放袁逐步扎根生长遥围绕这些建筑理念袁行业内建立了一系列相应的体系遥但是上述建筑概念所对应的技术策略和技术体系存在一定的重叠袁从业人员难以有效分辨节能尧绿色尧低碳尧零碳之间的逻辑关系袁存在较多的困惑遥绿色建筑尧被动式建筑尧零碳建筑作为建筑领域得到较大规模推广应用的建筑野贵族冶袁自诞生以来袁就是相辅相成尧相互补充尧相互促进的关系袁也是不同发展阶段的产物渊图1冤遥中图分类号院TU 201.5文献标识码院A 文章编号院1671-9107渊2021冤10-0019-04引文检索院董恒瑞袁刘军袁秦砚瑶袁等.从绿色建筑尧被动式建筑迈向零碳建筑的思考[J ].重庆建筑袁2021渊10冤院19-22.从绿色建筑尧被动式建筑迈向零碳建筑的思考董恒瑞袁刘军袁秦砚瑶袁吴思睿袁罗干渊中煤科工重庆设计研究院渊集团冤有限公司绿色建筑设计研究院袁重庆400042冤摘要院零碳建筑是建筑领域落实野碳达峰尧碳中和冶目标的重要内容遥该文基于绿色建筑和被动式建筑的项目研发经验袁从绿色建筑尧被动式建筑的理念及技术体系出发袁探究零碳建筑的特征和内在发展逻辑袁为绿色建筑和被动式建筑向零碳建筑发展提供参考遥关键词院绿色建筑曰被动式建筑曰零碳建筑曰建筑节能曰野碳达峰尧碳中和冶曰碳汇收稿日期院2021-06-14作者简介院董恒瑞渊1988要冤袁男袁河南商丘人袁本科袁工程师袁主要研究方向为绿色建筑尧建筑节能尧建筑产业化尧绿色建材的设计咨询与技术研究遥图1从绿色低碳迈向零碳[3]目标过程碳排放强度下降碳排放总量下降零碳理念深入人心碳排放为零碳排放接近于零低碳发展近零碳排放零碳排放doi 院10.3969辕j .i ssn.1671-9107.2021.10.19Thought s on St eps f r om G r een Bui l di ng and Pas si ve Bui l di ng t o Zer o-car bon Bui l di ngsD ong H engr ui ,Li u J un,Q i n Y anyao,W u Si r ui ,Luo G anA bst r act :The z er o-car bon bui l di ng i s one oft he goal s t o i m 鄄pl em ent "car bon peak and car bon neut r al i z at i on"i n t he con 鄄s t r uct i on f i el d.Bas ed on t he pr oj ect r es ear ch and devel op 鄄m ent exper i ence of gr een bui l di ngs and pas s i ve bui l di ngs ,t hi s paper s t ar t ed f r om t he concept s and t echni cal s ys t em s of t he t wo t ype of bui l di ngs,and expl or ed t he char act er i s t i cs and i nt er nal devel opm ent l ogi c of z er o-car bon bui l di ngs ,i n hope of pr ovi di ng r ef er ence f or conver t i ng t hem i nt o z er o -car bon bui l di ngs .K eyw or ds:gr een bui l di ng;pas s i ve bui l di ng;z er o -car bon bui l di ng;bui l di ng ener gy cons er vat i on;"car bon peak,car bon neut r al i z at i on";car bon s i nk第20卷总第期1.1绿色建筑绿色建筑的概念最早是由意大利建筑师鲍罗窑索雷里于1969年提出的袁随着节能生态技术的进步袁并经过不断丰富和完善袁1992年在野联合国环境与发展大会冶上袁第一次正式提出野绿色建筑冶的概念袁绿色建筑内涵得以不断丰富完善袁逐步将环境尧健康尧人文等理念纳入绿色建筑技术体系遥在此基础上袁新型节能形式尧新兴产品技术等野以人为本冶的技术策略不断完善遥绿色建筑的理念被引入我国后袁国家及各省市地方层面相继颁布了若干纲要尧导则和法规袁推动绿色建筑的发展遥经过20余年发展袁我国绿色建筑已经从野浅绿冶走向野深绿冶遥特别是2019年袁我国对绿色建筑进行全新阐释袁在野四节一环保冶基础上强调野健康尧适用尧高效尧和谐尧高质量尧人文冶袁关注建筑本身的绿色性能和建筑运营的健康性能袁强调人们的可感知性遥绿色建筑在一定范围内体现了建筑的低碳化袁如节能设计要求尧绿色设计要求尧健康设计理念等遥1.2被动式建筑被动式建筑又称被动房袁根据能耗指标可将其划分为超低能耗建筑尧近零能耗建筑尧零能耗建筑[4]遥作为舶来品袁受我国国情尧气候条件尧技术标准体系等因素影响袁被动式建筑逐步中国化遥截至2020年6月袁我国共有10个省及自治区和17个城市共出台47项政策袁给出了被动式建筑项目明确的发展目标或激励措施[2]遥从我国相关标准规范可知袁被动式建筑是建筑节能高标准设计的实践袁通过限定建筑围护系统和设备参数袁对建筑本体和建筑设备[5]进行限定式的节能设计袁实现建筑使用过程的低碳化尧零碳化袁或者说建筑运营阶段的野低碳尧零碳冶遥1.3零碳建筑2019年袁我国建筑行业运行碳排放渊含直接碳排放和间接碳排放冤约为21亿吨二氧化碳袁占全国总量的20%左右[6]遥从发达国家的建筑业碳排放量趋势看袁我国建筑业碳排放量在一定时间内仍将保持较快增长袁零碳建筑便是在此背景下提出的遥零碳建筑又称净零碳建筑渊Zer o Car bon B ui l di ngs 袁ZCB 冤袁由世界绿色建筑委员会提出[7]遥从定性上讲袁零碳建筑是在建筑全寿命期内袁通过减少碳排放和增加碳汇实现建筑的零碳排放遥定量上看袁零碳建筑是充分利用建筑本体节能措施和可再生能源资源袁使可再生能源二氧化碳年减碳量大于等于建筑全年二氧化碳排放量的建筑袁其建筑能耗达到现行国家标准叶近零能耗建筑技术标准曳渊G B/T 51350冤有关规定的水准遥零碳建筑的主要特征院一是强调建筑围护系统的节能指标袁二是强调可再生能源的利用袁三是建造和运营阶段的零碳化袁四是建筑运营阶段碳排放量占建筑全寿命期碳排放总量的80%以上袁这其中既涵盖野物的行为冶袁又包括野人的行为冶袁既体现了绿色建筑的野绿色性能冶袁也体现了被动式建筑的野节能性能冶遥真正的可感知和获得感袁是零碳建筑的核心遥部分学者认为零碳建筑很难实现建筑全寿命期内的零碳排放袁零碳排放控制主要集中于建筑运营阶段遥笔者认为要实现建筑野双碳冶目标袁应从规划设计阶段植入零碳理念袁并贯穿建筑全寿命期袁做到规划统筹袁因此仍需从全寿命期角度综合分析实现建筑零碳的途径遥目前袁我国零碳建筑相关国家标准正在编制中袁其中重庆尧北京尧天津等地已发布实施或正在编制与零碳建筑相关的标准规范袁如重庆市叶低碳建筑评价标准曳渊D BJ 50/T-139要2012冤尧北京市叶低碳社区评价技术导则曳渊D B 11/T 1371要2016冤尧北京市叶低碳小城镇评价技术导则曳渊D B11/T 1426要2017冤尧天津市环境科学学会叶零碳建筑认定和评价指南曳渊T/C A SE00要2021冤尧国家发改委叶低碳社区试点建设指南曳等袁为零碳建筑的发展提供了一定的数据基础和项目经验遥2从绿色建筑到零碳建筑绿色建筑在一定程度上具备零碳建筑的特征袁是零碳建筑的重要载体[8]袁同时袁零碳建筑应该充分汲取绿色建筑中健康尧环保尧舒适等理念遥我国绿色建筑指标准体系由安全耐久尧健康舒适尧生活便利尧资源节约尧环境宜居5类指标组成袁可以分别对应于建筑中的资源系统尧能源系统尧交通系统和运维碳汇渊图2冤遥2.1资源系统之零碳化安全耐久主要为材料尧部品部件的耐久性和耐用性袁从建筑零碳角度分析袁建筑材料的耐用性降低了建筑材料的全寿命期的总用量袁从而在一定程度上降低了建筑的碳排放量遥建筑材料生产和运输过程中的碳排放分别被划为工业部门和交通部门袁单纯生产阶段碳排放量对建筑业而言并不是其核算边界袁故只需关注建造阶段的碳排放量即可遥健康舒适指标中有外围护系统产品渊建筑砌块尧砖尧板材尧保温材料冤性能尧装饰装修材料要求等遥按照建筑物化阶段碳排放量计算方法可知袁上述材料产品的使用袁直接计入建筑碳排放量袁同时产品类型决定了碳排放因子袁并直接影响碳排放量大小遥资源节约中野节能尧节材尧节水冶与建筑碳排放直接相关袁资源野利用量尧利用率冶大小袁代表了建筑碳排放的大小袁涉及建筑结构规则性尧造型要素尧建材运距尧建材等级尧绿色建材使用量尧暖通设备能效指标尧可再生能源利用比例等遥图2绿色建筑指标与零碳建筑各系统对应关系碳汇运维系统能源系统交通系统资源减碳绿色便利生活舒适健康节约资源耐久安全宜居环境2162021NO.图3立体绿色碳汇表1被动式建筑和零碳建筑对比2.2能源系统之零碳化绿色建筑中健康舒适指标包括声尧光尧热尧空气品质以及围护系统热工性能袁其中光环境尧热湿环境尧设施设备的节能性能均与建筑碳排放直接相关袁如采用LE D 照明产品尧供暖空调系统遥2.3交通系统之碳化叶祖达[9]认为袁绿色建筑内涵之一野生活便利冶中的出行类指标属于交通板块碳排放范畴遥从绿色建筑到零碳建筑的指标要求袁除了规定野距离尧无障碍尧服务功能尧绿地冶外袁还需重点根据不同出行方式尧比例尧距离等进行碳排放量计算遥2.4碳汇效应碳汇是在规定的建筑物项目范围内袁绿化植被从空气中吸收并存储的二氧化碳量[10]遥建筑项目周边微型生态系统是碳循环的重要一环袁碳汇效应有助于建筑物全生命周期碳排放量的精准测量袁也是最经济的可持续方法之一遥绿色建筑中环境宜居指标主要体现建筑野以人为本冶和野因地制宜冶袁其中场地生态修复尧绿地率尧低影响开发设施尧项目场地风环境尧屋顶绿化尧立体绿化尧复层绿化渊图3冤等在一定程度上具有碳汇效应袁体现了零碳排放和自然碳汇的理念遥3从被动式建筑到零碳建筑被动式建筑是实现建筑近零能耗目标的一种技术体系袁依靠建筑本体的绿色节能构造设计[11]袁使建筑达到舒适的室内温度袁满足冬暖夏凉的要求袁无需再单独安装供暖设施遥3.1建筑节能的更高表现形式被动式建筑以建筑能耗值为导向[12]进行性能化绿色低碳设计袁其主要技术措施为保温隔热性能更高的围护结构尧保温隔热性能和气密性能更高的外窗尧无热桥的设计与施工遥零碳建筑中的围护系统和设备能耗也应是控制性指标袁除强调建筑低能耗外袁还包括建造过程及运营全过程的零碳化袁如气改电尧拆建变改造等袁因此笔者认为零碳建筑在节能减排上比被动式建筑更胜一筹袁是更广义上的节能遥3.2节流式减碳被动式建筑强调建筑能耗的节流袁即通过被动式节能技术降低建筑使用阶段能耗袁锁住建筑内在环境温度袁减少能量的流失袁从而减轻对气候的负担袁这也是被动式建筑将建筑气密性作为控制性指标的原因之一遥被动式建筑根据建筑用能与可再生能源产能渊绿色电力冤的差值袁可以实现近零能耗尧零能耗甚至提供产能房袁这些均是从节流的角度去评判建筑的耗能量或者碳排放量袁且没有过多地考虑建造环节对资源能源的消耗遥3.3开源式减碳与被动式建筑相比袁零碳建筑强调建筑能耗的开源遥一是在建筑建造阶段袁虽然实现建筑全阶段零碳是比较困难的[13]袁但仍需考虑建材使用和建造过程的碳排放量袁有侧重地选用绿色建材尧低碳建材和低碳设备尧工艺等曰二是在建筑运行阶段袁充分利用可再生能源技术调整建筑用能结构袁降低传统电能消耗占比曰三是对建筑使用寿命尧建材耐久性尧部品更换周期等提出要求曰四是拆除阶段实现低碳化尧利废化尧资源化尧环保化遥3.4人的舒适尧物的减碳从被动式建筑迈向零碳建筑袁除上述理念侧重点不同外袁被动式建筑还特别注重人的舒适性袁被动设计要全面提升室内环境质量和人的健康素养遥零碳建筑则特别注重建材物化阶段的碳排放量尧施工运输阶段的碳排放量袁以及降低建筑使用阶段对电网电力负荷消耗占比袁增加可再生能源等绿色电力负荷消耗占比袁如全球二氧化碳排放量的35%以上来自建筑物在照明尧电力尧供第20卷总第期图4自然通风图5建筑光伏一体化暖和制冷方面所消耗的能源遥4零碳建筑技术策略4.1建筑本体技术渊1冤进行与本地区气候环境相适应的建筑设计袁控制建筑体型系数袁减小建筑外围护面积袁采用建筑自遮阳尧改善空间布局等方式袁提高建筑运营用能效率遥充分利用自然风袁基于烟囱效应尧室内外风压等实现室内外空气循环渊图4冤遥渊2冤提高建筑节能率遥采用高保温性能的材料和门窗型材袁降低建筑外墙尧屋面尧门窗及结构热桥的传热系数袁进行关键节点的节能设计遥渊3冤各专业之间的协同设计遥各专业间集成设计袁保障设备尧管线与建筑本体之间合理接触袁提高建筑空间气密性袁提高资源能源的合理野搭配冶遥4.2建筑微生态技术通过屋面绿化尧墙体绿化尧景观复层绿化等措施袁打造建筑微生态袁提高建筑碳汇袁降低建筑周边环境的热岛效应遥通过低影响开发设施袁提高建筑微生态雨水涵养量和雨水回收量袁提高建筑微生态野自然冶水平遥4.3设施设备技术采用高效节能设备袁提高建筑用电效率遥充分利用太阳能尧地热源尧江水源等可再生能源袁形成微型电网袁实现建筑能源需求的自给自足袁降低煤尧石油等传统化石燃料的消耗渊图5冤遥充分利用智慧化手段袁打造建筑野管家冶控制系统袁合理调节建筑室内温度尧湿度尧亮度袁进一步降低能耗尧节约资源遥5结语零碳建筑是建筑业实现野3060冶目标的重要一环遥我国零碳建筑正处于探索研究和快速发展阶段袁顶层设计尧标准体系尧产业发展等正在加速形成遥基于此行业背景袁本文对绿色建筑尧被动式建筑尧零碳建筑进行对比袁辨析三者之间的相关关系袁以发现其中的逻辑曰结合国内外零碳建筑案例袁总结提炼了零碳建筑的技术策略袁以便后续有的放矢地开展有关工作袁为零碳建筑的推广应用和技术体系建立提供初步理论支撑和实践经验遥零碳建筑在我国尚处于起步阶段袁有关理论研究尧案例尧技术尧产品等较为匮乏遥零碳建筑的发展还需充分融合顶层设计尧生态城区尧低碳城市尧碳核算尧碳足迹尧碳汇尧碳金融尧碳交易等袁进一步厘清零碳建筑的计算边界尧指标要求和体系化发展要求遥参考文献院[1]重庆市建设项目环境影响评价技术指南要要要碳排放评价渊试行冤[Z].2021.[2]周杰.碳中和目标下零碳建筑标准体系研究[J].中国质量与标准导报袁2021渊3冤院21-23.[3]卞世敏袁张春雁袁窦真兰袁等.上海世博某片区零碳社区建设的关键技术探讨[J 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中图 分 类号 :G80—05 文献 标 识 码 :A 文章 编 号 :1005—0256(2013)10—0l14~3 doi:10.3969/ i.issn。1005—0256.2013.10.056
1 前 言
2.2 研 究 方 法
马克思指出 :“历史不外是各个时代 的一 次交 替。每一 代
试 论三 大思想 文化运动 对欧洲 近代学 校体育兴起 和发 展的影响
育工作 中的盲 目性。因此 ,学 习和研究学校 体育历史 ,可 以帮 3.1.1 文艺复兴运动的基本概况
缚人们思想 的封建枷锁 ,迎来 了思想解 放、人才辈 出和科学 繁 育 的兴起 、发展过程 。以社会学 、哲学 、历史学和逻辑学等相关
荣 的时期。适应新的生产力 发展和新的生产关系需要 的新 的 学科 的系统知识 ,运用归纳 、推理 、演绎等逻辑分析 方法 ,对取
思想 文 化 和新 的 科 学 艺 术 纷 纷 产 生 。同 时,新 的体 育 思 得 的各种材料和信息进行深入地探讨 ,论证有关结论和启示 。
收稿日期226作者简介蒋月琴(552 ),女,江苏无锡人,无锡职业技术学院学生处,副教授。
试论学校体育的和谐发展蒋月琴(无锡职业技术学院,江苏 无锡 214121)摘 要:该文就和谐发展学校体育的基本特征以及学校体育存在不和谐音符的因素进行了阐述,并就如何构建和谐发展学校体育提出了看法。
关键词:学校体育;特征;和谐;发展中图分类号:G 807.04 文献标识码:A 文章编号:167127880(2008)022*******D iscussion on the Har m on i o u s D evelopm en t of the School Spor tsJiang Y ueqinAbstra ct:The paper expatiate s on the basic cha r acte ristics of the school sports har moniously devel op ing and the existence not har moni ous fact ors,and puts f or wa r d pr oposals on how to construct the har monious de 2velopment of the school sports .Key W or ds:the school sports;cha r acte ristic;har moni ous ;devel opm ent 一、引言充分发挥学校体育在培养现代人才中的作用,使受教育者在德、智、体等方面和谐的发展,适应和谐社会发展的需要是时代赋予学校体育的光荣使命。
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m…’a…r…ke …t…_d … ……’…’…………nt…,…t…he paper puts forward a suggestion to develop a multi—tiered RMB ofshore market.The
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… … … ……
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充足的科研条件英文作文英文回答:Adequate research conditions are crucial for advancing scientific knowledge and innovation. They provide scientists with the resources, facilities, and support necessary to conduct high-quality research and make meaningful contributions to their respective fields. Here are some key aspects of adequate research conditions:1. Funding:Sufficient funding is essential for research, as it covers the costs of equipment, materials, personnel, and other expenses. Adequate funding enables scientists to pursue their research interests, explore new hypotheses, and conduct cutting-edge experiments.2. Facilities and Equipment:State-of-the-art facilities and equipment are indispensable for modern research. Advanced laboratories, research centers, and specialized instrumentation allow scientists to perform complex experiments, collect accurate data, and make precise measurements.3. Personnel and Expertise:Adequate research conditions include access to skilled personnel, such as research assistants, technicians, and collaborators. These individuals provide support, expertise, and specialized knowledge, which contribute to the successof research projects.4. Collaboration and Networking:Collaboration among researchers and institutions is essential for advancing scientific knowledge. Adequate research conditions facilitate networking opportunities, conferences, and workshops, allowing scientists to share ideas, exchange findings, and foster collaborations.5. Access to Information and Resources:Access to scientific literature, databases, and other resources is crucial for researchers to stay abreast of the latest developments in their field. Well-equipped libraries, online repositories, and research networks providescientists with the necessary information to inform their research and generate new knowledge.6. Support and Supervision:Adequate research conditions include support and supervision from mentors, supervisors, and colleagues. This support provides guidance, encouragement, and constructive criticism, which are essential for the development and success of researchers.7. Ethical and Safety Standards:Adhering to ethical and safety standards is paramountin research. Adequate research conditions ensure that research is conducted ethically, with respect for human andanimal subjects, and in accordance with relevant regulations.8. Recognition and Rewards:Recognition and rewards for research excellence激励scientists and foster a culture of innovation. Adequate research conditions provide opportunities for publication, presentations, awards, and other forms of recognition, which motivate scientists to pursue high-quality research.中文回答:充足的科研条件。
125(1) Global Governance Must fully Reflect the Interests and Appeals of Developing Countries Zeng Peiyan ·004·The improvement and perfection of global governance involves all interested parties, is full of complexities and contradictions, and difficult to be reformed, but it concerns the basic interests of mankind and in keeping with the long term interests of all countries. To build up a lasting peace, mutual prosperity, and a harmonious world, development is the key issue for the broad developing and especially for the low income countries.Therefore, the interests and appeals of developing countries must be fully considered in the system arrangement and designs which requires participation of the international society. All national governments and their leaders must stand by their convictions, demonstrate wisdom and courage, seek common ground while reserving differences, settle differences properly, push foreward in a constructive way, strike to make substantial progress in the reforms of all areas concerned.(2) Pushing Forward Liberalization of Interest Rates in a Active and Safe Way Li Deshui ·006·Liberalization of interest rates is both a general trend , and an unavoidable choice in financial reform. Interest rate has been one of the important measures of macroeconomic control; Setting up and improving interest rate adjustment system is a hard task. For the stable and healthy development of our country, supervision of credit market is a must, and we need firm safeguarding of a bottom line against systematic and regional financial risks.(3) From Big Economic Power to Strong Economic Power Zhang Guobao ·008·At present, generally the world economy has remained gloomy,while the Chinese slowed down.After more than 30 years rapid development,China has become a big but not a strong world economic power,and is confronting a severe international economic environment,but there are still many significant strategic opportunities for China,thus pushing it foreward to transforming into a strong economic power.(4) On Economic Policies of Developed Countries and Their Message to China ABSTRACTS GlobalizationMonthly No.2Feb.20132013年 第2期Lou Jiwei·011Since the outbreak of financial crisis,central banks of main developed countries have adopted a QE policy,which has, to certain extent,influenced developing economies,meanwhile brought out some lessons, such as our own positioning in international governance mechanism and grasping opportunities to invest overseas etc.(5) How to Improve International Monetary System with Chinese AssistanceLiu Zunyi·012With world economic gravity is moving towards Asia and the strengthening of the Chinese economy,China must participate in improving and setting up international play rules.How to do it? Firstly to use local currency for international settlement;secondly to set up Asian actuarial mechanism, and thirdly an East Asian rule coordinating mechanism.(6) Strengthening Adjustment and Control of Grain, Safeguarding its SupplyNie Zhenbang·013At present,our grain market has shown characteristics of demand and supply in equilibrium, stable price and smooth operation. The macro-adjustment aim of grain are: basic stabilized price and market, improving farmers’ interests and enthusiasm of farming, maintaining balanced grain demand and supply. Therefore, tangible measures for grain marketing, adjustment and control are needed.(7) ) Analysis on the chinese Economg of 2012 and it's Prospects in 2013XU Xianchun·018·This article consists of two parts of which the first one reviews the economic situation including economic growth and inflation situation of China in 2012, the second one looks ahead the economic developmnet including economic growth and inflation in China in 2013.(8) Fiscal and Taxation System Reform in the New EraLiang Yunfeng·037·China’s fiscal and taxation system has a number of defects. The reasons for that can be attributed to the barriers resulted from people’s psyche towards reform mechanism, vested interests groups and so forth. In the new era, the reform on fiscal and taxation system should focus on key areas.(9) International Financial Market: Retrospectives and Prospects for 2012-2013Gao Haihong and Liu Dongmin·044·The euro crisis has showed an on-off pattern during 2011-12 and become the major risk for126international financial market. Meanwhile, conventional and unconventional monetary policies adopted by major monetary authorities provided low interest rate for growth, but released new liquidity to global financial market. In 2013, global financial market will be impacted by the key factors, such as slow growth, evolvement of euro crisis and fiscal adjustment, change of global liquidity, and bank consolidation.(10) Intellectual Property Barriers and High-Tech Products ExportFeng Yongsheng·059·The intellectual property barriers China's facing have been increasingly high and dampening China's exports of high-tech products. While there are different features between the United States and European countries in strengthening intellectual property barriers, their directions are the same. So it is of great significance for China to improve its trade conditions, update trade structures and promote domestic industrial restructuring.(11)Alleviating Small and Micro-sized Enterprises’ Plight to Maintain Sustainable DevelopmentGu Shengzu·066·Small and micro-sized enterprises in China are facing five major development challenges financing difficulties,labor shortage,heavy taxes and fees,high cost and low profits. This study has explored how to alleviate their plights and ensure the economy develops sustainably. It is concluded that the financial system, adapted to financing characteristics and financing needs of small and micro-sized enterprises should be established to ease the financing squeeze. (12)Regional Policy and Regional Economic DevelopmentFan Hengshan·075 During the the period of the 11th Five Year Plan, our country’s regional policy was scrutinized,substantialized and differentiated, harmonization of regional development substantially strengthened. With the implementation of the present 12th Five Year Plan, both internal and external conditions for pushing foreward a harmonious regional development are more complicated, task facing regional development is still very hard, our country will make efforts to implement an integrated regional development strategy and that of an integrated functional region, so as to facilitate a new pattern of a harmonized and interactive development.(13) The Construction and Analysis to the index of Regional Opening to the Outside WorldCCIEE Research Group·083·Regional opening plays a unique role in the historical process of China's reform and127opening up. To further expand opening to the outside world is still of great significance to promote regional economic coordinated development in the new term. This research designed an index system which can measure the standard of China regional opening to the outside world objectively, scientifically and systematically. Additionally, according to statistical yearbook and other authoritative data, it adopted principal component analysis to estimate and rank the opening to outside world index of 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China. (14)The Strategy Path to "Four Centers" Global City of ShanghaiXiao Lin·096·As the biggest economic center city of China, Shanghai owns wonderful location advantages and Resource endowments. China's development model and Shanghai development path means that Shanghai to build global city has different path from other cities.(15) China’s Road of Agricultural Modernization and Policy ProposalsMa Xiaohe and Wu Xiangyu·104·This paper analyzes the development level of agricultural modernization in China and expounds the connotation of agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics. While adhering to the agricultural basic operating system, we must pay close attention to land productivity, labor productivity and international competitiveness, to encourage farmers to play a role, and to promote market mechanism in government policy making. All acts should suit well to local circumstance.(16)Suzhou Industrial Park: It’s experience and Inspiration of Service Outsourcing DevelopmentRegulatory Committee of Suzhou Industrial Park·116·The operation and experience of Suzhou Industrial Park, with it’s service outsourcing developing rapidly, great contributions, has rendered important inspirational significance. It’s main experience: making refined and strong coordinated development, joined development of manufacture and service, opening up business both inland and overseas at same pace, hand-in-hand development of business and personnel talents, and join efforts of both government and enterprises.(17) "At the Heart of Great Products Is Always Innovation"Exclusive Interview with Tim Cook, The Apple CEO by Globalization Special ReporterHuang Yan·121·Cook has answered many questions during his interview and has indicated that China, now the No.2 largest market for Apple products, would soon become the No.1 and Apple may take China to announce its new products. From what has in his mind we can foresee the greatest synergy between China and Apple, that is the power of innovation.Edior:Li Wenzheng128。
ke Sci.(湖泊科学),2010,22(6):799-810http://www.jl akes.o rg.E-m ai:l jlakes@n i g Z2010by Journal of Lake Sciences中国湖泊现状及面临的重大问题与保护策略*杨桂山,马荣华,张路,姜加虎,姚书春,张民,曾海鳌(中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,南京210008)摘要:我国湖泊数量多、类型全、分布广,湖泊的形成演化不仅受流域自然环境因素及变化的影响,而且还深受人类活动的干扰,呈现出不同的区域演变特征和生态环境问题.近几十年来,我国湖泊数量、面积和分布都发生了较为显著的变化,并面临着湖泊萎缩与调蓄能力减少、水质下降与富营养化加重、生物多样性减少与生态退化、河湖水力和生态联系阻隔以及湖岸线和环湖地带过度开发等问题,引发一系列生态与环境后果,严重影响流域居民日常生活和经济的可持续发展.本文通过大量湖泊野外考察和调查,查清了我国面积大于1km2湖泊的数量、面积和分布状况,结合历史湖泊调查和相关研究资料,系统分析了近几十年我国湖泊面临的重大生态环境问题及区域特征,提出了我国湖泊保护的策略.关键词:湖泊现状;中国;生态环境问题;保护策略Lake st atus,m aj or proble m s and protecti o n strategy in ChinaYANG G uishan,M A Ronghua,ZHANG Lu,JI ANG Jiahu,YAO Shuchun,ZHANG M in&ZENG Hai p ao (Nan ji ng In stit u te ofG eog raphy and Li m no l ogy,Ch i nese Acade m y of Sci en ces,Nanji ng210008,P.R.C h i na)Abs tr ac:t Large numb ers of lakes w i th d i ff eren t t ypes are d i stri bu ted t h rough Ch i na.The f or m ati on and evol u ti on of t he l akes are not on l y i n fl u enced by natural factors i n the w aters heds,but als o d eep l y d ist u rbed by human acti v i ti es,w h ich led t o d ifferen t re-g i onal evol uti on characteristics and eco-environm ental prob l e m s.In recent d ecad es,t he numb er,area and distri bu ti on of t he l akesh ave undergone s i gn ifican t ch anges.M oreover,t h e lakes are faci ng m any prob l e m s s uch as s h ri nkage,redu cti on of storage capac-i t y,w ater qu alit y d ecli n e,serious eu troph ication,b i odivers it y decrease,ecol ogi cal degradati on,b arri er of ri ver and lake w ater and ecolog i cal con t act,over-d evelopm ent around the shore li ne and t he lake area,etc.These prob le m s have tri ggered a series of eco-logical and environm ental consequences,seri ou sl y affecti ng t h e daily lives of the resi den ts and s ustai n ab l e devel opm ent of t h e econ-omy.Th i s p aper ai m s to i den tify the num ber,area and d i stri bu ti on of the lakes i n Ch i na w i th t h e area larger t h an1km2,b ased on fi el d survey and i nvesti gati on.Co m b i ned w i th h ist orical dat a of lake s u rveys and rel ati ve research resu lt s,them ajor ecol ogical and environm ental p rob l e m s and regi onal characteri s tics of the l ak es i n recen t decades are sys t e m ati call y anal yzed,and t he protection strategies for t h e l akes i n C h i na are proposed.Keywords:Lake stat u s;C h i na;eco-environm en t a l prob le m s;protecti on strategy湖泊是陆地表层系统各要素相互作用的节点,是地球上重要的淡水资源库、洪水调蓄库和物种基因库,与人类生产与生活息息相关,在维系流域生态平衡、满足生产生活用水、减轻洪涝灾害和提供丰富水产品等方面发挥着不可替代的作用.中国幅员辽阔,湖泊数量多、类型全、分布广、变化复杂,据5中国湖泊志6记载,全国共有面积大于1.0km2的湖泊2759个,总面积91019.6k m2[1],广泛分布于东部平原、青藏高原、云贵高原、蒙新高原、东北平原与山地等五大湖区.近几十年来,随着区域气候环境变化和人类活动干扰加剧,不仅湖泊数量、形态和分布发生了巨大变化,而且湖泊水量、水质和水生生物种群与数量变化也十分显著.生态系统退化、水体富营养化、洪水调蓄能力降低和受人类活动干扰强烈等成为中国湖泊普遍面临的重大问题,严重影响流域经济社会可持续发展和居民生活安定,倍受各级政府和社会各界的广泛关注.为摸清全国湖泊家底,填补我国湖泊科学研究空白,1950s末至1980s中期,我国开展了第一次全国湖*科技部国家科技基础性工作专项/中国湖泊水质、水量和生物资源调查0(2006F Y110600)项目资助.2010-09-12收稿;2010-10-09收修改稿.杨桂山,男,1965年生,博士,研究员;E-ma i:l gs yang@nigl .k e Sci.(湖泊科学),2010,22(6)泊资源调查,先后对全国主要湖泊水文、地质地貌、水化学、水生生物以及湖泊资源开发利用等进行了系统的综合性或专题性调查;1980s中后期以来,针对湖泊污染问题,又及时进行了全国主要湖泊富营养化和湖沼专项调查研究,取得了一系列重要成果[1-5].本文以我国第一次湖泊调查资料为基础,结合国家科技基础性工作专项资助开展的/全国湖泊水量、水质和生物资源调查0(第二次全国湖泊调查)已取得的阶段性成果,分析我国湖泊现状及近几十年来的变化,系统评估自然与人文因素双重作用下我国湖泊面临的重大问题,提出湖泊保护与可持续利用的策略和对策措施,为我国湖泊保护与可持续利用提供基础数据和科学指导.1中国湖泊现状:分布与变化中国地域辽阔,地跨多个地貌阶地和气候带,塑就了我国湖泊区域分布总体格局和各种各样的湖泊类型.据最新全国大于1k m2以上湖泊遥感普查数据显示,目前,中国(包括香港、澳门和台湾)共有1.0k m2以上的自然湖泊2693个(不包括干盐湖),总面积81414.6km2,约占全国国土面积的0.9%;其中大于1000k m2的特大型湖泊有10个,分别为色林错、纳木错、青海湖、博斯腾湖、兴凯湖(中)俄界湖)、鄱阳湖、洞庭湖、太湖、洪泽湖、呼伦湖;面积在1.0-10.0k m2、10.0-50.0km2、50.0-100.0k m2、100.0-500.0k m2和500.0-1000. 0k m2的湖泊分别有2000个、456个、101个、109个和17个(表1).表1中国面积大于1km2的湖泊数量和面积统计*T ab.1T he number and area o f the l akes w ith the area large r t han1k m2i n Chi na区域>1000km2500-1000km2100-500k m250-100km210-50km21-10km2数量合计(个)面积合计(k m2)西藏自治区25505718553483328616.9青海省1518135313222213214.9内蒙古自治区1163313533956151.2新疆维吾尔自治区137524681086236.4宁夏回族自治区23538.7甘肃省21349.1陕西省11244.2山西省1170.3云南省32620311115.2贵州省1124.3四川省13233100.7黑龙江134352002433241.3吉林省21181601811402.8辽宁省1155.6北京市112.0上海市101260.6天津市21366.4河南省10111.7河北省31619146.7江西省113941553882.7安徽省19416741043426.1湖南省12141001173355.0湖北省42391431882527.2山东省1100791105.8江苏省21521277996372.8浙江省1313280.2广东省115.5台湾省3310.3数量合计(个)101710910145620002693面积合计(km2)22711.811807.622989.47243.610297.86364.481414.6 *不包括干盐湖.杨桂山等:中国湖泊现状及面临的重大问题与保护策略801从空间分布来看,拥有面积1k m2以上湖泊数量最多和面积最大的是青藏高原湖区,湖泊数量1055个,面积41831.7k m2,分别占全国湖泊总数量和总面积的39.2%和51.4%;其次是东部平原湖区,湖泊数量634个,面积21053.1k m2,分别占全国湖泊总数量和总面积的23.5%和25.9%;再次是蒙新高原湖区,湖泊数量514个,面积12589.9k m2,分别占全国湖泊总数量和总面积的19.1%和15.4%;第四是东北平原与山地湖区,湖泊数量425个,面积4699.7k m2,分别占全国湖泊总数量和总面积的15.8%和5.8%;最少的是云贵高原湖区,湖泊数量65个,面积1240.3k m2,分别仅占全国湖泊总数量和总面积的2.4%和1.5%.其中,东部平原、云贵高原、东北平原与山地三大湖区属外流区,属亚洲季风湿润气候,湖泊大多为开放的淡水湖;青藏高原湖区和蒙新高原湖区基本属于内流区,属干旱半干旱气候,湖泊大多为封闭的咸水湖或盐湖.与历史湖泊调查数据[1]相比,近30年来,全国新生面积在1.0km2以上的湖泊60个,主要位于冰川末梢、山间洼地、河谷湿地,集中在青藏高原和蒙新高原湖区;消失面积在1.0k m2以上的湖泊243个,主要分布在蒙新高原湖区和东部平原湖区的长江中下游地区,其中10.0km2以下的湖泊147个,10.0-100.0km2的48个,100.0-500.0k m2的4个(新疆的曲曲克苏湖、青格力克湖、加依多拜湖和乌尊布拉克湖),1000.0k m2以上的1个(新疆的罗布泊).因围垦而消失湖泊102个,约占消失湖泊总量的42.0%,均分布在东部平原湖区,自然和人为影响干涸的湖泊97个,约占消失湖泊总量的40%,主要分布在蒙新高原湖区.2中国湖泊面临的重大问题2.1湖泊围垦导致水量调蓄能力下降,加重流域洪水灾害湖泊是淡水资源的重要储存器和调节器,在流域水资源供给和洪水调蓄方面发挥着不可替代的作用,尤其是在我国东部平原区,湖泊承担的供水和防洪功能在保障流域居民安居乐业方面的地位更是举足轻重.然而,近几十年来,受人多地少和对湖泊功能认识不足等因素影响,导致湖泊被大量不合理围垦,造成湖泊面积急剧减少.据不完全统计,1940s末以来,长江大通以上中下游地区有1/3以上的湖泊面积被围垦,围垦总面积超过13000k m2,这一数字约相当于目前五大淡水湖面积总和的1.3倍,因围垦而消亡的湖泊达1000余个[6](图1).太湖流域已建圩湖泊达498个,受围垦的湖泊239个,减少湖泊面积约529k m2;因围垦而消亡湖泊165个,占该区原有湖泊数量的23.3%[7].大通水文站以上长江中游地区的湖泊面积由1950s 初的17198k m2,减少到现不足6600k m2,约2/3的湖泊因围垦而消失,其中,洞庭湖因围垦,湖泊面积已由建国初期的4350k m2急剧缩小至2625k m2;鄱阳湖面积也由1949年的5200km2减少到目前的2933k m2.号称/千湖之省0的湖北省,在1950s末计有湖泊1066个,至1980s初剩约309个,目前面积大于1k m2湖泊仅剩181个,大于10k m2的湖泊仅剩44个(不包括长江干流人工改道形成的水域)[8].图1长江中游地区1949年以来湖泊面积变化F i g.1A rea changes o f the l akes i n t he m i ddle reaches o f Y angtze R iver si nce1949大规模围垦不仅使湖泊面积锐减,同时也使湖泊蓄水容积大幅减少.初步调查表明,1950s初以来,长江中下游地区因围垦减少湖泊容积超过500@108m3,相当于淮河多年平均年径流量的1.1倍,五大淡水湖泊蓄水总量的1.3倍[8].k e Sci.(湖泊科学),2010,22(6)湖泊调蓄容积的减少,直接导致湖泊洪水调蓄功能下降,在相当程度上引发了江湖洪水位的不断升高,最高洪水位被不断突破.如太湖最高洪水位1954年为4.65m,1991年为4.79m,1999年抬高至5.07m[9].鄱阳湖多年平均最高洪水位1950s为18.51m,1970s为18.93m,1990s跃升至20.10m,达到或超过警戒水位19m的出现频率,1950s为35%,1980s为40.6%,1990s更进一步上升至55%[10].洞庭湖区1998年,湖口城陵矶站最高洪水位分别比1954年、1996年高出1.39m和0.63m,达到历史最高记录.1998年仅湖南、湖北和江西三省的直接经济损失就达1090@108元,其中湖南省329@108元,湖北省384@108元,江西省377@108元,洪涝灾害危害程度不断加大[11].2.2入湖污染物大量增加,湖泊水环境质量不断下降随着湖泊流域和周边地区人口增长和经济快速发展,导致进入湖泊TN,TP和COD M n等污染物增加,湖泊水环境污染不断加重,尤其是在我国东部平原湖区,入湖污染物增加引起湖泊水环境质量急剧下降.根据2001-2002水文年115条环太湖河道同步水文监测资料与1987-1988水文年资料对比,入湖污染物除TP略有减少外,COD M n,TN等主要污染物均明显增加,COD M n由32350t/a增加到37579t/a;TN由20241t/a增加到-N由5363t/a增加到12432t/a[12];另据江苏省水文水资源勘测局监测,2007年江苏省环太湖28658t/a;NH+4TP,TN和NH+4-N入湖量分别达1862,t35100t和18300t[13].入湖污染物量的持续增加导致太湖营养盐(TN、TP)浓度不断升高[14],水质不断下降.据调查,1980s前期太湖仍以Ò至Ó类水为主,处于尚清洁状态,后期以Ó类水为主,呈现一定的污染趋势;到1990s中期以Ó至Ô类水为主,属轻度污染,局部Õ类水;后期以Ô至Õ类水为主,局部已劣于Õ类水;2000年后,全太湖水体以Õ类水为主,属重污染,其中太湖西岸地区、梅梁湾、竺山湾水质较差,已劣于Õ类水[14-16].2007年梅梁湾藻类水华大规模爆发及污水团事件,引起了国家和全社会对太湖水环境的高度重视[17].受入湖污染物快速增加的影响,鄱阳湖水质总体也呈下降趋势.1980s鄱阳湖水质以Ñ、Ò类为主,Ñ、Ò类水体平均占比达85%以上,Ó类水体占比不足15%;至1990s,Ñ、Ò类水体占比平均下降到70%,Ó类水体平均占30%;进入21世纪,特别是2003年以来,Ñ、Ò类水体平均只占50%,Ó类水体平均占32%,并出现18%左右的劣Ó类水体,主要超标项目为TN、TP[18].近几年以来,鄱阳湖TN、TP污染水平虽总体较太湖、巢湖等湖泊轻,但已有部分湖区(如莲湖、康山断面)的TN浓度接近巢湖2007年平均水平,TP浓度接近太湖2007年平均水平,如2006年,鄱阳湖全湖平均TN与TP浓度分别高达1.59mg/L和0.073mg/L(图3).图2太湖1990-2007年水体TN、TP浓度变化(据文献[14])F i g.2V ar i a tions of TN,TP i n w aters o f L ake T a i hu dur i ng1990-2007[14]图3鄱阳湖1980-2009年水体TN、TP浓度变化F i g.3V ar iati ons of TN,TP i n waters of Lake Poyang duri ng1980-2009杨桂山等:中国湖泊现状及面临的重大问题与保护策略803云贵高原湖区湖泊水环境质量下降趋势也十分明显,2008年调查数据与历史[1]相比,1998-2008年20年间,滇池TN和TP浓度分别升高75%和78%,分别达2.57m g/L和0.193m g/L;星云湖TN和TP浓度分别升高了1.6倍和3.5倍,其他湖泊TN、TP浓度也有不同程度增加.由于营养盐含量的增加,浮游藻类数量明显增多,导致水体透明度下降;云贵高原13个湖泊中,抚仙湖、星云湖、阳宗海、异龙湖、洱海、程海和邛海透明度下降显著,下降幅度从40%到70%,其中程海最为明显,透明度下降了70%.湖泊水体TN、TP等污染物浓度增加,导致湖泊水体富营养化不断加重,据2007-2010年对东部平原湖区、东北平原与山地湖区和云贵高原湖区138个面积大于10k m2湖泊水质调查,采用TN、TP、Ch.l a、SD、SS 和COD M n6个水化学指标进行评价的湖泊营养指数(TSI)显示,138个湖泊中有85.4%的湖泊超过了富营养化标准,其中达到重富营养化标准的占40.1%,而全湖全年均为贫营养水平的仅泸沽湖一个,部分湖泊在部分湖区(部分季节)存在贫营养状态,但全湖平均也大都为中营养水平,如云南抚仙湖、江西军山湖等,中营养和贫营养湖泊总计仅为14.6%.其中,东北平原与山地湖区湖泊富营养化比例最高,达96.0%,其次是东部平原湖区的长江中下游地区,为85.9%,云贵高原湖区最低,为61.5%(图4).我国五大淡水湖(鄱阳湖、洞庭湖、太湖、洪泽湖和巢湖),其水环境质量都不容乐观,除洞庭湖目前尚处于中营养水平外,其余四大淡水湖,整体上已经处于富营养化水平(图4a).2.3湖泊生物资源退化,生物多样性下降近几十年来,我国湖泊生态总体处于不断退化状态,集中表现为鱼类资源种类减少、数量大幅下降,生物多样性不断降低,高等水生维管束植物与底栖生物分布范围缩小,而浮游植物(藻类)等大量繁殖并不断集聚形成生态灾害.在我国东部平原湖区,湖泊生态退化的最主要原因是人类活动引起的湖泊水质下降和水体过度利用等,其中湖泊过度围网和围堤养殖活动是重要方面之一,尤其是长江中游地区湖泊,如长湖、大冶湖、斧头湖等中小型湖泊以及一些大型湖泊湖湾,几乎全湖被围网割裂.东太湖,1990年网围养殖范围仅占湖泊水面的9.5%左右,至2003年养殖水面已超过湖泊水面的81.2%[18].不合理湖泊过度养殖,大量消耗水生植物,造成湖泊湿地水生植被的消失,而且为了获取最大的经济效益,普遍向湖泊投放过量鱼类饵料,有的甚至直接向湖中投放化肥,加剧湖泊富营养化程度的同时,也直接造成湖泊生态系统破坏.据调查数据对比分析[7],作为我国第三大淡水湖的太湖,鱼类资源种类由1960s的106种下降到目前60-70种,洄游性鱼类几乎绝迹;底栖动物中螺、蚌等大型软体动物减少,耐污染水蚯蚓、水生昆虫幼体增加;浮游动物中大型的枝角类、桡足类种群、数量减少,而小型的轮虫、原生动物数量大幅增加;水生高等植物分布范围大幅度缩减,1960s 以来分布面积减少了126k m2,而且群落组成趋于简单,沿湖岸大型挺水植物几近消失.我国第二大淡水湖洞庭湖,1950s捕捞的经济鱼类有100多种,产量达到4@104,t到1990s能捕捞到的天然鱼类降低为70种,天然捕捞量降低到不足1.3@104t[19].随着富营养化的日益加剧,云贵高原湖泊的生物多样性也受到重大影响,生物组成结构发生了很大变化,高等水生植物种类减少,其中敏感种消失,耐污种数量增多,水生生物种类、群落类型及分布区域与历史资料相比下降显著.沉水植物种类减少,分布范围缩小,例如滇池,1950s沉水植物有42种,1980s下降到13种,1990s有12种[20],本次调查只有8种.水生浮游藻类种类减少,但是生物量快速增加,许多湖泊蓝藻的优势度已经超过90%,其中滇池、星云湖和杞麓湖都出现大面积蓝藻水华.鱼类结构也发生很大变化,1997年,云南鱼类种数达432种,其中土著鱼类超过400种,占全国淡水鱼类种数的42.2%[21],和历史资料相比[22],各湖泊的土著鱼类种类下降幅度均较大,其中滇池下降幅度最大,达到96.0%,抚仙湖下降幅度最小,也达到60.0%,外来鱼种已经成为各湖泊鱼类资源的主体,滇池原有土著鱼类24种,现在湖区仅有4种,本次调查仅获得1种,其它20种鱼已多年未采到标本,有的种类可能已经消失,有的种类正在消亡之中.我国西部地区湖泊,由于气候变化和人为因素共同作用,导致湖泊水位下降、水体盐碱化、富营养化加重,同样也面临生态退化和渔业资源减少问题.如蒙新高原湖区的呼伦湖,浮游植物种类已由1988年调查的181种属减少到目前的142种属;浮游动物生物量由1998年4.1m g/L下降到目前的1.7m g/L;底栖动物生物量由1988年0.408m g/m2下降到目前的0.339m g/m2,并已经出现耐低盐种k e Sci.(湖泊科学),2010,22(6)图4东部平原湖区(a)、云贵高原湖区(b)和东北平原与山地湖区(c)主要湖泊富营养化指数(白荡湖,A1;泊湖,A2;菜子湖,A3;巢湖,A4;城东湖,A5;城西湖,A6;高塘湖,A7;花园湖,A8;黄大湖,A9;焦岗湖,A10;南漪湖,A11;女山湖,A12;破罡湖,A13;升金湖,A14;天井湖,A15;沱湖,A16;瓦埠湖,A17;武昌湖,A18;香涧湖,A19;沂湖,A20;龙感湖,A21;保安湖,B1;豹解湖,B2;策湖,B3;长湖,B4;赤东湖,B5;崇湖,B6;大冶湖,B7;东西汊湖,B8;斧头湖,B9;海口湖,B10;汉阳东湖,B11;汉阳西湖,B12;洪湖,B13;花马湖,B14;梁子湖,B15;鲁湖,B16;牛浪湖,B17;三山湖,B18;上津湖,B19;上涉湖,B20;太白湖,B21;汤逊湖,B22;童家湖,B23;网湖,B24;武昌东湖,B25;武湖,B26;武山湖,B27;西凉湖,B28;严西湖,B29;野潴湖,B30;淤泥湖,B31;涨渡湖,B32;钟祥南湖,B33;朱婆湖,B34;东平湖,D1;南四湖,D2;白洋淀,H1;衡水湖,H2;白马湖,S1;澄湖,S2;大纵湖,S3;高邮湖,S4;滆湖,S5;固城湖,S6;洪泽湖,S7;昆承湖,S8;骆马湖,S9;三氿,S10;邵伯湖,S11;石臼湖,S12;洮湖,S13;阳澄湖,S14;元荡湖,S15;太湖,S16;安乐湖,N1;芭蕉湖,N2;北民湖,N3;大通东湖,N4;大通湖,N5;洞庭湖,N6;黄盖湖,N7;柳叶湖,N8;毛里湖,N9;珊珀湖,N10;岳阳南湖,N11;淀山湖,SH1;陈家湖,X1;赤湖,X2;军山湖,X3;南北湖,X4;鄱阳湖,X5;七里湖,X6;赛城湖,X7;太泊湖,X8;新妙湖,X9;瑶湖,X10;珠湖,X11;东钱湖,Z1)F ig.4TSI s of m ai n lakes in the eastern(a),sou t hwestern(b)and northeastern(c)Ch i na类.与此同时,野生鱼类数量和质量也明显下降,1960s大中型经济鱼类(如鲤、鲫、鲌、鲶)占鱼类资源量达80%左右,水生生态群落结构稳定,至1980s中期,湖泊大中型经济鱼类产量只占20%-30%,进入1990s大中型经济鱼类产量已不足10%,2003年大中型经济鱼类(鲤、鲫)仅占全年渔获物的2.4%;不少特有渔业资源濒临枯竭,红鳍鲌、细鳞鱼、哲罗鱼已近绝迹[23].又如位于蒙新高原的艾比湖,湖泊萎缩使湖滨天然灌木林由1950s的4837.2h m2减少到1980s的1903.9h m2,芦苇从4703.9h m2减少到1437.2h m2,次生胡杨林也减少了30%;博斯腾湖原来具有丰富的芦苇植被资源,1959年航测资料统计,芦苇面积5.58@104h m2,蕴藏量约405.58@104,t位居全国四大湖苇区储量之首,由于湖泊萎缩、水位下降,芦苇杨桂山等:中国湖泊现状及面临的重大问题与保护策略805大面积衰败,1993年芦苇面积仅剩2.77@104h m2,蕴藏量约265.58@104,t近十多年来,湖泊面积和芦苇产量均呈波动萎缩状态[1].2.4西部地区湖泊总体呈萎缩消亡态势,水量减少、水质持续恶化近几十年来,受气候变化周期性和冰川快速消融等要素的影响,我国西部地区湖泊水量和面积呈现明显的波动变化,不同时段萎缩与扩张交替变化,但总体呈现萎缩态势,不少湖泊甚至干涸消失.青海湖是我国最大的湖泊,近50年来,湖泊水位整体呈下降趋势,其中,1961-2002年间累计水位下降了3.23m[24];1998年水面面积比1989年减少了90k m2[25];2005-2009年,受流域降水增加影响,青海湖水位连续5年回升,面积有所扩大[26].据近30年青藏高原三江源地区24个主要湖泊遥感调查数据分析表明[27],三江源地区主要湖泊近30年大部分经历了从萎缩到扩张的波动变化过程,2004年以前大部分湖泊表现为萎缩,2004年以来表现为缓慢扩张,总体上都以萎缩为主,1975-2006年期间湖泊面积减少了65.8km2,约占三江源地区调查湖泊总面积的3%.调查结果显示,近50年来,我国西部青藏高原和蒙新高原两大湖区消失湖泊数量达126个,消失湖泊面积超过7378.4k m2(表2).如青藏高原湖区米提江占木错,面积约600km2,已解体萎缩成4个串珠状湖泊;乌兰乌拉湖也已分离为5个小湖泊,并发育了多级湖滨阶地;苟仁错在1960s为咸水湖,到1980s 发展成盐湖,面积仍有23.5k m2,现已近干涸;雀莫错近50年来面积减少了近1/2[28].新疆罗布泊,历史最大面积达5200k m2,1931年湖泊面积还有1900k m2,1962年仍然有660k m2,至1970s初则完全消亡,成为广袤的干盐滩.位于吐鲁番盆地的艾丁湖,1950s湖泊面积有124k m2,至1980s中后期只有5k m2,1990s中期则完全干涸.玛纳斯湖,1957年湖泊面积约550k m2,至1960s后期干涸.内蒙古居延海,主要依靠祁连山区的降水和冰雪融水补给,湖泊面积最盛时曾达2600k m2,至1958年,东、西居延海有面积302k m2,湖泊蓄水量6.1@ 108m3,后由于入湖河流断流现象日趋严重,无水量补给,导致东、西居延海分别于1963年和1961年相继干涸,后虽入湖河流补给条件偶有改善,但萎缩干涸趋势明显[29].岱海1960s末以来水位持续下降,1970-1995年的25年中下降3.85m,湖泊面积也由160k m2缩小到109k m2[30].表2近50年来我国西部地区干涸消失的面积大于1k m2湖泊统计*T ab.2Sta ti stics of dry disappeared l akes(>1k m2)i n t he w este rn Chi na dur i ng the past50a统计项目青海、西藏新疆内蒙古合计数量(个)56259126面积(km2)106952.8415.67378.4*消失湖泊数量为第二次湖泊调查数据与文献[1]比较统计获得;面积数据由于西藏消失的盐湖和日阿只错没有数据,青海、西藏消失面积为估计数.湖泊萎缩,导致湖泊面积减小、湖水咸化和碱化、湖泊滩地沙化现象更为普遍和严重.位于蒙新高原湖区博斯腾湖,原是蒙新高原上面积最大的淡水湖泊,湖泊水位由1956年的1048.34m下降到1988年的1045.21m,32年中湖水位下降了3.13m,湖水矿化度由0.38g/L增加到1.87g/L,从新疆最大的淡水湖变为微咸水湖.艾比湖,1950年湖泊面积1070k m2,1987年缩小至500k m2,湖泊蓄水量也从30.0@108m3下降到约7.0@108m3,湖水矿化度升高至116g/L[29].内蒙古呼伦湖,原是我国北方地区最大的淡水湖,面积达2339k m2,蓄水量138.5@108m3,是呼伦贝尔草原生态系统的重要支撑,也是国际重要湿地,近十多年来,湖泊水位下降,湖泊面积和蓄水量急剧减少,2010年湖泊面积仅1722k m2,蓄水量58.5@108m3,1960s以来,湖水p H值由8.5上升到9.1,湖水盐度由0.77j上升到2.5j,碱度由2.28mg/L上升到22.6mg/L[28].根据2008年调查数据与前期研究资料对比[1,31-33],随着湖泊萎缩,蒙新高原湖区湖泊整体上呈逐渐咸化的趋势,乌伦古湖从1950s到1980s末,矿化度一直在较高水平,1988年由于引额济海渠的开通,增加了乌伦古湖的入水量,虽使湖水矿化度较一度降低至2.14g/L,之后矿化度又逐渐增大至2008年的2.67g/L;吉力湖在1990s以前矿化度一直维持在0.5g/L左右,1990s末,由于入湖水量急剧减少,矿化度迅速升高至2008年的1.07g/L;岱海在1990s以前湖水矿化度增长相对缓慢,1962-1989年间增长了1.05g/L,之后快速升高,1990-2008年间增长了2.31g/L;艾比湖矿化度一直不断上升,从1950s的70g/L上升到2000s的120g/L,平均每年上升1.104g/L[34],近几年来迅速增大到151.8g/L;呼伦湖1970s前矿化度为0.77-0.99g/L,1988年为k e Sci.(湖泊科学),2010,22(6)图5近50年来蒙新高原湖区典型湖泊水体矿化度变化F i g.5The wa ter TD S variations o f the typica l lakes i n Inne rM ongo li a-X i n jiang P l a teau during t he past50a 1.15g/L,2002年猛增为1.47g/L,至2008年已迅速增加到2.32g/L(图5).湖泊萎缩,不仅导致周边绿洲沙化严重,而且干涸湖底沉积物直接成为沙尘暴的物质来源,将对周边区域生态产生灾难性影响.如新疆艾比湖,环湖周边地区1958年的沙漠面积为1618.8k m2,到1978年增至2415.6km2.艾丁湖,1930s以来土地沙化数百h m2,流沙掩埋了大片农田和不少村庄.罗布泊、台特玛湖干涸直接成为盐碱沙地,使塔克拉玛干沙漠向东扩展,与库姆塔格沙漠连接成一片,造成严重的环境灾害[29].2.5湖泊与江河水力联系阻隔,生态功能退化除西部内陆流域一些封闭型湖泊外,我国大部分湖泊都与流域江湖有着自然的水力联系,河川径流不断补给湖泊,在维持湖泊正常水位和水量的同时,也为河湖水生生物繁衍提供了洄游通道,尤其是我国东部长江中下游平原湖泊,长江与两岸的湖群构成了独特的江湖复合生态系统,在维系江湖水生生态系统稳定和生物多样性等方面发挥着重要作用.近几十年来,受人类防洪蓄水工程建设和湖泊围垦利用等因素影响,湖泊与江湖自然水力联系被大坝或涵闸阻断,一些洄游性物种濒危或消失,水生生物多样性下降,湖泊环境净化与水量调节等生态服务功能不断退化.长江中下游是我国湖泊分布最密集的区域之一,尤其是大型浅水湖泊广布,历史上,这些湖泊大多与长江自然连通,发挥着正常的洪水调蓄和生物多样性维持等生态功能.随着湖泊泥沙淤积或沼泽化发展,一些湖泊与长江联系减弱,但丰水期仍然保持自然相通,1950s以来,人为修闸建堤等水利工程建设和围垦活动加剧,使得长江中下游绝大多数湖泊成为阻隔湖泊,目前仅有洞庭湖、鄱阳湖和石臼湖三个湖泊自然通江(表3).表3长江中下游部分面积大于10km2湖泊阻隔状况[1]T ab.3Iso l a ted status o f some lakes(>10km2)in the m i dd l e and l ow er reaches o fY angtze R iver 湖泊名称阻隔时间阻隔原因湖泊名称阻隔时间阻隔原因东湖1930年围垦网湖1975年建堤采桑湖1958年围垦与建堤赤湖1963年建堤太白湖1742年建堤赛湖1983年建堤大通湖1951年建堤与围垦军山湖建闸黄盖湖1959年建堤武昌湖1959年建闸洪湖1955年建堤黄大湖1950s后期建闸西凉湖1935年建闸升金湖1962年建闸梁子湖1956年建闸菜子湖建闸涨渡湖1964年建闸巢湖建闸大冶湖1970年建闸固城湖建闸江湖阻隔,导致湖泊急剧萎缩,据调查,1950s末以来,长江中游地区江湖阻隔加速,围垦和淤积而消失的湖泊就达97个,损失湖泊面积超过542k m2.湖泊水面萎缩损失面积更大,大部分湖泊面积萎缩率超过30%,有些湖泊甚至达70%以上,江汉湖群面积由1950s的8303.7km2下降到1990s的3210.2k m2,约减少了62.2%,蓄洪能力下降了80%¹.¹长江水利委员会长江科学院、中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所、中国水产科学研究院长江水产研究所,长江中游江湖联系综合评价及闸口生态调度对策总报告,2006.。
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非常感谢写手老师的帮助,这篇文章我很满意,现在就差两个小点要修改…麻烦写手老师了.A Research on the Factors and Development ofIntegrated Marketing Communications (IMC) IntroductionIMC is was first introduced by Don Edward Schultz, a professor in Northwestern University, who has been named one of the 80 Most Influential People in the Sales and Marketing World. Traditionally, IMC consists of a series of marketing methods, such as sales promotion, direct sales, ads, relationship between enterprises and the public as well as all other media platforms. The goal of IMC is to integrate these methods and materialize the best commercial effect for a specific product or service. Otherwise, the ultimate purpose of marketing is to deliver a higher standard of living (Kotler, 2003)[1].1. Definitions and functionalities1.1. The first major definition 没有提到自己对这两个定义的理解There are different views on how to define MIC. According to Association of American Advertising Agencies, A concept of marketing communications planning that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communications disciplines - for example, general advertising, direct response, sales promotion and public relations - and combines these disciplines to provide clarity, consistency and maximum communications impact. Let’s analyze the definition and functionalities of elements forming IMC (Kotler, 2003) [2]. According to this definition, enterprises must mobile all possible tools and tap all resource and then they made an overall analysis to prepare and deliver. From my point of view, the key is to look at the whole picture, streamline the processing, figure out the best move to deliver the culture and spirit of an enterprise.1.2 .Another major definition of IMCBelch & Belch believes one voice, one look and image across all communications which defines the meaning of integrated marketing communications.One VoiceSome products own only one brand name in all cultures and languages across the globe, which enables them to gain widespread popularity easily. For example, the likes of UPS, P&G, Hp are typical successful enterprises that use their original pronunciations when promoting their products globally. Consumers unknowingly keep in mind these brands andcompanies as their names are frequently heard all over the world.I believe with uniform product appearance, images and names worldwide leave people stronger impression of the brand and easily familiarize consumers with the brand. It is focused on the impression recurrence, a psychological marketing tactic.2. Comparison between two major definitions2.1 The similarity between the two definitionsUniformity of marketing communicationThe marketing communications applied in the first definition features consistency while the second definition is characterized with highlight on product image, brands and interpretation across all cultures and languages, a kind of consistency for product quality. Definition 1 utilizes and optimizes all marketing vehicles to deliver one clear and consistent message.An identical business objectiveThe goal of marketing communication in any form is to promote a product, raise people’s awareness of the targeted product or service and shoot up the sales or business operation. Both definitions share the same objective in spite of the different approaches they respectively take.Maximization of the marketing effectMarketing communications are supposed to induce feedbacks from consumers. Generally speaking, the more attention a marketing practice could draw, then the easier a product or service can be recognized. Some companies adopt marketing the combined methods raised in definition 1 take into account every single possible factor, prioritize a host of marketing methods and come up with the best way to evoke people’s curiosity and willingness to consume. For example, McDonald, the biggest fast-food chained restaurant across the globe taps a variety of marketing vehicles to promote their food. They spend awful lot money on TV commercials, periodically launch discount for partial foods and roll out a series of toys or souvenir collection to spur people to buy their food. In definition 2, companies selling products or promoting their services rely on the repetition and globally uniform images to evoke more interest from consumer so as to push for sales. For example, Pepsi Cola, the second biggest beverage producer in the world holds onto their products overall uniformity. From the exterior, including the logo, bottle and color to its flavor, Pepsi remains the same across the globe. So, same colors, same logo, same English name and same color just easily imprint the characteristics of Pepsi Coke into the minds of many more consumers. All in all, both definition 1 and definition 2 aim to solicit the best public reaction and product awareness.2.2 The differences between the two definitions 这里讲的是disadvantage,并没有比较这两个定义之间有什么不同点Definition 1 highly highlights the significance of details along with combination of allpossible marketing means. So, as far as definition 1 goes, the culture, background, translation and religion will be covered and studied.Definition 2 insists on the visual and cultural uniformity over the course of marketing. It promotes the use of the same image, brand names, logo or translation across the whole with no regard to local culture, language or religion.Case: Auto giant Ford once launched a new type of vehicles in Latin America. The vehicle is named Feira. The Ford executive did not pay much attention to its meaning in Spanish, the most widely used language in Latin America. Three months after the vehicle made its debut, the sales was extremely low. After thorough investigation, Ford’s executive finally found that Feira means ugly old woman which was disgusted by people in Spanish-spoken countries. Then he immediately ordered a change of the name. In just one month, the vehicle sales witnessed a U-turn.On the other hand, if Ford’s executive followed the strategy cited in definition 1, then he would have done a background check on the meaning of brand name, logo and their translation in the targeted culture. Therefore, he could have prevented this misunderstanding from happening in the first place.From the above cases, we learn that the one name one logo marketing strategy will sometimes clash with regional culture. The first definition, which combines general advertising, direct response, sales promotion and public relation, could take into account all the details including perspective misunderstanding caused by cultural disparity.3. Driving force for IMCIn the 1990’s the global village has taken shaped thanks to the evolution of information industry, which coincided with the birth of IMC. Before 1990, enterprises all over the world consider advertisements, marketing, media, direct sales and promotion are independent factors. At the advent of the information revolution, enterprises realize they can not just separate these factors. On the contrary, they need to interweave these factors and come out with the optimal marketing mix to boost their enterprise image and product popularity [3]. At that point, the need for marketing communication integration first emerged. The internet was first connected in the year of 1994, from that moment onwards; new model marketing has come into being. If an enterprise still applies the separate methods to take up marketing, then they will have to spend a lot more money and resource and that the outcome may fall short of expectation.3.1. Major reasons for the growth of IMCFactor 1: Enterprises internal marketing reformThe need for marketing transformation inside an enterprise is the fundamental factor pushing for the application of IMC. For example, in the days ahead of the internet age, the major marketing strategies applied by Coca Cola encompassed TV commercials, posters,flyers and advertisements printed on various outdoor objects. In addition, Coca Cola organized a host of promotional events in shopping malls or any other place where the flow of customers is big. When it comes to public relation scheme, Coca Cola won over the officials and institutes by all means. It also from time to time, offered discount to consumers to boost sales. However, it did all of this in a separate manner as it never occurred to Coca Cola that integration of these marketing strategies could bring more merits. In that case, Coca Cola has spent a lot of resource and money on something costly but not necessary if it would realize the effectiveness of integrating all marketing communications. Public relation, ads, sales promotions are interconnected. They can raise the merit of each other and bring out the best in one another if properly handled. By maintaining a good public relation with the government and other non-profit organizations, Coca Cola could expand its popularity to more people from home and abroad. For example, by chipping in donation for disaster relief efforts, Coca Cola can gain more popularity and win over favors from the mass consumers. By showing more affection and kindness, the media will give it more positive assessment which could lead more people to trust it. A heightened public image combines regular promotional events, say offer giveaways or discounts to consumers. By doing this, it could largely to shoot up its sales.This is actually a process of dispersion. Coca Cola should combine all these marketing methods. Media, TV commercials, sales promotions should be united as one to optimize the general effect of marketing communications.Factor 2: The evolving needs of consumersThe second factor that drives up the growth of IMC is the ever-changing and ever-complicated needs from consumers. As long as people have needs for a certain product or service, IMC will prevail. Therefo re, people’s n eeds should be considered to be a basic driving force for IMC. In the past, major IMC methods manifested in the form of TV commercial and promotion sales. TV commercial can have a long-term influence. Many successful enterprises employ catchy commercial lines to have their products etched into consumers’ memories.With the advancement of technology prevalent in people’s life, their needs are getting more and more diverse and complex. Therefore, enterprises always need to work on their IMC to sell their products.There are a number of products of top brands on the street, say Channel cosmetics or LV handbag. People prefer buying them according to what mass media advertised. On the country, if your neighbor told you she prefer using cosmetics sold at the flee market, you probably would not follow her. This may because people have vanity and group psychology and always want to follow the fashion, and mass media can tell what the fashion is [4]. That is the effect of IMC, which makes the most of media effect. Therefore, vanity and group psychology among the general consumers are also an invisible force that pushes for the growth of IMC.Factor 3: The arrival of internet ageThe internet, which heralded its initial global connection in early 1990s, has changed theway people work and live. The old-school marketing methods like TV commercials are becoming less influential and less popular as more and more people prefer to use internet every day. How to make the most of the internet to communicate with consumers has become a hot topic. More and more enterprises turn to popular website to post their ads or organize online promotional activities. While a lot of search engines have become the hot advertisement spots for enterprises collect more popularity. As time progresses, a host of promising B2B website is mushrooming, which prompts the appearance of E-commerce. Nowadays, enterprises across the world flock to these B2B website to present themselves. In this case, the vehicles of marketing have been expanding given the internet is providing a myriad of channels for enterprises to communicate with consumers in the world. The cyber world has been exerting extensive influence on IMC, be it ads, direct sales, sales promotion or public relation development. The coordination, consistency and accuracy of IMC’s factors could optimize the cyber marketing communications for enterprises and vice versa.4. The development and outlook of IMCWith the rapid development of information technology, internet and media, IMC has been evolving over time. The scope of IMC is widening. Over 60 years ago, there was no television, the only marketing method is to sending out flyers, put up posters, billboards or spread ads on the radio. After the television was invented, marketers started using television to promote their products. Later, the emergence of internet was followed by mobile phone internet access. Some mass media today, like Television, has no powerful influence on audience or customers as interpersonal communication media like cell phone, MSN, BBS or other mouth marketing approaches. In that case, the traditional marketing communication approaches like Advertising will not as powerful as new marketing communication approaches like Direct Marketing or Personal Selling, etc (Alain Thys, 2009).The form of marketing is becoming unprecedentedly diverse and interesting. Marketers should integrate all marketing channels and figure out the best possible methods to maximize marketing effect.The world is entering an era of cyber media. So, the traditional advertisement agency and corporate marketing department should cope with the rapidly changing forms of marketing communication. The cyber media will bring about abundant information and diverse form of multi-media communications, which cover blogs, forum, IM, SNS, online video portal, etc. Agency and enterprises should keep a close eye on these mushrooming communications of wide diversity and swiftly broaden their marketing scope and communications. For instance, ad agency or enterprise should set up specific online forum to cater to the consumers’needs, a move could also arouse their curiosity and enable them to in on more information upon the enterprise, the brand and the products. For example, Dell, one of the major PC producers globally has introduced a website and forum. It also hires PC professionals to manager the forum, in which consumers can raise any questions regarding the computer or software. In response, the professionals could offer solutions or suggestions. Besides, these professionals periodically update information and PC knowhow on the forum to present a better service mode to users orprospective clients. Apple and Nokia will often resort to all sorts of online video portals to debut their latest products. It can help reach out to more prospective clients as these days, video portals like U-tube, has become one of the most visited websites with tremendous popularity and influence. So, the multi-media + internet mode is inevitably changing the way enterprises to market their products as IMC is diversifying. So, the cyber media is bound to be the future of IMC development. Who dominates marketing in the virtual world will dominate the market in life.If industries retain the old-school way to commit themselves to IMC, they will be easily edged out of the market. Cyber media is developing so fast that all industries should learn to beef up adaptability in a timely manner. The old-fashioned media or IMCs could not arouse people’s consumption desire any more. For those ad agency or enterprises that fail to transform IMC, their business performance will suffer and be eliminated over time. IMC will be transforming at an incredibly fast pace, enterprises should grasp the chances to innovate marketing communications. Otherwise, the one-time heavy competitor will be drowned by the mass and dazzling IMC applied by enterprises focused on IMC innovation.How IMC is going to evolve and what should we do to fit in?‘Can we adapt to the new market place? That's the hardest part. The economies are never going to go back to the way they were. The communication systems are never going to go back to the way they were. So we have to think about what transformations we need (Don Edward Schultz, 2009).’ [5] All in all, IMC strategy should be people-orientated and in conformity of market development.5. References[1] Kotler, P. (2003), Marketing Management, 11th ed., Prentice-Hall/Pearson Education, Englewood Cliff, NJ, .[2] Kotler, P. (2003), Marketing Management, 11th ed., Prentice-Hall/Pearson Education, Englewood Cliff, NJ, .[3] Don E. Schultz.(2009) China CEO annual meeting[4] Huang Li (2009) Some Thoughts on "I am the Media"[5] Don E. Schultz. (2009) Interview mit dem …Erfinder“des Northwestern IK Modells. Don E. 。