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Comparison table for inside diameter, connector with

metric threads to inside diameter, conduits


标称内径 nominal 内径 Inside diameter width mm (nom.) ID 内径螺纹规格NW Inside ø nominal Thread size 标准金属螺纹聚酰胺螺纹公制metric standard metal thread polyamide thread

- 07 10 6.2 M10 -

5.7 10 12 9.6 M12 8.0

- 10 12 9.6 M16 11.0

9.7 12 16 12.0 M16 11.0

13.7 17 20 16.2 M20 14.6

18.6 23 25 22.6 M25 19.0

25.7 29 32 29.0 M32 26.0

33.4 36 40 36.5 M40 32.0

42.7 48 50 47.5 M50 42.0

54.0 48 50 47.5 M63 53.0

PG 螺纹接头内径与软管内径对照表

Comparison table for inside diameter, connector with

PG threads to inside diameter, conduits


标称内径nominal width 内径 Inside diameter

mm (nom.) ID NW 内径螺纹规格

Inside ø nominal Thread size 金属螺纹metal 标准聚酰胺螺纹公制metric thread standard polyamide thread

- 07 10 6.2 PG07 8.0

9.5 10 12 9.6 PG09 10.0

12.5 12 16 12.0 PG11 13.0

14.5 - - - PG13.5 14.5

16.5 17 20 16.2 PG16 17.5

22.5 23 25 22.6 PG21 22.5

30.5 29 32 29.0 PG29 30.5

40.5 36 40 36.5 PG36 37.5

- - - - PG42 48.0

52.0 48 50 47.5 PG48 50.0


Torques for PMA connector

PMA 接头螺纹推荐扭矩 / Recommended torques for the PMA connector thread 对带螺纹孔的开口 / For threaded bore holes

带螺母 / With lock nuts

* 螺纹组合:金属,金属 / Thread combination: metal + metal

** 螺纹组合:金属,聚酰胺或聚酰胺,聚酰胺 / Thread combination: metal + polyamide or polyamide + polyamide

注意:以上数据为近似值。在实际应用中请考虑螺纹的影响。The dates are approximate values. At application please take into account the influence of the counter-thread.

接头带消除应力设计 / Connector to achieve strain relief



The following dimensions have to be taken into account if designing and specifying a certain length between two connecting points. The push-in length have to be additionally considered for each connector as mentioned below.

如不正确安装,将不能达到指定IP 防水防尘等级。

Straight cut with PMA Cutting tool 使用PMACUT 剪切工具剪切软1. PMACUT, 90o to the conduit axis. 管,剪切面与软管轴心垂直。

The retaining clip is pre-mounted. 管卡已预先安装,推入时轻微转Push

in with a slight twist until the 2. 动直至不能推入为止。 stop.

Pull back slightly to ensure the 3. 轻微回拉软管,确保锁紧。 locking mechanism is fully engaged.

Recommendation for applications

under vibrations or similar: 在振动或相似情况下的应用建

Protect threads with commercial 4. 议:为保护螺纹最好使用密封胶

adhesive or seal compound (e.g. 或黏合剂。(如:Loctite)


Do not bend off the PMAFLEX 安装管接头的软管部分不要弯conduit

directly after the connector. If 5. 曲,如果定位请使用管夹或其他necessary destine the direction with 支撑。 a system support or similar.

For safety reasons: To re-open a 为安全起见: 需用螺丝刀才能6. screwdriver has to be used. 开启管夹。
