Hydrogen peroxide vapour technology 2009




过氧化氢空间灭菌技术的发展趋势刘万忠(湖北荷普药业股份有限公司)一、过氧化氢溶液消毒应用现状过氧化氢(H 2O 2)是一种天然存在的化学物质,广泛存在于空气和水中。









液态过氧化氢用于消毒时需要较高浓度和较长接触时间才能杀死高抗性微生物,比如细菌芽孢和霉菌,如美国FDA批准Reckitt &Colman Inc.生产的7.5%过氧化氢消毒液用于表面高水平灭菌时,要求20°C 浸泡灭菌时间为6hrs。


如徐燕等人[2]报道了过氧化氢复合消毒液(含山梨酸、苯甲酸等抑菌剂)的杀菌效果以及对空气的消毒效果,以含过氧化氢10.91g/L、7.272g/L该复合消毒剂分别对金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌作用45 min, 杀灭率均达100%;以含过氧化氢36.36g/L的该消毒剂作用30min, 对白色念珠菌的杀灭率达99. 9% 以上。

以含过氧化氢9.03g/L该复合消毒液, 按10ml/m 3 用量进行气溶胶喷雾消毒, 作用15min对气雾柜内人工喷染的白色葡萄球菌的杀灭率达100%;作用30min对室内空气中自然菌消亡率达90%以上。



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目前主要分为两大阵营,分别为美国Steris(斯泰瑞)的干法VHP (Vaporized HydrogenPeroxide)灭菌技术和英国Bioquell( 倍尔科)的湿法HPV (Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour)灭菌技术。



Steris VHP 技术是通过气化低浓度过氧化氢产生氧游离基作用于表面与环境中的微生物,针对于破坏DNA的特性具有广谱杀菌效果。

STERIS Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide (VHP) 生物消毒系统及服务

STERIS Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide (VHP) 生物消毒系统及服务

STERIS provides a wide range of vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP®) bio-decontamination systems and services, utilizing Vaprox® Sterilant for broad-spectrum efficacy against viruses, bacteria, yeasts, and bacterial spores. Vaporized hydrogenperoxide bio-decontamination is crucial, not only for pharmaceutical and biotechnology production, but also for agricultural industries and healthcare facilities. The STERIS bio-decontamination systems use a “dry process” hydrogenperoxide vapor distribution, which eliminates the risk of condensation on surfaces.The advantages ofdecontamination with vaporized H 2O 2 include:• Easy to use• Effective against biological contaminants• Ideal for low-temperature processes• Processes can be validated • Compatible with a wide variety of materials• Environmentally friendly and safe for operators• Leaves no toxic residue, only water vapor and oxygenA trusted partnerFor several years, STERIS has used a trusted sensing technology from Vaisala. In 2018, STERIS became interested in a new solutionfrom Vaisala: the HPP270-series hydrogen peroxide vapor probe. The probes feature PEROXCAP® sensing technology. The sensors provide accurate measurements for hydrogen peroxideconcentration or ppm (parts per million) and several other parameters, most importantly: relative humidity, temperature, and a new parameter: relativesaturation — which indicates when condensation will occur.Validating bio-decontaminationIn DSVA (surface disinfection by airways) the aim is to prove that bacteria and microorganisms have been eradicated and the results must demonstrate maximumeffectiveness throughout the bio-decontaminated area. To validate a cleanroom bio-decontamination, it is essential that STERIS use a highly accurate sensor that can provide stable, repeatable data on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide vapor ppm. Vaisala’s unique technology met STERIS’s requirements for measurement reliability and repeatability. Thanks to Vaisala, STERIS has been ableSTERIS provides efficient, effective bio-decontamination with accurate vaporized H 2O 2 sensorsSTERIS is a world leader in bio-decontamination and equipmentsterilization for pharmaceutical production. The company has advanced the science of sterilization, cleaning and infection control with solutions that meet the high standards and requirements of its customers. In particular, cleanroom applications used for pharmaceuticals andbiotechnology require a high degree of environmental control. In thesehighly regulated environments, bio-decontamination is crucial and must be controlled, validated, and documented. Case Studyto prove maximum effectiveness of bio-decontamination in clean rooms.“Today, Vaisala is the best technology on the market tomeasure the concentration of H 2O 2 reliably, accurately, and repeatably over time,” says Philippe Muylaert, Room Decontamination Service Specialist with STERIS SAS. “The Vaisala model HPP272 is the most effective sensor for bio-decontamination with hydrogen peroxide. Thus, we haveconfidence in the data, and we can prove to our customers the effectiveness of bio-decontamination cycles.”Muylaert appreciates that the HPP270 probes provide H 2O 2 concentration measurement curves throughout the bio-decontamination process in addition to real-time monitoring data.In-line data throughout a process is valuable for cycle development, especially to help determine pressure binary mixture, water concentration, temperature, etc.In-line measurement of vaporized H 2O 2To remain in a gaseous state,hydrogen peroxide vapor requires controlled parameters, including temperature, relative humidity, pressure and volume. Anydeparture from ideal conditions can cause hydrogen peroxide vapor to condense, essentially returning the H 2O 2 to its natural state: liquid. For STERIS’s dry method, it is necessary to avoid condensation that can lead to equipment deterioration.In the absence of hydrogen peroxide vapor, the relativehumidity of the air is equal to the relative saturation (1). When vaporized H 2O 2 is introduced, the relative saturation is greater than the relative humidity (2).During H 2O 2 vapor bio-decontamination processes, there is always water vapor in addition to hydrogen peroxide vapor. To control condensation, you need to know both the humidity of the air caused by water vapor and by hydrogen peroxide vapor.Relative saturation, which indicates the concentration of vaporizedhydrogen peroxide and water vapor in the air, is the only value thatrepresents both vapors. Monitoring the relative saturation value during a process is therefore crucial, because it indicates saturation point of the combined vapors: water and hydrogen peroxide.Reliable measurements mean reliable processesSTERIS systems required a probe capable of providing accurate measurements for hydrogen peroxide ppm, temperature, relative humidity and relative saturation. Using the unique Vaisala PEROXCAP ® hydrogen peroxide sensor technology, the HPP272 probe can also measure two other parameters: dewpoint and vapor pressure, which can also be useful parameters in bio-decontamination. The probe guarantees reliable and precise hydrogen peroxide measurements throughout thebio-decontamination cycle, even in high humidity.The reliable and reproducible measurements of Vaisala’s vaporized hydrogen peroxide probes allow STERIS to achieve a high degree of confidence in their bio-decontamination procedures, success during annual audits, and a high level of product quality.Please contact us at/contactusScan the code formore informationRef. B212075EN-A ©Vaisala 2020This material is subject to copyright protection, with all copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject to change without notice.。


抗生素相关腹泻 鲍曼不动杆菌 免疫实践咨询委员会 主动筛查 腺病毒 主动检测和隔离 全自动内镜清洗消毒机 产生气溶胶的操作 抗酸杆菌 美国医院协会 速干手消毒剂 经空气传播疾病 急性白血病 氨基青霉素 耐药性 抗菌缝线 抗菌药物管理团队 抗菌剂 美国感染控制与流行病学专业协会 成人型呼吸窘迫综合征 耐药性微生物 耐药性病原体 抗菌药物管理项目 黑曲霉菌 抗菌药物敏感性试验 抗菌药物应用和耐药性 苯扎氯铵 菌血症 细菌性气溶胶 细菌性腹膜炎 血源性病原体 床旁隔离 生物膜 血琼脂平板 呼吸回路 布里斯托分型表 广谱抗生素 布鲁氏菌 血流感染
临时性血管通路 终末消毒 清洗效果测试物 四环素 替加环素 全髋关节置换术 全肠外营养 阿萨希毛孢子菌 甲氧苄氨嘧啶 万古霉素 呼吸机相关肺炎 汽化过氧化氢 霍乱弧菌 创伤弧菌 耐万古霉素肠球菌 耐万古霉素屎肠球菌 水痘-带状疱疹病毒 白细胞计数 西尼罗病毒 泛耐药鲍曼不动杆菌 泛耐药
Buffer room Burkholderia cepacia CA-BSI (catheter-associated blood stream infections) Campylobacter jejuni CA-MRSA (community associated MRSA ) Candida parapsilosis Carbapenems CASS(continuous aspiration of subglottic secretions) Candida albicans CAUTI(Catherter—associated urinary tract infection) CBIC(Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology) CCNA(cell cytotoxin neutralization assay) CCT( Controlled clinical trail ) CDAD (Clostridium difficile–associated disease) CDI(Clostridium difficile infection) Cephalosporins CHA(Chlorhexidine acetate) CHG(Chlorhexidine gluconate) Chlamydia trachomatis Chlorine product CJD(Creutzfedt-Jekob disease) CLABSI(central line-associated bloodstream infections) CLAD(closed Luer access device) Clindamycin Clostridium perfringens Colistin colonisation CoNS(coagulase-negative staphylococci) Contact isolation CoV(coronavirus) CoxA16(Coxsackievirus) CPE(carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae) CPIS(clinical pulmonary infection score) CPS(coagulase-positive staphylococci) CRAB(Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter) CRE(carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae) Critical dental instruments CRKP(carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae) CRV(community respiratory viruses) CSSD(Central sterile supply department) Decontamination area Dental scaler Di间 洋葱伯克霍尔德菌 导管相关血流感染 空肠弯曲杆菌 社区相关甲氧西林耐药金葡菌 近平滑假丝酵母菌 碳青霉烯类 持续声门下吸引 白色念珠菌 导尿管相关尿路感染 感染控制与流行病学认证委员会 细胞毒素中和试验 临床对照试验 艰难梭菌相关性腹泻 艰难梭菌感染 头孢菌素类 醋酸氯已定 葡萄糖酸氯已定 沙眼衣原体 含氯消毒剂 克雅病 中心静脉导管相关血流感染 密封的鲁尔接着装置 克林霉素 产气荚膜梭菌 黏菌素 定植 凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌 接触隔离 冠状病毒 柯萨奇A16型病毒 产碳青霉烯酶肠杆菌 临床肺部感染评分 凝固酶阳性葡萄球菌 耐碳青霉烯鲍曼不动杆菌 耐碳青霉烯类肠杆菌 高危口腔器械 耐碳青霉烯肺炎克雷伯菌 社区呼吸道病毒 消毒供应中心 去污区 牙洁治器 透析



目录5.1类氧化剂过氧化氢的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (1)过氧化钠的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (2)高氯酸[含酸50%~72%]的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (3)高氯酸钠的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (4)氯酸钠的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (5)氯酸钾的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (6)亚氯酸钠的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (7)高锰酸钠的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (8)高锰酸钾的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (9)硝酸钠的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (10)硝酸钾的理化性质和危险特性(表-)............. 错误!未定义书签。

硝酸钙的理化性质和危险特性(表-) . (12)硝酸锶的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (13)硝酸钡的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (14)硝酸锌的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (15)硝酸银的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (17)硝酸铅的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (18)亚硝酸钾的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (19)过(二)碳酸钠的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (20)过硫酸铵的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (21)过硫酸钾的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (23)过硼酸钠的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (24)漂白粉的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (25)溴酸钠的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (26)溴酸钾的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (27)高碘酸的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (28)高碘酸钠的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (29)高碘酸钾的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (30)碘酸钠的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (31)碘酸钾的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (32)三氧化铬[无水]的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (33)重铬酸钾的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (34)硝酸镁的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (35)硝酸铁的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (36)硝酸镍的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (37)硝酸钴的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (38)硝酸铝的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (39)硝酸锰的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (40)硝酸铜的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (41)硝酸铋的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (42)硝酸镧的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (43)硝酸铈铵的理化性质和危险特性(表-) (45)亚硝酸钠的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (46)氧化银的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (47)5.2类有机过氧化物过氧化二异丙苯[含量>42%,带有惰性固体]的理化性质和危险特性(表-)48 过氧化(二)苯甲酰[77%<含量<95%,含水]的理化性质和危险特性(表-) 49 过氧化乙酸的理化性质及危险特性(表-) (50)高氯酸[含酸50%~72%]的理化性质和危险特性(表-)高氯酸钠的理化性质和危险特性(表-)氯酸钠的理化性质和危险特性(表-)亚氯酸钠的理化性质及危险特性(表-)硝酸钠的理化性质及危险特性(表-)硝酸银的理化性质及危险特性(表-)过硼酸钠的理化性质及危险特性(表-)溴酸钠的理化性质和危险特性(表-)重铬酸钾的理化性质及危险特性(表-)硝酸钴的理化性质及危险特性(表-)氧化银的理化性质及危险特性(表-)。



A Study on Influencing Factors for Wetting and Wicking BehaviourDr T Ramachandran, Member N Kesavaraja, Non-memberThe basic requirement of fabric worn next to skin should assist for the moisture release to the atmosphere. For which the study on wetting and wicking behaviour is helpful to enhance the above said requirement. The airflow through the fabric makes the moisture to evaporate quickly to the atmosphere, for that the capillary path in the fibre plays an important role in the transformation of moisture. Some chemical treatments to the fabric will enhance the above said required properties. Those chemically treated fabrics have very good wetting and wicking behaviour, which improves the wearing comfort. The thickness of the fabric governs the transverse wicking behaviour. In this paper, wetting and wicking behaviour of polypropylene and cotton were dealt with. The special requirement for sportswear and also the influence of chemical treated fibre on wetting and wicking characteristics were discussed. Wetting characteristics of enzyme treated polyester and the influence of sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide bleached materials behaviour on wetting and wicking were dealt with. The hydrophilic polymers are used to provide waterproof breathable fabrics and their wetting behavior, which is essential characteristics for protective clothing, is also discussed in this paper.Keywords: Wetting, Wicking; Capillary action; Interfacial tension; Pore sizeDr T Ramachandran and N Kesavaraja are with the Department of Textile Technology, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 641 004.This paper was received on September 02, 2003. Written comments on the paper will be received till May 31, 2004.INTRODUCTIONDue to the stenour body activity, the wearer perspires and the cloth worn next to skin will get wet. These moistures fabric reduces the body heat and makes the wearer to become tired.So the cloth worn next to the skin should assist for the moisture release quickly to the atmosphere. The fabric worn next to the skin should have two important properties. The initial and fore most property is to evaporate the perspiration from the skin surface and the second property is to transfer the moisture to the atmosphere and make the wearer to feel comfort. Diffusion and wicking are the two ways by which the moisture is transferred to the atmosphere. These two are mostly governed by the fibre type and fabric stricture. The air flow through the fabric makes the moisture to evaporate to the atmosphere. The capillary path plays a vital role in the transfer of moisture and this depends on the wicking behaviour of the fabric. The chemicals are also play an important role in the wetting behaviour of fabric. So, this paper discussed about the theories, fibre type and wetting and wicking behaviour. The wicking behaviour of chemical treated fabrics and comfort behaviour of baby diapers also discussed in this paper.WETTING AND WICKING BEHAVIOUR OF TEXTILESThe wicking takes places only in the wetted fabrics. The perspiration produced in the body wet the fibre in the fabric and so wicking takes places. There is an interface between fibre and air when the skin is dry. This interface is displaced by the liquid-fibre interface by a certain force when the skin iswet and its represent by the following formulay y y SV SL LV −=cos θThe y represents the interfacial tensions between liquid, solid and vapour; θ, equilibrium contact angle; S,L,V , solid, liquid and vapour and y LV , the surface tension of the liquid.The contact angle is the angle between the fabric surface and the water molecules. This contact angle decides the wicking behaviour of the fabric which is wetted. The contact angle is less in the case of fabric having higher wicking behaviour and the water contact angle is higher for the water repellent fibre and fabrics. The wicking will not takes place in the man made fibre like polyester but the transport of liquid will takes place.Wicking is the transport of liquid throughout the fibre surface by means of a capillary force. Wicking increase with increase in viscosity of the liquid and decrease with increase in contact angle, capillary radius and surface tension.The lesser contant angle depress the liquid and make the interfacial tension between solid and vapour y SV to higher than the interfacial tension between the solid and liquid y SL . The interfacial tension between solid and vapour y SV is higher for better wicking behaviour. The advancing contact angle is essential for the wicking contact angle calculation.Figure 1The contact angle between surface and water moleculeFigure 2 shows the viscosity of liquid and the fibrous assembly which determines the wicking by the capillary of radius r and length of equal front l .d d l tr y l LV A=cos θη4where θA is advancing contact angle; η, viscosity of angle;and l , length of liquid front.TYPES OF WICKINGThe two methods of wicking are l Longitudinal wicking; and lTransverse wicking.Longitudinal WickingIn the case of longitudinal wicking distance l travelled along a capillary by the liquid in time t is given byl rty LVA=F HG I KJ cos .θη205The gravitational force limits the height of the wick when the material is kept vertical unit the weight of liquid balances the capillary forceEquilibrium height l y yg LV A=2cos θρwhere ρ is liquid density; and G , gravitational acceleration.Transverse WickingThis is the important wicking which removes the liquid during perspiration. Measuring of this wicking is very much difficult than the longitudinal wicking. The material which has good transverse wicking will increase the wearing comfort of sports wear. The thickness of the material governs the transverse wicking. The distance involved in this wicking is very small and the time taken to traverse on the thickness of the fabric is very short. This wicking behaviour is important for the clothing during stenour body activities.INFLUENCE OF FABRIC STRUCTURE IN LIQUIDTRANSPORTThe capillary action plays an important role in the liquid transport in the porous medium. The geometry of the pore structure and the liquid medium interaction, surface tension,density and the wetting properties of fibre surface are determined by the experiment but the pore structure is complicated to quantity. You-Lo-Hsien, et al discussed about the physical properties and the derivation of pore area perpendicular to the direction of liquid medium using actual mass transport data. They stated clearly that in the smaller pore size the liquid advancement is more because of high pressure and in this case, liquid retention is less. Limited retention is there in the large pores. The spreading of liquid is rapid in the small pores which are uniformly distributed and inter connect.The high retention of liquid is possible by increase in the number of small pores or by increase in total pore volume in the fabric structure. The more water retention of cotton fabric is due to better water wettability and the irregular shape of cotton fibre. The polyester fibre which is regular in shape has less wettability. W hile comparing polyester with cotton the retention of polyester is four times lesser than cotton. The development of fibrous structure with certain absorption properties for special end uses with new materials and the processing technologies can be possible by means of this wetting and wicking behaviour.Wetting and Wicking Properties of PolypropyleneThe factor mostly influence the wetting property of polypropylene is fibre fineness components, fibre properties and constructional features. W eiyuan, et al made on experiment on different fibre combination of polypropylene and other hydrophilic fibres with various knit structures with resin finish chemical treatment. The polypropylene fibre which is knitted in the wrong side will transfer the moisture easily with the hydrophilic fibres in the right side. The polypropylene fibre combined with silk and polyester has low moisture transfer properties whereas the polypropylene combined with cotton is more suitable in moisture transfer and it is used for sports wear. The fibre type plays only small role in moisture transfer than the interstices of the fabric construction and also the fabric construction plays a major role in moisture transfer than the fabric absorption char-acteristics.The water holding ability is less in the case of polypropylene whereas the hydrophilic fibre such as cotton has more moisture regain. The fabrics having open constriction has more water holding ability. So, it is comfort when the polypropylene fabric is worn next to the skin during strenuous body activity. Knitted fabric has higher pores in their structure because of lower cover factor and it will have good liquid transmission than the woven fabrics. Plain knitted fabrics with the finer polypropylene in the wrong side show good transmission of liquid. So this fabric is better for sportswear.Figure 2Capillary riseWetting and Wicking Properties of CottonThe wetting of cotton is due to the fibre surface properties and the liquid properties of the liquid which is going to wet the material. Wicking in this type of the fabric is due to the fibre and the yarn arrangement in the fabric. The moisture retention of this fabric is more which shows good wicking behaviour, during strenuous body activity this will reduce the heat of the body and make the wearer to become tired. The water wetting contact angle has slight variation is fibre than the fabric. Its contact angle is decrease when the scouring time is increase. Even though the cotton has good wicking behaviour it is not suited for sportswear.Wetting and Wicking Behaviour of Sports WearThe heat loss by the wet cloth makes the wearer to become tired so the layer which is worn next to the skin should be dry.The fabric made from synthetic fibre are better than wool and cotton fibre for this situation because the moisture pick up is nil but the vapour molecules passes quickly to the atmosphere through the interstices, and through the layer. The polypropylene sports wear shows good performance and react better for this situation.INFLUENCE OF CHEMICAL TREATED FABRICS ON WICKINGSoftener Treated Fabrics Wicking CharacteristicsSoftener treated fabric does not show any significant difference in the wicking property than the untreated fabric.This is due to the pores in the fabrics structure are not change with this softeners. The pressure on the fabric plays an important role in the wicking behaviour of wetted fabrics.Pressure is applied on the fabric during the body movement,the pressure applied fabrics has same number of pores but the size of pore becomes reduced. This reduces the wicking behaviour of the fabric. So, increase in pressure will reduce the wicking behaviour.Wettability of Enzyme Treated Cotton FabricEnzyme treatments are given during the chemical processing.So, the enzyme treatment and the effect on wicking behaviour,on the fabric are important. Normally, scouring improves the wettability of the fabrics. Lipase, the enzyme, used for scoring has no impact on improvement in wetting and water retention properties. The protease enzyme which is used for scouring does not alter the wetting properties of actual cotton grey fabric and any surface properties. But, the water retention behaviour is increased. Pectinase enzyme which is used for scouring shows the same effect as lipase. Cellulase show effective result on water wettability and retention characteristics of a cotton fabric. The combination of Cellulase and Pectinase shows better improvement in wetting properties than the individual enzyme treatment. This is due to the change in contact angle between fibre and water molecule.Wettability of Enzyme Treated PolyesterThe effect of lipase enzyme on polyester fabric improves the wettability and water retention properties. This is by means of reduction in contact angle between the water molecules and fabric surface, ie, 758.° to 384.°±°25. and this increases the water retention from 0.22 µl/mg-1.06 µl/mg. The wetting behaviour of enzyme treatment is higher than that of alkaline treatment on polyester fabric.INFLUENCE OF H 2O 2 AND NaOCI ON WETTING CHARACTERISTICSThe sodium hypochlorite bleached material has improvement in wettability whereas hydrogen peroxide shows decrease in the wettability behaviour of cotton material. This is due to the reduction of contact angles between fabric and water molecule by sodium hypochlorite.WICKING BEHAVIOUR BETWEEN FABRICSThe wicking between the fabrics is by means of vapour diffusion process. The wicking will not begin when the moisture content of the wet fabric is less than that of 30%moisture regain. The pore size and pore volume plays a major role. The wicking behaviour between the fabrics also depends upon the external pressure applied on the fabric layer.Vertical position measurement on wicking behaviour is important because the clothing behaviour is in this direction.The wicking will not takes place between fabrics until there is no action of minimum external pressure on the fabric layer.Due to this pressure, the contact angle between the fabric increases and then the water will enter into interstices easily in to the dry fabric from wet fabric and wicking takes place easily when the water contact is less in the wet cloth. The vertically mounted fabric shows higher wicking because the water moves down due to the gravitational force and the fabric with high moisture will wick easily. So, the fabric place in horizontal should have higher water content for the wicking to take place.INFLUENCE OF FABRIC POSITION ON WICKING BEHAVIOURW hen the dry fabric back side contacts the face side or the back side of the wet fabric the transfer wicking will not takes place in the case of knitted fabrics. This is because of increase in capillary size. The face to face contact between dry and wet fabric has higher wicking behaviour than that of dry fabric contact the back side of the wet fabric. This is because of the capillary size in the smooth area is lesser and this causes theFigure 3Different construction of polypropylene knitted fabricrewet measure depends upon the absorber kept near the outer layer. Other than rewet and absorption capacity the strike through properties are also used to measure the wet comfort properties of the diapers. Strike through was measured by stop clock time accurate to 0.1 s. Rewet was measured by keeping known weight filter paper over the wetted sample with a minimum pressure for certain time and weight the filter paper which is kept over and this difference is said to be rewet weight.Absorption capacity is the difference between the dry and wet sample divided by dry sample. The wet comfort of pad being calculated by dividing the amount of urine contain in fabric by the working time. This decides the leakage performance of the diaper fabric. This absorption capacity should be higher for good wet comfort.WETTING AND WICKING BEHAVIOUR OF WATERPROOF BREATHABLE FABRICSThe hydrophilic polymers are used to produce waterproof breathable fabrics. Their structure has some micro pores so the water vapour molecules travel through it to the atmosphere.In the improved temperature gradient of single layer fabric the water vapour transports is high. So, the cool temperature has less driving force than the hot temperatures. The humidity decides the water transport through the hydrophilic segment.So, the wetting and wicking behaviour of waterproof breathable fabric is decided by the atmosphere with which it is worn.WETTING BEHAVIOUR OF PROTECTIVE CLOTHINGThe outer layer of this clothing consists of permeable outer fabric or liner or shell backed layer made of carbon loaded foam layer. To reduce the wetting due to body fluid the outer layer is heated by fluro chemical and this reduces the surface energy and thereby the wetting is reduced. The spreading due to liquid wetting is controlled by means of outer fabric layer.The vapour break through is due to the non-uniformity inter layer vapour concentration and this lead to saturation of the absorbent fabric and makes vapour break through. The vapour break through is affected by means of the properties of liquid chemical agents and the conditions. By means of diffusion or convention the vapour is passing through the fabric to the atmosphere. The wicking of organic liquids on the cover fabric are slow this provides water repelling and chemical protective.CONCLUSIONIt is concluded that wetting and wicking behaviour of the material can be improved by means of chemical treatment or modification of structures of the fabric, which are essential not only for the wearing comfort but also some of the special functional wears such as sportswear, protective clothing,diapers etc. To determine wetting and wicking pore size and number of pores in the fabric structure is important. It is also concluded that the drying behaviour of fabric is also equally important as like wetting and wicking for all practical purposes.Figure 4The position of the cloth during transfer wickingFigure 5Distribution of water in the first layer of aquator and polyestereyelet knit fabricswater to retain in. So, the position of the fabric is essential in the wicking behaviour of knitted fabrics.W icking Properties of Aquator and Polyester Eyelet Knit Fabric:lW hile comparing aquator and polyester eyelet knit fabric for the transfer wicking properties, the transfer in the aquator fabric is high because the water in the skin contact fabric will transfer the moisture to the second layer easily and from the second layer it escapes to the atmosphere with in short period.lIn the polyester eyelet knit fabric the liquid transportation is even, so, it requires more water in the first layer to transfer the water to the second layer.The aquator will easily allow the water to fill the interstices than the polyester eyelet knit fabric. This is shown clearly in the Figure 5.WET COMFORT ON DIAPER FARICSAbsorbent pads are used to make the babies comfort and their purpose is to absorb the urine ad other body fluid. Normally,the pads are made by absorbent cores covered with polypropylene, rayon ad so on. Rewets, absorption capacity and strike through determine the wet comforts of the diapers of such construction.W et comfort rewet is a measure of the amount of fluid is squeeze out from the sample under a specified pressure. TheACKNOWLEDGEMENTAuthors are very much grateful to Dr A Venkatachalam Professor and HOD of Department of Textile Technology, Dr S Vijayarangan, Principal of PSG College of Technology, for their encouragement and support to publish this paper. REFERENCES1. B P Savile. Physical Testing of Textile. Wood Heat Publishing Limited, Cambridge England, 1999, p 228.2. Rita M Crow and Randall J Osc2cVSKI. The Interaction of Water with Fabric. Textile Research Journal, 1998, pp 280-288.3. A M Cottenden, P H Thornbur, G E Dean and M J Fader. Wet Comfort of Small Disposable in Continence Pads. Textile Research Journal, 1998, pp 479-481.4. J C Gretton, D B Brook, H M Dyson and S C Hurlock. 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除注册商标之外,标识所使用的拼音、外文ion to ferric ion, trivalent iron ions and thiocyanate reaction of orange-red ferric thiocyanate complexes. determination of the absorbance at thewavelength of 500nm. quantitative compared with standard series. 2, reagent hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L): accurately measure 83.3mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water to l00mL. and mix. Hydrogen peroxide (30%). Trichloromethane + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents: methanol mixed amounts of chloroform and 30mL 70mL. Ferrous chloride solution (3.5g/L): weigh accurately 0.35g ferrous oxide (FeCl2 4H20) in Brown 100 mL volumetric flask, add water, dissolves, add 2mL hydrochloric acid solution (10mol/L), diluted with water to scale (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability in at least 1 years). Potassium thiocyanate solution (300 g/l): weighing 30 g potassium thiocyanate, adding water dissolves to 100mL (the solution in the refrigerator 10 ? storage stability more than 1 year). Standard stock solution of iron (1.0g/L): weighing 0.1000g reduced iron powder from100mL beaker, add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid (10mol/L), 0 5 mL~1mL hydroperoxide (30%) dissolved in boiling for 5 min on the furnace to remove the excess hydrogen peroxide. After cooling to room temperature moves into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to scale ... and mix. Perml of this solution corresponds to 1.0mg. Standard iron solution (0.0lg/L): 1.0 mL pipettes drawn iron with standard stock solution (1.0mg/mL) in l00mL in a volumetric flask, add chloroform + methanol (7+3) mixed solvents dilute to scale, mixing, per ml of this solution corresponds to 10.0 μg g of iron. 3, instruments spectrophotometer.字体不得大于相应的汉字。



molecular formula 分子式 aluminium 铝(Al) nucleus 核(原子核) positive charge 正电荷 negative charge 负电荷 element 元素 copper 铜(Cu) silver 银(Ag) lithium 锂(Li) structure 结构 lattice 晶格 nitrogen 氮(N) solution 溶液 sample 样品 Avogadro constant 6.02ⅹ1023 definition 定义 chlorine 氯(Cl) magnesium 镁(Mg) calculate 计算
standard temperature and pressure(STP) 标准温度和压力
concentration 浓度 molarity 摩尔浓度 solute 溶质 litre 升 sodium chloride 氯化钠(NaCl) sodium carbonate 碳酸钠(NaCO3) flask 烧瓶 percentage 百分比 ethanol 乙醇 measure 测量 potassium chloride 氯化钾(KCl) potassium nitrate 硝酸钾(KNO3) iodide 碘化物 lead 铅 proportion 比例 test tube 试管 filter out 过滤
periodic table 周期表 group 族 period 周期 periodic law 周期律
evaporate 蒸发 methanol 甲醇 titration 滴定 dilute 稀的 label 标签 permanent 永久的 yield 产量 economy 经济 copper sulfate 硫酸铜(CuSO4) evaporation 蒸发 apparatus 装置 pure 纯的 assume 假设 iron 铁(Fe) energetic 能量学 enthalpy change 焓变 neutralization 中和 combustion 燃烧 reactant 反应物 product 产物 formation 形成 exothermic 放热 endothermic 吸热 chemical bond 化学键 bond breaking 断键 bond making 成键 acid 酸 alkali 碱 decomposition 分解 calcium carbonate 碳酸钙(CaCO3) system 系统 surrounding 环境 boundary 边界 principle of conservation of energy 能量 守恒定律











1 实验材料与仪器丙烯酰胺(AM)、2-丙烯酰胺基-2-甲基丙磺酸 (AMPS)、3号白油、山梨醇酐单硬脂酸酯(Span 60),聚山梨酸酯60(Tween 60)均为工业品;丙烯酸(AA)、亚硫酸氢钠、过硫酸钾(KPS)、过硫酸铵(APS)、氢氧化钠均为化学纯;刚性单体M和增效剂SLZ-1为自制;高纯氮气。

WZ-50C6双管微量注射器,史密斯仪器有限公司;雷磁PHS-3C型pH计,上海仪电科学仪器有限公司;GJ-3S高速搅拌机、ZNN-6六速旋转黏度计,青岛海通达石油仪器;博勒飞DVS+数超分子乳液型压裂液稠化剂的研制及性能评价吴诚岐中石化胜利石油工程有限公司井下作业公司 山东 东营 257077 摘要:选用丙烯酰胺(AM)和丙烯酸(AA)为水溶性单体,2-丙烯酰胺基-2-甲基丙磺酸(AMPS)为耐盐单体,与自制刚性单体M经反向乳液聚合成功制备了四元共聚p(AM/AA/AMPS/M)稠化剂SLM-1,并将其与30%自制增效剂SLZ-1复配形成超分子乳液压裂液稠化剂。



HAIs(healthcare associated infections)医源性感染NI (nosocomial infections )医院感染SARS(severe acute respiratory syndrome)严重急性呼吸系统综合症CoV(coronavirus)冠状病毒MRSA(methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)甲氧西林耐药金葡菌CA-MRSA(community associated MRSA)社区相关MRSAPE (Protective Environment )环境预防MDROs (multidrug-resistantorganisms )多重耐药菌HBV(hepatitis B viruses)乙肝HCV(hepatitis C viruses)丙肝HFV (hemorrhagic fever viruses)新疆出血热ICU (Intensive Care Unit)重症监护室HICPAC (Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee)美国医院感染控制顾问委员会)VRE (V ancomycin-resistant enterococci) 耐万古霉素肠球菌ESBLs(Extended-spectrum β-lactamases )超广谱β-内酰胺酶SSBLs(Super spectrum β-lactamases )超超广谱β-内酰胺酶BSI(bloodstream infections)血液感染CA-BSI (catheter-associated blood stream infections)导管相关血液感染CR—BSI(catheter-related blood stream infections)导管相关性血液感染V AP ((ventilator associated pneumonia)呼吸机相关肺炎PSI(pneumonia severe index)肺炎严重程度指数HAP(hospital acquired pneumonia)医院内获得性肺炎SSI (surgical site infection )手术部位感染HSV1 (Herpes simplex type 1 virus), 包膜病毒单纯疱疹1型病毒CVC-BSIs (central venous catheter-related bloodstream infections)中心静脉导管血液感染. PVC-BSIs (peripheral venous catheter-related bloodstream infections )外周静脉导管血液感染ACs arterial catheters (动脉导管)DSA(Digital Subtraction Angiography)数字减影血管造影技术PFGE (pulsed-field gel electrophoresis) 脉冲场凝胶电泳CAP(community-acquired pneumonia)社区获得性肺炎HPV (hydrogen peroxide vapour) 过氧化氢汽雾SOP(Standard Operating Procedare )标准操作规范HEPA(High Efficiency Particulate Air)空气高效过滤器NNIS(National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance)美国医院感染监控系统TPN(total parenteral nutrition)全肠外营养TEA(total enteral nutrition)全肠内营养Mtb( Mycobacterium tuberculosis)结核分支杆菌;PCMX( para-chloro-meta-xylenol)4-氯-3,5-二甲苯酚;SP(skin preparation)皮肤准备OSHA(Occupational Safety Health Administration)美国职业安全和卫生管理局SENIC(study of the efficacy of no~comial infection control)感染控制有效性研究HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus)人类免疫缺陷病毒CDAD (Clostridium difficile–associated disease)艰难梭菌相关疾病ICPs (Immunocompromised patients )免疫受损患者CA—UTI(Catherter—associated urinary tract infection)导尿管相关尿路感染。


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物 理 化 学 学 报Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. 2024, 40 (2), 2304001 (1 of 11)Received: April 3, 2023; Revised: May 16, 2023; Accepted: May 17, 2023; Published online: May 29, 2023. *Correspondingauthors.Emails:**************.cn(N.H.);*****************.cn(Y.L.)The project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (U2002213, 52161160331, 2227090515). 国家自然科学基金(U2002213, 52161160331, 2227090515)资助项目© Editorial office of Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica[Perspective] doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB202304001 Recent Progress towards the Production of H 2O 2 by Electrochemical Two-Electron Oxygen Reduction ReactionZhaoyu Wen 1, Na Han 1,*, Yanguang Li 1,2,*1 Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials (FUNSOM), Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, China.2 Macao Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Macau University of Science and Technology, Taipa 999078,Macau SAR, China.Abstract: Hydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2) is an important chemical and has been extensively used in various industrial and manufacturing applications, such as wastewater treatment, sterilization, energy storage, and oxidation of small molecules. With increasing demand in various fields, the global hydrogen peroxide market is expected to grow to $8.9 billion by 2031. Currently, over 90% of H 2O 2 is industrially synthesized by the anthraquinone process, which requires complex infrastructure and expensive catalysts. Additionally, the anthraquinone process is energy intensive and leads to increased levels of environmental pollution. Although the direct synthetic process, which involves mixing hydrogen and oxygen, can achieve high atomicutilization, its development is limited due to explosion risk and high cost. Thus, there is a pressing need for a safe, cost-effective, and efficient industrial method for the production of H 2O 2. The electrochemical synthesis of H 2O 2 via a two-electron oxygen reduction reaction (2e − ORR) has emerged as an attractive method for the decentralized production of H 2O 2, which could effectively address the issues associated with the indirect anthraquinone and direct synthetic processes. However, sluggish reaction kinetics and poor selectivity decrease the energy efficiency of electrochemical H 2O 2 synthesis. In this regard, developing electrocatalysts with high 2e − ORR selectivity is vital for the efficient production of H 2O 2. In the past decades, extensive efforts have been devoted to developing effective 2e − ORR electrocatalysts such as noble metals/alloys, carbon-based materials, single-atom catalysts, and molecular complexes. However, the reported catalysts still have unsatisfactory catalytic performances. Therefore, there is still a long way to realize the large-scale production of H 2O 2 via electrochemical 2e − ORR pathway. In this perspective, we systematically summarize recent developments regarding the direct production of H 2O 2 through electrochemical two-electron oxygen reaction. First, the fundamental aspects of electrochemical 2e − ORR are discussed, including their reaction mechanisms, possible reaction pathways, testing techniques and performance figures of merit. This introduction is followed by detailed discussions on the different types of 2e − ORR electrocatalysts, with an emphasis on the underlying material design principles used to promote reaction activity, selectivity, and stability. Subsequently, the applications of electrosynthetic hydrogen peroxide in various fields are briefly described, including pollutant degradation, water sterilization, energy storage, and small-molecule synthesis. Finally, potential future directions and prospects in 2e − ORR catalysts for electrochemically producing H 2O 2 are examined. Key Words: Electrochemical; 2e − oxygen reduction reaction; Hydrogen peroxide; Catalyst; Selectivity电化学二电子氧还原制备过氧化氢研究进展文兆宇1,韩娜1,*,李彦光1,2,*1苏州大学功能纳米与软物质研究院,江苏苏州 2151232澳门科技大学材料科学与工程研究院,澳门氹仔岛 999078摘要:利用电化学二电子氧还原(2e− Oxygen Reduction Reaction,2e− ORR)方法实现过氧化氢(H2O2)的分散式制备,被认为是具有广阔发展前景的技术之一。



一步法制备阴极氧还原电催化剂FeNC杨代辉*,冯 勇,白亚峰,薛 峰(贵州梅岭电源有限公司,特种化学电源国家重点实验室,贵州遵义563003)摘要:将硫酸与对苯二胺(pPDA )进行简单的中和反应,得到质子酸盐[pPDA ] [ 2HSO 4 ],再将[pPDA ] [ 2HSO 4 ]与FeSO 4-7H 2O 溶液混合,最后进行高温处理,一步合成得到高活性的氧还原电催化剂FeNC ,可避免模板法制备的繁杂过程。

在900 C 下、氢气体积分数为10%的氢氩混合气中碳化,前驱体FeSO 4-7H 2O 质量分数为10%的条件下制得的催化剂,半 波电位为0. 815 V (vs. RHE ),起始电位为0. 933 V (vs. RHE ),与Pt/C 相比,半波电位相当,起始电位正13 mV 。

关键词:氧还原电催化剂;一步合成;FeNC ;模板法中图分类号:TM911.42 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-1579( 2021) 02-0135-03Preparing cathode oxygen reduction electrocatalyst FeNC via one-step methodeYANG Dai-hui * ,FENG Yong,BAI Ya-feng,XUE Feng( State Key Laboratory of Advanced Chemical Power Sources , Guizhou Meiling Power Sources Co ., Ltd ., Zunyi , Guizhou 563003, China )Abstract :The protic acid salt [ pPDA] [ 2HSO 4 ] was obtained through a simple neutralization reaction between sulfuric acid andp-phenylenediamine(pPDA) ,then [ pPDA] [2HSO 4 ] was mixed with FeSO 4 *7H 2O in an aqueous solution. It could synthesize a highly active oxygen reduction electrocatalyst with the treatment at high temperature in one step , avoiding the tedious process of thetemplate method. The catalyst which was carbonized at 900 C , hydrogen-argon mixture atmosphere with 10% hydrogen volumefraction and 10% precursor FeSO 4 *7H 2O mass fraction ,had a half-wave potential of 0. 815 V ( vs. RHE ) and an initial potential of0. 933 V ( vs. RHE). Compared with Pt/C , the half-wave potential was equivalent ,the initial potential was 13 mV higher.Key words : oxygen reduction electrocatalyst ; one-step synthesis ; FeNC ; template method阴极缓慢的氧还原进程,阻碍了质子交换膜燃料电池 (PEMFC )的发展,需要高效的催化剂进行催化[1]。



五氧化二钒升华温度摘要:1.五氧化二钒的基本信息2.五氧化二钒的升华温度3.五氧化二钒的应用领域4.五氧化二钒在我国的研究现状5.五氧化二钒的未来发展趋势正文:五氧化二钒(Vanadium pentoxide,V2O5)是一种常见的钒氧化物,具有很高的熔点和良好的化学稳定性。


















From “Sterilization by Vapour Condensation” Pharmaceutical Technology Europe Feb 1996 Vol.. 8 No. 2 by M.-A. Marcos, A.Bardat. R. Schmitthaeusler, and D. Beysens.
发 生 器
过氧化氢蒸汽-- 消毒技术和验证
1. 过氧化氢蒸汽生物灭菌技术总览 2. 过氧化氢灭菌技术的基本原理及与其他方
H2O2 应用于生物医药领域灭菌的主要条件
•气体 – 蒸汽灭菌 •灭菌过程中限制人员进入 •灭菌失败可安全复原
•4log或6log的有效孢子杀灭效果, 6log 孢子标记 + 过滤性毒菌杀灭要素. •循环时间 – 全过程 •使用简单可靠
过氧化氢蒸汽(HPV)灭菌原理 和应用
HPV(过氧化氢蒸汽)---气态的生物医药灭 菌解决方案
采用过氧化氢蒸汽发生器进行生物灭菌, 微米级覆盖层和残留物清除技术:
细菌孢子 艰难梭菌 格兰氏阴性杆菌 格兰氏阳性杆菌 鲍氏不动杆菌 结核分枝杆菌 DNA / RNA病毒 MRSA(耐甲氧西林金 黄色葡萄球菌) 真菌和霉菌 黑曲霉
毒, 脊髓灰质病毒和 猫流感病毒 (一种诺如病毒)的效用 ▪ 验证对轮状病毒, 细小病毒, 猫流感病毒和 HIV杀灭效用的实验仍在
进行 ▪ 对病毒的研究十分困难,因为一些病毒脱水后会马上失活,而且病
▪ 曲霉菌 ▪ 青霉菌 ▪ 假丝酵母
1. Heckert RA, Best M, Jordan LT, Dulac GC, Eddington EL, Sterritt WG. Efficacy of Vapourised Hydrogen Peroxide against Exotic Animal Viruses. App Environ Microbiol 1997; 63: 3916-3918.
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Overview of BIOQUELL Pharma’s Clarus H2O2 gaseous bio-decontamination technologyDon Bissell Managing Director BIOQUELL PharmaHydrogen Peroxide Gas Basic Factsy Vapour formed from flash evaporation of hydrogen peroxide solution y Compatible with most materials, except nylon and some rubbers y Readily decomposes to water and oxygen 2H2O2Catalyst2H2O + O2y Aqueous solutions stable at high concentrations y Gas remains stable up to 425ºC highly effective, residue-free biocideH2O2 Gas - micro-biological efficacyy Selected micro-organisms which H2O2(g) deactivatesBacillus stearothermophilus Mycobacterium smegmatis (microbiological proxy for TB) Clostridium sporogenes spores Salmonella typhimurium aerobic Pseudomonas aeruginosa Orthomyxoviridae Reoviridae Herpesviridae Aspergillus spores Candida albicans Gram -ve rod, aerobic Virus RNA Single strand Virus RNA Double strand Virus DNA Double strand Fungus Yeast Gram +ve Gram -ve rod, fac Gram +ve rods, endospores Gram +ve rod unique groupH2O2 Gas - Bio-decon ApplicationsUsed in gaseous form in Pharma since 1990 85% of all aseptic processing isolators use H2O2 for bio-decontamination Rooms Material airlocks IVC’s MSC’sReplacing Replacing peracetic peracetic acid acid and and formaldehyde formaldehyde as as bio-decontaminant bio-decontaminant of of choice choice Increasing interest and support from regulators - VMD,FDA, MCA, HSEFormaldehyde factsDifficult to validate Carcinogen, banned in ScandinaviaSlow action and long cycle timesMajor Major health health & & Formaldehyde Formaldehyde safety safety issues issuesRequires high humidity to be effectiveDifficult to aerate, strong persistent odourLeaves residue of ParaformaldehydeFlash EvaporationAir StreamVapour MixtureHot Plate >100ºCFlash evaporation: All the components are instantly vapourisedHigher O2 vapour achieved than the Higher concentration concentration of of H H 2 2O 2 vapour achieved than the equilibrium equilibrium state stateConcentration and condensationH2O2 Vapour Pressure (ppm)1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0Typically the point of initial formation of condensation 682 ppmDerived from BIOQUELL “dew point” formula at 40% RH267 ppmEquilibrium vapour pressure at 25 °C102030 35% 4050 55% 6070Aqueous Solution Concentration (%)Formation of micro-condensationHot gas delivered (typ. 60ºC)Raised H2O2 concentrationCold gas exhausted (typ. 20ºC)Formation Formation of of micro-condensation micro-condensation „ „ essential essential to to achieve achieve kill kill „ „ not not always always visible visibleVapour CondensationCondensation of vapour on lyophilised spores of Bacillus macerans on silanized glassTime = 0 secby M.-A. Marcos, A.Bardat. R. Schmitthaeusler, and D. Beysens.Time = 0.5 secTime = 3 secFrom “Sterilization by Vapour Condensation” Pharmaceutical Technology Europe Feb 1996 Vol.. 8 No. 2Condensation MonitorHow it works : Gassing Environment Light Escapes CondensationGlass Window Optical Pad Prism LensOutputLight SourceLight Sensor1.00E+001.00E+031.00E+06161116Gassing Time MinutesS u r v i v o r sRapid kill after condensation achievedElectrical Equipment Test gassed over 200timesElectrical Equipment Test gassed over 200 times Instrument TestingInstrument Testing Computer before and during gassingComputer before and during gassingNo electronic failuresElectrical wiring undamaged Stainless steel unaffectedPainted mild steel unchanged Exposed PCB not damagedHydrogen Peroxide gassing technologypre-conditioninggassingBIOQUELL’s Clarus uses a “dual loop” H 2O 2vapour injected rapidly during gassing stage to achievemicro-condensation and hence rapid killBIOQUELL’s Clarus uses a “dual loop” H 2O 2vapour injected rapidly during gassing stage to achieve micro-condensation and hence rapid killDRYER HEATER LEAK TESTCATALYSTVAPORISERLIQUID FLOW MODULEFANROOM / CHAMBERPRESSURE CONTROLFANVALVESingle LoopMaximum roombio-decontamination n/a Dual circuit technologyyesMaximum enclosure bio-decontamination 3 mautomatic operation–easy connection to lab equipment –short cycle times–runs at negative pressure -and safety feature–pre-dispensed bottles to minimise health and safety risk–moisture removed by refrigeration –residue-free bio-decontamination –electronic safety interlock2IncubatorsMicro-biological safety cabinets and transfer stationsIsolatorsIVC systemsTransfer hatchesGreater efficacy (6-log assured)fast kill (typically 15-30 minutes gassing)fan driven for active distribution AHU or complete system decon low temperature no residues or odours safe for electronicscan be used safely in situfast kill (typically 15-30 minutes gassing) fan driven for active distribution AHU or complete system decon low temperature no residues or odours safe for electronics can be used safely in situ Safe and effective bio-decontaminationfast kill (typically 30 minutesgassing) giving 6-log bio-burden reduction distribution nozzles for activevapour distribution Uses gas generator or washerventilation system for aeration low temperature residue free saves space safe for electronics and electricalequipmentgassing) giving 6-log bio-burden reduction distribution nozzles for active vapour distribution Uses gas generator or washer ventilation system for aeration low temperature residue free saves space safe for electronics and electrical equipment Minimises space and cost of decontaminationHEPA HEPAHEPA sealed screenH2O2distribution cabinet–Insertion of the dual-flow integrator is typically achieved in less than 5 minutes by the customer –Cycle times of c. 3 hours can be expected–Negative pressure cycle ensures no leakage of the hydrogen peroxide vapour -key health and safety featureSporicidalGassingof IsolatorsRapid bio-decontamination for cage enclosures010*******4000204060Time MinutesCondensation indexVisible CondensationFractional -ve kill 10616 mins in dwellDecontamination Cycle of about 1 hour withParametric ControlBi-directional gas distribution nozzlesRoom 450m3Clarus gas generator Trace-heated flexible pipeworkInterface panelClarus C gas generatorTrace heated flexible pipework Tripod mounted gas distribution nozzles(optional)Disinfection Access corridorMaterial Airlock Change rooms Cage rooms Animal Process/Wash rooms42.5 m e t r e s 13.6 metresPre-conditioning Gassing Aeration (generator/HVAC) Lethality using Pre-conditioning Gassing Aeration (generator/HVAC) Lethality using Highly effective and unique solution for complex areaUnited KingdomTel: (44) 01264 835 853Fax: (44) 01264 835 854 E-mail: enquiries@。
