Pulsed X-ray Emission from Pulsar A in the Double Pulsar System J0737-3039

通常,发光材料的荧光寿命在ns量级,量⼦点的多激⼦产⽣与复合发⽣在fs -ps的时间跨度上。

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See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: /publication/26294738 All-normal-dispersion femtosecond fiber laser. Opt. Express 14(21), 10095-10100ARTICLE in OPTICS EXPRESS · NOVEMBER 2006Impact Factor: 3.49 · DOI: 10.1364/OE.14.010095 · Source: PubMedCITATIONS 299READS 1644 AUTHORS, INCLUDING:Andy ChongUniversity of Dayton73 PUBLICATIONS 2,087 CITATIONSSEE PROFILE William H RenningerYale University69 PUBLICATIONS 1,894 CITATIONSSEE PROFILEFrank W WiseCornell University427 PUBLICATIONS 13,703 CITATIONSSEE PROFILEAvailable from: Andy ChongRetrieved on: 16 November 2015All-normal-dispersionfemtosecondfiber laserAndy Chong,Joel Buckley,Will Renninger and Frank WiseDepartment of Applied Physics,Cornell University,Ithaca,New York14853cyc26@Abstract:We demonstrate a modelocked ytterbium(Yb)-dopedfiber laserthat is designed to have strong pulse-shaping based on spectralfiltering of ahighly-chirped pulse in the cavity.This laser generates femtosecond pulseswithout a dispersive delay line or anomalous dispersion in the cavity.Pulsesas short as170fs,with pulse energy up to3nJ,are produced.©2006Optical Society of AmericaOCIS codes:(320.7090)Ultrafast lasers;(320.5540)Pulse shaping;(140.7090)Ultrafastlasers.References and links1.R.L.Fork,O.E.Martinez,and J.P.Gordon,“Negative dispersion using pairs of prisms,”Opt.Lett.9,150-152(1984).2. 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F.O.Ilday,J.R.Buckley,H.Lim,F.W.Wise,and W.G.Clark,“Generation of50-fs,5-nJ pulses at1.03μmfrom a wave-breaking-freefiber laser,”Opt.Lett.28,1365-1367(2003).11.J.R.Buckley,F.W.Wise,F.O.Ilday,and T.Sosnowski,“Femtosecondfiber lasers with pulse energies above10nJ,”Opt.Lett.30,1888-1890(2005).12.H.Lim,F.O.Ilday,and F.W.Wise,“Femtosecond ytterbiumfiber laser with photonic crystalfiber for dispersioncontrol,”Opt.Express10,1497-1502(2002).13. A.V.Avdkhin,S.W.Popov,and J.R.Taylor,“Totallyfiber integrated,figure-of-eight,femtosecond source at1065nm,”Opt.Express11,265-269(2003).14.I.Hartl,G.Imeshev,L.Dong,G.C.Cho,and M.E.Fermann,“Ultra-compact dispersion compensated fem-tosecondfiber oscillators and amplifiers,”Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics2005,Baltimore,MD,paper CThG1.15.J.R.Buckley,A.Chong,S.Zhou,W.H.Renninger,and F.W.Wise,unpublished.16.H.Lim,F.O.Ilday,and F.W.Wise,“Generation of2-nJ pulses from a femtosecond ytterbiumfiber laser,”Opt.Lett.28,660-662(2003).#72994 - $15.00 USD Received 14 July 2006; revised 12 August 2006; accepted 23 August 2006 (C) 2006 OSA16 October 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 100951.IntroductionThe need to compensate group-velocity dispersion(GVD)is ubiquitous in femtosecond pulse generation and propagation.Prisms[1],diffraction gratings[2],and chirped mirrors[3]have all been used to compensate or control GVD.Reliable femtosecond lasers had to await the devel-opment of a low-loss means of introducing controllable GVD[1].Pulse formation in modern femtosecond lasers is dominated by the interplay between nonlinearity and dispersion[4,5].In all cases of practical interest,a positive(self-focusing)nonlinearity is balanced by anomalous GVD.The need to compensate normal GVD in the laser,along with the balance of nonlinearity in soliton-like pulse shaping,underlies the presence of anomalous GVD in femtosecond lasers. Most femtosecond lasers have segments of normal and anomalous GVD,so the cavity con-sists of a dispersion map,and the net or path-averaged cavity dispersion can be normal or anomalous.With large anomalous GVD,soliton-like pulse shaping produces short pulses with little chirp.Some amplitude modulation is required to stabilize the pulse against the periodic perturbations of the laser resonator.Pulse formation and pulse evolution become more complex as the cavity GVD approaches zero,and then becomes normal.The master-equation treatment of solid-state lasers,based on the assumption of small changes of the pulse as it traverses cavity elements,shows that stable pulses can be formed with net normal GVD[5].Nonlinear phase accumulation,coupled with normal GVD,chirps the pulse.The resulting spectral broadening is balanced by gain-narrowing.By cutting off the wings of the spectrum,gain dispersion shapes the temporal profile of the chirped pulse.Proctor et al showed that the resulting pulses are long and highly-chirped[6],as predicted by the analytic theory[5].Stable pulse trains can even be produced without dispersion compensation,but the output pulses are picoseconds in duration and deviate substantially from the Fourier-transform limited duration,even after dechirping with anomalous GVD external to the cavity.Fiber lasers can be constructed entirely offiber with anomalous GVD,to generate solitons as short as∼200fs in duration.However,the pulse energy is restricted by the soliton area theorem and spectral sidebands[7]to∼0.1nJ.Much higher energies are obtained when the laser has segments of normal and anomalous GVD.In general,the pulse breathes(i.e.,the pulse duration varies periodically)as it traverses the cavity.Dispersion-managed solitons are observed as the net GVD varies from small and anomalous to small and normal[8],and self-similar[9]and wave-breaking-free[10]pulses are observed with larger normal GVD.The large changes in the pulse as it traverses the laser preclude an accurate analytical treatment,so numerical simulations are employed to study these modes.Amongfiber lasers,Yb-based lasers have produced the highest femtosecond-pulse energies,recently reaching15-20nJ[11].The normal GVD of single-modefiber(SMF)around1μm wavelength has been compensated by diffraction gratings,which detract from the benefits of the waveguide medium.With the goal of building integratedfiber lasers,microstructurefibers[12,13]andfiber Bragg gratings[14]have been implemented to compensate dispersion at1μm.However,performance is sacrificed compared to lasers that employ diffraction gratings.From a practical point of view, it would be highly desirable to design femtosecond-pulsefiber lasers without compensation of the GVD of several meters offiber.However,to our knowledge there is no prior report of any laser that generates∼100-fs pulses without elements that provide anomalous GVD in the cavity.Recently,Buckley et al.showed that the introduction of a frequencyfilter stabilizes mod-elocked operation of a Yb-dopedfiber laser with normal cavity GVD(∼0.015ps2),which allows the routine generation of15-nJ pulses as short as55fs[15].The frequencyfilter pro-duces self-amplitude modulation,which allows nonlinear polarization evolution(NPE)to be biased for higher pulse energies.By altering the laser cavity to operate at large normal GVD (0.04-0.10ps2),the frequencyfilter was found to stabilize modelocked operation character-#72994 - $15.00 USD Received 14 July 2006; revised 12 August 2006; accepted 23 August 2006 (C) 2006 OSA16 October 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10096ized by highly chirped,nearly static pulses as predicted by the theory of self-similar lasers[9]. Although Buckley et al.succeeded in enhancing the stability of modelocking at large normal GVD,the laser still required some dispersion compensation with a grating pair.Here we describe a femtosecondfiber laser with a cavity consisting only of elements with normal GVD.By increasing the nonlinear phase shift accumulated by the pulse and insert-ing a spectralfilter in the cavity,self-amplitude modulation via spectralfiltering is enhanced. The laser generates chirped picosecond pulses,which are dechirped to170fs outside the laser. These results are remarkable considering that the cavity consists of∼10characteristic disper-sion lengths offiber with respect to the dechirped pulse,yet no dispersion control is provided. The pulse energy is1-3nJ,and the laser is stable and self-starting.The laser is thus afirst step in a new approach to modelocking.Systematic understanding of the pulse-shaping and evolution will be interesting scientifically,and the freedom from anomalous dispersion offers significant practical advantages.2.Design rationale and numerical simulationsThe design of a femtosecondfiber laser without dispersion control in the cavity exploits the understanding gained by the recent work of Buckley et al.[15].The master-equation analysis does not apply quantitatively tofiber lasers,but we are guided qualitatively and intuitively by its predictions.The key elements of such a laser(Fig.1(a))are a fairly long segment of SMF, a short segment of gainfiber,a segment of SMF after the gainfiber,and components that pro-duce self-amplitude modulation.A significant nonlinear phase shift is impressed on the pulseFig.1.Numerical simulation result:a)schematic diagram of the laser.A ring cavity isassumed,so the pulse enters thefirst SMF after the NPE.Results of numerical simulationsare shown on the bottom.Power spectrum(b)and temporal intensity profile(c)after thesecond SMF.#72994 - $15.00 USD Received 14 July 2006; revised 12 August 2006; accepted 23 August 2006 (C) 2006 OSA16 October 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10097in the SMF that follows the gain,and NPE converts the differential phase shift to amplitude modulation.Numerical simulations show that stable solutions do exist in such a laser,for a reasonable range of parameters.The gain bandwidth has a major influence on the pulse evo-lution.With large gain bandwidth (>∼30nm),approximately parabolic pulses evolve as in a self-similar laser [9].As the bandwidth is reduced to ∼10nm,the spectrum develops sharp peaks on its edges,and for narrower bandwidths the solutions do not converge.Results of simulations with 10-nm gain bandwidth and 2-nJ pulse energy are shown in Fig.1.The pulse duration increases monotonically in the SMF,and then decreases abruptly in the gain fiber.In the second segment of SMF the pulse duration increases slightly,before dropping again owing to the NPE.The spectrum (Fig.1(b))exhibits a characteristic shape,with sharp peaks near its steep edges.The pulse is highly-chirped throughout the cavity,with the duration varying from ∼10to ∼20times the transform limit (Fig.1(c)).The simulations show that spectral filtering of a strongly phase-modulated pulse can produce substantial amplitude modulation under realistic conditions.With additional amplitude modu-lation from NPE,stable solutions exist.The pulse is highly-chirped inside the cavity,but the phase is roughly parabolic near the peak of the pulse,so the pulse can be dechirped outside the laser.3.Experimental resultsThe numerical simulations offer a guide to the construction of a laser without anomalous disper-sion.The laser (shown schematically in Fig.2)is similar to the Yb fiber laser of Lim et al .[16],but without the grating pair that provides anomalous GVD in earlier designs.The fiber section consists of ∼3m of SMF and 20cm of highly-doped Yb gain fiber,followed by another ∼1m of SMF.Gain fiber with a 4-μm core diameter (which is smaller than the 6-μm core of SMF)was chosen to increase self-phase modulation (SPM)in the gain fiber.A 980-nm laser diode delivers ∼350mW into the core of the gain fiber.NPE is implemented with quarter-waveplates,a half-waveplate,and a polarizing beamsplitter.The output of laser is taken directly from the NPE ejection port.Fig.2.Schematic of all-normal-dispersion fiber laser:QWP:quarter-waveplate;HWP:half-waveplate;PBS:polarizing beam splitter;WDM:wavelength-division multiplexer.In contrast to the simulations,it is not possible to vary the gain bandwidth easily.An inter-ference filter centered at 1030nm,with 10nm bandwidth,is employed.The optimum location for the filter is not clear.Placing it after the gain or second SMFsegment would maximize the amplitude modulation from spectral filtering and correspond most closely to the simulations described above.However,we also want to output the broadest spectrum and the largest pulse energy,to achieve the shortest and most intense pulse.Considering these factors,we placed the #72994 - $15.00 USD Received 14 July 2006; revised 12 August 2006; accepted 23 August 2006(C) 2006 OSA 16 October 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10098filter after the beam splitter.This location also allows as much of the laser to be spliced together as possible.The total cavity dispersion is∼0.1ps2.The threshold pump power for modelocking is∼300mW.Self-starting modelocked opera-tion is achieved by adjustment of the waveplates.The laser produces a stable pulse train with 45MHz repetition rate.Although the continuous-wave output power can be as high as∼200 mW,in modelocked operation the power is limited to120mW,which corresponds to a pulse energy of∼3nJ.Stable single-pulsing is verified with a fast detector down to500ps,and by monitoring the interferometric autocorrelation out to delays of∼100ps.Also,the spectrum is carefully monitored for any modulation that would be consistent with multiple pulses in the cavity.Remarkably,there is no evidence of multi-pulsing at any available pump power.How-ever,with a single pump diode the pump power only exceeds the modelocking threshold by ∼20%.Fig.3.Output of the laser:a)spectrum,b)interferometric autocorrelation of the output,c)interferometric autocorrelation of dechirped pulse and the interferometric autocorrelationof zero-phase Fourier-transform of the spectrum(inset),d)intensity autocorrelation of thedechirped pulse.Typical results for the output of the laser are shown in Fig.3.The spectrum(Fig.3(a))is qualitatively similar to the simulated spectrum(Fig.1(b))and is consistent with significant SPM within the cavity.The laser generates∼1.4-ps chirped pulses(Fig.3(b)),which are dechirped to 170fs(Fig.3(c and d))with a pair of diffraction gratings outside the laser.The dechirped pulse duration is within∼16%of the Fourier-transform limit(Fig.3(c)inset).The interferometric autocorrelation shows noticeable side-lobes,which arise from the steep sides and structure of the spectrum.Nevertheless,these amount to only∼10%of the pulse energy.The output pulse energy is∼2.7nJ,and after dechirping with lossy gratings the pulse energy is∼1nJ.Pulse ener-#72994 - $15.00 USD Received 14 July 2006; revised 12 August 2006; accepted 23 August 2006 (C) 2006 OSA16 October 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10099gies of2nJ could be obtained by dechirping with high-efficiency gratings or photonic-bandgap fiber.The laser is stable and self-starting.In addition to verifying as carefully as possible that the laser is not multi-pulsing,we compared the pulse peak power to that of a fully-characterized femtosecond laser available in our lab.Within the experimental uncertainties,the two-photon photocurrent induced by the all-normal-dispersion laser scales correctly with the nominal peak power,which is∼5kW.Detailed understanding of pulse formation and evolution in this laser will require more ex-perimental work and theoretical analysis.Because the simulated laser is not identical to the ex-perimental version,it is not appropriate to compare the calculated and measured performance in detail.However,qualitative and even semi-quantitative observations of the laser properties are consistent with the intended pulse-shaping through spectralfiltering.The behavior of the laser depends critically on the spectralfilter:without it,stable pulse trains are not generated.By rotating the spectralfilter to vary the center wavelength,either of the sharp spectral features can be suppressed,which may slightly improve the pulse quality.When the spectrum changes,the magnitude of the chirp on the output pulse can change substantially:the pulse duration varies from approximately1to2ps.With standard femtosecond Yb-dopedfiber lasers,mechanical perturbation of thefiber extinguishes modelocking.In the laser described here,wefind that it is possible to touch and move thefiber without disrupting modelocking,which indicates that NPE plays a reduced role in pulse-shaping.The simulations(e.g.,Fig.1)show that the role of NPE is reduced compared to a laser with a dispersion map,but it is still crucial to the generation of stable pulses.4.ConclusionIn conclusion,we have demonstrated afiber laser that generates reasonably high-quality fem-tosecond pulses without the use of intracavity dispersion control.The behavior and perfor-mance of the laser agree qualitatively with numerical simulations that illustrate the intended pulse-shaping mechanism by enhanced spectralfiltering of chirped pulses in the cavity.Never-theless,our picture of this modelocking process is rudimentary,and more work will be required to obtain a systematic understanding.Improved performance should accompany better under-standing of this modelocking process.AcknowledgementThis work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant ECS-0500956and by the National Institutes of Health under grant EB002019.#72994 - $15.00 USD Received 14 July 2006; revised 12 August 2006; accepted 23 August 2006 (C) 2006 OSA16 October 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10100。

第2章1节布置的作业1、光纤的主要材料是什么?光纤由哪几部分构成?各起什么作用?SiO2;芯区、包层、图层;芯区:提高折射率,光传输通道;包层:降低折射率,将光信号封闭在纤芯内,并保护纤芯;图层:提高机械强度和柔软性2、光纤中的纤芯折射率与包层折射率的关系?单模光纤和多模光纤中两者的纤芯直径一般分别为多少?纤芯折射率较高,包层折射率较小单模光纤纤芯直径:2a=8u m〜12u m,包层直径:2b=125u m;多模光纤纤芯直径:2a=50u m,包层直径:2b=125u m。
3、根据芯、包折射率分布及模式传播情况,指出有哪些典型形式光纤?折射率在纤芯与包层介面突变的光纤称为阶跃光纤;折射率在纤芯内按某种规律逐渐降低的光纤称为渐变光纤;根据模式传播情况不同分为多模光纤和单模光纤4、什么是全反射?它的条件是什么?指光从光密介质入射到光疏介质是,全部被反射会原介质的现象条件:光从光密介质入射至光疏介质;入射角大于或等于临界角(6=arcsin(丐/片))在光纤端面:要求入射角9<9o全;在芯包界面:要求入射角91>9C芯包界面全反射5、数值孔径NA的物理意义?表达式是什么?反映光纤对光信号的集光能力,定义入射临界角几「的正弦为数值孔径N A,N A越大,对光信号的接受能力越强NA=sJ—门6、什么是光纤的自聚焦?产生在何种类型光纤里?如果折射率分部合适,就用可能使以不同角度入射的全部光线以同样的轴向速度在光纤中传播,同时到达光纤轴上的某点,即所有光线都有相同的空间周期L,这种现象称为自聚焦。
很全面的资料-中子星与黑洞 Neutron Stars and Black Holes

The Schwarzschild Radius
=> There is a limiting radius where the escape velocity reaches the speed of light, c:
Black Holes
Just like white dwarfs (Chandrasekhar limit: 1.4 Msun), there is a mass limit for neutron stars:
Neutron stars can not exist with masses > 3 Msun
We know of no mechanism to halt the collapse of a compact object with > 3 Msun. It will collapse into a single point – a singularity:
=> A Black Hole!
Escape Velocity
Pulsars / Neutron Stars
Neutron star surface has a temperature of ~ 1 million K.
Cas A in X-rays
Wien’s displacement law,
lmax = 3,000,000 nm / T[K] gives a maximum wavelength of lmax = 3 nm, which corresponds to X-rays.

电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法的英文Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) is a powerful analytical technique that is widely used for the determination of trace elements in various samples. It is based on the principle of inductively coupled plasma, in which a high-frequency electromagnetic field is used to create a plasma from a sample gas. This plasma is then used to excite the atoms of the elements in the sample, causing them to emit characteristic light that can be detected and quantified.ICP-AES offers several advantages over other analytical techniques, such as high sensitivity, multi-element analysis capability, and the ability to analyze a wide range of sample types. It is commonly used in environmental, pharmaceutical, food, and materials analysis, as well as in research and industrial applications.The instrumentation for ICP-AES consists of a sample introduction system, an inductively coupled plasma source, a spectrometer, and a detector. The sample is typically introduced into the plasma using a nebulizer or an ICP torch, where it is atomized and excited by the plasma. The light emitted by the excited atoms is then dispersed by the spectrometer and detected by the detector.One of the key advantages of ICP-AES is its high sensitivity, which allows for the detection of trace elements at levels as low as parts per billion. This makes it an ideal technique for the analysis of samples with low concentrations of elements, such as environmental samples or biological fluids.In addition to its high sensitivity, ICP-AES also offers a high level of precision and accuracy in elemental analysis. The technique is capable of analyzing multiple elements simultaneously, which reduces the time and cost associated with analysis compared to traditional methods that require separate analyses for each element.ICP-AES is also a versatile technique that can be used to analyze a wide range of sample types, including liquids, solids, and gases. It is commonly used in conjunction with sample preparation techniques such as digestion, extraction, and dilution to analyze complex samples.Overall, ICP-AES is a powerful and versatile analytical technique that is widely used for the determination of trace elements in various samples. Its high sensitivity, precision, and multi-element analysis capability make it an indispensable tool for researchers and analysts in a wide range of fields.。
Neutron Stars, Pulsars and Supernova Remnants concluding remarks

a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0208563v 1 30 A u g 2002Proceedings of the 270.WE-Heraeus Seminar on:“Neutron Stars,Pulsars and Supernova Remnants”Physikzentrum Bad Honnef,Germany,Jan.21-25,2002,eds.W.Becker,H.Lesch &J.Tr¨u mper,MPE Report 278,pp.300-302Neutron Stars,Pulsars and Supernova Remnants:concluding remarksF.Pacini 1,21Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory,L.go E.Fermi,5,I-50125Firenze,Italy2Dept.of Astronomy and Space Science,University of Florence,L.go E.Fermi,2,I-50125Firenze,Italy1.IntroductionMore than 30years have elapsed since the discovery of pul-sars (Hewish et al.1968)and the realization that they are connected with rotating magnetized neutron stars (Gold 1968;Pacini 1967,1968).It became soon clear that these objects are responsible for the production of the relativis-tic wind observed in some Supernovae remnants such as the Crab Nebula.For many years,the study of pulsars has been car-ried out mostly in the radio band.However,many recent results have come from observations at much higher fre-quencies (optical,X-rays,gamma rays).These observa-tions have been decisive in order to establish a realistic demography and have brought a better understanding of the relationship between neutron stars and SN remnants.The Proceedings of this Conference cover many aspects of this relationship (see also previous Conference Proceed-ings such as Bandiera et al.1998;Slane and Gaensler,2002).Because of this reason,my summary will not re-view all the very interesting results which have been pre-sented here and I shall address briefly just a few issues.The choice of these issues is largely personal:other col-leagues may have made a different selection.2.Demography of Neutron Stars:the role of the magnetic field For a long time it has been believed that only Crab-like remnants (plerions)contain a neutron star and that the typical field strength of neutron stars is 1012Gauss.The basis of this belief was the lack of pulsars associated with shell-type remnants or other manifestations of a relativis-tic wind.The justification given is that some SN explo-sions may blow apart the entire star.Alternatively,the central object may become a black hole.However,the number of shell remnants greatly exceeds that of pleri-ons:it becomes then difficult to invoke the formation of black holes,an event much more rare than the formation of neutron stars.The suggestion that shell remnants such as Cas A could be associated with neutron stars which have rapidly lost their initial rotational energy because of an ultra-strong magnetic field B ∼1014−1015Gauss (Cavaliere &Pacini,1970)did receive little attention.The observa-tional situation has now changed:a compact thermal X-ray source has been discovered close to the center of Cas A (Tananbaum,1999)and it could be the predicted ob-ject.Similar sources have been found in association with other remnants and are likely to be neutron stars.We have also heard during this Conference that some shell-type remnants (including Cas A)show evidence for a weak non-thermal X-ray emission superimposed on the thermal one:this may indicate the presence of a residual relativis-tic wind produced in the center.Another important result has been the discovery of neutron stars with ultra-strong magnetic fields,up to 1014−1015G.In this case the total magnetic energy could be larger than the rotational en-ergy (”magnetars”).This possibility had been suggested long time ago (Woltjer,1968).It should be noticed,how-ever,that the slowing down rate determines the strength of the field at the speed of light cylinder and that the usually quoted surface fields assume a dipolar geometry corresponding to a braking index n =3.Unfortunately the value of n has been measured only in a few cases and it ranges between 1.4−2.8(Lyne et al.,1996).The present evidence indicates that neutron stars man-ifest themselves in different ways:–Classical radio pulsars (with or without emission at higher frequencies)where the rotation is the energy source.–Compact X-ray sources where the energy is supplied by accretion (products of the evolution in binary sys-tems).–Compact X-ray sources due to the residual thermal emission from a hot surface.–Anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXP)with long periods and ultra strong fields (up to 1015Gauss).The power emit-ted by AXPs exceeds the energy loss inferred from the slowing down rate.It is possible that AXPs are asso-ciated with magnetized white dwarfs,rotating close to the shortest possible period (5−10s)or,alternatively,they could be neutron stars whose magnetic energy is dissipated by flares.–Soft gamma-ray repeaters.2 F.Pacini:Neutron Stars,Pulsars and Supernova Remnants:concluding remarks In addition it is possible that some of the unidentifiedgamma ray sources are related to neutron stars.Thepresent picture solves some previous inconsistencies.Forinstance,the estimate for the rate of core-collapse Super-novae(roughly one every30-50years)was about a factorof two larger than the birth-rate of radio pulsars,suggest-ing already that a large fraction of neutron stars does not appear as radio pulsars.The observational evidence supports the notion of a large spread in the magnetic strength of neutron stars and the hypothesis that this spread is an important factor in determining the morphology of Supernova remnants.A very strongfield would lead to the release of the bulk of the rotational energy during a short initial period(say, days up to a few years):at later times the remnant would appear as a shell-type.A more moderatefield(say1012 Gauss or so)would entail a long lasting energy loss and produce a plerion.3.Where are the pulses emitted?Despite the great wealth of data available,there is no gen-eral consensus about the radiation mechanism for pulsars. The location of the region where the pulses are emitted is also controversial:it could be located close to the stellar surface or,alternatively,in the proximity of the speed of light cylinder.The radio emission is certainly due to a coherent pro-cess because of the very high brightness temperatures(T b up to and above1030K have been observed).A possible model invokes the motion of bunches of charges sliding along the curvedfield lines with a relativistic Lorentz fac-torγsuch that the critical frequencyνc∼c2π:Ψ∼10−2;B⊥∼104G;γ∼102−103.The model leads to the expectation of a very fast de-crease of the synchrotron intensity with period because of the combination of two factors:a)the reduced particles flux when the period increases;b)the reduced efficiency of synchrotron losses(which scale∝B2∝R−6L∝P−6)at the speed of light cylinder(Pacini,1971;Pacini&Salvati 1983,1987).The predictionfits the observed secular de-crease of the optical emission from the Crab Nebula and the magnitude of the Vela pulsar.A recent re-examination of all available optical data confirms that this model can account for the luminosity of the known optical pulsars (Shearer and Golden,2001).If so,the optical radiation supports strongly the notion that the emitting region is located close to the speed of light cylinder.4.A speculation:can the thermal radiation fromyoung neutron stars quench the relativisticwind?Myfinal remarks concern the possible effect of the ther-mal radiation coming from the neutron star surface upon the acceleration of particles.This problem has been inves-tigated for the near magnetosphere(Supper&Truemper, 2000)and it has been found that the Inverse Compton Scattering(ICS)against the thermal photons is impor-tant only in marginal cases.However,if we assume that the acceleration of the relativistic wind and the radiation of pulses occur close to the speed of light cylinder,the sit-uation becomes different and the ICS can dominate over synchrotron losses for a variety of parameters.The basic reason is that the importance of ICS at the speed of light distance R L scales like the energy density of the thermal photons uγ∝R−2L∝P−2;on the other hand, the synchrotron losses are proportional to the magnetic energy density in the same region u B∝R−6L∝P−6.Numerically,onefinds that ICS losses dominate over synchrotron losses ifT6>0.4B1/2121012G; P s is the pulsar period in seconds).The corresponding upper limit for the energy of the electrons,assuming that the acceleration takes place for a length of order of the speed of light distance and that the gains are equal to the losses is given by:E max≃1.2×103T6−4P s GeV.F.Pacini:Neutron Stars,Pulsars and Supernova Remnants:concluding remarks3Provided that the particles are accelerated and radi-ate in proximity of the speed of light cylinder distance,weconclude that the thermal photons can limit the acceler-ation of particles,especially in the case of young and hotneutron stars.It becomes tempting to speculate that thismay postpone the beginning of the pulsar activity untilthe temperature of the star is sufficiently low.The mainmanifestation of neutron stars in this phase would be aflux of high energy photons in the gamma-ray band,dueto the interaction of the quenched wind with the thermalphotons from the stellar surface.This model and its ob-servational consequences are currently under investigation(Amato,Blasi,Pacini,work in progress).ReferencesAloisio,R.,&Blasi,P.2002,Astrop.Phys.,Bandiera,R.,et al.1998,Proc.Workshop”The Relationshipbetween Neutron Stars and Supernova Remnants”,Mem.Societ Astronomica Italiana,vol.69,n.4Cavaliere,A.,&Pacini,F.1970,ApJ,159,170Gold,T.1968,Nature,217,731Hewish A.,et al.1968,Nature217,709Lyne,G.,et al.1996,Nature,381,497Pacini,F.1967,Nature,216,567Pacini,F.1968,Nature,219,145Pacini,F.1971,ApJ,163,L17Pacini,F.,&Salvati,M.1983,ApJ,274,369Pacini F.,&Salvati,M.1987,ApJ.,321,447Shearer,A.,and Golden,A.2001,ApJ,547,967Slane,P.,Gaensler,B.2002,Proc.Workshop”Neutron Starsin Supernova Remnants”ASP Conference Proceedings(inpress)Supper,R.,&Trumper,J.2000,A&A,357,301Tananbaum,B,et al.1999,IAU Circular7246Thompson,C.,Duncan,R.C.1996,ApJ,473,322Woltjer,L.1968,ApJ,152,179。

EPOCH-II ®High-Current Output UnitI 1000 VA of high current I Rugged, portable test setIUp to 187 Amperes maximum outputEPOCH-IIHigh-Current Output UnitDESCRIPTIONThe EPOCH-II ®is a high-current output unit designed to be controlled by the PULSAR ®in combination with the High-Current Interface Module to produce a rugged,portable high-current, high-volt/ampere test set. The EPOCH-II also is designed to be controlled by the EPOCH-10®Relay T est Set.PULSAR/EPOCH-II or EPOCH-10/EPOCH-II combination uses microprocessor-based, digitally synthesized sine wave generators and solid-state regulated power amplifiers to provide sinusoidal voltage and current outputs with precise control of the phase-angle relationships.These combinations will produce accurate test results even with a fluctuating power source or when testing nonlinear or highly saturable relays.An optional IEEE-488 GPIB interface transforms the EPOCH-10/EPOCH-II combination into a programmable automatic test system when used with an externalcontroller or computer. Amplitude and/or phase angle can be set to desired values, step changed, ramped, or pulsed to new values.APPLICATIONSPULSAR/EPOCH-II or EPOCH-10/EPOCH-II combination is designed to test both complex protective relays which require phase-shifting capability and simpler relays,including all overcurrent relays.The table above lists the different types of relays by device numbers, and the different combinations of a PULSAR or EPOCH-10s and an EPOCH-II required to test them.FEATURES AND BENEFITSI Output current source has a 5-minute duty cycle rating of 1000 volt-amperes.IFour output ranges at 0.01 ampere and two output ranges at 0.1 ampere are provided.IT ough steel, sealed enclosure provides a high shock and vibration resistance.ICompletely compatible with PULSAR via the High-Current Interface Module and the EPOCH-10 units.Device No.Relay TypesSpecifyOne EPOCH-II and PULSAR with High-Current Interface Module or one EPOCH-10One EPOCH-II and PULSAR with Interface Module or two EPOCH-10sInstantaneous Overcurrent up to 187 A at 1000 VADirectional Overcurrent up to 187 A at 1000 VA All of the above plus. . .Differential Distance (open-delta)50678721One EPOCH-II and PULSAR with Interface Modules or three EPOCH-10sDistance (wye)21Ground DirectionalOvercurrent up to 187 A at 1000 VA67NOvercurrent up to 187 A at 1000 VA 51 1981EPOCH-II High-Current Output UnitSPECIFICATIONSInputInput Voltage (specify one)115 V ±10%, 50/60 Hz, 30 A (at full rated output)OR230 V ±10%, 50/60 Hz, 20 AOutputOutput CurrentT o provide a variety of test circuit impedances, six output taps with two ranges are provided.High Range2.00 to 10.00 A at 100 V max3.00 to 15.00 A at 66.6 V max8.00 to 40.00 A at 25 V max10.00 to 50.00 A at 20 V max20.00 to 100.0 A at 10 V max34.00 to 170.0 A at 5.9 V maxOutput Power:1000 VALow Range2.00 to 10.00 A at 50 V max3.00 to 1 5.00 A at 33.3 V max8.00 to 40.00 A at 12.5 V max10.00 to 50.00 A at 10 V max20.00 to 100.0 A at 5 V max34.00 to 170.0 A at 2.95 V maxOutput Power:500 VAAccuracyT ypical:±0.5% of settingMaximum:±1.0% of settingAlarm will indicate when amplitude, phase angle, or waveform is in error.ResolutionFour ranges:0.01 AT wo ranges:0.l ADuty CycleFive minutes at full rated VA output. Fifteen minutes recovery time.Overrange CapabilityThe EPOCH-II has an overrange capability of +10% for each tap with a maximum output current of 187 A on the 170 A tap. DistortionLess than 1% typical, 3% max.Output of EPOCH-10/EPOCH-II CombinationFrequencyI Synchronized to input power sourceI60 Hz crystal-controlledI50 Hz crystal-controlled AccuracyI Synchronized, tracks input frequencyI±0.006 Hz for 60-Hz crystal control (±001%)I±0.005 Hz for 50-Hz crystal control (±0.01%)Output of PULSAR and Interface Module Connected to EPOCH-II The High-Current Interface Module provides a variable frequency signal to the Epoch-II High-Current Output Unit.Output frequency is continuously displayed for each channel with large, high-intensity LEDs with the following ranges:5.000 to 99.999 Hz100.01 to 999.99 HzFrequency Accuracy:±10 ppm at 23°C, ±2°C)Current Phase Angle ControlAngle is adjusted on the EPOCH-10 control unit by 4-digit, pushbutton control with large LED display of setting.Range:0.0 to 359.9°Resolution:0.1°Accuracy:less than ±0.3°typical, ±1.0°maxControl SectionThe control unit for the EPOCH-II high-current section is PULSAR (with the High-Current Interface Module), an EPOCH-I or EPOCH-10. Thus, the excellent operating and control features of PULSAR and the EPOCH-10 are used to control the EPOCH-II.Note:When the EPOCH-II is in use, the current output of the EPOCH-10 control unit is inoperative. All EPOCH-10s can control an EPOCH-II high-current section. When the high-current section of the EPOCH-II is not needed, the EPOCH-10 can be used independently or slaved together with other EPOCH units. ProtectionThe input line circuit is breaker-protected. The dc power supply is overcurrent-protected. In addition, overvoltage protection is provided on the input line circuit.The power amplifiers are forced-air cooled and are protected by thermal-overload sensors.Audio and visual alarms on the PULSAR and EPOCH-10 control units indicate whenever the current or potential outputs are overloaded.TemperatureOperating32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C)Reduced duty cycle above 113°F (45°C)Storage–13 to +158°F (–25°to +70°C)Dimensions7.6 H x 19.75 W x 21.6 D in.(193 H x 502 W x 549 D mm)Weight115 lb (52.3 kg)EPOCH-II with EPOCH-10 control unitEPOCH-II High-Current Output UnitUKArchcliffe Road Dover CT17 9EN EnglandT +44 (0) 1304 502101 F +44 (0) 1304 207342UNITED STATES4271 Bronze Way DallasTX75237-1017 USAT 800 723 2861 (USA only)T +1 214 330 3203F +1 214 337 3038OTHER TECHNICAL SALES OFFICESValley Forge USA, Toronto CANADA,Mumbai INDIA, Trappes FRANCE,Sydney AUSTRALIA, Madrid SPAINand the Kingdom of BAHRAIN.Registered to ISO 9001:2000 Reg no. Q 09290Registered to ISO 14001 Reg no. EMS 61597EPOCH_II_DS_en_V10The word ‘Megger’ is a registeredtrademark。

[Crystal Structure Analysis, 3rd Edition, p. 48]
[Methods of Experimental Physics Volume 16: Polymers, Part B Crystal Structure and Morphology, p. 5]
X射线衍射需要在广角范围内测定,因此又 被称为广角X射线衍射(Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering, WAXS)。
如果被照射试样具有不同电子密度的非周 期性结构,则次生X射线不会发生干涉现象, 该现象被称为漫射X射线衍射(简称散射)。
X射线散射需要在小角度范围内测定,因此 又被称为小角X射线散射(Small-Angle Xray Scattering, SAXS)。
[Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of Materials, 2nd Edition, p. 9]
设晶体的晶面距为 d,X射线以与晶面间交
角为 的方向照射,从晶面散射出来的X射
[Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of Materials, 2nd Edition, p. 265]
[Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of Materials, 2nd Edition, p. 153]

达 旋 转 的速度 和方 向 ,进 而创 造 出更 快 的旋转 速 度
或 更 大 的动力 。 张翔 表 示 , 项技 术 的先进 之 处在 于 这 大 大 缩小 了 马达 的尺 寸 , 可实 际应 用范 围很 广 泛 , 包
构 , 海 胆一 样 , 像 使得 结构 的表面 积 大大增 加 。 这 种 纳米 结 构 的表 面 注定 会 被 用 于 光 伏 应 用 ,
成 了一 种 毛 细 芯(a iayWik g。碳 纳 米 管本 来 C pl r c i ) l n 不具 备 亲水 性 ,为此 研 究人 员们 使用 一种 叫作 电子
纳 米结 构 。 海胆 刺 状结 构 南氧 化锌 纳 米线组 成 。 这种 结 构 化 的表 面 可 以 被 用 来 提 高 光 伏 产 品 的 转 化 效 率。 赋予 材料 新 特性 的工 艺往 往 复杂 且重 复性 差 , 但 令 人感 到惊 讶 的是 .科 学 家报 告 的新 工艺 不 仅使 用 了廉价 的原 材 料 , 而且 不需 要 昂贵 的设 备 。 们使 用 他 聚苯 乙烯小 球 实现 似脚 手 架 的功能 ,在 多种 衬底 材 料 上 生长 出半 导体 氧化 锌 维 纳米 结 构 。研 究者 相 信 ,这 种有 序 结构 化表 面 可 以被广 泛用 于 电子 和光 电子 器 件 , 比如太 阳能 电池 、 波 激 光 器 、E 和场 短 LD 致 发 射 显 示器 ( ede i indsly 。科 学 界 对 此 i f l m s o i a ) s p
于生 物细 胞 和 D A分 子 的检验 研 究 。 N
来 源 : 国 《 界 日报 》 美 世 十倍 于传 统 热管 : 米 毛 细芯 散热 新方 向 纳

Long lifetime plasma channel in air generated by multiple femtosecond laser pulses and anexternal electrical fieldJiabin Zhu, Zhonggang Ji, Yunpei Deng, Jiansheng Liu, Ruxin Li, and Zhizhan Xu State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM), ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, Chinajiabinzhu@Abstract: The lifetime of a plasma channel produced by self-guidingintense femtosecond laser pulses in air is largely prolonged by adding a highvoltage electrical field in the plasma and by introducing a series offemtosecond laser pulses. An optimal lifetime value is realized throughadjusting the delay among these laser pulses. The lifetime of a plasmachannel is greatly enhanced to 350 ns by using four sequential intense100fs(FWHM) laser pulses with an external electrical field of about350kV/m, which proves the feasibility of prolonging the lifetime of plasmaby adding an external electrical field and employing multiple laser pulses.© 2006 Optical Society of AmericaOCIS codes: (320.7120) ultrafast phenomena; (350.5400) plasmasReferences and links1. A. Braun, G. Korn, X. Liu, D. Du, J. Squier, and G. Mourou, “Self-channeling of high-peak-powerfemtosecond laser pulses in air,” Opt. Lett. 20, 73-75 (1995).2. E. T. J. Nibbering, P. F. Curley, G. Grillon, B. S. Prade, M. A. Franco, F. Salin, and A. Mysyrowicz,“Conical emission from self-guided femtosecond pulses in air,” Opt. Lett. 21, 62-64 (1996).3.Miguel Rodriguez, Riad Bourayou, Guillaume Méjean, Jérôme Kasparian, Jin Yu, Estelle Salmon,Alexander Scholz, Bringfried Stecklum, Jochen Eislöffel, Uwe Laux, Artie P. 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Quantum Electron. 31. 599-612(1995).12.M.A. Biondi, “Recombination,” in Principles of Laser Plasmas, G. Bekefi, ed. pp.125-157 (New York,Wiley, 1976)#68045 - $15.00 USD Received 17 February 2006; revised 9 May 2006; accepted 10 May 2006 (C) 2006 OSA29 May 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 11 / OPTICS EXPRESS 491513. Quanli Dong, Fei Yan, Jie Zhang, Zhan Jin, Hui Yang, Zuoqiang Hao, Zhenglin Chen, Yutong Li, ZhiyiWei, and Zhengming Sheng, “The measurement and analysis of the prolonged lifetime of the plasmachannel formed by short pulse laser in air,” Acta Physica Sinica 54, 3247-3250 (2005).14. Jiansheng Liu, Zuoliang Duan, Zhinan Zeng, Xinhua Xie, Yunpei Deng, Ruxin Li, and Zhizhan Xu,“Time-resolved investigation of low-density plasma channels produced by a kilohertz femtosecond laser inair,” Phys. Rev. E 72, 026412 (2005).The generation of light filaments in air has attracted broad interest [1-4] due to their applications for lightning protection [5-6] and atmospheric remote sensing [7]. The filaments remain stable over tens of meters or more, which is much longer than the beam’s Rayleigh distance [1-3]. This self-guiding effect has been attributed to a dynamic balance between beam self-focusing (owing to the optical Kerr effect) and defocusing (owing to medium ionization). A high degree of ionization as well as a long lifetime of light filaments is preferred in practical application. Recent research on the lifetime of light filaments reported that the lifetime of a light filament could be enhanced by bringing in a second long-pulse laser after a femtosecond laser pulse mainly due to the optical detachment effect [8-10]. The electron density owing to the optical detachment effect maintains itself at about 12313310~10cm cm −− [9]. We hope to further increase the degree of ionization during the total lifetime of a plasma channel.In our experiment, we applied a high voltage electrical field in the plasma channel induced by a femtosecond laser pulse in air. Results show that the lifetime of the plasma channel had been prolonged and also the degree of ionization increased. The lifetime of the plasma channel reaches about 60 ns with a field of about 350kV/m. We investigated the variation of the lifetime of the plasma channel with the increase in electric field. In addition, we brought in a second femtosecond laser pulse and found that the lifetime of the filament can reach 200 ns with a delay of 60 ns between the first and second pulse. Finally, the lifetime of plasma channel was enhanced to 350 ns by using four sequential laser pulses, which proves the feasibility of prolonging the lifetime of plasma by employing multiple laser pulses.The experiments were performed with a 10-Hz chirped-pulse amplification Ti-sapphire laser system. A plasma channel was produced by a 2-mJ, 100-fs chirped laser pulse at 790 nm with a focusing lens of f=50 cm. An electrical field which can be adjusted in a range of 0-350kV/m was applied along the plasma channel. The experimental arrangement is shown in Fig. 1. The configuration of the electrodes here for the high voltage is sharp-point. The distance between two electrodes is about 3 cm. The variation of the electrical signals in the channel indicates the decay of electron density. And Electron decay rate is directly related to the length of plasma’s life. Therefore, we measure the lifetime of the plasma channel by detecting voltage from probe c in the channel.Fig. 1. Experimental setup; Electrodes a, b, and probe c are set close to the path of the plasmachannel induced by femtosecond laser pulse.#68045 - $15.00 USD Received 17 February 2006; revised 9 May 2006; accepted 10 May 2006(C) 2006 OSA 29 May 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 11 / OPTICS EXPRESS 4916We have measured the electrical signals when the fields are 0, 250, and 350kV/m respectively. Meanwhile, through a longitudinal diffraction detection method [14], the initial electron density was estimated at about 17310cm −and the diameter of the plasma channel was about 100m μ. The visible length of the plasma channel was over 4 cm.As shown in Fig. 2(a), the decay time of the electrical signal (defined as the duration lasting from the maximum value to 5% of the maximum value), increased by about 3 folds when the electrical field increased to 350 kV/m (dash-dotted line c). As we expected, the variation of the electrical signals in the channel showed that the lifetime of the plasma channel was prolonged when the electrical field increased. On the other hand, the solid line in Fig. 2(b), resulting from a theoretical model, which will be discussed later based on Eq. (1)-(3), depicts the evolution of electron density in the absence of an electrical field. We calculated that within 20 ns the electron density would be expected to fall to 31410−cm . Here, the initial electron density in our calculation was of the same order magnitude as the measurement in our experiment (17310cm −). Therefore, we expected that within the same 20 ns the electron density in the plasma would remain above 31410−cm . We regard this level as an indication of the lifetime of a plasma channel. In Fig. 2(a), compared to line a, line b and c indicate increased lifetimes of 40 and 60 ns respectively. Our experiment results show that an electrical field added in the plasma channel can affect the characteristics of the plasma and prolong the lifetime of the plasma channel.#68045 - $15.00 USD Received 17 February 2006; revised 9 May 2006; accepted 10 May 2006(C) 2006 OSA 29 May 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 11 / OPTICS EXPRESS 4917Fig. 2. (a) Measured electrical signals (solid line a, dashed line b, and dash-dotted line ccorrespond to electrical fields of 0V/m, 250kV/m, 350kV/m respectively); (b) Theoreticalcalculation with initial condition that 173210e n cm −=×.In order to further extend the lifetime of the plasma channel, we added a second femtosecond laser pulse with the external electrical field still in place. The delay between the two laser pulses was adjusted and the corresponding lifetime of the plasma channel is measured as shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. As we can see in Fig. 3, the lifetime is prolonged to about 150 ns when the delay between two pulses is 40 ns. With a delay of 60 ns, the lifetime increases to 200 ns. As shown in Fig. 4, further increase in delay (100 ns) no longer leads to further extension of the lifetime. This is because the distance between the two laser pulses is so long that the interaction between them is less pronounced than in situations with shorter delay time.#68045 - $15.00 USD Received 17 February 2006; revised 9 May 2006; accepted 10 May 2006(C) 2006 OSA 29 May 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 11 / OPTICS EXPRESS 4918A multi-pulse scheme is employed here to reach a longer lifetime. In our experiment, we added three more laser pulses to the original laser pulse with a delay between two consecutive pulses at about 70 ns. This was done to obtain an optimal effect on the lifetime. These multiple laser pulses were generated by passing a main laser pulse through beam splitters and setting long-range fixed delays. The electrical field remained at about 350kV/m. The energy of the original pulse was 0.4 mJ and those of the later three laser pulses are all about 0.1 mJ ±0.1 mJ due to long-range propagation. The measured electrical signal is shown in Fig. 5 with a total lifetime of about 350 ns. As we can see, the signal caused by subsequent pulses is not as intense as in the double-pulse experiments conducted. This is due to the relatively low energy of later pulses. According to our double-pulse experimental results, we can expect that with relatively high energy of each later pulse at about 0.4 mJ, the lifetime of the plasma channel can be increased longer than what we acquired in Fig. 5. Therefore, we can conclude that a multi-pulse scheme with an electrical field added is efficacious for the extension of the lifetime of the plasma channel.- l e c t r i c a l s i g n a l (a .u .)t(ns)Fig. 3. Electrical signals in double-pulse scheme. The energies of two pulses with the delay of20 ns are 0.5 mJ and 0.4 mJ respectively. The energies of two pulses with the delay of 40 ns arealso 0.5 mJ and 0.4 mJ respectively. #68045 - $15.00 USD Received 17 February 2006; revised 9 May 2006; accepted 10 May 2006(C) 2006 OSA 29 May 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 11 / OPTICS EXPRESS 4919Fig. 4. Electrical signals in double-pulse scheme. The energies of two pulses with the delay of60 ns are 0.5 mJ respectively. The energies of two pulses with the delay of 100 ns are 0.3 mJrespectively.Fig. 5. Electrical signal in four-pulse scheme. The energy of the first pulse is 0.4 mJ, and theenergies of later pulses are all about 0.1 mJ. The delay between two contiguous pulses is 70 ns.The main mechanisms involved in the decay process of the plasma channel in a highelectrical field include the photo-ionization, impact ionization, dissociative attachments of electrons to oxygen molecules, charged particle recombination, detachments of electrons byion-ion collision, and electron diffusion. Among these effects, the attachment of electrons to oxygen molecules is detrimental to the lifetime of the plasma channel. The effect of#68045 - $15.00 USD Received 17 February 2006; revised 9 May 2006; accepted 10 May 2006 (C) 2006 OSA29 May 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 11 / OPTICS EXPRESS 4920detachments of electrons caused by ion-ion collision is relatively weak compared with the others and thus is omitted in our analysis. And the electron diffusion is a slow process, on the time scale of tens of s μ[11]. And electron generation and plasma formation are on the time scale of ns to s μ. At this time scale, effects from electron diffusion can be neglected. Therefore, we can estimate the lifetime of the plasma channel following the equation of continuity as follows [10,11] p e ep e e e n n n n tn βηα−−=∂∂ (1) p n np p e ep e pn n n n n tn ββα−−=∂∂ (2) p n np e n n n n tn βη−=∂∂ (3) where e n , p n , n n are electron density, positive ion density, and negative ion density in air respectively. α is the impact ionization coefficient. ηis the attachment rate. Initial conditions for theoretical analysis is that 173210e n cm −=×, 173210p n cm −=×, 0n n =.Through our simulation, αand ηin different electric fields did not exert a noticeable effect on the lifetime of a plasma channel. Therefore, we expect that ep βand np βmay play a role in extending the lifetime when an external electrical field is added.Without considering the effect of external electric field, a general expression of electron-ion recombination coefficient ep βas a function of electron temperature Te is [11, 12]:3120.39123110.702212(/) 2.03510,()(/) 1.13810,()0.790.21ep m s Te e N m s Te e O βββββ−−−+−−−+=×−=×−=+ (4)We take np ep ββ= in our calculation since the ion-ion recombination coefficient np β is of the same order of magnitude as the electron-ion recombination coefficient ep β.The theoretical simulation of the lifetime of the plasma channel is shown in Fig. 6. As line a, b and c shown, the lifetime of the plasma channel is prolonged from 20 ns to 60 ns as the dissociative recombination coefficient ep βand np β decrease.Potential energy curves play a role in dissociative recombination. In a favorable potential curve crossing case, a sharper falloff in this coefficient than 0.39Te −and 0.70Te −will occur with increasing incident electron energy [12]. When the external electrical field is added along the plasma channel, the incident energy of electrons will be increased. Meanwhile, Te can be assumed to thermalize at the same ambient air temperature as the gas molecules [11]. Because potential energy curves will change due to the external electrical field, we expect that a favorable potential curve crossing may exist in this case. And this can lead to a quicker falloff in ep βand np β, and corresponding extension in the lifetime as electron energy increases, as we can see from the comparison of line a, b and c shown in Fig. 6.#68045 - $15.00 USDReceived 17 February 2006; revised 9 May 2006; accepted 10 May 2006(C) 2006 OSA 29 May 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 11 / OPTICS EXPRESS 4921Fig. 6. Theoretical simulation with 417.410s α−=× and 712.510s η−=× [11]; Solid line a,dashed line b and dash-dotted line c correspond to different dissociative recombinationrates 1332.210/m s −×, 1330.810/m s −× and 1330.310/m s −× respectively.Similarly, in double-pulse and multi-pulse case, the dissociative recombination rate can decline more intensively than the case without an external electrical field and this will thus lead to an extension of the lifetime of the plasma channel. Moreover, the addition of the second and later pulses will again cause a large number of electrons due to photo-ionization [13]. With these extra electrons, the lifetime of the plasma channel will further extend.As a conclusion, characteristics of the lifetime of the plasma channel are investigated by adding an external electrical field and also extra laser pulses. The lifetime increases by 3 folds when the external electrical field is about 350kV/m in our experiment. We expect that a favorable crossing case may exist when an external electrical field is in place, and this can lead to a corresponding growth in the lifetime of the plasma channel. In addition, the lifetime of plasma channel is greatly enhanced to 350 ns by using four sequential intense 100fs (FWHM) laser pulses with the external electrical field (350kV/m). Therefore, we conclude that a multi-pulse scheme with an external electrical field added is feasible for greatly prolonging the lifetime of a plasma channel. This research is supported by a Major Basic Research project of the Shanghai Commission of Science and Technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Natural Science Foundation of China. #68045 - $15.00 USD Received 17 February 2006; revised 9 May 2006; accepted 10 May 2006(C) 2006 OSA 29 May 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 11 / OPTICS EXPRESS 4922。

第43卷第6期2023年12月物理学进展PROGRESS IN PHYSICSVol.43No.6Dec.2023高功率激光装置上光致电离等离子体光谱实验的理论研究进展韩波∗齐鲁师范学院物理与电子工程学院,济南250200摘要:光致电离等离子体是宇宙中等离子体的一种重要的存在形式,这种等离子体是一些高能天体发射很强的辐射场照射周围的稀薄等离子体产生的。
随着高能量密度物理的发展,2009年Fujioka 等人使用高功率激光装置(GEKKO-XII激光装置)制造出光致电离硅等离子体,并观测到类似于天文观测中的X射线光谱。
关键词:等离子体;光致电离;原子过程;X射线光谱中图分类号:O69文献标识码:A DOI:10.13725/ki.pip.2023.06.002目录I.引言178II.Fujioka光致电离硅等离子体实验179III.光致电离等离子体光谱模型及其结果181A.等离子体光谱模型和基本假设181B.理论模拟结果182 IV.总结与展望184致谢185参考文献185I.引言光致电离等离子体是宇宙中等离子体的一种重要的存在状态,普遍存在于活动星系核、黑洞、中子星和白矮星等天体周围[1–5]。
X-ray microscope

专利名称:X-ray microscope发明人:THIEME, JUERGEN, DR.,SCHMAHL, GUENTER, PROF. DR.,NIEMAN, BASTIAN, DR.,RUDOLPH,DIETBERT, DR.申请号:EP91113635.6申请日:19910814公开号:EP0475098B1公开日:19960207专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The X-ray microscope has a pulsed X-ray source which supplies an intense line radiation such as, for example, a plasma focus source, a reflecting condenser which focuses the radiation of the X-ray source onto the object to be examined, and a X-ray optical system which is constructed as a zone plate and by means of which the object is projected at high resolution onto an X-ray detector. …By means of this combination, it is still possible in conjunction with a high resolution free from image defects simultaneously to release at the sample point on the imaging side a satisfactorily high level of X-ray energy, thus producing the short exposure times necessary for the examination of living cells.申请人:FIRMA CARL ZEISS,ZEISS CARL FA,FIRMA CARL ZEISS,CARL-ZEISS-STIFTUNG, HANDELND ALS CARL ZEISS,ZEISS STIFTUNG,CARL-ZEISS-STIFTUNG, HANDELND ALS CARL ZEISS地址:DE,DE国籍:DE,DE更多信息请下载全文后查看。
聚集诱导发光 光学名词

聚集诱导发光光学名词聚集诱导发光(Plasmon-Induced Luminescence,简称PI(L))是一种研究的热点领域,其作为一种高效的发光机制已经在诸多领域得到广泛应用。
PI(L)是指通过激发金属纳米结构表面等离子体共振(Surface Plasmon Resonance,SPR)产生的局域电磁场,来增强与荧光染料、量子点等材料相互作用时的能量传递效率,从而提高发光效果。



Au(111)电极上分子相互作用扫描隧道显微镜研究的开题报告1. 研究背景在物质科学领域中,扫描隧道显微镜(STM)是一个非常重要的工具。
在这方面,Au (111)电极是经常被研究的表面之一。
2. 研究目的本研究旨在利用STM技术研究Au(111)电极上分子的相互作用,分析分子在金属表面上的吸附状态、分子间作用、分子间相互作用等物理化学性质,进一步探索金属表面上分子吸附的性质,为其在纳米技术应用方面的研究提供重要理论基础。
3. 研究方法使用STM显微镜观察Au(111)电极表面上的分子相互作用。
4. 研究内容(1)Au(111)电极表面上不同分子的吸附状态及其对表面形貌的影响;(2)Au(111)电极表面分子间作用的研究,分析分子之间的相互作用及其影响因素如分子大小、结构、电荷等;(3)研究分子在电场和电势影响下的吸附状态和定向;(4)比较不同分子吸附状态的异同,分析分子表面吸附性质与分子结构和性质的关系。
5. 研究意义本研究可以提供深入了解Au(111)电极表面上分子的吸附性质,有助于更好地理解分子在纳米尺度上的行为。
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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0703181v 2 24 A u g 2007Submitted to the Astrophysical JournalPreprint typeset using L A T E X style emulateapj v.2/19/04PULSED X-RAY EMISSION FROM PULSAR A IN THE DOUBLE PULSAR SYSTEM J0737−3039S.Chatterjee 1,2,B.M.Gaensler 1,2,A.Melatos 3,W.F.Brisken 4,B.W.Stappers 5,6Submitted to the Astrophysical JournalABSTRACTThe double pulsar system J0737−3039is not only a test bed for General Relativity and theories of gravity,but also provides a unique laboratory for probing the relativistic winds of neutron stars.Recent X-ray observations have revealed a point source at the position of the J0737−3039system,but have failed to detect pulsations or orbital modulation.Here we report on Chandra X-ray Ob-servatory High Resolution Camera observations of the double pulsar.We detect deeply modulated,double-peaked X-ray pulses at the period of PSR J0737−3039A,similar in appearance to the observed radio pulses.The pulsed fraction is ∼70%.Purely non-thermal emission from pulsar A plausibly accounts for our observations.However,the X-ray pulse morphology of A,in combination with pre-viously reported spectral properties of the X-ray emission,allows the existence of both non-thermal magnetospheric emission and a broad sinusoidal thermal emission component from the neutron star surface.No pulsations are detected from pulsar B,and there is no evidence for orbital modulation or extended nebular structure.The absence of orbital modulation is consistent with theoretical expecta-tions of a Poynting-dominated relativistic wind at the termination shock between the magnetosphere of B and the wind from A,and with the small fraction of the energy outflow from A intercepted by the termination shock.Subject headings:stars:neutron —pulsars:individual (J0737−3039A,J0737−3039B)—X-rays:stars1.BACKGROUNDBinary neutron star systems are rare,and even among them,the double pulsar system J0737−3039is extraordi-nary,since both the neutron stars are detected as radio pulsars.The system consists of the recycled 22.7ms pulsar “A”(Burgay et al.2003)and the young 2.8s pulsar “B”(Lyne et al.2004),in a 2.454hr eccentric (e =0.09)binary orbit which happens to be nearly edge-on to us.As well as being a test bed for General Rela-tivity and theories of gravity (e.g.Kramer et al.2006),the double pulsar is rich in observational phenomena,including a short eclipse of A by the magnetosphere of B and orbital modulation of the radio flux of B due to the influence of A (Lyne et al.2004).The individual pulses from B show drifting features due to the impact of the low-frequency electromagnetic wave in the relativis-tic wind from A (McLaughlin et al.2004b),while the eclipse of A is modulated at half the rotational period of B (McLaughlin et al.2004c).Clearly,the two neutron stars have both gravitational and electromagnetic inter-actions with each other,and the double pulsar system should provide a unique laboratory to investigate the in-teractions between the magnetospheres and relativistic winds of the two pulsars.In this context,the detection of X-ray emission from the J0737−3039system (McLaughlin et al.2004a;1School of Physics A29,The University of Sydney,NSW 2006,Australia;schatterjee,bgaensler@.au2Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics,60Garden Street,Cambridge,MA 021383School of Physics,University of Melbourne,Parkville VIC 3010,Australia;amelatos@.au4National Radio Astronomy Observatory,P.O.Box O,Socorro,NM 87801;wbrisken@5Stichting ASTRON,Postbus 2,7990AA Dwingeloo,The Netherlands;stappers@astron.nl6Astronomical Institute “Anton Pannekoek”,University of Am-sterdam,Kruislaan 403,1098SJ Amsterdam,The NetherlandsPellizzoni et al.2004;Campana et al.2004)is particu-larly exciting.Energetic pulsars generate several forms of X-ray emission:quasi-blackbody emission from the cooling neutron star surface and/or from heated polar caps;pulsed non-thermal emission from the pulsar mag-netosphere;and at larger distances from the pulsar,syn-chrotron emission from a pulsar wind nebula (PWN)powered by the relativistic particle outflow.All of these processes may be taking place in the J0737−3039sys-tem (see,e.g.,Kargaltsev et al.2006).Specifically,the X-rays could be pulsed magnetospheric or thermal emis-sion from pulsar A (as seen for several other recycled pulsars;see Zavlin 2006),could originate in the colliding winds of A and B (Lyutikov 2004),or could be produced by the shock generated when one or both of the pulsar winds interacts with the interstellar medium (Lyutikov 2004;Granot &M´e sz´a ros 2004).The electrodynamics of pulsar winds have been stud-ied in considerable detail through the extended PWNe typically seen around young and/or high-velocity pulsars (Gaensler &Slane 2006).In systems such as the Crab Nebula,the PWN is an expanding synchrotron bubble centered on the pulsar.Such nebulae act as calorimeters,revealing the geometry and energetics of the pressure-confined outflow and its termination shock.However,the termination shocks seen in such PWNe are typically at distances ∼106−109R LC from their pulsars (where the light cylinder radius of a pulsar rotating at a frequency f is R LC ≡c/2πf ).In contrast,the two neutron stars in the double pulsar system are separated by 103R LC,A and only 6.6R LC,B ;a termination shock between them can thus probe the properties of a pulsar’s relativistic wind at smaller separations from the central engine than ever studied before.Additionally,detection of an or-bital phase dependence in the X-ray emission might be expected (e.g.,Arons &Tavani 1993).Such variability could constrain the geometry of the emission site,thus2Chatterjee et al. providing new insights into the wind physics close to thepulsar.Here we report on Chandra observations of the doublepulsar which have high enough time resolution to test for pulsations from either pulsar and for orbital variability,the latter of which might be expected in the bow shockor colliding winds interpretation.Forming histograms ofcount rates as a function of phase,we test for modulatedX-ray emission at the periods of pulsar A and pulsar B,as well as for orbital modulation.2.OBSERVATIONS AND DATA ANALYSISThe J0737−3039system was observed with the Chan-dra X-ray Observatory using the High Resolution Cam-era(HRC-S)in“timing mode”,which provides the high-est available time resolution,with events corrected forthe instrumental wiring error and time-tagged to16µs accuracy.The observations spanned10.5binary or-bits but were split into two segments for spacecraft op-erational reasons.Thefirst segment of55ks beganon2006February28,while the second segment be-gan∼67ks after the end of thefirst,and spanned38ks.The pulsar system was unambiguously de-tected as a point source in both segments,at a position07h37m51.s22−30◦39′40.′′3(J2000),consistent with po-sitions previously determined at X-ray and radio wave-lengths(McLaughlin et al.2004a;Chatterjee et al.2005;Kramer et al.2006)at the∼0.′′5pointing accuracy of Chandra.X-ray photons were extracted from a1′′radius cir-cle at the detected position of the J0737−3039system,and the times of arrival for the photons were correctedto the solar system barycenter using the JPL planetary ephemeris DE405.Of the411photons extracted,we es-timate that∼16counts were contributed by the X-ray background.Of course,we cannot identify which of the extracted photons came from the background,and norcan we assign photons to the individual pulsars.Instead,we use Tempo7and timing solutions from Kramer et al.(2006)to calculate the binary orbital phase and the ro-tational phases of both pulsars A and B at which eachphoton was emitted.In keeping with our request thatthe observation be split(if necessary)into integer orbitblocks,the orbital phase of the extracted photons rangedfrom0.840to6.854in thefirst segment,and from0.497to4.531in the second.Thus only∼5%of the orbit wassampled11times,while the rest was uniformly sampled10times.In the analysis reported below,we have ig-nored the minor oversampling,but we have verified that discarding3detected photons to force uniformity in or-bital coverage does not affect our results.3.PULSATIONS FROM PSR J0737−3039AForming a histogram of count rate as a function of the rotational phase of A,we detect X-ray pulses from pulsarA,as illustrated in Figure1.The uncertainties on eachbin(here and elsewhere in this work)are1σ(68%)con-fidence intervals estimated according to Gehrels(1986).The pulsations are double-peaked and deeply modulated,with a pulsed fraction f≡(Max−Min)/(Max+Min)of0.74+0.18−0.14.To estimate the significance of the detec-tion,we calculate the Pearsonχ2statistic for the pulse 7http://www.atnf.csiro.au/research/pulsar/timing/tempo profile with16bins(degrees of freedomν=15),andfind χ2/ν=7.05,corresponding to a probability of only10−15 (∼8σ)that the profile is drawn from a uniform distri-bution.A visual comparison of the radio pulse profile of PSR J0737−3039A(Manchester et al.2005)with the X-ray profile shows a distinct resemblance(Figure1). Demorest et al.(2004)model the radio pulse as two cuts through a wide cone of emission centered on a single magnetic pole of A,which has its spin and magnetic axes nearly aligned(4◦±3◦).Although a wide range of misalignment is currently permitted by radio obser-vations(Manchester et al.2005),both peaks of the ob-served pulse appear to come from one magnetic pole, implying a very wide fan beam in some geometries.The X-ray pulse profile also shows two peaks,whose locations fall within the range in pulse phase delimited by the radio peaks when the pulses are phase-aligned.8This suggests that the X-ray emission is from a narrower cone than the radio beam.Specifically,the peaks in the X-ray pro-file(Figure1)are located at pulse phasesφA∼0.27 and∼0.77,as estimated by binning the observed X-ray photons at various resolutions,and the peak-to-peak separation is∼0.50±0.01(182◦±3◦),while the peaks in the1.4GHz radio profile(Manchester et al.2005)are atφA=0.234andφA=0.789,separated by∼200◦, and the outer rims of the radio emission profile are at φA=0.164,0.836.The X-ray emission also shows a sig-nificant“bridge”between the two peaks,implying that the cone of X-ray emission is(partially)center-filled in this model,unlike the broader,hollow radio emission cone.The detected pulses are quite unlike the typical X-ray emission observed from other recycled pulsars with comparable spin parameters(e.g.,PSR J0437−4715, Zavlin et al.2002;Bogdanov et al.2006;Zavlin2006), which show broad,roughly sinusoidal pulsations with low pulsed fractions and thermal spectra.Instead,the pulsations from pulsar A resemble non-thermal pulses seen only from the most energetic recycled pulsars(e.g., PSR B1821−24,Rutledge et al.2004),even though A is slower rotating and has a lower spindown energy loss rate(˙E A=5.9×1033erg s−1).In this context,we note that the formation scenario for double neutron star binary systems(Stairs2004)can result in a shorter ac-cretion episode and thus a higher surface magneticfield strength compared to other recycled pulsars.Pulsar A has an inferred dipole magneticfield B A=6.4×109G, comparable to PSR B1821−24and the binary pulsar B1534+12,but significantly higher than other recycled pulsars that show predominantly thermal X-ray emis-sion.Both pulsars B1821−24and J0737−3039A also lie above the death line for curvature radiation esti-mated by Harding et al.(2005),suggesting that the pro-cesses that power non-thermal magnetospheric emission in PSR B1821−24may also operate for pulsar A,al-though the two differ substantially in period and˙E. The absence of any useful energy resolution in Chandra 8Rutledge et al.(2004)show that absolute phase alignment is possible at the60µs level between HRC-S and radio observations of the recycled pulsar PSR B1821−24.Since we have to predict and account for both orbital and rotational phase,our timing errors are somewhat larger,but insignificant compared to the bin width of∼1.4ms.Pulsed X-ray Emission from the Double Pulsar3Fig. 1.—X-ray pulse profile of pulsar A,obtained by folding 89ks of Chandra HRC-S data with Tempo and a DE405timing solution.The uncertainties on each bin (here and elsewhere in this work)are 1σ(68%)confidence intervals estimated according to Gehrels (1986).The pulse profile is shown twice for clarity,and a radio pulse profile obtained at 1.4GHz (Manchester et al.2005)is plotted below (in arbitrary units)for comparison.Both profiles are folded using the radio timing solution,and are therefore aligned in phase.HRC data precludes spectral fits to the data,but pre-vious Chandra ACIS observations can be well-modeled by a power law with a photon index Γ∼2.9±0.4(McLaughlin et al.2004a),and XMM data is well-fitby a power law with a photon index Γ∼3.5+0.5−0.3(Pellizzoni et al.2004).Joint fits to the Chandra and XMM data (Campana et al.2004)allow for both powerlaw (Γ=4.2+2.1−1.2)and thermal black body (kT bb =0.20±0.02keV)interpretations.Similar fit parameters (Γ∼3or kT bb ∼0.2keV)were found by Kargaltsev et al.(2006)as well.Additionally,Campana et al.(2004)show that a two-component fit with a fixed power law index Γ=2and a black body component (kT bb =0.16±0.04keV)is consistent with the Chandra ACIS and XMM data,although two components are not sta-tistically required.The X-ray spectrum,in combination with our detec-tion of sharp,double-peaked X-ray pulses,is thus con-sistent with a purely magnetospheric origin for the X-ray emission,but it is also possible that the observed X-ray pulsations consist of both non-thermal magne-tospheric emission and broad sinusoidal thermal pul-sations from the hot polar cap.The pulse profile of A shows a floor of X-ray emission (Figure 1),corre-sponding to a count rate of ≈1.5±0.6cts ks −1at every phase.An image of the off-pulse counts reveals no extended nebular structure,and their distribution is consistent with the on-pulse photons.Other recy-cled pulsars also show emission at all pulse phases,whether their pulsations are broad and thermal (e.g.,PSR J0437−4715,Zavlin et al.2002;Bogdanov et al.2006;Zavlin 2006)or narrower and primarily non-thermal (e.g.,PSR J0218+4232,Kuiper et al.2002;PSR B1821−24,Rutledge et al.2004).Such unpulsed emission is usually ascribed to thermal X-rays emitted from the neutron star surface.Assuming that the entire X-ray flux of the double pulsar system arises only from the combined thermal and non-thermal emission from PSR J0737−3039A,we find that the maximum ampli-tude sinusoid A (1+sin 2π(φ−φ0))that is consistent with the observed profile at 1σcould account for as much as ∼60%of the observed X-ray counts,although the actual fraction is likely to be far lower.Rotational4Chatterjee et al.phase-resolved spectroscopy with substantially more X-ray counts will be required to verify or rule out such a two-component model.In order to investigate possible orbital variations in the X-ray pulse profile of A,9-bin pulse profiles were constructed for each quadrant of the orbit.Each of the four profiles was then compared to the pulse profile con-structed by averaging the other three quadrants.The resulting χ2/νvalues range between 0.8and 1.3(with ν=9degrees of freedom),consistent with no variations.While we lack the S/N to definitively rule out any differ-ences between the X-ray pulse profiles,no orbital varia-tions are detected in the radio pulse profiles of A either (e.g.Kramer et al.2006).We note in passing that our estimate of the pulsed frac-tion f =0.74+0.18−0.14is only marginally consistent with the upper limit of 60%on the pulsed fraction (assuming si-nusoidal pulses)inferred by Pellizzoni et al.(2004)from XMM-Newton observations.Since the detected pulse is non-sinusoidal,a direct comparison is not possible,but ∼60%of our detected photons are above the estimated minimum count rate baseline,and 51%are >1σabove the baseline level.The XMM pn observations of Pellizzoni et al.(2004),which were in continuous clock-ing mode,were totally dominated by the background due to the one-dimensional readout,while the XMM MOS chips lack the time resolution to detect pulses from A,leading to a limit which is less robust compared to the Chandra HRC detection presented here.4.NON-DETECTION OF PSR J0737−3039BWe repeated the analysis described in §3for PSR J0737−3039B.The results are shown in Figure 2.No X-ray pulsations are detected,either by folding the full span of data,or by selecting counts which are in the lowest emission bins of the pulse profile of A,0.46875<φA <0.65625.For the folded profile from the entire data span,we calculate χ2/ν=1.34,corresponding to a 17%probability that the data are drawn from a uni-form distribution.As described by Leahy et al.(1983),epoch folding is not as sensitive to broad,smooth pulsesas the family of Rayleigh statistics Z 2m ,which also avoid the need to bin data.Therefore,we also calculated theH statistic (H ≡Max(Z 2m −4m +4),for 1≤m ≤20;de Jager et al.1989),which is well suited to searching for an unknown modulation shape.We find H =0.035,at m =1,corresponding to a null hypothesis probabil-ity (i.e.,the probability that we are sampling a uniform distribution)close to unity.Pulsar B shows significant enhancements in radio emis-sion at some parts of its orbit (Lyne et al.2004),but folding X-ray photons selected from those orbital phase ranges does not show any evidence for pulsations either.The non-detection is unsurprising,since pulsar B has rotational parameters and a spindown energy loss rate (˙EB =1.7×1030erg s −1)similar to other “ordinary”pulsars (ages ∼106−108yr),which are not known for their X-ray emission.The spindown luminosity of pulsarB is only ∼3×10−4˙EA ,and so pulsar A is expected to dominate any X-ray emission from the system.5.LIMITS ON ORBITAL MODULATIONSystems such as the Crab nebula (Kennel &Coroniti 1984;Gallant &Arons 1994)and the nebula aroundFig. 2.—Non-detection of pulsations from PSR J0737−3039B.89ks of Chandra HRC-S data were folded at the rotational phase of B,as predicted by Tempo ,but no pulsations were detected.Two pulse periods are shown for clarity.Further,we extracted 26photons detected in the off-pulse phase range of A,0.46875<φA <0.65625,corresponding to the three bins with lowest photon counts in Figure 1.The folded counts are shown on the same scale (the lower pulse profile in the figure).Again,no significant pulsations were detected.PSR B1509−58(Gaensler et al.2002)provide the best current constraints on the behavior of pulsar winds at large distances (∼106−109R LC )from the neutron star,but few constraints exist for the close-in behav-ior.The magnetization parameter σ,the ratio of Poynt-ing flux to the kinetic energy flux in the wind,is a key descriptor of such systems.Optical,near-infrared,and X-ray images at sub-arcsecond resolution reveal that the shock has an axisymmetric structure of equa-torial arcs (wisps)and polar jets (knots)that vary on short time-scales (Hester et al.2002;Pavlov et al.2003;Melatos et al.2005),and that the wind transforms from a Poynting-dominated outflow (σ≫1)near the pul-sar to a kinetic-energy-dominated outflow (σ<1)at the termination shock (Kennel &Coroniti 1984).Re-cent work has begun to elucidate the collimation mech-anism that produces the axisymmetric structure (e.g.,Komissarov &Lyubarsky 2004),while the conversion of Poynting flux to mechanical energy remains poorly un-derstood.The wind interaction of a neutron star with a stellar bi-nary companion allows constraints on the wind behavior at ∼104R LC ,and such interaction can produce radio and high energy emission signatures.For example,the Be star—pulsar binary B1259−63produces unpulsed radio emission (Ball et al.1999)as well as unpulsed high en-ergy emission (e.g.,Grove et al.1995),which arise from the shock formed between the stellar outflow and the pul-sar wind (Tavani &Arons 1997).The interaction of the pulsar B1957+20with its white dwarf binary companion is expected to produce orbital modulation in the X-ray emission (see,e.g.,Arons &Tavani 1993;Michel 1994),although the observational evidence for such modulation (Stappers et al.2003;Huang &Becker 2007)is not sig-nificant.Pulsed X-ray Emission from the Double Pulsar5As opposed to the interaction between a neutron star relativistic wind and the particle wind of a stellar com-panion,the double pulsar presents a situation where the relativistic wind interacts with the magnetosphere of an-other neutron star.Additionally,the system separation is 103R LC,A and only 6.6R LC,B .The detection of orbital modulation in the system would thus be of par-ticular interest,since it probes thebehavior of the pulsar wind in a high-σregime.We note that Kargaltsev et al.(2006)find possible orbital phase dependence for the double neutron star binary B1534+12,but not for the J0737−3039system.Their result is based on earlier XMM and Chandra ACIS data that lacked the time res-olution to detect pulsations from pulsar A.Given our detection of deeply modulated pulsed emis-sion from PSR J0737−3039A,we attempted to detect orbital modulation in the X-ray emission by folding X-ray photons from the off-pulse phase of A,0.46875<φA <0.65625,corresponding to the three bins with low-est photon counts in Figure 1.The 25counts thus se-lected from the observation (corresponding to a reduced effective exposure of 16.7ks)were folded as a function of orbital phase,and the results are shown in the top panel of Figure 3.We find an apparent enhancement at a phase ∼0.69.At the epoch of observation,that phase bin in-cludes an orbital longitude ω=0◦,corresponding to A’s crossing of the ascending node of the orbit.However,there is no obvious physical mechanism that could pro-duce such an enhancement,and the binned distribution has χ2/ν=1.45,corresponding to a chance probability of 11.5%.As in §4,we calculate the H statistic with the un-binned orbital phase values.We find H =7.35at thefifth harmonic Z 25,which allows the null hypothesis that we have sampled uniformly distributed data at ∼5%,a probability that is small but not insignificant.We also check for the enhancement by folding all the X-ray photons,and by selecting and folding photons from the bridge of emission between the two peaks of A’s pulse profile (−0.15625<φA <0.03125),where the contribu-tion of the pulsar itself is reduced.The results are shown in the middle and bottom panels of Figure 3,and in each case,we again calculate the H statistic.H =1.66at m =1when including all the extracted photons,corre-sponding to a null hypothesis probability of 52%.For the photons chosen from between the two peaks of A’s pulse,H =0.023at m =1,which allows the null hypothesis at a probability close to unity.Together,these results lend weight to the conclusion that the apparent orbital mod-ulation seen above (with a chance probability of 5%)is,in fact,not real.We have also confirmed the absence of significant modulation by binning as a function of orbital longitude rather than phase,with very similar results.As outlined in §3,it is more likely that the unpulsed X-rays have their origin in thermal emission from the surface of pulsar A.We thus confirm the negative result found by Kargaltsev et al.(2006).From the drifting sub-pulses detected in B’s radio emis-sion (McLaughlin et al.2004b),it is apparent that the low-frequency electromagnetic wave in the relativistic wind from A influences the emission of pulsar B,and several models have been proposed where the formation of a shock between the two pulsars should produce or-bital modulation in their emission (e.g.Lyutikov 2004;Granot &M´e sz´a ros 2004;Turolla &Treves 2004).Fig. 3.—Searching for orbital modulation in X-ray emissionfrom the J0737−3039system.In all cases,the orbit is plotted twice for clarity.Top:We extract 25photons detected in the off-pulse phase range of A,0.46875<φA <0.65625,corresponding to the three bins with lowest photon counts in Figure 1.Folding at the binary phase shows an enhancement at an orbital phase ∼0.69.At the epoch of observation,that phase bin encompasses an orbital longitude ω=0◦,when A crosses the ascending node of the orbit.Middle:Folding all detected photons at the binary phase does not show such an enhancement.Note that we lack enough counts to detect or constrain the eclipse of A at an orbital longitude ω=90◦.Bottom:We extract 65photons in the mid-pulse of A,−0.15625<φA <0.03125,corresponding to the three bins between the peaks of the profile in Figure 1.The absence of any significant enhancement confirms that the apparent signal in the top panel is spurious.However,only a small fraction of the wind power emit-ted by A (and half of the power emitted by B)is in-tercepted by the shock between the two pulsars,re-ducing proportionately the maximum X-ray flux that the shock emits.For example,if we assume that the wind energy is radiated isotropically from A,and that it is intercepted by a sphere centered on B with ra-dius R LC,B ,then the power intercepted by the shock,˙Es =0.006˙E A +0.5˙E B ≈0.006˙E A .If,instead,A’s wind is intercepted at the surface where pressure balance is achieved between the wind from A and the magneto-sphere of B,at ∼0.20lt-s from B (Lyne et al.2004),then we have ˙Es =0.001˙E A +0.5˙E B ≈0.001˙E A .Fi-nally,if the shock roughly coincides with the region cen-tered on B that eclipses the radio pulses from A,we have ˙Es =10−5˙E A +0.5˙E B ≈1.5×10−4˙E A (although the6Chatterjee et al. processes that contribute to radio eclipses are likely tobe quite different from those that cause X-ray emission).Of course,the wind radiated from A is unlikely tobe isotropic,especially if the magnetic and rotationalaxes are nearly-aligned(Demorest et al.2004),and theshock geometry is not described simply by intersectingspheres centered on A and B.Nevertheless,the conser-vative geometric estimates above demonstrate that theX-ray power output from the shock is˙E s 0.006˙E A,possibly modulated at the orbital period.Interestingly,spectralfits to the Chandra and XMM data imply an X-ray efficiency L x/˙E A 2×10−4(Campana et al.2004),where L x is the X-ray luminosity in the0.5—10keVrange.Thus,if the entire˙E s were converted to X-ray emission,at least two of our proposed scenarios abovewould have resulted in a higher X-ray efficiency for theJ0737−3039system than actually observed.Since we de-tect X-ray pulses from A which account for a significant proportion(and arguably∼100%)of the observed X-ray emission,all of˙E s evidently does not appear as X-ray emission.(We note that for˙E A=5.9×1033erg s−1,therelations derived by Possenti et al.(2002)for X-ray lumi-nosity in the2—10keV range predict a maximum X-rayefficiency L x/˙E A<0.005,consistent with observations.)The wind interaction in the double pulsar systemis fundamentally different energetically from wind con-finement in a Crab-like pulsar wind nebula,since the termination shock of the wind is much closer to pul-sar A( 103R LC,A)than in Crab-like nebulae(∼108R LC).All modern wind models,whether for asteady-state,force-free,magnetohydrodynamic outflow (Contopoulos&Kazanas2002)or a wave-like,stripedoutflow(Melatos&Melrose1996;Lyubarsky&Kirk2001),predict values of the magnetization parameterσ≫1(probably 100)at these distances,unlike ter-mination shocks in pulsar wind nebulae,whereσ≪1.For a high-σshock,Kennel&Coroniti(1984)estimatean upper limit on the power fed into the accelerated elec-trons(and hence on the X-ray luminosity of the shock)of˙E s /(8√。