
第一单元:3/19what does----workingwhy----workedwhat kind----journalism8/19when will----workTaila works----knowTalia is----reporterTony is----bossTalia`s hair----take10/19What does Amy----partyWhat is----BackgroundWhat does Tony----big11/19Amy says----guyTalia tells----littleAmy tells----konwTony says----bit12/19take/a/break/why/not/some/other /time/party/available/listen/without/talk/to/you/about/researching/background/work /on/hoping/for/break/may/be/it /By/the/way1A/5Which one----workWhat is----oftenHow is----veryAbout Robin----anyAbout Robin`s----class1B/5 kind/of/it's/about/right/I/did/past/three/years/paid/off/earned/break/the/case/in/comparison/to/depends/on/a/lot/harder/in/general/my/roommate/way/too/for/myself/a/balance2A/5confident/relaxed/tense/in a bad mood2B/51)How about 2)too 3)Why don't 4)enough 5)Let's 6)to walk 3/51)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing4/5unique/seriously/mention/journalism5/53 1 1 2 3 1第二单元:3/19What are----GossipingWhat do Tony----NickThe information----money8/19In the----couldn'tAmy has----has fallenLast year----lostIf the information----won't10/19Whar is Amy----Make a copyWhy does----bribeWhat does----firstWho knows----Talia11/19Talia----tookTony says----doesn'tTony is----able12/19get/expert/run/broadcast/competition/In/ fact/Speaking/ought/to/give/away/Good/ thinking/handle/care/audio/expert/fast/on/it/You/do/hard/to/believe/wake/up/ smell/the/coffee/crazy/famous/taking/a/ bribe/smart/I/hope/get/in/the/way/work/on1A/5What's her----She wouldWhat did----The restBaesd on----There isDid she think----She thoughtDid she hear----little bit1B/5heard/about/was/caught/they/say/what/to/think/stuff/you'd/like/to/rea lly/convinced/actually/natural/athlete/in/the/season/any/opinion/abou t/disqualify/for/the/sake/of/shame/to/in/trouble/with/start/rumors2A/5fall----come to owearise----come upWhat----What a shameThar's----That's notnot take----sit outscandal----disgraceful2B/512323/52123314/5forward/eliminate/apparently/incredible5/5 211132第三单元:3/19Nickcareerstar8/19Morenotthenike10/191\Theaudio2\Don’tbe3\最长的4\togoandtalk11/19hasn’tfinishheitnaytrickher12/19Bad news audio expert check urgent be sure absolutely sure have an idea may remember confide in reporterresearcher chance lose one more day only one more day won’t be sorry story get tell me everything deserve a break storycharming charm out of1A/5 Theydidn’tshedidn’tsheneededpopcornIt’sastory1B/5 1)was thinking 2)That would be ok 3)this new mall 4)having a sale 5)kind of 6)a whole lot less 7)just really 8)endup using little 9)Well 10)little girl 11)the whale 12)sounded really good 13)a lot 14)a lot less 15)you know what 16)treat you to2A/5 1)figure it out 2)investigate 3) result 4)make sense 5)ruined2B/5urg对verytoput对riskSem对oneofcharm对topersuade3A/5 Talia对isabletoshetell对beabletoTony对isnotableTalia对isable3B/5 yoursmine5/5 Ihaveanwell,Idon’tIfyouDoyouWhatdoit’sworthLet’sgo第四单元2/19theaskedher:so:herentheralittleNick8/19diffcultamusingdisEnglishgland10/19TheycouldDidHethinkallTowin11/19doesn’thecanhewantsangry12/19isten your side of the story Nope all alike judge me trust only goal helping win deal with mess charges serious threw a game gambling debts gave access to stop from Did you ordidn’t you throw the game get show viewers Take your pick innocent1A/5ThoseRecentlyTimedoesn’tHeworksHelooksreally1B/5 ran into my gosh doing fantastic the same old how exciting perfect for or something like thata boring job gets to telemarketing telephone company2A/5 allowplanjourapart2B/5 Take a pick /Take it easy/Take your time /Take a look3A/5 a a the a3B/5 aren’t /will you/does she/could he/hasn’t he/doesn’t she/didn’t I/wasn’t he5/5 IthinkIknowyouHowhaveyoubeenNo,I’msorryI’mafraidyou’vegotItwasgreatHere’smycard第五单元3/19It’simHewasShy8/19verysheplaysheanythingshewantsNicktoknowunbelievable10/19He’snotNickthe team HE thinks11/19I’wouldTaliashockedannoyed12/19sure sounds like stupid a minute deliberately from college works for recognize teammate both excuse us media you’ve got that right get it worry you getting some pressure sit out badlyfrankly win without you1A/5 callHershecouldn’t100Alittle1B/5 the whole story on the phone this rebate A hundred dollars supposed to of the camera nice aboutit serial number is gone Oh man 8002A/5becomeexcitsucc……likebegin2B/5 1)do you feel 2)do you think 3)are loving 4)such 5)so 6)believe 3/5 so /such a /so /such /so /such a5/5 1)can I ask you to take a2)I have to take care of3)I’m tied uo at the moment4)Would you mind if5)Can you please check6)OK,no problem7)please fill this form第六单元3/19ShewasNotheresultTalia8/191\Nickput50000intohisbankaccount2\shebelieves3\heowes4\makingmoney5\people6\Ibelthat7\can’t9/16 keep investigating have no choice going with beat us to it You’ve got to admit missing something asthey seem in this case too trusting skeptical all right working on fair let my emotions color myjudgment let me down won’t be sorry10/19skepticalHebelievesshouldworkThebank11/19theyhavetoairsomewantDony1A/5areallowWisestopIDDany1B/5 says at bars to have their parents thirteen years old get drunk you know drinking irresponsiblytheir kids baby-sitter bar owners this is happening crazy 2A/5 Take对wehavewedon’t对wedecideFor对Foronewenever对weare2B/51)deposited 2)bank account 3)As a matter of fact 4)Take it from me 5)For one thing 6)except for 7)go with 8)beat us to it 9)let us down3A/5 going/talking/eating/yourselves/myself/had known/would have brought/crying over /enjoying3B/5 1)may 2)may not 3)Is he 4)will 5)might not 6)may 7)are going to 8)might5/5 DoyouthinkmightperhapsIt’sdidn’tIsitpossiblethatNickdidn’ttakethemoneymight第七单元3/19Heexplained最长的annoyed8/19It’sbrandHeagreedBecause+最长的BycheatinggBecausehewantstoamuseTaliaBecauseangryshewasangryNickhadnottoldherethetruth10/19Hewasn’tgoingtotellAbusinesswomanTOvisitTowear11/19HewascuriusHewillwearitwouldShewantto……truth12/19here it comes juice bar Aren’t you Do I know you Not yet interesting proposition Keep going Let’s say deal endorse athletic That’s it business card on second thought pay visit1A/5 Theyparty+最长的ThefirstjobinitshewantedshemightThefirstcouldgotoearlier1B/5 great opportunity audition for such a wonderful show the same night other plays coming along so perfect sogreat about be invited go for it2A/5 TheypaidmesothatIchangedIwanttoknowTheshoeswillbeconeOkItdoesn’tcomeandexperience2B/5 confirmedlinesconeoutbasicallyendorsed3A/5 1)was taking 2)called 3)checked 4)was playing 5)quicker 6)more concentrated3B/5 wouldratherprefertowouldpreferto5/5soundslikefunorreally?oh,really?IseeHowawfulHowdiditgoDidyouhaveagood?第八单元3/19shewastryingTaliatherewas8/19hemeanttomakemeetjackhcihadneverjackiehasneverworkedTaliamightGowerBuildingFrustrashowfortenyears10/19BecauseshethoughtNickhadliedtoherNeithershewasverysheusedtherecoptionst’s11/19heenjoyfindingshowherangershethinksconfsed12/19dead for a moment angry yell at Maybe Probably guest dial in big trouble have trouble with used to memory to make matters worse ridiculous took lunch voice mail available odd telling the truth lying see a good story1A/5 sheaskedforTrytoshecouldmeeting4321B/5 looking for I mean quite a while at the desk Whatever Kind of hard for her name impossible totally screwed up prettyclear meet me lobby 4 o’clock good idea try where she is why don’t yo u how that goes2A/5 pleasewaitsorry+短的Ifyou+长的Nick……punishedTia+长的Therightnow2B/5 oddAnywayInthatcaseyellatridiculous3A/5 whereIcanWhenthehowmuchitwhatkindofusedto3B/5 someone / used to /didn’t use to /something /anything /第九单元3/19 5点looking for There8/19 Because he needed the recept he was still Because he wondeved He wasn’t very He over To find 6 点10/19 Because he was trying Tell the she has blue he just11/19 I’m confused help she never12/19 anything else someone else either In fact cheer up as bad as describe business suit excutive at all1A/5 she can bring cook for Go to Aby’s Emily’s1B/5 favor wondering bring two of my friends definitely supposed to messed up have a great time decorations last minutecooking things great to serve 6:30 three of you2A/5 the news+短的Are you interest Hey, can may you +长的I hend by she +短的2B/5business overheard follow describ cheer up3A/5 1)rushed 2)was checking 3)was playing went3B/5may as honest as as positive as can could as disgusting as5/5 sorry,but No,pr…… sure can I leave may be I can is it ok Do you第十单元3/1 9 The woman T he inter……did not answer An……Dear8/19 he got into he made an he could not Things wer badly he wanted the woman the soccer the intertiew10/19 Dean’s They wear both she felt sorry she took11/19 he wespects she has sarc…… sorry12/19around lately ran into admired ruining his career prettysure different changing the color wannabe tried outExcept for took lunch performance beginning to unfoldOn the house in his favor soccer professionally1A/5 do a survey noise is a the univer+长的housing therre should1B/5 on behalf of a couple of minutes greatly appreciated more time building classrooms dorm roomsobviously point better quality more people at least pretty nice spacious rental houses stay in mixedfeelings involved in helps them out definitely issue2A/5will be get up stop to his unexp be made2B/5 uspended preformance catch up on on the house trying out3A/5 on with/out /up3B/5 losing /saying/ to need/ to wait3C/5 until/when/have5/5 Actually To tell you what do you I’m not really 同上If you ask Frankly第十一单元3/19 she think To tell How good8/19 he understand she joked……reporter upset she know Nick Nick she talks……party10/19 It’s nicer he’s going……happened no kick+长的11/19she is angry she doesn’t Dean sorry,Nick12/19 won't be sorry admit lied There you are are got reservations just around the corner doing business so much pleasant talkover over lunch sign basically says endorse the shoes tricked out of the way next in line star player amazing team officemake sure1A/5 Sunday write Next w…… 4:30 M……1B/5 are responsible for Africa visual aid in the outline easy look that up really quick have it all done due Wednesday needto meet I'm supposed to do compile get our project done off the Internet helpful use bring those in tomorrow2A/5They+短的jose+短的jack+长的we+短的jane’s+短的2B/5 persuasive tricked persuade raise broke over out of this word3/5 went to see In orderto don’t have to help can’t to talk5/5 I’ve got to is there anything Nothing I really need to Do you That’ll be第12单元---------3/19 To keep By working Nicknever had8/19 Nick is more To tell him he is That having money problem they have been hard to the so长的10/19 Surprisees长的He want’s ......truth To prove He didn’t (i)11/19he is N ick’s tell Nick 长的almost uncertain12/19buddy Tough rap really happened scheme talented plotting for dreamed up fake planning impressedtalking crazy expect figure out made up craziest stories pulled off typical so sure of popular prove----------1A/5 she could she turned长的 A map of Africa Tuesday3小时Teacher1B/5 the habitat of the animalsblue folder rest of the projectmap definitely different spotturned it in reliable sourcecoming to me instead of positively check with2/5 handed it in figured let you turn it3A/5 how long for since has been playing3B/5 figure them out help you out put them away clean it up the most expensive the best5/5 I’m not quite sure what you’re getting at. /Exactly./Do you mean that/NO,that’s not what I mean./ Could you go over it again? / Are you saying that测试LISTENING1/4 howdoes对He listened he wants to2/4 says he hasn’t heard of Kicks shoesto help Nickeye color3/4 Spread on the mustard:1.Put on the cheese and avocado.2. Put on the tomato and cucumber3.Add the secret ingredient.4/4 Gomez对if her team The team appearing VOCABULARY---------------1/4 Marcello:Hi,Amy: pulled it off pass on2/4 Talia:Hi,Mom: Keep cool play it by ear3/4 come up with break down4/4 out of control out of this worldGRAMMER---------------1/4 the luckiest pick him up best for dream this up2/4 Tony:So,Talia: think of working could start was doing as difficult as3/4 Secretary: may to talk as easy as will give4/4 interesting to buy surprised to invite have PRONUNCIATION1/5 up out2/5 I want to get and it3/5 single sound spr…… gl……4/5suprised going5/5 I have to has is ---------------SPEAKING1/3 Yes,what do you neeed I really need to2/3 Are you saping it Yes, that’s whatI mean3/3 Are you saying it didn’t go well Yes,that’s what Imean单元测试1/3Howdid对Henolongerwhen对when2/3Nick对WhichstoryNick对thesame3/3Theannounce……playsTheannouncetalksaboutpoetry……identifics1/3 in a bad mood /exhausted2/3 trustworthy/dishonest3/3 disgracefulactionrelaxnotguiltybe……senseofplantodon’thurry1/3areamLet’sgotoomuchWhydon’tI2/3receivedamgoingtoevershould’dbetter3/3aren’tyouanwasthehaveseengoodmyamabletodfferenthaven’t2/5serioustalkbusy3/5differentsamedifferent5/5risingrisingSPEAKING1/3I’msorryitsoundsIjustdon’tthatwouldbeThatsoundreallygood3/3IfyouIwillspendThat’sIjustLet’s单元测试2LISTENING1/3Talia tells Nick that she believes him: {1.Nick meets Jackie baker2.Nick explains the deal he made to Talia.3.Talia decided to do see Jackie.2/31.The receptionist gives the office location.2.The receptionist gives the directions to the office.3.The receptionist asks for a signature3/3HehadahealthacceptingHeaccepesVOCABULARY1/4get along get going2/4criticizing pressure3/4mutterfeelforsomeone.fellfunnwhisper4/4skepticalaskingtostepacknowledgeddownmadeupapproachableLetthemofftransfGRAMMER*/2 (Amy:Hi,Ronnie) 22111即better were having more intelligent was listening would rather*/2 (Dear Mom) 12122即used to be somebody who that person is anybody where she livesPRONUNCIATION1/4cann’t can used2/4he/E/her4/4 she up at 长的1/4 sorry to how was it?3/4 I really double it It’sposs didn’t I’m tired up oh,really? Ihave to take care of Did he have4/4 oh,really? How was That’s great。

Unit 1 8/1910/19’11/1912/19take/a/break/why/not/some/other/time/party/available/listen /without/talk/to/you/about/researching/background/work /on/hoping/for/break/may/be/it /By/the/way1A/51B/5was thinkingf/it's/about/right/I /did/past/three/years/paid/off/earned/break/the/case/in/comparison/to/depends/on/a/lot/harder/in/general/my/roommate/way/too/for/myself/a/balanceconfident/relaxed/tense/in a bad mood2B/51)How about 2)too 3)Why don't 4)enough 5)Let's 6)to walk 3/51)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing4/55/53/198/1910/1911/1912/19get/expert/run/broadcast/competition/In/ fact/Speaking/ought/to/give/away/Good/ thinking/handle/care/audio/expert/fast/ on/it/You/do/hard/to/believe/wake/up/ smell/the/coffee/crazy/famous/taking/a/bribe/smart/I/hope/get/in/the/way/work/on1A/51B/5heard/about/was/caught/they/say/what/to/think/stuff/you'd/like/to/really/convin ced/actually/natural/athlete/in/the/season/any/opinion/about/disqualify/for/the /sake/of/shame/to/in/trouble/with/start/rumors2A/52B/53/52123314/5forward/eliminate/apparently/incredible 5/5Unit33/198/1910/1911/1912/19Bad/news/audio/expert/check/urgent/be/sure/absolutely/sure/have/an/idea/may /remember/confide/in/reporterResearcher/chance/lose/one/more/day/only/one/more/day/won’t/be/sorry/story/get/tellme/everything/deserve/a/break/storyCharming/charm/out of/1A/51B/51)was thinking 2)That would be ok 3)this new mall 4)having a sale 5)kind of 6)a whole lot less 7)just really 8)endup using 9)Well 10)little girl 11)the whale 12)sounded really good 13)a lot 14)a lot less 15)you know what 16)treat you to 2A/52B/53A/53B/54/55/5Unit4 3/198/1910/1911/1912/19listen your side of the story Nope all alike judge me trust only goal helping win deal with mess charges serious threw a game gambling debts gave access to stop from Did you ordidn’t you throw the game get show viewers Take your pick innocent1A/51B/5ran into my gosh doing fantastic the same old how exciting perfect for or something like thata boring job gets to telemarketing telephone company2A/52B/53A/5a a the a 3B/54/55/5大测Listen 1/32/33/3Vocabulaty 1/32/33/3Crammer 1/32/33/3Pronunciation 2/53/55/5Speaking1/32/33/3Unit5 3/198/1910/1911/1912/19sounds like stupid a minute deliberately from college works for recognize teammate bothexcuse us media you’ve got that right get it worry you getting some pressure sit out badlyfrankly win without you1A/5。

新时代交互英语视听说3答案第一单元3/19what does----workingwhy----workedwhat kind----journalism8/19when will----workTaila works----knowTalia is----reporterTony is----bossTalia`s hair----take10/19What does Amy----partyWhat is----BackgroundWhat does Tony----big11/19Amy says----guyTalia tells----littleAmy tells----konwTony says----bit12/19take/a/break/why/not/some/other/time/party/available/listen/without/talk/to/you/about/researching/background/work/on/hoping/for/break/may/be/it/By/the/way1A/5Which one----workWhat is----oftenHow is----veryAbout Robin----anyAbout Robin`s----class1B/5 kind/of/it's/about/right/I/did/past/three/years/paid/off/earned/break/the/case/in/comparison/to/depends/on/a/lot/harder/in/general/my/roommate/way/too/for/myself/a/balance2A/5confident/relaxed/tense/in a bad mood2B/51)How about 2)too 3)Why don't 4)enough 5)Let's 6)to walk 3/51)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing4/5unique/seriously/mention/journalism5/53 1 1 2 3 1第二单元3/19What are----GossipingWhat do Tony----NickThe information----money8/19In the----couldn'tAmy has----has fallenLast year----lostIf the information----won't10/19Whar is Amy----Make a copyWhy does----bribeWhat does----firstWho knows----Talia11/19Talia----tookTony says----doesn'tTony is----able12/19get/expert/run/broadcast/competition/In/fact/Speaking/ought/to/give/away/Good/thinking/handle/care/audio/expert/fast/on/it/You/do/hard/to/believe/wake/up/smell/the/coffee/crazy/famous/taking/a/bribe/smart/I/hope/get/in/the/way/work/on1A/5What's her----She wouldWhat did----The restBaesd on----There isDid she think----She thoughtDid she hear----little bit1B/5heard/about/was/caught/they/say/what/to/think/stuff/you'd/like/to /really/convinced/actually/natural/athlete/in/the/season/any/opinion/about/disqualify/ for/the/sake/of/shame/to/in/trouble/with/start/rumors2A/5fall----come to owearise----come upWhat----What a shameThar's----That's notnot take----sit outscandal----disgraceful2B/512323/52123314/5forward/eliminate/apparently/incredible5/5 211132第三单元3/19Nickcareerstar8/19Morenotthenike10/191\Theaudio2\Don’tbe3\最长的4\togoandtalk11/19hasn’tfinishheitnaytrickher12/19 Bad news audio expert check urgent be sure absolutely sure have an idea mayremember confide in reporterresearcher chance lose one more day only one more day won’t be sorry story get tellme everything deserve a break storycharming charm out of1A/5 Theydidn’tshedidn’tsheneededpopcornIt’sastory1B/5 1)was thinking 2)That would be ok 3)this new mall 4)having a sale 5)kind of6)a whole lot less 7)just really 8)endup using little 9)Well 10)little girl 11)the whale 12)sounded really good 13)a lot14)a lot less 15)you know what 16)treat you to2A/5 1)figure it out 2)investigate 3) result 4)make sense 5)ruined2B/5 urg对verytoput对riskSem对oneofcharm对topersuade3A/5 Talia对isabletoshetell对beabletoTony对isnotableTalia对isable3B/5 yoursmine5/5 Ihaveanwell,Idon’tIfyouDoyouWhatdoit’sworthLet’sgo第四单元2/1 9theaskedher:so:herentheralittleNick8/19diffcultamusingdisEnglishgland10/19TheycouldDidHethinkallTowin11/19doesn’thecanhewantsangry12/19 isten your side of the story Nope allalike judge metrust only goal helping win dealwith mess charges seriousthrew a game gambling debts gave access to stop from Did you ordidn’t you throw the game get show viewers Take your pick innocent1A/5ThoseRecentlyTimedoesn’tHeworksHelooksreally1B/5 ran into my gosh doing fantastic the sameold how excitingperfect for or something like thata boring job gets to telemarketing telephone company2A/5 allowplanjourapart2B/5 Take a pick /Take it easy/Take your time /Take a look3A/5 a a the a3B/5 aren’t /will you/does she/could he/hasn’t he/doesn’t she/didn’t I/wasn’t he5/5 IthinkIknowyouHowhaveyoubeenNo,I’msorryI’mafraidyou’vegotItwasgreatHere’smycard第五单元3/19It’simHewasShy8/19verysheplaysheanythingshewantsNicktoknowunbelievable10/19He’snotNicktheteam HE thinks11/19I’wouldTaliashockedannoyed12/19sure sounds likestupida minutedeliberatelyfrom collegeworks forrecognizeteammatebothexcuse usmediayou’ve got that rightget itworry yougetting some pressuresit outbadlyfranklywin without you1A/5 callHershecouldn’t100AlittleO第六单元3/198/191\Nickput50000intohisbankaccount2\shebelieves3\heowes4\makingmoney5\people6\Ibelthat7\can’t9/16 keep investigating have no choice going with beat us to it You’ve got to admitmissing something asthey seem in this case too trusting skeptical all right working onfair let my emotions color myjudgment let me down won’t be sorry10/19skepticalHebelievesshouldworkThebank11/19theyhaveto air somewantDony1A/5areallowWisestopIDDany1B/5 says at bars to have their parents thirteen years old get drunkyou know drinking irresponsiblytheir kids baby-sitter bar owners this ishappening crazy2A/5 Take对wehavewedon’t对wedecideFor对Foronewenever对weare2B/5 1)deposited 2)bank account 3)As a matter of fact 4)Take it from me 5)For onething 6)except for 7)go with 8)beat us to it 9)let us down3A/5 going/talking/eating/yourselves/myself/had known/would have brought/crying over/enjoying3B/5 1)may 2)may not 3)Is he 4)will 5)might not 6)may 7)are going to 8)might5/5 DoyouthinkmightperhapsIt’sdidn’tIsitpossiblethatNickdidn’ttakethemoneymight第七单元3/19Heexplained最长的annoyed8/19It’sbrandHeagreedBecause+最长的BycheatinggBecausehewantstoamuseTaliaBecauseangryshewasangryNickhadnottoldherethetruth10/19Hewasn’tgoingtotellAbusinesswomanTOvisitTowear11/19HewascuriusHewillwearitwouldShewantto……truth12/19here it comes juice bar Aren’t you Do I know you Not yetinteresting proposition Keep goingLet’s say deal endorse athletic That’s it business card on secondthought pay visit1A/5 Theyparty+最长的ThefirstjobinitshewantedshemightThefirstcouldgotoearlier1B/5 great opportunity audition for such a wonderful show the same nightother plays coming along so perfect sogreat about be invited go for it2A/5 TheypaidmesothatIchangedIwanttoknowTheshoeswillbeconeOkItdoesn’tcomeandexperience2B/5 confirmedlinesconeoutbasicallyendorsed3A/5 1)was taking 2)called 3)checked 4)was playing 5)quicker 6)more concentrated3B/5 wouldratherprefertowouldpreferto5/5soundslikefunorreally?oh,really?IseeHowawfulHowdiditgoDidyouhaveagood?第八单元3/19shewastryingTaliatherewas8/19hemeanttomakemeetjackhcihadneverjackiehasneverworkedTaliamightGowerBuildingFrustrashowfortenyears10/19BecauseshethoughtNickhadliedtoherNeithershewasverysheusedtherecoptionst’s11/19heenjoyfindingshowherangershethinksconfsed12/19 dead for a moment angry yell at Maybe Probably guest dial in big troublehave trouble with used to memory to makematters worse ridiculous took lunch voice mail availableodd telling the truthlying see a good story1A/5 sheaskedforTrytoshecouldmeeting4321B/5 looking for I mean quite a while at the desk Whatever Kind of hard for her nameimpossible totally screwed up prettyclear meet me lobby 4 o’clock good idea try where she is why don’t yo uhow that goes2A/5 pleasewaitsorry+短的Ifyou+长的Nick……punishedTia+长的Therightnow2B/5 oddAnywayInthatcaseyellatridiculous3A/5 whereIcanWhenthehowmuchitwhatkindofusedto3B/5 someone / used to /didn’t use to /something /anything /第九单元3/19 5点 looking for There8/19 Because he needed the recept he was still Because he wondevedHe wasn’t very He over To find 6 点10/19 Because he was trying Tell the she hasblue he just11/19 I’m confused help she never12/19 anything else someone else either In fact cheer up as bad as describe businesssuit excutive at all1A/5 she can bring cook for Go to Aby’s Emily’s1B/5 favor wondering bring two of my friends definitely supposed to messed up have agreat time decorations last minutecooking things great to serve 6:30 three of you2A/5 the news+短的 Are you interest Hey, can may you +长的 Ihend by she +短的2B/5business overheard follow describ chee r up3A/5 1)rushed 2)was checking 3)was playing went3B/5may as honest as as positiveas can could as disgusting as5/5 sorry,but No,pr…… sure can I leave may be I can isit ok Do you第十单元3/1 9 The woman The inter……did not answer An……Dear8/19 he got into he made an he could not Things wer badly he wantedthe woman the soccer the intertiew10/19 Dean’s They wear both she felt sorry she took11/19 he wespects she has sarc…… sorry12/19around lately ran into admired ruining his career prettysure different changing the color wannabe tried outExcept for took lunch performance beginning to unfoldOn the house in his favor soccer professionally1A/5 do a survey noise is a the univer+长的 housing therreshould1B/5 on behalf of a couple of minutes greatly appreciated more time buildingclassrooms dorm roomsobviously point better quality more people at least pretty nice spacious rental housesstay in mixedfeelings involved in helps them out definitely issue2A/5will be get up stop to his unexp be made2B/5 uspended preformance catch up on on thehouse trying out3A/5 on with/out /up3B/5 losing /saying/ to need/ to wait3C/5 until/when/have5/5 Actually To tell you what do you I’m notreally 同上If you ask Frankly第十一单元3/19 she think To tell How good8/19 he understand she joked……reporter upset she know Nick Nickshe talks……party10/19 It’s nicer he’s going……happened no kick+长的11/19she is angry she doesn’t Dean sorry,Nick12/19 won't be sorry admit lied There you are are got reservations just around thecorner doing business so much pleasant talkover over lunch sign basically says endorse the shoes tricked out of the way next inline star player amazing team officemake sure1A/5 Sunday write Next w…… 4:30 M……1B/5 are responsible for Africa visual aid in the outline easy look that up reallyquick have it all done due Wednesday needto meet I'm supposed to do compile get our project done off the Internethelpful use bring those in tomorrow2A/5They+短的 jose+短的 jack+长的 we+短的 jane’s+短的2B/5persuasive tricked persuade raise broke over ou t of thisword3/5 went to see In orderto don’t have to help can’t to talk5/5 I’ve got to is there anything Nothing I really need to Do youThat’ll be第12单元---------3/19 To keep By working Nicknever had8/19 Nick is more To tell him he is That having money problem they havebeen hard to the so长的10/19 Surprisees长的 He want’s ……truth Toprove He didn’t (i)11/19he is N ick’s tell Nick 长的 almost uncertain12/19buddy Tough rap reallyhappened scheme talented plotting for dreamedup fake planning impressedtalking crazy expect figure out made up crazieststories pulled offtypical so sure of popular prove----------1A/5 she could she turned长的 A map ofAfrica Tuesday3小时Teacher1B/5 the habitat of the animalsblue folder rest of the projectmap definitely different spotturned it in reliable sourcecoming to me instead of positively check with2/5 handed it in figured let you turn it3A/5 how long for since has been playing3B/5 figure them out help you out put themaway clean it upthe most expensive the best5/5 I’m not quite sure what you’re getting at. /Exactly. /Do you mean that/NO,that’s not what I mean./ Could you go over it again? / Are you saying that测试LISTENING1/4 howdoes对He listened he wants to2/4 says he hasn’t heard of Kicks shoesto help Nickeye color3/4 Spread on the mustard:1.Put on the cheese and avocado.2. Put on the tomato and cucumber3.Add the secret ingredient.4/4 Gomez对if her team The team appearing VOCABULARY---------------1/4 Marcello:Hi,Amy: pulled it off pass on2/4 Talia:Hi,Mom: Keep cool play it by ear3/4 come up with break down4/4 out of control out of this worldGRAMMER---------------1/4 the luckiest pick him up best for dream this up2/4 Tony:So,Talia: think of working could start was doing as difficult as3/4 Secretary: may to talk as easy as will give4/4 interesting to buy surprised to invite havePRONUNCIATION1/5 up out2/5 I want to get and it3/5 single sound spr…… gl……4/5suprised going5/5 I have to has is ---------------SPEAKING1/3 Yes,what do you neeed I really need to2/3 Are you saping it Yes, that’s whatI mean3/3 Are you saying it didn’t go well Yes,that’s what Imean单元测试1/3Howdid对Henolongerwhen对when2/3Nick对WhichstoryNick对thesame3/3Theannounce……playsTheannouncetalksaboutpoetry……identifics1/3 in a bad mood /exhausted2/3 trustworthy/dishonest3/3 disgracefulactionrelaxnotguiltybe……senseofplantodon’thurry1/3areamLet’sgotoomuchWhydon’tI2/3receivedamgoingtoevershould’dbetter3/3aren’tyouanwasthehaveseengoodmyamabletodfferenthaven’t2/5serioustalkbusy3/5differentsamedifferent5/5risingrisingSPEAKING1/3I’msorryitsoundsIjustdon’tthatwouldbeThatsoundreallygood3/3IfyouIwillspendThat’sIjustLet’s单元测试2LISTENING1/3Talia tells Nick that she believes him: {1.Nick meets Jackie baker2.Nick explains the deal he made to Talia.3.Talia decided to do see Jackie.2/3 1.The receptionist gives the office location.2.The receptionist gives the directions to the office.3.The receptionist asks for a signature3/3HehadahealthacceptingHeaccepesVOCABULARY1/4get along get going2/4criticizing pressure3/4mutterfeelforsomeone.fellfunnwhisper4/4skepticalaskingtostepacknowledgeddownmadeupapproachableLetthemofftransfGRAMMER*/2 (Amy:Hi,Ronnie) 22111即 better were having more intelligent was listening would rather*/2 (Dear Mom) 12122即used to be somebody who that person is anybody where she livesPRONUNCIATION1/4cann’t can used2/4he/E/ her4/4 she up at 长的1/4 sorry to how was it?3/4 I really double it It’sposs didn’t I’m tiredup oh,really?Ihave to take care of Did he have4/4 oh,really? How was That’s great分享已被分享6次分享来自:你的眼眸只许为我印温柔的日志分享评论。

U13/19what does----workingwhy----workedwhat kind----journalism8/19when will----workTaila works----knowTalia is----reporterTony is----bossTalia`s hair----take10/19What does Amy----partyWhat is----BackgroundWhat does Tony----big11/19Amy says----guyTalia tells----littleAmy tells----konwTony says----bit12/19take/a/break/why/not/some/other/time/party/available/listen/without/talk/to/you/about/researching/background/work/on/hoping/for/break/may/be/it/By/the/way1A/5Which one----workWhat is----oftenHow is----veryAbout Robin----anyAbout Robin`s----class1B/5 kind/of/it's/about/right/I/did/past/three/years/paid/off/earned/break/the/case/in/comparison/to/depends/on/a/lot/harder/in/general/my/roommate/way/too/for/myself/a/balance2A/5confident/relaxed/tense/in a bad mood 2B/51)How about 2)too 3)Why don't 4)enough 5)Let's 6)to walk 3/51)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing4/5unique/seriously/mention/journalism5/53 1 1 2 3 1U23/19What are----GossipingWhat do Tony----NickThe information----money8/19In the----couldn'tAmy has----has fallenLast year----lostIf the information----won't10/19Whar is Amy----Make a copyWhy does----bribeWhat does----firstWho knows----Talia11/19Talia----tookTony says----doesn'tTony is----able12/19get/expert/run/broadcast/competition/In/fact/Speaking/ought/to/give/away/Good/thinking/handle/care/audio/expert/fast/on/it/You/do/hard/to/believe/wake/up/smell/the/coffee/crazy/famous/taking/a/bribe/smart/I/hope/get/in/the/way/work/on1A/5What's her----She wouldWhat did----The restBaesd on----There isDid she think----She thoughtDid she hear----little bit1B/5heard/about/was/caught/they/say/what/to/think/stuff/you'd/like/to/really/convinced/actually/natural /athlete/in/the/season/any/opinion/about/disqualify/for/the/sake/of/shame/to/in/trouble/with/start/r umors2A/5fall----come to owearise----come upWhat----What a shameThar's----That's notnot take----sit outscandal----disgraceful2B/512323/52123314/5forward/eliminate/apparently/incredible5/5 211132U33/19Who said----NickWhat doesn't----careerWhat does----star8/19Tony asks----NickNuck says----notWhen did----More10/19At the----timeWhat will----letWhat is----CrawfordWhat does----go11/19Tony gets----finishedTalia thinks----knowsTalia says----It won'tTony warns----trick her12/19Bad/news/audio/expert/check/urgent/be/sure/absolutely/sure/have/an/idea/may/remember/confide/ in/reporter/researcher/chance/lose/one/more/day/only/one/more/day/won't/be/sorry/story/get/tell/ me/everything/deserve/a/break/story/charming/charm/out/of1A/5What's the----whaleThere were----neededBased on----saleWhy didn't----likeWhat would----Pop1B/5was/thinking/That/would/be/ok/this/new/mall/having/a/sale/kind/of/a/whole/lot/less/just/really/end /up/using/little/Well/girl/the/whale/sounded/really/good/a/lot/a/lot/less/you/know/what/treat/you/to 2A/5figure it out/investigate/result/make sense/ruined2B/5urgent----very importantto put----risksemester----one of theto confide----trust incharm sb.----to persuadescandal----a disgraceful3A/512133B/5CB4/5bench/expert/scandal/semester5/51311213第四单元3/19who--NIckfind out--any wayremember--a little8/19 amusingEnglish literrtutegladdisappointeddifficult10/19 What is--qualifying matchAt the--unfairWhick of--didn't youWhat dose--soccer11/19 He think Talia--doesn'tTalia says--trustNick gave--innocentHe probably feels--angry12/19listen/your/side/of/the/story/Nope/all/alike/judge/me/trust/only/goal/helping/win/deal/with/mess/c harges/serious /threw/a/game/gamblingdebts/gave/access/to/stop/from/Did/you/or/didn't/you/throw/the/game/get/show/viewers/Take/your /pick/innocent1A/5 One of--doesn'tWhen was--RecentlyWhich statement--He worksAbout this--Those twoHow does--He looks not good1B/5ran/into/my/gosh/doing/fantastic/the/same/old/how/exciting/perfect/for/or/something/like/that/a/bo ring/job/gets/to /telemarketing/telephone/company2A/5 give someone--allow someonenewspersons--journaliststhrow a game--plan toyour side--a partial2B/5 Take a pick /Take it easy/Take your time/Take a look3A/5 a a the a3B/5 aren't I/will you/does she/could he/hasn't he/doesn't she/didn't I/wasn't he4/5 no/ss/ar/al/um5/5 I think I know you.How have you been?No,I'am sorry.I'm afraid you've got the wrong person.It was great to see you again.Here's my card.测试A TEST A1/3 When did--when he was a teenagerHow did--making a living2/3 Nick thinks--the sameNick implies--Which story3/3 plays/poetry/television station1/3 in a bad mood /exhausted2/3 trustworthy/dishonest3/3 take it easy--relaxfigure out--be able to make sense ofscandal--disgraceful actionthrow a game--plan to lose a sports gametake your time--don't hurryinnocent--not guilty of a crime1/3 are /am /Let's go /too much /why don't I2/3 1)received 2)are going to 3)ever 4)should 5)'d better3/3 1)aren't you 2)an 3)was 4)the 5)have seen 6)good 7)my 8)am able to 9)different 10)haven't been able to1/5 略这个我也补怎么懂嘿嘿2/5 busy/serious/talk3/5 tonight--differentprobably--same4/5 这些额听音标的。

都是截图的答案Unit1Basic listening bdacd Listening inTesk1Task 2Task 3BcdadFurther listening and speakingFurther listeningTask1Task 2Task 3BacddViewing and speaking > Task 1Unit1 test AbdbdCabdaCaadcbacbc----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit2Lead inTask1Basic listening practiceBdaacListening in > Task 1Task2 DabcdTask3DdabcLet's talk > Task 1Further listening and speaking > Further listening >Task 1Task2dbacctask3Viewing and speaking > Task 1Unit2 testccbcdBcdcbBcdccaddbc----------------------------------------------------------------------Unit3Lead in >Task 1Basic listening CadbaListening inTask1CacbdTast2Tast3DadacLet's talk > Task 1Further listening and speaking >Further listening >Task 1CbacdTask2AbabbTask3: The Russian hurled the half-full bottle of vodka out of the open window.He answered, "Vodka is plentiful in my country. In fact, we have thousands and thousands of liters of it—far more than we need."The businessman said, "I thought the Cuban economy was not good this year. Yet you threw that perfectly good cigar away. I find your actions quite puzzling."He replied, "Cigars are a dime a dozen in Cuba. We have more of them than we know what to do with."The American businessman sat in silence for a moment. Then he got up, grabbed the lawyer, and threw him out of the window. He did that probably because he thought there were too many lawyers in the United States. Further listening and speaking> Viewing and speaking> Task 1Unit 3 test BcbbdCabddDbaddcabba------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit4Lead inTask1Basic listening practiceCabcdListening in➢Task 1➢➢Task2➢Baaba➢Task3➢AaadcLet's talk > Task 1➢Further listening and speaking ➢> Further listening >➢ Task 1➢Task2➢Bcadc➢Task3Further listening and speaking > Viewing and speaking> Task 1➢Unit4 test ➢Dadcc➢Cabda➢Adbcadabcd ➢Unit5➢Lead in➢Basic listening practice ➢Cabcc➢Listening in➢Task1➢Dcdab➢Task2➢Ababa➢Task3➢Let's talk >➢Task 1➢Further listening and speaking > ➢Further listening >➢ Task 1 ➢Adcbc ➢Task2➢Tast3 1Further listening and speaking > Viewing and speaking >Task 1Unit5 test CacddDabcdCabccabdac-------------------------------------------------------------------- ➢Unit6➢Basic listening➢CdacbListening in >Task 1➢Abaabaa➢Task2➢Bccad➢Task3➢Caacb➢Let's talk >➢Task 1➢Task2Further listening and speaking Further listening >Task 1Task2➢Baaba➢Task3➢CcbadFurther listening and speaking ➢Viewing and speaking >➢ Task 1➢Unit6 test➢Cbcdc➢Cbacd➢Dabcbcaadc➢--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------➢Unit7➢Basic listening practice➢BcabcListening in > Task 1Task2➢Cbbad➢Task3➢Let's talk > ➢ Task 1➢Further listening and speaking ➢> Further listening➢> Task 1➢Dccac➢Task2➢Babba➢Task3➢Cbdca➢Further listening and speaking > ➢ Viewing and speaking >➢ Task 1➢268(不确定哈)➢Unit7 test➢Addcd➢Cbdac➢Bdbcabdcdd➢Unit8➢Basic listening practice ➢Ccbad➢Listening in >\➢ Task 1➢Baccd➢Task2➢Cdcbc➢Task3➢Let’s talk➢Task1➢Further listening and speaking ➢> Further listening >➢Task 1➢Bacbc➢Task2Task3➢Cdaba➢Further listening and speaking ➢> Viewing and speaking >➢ Task 1➢Unit8 test➢Cbadd➢Abcbd➢Cbacbabcdc➢----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------➢Unit9➢Lead in➢Plane bike truck/lorry ship bus motorcycle subway/underground➢Basic listening➢Cbcda➢Listening in > Task 1➢Task2➢Accdd➢Task3➢Abdda➢Let's talk >➢ Task 1Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1Task2DcdabTask3Further listening and speaking > Viewing and speaking > Task 1Unit9 test 跳过了,看不到答案了。

新时代视听说3全屏截图版,具体单元见截图的右上角Unit 13/19take/a/break/why/not/some/other /time/party/available/listen/without/talk/to/you/about/researching/background/work /on/hoping/for/break/may/be/it/By/the/way/did/past/three/years/paid/off/earned/break/the/case/in/comparison/to/depends/on/a/lot/harder/in/general/my/roommate/way/too/for/myself/a/balance2B/5How about 2)too 3)Why don't 4)enough 5)Let's 6)to walk 3/5am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing4/5unique/seriously/mention/journalism5/53 1 1 2 3 1***二***12/19get/expert/run/broadcast/competition/In/fact/Speaking/ought/to/give/away/Good/thinking/handle/care/audio/expert/fast/on/it/You/do/hard/to/believe/wake/up/smell/the/coffee/crazy/famous/taking/a/bribe/smart/I/hope/get/in/the/way/work/on1B/5heard/about/was/caught/they/say/what/to/think/stuff/you'd/like/to/really/c onvinced/actually/natural/athlete/in/the/season/any/opinion/about/disqualify/for/the/sake/o f/shame/to/in/trouble/with/start/rumors12/19 Bad news audio expert check urgent be sure absolutely sure have an idea mayremember confide in reporterresearcher chance lose one more day only one more day won’t be sorry story get tellme everything deserve a break storycharming charm out of1B/5 1)was thinking 2)That would be ok 3)this new mall 4)having asale 5)kind of6)a whole lot less 7)just really 8)end up using9)Well 10)little girl 11)the whale 12)sounded really good 13)a lot 14)a lot less 15)you know what 16)treat you to12/19listen your side of the story Nope all alike judge metrust only goal helping win deal with mess charges seriousthrew a game gambling debts gave access to stop from Did you ordidn’t you throw the game get show viewers Take your pickinnocent1B/5 ran into my gosh doing fantastic the same old how excitingperfect for or something like thata boring job gets to telemarketing telephone company3A/5 a a the a单元测试12/19sure sounds like stupid a minute deliberately from collegeworks for recognize teammate bothexcuse us media you’ve got that right get it worry you gettingsome pressure sit out badlyfrankly win without you1B/5 the whole story on the phone this rebate A hundred dollarssupposed to of the camera nice aboutit serial number is gone Oh man 80012/19 keep investigating have no choice going with beat us to it You’ve got to admitmissing something as they seem in this case too trusting skeptical all right working onfair let my emotions color myjudgment let me down won’t be sorry1B/5 says at bars to have their parents thirteen years old get drunkyou know drinking irresponsiblytheir kids baby-sitter bar owners this is happening crazy12/19 here it comes juice bar Aren’t you Do I knowyou Not yetinteresting proposition Keep goingLet’s say deal endorse athletic That’s it business card on secondthought pay visit1B/5 great opportunity audition for such a wonderful show the same nightother plays coming along so perfect sogreat about be invited go for it。

persuasive tricked persuade raise broke over out of this
4/4 Marcello:Hi,Amy: pulled it off pass on
1/4 Tony:So,Talia:
think of working could start was doing as difficult as
2/4 Secretary:
11/19he is N ick’s tell Nick长的almost uncertain
buddy Tough rap really happened scheme talented plotting for dreamed up fake planning impressed talking crazy expect figure out made up craziest stories pulled off typical so sure of popular prove

.Unit 13/19what does----working why----worked what kind----journalism8/19when will----work Taila works----know Talia is----reporterTony is----boss Talia`s hair----take10/19What does Amy----party What is----Background What does Tony----big11/19Amy says----guy Talia tells----little Amy tells----konw Tony says----bit12/19take/a/break/why/not/some/other/time/party/available/listen/without/talk/to/you/about/researching/background/work/on/hoping/for/break/may/be/it/By/the/way1A/5Which one----work What is----often How is----veryAbout Robin----any About Robin`s----class1B/5Kind /of/ it's /about /right/ I /did /past /three /years/ paid/ off /earned /break/ the/ case /in /comparison/ to/ depends/ on/ a/ lot /harder/ in /general/ my /roommate /way /too/ for/ myself/ a/ balance2A/5confident/relaxed/tense/in a bad mood2B/51)How about 2)too 3)Why don't 4)enough 5)Let's 6)to walk3/51)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing4/5unique/seriously/mention/journalism5/53 1 1 2 3 1Unit 23/19What are----Gossiping What do Tony----Nick The information----money8/19In the----couldn't Amy has----has fallen Last year----lost If the information----won't10/19Whar is Amy----Make a copy Why does----bribeWhat does----first Who knows----Talia11/19Talia----took Tony says----doesn't Tony is----able12/19get/ expert /run/ broadcast /competition/ In/ fact/ Speaking/ ought/ to/ give/ way/ Good/ thinking /handle /care /audio/ expert/ fast/ on/ it/ Y ou/ do/ hard/ to/ believe/ wake /up/ smell /the/ coffee/ crazy/ famous/ taking/ a/ bribe/ smart/ I/hope /get /in /the/ way /work/ on1A/5What's her----She would What did----The rest Baesd on----There isDid she think----She thought Did she hear----little bit1B/5heard/about/was/caught/they/say/what/to/think/stuff/you'd/like/to/really/convinced/actually/natural /athlete/in/the/season/any/opinion/about/disqualify/for/the/sake/of/shame/to/in/trouble/with/start /rumors2A/5fall----come to owe arise----come up What----What a shameThar's----That's not not take----sit out scandal----disgraceful2B/512323/52123314/5Forward /eliminate /apparently/ incredible5/5 211132Unit 33/19Who said----Nick What doesn't----career What does----star8/19Tony asks----Nick Nuck says----not When did----More10/19At the----time What will----let What is----Crawford What does----go11/19Tony gets----finished Talia thinks----knowsTalia says----It won't Tony warns----trick her12/19Bad/news/audio/expert/check/urgent/be/sure/absolutely/sure/have/an/idea/may/remember/confide/ in/reporter/researcher/chance/lose/one/more/day/only/one/more/day/won't/be/sorry/story/get/tell/ me/everything/deserve/a/break/story/charming/charm/out/of1A/5What's the----whale There were----neededBased on----sale Why didn't----like What would----Pop1B/5was/thinking/That/would/be/ok/this/new/mall/having/a/sale/kind/of/a/whole/lot/less/just/really/end /up/using/little/Well/girl/the/whale/sounded/really/good/a/lot/a/lot/less/you/know/what/treat/you/to 2A/5figure it out/investigate/result/make sense/ruined2B/5urgent----very important to put----risk semester----one of theto confide----trust in charm sb.----to persuade scandal----a disgraceful3A/512133B/5CB4/5Bench /expert/scandal/semester5/51311213Unit 43/19who--NIckfind out--any wayremember--a little8/19 amusingEnglish literrtutegladdisappointeddifficult10/19 What is--qualifying matchAt the--unfairWhick of--didn't youWhat dose--soccer11/19 He think Talia--doesn'tTalia says--trustNick gave--innocentHe probably feels--angry12/19listen/your/side/of/the/story/Nope/all/alike/judge/me/trust/only/goal/helping/win/deal/with/mess/c harges/serious/threw/a/game/gambling debts/gave/access/to/stop/from/Did/you/or/didn't/you/th row/the/game/get/show/viewers/Take/your/pick/innocent1A/5One of--doesn't When was--Recently Which statement--He worksAbout this--Those two How does--He looks not good1B/5ran/into/my/gosh/doing/fantastic/the/same/old/how/exciting/perfect/for/or/something/like/that/a/boring/job/gets/to /telemarketing/telephone/company2A/5 give someone--allow someone newspersons--journaliststhrow a game--plan to your side--a partial2B/5 Take a pick /Take it easy/Take your time/Take a look3A/5 a a the a3B/5 aren't I/will you/does she/could he/hasn't he/doesn't she/didn't I/wasn't he4/5 no/ss/ar/al/um5/5 I think I know you. How have you been?No,I'am sorry. I'm afraid you've got the wrong person.It was great to see you again. Here's my card.测试A TEST A1/3 When did--when he was a teenagerHow did--making a living2/3 Nick thinks--the sameNick implies--Which story3/3 plays/poetry/television station1/3 in a bad mood /exhausted2/3 trustworthy/dishonest3/3 take it easy--relaxfigure out--be able to make sense ofscandal--disgraceful actionthrow a game--plan to lose a sports gametake your time--don't hurryinnocent--not guilty of a crime1/3 are /am /Let's go /too much /why don't I2/3 1)received 2)are going to 3)ever 4)should 5)'d better3/3 1)aren't you 2)an 3)was 4)the 5)have seen 6)good 7)my 8)am able to 9)different 10)haven't been able to1/5 略这个我也补怎么懂嘿嘿2/5 busy/serious/talk3/5 tonight--differentprobably--same4/5 这些额听音标的。