Construct measurement in strategic management research



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Evidence of construct validity for work values

Evidence of construct validity for work values

Evidence of construct validity for work values ☆Melanie E.Leuty a,⁎,Jo-Ida C.Hansen ba University of Southern Mississippi,USA bUniversity of Minnesota,USAa r t i c l e i n f o ab s t r ac tArticle history:Received 21February 2011Available online 28April 2011Despite the importance of work values in the process of career adjustment (Dawis,2002),little empirical research has focused on articulating the domains represented within the construct of work values and the examination of evidence of validity for the construct has been limited.Furthermore,the larger number of work values measures has made it dif ficult to determine the key domains that constitute the construct.The current study sought to examine multiple measures of work values to understand domains represented within the construct of work values and to establish evidence of validity for these domains.Principal Components Analysis utilizing scores on the Minnesota Importance Questionnaire (Rounds,Henley,Dawis,Lofquist,&Weiss,1981),the revised edition of Super's Work Values Inventory (SWVI-R;Zytowski,2006),and Manhardt's Work Values Inventory (Manhardt,1972)found that six components best explained the data.These components re flected the importance of:the working environment,having challenging work,opportunities for status and income,autonomy,organizational support,and relationships.Implications for research and practice are discussed.©2011Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.Keywords:Work values ValidityEvaluation of assessmentsResearch on work values suggests that values are an important predictor of job satisfaction and tenure (Dawis,2002),but little research on work values has been focused on understanding the domain of work values.Moreover,the research to further understand the construct of work values has been stagnant in the past few decades.This de ficit in the literature,combined with the ending of research programs on values that were lead by Donald Super during the 60's and 70's,and Rene Dawis and Lloyd Lofquist in the 60's through 90's,has resulted in little 21st century research on the construct of work values.Furthermore,few commercially available measures of work values with adequate evidence of validity and reliability are readily available,leading to various measures of values being created for the purpose of individual studies.This trend,if anything,has further contributed to the lack of research on the validity of work value domains.The purpose of the current study was to add to evidence of validity for the construct of work values by determining the domains represented across multiple measures of work values.1.1.Conceptualizing work valuesIn the vocational literature,Allport (1961)provided the preliminary de finition of values as beliefs that cause individuals to act on their preferences.Donald Super (1980)later de fined work values as “an objective,either a psychological state,a relationship,or material condition,that one seeks to attain ”(p.130).Furthermore,Dawis and Lofquist (1984)suggested that work values were central to understanding job satisfaction,as posited in their Theory of Work Adjustment (TWA),which assumes that individuals develop job satisfaction when their values are ful filled by aspects of their job.The development of different instruments to measure work values also provides some insight into how the construct of work values has been conceptualized.Journal of Vocational Behavior 79(2011)379–390☆This research was partially supported by the E.K.Strong Jr.Memorial Fellowship awarded to the first author.⁎Corresponding author at:Department of Psychology,University of Southern Mississippi,118College Ave #5025,Hattiesburg,MS 39406.Fax:+16012665580.E-mail address:melanie.leuty@ (M.E.Leuty).0001-8791/$–see front matter ©2011Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2011.04.008Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of Vocational Behaviorj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w ww.e l s ev i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /j v b380M.E.Leuty,J.-I.C.Hansen/Journal of Vocational Behavior79(2011)379–3901.2.Minnesota Importance QuestionnaireAs Berings,de Fruyt,and Bouwen(2004),as well as Rounds and Armstrong(2005)note,many of the existing measures of work values are very similar despite varying conceptualizations of work values that drove the construction of the instruments.Popular measures of work values–the Minnesota Importance Questionnaire(MIQ;Rounds et al.,1981)and the revised edition of Super's Work Values Inventory,(SWVI-R;Zytowski,2006)–assess the most widely accepted domains within the construct of work values. The MIQ was developed to understand individual factors that contribute to job satisfaction,as an element of decades of research on TWA by Dawis and Lofquist(1984).The MIQ is hierarchically structured and is comprised of20separate work needs which are grouped into six work values:Achievement(the importance of accomplishment),Comfort(freedom from stress),Status(the importance of recognition and prestige),Altruism(the importance of helping others),Safety(the importance of stability and structure),and Autonomy(the importance of control over one's work).The six values scales were developed empirically by factor analysis of the20work needs represented on the MIQ(Lofquist&Dawis,1978).Although the lower-order scales on the MIQ are referred to as needs(Lofquist&Dawis,1978),they are analogous to work values on other values measures(Macnab& Fitzsimmons,1987).Strong evidence of validity and reliability exists for MIQ scores(see Hendel&Weiss,1970;Weiss,Dawis, Lofquist,&England,1966).Of the work values measures available,Rounds(1990)noted that the MIQ appears to be the most comprehensive measure of the construct.Moreover,a strength of the MIQ is that it is presented as a comparison task,with individuals asked to indicate their preference among pairs of need statements,allowing for more differentiation of the importance of the20work needs,versus ranking or Likert scaling methods(Thurstone,1954).1.3.Super's Work Values InventoryDonald Super offered another popular conceptualization of work values.Super's Work Values Inventory(Super,1970)was created to operationalize values in Super's historic Career Pattern Study that followed the career development of a group of9th grade boys into adulthood and eventually led to the development of Super's Life-Span,Life-Space theory(Super,1985).Super (1970)mentions that items for the Work Values Scale were selected from Spranger(1928),the Allport,Vernon,and Lindzey (1960),and research on job satisfaction and morale by Hoppock(1935)and Centers(1948).Additional items were selected based on other theories,leading to the inclusion of additional work values proposed by Darley and Hagenah(1955),Fryer(1931), Ginzberg and colleagues(Ginzberg,Ginsburg,Axelrad,&Herma,1951)and Super(1957).The current version of this measure is Super's Work Values Inventory-Revised(SWVI-R;Zytowski,2006).Updates to the measure included dropping three scales(Altruism,Esthetics,and Management)that demonstrated poor evidence of discriminate validity given high correlations with measures of interests(Zytowski,2006).The72item SWVI-R includes12work values scales—Achievement,Co-Workers,Creativity,Income,Independence,Lifestyle,Challenge,Prestige,Security,Supervision,Variety,and Workplace.1.4.Manhardt's Work Values InventoryAlong with the work values included in the MIQ and SWVI-R,additional work values have been suggested.Manhardt(1972) developed a measure of job characteristics called the Work Values Inventory(MWVI).However,information about the process used to select items for this measure is limited.Consisting of25items,Manhardt(1972)found that three factors emerged from factor analysis of items.Principal components analyses by Meyer,Irving,and Allen(1998),on a sample of university students, confirmed three componentsfit the data and yielded interpretable components.Meyer and colleagues labeled the three extracted factors Comfort and Security(α=0.72),Competence and Growth(α=0.65),and Status and Independence(α=0.68).Thefirst factor(Comfort and Security)describes characteristics of a comfortable working environment including having a routine schedule, leisure time,and good relationships with coworkers.The second factor(Competence and Growth)included items that were characteristics of successful workers such as the importance of responsibility,advancement,and supervision of others.Thefinal factor(Status and Independence)included items that were intrinsic characteristics related to the nature of work such as, independence,continued development of skills,and intellectual stimulation.At the item level,Manhardt's measure includes questions that are not included in other measures such as“satisfies your cultural and esthetic interests”which loaded on the Competence and Growth factor,and“permits a regular routine in time and place of work”which loaded on Comfort and Security.1.5.Additional measures of work valuesBeyond the values measured by the MIQ,SWVI-R,and MWVI,other domains have been hypothesized to comprise the work values construct.For instance,Pryor(1981)developed a values measure named the Work Aspect Preference Scale,which included 13values scales—Security,Self Development,Surroundings,Altruism,Life Style,Physical Activity,Detachment,Independence, Prestige,Management,Co-workers,Creativity,and Money.A unique aspect of Pryor's conceptualization is the inclusion of the importance of being physically active(Physical Activity)and separation of life and work roles(Detachment).Berings(2002)also offers another conceptualization of work values.Much like other measures,some of Berings'values cover areas such as relationships,autonomy,creativity,earnings,security,and achievement.However,Berings'conceptualization also incorporates some different domains such as the importance of innovation,rationality,structure,and stress avoidance.Additional conceptualizations of work values have appeared in different studies as well(see for example,Elizur,Borg,Hunt,&Beck,1991; Furnham,Forde,&Ferrari,1999;Kalleberg,1977;Kraut&Ronen,1975;Lyons,Higgins,&Duxbury,2010).Many authors have noted that the plethora of work values,measured by different instruments,makes comparisons across research studies on work values difficult and limits understanding of the construct of work values(e.g.,Furnham,Petrides, Tsaousis,Pappas,&Garrod,2005;Roe&Ester,1999).Furthermore,the work values literature lacks consensus on the domainscomprising the construct of work values as no two measures perfectly overlap.To further the confusion,many investigators develop their own measures of work values to use in their research.1.6.Research to clarify the construct of work valuesLittle work has been completed to summarize and organize different conceptualizations of work values.Making comparisons between the MIQ (Rounds et al.,1981),Ronen's classi fication of Hofstede's (1980)work values (Ronen,1994),and Super's work orientations from the Work Importance Study (Super &Sverko,1995),Rounds and Armstrong (2005;see Table 13.4)illustrate that there were likely five work values being captured across these three classi fications.These values include the importance of achievement/self-actualization,autonomy,power or status,social relationships,and the work environment (e.g.job security,bene fits,physical workspace).Berings and colleagues (see Table 1in Berings et al.,2004)also discuss the similarities across different work values instruments.Their examination of several work values assessments also suggests that the domains within the construct of work values may be limited to a few domains.In their summary of the similarities between Berings (2002)12work values,the MIQ (Rounds et al.,1981),the Super's Work Values Inventory (Super,1973),the Work Importance Study Values Scale (Nevill &Super,1986),the Customer Service Questionnaire (Saville &Holdsworth,1992),and the Values Survey (Schwartz,1992),Berings et al.concluded that essentially six values were captured across nearly all instruments.Similar to Rounds and Armstrong's (2005)conclusions,these values included the importance of independence,creativity,coworker relationships,achievement,earnings,and security.While the efforts of Rounds and Armstrong (2005)and Berings et al.(2004)demonstrate some progress to consolidate the various conceptualizations of work values,these attempts encompass only anecdotal information about the domains represented within the construct of work values.Only one study has attempted empirical comparison of work values across measures to provide evidence of validity for measures of work values (Macnab &Fitzsimmons,1987).Macnab and Fitzsimmons compared similarly named scales on four different measures of work values including the MIQ (Rounds et al.,1981),the Work Values Inventory (Super,1970),the Values Scale (Super &Nevill,1986),and the Work Aspect Preference Scale (Pryor,1981),finding support for eight separate work values shared across instruments —authority,co-workers,creativity,independence,security,altruism,work conditions,and prestige.Examining evidence of convergent validity using both correlational and con firmatory factor analytic methods,they found that more variance was explained by differences in traits (i.e.,different values)than by methods (i.e.different instruments),suggesting that the measures of work values were all measuring the same traits.Results from Macnab and Fitzsimmons (1987)research added valuable information to the literature by illustrating consensus exists on the domains represented within the construct of work values given the overlap in conceptualizations of work values across measures.Despite being a much needed addition to the research on work values,Macnab and Fitzsimmons'research was not without limitations.While the MIQ and the Work Values Inventory are still widely used,the use of the Values Scale and the Work Aspect Preference Scale has diminished making the usefulness of Macnab and Fitzsimmons research less relevant to the understanding of work values today.Moreover,their sample of undergraduate students in Canada was nearly 80%female.Finally,Macnab and Fitzsimmons'work did not contribute further understanding of the larger domains represented within the construct of work values.With no additional research conducted on the content validity for the construct of work values using multiple instruments,the generalizability of Macnab and Fitzsimmons conclusions are limited.1.7.Establishing validityCronbach and Meehl (1955)illustrated the steps in establishing evidence of validity for a construct,which includes establishing the content of the construct and understanding the different domains that comprise the construct.Both theoretical and empirical methods can be used to determine the domains of the construct.A theoretical method of construct de finition is employed when expert judges determine what domains are represented in a construct (AERA,APA,&NCME,1999).However,empirical methods also can be used to determine what domains relate to a construct using statistical procedures.Factor analyses and correlation matrices often are employed for this purpose and help to develop the nomological net for a construct.While methods,such as a multi-trait,multi-method matrix design (MTMM),can be employed to examine construct validity,the use of a MTMM design requires some a priori assumptions as to the traits to be examined across methods (Campbell &Fiske,1959).Additionally,a MTMM procedure provides limited understanding of how differently named domains (e.g.traits)on different measures may be related.In contrast,using intercorrelations,factor analytic methods using multiple traits and methods between multiple measures can determine the common traits being measured,without making assumptions as to what traits are related prior to analyses.During the process of factor analysis,the factors extracted from the original measures might explain the essential traits of a construct across measures.Thus,using factor analytic methods on multiple measures of work values may be able to provide evidence of construct validity for work values in the hopes of advancing the quality and quantity of research on work values.1.8.The present studyDespite the importance of work values in vocational psychology,research on further understanding of the construct has been limited by the conceptual dif ficulty in de fining the concept of work values (Rounds &Armstrong,2005;Zytowski,1994).The purpose of the current study was to examine the operationalization of the construct of work values across different work value measures and to assess the shared domains of work values across instruments.381M.E.Leuty,J.-I.C.Hansen /Journal of Vocational Behavior 79(2011)379–390Principal Component Analysis (PCA)of the items of a variety of work values measures was used to identify the domains of work values that were shared among measures and those that were captured in only one or two measures.Measures for the study –the MIQ,SWVI-R,and MWVI (1972)–were selected based on their acceptance in the scienti fic literature and their psychometric properties.Although other measures of work values exist,such as Pryor's (1982)Work Aspects Preference Scale,Ronen's Taxonomy of Needs (Ronen,Kraut,Lingoes,&Aranya,1979),or Berings (2002)12work values,they were not selected because of their low frequency of use,inconsistent support of psychometric soundness,and/or lack of use with samples from the United States.2.Method 2.1.ParticipantsA total of 374undergraduate students from a Midwestern university were recruited for participation.Students were offered either extra credit toward a course (68.1%of the sample)or money ($20;31.9%of the sample)for their participation.The sample was 64.5%female and 35.5%male.The ethnicity of the sample was reported as 76.2%European,15.8%Asian,2.4%,Black,1.1%Hispanic/Latino,0.5%Paci fic-Islander,2.78%multiracial,and 1.3%unreported.The average age of participants was 20.2yearsTable 1Correlations between MWVI,MIQ,and SWVI-R Scores.MWVI MIQ 1234567891011MWVI1Intrinsic rewards –2Extrinsic rewards 0.30–3Responsibility0.590.17–4Work environment 0.210.420.06–MIQ5Ability utilization 0.380.070.340.10–6Achievement–7Activity0.–8Advancement 0.080.460.–9Authority0.–10Company policies–11Compensation −0.090.28−–12Coworkers −−0.020.560.340.320.240.350.150.1314Independence 0.130.06−−0.08−0.110.42−0.0316Recognition 0.100.430.−0.110.25− Service 0.16−−0.0420Social Status0.130.320. –human relations –technical Skills−0.060.390.350.440.280.310.180.1224Working conditions 0.450.340.380.180.300.360. 0.490.170.520.120.460.−0.0427Coworkers 0.500.130.510.010.350.−0.0129Income0.080.630.−0.120.3830Independence 0.390.380.380.120.300.180.160.350.400.020.1631Lifestyle 0.210.420. 0.080.500.030.30- 0.200.450.120.350. 0.430.130.380.020.300.150.300. =374,for r N 0.14,p b 0.01and for r N 0.17,p b 0.001.382M.E.Leuty,J.-I.C.Hansen /Journal of Vocational Behavior 79(2011)379–390(SD =3.57).The percentage of individuals who reported currently working was 58.6%,while 94.4%reported holding a job in their lifetime.2.2.Measures2.2.1.Manhardt's Work Values InventoryA measure consisting of 25job characteristics developed by Manhardt (1972)was used as one measure of work values.Items are rated on a five-point scale (1=not important ,5=very important ).Despite their similarity,both Manhardt (1972)and Meyer et al.(1998)had slightly different results as to the structure of the scales within the measure.For example,Manhardt's analysis resulted in dropping four items for low factor loadings.Additionally,he included one item (“Provides change and variety in duties and activities ”)on the Comfort and Security scale versus Meyer's placement of this item on the scale re flective of Competence and Growth.Given these differences,examination of component structure with the current sample was warranted.PCA analysis on the MWVI item scores from the current sample suggested that four components be retained from the data rather than a three-component solution found by Manhardt (1972)and Meyer et al.(1998).The four components explained 45.96%of the variance of items and were labeled as Intrinsic Rewards (α=0.79),Extrinsic Rewards (α=0.78),Responsibility (α=0.56),and WorkTable 1Correlations between MWVI,MIQ,and SWVI-R Scores.MIQ 12131415161718192021222324–0.15–0.090.40––0.310.340.320.00–0.140.690.500.030.39––0.310.–––0.340.–0.340.500.–0.350.–−−0.010.390.−−−−−0.200.350.130.16−0.210.300.09−−0.020.410.29−0.030.320.470.010.070.300.−−0.040.09−−−−,J.-I.C.Hansen /Journal of Vocational Behavior 79(2011)379–390Environment (α=0.69).Scale scores were created by summing and averaging plete results of this analysis are available from the authors upon request.2.2.2.Minnesota Importance QuestionnaireThe MIQ (Paired Comparison Version;Rounds et al.,1981)was used to provide information about participants'work values that include 20psychological needs and six underlying work values.For the present study,MIQ work needs were used,as empirical evidence suggests their equivalence to values scales on other measures (Macnab &Fitzsimmons,1987).2.2.3.Super's Work Values Inventory-RevisedThe SWVI-R (Super,1970;Zytowski,2006)is a measure of work values based on Super's (1970)original measure.Responses on the 72items are rated on a 5-point scale (1=not important at all/not a factor in my job selection to 5=crucial/I would not consider a job without it ).The manual reports that median internal consistency reliability coef ficients (Cronbach's alpha)for the 12scales ranges from 0.72to 0.88.For the present sample internal consistency reliability coef ficients ranged from 0.77(Lifestyle)to 0.92(Income).1Correlations between MWVI,MIQ,and SWVI-R Scores.SWVI-R 252627282930313233343536MWVI1Intrinsic rewards 2Extrinsic rewards 3Responsibility4Work environment MIQ5Ability utilization 6Achievement 7Activity8Advancement 9Authority10Company policies 11Compensation 12Coworkers 13Creativity14Independence 15Morals16Recognition 17Responsibility 18Security19Social Service 20Social Status21Supervision –human relations 22Supervision –technical Skills 23Variety24Working conditions SWVI-R25Achievement –26Challenge 0.64–27Coworkers 0.460.30–28Creativity 0.520.740.35–29Income0.300.260.270.24–30Independence 0.530.670.330.680.56–31Lifestyle 0.380.240.370.210.320.31–32Prestige 0.620.520.460.400.530.550.26–33Security 0.370.220.360.160.510.380.280.51–34Supervision 0.470.320.600.320.380.410.420.460.60–35Variety 0.510.640.380.660.260.550.360.400.200.35–36Workplace0.410.260.530.290.480.410.470.490.570.750.33–Table (continue )384M.E.Leuty,J.-I.C.Hansen /Journal of Vocational Behavior 79(2011)379–3902.3.Missing dataThe average number of missing items across all measures (excluding demographic information)was 0.32%;the highest percentage of missing data for a given item was 1.2%(MWVI,“Provides change and variety in duties and activities ”).Given the small amount of missing data,the mean for the sample on the speci fic item was imputed for missing data points,given few differences in imputation methods for this level of missing data (Shrive,Stuart,Quan,&Ghali,2006).2.4.ProcedureFlyers placed in classroom buildings and advertisements posted on course websites were used to recruit participants and interested individuals were invited to attend data collection sessions.Some measures were completed online to reduce errors in data collection and entry while others were completed on paper due to copyright restrictions (the MIQ and SWVI-R).In an effort to standardize data collection procedures,the research protocol was administered in a computer lab on campus designed for research use.After consent was obtained,participants were asked to complete study measures,completing online measures first.Each participant used a personal computer in an individual carrel to complete study measures.3.ResultsFirst,intracorrelations between scales on each instrument were calculated (see Table 1)and compared correlations across instruments to examine evidence of convergent and discriminate validity for each instrument.Overall,correlations across measures suggested stronger relationships among similarly themed scales (e.g.,MWVI Extrinsic Rewards,MIQ Compensation,and SWVI-R Income)than between differently themed scales (e.g.,MIQ Compensation and SWVI-R Achievement).Most correlations between different measures,regardless if they were similar or dissimilar,were generally in the small to moderate range (r b 0.50).Principal Components Analysis (PCA)was then conducted using scale scores from the MIQ,MWVI,and SWVI-R.Extraction of components was determined by conducting Parallel Analysis,which has been shown to be one of the most accurate methods for determining factor and component extraction (Zwick &Velicer,1982,1986;Hayton,Allen,&Scarpello,2004).Parallel analysis identi fied six components,with eigenvalues that were larger than the 95th percentile of eigenvalues generated by random data,to be retained from the PCA analysis on work values measures.Oblimin (Promax)rotation was used to assist interpretation of the components,given that the components identi fied were expected to be correlated based on the signi ficant correlations between different values across measures.Together the six components accounted for 61.07%of the variance of scales.Eigenvalues ranged from 9.13to 1.44(see Table 2).All scales had loadings greater than 0.40on at least one component.The six components covered a range of work value domains were found.The first component,labeled Environment ,was comprised of scales from the SWVI-R.These scales re flected the importance of the working environment,including scales related to physical conditions of the workplace,the quality of supervision,work-life balance,co-worker support,and job security.The second component,labeled Competence ,was descriptive of the importance of challenging work and opportunities for competence.Scales from each measure were included in this component,including scales pertaining to creativity,achievement,increased responsibilities,and using one's prised of scales from the MIQ,MWVI,and SWVI-R,the third component,labeled Status ,included content related in having status,prestige,high income,and advancement opportunities.The next component was exclusively comprised of MIQ scales related to autonomy,including the importance of having independence,responsibility over work tasks,and variety,and was labeled Autonomy .Scales from the MIQ and MWVI that were related to the importance of company policies formed the fifth component,termed Organizational Culture .These items emphasized the importance of doing work that is seen as moral,having fair company policies,support from management,proper training,and clear procedures.The final component contained two MIQ scales (Coworkers and Social Service)that captured the importance of relationships with coworkers and helping others and was labeled Relationships .Component scores were calculated by standardizing scale scores and adding scales from the work values measures on the component with the highest loading.Correlations between components scores showed that most of the components were signi ficantly related (Table 3).4.DiscussionExamination of the correlations between work values measures (MIQ,MWVI,and SWVI-R)offered support for evidence of convergent and discriminant validity for scale scores on each measure based on higher correlations between similarly themed scale scores (e.g.MIQ Ability Utilization,MWVI Intrinsic Rewards,and SWVI-R Challenge)versus lower correlations between differently themed scale scores.The pattern of correlations provides evidence of construct validity,as described by Campbell and Fiske's (1959),for these three measures.Further exploration of correlations between similarly named scales suggests some error due to use of different instruments to assess similar values (e.g.,MIQ versus SWVI-R).For instance,the correlation between the MIQ scale of Creativity and the MIQ scale of Responsibility (r =0.69)was higher than the correlation between MIQ Creativity and SWVI-R Creativity (r =0.52).However,MIQ Creativity does appear to be most related to the scale of SWVI-R Creativity among SWVI-R scales.In sum,while similarly themed values scales across measures are more highly related than dissimilar scales,most scales have some higher correlations with dissimilar scales on the same instrument,suggesting measurement bias for scales to be more highly related when measured with the same instrument regardless of the content of the scale.385M.E.Leuty,J.-I.C.Hansen /Journal of Vocational Behavior 79(2011)379–390。

人力资源专业词汇汇总 (中英文)超全 整理 的很辛苦的

人力资源专业词汇汇总  (中英文)超全 整理 的很辛苦的


人力资源管理(human resource management ,HRM) 。

人力资源管理目标objectives of HRM。

人力资源管理职责duties of HRM。

人力资源管理任务tasks of HRM。

战略性人力资源管理strategic HRM。

人力资源政策human resource policy。

人力资源哲学human resource philosophy。

精神契约psychological contract。

企业认同感organization commitment2.组织:行为与文化。

正式组织formal organization。

非正式组织informal organization。

组织文化organization culture。


跨文化cross-national culture。



角色行为role behavior。


不确定性规避uncertainty avoidance。

权力距离power distance。

直线和职能职权line and staff authority3.激励与组织绩效。


需要层次理论hierarchy of needs theory。

X理论与Y理论theory X & theory Y。

组织体系Ⅰ与组织体系Ⅳsystem Ⅰ& system Ⅳ。

激励-保健理论motivation-hygiene theory。

ERG理论ERG theory。

麦克莱兰德需要理mc-clelland’s theory of needs。

期望理论expectency theory。

公平理论equity theory。



sincere clashmood grantstatic bondsenator staffhobby intermediate lad guitarequip comprehensive frown presence fasten appliance software cushionstir emergency distribution solveflexible labelsolution slimpanel status ministry steady supreme include describe resistance limb prime circumstance ambassador core derive assistant sponsormess proportion minus mental statistic punch pregnant resultsector client detection steamer statue optionbride dormitory cycle attitude saucer steepskillful agency civilization steer overhead scandaldefinite rouse cautious cultivate prayer material nest personnel domestic display chest particle airline frogrebel impression satisfactory biology stem drunk render barrier object stock gardener fisherman shrink politician parade royal rumour barberrug stocking establish delegate primarily highlight kindness depression breast signature sticky atmosphere boost evaluate fund rescue incredible personality abroad latter detective parliament stiff input stimulate partial fame loyalty consume calendar accelerate overlook lightning debate sting stoop boundcube straw submerge bindcredit stream surrounding bearing stove suppose submit access carrier remainimply abstract strain stretch consist approximate strap striking efficient abuse accommodation critic strategic interpretation layer string exclaim illustrate representative helpful forecast leak discipline accountant neutral crude interpret productknot strip desirable stripe promote communicate acceptance following mayor hedge equation consumer routine emotional ripe craftprove institute likewise indispensable chap scheme explore scale overnight replace strategy barkgramme subject congress polebump rawstroke embassy ingredient carpenter arbitrary appropriate pinch socialist exploit protein action enlarge ash inheritrope chemist bulk conflict strengthen drain independent architecture board charity recall entitle studio subsequent grave spaneve peaformal instruct absorb spite sensitive slender ability automobile fairy behavior talent envy comparison substance stuff contest brow spitinfer mutual invasion dorm grand substantial stress meanwhile journalist desire supply conviction penetrateinteraction cupboard menu sore frustrate raidbelief lower confusion comment civilize distress preface publicity chemical spin horizontal museum invitation outstanding auto rackelectric rentpurse housing blank complain courtyard evidently rural lung discourage deny reflection ownership rainbow ridslide harness removal acknowledge missing passion graph genuine fortnight imaginary disgust prompt offense invention allow lucky proportional confidence devote suburb empire industrialize microphone fearful subtract intelligence pace childhood gesture crushloop intention sheer findingsubway bureau magnet moist defect relative attribute suggestion release restless succession delivery chip claim similar suicide maintain dip advertisement profit privilege leasedull disposal provoke appeal function cart substitute stable extreme married orbit reckon correspondent practically fashionable reception allowance jury component glory interrupt mist successive congratulate external sum somehow execute declaration essay distribute route specialist meritrotate localrod compromise suck rally negative feather suffer characterize sufficient explode court awarecurlgrain proofkettle resort summarize recruitfaulty contrasthighly sunshine summary introduction conservation ancestor summit splitreward painful available superb specialize interest structure noticeable resident graduate boundary glanceradical bloodyleading fiercerag paragraph prescribe enquire demonstrate preparation manner justicesunrise dripconstruct emitrailway superficial opportunity recommendation lag solefade folksunset ranksingular motorbroom airportbeneath enclose recreation bounce procession occasiontackle determine combination advisablehell permissionstatement controversial award curvebold spiritualso-called astonish superior foldsunlight alert alternative condition kingdom segment mobile cabbage damn condemn storage mild supplement surgery locate leisure cabin accomplish majority plug receiver presentation support surplus Bible cassette assign surround episode privatefatal bulbpad meaning excursion annual ignorant expansion county eliminate condense hornheal responsibility asset daminvolve challenge rear alikehollow phenomenon charter survey leadership curtain shallow household procedure survival impressivemedal partner invest swear survive center awkward tidy synthetic passport manufacture swellcurse linksuspect brave suspend swifttide prohibit crossing approvetour swing barely idealcope arrestgap landscape oppose represent deadline audience automatic switchjoint sword surrender spotrude symbolfaint sanction conference bucketissue poetry swallow fibreinterior pension calculator beggar analyse illustration hazard liable miracle bunchsway management editorial sympathize recognition session librarian delicious analysis breezekidimitate hesitate infant crawl sympathy contribute advantage fascinating considerable entertainment spur cigarette religious immense banner outernylon revolutionary exceedingly fabric symptom ridgepillar mass outcome competent journey conclusion forehead bang conscience curious precise pulsecable encounter screw concern gang preposition favour pond constitute provision squeeze reinforce system systematic culture railmissile patcast rational Marxist flee connexion response prior executive dye taggraceful meansonion nephewseal motivate saintfailure amuse consistent current nowhere mask sympathetic musician sketch temple calm decay tame criticism cancel feedback pray accordance target perceive camel scarcely technician clay setting intelligent technique conductor tax frequency emerge attractive capable garlic technology temporary selfish recognize definition puzzleper elevator participate acquisition tedious absolute anxious frank famine hip fundamental polish plural democratic anticipate temptation teenager disguise compress glue pepper solemn discharge tend telescope ancient temper effective extensive channelprimitive legal consent moderate organize atomic drama anchor miserable mysteryfur associate antique reaction replacement affectinner fulfilclerk tenseliquor flour presently comedygene directly security collision nerve absent greedy critical essential paw decorate crewexcess congratulation compare interference command fleshfuel innocent plastic excitement characteristic adult pressure enhance nearby arrival environment briefcrime ambition pigeon outline cement aeroplane magnificent fertilizer tendency tension investigate petrolinfinite distinguish painter shortcoming tenderpropose blendformer misunderstand consumption lapterminal notioncasual hatredtough slippery pursue durable unexpected inference governor employeeoral sausage territory thememere colleague gross dramatictone patience indication spacecraft concerning preserve embrace import numerous bankrupt launch cartoon discount alliance maintenance romantic incline barrelliberal theoretical lavatory stackmarry settle constitution hopeful tolerate criminal intellectual insert amateur specifically mushroom accuse millimeter revealmate packelbow guiltytextile payment frame offensiveelect thinking downward quizliquid airplane clue thirsty jazz objection conjunction platform lord merchant therapy fertile cease particularly variable division identity crisis obligation thorough relativity forth consult observer anyway retreat indirect relevant agent precision scan admit lemon jungle opponent thoughtful climate apartment addition afterward architect entire integrate carbon exterior chamber thereby realm therefore ratio handful capture loyal baseball furthermore boring insurance crowd category sample refine estate thick threat minority reliable sorrowconstant chief sustain instant horsepower thrust suspicion thumb prospect honey conduct enforce lawn ease transmit thunder pollution living room slip monument influential assess handle panic threaten blanket aircraft driftthrive normally harm dismiss similarly deputy prominent acresignal contract encourage anniversary recession mainland commitment expose monitor policy spark machinery mug exert absence collection appreciate gasoline bean dispose elastic arouse presumably rage bargain inward significant series throat roast extend timber comparable reluctant containerlicense conventional upright topicauthor renew mission torchgrowth clapattack conservative furnish copyright pretend establishment concentrate layout institution auxiliaryflat majortissue legislation delicate moisture upper nationality gram foundation crown gulftitle assistance convey combat mount exhibittoast donation tolerance fragment amongst reverseslice applydairy reform consultant generally multiply electron naked distinct centigrade priority measurement elementary precaution towel allocate opera certificate digital agenda artistic electronic elderly alongside crackChrist farewell evidence revenue naturally transform mechanic haytrace advocate expand modify laughter fantastic compass complicated lean historic minister specify duration translate comprehension prosperous tractor baggage tradition pour compete transmission goodness obtain tragedy enthusiasm offend equivalent instinct assemble retire slope professional secondary bullet assumetrail awful prosperity process pants lickminor overcome shortage motion equality crucial jealous priest dominate transparent inspect illegal generator fancylorry conscious cue transport transfercontemporary carrotchill traybreadth realistic flood retain species fortunately necessity combscare reference scientific treatment transportation powerful regardless positive create owing diagram appointvalid artificial copper project estimate treaty carriage emphasis mat select cashier tremble sensible attraction faithful abundant trap faith intensity mathematical remedy navy hearing tremendous decent dominant historical proposal confine magnetic gymnasium harden academy trend definitely elaborate recorder batsour triangle fruitful literary expectation jail disappear designtrash scriptbleedsaddle fantasylest usage creep finance afford exaggerate trial trunkinn grocer choke cruise dental initial council railroad portion tubelodge attain troop devise vague density tropical tunecoil source benefit shrug troublesome daylight female tunnel pose sitetruly turbine peculiar handy export background resume tutor portrait sauceutter combine bacteria pillidle bay pledge ceremony exchange formula emotion reservoir harsh delete exposure pump saving backward reasonable twist trumpet range applause niece nonsense protestcentimeter fraction predict cabinet acquaintance amid learning manufacturer spider independence counsel academic commit evolve typewriter exceptionsin dictationsow profession companion authority destination deposit typical enquiry corresponding differdonkey argument frontier memorial outlook facultytypist dimapart moreover additional earnest consequence heroic nevertheless umbrelladirt orchestra lobby arithmetic occasional basically doubtful battery committee heeltyre obligeugly convict parallel respond cooperate citeappetite discard impose grabinvade deceive controversy senior confident modest nursery continuouscomprise undertake revolt salary expense skilled campus assembly mold merry insure undocash undoubtedly virtue globe violent uneasy react precious odd mosquito diverse petroleum manual favourable uncover sightseeing ban economic confront multiple undergo poverty journal rely emperor effort undergraduate accumulate circular cheat dictate humorous inform rare underground rivalhook echo underline investment male collapse proceed corridor hydrogen despite force pitfog counter fluid balconydrill diplomatic understanding cigar nitrogen bathe commission conquer jaw inflationthermometer drag worthwhile flash scenery immigrant terror remarkable average increasingly democracy indoorslap palm obstacle exclusive occur namely nuisance universe significance burstup-to-date preferable justify filterneglect anyhow membership scoreunion qualifyroller global formation heave punctual unless relieve excessive candy marine spokesman behalf employer advanced unique soda mathematics unlikeherd adjust cheerful unload advertise leader reflexion spelling unite accordingly secure anxiety mineral ridiculous universal unusuallane scholarship beloved divorce adapt headquarters mislead commercetorture restore fashion receipt incident contraryupset Christian underneath hardware recover bloomtheory dragon evolution specimen myth chewtrim utmostmud original unfortunately religionrelate communication extraordinary beyonddebt vacanturge conclude urgent restrict qualification respectively satellite fairly publication sailorcliff remark restrain assure commander balance carpet campaign peer psychological highway contradiction breed doseensure vacation requirement immediately attempt vacuumflock orelargely clause restraint cattlefocus barn protective laserutility initiativejet compel coordinatebasis magic contact poisonous guarantee aid semiconductor coachrib decrease obvious relief geometry continual butcher slight triumph staremaid grace eyesight band interview mechanical vain considerate paste ditchsoak ignorance exceed balloon boom brakeitem data hammer bake metric gearjar patient resource altitude compose inquiry military implement package remindvan pint besides engine injection bid laboratory scout vanish mould experimental avenue mysterious instance sake career keen fountain vapour format haste correspondclarify industrial mercy preference expression screen exact error decade gratitude dimension slamvision evilunity accent vigorous imagination via elsewhere skim champion severe framework conquest social improve endure variety gradual election sleeve expert concession dive vehicle various registerrifle apology stake luggage corporation desperate vary billion eagle venture figure queuevast aside simplify reflect instead beneficial shell repeatedly drawer kindergarten quote verify depress reduction schedule version limitation implication disturb accustomed cancer helicopter accord normalshiver horror stadium fatigue grasp consideration economy vicerotten notebook dash chop recently respect concept admission rigid disease entertain ignore vertical infectvessel confirm evident harbour apologize concrete scholar organic costly phase veteran previous glimpse helpless finally amaze approval despair judgement victim regulation possibility cord video powder viewpoint improvement erect remote obey provide rarelyrub vinegar fiction approach occurrence violate adopt distinction navigation holy adventure philosophy float golf dynamic outward vibrate section indifferent penaltyplotdump draught internal appointment installation meantime charge murder criticize violindisorder perspective rocket laundry dessert virtualdispute virtually butterfly calculatecircuit confess frequent appearance depart viruslens ambulance sigh libertyviolence consequently reserve insist aluminium solarhence flourishpine correspondence opening pronounacid propertyhen shavegiant selection crystal limited operational enormous racial impact construction visibleimage concealblade earthquake physicist curriculumsack featurebehave loaforganism stainshortly demand interval mediaviolet comparativemassive learned ultimate shelter extent reporter employment profile medium shedurban necessarily engineering vitamin marvelous reproduce event grateful resolve convenience avoid vivid respective outset boast deserve sew assignment indicate principal govern enable visual refrigerator utilize keyboard chase poison prevail millpillow electrical packet installheap output variation allyprimary vocabulary dense athlete outside honourable owe brass interfere merely burden engage scatter sphere starve purple simplicity volcano bare decline compound classic orderly stale resolutionliberate according standpoint shiftactivity sophisticated volt damp arrange frycanal extension device instruction voltage assumption angle potential volume permanent voluntary quitrhythm regionbore overseas marriage votebet furnace spade wagon official agriculture beast ovendrum waistcrash editorboot republican charm factor literature hint handbag waken volunteer plungeoval applicable glorious wander inspire luxury protection loosen argue readilycop devilgiven border chapter warmth likely creative omit waterproof adequate cargo departureexplosion notify economical pollute progressive persist residence principle resemble peak perception margin annoy regarding whichever repetition whereas spectacular rob humour recommend achievement pitch salad perform fareconnect flamepilot convention vital network scold reservation intense ribbon horrible plentiful edition classify speculate weapon mechanism dissolve dumb splendid handwriting scarce educate politics landlord alphabet glove performance scope clumsy recovery axweaken wealthy refusal detect wealth physician overall guy reputation administration ending emphasize spill frost charactercontribution grind weave harmony crane lamb muscle column admire weekly exclude riotinquire being dialect plusweed nightmare accident budget Negro chart identify porter instrument dusk scratch somewhat dependent weep moral weld individual competition loan gallon divide convert chin publish shield market minimum kneellump postpone loose liter scissors click diameter logical soar convince molecule headline gaze disaster relationship welfare reality piercerisk anklefee radiation mature origin provided well-known curiosity exhaust organ hardshipbubble operator intimate whilstdefeat lidbacon humble creature descend optional furniture probable aggressive fuss footstepwax invent nucleus catalogue financial plantation sequence accurate concede mankind brand logjunior pessimistic whale neighbourhood whatsoever glowrelax injurefireman objectivecrust alter observation electricity mention apparent guideline arrowinsight occupy nuclear huntseminar pollcolony grapejeans capacity deliberate refresh catalog guidance salesman ounceliver applicant inevitable ashamed deck draft arrangement whipforbid philosopher account greenhousecompetitive optical destruction alarm application wholly impatient semester logic impress negotiate fategerm resistant whisper maximum withdraw wicked aspect possess require widen beam widespread smash active responsible beard accompany classification affection postage detail widow commercial accidental efficiency happen organization element whistle erainjury arise refugee poem embarrass explosive inhabitant width province grammar collective wisdomruin insultresist freight genius physical quotation conversely hut wit community location isolate hostile whoever rejectsnap purchase achejewel alcohol determination settlement preliminary radar withstand gum insect wormcivil grip scrape optimistic blast nature witness brilliant melt worldwide scream inferior hopeless audio wolf circulate sacrifice abandon forge assist lover pattern connection index possession worship wool fleet identical mixture preceding currency workshop outlet entry facility digest attorney rate regulate define intend fulfill brick generous measure owner claw passive ratchaos feasible workman parcel motive worthless attract leap revise horizon senate socialism observeinfluence civilian document gaolworthy hiredot confuse heading garbage naval overtake oxygen gravityroar yawnfluent sideways poet bundlegym leather resign concentration wrap portable sexual elegant endless spray occupation yearlyextra funeral intensive acute candidate ghostwreck haltaboard complex festival coarse single patch federal favourite microscope rust classical awaitattach acquirezone prejudice deaf yieldspoil boltwrist generate accuracy gallery invisible existence association percentage writer specific writing youngsterX-ray。



Discussion on Integration of Lean Production and Six Sigma ManagementTiehua ChenSchool of Management, Xi’an University of Science and Technology,Xi'an 710054, China E—mail: chenth@AbstractThe paper introduces the emergence and development of Lean Production and Six Sigma management, compares and analyzes on Lean Production and Six Sigma management,it also analyzes the necessary and feasibility in integration of Lean Production and Six Sigma management,and points out the ways for integration of Lean Production and Six Sigma management:integration of organizational management, integration of implementing process, integration of process method,integration of using tool,Establishing conformable environment for Lean Six Sigma。

Finally, the paper presents nine main parts that integrating Lean Production and Six Sigma management should be paid attention to。



Appraising circumstance
Manager or supervisor would evaluate staff in department and give a mark. High quality work is especially important.
Across HR policy domain Within HR policy domain Recruitment KSAs KSAs HR domain Selection Training
Employee performance
Within HR policy
Recruitment Selection Training

Policies, practices, and systems that influence employees’ behavior, attitudes, and performance (Noe, 2000).
Relationships among HR practices within human resource systems
Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel, Sands Macao Hotel. Conrad Macao and Holiday Inn Macao Cotai Central.
HRM system and problem


AWL 带词缀释义例句Part II Sublist 2

AWL 带词缀释义例句Part II Sublist 2

Sublist 2Word BuildingThe following prefixes are involved in some words of this section.Words∙range n. 范围vt. 排列vi. (在一定范围内)变化e.g. a wide range of knowledge 广博的知识The company has diversified operations, ranging fromfinancial services to textile machinery manufacture. 这家公司从事多种经营,从金融服务到纺织机械制造。

∙obtain vt. 得到,获得\e.g. obtain knowledge through study 通过学习获得知识同族词: obtainable a.可得到的∙strategy n. 战略,策略e.g. military strategy 军事战略Good language learners have some shared strategies. 善学语言者采用某些相同的策略。

同族词: strategic a.e.g. strategic plan 战略计划,长远计划The company is considering bringing in a new strategicinvestor. 这家公司正在考虑引入新的战略投资者。

∙*conclude v. 推断出;结束,完毕e.g. He concluded his speech by wishing everybody a bright futureWe conclude that... 我们断定...同族词: conclusion n.e.g .a logical conclusion 逻辑结论draw a conclusion 得出结论∙commission n. 委托;佣金;委员会vt.委任,交付使用e.g. commission agent 代销者commission member 委员commission the bank to pay the taxes授权银行代缴税∙appropriate a. 适当的e.g. an appropriate example 适当的例子∙institute n. 学会,研究所e.g. a scientific institute 科学协会同族词: institution n. 机构e.g. educational institution 教育机构public institution 公共机构∙*credit n. 信用,信任;信贷;学分e.g. credit card 信用卡buyer’s credit 买方信贷,买方信用同族词: credible a.可信的credibility n. 可信度∙region n.区域,部位e.g. central region 中心区域同族词: regional a.∙*acquire v. 获得,收购e.g. I acquired a work ethic from my parents.Lenovo, the Chinese computer company, has acquired the IBMlaptop operations.同族词: acquisition n.e.g. data acquisition 数据采集mergers and acquisition 兼并与收购∙invest v.(常与in连用)投资,购买;投入e.g. We have invested a lot of time in this plan.在这计划中投入了大量的时间The government invested heavily in the coal mines.同族词: investment n.投资investor n.投资人,投资者∙construct vt. 构建,建造构词分析:前缀con- (共同) + struct (建造,堆砌)e.g. construct a bridge 建桥同族词: construction n.∙community n.团体,社区,群落e.g. academic community 学术界∙design vt.设计,计划n. 设计,计划e.g. design a marketing strategy for the new product为新产品制定营销策略design a computer program 设计一个计算机程序∙item n. 项目,条款∙equate v.(常与to, with连用)使相等,等同e.g. equate inexperience with youth把年轻和缺乏经验相等同起来同族词: equation n. 等式∙injure vt.伤害同族词: injury n.∙chapter n. 章,章节e.g. chapter title 章节标题∙participate vi. (通常与介词in连用) 参与,参加,分享e.g. participate in a discussion 参加讨论participate in profits 分享利润同族词: participant n. 参加者participation n. 参加∙compute vt. 计算同族词: computation n.e.g. remote computation 远程计算computer n. 电脑∙select vt.选择同族词: selection n.selective a.∙relevant a. 有关的,直接相关的e.g. relevant information 相关信息同族词: relevance n.∙maintain vt.维持,保持;保养,维修;vt. 主张e.g. maintain good relations 维持良好的关系maintain a highway保养公路The professor maintains that the theory is wrong坚持说那理论是错误的同族词maintenance n.∙reside vi. 居住;存在于(常与in连用)∙同族词resident, n 居民∙residential adj 居住的∙culture n. 文化,修养;培育,培植e.g. the culture of grapes 葡萄栽培corporate culture企业文化同族词: cultural a.e.g. cultural exchanges 文化交流∙text n. 文本,正文∙regulate vt. 调整,管理;调节e.g. regulate the temperature of a room 调节室内温度aidbonusThe oil price is not market-driven, but government-regulated.同族词: regulation n.regulator n. 调节器∙*final a. 最终的n.结局;决赛;期末考试e.g. final result 最终结果∙distinct a. 分别的,分明的e.g. a distinct smell 清晰易辨的气味the aroma of breadHe said “no” in a distinct voice.Distinction: make a distinction between A and BShengli DynamicShengli OilfieldCNOOC Co. Ltd.; listed companyCNOOC Corporation: parent companyThe A-Shares listing of CNOOC同族词: distinction n.∙potential a. 潜在的,∙To be or not to be, that is a question.∙Make full use of∙You can bring your language potential into full play when you are alone in an English-speaking environment.∙n. 潜力e.g. The potential bidders are three Beijing-based companies.The new design could have potential advantages. There are potential risks in buying the oil assets in Nigeria.GovernmentAnti-globalistsGlobalizationGlocal= global + localkidnapping∙resources n. 资源;智谋e.g. nonrenewable resources 不可再生资源resources sharing 资源共享∙element n. 元素,要素e.g. finite element method 有限元法同族词: elemental a.e.g. elemental semiconductor 元素半导体∙administrate vt. 行政管理同族词: administrator n.管理员administration n.e.g. public administration 公共行政管理MP Aadministrative a.e.g. administrative staff 行政人员∙focus n. 焦点,聚焦v.聚焦,集中(常与on连用)词源:源自拉丁语,原义是火炉。

军事英语二 自考作文

军事英语二 自考作文

军事英语二自考作文:战略思维与国际安全In the realm of Military English II, strategic thinking occupies a pivotal position. It is the intellectual foundation upon which effective military operations and policies are built. As the self-examination essay on Military English II demands, this article delves into the intricacies of strategic thinking and its implications for international security.**The Essence of Strategic Thinking**Strategic thinking is the ability to analyze and anticipate the future course of events, particularly in a military or geopolitical context. It requires a profound understanding of history, politics, economics, and technology, along with a keen insight into the mindsets and objectives of adversaries. Military strategists must possess the wisdom to identify and exploit vulnerabilities while anticipating and mitigating potential threats.**The Role of Strategic Thinking in International Security**International security is a complex, multifaceted construct that depends heavily on strategic thinking. As nations jockey for influence and power, the ability to anticipate and adapt to changing global dynamics becomes crucial. Strategic thinkers must evaluate not just the military aspects of conflicts but also the underlying political, economic, and social factors that shape them.**The Challenge of Military English II**The self-examination essay on Military English II presents a unique challenge. It demands not only a proficiency in the language but also a deep understandingof military concepts and strategies. Candidates areexpected to demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively about military matters while exhibiting a nuanced understanding of strategic thinking.**Conclusion**In conclusion, strategic thinking is an indispensable tool in the pursuit of international security. It is the linchpin that connects knowledge, understanding, and action, allowing militaries and policymakers to navigate the complexities of the global landscape. The self-examinationessay on Military English II, therefore, serves as a valuable exercise in honing these skills and applying themto real-world scenarios.**军事英语二自考作文:战略思维与国际安全**在军事英语二的学习中,战略思维占据着举足轻重的地位。



我最喜欢的名胜古迹长城英语作文My Favorite Scenic Spot: The Great Wall of ChinaWow, the Great Wall of China is so cool! It's one of the most amazing places I've ever seen. Let me tell you all about my favorite scenic spot and why I love it so much.First of all, the Great Wall is HUGE! It's not just one single wall, but an amazing system of fortifications that stretches across northern China for thousands of miles. Can you imagine how long it must have taken to build something so massive? The part I visited was the Badaling section near Beijing, and even that small part felt like it went on forever up and down the mountain ridges.My dad says the Great Wall was built over many centuries by millions of workers to protect ancient Chinese empires from invasions by nomadic groups. All that work paid off because the huge walls and watch towers helped keep the empire safe for a really long time. I think it's incredible that people back then could construct something so enormous without modern tools and machinery. They must have been very determined!When I first saw the Great Wall snaking along the tops of the craggy mountain ridges, I was in total awe. The gray stonetowers and walls blended in seamlessly with the rocky peaks, almost like they were a natural part of the landscape. It looked just like a giant dragon slithering across the mountains! My mind was blown by how the walls could climb so steeply up and down the slopes. The views from up there were unbelievable too - you could see the hills rolling into the distance in every direction.Climbing on the Great Wall itself was one of the coolest experiences ever. The stairs were really steep and narrow, with tight 180 degree turns at the watchtowers. I got a little out of breath from all the climbing, but it was so fun! I loved peering out from the lookout windows in the towers and pretending to be a guard scanning for enemy soldiers. The grooved pavements were pretty slippery in some spots from being so old. My mom made sure to hold my hand tightly so I didn't fall.At the busiest sections, the wall was packed with tons of people from all over the world. It was really neat to hear so many different languages as we shuffled along. I tried to say a few words in the foreign languages I recognized like Arabic, Korean and Spanish. I also loved seeing what creative outfits people wore for hiking on the Wall, like traditional Chinese dresses and even some kungfu uniforms!One of my favorite parts was getting to watch a show about the Great Wall. There was an outdoor theater carved right into the side of the mountain, which was amazing in itself. The performance had colorful lights, dancing, stunts, battle scenes, and even some mythical creatures acting out legends related to the Wall's history. Seeing the Beijing operas performers' incredible costumes, choreography and acrobatics up close was so mesmerizing. The whole show made me feel like I had traveled back in time to ancient China!Speaking of ancient times, I was also able to see some examples of historic weapons and tools that were used for building and defending the Great Wall. There were displays showing different types of huge boulders, battering rams, catapults, swords, bows and arrows, and more. It seemed crazy that all those things could be made and used effectively way back then without electricity or modern technology. I tried lifting a couple of the replica weapons and they were so heavy, I can't imagine lugging all that equipment up and down the Wall!Another amazing thing about the Great Wall is the sheer scale of it. Apparently if you took every single brick used in its construction and lined them up, the chain would be long enough to wrap around the entire Earth more than 20 times! That'salmost too huge to picture in my mind. Walking along it really gave me a sense of how grand and ambitious the project of building it was for the ancient Chinese.I also loved learning about some of the Hidden Facts and quirky stories related to the Great Wall. For example, did you know that it's actually not a continuous wall from start to finish, but was built in strategic sections with natural barriers like rivers and hills in between? And that the common belief you can see it from space with the naked eye is just a myth? Fun little details like those made the history behind it feel really cool and alive to me.Overall, visiting the Great Wall of China was definitely a 10 out of 10 amazing experience that I'll never forget. The mix of incredible scenery, fascinating history, and fun activities like climbing, dressing up, and watching shows made it my absolute favorite scenic spot so far. I learned so much, got a great workout in, and got to feel like I traveled back to dynastic China, if only for a day. I really hope I get the chance to explore more sections of the Great Wall in the future. For now, I'll just keep daydreaming about becoming a brave warrior defending the empire atop those ancient stone fortifications!。



我想参观长城英语作文I have always been fascinated by the Great Wall of China ever since I was a child. Growing up, I would see images and videos of this magnificent structure snaking across the rugged mountains and I would be in awe of its sheer scale and grandeur. The Great Wall has long captured the imagination of people around the world as a symbol of China's rich history and cultural heritage. For me, it represents a testament to human ingenuity, perseverance, and the relentless drive to overcome challenges. That is why I have always yearned to visit the Great Wall and experience it for myself.The Great Wall of China is one of the most iconic and recognizable landmarks in the world. Stretching over 13,000 miles across northern China, it is an engineering marvel that was built over centuries to protect the Chinese empire from foreign invasions. The wall was constructed in sections by various dynasties, starting from the 3rd century BC, and was later unified and strengthened during the Ming Dynasty in the 14th century. The sheer scale and complexity of the Great Wall is simply staggering. It is estimated that the entire structure, if laid end to end, would circle the Earth's circumferencemore than twice.What fascinates me most about the Great Wall is its ability to blend seamlessly into the rugged landscape of mountains and valleys. As the wall snakes its way across the terrain, it almost appears to be a natural extension of the surrounding environment. The way it meanders through the hills and clings to the steep cliffs is a true testament to the engineering prowess of its builders. I can only imagine the immense physical labor and determination it must have taken to construct such a colossal structure in such a challenging terrain.Beyond its impressive physical attributes, the Great Wall also holds immense historical and cultural significance. It was built primarily as a defensive fortification, but it also served as a vital trade route, allowing the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures between China and its neighboring regions. The wall was a symbol of the power and might of the Chinese empire, and its construction was a colossal undertaking that required the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of workers over centuries.I am particularly intrigued by the stories and legends that have been woven around the Great Wall over the centuries. There are tales of heroic battles, strategic maneuvers, and even tragic love stories that have taken place along the wall's winding path. The idea of walkingin the footsteps of generations of Chinese people who have lived, worked, and fought on the Great Wall is deeply captivating to me.Visiting the Great Wall would also provide me with an opportunity to immerse myself in the rich cultural heritage of China. I would love to explore the various watchtowers, fortresses, and gatehouses that dot the wall, each with its own unique history and architectural style. I can imagine standing atop the ramparts and gazing out over the breathtaking vistas of mountains and valleys, trying to envision the lives of the soldiers and guards who once patrolled these same walls.Moreover, a visit to the Great Wall would allow me to better understand the ingenuity and determination of the Chinese people. The wall's construction was a monumental feat of engineering and organization, requiring the coordination of thousands of workers over an extended period of time. I would be in awe of the sheer scale of the project and the level of planning and execution that went into its realization.Beyond the historical and cultural significance, I am also drawn to the Great Wall for its natural beauty. The way the wall meanders through the rugged terrain, with its watchtowers and fortresses perched atop the peaks, is truly breathtaking. I can imagine the experience of hiking along the wall, taking in the stunning vistas of the surrounding mountains and valleys, and feeling a deep connection tothe land and its history.In conclusion, the Great Wall of China has long been a source of fascination and inspiration for me. The sheer scale and complexity of this engineering marvel, combined with its rich cultural and historical significance, make it a must-visit destination for me. I am eager to experience the wall firsthand, to walk in the footsteps of generations of Chinese people, and to immerse myself in the natural beauty and cultural heritage of this iconic landmark. Visiting the Great Wall would be a truly transformative experience that would deepen my understanding and appreciation of China's remarkable history and enduring legacy.。

logical thinking 造句

logical thinking 造句

logical thinking 造句1.Logical thinking is essential for problem-solving.逻辑思维对于解决问题至关重要。

2. She has a strong ability in logical thinking.她有很强的逻辑思维能力。

3. The training program aims to enhance participants' logical thinking skills.该培训计划旨在提高参与者的逻辑思维能力。

4. His logical thinking helped him analyze the complex situation.他的逻辑思维帮助他分析了复杂的情况。

5. Logical thinking is the basis of scientific research.逻辑思维是科学研究的基础。

6. She used logical thinking to come up with a creative solution.她用逻辑思维想出了一个创造性的解决方案。

7. The ability to think logically is a valuable asset in any profession.在任何职业中,逻辑思维能力都是宝贵的财富。

8. Logical thinking enables us to make informed decisions.逻辑思维使我们能够做出明智的决策。

9. He employs logical thinking in his daily work.他在日常工作中运用逻辑思维。


11. She lacks logical thinking and often makes irrational decisions.她缺乏逻辑思维,经常做出不理智的决定。



英语作文暂停是为了更好的前进900字全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Taking a Break from English Studies is for Better ProgressAs a student, I know all too well the constant pressure to keep pushing forward, to study harder, to achieve more. The weight of expectations, both from others and ourselves, can be overwhelming at times. That's why I believe it's crucial to occasionally take a step back and give ourselves a much-needed break, especially when it comes to something as challenging as mastering a foreign language like English.I vividly remember the first time I felt the burnout creeping in. It was during my sophomore year of high school, and I was struggling to keep up with the increasing workload and complexity of my English studies. The vocabulary lists seemed never-ending, the grammar rules more intricate than ever, and the reading comprehension passages more convoluted. I found myself staying up late into the night, poring over my English textbooks, trying to cram as much information into my brain as possible.But the more I pushed, the more I felt like I was hitting a wall. My motivation was waning, and the joy I once found in learning English was rapidly fading. It was then that my wise English teacher, Mrs. Wilson, pulled me aside and suggested something that, at the time, seemed counterintuitive: take a break."Sometimes, the best way to progress is to step away for a little while," she said, her kind eyes filled with understanding. "Give your mind a chance to rest and recharge. Trust me, when you come back to it, you'll have a fresh perspective and a renewed enthusiasm for learning."At first, I was skeptical. How could taking a break possibly help me improve my English skills? Wouldn't that just set me back even further? But Mrs. Wilson's advice struck a chord within me, and I decided to give it a try.For two weeks, I deliberately avoided any English-related activities. No textbooks, no vocabulary lists, no grammar exercises. Instead, I spent my time pursuing other interests, like reading novels in my native language, playing sports, and hanging out with friends. It was a much-needed respite from the constant grind of language learning.And you know what? Mrs. Wilson was right. When I returned to my English studies after that brief hiatus, I felt refreshed,rejuvenated, and more motivated than ever before. The material that had previously seemed so daunting now felt manageable, and I found myself approaching it with a newfound enthusiasm and appreciation.That experience taught me a valuable lesson about the importance of taking breaks, not just in language learning but in all areas of life. As students, we tend to buy into the notion that constant, relentless effort is the key to success. But the truth is, our minds and bodies need time to rest and recharge, or we risk burning out completely.Since then, I've made it a habit to periodically take breaks from my English studies, even if it's just for a few days or a weekend. During these breaks, I engage in activities that have nothing to do with language learning, allowing my mind to shift gears and focus on something entirely different.Sometimes, I'll pick up a new hobby or revisit an old one. Other times, I'll simply binge-watch a show in my native language or go for long walks in nature. The specifics don't really matter; what's important is that I'm giving my brain a chance to take a breather from the constant barrage of English vocabulary, grammar rules, and reading comprehension exercises.And you know what? Every time I come back from these breaks, I find that I've gained a fresh perspective and a renewed enthusiasm for my English studies. The material that once seemed overwhelming now feels more manageable, and I'm able to tackle it with a clearer mind and a more positive attitude.But taking breaks isn't just about resting and recharging; it's also about gaining new experiences and perspectives that can ultimately enrich our language learning journey. When we immerse ourselves in different activities and environments, we expose ourselves to new vocabulary, new cultural contexts, and new ways of thinking – all of which can contribute to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the English language.For example, during one of my breaks, I took up photography as a hobby. As I explored the world through my camera lens, I found myself encountering new English words and phrases related to the art form, such as "aperture," "shutter speed," and "depth of field." These words, which had previously held no meaning for me, suddenly took on new significance and became part of my active vocabulary.Moreover, the act of capturing images and telling stories through visual means gave me a newfound appreciation for the power of language to convey meaning and evoke emotion. Itreinforced the importance of using precise, descriptive language to effectively communicate our experiences and perspectives.In short, taking breaks from our English studies doesn't just provide us with a much-needed respite; it also opens up new opportunities for growth, discovery, and inspiration – all of which can ultimately feed back into our language learning journey and contribute to our overall progress.Of course, I'm not suggesting that we should abandon our English studies altogether or take extended breaks that could significantly set us back. Consistency and dedicated practice are still essential components of mastering a language. But what I am advocating for is a more balanced approach – one that recognizes the value of periodic breaks and acknowledges the fact that our minds and bodies need time to rest and recharge.So, the next time you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or burnt out by your English studies, don't be afraid to take a step back and give yourself a well-deserved break. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, and allow your mind to shift gears for a little while. Trust me, when you return to your studies, you'll be better equipped to tackle the challenges ahead with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and a fresh perspective.Remember, taking a break isn't a sign of weakness or laziness; it's a strategic move that can ultimately propel you forward on your language learning journey. So, embrace the power of rest and rejuvenation, and know that by giving yourself the occasional respite, you're actually setting yourself up for greater progress and success in the long run.篇2Suspending English Compositions is for Better ProgressAs students, we all know the dread of being assigned an English composition. The pressure of having to articulate our thoughts and ideas in a coherent, well-structured manner, while adhering to the conventions of grammar, punctuation, and style, can be overwhelming. However, as much as we may groan and complain about these assignments, it is important to recognize that they serve a crucial purpose in our academic and personal development.The ability to express ourselves effectively through writing is a invaluable skill that transcends the boundaries of the classroom. In our increasingly interconnected world, effective communication is paramount, whether we are drafting a professional email, crafting a persuasive essay, or evencomposing a heartfelt letter to a loved one. By honing our writing skills, we equip ourselves with the tools to convey our thoughts and emotions with clarity and precision.Furthermore, the process of writing an English composition fosters critical thinking and analytical abilities. As we gather our ideas, organize our thoughts, and construct logical arguments, we engage in a cognitive exercise that challenges us to think deeply and critically about the subject matter. This exercise in intellectual rigor not only enhances our understanding of the topic at hand but also cultivates habits of mind that are transferable to other academic disciplines and real-life situations.However, despite the numerous benefits of writing English compositions, it is essential to acknowledge that the process can be mentally and emotionally taxing. The constant pressure to perform, the fear of making mistakes, and the struggle to find the right words can take a toll on our mental well-being. It is precisely for this reason that the occasional suspension of English composition assignments can be a necessary respite, allowing us to recharge and rejuvenate before tackling the next writing challenge.During these periods of suspension, we can take a step back and reflect on our strengths and weaknesses as writers. We canidentify areas where we need improvement, whether it's in grammar, vocabulary, or organization, and develop strategies to address those deficiencies. Additionally, we can use this time to explore new genres, styles, or topics that pique our interest, reigniting our passion for writing and providing fresh perspectives to infuse into our future compositions.Moreover, the suspension of English compositions can create opportunities for alternative forms of learning and expression. For instance, we may engage in creative writing exercises, such as poetry or short stories, which can help us break free from the constraints of academic writing and tap into our imaginative potential. Alternatively, we may explore multimedia projects that combine writing with visual or auditory elements, fostering a more holistic approach to communication.It is important to recognize that the suspension of English compositions is not a permanent state, nor is it a cop-out or an excuse for laziness. Rather, it is a strategic pause, a moment to catch our breath and refocus our energies. Just as athletes require periods of rest and recovery between intense training sessions, we too need these intervals to recharge and prepare for the next writing challenge.When we return to our English composition assignments, we do so with renewed vigor and a fresh perspective. The break has allowed us to clear our minds, reflect on our growth, and approach the task with a reinvigorated sense of purpose. We may find that the ideas flow more freely, the words come more naturally, and the overall quality of our writing improves as a result of this temporary hiatus.Furthermore, the suspension of English compositions can serve as a reminder of the importance of balance in our academic pursuits. While writing is undoubtedly a crucial skill, it is not the only aspect of our education that deserves attention. By taking a step back from English compositions, we create篇3Pausing English Writing is for Better ProgressHave you ever felt like you're stuck in a rut with your English writing skills? Like no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to improve? Trust me, I've been there. It's frustrating, demotivating, and can even make you question if you're truly cut out for this whole writing thing. But here's the thing – sometimes, the best way to move forward is to take a step back.That's right, I'm talking about taking a break from English writing. Now, before you start thinking that I've lost my mind, hear me out. You see, when we're constantly grinding away at something, it's easy to get caught up in the motions and lose sight of the bigger picture. We become so focused on the task at hand that we fail to notice the areas where we're struggling or the bad habits we've developed.It's like trying to run a marathon without ever taking a breather. Sure, you might make it to the finish line, but you'll be exhausted, sore, and probably won't perform at your best. That's why it's crucial to take breaks – to recharge your batteries, gain a fresh perspective, and come back stronger than ever.Now, I know what you're thinking: "But won't taking a break just set me back?" And to that, I say, not necessarily. In fact, a well-timed break can actually propel you forward in ways you never imagined.Think about it this way: when you're constantly writing,you're essentially reinforcing the same patterns and habits, good or bad. But when you step away from the process, you give your brain a chance to rest and reset. It's like hitting the refresh button on your mental browser. You come back with a clearermind, ready to identify and correct the areas where you've been struggling.And let's not forget about the emotional aspect of writing. Let's be real, it can be a real grind sometimes. The constant pressure to produce high-quality work, the fear of criticism, the self-doubt that creeps in – it can all take a toll on your mental well-being. A break gives you the opportunity to decompress, refocus, and reignite your passion for the craft.But don't just take my word for it. There's actual science behind the benefits of taking breaks. Studies have shown that taking regular breaks can improve focus, creativity, and overall productivity. It's like giving your brain a chance to recharge and come back stronger than ever.Now, I'm not saying you should just abandon your writing altogether. That's not the point. What I'm suggesting is to be strategic about it. Maybe you take a week off every few months, or maybe you just take a day or two here and there. The key is to find a rhythm that works for you and stick to it.During your break, you could do anything from reading a book (in English, of course) to going for a hike, to just vegging out and binge-watching your favorite show. The important thing is to give your mind a break from the constant grind of writing.And when you do come back to it, approach it with a fresh perspective. Revisit some of your old work and see if you can identify areas for improvement. Try out new writing techniques or styles. Experiment with different prompts or genres. The possibilities are endless.Remember, writing is a journey, not a destination. It's a constant process of learning, growing, and improving. And sometimes, the best way to move forward is to take a step back.So, the next time you find yourself feeling stuck or frustrated with your English writing, don't be afraid to hit the pause button. Take a break, recharge your batteries, and come back stronger than ever. Trust me, your future self will thank you for it.。



诉讼仅仅是晋级赛英语作文In the realm of legal disputes, litigation often takes on the characteristics of an intense competition, where the stakesare high, and the participants are vying for victory. This essay will explore the concept of litigation as anadversarial competition, examining the strategies, the players, and the implications of such a contest.The PlayersAt the heart of any litigation competition are the attorneys, who act as the primary competitors. Armed with their legal expertise, they engage in a battle of wits and words, each striving to present their client's case in the most favorable light. The judge, akin to a referee, ensures that the rulesof engagement are followed, while the jury, if present, represents the audience whose decision determines the outcome.The Rules of EngagementLitigation is not a free-for-all; it is governed by a set of rules designed to ensure fairness and order. These rules, or the procedural law, dictate how evidence can be presented, what arguments can be made, and the timeline within which the competition must unfold. Adherence to these rules is crucial, as any deviation can lead to penalties, including theexclusion of evidence or even the dismissal of the case.Strategies and TacticsMuch like in a sports match, litigation involves strategic planning and the execution of various tactics. Attorneys must decide when to make an opening statement, how to question witnesses, and what pieces of evidence to present. The goalis to construct a narrative that is both compelling and credible, one that will resonate with the jury and lead them to a favorable verdict.The Adversarial NatureThe adversarial system is a defining feature of litigation, where the truth is believed to emerge through a contest of opposing views. Each side presents its version of the facts, and it is through this clash of perspectives that the judge or jury is expected to discern the truth. This system relies heavily on the skill and tenacity of the attorneys, as well as the integrity of the legal process.The Impact of the CompetitionThe outcome of a litigation competition can have far-reaching consequences. For the parties involved, it can mean the difference between financial ruin or restitution, freedom or imprisonment. More broadly, high-profile litigation can set legal precedents that affect society at large, shaping the interpretation of laws and influencing future cases.ConclusionLitigation, as an adversarial competition, is a complex and high-stakes affair. It requires a deep understanding of the law, strategic thinking, and the ability to persuade. While the adversarial nature of the process can sometimes be criticized for its potential to escalate conflicts, it remains a cornerstone of many legal systems around the world, offering a structured forum for resolving disputes and seeking justice.。






当研究的问题复杂时,构面 (construct)关系更加复杂、线性假设偏离现实,争议随之而生。









关于邓小平的英语简介邓小平,中华人民共和国的主要领导人之一,中国社会主义改革开放和现代化建设的总设计师,下面是店铺为你整理的关于邓小平的英语简介,希望对你有用!邓小平简介Deng Xiaoping (1904 ~ 1997), Sichuan Guang'an people, born in August 22, 1904, formerly known as Deng Xian Sheng, scientific name Deng Xi Xian. Deng Xiaoping is the second leading leader of the Communist Party of China, the great Marxist, proletarian revolutionist, politician, military strategist, diplomat, the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese People's Liberation Army, one of the major leaders of the People's Republic of China The reform and opening up and modernization of the chief architect, the founder of Deng Xiaoping Theory.Deng Xiaoping went to work hard in Europe in his early years. After returning home, he devoted himself to the party's revolutionary struggle for national independence and people's liberation. From the land revolution, the war of resistance against Japan to the liberation war, has served as the party and the army of many important leadership positions for the Party Central Committee a series of major strategic decision-making for the victory of the new democratic revolution and the birth of New China, Become the founding fathers of the People's Republic of China.He advocated the "reform and opening up" and "one country, two systems" policy concept, changed the late 20th century China, also affected the world, so in 1978 and 1985, twice elected "Time magazine" "man of the year".邓小平人物贡献After the founding of new China, Deng Xiaoping led the regime construction, social transformation and economic recovery in the southwest region, and soon took part in the central leadership, and served as secretary general of the CPC Central Committee and member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. At the First Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Party, he was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee. He became an important member of the first generation of the central collective leadership of the Party with Mao Zedong as the core. And improved, made a significant contribution. After the Cultural Revolution, he served as Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Vice Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, Chief Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, presided over the daily work of the Party, the state and the army, and soon, as opposed to the "gang of four" Of the struggle he was again mistakenly dismissed and criticized.Defection anywayAfter the "Cultural Revolution", after the end of the "Cultural Revolution", Deng Xiaoping after the resumption of work from the correct ideological line to start chaos anyway, stressed that the truth is Mao Zedong Thought is the essence of a clear-cut opposition to "two extraordinary" wrong view, support and leadership to carry out the truth Discussion of standard issues. In December 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) opened up a new era of China's reform and opening up and concentratedefforts to carry out socialist modernization.Deng Xiaoping made a report on "emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, solidarity and progressing forward", emphasizing that emancipating the mind is a major political issue, breaking the rigid state of Lin Biao and the "gang of four" to engage in confinement, From the fake Marxist confinement under the liberation.He first proposed that "in order to protect the people's democracy, we must strengthen the rule of law, we must make democracy institutionalized, legalized, so that the system and the law is not changed by the leaders change, not because of the leaders of the views and attention to change Change the "point of view, put forward to allow part of the region, part of the enterprise, part of the workers and peasants get rich first, to drive other regions, other enterprises, others, so that the people of the country can quickly get rich point of view.Under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee abandoned the wrong line of "class struggle as the key link", identified the political focus of the whole party and the political line of the national people's attention to the socialist modernization drive, Management system and management methods should proceed with serious reform, seriously solve the party and government, regardless of the government, regardless of the party to the government, the phenomenon of government and enterprises, the implementation of grading division of responsibility.Reform and OpeningAfter the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, he insisted on emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, creating and developing the socialist theory ofbuilding Chinese characteristics. This theory scientifically clarifies the essence of socialism, the first time more systematic answer to China's economic and cultural backwardness of the country how to build socialism, how to consolidate and develop a series of basic problems of socialism. He believes that China is in the primary stage of socialism, all from this reality to develop planning. According to his ideas, the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China formulated the basic line of the Party in the primary stage of socialism with economic construction as the center, adhere to the four basic principles and uphold the reform and opening up. He pointed out that the fundamental task of socialism is to develop productive forces. The whole party should engage in modern construction with one heart and one mind. To achieve modernization, the key is the modernization of science and technology. Science and technology are primary productive forces. Education is the most fundamental cause of a nation. He designed from the 20th century, 80 years to the middle of the next century, three steps to achieve the basic realization of the modernization of the strategic objectives. And whether it is conducive to the development of the productive forces of socialist society, whether it is conducive to enhancing the comprehensive national strength of the socialist countries, whether it is conducive to improving people's living standards as the fundamental standard, and constantly open up new situations. He strongly supported and promoted rural reform, to promote a comprehensive urban-centered reform, pointed out that "reform is China's second revolution." His theory of socialism can also engage in the market economy, for the Chinese Communist Party to establish a socialist market economy system of reform objectives laid thetheoretical basis. He proposed to set up special economic zones, open 14 coastal cities, the development and opening up the Shanghai Pudong New Area, to promote China's comprehensive opening to the outside world. He actively promoted the reform of the political system, stressed the development of socialist democracy, improve the socialist legal system, in the construction of material civilization at the same time, attach great importance to spiritual civilization.One country, two systemsHe devoted a great deal of effort to solving the problems of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and achieving peaceful reunification of the motherland. He creatively put forward the idea of "one China, two systems" from reality. Under his auspices, China established diplomatic relations with the United States, concluded diplomatic and treaties with Japan, resumed the relations between the two parties and the two countries, and developed friendly relations with neighboring countries and third world countries. He made unremitting efforts to open up a new situation in China's diplomacy, strive for a favorable international environment for modernization and safeguarding world peace.Take the lead in retirementAt the Fifth Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee in November 1989, he resigned as Chairman of the Central Military Commission. He played a key role in the process of a smooth transition to the third generation of central collective leadership with Jiang Zemin as the core, while maintaining the stability of the party and the state.Southern speechAfter retirement, he is still concerned about the cause of the party and the country. In 1992, we inspected Wuchang, Shenzhen,Zhuhai, Shanghai and other places in southern China, published important conversations, summed up the basic experience since reform and opening up, and answered some major problems in theory. China's reform and opening up and modernization drive entered a new stage.Deng Xiaoping TheoryThe 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, held in 1997, will construct the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics as Deng Xiaoping Theory, pointing out that Deng Xiaoping Theory is the Marxism of contemporary China, a new stage of Marxism in China's development, Clearly stipulates that the Communist Party of China to Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory as a guide to action.Deng Xiaoping Theory is the product of the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with the contemporary Chinese practice and the characteristics of the times. It is the inheritance and development of Mao Zedong Thought under the new historical conditions. Deng Xiaoping Theory revolves around what is socialism, how to build the basic theoretical problems of socialism, in the socialist development path, the development stage, the fundamental task, the development of power, external conditions, political assurance, strategic steps, leadership and strength and the reunification of the motherland And other major issues, the formation of a series of interrelated basic point of view, the first systematic response to the first systematic response to China's economic and cultural backward countries how to build, consolidate and develop a series of basic problems of socialism.。

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Strategic management research has been characterized as placing less emphasis on construct measurement than other management subfields. In this work, we document the state of the art of measurement in strategic management research, and discuss the implications for interpreting the results of research in this field. To assess the breadth of measurement issues in the discipline, we conducted a content analysis of empirical strategic management articles published in leading journals in the period of 1998–2000. We found that few studies discuss reliability and validity issues, and empirical research in the field commonly relies on single-indicator measures. Additionally, studies rarely address the problems of attenuation due to measurement error. We close with a discussion of the implications for future research and for interpreting prior work in strategic management. Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
*Correspondence to: Brian K. Boyd, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-4006, U.S.A. E-mail: briankboyd@
As the prisoners converse, and without any other vantage point, they naturally perceive the shadows to be reality—they assign names and try to explain the various flickering shapes which appear on the wall. Echoes of sound are attributed to the shadows. Consider what happens if a prisoner were to become unchained, and look into the light. Once his eyes adjusted, he would realize that ‘what he saw before was an illusion’ (Jowett, 1999: 210).
1 2 3
W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A. Management/Marketing Department, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A. Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, U.S.A.
Book 7 of The Republic presents what is probably the most widely known parable of Socrates: the shadows on the cave wall. As he said to Glaucon:
Behold! human beings living in an underground den, which has a mouth open toward the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been since childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads. Above and behind them is a fire blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised way; and you will see, if you look, a low wall built along the way, like the screen which marionette-players have in front of them, over which they show the puppets. I see. Keywords: measurement; research design; Type II error; Type I error
Strategic Management Journal
Strat. Mgmt. J., 26: 239–257 (2005) Published online 22 December 2004 in Wiley InterScience (). DOI: 10.1002/smj.444
Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Received 3 January 2003 Final revision received 26 July 2004
Hale Waihona Puke 240B. K. Boyd, S. Gove and M. A. Hitt
dimension of research design—construct measurement—is not covered by this pool of studies. Construct measurement is particularly relevant to strategic management research, as the variables of interest tend to be complex or unobservable (Godfrey and Hill, 1995). Paradoxically, measurement has historically been a low-priority topic for strategic management scholars (Hitt et al., 1998, 2004). As a result, complex constructs have often been represented with simple measures, and with limited testing for reliability or validity (Venkatraman and Grant, 1986). Our intent is to contribute to this research stream with a critique of measurement issues in the strategic management field. We begin with a brief discussion of two related topics: statistical power and sample size, and the compounding effects of measurement error. Statistical power and sample size Power represents the potential for a statistical test to produce a statistically significant outcome. Of concern with regard to power are the sample size, Type I and Type II errors, the magnitude of the effect, the test used, and the data quality (Cohen, 1987, 1992). There are two important dimensions of power: factors outside of the control of the researcher, (i.e., the true effect size), and factors that may be influenced by research and measurement design. A Type I error represents the risk of mistakenly rejecting the null hypothesis—falsely concluding that a relationship exists when it is not statistically supported. Most empirical studies control for a Type I error, with the p < 0.05 level widely accepted as an appropriate threshold; alternately stated, 95 percent likelihood that a relationship is not a false-positive. A Type II error occurs when a meaningful relationship exists, but the null hypothesis is not rejected. Statistical power therefore represents the probability that a null hypothesis will be rejected for a given effect size. Cohen (1987) recommends using 0.80 as the threshold for power assessment—i.e., an 8 in 10 chance that an existing relationship will be successfully detected. Whenever a more stringent p-level for a Type I error is used, the probability of a Type II error increases, and vice versa. Additionally, the probability of a Type I and Type II error is affected by the sample size. If a population correlation between two constructs is 0.30, and the criterion for statistical significance is a = 0.05, there is only