A Distributed Algorithm for Joins in Sensor Networks
1.[单选题]ElasticSearch 存放所有关键词的地方是()A)字典B)关键词C)词典D)索引答案:C解析:2.[单选题]DWS DN的高可用架构是:( )。
A)主备从架构B)一主多备架构C)两者兼有D)其他答案:A解析:3.[单选题]关于Hive与传统数据仓库的对比,下列描述错误的是:( )。
A)Hive元数据存储独立于数据存储之外,从而解耦合元数据和数据,灵活性高,二传统数据仓库数据应用单一,灵活性低B)Hive基于HDFS存储,理论上存储可以无限扩容,而传统数据仓库存储量有上限C)由于Hive的数据存储在HDFS上,所以可以保证数据的高容错,高可靠D)由于Hive基于大数据平台,所以查询效率比传统数据仓库快答案:D解析:4.[单选题]以下哪种机制使 Flink 能够实现窗口中无序数据的有序处理?()A)检查点B)窗口C)事件时间D)有状态处理答案:C解析:5.[单选题]下面( )不是属性选择度量。
A)ID3 使用的信息增益B)C4.5 使用的增益率C)CART 使用的基尼指数D)NNM 使用的梯度下降答案:D解析:C)HDFSD)DB答案:C解析:7.[单选题]关于FusionInsight HD Streaming的Supervisor描述正确的是:( )。
A)Supervisor负责资源的分配和任务的调度B)Supervisor负责接受Nimbus分配的任务,启动停止属于自己管理的Worker进程C)Supervisor是运行具体处理逻辑的进程D)Supervisor是在Topology中接收数据然后执行处理的组件答案:B解析:8.[单选题]在有N个节点FusionInsight HD集群中部署HBase时、推荐部署( )个H Master进程,( )个Region Server进程。
PIER (Peer-to-Peer Information Exchange and Retrieval)课件
powerful query facilities potential to scale up to few hundred
For querying Internet, there is a well distributed system that has
DHT is divided into 3 modules
Very simple interface
Storage Manager
Any routing algorithm here: CAN,
Chord, Pastry, etc.
Overlay Routing API:
lookup(key) ipaddr join(landmarkNode) leave() CALLBACK: locationMapChange()
Standard Schemas
Achieved though common software
Initial Design Assumptions
Overlay Network
DHTs are highly scalable Resilient to network failures But DHTs provided limited functionalities Design challenge: get lots of functionality from this simple
Motivation Introduction Architecture Join Algorithms Experimental Results Conclusion
WHO International Standard2nd International Standard Low Molecular Weight Heparin forMolecular Weight CalibrationNIBSC code: 05/112 Instructions for use(Version 3.0, Dated 14/05/2008)1. INTENDED USEThe 2nd International Standard Low Molecular Weight Heparin for Molecular Weight Calibration consists of ampoules, coded 05/112, containing aliquots of a freeze-dried material prepared from porcine mucosa. This preparation was established as the 2nd International Standard Low Molecular Weight Heparin for Molecular Weight Calibration by the Expert Committee on Biological Standardisation of the World Health Organisation in 20072. CAUTIONThis preparation is not for administration to humans .The material is not of human or bovine origin. As with all materials of biological origin, this preparation should be regarded as potentially hazardous to health. It should be used and discarded according to your own laboratory's safety procedures. Such safety procedures should include the wearing of protective gloves and avoiding the generation of aerosols. Care should be exercised in opening ampoules or vials, to avoid cuts.3. UNITAGEThere is no assigned unitage associated with this standard. The standard was calibrated by 15 laboratories in 10 countries, against the 1st International Reference Reagent Low Molecular Weight Heparin for Molecular Weight Calibration (1). It is characterised by the Table in Appendix 1.4. CONTENTSCountry of origin of biological material: Denmark.In June 2005 , 251.3 mg bulk material was dissolved in 10 litres water for injection. The solution was distributed at 4°C into 10000 ampoules (CV for volume of fill 0.15% (n=136)), coded 05/112. The contents of the ampoules were then freeze-dried under the conditions normally used for international biological standards. The mean dry weight (n=6) of the freeze-dried plug was 23.5 mg, with a water content of 0.29%.5. STORAGEUnopened ampoules should be stored in the dark at or below –20°C.6. DIRECTIONS FOR OPENINGDIN ampoules have an …easy -open‟ coloured stress point, where the narrow ampoule stem joins the wider ampoule body.Tap the ampoule gently to collect the material at the bottom (labeled) end. Ensure that the disposable ampoule safety breaker provided is pushed down on the stem of the ampoule and against the shoulder of the ampoule body. Hold the body of the ampoule in one hand and the disposable ampoule breaker covering the ampoule stem between the thumb and first finger of the other hand. Apply a bending force to open the ampoule at the coloured stress point, primarily using the hand holding the plastic collar.Care should be taken to avoid cuts and projectile glass fragments that might enter the eyes, for example, by the use of suitable gloves and an eye shield. Take care that no material is lost from the ampoule and no glass falls into the ampoule. Within the ampoule is dry nitrogen gas at slightly less than atmospheric pressure. A new disposable ampoule breaker is provided with each DIN ampoule.7. USE OF MATERIALNo attempt should be made to weigh out any portion of the freeze-dried material prior to reconstitutionThe calibrant is intended for use in the determination of the molecular weight distribution of low molecular weight heparins by size exclusion chromatography (SEC, also sometimes known as gel permeation chromatography (GPC)). It may be used to calibrate a chromatography system by broad standard calibration (as has been described for the previous calibrant (2)), using the molecular weight distribution information as listed in the table in Appendix 1. For each molecular weight (M) in the Table, the percent of sample above M (%>M) and the percent of sample below M (%<M) are given. The use of specialised SEC computer software for calibration of the chromatography system and for calculation of the molecular weights of low molecular weight heparin samples is strongly recommended. It should be noted that the 2nd International Standard Low Molecular Weight Heparin for Molecular Weight Calibration is not suitable for use in the method of Nielsen (3).8. STABILITYReference materials are held at NIBSC within assured, temperature-controlled storage facilities. Reference Materials should be stored on receipt as indicated on the label.Accelerated degradation studies have shown that the 2nd International Standard is very stable in unopened ampoules stored at –20°C. No change in molecular weight characteristics was observed even when the material was stored at +45°C for 6 months.9. REFERENCES1. Mulloy, B., Heath, A., Behr-Gross, M.-E. (2007) Pharmeuropa Bio 2007-1, 29-48.2. Mulloy, B., Gee, C., Wheeler, S. F., Wait, R., Gray, E., Barrowcliffe, T. W. (1997) Thrombosis and Haemostasis 77, 668-674.3. Nielsen, J.-I. (1992) Thrombosis and Haemostasis 68, 478-480.10. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSAcknowledgements are made to the joint organisers of the collaborative study at the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines, in particular to the study co-ordinator Dr M.-E. Behr-Gross, as well as to the participants in the study. We also thank the donors of the bulk material for this standard, Leo Pharma A/S, Industriparken 55, DK-2750 Ballerup, Denmark.11. FURTHER INFORMATIONFurther information can be obtained as follows; This material:enquiries@ WHO Biological Standards:Http://www.who.int/biologicals/en/JCTLM Higher order reference materials: /en/committees/jc/jctlm/ Derivation of International Units:http://www.who.int/biologicals/reference_preparations/en/ Ordering standards from NIBSC:/products/ordering_information/frequently_asked_questions.aspxNIBSC Terms & Conditions:/terms_and_conditions.aspx12. CUSTOMER FEEDBACKCustomers are encouraged to provide feedback on the suitability or use of the material provided or other aspects of our service. Please send any comments to enquiries@13. CITATIONIn all publications, including data sheets, in which this material is referenced, it is important that the preparation's title, its status, the NIBSCcode number, and the name and address of NIBSC are cited and cited correctly.15. LIABILITY AND LOSSInformation provided by the Institute is given after the exercise of all reasonable care and skill in its compilation, preparation and issue, but it is provided without liability to the Recipient in its application and use. It is the responsibility of the Recipient to determine the appropriateness of the standards or reference materials supplied by the Institute to the Recipient (“the Goods”) for the proposed application and ensure that it has the necessary technical skills to determine thatthey are appropriate. Results obtained from the Goods are likely to be dependant on conditions of use by the Recipient and the variability of materials beyond the control of the Institute.All warranties are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law, including without limitation that the Goods are free from infectious agents or that the supply of Goods will not infringe any rights of any third party.The Institute shall not be liable to the Recipient for any economic loss whether direct or indirect, which arise in connection with this agreement.The total liability of the Institute in connection with this agreement, whether for negligence or breach of contract or otherwise, shall in no event exceed 120% of any price paid or payable by the Recipient for the supply of the Goods.If any of the Goods supplied by the Institute should prove not to meettheir specification when stored and used correctly (and provided that the Recipient has returned the Goods to the Institute together with written notification of such alleged defect within seven days of the time when the Recipient discovers or ought to have discovered the defect), the Institute shall either replace the Goods or, at its sole option, refund the handling charge provided that performance of either one of the above options shall constitute an entire discharge of the Institute‟s liability under this Condition.APPENDIX 1: BROAD STANDARD TABLE FOR 05/112 (LMW Heparin for Molecular Weight Calibration Proposed 2nd International Reference Reagent)Point Log 10(M) M % >M % <M1 2.78 600 0.40 99.602 3.08 1200 3.87 96.13 3 3.26 1800 8.94 91.06 4 3.38 2400 14.49 85.515 3.48 3000 20.68 79.326 3.56 3600 27.20 72.807 3.62 4200 33.89 66.118 3.68 4800 40.49 59.51 9 3.73 5400 46.83 53.17 10 3.78 6000 52.92 47.08 11 3.82 6600 58.59 41.41 12 3.86 7200 63.89 36.11 13 3.92 8400 72.96 27.04 14 3.98 9600 80.09 19.91 15 4.08 12000 89.21 10.79 16 4.13 13600 92.96 7.04 17 4.19 15600 95.95 4.05 184.261800097.772.23。
GDCA认证考试1. 日志恢复技术保证了事务的()?A. 一致性B. 隔离性C. 原子性D. 持久性2. 下列不属于字符串类型的是?A. CHARB. VARCHARC. MEDIUMTEXTD. TINYINT3. ()是MySQL的物理日志,也叫重做日志,记录存储引擎InnoDB(特有)的事务日志?A. errorlogB. redologC. binlogD. warnninglog4. ()指用户的应用程序与数据库中数据的物理存储是相互独立的。
A. 物理独立性B. 数据独立性C. 应用程序独立性D. 逻辑独立性5. 关于传统集中式架构数据库,哪种说法不正确?A. 方便简单B. 系统成熟稳定C. 管理成本低D. 灵活性大6. GoldenDB金融分布式数据库在哪一年立项?A. 2002B. 2011C. 2014D. 20197. GoldenDB同城RTO可达到?A. 0秒B.小于30秒C. 小于3分钟D. 小于30分钟8. 针对部分节点事务失败的问题,GoldenDB的解决方案是?A. 引入多个计算节点B. 引入全局回滚机制C. 引入一主多备机制D. 引入快同步机制9. GoldenDB数据备份如何实现全局一致状性?A.支持同步备份全局状态信息B. 支持全量备份和增量备份C. 支持任务可视化 D. 支持备份策略灵活可配10. 以下哪条命令可以查看端口是否占用?A. df-hB. free-hC. lsof-i:80D. pkill-9-uzxdb111. 一键安装标准安装的ini配置文件?A. install_senior.iniB. install_fast.iniC. install_advance.iniD. install_triple.ini12. 以下关于一键安装说法正确的是?A. C模块组件均支持容器化安装B. 一键安装时可选择同步创建MPP集群C.License未更新为企业版,仍可以一键安装多分片集群 D. 若一键安装互信步骤未完成,则无法登陆insight界面使用Goldendb产品服务13. 修改哪个文件回到特定步骤开始执行?A. install.txtB. install_fast.iniC. install_step_000000.txtD. install_senior.ini14. 混合部署需要提前执行的命令?A. shsetup.sh-uB. shsetup.sh-cC. shsetup.sh-aD. shsetup.sh-m15. 下列选项,对于表分布规则的描述正确的是?A. GoldenDB仅支持以下分片规则:hash、range、list、duplicateB. GoldenDB支持横向分片,不支持纵向的分区 C. GoldenDB采用一致性hash算法 D. GoldenDB 分片规则只能基于一个表字段16. 下列选项不属于多级分片表优点的是?A. 精确控制数据分布形态B. 操作简单C. 提升批处理访问性能D. 数据物理隔离17. 分片路由功能是下列哪个组件实现的?A. 管理节点B. 数据节点C. 计算节点D. GTM节点18. 关于GoldenDB分布式数据库备份说法错误的是?A. 支持实时和定时备份B. 支持备份指定机房C. 选择备份指定节点后,系统无法自动选择备份其它节点 D. 定时备份任务调整后当天的备份计划不生效19. 不属于GoldenDB分布式数据库租户扩缩容的是?A. CN节点扩缩容B. 管理节点扩缩容C. DN节点扩缩容D. GTM节点扩缩容20. 某集群有1个分片,该分片有3个Team,每个Team包含3个db,主db 在Team2中,该分片水位配置为高水位3、低水位2、主数据节点计数,Team 内DN响应数设置为2。
1.[单选题]OLTP是什么意思( )A)面向过程的实时处理系统B)面向对象的实时处理系统C)面向事务的实时处理系统D)面向系统的实时处理系统2.[单选题]下列不属于RDBMS常用的数据库软件有( )A)OracleB)SQL ServerC)MySQLD)redis3.[单选题]在Hive中查询语句命令使用的关键字为( )A)showB)lookC)selectD)looks4.[单选题]下列关于Hive中连接查询描述正确的是( )A)Hive中连接查询只支持相等连接而不支持不等连接B)Hive中连接查询支持相等连接和不等连接C)Hive中连接查询只支持不等连接而不支持相等连接D)以上都不对5.[单选题]下面命令中哪个是创建桶表所使用的关键字?( )A)Partitioned ByB)Clustered ByC)Sorted ByD)Fields By6.[单选题]通过数据、( )和对数据的约束三者组成的数据模型来存放和管理数据A)关系B)数据行C)数据列D)数据表7.[单选题]下面命令中哪个是HQL查询所使用的关键字?( )A)Clustered ByB)Stored ByC)Partitioned ByD)Order By8.[单选题]在Hive中使用那个子句筛选满足条件的组,即在分组之后过滤数据( )A)ORDERINGB)HAVINGC)HEVINGD)SORTING9.[单选题]Hive创建内部表之后,表的“Table_type”属性的值为( )A)Managed_tableB)Manag_tableC)Managed_dataD)以上都不对10.[单选题]创建内部表时,默认的数据存储目录在( )。
A)/hive/warehouseB)/hiveC)/user/hive/warehouseD)/warehouse11.[单选题]有关维度数据模型的描述错误的是( )A)是一套技术跟概念的集合B)用于数据仓库设计C)等同于关系数据模型,维度模型需引入关系数据库,在逻辑上相同的维度模型D)可以被用于多种物理形式事实和维度12.[单选题]当用户选择的列是集合数据类型时,Hive会使用( )格式应用于输出A)stringB)mapC)jsonD)list13.[单选题]Hive在处理数据时,默认的行分隔符是( )A)\tB)\nC)\bD)\a14.[单选题]如果A等于null,则返回true,反之返回false的条件是( )A)A to NULLB)A not NULLC)A is NULLD)A are NULL15.[单选题]在Hive中,标准查询关键字执行顺序为( )A)FROM→GROUP BY→WHERE→ORDER BY→HAVINGB)FROM→WHERE→GROUP BY→ORDER BY→HAVINGC)FROM→WHERE→GROUP BY→HAVING→ORDER BYD)FROM→WHERE→ORDER BY→HAVING→GROUP BY16.[单选题]hive-env. sh文件中的配置信息包括( )。
1.[单选题]在HBase系统架构中,HMaster主要负责( )A)Database和Region的管理工作B)Database和Master的管理工作C)Table和Region的管理工作D)Table和Master的管理工作答案:C解析:2.[单选题]以下关于数据仓库的叙述中,不正确的是( )A)数据仓库是相对稳定的B)数据仓库是反映历史变化的数据集合C)数据仓库的数据源可能是异构的D)数据仓库是动态的、实时的数据集合答案:D解析:3.[单选题]hive-env. sh文件中的配置信息包括( )。
A)HADOOP_HOMEB)HIVE_HOMEC)JAVA_HOMED)YARN答案:A解析:4.[单选题]在HBase系统架构中,HRegionServer主要负责相应用户I/O请求,向( )文件系统中读写数据A)HAFSB)HBFSC)HCFSD)HDFS答案:D解析:5.[单选题]在HiveCLI命令窗口中查看HDFS的命令是( )。
A)!IsB)dfsC)Ctrl+LD)cat.hivehistory答案:B解析:6.[单选题]下面命令中哪个不是创建表所使用的关键字?( )A)ExternalB)RowC)Location解析:7.[单选题]JVM重用可以使得JVM实例在同个作业中重新使用 N次。
A)hive default.xmlB)hive-site.xmlC)core-site.xmlD)mapred-site.xml答案:D解析:8.[单选题]Hive定义一个UDF函数时,需要继承以下哪个类?( )A)FunctionRegistryB)UDFC)MapReduceD)UDAF答案:B解析:9.[单选题]下列不属于Hive记录中默认分隔符( )A)\nB)^AC)^BD)\r\n答案:D解析:10.[单选题]以下关于Hive的设计特点的描述不正确的是( )A)支持索引,加快数据查询B)不支持不同的存储类型C)可以直接使用存储在Hadoop文件系统中的数据D)将元数据保存在关系数据库中答案:B解析:11.[单选题]比尔·恩门(Bill Inmon)在( )年出版了 Building the Data Warehouse一书,其中所提出的数据仓库(Data Warehouse)的定义被广泛接受。
思科Meraki MR55 802.11ax兼容接入点说明书
MR55Dual-band 802.11ax compatible access point with separate radios dedicated to security,RF management, and BluetoothHigh Performance 802.11ax compatible wirelessThe Cisco Meraki MR55 is a cloud-managed 8x8:8 802.11ax compatible access point that raises the bar for wireless performance and efficiency. Designed for next-generation deployments in offices, schools, hospitals, shops, and hotels, the MR55 offers high throughput, enterprise-grade security, and simple management. The MR55 provides a maximum of 5.9 Gbps* aggregate frame rate with concurrent 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz radios. A dedicated third radio provides real-time WIDS/WIPS with automated RF optimization, and a fourth integrated radio delivers Bluetooth scanning and beaconing. With the combination of cloud management, high performance hardware, multiple radios, and advanced software features, theMR55 makes an outstanding platform for the most demanding of uses—including high-density deployments and bandwidth or performance-intensive applications like voice andhigh-definition video.MR55 and Meraki cloud managementManagement of the MR55 is through the Meraki cloud, with an intuitive browser-based interface that enables rapid deployment without time-consuming training or costly certifications. Since the MR55 is self-configuring and managed over the web, it can be deployed at a remote location in a matter of minutes, even without on-site IT staff.24x7 monitoring via the Meraki cloud delivers real-time alerts if the network encounters problems. Remote diagnostic tools enable immediate troubleshooting over the web so that distributed networks can be managed with a minimum of hassle.The MR55’s firmware is automatically kept up to date via the cloud. New features, bug fixes, and enhancements are delivered seamlessly over the web. This means no manual software updates to download or missing security patches to worry about.Product Highlights• 8 x 8 802.11ax with MU-MIMO and OFDMAMulti-Gigabit 1G/2.5G/5G Ethernet• 5.9 Gbps dual-radio aggregate frame rate• 24 x 7 real-time WIPS/WIDS and spectrum analytics via dedicated third radio• Integrated Bluetooth Low Energy Beacon and scanning radio • Enhanced transmit power and receive sensitivity • Full-time Wi-Fi location tracking via dedicated 3rd radio • Integrated enterprise security and guest access• Application-aware traffic shaping• Optimized for voice and video• Self-configuring, plug-and-play deployment• Sleek, low-profile design blends into office environmentsDual–radio aggregate frame rate of up to 5.9 Gbps*A 5 GHz 8x8:8 radio and a 2.4 GHz 4x4:4 radio offer a combined dual–radio aggregate frame rate of 5.9 Gbps*, with up to 4,804 Mbps in the 5 GHz band and 1,147 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz band. Technologies like transmit beamforming and enhanced receive sensitivity allow the MR55 to support a higher client density than typical enterprise-class access points, resulting in better performance for more clients, from each AP.Multi User Multiple Input Multiple Output (MU-MIMO)With support for features of 802.11ax, the MR55 offers MU-MIMO and OFDMA for more efficient transmission to multiple clients. Especially suited to environments with numerous mobile devices, MU-MIMO enables multiple clients to receive data simultaneously. This increases the total network performance and the improves the end user experience.Multigigabit EthernetThe MR55 has an integrated multigigabit uplink that ensures maximum capacity for this high performance 802.11ax compatible hardware configuration.Bluetooth Low Energy Beacon and scanning radioAn integrated fourth Bluetooth radio provides seamless deployment of BLE Beacon functionality and effortless visibility of Bluetooth devices. The MR55 enables the next generation of location-aware applications while future proofing deployments, ensuring it’s ready for any new customer engagement strategies.Automatic cloud-based RF optimizationThe MR55’s sophisticated and automated RF optimization means that there is no need for the dedicated hardware and RF expertise typically required to tune a wireless network. The RF data collected by the dedicated third radio is continuously fed back to the Meraki cloud. This data is then used to automatically tune the channel selection, transmit power, and client connection settings for optimal performance under even the most challenging RF conditions.Integrated enterprise security and guest accessThe MR55 features integrated, easy-to-use security technologies to provide secure connectivity for employees and guests alike. Advanced security features such as AES hardware-based encryption and Enterprise authentication with 802.1X and Active Directory integration provide wired-like security while still being easy to configure. One-click guest isolation provides secure, Internet-only access for visitors. PCI compliance reports check network settings against PCI requirements to simplify secure retail deployments.3rd radio delivers 24x7 wireless security and RF analytics The MR55’s dedicated dual-band scanning and security radio continually assesses the environment, characterizing RF interference and containing wireless threats like rogue access points. There’s no need to choose between wireless security, advanced RF analysis, and serving client data - a dedicated third radio means that all functions occur in real-time, without any impact to client traffic or AP throughput.Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) &Mobile Device Management (MDM) integrationMeraki Systems Manager natively integrates with the MR55 to offer automatic, context-aware security. Systems Manager’s self-service enrollment helps to rapidly deploy MDM without installing additional equipment, and then dynamically tie firewall and traffic shaping policies to client posture.Application-aware traffic shapingThe MR55 includes an integrated Layer 7 packet inspection, classification, and control engine, enabling the configuration of QoS policies based on traffic type, helping to prioritize mission critical applications while setting limits on recreational traffic like peer-to-peer and video streaming. Policies can be implemented per network, per SSID, per user group, or per individual user for maximum flexibility and control.* Refers to maximum over-the-air data frame rate capability of the radio chipsets, and may exceed data rates allowed by IEEE-compliant operation. FeaturesFeatures (cont’d)Voice and video optimizationIndustry standard QoS features are built-in and easy to configure. Wireless Multi Media (WMM) access categories, 802.1p, and DSCP standards support all ensure important applications get prioritized correctly, not only on the MR55, but on other devices in the network. Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery (U-APSD) and new Target Wait Time features in 802.11ax clients ensure minimal battery drain on wireless VoIP phones.Self-configuring, self-maintaining, always up-to-date When plugged in, the MR55 automatically connects to the Meraki cloud, downloads its configuration, and joins the appropriate network. If new firmware is required, this is retrieved by the AP and updated automatically. This ensures the network is kept up-to-date with bug fixes, security updates, and new features.Advanced analyticsWireless Health is a tool integrated within the Meraki Dashboard to offer powerful heuristics for smarter troubleshooting of customer networks. Drilling down into the details of network usage provides highly granular traffic analytics. Visibility into the physical world can be enhanced with journey tracking through location analytics. Visitor numbers, dwell time, repeat visit rates, and track trends can all be easily monitored in the dashboard and deeper analysis is enabled with raw data available via simple APIs.MR55 Tx / Rx Tables |2.4 GHzOperating Band Operating Mode Data Rate TX Power RX Sensitivity2.4 GHz802.11ax(HE20)MCS026.0 dBm-93 dBm MCS126.0 dBm-91 dBm MCS226.0 dBm-89 dBm MCS326.0 dBm-86 dBm MCS426.0 dBm-83 dBm MCS524.0 dBm-79 dBm MCS624.0 dBm-78 dBm MCS723.5 dBm-76 dBm MCS822.5 dBm-72 dBm MCS922.5 dBm-70 dBm MCS1020.5 dBm-67 dBm MCS1120.5 dBm-64 dBmMR55 Tx / Rx Tables |5 GHzRadiation Pattern for 2.4 GHz Antennas MR5518090270Theta = 0XZ-cut18090270Theta = 0YZ-cut18027090Phi = 0XY-cut(Theta = 90˚)Radiation Pattern for 5 GHz Antennas MR5518090270XZ-cut18090270Theta = 0YZ-cut18027090Phi = 0XY-cut(Theta = 90˚)SpecificationsRadios2.4 GHz 802.11b/g/n/ax client access radio5 GHz 802.11a/n/ac/ax client access radio2.4 GHz & 5 GHz dual-band WIDS/WIPS, spectrum analysis, and location analytics radio2.4 GHz Bluetoth Low Energy (BLE) radio with Beacon and BLE scanning support Concurrent operation of all four radiosSupported frequency bands (country-specific restrictions apply):• 2.400-2.484 GHz• 5.170-5.250 GHz (UNII-1)• 5.250-5.330 GHz (UNII-2)• 5.490-5.730 GHz (UNII-2e)• 5.735-5.835 GHz (UNII-3)AntennaIntegrated omni-directional antennas (5.4 dBi gain at 2.4 GHz, 6 dBi gain at 5 GHz) 802.11ax Compatible, 802.11ac Wave 2 and 802.11n CapabilitiesDL-OFDMA**, TWT Support**, BSS Coloring**8 x 8 multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) with eight spatial streams on 5GHz4 x 4 multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) with four spatial streams on 2.4 GHzSU-MIMO and DL MU-MIMO supportMaximal ratio combining (MRC) and beamforming20 and 40 MHz channels (802.11n); 20, 40, and 80 MHz channels (802.11ac Wave 2)Up to 1024-QAM on both 2.4 GHz & 5 GHz bandsPacket aggregationPowerPower over Ethernet: 42.5-57 V (802.3at compliant)Alternative: 12 V DC inputPower consumption: 22 W maxPower over Ethernet injector and DC adapter sold separatelyInterfaces1x 1000/2.5G/5G BASE-T Ethernet1x DC power connector (5.5 mm x 2.5 mm, center positive)MountingAll standard mounting hardware includedDesktop, ceiling, and wall mount capableCeiling tile rail (9/16, 15/16, or 1 1/2” flush or recessed rails), assorted cable junction boxesBubble level on mounting cradle for accurate horizontal wall mountingPhysical SecurityTwo security screw options included13.5 mm long, 2.5 mm diameter, 5 mm headKensington lock hard pointConcealed mount plate with anti-tamper cable bayEnvironmentOperating temperature: 32 °F to 104 °F (0 °C to 40 °C)Humidity: 5% to 95%Physical Dimensions12.83” x 5.54” x 1.76” (32.6 cm x 14.08 cm x 4.47 cm), not including deskmount feet or mount plateWeight: 35.27 oz (1 kg)SecurityIntegrated Layer 7 firewall with mobile device policy managementReal-time WIDS/WIPS with alerting and automatic rogue AP containment with Air Marshal Flexible guest access with device isolationVLAN tagging (802.1Q) and tunneling with IPSec VPNPCI compliance reportingWEP, WPA, WPA2-PSK, WPA2-Enterprise with 802.1XEAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, EAP-MSCHAPv2, EAP-SIMTKIP and AES encryptionEnterprise Mobility Management (EMM) & Mobile Device Management (MDM) integration Cisco ISE integration for guest access and BYOD posturingQuality of ServiceAdvanced Power Save (U-APSD)WMM Access Categories with DSCP and 802.1p supportLayer 7 application traffic identification and shapingMobilityPMK, OKC, and 802.11r for fast Layer 2 roamingDistributed or centralized Layer 3 roamingAnalyticsEmbedded location analytics reporting and device trackingGlobal L7 traffic analytics reporting per network, per device, and per applicationLED Indicators1 power/booting/firmware upgrade statusRegulatoryRoHSFor additional country-specific regulatory information, please contact Meraki Sales WarrantyLifetime hardware warranty with advanced replacement includedOrdering InformationMR55-HW: Meraki MR55 Cloud Managed 802.11ax Compatible APMA-PWR-30W-XX: Meraki AC Adapter for MR Series (XX = US/EU/UK/AU)MA-INJ-5-XX: Meraki Multigigabit 802.3at Power over Ethernet Injector(XX = US/EU/UK/AU)Note: Meraki access point license requiredCompliance and StandardsIEEE Standards802.11a802.11ac802.11ax Compatible802.11b802.11e802.11g802.11h802.11i802.11k802.11n802.11r802.11u and Hotspot 2.0Safety ApprovalsCSA and CB 60950 & 62368 Conforms to UL 2043 (Plenum Rating)Radio ApprovalsCanada: FCC Part 15C, 15E, RSS-247Europe: EN 300 328, EN 301 893Australia/NZ: AS/NZS 4268Mexico: IFT, NOM-208Taiwan: NCC LP0002For additional country-specific regulatory information, please contact Meraki Sales EMI Approvals (Class B)Canada: FCC Part 15B, ICES-003Europe: EN 301 489-1-17, EN 55032, EN 55024Australia/NZ: CISPR 22Japan: VCCIExposure ApprovalsCanada: FCC Part 2, RSS-102Europe: EN 50385, EN 62311, EN 62479Australia/NZ: AS/NZS 2772** Software features can be enabled via firmware updates。
一个程序中的MapTask的个数由什么决定?Cc)A、输入的总文件数B、客户端程序设置的mapTask的个数C、FilelnputFormat.getSplits(JobContext job)计算出的逻辑切片的数量D、输入的总文件大小/数据块大小关于SecondaryNameN o de 哪项是正确的?Cc)A. 它是NameNod哟热备B. 它对内存没有要求C. 它的目的是帮助NameNod始`并编辑日志,减少NameNod妇动时间D. Secondary N a meN o de应与NameNod画署到一个节点HBase中的批量加载底层使用(a)实现。
A、MapReduceB、HiveC、CoprocessorD、Bloom FilterDFS检查点(CheckPoint)的作用是可以减少下面哪个组件的启动时间 C b ) A. SecondaryNameNode B. NameNode C. DataNode D. JoumalNode如下哪一个命令可以帮助你知道shell命令的用法Cc)。
A、tar-zxvfB、tar-zxC、tar--sD、tar11fYARNW翡面默认占用哪个端口? C b )A、50070B、8088C、50090D、9000Flume的Agent包含以下那些组件?(ac )A. SourceB. ZNodeC. ChannelD. Sink面描述HBase的Region的内部结构不正确的是? C d )A. 每个Store由一个MemStore和0至多个StoreFile组成B. Region由一个或者多个Store组成C. MemStore存储在内存中,StoreFile存储在HDFS每个Store保存一个Column关于HDF漠群中的DataNode的描述正确的是?(bed )A. 一个DataNode上存储一个数据块的多个副本B. 存储客户端上传的数据的数据块C. 响应客户端的所有读写数据请求,为客户端的存储和读取数据提供支撑D. 当Datanode读取数据块的时候,会计算它的校验和(checksum), 如果计算后的校验和,与数据块创建时值不一样,说明该数据块巳经损坏下面关千使用Hive的描述中正确的是? C bd )A. Hive支持数据删除和修改B. Hive 中的join查询只支持等值链接,不支持非等值连接C. Hive 中的join查询支持左外连接,不支持右外连接D. Hive默认仓库路径为/user/hive/warehouse/的NameNode负责管理文件系统的命名空间,将所有的文件和文件夹的元数据保存在一个文件系统树中,这些信息也会在硬盘上保存成以下文件:()。
Non-Blocking Message Passing
It returns from the send or receive operation before it is semantically safe. They are generally accompanied by a check-status operation. One must be careful using non-blocking protocols since errors can result from unsafe access to data that being communicated.
• Iterations continued until magnitude of z is greater than 2 or number of
iterations reaches arbitrary limit. • The next iteration values can be produced by computing:
• For send routine, once the local actions have been completed and the
message is safely on its way, the process can continue with subsequent work. Buffers can only be of finite length and a point could be reached when the send routine is held up because all the available buffer space has been exhausted.
中文4430字外文原文The Chinese RMB: Its Value, Its Peg, and Its Future --TRADE IMBALANCES HAVE MORE TO DO WITH THE U.S. THAN WITH CHINAT he valuation of the Chinese renminbi (RMB) has drawn lots of attention lately and a great deal of pressure on the part of developed nations for revaluation. In addressing the issue of valuation, this paper develops a new purchasing power parity (PPP) index of China’s exchange rate and finds that the while undervalued, the undervaluation is neither unusual nor bad policy. Moreover, China’s overall external trade balance does not seem to be that far out of equilibrium. China’s desire to join the G-7 club is likely to result in abandoning its peg, however, despite the increased risk to its economic development.The valuation of the Chinese renminbi (RMB) has drawn lots of attention lately. The IMF, theU.S. government, and the G-7 finance ministers are urging China to revalue its currency,which is currently pegged at 8.28 to the dollar.The arguments for China to appreciate its currency roughly follow these lines:• China’s currency is grossly undervalued;• the undervalued RMB is attracting a flood of hot money into China, complicating the authorities’ efforts to engineer a soft-landing for an overheated economy; and • the RMB’s undervaluation and its peg to the dollar are preventing other Asian countries from allowing currencies to rise against the dollar, since appreciation would damage competiveness relative to China.This last point is of particular concern because, it is argued , U.S. external imbalances cannot be addressed in the face of China’s and other Asian nations’historically unprecedented accumulations of U.S. dollar reserves in recentyears .There have been many studies on the RMB’s valuation with inconclusive, contradictory results (see, e.g.,Wang, 2004). To address that difficult valuationquestion, this paper develops a new absolute PPP index that measures China’s PPP against the United States and other countries. The new index shows the RMB to be substantially undervalued in the context of “conventional wisdom.”However, the undervaluation is not unusual, given China’s level of economic development; and conventional wisdom does not apply to China, because by any measure it is an undeveloped nation for which a currency peg is useful to maintain domestic economic and political stability (Prasad et al., 2003). In terms of multilateral external balances, we find it hard to argue that China’s currency is contributing much to its trade and balance of payment surpluses, especially if one takes the 1997 perspective when the RMB was under tremendous depreciation pressure. Indeed, there is clear evidence that if China’s trade balance was evenly distributed among its trading partners, there would be hardly any pressure for China to appreciate its currency. Thus, the pressure is political and structural in nature, originating from the large and growing multilateral trade imbalance of the United States. Unfortunately, it is much easier to blame China than to attack the underlying structural causes of the U.S. trade deficit. We conclude that the political pressure on China to abandon the RMB’s peg to the dollar is likely to persist, and—as the most important growth market in the world today—China is more likely to move sooner rather than later to demonstrate that, in spite of the risks to its fragile financial system, it will share its global responsibilities as it eventually joins the G-7. The paper wraps up by placing the exchange issue in the broader context and discussing the longer-term prospects of the RMB.Is the RMB Undervalued?The RMB is undervalued in the conventional sense that there is too much demand for it relative to the supply .Fundamentally, demand for foreign currency comes from three sources:• to buy goods or ser vices,• to invest in physical or financial assets, and• to speculate on moves of the exchange rate itself.With a closed capital account, China’s currency is largely, but not entirely, immune from currency speculators and short-term portfolio investors. Recent studies at the China National Economic Research Institute (2003) indicate that much of theso-called “hot money” inflows are not a result of foreign hedge fund activities. Rather, they are a change in borrowing and deposit behaviors of domestic firms and individuals, taking advantage of the loopholes in the current foreign exchange regulations. Thus, we can focus our attention on the trade and long term investment flows in China and look at the standard measures, such as purchasing power parity (PPP), trade balance, current account balance, balance of payments, and foreign reserves.PPP is an ancient economic concept, dating back at least to David Hume (1752), which has been experiencing something of a revival lately .The Economist (current) defines P PP as “the exchange rate that equates the price of a basket of identical traded goods and services in two countries.” The theory is that PPP exchange rates represent the equilibrium levels among the nations and that any departure from these levels causes potentially significant and distorting trade imbalances. There are different measures of PPP: a strong version or “absolute” version that emphasizes the absolute equality of prices (sometimes called “the Law of One Price”) and a “relative” version that emphasizes the ongoing movement over time towards that equality.Should China Bow to the Pressure?Aside from political considerations, which we will discuss later, the question of whether China should move now is a complex one, relating to several considerations. First, market expectations of the RMB’s move have already caused a significant reversal of capital flight and increased upward speculative pressure. Second, cyclical global macroeconomic developments are likely to reduce upward pressure on the RMB. Third, China is in the midst of critical structural reforms, especially in the financial sector, that require focused attention. Fourth, it is increasingly clear that the current economic overheating is sectoral in nature, which is in sharp contrast with the 1993-4 episode. These considerations suggest that it is not in China’s interest to revalue the currency at this time . Let’s take a closer look at each of these issues.Re-pegging the RMBRe-pegging the RMB at a value, say, 15-20 percent higher against the U.S. dollar would instantly vindicate the currency speculators, although they are mostly domesticplayers. Over the last couple of years, the net errors and omissions category in China’s balance of payment has shown a large swing from persistent deficits to a surplus of $7.5 billion in 2003. The net errors and emissions category is believed to capture illegal capital movements. During much of mid- to late-90s, China’s capital flight, as a percentage of GDP, was the second worst in the world (only Russia was worse). In fact, it was worse than Mexico in 1994 and South Korea in 1997 during the height of their currency crises. Recently, however, some of this capital is finding its way back, as expectations of RMB appreciation have raised. There is also strong indication that businesses and individuals are involved in currency speculation, which has contributed to the overheating of real estate investment. Revaluing now will encourage future speculation, which could exacerbate the balance of payments pressure.More Chinese Interest Rate FlexibilityAs the Fed continues to boost U.S. interest rates, Chinese authorities have more flexibility to raise domestic interest rates without worrying about widening the interest rate gap and encouraging further hot money inflows. With global economic growth only moderating a bit lately, demand for energy and commodities remains strong, which is likely to keep oil and commodity prices high and to increase the import bill for China and other Asian countries—yet another source of reduced pressure on the RMB. Indeed, as long as oil demand remains firm and geopolitical risks persist, the negative impact on Asia’s oil importing countries and concomitant, market-driven downward pressure on its currencies will not dissipate.China’s Shaky FundamentalsPerhaps most important, the sharp cyclical upswing since the end of the SARS crisis is masking China’s shaky fundamentals to the outside world. Despite modern factories, spanking new airports, highways, and shopping malls, Chin a’s social and financial institutions are perhaps comparable to those of the U.S. in the late 19th century period of the “Robber Barons.” A 2003 poll conducted by Peking University of about 100 China experts shows that one third of them believe there will be a major crisis in China before 2010. What is the most likely source of crisis? The most frequently mentioned are social (21 percent), financial (19 percent), economic (12percent), and employment (10 percent). Rapid growth over the last two decades has increased income and social inequality, environmental degradation, and regional disparity. The incomplete transition from a centrally-planned economy to a market economy under authoritarian rule has enriched the elite and economic opportunists at the cost of generating a large underclass and eroding public wealth. As some Chinese economists point out, many Chinese local governments are effectively broke and eventually will need a central government bail-out.Reminiscent of the age of the U.S. “Robber Barons,” the widespread, systematic corruption and abuse of power is estimated to cost as much as 14 percent of China’s GDP per year. The financial system—which includes the banking, securities, and insurance sectors needs an urgent overhaul to improve efficiency and be ready for foreign competition under China’s WTO commitment. Job creation remains a daunting challenge given continued efforts at transforming thestate-owned-enterprises and improving productivity growth. Then there are long-term issues, such as the aging population; under-funded pension and social security systems; and education, health care, and infrastructure issues. As one prominent economist in Beijing observed recently, “other than the central bank, few other high level officials want to talk about the exchange rate issue—there are far more urgent things to address.” To attack the problems on multiple-fronts, the top leaders clearly need to ensure stability and focus on the most urgent tasks of strengthening the Party’s effectiveness and effic iency on one hand, and reforming the domestic financial sector on the other.Weak Link between Revaluation and Internal Adjustment Finally, based on international evidence (Rogoff, 2004) and China’s own experience, it is not at all clear that a revalued RMB will facilitate internal reform efforts. Revaluation of the RMB may not help that much in terms of cyclical macroeconomic adjustment. Despite significant increases in the headline inflation, core inflation remains low. This is a sharp departure from Ch ina’s historical overheating periods and suggests that there is no systematic price push from aggregate demand, as was the case in 1993-4 (Chu, 2003a). What is unsustainable is fixed investment growth in certain areas even while consumption and investment in otherareas still need to be encouraged. China’s gross investment as a share of GDP is running at above 40 percent, which is far beyond the 20-30 percent for most developing markets and higher than Japan’s and South Korea’s levels at a comparable stage of development. Granted, the central government is using very blunt instruments such as credit rationing and administrative orders to address the sectoral imbalances; but this does not suggest that changing the exchange rate right now would be a better alternative. On the contrary, an abrupt change in the foreign exchange regime would increase uncertainty and jeopardize the ability to fine-tune macro policies. Indeed, as Rogoff suggests, abandoning the peg to the dollar could be seen as abandoning China’s c ommitment to stable and sustainable macroeconomic growth.The Issue Is Mostly PoliticalThe growing U.S. external deficits are clearly unsustainable and must be addressed. It has been argued that the longer the United States waits, the higher the potential shock or damage there will be (Mann, 2004; BCA, 2004; Obstfeld and Rogoff, 2004). But is revaluing the RMB part of the solution to this problem? A close look at the situation suggests that at best it may reduce the problem only marginally in the near term, while the longer-term impacts are unclear since foreign exchange policy changes can bring a host of unintended consequences. However, political reality gets in the way: politicians need to show voters and powerful lobbying groups that they are doing something. Exchange rates are a low-hanging fruit for them, even though they are a small fruit and—from the Chinese perspective—an unripe one. The really effective measures, such as addressing domestic demand imbalances and promoting U.S. goods and services exports, are unfortunately political non-starters in the United States. The perception that undervaluation of the RMB is the cause of U.S. trade deficits has also meant that China’s efforts in adjusting export competitiveness through non-foreign exchange measures have received little attention in the political debate.Looking to the FutureThe central point of this paper is that while the RMB is clearly undervalued (especially by PPP measures), there really has been no fundamental change in the valuation that warrants intensive market pressure for it to have depreciated in 1997-8and to appreciate now. Looking at the broad picture, the relationship between the RMB’s peg to the dollar and China’s external account surpluses and rising foreign reserves is not as clear as often argued. The contribution of the RMB’s undervaluation to external imbalances in both the United States and China is insignificant in comparison with other structural factors, such as domestic demand imbalances for G3 and improving the investment environment (for Foreign Direct Investment—FDI) and export competitiveness in China relative to other countries. There are far better ways to address the imbalances with little distraction for China’s challenging domestic reform agenda. In particular, labor costs in China are rising.China’s political capital is best invested in other areas of structural reform. Unfortunately, given its much larger influence on the global economy, China probably cannot say “no” this time to external political pressure and may move sooner than it would like. If history proves that China de-pegged before it is capable of handling the shock, the lesson would be that the G-7 failed to recognize that a stable, orderly progressing China is in the best interest of all. For the longer term, few doubt that China must adopt a more flexible exchange rate regime in this post-Breton Woods environment. A flexible RMB will allow China to conduct independent monetary policy (with an open capital account) and minimize the impact of fluctuations of major currencies, especially the U.S. dollar’s gyrations against the euro and the yen. China’s outward investment needs are growing rapidly and would benefit from a flexible RMB. But first, China needs to clean up the banking system, adjust capital accounts, and develop healthy and robust domestic financial markets. We can expect that a flexible exchange rate will improve China’s overall financial system. China has so far learned valuable lessons of the perils of opening the market too soon and allowing a currency to appreciate too fast from the experience of Japan and Southeast Asia. Going forward, it needs to study the positive lessons of liberalizing the exchange rates. The successful cases studies of Poland (from the dollar peg in 1990 to free float in 2000) and Chile (from fixed rate in 1981 to complete float in 1999) clearly show that liberalization can be accomplished without a major crisis; but it requires many gradual, cautious steps to reach the final destination.外文翻译人民币在中国:其价值、其可调节汇率和其未来发展————贸易不平衡对美国的影响大于对中国的影响中国人民币的估值最近已引起很多关注,同时在人民币升值方面承受着大量来自发达国家的压力。
OBCA练习题51. 系统管理员可以根据业务需要创建不同的租户租户具有哪些特性? *A、可以创建自己的用户(正确答案)B、可以创建数据库、表等所有对象(正确答案)C、有独立的information_ schema等系统数据库(正确答案)D、有自己独立的系统变量(正确答案)2. 租户扩容的方法有哪几种? *A、诵过增加系统可用性(如:三副本扩容至五副本)B、通过增大资源池Unit Num(正确答案)C、涌过向集群中增加新的OBServer3. OB支持多种级别的高可用和容灾可以进行如下哪些高可用和容灾部署形式? *A、两地三中心(正确答案)B、同城两机房C、同城三机房(正确答案)D、三地五中心(正确答案)4. 关于OceanBase 的负载均以下说法正确的是? *A、负载均衡i的调度单元是数据库(database)B、负载均衡的调度单元是分区(Partition)(正确答案)C、系统根据一定的策略通过动态调整UNIT的位置和UNIT内副本的位置使得1个Zone(正确答案)D、OceanBase自动完成负载均衡,无法关闭E、负载均衡的调度单元是资源单元(Unit)F、负载均衡的调度单元是租户5. OceanBase租户支持的事务隔离级别包括以下哪些? *A、读已提交(read-committed)(正确答案)B、可重复读(repeatable-read)(正确答案)C、串行(Serializable)(正确答案)D、不可重复读(non repeatable-read)6. OceanBase数据库支持动态调整租户容量,可以调整单节点的服务能力,也可以调节服务器节点个数。
前者对应... [判断题] *对(正确答案)错7. 分区是OceanBase数据架构的基本单元,是传统数据库的分区表在分布式系统上的实现 [判断题] *对(正确答案)错8. 以下关于变量描述不正确的是? [单选题] *A、用来控制租户全局(global)级别或者会话(session)级别的属性B、大部分动态生效,少部分需要重建连接C、可以通过show variables;查看变量D、修改全局变量之后不需要重新建立会话,在当前会话即可生效(正确答案)9. “major_freeze_duty_ime”设置为“02:00”意味着什么? [单选题] *A、每日凌晨2点,系统自动发起一次内存冻结操作B、每日凌晨2点,系统自动发起一次备份恢复操作C、每日凌晨2点,系统自动发起一次合并操作(正确答案)D、每日凌晨2点系统自动发起一次转储操作10. 下列有关变量设置描述正确的是? [单选题] *A、设置 Session级别的变量对当前 Session有效,对其他 Session无效(正确答案)B、设置Global级别和Session级别的变量效果是一样的C、设置Global级别的变量对当前Session有效D、设置Session级别的变量,对所有的Session都有效11. 应用通过OBProxy连接到OceanBase集群,比直连主副本所在的OBServer性能更好? [判断题] *对错(正确答案)12. 关于OceanBase的负载均衡,以下说法正确的是 *A、系统根据一定的策略,通过动态调整UNIT的位置和UNIT内副本的位置,使得一个Zone内所有Server的资源使用率达到均衡的过程(正确答案)B、OceanBase自动完成负载均衡,无法关闭C、负载均衡的调度单元是租户D、负载均衡的调度单元是数据库(database)(正确答案)E、负载均衡的调度单元是资源单元(Unit)F、负载均衡的调度单元是分区(Partition)13. 假如OBServer进程异常终止,会通过server_permanentoffline time参数值来判断后续的处理策略,以下描述正确的有哪些? *A、当进程异常终止持续时间<server_permanent_offline_time,此时已缺失部分副本,虽然依然满足多数派,可以保证RPO=0,但存在一定的风险(正确答案)B、当进程异常终止持续时间>server_permanent_ofline_time,会将机器做"临时下线"处理,从其它zone的主副本中,将缺失的数据复制到本zone内剩余的机器上(需要有足够的资源),以维持副本个数(正确答案)C、当进程异常终止持续时间>server_permanent_offline_time,异常终止的observer进程恢复后会自动加入集群,如果已经做过"临时下线"处理,需要从本zone内其它机器上(或者其它zone内)将unit迁移过来D、当进程异常终止持续时间< server_permanent_offline_time,OceanBase暂时不做补副本的处理,以避免频繁的数据迁移14. 普通租户只能设置自己租户的参数,系统租户可以查看和设置所有租户的参数(包括系统租户和普通租户)。
2-dimensional space3D mapabstractaccess dataAccessibilityaccuracyacquisitionad-hocadjacencyadventaerial photographsAge of dataagglomerationaggregateairborneAlbers Equal-Area Conic projection (ALBER alignalphabeticalphanumericalphanumericalalternativealternativealtitudeameliorateanalogue mapsancillaryANDannotationanomalousapexapproachappropriatearcarc snap tolerancearealAreal coverageARPA abbr.Advanced Research Projects Agen arrangementarrayartificial intelligenceArtificial Neural Networks (ANN) aspatialaspectassembleassociated attributeattributeattribute dataautocorrelationautomated scanningazimuthazimuthalbar chartbiasbinary encodingblock codingBoolean algebrabottombottom leftboundbreak linebufferbuilt-incamouflagecardinalcartesian coordinate system cartographycatchmentcellcensuscentroidcentroid-to-centroidCGI (Common Gateway Interface) chain codingchainscharged couple devices (ccd) children (node)choropleth mapclass librariesclassesclustercodecohesivelycoilcollinearcolumncompactcompasscompass bearingcomplete spatial randomness (CSR) componentcompositecomposite keysconcavityconcentricconceptual modelconceptuallyconduitConformalconformal projectionconic projectionconnectivityconservativeconsortiumcontainmentcontiguitycontinuouscontourcontour layercontrol pointsconventionconvertcorecorrelogramcorrespondencecorridorCostcost density fieldcost-benefit analysis (CBA)cost-effectivecouplingcovariancecoveragecoveragecriteriacriteriacriterioncross-hairscrosshatchcross-sectioncumbersomecustomizationcutcylindrical projectiondangledangle lengthdangling nodedash lineDATdata base management systems (DBMS) data combinationdata conversiondata definition language (DDL)data dictionarydata independencedata integritydata itemdata maintenancedata manipulationData manipulation and query language data miningdata modeldata representationdata tabledata typedatabasedateDBAdebris flowdebugdecadedecibeldecision analysisdecision makingdecomposededicateddeductiveDelaunay criterionDelaunay triangulationdelete(erase)delineatedemarcationdemographicdemonstratedenominatorDensity of observationderivativedetectabledevisediagonaldictatedigital elevation model (DEM)digital terrain model (DTM) digitizedigitizedigitizerdigitizing errorsdigitizing tablediscrepancydiscretediscretedisparitydispersiondisruptiondissecteddisseminatedissolvedistance decay functionDistributed Computingdividedomaindot chartdraftdragdrum scannersdummy nodedynamic modelingeasy-to-useecologyelicitingeliminateellipsoidellipticityelongationencapsulationencloseencodeentity relationship modelingentity tableentryenvisageepsilonequal area projectionequidistant projectionerraticerror detection & correctionError Maperror varianceessenceet al.EuclideanEuclidean 2-spaceexpected frequencies of occurrences explicitexponentialextendexternal and internal boundaries external tablefacetfacilityfacility managementfashionFAT (file allocation table)faultyfeaturefeaturefeedbackfidelityfieldfield investigationfield sports enthusiastfields modelfigurefile structurefillingfinenessfixed zoom infixed zoom outflat-bed scannerflexibilityforefrontframe-by framefreefrom nodefrom scratchfulfillfunction callsfuzzyFuzzy set theorygantrygenericgeocodinggeocomputationgeodesygeographic entitygeographic processgeographic referencegeographic spacegeographic/spatial information geographical featuresgeometricgeometric primitive geoprocessinggeoreferencegeo-relational geosciences geospatialgeo-spatial analysis geo-statisticalGiven that GNOMONIC projection grain tolerance graticulegrey scalegridhand-drawnhand-heldhandicaphandlehand-written header recordheftyheterogeneity heterogeneous heuristichierarchical hierarchicalhill shading homogeneoushosthouseholdshuehumichurdlehydrographyhyper-linkedi.e.Ideal Point Method identicalidentifiable identification identifyilluminateimageimpedanceimpedanceimplementimplementimplicationimplicitin excess of…in respect ofin terms ofin-betweeninbuiltinconsistencyincorporationindigenousinformation integration infrastructureinherentinheritanceinlandinstanceinstantiationintegerintegrateinteractioninteractiveinteractiveinternet protocol suite Internet interoperabilityinterpolateinterpolationinterrogateintersectintersectionIntersectionInterval Estimation Method intuitiveintuitiveinvariantinventoryinvertedirreconcilableirreversibleis adjacent tois completely withinis contained iniso-iso-linesisopleth mapiterativejunctionkeyframekrigingKriginglaglanduse categorylatitudelatitude coordinatelavalayerlayersleaseleast-cost path analysisleftlegendlegendlegendlength-metriclie inlightweightlikewiselimitationLine modelline segmentsLineage (=history)lineamentlinearline-followinglitho-unitlocal and wide area network logarithmiclogicallogicallongitudelongitude coordinatemacro languagemacro-like languagemacrosmainstreammanagerialmanual digitizingmany-to-one relationMap scalemarshalmaskmatricesmatrixmeasured frequencies of occurrences measurementmedialMercatorMercator projectionmergemergemeridiansmetadatameta-datametadatamethodologymetric spaceminimum cost pathmirrormis-representmixed pixelmodelingmodularmonochromaticmonolithicmonopolymorphologicalmosaicmovemoving averagemuiticriteria decision making (MCDM) multispectralmutually exclusivemyopicnadirnatureneatlynecessitatenestednetworknetwork analysisnetwork database structurenetwork modelnodenodenode snap tolerancenon-numerical (character)non-spatialnon-spatial dataNormal formsnorth arrowNOTnovicenumber of significant digit numeric charactersnumericalnumericalobject-based modelobjectiveobject-orientedobject-oriented databaseobstacleomni- a.on the basis ofOnline Analytical Processing (OLAP) on-screen digitizingoperandoperatoroptimization algorithmORorderorganizational schemeoriginorthogonalORTHOGRAPHIC projectionortho-imageout ofoutcomeoutgrowthoutsetovaloverdueoverheadoverlapoverlayoverlay operationovershootovershootspackagepairwisepanpanelparadigmparent (node)patchpath findingpatternpatternpattern recognitionperceptionperspectivepertain phenomenological photogrammetric photogrammetryphysical relationships pie chartpilotpitpixelplanarplanar Euclidean space planar projection platformplotterplotterplottingplug-inpocketpoint entitiespointerpoint-modepointspolar coordinates polishingpolygonpolylinepolymorphism precautionsprecisionpre-designed predeterminepreferences pregeographic space Primary and Foreign keys primary keyprocess-orientedprofileprogramming tools projectionprojectionproprietaryprototypeproximalProximitypseudo nodepseudo-bufferpuckpuckpuckPythagorasquadquadrantquadtreequadtree tessellationqualifyqualitativequantitativequantitativequantizequasi-metricradar imageradii bufferrangelandrank order aggregation method ranking methodrasterRaster data modelraster scannerRaster Spatial Data Modelrating methodrational database structureready-madeready-to-runreal-timerecordrecreationrectangular coordinates rectificationredundantreference gridreflexivereflexive nearest neighbors (RNN) regimeregisterregular patternrelationrelationalrelational algebra operators relational databaseRelational joinsrelational model relevancereliefreliefremarkremote sensingremote sensingremote sensingremotely-sensed repositoryreproducible resemblanceresembleresemplingreshaperesideresizeresolutionresolutionrespondentretrievalretrievalretrievalretrieveridgerightrobustrootRoot Mean Square (RMS) rotateroundaboutroundingrowrow and column number run-length codingrun-length encoded saddle pointsalientsamplesanitarysatellite imagesscalablescalescanscannerscannerscannerscarcescarcityscenarioschemascriptscrubsecurityselectselectionself-descriptiveself-documentedsemanticsemanticsemi-automatedsemi-major axessemi-metricsemi-minor axessemivariancesemi-variogram modelsemi-varogramsensorsequencesetshiftsillsimultaneous equations simultaneouslysinusoidalskeletonslide-show-stylesliverslope angleslope aspectslope convexitysnapsnapsocio-demographic socioeconomicspagettiSpatial Autocorrelation Function spatial correlationspatial dataspatial data model for GIS spatial databaseSpatial Decision Support Systems spatial dependencespatial entityspatial modelspatial relationshipspatial relationshipsspatial statisticsspatial-temporalspecificspectralspherical spacespheroidsplined textsplitstakeholdersstand alonestandard errorstandard operationsstate-of-the-artstaticSTEREOGRAPHIC projection STEREOGRAPHIC projection stereoplotterstorage spacestovepipestratifiedstream-modestrideStructured Query Language(SQL) strung outsubdivisionsubroutinesubtractionsuitesupercedesuperimposesurrogatesurveysurveysurveying field data susceptiblesymbolsymbolsymmetrytaggingtailoredtake into account of … tangencytapetastefullyTelnettentativeterminologyterraceterritorytessellatedtextureThe Equidistant Conic projection (EQUIDIS The Lambert Conic Conformal projection (L thematicthematic mapthemeThiessen mapthird-partythresholdthroughputthrust faulttictiertiletime-consumingto nodetolerancetonetopographic maptopographytopologicaltopological dimensiontopological objectstopological structuretopologically structured data set topologytopologytrade offtrade-offTransaction Processing Systems (TPS) transformationtransposetremendousTriangulated Irregular Network (TIN) trimtrue-direction projectiontupleunbiasednessuncertaintyunchartedundershootsunionunionupupdateupper- mosturban renewaluser-friendlyutilityutility functionvaguevalidityvarianceVariogramvectorvector spatial data model vendorverbalversusvertexvetorizationviablevice versavice versaview of databaseview-onlyvirtualvirtual realityvisibility analysisvisualvisualizationvitalVoronoi Tesselationvrticeswatershedweedweed toleranceweighted summation method whilstwithin a distance ofXORzoom inzoom out三维地图摘要,提取,抽象访问数据可获取性准确,准确度 (与真值的接近程度)获得,获得物,取得特别邻接性出现,到来航片数据年龄聚集聚集,集合空运的, (源自)航空的,空中的艾伯特等面积圆锥投影匹配,调准,校直字母的字母数字的字母数字混合编制的替换方案替代的海拔,高度改善,改良,改进模拟地图,这里指纸质地图辅助的和注解不规则的,异常的顶点方法适合于…弧段弧捕捉容限来自一个地区的、 面状的面状覆盖范围(美国国防部)高级研究计划署排列,布置数组,阵列人工智能人工神经网络非空间的方面, 方向, 方位, 相位,面貌采集,获取关联属性属性属性数据自动扫描方位角,方位,地平经度方位角的条状图偏差二进制编码分块编码布尔代数下左下角给…划界断裂线缓冲区分析内置的伪装主要的,重要的,基本的笛卡儿坐标系制图、制图学流域,集水区像元,单元人口普查质心质心到质心的公共网关接口链式编码链电荷耦合器件子节点地区分布图类库类群编码内聚地线圈在同一直线上的列压缩、压紧罗盘, 圆规, 范围 v.包围方位角完全空间随机性组成部分复合的、混合的复合码凹度,凹陷同心的概念模型概念上地管道,导管,沟渠,泉水,喷泉保形(保角)的等角投影圆锥投影连通性保守的,守旧的社团,协会,联盟包含关系相邻性连续的轮廓,等高线,等值线等高线层控制点习俗,惯例,公约,协定转换核心相关图符合,对应走廊, 通路费用花费密度域,路径权值成本效益分析有成本效益的,划算的结合协方差面层,图层覆盖,覆盖范围标准,要求标准,判据,条件标准,判据,条件十字丝以交叉线作出阴影截面麻烦的用户定制剪切圆柱投影悬挂悬挂长度悬挂的节点点划线数据文件的扩展名数据库管理系统数据合并数据变换数据定义语言数据字典与数据的无关数据的完整性数据项数据维护数据操作数据操作和查询语言数据挖掘数据模型数据表示法数据表数据类型数据库日期数据库管理员泥石流调试十年,十,十年期分贝决策分析决策,判定分解专用的推论的,演绎的狄拉尼准则狄拉尼三角形删除描绘划分人口统计学的说明分母,命名者观测密度引出的,派生的可察觉的发明,想出对角线的,斜的要求数字高程模型数字地形模型数字化数字化数字化仪数字化误差数字化板,数字化桌差异,矛盾不连续的,离散的不连续的,离散的不一致性分散,离差中断,分裂,瓦解,破坏切开的,分割的发散,发布分解距离衰减函数分布式计算分割域点状图草稿,起草拖拽滚筒式扫描仪伪节点动态建模容易使用的生态学导出消除椭球椭圆率伸长包装,封装围绕编码实体关系建模实体表进入,登记想像,设想,正视,面对希腊文的第五个字母ε等积投影等距投影不稳定的误差检查和修正误差图误差离散,误差方差本质,本体,精华以及其他人,等人欧几里得的,欧几里得几何学的欧几里得二维空间期望发生频率明显的指数的延伸内外边界外部表格(多面体的)面工具设备管理样子,方式文件分配表有过失的,不完善的(地理)要素,特征要素反馈诚实,逼真度,重现精度字段现场调查户外运动发烧友场模型外形, 数字,文件结构填充精细度以固定比例放大以固定比例缩小平板式扫描仪弹性,适应性,机动性,挠性最前沿逐帧无…的起始节点从底层完成,实现函数调用模糊的模糊集合论构台,桶架, 跨轨信号架通用的地理编码地理计算大地测量地理实体地理(数据处理)过程地理参考地理空间地理信息,空间信息地理要素几何的,几何学的几何图元地理(数据)处理过程地理坐标参考地理关系的地球科学地理空间的地学空间分析地质统计学的假设心射切面投影颗粒容差地图网格灰度栅格,格网手绘的手持的障碍,难点处置、处理手写的头记录重的,强健的异质性异构的启发式的层次层次的山坡(体)阴影图均匀的、均质的主机家庭色调腐植的困难,阻碍水文地理学超链接的即,换言之,也就是理想点法相同的可识别的、标识识别阐明图像,影像全电阻,阻抗阻抗实现,履行履行,实现牵连,暗示隐含的超过…关于根据…在中间的嵌入的,内藏的不一致性,矛盾性结合,组成公司(或社团)内在的,本土的信息集成基础设施固有的继承,遗传, 遗产内陆的实例,例子实例,个例化整数综合,结合相互作用交互式的交互式的协议组互操作性内插插值询问相交交集、逻辑的乘交区间估值法直觉的直觉的不变量存储,存量反向的,倒转的,倒置的互相对立的不能撤回的,不能取消的相邻完全包含于包含于相等的,相同的线族等值线图迭代的接合,汇接点主帧克里金内插法克里金法标签,标记间隙,迟滞量土地利用类别纬度 (B)纬度坐标熔岩,火山岩图层图层出租,租用最佳路径分析左图例图例图例长度量测在于小型的同样地限制,限度,局限线模型线段谱系,来源容貌,线性构造线性的,长度的,直线的线跟踪的岩性单元局域和广域网对数的逻辑的逻辑的经度 (L)经度坐标宏语言类宏语言宏主流管理人的, 管理的手工数字化多对一的关系地图比例尺排列,集合掩膜matrix 的复数矩阵实测发生频率量测中间的合并墨卡托墨卡托投影法合并合并,融合子午线元数据元数据,也可写为 metadata元数据方法学,方法论度量空间最佳路径镜像错误表示混合像素建模模块化的单色的,单频整体的垄断, 专利权, 专卖形态学镶嵌, 镶嵌体移动移动平均数多准则决策分析多谱线的,多谱段的相互排斥的短视,没有远见的最低点,天底,深渊,最底点本性,性质整洁地成为必要嵌套的、巢状的网络网络分析网状数据库结构网络模型节点节点节点捕捉容限非数值的(字符)非空间的非空间数据范式指北针非新手,初学者有效位数数字字符数值的数值的基于对象的模型客观的,目标的面向对象的模型面向对象的数据库阻碍全能的,全部的以…为基础在线分析处理屏幕数字化运算对象,操作数算子,算符,操作人员优化算法或次,次序组织方案原点,起源,由来直角的,直交的正射投影正射影像缺少结果长出,派出,结果,副产物开头 ,开端卵形的,椭圆形的迟到的管理费用重叠,叠加叠加叠置运算超出过头线软件包成对(双)地,两个两个地平移面,板范例、父节点补钉,碎片,斑点路径搜索图案式样,图案, 模式模式识别感觉,概念,理解力透视图从属, 有关, 适合现象学的,现象的摄影测量的摄影测量物理关系饼图导航洼坑象素平面的平面欧几里得空间平面投影平台绘图仪绘图仪绘图插件便携式,袖珍式,小型的点实体指针点方式点数,分数极坐标抛光多边形多义线,折线多形性,多态现象预防措施精确, 精度(多次测量结果之间的敛散程度) 预定义的,预设计的预定、预先偏好先地理空间主外键主码面向处理的纵剖面、轮廓编程工具投影投影所有权,业主原型,典型最接近的,近侧的接近性假的, 伪的伪节点缓冲区查询(数字化仪)鼠标数字化鼠标鼠标毕达哥拉斯方庭,四方院子象限,四分仪四叉树四叉树方格限定,使合格定性的量的定量的、数量的使量子化准量测雷达影像以固定半径建立缓冲区牧场,放牧地等级次序集合法等级评定法栅格栅格数据模型栅格扫描仪栅格空间数据模型分数评定法关系数据结构现成的随需随运行的实时记录娱乐平面坐标纠正多余的,过剩的, 冗余的参考网格自反的自反最近邻体制,状态,方式配准规则模式关系关系关系代数运算符关系数据库关系连接中肯,关联,适宜,适当地势起伏,减轻地势的起伏评论,谈论,谈到遥感遥感遥感遥感的知识库可再产生的相似,相似性,相貌相似类似,像重取样调整形状居住, 驻扎调整大小分辨率分辨率回答者,提取检索检索检索高压脊右稳健的根部均方根旋转迂回的舍入的、凑整的行行和列的编号游程长度编码行程编码鞍点显著的,突出的,跳跃的,凸出的样品, 标本, 样本卫生状况卫星影像可升级的比例尺扫描扫描仪扫描仪扫描仪缺乏,不足情节模式脚本,过程(文件)灌木安全, 安全性选择选择自定义的自编程的语义的,语义学的语义的,语义学的半自动化长半轴半量测短半轴半方差半变差模型半变差图传感器次序集合、集、组改变, 移动基石,岩床联立方程同时地正弦的骨骼,骨架滑动显示模式裂片坡度坡向坡的凸凹性咬合捕捉社会人口统计学的社会经济学的意大利面条自相关函数空间相互关系空间数据GIS的空间数据模型 空间数据库空间决策支持系统空间依赖性空间实体空间模型空间关系空间关系空间统计时空的具体的,特殊的光谱的球空间球状体,回转椭圆体曲线排列文字分割股票持有者单机标准误差,均方差标准操作最新的静态的极射赤面投影极射赤面投影立体测图仪存储空间火炉的烟囱形成阶层的流方式步幅,进展,进步结构化查询语言被串起的细分,再分子程序相减组, 套件,程序组,代替,取代叠加,叠印代理,代用品,代理人测量测量,测量学野外测量数据免受...... 影响的(地图)符号符号,记号对称性给...... 贴上标签剪裁讲究的考虑…接触,相切胶带、带子风流地,高雅地远程登录试验性的术语台地,露台领域,领地,地区棋盘格的,镶嵌的花样的纹理等距圆锥投影兰伯特保形圆锥射影专题的专题图主题,图层泰森图第三方的阈值生产量,生产能力,吞吐量逆冲断层地理控制点等级,一排,一层,平铺费时间的终止节点允许(误差)、容差、容限、限差色调地形图地形学拓扑的拓扑维数拓扑对象拓扑结构建立了拓扑结构的数据集拓扑关系拓扑交替换位,交替使用,卖掉交换,协定,交易事务处理系统变换,转换转置,颠倒顺序巨大的不规则三角网修整真方向投影元组不偏性不确定性海图上未标明的,未知的欠头线合并并集、逻辑的和上升级最上面的城市改造用户友好的效用, 实用,公用事业效用函数含糊的效力,正确,有效性方差,变差变量(变化记录)图矢量矢量空间数据模型经销商言语的, 动词的对,与…相对顶点 (单数)矢量化可实行的,可行的反之亦然反之亦然数据库的表示只读的虚拟的虚拟现实通视性分析视觉的可视化,使看得见的重大的沃伦网格顶点(复数)分水岭杂草,野草 v.除草,铲除清除容限度加权求和法同时在 ...... 距离内异或放大缩小。
limit superior and limit inferior
Limit superior and limit inferiorIn mathematics, the limit inferior (also called infimum limit , liminf , inferior limit , lower limit , or inner limit )and limit superior (also called supremum limit , limsup , superior limit , upper limit , or outer limit ) of a sequence can be thought of as limiting (i.e., eventual and extreme) bounds on the sequence. The limit inferior and limit superior of a function can be thought of in a similar fashion (see limit of a function). The limit inferior and limit superior of a set are the infimum and supremum of the set's limit points, respectively. In general, when there are multiple objects around which a sequence, function, or set accumulates, the inferior and superior limits extract the smallest and largest of them; the type of object and the measure of size is context-dependent, but the notion of extreme limits is invariant.An illustration of limit superior and limit inferior. The sequence x n is shown inblue. The two red curves approach the limit superior and limit inferior of x n , shownas solid red lines to the right. In this case, the sequence accumulates around thetwo limits. The superior limit is the larger of the two, and the inferior limit is thesmaller of the two. The inferior and superior limits only agree when the sequenceis convergent (i.e., when there is a single limit).Definition for sequencesThe limit inferior of a sequence (x n ) isdefined byorSimilarly, the limit superior of (x n) is defined byorIf the terms in the sequence are real numbers, the limit superior and limit inferior always exist, as real numbers or ±∞ (i.e., on the extended real number line). More generally, these definitions make sense in any partially ordered set,provided the suprema and infima exist, such as in a complete lattice.Whenever the ordinary limit exists, the limit inferior and limit superior are both equal to it; therefore, each can be considered a generalization of the ordinary limit which is primarily interesting in cases where the limit does not exist. Whenever lim inf x n and lim sup x nboth exist, we haveLimits inferior/superior are related to big-O notation in that they bound a sequence only "in the limit"; the sequence may exceed the bound. However, with big-O notation the sequence can only exceed the bound in a finite prefix of the sequence, whereas the limit superior of a sequence like e -n may actually be less than all elements of the sequence. The only promise made is that some tail of the sequence can be bounded by the limit superior (inferior) plus (minus)an arbitrarily small positive constant.The limit superior and limit inferior of a sequence are a special case of those of a function (see below).The case of sequences of real numbersIn mathematical analysis, limit superior and limit inferior are important tools for studying sequences of real numbers. In order to deal with the difficulties arising from the fact that the supremum and infimum of an unbounded set of real numbers may not exist (the reals are not a complete lattice), it is convenient to consider sequences in the affinely extended real number system: we add the positive and negative infinities to the real line to give the complete totally ordered set [-∞,∞], which is a complete lattice.InterpretationConsider a sequence consisting of real numbers. Assume that the limit superior and limit inferior are real numbers (so, not infinite).•The limit superior of is the smallest real number such that, for any positive real number , there exists anatural number such that for all . In other words, any number larger than the limit superior is an eventual upper bound for the sequence. Only a finite number of elements of the sequence are greater than .•The limit inferior of is the largest real number that, for any positive real number , there exists a naturalnumber such that for all . In other words, any number below the limit inferior is an eventual lower bound for the sequence. Only a finite number of elements of the sequence are less than .PropertiesThe relationship of limit inferior and limit superior for sequences of real numbers is as follows) in [−∞,∞] converges if and only ifAs mentioned earlier, it is convenient to extend R to [−∞,∞]. Then, (xnin which case is equal to their common value. (Note that when working just in R, convergence to −∞ or ∞would not be considered as convergence.) Since the limit inferior is at most the limit superior, the conditionimplies thatand the conditionimplies that= sin(n). Using the fact that pi is irrational, one can show thatAs an example, consider the sequence given by xnand(This is because the sequence {1,2,3,...} is equidistributed mod 2π, a consequence of the Equidistribution theorem.) Ifand, but every slight enlargement [I − ε, S + ε] (for then the interval [I, S] need not contain any of the numbers xnarbitrarily small ε > 0) will contain xfor all but finitely many indices n. In fact, the interval [I, S] is the smallestnclosed interval with this property. We can formalize this property like this. If there exists a so thatthen there exists a subsequence of for which we have thatIn the same way, an analogous property holds for the limit inferior: ifthen there exists a subsequence of for which we have thatOn the other hand we have that ifthere exists a so thatSimilarly, if there exists a so thatthere exists a so thatTo recapitulate:•If is greater than the limit superior, there are at most finitely many greater than ; if it is less, there areinfinitely many.•If is less than the limit inferior, there are at most finitely many less than ; if it is greater, there are infinitely many.In general we have thatThe liminf and limsup of a sequence are respectively the smallest and greatest cluster points.An example from number theory iswhere pis the n-th prime number. The value of this limit inferior is conjectured to be 2 - this is the twin prime nconjecture - but as yet has not even been proved finite. The corresponding limit superior is , because there arearbitrary gaps between consecutive primes.•For any two sequences of real numbers , the limit superior satisfies superadditivity: (handling appropriately)Analogously, if is handled with care, the limit inferior satisfies subadditivityIn the particular case that one of the sequences actually converges, say , then the inequalities abovebecome equalities (with or being replaced by ).If the limit superior and limit inferior converge to the same value:Then the limit converges to that valueReal-valued functionsAssume that a function is defined from a subset of the real numbers to the real numbers. As in the case for sequences, the limit inferior and limit superior are always well-defined if we allow the values +∞ and -∞; in fact, if both agree then the limit exists and is equal to their common value (again possibly including the infinities). Forexample, given f(x) = sin(1/x), we have lim supx→0f(x) = 1 and lim infx→0f(x) = -1. The difference between the twois a rough measure of how "wildly" the function oscillates, and in observation of this fact, it is called the oscillation of f at a. This idea of oscillation is sufficient to, for example, characterize Riemann-integrable functions as continuous except on a set of measure zero [1]. Note that points of nonzero oscillation (i.e., points at which f is "badly behaved") are discontinuities which, unless they make up a set of zero, are confined to a negligible set.Functions from metric spaces to metric spacesThere is a notion of lim sup and lim inf for functions defined on a metric space whose relationship to limits of real-valued functions mirrors that of the relation between the lim sup, lim inf, and the limit of a real sequence. Take metric spaces X and Y, a subspace E contained in X, and a function f : E → Y. The space Y should also be an ordered set, so that the notions of supremum and infimum make sense. Define, for any limit point a of E,andwhere B(a;ε) denotes the metric ball of radius ε about a.Note that as ε shrinks, the supremum of the function over the ball is monotone decreasing, so we haveand similarlyThis finally motivates the definitions for general topological spaces. Take X, Y, E and a as before, but now let X and Y both be topological spaces. In this case, we replace metric balls with neighborhoods:(there is a way to write the formula using a lim using nets and the neighborhood filter). This version is often useful in discussions of semi-continuity which crop up in analysis quite often. An interesting note is that this version subsumes the sequential version by considering sequences as functions from the natural numbers as a topological subspace of the extended real line, into the space (the closure of N in [-∞, ∞] is N∪ {∞}.)Sequences of setsThe power set ℘(X ) of a set X is a complete lattice that is ordered by set inclusion, and so the supremum and infimum of any set of sets, in terms of set inclusion, of subsets always exist. In particular, every subset Y of X is bounded above by X and below by the empty set ∅ because ∅ ⊆ Y ⊆ X . Hence, it is possible (and sometimes useful) to consider superior and inferior limits of sequences in ℘(X ) (i.e., sequences of subsets of X ).There are two common ways to define the limit of sequences of set. In both cases:•The sequence accumulates around sets of points rather than single points themselves. That is, because each element of the sequence is itself a set, there exist accumulation sets that are somehow nearby to infinitely many elements of the sequence.•The supremum/superior/outer limit is a set that joins these accumulation sets together. That is, it is the union of all of the accumulation sets. When ordering by set inclusion, the supremum limit is the least upper bound on the set of accumulation points because it contains each of them. Hence, it is the supremum of the limit points.•The infimum/inferior/inner limit is a set where all of these accumulation sets meet. That is, it is the intersection of all of the accumulation sets. When ordering by set inclusion, the infimum limit is the greatest lower bound on the set of accumulation points because it is contained in each of them. Hence, it is the infimum of the limit points.•Because ordering is by set inclusion, then the outer limit will always contain the inner limit (i.e., lim inf X n ⊆lim sup X n ).The difference between the two definitions involves the topology (i.e., how to quantify separation) is defined. In fact,the second definition is identical to the first when the discrete metric is used to induce the topology on X .General set convergenceIn this case, a sequence of sets approaches a limiting set when its elements of each member of the sequence approach that elements of the limiting set. In particular, if {X n } is a sequence of subsets of X , then:•lim sup X n , which is also called the outer limit , consists of those elements which are limits of points in X n taken from (countably) infinitely many n . That is, x ∈ lim sup X n if and only if there exists a sequence of points x k and a subsequence {X n k } of {X n } such that x k ∈ X n k and x k → x as k → ∞.•lim inf X n , which is also called the inner limit , consists of those elements which are limits of points in X n for all but finitely many n (i.e., cofinitely many n ). That is, x ∈ lim inf X n if and only if there exists a sequence of points {x k } such that x k ∈ X k and x k → x as k → ∞.The limit lim X exists if and only if lim inf X and lim sup X agree, in which case lim X = lim sup X = lim inf X .[2]Special case: discrete metricIn this case, which is frequently used in measure theory, a sequence of sets approaches a limiting set when the limiting set includes elements from each of the members of the sequence. That is, this case specializes the first case when the topology on set X is induced from the discrete metric. For points x ∈ X and y ∈ X , the discrete metric is defined bySo a sequence of points {x k } converges to point x ∈ X if and only if x k = x for all but finitely many k . The following definition is the result of applying this metric to the general definition above.If {X n } is a sequence of subsets of X , then:•lim sup X n consists of elements of X which belong to X n for (countably) infinitely many values of n . That is, x ∈lim sup X n if and only if there exists a subsequence {X n k } of {X n } such that x ∈ X n k for all k .•lim inf Xn consists of elements of X which belong to Xnfor all but finitely many n (i.e., for cofinitely many n).That is, x∈ lim inf Xn if and only if there exists some m>0 such that x∈ Xnfor all n>m.The limit lim X exists if and only if lim inf X and lim sup X agree, in which case lim X = lim sup X = lim inf X.[3] This definition of the inferior and superior limits is relatively strong because it requires that the elements of the extreme limits also be elements of each of the sets of the sequence.Using the standard parlance of set theory, consider the infimum of a sequence of sets. The infimum is a greatest lower bound or meet of a set. In the case of a sequence of sets, the sequence constituents meet at an set that is somehow smaller than each constituent set. Set inclusion to provides an ordering that allows set intersection togenerate a greatest lower bound ∩Xn of sets in the sequence {Xn}. Similarly, the supremum, which is the least upperbound or join, of a sequence of sets is the union ∪Xn of sets in sequence {Xn}. In this context, the inner limitlim inf Xn is the largest meeting of tails of the sequence, and the outer limit lim sup Xnis the smallest joining of tailsof the sequence.•Let Inbe the meet of the n th tail of the sequence. That is,Then Ik ⊆ Ik+1⊆ Ik+2because Ik+1is the intersection of fewer sets than Ik. In particular, the sequence {Ik} isnon-decreasing. So the inner/inferior limit is the least upper bound on this sequence of meets of tails. In particular,So the superior limit acts like a version of the standard supremum that is unaffected by set elements that occur only finitely many times. That is, the superemum limit is a set that is a superset (i.e., an upper bound) for all but finitely many elements.•Similarly, let Jmbe the join of the m th tail of the sequence. That is,Then Jk ⊇ Jk+1⊇ Jk+2because Jk+1is the union of fewer sets than Jk. In particular, the sequence {Jk} isnon-increasing. So the outer/superior limit is the greatest lower bound on this sequence of joins of tails. In particular,So the inferior limit acts like a version of the standard infimum that is unaffected by set elements that occur only finitely many times. That is, the infimum limit is a set that is a subset (i.e., a lower bound) for all but finitely many elements.The limit lim Xn exists if and only if lim sup Xn=lim inf Xn, and in that case, lim Xn=lim inf Xn=lim sup Xn. In thissense, the sequence has a limit so long as all but finitely many of its elements are equal to the limit.ExamplesThe following are several set convergence examples. They have been broken into sections with respect to the metric used to induce the topology on set X.Using the discrete metric•The Borel–Cantelli lemma is an example application of these constructs.Using either the discrete metric or the Euclidean metric•Consider the set X = {0,1} and the sequence of subsets:The "odd" and "even" elements of this sequence form two subsequences, {{0},{0},{0},...} and {{1},{1},{1},...}, which have limit points 0 and 1, respectively, and so the outer or superior limit is the set {0,1} of these two points. However, there are no limit points that can be taken from the {Xn} sequence as a whole, and so the interior or inferior limit is the empty set {}. That is,•lim sup Xn= {0,1}•lim inf Xn= {}However, for {Yn } = {{0},{0},{0},...} and {Zn} = {{1},{1},{1},...}:•lim sup Yn = lim inf Yn= lim Yn= {0}•lim sup Zn = lim inf Zn= lim Zn= {1}•Consider the set X = {50, 20, -100, -25, 0, 1} and the sequence of subsets:As in the previous two examples,•lim sup Xn= {0,1}•lim inf Xn= {}That is, the four elements that do not match the pattern do not affect the lim inf and lim sup because there are only finitely many of them. In fact, these elements could be placed anywhere in the sequence (e.g., at positions 100, 150, 275, and 55000). So long as the tails of the sequence are maintained, the outer and inner limits will be unchanged. The related concepts of essential inner and outer limits, which use the essential supremum and essential infimum, provide an important modification that "squashes" countably many (rather than just finitely many) interstitial additions.Using the Euclidean metric•Consider the sequence of subsets of rational numbers:The "odd" and "even" elements of this sequence form two subsequences, {{0},{1/2},{3/4},{4/5},...} and {{1},{1/2},{1/3},{1/4},...}, which have limit points 1 and 0, respectively, and so the outer or superior limit isthe set {0,1} of these two points. However, there are no limit points that can be taken from the {Xn} sequence as a whole, and so the interior or inferior limit is the empty set {}. So, as in the previous example,•lim sup Xn= {0,1}•lim inf Xn= {}However, for {Yn } = {{0},{1/2},{3/4},...} and {Zn} = {{1},{1/2},{1/3},...}:•lim sup Yn = lim inf Yn= lim Yn= {1}•lim sup Zn = lim inf Zn= lim Zn= {0}In each of these four cases, the elements of the limiting sets are not elements of any of the sets from the original sequence.•The Ω limit (i.e., limit set) of a solution to a dynamic system is the outer limit of solution trajectories of the system.[2]:50–51 Because trajectories become closer and closer to this limit set, the tails of these trajectories converge to the limit set.•For example, an LTI system that is the cascade connection of several stable systems with an undamped second-order LTI system (i.e., zero damping ratio) will oscillate endlessly after being perturbed (e.g., an ideal bell after being struck). Hence, if the position and velocity of this system are plotted against each other,trajectories will approach a circle in the state space. This circle, which is the Ω limit set of the system, is the outer limit of solution trajectories of the system. The circle represents the locus of a trajectory corresponding toa pure sinusoidal tone output; that is, the system output approaches/approximates a pure tone.Generalized definitionsThe above definitions are inadequate for many technical applications. In fact, the definitions above are specializations of the following definitions.Definition for a setThe limit inferior of a set X⊆ Y is the infimum of all of the limit points of the set. That is,Similarly, the limit superior of a set X is the supremum of all of the limit points of the set. That is,Note that the set X needs to be defined as a subset of a partially ordered set Y that is also a topological space in order for these definitions to make sense. Moreover, it has to be a complete lattice so that the suprema and infima always exist. In that case every set has a limit superior and a limit inferior. Also note that neither the limit inferior nor the limit superior of a set must be an element of the set.Definition for filter basesTake a topological space X and a filter base B in that space. The set of all cluster points for that filter base is given bywhere is the closure of . This is clearly a closed set and is similar to the set of limit points of a set. Assumethat X is also a partially ordered set. The limit superior of the filter base B is defined aswhen that supremum exists. When X has a total order, is a complete lattice and has the order topology,Proof: Similarly, the limit inferior of the filter base B is defined aswhen that infimum exists; if X is totally ordered, is a complete lattice, and has the order topology, thenIf the limit inferior and limit superior agree, then there must be exactly one cluster point and the limit of the filter base is equal to this unique cluster point.Specialization for sequences and netsNote that filter bases are generalizations of nets, which are generalizations of sequences. Therefore, these definitions give the limit inferior and limit superior of any net (and thus any sequence) as well. For example, take topological space and the net , where is a directed set and for all . The filter base("of tails") generated by this net is defined byTherefore, the limit inferior and limit superior of the net are equal to the limit superior and limit inferior ofrespectively. Similarly, for topological space , take the sequence where for any withbeing the set of natural numbers. The filter base ("of tails") generated by this sequence is defined byTherefore, the limit inferior and limit superior of the sequence are equal to the limit superior and limit inferior of respectively.See also•Essential supremum and essential infimumReferencesIn-line references[1]mf.uwindsor.ca/314folder/analbookfiles/RintexistLebesgue.pdf[2]Goebel, Rafal; Sanfelice, Ricardo G.; Teel, Andrew R. (2009). "Hybrid dynamical systems". IEEE Control Systems Magazine29 (2): 28–93.doi:10.1109/MCS.2008.931718.[3]Halmos, Paul R. (1950). Measure Theory. Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc..General references•Amann, H.; Escher, Joachim (2005). Analysis. Basel; Boston: Birkhäuser. ISBN 0817671536.•González, Mario O (1991). Classical complex analysis. New York: M. Dekker. ISBN 0824784154.Article Sources and Contributors10 Article Sources and ContributorsLimit superior and limit inferior Source: /w/index.php?oldid=374368501 Contributors: ABCD, Alberto da Calvairate, Almwi, AxelBoldt, Bkell, Bluestarlight37,Bubba73, CRGreathouse, Charles Matthews, Choni, Cronholm144, Dcoetzee, Dfeuer, Dmyersturnbull, Dysprosia, Eequor, Eggstone, Eighty, Elroch, Giftlite, Jsnx, Julioc, Kavas, LachlanA, Lhf, LilHelpa, Localhost00, Madmath789, Markjoseph125, Michael Hardy, Miguel, NeoUrfahraner, Oleg Alexandrov, PV=nRT, Patrick, Paul August, Pbroks13, Petter Strandmark, Pexatus, Pomte, Robertvan1, Salgueiro, Salix alba, Schildt.a, Sligocki, Small potato, StradivariusTV, Sullivan.t.j, Tcnuk, TedPavlic, Thamuzino, Tosha, Trevorgoodchild, Tristanreid, VectorPosse, WAREL,Zundark, 71 anonymous editsImage Sources, Licenses and ContributorsImage:LimSup.svg Source: /w/index.php?title=File:LimSup.svg License: Public Domain Contributors: Pbroks13LicenseCreative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported/licenses/by-sa/3.0/。
distributeddataparallel 获取多卡推理结果
distributeddataparallel 获取多卡推理结果-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分是文章引言的一部分,它主要介绍全文的背景和整体内容,旨在引发读者的兴趣并提供一个全面的概览。
Exam:070-431Title:Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2005 - Implementation and Maintenance Ver : 07.24.06QUESTION 1Your application must access data that is located on two SQL Server 2005 computers. One of these servers is named SQL1 and the other is SQL2. You have permissions to create a stored procedure on SQL1 to support your application. However, on SQL2 you only have permissions to select data.You write the stored procedure on SQL1. The stored procedure accesses SQL2 by using the OPENQUERY Transact-SQL statement. However, the query fails when executed. You need to troubleshoot the cause of the error. What should you do?A. Join the two servers by using the four-part syntax of server.database.schema.table.B. Reference SQL2 by using an alias.C. Add SQL2 as a remote server to SQL1.D. Add SQL2 as a linked server to SQL1.Answer: DQUESTION 2You are preparing for a new installation of SQL Server 2005. You need to select the protocols that client computers might use to connect to the server.Which two protocols can you use to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)A. Named PipesB. TCP/IPC. Shared MemoryD. Virtual Interface Adapter (VIA)E. MultiprotocolAnswer: A,BQUESTION 3You configure a new SQL Server 2005 computer to use TCP/IP with all default settings. Your corporate policy requires that each server use a firewall. You find that you can connect to the SQL Server instance from the local computer. However, client computers cannot connect to the SQL Server instance.You need to identify the most likely cause of the connection issues. What should you do first?A. Ensure that port 1433 is open in your firewall.B. Ensure that port 443 is open in your firewall.C. Ensure that client computers connect by using Shared Memory protocol.D. Ensure that the server is not paused.Answer: AQUESTION 4Certkiller .com has multiple servers in a distributed environment. You work with two SQL Server 2005 computers named SQL1 and SQL2. Each server uses SQL Server Authentication and they use different logins.You need to write a distributed query that joins the data on SQL1 with the data on SQL2. What should you do?A. Ensure that both SQL1 and SQL2 use the same login name as the security context for each server.B. Configure SQL2 as a remote server. Write the query on SQL1.C. Configure SQL2 as a linked server to impersonate the remote login.D. Configure SQL2 as a distributed server. Use pass-through authentication.Answer: CQUESTION 5Certkiller .com uses SQL Server 2005. Users report that report execution is slow. You investigate and discover that some queries do not use optimal execution plans. You also notice that some optimizer statistics are missing and others are out of date.You need to correct the problem so that reports execute more quickly. Which two Transact-SQL statements should you use? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.)A. DBCC CHECKTABLEB. ALTER INDEX REORGANIZEC. UPDATE STATISTICSD. CREATE STATISTICSE. DBCC SHOW_STATISTICSF. DBCC UPDATEUSAGEAnswer: C,DQUESTION 6You are responsible for implementing maintenance jobs on a SQL Server 2005 database server. Certain jobs run every Sunday and other jobs run at the beginning of every month. You need to schedule the jobs in the way that uses the least amount of administrative effort. What should you do?A. Create a job schedule that runs every Sunday. Assign weekly tasks to this schedule. Create a second schedule that runs on the first day of every month. Assign monthly tasks to this schedule.B. Create a job for each task that runs once a day. Use a Transact-SQL statement to check the date and day of the week. If the day is either a Sunday or the first day of the month, execute the code.C. Create a job schedule that runs once a day. Assign jobs to this job schedule. If the day is either a Sunday or the first day of the month, execute the jobs.D. Create a job for each task that runs once a week on Sunday. Add a second job schedule that runs the job on the first of the month.Answer: AQUESTION 7You discover that the msdb database on a SQL Server 2005 computer is corrupt and must be restored. Databases are backed up daily. The database backup files are written to a network share, but the file names do not clearly indicate which databases are in each file. You need to locate the correct backup file as quickly as possible. The first file in the list is named DB_Backup.bak. Which Transact-SQL statement should you use?A. RESTORE LABELONLYFROM DISK = N\\Server1\Backup\DB_Backup.bakB. RESTORE HEADERONLYFROM DISK = N\\Server1\Backup\DB_Backup.bakC. RESTORE VERIFYONLYFROM DISK = N\\Server1\Backup\DB_Backup.bakD. RESTORE DATABASE MSDBFROM DISK = N\\Server1\Backup\DB_Backup.bak Answer: BQUESTION 8A support engineer reports that inserting new sales transactions in a SQL Server 2005 database results in an error. You investigate the error. You discover that in one of the databases, a developer has accidentally deleted some data in a table that is critical for transaction processing. The database uses the full recovery model. You need to restore the table.You need to achieve this goal without affecting the availability of other data in the database. What should you do?A. Back up the current transaction log. Restore the database with a different name and stop at the point just before the data loss. Copy the table back into the original database.B. Back up the current transaction log. Restore the database to the point just before the data loss.C. Restore the database from the existing backup files to a time just before the data loss.D. Restore the database to the point of the last full backup.Answer: AQUESTION 9A power failure occurs on the storage area network (SAN) where your SQL Server 2005 database server is located.You need to check the allocation as well as the structural and logical integrity of all databases, including their system catalogs. What should you do?A. Execute DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP for each filegroup.B. Execute DBCC CHECKCATALOG.C. Execute DBCC CHECKDB.D. Execute DBCC CHECKTABLE for each table.Answer: CQUESTION 10You are responsible for importing data into SQL Server 2005 databases. Your department is starting to receive text files that contain sales transactions from stores across the country. Columns in the data are separated by semicolons.You need to import the files into the sales database. What should you do?A. Create a custom format file, specifying a semicolon as the row terminator.B. Use the bcp command, specifying a semicolon as the field terminator.C. Use the bcp command with the default arguments.D. Use the BULK INSERT statement with the default arguments.Answer: BQUESTION 11You are creating a Web-based application to manage data aggregation for reports. The application connects to a SQL Server 2005 database named DataManager. One page in the application has controls that execute stored procedures in a database named ReportingDatabase. There is an existing Service Broker connection between the DataManager database and ReportingDatabase.You want to add two new message types to the existing service. In each database, you create message types named ProcessReport and SendResult. You need to add the two new message types to the existing service. What should you do first?A. Create a queue on each database with the ACTIVATION argument set to DataManager.dbo.ProcessReport.B. Create a conversation between the databases by using the following statement.BEGIN DIALOG FROM SERVICE 'ProcessReport' TO SERVICE 'SendResult'C. Create a contract between the services by using the following statement.CREATE CONTRACT ProcessData (ProcessReport SENT BY INITIATOR, SendResult SENT BY TARGET)D. Create services for each database by using the following statement.CREATE SERVICE DataManager ON QUEUE ProcessReportAnswer: CQUESTION 12You work at the regional sales office. You are responsible for importing and exporting data in SQL Server 2005 databases. The main office asks you to send them a text file that contains updated contact information for the customers in your region. The database administrator in the main office asks that the data be sorted by the StateProvince, Surname, and FirstName columns.You need to satisfy these requirements by using the least amount of effort. What shouldyou do?A. Specify StateProvince, Surname, and FirstName in the ORDER hint in the bcp out command.B. Create a format file for the export operation.C. Specify StateProvince, Surname, and FirstName in the ORDER BY clause in the bcp queryout command.D. Copy the data into a new table that has a clustered index on StateProvince, Surname, and FirstName. Export the data.Answer: CQUESTION 13Certkiller .com has two SQL Server 2005 computers named SQL1 and SQL2. Both servers take part in replication. SQL1 is both the Publisher and its own Distributor of a publication named Pub1. Pub1 is the only publication on SQL1, and SQL2 is the only Subscriber. Your supervisor requests a status report about the replication latencies. Using Replication Monitor on SQL1, you need to find out the current latencies between the Publisher and Distributor as well as between the Distributor and Subscriber.What should you do?A. Select the Subscription Watch List tab for SQL1. View the Latency column for the SQL2 subscription.B. Select the All Subscriptions tab for the Pub1 publication. View the Latency column for the SQL2 subscription.C. Select the Tracer Tokens tab for the Pub1 publication. Select the Insert Tracer option and wait for the requested latency values for the SQL2 subscription to appear.D. Select the Subscription Watch List tab for SQL1. Double-click the SQL2 subscription. View the duration details on the Publisher to Distributor History tab as well as on the Distributor to Subscriber History tab.Answer: CQUESTION 14Exhibit:Certkiller .com has two SQL Server 2005 computers named SQL1 and SQL2. A database named DB1 is located on SQL1. DB1 contains a table named Certkiller 4. Certkiller 4 is replicated to a database named DB1Repl, which is located on SQL2. Full-Text Search is not being used. Users report that the queries they run against Certkiller 4 in DB1Repl are very slow. You investigate and discover that only the clustered index of Certkiller 4 is replicated. All other indexes in DB1Repl are missing. You examine the Certkiller 4 article properties. The current Certkiller 4 article properties are shown in the exhibit.You need to change the article properties so that all indexes of Certkiller 4 in DB1 are replicated when the subscription is reinitialized. Which two article properties should you change? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.)A. Copy clustered indexB. Copy nonclustered indexesC. Copy extended propertiesD. Copy unique key constraintsE. Copy index partitioning schemesF. Copy XML indexesAnswer: B,FQUESTION 15You are creating an HTTP endpoint that will be used to provide customer data to external applications. Your SQL Server 2005 computer is named SQL1. You create a stored procedure named p_GetPersonData to retrieve the data in the Certkiller database. You create the endpoint by using the following code.CREATE ENDPOINT SQLEP_AWPersons AS HTTP (PATH = '/AWpersons', AUTHENTICATION = (INTEGRATED), PORTS = (CLEAR), SITE = 'SQL1') FOR SOAP (WEBMETHOD 'PersonData' (NAME=' Certkiller p_GetPersonData'), BATCHES = DISABLED, WSDL = DEFAULT, DATABASE = ' Certkiller ', NAMESPACE = 'http://Adventure-Works/Persons')The first users to connect to the endpoint tell you that they do not get any data. You connect to the endpoint and discover that it is not responding. You need to modify the endpoint so that data is returned as expected. What should you do?A. Change the AUTHENTICATION property to KERBEROS.B. Specify BATCHES = ENABLED.C. Specify STATE = Started.D. Specify WSDL = 'pr_GetPersonData'.Answer: CQUESTION 16You work in Dublin at the main office of Certkiller .com. You are responsible for managing a SQL Server 2005 database. The sales department wants a report that compares customer activity in the previous quarter between the main office in Dublin and the branch office in Buenos Aires. They want the data sorted by surname and first name. You restore a recent backup of the Buenos Aires database onto your server. You write queries to build the report, ordering the data by the Surname and FirstName columns. You review the data and notice that the customer list from the Buenos Aires database is sorted differently. The sales department needs the revised data within 15 minutes for a presentation.You need to implement the fastest possible solution that ensures that the data from both databases is sorted identically. What should you do?A. Use the Copy Database Wizard to copy the data in the Buenos Aires database to a new database with the same collation as the Dublin database.B. Use the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard to copy the data from the Buenos Aires database into new tables, specifying the same collation as the Dublin database.C. Modify the format file to specify the same collation as the Dublin database. Import the table again.D. Modify the query on the Buenos Aires database to use the COLLATE setting in the ORDER BY clause. In the query, specify the same collation as the Dublin database. Answer: DQUESTION 17You work for a company that sells books. You are creating a report for a SQL Server 2005 database. The report will list sales representatives and their total sales for the current month. The report must include only those sales representatives who met their sales quota for the current month. The monthly sales quota is $2,000. The date parameters are passed in variables named @FromDate and @ToDate.You need to create the report so that it meets these requirements. Which SQL query should you use?A. SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL(o.OrderTotal,0.00))AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgent s JOIN OrderHeader o ON s.AgentID = o.AgentIDWHERE o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDateGROUP BY s.AgentNameB. SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL (o.OrderTotal,0.00))AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgent s JOIN OrderHeader o ON s.AgentID =o.AgentIDWHERE o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate ANDo.OrderTotal >= 2000GROUP BY s.AgentNameC. SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL (o.OrderTotal,0.00)) AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgent s JOIN OrderHeader o ON s.AgentID = o.AgentID WHERE o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDateGROUP BYs.AgentNameHAVING SUM(o.OrderTotal) >= 2000D. SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL(o.OrderTotal,0.00)) AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgent s JOIN OrderHeader o ON s.AgentID =o.AgentIDWHERE o.ordertotal = 2000 AND o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDateGROUP BY s.AgentNameHAVING SUM(o.OrderTotal) >= 2000 Answer: CQUESTION 18You are creating a stored procedure that will delete data from the Contact table in a SQL Server 2005 database. The stored procedure includes the following Transact-SQL statement to handle any errors that occur.BEGIN TRYBEGIN TRANSACTIONDELETE FROM Person.ContactWHERE ContactID = @ContactIDCOMMIT TRANSACTIONEND TRYBEGIN CATCHDECLARE @ErrorMessage nvarchar(2000) DECLARE @ErrorSeverity int DECLARE @ErrorState int SELECT @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE(), @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY(), @ErrorState = ERROR_STATE() RAISERROR(@ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState) END CATCH;You test the stored procedure and discover that it leaves open transactions. You need to modify the stored procedure so that it properly handles the open transactions. What should you do?A. Add a COMMIT TRANSACTION command to the CATCH block.B. Remove the COMMIT TRANSACTION command from the TRY block.C. Add a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION command to the CATCH block.D. Add a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION command to the TRY block.Answer: CQUESTION 19You are creating an online catalog application that will display product information on the company Web site. The product data is stored in a SQL Server 2005 database. The data is stored as relational data but must be passed to the application as an XML document by using FOR XML. You test your application and notice that not all of the items matching your query appear in the XML document. Only those products that have values for all elements in the schema appear.You need to modify your Transact-SQL statement so that all products matching your query appear in the XML document. What should you do?A. Add an XML index to the table that contains the product data.B. Add the XSINIL argument to the ELEMENTS directive in the query.C. Add a HAVING clause to the query.D. Add the replace value of clause to the query.Answer: BQUESTION 20Certkiller .com has two SQL Server 2005 computers named SQL1 and SQL2. Transaction log shipping occurs from SQL1 to SQL2 by using default SQL Server Agent schedule settings.You need to reconfigure transaction log shipping to provide minimum latency on SQL2. What should you do?A. On SQL1, reschedule the transaction log backup job so that it occurs every minute. On SQL2, maintain default schedule settings for both the log shipping copy and the restore jobs.B. On SQL1, change the schedule type for the transaction log backup to Start automatically when SQL Server Agent starts. On SQL2, change the schedule types for both the log shipping copy and the restore jobs to Start automatically when SQL Server Agent starts.C. On SQL1, maintain default schedule settings for the transaction log backup job. On SQL2, change the schedule types for both the log shipping copy and the restore jobs to Start automatically when SQL Server Agent starts.D. On SQL1, reschedule the transaction log backup job so that it occurs every minute. On SQL2, reschedule both the log shipping copy and the restore jobs so that they occur every minute.Answer: DQUESTION 21You are implementing transaction log shipping for a database named DB1 from a server named SQL1 to a server named SQL2. Because DB1 is 100 GB in size, it is too big to transfer over the network in a reasonable amount of time.You need to minimize the impact on the network while you initialize the secondarydatabase. Which two actions should you perform? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.)A. Specify the simple recovery model for DB1.B. Specify either the full or the bulk-logged recovery model for DB1.C. Perform a complete backup of DB1 to portable media. Restore the secondary database from that backup; specify the RECOVERY option.D. Perform a complete backup of DB1 to portable media. Restore the secondary database from that backup; specify the STANDBY option.E. Before you activate transaction log shipping to the secondary database, execute the following statement on the primary server.BACKUP LOG DB1 WITHTRUNCATE_ONLYAnswer: B,DQUESTION 22A full backup of your database named DB1 is created automatically at midnight every day. Differential backups of DB1 occur twice each day at 10:00 and at 16:00. A database snapshot is created every day at noon. A developer reports that he accidentally dropped the Pricelist table in DB1 at 12:30. The last update to Pricelist occurred one week ago. You need to recover the Pricelist table. You want to achieve this goal by using the minimum amount of administrative effort. You must also minimize the amount of data that is lost. What should you do?A. Restore the most recent backup into a new database named DB1bak. Apply the most recent differential backup. Copy the Pricelist table from DB1bak to DB1.B. Delete all database snapshots except the most recent one. Restore DB1 from the most recent database snapshot.C. Recover DB1 from the most recent backup. Apply the most recent differential backup.D. Copy the Pricelist table from the most recent database snapshot into DB1. Answer: DQUESTION 23You manage a database named DB1, which is located on a SQL Server 2005 computer. You receive a warning that the drive on which the DB1 log file is located is near capacity. Although the transaction log is backed up every five minutes, you observe that it is steadily growing. You think that an uncommitted transaction might be the cause and you want to investigate.You need to identify both the server process ID and the start time of the oldest active transaction in DB1. What should you do?A. Connect to the DB1 database. Execute DBCC OPENTRAN. View the SPID and Start time rows.B. Connect to the master database. Execute DBCC OPENTRAN. View the SPID and Start time rows.C. In SQL Server Management Studio, open the Activity Monitor. Select the Process Info page and apply the following filter settings. Database = DB1 Open Transactions = YesView the Process ID and Last Batch columns.D. Open a query window. Connect to the master database. Execute the following statement.SELECT TOP 1 spid, last_batch FROM sys.sysprocesses WHERE dbid =db_id('DB1') AND open_tran > 0 ORDER BY last_batchAnswer: AQUESTION 24Certkiller .com has a server named SQL1 that runs SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition. SQL1 has 2 GB of RAM, 1.6 GB of which are used by the default SQL Server database engine instance. The average data growth of all databases combined is 100 MB a month. Users state that report execution times are increasing. You want to assess whether more RAM is needed.You need to use System Monitor to create a counter log that will help you decide whether to add RAM. Which performance object should you add to the counter log?A. MSAS 2005:CacheB. MSAS 2005:MemoryC. MSAS 2005:Proactive CachingD. SQLServer:Buffer ManagerE. SQLServer:SQL StatisticsF. SQLServer:General StatisticsAnswer: DQUESTION 25You manage a SQL Server 2005 computer that was installed using default settings. After a power failure, the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service on your database server does not start.You need to find out the cause of the problem. Which three actions should you perform? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose three.)A. In Event Viewer, view the system log.B. In Event Viewer, view the application log.C. In Notepad, view the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQLServer\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG\ErrorLog.1 file.D. In Notepad, view the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQLServer\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG\ErrorLog file.E. In Notepad, view the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQLServer\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG\SQLAgent.out file.Answer: A,B,DQUESTION 26You manage a SQL Server 2005 database that contains a table with many indexes. You notice that data modification performance has degraded over time. You suspect that some of the indexes are unused.You need to identify which indexes were not used by any queries since the last time SQL Server 2005 started. Which dynamic management view should you use?A. sys.dm_fts_index_populationB. sys.dm_exec_query_statsC. sys.dm_db_index_usage_statsD. sys.dm_db_index_physical_statsAnswer: CQUESTION 27Certkiller .com uses SQL Server 2005. A user reports that an order processing application stopped responding in the middle of an order transaction. The users SQL Server session ID is 54.You need to find out if session 54 is blocked by another connection. If it is, you need to identify the blocking session ID. What are two possible ways to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)A. In SQL Server Management Studio, open the Activity Monitor. Open the Process Info page. View the BlockedBy column for session 54.B. In SQL Server Management Studio, open the Activity Monitor. Open the Locks by Process page. View the Request Mode column for session 54.C. In SQL Server Management Studio, open a new query window and execute the following statement.SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WHERE session_id =54View the blocking_session_id column.D. In SQL Server Management Studio, open a new query window and execute the following statement.SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_sessionsWHERE session_id =54View the status column.Answer: A,CQUESTION 28You use a SQL Server 2005 database named DB1, which is located on a server named SQL1. DB1 is in use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A recent copy of DB1 exists on a second server named SQLtest that also runs SQL Server 2005. You detect a high number of full scans on SQL1 and conclude that additional indexes in DB1 are needed. A workload file that is suitable for Database Engine Tuning Advisor (DTA) already exists. You need to analyze the workload file by using DTA. You must ensure maximumperformance on SQL1 during analysis. You must also ensure availability during the implementation of any recommendations suggested by the DTA. What should you do?A. Store the workload file on SQL1. Start DTA on SQLtest and connect to SQL1. Specify all workload and tuning options as necessary. In the Advanced Tuning Options dialog box, select the Generate only online recommendations check box.B. Store the workload file on SQLtest. Start DTA on SQLtest and connect to SQLtest. Specify all workload and tuning options as necessary. In the Advanced Tuning Options dialog box, select the Generate only online recommendations check box.C. Store the workload file on SQL1. Start DTA on SQL1 and connect to SQL1. Specify all workload and tuning options as necessary. In the Advanced Tuning Options dialog box, select the All recommendations are offline check box.D. Store the workload file on SQLtest. Start DTA on SQLtest and connect to SQLtest. Specify all workload and tuning options as necessary. In the Advanced Tuning Options dialog box, select the All recommendations are offline check box.Answer: BQUESTION 29Certkiller .com uses SQL Server 2005. Users report with increasing frequency that they receive deadlock error messages in an order processing application.You need to monitor which objects and SQL Server session IDs are involved when deadlock conditions occur. You want information about each participant in the deadlock. What should you do?A. Trace the Lock:Timeout event by using SQL Server Profiler.B. Observe the SQLServer:Locks - Number of Deadlocks/sec counter by using System Monitor.C. Trace the Lock:Deadlock event by using SQL Server Profiler.D. Trace the Lock:Deadlock Chain event by using SQL Server Profiler.Answer: DQUESTION 30You are working as a DBA at the Cape Town office of Certkiller .com. Certkiller .com use a SQL Server 2005 database that does not contain any views.You use Database Engine Tuning Advisor (DTA) to tune this database. A workload file that is suitable for DTA already exists.You are required to locate only missing nonclustered indexes. During this process, you need to insure that existing structures remain intact, and that newly recommend structures are partitioned for best performance.You want to accomplish this goal by configuring the tuning options in DTA.Which tuning options should you use?Answer:Explanation:For us the correct answer should be : Nonclustered IndexesFullPartitioningKeep all existing PDSOn BOL explanations about DTA options:Partitioning Strategy to EmployPhysical Design Structures to Keep in the DatabaseQUESTION 31You work for a bank that uses a SQL Server 2005 database to store line items from customer banking transactions. The bank processes 50,000 transactions every day. The application requires a clustered index on the TransactionID column. You need to create a table that supports an efficient reporting solution that queries the transactions by date. What are the two ways to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)A. Place a nonclustered index on the date column.B. Add a unique clustered index on the date column.C. Map each partition to a filegroup, with each filegroup accessing a different physical drive.D. Create a partitioning scheme that partitions the data by date.Answer: A,DQUESTION 32Certkiller .com uses a SQL Server 2005 database. This database contains a trigger named trg_InsertOrders, which fires when order data is inserted into the Orders table. The trigger is responsible for ensuring that a customer exists in the Customers table before data is inserted into the Orders table. You need to configure the trigger to prevent it from firing during the data import process. You must accomplish this goal while using the least amount of administrative effort. Which two Transact-SQL statements can you use to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)。
Useful Terms
• Incentive (激励/奖励)
An incentive is any factor that enables or motivates a particular course of action. It is an expectation that encourages people to behave in a certain way. Incentives usually fall into three broad classes: 1. Remunerative incentives (or financial incentives/material reward); 2. Moral incentives; 3. Coercive incentives (e.g. punishment, imprisonment,
Useful Terms
• Recognition (表彰/认可/奖励) Recognition is the act of acknowledging someone for great work or accomplishments. Being recognized builds the morale and self-worth of a person. Recognition programs at workplaces are important because they encourage employees to work harder and build up appreciation for the company from workers. A recognition program might include rewards and prizes, a day off, additional pay or even just a mention of the person's good work in a public forum/gathering.
功夫熊猫英语简报以下是一份关于功夫熊猫的英语简报:Title: Kung Fu PandaKung Fu Panda is a 2008 American-Chinese computer-animated action comedy martial arts film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Paramount Pictures. Directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne, the film tells the story of a clumsy熊猫named Po (voice by Jack Black) who learns the art of Kung Fu and saves the Valley of Peace from the evil snow leopard Tai Lung (voice by Ian McShane).The film was released on June 6, 2008, in the United States and Canada, and became a box office hit, grossing over $633 million worldwide. The film received positive reviews, with critics praising its visual style, storytelling, voice acting, and cultural references. It was also nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, making it DreamWorks Animation's first nomination in that category.In 2016, a sequel titled Kung Fu Panda 3 was released, directed by Stevenson and Osborne and produced by Guo Mingyu. The sequel continued the story of Po and his friends as they battle the evil Oogway (voice by Randall Duk Kim), who has returned to seek revenge on Po after being exiled years ago. The sequel also introduced a new character named Mei Mei (voice by Kate Hudson), a cheerful and lively bear cub who joins Po's team.Kung Fu Panda has become a popular franchise, including video games, toys, and other related merchandise. The franchise has also influenced Chinese culture and become a part of popular culture in China and around the world.(Source: Wikipedia)。
捐书活动具体内容英语作文1. We are organizing a book donation event to support education in underprivileged communities.2. The aim of this activity is to collect books from individuals and organizations who are willing to contribute to this cause.3. We believe that books have the power to transform lives and provide opportunities for those who may not have access to proper education.4. The donated books will be distributed to schools, libraries, and community centers in disadvantaged areas, where they will be accessible to children and adults alike.5. This event not only encourages people to declutter their bookshelves and donate books they no longer need, but also promotes the value of sharing knowledge and resources.6. We welcome all kinds of books, including textbooks, storybooks, reference books, and educational materials in different languages.7. In addition to physical books, we also accept e-books and audiobooks to cater to different reading preferences.8. The donated books will be carefully sorted and organized before being distributed to ensure that they are suitable for the intended recipients.9. We encourage participants to write a short note or leave a message inside the books they donate, sharing their love for reading and the importance of education.10. This event not only benefits the recipients of the donated books, but also fosters a sense of community and empathy among the participants.11. We will also organize book reading and storytelling sessions in the communities where the books are distributed,to further promote the joy of reading and learning.12. By donating books, individuals and organizationscan make a meaningful contribution to improving literacy rates and empowering individuals in underserved communities.13. We are grateful for every book donated and appreciate the support of everyone who joins us in this endeavor.14. Together, we can make a difference and help createa world where everyone has equal access to education and knowledge.。
Hive – A Petabyte Scale Data Warehouse Using
Hive – A Petabyte Scale Data Warehouse UsingHadoopAshish Thusoo, Joydeep Sen Sarma, Namit Jain, Zheng Shao, Prasad Chakka, Ning Zhang, Suresh Antony, Hao Liuand Raghotham MurthyFacebook Data Infrastructure TeamAbstract— The size of data sets being collected and analyzed in the industry for business intelligence is growing rapidly, making traditional warehousing solutions prohibitively expensive. Hadoop [1] is a popular open-source map-reduce implementation which is being used in companies like Yahoo, Facebook etc. to store and process extremely large data sets on commodity hardware. However, the map-reduce programming model is very low level and requires developers to write custom programs which are hard to maintain and reuse. In this paper, we present Hive, an open-source data warehousing solution built on top of Hadoop. Hive supports queries expressed in a SQL-like declarative language - HiveQL, which are compiled into map-reduce jobs that are executed using Hadoop. In addition, HiveQL enables users to plug in custom map-reduce scripts into queries. The language includes a type system with support for tables containing primitive types, collections like arrays and maps, and nested compositions of the same. The underlying IO libraries can be extended to query data in custom formats. Hive also includes a system catalog- Metastore– that contains schemas and statistics, which are useful in data exploration, query optimization and query compilation. In Facebook, the Hive warehouse contains tens of thousands of tables and stores over 700TB of data and is being used extensively for both reporting and ad-hoc analyses by more than 200 users per month.I.I NTRODUCTIONScalable analysis on large data sets has been core to the functions of a number of teams at Facebook - both engineering and non-engineering. Apart from ad hoc analysis and business intelligence applications used by analysts across the company, a number of Facebook products are also based on analytics. These products range from simple reporting applications like Insights for the Facebook Ad Network, to more advanced kind such as Facebook's Lexicon product [2]. As a result a flexible infrastructure that caters to the needs of these diverse applications and users and that also scales up in a cost effective manner with the ever increasing amounts of data being generated on Facebook, is critical. Hive and Hadoop are the technologies that we have used to address these requirements at Facebook.The entire data processing infrastructure in Facebook prior to 2008 was built around a data warehouse built using a commercial RDBMS. The data that we were generating was growing very fast - as an example we grew from a 15TB data set in 2007 to a 700TB data set today. The infrastructure at that time was so inadequate that some daily data processing jobs were taking more than a day to process and the situation was just getting worse with every passing day. We had an urgent need for infrastructure that could scale along with our data. As a result we started exploring Hadoop as a technology to address our scaling needs. The fact that Hadoop was already an open source project that was being used at petabyte scale and provided scalability using commodity hardware was a very compelling proposition for us. The same jobs that had taken more than a day to complete could now be completed within a few hours using Hadoop.However, using Hadoop was not easy for end users, especially for those users who were not familiar with map-reduce. End users had to write map-reduce programs for simple tasks like getting raw counts or averages. Hadoop lacked the expressiveness of popular query languages like SQL and as a result users ended up spending hours (if not days) to write programs for even simple analysis. It was very clear to us that in order to really empower the company to analyze this data more productively, we had to improve the query capabilities of Hadoop. Bringing this data closer to users is what inspired us to build Hive in January 2007. Our vision was to bring the familiar concepts of tables, columns, partitions and a subset of SQL to the unstructured world of Hadoop, while still maintaining the extensibility and flexibility that Hadoop enjoyed. Hive was open sourced in August 2008 and since then has been used and explored by a number of Hadoop users for their data processing needs. Right from the start, Hive was very popular with all users within Facebook. Today, we regularly run thousands of jobs on the Hadoop/Hive cluster with hundreds of users for a wide variety of applications starting from simple summarization jobs to business intelligence, machine learning applications and to also support Facebook product features.In the following sections, we provide more details about Hive architecture and capabilities. Section II describes the data model, the type systems and the HiveQL. Section III details how data in Hive tables is stored in the underlying distributed file system – HDFS(Hadoop file system). Section IV describes the system architecture and various components of Hive . In Section V we highlight the usage statistics of Hive at Facebook and provide related work in Section VI. We conclude with future work in Section VII.II.D ATA M ODEL,T YPE S YSTEM A ND Q UERY L ANGUAGE Hive structures data into the well-understood database concepts like tables, columns, rows, and partitions. It supports all the major primitive types – integers, floats, doubles and strings – as well as complex types such as maps, lists and structs. The latter can be nested arbitrarily to construct more complex types. In addition, Hive allows users to extend thesystem with their own types and functions. The query language is very similar to SQL and therefore can be easily understood by anyone familiar with SQL. There are some nuances in the data model, type system and HiveQL that are different from traditional databases and that have been motivated by the experiences gained at Facebook. We will highlight these and other details in this section.A.Data Model and Type SystemSimilar to traditional databases, Hive stores data in tables, where each table consists of a number of rows, and each row consists of a specified number of columns. Each column has an associated type. The type is either a primitive type or a complex type. Currently, the following primitive types are supported:•Integers – bigint(8 bytes), int(4 bytes), smallint(2 bytes), tinyint(1 byte). All integer types are signed.•Floating point numbers – float(single precision), double(double precision)•StringHive also natively supports the following complex types: •Associative arrays – map<key-type, value-type>•Lists – list<element-type>•Structs – struct<file-name: field-type, ... >These complex types are templated and can be composed to generate types of arbitrary complexity. For example, list<map<string, struct<p1:int, p2:int>> represents a list of associative arrays that map strings to structs that in turn contain two integer fields named p1 and p2. These can all be put together in a create table statement to create tables with the desired schema. For example, the following statement creates a table t1 with a complex schema.CREATE TABLE t1(st string, fl float, li list<map<string, struct<p1:int, p2:int>>);Query expressions can access fields within the structs using a '.' operator. Values in the associative arrays and lists can be accessed using '[]' operator. In the previous example, t1.li[0] gives the first element of the list and t1.li[0]['key'] gives the struct associated with 'key' in that associative array. Finally the p2 field of this struct can be accessed by t1.li[0]['key'].p2. With these constructs Hive is able to support structures of arbitrary complexity.The tables created in the manner describe above are serialized and deserialized using default serializers and deserializers already present in Hive. However, there are instances where the data for a table is prepared by some other programs or may even be legacy data. Hive provides the flexibility to incorporate that data into a table without having to transform the data, which can save substantial amount of time for large data sets. As we will describe in the later sections, this can be achieved by providing a jar that implements the SerDe java interface to Hive. In such situations the type information can also be provided by that jar by providing a corresponding implementation of the ObjectInspector java interface and exposing that implementation through the getObjectInspector method present in the SerDe interface. More details on these interfaces can be found on the Hive wiki [3], but the basic takeaway here is that any arbitrary data format and types encoded therein can be plugged into Hive by providing a jar that contains the implementations for the SerDe and ObjectInspector interfaces. All the native SerDes and complex types supported in Hive are also implementations of these interfaces. As a result once the proper associations have been made between the table and the jar, the query layer treats these on par with the native types and formats. As an example, the following statement adds a jar containing the SerDe and ObjectInspector interfaces to the distributed cache([4]) so that it is available to Hadoop and then proceeds to create the table with the custom serde.add jar /jars/myformat.jar;CREATE TABLE t2ROW FORMAT SERDE 'com.myformat.MySerDe';Note that, if possible, the table schema could also be provided by composing the complex and primitive types.B.Query LanguageThe Hive query language(HiveQL) comprises of a subset of SQL and some extensions that we have found useful in our environment. Traditional SQL features like from clause sub-queries, various types of joins – inner, left outer, right outer and outer joins, cartesian products, group bys and aggregations, union all, create table as select and many useful functions on primitive and complex types make the language very SQL like. In fact for many of the constructs mentioned before it is exactly like SQL. This enables anyone familiar with SQL to start a hive cli(command line interface) and begin querying the system right away. Useful metadata browsing capabilities like show tables and describe are also present and so are explain plan capabilities to inspect query plans (though the plans look very different from what you would see in a traditional RDBMS). There are some limitations e.g. only equality predicates are supported in a join predicate and the joins have to be specified using the ANSI join syntax such as SELECT t1.a1 as c1, t2.b1 as c2FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON (t1.a2 = t2.b2);instead of the more traditionalSELECT t1.a1 as c1, t2.b1 as c2FROM t1, t2WHERE t1.a2 = t2.b2;Another limitation is in how inserts are done. Hive currently does not support inserting into an existing table or data partition and all inserts overwrite the existing data. Accordingly, we make this explicit in our syntax as follows: INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE t1SELECT * FROM t2;In reality these restrictions have not been a problem. We have rarely seen a case where the query cannot be expressed as an equi-join and since most of the data is loaded into our warehouse daily or hourly, we simply load the data into a new partition of the table for that day or hour. However, we do realize that with more frequent loads the number of partitions can become very large and that may require us to implement INSERT INTO semantics. The lack of INSERT INTO, UPDATE and DELETE in Hive on the other hand do allow us to use very simple mechanisms to deal with reader and writer concurrency without implementing complex locking protocols.Apart from these restrictions, HiveQL has extensions to support analysis expressed as map-reduce programs by users and in the programming language of their choice. This enables advanced users to express complex logic in terms of map-reduce programs that are plugged into HiveQL queries seamlessly. Some times this may be the only reasonable approach e.g. in the case where there are libraries in python or php or any other language that the user wants to use for data transformation. The canonical word count example on a table of documents can, for example, be expressed using map-reduce in the following manner:FROM (MAP doctext USING 'python wc_mapper.py' AS (word, cnt) FROM docsCLUSTER BY word) aREDUCE word, cnt USING 'python wc_reduce.py';As shown in this example the MAP clause indicates how the input columns (doctext in this case) can be transformed using a user program (in this case ‘python wc_mapper.py') into output columns (word and cnt). The CLUSTER BY clause in the sub-query specifies the output columns that are hashed on to distributed the data to the reducers and finally the REDUCE clause specifies the user program to invoke (python wc_reduce.py in this case) on the output columns of the sub-query. Sometimes, the distribution criteria between the mappers and the reducers needs to provide data to the reducers such that it is sorted on a set of columns that are different from the ones that are used to do the distribution. An example could be the case where all the actions in a session need to be ordered by time. Hive provides the DISTRIBUTE BY and SORT BY clauses to accomplish this as shown in the following example:FROM (FROM session_tableSELECT sessionid, tstamp, dataDISTRIBUTE BY sessionid SORT BY tstamp) aREDUCE sessionid, tstamp, data USING 'session_reducer.sh'; Note, in the example above there is no map clause which indicates that the input columns are not transformed. Similarly, it is possible to have a MAP clause without a REDUCE clause in case the reduce phase does not do any transformation of data. Also in the examples shown above, the FROM clause appears before the SELECT clause which is another deviation from standard SQL syntax. Hive allows users to interchange the order of the FROM and SELECT/MAP/REDUCE clauses within a given sub-query. This becomes particularly useful and intuitive when dealing with multi inserts. HiveQL supports inserting different transformation results into different tables, partitions, hdfs or local directories as part of the same query. This ability helps in reducing the number of scans done on the input data as shown in the following example:FROM t1INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE t2SELECT t3.c2, count(1)FROM t3WHERE t3.c1 <= 20GROUP BY t3.c2INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY '/output_dir'SELECT t3.c2, avg(t3.c1)FROM t3WHERE t3.c1 > 20 AND t3.c1 <= 30GROUP BY t3.c2INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL DIRECTORY '/home/dir' SELECT t3.c2, sum(t3.c1)FROM t3WHERE t3.c1 > 30GROUP BY t3.c2;In this example different portions of table t1 are aggregated and used to generate a table t2, an hdfs directory(/output_dir) and a local directory(/home/dir on the user’s machine).III.D ATA S TORAGE,S ER D E A ND F ILE F ORMATSA.Data StorageWhile the tables are logical data units in Hive, table metadata associates the data in a table to hdfs directories. The primary data units and their mappings in the hdfs name space are as follows:•Tables – A table is stored in a directory in hdfs.•Partitions – A partition of the table is stored in a sub-directory within a table's directory.•Buckets – A bucket is stored in a file within the partition's or table's directory depending on whether the table is a partitioned table or not.As an example a table test_table gets mapped to <warehouse_root_directory>/test_table in hdfs. The warehouse_root_directory is specified by the hive.metastore.warehouse.dir configuration parameter in hive-site.xml. By default this parameter's value is set to /user/hive/warehouse.A table may be partitioned or non-partitioned. A partitioned table can be created by specifying the PARTITIONED BY clause in the CREATE TABLE statement as shown below.CREATE TABLE test_part(c1 string, c2 int) PARTITIONED BY (ds string, hr int);In the example shown above the table partitions will be stored in /user/hive/warehouse/test_part directory in hdfs. A partition exists for every distinct value of ds and hr specified by the user. Note that the partitioning columns are not part of the table data and the partition column values are encoded in the directory path of that partition (they are also stored in the table metadata). A new partition can be created through an INSERT statement or through an ALTER statement that adds a partition to the table. Both the following statements INSERT OVERWRITE TABLEtest_part PARTITION(ds='2009-01-01', hr=12)SELECT * FROM t;ALTER TABLE test_partADD PARTITION(ds='2009-02-02', hr=11);add a new partition to the table test_part. The INSERT statement also populates the partition with data from table t, where as the alter table creates an empty partition. Both these statements end up creating the corresponding directories - /user/hive/warehouse/test_part/ds=2009-01-01/hr=12 and /user/hive/warehouse/test_part/ds=2009-02-02/hr=11 – in the table’s hdfs directory. This approach does create some complications in case the partition value contains characters such as / or : that are used by hdfs to denote directory structure, but proper escaping of those characters does take care of a producing an hdfs compatible directory name.The Hive compiler is able to use this information to prune the directories that need to be scanned for data in order to evaluate a query. In case of the test_part table, the query SELECT * FROM test_part WHERE ds='2009-01-01';will only scan all the files within the/user/hive/warehouse/test_part/ds=2009-01-01 directory and the querySELECT * FROM test_partWHERE ds='2009-02-02' AND hr=11;will only scan all the files within the/user/hive/warehouse/test_part/ds=2009-01-01/hr=12 directory. Pruning the data has a significant impact on the time it takes to process the query. In many respects this partitioning scheme is similar to what has been referred to as list partitioning by many database vendors ([6]), but there are differences in that the values of the partition keys are stored with the metadata instead of the data. The final storage unit concept that Hive uses is the concept of Buckets. A bucket is a file within the leaf level directory of a table or a partition. At the time the table is created, the user can specify the number of buckets needed and the column on which to bucket the data. In the current implementation this information is used to prune the data in case the user runs the query on a sample of data e.g. a table that is bucketed into 32 buckets can quickly generate a 1/32 sample by choosing to look at the first bucket of data. Similarly, the statement SELECT * FROM t TABLESAMPLE(2 OUT OF 32);would scan the data present in the second bucket. Note that the onus of ensuring that the bucket files are properly created and named are a responsibility of the application and HiveQL DDL statements do not currently try to bucket the data in a way that it becomes compatible to the table properties. Consequently, the bucketing information should be used with caution.Though the data corresponding to a table always resides in the <warehouse_root_directory>/test_table location in hdfs, Hive also enables users to query data stored in other locations in hdfs. This can be achieved through the EXTERNAL TABLE clause as shown in the following example. CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test_extern(c1 string, c2 int) LOCATION '/user/mytables/mydata';With this statement, the user is able to specify that test_extern is an external table with each row comprising of two columns – c1 and c2. In addition the data files are stored in the location /user/mytables/mydata in hdfs. Note that as no custom SerDe has been defined it is assumed that the data is in Hive’s internal format. An external table differs from a normal table in only that a drop table command on an external table only drops the table metadata and does not delete any data. A drop on a normal table on the other hand drops the data associated with the table as well.B.Serialization/Deserialization (SerDe)As mentioned previously Hive can take an implementation of the SerDe java interface provided by the user and associate it to a table or partition. As a result custom data formats can easily be interpreted and queried from. The default SerDe implementation in Hive is called the LazySerDe – it deserializes rows into internal objects lazily so that the cost of deserialization of a column is incurred only if the column of the row is needed in some query expression. The LazySerDe assumes that the data is stored in the file such that the rows are delimited by a newline (ascii code 13) and the columns within a row are delimited by ctrl-A (ascii code 1). This SerDe can also be used to read data that uses any other delimiter character between columns.As an example, the statementCREATE TABLE test_delimited(c1 string, c2 int)ROW FORMAT DELIMITEDFIELDS TERMINATED BY '\002'LINES TERMINATED BY '\012';specifies that the data for table test_delimited uses ctrl-B (ascii code 2) as a column delimiter and uses ctrl-L(ascii code 12) as a row delimiter. In addition, delimiters can be specified to delimit the serialized keys and values of maps and different delimiters can also be specified to delimit the various elements of a list (collection). This is illustrated by the following statement.CREATE TABLE test_delimited2(c1 string,c2 list<map<string, int>>) ROW FORMAT DELIMITEDFIELDS TERMINATED BY '\002'COLLECTION ITEMS TERMINATED BY '\003'MAP KEYS TERMINATED BY '\004';Apart from LazySerDe, some other interesting SerDes are present in the hive_contrib.jar that is provided with the distribution. A particularly useful one is RegexSerDe which enables the user to specify a regular expression to parse various columns out from a row. The following statement can be used for example, to interpret apache logs.add jar 'hive_contrib.jar';CREATE TABLE apachelog(host string,identity string,user string,time string,request string,status string,size string,referer string,agent string)ROW FORMAT SERDE'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.RegexSerDe'WITH SERDEPROPERTIES('input.regex' = '([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) (-|\\[[^\\]]*\\]) ([^ \"]*|\"[^\"]*\") (-|[0-9]*) (-|[0-9]*)(?: ([^ \"]*|\"[^\"]*\") ([^ \"]*|\"[^\"]*\"))?','output.format.string' = '%1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s %5$s %6$s %7$s %8$s %9$s');The input.regex property is the regular expression applied on each record and the output.format.string indicates how the column fields can be constructed from the group matches in the regular expression. This example also illustrates how arbitrary key value pairs can be passed to a serde using the WITH SERDEPROPERTIES clause, a capability that can be very useful in order to pass arbitrary parameters to a custom SerDe.C.File FormatsHadoop files can be stored in different formats. A file format in Hadoop specifies how records are stored in a file. Text files for example are stored in the TextInputFormat and binary files can be stored as SequenceFileInputFormat. Users can also implement their own file formats. Hive does not impose an restrictions on the type of file input formats, that the data is stored in. The format can be specified when the table is created. Apart from the two formats mentioned above, Hive also provides an RCFileInputFormat which stores the data in a column oriented manner. Such an organization can give important performance improvements specially for queries that do not access all the columns of the table. Users can add their own file formats and associate them to a table as shown in the following statement.CREATE TABLE dest1(key INT, value STRING)STORED ASINPUTFORMAT'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat' The STORED AS clause specifies the classes to be used to determine the input and output formats of the files in the table’s or partition’s directory. This can be any class that implements the FileInputFormat and FileOutputFormat java interfaces. The classes can be provded to Hadoop in a jar in ways similar to those shown in the examples on adding custom SerDes.IV.S YSTEM A RCHITECTURE A ND C OMPONENTSFig. 1: Hive System ArchitectureThe following components are the main building blocks in Hive:•Metastore – The component that stores the system catalog and metadata about tables, columns, partitions etc.•Driver – The component that manages the lifecycle of a HiveQL statement as it moves through Hive. The driver also maintains a session handle and any session statistics.•Query Compiler – The component that compiles HiveQL into a directed acyclic graph of map/reduce tasks.•Execution Engine – The component that executes the tasks produced by the compiler in proper dependency order. The execution engine interacts with the underlying Hadoop instance.•HiveServer – The component that provides a thrift interface and a JDBC/ODBC server and provides a way of integrating Hive with other applications.•Clients components like the Command Line Interface (CLI), the web UI and JDBC/ODBC driver.•Extensibility Interfaces which include the SerDe and ObjectInspector interfaces already described previously as well as the UDF(User Defined Function) and UDAF(User Defined Aggregate Function) interfaces that enable users to define their own custom functions.A HiveQL statement is submitted via the CLI, the web UI or an external client using the thrift, odbc or jdbc interfaces. The driver first passes the query to the compiler where it goes through the typical parse, type check and semantic analysis phases, using the metadata stored in the Metastore. The compiler generates a logical plan that is then optimized through a simple rule based optimizer. Finally an optimized plan in the form of a DAG of map-reduce tasks and hdfs tasks is generated. The execution engine then executes these tasks in the order of their dependencies, using Hadoop.In this section we provide more details on the Metastore, the Query Compiler and the Execution Engine.A.MetastoreThe Metastore acts as the system catalog for Hive. It stores all the information about the tables, their partitions, the schemas, the columns and their types, the table locations etc. This information can be queried or modified using a thrift ([7]) interface and as a result it can be called from clients in different programming languages. As this information needs to be served fast to the compiler, we have chosen to store this information on a traditional RDBMS. The Metastore thus becomes an application that runs on an RDBMS and uses an open source ORM layer called DataNucleus ([8]), to convert object representations into a relational schema and vice versa. We chose this approach as opposed to storing this information in hdfs as we need the Metastore to be very low latency. The DataNucleus layer allows us to plugin many different RDBMS technologies. In our deployment at Facebook, we use mysql to store this information.Metastore is very critical for Hive. Without the system catalog it is not possible to impose a structure on hadoop files. As a result it is important that the information stored in the Metastore is backed up regularly. Ideally a replicated server should also be deployed in order to provide the availability that many production environments need. It is also important to ensure that this server is able to scale with the number of queries submitted by the users. Hive addresses that by ensuring that no Metastore calls are made from the mappers or the reducers of a job. Any metadata that is needed by the mapper or the reducer is passed through xml plan files that are generated by the compiler and that contain any information that is needed at the run time.The ORM logic in the Metastore can be deployed in client libraries such that it runs on the client side and issues direct calls to an RDBMS. This deployment is easy to get started with and ideal if the only clients that interact with Hive are the CLI or the web UI. However, as soon as Hive metadata needs to get manipulated and queried by programs in languages like python, php etc., i.e. by clients not written in Java, a separate Metastore server has to be deployed.B.Query CompilerThe metadata stored in the Metastore is used by the query compiler to generate the execution plan. Similar to compilers in traditional databases, the Hive compiler processes HiveQL statements in the following steps:•Parse – Hive uses Antlr to generate the abstract syntax tree (AST) for the query.•Type checking and Semantic Analysis – During this phase, the compiler fetches the information of all the input and output tables from the Metastore and uses that information to build a logical plan. It checks type compatibilities in expressions and flags any compile time semantic errors at this stage. The transformation of an AST to an operator DAG goes through an intermediate representation that is called the query block (QB) tree. The compiler converts nested queries into parent child relationships in a QB tree. At the same time, the QB tree representation also helps in organizing the relevant parts of the AST tree in a form that is more amenable to be transformed into an operator DAG than the vanilla AST.•Optimization – The optimization logic consists of a chain of transformations such that the operator DAG resulting from one transformation is passed as input to the next transformation. Anyone wishing to change the compiler or wishing to add new optimization logic can easily do that by implementing the transformation as an extension of the Transform interface and adding it to the chain of transformations in the optimizer.The transformation logic typically comprises of a walk on the operator DAG such that certain processing actions are taken on the operator DAG when relevant conditions or rules are satisfied. The five primary interfaces that are involved in a transformation are Node, GraphWalker, Dispatcher, Rule and Processor. The nodes in the operator DAG implement the Node interface. This enables the operator DAG to be manipulated using the other interfaces mentioned above. A typical。
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A Distributed Algorithm for Joins in Sensor NetworksAlexandru Coman Mario A.NascimentoDepartment of Computing ScienceUniversity of Alberta,Canada{acoman|mn}@cs.ualberta.caAbstractGiven their autonomy,flexibility and large range of func-tionality,wireless sensor networks can be used as an effec-tive and discrete means for monitoring data in many do-mains.Typical sensor nodes are very constrained,in par-ticular regarding their energy and memory resources.Thus, any query processing solution over these devices should consider their limitations.We investigate the problem of processing join queries within a sensor network.Due to the limited memory at nodes,joins are typically processed in a distributed manner over a set of nodes.Previous approaches have either assumed that the join processing nodes have sufficient memory to buffer the subset of the join relations assigned to them,or that the amount of available memory at nodes is known in advance.These assumptions are not realistic for most scenarios.In this context we pro-pose and investigate DIJ,a distributed algorithm for join processing that considers the memory limitations at nodes and does not make a priori assumptions on the available memory at the processing nodes.At the same time,our al-gorithm still aims at minimizing the energy cost of query processing.1.IntroductionRecent technological advances,decreasing production costs and increasing capabilities have made sensor net-works suitable for many applications,including environ-mental monitoring,warehouse management and battlefield surveillance.Despite the relative novelty and small num-ber of real-life deployments,sensor networks are consid-ered a highly promising technology that will change the way we interact with our environment[13].Typical sen-sor networks will be typically be formed by a large number of small,radio-enabled,sensing nodes.Each node is ca-pable of observing the environment,storing the observed values,processing them and exchanging them with other nodes over the wireless network.While these capabilitiesare expected to rapidly grow in the near future,the energy source,be it either a battery or some sort of energy har-vesting[8],is likely to remain the main limitation of these devices.Hence,energy efficient data processing and net-working protocols must be developed in order to make the long-term use of such devices practical.Our focus is on en-ergy efficient processing of queries,joins in particular,over sensor networks.We study this problem in an environment where each sensor node is only aware of the existence of the other sensor nodes located within its wireless communica-tion range,and the query can be introduced in the network at any node.Users query the sensor network to retrieve the collected data on the monitored environment.The most popular form for expressing queries in a sensor network is using an SQL-like declarative language[6].The data collected in the sen-sor network can be seen as one relation distributed over the sensor nodes,called the sensor relation in the following.The queries typically accept one or more of the following operators[6,9]:selection,projection,union,grouping and aggregations.We note that the join operation in sensor net-works has been mostly neglected in the literature.A scenario where join queries are important is as fol-lows.National Parks administration is interested in long-term monitoring of the animals in the managed park.A sensor network is deployed over the park,with the task of monitoring the animals(e.g.,using RFID sensing).Park rangers patrol the park and,upon observing certain patterns, query the sensor network through mobile devices tofind in-formation of interest.For instance,uponfinding two ani-mals killed in region A,respectively B,the rangers need to find what animals,possibly ill of rabies,have killed them.The ranger would issue the query“What animals have been in both region A and B between times T1and T2?”.If joins cannot be processed in-network,then two,possibly long, lists of animals IDs appearing in each region will be re-trieved and joined at the user’s device.On the other hand, if the join is processed in-network,only possibly very few animal IDs are retrieved,substantially reducing the commu-nication cost.1In this paper we focus on the processing of the join op-erator in sensor networks.Since the energy required for communication is three to four orders of magnitude higher than the energy required by sensing and computation[9], it is important to minimize the energy cost of communica-tion during query processing.Recently,a few works ad-dressed in-network processing of join queries.Bonfils and Bonnet[3]investigate placing a correlation operator at a node in the network.Pandit and Gupta[11]propose two algorithms for processing a range-join operator in the net-work and Yu at al.[16]propose an algorithm for processing equi-joins.These works study the self-join problem where subsets of the sensor relation are joined.Abadi et al.[1]pro-pose several solutions for the join with an external relation, where the sensor relation is joined with a relation stored at the user’s an et al.[5]study the cost of several join processing solutions with respect to the location of the network region where the join is performed.Most previous solutions either assume that nodes have sufficient memory to buffer the partition of the join relations assigned to them for processing,or that the amount of memory available at each node is known in advance and the assigned data par-titions can be set accordingly.These assumptions are un-realistic for most scenarios.It is well known that sensor networks are very constrained on main memory and the en-ergy cost of using theirflash storage(for those devices that have it)is rather prohibitive to be used for data buffering during query processing.In addition,in large scale sensor networks,it is not feasible for the sensor nodes or the user station to be aware of up-to-date information on memory availability of all network nodes.In this paper our contributions are three-fold.First we analyze the requirements of a distributed in-network join processing algorithm.Second,to our knowledge,this is the first work to develop and discuss in details a distributed al-gorithm for in-network join processing.Third,based on the present algorithm,we develop a cost model that can be used to select the most efficient join plan during the execution of the query.Our join algorithm is general in the sense that it can be used with different types of joins,including semi-joins,with minor modifications to the presented algorithm and cost model.As well,our algorithm can be used within the core of other previously proposed join solutions for re-laxing their assumptions on memory availability.2.BackgroundIn our work we consider a sensor network formed by thousands offixed nodes.Each node has several sensing units(e.g.,temperature,RFID reader),a processor,a few kilobytes of main memory for buffer and data processing,a few megabytes offlash storage for long-term storage of sen-sor observations,fixed-range wireless radio and it is battery operated.These characteristics encompass a wide range ofsensor node hardware,making our work independent of aparticular sensor platform.Further on,we consider thateach node is aware of its location,which is periodicallyrefreshed through GPS or a localization algorithm[14]toaccount for any variation in a node’s position due to envi-ronmental hazards.Each node is aware of the nodes locatedwithin its wireless range,which form its1-hop neighbour-hood.A node communicates with nodes other than its1-hop neighbours using multi-hop routing over the wirelessnetwork.As sensor nodes are not designed for user inter-action,users query the sensor network through personal de-vices,which introduce the query in the network through oneof the nodes in their vicinity.We consider a sensor network deployment where nodesacquire observations periodically and the observations arestored locally for future querying.The data stored at thesensor nodes forms a virtual relation over all nodes,denotedR∗.As nodes store the acquired data locally,each node holds the values of the observations recorded by its sensingunits and the time when each recording was performed.We analyze the self-join processing problem in sensornetworks,i.e.,the joined relations are spatially and tempo-rally constrained subsets of the sensor relation R∗.We im-pose no restrictions on the join condition,that is,any tuplefrom a relation could match any tuple of the other relation.For instance,the query“What animals have been in bothregions R A and R B between times T1and T2?”(from ourexample in Section1)can be expressed in pseudo-SQL as:SELECT S.animalIDFROM R∗as S,R∗as TWHERE S.location IN Region R AAND T.location IN Region R BAND S.time IN TimeRange[T1,T2]AND T.time IN TimeRange[T1,T2]AND S.animalID=T.animalIDLet us denote by A the subset of R∗restricted to Region R A and by B the subset of R∗restricted to Region R B. The query may also contain other operators ops(selection, projection,etc.)on each tuple of R∗or on the result of the join.As our focus is on join processing,we consider the relations A and B as the resulting relations after the query operators that can be applied individually on each node’s relation have been applied.We assume operators that can be processed locally by each sensor node on its stored relation and thus they do not involve any communication.We denote with J the result of the join of relations A and B,including any operators on the join result required by the query:J= ops J(A B).We assume operators on the join result can be processed in a pipelined fashion immediately following the join of two tuples.A general query tree and the notations we use are shown in Figure1.A UU opsJopsAopsopsAR iR jkR RmR oR nR pops BopsBopsBopsBJBAFigure1.Query tree and notations3.DIJ:A Distributed Join Processing Algo-rithm for Sensor NetworksJoin processing in sensor networks is a highly complex operation due to the distributed nature of the processing and the limited memory available at nodes.We discuss some of the requirements of an effective and efficient join pro-cessing algorithm for sensor networks,namely:distributed processing,memory management and synchronized com-munication.•Distributed processing.In large scale sensor net-works the join operation must be processed in a dis-tributed manner using localized knowledge.For most queries no single node can buffer all the data required for the join.In addition,no node(or user station) has global network knowledge tofind the optimal join strategy.As nodes have information only about their neighbourhood,the challenge is to take correct and consistent decisions among nodes with respect to pro-cessing the join.For instance,when the join operation is evaluated over a group of nodes,each node in the group must route and buffer tuples such that each pair of join tuples is evaluated exactly once in the join.•Memory management.Each node participating in the join must have sufficient memory to buffer the tu-ples that it joins and the resulting tuples.For some join queries the join relations are larger than the avail-able memory of a single node.Typically,several nodes must collaborate to process the join operator,pooling their memory and processing resources together.A join processing algorithm should pool these resources together and allocate tasks and data among the partici-pating nodes such that the efficiency of the processing is maximized.•Synchronized dataflow.Inter-node communication must be synchronized such that a node does not re-ceive new tuples to process when its memory is full.Otherwise,the node would have to drop some of the buffered or new tuples,which is unacceptable as it may invalidate the result of the join.Thus,each node mustfully process the join tuples it holds before receivingany new tuples.A similar problem occurs also for thenodes routing the data.A parent node routing data formultiple children may not be able to buffer all receiveddata before it can forward it.Thus,a join processingalgorithm should carefully consider theflow of dataduring its execution.In this work we propose a distributed join processing al-gorithm which considers the above requirements.In ourpresentation we focus on the join between two restrictions(A and B)of the R∗relation,where the join condition isgeneral(theta-join).Thus,every pair of tuples from re-lations A and B must be verified against the join condi-tion.Relations A and B are located within regions R A andR B and they are joined in-network in a join region R J. Technique forfinding the location of the join region havebeen presented elsewhere[4,5,16]and are orthogonal toour problem.In fact,our algorithm is general with respectto the join relations and their locations and could be usedwithin the core of other previously proposed join solutions(e.g.[5]),including solutions using semi-joins(e.g.[16]).For clarity of presentation we describe our join algorithm inthe context of the Mediated Join[5]solution.The Mediated Join solution works as follows:relationsA andB are sent to the join region(R J)where they are joined and the resulting relation J is transmitted to the query originator node.(Recall that a query can be posed at any node of the network.)Figure2shows in overview the query processing steps and the dataflow.The Mediated Join seems straightforward based on this description,but there are several issues that must be carefully addressed in the low-level sensor implementation to ensure the correct-ness of the query result,e.g.:•How to ensure that both relation A and B are transmit-ted to the same region R J?•How large should region R J be to have sufficient re-sources,i.e.,memory at nodes,to process the join?•How should A and B be transmitted such that the join is processed correctly at the nodes in R J?•How to process the join in R J such that the join is processed correctly using minimum resources?We now describe in details DIJ,our join processing al-gorithm addressing these questions.The steps of DIJ are: 1.Multi-cast the query from originator node O to nodesin R A and R B.Designate the nodes closest to the cen-tres C A and C B of the regions R A,respectively R B,as regional coordinators.Designate the coordinator lo-cation C J for join region R J.Disseminate the infor-mation about the coordinators along with the query.Figure2.Mediated Join-dataflow2.Construct routing trees in regions R A and R B rootedat their respective coordinators C A and C B.3.Collect information on the number of query relevanttuples for each region at the corresponding coordina-tors.Each coordinator sends this information to coor-dinator C J of the join region R J.4.Construct the join region.C J constructs R J so that ithas sufficient memory space at its nodes to buffer A.5.Distribute A over R J.(a)C J asks C A to start sending packets with tuples.Once C J receives A’s tuples,it forwards them toa node in R J with available memory.(b)Upon receiving a request for data from C J,C Aasks for relevant tuples from its children in therouting tree.The process is repeated by all inter-nal tree nodes until all relevant tuples have beenforwarded up in the tree.6.Broadcast B over R J(a)Once C J receives a signal from C A that it hasno more packets(i.e.,tuples)to send,C J asksfor one packet with tuples from C B.When thepacket is received,it is broadcast to nodes in R J.(b)Each node in R J joins the tuples in the packet re-ceived from B with its local partition of A,send-ing the resulting tuples to O.Once the join iscomplete,each node asks for another packet ofB’s tuples from C J.(c)Upon receiving a request for tuples from C J,C Basks for a number of join tuples from its childrenin the routing tree.The process is repeated byall internal tree nodes if they cannot satisfy therequest alone.(d)Once C J receives requests for B’s tuples from allnodes in R J,Step6is repeated unless C B signalsthat it has no more packets(i.e.,tuples)to send.In the steps above we chose,only for the sake of presen-tation,that relation A is distributed over the nodes in R J and relation B is broadcast over the nodes in R J.The steps above are symmetrical if the roles of A and B are switched, however the actual order does matter in terms of query cost. In Section4we explore this issue and show how to deter-mine which relation should be distributed and which should be broadcast in order to minimize the cost of the processing the join operator.Steps1-3of DIJ are typical to in-network query pro-cessing and do not present particular challenges.In Step4, the join coordinator C J must request and pool together the memory of other nodes in its vicinity for allocating relation A to these nodes(in Step5a).This is a non-trivial task as C J does not have information about the nodes in its vicin-ity(except its1-hop neighbours).Steps5and6also pose a challenge,that is,how to control theflow of tuples effi-ciently without buffer overflows,ensuring correct execution of the join.We detail these steps in the following.3.1.Constructing the join region(Step4)Once node C J receives the size of the join relations A and B from C A and C B(in Step1),it mustfind the nodes in its vicinity where to buffer relation A.DIJ uses the fol-lowing heuristic for this task,called k-hop-pooling: If C J alone does not have sufficient memory tobuffer relation A,C J asks its1-hop neighbours toreport how much memory they have available forprocessing the query.If relation A is smaller thanthe total memory available at the1-hop neigh-bours,C J stops the memory search.Otherwise,C J asks its2-hop neighbours to report their avail-able memory.This process is repeated for k-hops,where k represents the number of hops such thatthe total memory available at the nodes up to khops away from C J plus the memory available atC J is sufficient to buffer relation A.An interesting question is how much memory should a node allocate for processing a particular query.If the sensor network processes only one join query at a time(e.g.,there is a central point that controls the insertion of join queries in the network),then nodes can allocate all the memory they have available for processing the join.However,if nodes al-locate all their memory for a query,but several join queries are processed simultaneously in the network,it may happen that a coordinator C J will notfind any nodes with available memory in its immediate vicinity,forcing it to use farther away nodes during processing,and,thus,consuming more energy.For networks where multiple queries may coexist in the network,nodes should allocate only a part of their avail-able memory for a certain query,reserving the rest for other queries.How to actually best allocate the memory of an individual node is orthogonal to our problem.In this work we assume that nodes report as available only the memorythey are willing to use for processing the requested query.Figure3shows a possible memory allocation scheme at anode.3.2Distributing A over R J(Step5)In this step two tasks are carried out concurrently:C Arequests and gathers relevant tuples(grouped in data pack-ets)from R A,and C J distributes the packets received fromC A over R J.Once the set of k-hop neighbours that will buffer A hasbeen constructed,C J asks for relation A from C A,packetby packet,and distributes each packet of A’s tuples in around-robin fashion to its neighbours,ordered by their hopdistance to C J.When deciding to which node to send a newpacket with A’s tuples,a straightforward packet allocationstrategy would be for C J to pick a node from its list andsend to it all new packets with A’s tuples until its allocatedmemory is full.This strategy has two disadvantages.As allpackets use the same route(for most routing algorithms)toget to their destination node,their delivery will be delayed ifthere is a delay on one of the links in the route.Also,con-secutive packets may contain tuples with values such thatthey all(or many of them)will join with the same tuple inB.In this case,the node holding all these tuples will gener-ate many result tuples that have to be transmitted,delayingthe processing of the join.The hop-based round-robin al-location also ensures that all k-hop neighbours have a fairchance of having some free memory at the end of the allo-cation process,memory that can be used for other queries.Once node C A receives a request for tuples from C J,ithas to gather relevant tuples from R A.If C A would simplybroadcast the tuple request in the routing tree constructedover R A,nodes in R A will start sending these tuples to-ward C A.As each internal tree node has(likely)severalchildren,it should receive and buffer many packages beforebeing able to send these packages out.Some nodes maynot be able to handle such a dataflow due to lack of bufferspace,possibly dropping some of the packets.To ensurethat no packages are lost due to lack of buffer space,wepropose aflow synchronization scheme where each nodewill only buffer one package.In this scheme,the requestfor A’s tuples is transmitted one link at a time.Each nodein the routing tree is in one of the following states duringthe synchronized tupleflow(Figure4):•Wait for a tuple request from the parent node(or C J in the case of C A)in the routing tree constructed in Step2.•Send local tuples(from the local storage or receive buffer)to the parent node.•If buffer space has been freed and there are relevant tu-ples available at the children nodes in the routing tree,Figure3.Memory allocation schemeFigure4.A node’s states during tuple routingrequest tuples from a child node that still has tuples to send.Figure5shows the routing tree for a region and the information maintained in each node of the tree as tuples are routed from either R A or R B to R J.Note that the number of tuples that each child node will pro-vide has been collected as part of Step3.•Receive tuples from child,buffer the tuples and update the number of tuples that the child still has available.Once a node has forwarded to its parent all of A’s tuples from its routing sub-tree,it can free all buffers used for pro-cessing the query.{local: 2 tuples}{local: 2 tuples{local: 0 tuples}{local: 3 tuples}{local: 3 tuples}{local: 2 tuples{local: 3 tuplesN5: 8 tuplesN6: 5 tuples}N3: 0 tuplesN1: 2 tuplesN2: 3 tuples}N4: 3 tuples}N7N5N1N2N3N6N4Figure5.Join tuples information at nodes3.3.Broadcasting B over R J(Step6)The collection of B’s tuples proceeds much like the collection of A’s tuples,with one important difference. Whereas C A gathers and sends all of the relevant tuples of A as a a result of a single tuple request from C J,C B only sends one packet with tuples for each request it re-ceives from C J.This way,C J can broadcast such a packet of tuples to all nodes in R J,wait until all nodes fully pro-cess the local joins and send the results,and then request a new packet of tuples from R B when each node in the join region R J is ready to receive and join a new set of tuples.4.Selecting the relation to be distributedIn the previous discussions we have assumed for clarity of presentation that relation A is distributed over the nodes in region R J and B is broadcast over the nodes in the re-gion.An interesting question is which of the two join rela-tion should be distributed and whether the choice makes a major difference in cost.Let us focusfirst on which of the two join relation should be distributed and,subsequently,which should be incre-mentally broadcast.To decide on this matter,the query optimizer has to estimate the cost of the two options(i.e., distribute A or B)and compare their costs to decide which alternative is more energy efficient.For generality,we de-rive in the following a cost model for processing the join by distributing relation R d and broadcasting relation R b.The actual relations A and B can then be substituted into R d and R b(or vice-versa)to estimate the processing costs.Considering the steps of DIJ,the cost of query process-ing can be decomposed into a sum of components,with one component associated to each step.Several of these com-ponents are independent of the choice of the relation that is distributed.Thus,they do not affect the decision of which relation to distribute and do not need to be derived.For instance,we have the cost for disseminating the query in regions A and B(Step1)and the cost for constructing the routing tree over regions R A and R B(Step2).These costs are identical when processing the join by distributing A or B and do not affect the decision.The steps that have differ-ent costs when A or B are the distributed relation R d are the construction of the join region R J(Step4),the distribution of the relation R d(Step5a)and the broadcast of the relation R b(Step6a).Note that we are only interested in differences in the communication cost between the two alternatives. 4.1.Constructing the join region(Step4)As discussed in Section3.1,we use the k-hop-pooling strategy to construct the join region R J.In each round of memory allocation,C J broadcasts its request for memory in a hop-wise increasing fashion,until sufficient nodes with the required buffer space are located.During a round h,each node within h-hops from C J broadcast the memory request and its1-hop neighbours re-ceive the request message.Thus,the total energy cost is:E memreq4=k−1h=0(E t N h n M r+E r N h n N1n M r),where N h n represents the average number of nodes within h hops from a node,E t and E r represents the energy required to transmit,respectively receive,one bit of information and M r represents the size of the memory request message(in bits).N h n is a network-dependent value independent of our technique and it is derived in the Appendix.When a node receives a memory request message for the first time,it allocates buffer space in its memory and sends the memory information to C J.The nodes located h-hops away from C J perform two tasks:they send their own mem-ory information to the nodes located h−1hops away;and they forward the information they have received from the nodes located between h+1and k hops away from C J.If we denote by M i the size of the memory information for one node,the total energy cost of collecting the information on available memory is:E meminfo4=kh=1((E t+E r)(N h n−N h−1n)M i+(E t+E r)(N k n−N h n)M i)=(E t+E r)(kN k n−k−1h=1N h n)M iNote that(N h n−N h−1n)represents the number of nodesh-hops away and(N k n−N h−1n)represents the number of nodes located more than h and up to k hops away from C J. The total energy cost of the fourth step of DIJ is:E4=E memreq4+E meminfo4.Note that the costs of Step4do not depend on the join re-lations directly,but through k which determines the size of the join region R J and it is determined by the size of the join relation R d.Let B s be the average size(in bits)of the buffer space that each node in R J can allocate for processing the query. The minimum number of nodes that must be used to store relation R d in region R J is||R d||B s,where||R||denotes the size(in bits)of relation R.Since nodes are added to R J in groups based on their hop distance,k is the lowest number of hops such that the nodes within k hops from C J have sufficient buffer space to buffer R d:k={min h|N h n B s≥||R d||}.。