
小猫钓鱼英文版故事简短It was a sunny afternoon in the small village nestled by the riverbank. The gentle waves of the river lapped against the shore, creating a soothing melody that seemed to lull the entire neighborhood into a peaceful siesta. Amidst the tranquil setting, a curious kitten named Mittens ventured out from her cozy home, her bright eyes filled with a sense of adventure.Mittens had always been fascinated by the river and the mysterious creatures that dwelled within its depths. Today, she was determined to uncover the secrets of the aquatic world. Cautiously, she made her way to the riverbank, her tiny paws leaving imprints in the soft soil. The kitten sat down and observed the water intently, her tail twitching with anticipation.As she watched, Mittens noticed a flash of silver dart beneath the surface. Her ears perked up, and her focus intensified. Without a moment's hesitation, she extended her paw, dipping it into the cool water. The kitten's eyes widened with excitement as she felt the gentle tug of a fish nibbling at her paw.Carefully, Mittens withdrew her paw, now grasping a small, wriggling fish. She stared at her catch with a sense of triumph, her whiskers twitching with pride. The kitten had successfully caught her first fish, and she couldn't wait to show off her newfound skill to her family.Eager to share her accomplishment, Mittens scurried back home, the fish still firmly grasped in her tiny jaws. As she approached the front door, she heard the familiar voices of her mother and siblings. Meowing excitedly, she dropped the fish at their feet, eager for their reaction.The other kittens gathered around, their eyes wide with wonder. Mittens' mother, a wise and experienced feline, gently inspected the fish, a proud smile spreading across her face. She nuzzled her daughter affectionately, praising her for her impressive hunting prowess.From that day on, Mittens became known as the fishing expert of the litter. The other kittens watched in awe as she honed her skills, effortlessly plucking fish from the river with her quick reflexes and keen senses. Mittens reveled in the attention, basking in the admiration of her family and the neighborhood cats.As the seasons changed, Mittens grew into a graceful and confidentyoung cat. Her fishing expeditions became a regular occurrence, and she often shared her catches with her siblings and the local stray cats. The villagers, too, took notice of the talented feline, and some even began to leave small offerings of food near the riverbank, hoping to catch a glimpse of her in action.One day, as Mittens was scanning the river for her next catch, she spotted a young child sitting alone on the bank, his feet dangling in the water. The kitten approached cautiously, her curiosity piqued. The child, a shy and timid boy, initially recoiled, but Mittens' gentle meows and playful antics soon won him over.The two quickly formed an unlikely bond, with the boy spending hours by the river, watching Mittens fish and occasionally joining her in the pursuit of the elusive creatures. The kitten, in turn, seemed to understand the child's need for companionship and would often curl up beside him, offering a comforting purr.As the days turned into weeks, the boy and the kitten became inseparable. Mittens would guide the child to the best fishing spots, and the boy would share his snacks with the feline. Together, they would spend countless hours by the river, their laughter and playful banter echoing across the water.One particularly memorable day, the boy and Mittens wereengrossed in their fishing adventure when a sudden storm struck. The wind howled, and the rain poured down in sheets, but the pair refused to leave their post. Mittens, undeterred by the harsh conditions, continued to dive into the river, her quick reflexes and agility ensuring a bountiful catch.The boy, in turn, marveled at his feline companion's resilience, his admiration for the kitten growing with each successful catch. As the storm raged on, the two huddled together, seeking comfort in each other's presence. It was in that moment that the boy realized the true depth of his bond with Mittens – a bond that transcended the boundaries of species and age.As the years passed, the boy grew into a young man, and Mittens remained a constant companion in his life. Whenever he returned to the village, he would make a beeline for the riverbank, knowing that his faithful feline friend would be waiting for him, her eyes shining with recognition and her tail swishing with excitement.Together, they continued to explore the river, their fishing expeditions becoming a cherished tradition that brought them both joy and solace. And though the boy eventually left the village to pursue his own dreams, the memory of Mittens and their shared adventures remained a treasured part of his heart, a testament to thepower of unexpected friendships and the enduring bonds that can form between humans and animals.。

小猫钓鱼的启示Once upon a time, there was a little kitten named Miao Miao who loved to fish. Every day after breakfast, she would carry her fishing rod and basket to the nearby river. She was eager to catch a big fish, but every time she ended up with just a few small ones.One sunny morning, Miao Miao decided to try a different approach. Instead of sitting patiently, she started playing with her ball near the riverbank. The ball rolled into the water, and Miao Miao immediately jumped in to retrieve it. As she was splashing around, she noticed a big fish swimming nearby. She quickly grabbed her fishing rod and cast it into the water. But before she could react, thefish swam away, startled by the sudden noise.Disappointed, Miao Miao sat down on the riverbank and began to think. She realized that she had been so focused on catching a big fish that she had forgotten to enjoy the process of fishing. She decided to change her attitude and enjoy every moment of her fishing trips, regardless of whether she caught a big fish or not.That afternoon, Miao Miao sat patiently by the river, enjoying the beauty of nature and the sound of the running water. She cast her line into the water and waited patiently. Suddenly, she felt a strong pull on her line. She quickly reeled it in and was惊喜地发现一条大鱼上钩了。

人物:Little kitten,Mummy cat,Dragonfly,Butterfly。
Lady bug旁白者道具:钓鱼竿两根,鱼三条,水桶一个,凳子两根。
程序:旁白:Today is a pleasant day. The sun is shining. The sky is clear and blue. And the clouds are drifting about.。
The breeze is singing a sweet song, Birds are t wittering. It’s pleasing to the ear. The day is beauti ful.BA: Mummy, mummy,, it’s a fine day today .Let’s g o fishing. Ok?M: Good idea!旁白:listen. the baby is too glad to sing a song.猫妈妈和小猫扛着鱼竿,跳着舞入场纸飞机app安装教程详细问题了解下!(坐下)旁白:They get to a little river .BA: Mummy ,I think it’s a good sport for fishing.M: Good let’s sit here. Ok?BA: Ok!旁白:They are setting their heart on fishing .Sud denly. There comes a dragonfly.(蜻蜓入场,小猫丢下鱼竿捉蜻蜓)Kitty: Wow! What a beautiful dragonfly! Let’s play!Dragonfly: No! No! No! (往前飞)Kitty: Don’t fly away! Don’t fly away!(跑去抓) Dragonfly:Ah! You can’t catch me!(得意地飞走了)(小猫垂头丧气的走回去钓鱼)Mummy: Oh! A big fish !(兴高采烈地叫道)Kitty: Really?Mummy: Yes!Kitty :This time ,I will catch a big one.(重新拿起钓鱼竿认真钓鱼)旁白:Look! There comes a beautiful butterfly. (蝴蝶入场,在小猫眼前翩翩起舞)Kitty: Wow! What a beautiful butterfly!(边说眼珠跟着蝴蝶转。

人物:Little kitten,Mummy cat,Dragonfly,Butterfly。
Lady bug旁白者道具:钓鱼竿两根,鱼三条,水桶一个,凳子两根。
程序:旁白:Today is a pleasant day. The sun is shining. The sky is clear and blue. And the clouds are drifting about.。
The breeze is singing a sweet song, Birds are t wittering. It’s pleasing to the ear. The day is beauti ful.BA: Mummy, mummy,, it’s a fine day today .Let’s g o fishing. Ok?M: Good idea!旁白:listen. the baby is too glad to sing a song.猫妈妈和小猫扛着鱼竿,跳着舞入场(坐下)旁白:They get to a little river .BA: Mummy ,I think it’s a good sport for fishing.M: Good let’s sit here. Ok?BA: Ok!旁白:They are setting their heart on fishing .Sud denly. There comes a dragonfly.(蜻蜓入场,小猫丢下鱼竿捉蜻蜓)Kitty: Wow! What a beautiful dragonfly! Let’s play!Dragonfly: No! No! No! (往前飞)Kitty: Don’t fly away! Don’t fly away!(跑去抓) Dragonfly:Ah! You can’t catch me!(得意地飞走了)(小猫垂头丧气的走回去钓鱼)Mummy: Oh! A big fish !(兴高采烈地叫道)Kitty: Really?Mummy: Yes!Kitty :This time ,I will catch a big one.(重新拿起钓鱼竿认真钓鱼)旁白:Look! There comes a beautiful butterfly. (蝴蝶入场,在小猫眼前翩翩起舞)Kitty: Wow! What a beautiful butterfly!(边说眼珠跟着蝴蝶转。

小猫钓鱼英语故事Once upon a time, in a small village near a river, there lived a mischievous little cat named Whiskers. Whiskers was always up to some kind of mischief, and his favorite pastime was fishing. Every day, he would sneak out of the house and make his way to the riverbank to catch fish.Whiskers had a special talent for fishing. He would carefully observe the water, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce and snatch a fish out of the river. His swift movements and sharp claws made him an expert at this game. However, Whiskers had a reputation for being greedy. He didn't just catch one fish for his meal; he would catch as many as he could and hide them in a secret spot near the river.One sunny day, as Whiskers was preparing to go fishing, he noticed a group of village kids on the other side of the river. They were laughing and having a great time, playing with their toy fishing rods. Whiskers had an idea. He thought it would be fun to show off his fishing skills to the kids.He crossed the river using the stepping stones and reached the other side. The children were thrilled to see a talking cat who wanted to join their fishing game. Whiskers chuckled and said, 'I'll show you how real fishing is done!' The kids eagerlyhanded him one of their toy fishing rods.Whiskers took the toy rod in his paw, pretending to be serious about catching a fish. He swung the rod back and forth, making it seem like he was casting the line into the water. The children watched in amazement as Whiskers mimicked the actions of a seasoned fisherman.Suddenly, Whiskers spotted a real fish swimming near the riverbank. He couldn't resist the temptation and decided to catch it for himself. With a swift movement, he grabbed the fish in his claws and proudly presented it to the astonished kids. They couldn't believe their eyes – Whiskers had caught a fish with a toy fishing rod!As the day went on, Whiskers continued to catch fish after fish, much to the delight of the children. They clapped and cheered every time he hooked a fish. Whiskers basked in their admiration and felt a sense of pride.However, as the sun began to set, Whiskers realized that he had caught more fish than he could possibly eat. He couldn't leave the fish lying around, as they would attract unwanted attention from other animals. So, he had an idea. He gathered all the fish he had caught and distributed them among the children.The kids were overjoyed with their unexpected gifts and thanked Whiskers profusely. Whiskers, satisfied with his good deed, bid them farewell. As he made his way back home, he couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. Not only had he showcased his fishing skills, but he had also brought happiness to the children.From that day forward, Whiskers decided to be more considerate and share his catches with others. He realized that true happiness comes from bringing joy to those around him, rather than just satisfying his own desires. And so, the mischievous little cat learned a valuable lesson about kindness and selflessness, all because of a day spent fishing with the village kids.。
192-Little Cat Goes Fishing(小猫钓鱼)Storyteller_Hello,everyoneToday

1.If you're happy and you know it clap your hands(拍手) If you're happy and you know it clap your hands(拍手) If you're happy and you know it,Then your face will surely show it If you're happy and you know it clap your hands(拍手) 2.If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet(跺脚) If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet(跺脚) If you're happy and you know it, Then your face will surely show it If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet.(跺脚) 3.If you're happy and you know it, Shout "Hurray!" (Hurray)
Storyteller:The dragonfly fles away.the cat comes back sadly.And
her mumget lots of fish.
Cat:(撒娇的)Mum,Mum,give me,give me!
Cat:(兴奋地)Mum,Mum,come here ! 小猫:妈妈,妈妈,过来一下! Mum(急迫的)Oh,my dear! I’mcoming.! 妈妈:哦,亲爱的,我来了 Cat(请求)I want to have lots of fish .Can I get lots of 小猫:我想要许多鱼.我可以吗 them,mum? 妈妈? Mum: (语重心长)Of courቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱe,you can.So long as you keep your mind on 妈妈:当然,你可以的.你必须专心的 fishing.Stop here.Let’sit down and go fishing. 钓鱼.停在这儿吧.让我们坐下钓鱼吧 Cat:(欣然同意)Aii right. 小猫:好的

猫和鱼的故事作文英语版In a cosy little apartment, there lived a curious cat named Whiskers and a timid fish named Scales. The two were neighbours separated only by a transparent glass tank. Whiskers was fascinated by the world beyond the glass, and Scales was terrified of the world outside it. Despite their apparent differences, they found a way to coexist peacefully.Whiskers would spend hours staring at Scales, watching the fish swim gracefully through the water. He longed to reach out and touch the smooth scales, but the glassbarrier always stopped him. Scales, on the other hand, would hide in the corners of the tank, peeking out cautiously whenever Whiskers came too close.One sunny afternoon, Whiskers decided to try and break the ice. He sat down beside the tank and began to meow softly, hoping to attract Scales' attention. Scales, hearing the familiar sound, ventured out of hiding and swam closer to the glass. They stared at each other for a long moment, and then Scales slowly began to swim in circles, as if dancing.Whiskers was delighted. He jumped up and began to bat at the glass, trying to keep up with Scales' dance. Scales seemed to enjoy the attention and swam faster, his scales shining in the sunlight. They played like this for hours, and a bond of friendship grew between them.Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Whiskers and Scales' friendship grew stronger with each passing day. They would spend hours playing together, and even though they couldn't touch, they felt a deep connection. They learned to communicate through their actions and sounds, and their world became a happier place. One day, the apartment's owner decided to rearrange the furniture. In the chaos, the tank got knocked over,spilling its contents onto the floor. Whiskers, horrified, watched as Scales struggled to swim in the spilled water. Without thinking, he lunged forward and managed to grab Scales just before he could drown.With trembling paws, Whiskers carried Scales back to the tank and gently placed him inside. Scales looked at Whiskers with grateful eyes and slowly began to swim again. They both knew that their friendship had saved the day.From that day on, Whiskers and Scales were inseparable. They played and laughed together, and the apartment wasfilled with their joy. They taught each other valuable lessons about trust, love, and the power of friendship. And even though they were still separated by glass, theirhearts were forever connected.**猫和鱼:和谐共存的故事**在一个温馨的小公寓里,住着一只好奇心旺盛的猫,名叫威斯克,还有一条胆小的鱼,名叫斯凯尔斯。

英语动物带翻译的小故事:钓鱼的猫编者按:《A cat is fishing》是一个英语动物带翻译的小故事,文中描写的是一只猫来到河边钓鱼的事情,告诉我们做事情要谦虚,不用广而告之。
A cat goes to a river every day. He wants to go fishing. But he can’t catch any fish.One day, he goes to the river as usual. Suddenly a fish comes out. He catches the fish. He is very happy. He forgets to put the fish in the basket. He dances and sings. He shouts, “I have a fish!I have a fish!” All his friends come to see him.“Where is your fish? Let us have a look at it. ”his friends say.“It’s there, near the bank.” the cat answers. But he can’t find the fish. While he was singing and dancing, the fish jumps back into the river.fish[fɪʃ]:鱼,钓鱼shout [ʃaʊt]:大喊,请客bank [bæŋk]:河岸,银行小猫每天都去河边,他想抓鱼但是却抓不到。

小猫钓鱼有船的作文The Little Cat and the Boat for FishingOn a sunny morning, a little cat decided to go fishing. But it lived far away from lakes and rivers, so the little cat needed to find a way to reach the water. Suddenly, it hit upon a good idea - to make a boat.The little cat started looking for materials everywhere. It used wood, leaves, and some vines to create a simple boat. Although it looked basic, the little cat was very proud of its creation.The little cat pushed the boat to the lakeside and bravely jumped onto it. The boat floated on the lake, and the little cat started fishing with its fishing rod. Soon, it caught a big fish. The little cat cheered happily, its efforts had paid off.When it was time to go home, the little cat realized that the wind had picked up and the waves were getting higher. The little cat was a bit scared, but it remembered what its dad had once told it: "Face difficulties bravely, and you will become stronger." So, the little cat gathered its courage and carefully steered the boat back to the shore.This experience taught the little cat that with determination and courage, nothing is impossible. The little cat was proud of itself and its boat.小猫钓鱼与船在一个阳光明媚的早晨,小猫决定去钓鱼。

小猫钓鱼的故事英文㈠小猫钓鱼英语怎么说问a cat go fishing例句:听过妈妈跟我讲小猫钓鱼的故事,我知道钓鱼是要有耐心的。
I heard a storyabout a cat going fishing before. I know that I have to be patient if I gofishing.㈡谁有英文的《小猫钓鱼》的故事Cat and kitten together in the river fishing. A dragonfly flying. Kitty see, aside Diaoyugan on Quzhuo dragonflies. Dragonflies flying away, kitten not Zhuozhao, fled back to the river. Kitten, one sees a cat catching a big fish. A moth flying. Kitty see, aside Diaoyugan and Quzhuo Butterfly. Butterfly flying away, kitten entered Zhuozhao, fled back to the river. Kitten, one sees a cat and a big fish catch. Kitty said : "ones, I can also catch a fish longer?"Cat was looking at the kitten, said :" Fishing on fishing, not so hearted.On catching dragonflies, while catching butterflies, how to catch a fish?"Kitty heard repeated, it wholeheartedly angling. Also flying dragonflies, butterflies and flying, kitten as not to see. Little one, the kitten also catch a big fish.㈢英语版的小学生课文<小猫钓鱼>有吗—即将英语翻译这故事一个晴朗的早晨,小猫妙妙和*** 姐弟俩跟着妈妈去河边钓鱼。

人物:Little kitten,Mummy cat,Dragonfly,Butterfly。
Lady bug旁白者道具:钓鱼竿两根,鱼三条,水桶一个,凳子两根。
程序:旁白:Today is a pleasant day. The sun is shining. The sky is clear and blue. And the clouds are drifting about.。
The breeze is singing a sweet song, Birds are t wittering. It’s pleasing to the ear. The day is beauti ful.BA: Mummy, mummy,, it’s a fine day today .Let’s g o fishing. Ok?M: Good idea!旁白:listen. the baby is too glad to sing a song.猫妈妈和小猫扛着鱼竿,跳着舞入场(坐下)旁白:They get to a little river .BA: Mummy ,I think it’s a good sport for fishing.M: Good let’s sit here. Ok?BA: Ok!旁白:They are setting their heart on fishing .Sud denly. There comes a dragonfly.(蜻蜓入场,小猫丢下鱼竿捉蜻蜓)Kitty: Wow! What a beautiful dragonfly! Let’s play!Dragonfly: No! No! No! (往前飞)Kitty: Don’t fly away! Don’t fly away!(跑去抓) Dragonfly:Ah! You can’t catch me!(得意地飞走了)(小猫垂头丧气的走回去钓鱼)Mummy: Oh! A big fish !(兴高采烈地叫道)Kitty: Really?Mummy: Yes!Kitty :This time ,I will catch a big one.(重新拿起钓鱼竿认真钓鱼)旁白:Look! There comes a beautiful butterfly. (蝴蝶入场,在小猫眼前翩翩起舞)Kitty: Wow! What a beautiful butterfly!(边说眼珠跟着蝴蝶转。

以下是为⼤家整理的关于英⽂⼩故事:⼩猫钓鱼话剧表演的⽂章,希望⼤家能够喜欢!⾓⾊: K: Kitty(⼩猫) M: Mother Cat (猫妈妈扮演) B: Brother Cat (猫哥哥演) L: Little brother Cat (猫弟弟) F: Father Cat (猫爸爸) Butterfly(⼩蝴蝶)Rabbit(⼩兔⼦)旁⽩:The Kitty’s is going camping, Kitty wants to learn fishing .Can he learn fishing?⼩猫⼀家去野营,⼩猫想学钓鱼,他能学会吗?K: Hello! I’m Little cat Mimi. I’m going fishing. But…(看见妈妈在……)Hi! Mummy! What are you doing? Can you go fishing with me?⼤家好,我是⼩猫咪咪,我想去学钓鱼,但是。
你好,妈妈,你在⼲什么,,你能和我⼀起钓鱼吗?M: Sorry. I am cooking dinner. (对不起,我在做午餐)K: That’s OK! Bye! (闷闷不乐地来到哥哥⾝边) Hi! Brother! What are you doing? Can you go fishing with me.(那好吧,拜拜。
你好,哥哥,你在⼲什么?你能和我⼀起钓鱼吗?)B:(哥哥正在打电话): Sorry. I am answering the phone.(对不起,我正打在打电话。
)K: Oh. Bye. (闷闷不乐地来到姐姐⾝边)(那好吧,拜拜)K:(弟弟正在画画): Hi! Tom! What are you doing? Can you go fishing with me? (你好,Tom,你在⼲什么?你能和我⼀起钓鱼吗?)L: Sorry. I am drawing pictures./…(对不起,我正在画画)K: That’s ok! Bye-bye! (垂头丧⽓地来到爸爸⾝边,爸爸在……)Hi! Daddy! Can you go fishing with me? (那好吧,拜拜。

英语小故事:Kittygoesfishing初学英语的孩子适用Hello, I am a lovely/clever girl. T oday I would like to tell you a story《Kitty goes fishing》 Bird1: A little lake. 一个小湖 Bird2: How beautiful! 真漂亮Mummy: It’s sunny. Let’s go fishing.晴天了,我们去钓鱼。
Kitty: OK! 好哦Birds: They walk to the lake. 他们走去湖边了 Kitty: Oh, the lake! How beautiful! 真漂亮的湖Mummy: Let’s begin. 我们开始吧 Kitty: OK! 好吧Kitty: Look! A dragonfly! How beautiful! I’ll catch it. 看,一只蜻蜓,真漂亮,我要捉住它。
Dragonfly: Run! Run! Run! 跑跑跑Kitty: Stop! Stop! 停,停Dragonfly: Good bye, Kitty. Kitty再见Kitty: She’s gone. 她走了Mummy: Come on, Kitty! A fish. 过来kitty,一只鱼。
Kitty: Oh, how big! I’ll fish again. 好大啊,我要钓鱼了。
Kitty: Look! A butterfly! How beautiful! I’ll catch it.看,一只蝴蝶,真漂亮。
Butterfly: Run! Run! Run! 跑,跑,跑 Kitty: Stop! Stop! 停,停Butterfly: Good bye, Kitty. 再见Kitty Kitty: She’s gone. 她走了Mummy: Come on, Kitty! A big fish! 过来,Kitty。

Hello,my dear teachers.I’m Lisa,I’m from Class 1Grade3.I like singing,dancing and drawing,I can play the piano ,too. Do you know why?Because I do it with my heart.Today I will tell you a story about the cat.Kitty goes fishing.Listen.小猫钓鱼K: Hello! I’m Little cat Kitty. I’m going fishing. But…大家好,我是小猫咪咪,我想去学钓鱼,但是。
(看见妈妈在……)Hi! Mummy! What are you doing? Can you go fishing with me?你好,妈妈,你在干什么,,你能和我一起钓鱼吗?M: Sorry. I am cooking dinner. (对不起,我在做午餐)K: That’s OK! Bye! (那好吧,拜拜。
闷闷不乐地来到哥哥身边)K: Hi! Brother! What are you doing? Can you go fishing with me.你好,哥哥,你在干什么?你能和我一起钓鱼吗?)B:(哥哥正在打电话): Sorry. I am answering the phone.(对不起,我正打在打电话。
)K: Oh. Bye.(那好吧,拜拜)(闷闷不乐地来到姐姐身边)K: Hi! Tom! What are you doing? Can you go fishing with me?(你好,Tom,你在干什么?你能和我一起钓鱼吗?)L: Sorry. I am drawing pictures.…(对不起,我正在画画)K: That’s ok! Bye-bye! (那好吧,拜拜。

人物:Little kitten,Mummy cat,Dragonfly,Butterfly。
Lady bug旁白者道具:钓鱼竿两根,鱼三条,水桶一个,凳子两根。
程序:旁白:Today is a pleasant day. The sun is shining. The sky is clear and blue. And the clouds are drifting about.。
The breeze is singing a sweet song, Birds are t wittering. It’s pleasing to the ear. The day is beauti ful.BA: Mummy, mummy,, it’s a fine day today .Let’s g o fishing. Ok?M: Good idea!旁白:listen. the baby is too glad to sing a song.猫妈妈和小猫扛着鱼竿,跳着舞入场(坐下)旁白:They get to a little river .BA: Mummy ,I think it’s a good sport for fishing.我发现妈妈手里多了一个小筛子,洁白的豆浆跳跃着穿过筛子,飘落在天青色的瓷碗里。
滴滴车主司机端下载 http://www.x /。

人物:Little kitten,Mummy cat,Dragonfly,Butterfly。
Lady bug旁白者道具:钓鱼竿两根,鱼三条,水桶一个,凳子两根。
程序:旁白:Today is a pleasant day. The sun is shining. The sky is clear and blue. And the clouds are drifting about.。
The breeze is singing a sweet song, Birds are t wittering. It’s pleasing to the ear. The day is beauti ful.BA: Mummy, mummy,, it’s a fine day today .Let’s g o fishing. Ok?M: Good idea!旁白:listen. the baby is too glad to sing a song.猫妈妈和小猫扛着鱼竿,跳着舞入场(坐下)旁白:They get to a little river .BA: Mummy ,I think it’s a good sport for fishing.M: Good let’s sit here. Ok?BA: Ok!旁白:They are setting their heart on fishing .Sud denly. There comes a dragonfly.(蜻蜓入场,小猫丢下鱼竿捉蜻蜓)Kitty: Wow! What a beautiful dragonfly! Let’s play!Dragonfly: No! No! No! (往前飞)Kitty: Don’t fly away! Don’t fly away!(跑去抓) Dragonfly:Ah! You can’t catch me!(得意地飞走了)(小猫垂头丧气的走回去钓鱼)Mummy: Oh! A big fish !(兴高采烈地叫道)Kitty: Really?Mummy: Yes!Kitty :This time ,I will catch a big one.(重新拿起钓鱼竿认真钓鱼)旁白:Look! There comes a beautiful butterfly. (蝴蝶入场,在小猫眼前翩翩起舞)Kitty: Wow! What a beautiful butterfly!(边说眼珠跟着蝴蝶转。
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Old cat and kitten together fishing by the river.
A dragonfly flying. Cat saw, put down the fishing rod, go and catch dragonflies. Dragonflies fly away, the cat didn’t catch, empty handed back to the river. Cat, cat catch caught a big fish.
A butterfly flying. Cat saw, put down the fishing rod, and to catch the butterfly. The butterfly flew away, the cat didn’t catch, empty handed back to the river. Cat, cat and catch a big fish.
Cat said: “the true qi, I how not a little fish?”
Old cat looked at the cat, said: “fishing is fishing, don’t be so half-hearted. For a while to catch dragonflies, for a while to catch butterflies, how can you catch a fish?”
Cat heard old cat, devotedly to go fishing.
Dragonflies fly, butterfly fly again, like not to see the cat. Not for a moment, the kitten also catch a big fish.