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申请学位级别:硕士专业:通信与信息系统指导教师:邱智亮 20100101



在当前的信息社会里,万事万物皆 Internet ,因此我们必须考虑卫星网与 Internet 的融合。现今,在大部分的服务提供者,地面通信网络和管理控制实体都广泛采用 IP 协议实现互联互通的时候, 卫星通信实现基于 IP 协议的星上交换具有很大的优点。

本论文结合本室承担的项目—“基于 IP 协议的星上交换技术研究” , 首先比较了几种主要的星上交换技术的优缺点,并提出基于 IP 的卫星交换网络的基本构想和设计,而且从技术可行上考虑,依据星地配合的思想,充分发挥地面设备的处理能力来弥补载荷交换平台上交换与处理能力的不足,研究实用的卫星 IP 网络路由技术。提出了由卫星用户终端(SUT 和地面管理中心(TMC 共同完成路由协议的设计方案,本文所研究的卫星网络路由协议技术主要分为两种:一种是卫星网络内部控制协议,即SUT 与 TMC 之间的路由信息交互;另一种是当卫星网络与自治域内的地面路由器通信时,地面路由器与 TMC 之间采用域内路由协议 (IGP 。本文接着详细描述了内部控制协议的模块设计,并且深入研究 OSPF 路由协议, 然后根据卫星网络特点修改OSPF 路由协议, 给出了星地配合实现的 OSPF 路由协议(Satellite OSPF,简称 SOSPF 设计,最后,详细描述了 SOSPF 软件设计和各个协议模块的设计,初步完成域内路由协议的软件实现。

关键词:卫星网络 IP 路由协议星地配合 OSPF


From the non-regeneratiive relay-style carrier bend, regenerative bit bent, Satellite communication gradually developed into more complex and highly efficient onborard processing and switching. This evolution made the user demand growing and technology continuing to increase. For its advantages of “ always on” , low-cost and wide range coverage, Satellite communications plays an irreplaceable role in the field of military communication.

In the current information society, for the importance of Internet, we must consider the integration of satellite network and Internet. Today, when terrestrial communication network and management of controlled entities are widely using IP protocols to interconnect, Satellite communications achieving the onborad switching based on IP protocol have great advantages.

Based on the research project “ Research on the IP-based onborad switching tecnology ” , the characteristicsof main onborad switching technology firstly have been researched. And a basic design of IP-based onborad switching network is proposed. Considering the technically feasibility, based on the conception of cooperation between the satellite and ground, make full use of the processing capability of ground equipment, we proposed a practical routing technology of IP satellite communications network. The Satellite User Terminals (SUT cooperated with the Terrestrial Management Center (TMC to complete the routing protocols. The satallite network routing protocols technology this thesis studied are mainly divided into two kinds: one is the internal control protocol that complete the routing information exchange between the SUT and TMC; another is the Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP between the ground routers and TMC when the satellite network communicated with the ground routers in the AS. Then the thesis described the module design of interior control protocol. And then we made an in-depth study of OSPF, proposed the design of Satellite OSPF (SOSPF which achieved by the cooperation between the satellite and ground. Finally, the design of SOSPF sofeware that completed
