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2010 年 1 月 4 日听写文本
Hi, everyone.Welcome to Studio Classroom Worldwide.My name is Steve.Hi, everyone.My name is Hazel.Hazel, guess what?What?I decided to get a pet.A pet! That’s great, Steve.Pets are a lot of fun.Yeah.And pets are a lot of work too.It’s important to choose a pet that’s just right for you.Mm, that’s true, so I decided to get...A dog?No.A cat.No, no, no.I want a giraffe.A giraffe?Why?Well, giraffes are tall like me.Yeah, but giraffes are too tall to fit in your apartment, Steve.Hmm.Then how about a kangaroo?I can have it, you know, carry my stuff in its pocket.Uh, Steve, do you really want a kangaroo jumping on your bed at night?Hmm, I guess you’re right.So which pet should I get, Hazel?Hmm... Oh, I know.Let’s ask the pet expert.You mean an animal doctor?Yeah. Today’s guest is a veterinarian.Oh.Maybe he can help suggest a pet that fits my lifestyle.I think that’s what we should do, Steve:Ask the expert.Oh, wait!I just thought of the perfect pet.Oh, yeah?Oh, what is it?A fish.A fish!Steve, that’s a great pet for you.That’s right.I’ve always wanted to have a shark.A shark!Steve!Yeah. I can keep it in the swimming pool.Oh, Steve, wait.I think you’d better ask the expert.Hmm. Good idea, Hazel.Friends, let’s turn to page fourteen in our magazines and learn about pets.
Happy Pets, Happy People
Choosing and caring for the perfect pet
What should a person consider when choosing a pet?The determining factor should be your lifestyle.Do you spend more time at home or outdoors?Do you have small children or elderly people in the house?Do you keep your house neat?You should also ask yourself how long you are willing to commit to the pet.Dogs and cats may live 15 to 20 years, but birds can live 30 years or more.How can people and pets adjust to living with each other?
Hi, friends.I’m Chip.And I’m Chelsea.Thanks for joining us today for our Ask the Expert feature.Do you have a pet?If you do, you want your pet to be happy.And if your pet is happy, there’s a good chance you will be happy as well.This article is all about choosing and caring for the perfect pet.We talk to someone who knows quite a lot about how to do these things.Right.This month, we’re talking to an expert named Dr. Hung.And he is a uh... an expert in the field of
V eterinary Medicine.Now if something is involved with veterinary science, then we know that it has something to do with taking care of pets.We’re talking about pet care, pet health, uh, pet medicine.OK.And we could also say that he is a veterinarian since he practices V eterinary Medicine.A veterinarian is just a doctor for animals.We can shorten that and say that he’s a vet.But not only is he a veterinarian, he also acts as Chief Cardiologist uh, at the Cardiospecial V eterinary Hospital in Taipei.And a cardiologist is just a heart specialist.So I imagine, Chip, that that means he spends a lot of time checking the health of animals’ hearts.Right.And actually, uh... if you have your magazine on page fourteen,you can see a picture of Dr. Hung checking the heartbeat of the dog on the table there.And our article uh, first starts off with a question for Dr. Hung.Uh, Studio Classroom asks him:What should a person consider when choosing a pet?Now Chelsea, personally, I think I would probably choose a pet that’s cheap,a pet that uh... you know, is not too expensive.What kind of pet would you choose?Well, I think a... a cheap pet is... is good because, as you know, many pets can get very expensive.But I think I would want something that’s very cute.So I would maybe look for a cute puppy.But of course, we should probably go with the expert’s opinion on this one, so let’s find out what Dr. Hung says.He says that the determining factor or the deciding point should be your lifestyle, should be the way that you live your life.And he goes on to maybe ask some questions about your lifestyle.And he says, ”Do you spend more time at home or outdoors?”.So do you spend more of your time indoors or outdoors? At home or out away from your house?So do you have small children or elderly people in the house with you?That’s another thing to consider.And one other thing, Chelsea.Do you keep your house neat?If you like your house neat and clean and very organized, you might not want to buy a very large dog.I could see that that might get you into some trouble if the dog runs around and knocks things over on the floor.You might have a very messy house very fast.So the doctor tells us that you should also ask yourself:How long are you willing to commit to the pets?And he goes on to tell us specifically about pets’ lives.But before we go on, let’s look at that word:commit.Right. To commit to something is to promise yourself.So actually, in a wedding, you have two people committing to each other.Well, when you buy a pet or when you bring on... bring a pet into your home, then you are committing yourself to the life of that pet.You’re committing, you’re promising to take care of that pet.That’s right.And he goes on to say that dogs and cats may live 15 to 20 years, but birds can actually live 30 years or more.Now I know birds are pretty popular pets.So if you bring one home, you need to be prepared to keep it and take care of it for many, many years.That’s something to think about before you purchase one.We go on to ask Dr. Hung:How can people and pets adjust to living with each other?Let’s look at that word:adjust.Well, if you’re adjusting, then that means that you are changing yourself or you’re changing something in order to fit.So if you move to a different location, then you’ll probably adjust your lifestyle to fit that location.And here when you bring a pet, a new pet into your home,you will probably need to change your lifestyle or adjust your lifestyle to match living with the pet.All right.We have plenty more to ask Dr. Hung. And actually, we’ll get the answer to this question after we talk to Dr. Hung right now,and find out how he became a vet. And then we’ll take a break.But stay with us so we can answer this question when we return.
We’re here today at the Cardiospecial V eterinary Hospital to meet with Dr. Joey Hung.He’s the Chief Veterinary Cardiologist here.And we’re going to ask him about taking care of your pets.Let’s go!Dr. Hung, tell us.Why did you decide to become a veterinarian?Um, I grew up in a
very traditional Taiwanese family and parents want you to be a doctor.But I love pets better than humans, so I want to be a veterinarian.And... and then I got a very good score in the entrance examination, and then I got into a vet school to become a vet.How do you become a veterinarian?In order to become a vet, of course you have to graduate from the vet school and pass the National Board.At my time, um, we didn’t have official clinical training course, so I went to the United States for my clinical training.I went to the Animal Medical Center in New York first for my internship.And then I went to the Ohio State University for my graduate study in cardiology.And that’s the time when I decided to become a veterinary cardiologist.And then after uh, graduating from the graduate school in Ohio State University,I went down to North Carolina State University for my uh, cardiology residency training.And then after that, I... I became specialized in Veterinarian Cardiology.What’s the difference between a normal veterinarian and a veterinary cardiologist?Most people come to me because their dogs suffer from heart disease.And the reason why they know their dogs...suffer from heart disease is that their doctors tell them their dogs have heart disease,because, of course, your... your pets will not tell you, ”I have a heart disease” or... or something like that.Or sometimes their dogs are having uh... clinical signs of coughing or... or short of breath or we call that exercising tolerance.It means they walk, but they... they’re tired easily.And that’s the time when people will start to think maybe their pets are suffering from heart disease.And of course our hospital here, we have other doctors who are doing uh, general practice.And they can also do general checkup, the skin problem, the GI Gastroenterology problem, something like that.We do everything here.
Welcome back from break, everyone.This month, Studio Classroom talks to Dr. Joey Hung about pets and pet care.Dr. Hung is the charter president of the Taiwan Academy of V eterinary Internal Medicine.He also serves as Superintendent and Chief Cardiologist at Cardiospecial Veterinary Hospital in Taipei.We hope that by asking Dr. Hung some key questions, we can make the issues of owning and caring for a pet clearer.Let’s listen to Dr. Hung’s response to our second question about adjusting to life with a pet beginning on line fourteen.
Happy Pets, Happy People
Good, continuous training and lots of love are the keys to good relationships between pets and people.What is the best way to go about training your pet?Patience! Patience! Patience!Teach your pet one skill at a time, and reward your pet for good performance instead of just punishing it for failures.How much exercise do pets really need?As a general rule of thumb, most dogs need at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.Most cats, in contrast, exercise when they feel like it.
Welcome back.Before the break, we... asked Dr. Hung, a veterinary specialist:What do people need to adjust or how can people and pets adjust so that they can live with one another?Well, Dr. Hung answers that first of all, you need to have good, continuous training.Now that... that’s the kind of training or the kind of teaching that is continuous.So it... it lasts a long time and it’s repeated very often.And this is training your pet to behave or to act in the way that you want it to act.That’s not the only thing he suggests.But in addition to continuous training, he also says lots of love is another key to a good relationship between pets and people.I think these are two very basic suggestions.But I think they are very good pieces of advice.There needs to be continuous training and there needs to be a lot of love in order for pet owners and their pets to adjust to one another.So
good, continuous training and lots of love.Well, here’s a question for you.Can dogs eat chocolate?I think chocolate is pretty tasty, but can dogs eat it?Well, let’s find out.
Can dogs eat chocolate?The simple answer is no.Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine, which dogs have a hard time digesting.Dogs will usually vomit and develop diarrhea after eating small amounts of chocolate.If dogs eat large amounts of chocolate, they may become restless or hyperactive, pant or have difficulty breathing.The heart may even stop working, resulting in the animal’s death.
Well, that is some pretty good information to know if you own a dog.So now we come to the third question that Studio Classroom asks Dr. Hung.And we say, ”What is the best way to go about training your pet?”.Now this is an important question.We just talked about the fact that in order to adjust to one another, you need to provide continuous training for your pet.It kind of sounds like that’s going to take a lot of time and a lot of effort.But he has a pretty good answer for us.Right.And he sounds very passionate about his answer because he says it three times.He says, ”Patience! Patience! Patience!”.Now patience is the ability to wait for someone or something without getting angry.So if you want to train your pet well, you will need to have that ability.You’ll need to have patience.And he goes on to give some additional advice.He says, ”Teach your pet one skill at a time and reward your pet for good performance instead of just punishing it for failures.”.Let’s go back and look at the first part of that.He says, ”Teach your pet one skill at a time.”.Now it’s... it’s not very wise to think that the first time you bring home a new pet we’ll say a... a new puppy that you’re going to need...you’re going to need more than one day to teach it several different skills.You can’t teach it to sit and to go to the bathroom outside and all these different skills all at once.It takes time.Maybe just a little bit here and there.Right. So you teach your pet one skill at a time.And you reward your pet for things that it does well or for skills that it does correctly, for actions that it does correctly.If you reward someone or something, that means you give it something that it wants uh, because it did something that you wanted it to do.So for example, good teachers will reward their students when their students behave well.So be sure to reward your pet instead of just punishing it for its failures.One more question that we’ll ask today is:How much exercise do pets really need?Another important question.And Dr. Hung answers by saying:As a general rule of thumb, most dogs need at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.Now as a general rule of thumb...Well, a rule of thumb is not really a rule.It’s kind of a good tip that’s based on experience.So a good tip or a good thing to remember is dogs need about 30 minutes of exercise a day.Cats, on the other hand, in contrast, exercise whenever they feel like it.Now that’s all we have for today.But join us tomorrow when we talk more to our expert this month.Before we go today, let’s visit the Chat Room.
Hey, Ashley.Did you lose something?Yes. I think I lost my keys.I thought I put them right here on the table, but I must’ve dropped them somewhere.You know, speaking of keys,I was just reading about the keys to good relationships between pets and people in today’s Studio Classroom magazine.Uh, what kind of key is the... article referring to when it says good, continuous training and lots of love are the keys to good relationships?Uh, I think I read about that too.But those are different kinds of keys.They are?How so?Well, I think we should ask Studio Classroom’s editor Linda about this.Let me contact her.Hi, Ken.Hi, Ashley.The kind of keys our lessen refers to is
different from the keys you use to open a door.The keys in the lesson are figurative.They don’t open up real doors, but they open up or provide opportunities.In today’s lesson, good, continuous training and love will help you open up an opportunity for a good relationship with your pet.The key leads to something you want or need.You know, many people claim to have the key to success.If you follow their guidelines, you will be successful in life.Or some people say they know the key to losing weight.Well, I hope I made this clear to you.Until next time.Bye!OK. Well, that makes sense except Linda said the keys were figurative.I don’t understand.OK. Figurative is symbolic or not literal.The keys I lost are literal.They are real.But the keys in the lesson are not real keys.They represent the secret to good relationships between pets and people.I see.So any luck with those real keys?Well, guess what?I left them inside one of my books.Oh, good.Well, you found your keys and I found the meaning of key from the lesson.Yes. Do you want to check out that book?Ah, yeah. In a minute.(Chinese).The key to mastering English.(Chinese).
Hi, everyone. I’m Michelle.(Chinese).And I guess that’s all the time we have for today.See you tomorrow.Byebye.
Thank you, Michelle.We always appreciate those helpful tips.Often when we talk about pets, the English vocabulary words seem pretty easy, right?We use words like cat, cute and furry.Well, with this lesson because we’re talking with a veterinarian, the words are a little more challenging.So if you need to get a handle on the World Bank and More Information words,try a little preview and review before tomorrow’s lessons.Friends, go home and hug your dog, cat, bird or fish, and then join us again here for day two of our Ask the Expert lesson.Byebye。