在英语中,有时会出现两个单个词同时修饰同一 名词的情况。这时一般是形容词或名词性修饰词 在被修饰词前,分词性修饰词在被修饰词之后。
The heat energy produced is equal to the electrical energy utilized. 所产生的热能与所使用的电能相等。
同一的 惟一的
(1) All the metals are good conductors because there is a great number of free electros in them. (2) The unit smaller than a meter is called a decimeter. (3) The Industrial Revolution started in England at the second half of the 18the century. (4) The theory is of great importance that the hotter a body is, the more energy it radiates. (5) The three gas laws are true of gases as well as of air.
• ii、状语语序的倒置 例如: I was working with my two assistants (方式) in our laboratory(地点) at that moment(时间). 我那时(时间)正在实验室(地点) 与两个助手 一道(方式)工作。
Americans every year swallow 15,000 tons of aspirin, one of the safest and most effective drugs invented by man. Alloys belong to a half-way house between mixtures and compounds. In 24 hours the heart in a human body receives and pumps out some 1000 quarts of blood. The year 2000 problem brings the largest companies in the world to their knees.
For the average consumer, voice-activated devices are a convenience; for the elderly and handicapped, they may become indispensable for a wide variety of chores in the home. 对一般使用者来说,声触发装置能提供方便,而对老年人和 残废者来说,它可能成为从事各种家庭杂务时必要的帮手。 (不可缺少) A large segment of mankind turns to untrammelled nature as a last refuge from encroaching technology. 许多人都想寻找一块自由自在的地方,作为他们躲避现代技 术侵害的世外桃源。(最后的避难所) Her soft features effectively hid her strong mechanical foundation. 她柔媚的容貌巧妙地掩饰了她那强有力的机械躯体。(基础) While the results may seem discouraging to smokers who’d like to quit without gaining weight. 对于那些想戒烟但又不想发胖的吸烟者来说,实验结果似乎 给他们泼了冷水。(令人泄气)
创新思维的重要性及其发展途径英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Awesome Power of Thinking Outside the BoxHave you ever wondered why some people come up with super cool, awesome ideas while others just go with the same old, boring stuff? Well, it's all about thinking in an innovative way – or as grown-ups like to call it, "thinking outside the box!" Innovative thinking is like a superpower that allows you to see things from a completely new perspective and come up with unique solutions that nobody else has thought of before.Why is Innovative Thinking So Important?Imagine if nobody ever had innovative thoughts. We'd still be living in caves, hunting with spears, and wearing animal skins! It was thanks to innovative thinkers that we have all the amazing inventions and advancements we enjoy today, like computers, smartphones, airplanes, and even sliced bread! Innovative thinking helps us solve problems in better ways, make our lives easier and more fun, and create new things that can make the world a better place.But innovative thinking isn't just about inventing cool gadgets or coming up with million-dollar ideas. It's also about looking at everyday situations from a fresh perspective and finding creative solutions. For example, instead of getting mad when your little brother or sister annoys you, you could think of a fun game to play together that would keep them entertained and out of your hair. Or, if you're having trouble with a tough math problem at school, you could try to approach it from a different angle or use a visual aid to help you understand it better.Developing Your Innovative Thinking SkillsNow, you might be thinking, "But I'm just a kid, how can I become an innovative thinker?" Well, the good news is that innovative thinking is a skill that can be developed and improved with practice, just like any other skill. Here are some tips to help you unleash your inner creativity and become a master of thinking outside the box:Ask "What if?" questions: One of the best ways to stimulate innovative thinking is to constantly question the status quo and ask "What if?" questions. What if we could breathe underwater? What if dogs could talk? What if we lived on the moon? Askingthese kinds of questions can help you see things from different angles and spark new ideas.Embrace curiosity: Innovative thinkers are naturally curious about the world around them. They ask questions, explore new subjects, and are always eager to learn something new. So, never stop being curious! Read books, watch documentaries, and explore new hobbies or activities that interest you.Look for inspiration everywhere: Inspiration for innovative ideas can come from the most unexpected places. Pay attention to the world around you, whether it's the patterns in nature, the way a machine works, or the way people interact with each other. You never know what might spark your next big idea!Think like a kid: Adults often get stuck in their ways and have a hard time thinking outside the box. But as a kid, you have an advantage – you're naturally more imaginative andopen-minded. Don't be afraid to let your imagination run wild and come up with crazy, out-of-the-box ideas. Some of the best innovations started as "silly" ideas that nobody took seriously at first.Experiment and take risks: Innovative thinking often involves trying new things and taking risks. Don't be afraid to experiment with different approaches or techniques, even if they seem a littleunconventional. Some of the greatest inventions and discoveries were made by people who were willing to take risks and try something new.Collaborate with others: Sometimes, the best ideas come from combining different perspectives and experiences. Collaborate with your friends, classmates, or family members on projects or problems. Bouncing ideas off each other and building on each other's thoughts can lead to innovative solutions that none of you would have come up with on your own.Don't give up: Innovative thinking can be challenging, and you might not always come up with the perfect solution right away. But don't get discouraged! Keep trying, keep experimenting, and keep an open mind. Some of the greatest innovations in history came after many failed attempts and setbacks.The Power to Change the WorldInnovative thinking is more than just a cool skill to have – it's a superpower that can truly change the world. By developing your innovative thinking abilities, you can become aproblem-solver, a creator, and a changemaker. Who knows, maybe you'll come up with the next big invention that makes lifeeasier for millions of people, or a creative solution to a major global issue like climate change or world hunger.So, embrace your curiosity, let your imagination run wild, and never stop thinking outside the box. The world needs more innovative thinkers like you to help make it a better, more exciting place for everyone!篇2The Importance of Innovative Thinking and How to Develop ItDo you ever feel like you're just following the same old routines and patterns as everyone else? Do you wish you could come up with fresh, new ideas that make people say "Wow, that's brilliant!"? If so, you need to develop your innovative thinking skills! Innovative thinking means using your creativity to approach things from new angles and find unique solutions. It's all about breaking free from the boring and obvious ways of doing things.Why is innovative thinking so important? Well, just think about all the amazing inventions and discoveries that started with someone's innovative idea! The wheel, the light bulb, airplanes, computers, and so many other things we can't imagineliving without today were all born from innovative thinkers daring to be different. Innovative thinking pushes us forward and helps create positive changes in our world.But innovative thinking isn't just for famous inventors and scientists. It can help you in your daily life too! When you use innovative thinking, you'll be able to solve problems more easily, learn new skills faster, and just have a lot more fun. You'll never be bored because you'll always be coming up with creative new ideas and ways of looking at things.For example, let's say you're playing a game with your friends, but you've played it so many times that it's getting kind of dull. With innovative thinking, you could find ways to change the rules or add new twists to make the game exciting again! Or if you're working on a school project, you could use your creativity to make it unique instead of just doing the same old thing everyone else does.Pretty cool, right? Now you're probably wondering "How can I become a more innovative thinker?" Don't worry, it's not as difficult as it might seem. All it takes is practice and being open to new possibilities. Here are some tips to get you started:Ask "What if?" questions. Asking "What if...?" is a great way to get your creative juices flowing. What if you could breatheunderwater? What if dogs could talk? What if your toy car could actually drive? Keep asking these fun, imaginative questions and see where your thoughts go!Look for new perspectives. Instead of just seeing things the usual way, try to look at them from different angles and viewpoints. How would an ant see your bedroom? How would a bird view your school playground? Shifting your perspective like this can lead to surprisingly creative ideas.Embrace the silly and random. Don't be afraid to think about things that seem totally wacky or random. Some of the best innovations started with ideas that seemed really weird at first! Write down your craziest thoughts and play around with mixing different concepts together.Learn through making and tinkering. Reading and watching can only teach you so much. To really stretch your innovative muscles, you need to get hands-on. Take things apart to see how they work, then try putting them back together in new ways. Build prototypes, make arts and crafts, experiment! Getting creative with your hands is wonderful brain exercise.Observe the world around you. A source of great innovative ideas is looking at the world with curious, attentive eyes. Notice things that others might miss – unique patterns, interestingshapes and colors, or problems that need solutions. Keeping your senses alert can spark your imagination.Don't fear failure or criticism. One of the biggest blocks to innovative thinking is the fear of making mistakes or looking foolish. But you have to be willing to take risks and try new things if you want to come up with original ideas. Not every idea will be a winner, but each failure is a chance to learn. And you never know – your "silly" idea might just be brilliant!The more you practice innovative thinking using these tips, the more natural it will become. Over time, you'll find yourself bursting with creative ideas for all kinds of situations! You'll be able to approach any challenge or problem with an open mindset, ready to conceive unconventional solutions.Just imagine how much more fun and exciting life will be when you've honed your innovative thinking abilities. You'll be the one constantly amazing your friends and family with your clever ingenuity. Teachers will be impressed by your unique projects and assignments. You might even grow up to become an entrepreneur, artist, designer, scientist or other career where innovative thinking is highly valued.So what are you waiting for? Start flexing your innovative thinking muscles today! Keep an idea journal to capture yourcreative thoughts. Look at familiar things in new ways. Ask lots of questions and experiment. With curiosity, practice and a willingness to think outside the box, you can train yourself to be a master innovative thinker. Who knows what incredible ideas you'll come up with?篇3The Power of Creative ThinkingDo you ever feel like you're stuck in the same old routine, day after day? Like you're just following the rules and doing what everyone else does? Well, let me tell you something - thinking outside the box and using your creativity can open up a whole new world of possibilities! Creative thinking is like a superpower that allows you to come up with fresh ideas, solve problems in unique ways, and see things from a different perspective.Imagine if everyone just did the same things over and over again. We'd never have any of the amazing inventions and innovations that make our lives easier and more fun today. Can you picture a world without smartphones, video games, or even something as simple as the wheel? Pretty boring, right? That's why creative。
【关键词】科技翻译,美学体现,语言美学,视觉美学,音频美学,交互设计美学,提升质量,发展方向,挑战1. 引言1.1 科技翻译的重要性在当今信息爆炸的时代,科技翻译扮演着极为重要的角色。
1.2 美学在科技翻译中的地位美学在科技翻译中的地位是至关重要的。
A new trend: to combine Chinese with English 钱钟书:“牙缝中夹着菜叶子”。 E.g.: 卡拉OK, CD片, CT扫描,X光片 E.g.: (news) 今年GDP增长有望高于7.1%。
Read for fun: 校园顺口溜 何必努力 STUDY, 考试只求 SIXTY, 一心想着 MONEY, 最好娶个 BEAUTY, 及早生个 BABY, 这样才叫 HAPPY。
语言翻译就是将一种语言文字所表达的意 义用另一种语言文字表达出来的语言转换 过程,是通过译者在不同语言之间进行的 一种语言交流活动。这一交流与转换过程, 要求译者能够准确地表达译文所要表达的 全部信息。
“任何译作都是翻译理论不露声色的实践,所以 只要手高就证明他眼高,也许他没有自己的一套 见解,也许没有写出来,但是一定会有。” —— 余光中
Skopos rule: Each text is produced for a given purpose and should serve this purpose. The Skopos rule thus reads as follows: translate/ interpret/ speak/ write in a way that enables your text/ translation to function in the situation in which it is used and with the people who want to use it and precisely in the way they want it to function. -- Skopos theory (Germany)
下面是店铺给大家整理的科技英语翻译技巧,供大家参阅!科技英语翻译技巧科技英语诞生于20世纪50年代,是第二次世界大战后科学技术迅猛发展的产物,它具有客观,准确,严密的特点.近年来,随着科技信息的大量引进,科技英语的翻译已成为翻译领域的一个重要组成部分.而要真正做好简明,正确,恰当的科技英语翻译工作,则非易事,并非像有些人所认为的,科技翻译比较单纯,它必须要掌握一定的翻译技巧.笔者试从以下四个方面分析一下科技英语的翻译技1-5.1.领会科技英语的翻译准则科技英语主要是述说实理,描写现象,推导公式,论证规律,其特点是结构严谨,逻辑严密,行文规范,用词准确,技术术语正确.针对科技英语的这些特点,在翻译科技英语时,首先考虑的就是忠实原文,着名翻译家严复一直倡导"信,达,雅","信"即"忠实",要完整地,准确地表达原作的思想内容,这是科技英语翻译的首要要求:其次要讲究的就是"达",即通顺.着名学者傅雷先生曾指出:理想的译文仿佛是原作者的中文写作.海外学者钱歌川先生也指出,科技英语的翻译虽不像小说那样要求雅致优美,姿态横生,也不像翻译诗歌那样要求抑扬顿挫,押韵合辙,但要求至少文从宇顺,明白流畅.所以,在翻译科技英语时首先要坚持忠实,通顺,客观,严谨的准则,力求精炼,决不可卖弄文字,炫耀才华,随意堆砌华丽的词藻.例如:.(热空气上升.)只能这样翻译,一个宇也不能多.从文学修辞角度来说,译成"炽热空气上升"似乎音调上比较好听,而且符合中文四六骈体的传统,但却破坏了科技英语翻译的风格与规则.2.正确理解原文在坚持了准则之后,接下来就是要正确理解原文.实践证明,翻译之成败,理解是关键.作为翻译的第一步,就要进入原文,吃透原文."全文精神,融会于心"(严复语).翻译时要超越与原作者在时间和空间上的距离,力求与原作者达到心灵相通.要弄清每个词语,每个词组,每个单句以及整篇文章的确切含义和所属范畴,也要弄清每一句话的结构,逻辑,重点,与上下文的关系,即弄清原作者所表达的全部精神实质,只有正确理解原意,才能准确通顺地进行表达.例如,有份资料的题目是:"———1"短短的几十个字符呈,就有两个必须弄清楚的问题.第一,""是什么?许多词典都未收录此词,不过,我们用构词法就会发现,它是由一个双元音和一个单元音组成的双音节词,即和两部分.从副标题可以看出:是一种轴承材料,由往往就会想到(尼龙),从而可以译为"油尼龙";另一个问题是""中的""是何成份与意义?当然,我们可以判断出,它们应该用以修饰"轴承材料"这个名词,可是""是动词原型,怎么会起形容词作用收稿日期:2004—03—28作者简介:沈声松(1964一),男,安徽无为人,中国石化安庆石化总厂外事办公室翻译.?102?&;铜陵学院学报)2004年第2期呢?在这种情况下,只有去正确理解原文,才能得到准确含义.原文在列举了油尼龙的优点之后,以黑体字印出:"",亦即"装上就可以忘掉它":这样通过对上下文的理解,整个标题应译为:"尼拉卡斯特油尼龙——一种装上去就不用管的轴承材料."由此可见,正确理解原文是何等重要.正确理解原文要注意以下几点:(1)领略全文大意,辨认具体词义.任何一篇科技文献都是一个有机的整体,都有它的所属范畴,译前应通读全文,领略原文大意,进行宏观分析.如果一开始就把注意力集中在一词一句的推敲分析上,那就像一个人钻进了森林一样,只看见一棵棵树,而看不见森林全貌,在这种情况下,就着--翻译,必然会事倍功半,甚至满纸荒.唐.(2)正确理解原文的科技内容.科技英语翻译,必须认识到科技英语的特殊性,它与文学作品不同,前者着重于逻辑性,准确性和严密性,后者则着重于思想性和艺术性.因此,在翻译科技英语时,必须充分注意从原文所包含的技术内容--理解.不懂原文的科技内容就很难正确地理解原文,也不可能把原文的科技内容准确翻译过来.例如:,,,,?如果不熟悉环氧树脂的性能,则很可能译为:"环氧树脂熟化时有良好的粘合性能,发生粘合反应不逸散挥发物,甚至经常不需加热或加压."较确切的译文应是:"环氧树脂在熟化过程中有良好的粘合性能,在反应过程中不释出挥发物,经常甚至不发热或产生压力."(3)理解原文的逻辑关系.从语言和专业角度理解原文的同时,还要理解句子内部以及句子之间的逻辑关系.'在对原文的理解过程中,单纯性限于语言现象的理解往往不能解决所有问题,还必须透过原文的文字准确弄清作者所阐明的事理和事物间的逻辑关系.苏联语言学家巴尔胡达罗夫在所着&;语言与翻译》中指出,在翻译实践中存在着"非语言成份",就是指翻译中遇到的有些问题,超出了语言学范围,实际上,在科技英语的翻译中不少问题都要靠逻辑判断和事理分析才能搞清.例如:",,,."句子的第二个""的先行词是哪个,是""的三个并列宾语,还是只说明其中一个?语法分析已无能为力.根据常识进行逻辑推理,这个""只能说明"".所以,正确译文应是:"北美洲生长着二十种野玫瑰,它们都有多刺的茎,羽状的叶片和芳香四溢的大花朵."理解原作的事理和逻辑关系时,必须仔细推敲,反复斟酌,根据自己的生活体验和客观道理来验证自己的理解是否合乎道理,有无漏洞.再如:''.,'".如果译成:"功率最大的旅行电话是在船上使用的.这里没有重量问题,像在飞机上那样",则大错特错.从原文字面上看,似乎并无大错,但从逻辑客观道理上就违背了事理,船舶对重量的要求不像飞机那样严格,只是常识.正确译文应是:"船舶上使用功率最大的旅行电话.因为这里不像飞机上那样存在着重量问题."3.词义的选择与确定词义理解和选择,要结合上下文和语言环境,凭借事理和逻辑关系甚至还要考虑原科技英语翻译的5种常用翻译技巧1 顺译法:(Synchronizing)有些英语长句所叙述的事物基本上是按照时间或逻辑的顺序安排的。
科技英语翻译 翻译实例及分析
1.深部煤巷锚杆支护技术的研究与实践Research and Practice of Bolting Support Technology in Deep Coal Roadways.“......的研究与实践”论文标题的特征是精炼的语言,概括性强,没有任何的修饰词汇,准确地表达论文所涵盖的内容和研究的方向。
2. 无约束物体动力学普适方程的变分导出Derivation of a Universal Equation for Unrestrained Bodies with Calculus of Variations.首位的”Derivation”为中心词,与原文一致;由介词”of “”for” “with “引出的短语后置,层层限定,结构紧凑,关系明了。
3. 粗晶材料缺陷的超声信号及其小波包分析Ultrasonic Signal of Defects in A Coarse-grained Material and Its Wavelet Package Analysis.翻译前必须仔细分析、准确理解中文标题,找出中心词及其修饰、限定语,理清关系。
4.汽车车轮动平衡研究Research on the Dynamic Balance of Motorcar Wheel.中文标题里过去常用的“试论”“浅谈”“体会”等表谦虚的字眼现在不太常见了,取而代之的是体现实质性内容的表达。
(一)英语名词的转译1.转译为汉语的动词(1)具有动作意义的名词(也称“行为名词”,英语叫做Action Nouns)的转译英语中有一些具有动作意义的名词,这些名词汉译时往往要转译为汉语的动词,才会使译文通顺,合符汉语的习惯。
如:1.Television is the transmission and reception, of images moving objects by radio waves.电视通过无线电发送和接收活动物体的图像。
2. Integrated circuits are fairly recent development.集成电路只是近年才发展起来的。
3. The transfer of information from one part of the computer to another depends on the electric current being conducted over wires.信息从计算机的一部分传送到另一个部分,靠的是电线中传导的电流。
4. The transformation could be from any convenient input voltage to any convenient output voltage.可将任一所需转换的输入电压整换成任一所希望的输出电压。
5. The operation of an electric machine needs some knowledge of its performance.操作电机需要懂得电机的一些性能。
【创新指导】灵感思维2010-01-26 14:33灵感思维:是指凭借直觉而进行的快速、顿悟性的思维。
简而言之,灵感就是人们大脑中产生的新想法(new idea)。
2.英语的介词使用得特别多,在很多的情况下,尤其是 构成状语时,往往译成汉语的动词。
A force is needed to move an object against inertia. 为使物体克服惯性而运动,就需要一个力。
Modern industry would be out of the question without iron and steel. 没有钢铁,就谈不上现代化工业。
These principles will be illustrated by the following transition.
The temperature needed for this processing is lower than that needed to melt the metal.
If A is equal to D, A plus B equals D plus B. 如果A=D,则A+B=D+B。
Note that the words “velocity” and “speed” require explanation. 请注意,“速度”和“速率”这两个词需要解释。 The first electronic computers used vacuum tubes and other components. 第一批电子计算机使用真. 空管和其他元件。14
without ever physically touching the material. 激光的妙处就在于它能进行机械加工而不必实 际接触加工材料。(不译“美丽”)
两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语程度美联英语提供:科技英语翻译技巧科技英语翻译的5种常用翻译技巧1 顺译法:(Synchronizing)有些英语长句所表达的事物根本上是按照时间或逻辑的顺序安排的。
例如:1(1) For these forms of pollution as for all the others, (2) the destructive chain of cause and effect goes back to a prime cause: (3) too many cars, too many factories, more and more trials left by supersonic jutes, inadequate methods for disinfecting sewers, too little water, too much carbon monoxide.这个句子是由一个主句、一个状语和一个同位语组成的。
主句是(2) 破坏的因果关系链可归根于一个主要原因,也是全句的中心内容。
2 (1)Fossil fuel emit another 5.2 billion metric tons of CO2 into the air each year, (2) while the burning of tropical forests emits roughly 1.8 billion metric tons of CO2-(3) both contributing to a build up of carbon dioxide (4) that willsoon trigger the greenhouse effect. 在这个句子中,主句是(1),(2)是主句的并列句,(3)是同位语,(4)是定语从句。
科技英语翻译解读作者:张珍曾卫东来源:《科技资讯》 2012年第7期张珍曾卫东(昌河飞机工业集团有限公司江西景德镇 333002)摘要:本文主要以非英语专业的工程技术人员的角度,对科技英语翻译的特点进行解读。
关键词:科技英语翻译特点中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2012)03(a)-0247-01科技英语因为文体本身以陈述客观事实为主,所以便决定了其特点是结构严谨、逻辑严密、文体多样,轻重适当,用词精确,而且专业语汇丰富,具有极强的科学性和严肃性。
例如:原文:The improvement tool to implement the large scale,revolutionary changes(Kaikaku)requires to move from batch and queue production to continuous one-piece flow pulled by takt time.翻译:规模、革命性改变(突破性改善(Kaikaku))的改进工具要求从批次和排队生产转移到由节拍时间拉动的持续整体流程。
1 科技英语特点解读作为非英语专业的技术人员在从事科技英语翻译时,由于对于本行业的术语以及专业词语比较了解,因此首要需要了解的就是科技英语的特点,即:名词句式要记牢,被动语态用的好;复杂长句那么多,后置定语少不了;分词代替从句妙,复杂构词别忘了。
(1)众所周知,科技英语中使用频率最高的就是被动语态,根据英国利兹大学John Swales的统计,科技英语中的谓语至少三分之一是被动语态。
EST chapter4Chapter 4 Conversion ( 转换)英汉两种语言在语法,思维和表达习惯上差异,需要改变词语词类或句子成分,如名词化问题。
Tom is a lover of nature .句子成分转换所谓句子成分转换的译法,是把句子的某一成分(如主语)译成另一成分(如宾语等)。
表层结构(具体的外在形式)深层结构(存在于人脑中的逻辑意念)4.1 词类转换⏹It is necessary to study and have a good mastery of these laws.必须研究和很好地掌握这些定律。
⏹Increased accuracy usually requires improved measurement techniques or devices.要提高精度,通常需要改进测量方法或改进量具。
⏹The acceleration of gravity should decrease with increasing distance from the center of the earth.重力加速度应随离地心距离的增加而降低。
⏹Capacitance is the charge of a capacitor divided by the voltage across it.电容量等于电容器上的电荷除以其两端的电压。
⏹The analysis can lead to increased conversion efficiency and reduced weight.这种分析有助于提高效率及减轻重量。
4.1.1 Conversion into Chinese verbs4.1.1.1 N---V⏹ A brief qualitative discussion of some basic concepts is presented in this paper.本文简要定性地讨论了一些基本概念。
第一章翻译转换理论第一节翻译转换理论介绍翻译转换理论是由英国著名语言学家和翻译理论家,约翰·卡特福德(J. C. Catford) 提出的。
他的翻译的代表作是1965年由牛津大学出版社出版的《翻译的语言学理论》(A Linguistic Theory of Translation),也是其唯一一部翻译理论专著。
”层次转换(level shift):卡特福德认为语言可以区分为以下四种可能的层次:语法层、词汇层、形态层和语音层。
范畴转换(category shift):范畴转换指的是不受限制的翻译和等级限制的翻译,是翻译过程中形式对应的偏离。
Part of speech conversion
Common problems in translating scientific English
Summary: In scientific English translation, semantic comprehension errors are one of the most common problems.
Long senses
In contrast to general English, Technology English often uses long and complex senses to describe complex technical processes and concepts in detail
Example: In the field of computer science, the term "algorithm" is often translated as "algorithm", but in some contexts, it may be more accurately translated as "computational process" or "computational method".
New words
With the rapid development of technology, new words are consistently emerging in Technology English to describe new concepts and products, such as "artistic intelligence" and "virtual reality."
揖Abstract铱Based on working experience and characteristics of sci - tech English , the thesis analyses the flexibility in aviation science and technology translation and then proposes measures to improve sci - tech translation , which will provide guidance in aviation translation .
3 科技英语翻译的灵活处理方式
3.1 不受制于原文袁确保阅读的流畅性 由于汉英两种语言之间存在着差异袁其文章的结
构尧篇章的组成形式都各具特色遥 译者在开始进行文 本翻译和转换的过程中袁 非常容易受到两种语言的 结构尧表达习惯等方面的限制遥 但是翻译的工作不能 仅仅是对原文章的翻译袁 而是要展现出更多的灵活 性袁 译者也要充分的了解目标语言的表达方式和习 惯袁灵活的进行翻译遥 科技类的文章主要阐述的是客 观事实袁被动语态是常见的表达习惯特征遥 下面以被 动语态为例进行分析院
被动语态袁 其在翻译的过程中就变成了无主语的主 动句袁这是因为本句的核心就是要明白所野清洗冶和
Science & Technology Vision 科技视界 237
Science & Technology Vision
者袁转化成为主动句更加符合汉语的表达方式遥 揖例 2铱This formula has already been mentioned above .
. Al特严l谨点R性的i遥g详h例细ts如描 院述Re等s有er效v信ed息. 袁 实 现 翻 译 的 准 确 性 和
介绍创新思维的重要性以及如何发展英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: The Importance of Introducing Innovative Thinking and How to Develop ItIn today's rapidly changing world, the ability to think innovatively is becoming more and more important. Innovation has always been the driving force behind progress and success in every field. Whether it is in business, technology, science, or the arts, those who can think outside the box and come up with creative solutions are the ones who stand out and make a difference.The importance of fostering innovative thinking cannot be understated. It is what allows individuals to see beyond the status quo, to question existing norms and practices, and to come up with new and better ways of doing things. In a world that is constantly evolving, those who cling to old ways of thinking are likely to be left behind, while those who are able to adapt and innovate will thrive.One of the key ways to develop innovative thinking is to cultivate a sense of curiosity and openness to new ideas. This means being willing to try new things, to take risks, and to explore unknown territory. It also means being willing to question assumptions and challenge the status quo. By pushing the boundaries of what is known and familiar, we can open up new possibilities and uncover new insights that can lead to breakthrough innovations.Another important aspect of developing innovative thinking is to cultivate a growth mindset. This means believing that our abilities and intelligence are not fixed, but can be developed through effort and learning. By embracing challenges and setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow, we can develop the resilience and perseverance needed to overcome obstacles and come up with creative solutions.In addition to these mental habits, there are also practical techniques that can help foster innovative thinking. One technique is the practice of brainstorming, where individuals generate as many ideas as possible without judging or censoring them. This can help to break free from conventional thinking patterns and open up new possibilities.Another technique is to seek out diverse perspectives and experiences. By exposing ourselves to different ways of thinking and different cultures, we can expand our own mental horizons and gain new insights that can inspire innovative ideas.Overall, developing innovative thinking is a key skill that can set individuals apart in an increasingly competitive andfast-paced world. By cultivating curiosity, openness, a growth mindset, and practical techniques for generating ideas, we can learn to see the world in new ways and come up with creative solutions to complex problems. As the world continues to change and evolve, those who can think innovatively will be the ones who shape the future and make a lasting impact.篇2The Importance of Developing Innovative ThinkingIntroductionInnovation is a crucial skill that is highly valued in today's fast-paced and competitive world. It is the ability to think creatively, come up with new ideas, and solve problems in novel ways. Developing innovative thinking is essential for success in various aspects of life, including education, career, and personal development. In this essay, we will discuss the importance ofinnovative thinking and explore ways to cultivate this valuable skill.The Importance of Innovative ThinkingInnovative thinking is essential for adapting to anever-changing world. It allows individuals to think outside the box and come up with solutions that others may not have considered. In today's fast-paced economy, innovation is key to staying ahead of the competition and driving growth in businesses and industries. Companies that foster a culture of innovation are more likely to succeed and thrive in today's global marketplace.Innovative thinking is also essential for personal development and growth. It enables individuals to approach challenges with a fresh perspective, overcome obstacles, and achieve their goals. By developing innovative thinking skills, individuals can become more resilient, creative, and resourceful in pursuing their aspirations.Moreover, innovative thinking is crucial for addressing complex social and environmental issues. By thinking creatively and generating new ideas, individuals can contribute to solving pressing problems such as climate change, poverty, and inequality. Innovative thinking is essential for driving progressand creating a more sustainable and equitable world for future generations.Ways to Develop Innovative ThinkingThere are several ways to cultivate innovative thinking skills and enhance creativity. Here are some strategies to help individuals develop their innovative thinking abilities:1. Embrace curiosity and open-mindedness: Curiosity is the fuel for innovation. By staying curious and open-minded, individuals can explore new ideas, perspectives, and opportunities. They should be willing to challenge assumptions, question established norms, and seek out new experiences to stimulate their creativity.2. Practice divergent thinking: Divergent thinking involves generating a variety of potential solutions to a problem. Individuals can practice divergent thinking by brainstorming ideas, exploring different possibilities, and considering alternative perspectives. By expanding their range of options, individuals can arrive at innovative solutions that may not have been initially apparent.3. Collaborate with others: Collaboration is a powerful tool for fostering innovation. By working with diverse teams andsharing ideas with others, individuals can benefit from different perspectives, insights, and expertise. Collaboration can lead to the co-creation of innovative solutions that draw on the strengths of all team members.4. Experiment and iterate: Innovation often requires experimentation and iteration. Individuals should be willing to take risks, try new approaches, and learn from failure. By experimenting with different ideas and refining their solutions through iteration, individuals can refine their innovative thinking skills and develop more effective solutions.5. Seek out inspiration: Inspiration can come from a variety of sources, including art, literature, nature, and technology. By seeking out inspiration from different sources, individuals can fuel their creativity and generate new ideas. They should expose themselves to new experiences, explore unfamiliar domains, and draw connections between disparate fields to spark innovative thinking.ConclusionInnovative thinking is a valuable skill that is essential for success in today's complex and dynamic world. By developing innovative thinking skills, individuals can adapt to change, solve problems creatively, and drive progress in their personal andprofessional lives. By embracing curiosity, practicing divergent thinking, collaborating with others, experimenting and iterating, and seeking out inspiration, individuals can cultivate their innovative thinking abilities and unleash their creative potential. Developing innovative thinking is not only essential for individual success but also for addressing pressing social and environmental challenges and creating a better world for all.篇3Title: The Importance of Innovative Thinking and How to Develop ItIn today's rapidly changing world, innovation is more crucial than ever before. Whether in the workplace, in academics, or in everyday life, the ability to think creatively and come up with new ideas is a valuable skill that can lead to success. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of innovative thinking and explore ways to develop this skill.First and foremost, innovative thinking is important because it allows us to adapt to new challenges and opportunities. In a world where technology is constantly evolving and industries are becoming more competitive, those who can think outside the box and come up with original solutions will have a significantadvantage. Creative thinking also fosters a spirit of entrepreneurship and encourages individuals to take risks and explore new possibilities.Furthermore, innovative thinking is essential for personal growth and development. By challenging ourselves to think differently and explore new ways of doing things, we can expand our minds and broaden our horizons. This not only leads to greater self-awareness and confidence but also opens up new opportunities for learning and growth.So, how can we develop our innovative thinking skills? One way is to constantly expose ourselves to new ideas and experiences. This could involve reading books, attending workshops, or engaging in discussions with people from different backgrounds. By exposing ourselves to diverse perspectives, we can expand our thinking and cultivate a more creative mindset.Another important way to develop innovative thinking is to practice brainstorming and idea generation exercises. This could involve setting aside time each day to come up with new ideas or solutions to a particular problem. By engaging in regular creative exercises, we can train our brains to think more creatively and develop a habit of innovation.Additionally, seeking feedback from others can also be a valuable way to foster innovative thinking. By sharing our ideas with others and receiving constructive criticism, we can gain new insights and perspectives that can help refine our thinking and lead to better ideas.In conclusion, innovative thinking is a valuable skill that can lead to success in all areas of life. By constantly challenging ourselves to think creatively and explore new ideas, we can adapt to change, foster personal growth, and unlock new opportunities. Developing innovative thinking may require effort and practice, but the rewards are well worth it. So, let's embrace the spirit of innovation and strive to think outside the box!。
语篇也就是我们通常所说的篇章,是由一组相 互连贯的句子组成的。语篇的语义结构和语篇 机制,即衔接手段确保了语言由句子组成语篇, 从而形成了一个有机的整体,所以对这一层面 的分析包括了衔接手段和语篇结构。
1. 词汇衔接 词汇的重复出现可以减少语言在传递中产生的歧义,
使读者易于正确地理解作者所要论述的客观事实或复 杂的认识过程,体现了科技英语的准确性。 例:Many stories abort the spread of AIDS are false. You cannot get AIDS working or attending with someone who has the disease. You cannot get it by touching drinking glasses or other objects used by such persons. 2. 逻辑连接 通过逻辑连接手段的运用,读者可以了解句子的语义 联系,甚至可经前句从逻辑上预见后续句的语义,体 现了科技英语的逻辑推理性和严密性。
科技英语(English for Science and Technology,简称EST) 是从事科学技术活动时所使用的英语,是英语的一种变 体(科技文体)。科技英语自70年代以来引起了人们的广 泛关注和研究,目前已发展成为一种重要的英语语体。 本节所讨论的科技英语主要指描述、探讨自然科学各专 业的著作、论文、实验报告,科技实用手段(包括仪器、 仪表、机械、工具等)的结构描述和操作说明等。
使用时态少,多用一般现在时、一般过去时、 一般将来时。
修辞手段单调,很少使用文学英语的修辞手法。 逻辑语法词多,科技英语注重客观事实论述及