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2.3.2 分子轨道理论(Molecular orbital theory)-分子轨道是基
问题的提出 :
前面介绍了价键理论、杂化轨道理论、价层电子互斥理论,这些理论抓 住了形成共价键的主要因素,能较好的解释共价键的形成和分子的空间构型
,比较直观, 但在解释有些分子的形成时仍然遇到了困难,例如:
包括化学键的类型,但键角并不一定相等,除非键角为180 或90等特定的角度。
(1)CO2、CNS–、NO2+、N3–具有相同的通式—AX2,价 电子总数16,具有相同的结构—直线型分子,中心原子
or sometimes, a more accurate fit
Quiz: 请根据下列的鲍林电负性标度值总结周期表中同周 期元素和同族元素的电负性变化规律及其与原子半 径变化规律的关系。
Mulliken electronegativity
Robert S. Mulliken proposed that the arithmetic mean of the first ionization energy (Ei) and the electron affinity (Eea) should be a measure of the tendency of an atom to attract electrons. As this definition is not dependent on an arbitrary relative scale, it has also been termed absolute electronegativity, with the units of kilojoules per mole or electronvolts.
元素电负性数值越大,表示其原子在化合物中吸引电子的能力越强;反 之,电负性数值越小,相应原子在化合物中吸引电子的能力越弱(稀有 气体原子除外)。
① Pauling; ② Allred-Rochow; ③ Mulliken-Jaffé Scales
Pauling electronegativity
Allen electronegativity
Perhaps the simplest definition of electronegativity is that of Leland C. Allen, who has proposed that it is related to the average energy of the valence electrons in a free atom
and for energies in kilojoules per mole
Allred–Rochow electronegativity
A. Louis Allred and Eugene G. Rochow considered[11] that electronegativity should be related to the charge experienced by an electron on the "surface" of an atom: The higher the charge per unit area of atomic surface the greater the tendency of that atom to attract electrons. The effective nuclear charge, Zeff, experienced by valence electrons can be estimated using Slater's rules, while the surface area of an atom in a molecule can be taken to be proportional to the square of the covalent radius, rcov. When rcov is expressed in picometres,
1932年,鲍林(Linus Pauling 1901-1994)提出电负性的概念,用来 表示两个不同原子形成化学键时吸引电子能力的相对强弱,是元素的原 子在分子中吸引共用电子的能力。通常以希腊字母χ为电负性的符号。
鲍林给电负性下的定义为“电负性是元素的原子在化合物中吸引 电子能力的标度”。
As only differences in electronegativity are defined, it is necessary to choose an arbitrary reference point in order to construct a scale. Hydrogen was chosen as the reference, as it forms covalent bonds with a large variety of elements: its electronegativity was fixed first at 2.1, later revised to 2.20.
第二章 材料化学理论基础
2.3 分子结构
2.3.1 等电子体原理 2.3.2 分子轨道理论(Molecular orbital theory) 2.3.3 键参数与共价分子的性质 2.3.4 分子间作用力
2.3.1 等电子体原理
具有相同的通式——AXm,而且价电子总数相等的分子 或离子具有相同的结构特征,这个原理称为“等电子体原理”。
However, it is more usual to use a linear transformation to transform these absolute values into values that resemble the more familiar Pauling values. For ionization energies and electron affinities in electronvolts,
(4)SO42–、PO43–等离子具有AX4的通式,总价电子数32, 中心原子有4个σ-键,故取sp3杂化形式,呈正四面体 立体结构;
(5)PO33–、SO32–、ClO3–等离子具有AX3的通式,总价 电子数26,中心原子有4个σ-轨道(3个σ-键和1对占 据σ-轨道的孤对电子),VSEPR理想模型为四面体, (不计孤对电子的)分子立体结构为三角锥体,中心原 子取sp3杂化形式,没有p-pπ键或p-p大键,它们的 路易斯结构式里的重键是d-p大键。
where εs,p are the one-electron energies of s- and p-electrons in the free atom and ns,p are the number of s- and p-electrons in the valence shell. It is usual to apply a scaling factor, 1.75×10−3 for energies expressed in kilojoules per mole or 0.169 for energies measured in electronvolts, to give values that are numerically similar to Pauling electronegativities.
(2)CO32–、NO3–、SO3等离子或分子具有相同的通式— AX3,总价电子数24,有相同的结构—平面三角形分子, 中心原子上没有孤对电子而取sp2杂化轨道形成分子的 σ-骨架,有一套46p-p大键。
(3)SO2、O3、NO2–等离子或分子,AX2,18e,中心原子 取sp2杂化形式,VSEPR理想模型为平面三角形,中心 原子上有1对孤对电子(处于分子平面上),分子立体结 构为V型(或角型、折线型),有一套符号为34的p-p大 键。
同一周期从左至右,有效核电荷递增,原子半 径递减,对电子的吸引能力渐强,因而电负性 值递增;
同族元素从上到下,随着原子半径的增大,元 素电负性值递减。过渡元素的电负性值无明显 规律。
就总体而言,周期表右上方的典型非金属元素都有 较大电负性数值,氟的电负性值数大(4.0);周 期表左下方的金属元素电负性值都较小,铯和鍅是 电负性最小的元素(0.7)。一般来说,非金属元 素的电负性大于2.0,金属元素电负性小于2.0。
Hence, the difference in Pauling electronegativity between hydrogen and bromine is 0.73 (dissociation energies: H–Br, 3.79 eV; H–H, 4.52 eV; Br–Br 2.00 eV)
18 分子轨道理论的基本要点
① 分子中电子的各种运动状态,即分子轨道,用波函数ψ表示。
② 分子中的电子围绕整个分子运动,其波函数称为分子轨道( molecular orbital ) 。 分子轨道理论中目前最广泛应用的是原子轨道线性组合法。这种方法假
The essential point of Pauling electronegativity is that there is an underlying, quite accurate, semi-empirical formula for dissociation energies, namely:
H2+ 和 He2 + 、O2中存在单电子键和叁电子键; O2有磁矩,为2.62×10-23 A·m2 ,是顺磁性物质; O3 中的 O-O 键长处于单键与双键之间,有离域П 键 ;
对以上问题,价键理论无法解释。分子轨道理论从分子的整体性出 发,较全面地反映了分子内部电子的各种运动状态,对以上问题给出了合理 的解释。
Pauling first proposed the concept of electronegativity in 1932 as an explanation of the fact that the covalent bond between two different atoms (A–B) is stronger than would be expected by taking the average of the strengths of the A–A and B– B bonds. According to valence bond theory, of which Pauling was a notable t, this "additional stabilization" of the heteronuclear bond is due to the contribution of ionic canonical forms to the bonding. The difference in electronegativity between atoms A and B is given by:
where the dissociation energies, Ed, of the A–B, A–A and B–B bonds are
expressed in electronvolts, the factor (eV)−½ being included to ensure a
dimensionless result.