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patient.Meanwhile,this paper also emphatically points out that the social reforming time
has the influence to the medical trouble,which includes the disorderly differentiation of
解也是造成医患关系紧张的原因。当然,值得反思的还有我们医学教育的先天不足, 只重视高素质的专业人才的培训,忽略了医学生人文素养的提高。
因此,采取调整卫生资源的配置,加强医者的自律,加强人文关怀、改善医疗 服务,缩小医患之间的信息不对称及改善社会舆论环境措施将有助于改善目前日益 紧张的医患关系。
对调整卫生资源的配置,本文提出应该从纠正卫生资源配置失衡倾向、增加卫 生经费投入及积极推进卫生体制改革等方面入手。对于加强医者的自律,则是通过 深化教育,提高医护人员对自律的认识,加强监督约束,增强自律能力,及通过激 励引导,提升自律的境界等途径来解决。而加强人文关怀、改善医疗服务则要从“以 疾病为中心”到“以病人为中心”,从关注“病”到关注“病”和“人”入手。对于 缩小医患之间的信息不对称,解决的办法有:政府卫生行政主管部门要转变职能, 采取多种形式,向公众发布有关医疗服务信息;医护人员要增强责任意识,要尽可 能地为患者提供其所ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ的信息;民众要提高自身素质,学会甄别真假信息等等。当 然,改善社会舆论环境同时也可以对改善医患关系带来影响。
and SO on.Shown on‘‘Third National Health Service Investigation Result'’issued by the
State Ministry of Health on December 2,2004,population enjoying basic urban employee
本文通过对上述原因的详细分析,指出卫生资源配置不合理是卫生管理中的一 个根本性问题。它包括医疗保健服务体系设置不合理、卫生经济政策的偏离及政府 投入不足等等。而医疗卫生体制改革的滞后同时也时导致目前医患关系紧张的另一 个重要原因,它包括医疗费用超出人们的承受能力、公共卫生系统效率低下、医疗 服务效率不高、卫生服务的公平性差及卫生投入的宏观效率低下等等。而根据卫生 部2004年12月2 El公布《第三次国家卫生服务调查主要结果》中显示:城市享有 城镇职工基本医疗保险的人口比例为30.2%、公费医疗4.0%、劳保医疗4.6%、购买 商业医疗保险占5.6%,没有任何医疗保险占44.8%;在农村,参加合作医疗的人口 比例为9.5%、各种社会医疗保险占3.1%、购买商业医疗保险占8.3%、没有任何医疗 保险占79.1%。从中可以看出,医疗保险覆盖面小也对医患关系产生不可低估的影响。 本文同时还着重指出,社会转型时期对医患关系产生影响,它包括转型社会利益的 无序分化,以及与转型社会密切相关的贫困阶层和弱势群体的不良情绪,医务人员 在转型时期的心态失衡,职业道德与社会公德失范,过度医疗以及人文关怀的缺失。 社会转型深刻影响着医患关系。文章也指出,沟通不力,舆论对医学缺乏足够的了
r笠Xormmg is affecting the relationship between the—medical departrnertt--mad-thepatient---
communication profoundly.This paper also points out that less
and lack of understanding
from the public opinion are also one of the reasons causing the tense relationship between
the medical department and the patient.Certainly,what is worth reconsidering is that our
44.8%with no any medical insurance;In the countryside,the population participating in
the cooperative medical treatment accounts for 9.5%,3.1%of various social medical
view of the medical personnel in the reforming time,loss of the occupational ethics and the common courtesy,excessively medical as well as failure of humanities concern.Social
medical student.
In the author’S opinion,the methods to improve relationship between the medical
personnel and the patients including:adjustment of health resource allocation,strengthen
commercial insurance,8.3%with the purchase of
medical insurance,79.1%with no any
medical insurance;We may find that the small medical insurance coverage has also an underestimated influence on the relationship between the medical department and the
the reforming society benefit,as well as with the ill mood of the impoverished social
stratum and weak mass with close correlation to the reforming society,the unbalanced
medium lacking enough know for medicine,and SO on.
Through detailed analysis to the above-mentioned causes,this paper points out that
the unreasonable configuration of hygienic resources is a fundamental issue in hygienic
humanities doctor’S self-restrain and
show loving care for,improving medical service,
medical insurance accounts for 30.2%,4.0%of the public health services.4.6%of the labor insurance medical service,5.6%with the purchase of commercial medical insurance.
坌基筻理亟±(丛丛2 专业旦级硕士生姓名:
周 泣熬授
摘要:我国当前的医患关系是严峻的,令人忧虑的。医患之间的不信任在加深, 部分病人与医院之间的关系越来越紧张。形成目前这种医患关系的原因有很多,卫 生资源配置不合理,卫生改革滞后,医疗保险覆盖面小,转型社会利益的无序分化, 贫困阶层和弱势群体的不良情绪,医务人员的心态失衡,职业道德和社会公德失范, 过度医疗,人丈关怀的缺表L平等沟通不力,医学教育的先天不足及媒体琏医学缺 乏足够的了解,对患者表现出足够的“宽容”等都是导致目前医患关系紧张的原因。
医患关系现状成因 改善措施

THESIS:The current situation ofthe doctor-patient relationship,cause and
Ma ster ofPublic Administration(MPA)
management,which includes the unreasonable setup of medical and healthcare service system,the health economic policy deviation,the insufficient government funds and SO on. But at the same time,the lag of medical health system reform is also another important reason which causes.the present tense relationship between the medical department and the patient,which includes that the medical cost surpasses the patient’S bearing capacity, low efficiency of the public health system,low efficiency of the medical service,bad fairness of hygienic service and low macroscopic efficiency of the hygienic investment
medicine education is congenitally deficient,only paying close attention to the training of
high quality talents while neglecting the humanities accomplishment enhancement of
unreasonable of health resource allocation5 stagnant o£health reform,small of medical insurance covering,no order differentiation of turning society benefit,harmful morale of poor class and weak crowd,no peace of doctor’S and nurse’S mind,no standard of occupation and society morals,excessive medical treatment,lacking of humanities show loving care for,not do equality exchange the best,medical education not enough and
ShdO Jiao
TUTOR:Prof.Zhou Pei
Nowadays the relationship between the doctor and the patiems in our country is tight
and worried.No—confidence between the doctor and the patients are deeping,the relationship between some patiems and hospital are more and more tense.The reasons are