Chapter 6 Ecological Agriculture-20131111农业生态
治理能力现代化modernization of governance崇洋媚外blind worshiping of foreign things1.中央空调central air conditioning2.集中供暖central heating3.柜式空调cabinet air conditioner4.壁挂式空调wall mount air conditioner5.临时住处temporary accommodation6.弱冷车厢”内的空调温度要比“强冷车厢”内高2℃ temperature in carriages of cool section is 2 degrees higher than that of cold section1.不忘初心stay true to their original aspirations2.书写了... 新篇章opened a new chapter for ...3.结下了深厚友谊forged a profound friendship4.深化各领域友好交往deepen friendly exchanges in various areas5.拓展务实合作,为两国人民带来更大福祉expand practical cooperation to bring more benefits to both peoples积极致力于发展经济、改善民生endeavor to develop the economy and improve people's livelihood机构改革institutional reform简政放权streamline administration and delegate powers互联网+ 政务服务the Internet Plus government servicesmodel战略资源strategic resources加大科技创新工作力度put more effort in scientific and technological innovation提高稀土开发利用的技术水平raise the technological level of exploitation of rare earths应急管理部the Ministry of Emergency Management启动应急响应activate an emergency response出工作组前往受灾地区sent a work team to the stricken areas指导抢险救灾工作provide guidance in rescue and disaster relief减少经济损失和次生灾害save economic losses and avoid secondary disaster临震预报imminent earthquake prediction破坏性地震destructive earthquake一次性杯具disposable cups环保材料environment friendly materials将打好包的垃圾放在家门口place their bagged householdgarbage at doorstep1.一线城市first-tier cities2.二线城市second-tier cities3.出台了不少优惠政策rolled out favorable policies4.节能环保energy conservation and environmental protection5.创业板growth enterprise market, GEM6.突破关键核心技术make breakthroughs in core technologies7.市场认可度高be well accepted by the market新能源汽车new energy vehicles , NEVs8.发布指导方案release a guideline9.能耗低low energy consumption10污染物排放少low pollutant emission11插电式混合动力汽车plug-in hybrid electric vehicle,简称PHEV12推动智能汽车创新发展promote innovative development of smart vehicles1.电子收费ETC electronic toll collection2.ETC 车道ETC lanes3.货车实现不停车收费allow nonstop passage of freight vehicles4.实现机场、火车站、客运站、港口码头等大型交通场站停车场景ETC 服务全覆盖full coverage of ETC service at airports, railway stations, bus hubs and ports5.取消全国高速公路省界收费站remove almost all expressway toll booths at provincial borders6.实现不停车快捷收费make nonstop, swift collection a reality7.减少拥堵cut traffic congestion1.出境游outbound tourism2.对.. 持积极开放态度keep an open attitude towards...3.中国文化和旅游部发布的旅游提醒the tourism reminder issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism4.旅游警示travel alert5.出入境盘查entry-and-exit interrogations6.提高安全防范意识raise safety awareness7.了解旅游目的地治安、法律法规等信息learn about the information about the public security situation and related laws and regulations of tourist destinations8.妥善积极应对respond appropriately and actively1.满足国内消费者的需求meet the demand from domestic consumers2.国产婴幼儿配方乳粉品质the quality of domestic babyformula3.在国外设立加工厂set up factory overseas4.鼓励国外乳粉企业在国内设立外商投资企业encourage foreign enterprises to set up ventures in China5.婴幼儿用品行业industries related to infants and children6.二孩经济second-child economy1.生态足迹ecological footprint2.生态安全ecological security3.加快构建生态文明体系speed up the construction of the ecological civilization system4.生态环境质量实现根本好转 a fundamental improvement in environmental quality5.美丽中国目标基本实现the goal of building a Beautiful China will be basically attained6.我国生态环境质量持续改善China's environmental qualitykept improving1.世界繁荣与稳定the prosperity and stability of the world2.曾多次出现波折、面临困难局面....has seen twists and turns and difficult situations3.缩小分歧bridge differences4.经贸摩擦economic and trade friction5.捍卫国家和人民利益defend the interests of the nation and its people6.无视中美经济结构、发展阶段特点和国际产业分工现实turning a blind eye to the nature of the economic structure and the stage of development in China and the US1.中国农业改革40 周年the 40th anniversary of rural reform in China2.实施乡村振兴战略implement of a rural revitalization strategy3.粮食总产量total grain output4.推动乡村产业振兴revitalize rural industries5.一二三产业the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries6.全力以赴消除农村贫困go to all lengths to eliminate poverty7.“三农”问题issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people8.农业农村现代化modernization of agriculture and rural areas1.控制游客数量keep crowd sizes down2.实行全网络实名制售票introduce real-name online ticketing3.每日游客总量控制在6.5万人次daily ticketing is capped at 65,0004.提前7天进行网上预约购票purchase tickets seven days in advance5.最佳承载量the best carrying capacity6.暂缓检票suspend admission7.自由行independent travel8.热门景点tourist hotspots1.外来入侵物种invasive alien species2.形成自我再生能力develop a self-reproduction ability3.对生态环境、生产或者生活造成明显损害或者不利影响cause visible damage to or negative impact on the environment, production or daily life4.非本土物种non-indigenous(non-native) species5.外来物种alien species6.化学防治chemical control7.用化学除草剂use of pesticides。
外文出处:Agriculture Economic Research Service (用外文写)in its series Agricultural Information Bulletins with number 33721附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
Hrubovcak LeBlanc and Eakin 1995。
• (3)时空食物链综合型。这是时空结构型和食物链型的有机结合,使系
• 1. 多维用地技术
指为了提高土地生产力,通过农业生物 组合,从 空间和时间上利用土地,充分发 挥土地所承载的农业 自然资源潜力。 • (1)集约种植。 • (2)立体种养。
• (2)食物链型。这是一种按照农业生态系统的能量流动和物质循环规律
而设计的一种良性循环的农业生态系统。系统中一个生产环节的产出是 另一个生产环节的投入,使得系统中的废弃物多次循环利用,从而提高 能量的转换率和资源利用率,获得较大的经济效益,并有效的防止农业 废弃物对农业生态环境的污染。具体有种植业内部物质循环利用模式、 养殖业内部物质循环利用模式、种养加工三结合的物质循环利用模式等。 统中的物质得以高效生产和多次利用,是一种适度投入、高产出、少废 物、无污染、高效益的模式类型。
• 四位一体”生态模式是在自
然调控与人工调控相结合条 件下,利用可再生能源(沼 气、太阳能)、保护地栽培 【大棚蔬菜】、日光温室养 猪及厕所等4个因子,通过 合理配置形成以太阳能、沼 气为能源,以沼渣、沼液为 肥源,实现种植业(蔬菜)、 养殖业(猪、鸡)相结合的能 流、物流良性循环系统,这 是一种资源高效利用,综合 效益明显的生态农业模式
• 概述
• 生态农业模式是一种在农业生产实践中形成的兼顾农业的
经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,结构和功能优化了的农 业生态系统。
这十大典型模式和配套技术是:北方“四位一体”生态模式 及配套技术;南方“猪--沼--果”生态模式及配套技术;平原 农林牧复合生态模式及配套技术;草地生态恢复与持续利用生 态模式及配套技术;生态种植模式及配套技术;生态畜牧业生 产模式及配套技术;生态渔业模式及配套技术;丘陵山区小流 域综合治理模式及配套技术;设施生态农业模式及配套技术; 观光生态农业模式及配套技术。
中华人民共和国水法(Water Act)英文版
Water Law of the People's Republic of China(Adopted at the 24th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress on January 21,1988,revised at the 29th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on August 29,2002)Order of the President of the People's Republic of China No. 74The Water Law of the People's Republic of China,adopted at the 29th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on August 29,2002,is hereby promulgated and shall go into effect as of October 1,2002.Jiang ZeminPresident of the People's Republic of ChinaAugust 29,2002ContentsChapter I General ProvisionsChapter II Planning for Water ResourcesChapter III Water Resources Development and UtilizationChapter IV Protection of Water Resources,Water Areas and WaterworksChapter V Allocation and Economical Use of Water ResourcesChapter VI Resolution of Water Disputes and Supervision over and Inspection ofLaw-enforcementChapter VII Legal LiabilitiesChapter VIII Supplementary ProvisionsChapter IGeneral ProvisionsArticle 1 This law is enacted for the purposes of rationally developing,utilizing,conserving and protecting water resources,preventing and controlling water disasters,bringing about sustainable utilization of water resources,and meeting the need of national economic and social development.Article 2 This Law is applicable to development,utilization,conservation,protection and management of water resources and to prevention and control of water disasters within the territory of the People's Republic of China.The water resources referred to in this Law include surface water and groundwater.Article 3 Water resources are owned by the State. The State Council,on behalf of the State,exercises the right of ownership of water resources. The water of ponds belonging to rural economic collectives and the water of reservoirs built and managed by such collectives shall be used by the collectives respectively.Article 4 In developing,utilizing,conserving and protecting water resources and preventing and controlling water disasters,emphasis shall be placed on overall planning and all-round consideration,on both the root cause and symptoms,and on multipurpose use,efficiency,and the multiple function of water resources,and attention shall be paid to coordinated use of water in people's daily lives,in production and operation and in ecologicalenvironment.Article 5 People's governments at or above the county level shall pay special attention to construction of water conservancy infrastructures,and incorporate it into their plans of national economic and social development.Article 6 The State encourages units and individuals to develop and use water resources in accordance with law,and protects their legitimate rights and interests. Any unit or individual that develops and uses water resources has the obligation of protecting water resources in accordance with law.Article 7 For water resources,the State applies,in accordance with law,the system of licensing for water-taking and the system of compensation for use of water,except for water of the ponds and reservoirs belonging to rural economic collectives that is used by such collectives and their members. The administrative department for water resources under the State Council is responsible for making arrangements for implementing the system of licensing for water-taking and the system of compensation for use of water throughout the country.Article 8 The State encourages strict economy on the use of water,greatly promotes water-conserving measures,spreads the use of new technologies and techniques for water-conserving,develops water-conserving industries,agriculture and services,and builds a water-conserving community.People's governments at all levels shall adopt measures to improve management of water conservation,establish a system for developing and promoting the use of water-conserving technologies,and foster and develop water-conserving industries.All units and individuals shall have the obligation of economizing on water.Article 9 For the purpose of protecting water resources,the State adopts such effective measures as protection of vegetation,planting of trees and grass,conservation of water sources,prevention and control of soil erosion and water-body pollution,and improvement of ecological environment.Article 10 The State encourages and supports research,extension and application of advanced science and technology in development,utilization,conservation,protection and management of water resources,and in prevention and control of water disasters.Article 11 Units and individuals that have made outstanding achievements in development,utilization,conservation and control of water disasters shall be rewarded by people's governments.Article 12 For water resources the State applies the system under which management of river basins is combined with management of administrative regions.The administrative department for water resources under the State Council is responsible for unified management of and supervision over water resources throughout the country.The institutions for river basin management (hereinafter referred to as river basin authorities,in short),set up by the administrative department for water resources under the State Council for the key rivers and lakes defined as such by the State,shall perform the duties of water resources management and supervision,within the limits of their jurisdiction,specified by laws and administrative regulations and assigned to them by the said department.The administrative departments for water resources under the local people's governments at or above the country level shall,within the limits of their specified powers,be responsible for unified management of and supervision over the water resources.Article 13 The relevant departments under the State Council shall,in conformity with the division of their duties,be responsible for work relating to the development,utilization,conservation and protection of water resources.The relevant departments under the local people's governments at or above the country level shall,in conformity with the division of their duties,be responsible for the development,utilization,conservation and protection of water resources within their administrative regions.Chapter IIPlanning for Water ResourcesArticle 14 The State formulates strategic plans for water resources across the land.Unified plans shall,on the basis of fiver basins and regions,be made for the development,utilization,conservation and protection of water resources and for prevention and control of water disasters. The plans shall be divided into river basin plans and regional plans. The river basin plans shall include comprehensive river basin plans and special river basin plans;the regional plans shall include comprehensive regional plans and special regional plans.The comprehensive plans mentioned in the preceding paragraph are general outline drawn,in light of the need of economic and social development and the present conditions of water resources development and utilization,for the development,utilization,conservation and protection of water resources and for prevention and control of water disasters. The special plans mentioned in the preceding paragraph are plans for flood control,water logging prevention,irrigation,navigation,water supply,hydropower generation,bamboo and log rafting,fishery,water resources protection,water and soil conservation,prevention and control of sedimentation,conservation of water,etc.Article 15 The plan for a region within a river basin shall be subordinated to the plan for the river basin,and the special plan shall be subordinated to the comprehensive plan.Comprehensive river basin plans and comprehensive regional plans as well as the special plans closely related to land use shall be coordinated with the plans for national economic and social development,the general plans for land use and general urban plans and plans for environmental protection,and at the same tome the needs of various regions and industries shall be taken into consideration.Article 16 Comprehensive scientific survey,investigation and assessment of water resources shall be conducted before a plan is formulated. Such survey,investigation and assessment shall be arranged by the administrative department for water resources under the people's government at or above the county level,in conjunction with the relevant departments at the same level.People's governments at or above the county level shall pay special attention to establishment of an information system for hydrology and water resources. The administrative departments for water resources under such governments and the river basin authorities shall pay special attention to dynamic monitoring of water resources.The basic hydrological data shall be made public in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State.Article 17 The comprehensive river basin plans for key rivers and lakes defined as such by the State Shall be worked out by the administrative department for water resources under the State Council,in conjunction with the relevant departments under the State Council and the relevant people's governments of provinces,autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government,and they shall be submitted to the State Council for approval. Thecomprehensive river basin plans and comprehensive regional plans for other rivers and lakes that run or straddle across provinces,autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be worked out by the relevant river basin authorities,in conjunction with the administrative departments for water resources and the relevant departments under the people's governments of the provinces,autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government where the rivers run across or the lakes are located,and these plans shall be examined and commented by the relevant people's governments of the provinces,autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government,before they are submitted to the administrative department for water resources under the State Council for examination and verification;the administrative department for water resources under the State Council shall consult the relevant departments under the State Council before submitting the plans to the State Council,or the department authorized by it,for approval.The comprehensive river basin plans and comprehensive regional plans for rivers and lakes other than the ones specified in the preceding paragraph shall be worked out by the administrative departments for water resources under the local people's governments at or above the county level,in conjunction with the relevant departments at the same level and local people's governments concerned,and they shall be submitted to the people's governments at the same level,or the departments authorized by the governments,for approval,before they are submitted to the administrative departments for water resources at the next higher level for the record.Special plans shall be worked out by the relevant departments under the people's governments at or above the county level,and they shall be submitted to the said people's governments for approval after the other relevant departments at the same level are consulted. With respect to plans for flood control and water and soil conservation,they shall be made and approved in accordance with the relevant provisions in the Flood Control Law and the Law on Water and Soil Conservation respectively.Article 18 Once a plan is approved,it shall be implemented to the better.Wherever the approved plan needs to be amended,the amended plan shall,according to the procedure for the formulation of plans,be subject to approval by the original authority that gives approval to the plan.Article 19 Waterworks shall be built in conformity with the comprehensive river basin plans. For construction of any waterwork on the key river and lake defined as such by the State or on the river or lake that runs or straddles across provinces,autonomous regions or municipalities under the Central Government,the relevant river basin authority shall,before the feasibility study report on the waterwork is submitted for approval,examine whether the waterwork conforms to the comprehensive river basin plan,write down their comments and sign. For construction of waterworks on other rivers and lakes,the administrative departments for water resources of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall,before the feasibility study reports of the waterworks are submitted for approval and within the limits of their administrative powers,examine whether the waterworks conform to the comprehensive river basin plans,write down their comments and sign. Where a waterwork is related to flood control,it shall be constructed in accordance with the relevant provisions in the Flood Control Law;if it is related to other regions or industries,the unit that launches the waterwork shall solicit comments from the relevant regions and departments in advance.Chapter IIIWater Resources Development and UtilizationArticle 20 In developing and utilizing water resources,the principles of combining promotion of what is beneficial with elimination of what is harmful,taking into account the interests of the regions in both the upper and lower reaches and on both the right and left banks of a river and the interests among the relevant regions,giving full play to the overall benefits of water resources,and subordinating to the overall arrangements for flood control shall be adhered to.Article 21 In developing and utilizing water resources,attention shall first be paid to satisfying the urban inhabitants' need of water in their daily lives,while taking into consideration the need of water in agriculture,industry and ecological environment,and the need of navigation,etc.In developing and utilizing water resources in arid and semi-arid areas,full consideration shall be given to the need of water in ecological environment.Article 22 For diversion of water across river basins,all-round planning and scientific demonstration shall be needed,overall consideration shall be given to the need of water by both the river basins where water is diverted from and the river basins where water is diverted to,and damages to ecological environment shall be prevented.Article 23 Local people's governments at all levels shall make rational arrangements for development and multipurpose use of water resources in light of the actual conditions of the local water resources on the principle of unified control over development of surface water and groundwater,combination of the tapping of new resources with water conservation,giving priority to water conservation,and recycling sewage water.Plans for national economic and social development and general urban plans shall be formulated and major construction projects shall geographically be distributed in such a way as to suit the local conditions of water resources and the need of flood control,and scientific demonstration shall be needed. In areas with insufficient water resources,limitations shall be set on the scale of cities and on construction of industrial,agricultural and service projects that consume large amounts of water.Article 24 In respect of areas that are short of water resources,the State encourages the collection,development and utilization of rainwater and slightly salty water,as well as the exploitation and desalination of seawater.Article 25 Local people's governments at various levels shall provide better guidance in respect of irrigation,draining of waterlogged fields,and water and soil conservation,in order to promote the development of agricultural production. In areas that are prone to salinization and floodwater hazards,measures shall be taken to control or lower the groundwater level.Where rural economic collectives or their members,in accordance with law,invest in construction of waterworks on land owned by the collectives or on land contracted,they shall,on the principle of “those who invest in construction shall manage and receive the benefits”,manage and make rational use of the waterworks and the water stored.Construction of reservoirs by rural economic collectives shall be subject to approval by the administrative departments for water resources under the people's governments at or above the county level.Article 26 The State encourages the development and utilization of hydroenergy resources.On rivers rich in hydroenergy,multi-purpose and-cascade development shall be promoted in a planned manner.In construction of hydropower stations,attention shall be paid to protection of the ecological environment,and consideration shall,at the same time,be given to the needs of flood control,water supply,irrigation,navigation,bamboo and log rafting,fishery,etc.Article 27 The State encourages the development and utilization of water transport resources. When having permanent dams or sluice gates built across the migration routes of aquatic life or across rivers for navigation or bamboo and log rafting,the units that launch such projects shall have facilities for the passage of fish and ships or for bamboo and log rafting built simultaneously,or take other remedial measures upon approval by the departments authorized by the State Council and,in addition,they shall make proper arrangements for protection of aquatic life,for navigation,and for bamboo and log rafting during the period of construction and water-storing and bear all the expenses incurred thereby.Where a non-navigable river or man-made waterway becomes navigable after a dam or sluice-gate is built across it,the unit that launches the project shall simultaneously have facilities built for the passage of ships or sites reserved for such facilities.Article 28 No unit or individual may divert,intercept(store)or drain off water at the expense of public interests or another person's legitimate rights and interests.Article 29 The State applies a development-oriented policy with regard to construction of waterworks that involves relocation of people and,on the principle of combining compensation or subsidies given in the early stage with assistance given in the later stage,makes proper arrangements for production and daily lives of the relocated people and protects their legitimate rights and interests.Arrangements for relocated people shall e made simultaneously with the construction of the projects. The unit launching the construction project shall,on the basis of the ambient capacity of the places where people are to be located and the principle of sustainable development,work out a plan for arrangements to be made for such people in light of the local conditions,which,upon approval in accordance with law,shall be implemented through arrangement by the local people's government concerned. Funds needed for relocation of people shall be included in the investment plan for construction of the project. Chapter IVProtection of Water Resources,Water Areas and WaterworksArticle 30 When working out plans for development and utilization of water resources and for distribution of water resources,the administrative departments for water resources under the people's governments at or above the county level,the river basin authorities and the other departments concerned shall pay attention to maintaining a proper flow of rivers and keeping the lakes,reservoirs and groundwater at a proper water level in order to maintain the natural purification capability of the water body.Article 31 Any unit or individual engaged in activities concerning water,such as development,utilization,conservation and protection of water resources and prevention and control of water disasters,shall follow the approved plans. Where a unit or individual that acts against the plans and thus causes the lowering of the use functions of the rivers or lakes,overexploitation of groundwater,sinking of land surface or pollution of water bodies shall bear the responsibility of bringing such phenomenon under control.Where dredging or draining of water,necessitated by mining construction of undergroundproject,results in the lowering of groundwater level,drying up of water sources or subsidence of ground,the unit that launches the mining or the construction project shall take remedial measures,and where losses are caused to other people's lives and production,it shall compensate for the losses in accordance with law.Article 32 The administrative department for water resources under the State Council shall,in conjunction with the administrative department for environmental protection and the relevant department under the State Council and the relevant people's governments of provinces,autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government and in line with the comprehensive river basin plans,water resources protection plans and the need of economic and social development,divide water function zones along key rivers and lakes defined as such by the State,which shall be submitted to the State Council for approval. Such zones along other rivers and lakes across provinces,autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be divided by the relevant river basin authorities,in conjunction with the administrative departments for water resources,for environmental protection and other departments concerned under the people's governments of the provinces,autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government where rivers and lakes are located,which shall be examined by,and on which comments shall be solicited respectively from,the relevant people's governments of provinces,autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government,before they are further examined by the administrative department for water resources under the State Council in conjunction with the administrative department for environmental protection under the State Council,and then they shall be submitted to the State Council or the department authorized by it for approval.Water function zones along rivers and lakes other than the ones specified in the preceding paragraph shall be divided by the administrative departments for water resources under the local people's governments at or above the county level,in conjunction with the administrative departments people's governments at the same level,and shall be submitted to the people's governments at the same level or the departments they authorized for approval,and to the administrative departments for water resources and for environmental protection under the people's governments at the next higher level for the record.The administrative department for water resources under the people's government at or above the county level or the river basin authority shall,on the basis of the water quality required by a water function zone and the natural purification capacity of the water bodies of the zone,check and define the pollution-receiving capacity of the water areas there and make proposals to the administrative department for environmental protection on limitation of the total amount of pollution discharged to the said areas.The administrative departments for water resources under the local people's governments at or above the county level or river basin authorities shall monitor the quality of water in water function zones and,when discovering that the total amount of major pollutants discharged exceeds the control norm or water quality in water function zones falls short of the standard required by the use function of the water areas,promptly report the matter to the people's government concerned for taking control measures and report to the administrative departments for environmental protection in a circular.Article 33 The State establishes a protection system for zones of drinking water sources. The people's governments of provinces,autonomous regions or municipalities directly under theCentral Government shall define the drying-up of the water sources and pollution of the water bodies,for the purpose of ensuring town and county residents' safety in respect of drinking water.Article 34 Construction of any outlet for sewage discharge in the protection zones of drinking water sources is prohibited.Construction,reconstruction or expansion of a sewage discharge outlet along rivers or lakes shall be subject to permission by the administrative department for water resources or the river basin authority that has jurisdiction over the matter,and the administrative department for environmental protection shall be responsible for examination of the written report on the impact of the construction project on the environment before giving approval.Article 35 Where a construction project occupies water sources for agricultural irrigation or irrigation and drainage facilities,or has an adverse effect on the original water for irrigation and sources for water supply,the unit that launches the project shall take the necessary remedial measures. Where losses are caused,it shall compensate for the losses in accordance with law.Article 36 In areas where groundwater is overexploited,the local people's governments at or above the county level shall take measures to keep exploitation of groundwater under strict control. In areas where groundwater was overexploited to a serious extent,certain areas may,upon approval by the people's governments of provinces,autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government,be defined as areas where exploitation of groundwater is prohibited or restricted. Exploitation of groundwater in coastal areas shall undergo scientific demonstration,and measures shall be taken to prevent sinking of land surface and encroachment by seawater.Article 37 No one may throw away or pile up objects or plant forest trees or high stalk crops in rivers,lakes,reservoirs,canals or channels,which block the passage of flood water.No one may,in areas under river course control,put up buildings or structures that block the passage of flood water,or engage in activities that adversely affect the stability of the river condition or endanger the safety of the river embankment or other activities that block the passage of flood water through the river course.Article 38 In an area under river course control,construction of a bridge,wharf or other building or structure that blocks,spans or borders on a river,or laying of pipes or cables across a river,shall meet the flood control standard and other relevant technical requirements specified by the State,and the plans made for construction of the project shall,in accordance with the relevant provisions in the Flood Control Law,be submitted to administrative department for water resources for examination and approval.Where for the construction of a project mentioned in the preceding paragraph it is necessary to expand,rebuild,dismantle or damage the existing waterworks,the unit launching the construction project shall bear the expenses incurred by the expansion and rebuilding or compensate for the losses incurred,except where the existing works are unauthorized.Article 39 The State applies a licensing system for sand quarrying in river courses. Measures for implementing the licensing system for sand quarrying in river courses shall be formulated by the State Council.Where sand quarrying in areas under river course control that may adversely affect the stability of the river condition or endanger safety of the dykes,the administrative departments for water resources under the relevant people's governments or above the county level shall delimit no-quarry areas or fix no-quarry periods,which they shall make known to the general public.。
原料生产柴油, 2005 年欧盟 15 个成员国年产量约 200 万吨
太阳能是一种对环境无污染、可以取之不尽用 之不竭的能源,其缺点是:能量通量小 (地面可利用 太阳能辐射密度约为 0.5 ~ 1kW/m2)、间断 ( 昼夜、阴
研究高效能太阳能集热器、,贮热器、热变换 器,是能源技术研究的重要课题之一。
3. 生物质能
(四) 国外生物质能源的发展目标与趋势 由于生物质能源具有可以直接替代液体运输燃 料(石油),可以形成固、液、气多种能源形态, 可以作物质性生产(生物基产品),高能效、零排 放、存储性好,可以促进农村经济发展,原料丰富、 可以持续等特点,受到世界各国的高度重视。 1.美国、欧盟等多国纷纷制定了生物质利用发展目标 并制定了多种法规和政策以鼓励和支持生物质利用的 发展。
3.农业的任务近年来已发生了明显的变化,农业已从 单纯追求温饱的农业,发展为生产性农业(Production Agriculture)、加工性农业(Processing Agriculture),
Web Design
There are many variations of passages of lorem ipsum available, but the majority suffered alteration
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There are many variations of passages of lorem
ipsum available, but the majority suffered alteration
Data Analysis
There are many variations of passages of lorem
ipsum available, but the majority suffered alteration
生态农业 种植农场PPT
Report: Ones DE design
1 年度工作概述
2 工作完成情况
3 成功项目展示
Title Goes Here
There are many variations of passages of lorem ipsum available, but the majority have suffered
Title Goes Here
There are many variations of passages of lorem ipsum available, but the majority have suffered
现代农林英语课文英汉对照硕水保163班2016年12月29日contentsUnit 1 Urban Agriculture (I)Unit 2 Forestry Management (III)Unit 3 Biodiversity (VI)Unit 4 Wetlands ............................................................................... V III Unit 5 Agricultural High Technology . (XI)Unit 6 Low-Carbon Agriculture ........................................................ X IV Unit 7 Urban Planning .................................................................... X VI Unit 9 Landscape Gardens .. (XX)Unit 10 Ecological Literature (XXII)现代农林英语英汉对照Unit 1 Urban AgricultureCurrent Situation and IssuesThe United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (F AO) has warned that the 12 megacities (+10 million population) will experience increasing difficulty in feeding themselves. London’s ‘ecological footprint’ is estimated to extend to 125 times the capital’s surface area with food accounting for around 40% of this. London’s residents, visitors and workers consume 2.4 million tons of food and produce 883,000 tons of organic waste per year. The food industry makes a significant contribution to London’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) with around 11% of all jobs found in the food sector.联合国粮食及农业组织警告说12个拥有千万人口的超大城市将要在养活自己上遭遇越来越多的困难。
初三英语生态农业单选题50题1. In ecological agriculture, we often use natural fertilizers to help ______ grow better.A. cropsB. woodsC. rocksD. metals答案:A。
2. The ______ of crops in ecological farming needs proper sunlight and water.A. productionB. destructionC. reductionD. collection答案:A。
解析:在生态农业中,作物的生产((production)需要合适的阳光和水分,destruction是破坏,reduction是减少,collection 是收集,都不符合作物种植需要阳光和水分这一情境。
3. Farmers usually ______ the seeds in spring in ecological agriculture.A. plantB. cutC. burnD. hide答案:A。
4. Good soil is very important for ______ healthy crops in ecological farming.A. growB. growingC. grewD. grown答案:B。
End Show
6-3 Biodiversity
The Value of Biodiversity
Biodiversity is one of Earth's greatest natural resources. Species of many kinds of plants, animals, and bacteria have provided us with foods, industrial products, and medicines, including painkillers, antibiotics, heart drugs, antidepressants, and anticancer drugs.
Slide 10 of 35
Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall
End Show
6-3 Biodiversity
Demand for Wildlife Products
Demand for Wildlife Products
Throughout history, humans have pushed some animal species to extinction by hunting them for food or other products.
In 1962, biologist Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring, which alerted people to the dangers of biological magnification.
Today, in the U.S., endangered species are protected from hunting.
ecological agriculture 的例子 -回复
ecological agriculture 的例子-回复何谓"ecological agriculture"?Ecological agriculture(生态农业),也被称为可持续农业或有机农业,是一种注重环境可持续性的农业模式。
生态农业的例子:1. 有机农业:生态农业最常见的例子之一是有机农业,该农业模式禁止使用合成化学农药和化肥,而是通过使用有机肥料和天然控制方法,保护作物免受病虫害。
2. 农耕与畜牧的综合循环利用:生态农业鼓励农民使用综合循环利用的方法来进行农耕与畜牧。
3. 保护农作物多样性:生态农业强调维持农作物的多样性,这有助于抵御病虫害的侵袭,并提供更多营养均衡的食物。
4. 农田生态系统管理:通过采用有效的水资源管理和土壤保护措施,生态农民能够改善农田生态系统的健康状况。
生态农业的发展前景 英语作文
生态农业的发展前景英语作文Ecological Agriculture: Prospects for Sustainable Development.In an era characterized by environmental degradation and growing food insecurity, ecological agriculture emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a sustainable and resilient approach to food production. This holistic farming system hinges upon the principles of biodiversity, nutrient cycling, and natural pest regulation, minimizing reliance on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides that have adverse impacts on ecosystems and human health.Environmental Benefits.Ecological agriculture plays a crucial role in safeguarding ecosystems. By promoting biodiversity, it creates habitats for a wide range of species, enhancing the stability and resilience of agricultural landscapes. This includes beneficial insects, pollinators, and soilorganisms that contribute to pest control, soil fertility, and nutrient cycling. The absence of synthetic chemicals reduces water and soil pollution, protecting waterways, and aquifers.Moreover, ecological agriculture practices such as crop rotation, cover cropping, and agroforestry improve soil health. By increasing organic matter content and fostering microbial activity, soils become more fertile, retain water better, and resist erosion. This not only enhances crop yields but also contributes to carbon sequestration, mitigating climate change.Social Benefits.Ecological agriculture supports rural communities by creating sustainable livelihoods for small-scale farmers.It promotes local food production, reducing dependency on imports and fostering food sovereignty. By relying less on external inputs, ecological farmers save on production costs and increase their resilience to market fluctuations.Furthermore, ecological agriculture fosters social equity by promoting fair trade practices and supporting indigenous farming knowledge. It empowers farmers to make informed decisions about their land and resources,fostering a sense of autonomy and stewardship.Economic Benefits.Although ecological agriculture may require higher investment in labor and knowledge, it can be economically viable in the long run. By reducing reliance on expensive synthetic inputs and improving soil health, ecological farmers can achieve comparable or even higher yields over time.Moreover, ecological agriculture products often fetch premium prices in the market due to their perceived environmental and health benefits. Consumers are increasingly seeking sustainably produced food, providing a growing market for ecological farmers.Challenges and Opportunities.Despite its many advantages, ecological agriculture faces challenges, including:Transition costs: Farmers converting to ecological agriculture may experience lower yields in the initial stages due to the reduced use of synthetic inputs. Financial assistance and technical support are needed to ease this transition.Pest and disease management: Ecological agriculture relies on biological controls and crop diversity to manage pests and diseases. Research and innovation are crucial to enhance the effectiveness of these natural methods.Consumer awareness: Consumers need to be educated about the benefits of ecological agriculture to create demand for sustainably produced food.Overcoming these challenges requires collaboration among governments, research institutions, farmers, and consumers. By providing incentives for ecologicalagriculture, investing in research and development, and empowering consumers to make informed choices, we can unlock the full potential of this sustainable and resilient farming system.Conclusion.Ecological agriculture offers a transformative pathway towards a sustainable and equitable food system. By embracing ecological principles, we can protect ecosystems, support rural communities, and enhance food security for future generations. While challenges lie ahead, thebenefits of ecological agriculture far outweigh the costs, making it an imperative for a thriving and sustainable future.。
ecological agriculture 的例子 -回复
ecological agriculture 的例子-回复标题:生态农业的实践与探索:以中国为例一、引言生态农业,也被称为可持续农业或有机农业,是一种旨在保护和增强生态系统健康,同时满足人类食物和纤维需求的农业生产方式。
其主要原则包括:1. 生物多样性:通过种植多种作物和引入有益生物,提高农田生态系统的稳定性,减少病虫害的发生。
2. 土壤健康管理:采用有机肥料和覆盖作物等方式,保持和提升土壤的肥力和生物活性。
3. 水资源管理:通过雨水收集、滴灌等技术,合理利用和保护水资源。
4. 循环经济:推广农业废弃物的再利用,如畜粪用于生产有机肥,农作物残余物用于生物质能源等。
以下是一些中国生态农业的例子:1. 福建武夷山的有机茶业:武夷山是中国著名的茶叶产区,近年来大力推广有机茶种植。
2. 江西婺源的生态稻田:婺源县推行“稻鱼共生”模式,即在稻田中养殖鱼类,利用鱼的活动翻动土壤,增加氧气供应,减少病虫害的发生,同时鱼的排泄物也是良好的有机肥料。
3. 内蒙古的草原生态畜牧业:在内蒙古地区,牧民们采取轮牧制度,让草地有足够的时间恢复生长,同时利用牲畜粪便制作有机肥,实现了草地资源的可持续利用。
为推动生态农业的进一步发展,以下是一些可能的对策:1. 政策支持:政府应加大对生态农业的政策扶持力度,如提供财政补贴、技术支持和市场推广等。
Ecological Farming: A Sustainable Path tothe FutureIn the quest for sustainable development, ecological farming has emerged as a promising alternative totraditional agricultural practices. This approach, which harmonizes with nature rather than对立自然, aims to preserve the environment while ensuring food security and economic viability. Ecological farming encompasses a rangeof techniques, including crop rotation, composting, and the use of native plants and animals to promote biodiversityand soil fertility.One of the key benefits of ecological farming is its ability to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. By reducing carbon emissions and enhancing carbon sequestration, ecological farms contribute to the global effort to combat climate change. Furthermore, by preserving soil and water resources, these farms ensure the long-term sustainability of agricultural production.Another significant advantage of ecological farming is its focus on local food systems. By promoting thecultivation of crops that are native to a particular region,ecological farms support the development of resilient local food systems that are less reliant on external inputs. This not only enhances food security but also supports the economic well-being of rural communities.In addition to its environmental and economic benefits, ecological farming also has social implications. By providing employment opportunities and promoting the preservation of rural culture and heritage, ecological farms contribute to social well-being and community development. Furthermore, by involving local communities in decision-making processes, these farms foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among stakeholders.However, the transition to ecological farming is not without its challenges. Farmers face technical andfinancial barriers, as well as market risks associated with the sale of organic products. Furthermore, changing consumer preferences and the demand for certified organic products can pose significant challenges for ecological farms.To overcome these challenges, it is crucial to investin research and development to improve the efficiency andprofitability of ecological farming techniques. Additionally, policies that provide incentives for farmers to adopt these practices and support the development of local food systems are essential. Furthermore, consumer education and awareness about the benefits of organic products can help drive demand and create a more favorable market environment for ecological farms.In conclusion, ecological farming offers a sustainable path to the future by harmonizing with nature, preserving the environment, and supporting local food systems. While challenges remain, the potential benefits of this approach are immense and值得投资的. By investing in research, policies, and consumer education, we can create a more sustainable and resilient agricultural sector that benefits both people and the planet.**生态农场:通往未来的可持续之路**在寻求可持续发展的道路上,生态农场作为一种有前途的替代传统农业实践的方式脱颖而出。
如何保护动物作文范文英语Protecting AnimalsChapter 1: IntroductionAnimals are an integral part of our ecosystem and play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of nature. Unfortunately, with the rapid growth of human activities, many animal species are facing the threat of extinction. Therefore, it is essential to take immediate action to protect animals and ensure their survival. This essay will explore various measures and strategies that can be implemented to safeguard the welfare of animals.Chapter 2: Raising AwarenessOne of the most effective ways to protect animals is by raising awareness among the general public. Education plays a vital role in fostering empathy and compassion towards animals. Schools and institutions should incorporate education about animal welfare into their curriculum, teaching children the importance of treating animals with kindness and respect. Additionally, media campaigns and wildlife documentaries can spread knowledge about the need for conservation and the consequences of animal cruelty. Through increased awareness, greater emphasis can be placed on protecting animals and their habitats.Chapter 3: Implementing Strict LegislationAnother crucial aspect of animal protection is the enforcement of strict legislation. Governments need to pass and strictly enforcelaws that protect animals from cruelty, poaching, and habitat destruction. Such legislation should include hefty fines and severe punishments for offenders, acting as a deterrent to those who harm or exploit animals. Furthermore, laws should be enacted to restrict and regulate activities that result in the destruction of animal habitats, such as deforestation and pollution. Strict legislation acts as a powerful tool to safeguard and preserve animal populations.Chapter 4: Promoting Ethical TourismTourism can have both positive and negative impacts on animals. While responsible and ethical tourism can contribute to conservation efforts, unethical practices such as wildlife trafficking and captive animal exploitation are severely detrimental to animal welfare. Governments and tourism operators must work together to create and promote ethical tourism practices. This includes discouraging activities that exploit animals for entertainment, such as elephant rides or dolphin shows. Sustainable alternatives, such as wildlife sanctuaries and eco-friendly safaris, should be encouraged. By supporting ethical tourism, we can ensure that animals are respected and protected.ConclusionIn conclusion, protecting animals is of utmost importance to preserve the delicate balance of our ecosystem. Raising awareness, implementing strict legislation, and promoting ethical tourism are all vital steps in ensuring the welfare and survival of animals. It is our responsibility as human beings to work collectively towards safeguarding animals and their habitats. Through education, lawenforcement, and responsible practices, we can create a world where animals are treated with compassion and respect, allowing them to thrive and fulfill their vital role in our planet's biodiversity.Chapter 5: Conservation of Endangered SpeciesOne of the most significant challenges in animal protection is the conservation of endangered species. These species are at a higher risk of extinction due to factors such as habitat loss, poaching, and climate change. It is crucial to implement conservation measures to prevent the loss of these valuable species.To protect endangered species, it is necessary to establish protected areas, such as national parks and wildlife reserves. These areas provide a safe haven for wildlife, allowing them to thrive without human interference. Governments should allocate funds to maintain and expand the protected areas, ensuring that the habitats of endangered species are preserved.In addition to protected areas, efforts should be made to restore and rehabilitate degraded habitats. Restoration projects, such as reforestation and wetland restoration, can help recreate suitable habitats for endangered species. By restoring ecosystems, we can provide the necessary conditions for these species to survive and reproduce.Furthermore, captive breeding and reintroduction programs can play a crucial role in saving endangered species. Endangered animals can be bred in captive facilities and then released back into the wild. This technique has been successful in saving species such as the California condor and the black-footed ferret. Suchprograms should be implemented for other endangered species, ensuring their long-term survival.Chapter 6: Regulating Wildlife TradeWildlife trade, both legal and illegal, poses a significant threat to animal populations worldwide. Illegal wildlife trade, in particular, is a major contributor to the decline of many species, including elephants, rhinos, and pangolins. To protect animals, it is essential to regulate and control wildlife trade effectively.Governments should strengthen legislation related to the trade and export of wildlife. Penalties for illegal wildlife trade should be severe to deter potential offenders. Additionally, law enforcement agencies should be adequately equipped and trained to combat wildlife trafficking. Cooperation and collaboration between countries are vital in addressing cross-border illegal wildlife trade.Another aspect of regulating wildlife trade is promoting sustainable alternatives to products obtained from animals. For example, alternatives to products derived from endangered species, such as ivory and rhino horns, should be developed and promoted. This can help reduce the demand for these products and subsequently diminish the pressure on wild animal populations.Chapter 7: Engaging Local CommunitiesEngaging and involving local communities is crucial for the success of animal protection efforts. Local communities often live in close proximity to wildlife habitats and may have a directimpact on their well-being. By involving communities in conservation initiatives, we can ensure their active participation and support.Education and awareness programs can be conducted to inform local communities about the importance of conserving wildlife. These programs can highlight the economic, ecological, and cultural value of preserving animal populations and habitats. By understanding the benefits of conservation, communities are more likely to support and participate in conservation efforts.Engaging local communities also means providing alternative livelihood opportunities. In many cases, activities such as poaching and illegal wildlife trade are driven by economic necessity. By offering sustainable livelihood options, such as eco-tourism, sustainable agriculture, and handicraft production, communities can be empowered to protect wildlife instead of exploiting it.In conclusion, protecting animals requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach. Conservation of endangered species, regulating wildlife trade, and engaging local communities are all critical components. Additionally, it is important to prioritize research and monitoring to gather data on animal populations and their habitats. By implementing these strategies, we can ensure the long-term survival and well-being of animals, contributing to the overall health and balance of our planet.。
六好农业新标准As we look at the six good agricultural practices new standards, it is important to acknowledge the positive impact these regulations can have on food safety and environmental sustainability. 通过制定六好农业新标准,我们可以看到对食品安全和环境可持续性的积极影响。
These standards are designed to promote responsible farming practices that prioritize the health of consumers as well as the well-being of the environment. 这些标准旨在推广负责任的农业生产实践,重视消费者的健康以及环境的福祉。
From reducing the use of harmful pesticides to optimizing water usage, these standards are meant to encourage farmers to adopt more sustainable and eco-friendly methods. 从减少有害农药的使用到优化用水,这些标准旨在鼓励农民采用更可持续和环保的方法。
Embracing these new standards can lead to a healthier planet and a better future for generations to come. 接受这些新标准可以让地球更健康,为后代创造更美好的未来。
One of the key benefits of the six good agricultural practices new standards is the improvement in food safety standards. 六好农业新标准的一个关键好处是改善食品安全标准。
绿色生态农业英语课文内容Green Ecological AgricultureWith the rapid development of modern agriculture, the concept of green ecological agriculture has gained increasing attention. Green ecological agriculture promotes the usage of natural resources efficiently, reduces the dependence on chemical pesticides and fertilizers, and maintains the sustainable development of agriculture while protecting the environment.One of the key principles of green ecological agriculture is biodiversity. By growing a variety of different crops and utilizing different farming techniques, farmers can reduce pest infestations and prevent the outbreak of diseases. This promotes a balanced ecosystem and reduces the need for chemical inputs.Another important aspect of green ecological agriculture is organic farming. Organic farming avoids the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, instead relying on natural methods such as composting and crop rotation to maintain soil fertility and control pests. This not only protects the environment but also provides consumers with healthier and more nutritious food options.In addition, water conservation is a crucial practice in green ecological agriculture. Efficient irrigation techniques, such as drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting, are employed to minimize water usage and prevent soil erosion. By conserving water resources, farmers can ensure the sustainable production of crops without harming the environment.Green ecological agriculture also emphasizes the importance of sustainable farming practices. This includes the utilization of renewable energy sources, such as solar power and biogas, to reduce carbon emissions and minimize reliance on fossil fuels. Furthermore, the practice of agroforestry, which involves planting trees alongside crops, helps to enhance biodiversity, control soil erosion, and improve overall farm productivity.In conclusion, green ecological agriculture promotes the use of sustainable farming practices, conserves natural resources, and protects the environment. By adopting these principles, farmers can produce high-quality, environmentally friendly agricultural products, contributing to the building of a greener and more sustainable future.。
Abstract:Since nineteen sixties,ecological agriculture has worldwide spreaded 。
and,ecological farm,as the model of ecological agriculture and a new type of unit of agricultural production,is also in constant improvement and innovation.Two of the ecological farm which is the most successful and representative is Ma Y a farm of Philippines and Liuminying ecological farm in Beijing China.关键字:生态农场生态学农业可持续发展菲律宾马亚农场留民营生态农场沼气Key words:e cological farm ecology sustainable development of agriculture Ma Ya Farm of Philippines Liuminying Ecological Farm biogas生态农场是运用生态学的观点和手段,以“农场”作为农业生态系统的一个整体,并把贯穿于整个系统中的各种生物群体,包括植物、动物、微生物之间,以及生物与非生物环境间的能量转化和物质循坏联系起来,对环境—生物系统进行科学合理的组合,以达到获得最大生物产量和维护生态平衡,改善土地利用环境特别是农业坏境质量为目的的一种农业发展新模式。
关键词:北大荒农业旅游Agricultural tourism is agricultural derivatives, also is the new development of tourism. Agricultural tourism combination and agriculture and tourism industry superiority, has become a rural areas development intensive economy important way. In the development of agricultural tourism in the process, governments at all levels with the principle of sustainable development, can the development of rural economy, but also the greatest degree of avoid industrial pollution, but also take account of economic benefit, it is with one action is gotten more, can yet be regarded as a kind of development of the rural economy in China a way.In today's world, the development of agricultural tourism has become common practice. The reason is, the agriculture tourism from Spain, began in the 1960 s, when the Spanish some farmwill transform their house for hotel, receive city tourists to come and vacation. Along with the deepening of reform and opening up, China's agricultural tourism began to rise. Since the new century, the heilongjiang province agricultural tourism is growing, especially in heilongjiang reclamation area, rely on the wilderness rich green agriculture, ecological livable, gathering of talents, the advantages of the rapid development of agricultural tourism.This paper is divided into six parts. The first is the first chapter introduction, the author thinks that the introduction of system analysis the five aspects, the first chapter in this paper set up the agricultural tourism development background, research purpose, research significance, the research contents, the research methods, five summary content, replacement the author do this paper works, conception, current situation of the study on this theme, and the creation of value and unique perspective. The second chapter to the fifth chapter is the main body of the full section. The second chapter analyzed the domestic and foreign agricultural tourism industry development present situation, the third chapter interpretation wilderness development of agricultural tourism in the fourth chapter, the advantages and disadvantages of wilderness agricultural tourism design and conception, and the fifth chapter discusses the development of agricultural tourism in the wilderness countermeasures and Suggestions. The last part is the conclusion, which summarizes the full text discusses problems, and above and the problems to be further studied.Keywords: wilderness agricultural tourismthe Great Northern WildernessSummaryAgricultural tourism both agricultural derivatives, is also a tourism expansion. The agricultural tourism binding and industrial advantages of agriculture and tourism, an important way for intensive economic development in rural areas. Uphold the principles of sustainable development in the process of the development of agro-tourism, the government at all levels, not only the development of the rural economy, but also avoid industrial pollution, but also take into account the economic benefits, are indeed serve multiple purposes, be regarded as a development of our rural the economic's a right way.In today's world, the development of agriculture, tourism has become a common practice. Traced, agro-tourism from Spain, began in the early sixties, when Spain, some farms and the transformation of their own house for the hotel reception the city's tourists come on holiday. With the deepening of reform and opening up, China's agricultural tourism began to rise. Since the beginning of the new century, agricultural tourism in Heilongjiang Province is also growing, especially in Heilongjiang Reclamation, rely on the Great Northern Wilderness rich green agriculture, livable, human and cultural resources and other advantages, the rapid development of agricultural tourism.This paper is divided into six parts. First, is the first chapter, the author believes that the introduction system to analyze the contents of the five areas, it is established in the first chapter the background of the development of agro-tourism the five brief summary of the contents of the study purpose, significance, research, research methods, account of the author to do made thisthesis work, the idea of the research status quo to sort out, and on the creation of value in this article and unique perspective. Chapter II Chapter is the main chapters of the full text. The second chapter analyzes the development status of agricultural tourism industry at home and abroad, the third chapter explains the Great Northern Wilderness development of agro-tourism advantages and disadvantages, Chapter IV deals with the design and conception of Beidahuang Agriculture Tourism, the fifth chapter deals with the Great Northern Wilderness and the development of agricultural tourism countermeasures and suggestions. Finally, the conclusion, discussed the problem of full-text summarizing, and addressed the problem needs further study.Keywords: Beidahuang Agriculture Tourism。
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What is conventional / modern agriculture?
• Modern agriculture uses pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides and harmful chemicals to produce the food we eat.
• low input, no use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. 主张:低投入、不施人工合成的化肥和农药。
Organic Farming creates “Living Soil”
Full of life with microorganism, fungi, worms and termites. Very rich in macro and micro elements, trace elements, and vital energy Very rich in organic matter
Air pollution (GHG, pesticides, dust, smoke)
Source of 70% of water pollution in U.S.
• 40-50% of U.S. fresh water can’t swim in or drink • Pesticides in almost all fresh water sampled
• Maintain a trap crop in a vigorous state, so pests may never want to leave
– Spray the trap crop if they start to leave (e.g. pearl millet)
• Manage overwintering sites for many of the true bugs (stink bugs, squash bugs, alfalfa weevils, etc.)
• The food produced from conventional agriculture is
harmful to human health because they contain residues of chemicals and in-organic fertilizers.
Risks of Conventional Agriculture
• Goal: Increase Yield – Inputs: fertilizers, pesticides, Irrigation – Crop breeding: yield, lodging & disease resistance
Feeding The World Population: 7.0 biltible cover crops to improve fertility and provide a source of organic matter.
– Incorporate a grass species into a rotation, these tend to be resistant to many insect and disease pests of common cash crops.
柑橘 鱼塘
• What is Ecological Agriculture (Eco-agriculture) • How to develop Eco-agriculture • Models of Eco-agriculture • Technology of Eco-agriculture
• Handpicking and vacuuming certain insect pests in small plantings is quite effective
– Tomato hornworms, lygus bugs, squash bugs, etc.
• Pest barriers can help in high value crops.
Organic farming
Insect and disease management
• Organic farmers are not allowed to use man-made chemicals for this. • Farmers introduce natural predators e.g. ladybirds to eat aphids (biological control). • Hedges and grass are left around fields to encourage other natural predators e.g. birds. • Crop rotation prevents diseases of a particular crop building up. • Natural pesticides may be used. • Pest and disease-resistant (stronger) varieties of plants are planted.
Modern Agroecosystem Monoculture Leaky nutrient system Susceptible to disturbance Bred for yield with high inputs Concentrated livestock Biotech. & nanotech
Cultural Control
• Coordinate planting and harvest dates to avoid certain pests.
– Sweet corn and corn earworm – Plant later crops upwind of early crops or plant them in isolated fields.
Water and land use conflicts Health risks for farmers
Sustainable Agriculture
• Have minimal negative effects on the environment • Preserve and rebuild soil fertility, prevent soil
• erosion, and maintain the soil’s ecological health
• Use water in a way rationally • Rely mainly on resources within the agroecosystems • Conserve biological diversity
The Agroecosystem
Native Prairie Ecosystem Biodiverse Efficient nutrient cycling Resistant to disturbance Adapted to environment
Organic Farming
• 有机农业(organic/alternative agriculture)
Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved…
– Lumber, box piles, storage buildings, weedy field borders, etc.
Mechanical Control
• Soil Tillage and organic matter decomposition
– Allow a longer fallow period before planting, exposes insects to predators (e.g.- birds) or removes food supply for cutworms, wireworms, root maggots and certain mites.
– Floating row covers, plastic tunnels, reflective mulches
Biological Control
• Many beneficial organisms help regulate pest numbers in nature without the aid of chemicals. • When naturally occurring biological control is not adequate for maintaining a pest below levels that cause losses, biological control can sometimes be increased .