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牛津英语五年级一一牛津英语5A教案 --- Unit7Afterschool〜
Title:Unit7 (1st)
1.L earntosay3-ski1ledword:magazine
2.C ommand4-skills:anewspaper, apicturebook
Ishe/shehellip;?Yes, he/sheis・ No, he/sheisnrsquo;t・
3.R eviewthestr uctures:Wha tishe/shedo ing?
He/Shei shellip;
Foe us:
Comman d4~skills:a newspaper,a
picturebook , volleyball
Ishe/sheh ellip;?Yes, he/sheis.No ,he/sheisnr
Diff iculties:
Commandthes truetures:I she/shehell ip;?Yes, he/ sheis.
No, he /sheisnrsqu o; t・ skilful ly.
Teachi ngaids:obje cts, cards, s lide,tape~r ecorder,
etc ・
Preparatio n:
1.o bjec ts:(anewspa per, amagazi ne, apicture book,)
2.W ritethetitl eldquo;Unit
lrdquojonth eBb・
Writi ngontheblac kboard:
Unit 7Afterschoo 1
newspape rHeisreadin ganewspaper ・
magazine Ishereading anewspaper? Yes, heis・/N o, heisnrsqu o; t・
pictu rebookSheis readingamag azine・
vol leyballlssh ereadingama gazine?Yes, sheis・ /No, s heisnrsquo; t・
Summaryof thislesson:
事先准备好报纸、杂志、图画书等实物,让学生掌握这些单词,然后以师生问答的形式What rsquo; she/s hedoing?He/Sheishel 1 ip 让学生掌握与它们有关的动词
Ou tlineTeache r' sactiviti esStudents,activities
S tepl
Revisio n
1.(slide: t hewordsand p hrasesofUni t6)
Askandan swerwithSs・
T:Whatished oing?
2.(s lide:PartDo fUnit6)AskS stoaskandan swerinpairs ・ 1. Askandan swerwithT・
(Reviewthe wordsandphr asesofUnit6 ・)
Heissta nding/sitti ng/hellip;
Askandansw erinpairs・
S tep2
Prese nta~tion 1. (Showanewspa per・)
Whatam Idoing?
Ye s, yoursquo;reright・
(ca rd:newspape r)
(slide)Whatishedoi ng?
2.Thes amewaytotea chldquo;mag azinerdquo;・
3.Isheread inganews-
pa per?
Yes, h eisreadinga picturebook ・
(card:pict urebook)
4.(tape-record er)
AskSst oreadaftert ape・
5.Agame ・
A.(onebo y: readingan ewspaper) Wh atishedoing ?
Isheread inganewspap er?
(anoth erboy:readi ngapictureb ook)Isherea dinganewspa per, too?
B.(onegirl :r eadingamaga zine・)Whati sshedoing?
Isshereadi ngamagazine ?
(another girl: readin gapicturebo ok)
Issher eadingapict urebook?1. ( withTrsquo; shelp) Yours quojrereadi nganewspape r.
Learnto sayandspell theword・
H eisreadinga newspaper・
Learntos ayldquojmag azinerdquo;・(Writeonth eBb:Sheisre adingamagaz ine・)
3.(w ithTrsquo; s help) No, hei snrsquo; t・
Lear nt osay ldquo;pic tu rebookrdquo ;・
4.Readaft ertape・
Heisreadi nganewspape r.
(withTr squo; shelp) Yes, heis・
No, heisnrsq uo; t・ Heisre adingapictu rebook・
Sheisreadin gamagazine・
Yes, sheis・
No, sheisnr squo; t. Shei sreadingapi cturebook.
Step3Pract icel・(PartC )Ishesittin gonavolleyb all? (card: v olleyball)
2.AskSstop ractisePict ure4, 5inpai rs.
4.AskSsto practisePic ture6inpair s.
5.Chek. l.No, heisnr squo;t・Hers quo;ssittin gonabasketb all.
Learnto spellthewor d・
2.Practis einpairs.
4.Practiseinp airs・
Proces s
OutlineT eacher' sact ivitiesStud ents' activi ties Step4
Thinkandgue ss.1. (PartF )AskSslooka tPartFbythe mselves・
2 . Askandansw erwithSs・
3.(tape—rec order) AskSs toreadafter tape・
4.As kSstoreadto getherandin
1.L ookatPar tFbythemsel ves・
2.A skan danswerwith T.
3.R eadaft ertape・
4.Readtogethe randindivid ually.
d ationl. AskS stolookanda nswerPartDo ntheWB・
2.AskSstowrit edowntheans wersbythems elves・ 1. Doi tinoralwork ・
2.Finish PartDbythem selves・
Step 6
Classwor kl. AskSstoc opythewords andmakesent encesofPict ure4, 6ofPar tConthebook .
2.F inishPa rtD.
Title:U nit7(2nd)
Pu rpose:
1.L earntosay3-ski11s:ayo-yo, amarble
mand4 -skills: che ss, card, pla ywith
3.Re viewthestru ctures: Ishe /shehellip;?
Yes, he/s heis・ /No, he /sheisnrsqu o; t・
Command4-s kills:chess , card, p 1 ayw ith
Arethe yhellip;?Ye s, theyare・ /No, theyaren rsquo; t ・ Dif ficulties:
Commandthe strueture:A retheyhelli p;?Yes, they are・/No, the yarenrsquo; t・ skilfully ・
Teaching aids:cards, pictures, si ide, ta.pe-re corder, etc・
Preparation :pictures
Writingonth eblackboard :
che ss (单数)Ishe/shehellip; ?Yes, he/shei s.
playche ssNo, he/she isnrsquo; t・
playcards Theyareplay ingchess・
pl aywithnbs
p;(复数)Areth eyplayingch ess?playwit hayo-yoYes, theyare・ /No , theyarenrs quo;t・ playw ithmarbles
S ummaryofthi slesson:
事先准备好实物:ches s, cards, ayo -yo, marbles ,教授学生掌握这些单词;然后以师生问答的形式Whatarethey doing?Theya rehellip;/W hatrsquo;sh edoing?Hers quojshellip ;掌握与它们有关的动词短语。
Proces s
OutlineT eacher,sact ivitiesStud ents' activi ties
Stepl Revision 1. (pictures)T:Whatishedoi ng?
2.(pic tures) T: Ish ereadingane wspaper?
T : Isshereadi nganewspape r?
3.(slid e)AskSstopr actisePictu re4, 5, 6ofPa rtCwithpart ners・ 1. Ss:H ersquo;srea dinganewspa
per/magazin e/picturebo ok.
(Revie wthewordsan dphrases・)
2 . Ss: Yes, hei s.
Ss:No, s heisnrsquo; t・ Sheisread ingamagazin e.
3.Practis einpairs.
St ep2
Teachw ordsandphar sesl ・(pic tu res) T: Wha ta, retheydoing ?
(cards: c hess, playch ess)
2.The samewaytote achldquo;pl aycards,pla ywithajo-jo , playwithma rblesrdquo;・
3.(t ape-recorder) As kSstoreadaf tert ape ・
4 ・ Dotheactio nsandletSsg uess・
What am Idoing?
Ye s, yoursquo; reright・/So rry, yoursqu
o;rewrong・ I rsquojmhell ip;
5.(pic turesofmusi calinstrume ntsandballs ・)
Reviewt hephrasesab outldquojpl ayrdquo;・ 1. (withTrsquo : shelp) They areplayches s.
Learnto sayldquo; ch ess, playche ssrdquo;・
2.Learntosa yldquo;play cards, playw ithajo-jo, p laywithmarb lesrdquo;・
3 ・ Readaftert ape・
Yours quojrehelli p;
Presenta-ti onandpracti cel・(pictur
e: playchess ) Wha tare the ydoing?
Aret heyplayingc hess?
2.(p icture:play cards) Areth eyplayingch ess, too? Wha taretheydoi ng?
3.(sli deofPartC)A skSstopract iseinpairs・
4.Check.S ayoutthephr asesaboutld quojplayrdq uo:.
1.The yareplaying chess・
(wi thTrsquo; sh elp) Yes, the yare・
2.(w ithTrsquo; s help) No, the yarenrsquo; t・Theyarepl ayingcards・
3.Practise! npairs.
Step 4
Consoli- dationl. Ask Sstolookand completePar tFinoralwor k・
2. AskSs towritedown answersofPa rtF. 1. Looka ndcompleteP artFinoralw ork・
2. Finis hPartF・
Step 5
Classwor kl・ AskSstoc opythewords andphrases・
2.Makesen tencesofPic ture3, 4ofPa rtFontheboo k.
3.Finis hPartFonthe WB.
Title:Un it7(3rd)
Pur pose:
l.Le arntosay3-s kills:Perha pstheyare・ I rsquo; llgoa ndjointhem・
killedwo rdsandphras es:class, ov er,Irsquo;1
1,saygoodby eto,lookfor , afterschoo 1.3. Learnto
saythebackg roundandthe firstpartof thedialogue flue ritly. Fo cus:
1. Com mand4-skill edwordsandp hrases:clas s, over, say, goodbye, to, lookfor, oft erschool.
2.L earntosa ythebackgro undandthefi rstpartofth edialoguefl uently.
Diff iculties:
1. Learntosa y3-skillssm oothly.
2. Learntosayt hebackgroun dthefirstpa rtofthedial oguefluentl y.
Teachin gaids:Cards , slide, tape -recorder, e tc. Preparat ion:Aclock
Writingont heblackboar d:
Unit7Afte rschool
af terschoolls WangBinghel pingyouhell ip;?
class esAretheyhe llip;?Perha pstheyare・ overlrsquo ;
llgoandjoi nthem・
Irsqu o; 11
saygood byeto
lookfo r
Summaryoft hislesson:
围绕对话,利用句型W hatis/arehe llip;doing?
Ishehellip;?Aretheyhel lip;?逐步进行单词和动词词组的教学。
有些学生还不能正确朗读句型lclquoiPer hapstheyare ・Irsquo; llg oandjointhe m. rdquo;, 教0帀要尽量为学生创设真实的情景,结合学生的实际情况进行。
Process Out1 ineTe acherrsquo; sactivities Studentsrsq uojactiviti es
Re vision 1. T:W hatdoyoudoa fterschool?
(card:after school)
2. (slideofPar tC)AskSstop ractiseinpa irs. 1. Learn tosayldquo:afterschool rdquo;・ Ihel lipjaftersc hool.
2. Prac tiseinpairs ・
Prese nta-
tionl . (Aclock: th reeorsquo; c lock)
T:It isthreeorsq uo;clockint heafternoon ・ Classesare over・
(cards :class, over )
T:Whatar ethestudent ssayingtoth eirteachers ? (card:say)
(cards:go odbye, saygo odbyeto)
T : (slideofth efirstpictu reofPartA)L ook, GaoShan isintheoffi ce. Heislook ingforWangB ing.
(card: 1 ookfor)
2.(slideofthe backgrounda ndtape-reco rder)
AskS storeadtheb ackgroundaf tertape, tog etherandind ividually.
3.T: IsWang Binghelping MissLiinthe office?
T:Wh ereishe?
T:W herearethey ?
T: Whataret heydoing?
T:Doyouplay basketballa fterschool?
Irsquo; 11 goandjoinyo uthisaftern oon.
(card s: Irsquo; 11 , join)
T: (invitemores tudents)Let rsquo; sgoan djointhem・(card:them)
a.1. Learnt osayandspel lldquojclas soverrdquo;・
Learntos ayandspell 1 dquo; sayrdq uo;
(withT rsquo;shelp )Thestudent saresayingg oodbyetothe irteachers・
Lear nt osa yldquo; good bye, saygood byetordquo;・
Learntos ayldquo; loo kforrdquo;・
Readaft ertape, toge therandindi vidually.
3.SI:No, hei snrsquo; t・
S2: (withTr squo; shelp) HeandMikear eintheplayg round ・
S3:Theyrsquo;r eplayingbas ketbal It her e. S4: Yes, Id o.
Learnto sayldquo; Ir squo; 11, joi nrdquo;・
L ear nt osayld quo;t hem, Ir squo; llgoan djo int hemrd quo;・
Readandpra cticeAskSst oreadthefir stpartofthe dialogue ・
b.Readafterta, pe.
c.Readaf terT・
d.Re adtogethera ndinrolesto gether・
e.P ractiseinp airs・ Readan dpractiseth edialogue・ S tep4Consoli -
dation(t ape-recorde r)AskSstodo thelistenin
gEx・ ofPartA ・ Listenandj udge.
Step 5ClassworkG ivetheclass worktoSs.
1.C opythewo rdsandphras es.
2.R ead thefirstpar tofthedialo gueskillful ly.
Title:Un it7(4th)
Pur pose:
1.R e view thefirs t par to fthed ialogue ・
2 . Learntosay : Whereareyo ugoing?
3.L earntosayt henextparto fthedialogu esmoothly.
4.Saythewh oledialogue smoothly.
Focus:Learn tosaythenex tpartofthed ialoguesmoo thly. Diffie ulties:
Te achingaids:Slide, cards , tape-recor der, etc・
Pre paration:
Writingonth eblackboard :
Unit7After school
Where areyougoing ?
Areyougo ingtothelib rary?
What ar etheydoing?
Irsquo; 11 goandjointh em.
Summaryo fthislesson :
通过问Where areSuHaiand SuYang?帮助学生弄清对话的基本背景,要求学生熟读对话,然后要求学生根据投影表演对话,
Pr ocess
Outl ineTeacherr squo;sactiv itiesStuden tsrsquojact ivities
Step 1
Revision 1. (slideoft hefirstpict ureofPartA)
T:Askquesti ons:
(1)What timeisit?
(2)W hatisGa oShandoing?
(3)I sWang Binghelping MissLiinthe office?
(4)W hataretheyd oing?
2.A s kSstorecite thebackgrou ndthefirstp artofthedia loguetogeth er. 1.
Answer questions・
2.Reciteth ebackground thefirstpax tofthedialo guetogether ・
Prese nta-
tionl ・(slideofth enextpictur eofPartA)
T:Lookatthe thingsofHel enandGaoSha n. Guess, whe reisIIelen?W hereisGaoSh angoing?
T : WhereareSu HaiandSuYan g?
T: Are th eystudyingi nthelibrary ?
(card:stud y)
T:Letrs quo;sgoandj ointhem・ 1.S 1:(withTrsq uo; shelp) Sh ersquo; sgoi ngtothelibr ary.
S2: He rsquo; sgoin gtotheplayg round・
S3:Theyrsquo;r einthelibra ry.
Lear nt oknowanothe rmeaningofl dquo; studyr dqu o;・S4: No, theyaren rsquo;t.The yrsquojrecl eaningtheli brary.
Rea dandpractic e(tape-reco rder)AskSst oreadthenex tpartofthed ialogue・
a.R eadaftertap e.
b.Readaft erT・
c.Readt ogether・
d . Practisein rolestogeth er.
e. Practi seinpairs.
f.Actoutth edialogueto gether.Read thepractise thenextpaxt ofthedialog ue.
Con soli-
dati onl. (tape-r ecordor)Ask Sstodotheli steningEx・o fPartBonthe WB.
2.AskS stodothewri ttenEx. ofPa rtContheWBi noralwork ・ 1 ・ Listenandn umber・
2.L ookandf indi noralworkto gether・
Step 5
Classwor kl. Readthen extpartofth edialoguesm oothl y.
2. FinishPartC ontheWB.
Tit le:Unit7(51 h)
1.Reviewth ewordsandph rasesofUnit 7.
2.Revie wthestructu resofUnit7.
3.Reviewt hewholedial ogueofUnit7 ・
4.Learnt opronouncet heletterldq uo; irdquo;・
5.L earntosa yarhyme・
Foe us:
1.L ear ntopronounc etheletterl dquo; irdquo ;・
2.L earnto sayarhyme・
D ifficulties :
Learntos ayarhymesmo othly.
Tea chingaids:S lide, cards, tape-record er, etc・ Prep aration:
W ritethetitl eldquo;Unit 7Afterschoo lrdquojonth eBbbeforecl ass.
Writi ngontheblac kboard:
Unit 7Afterschoo 1
runafterIn theevening
foodfather /mother/bro ther/sister /I
S ummaryofthi slesson:
让学生各自看图读句,体会故事中的大狗被小老鼠欺负的幽默之处,教师演示runafterhel lip;帮助学生理解其含义。
OutlineTea cherrsquo;s activitiesS tudentsrsqu ojactivitie s
Rev isionl. AskS stodieta/tes omewordsand phrasesofUn it7・
2.(si ideofPartC)AskSstoprac tiseinpairs ・
3.(slide ofnextpictu reofPartA) A skquestions ・
(1)Where isHelengoin g?
(2)Wher eisGaoShang oing?
(3)W hereareSuHa iandSuYang?
(4)Arethe ystudyingin thelibrary?
4.AskSsto recitethene xtpartofthe dialoguetog ether・
1. Dot hedictation ・
2. Practise inpairs・
3 . Answerques tionsindivi dually.
4.R ecitethene xtpartofthe dialoguetog ether. Step2
Lookandre adl. (slideo fPartE)AskS stolookatpi cturesandan swerquestio ns:
Whatisth edogdoing?
W hatisthemou sedoing?
(cards:food, cry,laugh)
2. (tape-re corder) AskS storead
(1)R eadaftertap e・
(2)Readaf terT.
(3)Rea dtogether.
(4)Readind ividually. 1 ・Lookatpict uresandansw erquestions ・
Learntos ayldquo;foo d, cry, laugh rdquo;・
Step 3
Listendn drepeatl・(s lide)AskSst oreviewthes
oundof lette rldquo; irdq uo; learntbe fore.
2. As kSstopronou ncethewords
andtrytosay outanothers oundof lette rldquo; irdq uo;・
3.(ta pe-recorder )AskSstorep eataftertap e.1.Readand pronounce・ 2 ・ Trytoprono unceanother soundoflett erldquo; ird quo;・
3.Repe ataftertape ・
Say arhyme1. (si ide)Askques tions:(l)Wh ereisFather ?Whatishedo ing?
(2)W h atisMotherd oing?
(3)W hereisBroth er?Whatishe doing?
(4)W hatisSiste rdoing?
(5 ) Whereareyo u?Whataxeyo udoing?
(6 ) Arewefreei ntheevening ?
2. (tape-recorder) As kSstosaythe rhyme・
(1)Sa yaftertape・
(2)Sayafter T
(3)Saytoge ther・
(4)S ayindividua lly. 1. Answe rquestions.
2. Learnto saytherhyme ・
Conso li~
dation AskSstolook andmatchPar tEinoralwor
k. Lookandma tchinoralwo rk.
C lasswork 1. F inishthewri ttenEx・ onth ebookandWB.
2. Saytherhy me.。