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• calligraphy • “书法都是书写,但并非所有的书写都可称
为书法。” ——DaBoll
• “字乃人之衣冠”
Sentence patterns
Six kinds of simple sentences
S+V (主+谓)
She works.
S+V+O (主+谓+宾) She likes her work.
S+V+IO+DO She teaches us English.
She is a teacher.
She is friendly.
She is at work.
S+V+O+OC Her lessons make us happy.
Diwushi Senior School?
large in size a beautiful school
with... a place where such….that…
make progress realize one’s dream (实现梦想)
1. 这是如此好的一个学校以至于我很喜欢它。
She sang at the party. Simple Future
She is going to sing at the party. She will sing at the party. Present Perfect Have you ever been to Beijing?
What’s your first impression(印象) of
Name I am .../ My name is…
I’m 17 years old. I’m a 17--- year--- old girl.
I like/love/enjoy(doing sth)...
I am fond of...
Hobbies I am interested in…
My hobby is…./ My hobbies are…..
...is my favorite. qualities I am a person who....
Hello, everyone. I’m ______and I graduated from_________. As a 17-year-old boy/girl, I’m fond of _____. In my free time, I spend much time in_(d_o_i_n_g_s_t_h)_. In a word, I’m a person who____________.
• 2.Questions疑问句 Do you like English? Which school are you in? Does he speak English or French? She is from Japan, isn’t she?
• 3.Imperative祈使句 Close the door.
• 4.Exclamation感叹句 What a nice day! How beautiful the flower is!
The most useful verb tenses
Simple Present She likes singing. Present Continuous She is singing. Simple Past
4.我们必须工作,最重要的是我们必须相信 自己。
We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves. 5.我们必须相信我们每个人都能做好某样事 情,我们必须相信当我们发现这个东西是什 么时,我们必须努力直到成功。
We must believe(_th_a_t_)each one of us is able to do sth well, and _t_h_a_t_ when we discover _w_h_a_t__ this something is, we must work hard at it until we _su_c_c_e_e_d__.
There be + S + Ad There is a book on the desk.
(There be+主+状) There are 6 classes every day.
Types of sentences
• 1.Statement陈述句 I am a student. I study English.
1、考前物质准备 考试前一天要整理好学习生活用 具。首 先是准 考证; 其次是 钢笔、 铅笔、 圆规、 直尺、 量角器 、三角 板、橡 皮等; 再次是 必要的 如手绢 、清凉 油和生 活用品 。 2、考前心理准备 成绩优秀的考生应记住:“没 有常胜 将军”、 “不以 一次成 败论英 雄”;成 绩不太 好的考 生要有 “破釜 沉舟”的 决心。 3、高考当天早晨,应有良好的心 理暗示 如“我很放松,今天一定能正常发 挥”、“ 今天我 很冷静 ,会考 好的”等 。 4、注意早餐 早晨一定要吃丰盛的早饭,但不 能过于 油腻。 5、浏览笔记、公式、定理和知识 结构 主要是浏览一下重要的概念 、公式 和定理 ,或记 一些必 须强记 的数据 。 6、进考室前10分钟 在考室外最好是一人平静地度 过,可 就近找 个地方 坐一会 儿,或 看一下 笔记, 再次浏 览知识 结构。设 法 避 开 聊 天 。
•词汇量激增 •基础语法知识不扎实 勤学好问\做好笔记 •自主学习能力 培养良好学习习惯\利用早晚自习 •授课形式改变,听力差,上课跟不上节奏
树立信心,尽快适应\调整心态, 勇于挑战
Advice on learning English
1、上课眼到、口到、手到、心到,积极 参与课堂活动。坚决抵制哑巴英语。
2 、早读声音一定要响亮。给自己规定任务。 3、多背诵一些好文章和好句子。 4、作业认真按时独立完成。 5、以成熟的心态迎接学习中的挑战。
1. Dictation Book(听写) 2.Notebook (笔记本) 3.Error-correcting Book(改 错本)
4.Writing book抄写本/作文本 5. 作业本、(不得与听写本更 换!)
6. Dictionary 词典
Good pronunciation leads to good spoken English.
makes for remmeemmobreizring words quickly.
Phonetic symbols
vowels 元音(12个单8个双) be divided into
It is such a good school that I like it very much. 2.俗话说的好,入乡随俗。 As the saying/proverb goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.
3.就象造房子一样,学习英语需要时间。 Like building a house, learning English takes some time.
• calligraphy • “书法都是书写,但并非所有的书写都可称
为书法。” ——DaBoll
• “字乃人之衣冠”
Sentence patterns
Six kinds of simple sentences
S+V (主+谓)
She works.
S+V+O (主+谓+宾) She likes her work.
S+V+IO+DO She teaches us English.
She is a teacher.
She is friendly.
She is at work.
S+V+O+OC Her lessons make us happy.
Diwushi Senior School?
large in size a beautiful school
with... a place where such….that…
make progress realize one’s dream (实现梦想)
1. 这是如此好的一个学校以至于我很喜欢它。
She sang at the party. Simple Future
She is going to sing at the party. She will sing at the party. Present Perfect Have you ever been to Beijing?
What’s your first impression(印象) of
Name I am .../ My name is…
I’m 17 years old. I’m a 17--- year--- old girl.
I like/love/enjoy(doing sth)...
I am fond of...
Hobbies I am interested in…
My hobby is…./ My hobbies are…..
...is my favorite. qualities I am a person who....
Hello, everyone. I’m ______and I graduated from_________. As a 17-year-old boy/girl, I’m fond of _____. In my free time, I spend much time in_(d_o_i_n_g_s_t_h)_. In a word, I’m a person who____________.
• 2.Questions疑问句 Do you like English? Which school are you in? Does he speak English or French? She is from Japan, isn’t she?
• 3.Imperative祈使句 Close the door.
• 4.Exclamation感叹句 What a nice day! How beautiful the flower is!
The most useful verb tenses
Simple Present She likes singing. Present Continuous She is singing. Simple Past
4.我们必须工作,最重要的是我们必须相信 自己。
We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves. 5.我们必须相信我们每个人都能做好某样事 情,我们必须相信当我们发现这个东西是什 么时,我们必须努力直到成功。
We must believe(_th_a_t_)each one of us is able to do sth well, and _t_h_a_t_ when we discover _w_h_a_t__ this something is, we must work hard at it until we _su_c_c_e_e_d__.
There be + S + Ad There is a book on the desk.
(There be+主+状) There are 6 classes every day.
Types of sentences
• 1.Statement陈述句 I am a student. I study English.
1、考前物质准备 考试前一天要整理好学习生活用 具。首 先是准 考证; 其次是 钢笔、 铅笔、 圆规、 直尺、 量角器 、三角 板、橡 皮等; 再次是 必要的 如手绢 、清凉 油和生 活用品 。 2、考前心理准备 成绩优秀的考生应记住:“没 有常胜 将军”、 “不以 一次成 败论英 雄”;成 绩不太 好的考 生要有 “破釜 沉舟”的 决心。 3、高考当天早晨,应有良好的心 理暗示 如“我很放松,今天一定能正常发 挥”、“ 今天我 很冷静 ,会考 好的”等 。 4、注意早餐 早晨一定要吃丰盛的早饭,但不 能过于 油腻。 5、浏览笔记、公式、定理和知识 结构 主要是浏览一下重要的概念 、公式 和定理 ,或记 一些必 须强记 的数据 。 6、进考室前10分钟 在考室外最好是一人平静地度 过,可 就近找 个地方 坐一会 儿,或 看一下 笔记, 再次浏 览知识 结构。设 法 避 开 聊 天 。
•词汇量激增 •基础语法知识不扎实 勤学好问\做好笔记 •自主学习能力 培养良好学习习惯\利用早晚自习 •授课形式改变,听力差,上课跟不上节奏
树立信心,尽快适应\调整心态, 勇于挑战
Advice on learning English
1、上课眼到、口到、手到、心到,积极 参与课堂活动。坚决抵制哑巴英语。
2 、早读声音一定要响亮。给自己规定任务。 3、多背诵一些好文章和好句子。 4、作业认真按时独立完成。 5、以成熟的心态迎接学习中的挑战。
1. Dictation Book(听写) 2.Notebook (笔记本) 3.Error-correcting Book(改 错本)
4.Writing book抄写本/作文本 5. 作业本、(不得与听写本更 换!)
6. Dictionary 词典
Good pronunciation leads to good spoken English.
makes for remmeemmobreizring words quickly.
Phonetic symbols
vowels 元音(12个单8个双) be divided into
It is such a good school that I like it very much. 2.俗话说的好,入乡随俗。 As the saying/proverb goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.
3.就象造房子一样,学习英语需要时间。 Like building a house, learning English takes some time.