BEC Vantage Module 1.1 Ways of working

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Good for work-life balance
Saves the company money
Not good for people who like routine
Disruptive to employees
How to job share
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. open your mind Plan for disaster Get organized Set your limits Put pen to paper Don‘t feel guilty Two become one
Shift work Part-time Temping Consultancy
More free time
Gives you your days free More free time Lots of variety Well paid
Need to coordinate
Tiring Less money Hard to progress your career No job security
Useful Terms
Ex 3 advantages and disadvantages
advantages Freelance Teleworking You choose the job Organise your work time disadvantages No job security You need to be good at self-organization
Useful Terms
• Shift Work (轮班工作) Work that is broken into chunks of time e.g. the day shift may be 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; the night shift midnight to 8 a.m., etc. Related Term: OT (overtime pay)
The future of work:
Different ways of working
• Ex 2 • Matching • FHAGCIDE
Useful Terms
• Freelance (自由职业) Working independently and on temporary contracts rather than for a long-term employer. What professions are suitable for freelancing?
Useful Terms
• Consultancy (顾问工作) The act of an individual or organization providing professional advice to others for a fee. A wide variety of consultants exist for many areas of organizational concerns, including management, accounting, finance, and legal and technical matters. .
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Useful Terms
• Telecommuting (远程办公/居家办班) This term is used interchangeably with teleworking, and is the more common term in the US. The conceptual emphasis is on replacing the commute journey through electronic access to the workplace. word extension : telecommuter/home-based worker
• Managing Director/MD (董事总经理) • Managing director is the term used for the chief executive of many limited companies in the United Kingdom and some other English speaking countries. • The title reflects their role as both a member of the Board of Directors but also as the senior manager. • The term Chief Executive (or its American equivalent "Chief Executive Officer" or just "CEO") is in general usage in the United Kingdom for the senior executive of public limited companies, charities and Executive Agencies. • At subsidiary companies usage is more variable, with managing director often preferred.
Module 1.1
Ways of working
Different ways of working Working from home
Ways of Working
A mini-presentation
What do you think the future of work would be like?
Case Study
事实上,作为一种直接减少成本的方法,很 多公司已经开始鼓励员工在家办公。 中国惠普计划今年在中国减少9个办公室, 所有这些办公室的员工都会被要求在家办 公。由于在全球范围内都采取了和中国类 似的措施,2006年惠普成功地减少了2亿美 元的营运成本,相当于公司年收入的 0.2%。 惠普的目标是到 2008 年,每年在全球再减 少2亿美元的营运成本。 《中国日报》
Useful Terms
• Share Credit & Blame (荣辱与同) Share Honor & Disgrace • Flexible working consultancy (弹性 工作顾问公司) • Delegate the workload (分配工作) Divide the workload/job responsibilities
Case Study
从上个世纪 90 年代以来,在家工作在各个主要的 工业化国家已经成为一种比较普遍的现象。而在中 国,有越来越多的证据表明,一种类似的革命也正 在进行。北京零点调查公司在 2004 年公布的一项 调查报告指出,北京在家工作的人数已经突破18.8 万人。而一些其他的数据则称北京在家工作的人数 已经超过100万,上海则超过70万。 其实,大多数中国人第一次接触在家工作是在 2003 年当非典病毒袭击北京的时候。随后各种无 线技术和网络电话技术的大规模应用又使得远程办 公越来越成为一种传统的工作方式的替代品。
Teleworking statistics Getting started with teleworking
Case Study
在 IBM 中国,梁的经历通过 IBM 一个叫 “灵活办公”的计划所广泛分享。自从灵 活办公计划在 2001 年被第一次推广到中国 以来, IBM 在中国的 9000 多名员工中有 2/3 都通过加入这个计划,从而使自己的工作 初步打破了时间和空间的限制。IBM希望为 员工创造一个更加舒心,并且适合各自工 作性质的环境,从而增加员工的生产效率, 提高他们对企业的忠诚。
Useful Terms
• Temping (做临时工) Working short employment tasks with a variety of clients, usually through a temping agency or staffing firm. Previously temps were mostly administrative, but job-seekers can now find temping agencies covering most professions. Temping is great for building resume, learning skills, networking - and job flexibility and variety.
Useful Terms
• Teleworking (远程办公/居家办公) A catch-all term describing any way of working at a distance using a combination of computers and telecommunications. It is often associated with home-based working, but includes mobile working, etc Compare: Work from Home vs. Work at Home
Useful Terms
• Hotdesking (办公桌轮用)
More productive use of office space; often involves, to a greater or lesser extent, eliminating personal ownership of desks. It is a method of sharing desks, with workers who are usually working elsewhere booking space to work. This has been made easier by the use of laptops and just being able to plug these straight into docking points at every desk. This allows workers to carry out their tasks anywhere when they are working from their own laptop. Advantages: Cost saving in furniture and overheads such as electricity, phone bills, computer maintenance, rent, air-conditioning, etc. Disadvantage: no personal territory or privacy
Useful Terms
• Flex(i)time (弹性工作时间) Flextime (flexible work time) is the most popular flexible work arrangement that requires employees to work a standard number of hours each week but allows them to choose their own starting and quitting times. However, a portion of each day is designated as "core time/hours" when all employees must be present. Compare: Flextime vs. teleworking