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C 呈正相关渊P 约 0.05冤袁血清 KIM-1 与 Cys-C 呈正相关渊P 约 0.05冤遥 入院 6 h 时血清 NGAL尧KIM-1尧Cys-C 对脓毒
症患者发生 AKI 具有较高预测价值袁联合预测时的 ROC 曲线下面积为 0.891渊95%CI院0.869耀0.972冤袁灵敏度 0.93袁
组患者入院 0尧6尧12尧24尧48 h 血清 NGAL尧KIM-1 水平袁免疫比浊法检测血清 Cys-C 水平遥 结果 两组患者入院
后血清 NGAL尧KIM-1尧Cys-C 水平在不同时点两两比较袁差异有统计学意义渊P 约 0.05冤遥 AKI 组血清 NGAL尧KIM-
1尧Cys-C 水平均高于非 AKI 组同期水平袁差异有统计学意义渊P 约 0.05冤遥 AKI 组患者袁血清 NGAL 与 KIM-1尧Cys-
特异性 0.87袁准确性 0.91遥 结论 血清 NGAL尧KIM-1尧Cys-C 联合检测可早期预测脓毒症患者 AKI袁具有一定的临
[关键词] 脓毒症曰急性肾损伤曰中性粒细胞明胶酶相关载脂蛋白曰肾损伤分子-1曰胱抑素 C曰预测价值
[中图分类号] R631
[文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 1673-7210渊2019冤10渊b冤-0128-04
窑 临床研究 窑
中国医药导报 2019 年 10 月IM-1、Cys-C 对急性肾损伤的诊断能效
刘瑞清 1 孟志云 1 褚洪光 2 厉兆春 1 1.山东省潍坊市中医院肾内科袁山东潍坊 261000曰2.山东省潍坊市中医院超声科袁山东潍坊 261000
[摘要] 目的 探讨脓毒症患者血清中性粒细胞明胶酶相关载脂蛋白渊NGAL冤尧肾损伤分子-1渊KIM-1冤尧胱抑素 C
渊Cys-C冤对急性肾损伤渊AKI冤的诊断价值遥 方法 收集山东省潍坊市中医院 ICU 收治的 89 例脓毒症患者袁连续观
察 48 h袁根据患者是否出现 AKI 分为 AKI 组渊42 例冤和非 AKI 组渊47 例冤遥采用双抗体夹心酶标免疫分析法测定各
Diagnostic efficacy of serum NGAL, KIM-1 and Cys-C for acute kidney injury in sepsis patients
LIU Ruiqing1 MENG Zhiyun1 CHU Hongguang2 LI Zhaochun1 1.Department of Nephrology, Weifang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Shandong Province, Weifang 261000, China; 2.Department of Ultrasonography, Weifang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Shandong Province, Weifang 261000, China [Abstract] Objective To explore the diagnostic value of serum neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), kid鄄 ney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1) and cystatin C (Cys-C) for acute kidney injury (AKI) in sepsis patients. Methods A to鄄 tal of eithty-nine patients with sepsis admitted to ICU of Weifang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Shondong Province were observed continuously for 48 hours, who were divided into AKI group (42 cases) and non-AKI group (47 cas鄄 es) according to the presence of AKI. Serum NGAL, KIM -1 levels were measured by double antibody sandwich en鄄 zyme-labeled immunoassay at 0, 6, 12, 24, 48 hous after admission, while serum Cys-C level was detected by im鄄 munoturbidimetry. Results Serum NGAL, KIM-1, and Cys-C levels were compared between the two groups at different time points, and the differences were statistically significant (P 约 0.05). The serum levels of NGAL, KIM-1 and Cys-C in AKI group were higher than those in non-AKI group at the same time, and the differences were statistically signifi鄄 cant (P 约 0.05). Serum NGAL was positively associated with KIM-1 and Cys-C in AKI group, while serum KIM-1 was positively associated with Cys-C (P 约 0.05). Serum NGAL, KIM-1 and Cys-C have high predictive value for AKI in sepsis patients at 6 hours after admission, and the area under ROC curve was 0.891 (95%CI: 0.869-0.972), the sensi鄄 tivity and specificity were 0.93 and 0.87, respectively, while the accuracy was 0.91. Conclusion Combined detection of serum NGAL, KIM-1 and Cys-C can predict early AKI in sepsis patients, which has certain clinical reference significance. [Key words] Sepsis; Acute kidney injury; Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin; Kidney injury molecule-1; Cys鄄 tatin C; Diagnostic value