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现代农业科技 圆园20 年第 5 期
徐少雄 1袁2 赵景波 3 * 杜卓群 4
渊1 兰州交通大学测绘与地理信息学院袁甘肃兰州 730070曰 2 甘肃省地理国情监测工程实验室曰 3 陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院曰 4 北京建筑大学经济管理学院冤
摘要 本研究以中尺度区域气候差异与地形的关系为研究方向袁对吕梁山东尧西两侧近同一纬度区域的气候要素数据进行分析遥以榆
林市尧原平市尧延安市尧介休市为研究样区袁收集 30 年渊1989要2018 年冤的年均气温和年均降水量数据袁采用 Mann-Kendall 检验方法进行气
Management袁Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture冤 Abstract This study took the relationship between climatic differences and topography in the mesoscale region as the research direction袁and analyzed the climatic factor data of the same latitude area on the east and west sides of Lvliang Mountain. Taking Yulin City袁Yuanping City袁Yan忆an City and Jiexiu City as research samples袁annual average temperature and annual precipitation datas for 30 years渊1989 -2018冤 were collected袁 the climate change trend analysis and climate sudden change test were conducted by using the Mann-Kendall test method. The results showed that the climate change trend and climate change between the eastern and western sides of both north and south sections of Lvliang Mountain were different袁but climate change difference of between the eastern and western sides was not synchronous in north and south sections of Lvliang Mountain. The zonal and longitude zonal impacts of the north -south study area were small袁so the Lvliang Mountain terrain could have a certain impact on the climate of the eastern and western sides of Lvliang Mountain.This research has important significance to rationally allocate the industrial development of agriculture袁 forestry袁animal husbandry袁sidelines and tourism袁according to the specific terrain conditions of Lvliang Mountain. Key words terrain曰climate曰Mann-Kendall test曰Lvliang Mountain
近年来袁伴随着全球气侯变暖袁气候由一种稳定的状态 经短时间跳跃式转变成另一种稳定气候状态形式[1]遥气候的 这种变化对人类生产活动以及生态环境产生了严重影响袁 如何快速尧准确地检测气候突变袁对于人们认识气候系统的 变化以及预测未来气候趋势变化具有重要的现实意义遥部 分学者已经发现了气候突变现象袁符棕斌[2]着重讨论了气候 突变的定义尧气候突变现象的研究曰闫敏华等[3]通过运用累 积距平法和 Jy 参数法研究了三江平原气候的突变情况袁讨 论了引起三江平原气候突变的原因曰任玉国等[4]通过研究 1951 年以来的极端气候袁分析对比极端降水指数和极端气 温指数袁得到极端气候发生的强度和频率袁同时指出研究极 端气候常用方法的某些不足及改进方法遥此外袁部分学者也 研究了气候与地形的关系袁例如袁邱旭梅等[5]通过研究我国 气候分布情况分析得到袁同一纬度由于地形不同从而导致不 同的气候类型曰山脉的迎风坡与背风坡的气温尧降水有明显 的差异袁向阳坡比背阳坡气温高袁山地的迎风坡比背风坡多 雨袁并且某些地区地形对气候状态产生了影响遥从已有的 研究可以看出袁许多学者研究气候突变是通过对同一气象站 点进行长时间观测得到气候突变的结论袁对于地形引起气
Analysis on Influence of Lvliang Mountain Terrain on Climate XU Shao-xiong 1袁2 ZHAO Jing-bo 3 * DU Zhuo-qun 4
渊1 School of Surveying and Mapping and Geographic Information袁Lanzhou Jiaotong University袁Lanzhou Gansu 730070曰 2 Gansu Geographical Condition Monitoring Engineering Laboratory曰 3 College of Tourism and Environment袁Shaanxi Normal University曰 4 School of Economics and
中图分类号 P461+.3 文献标识码 A
文章编号 1007-5739渊2020冤05-0176-04