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Don’t: Splurge on something flashy. 不要:花大钱买浮华的礼物 It may feel like a faux pas to pick a holiday
gift from the clearance section, but research sug鄄
gests it’s the item—not the price tag—that matters
两年前发表在《实验社会心理学杂志》上的 一系列研究发现,收礼者更喜欢收到能反映出自 己的兴趣爱好的节日礼物,这倒是符合逻辑。 然 而,有趣的是,研究人员还发现,“如果礼物能反 映出送礼者的个人特质,送礼者和收礼者都会感 觉彼此更亲密”。 从长远来看,和亲朋好友分享最 爱的书、衣服或纪念品也许影响最深。
60 Crazy English Youth 2018.06
Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.
发表在《实验社会心理学杂志》上的一项研 Behavior and Human Decisions, however, poked a 究发现,送礼者高估了惊喜礼物的效果。 事实上, hole in that theory. While close friends or family
研究结果显示,相比自作主张的礼物,人们通常 更喜欢收到自己指定的礼物。 就按对方的愿望清 单买吧,给你自己也省点事。
如果你知道这份节日礼物不太如人意,也许 你会想用华丽的包装纸把它裹起来再打上大大 的蝴蝶结来提升一下。 但是耶鲁大学消费者研究 协会的数据显示, 这种策略可能会起到反效果。 研究人员发现, 当人们得到自己喜欢的礼物时, 漂亮的包装会让他们更快乐一点。 但是如果礼物 本身不令人满意(研究中选用的糟糕礼物是科学 纪录片), 包装实际上会让收礼者更讨厌这份礼 物,可能是因为期望和现实不相符的缘故。
survey conducted by the National Retail Federa鄄
tion, for example, found that they were the most
requested gift of 2015. Want to keep it even sim鄄 pler? Other research has found that people are per鄄
unsolicited presents. Make your life easy and stick and the recipient gets a gift they feel good about. A
to their holiday wish list.
2015 study published in the journal Organizational
ing of the gift,” rather than on the recipient herself. 以朋友或家人的名义做慈善捐赠也许听上
去像是完美的节日礼物:你的钱捐给了有意义的 事业, 而收礼者也得到了让自己感觉良好的礼 物。2015 年发表在《组织行为与人类决定》杂志上 的一项研究却对这一理论提出挑战。 虽然你的家 人好友也许会喜欢一份有社会责任心的节日礼 物,但是研究人员发现,普通朋友在收到这种礼 物时经常会觉得被轻视,潜在原因可能是这种礼 物更注重“礼物的象征意义”而不是收礼者本人。
Making a charitable donation in a friend or
the study found that people tend to appreciate get鄄 family member’s name may seem like the perfect
ting things they specifically asked for more than holiday gift: Your spending goes to a worthy cause,
The best and worst holiday gifts according to science 科学送礼指南
By Jimmy Brown
Do: Give people gifts that they want 必送:对方想要的礼物
送礼变得更简单吗? 其他研究发现,人们收到现 金作为礼物也非常开心。
Do: Pick a gift card 必送:礼品卡 Gift cards may seem like an impersonal or lazy holiday gift, but surveys have found that they’re actually a popular pick among gift recipients. A
A study published in the Journal of Experi鄄 mental Social Psychology found that gift鄄givers
Don’t: Give gifts on their behalf 不要:以对方的名义送出礼物
Байду номын сангаас
overestimate the impact of a surprise gift. In fact,
Do: Give gifts that will last 必买:能长久留下来的礼物 Everyday items, like kitchen gadgets or
wardrobe staples, may not feel like slam鄄dunk gifts,
but a study published last year in Current Direc鄄 tions in Psychological Science found that people actually prefer presents they can use for months and years to come, rather than something that makes a statement right when it’s unwrapped.
Do: Give gifts that reflect your audience and yourself.
2018.06 疯狂英语(高中版) 59
Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.
Just Curious 博物志
A series of studies published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology two years ago found, logically, that recipients prefer holiday gifts that reflect their own interests and hobbies. In- teres—ingly, however, the researchers also found that “givers and receivers report greater feelings of closeness to their gift partner when the gift reflects the giver”. Sharing a favorite book, garment or keepsake with a loved one, then, may make the strongest impact in the long run.
厨房器具或基本款衣服这样的日常用品也 许听上去不像是成功率太高的礼物,但是去年发 表在《心理科学最新趋势》上的一项研究发现,人 们实际上更喜欢自己能经年累月使用的礼物,而 不是只能享受打开那一刻的礼物。
Don’t: Dress up a bad gift 不要:把糟糕的礼物包装得很漂亮 If you know a holiday gift is underwhelming, it may be tempting to overcompensate with big bows or
fancy wrapping paper—but data from Yale’s Asso鄄
ciation for Consumer Research says that strategy may backfire. When people got a gift that they liked, the researchers found, attractive trappings slightly enhanced the experience. But when the gift itself was unsatisfactory a science documentary, for the purposes of the study—wrapping actually worsened the recipients’perception of the gift, likely because their expectations didn’t match reality.
fectly happy to receive cash as a gift. 礼品卡看起来也许像是没有人情味或是懒
惰的节日礼物,然而调查发现,礼品卡其实是广 受欢迎的礼物。 美国零售联合会的一项调查就发 现,礼品卡是 2015 年最多人想要的礼物。 还想把
members may appreciate a socially responsible hol鄄 iday gift, researchers found that casual acquain鄄 tances often feel slighted by them, potentially be鄄 cause the selection focuses“on the symbolic鄄mean鄄
most. While gift鄄givers tend to think their choices will land better if they’re expensive, research pub鄄 lished in the Journal of Experimental Social Psy鄄
chology didn’t back that up. In fact, there was no
clear correlation between present price and re鄄
cipient satisfaction. 从清仓甩卖区里选购节日礼物也许让人感
觉很失礼,但是研究显示,真正重要的是物品本 身,而不是价格。 送礼者通常认为如果礼物贵重 的话效果会更好,但是发表在《实验社会心理学 杂志》上的研究却表明并非如此。 事实上,礼物的 价格和收礼者的满意度之间没有明显的关联。
gift from the clearance section, but research sug鄄
gests it’s the item—not the price tag—that matters
两年前发表在《实验社会心理学杂志》上的 一系列研究发现,收礼者更喜欢收到能反映出自 己的兴趣爱好的节日礼物,这倒是符合逻辑。 然 而,有趣的是,研究人员还发现,“如果礼物能反 映出送礼者的个人特质,送礼者和收礼者都会感 觉彼此更亲密”。 从长远来看,和亲朋好友分享最 爱的书、衣服或纪念品也许影响最深。
60 Crazy English Youth 2018.06
Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.
发表在《实验社会心理学杂志》上的一项研 Behavior and Human Decisions, however, poked a 究发现,送礼者高估了惊喜礼物的效果。 事实上, hole in that theory. While close friends or family
研究结果显示,相比自作主张的礼物,人们通常 更喜欢收到自己指定的礼物。 就按对方的愿望清 单买吧,给你自己也省点事。
如果你知道这份节日礼物不太如人意,也许 你会想用华丽的包装纸把它裹起来再打上大大 的蝴蝶结来提升一下。 但是耶鲁大学消费者研究 协会的数据显示, 这种策略可能会起到反效果。 研究人员发现, 当人们得到自己喜欢的礼物时, 漂亮的包装会让他们更快乐一点。 但是如果礼物 本身不令人满意(研究中选用的糟糕礼物是科学 纪录片), 包装实际上会让收礼者更讨厌这份礼 物,可能是因为期望和现实不相符的缘故。
survey conducted by the National Retail Federa鄄
tion, for example, found that they were the most
requested gift of 2015. Want to keep it even sim鄄 pler? Other research has found that people are per鄄
unsolicited presents. Make your life easy and stick and the recipient gets a gift they feel good about. A
to their holiday wish list.
2015 study published in the journal Organizational
ing of the gift,” rather than on the recipient herself. 以朋友或家人的名义做慈善捐赠也许听上
去像是完美的节日礼物:你的钱捐给了有意义的 事业, 而收礼者也得到了让自己感觉良好的礼 物。2015 年发表在《组织行为与人类决定》杂志上 的一项研究却对这一理论提出挑战。 虽然你的家 人好友也许会喜欢一份有社会责任心的节日礼 物,但是研究人员发现,普通朋友在收到这种礼 物时经常会觉得被轻视,潜在原因可能是这种礼 物更注重“礼物的象征意义”而不是收礼者本人。
Making a charitable donation in a friend or
the study found that people tend to appreciate get鄄 family member’s name may seem like the perfect
ting things they specifically asked for more than holiday gift: Your spending goes to a worthy cause,
The best and worst holiday gifts according to science 科学送礼指南
By Jimmy Brown
Do: Give people gifts that they want 必送:对方想要的礼物
送礼变得更简单吗? 其他研究发现,人们收到现 金作为礼物也非常开心。
Do: Pick a gift card 必送:礼品卡 Gift cards may seem like an impersonal or lazy holiday gift, but surveys have found that they’re actually a popular pick among gift recipients. A
A study published in the Journal of Experi鄄 mental Social Psychology found that gift鄄givers
Don’t: Give gifts on their behalf 不要:以对方的名义送出礼物
Байду номын сангаас
overestimate the impact of a surprise gift. In fact,
Do: Give gifts that will last 必买:能长久留下来的礼物 Everyday items, like kitchen gadgets or
wardrobe staples, may not feel like slam鄄dunk gifts,
but a study published last year in Current Direc鄄 tions in Psychological Science found that people actually prefer presents they can use for months and years to come, rather than something that makes a statement right when it’s unwrapped.
Do: Give gifts that reflect your audience and yourself.
2018.06 疯狂英语(高中版) 59
Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.
Just Curious 博物志
A series of studies published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology two years ago found, logically, that recipients prefer holiday gifts that reflect their own interests and hobbies. In- teres—ingly, however, the researchers also found that “givers and receivers report greater feelings of closeness to their gift partner when the gift reflects the giver”. Sharing a favorite book, garment or keepsake with a loved one, then, may make the strongest impact in the long run.
厨房器具或基本款衣服这样的日常用品也 许听上去不像是成功率太高的礼物,但是去年发 表在《心理科学最新趋势》上的一项研究发现,人 们实际上更喜欢自己能经年累月使用的礼物,而 不是只能享受打开那一刻的礼物。
Don’t: Dress up a bad gift 不要:把糟糕的礼物包装得很漂亮 If you know a holiday gift is underwhelming, it may be tempting to overcompensate with big bows or
fancy wrapping paper—but data from Yale’s Asso鄄
ciation for Consumer Research says that strategy may backfire. When people got a gift that they liked, the researchers found, attractive trappings slightly enhanced the experience. But when the gift itself was unsatisfactory a science documentary, for the purposes of the study—wrapping actually worsened the recipients’perception of the gift, likely because their expectations didn’t match reality.
fectly happy to receive cash as a gift. 礼品卡看起来也许像是没有人情味或是懒
惰的节日礼物,然而调查发现,礼品卡其实是广 受欢迎的礼物。 美国零售联合会的一项调查就发 现,礼品卡是 2015 年最多人想要的礼物。 还想把
members may appreciate a socially responsible hol鄄 iday gift, researchers found that casual acquain鄄 tances often feel slighted by them, potentially be鄄 cause the selection focuses“on the symbolic鄄mean鄄
most. While gift鄄givers tend to think their choices will land better if they’re expensive, research pub鄄 lished in the Journal of Experimental Social Psy鄄
chology didn’t back that up. In fact, there was no
clear correlation between present price and re鄄
cipient satisfaction. 从清仓甩卖区里选购节日礼物也许让人感
觉很失礼,但是研究显示,真正重要的是物品本 身,而不是价格。 送礼者通常认为如果礼物贵重 的话效果会更好,但是发表在《实验社会心理学 杂志》上的研究却表明并非如此。 事实上,礼物的 价格和收礼者的满意度之间没有明显的关联。