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B ∙ TO introduce famous PlaCeS in Egypt.
每段对话或独白后有两个小题,从每题所给的AS B. C 三个 选项中选出最佳选项。
1・ WhO bought the boy the nice basketball A ∙
HiS uncle.
B. HiS friend< C ∙ HiS
fat her ・
2・ HOW many basketballs does the boy have now A.
One ・
B ・ Three.
C ・ Seven.
3・ When WaS the heavy SnOW in town 4∙ What did the girl do When the SChOOI WaS CIOSed A ・
She read books.
C. She PIayed chess ∙
5. HOW does the girl feel these days A.
UPSet ・
B. TirecL
C. Angry.
6. What are the SPeakerS InainIy talking about A ・ The girV S family.
B. Thegirl ,
S worry. C.
The girl ,
7∙ What Can We Iearn about the girl A ・ She WaS interested in taking PhOtOS ・ B. She had fun ViSiting the OId buildings. C.
She WaS good at making EgyPtian food.
8. Why does the girl make the SPeeCh
A. In March.
B. In May. C ・ In June. B. She WatChed TV.
A. TO Share her amazing trip to EgyPt・
TO CXPlain WayS to make EgyPtian food.
知识运用(共32分) 二、单项填空(共12分,每小题1分) 从下面各题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
POSSible if We WOrk hard. 9. I think this StOry tries to tell _ A. OUrS
10. YOU Can taste different kinds Of delicious foods
anything We
B ∙
B. Beijing.
• I really Want to go back to my hometown, _ A. if 12∙ — ______ have you kept this book ——FOr two WeekS ・
B ∙ On
I don' t have time.
C .
Or D.
D. as
HOW many D. HOW Often
13. ∙ I WilI help you With your homework after I finish _ do A. B. HOW much
the dishes.
A. done 14. —I SleeP Well these days. —Maybe you ShOUId Iearn to relax. A ・ can' t
B. ShOUIdn' t
15. —Jack, Where ,
S your father in
the kitchen ・
is COOking B ∙ C . B. to do
doing D.
needr√ t
16. W e all hope A ・ Win
17. —What ,
S your Plan for the summer VaCatiOn my
aunt in SiChUan Province.
the football match tomorrow. D. C .
Winning B. Win
A. have ViSited
ViSit B ・ WilI ViSit C .
visitedD. 1& We all QOmOlangma is _ A ・ highest
19. ・ ChineSe POemS SinCe I WaS 10 years old.
agree that high
IDOUntain in the world.
B ・ higher
C . highes t
D ・
A・Iearn B・ Ieamed C・ WilI Iearn
D.have Iearned
20. —What Were you doing When I CalIed you IaSt night
a ball game<
I _
A. am WatChing B・ WaS WatChing C. WatChedD・
When I first arrived On this island, I had nothing・ BUt I' Ve found the ShiP and made a SmalI boat. I' Ve brought back many things I Can USe — food and drink, tools, knives and guns. 21 _____ I have IOSt everything, I have not IOSt my life. SO I WilI not give UP and I WilI Wait for another ship. I have already CUt down trees and buiIt a house. I go OUt With my gun almost every day to kill animals and birds for food・ I' m even Iearning to grow fruit and VegetabIeS・
A few WeekS ago, I found the IDarkS Of another man' S 22 (foot) On the sand. WhO else is On my island HoW IOng have theybeen here NOt IOng after that, I 23 _________
(See) SOme CannibalS trying to kill two men from a broken ShiP・ One Of them died but the Other ran
toWardS my house. I helped him kill the CannibaIS・ ThiS man now IiVeS With me and 24__________ (help) me. I named him Friday because that WaS the day When I met hint He is Smart and I have already taught him SOme English.
阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的爪B. C. D四个选项中,选
In NOVember 1979, PUPiIS in England Were able to WatCh a new TV PrOgram CalIed Monkey. MOSt Of them Were hearing this StOry for the
first time. However, this StOry is not 25 to ChineSe ChiIdren. The
Monkey King Or SUn WUkOng is the main CharaCter in the traditional
ChineSe book JOUrney to the West.
The MOnkey King is not just any normal monkey. In fact, he SOmetimeS does not even IOOk IikC a monkey! ThiS is because he Can
make 72 26
to his ShaPe and SiZe l turning himself into different animals and objects.
BUt UnIeSS he Can hide his tail, he CannOt turn himself into a man. TO fight
bad people, the MOnkey King USeS a 27 StiCL SOmetimeS he Can make the StiCk SO SmalI that he Can keep it in his ear. At Other times, he is able to make it big and long.
The MOnkey King has 28 __ the ChiIdren Of China for many years. And as SOOn as the TV PrOgranl Came OUt more than 30 years ago, WeStern ChiIdren became interested in reading this StOry because the CIeVer MOnkey King keeps fighting to help the Weak and never gives up.
25. A.interesting B.important C.t ypical
26∙ A.ChangeS B∙actiOnS C.StiCkS D.
27. A.heavy B∙magic C.huge D.
2& A.SUrPriSed B.PrOtCCted C.excitedD. guided
四. 完形填空(共12分,每小题分)
阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A. B. C. D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
Making the Team
TiCk-tock. TiCk-tock・ The CIOCk Seemed to be moving Very SIOWly・ ThiS WaS Andy' S IaSt CIaSS Of the day—biology. Usually, Andy Iiked biology. Usually, Andy didn' t Want biology ClaSS to end・ BUt not today・ TOday there Were 29 for the basketball team after SChOOL
There WaS Only One thing that Andy Iiked more than biology: basketball. FOr
months> Andy Went to the backyard and PraCtiCed his ShOtS every night after dinner・He IOVed the feeling Of the basketball in his hands and the 30 the ball made When it SaiIe(I through the net. Swish!
The best SOUnd in the WOrIdl
U PSSt! Andy! V TOnnny WaS trying to get his attention・ "I feel Iike this
CIaSS Will never 31 , " Said TOnmy.
They had been best friends SinCe kindergarten. TOmny IOVed basketball, too. He WaS also trying OUt for the basketball team. Andy WaS glad he' d have his best friend by his side.
SUddenIy the bell rang and the CIaSS WaS over∙ When they rushed to the gym, Andy,S heart Sank・ At IeaSt 60 boys Were there. Andy knew the basketball team OnIy had 32 ________________________ for 20 people. What if OnIy One Of them made the team That WOUId be WOrSe・
The COaCh?S WhiStle Started the tryouts. Andy and TOnmy Were divided into different teams to
Play against One another- The minute he felt his hands On the basketball, Andy felt better. Swish! Swish! NOt all Of the ShOtS Went in, but a IOt Of them did・
Tommy WaS Waiting OUtSide for Andy When the tryouts
Were over. "How did it go" Tommy asked・
αU∏L ∙∙ I think it Went alright …"
αAnyway, the COaCh WilI 33 a IiSt Of WhO made
the team tomorrow before school, " TOmnly Patted Andy On the ShOUlder. Then they Walked home in 34 .
The next morning Andy hurried to SChOOI IdthOUt Breakfast∙ He found Tommy' S name On the IiSt—he had made it! Andy' S eyes moved down the IiSt, slowly, reading every name.
"Andy!" He heard Tommy' S 35 voice, "we
made it!" αHow I COUldn^ t See my Dame anyvdιere.力Said Andy.
"Look at the SeCOnd sheet!"
Andy IOOke(I back at the IiSt and found his name On the SeCOnd Sheet・ He
36 and gave TOmmy a high-five. They made the team together・
29. A. t ryouts B∙PIayerS C. games D
30. A. f light B. CirCIe C. noise
D .
31. A. e nd B. IaSt C. WOrk
D .
32. A. areas B. PlaCeS C. balls
D .
33. A. f ind B. read C. POSt
D .
34. A. d isappointment B. excitement C. SUrPriSe
D. SiIenCe
35∙ A. d ifferent B∙Strange C. happy
D .
36. A. f ollowed B∙turned C. rose
D .
五. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的AS B. CS D四个选项中,选择
FOUr StUdentS are talking about the best museums they have CVer been to.
The MetrOPOlitan MUSeUm Of Art in NeW YOrk City,
WhiCh WaS built in 1872, is Very POPUlar in the WOrId∙
It is One Of the WOrld, S finest art museums.
I really enjoyed my trip because I IOVe modern arts
VCry I think DilnCe~CliISS EdgCLr Dcgati~i^κ
the greatest WOrk Of art there.
BUilt in 1204, the LOUvre MUSeUm in PariS is the
world" S IargeSt art museum. NearIy 38,OOO ObjeCtS
39∙ WhiCh COlIeCtion belongs to the NatiOnal MUSeUm Of China
A ・
The DanCe ClaSS ・ B ・ The MOna Lisa.
D ∙ "Hou MU Wu" BrOnZe Ding. 40.
Why does Sam think the Bl fc
itish MUSeUm is the best One
A. BeCaUSe he is CraZy about modern arts ・
B. BeCaUSe he IOVeS ObjeCtS from PrehiStOry ・
C. BeCaUSe he takes interest in ChineSe culture.
D ・ BeCaUSe he' S interested in the CUItUre Of ancient Egypt.
Finding the OWner
"It ,S mine, " Said Fred, ShOWing a POCketknife With a Shining blade (刀 片)∙ "Just What I ,
Ve always wanted. " And he turned it OVer and OVer With the IOOk Of SatiSfaCtiOn On his face.
I guess I know WhO OWnS it, " Said Tom, IOOking at it CarefUIIy.
"I guess you don ,
t. It isn' t Mr. RaymOnd ,
s, " Fred replied quickly. a
I know. Mr. RaymonCr S is tWiCe as large, V
Said Tom, going On With his drawing. Tom ,
S doUbt WaS taking away Fred ,
S enjoyment. In fact, Fred WaS not ComfOrtable With the knife at all, for he felt that he WaS having SOmething that did not belong to him and he got WOrried ・ He even had SeriOUS thoughts Of burning it, Or hiding it, Or giving it away; but a better Plan hit him.
"Tom, V
Said Fred, One day at break, "didn' t you Say that you knew
37. Where is
the MetrOPOIitan MUSeUm Of Art In NeW YOrk City. B ・ In LOndOn ・ C ・ In Beijing ・ D.
A. Paris. 38. When WaS
the LOUVre MUSeUm built
A ∙ In 1753∙ B. In 1204. C ∙ In 1912. D. In 1872. C. The ROSetta Stone.
WhO OWned the knife" "Yes, I did. It IOOked Iike DOCtOr Perry, s> " Tom
ran Off to PIay With others, WithOUt giving the
knife another thought.
It WaS Dr. Perrys! Fred IOOked at his WatCh and realized he OnIy had a IittIe time, SO he Started quickly, and found the OId gentleman getting ready to ViSit a Patient・ "Is this yours" Cried Fred, in breathless haste, holding UP the CaUSe Of a week,S anxiety∙
"It was, " Said the doctor, "but I IOSt it the Other day."
"I found it, n Said Fred, "and have felt Iike a thief ever since. Here, take it・ I' Ve got to run."
"Hold on!" Said the doctor. 'T Ve got a new One l and you are quite WeICOme to this."
“Am I May 1 Oh! Thank you! NOW l V m the real Owner Of the knife∙ What a different feeling!w
41.Tom, S doubt made Fred .
A・SatiSfied B・ WOrried C・ PrOUd D・angry
42.After knowing the
knife COUId be Dr. Perry' s, Fred decided to ∙
A.return it to Dr. Perry B・ keep it
C∙ give it to TOm D・ hide it Or bum it
43∙ What Can We know about Fred from the StOry
A.He hoped to be a good friend Of
Tom' s. B・ He took himself as a Smart boy∙
C.He expected to get the knife from Dr Perry・ D・ He felt happier to be
an honest person.
The idea Of anonymous (匿名的)SOCial media is StrOnger than CVer・ However, there" S a debate OVer the PrOS and COnS Of USing POPUIar anonymous apps・SUPPOrterS Of these apps Offer SeVeraI reasons Why they believe the technology is good.
Many PeOPle POSt Iife events On apps to Share With family and friends. However, SOme Of those Same PeOPIe WilI turn to anonymous SiteS to ask for Iife advice When they feel UnCOmfOrtable Sharing PerSOnaI details With a friend. ACCOrCiing to the economist MiChaeI Heyward, SinCe USerS are not identified, troubled individuals Can find help from a IIOn-judgmental SOUrCe through apps・ Take the POPUIar anonymous app AfterSChoOl as the example. The app allows teens to SPeak freely With OtherS about ClDOtiOnal and CVCryday Iife WOrrieS and PrOblems.
AlOng the Same lines, SUPPOrterS believe that meaningful COnVerSatiOnS Can PUSh important SUbjeCtS to the front because a PerSOn is more Iikely to Comment WithOUt fear Of outcomes. TheSe SitUatiOnS enable PeOPIe to draw attention to SUbjeCtS that might OtherWiSe be PUShed aside・
One Of the goals Of USing anonymous apps is to encourage the USerS to POSt news as it happens・ In 2017, a new SerViCe that PrOdUCeS articles automatically from users1 POStS Canle out. Surprisingly, it is POPUlar—even WriterS at news COmPanieS USe it. SOme journalists even have Started USing these apps to report On the tech industry・
However, critics, PeOPIe WhO are against the idea Of anonymous COmmenting, See these apps as tools that SPread less-desirable behaviors (1). They reason if the
IimitatiOn Set by SOCial rules is removed, there WilI be IDOre improper behaviors.
One Of the most COnmOn CritiCiSmS Of anonymous SOCiaI media is how easily a USer Can POSt a hurtful COmment On an individual. ThiS Often PUtS the ViCtim at the disadvantage Of having to PrOVe the Statement false・ Also, beyond the WOrry Of SUCh posts, there are more SeriOUS WorrieS about
CrimeS resulted from anonymous ViOIenCe (屡力)∙
While there are PrOS and COnS to this debate, it' S necessary to realize that anonymity is a hallmaτk(标志)Of OUr history. AS SOCiaI media becomes a Iarger PreSenCe in everyday life, it' S IikeIy this SUbjeCt Will COntinUe to be debated*
44. ParagraPh
AfterSChOoI in the third is mentiOned to . StreSS the bright Side Of anonymous apps encourage teens to USe SOCiaI media InOre introduce a Very POPUlar app among teens
D・ShOW the POSSibIe PrObIemS Of SOCiaI media
The Writer PrObabIy agrees that _______ ・
A.it' s beneficial to encourage further USe Of anonymous apps
B.more TUIeS are needed to make a Standard for anonymous apps
C.PeOPIe need to Wait to See Whether anonymous apps are really bad
D∙anonymous apps have SOmething to do With the development Of the SOCiety
46. What might be the best title for the PaSSage
A. DO YOU HaVe a Right to Be
AnOnymOUS B. The POPUlarity Of SOCiaI
C・ AnOnymOUS Apps, GOOd Or Bad D・ A Debate
On the USe Of APPS
I always have these questions in my mind—how does anxiety influence how We think What CIaSSrOOm environments are most helpful to Iearning MOSt experts agree that having the right team Of PCOPle to COme UP With ideas to argue for PlayS an important role to find OUt the answers・
However, how do We know WhO the right PeOPIe are When making a team FrOm the CIaSSrOom and the WOrkPlace, to the IabOratOry and the Playing field, research ShOWS that diverse groups Of PeOPIe Often make better decisions.
PrOfeSSOr SCOtt Page believes Clifferent WayS Of thinking from a PartiCUIar group PrOdUCeS SOmething additional. When PeOPle With their OWn "tools" COme together to WOrk On difficult tasks, the results are POWCrfU1・
GrOUPS With different genders (性别)also hold merit here・ ChriStine Lagarde Said that better
decisions are made When WOmen and men COme together at the table, Creating What She CallS a "large:T horizon" ∙ She mentioned that VdIiIe WOmen make UP Only 2% Of bank CEOS WOrldWide, banks WhO COULnt WOmen among the top IeaderShiP are Iikely to have better economic OUtCOnIeS (结
In 2010, researchers examined the PerfOrmanCe Of about 700 PeOPle (both men and WOmen), WOrking in groups Of two to five, SOlVing both SimPIe and (IiffiCUIt tasks* They discovered that the best PrediCtOr Of PerfOrmanCe WaSn, t the average intelligence Of group members・ InStedd it WaS a COlIeCtiVe measure Of intelligence, WhiCh had much to do With the number Of WOmen in the group. AS WOmen are good at reading OtherSλ faces and making the best Of different OPiniOns, they help to bring OUt a more PrOdUCtiVe OUtCOme・
Finally, it turns OUt that the SiZe Of the group matters, too. SmalIer groups Can actually be more Creative. A new StUdy from UniVerSity Of ChiCagO
found that WhiIe bigger teams are important for advancing science, Smaller groups help "break it down" —a key Part Of creativity.
In today, S workforce, PeOPIe COme together to COOPerate On tough tasks, being encouraged to IOOk to each other∙ BrainStOrming With Others in Small l diverse groups helps ideas to Shine in OUr mind and, more Often than not, IeadS to the SOlUtion. It, S a research-driven model for how to develop OUr COlIeCtiVe PrOblem-SOIVing
abilities by having the right teams Of PeOPIe PrOdUCing good ideas WOrth fighting
UnderIined WOrel
A. groups
B. groups
D. groups αdiverse groups w in ParagraPh 2 PrObably in
WhiCh PeOPIe With PeOPIe WhO in WhiCh PeOPIe
With PeOPle VdIO
have a CIOSe relation
means "
Iike thinking and Sharing are
different from each Other
are good at SOIVing PrObIemS
48.What Can We Iearn from the research in 2010
A・ GrOUPS With both genders make teamwork more fruitful.
B.WOmen are better at reading and accepting others' minds.
C.The average intelligence Of group members really matters∙
D・ BankS ShOUld depend more On WOmen in decision-making.
49.What does the Writer mainly Want to ShOW US
A∙ WOmen in a group influence the COlIeCtiVe intelligence∙
B.Different groups Of PCOPle USUally PrO(IUCe different ideas.
C.DiVerSe teams Can be expected to WOrk OUt better outcomes.
D.The SiZe Of the group is important in dealing With problems.
AS We all know, every COUntry has its OWn SPeCiaI festiva 1・ In China, Qingming Festival, Or TOmb-SWeePing Day, is a traditional festival∙ It USUalIy falls On the 4th Or 5th day in APri 1・ On that day, ChineSe Pay respects to their ancestors and the dead. PeOPIe in different PartS Of the COUntry enjoy different foods On the day because Of IOCal CUStOmS (风俗)∙ Here are SOme traditiOnal foods PeOPIe eat On the SPeCiaI day∙
1・ QingtUan
QingtUan is Widely eaten in China' S Jiangnan Area—the
SOUthem Part Of the YangtZe RiVer一around Qingming FeStiVa 1・
The SeaSOnaI food is USUalIy made from glutinous I fc iCe (糯米)
mixed With POUnded mugwort—an eatable
Wild herb thought to PreVCnt insect bites.
2・ SanZi
In both northern and SOUthern China, it is an age-old
tradition to eat sanzi, Or fried dough twists, On Tomb-
Sweeping Day. However, SanZi in NOrth and SOUth China are
(Iifferent in SiZe and material* NOrthem PeOPIe Prefer Iarger
OneS made from wheat, WhiIe PeOPIe in the SOUth enjoy SmalIer
OneS made from rice.
3.Thin PanCakeS
Thin PemCakeS are a POPUIar food for PeOPle in Xiamen in FUjian PrOVinCe On TonIb-SWeePing Day. TO IQake it tastier, they USUalIy add dried SeaWeed l OnIeIet (煎蛋饼),Vegetables and ChiIi SaUCe to the PanCakeS・
4.SPring Onion and OmeIet
In QingdaO in ShandOng Province, PeOPle eat SPring OniOn and OmeIet On the day. They believe a mix Of the two helps improve eyesight and makes eyes brighter. In ancient times, PUPiIS Often Sent eggs to their teachers to ShOW respect On the day.
5.Steamed RiCe With Leaf MUStar(K盖菜)
In many PlaCCS in FUjian Province, PeOPle thought eating
Steamed rice With Ieaf mustard On TOInb-SWeePing Day COUld help
PreVent Skin diseases for the WhOle year ・
BeSideS the above SPeCiaI foods in different places,
a kind Of StCamed bun named ChineSe IOVe to eat different kinds Of foods to CeIebrate
PrOVinCe OftCn eat
TherefOre l (Iifferent festivals. Maybe that is a COmmOn Way for PeOPIe all
OVer the WOrId to CeIebrate SPeCiaI festivals.
PeOPIe in ShanXi afteτ JiC Zitui.
When is TOmb-SWeePing Day 51.
Where is QingtUan WideIy eaten in China around Qingming FeStiVaI 52.
HOW are SanZi in NOrth and SOUth China (Iifferent 53.
Why do PeOPIe eat Steamed rice With Ieaf mustard On TOmb-SWeePing 54. What is the main idea Of the PaSSage
七. 完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)
55. 我爸爸以前常开车上班,现在他乘公交车。
My drive his Car to work, but now he takes the bus.
father _
56. 我鬲信,通过努力我就可以实现我的梦想。
I through Iny hard work,
believe I
WilI _
57. 知外国人来说,颐和园是一个了解中国文化和历史的好地方。
FOr foreigners, the SUnmer PalaCe is
58. 北京任园会正如我们期待的一样
Beijing HOrtiCUltUraI EXhibitiOn is _ 59.
熊猫是中国 的象征。
Panda China ・
S are
八. 文段表达(10分)
• • • •
请不要写出你的校名和 姓名。
假如你是李华,你们学校将举办“读书分享活动”(Rgding Salon)O 请你邀请交换生 Peter 参加此项活动,告诉他活动的时间和地点,活动安排,以及他参加活动需要做的准 备。
提示词语:introduce, talk about, Iearn
提示问题:∙ When and Where Will you hold the Reading SalOn
• What WilI you do at the SaIOn
• What do you advise Peter to PrePare for it
Dear Peter,
HOW is everything going ThCre 11 be a RCa(Iing SalOn in OUr school.
LoOking forward to your early reply,
Iearn about ChineSC CUltUre
and history ・
We expect.
某英文网站正在开展题为“Something SPeCiaI to Me”的征文活动。
提示词语:meaningful^ gift, remind
提示问题:∙ HOW did you get it
• Why is it SPeCiaI to you
The minute I SCe the topic, I think Of _
五. 六、
1. C
6. B 7
5. A
8. A
9. B
12. C
13. C
16. 17
19∙ D 课内文段填空
21 ■ Although/ThOUgh/While
25. D
29. A
33. C
20. B
26. A
22・ feet
27. B
23. SaW
32. B
36. B
37. A 38. B 39. D 40.
41. B
42. A 43. D 44. A 45.
46. C
47∙ C 48. A 49∙ C
D 回答问题。
the 4th Or 5th day
Chinr S Jiangnan Area一the SOUthern Part Of the Yangtze River.
SOUthern Part Of the Yangtze RiVer・
SiZe and materia1・
50. On
5L In
In the
52. In
53・ BeCaUSe they think it Can help PreVent Skin CliSeaSeS for the WhOle
year ・
/ TO help PreVent Skin diseases for the WhOIe year.
54. Different foods for Qinglning FeStival∙
/ TraditiOnal ChineSe foods eaten On Tomb"Sweeping Day.
55. USed to 56∙ achieve/realize my dream(s) 57. a good PIaCe to
58. as wonderful/great∕∙∙∙ as 59. a/the SymbOl Of
60・ SamPIe 1:
IΛ d Iike to invite you to take Part in the reading SaIOn in OUr SChOOI Iibrary at 10:30 next Monday. ItiS the most POPUIe□r event Iiked by everyone. TO hold it successfully, We have done a IOt Of PreParatiOns∙ FOr example, w,e Will invite SOme book IOVerS to Share their ideas about the IerteSt books. We Will also have a book
sale9 Where StUdents Can SelI the books that they have Tea d・ The money We get WilI be dona ted to HOPe PrOjeC t・ It WilI be a grea t event.
AS We all know, you IOVe reading・ I do WiSh you COUIcl COme・ If you Can come, PleaSe make SUre to arrive On time and take your favorite book With you. We, 11 be Very PIeaSed to hear you introduce your favorite book・
SamPle 2:
The minute I See the topic, I think Of my teddy bear. AIthOUgh it is OId and small, it means SOmething SPeCiaI to me. ACtUally, I' Ve had it SinCe I WaS five years Old・ It WaS a birthday gift, given by my dear gremdmother・
I remember When I WaS a Iittle girl, I USed to feel Seared at night because I
didn' t Iike the darkness・ When I WaS Ieft alone, fear filled my heart immediately∙ I Cried and Cried・ It Seemed nothing COUId StOP it∙ Then my grandmother made this teddy bear for me. Surprisingly, the IOVeIy furry bear brought great ComfOrt to me. EaCh
time I held my teddy bear, I felt safe.
The bear reminds me Of those OId happy days With my grandma. I Iike it SO much
that I WilI keep it forever・
W: What a nice basketball, BilI! HOW Iong have you had it
M: I' Ve had it for a Week・
W: WhO bought it for you
M: Oh, my father did∙
W: So, you really Iike Playing basketball
M: Yeah. And I, Ve COlIeCted SeVeraI basketballs, but I' Ve given SOme away, SO now I have 3・
W: GOOd for you! (57 WOrdS)
W: Hello, Carl. It' S really hot these days, isn' t it
M: Yes, Anna・ Afte:T all, it' S SUmmer now.
W: RCmember the heavy SnOW in town in MarCh
M: Sure. The SChOOI WaS closed, SO I stayed at home and WatChed TV all the week.
W: I Temember I PIayed CheSS With my brother・ ThatS Why I, m SO good at it now.
M: Wow, that' S fun! BUt I WiSh we' 11 never experience SUCh terrible Weather again*
W: Neither do I. (78 WOrdS) 请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。
M: Hey, Cathy・ What t S WrOng YOU Seem a IittIe down・
W: Yeah, Mario. I' m just UPSet these days・ I find it really hard to get my ParentS to UnderStand me.
M: Well, even though they Were OnCe OUr age, SOmetimeS they SimPIy can,t UnderStand us.
W: I agree・ LaSt SUnday I WaS SO StreSSed that I Cried When havingdinner, and my ParentS tried to help, but I ended UP SPending the WhOIe evening alone in my room・
M: Maybe you Can talk to your teachers Or friends for help・
W: SOUndS Iike a good idea・ ThankS for your advice・
M: HOPe things WOrk OUt・(IO5 WOrdS)
Hi, I' m Amy from LOndOn・ I Went to EgyPt IaSt month・ I WaS amazed by the buildings that are thousands Of years old, and I enjoyed myself ViSiting those PIaCeS・When I WaS in Egypt, I WaS SUrPriSed that many Egyptians Came OVer and took PhOtOS With me. It turned OUt that there didn, t USe to be many tourists in Egypt, SO PeOPIe Were excited to See ViSitOrS from all OVer the WOrld・
I tried a IOt Of traditional food in EgyPt・ If you' re IOOking for the most SPeCial Egyptian dish, go for a bowl Of KUShari・ It doesn, t COSt much, IeSS than 1 dollar for a bowl.
By the way, EgyPt is SUrely a PIaCe to ViSit With a IOCal guide・ It' S great to be able to talk to SOmeOne who, S IiVed his WhOIe Iife in EgyPt・ I really miss my trip there!。