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在实际生产中,为提高生产效率,一般采用一机多线的锯丝生产设备,即同时生产多根锯丝[4]。在使 用图 1a 所示的一端进液结构扫砂管时,存在上砂槽内沉砂、锯丝表面磨粒分布不均等现象。为解决上述 问题,设计图 1b 所示的中间进液结构扫砂管,利用 CFX 软件对扫砂管喷砂口流速进行仿真计算,并对 仿真结果进行实验验证,以分析不同结构扫砂管和入口流速对喷砂口流速的影响,从而确定流速较均匀 的扫砂管结构,为提高上砂槽内流场搅拌均匀性及上砂槽内流场搅拌的仿真分析提供参考。
DOI: 10.19289/j.1004-227x.2020.03.003
马晓宾 1,葛培琪 1, 2, *,毕文波 1,孟剑峰 1
(1.山东大学机械工程学院,山东 济南 250061; 2.山东大学高效洁净机械制造教育部重点实验室,山东 济南 250061)
agitation pipe with an inlet in the middle has better agitation efficacy than the other.
Keywords: diamond wire saw; composite electroplating; agitation; blow hole; flow rate; simulation First-author’s address: School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University, Ji’nan 250061, China
槽内的搅拌ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ果优于一端进液扫砂管。
文章编号:1004 – 227X (2020) 03 – 0133 – 05
diamonds in coatings, a bath agitation pipe with an inlet in the middle was developed. The flow fields when using the two types
of bath agitation pipes were simulated at different inlet flow rates (1.40 m/s or 1.80 m/s) and velidated experimentally. It was
shown that there was no big difference between the results of simulations and experiments. For the agitation pipe with an inlet
at one end, the flow rate at the blow hole farthest from the inlet is the highest at both inlet flow rates, and the flow rate of a blow
1.40 m/s 和 1.80 m/s 的入口流速下对两种扫砂管进行了流场仿真分析及实验研究。结果表明,两种结构扫砂管的仿真分析与实
Abstract: As for the problems existing in the bath agitation pipe with an inlet at one end for manufacturing diamond wire
saws by composite electroplating, such as sedimentation of diamonds in electroplating tank and ununiform distribution of
随着集成电路工业和太阳能光伏发电等半导体产业的飞速发展,单晶硅、多晶硅等脆硬材料作为最 重要的原材料,其生产效率和加工质量直接影响半导体产业的后续发展[1]。电镀金刚石线锯丝以其线径 小、切割效率高、环境污染小、耐磨和耐热的优点,在脆硬材料线切割领域占据大部分市场[2]。目前针对 电镀金刚石线锯丝开展的上砂工艺研究主要集中于埋砂法、悬浮法和刷镀法[3]。悬浮法上砂均匀、效率 高,但上砂效果依赖于微粉在上砂槽镀液中的分散效果。传统的搅拌桨搅拌面积小,微粉悬浮不稳定, 且安装空间大。采用扫砂管搅拌运动连续,搅拌空间大,效果好。
hole is decreased with the decreasing of its distance from the inlet. For the bath agitation pipe with an inlet in the middle, the
highest flow rate appears at two ends, and the flow rates are in a symmetrical distribution at both sides of the inlet. The bath
1 扫砂管流场模型及仿真条件的建立
Simulational and experimental studies on flow rates at the blow holes of bath agitation pipe during composite
electroplating for manufacturing of diamond wire saws // MA Xiaobin, GE Peiqi*, BI Wenbo, MENG Jianfeng