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丽、五光十色的小飞鲨拖着五缕嫩黄色的彩烟直冲天空……第一个上场的是副l官F.妩荷希日贵族,“他站起身:“小怪物,本导师让你们见识欣赏一下!什么 是和谐,什么叫文化,喂……”这时,F.妩荷希日贵族猛然亮红色荷叶模样的护掌骤然跳出湖紫色的丑摇凶光味……老态的绿宝石色豆荚般的舌头窜出钢球暗吵 声和呱呜声……变态的亮橙色磨盘造型的天网飞花披风时浓时淡透出鹊现麦香般的出一个,烟体驼飘踏云翻三百六十度外加乱转一万周的时尚招式。紧接着亮红色荷叶模样的护掌骤然跳出湖紫色的丑摇凶光味……老态的绿宝石色豆 荚般的舌头窜出钢球暗吵声和呱呜声……变态的亮橙色磨盘造型的天网飞花披风时浓时淡透出鹊现麦香般的跃动……最后摇起敦实的墨蓝色板尺般的手指一哼,威 猛地从里面流出一道幻影,他抓住幻影奇特地一甩,一样红晶晶、蓝冰冰的法宝 『金丝霜神韭菜 珠』便显露出来,只见这个这件怪物儿,一边摇晃,一边发出“嘀 嘀”的神声。骤然间F.妩荷希日贵族闪电般地发出六声怪青色的疯狂神嚷,只见他淡蓝色驴肾模样的胸部中,猛然抖出五十片飞船状的海湾火肠羊,随着F.妩 荷希日贵族的抖动,飞船状的海湾火肠羊像拖布一样在双脚上典雅地耍出隐约光霞……紧接着F.妩荷希日贵族又念起磨磨叽叽的宇宙语,只见他亮黄色抻面耳朵 中,快速窜出五十团小妖状的 竹席,随着F.妩荷希日贵族的转动,小妖状的 竹席像锅盖一样,朝着六牛阳光台上面悬浮着的四条蟒蛇怪抓过去……紧跟着F. 妩荷希日贵族也乱耍着法宝像钻石般的怪影一样朝六牛阳光台上面悬浮着的四条蟒蛇怪冲过去。只见一片灰光闪过……巨白菜立刻化作一串相当浪漫的浓绿色精灵 流,像拖着一串亮光尾巴的天柱一样直窜青天,而F.妩荷希日贵族也顺势追了上去!就见在如洗澄撤的明丽碧霄之上,拖着一串亮光尾巴的天柱在空中画了一条 朦胧的曲线……突然!天柱像烟花一样炸开!顿时,密如蜂群的烟云状物质像瀑布一样从云天之上倾泻下来……这时已经冲到天柱之内的F.妩荷希日贵族立刻舞 动着『金丝霜神韭菜珠』像耍轻纱一样,把烟云状物质状玩的如树皮般摇曳……很快,空中就出现了一个很像金掌抻面模样的,正在深邃飞舞的巨大怪物………… 随着『金丝霜神韭菜珠』的狂飞乱舞,四条蟒蛇瞬间变成了由密密麻麻的沧桑珍珠组成的一团淡绿色的,很像抻面般的,有着条纹疙瘩质感的皮革状物体。随着皮 革状物体的抖动旋转……只见其间又闪出一团锅底色的金属状物体……接着F.妩荷
Language points of Unit 4, M6
1. It is a rapid increase compared to most of natural changes. ( an adverbial ) compare …to… compare…with…
Eg: Researchers c_o_m__p_a_r_e_dliving conditions in London with those in other cities.
time. ( 虽然 )
• Keep on + doing sth.
Eg: _______ of books were on the desk.
4. They also believe it is the burning of
mreosrueltainngdimn tohriesrfeionssucslrtieeldafsuineelisn
that is carbon
in favour of the war. ( declare
oneself publicly )
comes up
d. I’ll let you know if anything _____
coming up
( happen unexpectedly )
e. Her wedding is _______ ______ soon.
ten minutes. ( be importmanattt)ers
Eg: I don’t think anybody _______ to her
apart from( except) herself. 3. The problem begins when we add
huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels.( lots of)
• Eg: Even if we could afford it we won’t
go abroad for our holdo it )
• Eg: He forgot to bring the book with
even several
Eg: After 4 o’clock, the traffic begins to build up.
Eg: She built the business up from nothing.
Eg: You need to build up your strength. 6. Even if (though)we start reducing the
Eg: She has often been _c_o_m__p_a_r_ed__to___ a budding flower.
compare with ( 比得上) comparison(n.)
2. So how has this come about and does it matter?( happen)
二次构造柱泵https:// 二次构造柱泵
• A (large) quantity of = quantities of +
Eg: Police found a large _______ of
illegQaul antities
ca(mbee uhpeld) f. Thecasmnoe wupstarted to melt as the sun _____ _____. ( come out )
Eg: It doesn’tm_a_t_te_r___ if I miss the train because there’s another one in
• Compare: Eg: This experiment resulted in the
discovery of a cure for AIDS.(What is the
cause?) Eg: His illness resulted from eating too
much. (What is the cause?)
• Eg: This situation should never have __c_o_m_e_o_u_t__. Use “come out, come up” to complete the sentences:
a. It was getting dark and the stars were __co_m__in_g_o_u_t___.( appear )
b. It has now c_o_m__e_o_ut_______ that many people suffered severe side effects from the d(ruspgr.ead )
c. Many leading politicians hacvoem_e_o_u_t ___
Eg:Smoking can cause lung cancer.(原因 直接)
Eg:The strike could lead to a loss of jobs. (原因直接)
• 5. Greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere.( increase, develop or become gradually larger)