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1. Head

The head is thought to be the most important part of the human body. So a leader is often compared to a head (首脑). Thus we have Head of State or the head of a delegation.

The head is where the brain is located. It is naturally associated with ideas and intelligence. Very often, we need other people's ideas and opinions when we want to do something well. The is because two heads are better than one (三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮).

2. Eye

The eyes are extremely precious to us. That is why we say" Mind your eye (当心)! when we reminding someone to be careful.

Not only human beings and animals have eyes, many things also have" eyes" the eyes of a ship, the eye of a needle, the eye of a typhoon, and so on.

3. Ear

The ear is the organ of hearing. A piece of light music is easy on the ear. (悦耳动听). We are usually all ears (专心聆听) for bit news.

When they think somebody is overhearing, English people use either of the two proverbs: Walls have ears (隔墙有耳) and Pitchers have ears (壶罐有耳). They also think that little pitchers have big ears(小孩子耳朵尖). Nice boys and girls respect other people. They will not secretly listen to others' private conversations.

4. Nose

The English phrase "face to face (面对面)" and its Chinese counterpart(对应) are exactly the same. But English people, to express the same idea, can say nose to nose instead. There is no such substitute in Chinese.

The word nose appears in many idioms. Here are two which are quite similar to their Chinese equivalents: lead somebody by the nose (牵着某人的鼻子走) and turn up one's nose at somebody or something (对某人或某物嗤之一鼻).

English people can say as plain as the nose in one's face (一清二楚) to mean "very obvious". May be to them, the nose is the most conspicuous part of the face.

5. Lip

We have two lips: the upper lip and the lower lip. If one's two lips are closed, one cannot speak. So it goes without saying that "don't open your lips (不要开口)" means "don't speak".

His lips are sealed. Are his lips really stuck together by wax or glue? No, his lips are sealed when asked about something that he must keep secret. Sometimes a top secret is betrayed because it has escaped someone's lips (脱口而出). Then the incident may become a piece of news that is on everybody's lips (众口相传).

6. Tongue

We all know we cannot speak without the tongue. So the tongue is closely related to speech. To hold one's tongue (保持沉默) means "to keep silent". A person who has too much tongue (太多嘴) is disliked by all, for he is too talkative. Mother tongue is not the tongue of a mother: it is a person's native language.

"Don't you have a moth below your nose (你鼻子底下不是有张嘴吗)?" The Chinese say so to blame a person who did not say what he should have said. But this not the right way to express the

idea in English. English people would say, "You have a tongue in your head, haven't you?"

7. Face

Face has to do with the idea of respect and dignity both in Chinese and English. You lose your face (丢面子) if you fail again and again, but a decisive victory will save your face (挽回面子) after all your failures.

When you feel unhappy, you pull a long face (拉长脸). The idea is conveyed in Chinese in the same way. But "about face (向后转)" does not refer to the face. It is a military order to turn round and face in the opposite direction. It is the exact equivalent of " about turn".

8. Shoulder

The shoulders can bear heavy things. Your father has a great responsibility for the family on his shoulder. When faced with difficulty, the family should stand shoulder to shoulder (肩并肩) to overcome it. You should not turn a cold shoulder (不理睬) to your family members. Nor should you give your friends the cold shoulder (冷落朋友). Both expressions mean treating others coldly.

9. Back

A good host is hospitable to his guests. But, if guest is tiresome, the host is glad to see his back (他离开).

If your friend has done something really well, you may give him a pat on the back (轻轻拍背部) to show your appreciation.

If you turn your back on somebody (不理睬他人), you mean you do not like making friends with that person.

10. Heart

The heart is an extremely important organ inside the chest. It usually stands for something important or the centre of something, for example, the heart of the matter (问题的核心) or the heart of mystery.

Many other expressions make use of the word heart. A lover can be called a sweet heart (情人). The Purple Heart (紫心徽章) is a medal given as an honor to American soldiers wounded in battle.

If your friend is in trouble, you may encourage him by saying "Don't lose heart (不要灰心)."

11. Stomach

The stomach is naturally related to one's appetite. If you dislike heavy food, you have no stomach for it (反胃). The word is also related to one's interests or likings. If you find something boring or vulgar, you have no stomach for it, either. Bad food turns your stomach. Similarly, your stomach turns at a bad joke.

Stomach can also be a verb. Look at this example: "How could you stomach (忍受) such rude words?" Apparently, stomach here can be replaced by "tolerate".

12. Arm

Every person has two arms: the right arm and the left arm. The right arm is usually stronger, so we call a good helper the right arm (得力助手).

We all know an arm is not very long. But when you keep someone at arm's length (保持距离), the distance is long enough. For that means you don not like that person and you try your best to avoid him or her. We should indeed keep the bad friends at arm's length.

13. Hand

Quite a number of phrases formed form the word hand are very similar to their Chinese counterparts. Here are

some obvious examples: a fresh hand (新手), short of hands (人手短缺), hand in hand (手拉手) and wash one's hands of something (洗手不干了). But do not always take this for granted. Study these examples and you will understand.

He lives from hand to mouth (He has just enough money to live on). We gave them a big hand (We gave them lots of applause).

14. Finger

How many fingers does each of your hands have? Now let's name them in English from the smallest: the little finger, the ring finger, the middle finger, the index finger and thumb.

Each finger has its own part to play. If your fingers are all thumbs (笨拙), that is too bad. That means you are very clumsy.

15. Thumb

Chinese people turn up their thumbs to express appreciation. English people do so to express not only appreciation but also approval. Chinese people never turn their thumbs down to mean anything. But English people do. They do so to show depreciation disapproval. Thus in English you can say, "We turn thumbs up (赞成) to Jack's suggestion but they turn thumbs down (不赞成) to it."

Similarly, you can warmly praise someone by saying "Thumbs up (真棒)!" and show your dissatisfaction by saying "Thumbs down (差劲)!"

16. Nail

If you see two of your classmates fighting tooth and nail (又抓又咬), you must stop them at once. Otherwise, at least one of them would be hurt.

Nail also means a thin pointed piece of metal for hammering into something. But it is related to the body in this sentence: "Peter is as hard as nails (结实的象铁打的)." We all hope that we are as strong and healthy as he is.

Then if I say you have hit the nail on the head (中肯,一针见血), I don not mean that you have done something cruel. I mean that you have said exactly the right thing.

17. Leg

The word leg appears in many colloquial expressions. At a party, when you feel like dancing, you can say to a good friend of yours, "Let's shake a leg." Obviously, it means " Let's dance." When you want your fiend to hurry, you can also "shake a leg". In American English it means "hurry".

The arms and legs are very important to us. Therefore when asked why you are not going to buy something expensive, you may answer, "It costs an arm and a leg!" You mean that it is really expensive. If you pull one's leg, it means you make fun of someone.

18. Toe

To convey the idea "from head to foot", English people san say from top to toe. But Chinese people don't.

Some people turn their toes out (八字脚) when they walk. Some turn their toes in.

When faced with danger, we must be alert and ready for action, that is to say, we must be on our toes (保持警惕).

19. Skin

Human beings have skin. So have animals and plants. The skin can be think or thin. A think-skinned person, or a person who has a thin skin, is easily upset or offended while a thick-skinned person, or a person who has a think skin, is quite the contrary

. Both expressions are sometimes derogatory (贬义). That is to say, sometimes the former refers to a person who is too sensitive; the latter a person who has little sense of shame.

20. Hair

Most people will only think of the hair on our head when the word hair is mentioned. In fact, some animals and plants also have hair.

A horrible scene may make a person's hair stand on end (毛骨悚然). But a courageous person will not turn a hair (不畏惧) even though he is in face of danger.

Sometimes, a friend of yours may be so angry that he may act foolishly. Then you had better give him this advice: "Keep your hair on (别发脾气)".


1.A bad beginning makes a bad ending.


2.A bad thing never dies.


3.A bad workman always blames his tools.


4.A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.


5.A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.


6.A bully is always a coward.


7.A burden of one's choice is not felt.


8.A candle lights others and consumes itself.


9.A cat has 9 lives.


10.A cat may look at a king.


11.A close mouth catches no flies.


12.A constant guest is never welcome.


13.Actions speak louder than words.


14.Adversity leads to prosperity.


15.Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.


16.A fair death honors the whole life.


17.A faithful friend is hard to find.


18.A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.


19.A fox may grow gray, but never good.


20.A friend in need is a friend indeed.


21.A friend is easier lost than found.


22.A friend is never known till a man has need.


23.A friend without faults will never be found.


24."After you" is good manners.


25.A good beginning is half done.


26.A good beginning is half done.


27.A good book is a good friend.


28.A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.


29.A good conscience is a soft pillow.


30.A good fame is better than a good face.


31.A good husband makes a good wife.


32.A good medicine tastes bitter.


33.A good wife health

is a man's best wealth.


34.A great talker is a great liar.


35.A hedge between keeps friendship green.


Sandy Kroh 任教的语言学;邓炎昌教授的关于跨文化交际的讲座;陈琳教授的习俗与谚语;Jill Robins 博士的语言学习策略,从语言理论和实践两个方面探讨了语言学习的环境和文化问题。阐述了环境和文化对语言教学所起的重要作用。他们这些耐人寻味的传授和教导使我懂得了掌握一种语言并不仅限于学习语言本身在语言学习中,目标语的文化知识不但是培养交际能力的重要方面,而且其本身也是教育的要求之一。

在听取了中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会理事长、人教社教材主编刘道义,人教社外语室主任龚亚夫的关于教材、大纲与课程设计的系列报告后,我向李静纯教授汇报了关于我的“高中英语创造性教学设计”的课题构想,得到李老师的积极肯定。根据李老师的要求,我迅速完成了课题有关的理论构架与总体设计的工作,并与班的主要教师进行讨论,征求意见与建议。并向培训部主任张连仲教授汇报。得到了张主任的大力支持与有力的指导。为了能够让更多的骨干教师参与这个有意义的工作,我们在班上成立了24人的课题组。在课题的研究工作中我主要完成下列工作:1) 课题有关的理论构架与总体设计; 2) 担任核心组组长,组织讨论、修订完善课题工作文件; “高中英语创造性教学设计”科研课题针对人民教育出版社的教材进行四个版块的设计,即:背景知识设计,导入设计,语篇理解设计,活动设计。试图通过本设计倡导任务型教学,引导教师做一个具有创新理念、创新能力和勇于创新实践的创新型教师,倡导教师创造性使用课本,通过任务的设计,在潜移默化中培养学生的学习策略,培养学生的创新思维能力。得到了刘道义、龚亚夫、李静纯等人教社专家的指导。他们认为课题的研究对英语教师正确地使用教材,有创造性地教学提供了很好的素材构件与设计模式。


Qualifications for a Language Teacher
作者:Wilga M. Rivers

1. Teachers must firstly know themselves and their strengths and weaknesses in interpersonal relations;

2. Teachers must know their students: who they are, what their aspirations are, how they learn as individuals;

3. Teachers must understand how teaching and learning relate to each other and interact fruitfully, realizing that either can exist without the other;

4. Teachers must accept and encourage a variety of learning styles allowing for differences in individual;

5. Teachers do not remain caught up in th

eir own discipline but see it in relation to the total educational experience;

6. Teachers must have enough flexibility of mind and sensitivity to professional winds of change.


本书介绍的语言,在英语是属于淫秽的语言(obscene language),也可以说是脏话(dirty words)。往往是不便说出口的话,因而能说是隐语(shadowlanguage),也可以说是“成为禁忌的语言”(tabooed words)。其中,尤其不便说出口的话有fuck(性交,干),因为刚好是四个字母,所以禁忌语也可以说成four-letter word(四字经)。此外,shit(大便)是四字,cock(阴茎)也是四字,所以four-letter word有“不便开口的话”之意。所谓禁忌语并不是现代才有,受迷信或传统支配的古代或原始民族更多,这是在某种环境或状况下,不便说出口的话。这也不限于淫秽的话,也有正相反的情形。例如在缅甸或朝鲜、大溪地等国家,国王或皇帝的名字是至高无上,不可以随便说出口的,日本到今天还是如此,外国的报纸会不客气地说Emperor Hirohito(裕仁天皇)或Prince Akihito(明仁皇太子),但在日本的报纸上却不能写出名字。并不限于未开发的国家才有禁忌语,例如英国对有关宗教的语言God(神)、devil(魔鬼)、Christ(耶稣)等-是除了认真谈话时以外,不可以随便说出口的。如在开玩笑或轻松的谈话时说:Jesus Christ(耶稣基督),一定会被认为你是不懂礼貌的人。在骂“你是个畜生!”或“可恶的东西!”时,英国人会使用有关神的话。
For Christ's sake!(为了基督!)
God damned!(神啊,受诅咒吧!)
Oh,damn it!(诅咒它吧!)
这些话比我们骂“你这畜生!”更为严重,因为这不仅是“骂人”,也是对神的冒犯。就广义而言,slang(俚语)也可以列入禁忌语,但有许多话除了高尚集会或正式场合以外是可以说出口的。俚语(slang)是最能生动表现出时代时代心声的语言,即便是有高深学问的人,在使用俚语能使谈话更有效时,往往也会使用。不过在俚语中,属于cant或jargon的话只有在特殊的团体-如学生之间或黑社会-之间才能理解,一般是很少使用。侮辱性地描述一个民族或国民,或阶级的俚语也是禁忌。例如黑人会带着怨恨称白人是snake(蛇),而白人则轻蔑黑人为nigger而不是称Negro。这些话在相同的种族间也是禁忌,更遑论向黑人或白人这样说,无疑是不要命的行为了。此外,关于性行为与排泄的slang是tabooed。而本书就是试图要对这两种tabooed words做详尽的介绍。虽然是禁忌语,但因为能表达丰富的意思,又颇有生动的气氛,还是


字典英语与生活英语之差异,凡是努力学过英语的人都有一个共同的缺点,那就是不会区别文章与口语。美国人批评我们的英语是:classroom English(教室英语)exaggerated English(夸张的英语)。而我们却不了解他们为什么会这样说。虽然英美人士告诉我们说他们在日常生活里不使用big words(难字),但很难判断究竟哪些是big words。一般而言,为表示同样的意思本来有很短的字,但我们喜欢用较长的字,所以批评说“用太多的big words”或“夸张的英语”。That's a tough question.
这样的一句话,我们往往会说称That's a difficult question。一般认为出自盎格鲁撒克逊族的英语是大众化,而以拉丁语为源流的英语是 big words,至于性行为或排泄用语也是相同的情形。我们对这方面的英语亦是如此,对“艰难学术用语”熟知能详,而一般英美大众使用的,或在小说中出现的简单形容却不了解。例如,阴茎penis或阴户vagina是属于拉丁语系的“有教养的英语”,有关这些字我们都知道。可是关于阴茎使用cock或dick等字,在小说中更常使用,而且,有不知道vagina的英美人,而不知道cunt、pussy或crack意思的英美人则无。当然,在字典上也许能查到penis或vagina,只是往往没有代表这种意思的slang。一想到后者的使用更为“活生生”,并且在英美的使用度极为频繁时,不能不对我们字典编汇的方式产生怀疑。以下首先介绍我们字典上的“艰难高级字”。
以上这些字在英美人眼里看来,会感觉到“太长”或“听来不顺”、“矫情”等。vagina(阴户)等虽然是短的字,但和前面提到的cunt(阴户)比较,有“矫情、 装模作样”的感觉。况且在平常的谈话中,绝不会使用defecation表示“小便”,只有在医学论文才使用得上。其中,只有penis会在小说中出现,除此之外仅用于“高级文章”。
He had sex with Mary.
He copulated Mary.
在字典里虽然会出现有sexual intercourse“性交”,但会话中不会说:
Will you have sexual intercourse with me?
Will you sleep with me?(“和我上床好不好?”等程度的

也从来没有听过小便时说urination,常听到的是piss。大便是shit,绝不是象字典上写的defecate或have a bowel movement。笔者在学生时代也曾拼命地背过英语辞典上的这些字,但后来发现完全派不上用场。
但是,在我国也会避免直接形容说“我想去大便”,而改说“厕所在哪里? ”或 “洗手间在哪里?”,当然英语也会绕圈说: May I wash hands?(我可以去洗手吗?)在这里要说明的是,在至友或男人之间说这样的行为时,不说defecate ,而说shit。同样地面对面地谈性行为时,还是会绕着弯说:Let's go to bed. 一般人通常不会直接对女性说Let's have sex. 可是男人之间的谈话,或有女性在场,而且是非正式的集会中,想说“和玛丽有了吗?”时,就说: He had sex with Mary. 而不会说成He had copulation with Mary. 这就是笔者特别要强调的地方。现在针对“迂回的说法”再举几个实例说明。十九世纪后期,清教徒在美国还有势力的时期,“脚”leg或“胸”breast都成为不可使用的字,就是连鸡脚或鸡胸也不可以。这样的结果,鸡的“胸脯肉”就成为“白肉”white meat,“脚肉”就被成为“黑肉”dark meat。即使是“雄鹿”buck,“公猪”boar,“雌犬”bitch,“种马”stallion等在当时也列为禁忌。在今天,“雄鸡”cock一字正如后面会谈到的仍是禁忌字,这是因为另外还有属于禁忌的意思。而在那时,仅因为是“雄”或“雌”,就成为不可使用的对象。
“公牛”是bull,但因为是要“传种的公牛”,所以十九世纪的清教徒将其成为he-cow。cow是“母牛”,但大概是又成为对牛的一般总称,所以才可以使用吧。虽然同样是“公牛”,但ox的“粗犷”之意强过“性”的印象,因此将bull 特意改说成seed-ox(种公牛)。这样说来,似乎把目的说得更清楚,但seed的字义是“ 植物种子”的语感较强,大概因此而被认为seed-ox比bull有清洁感吧。请看第三章就知道,关于“方便”也有极其繁多的婉转说法。当时对这种毫无意义的事也列为禁忌字,但是到今天,对于女性“怀孕”也绝不可以说"pregnant"这个字。而应该绕着弯子说:
She is "expecting".(她在“待产”中。)
She is "in a delicate condition".(她正“怀孕中”。)
She is "well-along".(她“心满意足”。)
She is about to have a "blessed event".(她不久会有“喜事”。)
She is about to be "in a family way".(她不久就要走向“家庭之路”。)
She is "in trouble".(她“有了麻

当然,in trouble也是和一般的苦恼通用,但对年轻的女性说in trouble,就要当作“怀孕”解释了。当走在辽阔的山野时,如果女性说:
I want to pick flowers.(我想去摘花。)实际上就是想去“方便”的意思。如果说illegitimate child(私生子)时就显得太严肃,但使用俚语bastard又显得太露骨,于是说成:
He was born "out of wedlock".(他是在“婚外”生的。)
很自然地,“婚生”就成为born in wedlock,这也是常可看到的用法。
alter a male dog(改变公狗)或:
fix a male dog(处理公狗)
He died,他们会说:
He went to his rewards.(他去领奖了。)
He fell asleep.(他躺下长眠了。)
He passed away.(他离去了。)
He breathed his last.(他咽下了最后一口气。)
He was killed.(他被杀了。)
He fell in battle.(他为国捐躯。)
The sailor was "lost at set".(海军士兵“沉没在海里”。)
“强奸”是rape,但在报上的报导绝不会说“女性遭强奸”(She was raped.),
She was "betrayed".(她“被骗失身”了。)
She was "attacked".
She was molested.
She is the victim of "felonious assault".
所谓felonious是法律用语“重罪(的)”的意思,能判“重罪的”,也许除了强奸以外还有其它的行为,但说“她成为可判强暴重罪的牺牲者”,其代表的意思自然只有一个了。另外还有“凶恶的”意思,大概可以译成felonious crime(凶犯罪恶)。既然“怀孕”都不可说,“堕胎”abortion一字更不能使用了。最近在杂志或小说中虽然已经频频使用,但在报上或高雅一点的说法是:
criminal operation(犯罪的手术)
“妓女户”如果直译是house of pr

house of ill-repute(不名誉的家)
disorderly house(妓院)
sporting house(寻乐窝,妓院)
He is a sport.
“家庭不和的家庭”虽然也是“无秩序”,但说成disorderly house会引起误解。
fallen woman(堕落的女人)
fallen angel(堕落的天使)
