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Two Magnetic Rings of Magnetostrictive Displacement Sensor∗
SUN Ying 1ꎬ2∗ ꎬREN Leihao 1ꎬ2 ꎬCHEN Zheng 1ꎬ2 ꎬWENG Ling 1ꎬ2
(1.State Key Laboratory of Reliability and Intelligence of Electrical EquipmentꎬHebei University of TechnologyꎬTianjin 300130ꎬChinaꎻ
output signal of the sensor in the measurement blind area is analyzed. In this paperꎬthe relationship between the bi ̄
asing magnetic field and the distance between two magnetic rings is studiedꎬthe output voltage model of the biasing
第 33 卷 第 2 期
传 感 技 术 学 报
2020 年 2 月
Vol 33 No 2
Feb. 2020
Analysis of the Influence of the Measurement Blind Area between
环放置方向无关ꎬ磁环偏置磁场强度越小ꎬ磁环间的测量盲区越小ꎬ磁场叠加影响的电压幅值变化量也越小ꎮ 且在传感器的
测量盲区内ꎬ电压输出信号将会受到偏置磁场与电压输出波形叠加的影响ꎬ这两种因素都会导致传感器检测失效ꎮ 该研究结
magnetic field intensity of the magnetic ringꎬthe smaller the measurement blind area between the magnetic ringsꎬ
and the smaller the variation of the voltage amplitude affected by the magnetic field superposition.In the blind area
verified by experiments. The results show that the size of the measurement blind area is independent of the place ̄
ment direction of the magnetic ring when the specifications of the magnetic ring are the same. The smaller the bias
2.Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Apparatus Reliability of Hebei ProvinceꎬHebei University of TechnologyꎬTianjin 300130ꎬChina)
Abstract:In order to reduce the measurement blind area between the two magnetostrictive displacement sensorsꎬthe
of the sensorꎬthe voltage output signal will be affected by the superposition of bias magnetic field and voltage output
waveformꎬboth of which will lead to the sensor detection failure. The results provide a theoretical basis for the selec ̄
tion of the magnetic ring and the reduction of the measurement blind area between the magnetic rings.
Key words:magnetostrictionꎻdisplacement sensorꎻdouble magnetic ringꎻmeasurement blind areaꎻoutput voltage
2.河北工业大学河北省电磁场与电器可靠性重点实验室ꎬ天津 300130)
摘 要:为减小双磁环磁致伸缩位移传感器磁环间的测量盲区ꎬ对传感器在测量盲区内的输出信号进行了分析ꎮ 从双磁环
环在不同间距与放置方向时传感器的输出电压ꎬ并通过实验进行了验证ꎮ 结果表明ꎬ磁环规格相同时ꎬ测量盲区的大小与磁
EEACC:7230 doi:10.3969 / j.issn.1004 - 1699.2020.02.006
磁致伸缩位移传感器双磁环间测量盲区的影响分析 ∗
孙 英1ꎬ2∗ ꎬ任雷浩1ꎬ2 ꎬ陈 铮1ꎬ2 ꎬ翁 玲1ꎬ2
(1.河北工业大学省部共建电工装备可靠性与智能化国家重点实验室ꎬ天津 300130ꎻ
magnetostrictive displacement sensor is establishedꎬand the output voltage of three groups of biasing magnetic field
with different intensity of biasing magnetic rings in different distance and placement direction is calculatedꎬwhich is