水平钻井 Horizontal Drilling




非开挖水平定向钻污水管专项施工方案非开挖水平定向钻(Horizontal Directional Drilling, HDD)是一种用于安装污水管的无开挖施工方法。


1. 工程背景本工程的目标是在特定区域内安装污水管道。


2. 施工方案2.1 方案选择根据现场情况和技术要求,确定使用非开挖水平定向钻进行污水管道的施工。


2.2 设备准备合适的水平定向钻设备和相关配件将被准备和采购,以满足施工的需求。


2.3 地质勘测在施工前,对工程区域进行详细的地质勘测,以了解地下情况,包括土壤类型、地下水位、地面和地下管线布局等。


2.4 施工流程2.4.1 现场布置:合理确定钻孔位置和设备摆放点,确保施工区域的安全和通畅。

2.4.2 钻孔:根据设计要求和勘测结果,在地面上进行水平定向钻孔,控制钻孔的深度和方向。

2.4.3 安装管道:通过地下推力装置或其他合适的方法,将管道引入钻孔,确保管道的质量和对接牢固。

2.4.4 回填和恢复:在管道安装完成后,将孔洞回填并进行必要的地面恢复工作,使地面恢复原貌。

2.5 安全管理施工过程中,必须严格遵守安全规定和操作程序。


2.6 环保措施施工过程中要注意环境保护,防止污染。


2.7 质量控制施工过程中要进行质量监控和质量检查,确保管道安装符合设计要求和相关标准。

3. 施工进度和费用根据工程的规模和复杂程度,制定合理的施工进度,并进行费用估算和预算控制。

4. 风险评估和应急预案在施工前,进行全面的风险评估,识别潜在的风险,并制定相应的应急预案,以应对突发事件和保障施工的顺利进行。



水平定向钻施工技术规程一、概述水平定向钻(Horizontal Directional Drilling,简称HDD)是一种高效、环保、节能的管道布设技术,具有小占地面积、对地面、道路和建筑物等不会造成破坏、施工速度快等优点。

















水平定向钻试钻报告一、引言水平定向钻(Horizontal Directional Drilling,HDD)是一种应用广泛的地下建设技术,通过钻探设备在地下进行钻孔,并在地下水平方向上进行探测和钻探。




三、试钻过程1. 钻探设备准备在试钻开始前,需要准备相关的钻探设备,包括钻机、钻头、钻杆等。


2. 地面布置在试钻现场,需要进行地面布置,包括搭建临时工地、放置试钻设备和材料、设置安全警示标志等。


3. 钻探孔准备根据试钻需求,确定试钻孔的位置和方向,并进行地面标记。


4. 钻探操作使用钻机和钻杆进行试钻操作。



5. 试钻记录在试钻过程中,需要及时记录试钻的各项数据,包括孔深、孔径、地下水位、地下结构等。













水平定向钻机(Horizontal Directional Drilling,HDD)是一种无开挖和无破坏的地下钻孔方法,常用于管线铺设、地质勘探和地下设施安装等工程项目中。

1. 钻孔布置:首先,根据需要的管道布置和地质状况,选定适合的钻孔点位和方向。


2. 钻孔操作:水平定向钻机在钻孔开始前被放置在入口点,机身平放水平。



3. 钻头工作:钻头位于钻杆的前端,具有尖锐的切削边缘和喷水装置。


4. 钻孔导向:为了保证钻孔的方向和位置,水平定向钻机配备了导向系统。



5. 钻孔完成:一旦钻孔达到预定的深度和位置,钻杆和钻头被提取出地下。






石油钻井工程英语词汇(5篇)第一篇:石油钻井工程英语词汇石油钻井工程英语词汇2008-10-15第一章:石油钻井工程英语基础词汇第1 节石油钻井工程基础词汇钻井:drill 定向斜井:directional drilling 欠平衡钻井:under-balance drilling 海上钻井:off-shore drilling 陆地钻井:on-shore drilling 钻头:drill bit 刮刀钻头:drag bit 牙轮钻头:rock bit(镶齿钻头insert bit, 钢齿钻头steel toothed bit)金刚石钻头:diamond bit 取心钻头:coring bit 钻头浮阀:float valve 钻头水眼:bit nozzle(or jet)钻头水眼刺:bit nozzle washed out 钻头规:bit caliper(bit gauge)钻头泥包:bit is balling 钻头钝了,我建议现在起钻:bit is dull.I suggest to POOH now 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China钻铤:DC(drill collar)光钻铤slick drill collar,螺旋钻铤spiral drill collar 钻杆:DP(drill pipe)方钻杆:kelly 公扣:pin end 母扣:box end 内平式连接:IF(internal flash)正规式连接:REG(regular)贯眼式连接:FH(full hole)加重钻杆heavy weight drill pipe 短钻杆pop joint 井下马达:downhole motor 涡轮钻具:turbine 震击器:drilling jar 减震器:absorber 下部钻具组合:BHA(bottom hole assembly)钻具扶正器:stabilizer(string stabilizer, near-bit stabilizer)钻机:drill rig 钻井泥浆:drilling mud 钻井液:drilling fluid 钻井设备:drilling equipment油:oil 原油:crude oil 天然气:nature gas 煤层气:coal-bed gas 石油:petroleum 中国石油(简称):CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation)长城钻井(简称):GWDC(Great Wall Drilling Company)采油:oil production 产油层(目的层):reservoir(or pay zone)钻进:drilling 调整钻井参数以得到理想的机械钻速:play the drilling parameters to get fast ROP 起钻:POOH(pull out of hole)下钻:RIH(run in hole)下套管:run casing(or RIH with casing)短起下钻:wiper trip 循环泥浆:circulate 泥浆:reverse circulate 中途循环泥浆:break circulation 分段下钻:RIH in stages 通井:control trip 划眼:reaming 倒划眼:back reaming 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 接单根:make connection 滑、割大绳:slip and cut drilling line by ton-mile 保养设备:maintain the equipment 修理设备: repair(or fix)the equipment 保养顶驱:service TDS 保养冲管:lubricate wash pipe 待工日费:standby rate 今天零日费:there is no day rate today(zero day rate today)我可以为您做,但必须收费,请理解I can do for you and I have to charge(back charge)you.Please give me full understanding.不在我的职责范围之内,我要汇报领导,一有消息会马上告诉你It is out of my power and I have to report to my boss.I will let you know as soon as I get news.大鼠洞:rat hole 小鼠洞:mouse hole 钻具错扣:the connections are crossed 钻具粘扣:thread is galled 丝扣坏了:the thread is damaged 起钻错扣:alternate the connections 新钻具或接头磨扣:break in the new tool joint 新钻头磨合:break in the new bit PDC 钻头井底造型:shape the PDC bit跳钻:rough drilling(vibrated drilling, bit is bouncing)蹩钻:rough drilling(drilling torque is abnormally high)缩径:tight hole 起钻遇卡:get overpull 下钻遇阻:set weight 部分漏失:partially lost circulation 全部漏失:totally lost circulation 盲钻:blind drilling 堵水眼:bit jets are blocked 掉水眼:bit jets are lost 憋压:the pressure is built up 卸压:release pressure 试压:pressure test 功能测试:function test 双方独自检查:double check 地质:geology 地质专业人员:geologist 物理:physics 地球物理勘探: geo-physical exploration.测井:logging 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 电测井作业:wireline logging operation 泥浆测井:mud logging 井(副词“好”含意):well 拓展记忆:井眼:bore hole 油气井:oil&gas well 试井:well test 井下:down-hole 井下作业:down-hole operation 第2 节石油钻井方法基础词汇钻井原理:the principles of drilling 顿钻钻井:percussion drilling,cable-tool drilling 旋转钻井:rotary drilling 大位移井:big distance(or extended)well 侧钻井:sidetracking drilling 水平井:horizontal well 探井:wildcat,wildcat drilling 深井:deep well 浅井:shallow well 老井:maturing well 丛式钻井:cluster well drilling 煤层气井:coal-bed gas well 生产井:production well 报废井:abandoned well 停产井:none-production well 井下情况:downhole condition 第3 节石油钻井技术基础词汇技术规范,技术指标,技术性能:specification 拉伸:tension 拉伸强度:tensile strength 弯曲强度:bending srength 最小屈服强度: minimum torsional strength 应力:stress 压力:pressure 应力点:stress point 压力降:pressure drop 压力梯度:pressure gradient 回压:back pressure 大气压:atmosphere 压差:pressure difference 静液柱压力:static fluid cloumn pressure 地层压力:formation pressure 坍塌压力:collapse pressure 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 破裂压力:fractured pressure 液体:liquid 固体:solid 气体:gas,air 正的:positive 负的:negative 水平的:horizontal 垂直的:vertical 第4 节石油钻井参数基础词汇钻压:WOB(weight on bit)转盘转速:RPM(rotation per minute)泵压:SPP(slurry pump pressure)泵冲:SPM(stroke per minute)排量:FR(flow rate)大钩负荷:hook load 扭矩:torque 反扭矩:reactive torque 钻速:ROP(rate of penetration)顶驱:TDS(top drive system)钻井周期:drilling period 钻井成本:drilling costs 井眼尺寸:hole size 垂深:TVD(total vertical depth)井深:MDD(measured depth)水平位移:horizontal displacement 井斜角:angle(or hole inclination)方位角:azimuth 井眼环空:annulus 第5 节石油钻井作业现场工作人员名称甲方:oil company(operator)钻井承包商:drilling contractor 第三方(分包商)the third party(sub-contractor)钻井经理:drilling manager 监督:supervisor 钻井监督:DSV(drilling supervisor)or Companyman 地质监督:geologist 泥浆工程师:mud engineer 固井工程师:cementing engineer 泥浆录井工:mud logger 钻井队:drilling crew,drilling team 钻井1 班:drilling shift one 总经理:general manager 总工程师:chief engineer 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601 邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 项目经理:project manager(country manager)作业经理:operation manager 财务经理:financial manger 会计:accountant平台经理:rig manager 带班队长:tool pusher HSE 监督:HSE officer 司钻:driller 副司钻:assistant driller 井架工:derrick man 钻工:roughneck(or floorman)场地工:roustabout 泥浆工:mudman 发动机工:motorman 机械师:mechanic 电工:electrician 电焊工:welder 司机:driver 吊车司机:crane operator 铲车司机:forklift operator 营房经理:camp boss 医生:doctor 材料员:material man(storekeeper)炊事员:cook 翻译:interpreter 洗衣工:laundry man 厨房服务生:waiter 保安:watchman(or security)机械工程师:mechanic engineer 第6 节石油作业现场常用工具扳手:wrench 螺丝起子:screwdriver 多角螺丝起子:Phlilips screwdriver(cross-headed screwdriver)撬杠:bar 加长撬杠:cheater bar 活动板手:monkey wrench,adjustable wrench 钳子:pliers 钩子:hook 台钳:bench vice 钢挫:file 榔头:hammer 锤击扳手:hammer wrench 搬手:spanner 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 内六角扳手:Allen key 钢锯:hacksaw 砂纸:sandpaper 管钳:pipe tongs(pipe wrench)链钳:chain tong 千斤顶:jack 黄油枪:grease gun 吊车:crane 牵引绳:tag line 电焊条:welding rod 拖拉机:tractor 推土机:bulldozer 硬尺:ruler 游标卡尺:Vernier slide 油漆:paint 铅油:dope 油漆刷:paint brush 铅油刷:dope brush 绝缘胶布:electrical tape 电线:wire 插头:plug 电插座:outlet(receptacle or switchboard)开关:switch 螺栓:bolt 螺帽:nut 垫片:washer 钉子:nail 手电钻:hand drill 钻头:bit 工作台:workbench 工具箱:toolbox 胶水:glue 胶棒:glue bar 护丝:thread protector 手轮:hand wheel 脚轰油门:throttle 联接法兰:coupling flange(or adaptor flange)安全带:safety belt 安全帽:helmet 工作靴:safety boot 工衣:coverall 棉袄:coat 防护眼镜:safety goggle 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 手套:gloves 口罩:mouth mask 围裙:apron 洗眼台:eye washing station 灭火机:fire extinguisher 消防栓:fire-hydrant 水龙头:water tap 消防斧:fire fighting axe 铲子:shovel 手砂轮:emery wheel 左转: turn left 右转: turn right 手势:gesture 信号:signal 垃圾:waste garbage 拖把:mop 接头:sub 配合接头:X-over,cross-over 提升短节:lifting sub 卡瓦:slips 放卡瓦:set slips 母锥:box tap 公锥:taper tap 打捞矛:fishing spear 安全接头:safety sub 柔性短节:flexible joint 井口盖子:wellhead cover 防喷盒:mud box BOP 吊装:BOP trolley(BOP hoist)吊卡:elevator 吊环:elevator links 安全卡瓦:safety clamp(dog collar)钻杆架:pipe rack 水龙头提环:swivel bail 材料房:warehouse 绳卡:bullnose clamp(guy anchor)绳套:sling 吊带:soft sling(belt)卸扣:shackle 吊装工具:lifting gear 维护保养:maintenance 内钳:make-up tong 外钳:break-out tong 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 液压大钳:power tong 液压猫头:E-zy tong 兜绳:mule line 四通阀:four-way valve 三通:Tee 软管:hose 球阀:ball valve 闸板阀:gate valve 单流阀:back valve 灌注泵:supercharge pump 第二章:石油工程常用设备及专业术语第1 节钻井设备部分井架:Derrick(or mast)起(放)井架:erect(lay down)Derrick 底座大梁:sill 钢木基础:mat 铅锤:plumb 水平仪:level 架,台:rack 立根盒:setback area 坡道:V door(or ramp)猫道:catwalk 二层台:monkey-board 圆井盖:cellar cover 天车:crown block 防碰天车:crown-o-matic 天车梁:crown block beam 天车台:water table 游动滑车:traveling block 钻井大绳:drilling line 引绳:guide line 穿大绳:string-in drilling line 金属线,电线:wire,cable 钢丝绳股:strand 截断:cutoff 滑车,滑轮,皮带轮:pulley(hoist)手拉葫芦:hand pulley 吊耳:lifting eye 顶驱:top drive 大钩:hook 大钩弹簧:hook spring 大钩销子:hook pin 大钩锁紧装置:hook locking device 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 大钩悬挂高度:hook height 水龙头:swivel 鹅颈管:gooseneck 冲管:wash pipe 水龙头盘根:swivel packing 钻井水龙带: rotary hose(kelly hose)立管:stand pipe 立管管汇:stand pipe manifold 高压管线:high pressure line 由壬:union 低压管线:low pressure line 传感器:sensor 放压管线:relief line 转盘:Rotary Table 转盘方瓦:master bushing 方补心取出装置:bushing handling tool 方补心:kelly drive bushing 方孔: square opening 小鼠洞:mouse hole 大鼠洞:rat hole 绞车:Drawworks 挂合(摘开)绞车:engage(disengage)drawworks 液压绞车:hydraulic winch 气动绞车:air tugger(air hoist)滚筒: drum(reel)滚筒高速气离合器: high speed clutch 滚筒低速气离合器: low speed clutch 锚头:cathead 液压猫头:E-zy tong 上扣猫头:make up cathead 卸扣猫头:make out cathead 牙嵌离合器:jaw clutch 涡磁刹车:eddy current brake(electromagnetic brake)猫头轴:cathead shaft 猫头绳:cathead line 死绳:dead line 死绳固定器:dead line anchor 间隙:gap 死绳固定器膜片:dead line diaphragm 上扣:make up 上扭矩:torque sth 卸扣,卸开:break out 上紧,固定:tighten(fasten)地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 松开,松扣:loosen 加载:load 卸载:unload 盘式刹车:disc brake 刹车总成:brake assembly 刹车轴:brakeshaft 刹车带:brake band 刹车片:brake block 液压油箱:hydraulic power unit 液动试压泵:hydraulic test pump 液压大钳:hydraulic(power)tong 倒档齿轮:reverse gear 动力扳手:power wrench 吊钳钳头:hinged jaw 钳牙:die 大钳锁销:latch 大钳悬臂:suspension bar平衡重:counterbalance weight 吊钳钳臂:tong arm 第2 节钻井泵类及相关设备泥浆泵:mud pump 活塞:piston 活塞杆:piston rod 活塞皮碗:piston cup 缸套:liner 凡尔体:valve body 凡尔座:valve seat 凡尔箱:pump module 阀弹簧:valve spring 阀杆:valve lever 阀面:valve face 阀帽:valve bonnet 空气包:pulsation damper 充氮气:refill with nitrogen 泥浆泵安全阀:pop-off valve 卸压管线:release line 排出阀:discharge valve 吸入阀:suction valve 上水滤子:screen 油尺:oil-level dipstick 灌注泵:supercharge pump 冷却水泵:cooling pump 潜水泵:submersible pump 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 盘根盒:stuffing box 叶轮:impeller 单向阀:check valve(single-pass valve)安全阀:safety valve 手动阀:manual valve 液动阀:hydraulic valve 拉杆:tie rod,tension bar 压力表:pressure gauge 冲数:strokes 排量:flow rate 80 冲(次)/分:eighty strokes per minute 泥浆罐:mud tank 倒泥浆:transfer mud 循环罐:active tank 储备罐:reserve tank 起下钻罐:trip tank 溢流检查:flow check 沉砂罐:satteling tank 锥形罐:sand trap 震动筛:sahle shaker 筛布:screen 目数:mash 除砂器: desander 除泥器: desilter 离心机: centrifuge 泥浆分配槽:spider box 缓冲罐buffer tank 第3 节与泵操作有关的实用短语没有压力:No pressure 压力过高:The pressure is too high 返回太少:Mud return is too few 水太少:Water is not adequate.抢修:Rush to repair 请看记录:Please check the record 没作记录:No record available 加化学药品:add chemicals 测定比重:measure mud weight(specific gravity)测定失水:measure water loss 泥饼:mud cake 测定切力:measure gel strength 停泵:stop pump 请打手势:Please make a gesture 转动一周:turn round a circle 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 垫高一些:put something under it to raise 抓紧:firmly grasp 抬高:lift it up 拿稳:hold firm 打一下: hit once 往外拉:pull outward 站稳:stand firm 小端:small end 大端:large end 光滑:smooth 粗糙:coarse,rough平面:flat 弯曲:bending 放松:loosen 绷直:stretch tight,draw tight 冷却:cooling 润滑:lubricate 过载:overload 功率不足:power is not enough.第4 节钻台与底座钻台:drilling floor 钻井班组记录:drilling tour record 司钻监视器:driller's monitor 司钻控制台:driller's console 指重表:weight indicator 底座:substructure 井队活动房:trailer 钻台上值班房:doghouse 梯子:ladder 第5 节井控操作与防喷器溢流: kick 溢流征兆: kick sign 气侵:gas cut 井喷:blow-out 1 次井控the primary well control 2 次井控the secondary well control 3 次井控the tertiary well control平衡balance 超平衡over-balance 欠平衡under balance 漏失试验leak-off test 破裂压力fracture pressure 额定压力 rated pressure 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 工作压力 working pressure 防喷器组BOP stack 安装(甩下)防喷器组:nipple up(nipple down)BOP stack 分流器diverter 万能防喷器:annular preventer,bag preventer 单闸板防喷器:single ram preventer 双闸板防喷器:double ram preventer (防喷器)闸板:pipe ram 变芯闸板防喷器variable bore ram 全封式防喷器:blind ram 剪切防喷器:shear ram 内防喷器 Inside BOP 投入式单流阀DIBPV(Drop in blowout preventer valve)分流关线diverter line 节流管汇choke manifold 节流阀choke valve 旁通阀standby valve 调压阀: Pressure regulator 手动节流阀manual choke 远程节流阀remote choke 井口四通drilling spool 变径法兰:adapter flange 液压控制阀 HCR(hydraulic controller)远程控制系统:koomey unit 蓄能器:accmulator 压井管线:kill line 入口:inlet 出口:outlet 简易除气器:poor-boy degasser 真空除气器:vaccum degasser 泥浆池液面纪录仪Pit volume recorder(totallizer)泥浆流动传感仪mud flow sensor 泥浆增量 Pit gains 硫化氢侵入H2S influx 加重材料Weighted material 氮气Nitrogen 乙炔:acetylene 氧气:oxygen 预冲氮气压力Pre-charge nitrogen pressure 地脚螺栓连接Studded connection 法兰连接 Flange connection 箍盘连接Hub connection 演习:drill 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 急救演习:first aid drill 消防演习:fire drill 防喷演习:kick drill 泄压: bleed off pressure 带刻度压力表: calibrated pressure gauge 带刻度容(体)积表: calibrated volume gauge 套管鞋: casing shoe 上部井眼段top hole section 快速钻进地层fast drilling formation 压实地层:consolidated formation 风化地层:weathered formation 钻屑携带能力cuttings carrying capacity 浅层气藏shallow gas 地层破裂formation to break down 压力梯度pressure gradient 地层压力formation pressure 井口压力wellhead pressure 漏失压力leak-off pressure 破裂压力fractured pressure 井底压力BHP(bottom hole pressure)正常压力normal pressure 异常压力abnormal pressure 静液压力hydrostatic pressure 动态压力dynamic pressure 环空压力annular pressure 关井钻杆压力SIDPP(shut in drill pipe pressure)关井套管压力SICP(shut in casingpressure)最大关井套管压力maximum allowable surface pressure, MAASP 最初循环压力 ICP(Initial circulating pressure)循环结束压力FCP(Final circulating pressure)U 形管原理U-tube principle 压井操作killing operation 补救措施remedial actions 关井后循环circulation under well closed in condition cl 离子含量chloride content Dc 指数 Dc exponent 软关井soft shut in 硬关井hard shut in 第1 次循环first circulation 第2 次循环second circulation 压井泥浆比重kill mud weight 抽吸swab 激动surge 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 含气地层gas bearing formation 含气页岩gas bearing shale 安全增量safety margin 记录卡片trip sheet 低循环泵速SCR(slow circulation rate)当量泥浆密度EQD(equivalent mud density)当量循环密度ECD(equivalent circulating density)司钻压井法driller’s method等待压井法wait & weight method 体(容)积法volumetric method 下推压井法bull-heading method 不压井下钻:snub in 第三章:钻井工程作业部分第1 节钻井事故井喷:blow out 井涌:kick 井漏:lost circulation 坍塌,井壁坍塌:cave in(collapse)出砂:sand production 砂桥:sand bridge 台阶:ledge 键槽:keyseat 椭圆井眼:oval shaped hole 卡钻:sticking 填井:pack-hole 封井:packed drilling 井下落物:fish 大幅度活动钻具试图解卡:work the string and try to free it 活动钻具以避免卡钻:move(reciprocate)the string to avoid being stuck.打捞:fishing 鱼头:top of fish 打捞工作:fishing job 侧钻:side-tracking 侧钻井眼:sidetracking hole 水泥窜槽:cement channeling 固井失败:cement failure 防砂:sand control 缓慢开泵并仔细观察返浆情况:slowly start pumping and closely watch the return on the shale shaker 第2 节钻头牙轮钻头:rock bit 刮刀钻头:drag bit 金钢石钻头:diamond bit 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601 邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 镶齿钻头: insert bit 铣齿钻头:milled tooth bit 喷射钻头:jet bit 牙轮:cone 钻头装卸器:bit breaker 钻头直径:bit diameter 钻头寿命:bit life 钻头磨损:bit wear 钻头型号:bit type 水眼尺寸:nozzle size 水眼效率:nozzle efficiency 钻头接头:bit sub 第3 节钻具方钻杆:kelly 方钻杆旋扣器:kelly spinner 方钻杆旋塞:kelly cock 钻具:drilling string 钻杆:drill pipe 油管:tube 钻具组合:drilling assembly 扶正器:stabilizer 扩眼器:reamer(hole opener)钻铤:drill collar 无磁钻铤:NMDC(non-magnetic drill collar)加重钻杆:HWDP(heavy weight drill pipe)近钻头扶正器:near-bit stabilizer 震击器:jar 减震器:shock absorber 螺旋钻铤:spiral drill collar 键槽破坏器:key seat reamer 安全接头:safety joint 钻杆刮泥器:drill pipe wiper 泥浆动力钻具:mud motor 钻柱:drill string 涡轮:turbine 涡轮钻具:turbo-drill stem 立根:stand 加厚:upset 内加厚:IU(internal upset)外加厚:EU(external upset)内外加厚:internal-external upset 丝扣:thread 打捞颈:fishing neck 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 母扣:box 公扣:pin 左旋螺纹:left-hand thread 右旋螺纹:right-hand thread 正规接头:regular joint 贯眼接头:full hole joint 内平接头:internal flush joint 护丝:thread protector 快速护丝:easy protector 打捞工具:fishing tool 打捞作业:fishing operation 打捞篮:junk basket 卡瓦打捞筒:overshot 打捞杯:junk sub 牙轮打捞器:cone fisher 套管打捞矛:casing spear 打捞矛:fishing spear 打捞公锥:male tap(fishing nipple)打捞母锥:female tap(fishing socket)倒扣工具:reversing tool(backing-up tool)铣鞋:milling shoe 铣具:milling tool平底铣鞋:flat bottom mill 磁力打捞工具:magnetic fishing tool 打捞钩:fish hook 气动工具:pneumatic tool 减摩短节:friction reduction sub 下套管漂浮接箍:casing floating coupling 轴向加压器:hydraulic axial thruster 第4 节钻井工程地面作业实用词汇与短语方入:kelly-in 方余:kelly-up 开钻:spud in 作业指令:instruction 钻井设计:drilling program 井身结构:well schematic 岩性:lithology 迟到时间:lag time(bottom up)换钻头:change bit 甩钻具:laydown drill pipe 发生故障:break down 安装(拆卸):rig up(rig down)接头:sub adapter 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 机械手:mechanical arm 铁钻工:iron roughneck 有故障:It fucked up(something is wrong with it)已修好:it has been fixed 马上去:Go there at once 请下去:Please go down 请上来:Please come up 躲开,危险:keep away,danger.请翻译来:Ask interpretor come here,冲洗:wash down 井口:well-head 一根钻杆(单根):single 三根钻杆组合(立根):thribble 吊蓝:cage(basket)换班: shift change 第5 节钻井工程井口作业实用词汇与短语喇叭口:bell nipple 出水管:mud return line(flow line)试压杯:cup tester 小心滑倒:wet floor, be careful 不要往井眼内掉东西:never fall down anything inside hole 我来做:Let me do it 带把板手来:Bring a spanner,please 带点密封剂:Bring a little sealant(Teflon),please 很快就好了:lt will be finshed right away 抬一下:Let's lift it 把绳子给我:Give me the rope,please 不漏:no leakage 电焊: welding 气焊:gas welding 气割:gas cut 栏杆:handrail,gangway rail,railing 蒸汽:vapour 压缩空气:pressurized(compressed)air 注意安全:pay attention tosafety 别动:Don't move,Don't touch.对准:point out exactly.校正:align 裸眼:open hole 第四章:钻井液及相关设备第1节钻井液名称泥浆:mud 钻井液:drilling fluid 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 完井液:completion fluid 修井液:work-over fluid 压井液:killing fluid 射孔液:perforating fluid 隔离液:spacer fluid 泥浆处理:mud treatment 泥浆处理设备:mud treating equipment 饱和盐水泥浆:saturated salt-water mud 油基泥浆:oil-base mud 高粘度泥浆:heavy viscous mud 重泥浆:weighted mud 重泥浆压钻杆:slug drill pipe 起钻倒返泥浆:we have wet pipeduring POOH 重晶石:barite 纯碱:soda ash 高岭土粉:koaline powder 云母片: mica sheet 增粘剂: viscosifier 稀释剂:diluent(thinner)稳定剂:stabilizer(stabilizing agent)烧碱:caustic soda 稀释dilution, thinning 水泥凝固cement setting 第2 节钻井液设备离心泵:centrifugal pump 振动筛跑泥浆:mud overflow shale shaker 筛出:shake out 混合泵:mixing pump 混合漏斗:mixing hopper 搅拌器:mud agitator 泥浆抢:mud gun 岩屑:cuttings 沉淀:settle 沉积物:deposit 吸入:suction 吸入罐:suction pit 泥浆天平:mud balance 游码:slide weight 支点:fulcrum 刀口:edge 调整,校正:adjust 粘度计:viscometer 第3 节钻井液处理剂地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 包,袋:sack 粘土:clay 膨润土,般土:bentonite 钠:sodium 钙:calcium 氯:chloride 氯化钙:calcium chloride 石棉:asbestos 分散:dispersal 表面活性剂:surface-active material 铁络盐:lignite 单宁:tannin 羧甲基纤维素:carboxymethyl celluose CMC 木纤维:xylogen 石灰:lime 二氧化钙:calcium oxide 粉末:powder 薄片:flake 溶解:dissolve 延迟,妨碍:retard 处理剂,添加剂:additives 缓凝剂:retarder 支撑剂:proppant 乳化剂:emulsifier 润湿剂:wetting agent 稳定剂:stabilizing agent 除钙剂:calcium remover 降失水剂:filtration-reducing agent PH 值控制剂:PH control additive 润滑剂:lubricant 消泡剂:defoamer agent 破乳剂:emulsion breaker 洗涤剂:detergent 防膨胀剂:anti-swelling agent 粘土稳定剂:clay stable agent 稀释剂:thinner 封堵剂:plugging agent 抑制剂:inhibition agent 暂堵剂:temporary plugging agent 解堵剂:plugging removal 堵漏剂:LCM(lost circulation material)水敏地层:water-sensitive formation 分散:dispersal 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 水泥浆:cement slurry 流变性:rheological characteristics 稳定性:stability 稠化时间:thickening-time 低密度水泥浆:low-density slurry 油气层保护:reservoir protection 高渗透性:high-permeability 砾石:gravity 悬浮:suspension 固化:solidification.防膨胀:anti-swelling 高凝高粘度:high condensation and viscosity 无毒的:non-poisonous 无荧光:non-fluorescence 钻井液性能参数Specificaitons of Drilling Fluid 含水:water content 密度:density 厚度:thickness 粘度:viscosity 塑性粘度:plastic viscosity 含砂量:sand content 屈服:yield 屈服点:yield point 屈服强度:yield strength 剪切速率:shear rate 剪切强度:shear strength 剪切应力:shear stress 稀释:dilute 适用温度:safe temperature 初始切力:initial gel strength 终切力:ten-min gel strength 触变性:thixotropy 剪切稀释:shear thining 液体浓度:concentration 泥浆柱:mud column 层流:laminar flow 涡流:turbulent flow 气泡:bubble 第五章:钻井相关作业第1节取芯部分岩心:core 取心钻头:core bit 取心筒:core barrel 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601 邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 内岩心筒:inner barrel 外岩心筒:outer barrel 岩心爪:core catcher 取心工具:corehandling tools 取心收获率:core recovery rate 取样器:sample blob 取样盒:sample box 样品筒:sample chamber 取样工:sample catcher 取样间隔:sample interval 井壁取心:side-wall coring 井壁取心枪:side-wall coring gun 取芯失败:coring failure 第2 节固井部分固井:cementing 完井:well completion 水泥:cement 井口:wellhead 井口压力:well head pressure 井口回压:back pressure on the well head 套压:casing pressure 导管:conductor 表层套管:surface casing 技术套管:protective casing(intermediatecasing)油层套管:production casing 尾管:liner 尾管悬挂器:liner hanger 通径轨:rabbit 封隔器:packer 联顶节:landing joint 套管柱casing string 套管下部结构(含套管鞋、浮箍):casing track(including casing shoe, float collar)套管扶正器:centralizer 止退环:stop collar 口袋:pocket(rat hole)环空注水泥作业:top cement job 碰压:bump plug 隔离液:spacer 分级箍:stage collar 水泥粘结强度strength of cement bond 套管钳:casing tongs 套管接箍:casing coupling 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 套管头:casing head 散装水泥:bulk-cement 水泥浆:cement slurry 插管注水泥:stab in cementing 插入密封接头:stab in adapter 分级注水泥:stage cementing 先行水泥浆:lead cement slurry 末端水泥浆:tail cement slurry 促凝剂:accelerator 替浆:displace with mud 水泥面:top of cement 固井管线:chicksan line(cementing line)灰罐:silo(bulk tank)候凝:WOC(wait-on-cement)挤水泥:squeeze cement 水泥塞:plug 第3 节固井水泥浆名称和参数超细水泥浆:ultrafine slurry 普通水泥浆:normal slurry 纤维水泥浆:fiber-reinforced cement slurry 膨胀水泥浆:expanding cement slurry 低密度水泥浆:low-density slurry 水泥体积收缩:cement volume contraction 水泥浆水化期间:cement slurry hydrating period 水泥胶结质量:cement sheath bonding quantity 失水率:the rate of water loss 析水:liberate water 稠化时间:thickening time 凝固强度:cementation strength 渗透性:permeability,膨胀率:expansion rate 压缩强度:compression strength 流动性:mobility 第4 节测井部分电测:wireline logging 测井解释:logging interpretation 随钻测井:LWD(logging while drilling)测井电缆:logging cable 测井工具:logging tool 自然电位测井:spontaneous potential log 感应电测井:induction electrical survey 双感应测井:dual induction-laerolog 中感应测井:medium induction log 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 数字记录:digital record 照相记录:photographic recording 放射性测井:radioactivity log 声波技术:acoustic wave technology 仪器耐温:the temperature resistance of the instrument 仪器耐压:pressure resistance of instrument 油气比:GOR(gas oil ratio)第六章:井下作业常用短语修井:work-over 修井工具:work-over tool 井下操作: down-hole operations.产层污染: pollution of pay zone 增产措施:stimulations 压裂和酸化:fracturing or acidizing 酸化处理:acid treatment 人工压裂:artificial fracturing 重复压裂过程:repetition presses for fracturing,压裂车:fracturing truck sets 压裂后反映:post-fracture response 固体和液体添加泵:solid and liquid additivepump 泵交联: pumping cross link 交联剂: cross-linking agent 排量: discharging 三维压裂: three-dimension fracturing 对压裂参数的监控、分析和解释:real time monitoring,analyzing and interpreting for fracturing operation parameters 压裂操作:fracturing operation 压裂规模:fracturing scale 化学吞吐:chemical disposal 乳化降粘:emulsification declining viscosity 增注:augmented injection.注水:water-injection 裸眼砾石填充完井:bore hole gravel packer completion.开窗铣锥:open-window mill prick,开窗斜向器:open-window inclined implement 碳酸盐岩:carbonate reservoir 第七章:海上钻井作业¨海上钻井:offshore drilling 陆地钻井:on-land drilling 海滩:sea beach 浅海:shallow sea 海底管线:sea-bottom pipe 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A座601邮编:100020 Address: Unit 601, Fortune Plaza Office Tower A, No.7 Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China 海底电缆铺设:setting cable under sea-bottom 平台安装:platform installation 钻井平台:drilling platform 顺风:tail wind 逆风:against the wind 摄氏零下…度:below…degree centigrade 启锚:weigh anchor 抛锚:drop anchor 拖航:drag 对讲机:intercom,walkie-talkie 上吊茏:Please get on the liftbasket 救生衣:life jacket 晕船:sea sick 控制速度:Control the speed 货已送抵:The goods has arrived 货物验收:Please check and accept the goods 在不远处:Not far from here 不方便:lt's not convenient 有危险:lt's dangerous 防污染:prevent pollution 没情况:Nothing happened.第八章:定向井部分定向井:directional well 造斜点:KOP(kick off point)最大井斜角:maximum hole inclination 增斜段:building up section 稳斜段:holding section 降斜段:drop off section 井眼尺寸:hole size 长、中、段半径:long,medium and short radius 裸。



水平定向钻施工工艺流程水平定向钻(Horizontal Directional Drilling,缩写为HDD)是一种在地下通过水平方向钻孔来铺设管道的施工技术。
































0 引言伊拉克米桑油田位于扎格罗斯山前构造挤压带,地处原两伊战争主战场,地面地雷密布,井场建设困难。

油田所在构造地应力复杂,钻井需钻穿800 m复合盐膏层及盐下裂缝性地层。



而盐下裂缝性地层压力伊拉克米桑油田裂缝性地层非标井眼水平井钻井技术陈国军中海油田服务股份有限公司钻井事业部.钻完井工程技术部摘 要 伊拉克米桑油田位于扎格罗斯山前构造挤压带,油田地面地雷密布。




关键词 伊拉克米桑油田 裂缝性地层 非标井眼 水平井 井漏 卡钻DOI: 10.12055/gaskk.issn.1673-3177.2020.02.007Horizontal-well drilling technologies with non-standard borehole forfractured formations, Missan oilfield, IraqChen Guo jun(Drilling and Completion Engineering Technology Department of Drilling Division, China Oilfield Services Limited, Tianjin 300450, China)Abstract: Located at a piedmont structural compression zone of Zagros Mountains, Missan oilfield in Iraq is scattered with mines. In order to solve difficulties to construct well sites and improve production of single well, a set of horizontal-well drilling technologies with non-standard borehole was developed for fractured formations in this field, such as running horizontal hole in presalt leaky and collapsible fractured limestones and dolomites to develop Mishrif Formation after drilling through salt and gypsum layers by vertical hole. Results show that (1) in this field, its collapse pressure along the direction of the minimum in-situ stress is the lowest, so select-ing the direction of the minimum horizontal principal stress as directional drilling one is the most favorable for borehole stability; (2) a drilling-fluid system called AQUA-MAX is capable of high-efficient plugging. After its application, the tolerable formation pressure is increased effectively, the safety density window of drilling mud is broadened, and the limit length of horizontal section for safe operation is extended extremely, so that both circulation loss and borehole collapse can be prohibited effectively; and (3) some risks of circulation loss and pipe sticking may be prevented effectively by optimizing two parameters of drilling displacement and rotation speed, selecting drilling tool, reasonable controlling drilling-fluid specific gravity, and keeping bottomhole equivalent density within safety window. In conclusion, the application of horizontal-well drilling with non-standard borehole may tackle several technical chal-lenges of narrow window of formation pressure, complex lithology in fractured formations, and narrow annulus operation in non-stan-dard slimhole, reduce occurrence of downhole complexities and accidents, and improve drilling efficiency a lot.Keywords: Missan oilfield in Iraq; Fractured strata; Non-standard borehole; Horizontal well; Circulation loss; Pipe sticking·45·窗口窄,漏、塌、卡等是定向作业面临的最大挑战。



第1节石油钻井工程基础词汇1.钻探,钻井:drill拓展记忆:钻井:drilling定向斜井:directional drilling欠平衡钻井:under-balance海上钻井:off-shore陆地钻井:on-land drilling钻头:drill bit刮刀钻头:drag bit牙轮钻头:rock bit金刚石钻头:diamond bit喷射钻头:jet bit钻铤:drill collar衣领:collar钻杆:drill pipe钻井队:drilling crew,drilling team 钻机:drill rig钻井泥浆:drilling mud钻井液:drilling fluid钻井设备:drilling equipment2. 油、石油:oil拓展记忆:原油:crude oil石油:petroleum中国石油(简称):Petro-China采油:oil production采油设备:oil production equipment 采油平台:oil production platform 油泵:oil pump3.地质:geology拓展记忆:地质专业人员:geologist物理:physics地球物理勘探:geo-physical probe,geo-physical exploration测井:logging测井作业:logging operation测井记录:logging record4. 油(副词“好”含意):well拓展记忆:井眼:hole油井:oil well试井,油井测试:well test井下:down-hole井下作业:down-hole operation第2节石油钻井方法基础词汇原油:crude oil天然气:nature gas煤层气:coal-bed gas一体化设计:integral design钻井:drilling钻井原理:the principles of drilling 顿钻钻井:percussion drilling,cable-tool drilling旋转钻井:rotary drilling液体冲击:fluid percussion大位移:big deviation侧钻井:sidetracking drilling technology,lateral drilling水平井:horizontal well探井:wildcat,wildcat drilling深井:deep well浅井:shallow well老井:maturing well欠平衡钻井:under-balance drilling 丛式钻井:cluster drilling technology 煤层气井:coal-bed gas well生产井:production wells报废井:abandon wells停产井:none-production wells绕障井、三维井:three-dimensional wells.常温井:normal temperature well注采井:injection and production well 稠油井:heavy oil well热洗井:hot washing pipe井况:well condition第3节石油钻井技术基础词汇技术规范,技术指标,技术性能:specification拉伸:tension拉伸强度:tensile strength应力:stress 压力:pressure应力点:stress point压力等级:pressure grade压力降:pressure drop压力梯度:pressure gradient回压:back pressure大气压:atmosphere压差:differential pressure静液柱压力:static fluid column pressure特征:characteristic,feature定性讨论:qualitative argument定量使用:quantitative use液体:liquid固体:solid气体:gas,air正的:positive负的:negative虚线:dashed line,broken line实线:full line递减率:decline rate正比于:be proportional to水平的:horizontal垂直的:vertical油层静压:the formation static pressure第4节石油钻井参数基础词汇负荷:load扭矩:torque扭转:twist摩擦:friction钻压:WOB,weight on bit,weight,drilling weight钻速:ROP,rate of penetration,driiling rate,the rate of drilling平均机械钻速:average ROP钻井周期:drilling period转速:rotary speed地层压力预测:formation pressure prediction technology地层快速预测:the formation fast prediction埋藏深度:bury depth产油层,产油带:pay zone, productive formation温度梯度:temperature gradient地层压力:formation pressure坍塌压力:collapse pressure破裂压力:fracture pressure平衡压力:equilibrium pressure钻具(柱)压力:drilling string pressure 钻头振动:vibration of bit钻井成本:drilling costs井眼尺寸:hole size,well size参数计算:parameters calculation几何参数:geometric parameters参数分析:parameter analysis 动态参数:dynamic data静态参数:static data注水参数:parameters of injection参数、变量:variables井距:well space垂直深度:vertical depth水平位移:horizontal deviation总深度:total depth垂直深度:vertical depth水平位移:horizontal displacement 最大井斜角:maximum hole inclination井眼环空:annulus space压力调节器:pressure regulator恢复(增加)压力:the build-up pressure初始开采:primary recovery含水地层:water bearing formation 套管漏失:casing leak摩擦损失:friction losses气举阀:gas-lift valve石蜡族:paraffin series含气液柱:gas-laden column增产措施:stimulation treatment流动能力:flowing capacity生产速率:production rate水驱:water drive气驱:gas drive网状系统:grid system水侵:water influx五点法:five-spot pattern油井产量:well productivity径向流:radial system富气:enriched gas贫气:lean gas气顶:gas cap气驱:gas drive (or gas flooding)水驱:water drive (or water flooding) 地层伤害:formation damage波及系数:sweep efficiency泄油半径:drainage radius基岩处理:matrix treatment单级脱气:single stage separation泄油面积:drainage area表面张力:surface tension束缚水:connate water (or interstitial water)第5节石油钻井作业现场工作人员名称1.钻井队:drilling crew,drilling team 队,组:crew , team2.技术员:technician钻井技术员:drilling technician泥浆技术员:mud technician3.监督:supervisor钻井监督:drilling supervisor副监督:assistant supervisor 地质监督:geology supervisor4. 工程师:engineer泥浆工程师:mud engineer泥浆工:mudman机械工程师:mechanic engineer引擎,发动机:engine工程:engineering钻井工程:drilling engineering采油工程:production engineering 石油工程:petroleum engineering试油工程:oil test engineering拓展记忆:工程项目:project希望工程:The Hope Project三峡工程:The Three-Gorge Project 项目经理:project manager工程管理:project management钻工:roughneck,floorman司钻:driller副司钻:assistant driller钻井队长:drilling foreman钻井领班:tool pusher井架工:derrick man发动机工,机工:motorman钻台工:floor man机械师:technicians,mechanic电焊工:welder电工:electrician医生:doctor材料员:material man,staff man炊事员:cook翻译:interpreter,translator洗衣工:laundry man第6节石油作业现场常用工具1. 石油作业现场普通工具板手:wrench螺丝起子:screwdriver多角螺丝起子:Phlilips screwdriver 活动板手:monkey wrench,adjustable wrench钳子:pliers手斧:hatchet钩子:hook台钳:bench vice榔头:hammer木锤:mallet搬手:spanner锯子:saw电动手锯:jigsaw电锯:power saw钢锯:hacksaw硬尺:rule软尺:tape measure砂纸:sandpaper油漆:paint油漆刷:paintbrush绝缘胶布:electrical tape 电线:wire插头:plug电插座:outlet开关:switch螺栓:bolt螺帽:nut钉子:nail电钻:electric drill钻头:bit工作台:workbench工具箱:toolbox胶水:glue胶棒:glue bar管钳:pipe tongs,pipe spanner,wrench链钳:chain tongs,chain spanner, chain wrench护丝:thread protector,screw protector手轮:hand wheel阀门搬手:valve wrench,valve spanner联接法兰:coupling flange安全带:safety belt:安全帽:safety cap:工作靴:working boots:千斤顶:jack吊车:crane拖拉机:tractor推土机:bulldozer刮刀:scraper2. 石油作业现场专用工具接头:sub配合接头:X-over ,cross-over提升短接:lifting sub, lifting nipple elevator卡瓦:slip母锥:box bell公锥:taper tap短节:joint柔性短节:flex joint井口:wellhead螺旋钻铤:spiral collar方钻杆:kelly钻杆架:pipe rack材料房:warehouse绳卡:guy anchor润滑器:lubricator维护保养:maintenance内钳:lead tong外钳:back-up tong液压大钳:hydraulic tong兜绳:mule line四通阀:four-way valve软管:hose球伐:ball valve,globe valve闸板阀:ram valve,gate valve增压泵:booster pump 换配件:fittings change灌注泵:charge pump第二章石油工程常用设备及专业术语第1节钻井设备部分1.井架:Derrick塔形井架:derrickA形井架:cantilever mast ,mast-A 桅杆:mast底座大梁:sill架,台:rack架工操作台:monkey-board2. 游动系统:Traveling System天车:crown block天车梁:crown block beam游动滑车:traveling block钻井大绳:drilling line,wire line 金属线,电线:wire,line钢丝绳,测井电缆:wire line钢丝绳股:strand截断:cutoff滑车,滑轮,皮带轮:pulley吊耳:eye plate3.大钩与水龙头:Hook and Swivel顶驱:top drive大钩:hook大钩弹簧:hook spring大钩销子:hook pin大钩环:hook ring大钩锁紧装置:hook locking device 大钩悬挂高度:hook height水龙头:swivel鹅颈管:gooseneck冲管:wash pipe水龙头盘根:swivel packing钻井水龙带:drilling hose,rotary hose,kelly hose立管:stand pipe高压管线:high pressure line低压管线:low pressure line放压管线:relief line储气筒:gas holder,air holder4.转盘:Rotary Table转盘方瓦:master bushing方补心:kelly drive bushing方孔:square opening小鼠洞:mouse hole大鼠洞:rat hole(井架大门处)坡板:ramp5.绞车:Drawworks ,Hoist液压绞车:hydraulically-powered winch气动绞车:air operated hoist绞车:hoist,windlass,drawworks 滚筒,线轴,卷轴:reel ,pool,drum 滚筒高速气离合器:drum high air clutch滚筒低速气离合器:drum low air clutch锚头:cathead液压猫头:hydraulic catwork上扣猫头:make up cathead卸扣猫头:make out cathead牙嵌离合器:jaw clutch应急牙嵌离合器:emergency jaw clutch涡磁刹车:eddy current brake猫头轴:cathead shaft猫头绳:cathead line猫头绳爪:cat line grip死绳:dead line死绳固定器:dead line anchor死绳固定器膜片:dead line diaphragm 上扣:spin up,screw on卸扣,卸开:break out,screw off 上紧,固定:tighten松开,松扣:loosen加载:load卸载:unload拧紧:screw拧松:unscrew刹车:brake刹车总成:brake assembly刹车轴:brake axle ,brake shaft 刹车带:brake band刹车片:brake band lining刹车杆:brake bar闸瓦:brake block刹把:brake crank ,brake bar刹车鼓:brake drum离合器:clutch液压油箱:hydraulic reservoir液动试压泵:hydraulic test pump液压大钳:hydraulic tong倒档齿轮:reverse gear第2节钻井泵类及相关设备泥浆泵:mud pump,drilling pump,slush pump活塞:piston活塞杆:piston rod活塞皮碗:piston cup缸套:liner,pump liner凡尔体:valve body凡尔座:valve cup阀弹簧:valve spring阀杆:valve lever阀面:valve face阀帽:valve bonnet泥浆泵安全阀:mud relief valve排出阀:discharge valve吸入阀:suction valve 潜水泵:submersible pump阀门:valve阀盖:valve cap阀座:valve seat回压阀:back pressure valve单向阀:check valve,single-pass valve 安全阀:safety valve手动阀:manual valve液动阀:hydraulic valve冷缸:cold cylinder拉杆:tie rod,tension bar上水头:intake,suction end排出口:discharge spout高压管:high pressure pipe压力表:pressure gauge冲数:strokes排量:displacement,discharge capacity,flow rate80冲(次) :80 (eighty) strokes。






4.深井(deep well):井深超过4000米的井。

5.超深井(superdeep well):井深超过6000米的井。

6.钻具(drilling tool):井下钻井工具的简称。


7.钻柱(drill string):是指自水龙头以下钻头以上所连接的整个系统的总称。


8.复合钻柱(combination string):由几种不同尺寸、不同壁厚或不同钢级的钻杆所组成的钻柱常用于深井钻井。

9.水基钻井液(water-base drilling fluids):以水为连续相的钻井液。


10.油基钻井液(oil-base drilling fluids):油做为连续相,含水量小于5%的钻井液。

11.气侵(gas contamination):气体侵入钻井液中使其性能变坏的过程。




13.中性点(neutral point):钻柱上轴向应变等于零的点称为中性点。

14.开钻(spud in):指下入导管或各层套管后第一只钻头的开始钻进,并依次称为第一次开钻、第二次开钻。

15.完钻(finishing drilling):指全井钻进阶段的结束。



Non-Rotating Steerable Stabilizer

The bit drive shaft rotates through the non- rotating, steerable stabilizer sleeve, which is decoupled from drillstring rotation. The stabilizer sleeve contains the nearbit inclinometer, the steering control electronics, and the hydraulic rib control valves.
出砂量与井眼附近的流体流速成正比。由于水平井的 泻油长度远远大于垂直井的泻油长度,因而水平井井 壁附近的流体流速远远小于直井井壁附近的流体流速



大位移井的基本概念 大位移井在国内外的应用情况 大位移井的关键技术
System is an integrated Drilling and Formation Evaluation MWD system that provides precise directional control with continuous drill string rotation.
The AutoTrak RCLS greatly improves performance and

What Is The AutoTrak System?

The AutoTrak RCLS combines the benefits of a new steerable Rotary Closed Loop drilling System (RCLS) with recent advances in MWD technology. The system includes multiple propagation Resistivity()MPR, dual azimuthal gamma ray, directional and near bit inclination measurements. So AutoTrak RCLS can achieve superior directional control and precise wellbore placement to meet both geologic and geometric objectives.



井场用语英文1. Bit(钻头):钻头是钻井作业中的关键工具,用于破碎岩石,实现钻井目的。

2. Drill Pipe(钻杆):钻杆是连接钻头和地面设备的管道,用于传递旋转动力和泥浆。

3. Mud Pump(泥浆泵):泥浆泵用于将泥浆从泥浆池输送到钻杆内部,以冷却钻头、清洁井底和平衡地层压力。

4. Derrick(井架):井架是支撑钻杆、钻头和其他钻井设备的主要结构。

5. Kelly(方钻杆):方钻杆位于钻杆和钻头之间,用于传递旋转动力。

6. Rotary Table(转盘):转盘安装在井架上,用于连接钻杆和方钻杆,实现旋转钻井。

7. Drill Stem Test(钻杆测试):钻杆测试是在钻井过程中对油气层进行的一种测试,以评估产量和压力。

8. Blowout Preventer(防喷器):防喷器安装在井口,用于控制井口压力,防止井喷事故。

9. Casing(套管):套管是一种钢管,用于保护井壁和封堵非生产层,确保井的安全。

10. Cementing(固井):固井是将套管与井壁之间的空隙填充水泥,以增强井壁稳定性和封堵地层。

11. Formation Evaluation(地层评价):地层评价是通过测量和分析井壁附近的岩石和流体性质,以确定油气藏的产量和品质。

12. Well Logging(测井):测井是利用各种仪器测量井壁和地层参数,为地质分析和油气藏评价提供依据。

13. Perforating(射孔):射孔是在套管和井壁之间射出小孔,使油气层与井筒连通,以便进行生产。

14. Completion(完井):完井是指钻井作业完成后,对井进行的一系列工程措施,使其具备生产条件。

15. Workover(修井):修井是对生产井进行维修、改造和增产措施的过程。

井场用语英文(续)16. Production tubing(生产油管):生产油管是安装在套管内部的一根管道,用于将地层的油气输送到地面。

17. Christmas Tree(采油树):采油树是安装在井口的一种阀门装置,用于控制油气的生产和关闭井口。




联系电话:(0546)8501218,E-mail :yanzl@ ,通讯地址:山东省东营市北一路827号钻井工艺研究院钻井所。

地质导向钻井(Geo -Steering Drilling )技术是20世纪90年代国际钻井界发展起来的前沿钻井技术之一。

该技术是在世界范围内的勘探开发面临复杂地质条件背景下和随钻测量(MWD )技术日趋成熟的基础上发展起来的,是地质信息、随钻测井(LWD )仪器响应和用于引导井眼进入目的层并保持在目的层内的钻进技术的综合[1]。







Horizontal Directional Drilling水平定向钻孔Introduction导言The Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Industry has experienced so much growth in the past two decades that HDD has become commonplace as a method of installation.水平定向钻孔(HDD)行业在经历了过去的二十年多的增长后已经作为一种常见的安装方法.One source reported that the number of units in use increased by more than a hundredfold in the decade following 1984.一个消息来源报道,使用的数量在1984后十年里增加超过了百倍.This growth has been driven by the benefits offered to utility owners (such as the elimination of traffic disruption and minimal surface damage) and by the ingenuity of contractors in developing this technology.这种增长的动力一直来自于给公共事业所有者带来的的利益(如消除交通中断和表面损伤最小化)和承包商在发展这项技术的创造力。

To date, HDD pipe engineering has focused on installation techniques, and rightfully so.目前为止,水平定向钻孔管工程的焦点在安装技术上,理应如此。

In many cases, the pipe experiences its maximum lifetime loads during the pullback operation.在许多情况下,管道在回调操作中的试验其最大生命周期负载。



水平定向钻施工方案1. 引言水平定向钻(Horizontal Directional Drilling,HDD)是一种先进的施工技术,在地下管道工程中得到广泛应用。



2. 施工原理水平定向钻是通过在地下进行穿越操作来完成管道敷设。




3. 施工步骤水平定向钻施工包括以下几个主要步骤:3.1 工程准备•在施工现场进行勘测分析,确定钻孔起点、终点和线路。



3.2 钻孔•在起点钻孔,并逐渐向终点推进。


3.3 方向控制•根据设计要求,在钻孔过程中调整钻杆的倾斜角度和方向。


3.4 管道敷设•当钻孔达到设计深度时,开始进行管道的敷设。


3.5 后处理•当管道敷设完成后,进行后处理工作,包括接头连接、充填填土等。


4. 施工注意事项在水平定向钻施工过程中,需要注意以下几点:•建立完善的施工方案,包括准确的勘测数据和合理的设计要求。








水平定向钻(Horizontal Directional Drilling,简称HDD)是一种用于地下管线安装的技术,它可以在不破坏地表的情况下完成地下管线的铺设。

1. 钻孔长度:水平定向钻的工程量首先需要计算钻孔的长度。


2. 钻孔直径:水平定向钻的钻孔直径通常根据管道的尺寸和要求来确定。


3. 支撑液使用量:水平定向钻过程中需要使用支撑液来保持钻孔稳定,并冲刷钻屑。


4. 钻头消耗量:水平定向钻过程中,钻头会因为与地层的摩擦而逐渐磨损,因此需要计算钻头的消耗量。

5. 钻杆使用量:钻杆是连接钻头和钻机的部分,钻杆的使用量取决于钻孔的长度和钻杆的长度。

6. 弯头、转子等附件使用量:水平定向钻中还会使用到一些附件,如弯头、转子等,它们的使用量需要根据具体工程情况进行计算。





1.定向井项目/水平井项目/地质导向项目Directional Drilling, Horizontal Drilling, Geo-Steering定向井/水平井/地质导向服务项目是由特殊井下工具、测量仪器和工艺技术有效控制井眼轨迹,使钻头沿着特定方向钻达地下预定目标的钻井工艺技术。

2.控压钻井项目Managed Pressure Drilling控压钻井项目是传统欠平衡项目的升级技术。









4.稠油热采项目Thermal Recovery or CNPC’s HOTHER稠油流动阻力大,从油层流入井筒,或从井筒举升到地面都很困难。


目前,热力开采主要有蒸汽吞吐(CSS)、蒸汽驱替(Steam Flooding)和蒸汽辅助重力泄油技术(SAGD)。

水平定向钻专家论证专项方案 (2)

水平定向钻专家论证专项方案 (2)

水平定向钻专家论证专项方案前言水平定向钻(Horizontal Directional Drilling,简称HDD)是一种非常重要的钻探技术,其应用广泛。



1. 背景介绍水平定向钻是一种通过在地下进行钻孔,然后将管道或电缆沿着钻孔路径拉通的方法。



2. 专项方案论证2.1 目标和需求首先,需要明确水平定向钻的目标和需求。



2.2 技术可行性在论证专项方案时,关键要素之一是技术可行性。




2.3 安全性和环境影响水平定向钻工程必须确保安全可控,并最小化对环境的影响。



2.4 资源评估对于水平定向钻项目,需要评估所需的资源。



2.5 预算和时间安排预算和时间安排是任何工程项目的关键因素。






9 m (30 ft) 9 m (30 ft) 9 m (30 ft)
9 m (30 ft) 9 m (30 ft) 3 m (10 ft)
操作 选择
造斜率 /30OM (100 FT) 区率半径
长曲率 2-6 O
900-290 m 3000-1000 ft
< 2500 m < 8000 ft
MWD 裸眼
I 缺点Disadvantages I 需要一些特殊的井下工具,如双弯底部钻具组
合 I 造斜井段清洗困难 I 容易使钻具组合产生疲劳破坏 I 非API丝扣连接和需要更多昂贵的套管和管串 I 大的狗腿严重度限制了测井和完井方法
(a) 一次造斜到位
• 长和中曲率 (b)二种造斜率 • 长曲率
I 地层
I 弯曲井段和靶点通 过有问
I 题的区域 I 更多的地层裸露
Long & Medium InRtaerdmiuesdiate / Short IRnatedriumsediate & Short Radius
FoPrrmoabtiloenm Zones
I 增加产层的裸露面积
I 减少水锥和气锥现象
I 开采垂直裂缝油田
I 提高产量
I 大位移井救援井 I Well Control I Exploration
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Vol. 35, No. 1 DMR Newsletter Page 1Hor Horizont izont izontal Dr al Dr al Drillingilling By Lynn HelmsExplanationHorizontal drilling is the process of drilling a well fromthe surface to a subsurface location just above the target oil or gas reservoir called the “kickoff point”, then deviating the well bore from the vertical plane around a curve to intersect the reservoir at the “entry point” with a near-horizontal inclination, and remaining within the reservoir until the desired bottom hole location is reached.PurposeMost oil and gas reservoirs are much more extensive in their horizontal dimensions than in their vertical (thickness)dimension. By drilling a well which intersects such a reservoir parallel to its plane of more extensive dimension, horizontal drilling exposes significantly more reservoir rock to the well bore than would be the case with a conventional vertical well penetrating the reservoir perpendicular to its plane of more extensive dimension (fig. 1).The achievement of desired technical objectives via horizontal drilling comes at a price. A horizontal well can cost up to 300 percent more to drill and complete for production than a vertical well directed to the same target horizon. Due to its higher cost, horizontal drilling is currently restricted to situations where vertical wells would not be as financially successful. In an oil reservoir which has good matrix permeability in all directions, no gas cap and no water drive,drilling of horizontal wells would likely be financial folly, since a vertical well program could achieve a similar recovery ofoil at lower cost. But when low matrix permeability exists inFigure 1. Greater length of producing formation exposed to the wellbore in a horizontal well (A) than in a vertical well (B).Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas.the reservoir rock (especially in the horizontal plane), or when coning of gas or water can be expected to interfere with full recovery, horizontal drilling becomes a financially viable or even preferred option producing 2.5 to 7 times the rate and reserves of vertical wells. The higher producing rate translates financially to a higher rate of return on investment for the horizontal project than would be achieved by a vertical project.MethodologyThe initial vertical portion of a horizontal well, unless very short, is typically drilled using the same rotary drilling technique that is used to drill most vertical wells, wherein the entire drill string is rotated at the surface. The drill string consists of many joints of steel alloy drill pipe, drill collars,and the drill bit itself.From the kickoff point to the entry point the curved section of a horizontal well is drilled using a hydraulic motor mounted directly above the bit and powered by the drilling fluid. The drill bit can be rotated by the hydraulic motor without rotating the drill pipe from the motor to the surface.Steering of the hole is accomplished through the employment of a slightly bent or “steerable” downhole motor (fig. 2). By orienting the bend in the motor and drilling forward without rotating the pipe, known as slide drilling, the hole can be steered around a curve from horizontal to vertical and/or to the left or right. The curved section typically has a radius of 300-500 feet. T o return to drilling straight ahead, the pipe is rotated slowly while the downhole motor also continues to rotate the bit.Page 2 DMR Newsletter Vol. 35, No. 1Figure 3. Third generation horizontal well configurationsHistoryThe concept of non-straight line, relatively short-radius drilling, dates back at least to September 8, 1891, when the first U.S. patent for the use of flexible shafts to rotate drilling bits was issued to John Smalley Campbell (Patent Number 459,152). While the prime application described in the patent was dental, the patent also carefully covered use of his flexible shafts at much larger and heavier physical scales “... such, for example, as those used in engineer’s shops for drilling holes in boiler-plates or other like heavy work. The flexible shafts or cables ordinarily employed are not capable of being bent to and working at a curve of very short radius ...”The first recorded true horizontal oil well, drilled near T exon, T exas, was completed in 1929. Another was drilled in 1944 in the Franklin Heavy Oil Field, Venango County,Pennsylvania, at a depth of 500 feet. China tried horizontal drilling as early as 1957, and later the Soviet Union also tried the technique. Generally, however , little practical application occurred until the early 1980s, when the advent of improved downhole drilling motors and the invention of downhole telemetry equipment, made the technology commercially viable.Figure 2. Geosteering Tool.T ests which indicated that commercial horizontal drilling success could be achieved were carried out between 1980and 1983 by the French firm Elf Aquitaine in four horizontal wells drilled in southwestern France and offshore Italy. Early production well drilling using horizontal techniques was subsequently undertaken by British Petroleum in Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay Field, in a successful attempt to minimize unwanted water and gas production.Taking a cue from these initial successes, the first generation of modern horizontal drilling expanded rapidly into naturally fractured formations such as T exas’ Austin Chalk and North Dakota’s upper Bakken shale.Downhole instrument packages that transmit various sensor readings to operators at the surface are included in the drill string near the bit. At a minimum, sensors provide the azimuth (direction versus north) and inclination (angle relative to vertical) of the drilling assembly. Modern downhole instrumentation allows the directional drilling crew to calculate the position (x, y, and z coordinates) of the drill bit at all times.Additional downhole sensors can be, and often are, included in the drill string.These sensors may provide information on the downhole environment (for example, bottom hole temperature and pressure, weight on the bit, bit rotation speed, and rotational torque). They may also provide any of several measures of physical characteristics of the surrounding rock such as natural radioactivity and electrical resistance, similar to those obtained by conventional wire line well logging methods, but in this case obtained in real time while drilling ahead. The downhole instruments, whatever their composition, are referred to as a measurement-while-drilling (MWD) package. The information is transmitted to the surface via small fluctuations in the pressure of the drilling fluid inside the drill pipe.ABBREVIATIONS:FNL - Feet from north line TD - total depth FSL - feet from south line BH - bottom holeFEL - feet from east line BHL - bottom hole location FWL - feet from west lineTVD - total vertical depth FTMD - feet mesasured depthFJ - flush jointVol. 35, No. 1 DMR Newsletter Page 3Figure 4. Preliminary directional drilling plan.Special Regulatory ConsiderationsPermitting and spacing processes use setbacks from the spacing unit boundaries to protect correlative rights and prevent waste. Consideration must be given to the different drainage patterns of horizontal wells and the small tool errors inherent in horizontal drilling that can be magnified over very long distances.Regulatory inspection and oversight must be increased significantly. This is accomplished through more frequent drilling rig visits and requiring certified well bore surveys.The geometry of horizontal well bores greatly impacts collection and dissemination of data such as cores, bottomhole pressures, gas oil ratios, and well logs.The significantly larger well spacing and greater distance between wells impact oil transportation and measurement as well as gas gathering and flaring.Ancillary BenefitsFirst, operators are often able to develop a reservoir with a significantly smaller number of wells, since each horizontal well can drain a larger rock volume than a vertical well could.The aggregate surface “footprint” of an oil or gas operation can be reduced by use of horizontal wells.Second, use of a horizontal well may reverse or significantly delay the onset of production problems that engender low production rates, low recovery efficiencies, and/or premature well abandon-ment. This can significantly enhance oil and gas recovery as well as return on investment and total return.The second generation of horizontal drilling is a result of the attainable horizontal displacement, particularly for medium- and long-radius wells, growing significantly. As operators and the drilling and service contractors have devised, tested, and refined their procedures, and as improved equipment has been designed and implemented, routinely achievable horizontal displacements rapidly climbed from 400 to over 8,000 feet. Second generation applications of horizontal drilling technology have included the drilling of stratigraphic traps, heterogeneous reservoirs, coal beds (to produce their methane content), and older fields (to boost their recovery factors), and fluid injection wells to boost both production rates and recovery factors. North Dakota examples of second generation horizontal drilling applications are the Cedar Hills-Red River and Wiley-Madison enhanced oil recovery projects, Nesson Anticline and Bowman County re-development drilling projects, and the Billings Nose-Birdbear drilling.The third and current generation of horizontal drilling is a result of attaining much longer, deeper and more accurate placement of multiple horizontal well bores to exploit fractured source rocks (where it is coupled with new hydraulic fracturing technology) and heat injection wells (Canadian oil sands steam assisted gravity drainage) intended to boost both production rates and recovery factors. The present middle Bakken play in North Dakota and eastern Montana is an example of third generation horizontal drillingapplications (figs. 3 and 4).Third, having the well cased into the producing formation during drilling of the horizontal section allows the operators to use lower density drilling mud. They can even allow the well to produce during drilling operations, preventing much of the formation damage that normally occurs when mud density must be high enough to keep well bore pressure greater than formation pressures.。
