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%The "transformation of history into world history" ~s live experience and Iacts arouno us. lne "Transformation of history into world history" enables Marx to survey division of labor in a much broader view and therefore to initiate his discourse on world history. In addition, due to the introduction of division of labor, the in- trinsic logic and contemporary significance of the "transformation of history into world history" also opens to us. The large-scale industry of "most extensive division of labor" created the world history and established the logic of capital dominance in the world history. Separation is a consequence of "modernity" from the global extension of di- vision of labor, cooperation is an effect of "globalization" by the development of division of labor, and the libera- tion of humankind is a world historical enterprise.
1.生产力革命和交往革命:历史向世界历史的转变——马克思的世界历史理论与交往理论研究 [J], 于沛
2."历史向世界历史的转变"及其对全球化的启示——读《德意志意识形态》 [J], 李卫平
3.从时代的高度构建世界历史理论的当代形态——评叶险明教授《世界历史理论的当代构建》 [J], 魏海香
4."历史向世界历史的转变"及其当代意蕴——马克思的世界历史理论探赜 [J], 王作印
5.历史向世界历史的公共性转变——马克思世界历史思想变革的实质及其公共性旨趣 [J], 贾英健