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【摘要】Yuan Ye is the earliest book in the world that records the craft of gardens. It is valuable for academic research, practice and international exchange. However, some of its contents is difficult to understand and it could not be really helpful for the gardening craft. Therefore, a new book called Illustrative Interpretation of Yuan Ye is published recently. In this book, hand-tree perspectives of Jiangnan Gardens is used tbr people to grasp the ideas of Yuan Ye and traditional landscape paintings is used for the two chapters Gardening Theory and View-borrowing. More than a thousand pictures are applied for the illustrative interpretation of Yuan Ye. At the end of the book, 219 traditional hand-free perspectives of traditional garden design are illustrated for overseas readers. This book is published bilingually (in Chinese and English) and will help readers to learn more about Yuan Ye.%《园冶》为世界最早记述造园的不朽著作,具有学术理论、实际运用、国际交流的重大价值,但不少内容令人似懂非懂,对造园实践的指导作用难以发挥。
1.《园冶图释》——掇山篇初稿择页 [J], 吴肇钊;吴迪;陈艳
2.《园冶全释》商榷(续三) [J], 梁敦睦
3.《园冶》析读:兼评张家骥先生《园冶全释.序言》 [J], 王绍增
4.《园冶图释》借古开今 [J], 吴肇钊;陈艳;吴迪
5.《园冶图释》成书之美功德深——访吴肇钊教授 [J],