
宏观经济计量历史的发展经历了三个历史阶段:20世纪50年代以来的“收入和财富国际研究协会时期”即IARIW时期(International Association for Research in Income and Wealth);1820-1950年的库兹涅斯研究为代表的时期或“Kuznetsian时期”;1500-1820年商人资本主义年代。50年代以来,宏观计量的主要目的是提供可能的政策选择以改善国家的增长表现以及进行国家间差异分析。我们现在有50年代以来世界大部分国家的增长和收入的官方估计。而在Kuznetsian时代,数量经济史学家在测量世界经济增长和量化增长因素方面取得了巨大进展。虽然仍有一些领域需要改进,但对这个时期经济发展大致轮廓没有实质争议。相反,关于商人资本主义年代的世界经济的描述则存在很大分歧,作为代表的是亚当、斯密的乐观看法和马尔萨斯的悲观论。
虽然50年代以来标准国民经济核算体系逐渐被采用,但是现存估计中仍有很多问题。使用苏联MPS体系(material production system)的国家增长被高估,需要做大量调整。非洲许多新生国家缺少必要的技术和资金进行国民收入增长核算,虽然国际组织工作在一定程度上弥补了这种不足,但是非洲数据也需要做大量调整。还有1995年以来一些高收入国家开始引入享乐指数(hedonic index)来反映产品质量的改善,但是这么做并没有充分的根据并且会高估经济增长,比如美国用新的计量技术重新进行1929-1950年国民经济核算,结果使国内生产总值(GDP)的增长率由2.6%增加到3.5%。最后关于教育和知识的计量也还没有成熟理论。

C-E Interpretation (Passage 2)
人均收入与文化产品进出口的相关度高,中国发 展机遇重大。
本句翻译应进行词性转换,相关性高应理解为紧 密相关,即closely related, 机遇重大应为重大机遇,即a great opportunity
C-E Interpretation (Passage 2)
C-E Interpretation (Passage 1)
正如美国学者沃尔夫所言,“文化、娱乐——而不是 那些看上去更实在的汽车制造、钢铁、金融服务业— —正在迅速成为新的全球经济增长的驱动力。” 本句中需要把引言重新译回英文,译文要符合英文的 语言习惯,可使用强调句结构“It’s culture and entertainment——not....that have quickly become the driving force for global economic development. 句中更实在的是指有形的,应译为tangible,驱动力 应译为driving force
其中出口增长最大,导致高收入经济体从1994年出 口值是所有其他国家的11倍,降低到2003年大约 是其他国家的五倍。
本句翻译仍需进行词性转换,出口增长最大可译为 export has seen the greatest increase,后面两个 分句中涉及到倍数关系,译成英文时应避免使用复 杂的从句,因此导致最好译为as a result,两个分 句之间可用对照状语从句连词while连接。
net exporter of cultural products 文化产品净出口国 geographical feature 地域分布 ICIF International Cultrual Industries Fair文博会 go global 走出去 intermediary organizations 中介组织 establish a mature sales network and distribution channels 建立和完善销售网络和发行渠道

千年发展目标 2015年报告-中文

•• 过去15年中,移动电话订户数量增长了近九倍,从2000年的7.38亿增
努力实现千年发展目标的经验和事实表明我们 知道要做什么,但要取得进一步进展,需要有 坚定不移的政治意愿以及共同的长期努力。我 们需要抓住问题的根本,加大力度整合可持续 发展的经济、社会和环境维度。新的2015年后 发展议程(包括整套可持续发展目标)会努力吸 取经验,以我们的成功为基础,将所有的国家 引入正轨,共同奔向一个更加繁荣、可持续和 公平的世界。 回顾千年发展目标,展望未来的15年,毫无疑 问我们会履行共同的责任,消除贫困、不落下 任何人、创造一个人人有尊严的世界。
•• 1990年以来,很多地区的陆地和海洋保护区都大幅增加。1990年至 2014年间,在拉丁美洲和加勒比,陆地保护区覆盖率从8.8%上升至 23.4%。
•• 2015年全球91%的人口使用经改善的饮用水源,而1990年只有76%。
西亚经济社会委员会Fra bibliotek非洲经济委员会
拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会 联合国粮食及农业组织
Cover Inside
71% 71%
2014 2014
•• 1990年至2013年间,南亚的孕产妇死亡率下降了64%,撒哈拉以南非 洲下降了49%。

联合国八项千年发展目标一、引言联合国八项千年发展目标(Millennium Development Goals, MDGs)是联合国于2000年提出的一个旨在减贫、改善教育、健康和环保等全球性发展问题的框架。
二、背景1. 联合国八项千年发展目标的背景联合国在2000年召开了千年峰会,旨在制定一套面向全球发展的目标,并吸引各国共同努力实现。
2. 联合国八项千年发展目标的内容联合国八项千年发展目标包括:消除极度贫困和饥饿、教育普及、性别平等、降低儿童死亡率、改善母婴健康、艾滋病和其他重大疾病的控制、环境可持续发展和全球伙伴关系的建立。
三、对八项千年发展目标的评估1. 世界范围内的成就和问题联合国八项千年发展目标在过去的15年中取得了显著的进展。
2. 中国在实现目标中的作用中国作为人口最多的国家之一,在实现联合国八项千年发展目标方面发挥了重要作用。

描述趋势并报告统计信息英语作文My Favorite Trends and Fun FactsHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you about some of the coolest trends happening right now and share some really neat statistics I've learned. Are you ready? Let's go!Video GamesOne of the biggest trends, especially among kids my age, is playing video games. Video games just keep getting more and more popular every year! According to the Entertainment Software Association, 76% of kids under 18 play video games regularly. That's over 3 out of every 4 kids! The average kid plays for about 1 hour per day on school days and almost twice as much (1 hour and 49 minutes) on weekend days. My favorite games are the Super Smash Bros. series on Nintendo Switch. I try to limit my gaming to 1-2 hours per day though since too much can rot your brain!Fortnite is another hugely trendy game right now. It has over 350 million registered players across all platforms! The game makes a crazy amount of money too - in 2019 alone it grossed over 1.8 billion! I don't play Fortnite much myself but I know tonsof kids at school who are obsessed with it. Sometimes I think 90% of conversations on the playground are about Fortnite dances, skins, or strategies.SlimeSpeaking of playground trends, has anyone else noticed how many kids are carrying around bottles of slime lately? Slime seems to be all the rage for kids lately as a special toy orstress-relief object. Some statistics show that YouTube bloggers who make slime videos can get millions of views! The most popular slime YouTuber, Karina Garcia, has over 9 million subscribers watching her make different slime creations.My theory is that slime became such a craze because it's inexpensive and easy to make at home with just a few basic ingredients like glue, baking soda, and contact lens solution. You can even buy fancy slime-making kits now at stores. Last year for my birthday, my slime kit was one of my favorite gifts! I've probably made over 50 different batches of slime in different colors, textures, and with mix-ins like beads or glitter. Squishing it in my hands is a great way to relieve stress and have some tactile fun.EnvironmentalismAnother exciting trend, at least from an adult's perspective, is more awareness and activism around protecting the environment. A study last year found that over 60% of kids aged 8-16 are worried about issues like pollution, Climate change, and plastic waste. I know I'm concerned about taking care of the planet!At my school, we have a "green team" club that leads activities like recycling, picking up litter, and planting trees around the community. We try to limit using single-use plastics and my family is better about carrying reusable water bottles and bags when we're out. For my last birthday, I asked for donations to environmental organizations instead of gifts.My friend's mom is so passionate about environmentalism that she started a blog to teach people how to live more sustainably. She says over half a million people visited her site last year to read her tips on things like composting, saving energy at home, and eating less meat to reduce carbon emissions. It's awesome that folks are finally starting to wake up to how important it is to take care of our planet before it's too late!YouTube/StreamingYou probably won't be too surprised to hear that another big trend is watching YouTube videos and streaming shows on services like Netflix. Around 81% of American kids watch some kind of online video regularly! The vast majority of parents (92%) say their kids aged 6-12 use YouTube, making it easily one of the most popular online platforms for children.Personally, I'm a big fan of watching streamers play video games on Twitch and YouTube Gaming. My favorite streamer is Ninja - he has over 16 million followers on Twitch! I could watch his Fortnite streams for hours as he dominates lobbies with his insane skills. Sometimes he'll make over 500,000 in one month just from subscription fees and donations from his fans.My little sister is obsessed with unboxing and toy review videos on YouTube Kids. Weird trend in my opinion, but I guess it's fun to live vicariously through people opening up new toys. Ryan's World is one of the most insanely popular channels - a 9-year-old named Ryan reviews toys and has made his family millionaires, earning about 30 million per year! Now that's one lucrative childhood hobby.Fidget ToysThe last big trend I'll mention is fidget toys and spinners. A few years ago, you couldn't walk five feet in my school withoutseeing someone fiddling with a fidget spinner or squishy toy. While not as widespread as the peak in 2017, fidget toys are still super common in my classroom and on the playground.Some statistics show that fidget cube toys can boost concentration and learning by up to 30% for kids with extra energy to burn or anxiety. For kids like me with a bit ofADD/ADHD, simple handheld objects to fiddle with while listening can be really helpful compared to sitting still. Plus, it just feels satisfying to push those little buttons and roll the ball bearings around!My favorite is a simple stretchy pull-n-squeeze fidget I got from the dollar store. I Take it to school every day and play with it under my desk. As long as I'm not making noise or getting too distracted, most teachers are fine with fidget toys since they seem to help kids stay focused better. Some teachers even hand them out during tests and lectures!Well, that's my rundown of some of the hottest trends and coolest statistics I could think of! Video games, slime, the environment, YouTube, and fidget toys are just a few of the fads completely taking over for today's kids. I've had a blast diving into all the fascinating numbers and facts behind these phenomena. Hopefully you found it as interesting and fun tolearn about as I did! Let me know if you have any other burning questions - I'm always happy to gab more. Thanks for reading!。

近年来中国教育的发展变化统计图英语作文Here's an essay of around 2000 words describing the development and changes in China's education system in recent years, written from the perspective of an elementary school student in English:The Big Changes in Chinese SchoolsHi there! My name is Xiaoming, and I'm a 10-year-old student in the 5th grade at a primary school in Beijing. Today, I want to share with you some of the big changes that have been happening in Chinese schools over the past few years. It's been pretty exciting to see how things are evolving in our education system!One of the most significant changes has been the increase in the number of students attending school. According to some graphs I saw, the enrollment rates in primary and secondary education have been going up steadily. In fact, almost all kids in China now get to go to elementary school, which is really cool! My grandparents didn't have the same opportunities when they were young.Another major change has been the improvement in the quality of education. The government has been investing a lot ofmoney into building new schools, training more teachers, and providing better resources for students like us. For example, my school recently got a brand-new computer lab with the latest technology, and we even have interactive whiteboards in some classrooms now!One trend that has been really interesting to observe is the increasing emphasis on extracurricular activities andwell-rounded development. Traditionally, Chinese education has been very focused on academics and test scores, but nowadays, schools are encouraging students to explore their interests and talents outside of the classroom too.At my school, we have all sorts of clubs and activities to choose from, like art, music, sports, robotics, and even a drama club! I'm part of the basketball team, and we get to practice every week. It's a great way to stay active and have fun with my friends. I've also noticed that more and more schools are offering courses in subjects like creative writing, public speaking, and emotional intelligence, which I think is super important for our overall growth.Another big change that has been happening is the integration of technology into education. We now have access to online learning platforms, educational apps, and digitaltextbooks, which make learning a lot more interactive and engaging. Some of my classmates even have virtual reality headsets that they use for certain subjects, like science or history. It's like we're being transported to different places and times right from our desktops!Some people argue that too much emphasis is being placed on academic performance, which can lead to stress and mental health issues among students. There have also been discussions about finding the right balance between traditional teaching methods and more modern, student-centered approaches.Despite these challenges, I'm really excited about the future of education in China. I believe that the changes we're seeing now will help us become more well-rounded individuals, better equipped to navigate the complexities of the 21st century.Who knows, maybe by the time I graduate from high school, we'll have holographic teachers or virtual reality field trips to explore the depths of the ocean or the far reaches of outer space! The possibilities seem endless, and I can't wait to see what other innovations and developments are in store for us.In the meantime, I'll keep working hard in school, trying my best to learn as much as I can while also pursuing my passions and interests outside the classroom. Education is the key tounlocking our potential and shaping a better future, not just for ourselves but for our communities and the world around us.So, those are my thoughts on the big changes happening in Chinese schools. What do you think about these developments? I'd love to hear your perspectives too! Until next time, keep learning and growing, my friends!。

从千年发展目标到可持续发展目标:国际发展目标的转变Development and Aid 从千年发展目标到可持续发展目标:国际发展目标的转变熊青龙内容提要本文阐述了千年发展目标的基本内容、执行情况和意义,分析了千年友展目标所面临的挑战,认为这些挑战促使国际发展目标做出调整,同时,分析了国际社会关于可持续发展目标的主要共识和分歧,认为这些共识有助于科学构建可持续发展目标的基本框架,对分歧的理解有助于科学开展可持续发展议程。
关键词千年发展目标可持续发展目标国际发展目标后2015自2000年《千年宣言》签署的调整,必然由MDGs向可持续目标完成时间都是2015年,要求以来,千年发展目标(Mi11ennium发展目标(SustainableDevelop-全世界所有国家和主要发展机构Development Goals)已执行13ment Goals)转变。

近年来中国教育的发展变化统计图英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The development of education in China in recent years has been remarkable, with significant changes and improvements being made to the education system. To illustrate these changes, statistical data and chart analysis can provide valuable insights into the progress that has been achieved.One key aspect of the education system that has seen significant development is access to education. In the past decade, the number of students enrolled in primary, secondary, and tertiary education has increased steadily. According to statistics from the Ministry of Education, in 2010, the enrollment rate for primary education was 99.7%, for secondary education was 98.3%, and for tertiary education was 43.3%. By 2020, these rates had increased to 99.9% for primary education, 99.1% for secondary education, and 53.8% for tertiary education. This reflects the government's efforts to ensure that all children have access to quality education, regardless of their background or location.Another area of improvement in Chinese education is the quality of teaching and learning. With the implementation of various education reforms and policies, there has been a noticeable improvement in teacher training, curriculum development, and assessment systems. For example, the proportion of teachers with a bachelor's degree or higher has increased from 83.5% in 2010 to 89.6% in 2020. Additionally, the average class size has decreased, allowing for more personalized attention and support for students. These changes have contributed to improvements in student performance and overall education quality.In terms of educational outcomes, China has seen significant progress in recent years. The results of national exams such as the Gaokao (National College Entrance Examination) have shown an upward trend in student performance. In 2010, the average Gaokao score was 570 points, while in 2020, it had increased to 609 points. This improvement can be attributed to the efforts to enhance teaching quality, provide better resources and support for students, and promote a culture of academic excellence.Furthermore, the expansion of vocational education and training has been a key focus of education development in China. As the demand for skilled workers in various industries continuesto grow, there has been a push to diversify educational pathways and provide more opportunities for vocational training. The number of students enrolled in vocational education programs has increased significantly, with a rise from 16.7% in 2010 to 23.4% in 2020. This reflects the government's commitment to meeting the needs of the labor market and providing students with practical skills and knowledge.In conclusion, the development of education in China in recent years has been marked by significant improvements in access, quality, outcomes, and vocational training. Through a combination of policy reforms, increased investment, and collaborative efforts between government, schools, and communities, the education system has made great strides towards providing a more inclusive, equitable, and effective learning environment for all students. As we look towards the future, it is essential to continue building on these achievements and striving for further progress in education development in China.篇2Title: Statistical Analysis of the Development Changes in Chinese Education in Recent YearsIntroductionOver the past few decades, China's education system has undergone significant changes and improvements. With a focus on expanding access to quality education, the Chinese government has implemented various reforms to enhance the overall performance of its education system. In this paper, we will analyze the statistical data reflecting the development changes in Chinese education in recent years.Primary EducationIn terms of primary education, the enrollment rate in China has steadily increased over the years. According to the data from the Ministry of Education, the primary school enrollment rate has reached 99.5% in 2020, which is a significant improvement compared to previous years. This shows that more children are receiving basic education in China, which is crucial for their overall development.Secondary EducationThe statistics on secondary education also indicate positive changes in recent years. The enrollment rate for junior high schools in China has increased to 98.6% in 2020, while the enrollment rate for senior high schools has reached 95.4%. Thisdemonstrates that more students are continuing their education beyond primary school, which is essential for their future success.Higher EducationIn terms of higher education, China has seen a rapid expansion in its tertiary education sector. The number of universities and colleges in China has increased significantly over the years, providing more opportunities for students to pursue higher education. The data shows that the enrollment rate for higher education has risen to 45.7% in 2020, indicating a growing demand for tertiary education in China.Quality of EducationWhile the enrollment rates in Chinese education have been steadily increasing, there are still concerns about the quality of education in the country. Despite the government's efforts to improve the quality of education, there are still disparities in access to quality education among different regions and social groups. In rural areas and among marginalized communities, the quality of education remains a challenge, which needs to be addressed to ensure equal opportunities for all students.ConclusionIn conclusion, the statistical data reflects the development changes in Chinese education in recent years, showing improvements in primary, secondary, and higher education. While the enrollment rates have increased significantly, there are still challenges in ensuring the quality of education for all students. Moving forward, it is crucial for the Chinese government to continue its efforts to enhance the overall performance of its education system and provide equal opportunities for all students to receive quality education.篇3Changes in China's Education Development in Recent YearsWith the rapid development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of the education system, there have been significant changes in the field of education in recent years.A variety of statistics and data have reflected these changes. In this article, we will analyze the developments in China's education sector through statistical charts and figures.1. Increase in Education FundingOne of the most notable changes in recent years is the increase in government funding for education. According to the statistics, the total education expenditure in China has beensteadily rising year by year. This increase in funding has enabled schools to improve infrastructure, enhance teaching quality, and provide better resources for students.2. Expansion of Higher EducationAnother significant change is the expansion of higher education in China. The number of universities and colleges has increased significantly in recent years, providing more opportunities for students to pursue higher education. Furthermore, the enrollment rate in colleges and universities has also been on the rise, indicating an increasing interest in higher education among Chinese youth.3. Improved Education QualityThe quality of education in China has also seen improvement in recent years. The standard of teaching has been raised, and the curriculum has been revised to better meet the needs of students. Additionally, the government has implemented policies to encourage innovation and creativity in education, leading to a more dynamic and effective learning environment.4. Technological Advancements in EducationTechnology has played a significant role in shaping the education sector in China. With the integration of technology ineducation, students now have access to a wealth of resources and tools that can enhance their learning experience. Online courses, interactive learning platforms, and digital teaching methods have become increasingly popular, providing students with more flexibility and convenience in their studies.5. Focus on Vocational EducationIn recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on vocational education in China. The government has introduced policies to promote vocational education and training, aiming to provide students with practical skills and knowledge that can help them enter the workforce. As a result, the number of vocational schools and programs has increased, offering students more options for their education and career development.Overall, the education sector in China has experienced significant changes and developments in recent years. The increase in funding, expansion of higher education, improvement in education quality, technological advancements, and focus on vocational education have all contributed to the overall advancement of the education system. With continued efforts and reforms, China's education sector is expected to further enhance its quality and competitiveness in the future.。
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2. Statistics is defined as a branch of mathematics
or science that deals with the collection, analysis and interpretation of numerical information.
Meaning of Statistics contd…
Meaning of Statistics coห้องสมุดไป่ตู้td…
5. Statistics” are data obtained by collecting, processing, compiling, analyzing, publishing and disseminating results, gathered from respondents through statistical collections or from administrative data
Development of Statistics contd...
Some concepts of statistics were developed by students of games of chance, such games lean on probability.
Statistics is making decisions when there is uncertainty.
We have to make decisions all the time,
in everyday life, as part of our jobs.
Meaning of Statistics contd…
7. Statistics is a mathematical science pertaining to the
collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data.
Meaning of Statistics contd…
8. Statistics are used for making informed
and misused for other reasons
9. Statistics is the science of learning from data.
A Quote
“When you can measure what you are speaking about and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of the meager and unsatisfactory kind’, Lord Kelvin (British physicist)
Session Objectives
To discuss the development and meaning of statistics
To justify the importance of reliable and timely statistics in planning
To introduce some key statistical concepts
Meaning of Statistics
1. The word statistics is used in either two senses.
Commonly used to refer to data. Principles and methods which have been developed for handling numerical data.
Development of Statistics
The word statistics is believed to have been derived from the word “states”. The administration of states required the collection and analysis of data of population and wealth for the purpose of war and finance.
3. Statistics changes numbers into information.
4. Statistics is the art and science of deciding:
what are the appropriate data to collect, deciding how to collect data efficiently using data to give information, using data to answer questions, using data to make decisions.
Background to Statistics
Meaning of statistics Development of statistics Major sources of statistics Uses of statistics Key statistical concepts Data types Data analysis