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方法采用不同的给药剂量及给药时间建立四氧嘧啶糖尿病大鼠模型,通过末次给药3 d 后血糖值测定判定模型是否建立成功,8 d 后测血糖值验证其模型稳定性。

取 SD 大鼠32只,随机分为四组,每组8只。

第一组腹腔注射四氧嘧啶(120mg / kg)15 min 后皮下注射胰岛素(0.1mL);第二组腹腔注射四氧嘧啶(60mg / kg)后于第3、6 d 时再分别补注四氧嘧啶,剂量分别为40、110 mg / kg;第三组腹腔注射四氧嘧啶(100mg / kg)3 d 后补注四氧嘧啶(100mg / kg);第四组腹腔注射四氧嘧啶(100mg / kg)1 d 后补注四氧嘧啶(100mg / kg)。

结果第一组3 d 存活率为12.5%,存活大鼠3 d 后血糖值明显升高,符合糖尿病大鼠模型标准(>11.1mmol/ L),但8 d 后血糖值回落;第二组存活率为100%,末次给药3、8 d 后血糖值均无明显升高(P>0.05);第三组存活率为100%,末次给药3、8 d后血糖值升高(P<0.05),但低于糖尿病标准;第四组存活率为100%,末次给药3 d 后血糖值明显升高(P<0.05),且符合糖尿病大鼠模型标准,8 d 后模型稳定(P<0.05)。

结论多次给药法建立四氧嘧啶糖尿病大鼠模型时,每千克大鼠腹腔注射四氧嘧啶100 mg,24 h 后补注四氧嘧啶(100mg / kg)是最佳给药时间和剂量。

%Objective To investigate the optimal dose and time of the diabetic rat model established by multi-ple Alloxan administration.MethOds Using different dosages and dose time to
establish Alloxan diabetic rat mod-el,we determined whether the model was successfully established by measuring the blood glucose after 3 d of the last administration,then continued to measure blood glucose after 8 days to verify the stability of the model.A total of 32 SD rats,were randomly divided into four groups,and each group had 8 rats.The first group adopted the ab-dominal injection 120 mg / kg of Alloxan,and subcutaneous injection of 0.1 mL insulin after 15min. The second group was injected 60 mg / kg of Alloxan by abdominal,added 40 mg / kg of Alloxan after 3 d,and added 110 mg / kg of Alloxan after 6 d. The third group was injected 100 mg / kg of Alloxan by abdominal,and added 100 mg / kg of Alloxan after 3 d.The fourth group was injected 100 mg / kg of Alloxan by abdominal,and added 100 mg / kg of Alloxan after 1 d.Results The survival rate of the first group after 3 d was 12.5%,and the blood glu-cose of the survival rats was significantly increased after 3 d according to the standard of diabetes(>11.1mmol/ L), but after 8 d the blood glucose returned to normal;The survival rate of the second groups was 100%. 3 d and 8 d af-ter the last administration,the blood glucose didn’t show a significant increase(P>0.05);For the third group,the survival rate was 100%,3 d and 8 d after the last administration the blood glucose was increased(P<0.05),but lower than the diabetes standard;The survival rate of the fourth groups was 100%,and the blood glucose was signifi-cantly increased(P<0.05)3 d after the last administration,and in accordance with the diabetes standard,blood glu-cose was stable after 8
d(P<0.05).COnclusiOns When using the multiple dosing method to
establish Alloxan dia-betic rats model,per kilogram of the rats abdominal injection 100 mg of Alloxan,and per kilogram of rats adding 100 mg alloxan after 24 hours is the best delivery time and dose.
【作者单位】青海大学医学院,青海西宁 810001;青海大学医学院,青海西宁810001;青海大学医学院,青海西宁 810001;青海大学医学院,青海西宁810001
1.四氧嘧啶建立糖尿病妊娠大鼠模型的研究 [J], 梁建华;杨尚武;文梦灵;苏薇
2.四氧嘧啶剂量和给药途径对制作大鼠糖尿病模型的影响 [J], 何学令;尹海林
3.皮下注射四氧嘧啶对糖尿病大鼠模型建立的研究 [J], 胡永强
4.四氧嘧啶诱发大鼠糖尿病模型的建立 [J], 蒋渝;周永禄
5.四氧嘧啶诱导大鼠糖尿病模型的建立 [J], 陈恩玉;宋婧
