高中教育英语必修第二册外研版《6.1 Starting out Understanding》教学课件
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The number of large Sharks are caught and their fins cut off. Then
sharks fell quickly they are thrown back into the sea and finally
because of 5.__fa_in_fu_ll_y __.
Fortunately, not everyone _w_h_o_w_at_ch_ed_t_he_f_ilm__Ja_w_s______ became afraid of
sharks—some became interested in understanding them.
man who wrote the book the film Jaws was based on.
Finning would have an unexpected effect upon
Peter Benchley, the man who wrote the book the
4._D_u_e_to___ your great efforts, you've made rapid progress in oral
English. 5.I think we have to __pr_ot_ec_t __ the environment ___fro_m___ being polluted. 6.In my opinion, true love _is_b_as_e_d o_n___ the understanding of two people. 7.I took your bag instead of mine _b_y_m_is_ta_ke___. 8.The little boy saw a snake on the street and ran away __in_fe_ar___. (挑战创新题) 用“on doing...”改写上句 →_(_挑_战_创_新__题_)O_n_s_ee_in_g_a_sn_ak_e_o_n _th_e _str_ee_t,_th_e_li_ttl_e _bo_y_ra_n_aw_a_y_in_f_ea_r.________________
Peter Benchley saw
people as a 7.__d_a_ng_er___ Sharks don't 8.___ta_rg_et___ humans. They are
to sharks, rather than the only killed by sharks by mistake.
film Jaws was based on.
[尝试翻译] 割__鳍_对_电_影__《_大_白__鲨_》_的_原__著_作_者__彼_得_·_本_奇_利_可__能_会_产__生_意_想_不__到_的_影__响_。_______________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
soon fell around the world.
4.他开始意识到人类才是鲨鱼的一种威胁,而鲨鱼并非人类的敌人。 He came to see people as a danger to sharks, _ra_th_er_t_ha_n_th_e _ot_he_r _w_ay_ro_u_nd____. 5.幸运的是,并不是每个观看了电影《大白鲨》的人都变得害怕鲨 鱼——一些人开始对了解它们也感兴趣了。
( A )3.fin
Ⅱ.拓展词汇知变形 1.___sc_ar_e ___v.使(某人)惊恐,吓唬→scary adj.可怕的,骇人的, 恐怖的→scared adj.害怕的 2._fo_rt_un_at_el_y__ adv.幸运地→fortunate adj.幸运的→unfortunately adv.不 幸地→fortune n.机会,运气 3._e_xt_in_ct_io_n __ n.灭绝,绝种→extinct adj.灭绝的,绝种的
The film Jaws made
3.__s_ca_re_d_/fr_ig_ht_en_e_d _____ of
Many people 4.___w_h_o ___ saw the film started to believe sharks were bad animals. Some even stopped swimming in the sea.
2.Many people who saw the film started to believe that sharks were bad
animals that ate humans.
Many people who saw the film started to believe
dangerous cared
Ⅱ.长难句分析 1.This is the opening scene from the 1975 film Jaws, showing a shark
attack. [句式分析]
This is the opening scene from the 1975 film Jaws, ↓
主句 非谓语动词(与the opening scene构成逻辑主动关系)
↑ showing a shark attack.
现在分词短语作非限制性定语,(=which shows a shark attack)
[尝试翻译] _这_是__19_7_5年_电__影_《_大__白_鲨_》_的__开_场_场__景_,_展_示__了_鲨_鱼__攻_击_人_类__的_场_面__。__________________ __________________________________________________________
People have always been _sc_ar_ed_o_f___ sharks, but Jaws made things worse. 3.1975年以后,美国各地的大鲨鱼数量迅速下降,不久,世界各地 的大鲨鱼数量也随之下降。
After 1975, _t_he_n_u_m_be_r _of____ large sharks around America fell quickly, and
other way round.
More people want to Some people became interested in
protect sharks 9.___fr_om___ 10.__u_nd_er_st_an_d_in_g ___ them by watching the film
Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas
课前预习·自主学习 要点精研·探究学习
原文研读·立体透析 课时达标·随堂自测
( C )1.target
A.v.切去(鱼的)鳍 n.鱼鳍
( B )2.attitude B.n.(尤指通过行为表现出的对某事的一般)
预习验收·对接课堂 Ⅰ.单词默写 1._s_ca_re_____ v. 使(某人)惊恐,吓唬 2._ta_rg_e_t ____ v. 把……作为目标 3._fo_rt_un_at_el_y__ adv. 幸运地 4._ex_ti_nc_ti_on___ n. 灭绝,绝种
5._at_tit_ud_e____ n. (尤指通过行为表现出的对某事的一般)看法,态度 6._di_ve______ v. (通常指使用呼吸设备的)潜水
1.Why does the writer mention the film Jaws in Paragraph 1? A
That sharks were bad animals that ate humans.
3.Finning would have an unexpected effect upon Peter Benchley, the
The film Jaws frightening scene.
shows a opening
A woman was 1._sw_i_m_m_in_g __ at night in a dark sea. Suddenly she is pulled underwater. She 2.__su_rf_ac_es___, cries in fear, then disappears forever.
Ⅱ.短语填空 due to, protect... from..., be based on, in fear, by mistake, have an effect on, be scared of, see... as 1.Tom gets along well with Mary and more importantly, he ___se_es____ her __a_s__ one of his best friends. 2.The little girl __is_s_ca_re_d_of___ going out alone now. Because she once got frightened by a stranger. (挑战创新题)把上句改为含有定语从句的复合句 →_(挑_战__创_新_题__)T_he_l_itt_le_g_irl_o_nc_e_go_t_fr_ig_ht_en_ed_b_y_a_st_ra_ng_e_r, _fo_r w_h_ic_h_sh_e_is_s_ca_re_d_of_g_oi_ng_o_u_t a_lo_n_e __ ___no_w_. _____________________________________________________ 3.Every word from the teachers will _h_av_e_an_e_ff_ec_t _on____ the children.
Ⅲ.完成句子 1.《大白鲨》获得了巨大的成功,吸引了大批观众并赢得了许多奖 项。 Jaws was _a_gr_ea_t _su_cc_es_s____,_a_tt_ra_ct_in_g __ huge audiences and winning many
awards. 2.人们一直害怕鲨鱼,但《大白鲨》让事情变得更糟。
Ⅲ.补全短语 1.due ____to____ 由于,因为 2.protect...... __f_ro_m____ 保护……免受…… 3.be scared ____o_f___ 害怕…… 4.___t_he____number of ……的数量 5.cut ____of_f___ 切断;中断 6.___th_ro_w___ back into 扔回…… 7.have an effect __on_/u_p_on___ 对……有影响 8.be based __o_n/_up_o_n __ 建立在……基础上 9.___ra_th_er___ than 而不是 10.___b_y____ mistake 错误地,无意地