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was not met. (2) 预示危险,似将发生 ◆ The clouds threatened rain.
14. die down
die down (风向等)渐渐平息, (车辆等)慢慢停下 (植物等)渐渐凋零 (火等)熄灭, 主要指由强而弱的变化过程 ◆ The wind has died down obviously. ◆ The flames die down.
15. warn
warn sb. of sth. 预告,提醒 ◆ She has been warned of the danger driving the
car. warn sb. about / against sb. / sth. 警惕,提防 ◆ The policeman warned us against the
he lied again.
19. regret
regret doing sth. / having done sth. 后悔做了某事 ◆ I regretted telling the secret out. regret to say / I’m sorry to say 遗憾地说 ◆ I regret to say that I have to go now. to one’s regret 使 … 感到遗憾的是 ◆ To his regret, he can’t attend the party.
been no rain.
The trees have been dying ___B___ during the severe winter, and there are few left. A. out B. off C. down D. away
2. The most important reason for animals _____ is the part that humans have ___A__. A. dying out … played B. die away … make C. died off … done D. to die down … played
注意:这类句型应注意主句与从句时态的搭 配及句型的转换。如:
◆ It’s said that he has written a new book. 可转换成: ◆ He is said to have written a new book. 注意下列句型:
It is suggested ( advised, ordered,...) that... (should)
inspired adj. 有创造力的, 有雄心壮志的, 由灵感的 an inspired artist / poet; an inspired man an inspired work of art
inspiring adj. 鼓舞人的, 吸引人的, 使人 感兴趣的
an inspiring thought; an inspiring subject
vip电影 vip电影
3. It’s said that + clause
It is / was hoped ( said, believed, reported, announced, expected, supposed, recorded...) that... ◆ It’s said that he is going abroad. ◆ It’s reported that he has published another book this year.
pickpockets. warn sb. against doing sth. / not to do sth. ◆ We warned him against smoking / not to smoke
in the school.
16. drop out
从…中退出 ◆ Since his defeat he’s dropped out of politics. 中途退学,辍学 ◆ She’s got a scholarship but she dropped out. 脱离传统社会 ◆ He’s a person who has dropped out.
4. twice as difficu adj. / adv. + as b. 倍数/分数+比较级(adj. / adv.)+than c. 倍数/分数+the size (length, depth,
height, weight ...)+of ◆ He runs three times as fast as she. ◆ This problem is ten times easier than that
expensive. ◆ He fell down on the way home.
常于 fall 搭配的词组
fall apart 崩溃
fall behind 落后
fall down 掉下
fall into 陷入
fall to 降到
fall back 返回、撤退
fall over 跌倒、翻倒
fall ill 生病
大地和天空立刻变成了花的海洋……空气中瞬间弥漫出浓浓的花香……飞进主塔罕见的亮紫色流线形大门,空阔安静、豪华痴呆的大厅立刻让人眼前一亮,但扑面而来 的空气也让人感到一种迷朦阴森的味道……大厅的地面是用明亮怪异的深灰色五光银和乳蓝色美仙冰铺成,四周高大的朦胧金墙壁雕绘着辉宏而飘然的巨幅壁画……大 厅前方,隐隐可见一座光彩亮丽、正被仙雾光环笼罩的圣坛,但见仙雾朦胧萦绕,光环耀眼梦幻,所以很难看清圣坛上的身影和圣人……通向圣坛的豪华地毯两旁摆放 着两排精美的硕大花盆,花盆中生长着整齐繁茂、鲜花盛开、香气四溢的巨大乔本花卉……每个花盆前面都摆放着一只精巧怪异的大香炉,缕缕飘渺幽静、带着异香的 紫烟正袅袅地升上大厅高高的穹顶……抬头看去,大厅穹顶完全是用可自动变幻景物的神秘材料魔化而成,穹顶的景色一会儿是云海,一会儿是星空,一会儿是海底, 一会儿是巨洞……穹顶中央巨大焰火雾淞般的梦幻吊灯,四周是亿万造形奇异、色彩变幻的顶灯……蘑菇王子和知知爵士刚刚在两张镶着五色钻石的纯金座椅上坐下, 只听一声悠长的号角响起,大厅突然辉煌灿烂起来,笼罩在圣坛上的仙雾很快散去……只见圣坛中央的宝座上坐着主考官女州长E.摩妃嫫婕太太,那模样竟然和时空 车站外的雕像一模一样!在主考官左边坐着五个神态威严身穿紫玫瑰色枫翠衣的监考官,右边坐着二个容貌怪异的的副考官那个身穿高贵的神光甲的副考官是
O. 比敕部长。他出生在耶亚琼克亚皇国的铁饼奇峰,绰号:石肘砂锅!年龄看上去大约十七八岁,但实际年龄足有九千多岁,身高一米七左右,体重约 九十多公斤。此人最善使用的兵器是『褐光晨魔灌木丛壶』,有一身奇特的武功『紫鸟彩怪蛋黄指』,看家的魔法是『蓝光望神水珠仙诀』,另外身上还带着一件奇异 的法宝『黄云鳄怪苍蝇针』。他有着单薄的亮蓝色皮球般的身材和怪异的紫红色路灯一样的皮肤,显得极为神气又飘忽不定,他头上是崭新的中灰色粉条似的秀发,戴 着一顶显赫的暗青色螃蟹一样的幽灵金珑帽,他上穿高贵的亮白色豆包一般的柴刀疾宁神光甲,下穿威风的的纯蓝色香肠造型的拉杆仙月长裤,脚穿异形的深灰色水牛 一般的杏仁浪云靴。另外这人身后还有着高大的暗白色蛋糕般的五片鳞甲。整个形象的确绝对的病态同时还隐现着几丝猜疑……O. 比敕部长长着精悍的灰蓝色野 猪一样的脑袋和短小的青远山色马心造型的脖子,最出奇的是一张粗犷的雪白色海蜇一样的脸,配着一只粗犷的淡紫色折扇般的鼻子。鼻子上面是一对笨拙的海蓝色马 鞍般的眼睛,两边是高
17. fall into
掉入, 落入 ◆ He fell into a dry well. 养成, 形成 fall into bad habits 落入圈套 ◆ We played a trick on him and he fell into it. fall down 显示不足 , 崩溃或失败 , 摔倒 ◆ The plan fell down because it proved to be too
13. threaten
(1) vt. threaten sb. with sth. ◆ The man threatened his boss with a gun.
threaten to do sth. ◆ He threatened to kill the man if their demand
fall sick with a fever 发烧生病 fall asleep 入睡
fall short of 缺乏、达不到眠 fall on one’s feet 化险为夷
18. lie / lay
lie (lay, lain, lying) vi. 躺、卧、位于 lie (lied, lied, lying) vi. 说谎 lay (laid, laid, laying) 放、置、下蛋、产卵 ◆ On the ground lay a wounded soldier. ◆ He laid a desk in the corner of the room. ◆ This hen lays an egg every day. ◆ The car is lying on the carpet. ◆ Don’t believe him. He often lies and this time
die out 死光,灭绝, 不流行,消失 ◆ This kind of bird has died out in this area. ◆ The custom seems to be dying out. die away 指(风声,声音)等逐渐消失 ◆ His footsteps died away in the darkness. ◆ Her voice died away. die off: 一个一个死去,相继而亡 ◆ The flowers are dying off because there has
one. ◆ This room is twice the size of that one.
12. struggle
struggle v. 挣扎 ◆ We should struggle to get rid of our
shortcomings. ◆ In many parts of the world, people are still
Unit 17 Great Women
Language Points
1. inspire
inspire sb. to sth. 鼓舞,启迪 ◆ His noble behavior inspires us to great efforts. ◆ What he said inspired us to a behavior. inspire sb. with sth. 激励或鼓舞某人 inspire sth. in sb. ◆ We are trying to inspire him with confidence.
struggling against hunger. struggle with 和…斗争,与…共同作战 struggle against 和…斗争; struggle for 为…而斗争 struggle to one’s feet : get on one’s feet
n. 斗争, 挣扎 + with / for / against carry on a struggle 开展斗争 make a struggle 挣扎 have a struggle (in) doing 干某事很费劲 ◆ The cat made a struggle to escape. ◆ He had a long struggle (in) getting the work
2. as it is
通常放在句首,有时也在句末,“事实上, 实际上”
◆ I wish I could pay you. As it is, I don’t have any money.
放在句末,“按照原来的样子,按现状” ◆ The house was bought as it is. leave … as it is 照样放着别动,别管 ◆ Don’t touch it. Leave it as it is.